Ctje Suntmq) American. N. 8. GNOLB, J Publishers. SUMHUKlf, IA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1803. JLoral Affairs. Wm.H. AnnnTnoKO, Esq., of Lyooming oouuty, hat reoelred th unanimous nomination of four out of At oouotloi composing the dlatriot, for Congress, and will undoubtedly bo elected to that position. Tut Buildiho Association. Theregular month ly meeting of the Sunbury Mutual Lonn and Build ing Association will be held In the Masonio liall, this (Friday) evening. T. Sfrolc Lbisbnrins, formerly of Nortbnmbor land, has been nominated for the State Senate, by both the Worklnguien's and Demooratlo Conventions of the seoond District, Philadelphia. School. Miss Amelia Fisher willopon bersohool at ber rosidonco.on Cbesnut street, near Fourth, on Monday next. All who desiro to be admitted for the fall session, should apply at the opening. To Corukspondkits "Furnaoe," oame too late for this issue, and will appear next week. "I.vcjO," is declined until the name of the writor is sout to us. No eoiumunioations can appear in our paper unless accompanied with the nanio of the author. SUKDAT SctlUOL CCLEORATIOM. The ElUSDUol Union SunJay School will hold a celehrntion in 8oluuion Mttlick's grove, near Lantc's school house, in Lower Augusta township, on Saturday, Sept. 6th. AddroBses will be delivered on the oeoaslou. The public are invited to attend. Runaway. On Tuesday morning last Dr. Angle's borse, whilo standing in Market Square, became frightened at the ours and dashed through the Square at a furious rate, lie was finally checked in front of Faust's hat store. The oarriage to whioh he was attached was completely demolished. Excursion Train. The Pbila. A Erie Railroad Co. will run an excursion train, on Sunday morning next, to accommodate those who wish to attend the great Camp Mooting at Wayne Station, near Lock Haven. The train will leave Sunbury at 8.05 A. M., and returning will leave Wayne Station at 8 P. M., and arrive here at 9. IS P. M. Fare, $2.41) for the round trip. Murder in Milton. On Thursday afternoon of last week a colored man, named Joshua Jones, shot And killed his wifo, while walking with her in one of the street of Miltun. The murderer immedi ately made his escape and bos not yet been arrested. The murdered woman formerly resided in Sunbury, where she was employed us a servant, and was well known here. Suroical. Dr. Ueorge Treon, of Turbntville, and Dr. J. Rnker, of Lower Augusta, rcceuily re moved a cancerous tumor from the breast of M:ss Catharine Smith, of the former place. It weighed oue pound and five ounces, and was of eight years' growth. Thu patient was doing well at lust accounts The operation was a difficult oue to perform, but the above j.byeiciajis skillfully accomplished the task. Important Dklision. Tho case of oortain tar ties against the Susquehanna boom company, and in which tho former brought suit to restruin the latter from selling certain logs advertised to be sold to pay booinnge, was tried on Tuesday, tho 15th iust., at Pittsburg, when it was decided that the owners uf tho logs must take them aud pay tho charges or fuller them to bo told, l'his is a very important decision for all concerned in tho luuibua business. Sunday .School Pic-N'ics. (In Tuesday last the Sunday School of the tiurmun Reformed Church, cf this place, bold a pic-nic in the woods near Murtin Uass' residence, in I'pper Augusta township. The day was very pleasantly spent by a largo number of teachers and K-liolars. The Pretbyteriun Sunday School held a pic-nic on Sliulnokin I-!und on Thursday last. It was very well attended, aud everything passed ofl' very satis factorily. . . Tuk County AiikhI'Ltiral Exhibition. We noticed in our last issue that the annual Fair uf the Norlhuuiberluiid County Agricultural Society will be held ut Turbunille on the 2.'ld, 2th and 25th duys of September. A Cue situation has been sulco tod nuar that place, and the necessary ball-mile track, buildings, stalls, Ac. will be prepared in tho best stylo. The Coui..iitlee are determined to make the Fair a complete success. The premium list will goon be published. A Dxsriiuc hvk Finn About half past eijjrht o'clock, on Thursday evening last, the alarm uf lire was sounded, wheu it was found to proceed from the Steam Saw Mill uf Wm. Ueagau, F-q.,on Front street, to the upper part of this Borough. The lire spread very rapidly, and belore any assistance ur rived tho whole building was enveloped in flames, and us our lire dupurtmout has oeased to exist, little hopes could bo entertained uf saving thu buildings and stuck. The flumes soon spread to tho lumber piles iu the yurd, when the beat became intense, and for sometime enduugorod the surrounding buildings, but fortunately no high winds prevailed ut the time, and they weru saved with buckets. The entire mill was consumed, together with a large quantity of board?, lo., in the yard. The fire w. w lir.-t discovered In the upper part of the mill, and it i.s not known bow it originated. The loss is estimate i u S-'.").U')(i, which is p.tnly cohered by an l!tsuiH!.ce i.t nl- ui ST. null. Dr.sTiircrive Fun: at Williamspoht. E-rly on Sunday morning last a fire broke out iu alniu owned by Ex-Uovernur Pucker, in Williauisport. It was filled with hay and other oombastible material, and was soon destroyed. The heat from the burning building was so intense that it set fire to the Mulberry btreet M. E. Church, situated on the opposite side of an alley. The greatest efforts were made to save the church building, without avail, aud it was com pletely destroyed. Tho church was valued ut J.'IO, 000, tiud was insured to the amount of $9, 400. Red Mln Fii:-Nk:. lue members of Shobomok in Tribe. No. 611, . O. of R. M., of this place, iutond holding a pic-nio on the Island, back of Haas' mill) on Saturday, the 12tb of September. It is expected thore will be a large attendance and a very pleasant lime is anticipated. Quite a number of attractions are offered. Cornpluuter Chief, and a number of bis tribe and three squaws are expected to be present nnd purtieipuie in the festivities of the occasion. They will introduce several of their dauces. Every arrangement will be made lo make it pleasant to ail wno may participate. The Rladu.ns uui Cook Stoves should be Pur. chased where tukv are m an uf actuh ed. the grate is always tho first to burn out, tbt oven plates, and other plates in connection with tbem, givt way iu the .course of a few years; the balance of the stove the outside plutes frout, back, sides, and bottom, last almost a lifetime, but are thrown away, because the grute aud inside plutes oannot be obtained for stoves manufactured in lb oitiet. The cost of re placing iuside plates is trilling ; therefore, persons purchasing etovtt at iouiiguiau t fuuudry, located in Arch street, Sunbury, close (o Murk P. Scupham't couch factory, can have a stove which will lust them a lifetime, for the reasons that the repairs eau be done at a moment's noiice, and at a triUiujf expense. New Railroad. There is now a large loree of workmen grading the track for the Danville, Ileal tun aud VYilkesbarra Railroad, on the otiier tid of the river. Mr. Kate, with bis usual energy, it push ing forward the work, and an early completion may be looked (uts We buve frequently spoken of the great importance uf this link in the vast iron chain, between Jisw York and the West. It cannot be overesiioialcd. We trust that those whose lands lie on tbe route, will not forget the enhanced valut of their property, and will afford the company every possible advantage, in the right of way, and such encouragement at they can g.ve the great enter-yr-iS -2eivi.'l 4aw: jv, Kti iiut PaNiTLVANiA Stati Faib. The Pennsylvania State Fair will be held at Barrlsbnrg, oommeuolng September 39, 1608, and trill eontlnue four days. It promisee to be one of the largest ever held In the State. The locality is very oentral, and aereesible from all parts of ibo State by Railroads. We are Informed by the Beorotary that already many in quiries are being made by exhibitors with great pro mise of an exhibition of their articles, f be grounds contain sixty acres and art located on the banks of the Susquehanna, within a convenient distance of the oity of liarrisburg. and about one-ball mile from the lino or the Peun. Railroad. The locality should insure a largo and most Interesting fair. Sxtbjn Tear in Constant Ush "Wo have a Orover A Dakcr Bowing Maohine for seven years in oonstant use, hemming, felling, tuoking, and doing everything that the fingers oan do. It it pre ferred over all others on account of its durability of work, elasticity and strength of stitch, ease of move ment and simplicity of oonittuotlon." Testimony of Mrs. Gen. Butll, iefort the Commissioners of Patents. Aovrtisino. There is no doubt that tho great lever In the extension of a business, in llmso go-ahead times, is advortisiog; but the immense popularity of that celebrated remedy for Dyspopsia, Livnr Com plaint, Nervous Debility, io , iloonaud'a Uerman Bitters, is not so much owing to the fact that it his been extensively advertised, as it is iho great mtrit of the article. A worthless medicino may, through publicity, ao quiro a short-lived notoriety, but it reouiros the basis of true merit, ill order to sustain itself for any considerable length of time llooflaud't German Bitters has been known to the American public for moro than twenty yoarn; each dnynddinjr. some new proof of its virtues and great curative properties. This bitters is entirely free from all Aiooliolio ad mieturo. Hootlnnd's Gorman Tonic is a combination of all the ingredients of the Litters, with pure Santa Crui Kuiu, orange, anise, Ac, making a preparation of rare medical value The tonic is used tr the same diseases as the Bitters ; in oases where some Alcoho lio Stiuiules is necessary. Prinoipal oilioe, 6.11 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold every irhoro by Druggists and others. BUSINESS NOTICES, lyjols IM-iiit injr. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills. Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. UicNTLRMBN'e Dress Uooos, of all styles and suitable for the season, always to be had at Beck's tailoring establishment, on Fourth struct. Prices always according to quality. Oood fits warrautod. Ho spares no eiTort to give satisfaction. It Is the place to go to. "EvBUV day brings something new," is an old saying made modern by tho daily arrival cf goods at Miller's Excolsior Storo, Marlcot Square, where may always be found a largo and general assort ment of Boots and Shoes, all of which ho guaran tees, and offers his goods ut reasonable prices. A Fact. The finest assortment cf Hats and Caps iu Sunbury or vicinity wilt be found at S. Faust's, in Market Square. His stock includes every stylo and quality, at remarkably low prices. Faust is dete.'uiiuud on "quick sules nnd small profits.'' Con's Colon Balsasi. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, CoMs, Croup, Whooping CoTigh. atd Consumption. Buthsizes ordinary 4 oi., also mam moth family bottles lor sale by all druggists and dealers iu medicines. No family should be over night without it in the bouse. Cue's DyspkI'SI Cure Will immediately re lievo and permanently euro the most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use il. join in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price 51. uy. Corroctcd Weekly lor the "Aluc-i ican." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $1.1 00 do do do do perewt. rl 5;) Rye Flour, per bbl. 10 tin do per cwt. h I'O Wheat, prune red, old, p-r bulitl, 2 So now, 2 H'l Rya, do 1 2'. Corn, do 115 Oats. do f.4 Potatnos. do 1 50 Dried Peaches, parol per pound 2i dti do uupared do 20 Dried Apples, do lo Dried Cherries, (unsbiiied.) per bu. '3 00 Butter, per pound, 40 Eggs, per dozen, 25 Cheese, per pound, 25 Lard, do 25 Hams. do 25 Shoulders. do 20 Beef, hind quarter, tlo 14 front do 1:1 Mutton. do IS Chickens, per pair 60 MliumoKin nl 'I'rn19 iHAMUKIN, Aug. -0, IKtil. Tatt. Cwt. Sent for week ewWn Aug 22, 8.403 07 l'er hut Uopurt, 2.l,&59 II 2WJ tnu 1 1 To cumo thno liu.t your, 4.440 09 Special rCoticcs. IttAKNK.iH, UMNIiNKSS AND C.VTAKRII trcutej with tho u tin lib l fuectt by J. Isaacs. .M. J).. (JimiI itt and AurUl, (ioruiorly of Lt-.vl.'M. UnlUm.,) No. Hn5 Arch St root, 1'Jiilittlol j'hiti TostunoiauU fruin the uioitt reliahlo eoirot in city nn.l country can bu seen nt bid otiiee. Tho .Meiliuul faculty aru inviteJ to uccouit'Hiiy their ';itieutrt. a; hti hiw no soeriil in his practice. ARTIFICIAL KYliS in.-urle.i with out iiiiii. Xo charge tor exuiuiuuti'm. nuv-u0-ly. DDHKSS T THK NKHVol'S AND DI'MII.ITA j tt d, wlioHe iilTfriti iiMve Irctrii jirntriiettd tioiu Jn.t den eauitrn. und whose ryaei teijuire pinntot iicatiiieui in reii'lci fxiatcnce dfairtihle It you me njiicrnitf or huvo bu lie reil litttn itivoluntiirv tHtli.iffB, wlmi rth-rt iUc it irHttue upntt your ecnfiiit lie:iltti f b you iiul wcuk, itrbililuiril, euaily uitril f l)ir a little rxir'i fXtrlmn pro duce paliitiitiii l the htnirt ! !ei ynur Ir.'t-r, or urutaiy irg.iin, ur your kirttiey. irrtjiiviKly ft? out ofurJtr i U your urine aoinrlinif Duck, inilliy, oi fl.tt-ky. or ih it ropy on iruliug ir dora a (lurk aH'um nw to i he t..p Or i u feditnntt at the bottom after it liaa stood a while l)o you have (tells of short Leu thing or dyspepsm Are youi howels t:outiated ? io iu .hive spell nf fnini iiiji; or iukIim ot" IiI'mkI to the lieud f Is your memory iiuuud? Is your mind constantly dwelling upti it' is suhji rt Do you ferldull, Imtlem, moping, tiretioi oitp;my, o litu ? iu y, u Wish to le left alone, to get away from everyb-nly ? iJocs any little liinnr innKe you start or jump f U yur sleep hfoltenoi res i lens Is the lustre of your eyes ai hrilliani f The bloom on yur cheek us bright ? L)o you enjoy your self iu society as well f Do you purmie your hiiu-tts Willi the ttiime eneiv i iJo on ftel n miieh ctinfiiienee in vonr elf? Are your spirits dull and liiiirynnr, piven to hu of melancholy ? If so, Jo nol lay it ti your liver or dvapepsia. Have mu restless inijliis? S' our hack weak, your kneea eak.uud have i ml little appetite, und you uttiibuti: tins lo dyspepsia tH liver-rotnpluint ! Now, reuder, self abue, veuereiil diieasf hadly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable ul pnidueinsa weak lieu of the fcetierative organs Tne orK'uis ot ueiirriitiou, wheu iu iwrievt health, intake the man. lnT you ever think that llmse bold, detiaut, eueiKetic, perkevei inr, iuc cessful busiueas-uieii uie always ttu sa whom eneHllve m-gmis are in perfect health! You never heai uelt men C'-inplani if being iiielaneh 'lv, of nerv mineas. oi pdpita iiisii iii uir iicuri i ney are never .airaiu iney cannot me Ceed III busitiesi ; they don't become Ssitt and d itetiuntped ; Kiev are alwnyi polne and pu .i&utt in the company of la dies, and bok you and thtm tnrhi in the fuce none of your downcast l-toks or any other iitoanness ahoui tbem. 1 d nol munii tho who kt-ep tbe oruus intlameil by running to excess I'tieso will ii l only run their coiisliluiitaui but also Uioae they do bus iiras wtih oi for. How many men from badly. eured diseases, from tbe eflei'ts of self -abase aud excesses, have brought about that stale of weakness in i hi ate orpins that hu reduced tlte HeniTal system so much as to mduee ulmti every oilier dis4-aseidnry, lunacy, paralysis, spinal HfTecti'ina sui.ide, and aluioit every other form of dise:is whn h humanity is heir to, and tbe reaieauve of the trouble svarceiy ever sus-pet-ted, and have UH'tored lr all but (he rjant one. iaeafs of ihi-se organ ntpine tba ue of a diuretic HLLMH(i.l'(FIsriiKXTlACTBl CHL'isthejtreat I). "rune, and ish certain cure for diseases of the 8 adder, Kidnms. Gravel, liropav, (irpaiuc Weakness, Keiuale Compiaiuts, (ienerul Debility, and alt diaeasee of Ihe I'n nary Orsjana, whether existing in Male or Female, fronj whatever cause onguiatina; and no matter of bow long standing. If w irvotment is submitted to. Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our H'-ah aiidbemd are auppot led from these aourees, and the health aud happiness, and iru.t of Posterity, depends up-ai pr nipt use of a reliable leinedy JlclinlH.ki's Kxtt-aait Uuehu, esiMbtishail upwurda of J8 ynura, prepared by H T. HKI.MItltl-D, Druggist, Unwdway, New Vork.and 1'4 Houth Klin dtieet. Philadelphia. Pa. ric l i per battle, or 6 bottles for 0 -Vi. delivered to any add i ess. Sold hy all Drugfiata everywhere VONK ARK GKNI'INE I'NLFSH DON K I'P IN 4.1 eieebencraveti wrapper, with lae-tiniila of ny Chem ical WajehouM, au4 signtd H. T. BKLMBOU). a7 19, UK PRICB CLOTniNU. M WAS OLD K8TABLI8HED txu pieici: CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Ntreet, On doer above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment lias done bust- I noes on tbe One Prioe tSys.om, and wo beliove wa are tbe only Clothing House in the oity that strictly adheres to this priooiple. W have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in tolect irood stylet and substantial materials, and Dot lets important, for having all our goods EVI'ltA Hi:i,l,MADK. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain to Hint all tastes oan be tuitod. The prion are the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must seo, or otherwise we could not moot the competition of our neighbors, for as nodeduotinnsnre evnrruudo, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. The people may dopond, this Is the true plan upon which to do business, tfhd manv a dollar oan be saved to Clothing buyors by keeping in mind .TONER' ONE PUICK CLOTHING HOUSE, 6l4 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door abuvo Sixth. li. ii. .Yl.llZK, SulcMinuit. April 4, 1863. ly (niiltlr lo Slnri-in . Young Men'sUulde to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane views of benevolent Physicians, on the ErrorB and Abuses Incident to Youth nnd Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of cburtre. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. June 13, 1868. ly. A NEW REM E 11 Y IN CONSUMPTION. A Physician who had Consumption for sovcral years, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to tho profession, when hit cue appeared hopeless. He is tho only physioiau who has used it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and be can ascribo Ihe de gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but tho use of his midicine ; and nothing but utter despair end ontire extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of oonfi lenoe in all others, indue ed him to husnrd Ihe experiment. To those suffer ing with any disease of the Luugs he proflersa treat ment ho confidently believes will eradicate the discaso. Price $1 50 per bottle or $S a balfdoieu, sent by express. Send for a circular or call on Dr E. Bovlston Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. May 30, IMH ly. N E W AD V E RTIS EMENT" S. 4 GENTS WANTED. LIGHTS AND SHA V DOWS OF THE ORE AT REBELLION, con taining Thrilling Advonturos. Daring Deeds, Start ling Exploits, and Marvelous Escapes of Spies, Scouts and Detectives. The cheapest, most complete and intensely inter esting war book yet published, containing over 500 pages and numurous engravings. Price only $2.75. Send for circular and terms. Also. FAMILY QUARTO BIBLES, best edition published. WILLIAM FLINT, Publisher. No. 26 8. Seventh, Philadelphia, Pa. August 15, '68 lin. STEER'S STANDARD Wine Bitters ! d K 71 M O y. vico". fgTRENCTH J MEALTHV Fur the o.ii. , Fur the I'uln, For the Piokly, For tho Aerd. Fur Feniiiten, For Spring t'so ! ! ! 1 ." IIlKvrn ?titil lo i Ik-iii ! rTJ Spcer's Standard Wine Bitters, Mitde of WINE. I1EKIS3 AND UOOTS. SrcKu'a Celebrated Wine, to well known, with Peruvian liurk, Chauiomile Flowers, Snake Hoot, Wild Cherry Uarfc, itngcr, and such other Herb!) nnd Kouts as will in all o?on assist Iieslion. pruiuoto the Secretions uf the sys tem iu the uutural uhunnelrt, and givo TONE AND VIGOK to the Voini aitil I1. Halo unci IVtnaio ! All uteit with won Icrfuj euoco.-s. liringd . afiA BL.CJ) ncs. To the Tulo White Lip, UI.OUM AND BEAUTY To the thin fare nnd care worn counieuunce. Cured Fever und Createa Appetite. Try them. Use none other. Ak for Spcer'a 8tnndard ttittcr. Bold by iJruists and tirooern. Beo that uiy tina ture U over thu curk of each buttle. A Li? RED STEER, PiUfsuio, X. J., and 243 Iitoudwuy, New-York. Tradc supplied by Johnston, Holloway A Co., I'hila'lelphin : Georo A. Kelly, PitUburg ; and by all VhoU?!ile Denier. For rtaln by V. A. ISENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. July 11. oct2:J MZ ly. Voj .?i k i a ca r 1 c a i EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College, Co7 Clitiiiut St., cur. of "lb Ejtablitbca rill LAlJELl'HIA Incorporated 18S5. o 1st Ttd loiujest CitiiMUutl and lest oryanhed Commercial Volley in the City. The practical value of its course of instruction has been tested by loti experience. HUNDREDS OF YOUNG MEN' J I live found, in the knowledge gained hero, the lueuns ot profitable employment, and of success iu business. Kucb Student is Instruuted separately, aud in the nio!t practical manlier. Honk fur tha various Branches of Trade are opened, written out, and closed in tbe manner prac ticed iu our best mereantils bouses. Tha diflerent liuiiiiiesB Pspcrs, such as RILLS OK EXOHAXMR, l'RO.M tS'Ut Y NOTES, CHECK ACCOUNTS SALES, A t CO V N TS-C U K K E N T, LETTEKS. IN VOICES, .. Ar mado out asiu actual business. i:vma:miiii Is taught by a superior peaman in such a manner that an attentive student in a short time Rains a Rapid, Free and Elegant style of Uusiness Wnflng. OUN'AMEN'TAL WRITING, Of all kiuds, is csosuled in the most finished man ner. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including the best and most rapid methods of com puting luterest Elohauge. Profit and tale, Avera ging Aouounts, Ac, are comprised in tba Court of lustruotion. ' BUSINESS PRACTICES, Purchases. Sales, Consignments. Shipments, Seal ings with Banks. Remittances, Ac, it. Also, Commercial Law, Phonography, Deteoiing Counterfeits, Ao Students reoeived at any time, and litstruoted at suob hour as may best suit their oouvenienoo. Tb large number of business men now in attend ance, and th n-jmerous applications received tor it students to 111 vaeant positions, fully atlest tb ap- Craoiaiion in wbioh tb institution is held by th us in ess oommunity. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. CATALOGUES SENT GRATIS. Tb Crittenden Commercial Arithinelio and Bu. ineas Manual, for stle at tha College. Uaudsomely bound, 12 mo. Price, f 1.50. Sent post paid to any address. - "J1' CMTTIUMK CO. Jaly J5, 16 rm STONE PUMPS. rjlHg snboribw, wall known in thit part of the .1. oeuntry as a reanufaoturer of Wooden pumps, baa now turned hit attention to patting in the CELEBRATED STONB PUMP, which for durability, appearanoe, oontinued frert- BOSS of water. n.l . . , grentlj, superior to the ordin.ry wooden pump years, rendering entire satisfaction, and oan be teen llobrbaoh Jam.. Boyd, Wm. I. Ureenouah. and oiner gcoue . en in fcunburv. Price, $1.00 per foot. r. ... PETER WEAVER. Upper Augusta, August 1, 1808 Sm " HOTEL FOFSAUT rpiIE "Susquehanna Hotel," located on the eotner I of Ponn and Fourth Streets, in the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., is offered ' nt private sale, on reasonable terms. This well known Hotel has lately been rcnovntod, and Is on of tho host stnnds in the place, with an excellent ruu of custom. For further pirtlciilars apply i0 O. W AUBO.i AST. Georgetown, Pa., or GEO. W AGLNSELI.ER, Sunbury, Pa. July 11, 18C8 JOHN P. HAAS, Dealer in all kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, SUNBURY, PA., IS prepared to supply all kinds of Anthracite Coal from the Shamokiu Coal Region at cheap rates. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re spool fully solicited JOHN P. HAAS. Sunbury. July 13, W3. M :ni-. IVlZaKI &. itlOllielS, OCCULISTS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, AC. HARTFORD, COXA'., HA VB Apr-OINTED T.S.SHANNON, BUNBUIiy, PENN'A., At their sole agent for Sunbury and vicinity for the sale of the celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, AM) EYE CLASSES. In doing so they Lave confidence in the ability of their agent to meet the requirements of all cus tomers. His assortment of our BEAUTIFUL LEN SES comprises every form nnd kind, calculated for the simplest as well as tl.e worst cajca of diseased or imp'iircd vision. An opportunity will bo thus af forded, to procure at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY CF THEIR STRENGTHENING AND TllESER VING QUALITIES. Too muoh oiiiinot bo sai l as to thoir Superiority over thu ordinary glasses worn. There is no glim mering, wavering of the si;:ht, diziiness. or other unploasant sensation, but un the contrary, from tho peculiarcmstructioD cf tbe Lenses, they are sooth ing and pleasant, causing a feeling of reliel to the wearer, and Producing a Clear und Distinct Vision, us in the naturul healthy sight. They are tho only spectacles that PUESEUVE AS WELL A3 ASSIST THE SIGHT, on I are tho Cheapest because tho Best, always lust ing manv years without chango being necessary. J 1' C AUTION Mr T. S II ANNON, Jeweler, is tilvir Only Agent appointed in Sunbury aud vi cinity. LlA'We employ no Peddlers. aug1,'6S ly. PATENT PROTECTOR FRUIT JARS. "ALWAYS P.ELIABLE." THE V MEKT EVr.KV WAXT IN A OOOD EITUUU YOU USIi UY Families or Fruit Preservers. THEY CA. i-r. .MADE Alu-lluiii ttl l'H CER TAINTY A U EASE, AND READILY OPENED Without Injury to I lie 'uv'i. - The Protector Jars have metal Li ls with Arms, which turn on the iodines of tbe neck of the Jars, and thus tighten the rubber on to thu Ground Edge of tho Jar uiouih. Ihe result is, u Combine Lid and Clamp fono piece, which closes or opens the Jur with ii tlight turn, and w ithout injury to the covers, which cuu thu3 be used repeatedly. For sale by Glu. and Crockery Dealers, House Furnishing and Drug Stores. TRADE SUPPLIED RY r. iioiii:, Patentees und .Manufacturers ; Also, Manufacturers of Druggist' and Perfumers' G L A. S S W A It E , Wine, Porter, lAle and Mineral Water Bottles, Pickle, Preserve, Jelly and Snuff Jars. PATENT MEDICINE BOTTLES. CtV Puiticulur attention given to Private Moulds OFFICE. No. 26 South ?lb 5t., Philadelphia. July 25v18flii. 4t NKW CAURIACiEOlW' MANUFACTORY. riMIE suhscrilier respectfully informs tha citizen 1 of Sunbury mi l vicinity, that he has opened a shop in tSol. ,-troh's Dliicksuiithshop-IJuilding on Chestnut struct, Sunbury, 1'a . where lie keeps con stantly on haud, and uiauufuutures to order, t"urriii4-, Etugttyst, Nislkyai, Ac, of tb latest style and of th best material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages. Ae.t don at th shortest noiice. Persons iu want of Cue Buggies and Carriages, ar requested to call before purchasing elsewhere. II. C. ROUSII. Sunbury, July 11, 1SGS. ly AAA LBS. OF CARPET RAGS WANTED at OVJUU tb Storoof MOORE A DISSINGR, May 18. Market street, Sunbury. S ii iPio :oa Loi'i: it Aro . COAL EAXD3 FOR LEASE. "TOTICE is beroby given, that proposals will be X received by tb undersigned, to grant for a term of years, near Trevcrton, Nbrtbumbeilaud Couuty, Pa., several new leases upon Red and Whit Asb Coal beds, having four miles run above water level. The rea ash are the same veins now being worked by the Lykens Valley Company, tha ooal from whioh is of a superior quality and lwa cummands th highest price iu tb market Pos session of tbe premises oan be given immediately. In addition to tba facilities now possessed by this regiou for shipment to market by way of lb North ern Central Railway and tha Peunsyltania Canal, there will, it is believed, very soon be an opening to th Eiuttern markut, bv way of tbe Enterprise and th Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. JOHN W. HALL, or P. W. SHEAFER. Engineer of Mines, 125 Centra St., PotUvill, Pa liarrisburg, July 11, 1848. 2m t 1 - M , ji;' ' '-"- ' j.ii'i1' I.?''.' : ;-9! HI '1 1 J CARPENTERS WILL find in our establishment a superior stock, pf Plane. Hunt, Auger, HaiobvU, Hammtm, File Oh'.sela, e , o. , for sal by J H Tf CO CUOICS PR If IT & O RNAM EN TAL 33 EN J. BOHNHK, Dealer tn Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will fuin. ish from tbt most responsible Nurseries in this aud Other States, first olass TREKS of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Gurdcn Seeds of all kinds. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address HEN J 110 II NEK, Paxinos, North'd. Co. ty N. B. Insnraneee Ink on in several of tho meet responsible Fire Insurauoe and llur.se Detective Gompunies in the State July 25, 1868 y LATEST ARRIVAL OlT "NEW GOODS, Joseph Eysler, Cornor of Market and Fourth Street, 8 U N n U II Y , I'KNN'A, Invites tho puhllo to call and examino his elegant assortment of SPRINO AND SUMMER DKY GOOD., 'U jhn' T"')' '-inens, Dnmestles. Doylies. Towels, and Domesiiot of ovory description nt the very low est price C.A SSI 2sL ERE f;3. CLOTHS. G- Silks, Delain., Lawn.. OinghnuK, Calicoes. Muslins, .oeiuiig, iit.K,,,1;,i Je,,, n i a lull assoru,1Cutol uviah ro'i , omen gooi4 generally. V&'.'t Hosiery, Oloves, Hoop Skirts. Alw Handkerchiefs, -. ii.-iiun, IJnisi in .1 runs . IIolM nnrt Nln-. Hit assortmeLt of good, will nt. h if mn flM lu , please the fancy ami suit tho wants of any desirous ; of purchasing. Ills stock of . HARDWAHK AND TILTENSW AllE ' and Orooories is large in quautitv and ohoifa in quality, comprising generally everything needed in t the household either for uso or ornnracni. i He Is always ready and glad to seo his fi if il s ' and takes pleasure in showing them bis goods even I though no sales are made. He only ask a call, nnd ! is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. n JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, Junt. 20, 1808. THC1AS G. 1TOTT, MERCHANT TAILOR, MAHKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA , J JASjust receivaJ alargcand well-sulectsd stock fcl'HING AND SUMMER GOODS eui.si.-ticg of Hi a Cnest CLOTHS. CASSIMERES AND VES I I NT.S ever brought tn Sunbury, anil which ho promis n ssll chnnper Ihsu tho obinrOBt Hnvinc I In? Miiifs of skillful tsilnrs. bn gunrantfps n (j.vnl IV in tury instance inferior lo none outsi-io f lh eitios. Everything from my establishment wi'A he a mr-nuti-'eJ as roijreseuteJ. THOMAS (1. NO TT. Sunbury, May 8th. 1803. tf oi'Mxa or 'summkii an i. , AT Miss Louisa Shissler'e, MARKET SQUARE, Ls lies' anl Missos' HATS uwi BON NTS, iu itumonso variety. .lSllIiiory hoo1m niisl Ti'liiimists;. Freueh and American Ribbons, l.sces. llnrelker chiots. Gloves, llosiry. and a jreneral nssortnient iif Ladies Millinery Goods, l)icli have been eeioe'.ed with greut euro. ieiit i oliars, .'ovUliois (iletrs, Every vr.rietv will be found to select from, at JIOUEUATK PRICES. Sunbury, My :it), lstli. T0iT7" AGENTS WANTED, lo solicitor I J V J lv dors fur Dm. William .Smith's DICTION A Y OF THE RI liLE. Tub om.v am TIOS I'LBLIMUKU IN AMKRICA, COS tl KM' K II II V i-'lt. Smith own hand. In ouo large Octave vihimo, I illustrated with over I-o .'teel an. I wooj eriiTav:i:'-i. I Agrr.t and suh-orihers seo that you get tho ncu ' uine ediiion by Dr. Snii'h. The prtnTfirtii l-irptthficati bny-, this edition I puhlihod by Messrs. Burr A d., is tiio gen-jine j thing Tiio CtiriL'teaanoniiit t,ays. whoe--r vihc lo pet. in the cheapest form, tho bet Oictiuiiary of the , Bible should buy this. i Aenls aro meeting with unparnlleli d fu.tce-s. j We einpley no General Agents. niv nfler extra'in ' iliieeint-lit- to C'liiva-sers. Agents will .-.-- Ihe ad I vantage of dealing directly with the PUBLISHER ' For dcscrii'tive circulars w ith full parti-ulurs and j tftluis, address the Puhl i-liers. J 1). iii KU A CO., Hartford, Conn, j Mj.yoU. IhiW.jhii. j Wm. Fai.son. Nki.so.n Pi iiii 1 F U K N I T U U K 11 O Oils'. late of the firm of Farsou A' .Duvis. have opened warc- rooms at No. 22S South 21 street, hulow Do k, j PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full assortment of l'ARI.OR. CI1AMRER. SITTING IMO.M j anil DINING UO()I FURNITURE. Theirol.l custoiiiers, and all persims wihin to : purchase, are invited tucall and examine their sMa-k i before purchasing elsewhere Particular aitenlioii paid to picking. niyt! ly j STON'E CHINA WARE. &c "W. lL. CAIRNS, Market Street. 6 doors wet of Fourth St. .south side SUNBURY, PENN'A . RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of .Sunbury and Merchants and dealers in this and adjoin ing counties, that he has just opened a lui gu assort nieut of (jUEEN'SWARE AND STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho eoun'r.v. which will b sold at VHuLE'ALE und Dealers ar invited to examine his stock beforo purchasing in the city, us they can save mouoy by doing so. v Sunbury, May 1, 18fi8 flm NEW MACHINE SHO'i AND IROINT roxjasrDpi'sr. UfAt. ECOIIICIIAC-II & i(M, SXJISTBXJrtY, PA... INFORM the publio that they hav established a i.-.ii vm ov'N .. fi',,P' iu ,,l""i'on wiih their i)l- DKi . 1 hey have supplied themselves wiih -New Lathes, Planing and ltorinir ! Machine., e iil, n, latest improvements. Wiih tha aid of skillful me- I vuomua, iuujt are enaoioa lo execute all orders of jew Work or lC-uii lii, that may be given them, in a satisfactory manner Having eularged aud rebuilt their Foundry -they are ready lo exocuteall kinds of CAaTlNUS; . ItS'tSMH 4'HiisiJM V". Tb PLOWS, ulready t-clobrHed f..r their supeii ority. have been still further improved, and will al ways be kept on haud. Sunbury, June 13, U68. .UuiilitMMls How loai, iTJVr ilJ. TjjjJuet published, new edition of Dr. Culver-'yrr-Z Celebrated Essay ou the radical cure (""bout uiedicina) of Aperuiatrrhaa or riemiual Weakness, Involnutary Semiunl Losses, impouincy. Mental and Pby.ioul Incapacity Iuipeditnouts to Marriage, etc ; ulso, CoOMimpsion Epileiy, and Fits, iuduced by sc!f-)niuli;cnco or (uxual extravagance. lisr Price, iu a sealed envelope, only cents. Theoelobraled author, iu this ad;uiiatile esu,' dearly oeuiouslratos from a thirty vear' u. .,Toi I practice, Ibat th alarming consequoncis of self. ; abuse may be radically eured without ihe dangerous use of internal medicine or tbe application of the i knife ; pointing out a mode of curs at'ouce simple, I oertaiu, and effectual, by means of which every ml ! ferer.no matter what his condition may be, may j cur himself cheaply, privately, aud radically. LV'Tbis Lecture should be in the bauds uf every youth aud every man iuthe land. I Sent, unjer stal, iu a plain envelope, (oanyad , dress, postpaid, un receipt of six ceuu, or two post I stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's 'Maiiiage Uuide," price oeuis. AOdrtss the mouthers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Puet-OUiu Bos i.iii. J uly , latiS. y WHERE eau 1 get the bed pioiure ! Why lit llysrly of course. Always gojto Dyerly and judge for y our sol f. STONE WAIIB. THE beat aud cbMpefi liortUiCLit of tSun Wr In ik.alial. (..b u.isk.4 sast4 ltl bL&Jbb ilhaUiD At til X.-mo.hOaaBff.of ? ? yJinJyfl W. A. HENNETT, tHUOOIST AM) CHEMIST, flniket Kqunrr, M .Mil ICV. fit. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, uonui iii purity and fresl mess, snd kept. con. j ..,,, . mystocK will i,hv,y, I,,. fnu,,,! v...,..v. ... mien ni merit in Mu.lioili. Physicians and Customers mj ,0y upon promnt ness and attention to orders. 1 ITANCnr ARTIC.LIiS! 5y stoi;k is unusually laro nnd enibn,"fB every thing that oan he found on a first class Toilet Table, including American and nuiiic French and Lng' lisU P E UFUMEUY, Pomajos, Hair Oil, lvorv, Outta Pernhn Wood ai d Horn Combs, Toilet Soflp. Hair( I Tooth, Nail, Cloth ar. l Psitt Hrushns, Ac I I'aKMii .I'I;'1hci. I Embracing ail the most populai Preparations of the j day, at manufacturers' prices. Puru Havana .SEGA It mid CHEWING T03ACC0 of tho bust Brands, i'ltiiil-i, MIs. (luc, 4las, fi'itlly, VlO'llill'l, aVc. All my Tinctures. .Syru).!, Oilittnenla. Ceralos, and other rrenarutii'W; mo luanufiictured bv nsoif. and I from the best muti'iia 1 can procure in Market. i Having had quite a number of yoais' experience in . the I l)n:;i inul P, rrr'tjtioii iisj.,sa, bofli in Philadelphia anil th.; country, end also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com p.t.nf. to CO.MPOL'NO ALL PBESCKIPTIONS that the Physician aud public may favor me with. All my preparations as 1 have above asserted, are mado from tiio b-st material, and upon honor I ussert, they are of uiliciul strength. For medicmal purposes, I keep on band Ihetery best WINES, HKANDIES AND HQL'onS, that I can procure. Belore purehufiu elsewhere, cull and convince your ovn luind. W. A BENNETT. Sunbury. M'iy Id, ln8. LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! iiV3;tti.v. rpilK rnpunr l'hoti!?ru'r. has littea up, in tho ..I "... i ii . h ' ini'iri ...... I .n !.:.. ... " '.Mill i IhltMill Ml,. I i.Tl.,,1 ,,r....,,r. i Ir. letl.r f in:v L....1 :..n 1.:.. i. ..r irlv nn-l i. n I l.,l i , . ... Kniii alo. tt, I .. . i tdkeii AliuoiiL in-tHntly. we urj liiiw rem C I M K (INK ! both trorit ap.l siu'ill. m. atllilie .-UfiM'ni.iiii. (-t)MK liin new ALL rnoiu", anil ex l'H A.MI'.S ,u. 1 1 ILAMTS'.; Hint. Mini enn'lMiitlvnn 1 Limi 1 iiii.t iim.lo ('i in' ti-r. 1 iilon y.otr pi tiires ai.il imve iii'mi tfilii'' 1 'ii'-nuor 11. in .iiu l, .. i :i..r.. i.". ..tt i.r,,.....L ... .. .. t Ji'.-h nut nij.l iit'l-iiT v ii-tnkn nr rt n .'i' i i i .,. rea ..!! . termi .- .'.i-: ,u , nu..,,--,,,,.,.,. , I Il our m.ilto ir- t I plen'n. A!l l.fjl,vt" eiltetullv I preserved. Reinciubur the pl.i -e 'ni lor e. JiV r,i. ! j LY . M.n l;oi ."iiiire. i I .M iy I'l, 'tH. -ly. I i iit i ft 12. .tliS.il.. 1 ii K r -tb ;"r il'ot-- !m in j ju-t erei'tel r.:ij ut iu ; opei'iition a Mill f-T tho ltmiiufaetm e of j h i x s r: i: i oil, otl'erthe hihf'i.t ntur'Ki't pri:-e I'-ir FLAX .SKKI). ! J'hey hnve uttHfhed to their ef1ni!i-.iiinent uCLop , piiiL; Nlill. find fnnner4 nnd other.-, Wftiilin iriin 1 uhoiiped fur toeloiT. co be fti;i-i.inn:uii!ited at the ' shoi'ti'iil in.ti.e. A niie'liinc fur ehoppiiij? coin wiili I tiio eob i.-i allil'-hed tj tiio Jnill. ! .MORGAN Si MASSEK. Jnnuarv 'J.o, IStiS. lv Sl'KING TIJ A DE L. LAZAKUfi, i would call iho Rtterit'oll of tho public, i ! cu dinners gji.er!ly, to hi.-r l.'ire and now I mcnt of ud he I'iiiti'.y ii. ul liii-f if i y (ooils. I i liioh consist uf Poplins, Dclainr, Chucs, Allnp.'vc Lr.Trn.i, cas, tropes. Grenadines, iron cureges Ginghams, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ac, i It Isil 'iSi. I Cali ories. Stoys dr.' in. lies. Victoria. I'laid .Muslins ! .i.ui.-. lines. I i (tie. I i 1 1 i ! .1 -. 11 lans. ..i.ls.lljj, (blc.o-lied and uuiileai-lied ) 'lalilo l.uicn, X.lji,;in;. 'io'.ret. l'aoio Cner, Led .l..ls. A.- Gloves. Hii-i.!-;-. I'oi'M'N. Hoop SnirN, I're-T TriL" initiTs, (in variety.) l.adiis nud Gents liandkcr cilief'. Nei k l ies, and ii-. lions in aiiety loo niut.er uiis to iiK'iitioii. M. L. l....Vl:i s. Sii'rliure. Miiv il. 1'H. .1. W. Si i; i.Nmin. A. N. iinp. ATTRAGTIOIST AT ii a u r t ' s n iik x r k o . t sri:visXsox & a r. (iLt'iio! up n nev nn.l .U'-ii uSlu t-iok of hooks, ci.t)ci;s, .ih.n'Ki.i;- NTATIONEUV. MI.VKU A UK, GOLD I'ENS Oia-s-Waii-, I - -kini Si'KCTACLKS, N'OTIuNS, (.'alrty, riettnis, (.!.i-s,ii. ,Vc Ar.. A-r. t'.ill and eimiine pleu.-o and suti.-fy ul! .or .-to -V. . Oil-- Ltui i!l Lo t-j oh... -al!. Si l. LN.-". A LIIK'U. ! iMii.i.Miry. 1. April IS - .. ; i'I'KST Jw'I'l B.i:S. L" SPRING AM) SUMMER Millinery Goods, 5li 'J, fl.. aoiT, l.eu.s II I-, o to lill nouncc tu the Laitiesof Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened a large and varied stock of j M I I. I. I X E li Y ; o t I s , The latest ;,. V,.rk iii.d lh:!.i-L-lp!.i.i stIis of LALIZS' HATs AND BONNETS A!so. i;u vvePciit .is-oitni' iil "f Fa-liioiiKlilef!m- , broideries, Lilgings, lac-. Woolen C'ips. Ilil'il i-l - ' chief!., Scurfs, HI. lies, i ! sici ins, and all kmos of! Fancy Notions. Staiop-I .Mti-lins, Corseis, Perfume, ries, .Sj.ips, Lilly iVbitn, Lnamel of Aiuniia. Ma tioi ery. A c, Ai' l all un I examine fir joui.-i ivis. No trouble tj thoiv gi oil i : Sunbury. April 1 1 !i5i i HSJO'E'.S Ar !IIOI. J. C!. SYLVIA, WITH II. (I. TH.U'Jim. j .Mjinuuii'iuriT 1 1 rUt.NCJI AND AMKKll'AN ' A L F ' IS :!., S1um- inul Aaili'iM, IMuu.-unla' I'uiltiii Maiksjt .''fjUiiri', MMiriiY: l'A. I, fit! Its' Htnt. !hm'? dial tj .-liter (!' ull i l!?r I pt iiI ! mit l fi oriii-r ui) iho plittrie.-t Utilise uti.l iint th- : tuiit'l'ln t rins. Ihn in,; the U-f tn kiin-ii ! y evi, j tt i' vni n-ui'f tl.! pit Id K- t ti;tt, it t lK-y will itu ll- rnll.th.-v will htj jiHiipti-.! !' thu Hi.'ive ticu. KK I'AlKIVii i.tMilv .tone with th-i-mvu. If v.uir -vu u iniri -;:r !', .'u,t hii I ti.'iv vour iiifu.-nrrt. XjafL-h 'lis y. , FAXCV i)!!V ALL THK L V11..-T C00DS. srv; ls, SuilaLia f . r tho M'KIN'i AND Sl'AJMLK bi-ASi'N-!. MISS KATE ISIA-OIC, Markut 'ouari. t o loorn L ist of tha old Bank 'b.nlduij,'. Ul'MU'llV, Penn a , HAS just opined a fresh assortment of tb most tuilin 11 able Fauey Lrosj tiuds lioui tho lurjjit vstabli.-buieuts iu Philadelphia. IitLAINES, ALAPACAs. IMPLlNd, CALIC.S. nol ioixj ;oi.. Cloths, Saoques Flannels. Flannels, Miuelinu's. Mus. lin, Ladies aud Children' H AT.S, Feathers. Itibbous. Ir. ''siaiiiiiUKis. limls-ill-rlesi, l,aee eils. Corsets. Haudkeiehiefs. Ulovos. Hosiery Huopr-kirts. Hopkins' Lliptiu skins. Keal iJlaek Laoa shawls, and Ladies Oo.ids of every dasiritiluu. Bun Umbrellaa aud Varosola. ('cuts' Collars, NiK'U-ties, Hall busc, Ilaudker oLiej. and Uluves. Verliiinery, ivil Snaps, Hull Bi uhos.Coluhi, sto. KAIL BLACK. Fuobury, Jiay St), IWrt. 13 I 111) CAtltS.ll d liferent kinds. If you nan! Hood aud ebeap Lird Cages, ifo to - . ..VI l I.- f . ..I,., ve.i !. s .u o f f you want a piotur, of any kind, of your rlf or J tn.na go lu ISys-rly'a Jet I'A,x, Xukht sisr, ou tet.!:.et': BIlFiAD & FANCY CAKES. DAVID IFJEViT f E3PKCTKC1.T.Y itifonns the eitis' E3PKCTKP1.T.Y iofonns the oitis'M tt oVi.- IV V bury tsJ vicinity, toot Le vr Hi UiSte to viu All kind- oi I'lika I'jih BKmIIi fa'firl A.-r. Fninllir re supplbai with frlt'-H BKEATl, T si't hons, iui.-i.-g, i;m IJuns, Aa, and alo Kept on liw.a ruanHl'aciuro I out of tbe best material All orders left at his Shop In Market Kqiiare, ote d ooreist of Miss Anna Painter 't Millinerv Store M at hu Bakery on Spruce flrrtel, boneer, Frn aud Seoond streets, will meat Willi prompt attention PIC NIC PAIITIF.S suppllel wi'h Okkuj, Us Croinu, Ac , t the shortest notieo. Oiao.s are respectfully tolijlted , DAVJUn.X buryJWay J, ltti',3 !'r; AlllilM fllrtxlf f.r Tt.aaii. .. . 'lnhln wmil'l iTif'irni tUc. nuMic ilnt 1, i' i.ow rnily to Jo nil kimi-of ninrhlo work ; bnoul,!iJ, anil hiakvs to onl' ' at short noiiio, of yeij style to snl' ptir.-hii'uri. JiOOll AN'l) WINDOW SU.I.S. ANo, Cmntory i'nis Kiih slvni ir i (., anj l other fenciii;? ftenwally an' cm Lcan'tui it' John A. T.iylor will cmilimia iu thj -ir.p'. i nr. :... a', the oM s'anrt in Mai'kat Sijuarr. -vvh .: .-. I r. Slay ty W . M. V l j lliilv i i SPiUNG FASHIONS ISirt IiOUIfiA SUI'JSIjKH. THE popular MillinerjT smi'li -i'l of Miriiii S'liir.re, Kmihory, is'lo'inms of ralliri tha attenlin of the politic hu'J trn'lo to h'ir uniiu auj Landiotca assortment of MILLLXERY AD FANCV UOCD3. just opened. On hsni ami made to otdor, ai lha ltet nnd moat superb styles of Blridnl, Sisifis: anil lrcs l!osi- M il Slllti Illlt. Also, asplen li'i fis orlu.rnt of Triuimiti!?. Artifloiai Flowers. Iionnot Frames. Veils, Coilnrs. 4o. Gentlemen's Goods, such ns Hosiery, Ilandkar chiefs, Neck-ties. Drushvsand gooil for the toilet. Also, a lino n-sorttuenl of Perfumery, nod b!1 (tood ttunlly kept in n well furni.-hed csUhlUimenl A onll i only reouired to he eont inood. NT. b. Kiieciiil attention is direcied to a fiue lot cf I.aUics' L'ress t'sps ami H-a'l !)rccv -. ApriUS, lifii. i5oo to a vs !:isits, "VTOTICE is hereby given, that no peron or per il sons will h allowed to tretpiuw on the pror'O ty of the uniler-iiined. in Lower Mahotioy township. N'ji-thuuiheilun. I county, for Iho piirj'.'Sj of p;cliin ('.'Tries. Fr.tit, Ac, or to enter -nto ai y enelos'iri witVioiit pci ini'-ioii, hi toe Iui ill be t..:C..i .u I u0iiilo,l all oiicuaeri. ISAAC H. KI.SSLf.L. L.wer M:ihoroy t'.'p., June V.'0. ISoi 4m Hi" i A- LV 1.11V y.-n.llUM! p.';ka j. ; UAUOHA SDN'S. Vhiladelpuia. I AMI j NOUT-W EiTLR N FEHTILITIX'J C , Cfc;4 rl' .1!:iili ;l tliril-a. PRICES. IiAUOU'5 RAW LONE PHO&PIIATE, fi6 per O'J'J tt. DAUOIl d CHICAC) BONE FL.'l.TILlZrr. titi per 2,000 ibi. BAt Oil s I'lUCAtf.l LI.00D MANURE, i jo pui jodO p.uiJs 1 he above Man.il barreii, w :i.-'ln'V,:r v. .i-'i'. i :u both bf? nuX ; n-u-r. il'y .t.r.-r-v.A t- trn) IlltW Mutfi-i:;' n 0:iii''.-t'(It nr. -'i I .Ti.U II I'i- 1.1 of r-.il. V ' ;. f;. i i!;:;t liitv .i .r' i-ij i.i iii'.:i :t: y ou.r c.a.i i-art- Ulv ltu lad Hint l!ic dniri'i-; w tiirh fio ;tii , M.uii.i i" ; Ulnlfi r.ii.ti.il t!i ;'. v i.- ; UUiUd'ul d.ilii ,,i, I n 1 1 1 a :ir.-r jm i .'. i ; - r. -l' .u ,;i ui liihisj'.u'tu.tj i..d:..t;-vs. i:. il-; :uaik MM' 'ill - .-.'.iN;-. ft. Lc !av ai vi r':t l'liilu 1 1' 1 1 -1 . i -l NORUI-W L-lliliN FLU 1 J ' t u , ' t'oiii'-i' Lii;.'. Li iilieS's . t'i.ij.!.:" LV B.VUti ILS OtM MFliCIAL M XUKF n-iv I'w pr uuire I Ir-iu deili.rs in ar.y jf ttie ;Oi , '.1 t-'.Mj- iu the I .a: i 't.re- ,.r Djuj:iii- .f Ciinuy I , fsMI'l II . June i;;. 1-is.- ; s i HKii. o,''o-ly &uimry. I'ot h ini-Ja iue li. 't w,: .ere l.'l C.IIS, 1 .i.jii.lMi n. Lie Tilt:'.' T. N iJt.i-.tl'l Nil COLi 'il. Cu ... I I i v i-. u-J L'viili, aa 0. n ai c o j: 5 s v kj v g ii ii a r. 3 a ai itVUl I'M'- MILLION HUTLES MVf' t'(!ll k'r i hiiv- 1. if pti-ur.-'ii' ii, fluy qjuiility ui" Csr liliLiites, i ui le "t thfMi Ht"ii I I'MVSICIANS v h.t hiv? if in t It- ir ("Uii'i i.-e, !:iJ y;ViMl U tl.t) p'ti CiUiiteiii'f ovtTev-rrv i!;..r t ' tft; Jiii. IT POLS NiM 1'ltV t P A COUGH, ma jaj?i;. 1 r, u ' in 1 1 t a.r it.j Ljut-u-.t: 10 e.'.cjli'i lie iieciy. Two ot jlilrf B.1- SSfBj Will Iwahiaulv i.'ttiK Tm kli.no is ih& TiiR4Ai ' A ti-t-l lititi!- h.m I'Mi'u ( "mi;Ii ffl- t-nrfil th rn'r Phih- tsi il , I C" Ui! II, II. ui Vfl. Ill l)i!'l M IH K BlMf til Ipff.lV in ..nf ntti.iM. .t i ih" 1 ?('." Iiu! niH'tK, fifiiii- ptireiy vrfiHin. Iiu: ili!rt.n t IP i-v tii'iii!.!.-. 11 1'iiiil 1 :ift-fiMt' l'i t:ic iJi l: a:.. I ii.ay be aJii.iii.sLc-i t .i i LllOi I' T J Wl't 17 u e cur, i: until ia NO KAMIL Il If. Wtlii'l I' IUt..il'iJtn eAtttiH. SIlOl LU UK WITHOI T IT' uvh i Oil, u btii.rj the chespet bm;! l C. il. CLAHK A CO., Pr.ijTitfMf. NilVV iUVUN, CONN. Afii. ir, 1 t-" !y a o : e ' "s" DYSPEPSIA CUP.E 111s o mi at t-ou aja uim.am.soi iST O IM O IX fc i I'ri- il..;'i-.TfV ti..' i' ii! ! V? r'"' Cf U.slAum. wh'le r.xpei niifiiiii.n !' vv.i l.c.'.... i.v iirtl i i....s t 1 ui iii: : '..in ' 1. 1 1! I. Jul L: - '- tJ .vi 1 t- f 't'.Ui: uui l-.-l.l 17 ft.Mn V'ltl MU ports of III. I'lUirrv i..i,'iil..i,f '' t . e. .v liirrie is no Unease 0 ulioil by a .l.s-ir.'ereil o ,n.i,:i it u 1.1 ii"t s. etooy eare. rhysi.'ia;i8 i-nclirse 1:1 J V.:5 it! Miais.'' five I' at:iuo.iy t- t.;loucy. A.i.ifi.iu n.! w.r-..-'-i ' ' -e rfcije iniine.s ul cun. . lorioirj. DYSI'l'I'SIA! It li sate to cur IIKARTUt'KN ' Onii dose a.li r-.ir. silCIC-HiSAUAl-'ill'! il i.ua rtircd lu hunurcil cf .u HEACACUr: -VNl) dizzi.vkss: It stops 111 Ihirty inmates. tCIDli'Y UF THF. SI'OM .veil ' ll con set ilt l :-tct. HISK OF THK rnul) ll ai ps iiiiuii-U.uidr. DlsTKKSa AFTl.lt KATiNUt One doss will remove. CUuLF.RA MoftHLS' , liuo.Jiy )icids lu a lew J,.,. BAD illtF.Atli ! Will Le eitantll Sl lib lia'l' a U U. IT IS PER t'll CTLV TI A 11 M 1,11 8 Its I'rVf KLCLLfc.Yl'Ll SL'CCtbi is uwio to ihs tail tnai ll 4'ui'ra ly Ailiu .iilato TO la.ASsKH I' I1F.R blVAV lot 1'llli MVstTCM . Neuily siaiy uiwilcr in the I'liittd Stair ,eUs n OSP. l.ul.l.AH Pi:tl BOTTLK. C Q. CLARK & CO., Prouiieloiti, Af:,l i. t'Y:- -ly