Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 15, 1868, Image 3

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    ftljc Sunburj) American.
&ocal Affairs.
IUi. We hara bad a number of ihowcri the
put week, which wera refreshing and muoh seeded.
Tm Lodge of (rood Templar, at Mlltoa, now
numbers about two hundred member!, nd li In a
Tory flourishing condition.
(lix. Pimom Cahckok tpent the grtater portion
of tvt Friday in Sunbnrj. The distinguished Sen
tor mu warmly welcomed by hli numeroul friendi
and admirers here.
sANartiER Ditctaio. II line recently been deci
ded that the provision of the Stamp law, which ex
cludes unslnmpod docds from being; mod in any
Court, applies only to the United State Courts.
Tss second week of Court, for the trial of oirtl
causes, adjimrred on Tuesday aftornoon last. The
Anfcust term of Conrt seldom amounts to much, of.
late years, except In criminal proceedings, whioh
ia becoming moro extensive every year.
Peiicatio!. The Odd Fellows' Hall of Casooe
Lodge No. 618, I. 0. of O. F., at Port Trevorton,
o Snyder county, will be dedioated on Saturday, 29th
Inst. A general invitation is given to all to attend.
Trominont spoakers have been invited and will be
Storm. On Monday of last week a terrific storm
of wind, accompanied with rain, visited the section
of country immediately north of Northumberland.
Trees wcro blown down. orchards destroyed, nnd stacks
of grain end fields of corn leveled to tho earth.
The storm is represented as having been vory sevore.
Tns Pennsylvania Statu Faib. The sixtoonth
nnnunl exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agri-
cultural Society will bo held at Harrisburg, com
mencing on Tuofdoy, September 29th, and ending
on Friday, October 2nd, 18S. We understand that
unusual efforts are being put forth to make this the
greatest and grandest fair ever hold hy the Society.
Pals op Heal Kstatb. Tr. John 0. Markle,
administrator of tho estate of Thos. Bobbins, dee'd.,
on Saturday last sold the two-story brick house and
lot of ground bolonging to the estate, on Front
street, in this place, to Jasper Slaymnker, Esq., for
$3,500. The house is being thoroughly repaired,
preparatory to its occupation by Mr. Slayinaker as
a residenco.
Goinq into New Quarters.. Mr. Thomas G.
"ott, one nf our most enterpriiing and successful
merchant tailors, has leased a room in Dewarts
frame building, on the north side of Market Square,
ond is having it handsomely fitted up, with the in
tention of moving his establishment Into it inawock
or two Mr. Noll Intends keeping a full line of
Ronls' furnishing goo Is. which will be a new feature
in connection with the tailoring business in Sunbury.
We hare no doubt that ho will be successful in his
business, ns an esi.utilishment of the kind has long
been wanted in this place.
Window Thieves. On Monday last an individ
ual, a young man, passing down Chostnut stroot,
reached in through tho open window of Mrs. Will-on
's residence and abstracted a handsomely bound
boo!:. On passing our own residence he thrust his
bead in between the half olosed shutters, but obser
ving a lady in the parlor ho bolted down towards
the river. A neighbor having observed him when
be purloined tho book, UnmcJiatoly gave notice,
urn! he was pursued and the book taken from liiia.
It is to be regretted that ho was not arrested. Our
citizen! should not plac.c valuables too bear their
open window?.
Fine Tomatoes. Wo observed, a day or two
Kinco, in the store of Thos. Uerringer A Tiro., eleven
beautiful Tilden tomatoes, in a compact bunch or
cluster, which weighed four nnd three-quarter
pounds. This beautiful specimen of ono of our moat
valual.lo vegetables was raised by Col. Wm. Mo- j
Clure, of thin place. They were almost ui iforw. in
size and color.
Dr. Waldron. of Milton, is one nf our most suc
cessful cultivators of vegetables, melons, Ac Ho
will have, this season, about 1,000 bushels of toma
toes, and melons troin 1,800 vines.
Tim rr.MTENTiAnv. Sheriff Eeekley started for
1'hiIndelphU on Thursdny flight last, having in
charge no less than six prisoners, who were convic
ted of various crimes at the late session of Court.
They will be confined, at bard Inbor. in the Eastern
Penitentiary, in that city. The following are their
names and the term of each sentence : Stewart
Winder, .'I years ; J ames Togoo l. (colored,) 3 years ;
Frederick lloitita. 3 years; Jorciuiali Laulnu, 3
years; Thomas M. Kcllcy. 0 months; Decatur
Young, 7 month. Truly, ''the way of the trans
gressor is hard."
The Asylum. The State Hospital for the Insane,
to be built here, will be a magnificent structure. It
will bo 1.143 feet, nr nearly a quarter of a mile in
length. Every room will bo oomplotoly ventilated,
and a view of tho outside world will be afforded
from every department. With Iho thorough knowl
edge gained by experien;o and study on the part of
those who have charge of the business, we doubt not
that this Hospital will bo the most oomplcto itruo
ture of tho kind that has yet been built in tho Slate.
Dr. Shulti, of Harrisburg, is the Superintendent.
Tianville Amrfican.
Monn Annr.sTS. On Thursday last deteotive
James Molloy was arrested in Danville, by special
Dorough policeman, A. N. flriee, and brought to
Sunbury. He was charged, on oath of J, . Smick,
merchant tailor, of this place, before Justice Heard,
with obtaining money and goods from him undor
false pretenees. Ho was committed, in default of
bail. Mclloy ia well known in this place. He is
the same person who fvrroted out and arrested seve
ral burirlars in Sunbury, last Spring.
On Tuesday evening last a man named Samuel
Uartman was placed in jail. Ha was charged by
Hiram Drieebach, a landlord, of Turbutrille, with
being drunk and disorderly, and threatening to kill
him. Ho was arreBted by Constable Lanthor, who
took him before Esquire Barr, of Turbutville, and
was committed in default of bail.
There are at present soveu prisoners in jail, whose
trials will have to lay over until the November form
of Court.
Hakosome Steel EKeaxviaoi A cultivation
of the taste for tbe Fine Arts bus become put of
our educational system, and pictures are now re.
carded as indispensable household ornament!. This
is especially true iu regurd to Scriptural Works, ai
theee are at once -both elorating and purifying in
their influences upon sucioty. Mr. Levi Meily ia
now canvaasing this place for two of the most superb
productions of that master artist, Sartain one from
Eastlukei great painting of' Cbriit Bl casing Little
Children" and the other from Dobaon'i famous
painting of 'Bethlehem" or "Christ in tbe Manger."
These two steel engravings are match picturos.and are
tho fluent and beet of Surtain's many superior works
of art, and tbe subjects are such ai to make them
worthy a place on the wall of any family parlor.
They are perpetual lessons speaking to the heart
through tbe delighted eye, and aa mob should be
purchased and prizsd by every parent. We are
epociully pleased with the "Bethlehem," wbiob U
a new engraving and a magnifioeot artistio orna
ment. Tbii agent bai also at disposal two otber
and splendid engravings, executed by tbe same
dUliuguubed artut, Sartain, one ef whioh ia entitled
'Christ KejeetooX" from a eoloseal and gorgeous
painting of tbe oelebrated Benjamin Weet and the
other, ."Christ Stilling the Tempest," from a large
and superb painting of Hamilton, the greatest marine
artist living
The agent will call upon our eitisena
, -A ex'jftft th work
fftooMMvot of Coort.-The following tom
prlses all the eases tried by the Court slnoe our re
port of last week up to the time of its adjournment,
on Tuesday last :
Com. vs Reuben Johnson. Nuisance. No bill.
There wore four of those bills, all Ignored and Wm.
II. Morgan, prosecutor la eaeb, to pay the eoeti.
Com vs Samuel Wlldbohn. Seduction. Mary
Spadle. prosecutrix. True bill. Verdiot, not guilty
of sednotlon, but guilty of fornloatloo. Fined $25
and oosti of proeoeutloa .
Com. n Jesse Barnhart. Assault and battery.
Daniel Snyder, prosooutor. Defendant plead guilty
and was fined $5 and oosta.
Com. ts A. J. Rhoads. Seoreting goods from
oreditors. M. D. Weavor, prosecutor. True bill.
Defendant was bonnd over for hli appearance at
next Court.
Com. v Reuben Gray. Larceny. True bill. Ver
dict, not guilty. Jaoob Foy, prosecutor.
Com. i Lowis Kelchnor. Burglary. True bill.
Verdict, not guilty.
Cora, vs James Togood, (colored.) Burglary.
Tho prisoner plead guilty and submitted. Ho was
sentenced to Imprisonment In the Eastern Penitenti
ary for throe years.
Com. vs Joseph Conrad. Unlawful shooting. No
bill. Prosecutor, Silas Kraner, to pay oosta.
Com. vs Jaoob K. Crone. Fornication and bas
tardy. Bill ignored. Prosecutrix, Sarah MoBright,
to pay oosts.
Com. vs Jaoob K. Crone. Adultery. No bill.
Prosecutrix, Sarah McBright, to pay costs.
Com. v Georgo Oliphant. Larceny. No bill.
Northern Central Railroad Co., prosooutors.
Com. vs John Pol an Larceny. No bill. Nor
thern Central Railroad Co., prosocutors.
Com. vs Fred. Coble Larceny. No bill. Joseph
Richardson, proseoutor.
Com. vi Isaao Dutline. Larceny. No bill.
Com. vs Reed Neidig. Shooting a person. No
bill. Daniel Campbell, prosecutor.
Com. vs Leonard Dimmick. Larceny. No bill.
Northern Central Railroad Co., prosocutors.
Com. vj Androw Saxon. Surety of the peace.
Ruth Iloey, prosecutrix, to pay the costs.
Com. vs Aaron Snydor. Cruelty to a child
Guilty. Fined $2 and costs.
Com. vs Malinda Sallidny. Libel. Bound over
to next term.
Com. v E. 11. Egar. Selling goods without a
license. Bound over.
Com. vs Geo. W. Gratton Selling goods without
a license True bill. Bound over.
Com. vs Rebecca Fry. Attempting to steal a
chicken. No bill.
Com. vs William Clark, N. Phillips, S. Eoltert,
U. Damuth and C. Vandyke. Burglary and riot
ing. True bill. Not triod.
Com vs Thomas Kelly. Larceny. Vordiot, guil
ty. Sentenced to nine months' imprisonment in the
Eastern Penitentiary.
Coin, vs John B. Hawlcy. Extortion. True bill.
Not triod.
Com. vs Charles Landau, Freeman Ilnupt. James
Russel, Zsbedee Bastian and Henry Kerns. Bur-
glury and larceny. True bill. Verdict, not guilty.
Freeman Haupt, on anothor Indictment, was bound
ovor to next term.
Com. vs Jcrominh Landau. Burglary and lar
ceny. Vordiot, guilty. Sentenced to pay a line of i
$3 and imprisonment for three years in the Eastern
Penitentiary. I
Com. vs Charles II. Weeks. Selling goods with
out n license. Truobill. Bound over to next term.
Com. vs John I. Willinrd Frnication and bas
tardy. Bound over to next term.
Com. vi Stownrt Winder. Burglary and larceny.
Verdiot, guilty. Sentenced to imprisonment for 3
years in the Eastern Penitentiary.
Decatur Young, published last wock as having
beon found guilty, was subsequently sentencnj to
seven months' imprisonment in tho Eastern Peni
tentiary. Shamokin Borough Potition to appoint High
Constable George Heitxman was appointed. ,
Lavinn Baker, by her next friend, vs Henry Ba
ker. Divorce decreed.
Rush township report of reviewers on road was
set aside.
On motion of E. C. Gobiu, Esq , J. K. Zclior was
sworn and admitted to practice In tho sevoral courts
j oi me county.
John Weisol vj Harriot Mair, adm'x, eta!. Suit
I iu regard, to partnership noto held by plaintiff.
Case withdrawn.
Henry Kaup vs J. G. W. Horning. riaintifl"
claimed mechanics' lien. The eato was continued,
at defendant's expense, to next term
Benjamin Hepler vs Lydia Wetzel. The plaintiff
claimed a SM bank noto, which ho had lot, and
nuicu iuo uuienoaui lounu, nuu reiuseu to return it
I to its owner. Tho defendant deiiied finding the bill,
and claimed it as her own. Verdict fur tho defend
ant. ' i
A petition was presented to change the placo of j
I holding elections in Mt. Carmel township. Tha
Court dircc ted a special election lo bo held iu that i
township for the purpose. j
Z Ilogcndocblcr and wife vi Auten. Datcunan,
Il.tag and others. Enderscrs of a nolo on which suit '
was brought. Verdict for 5193.80, amount of noto !
uud interest. j
T'i the Hon. A. Jordan and hit Asioci.iteit of the i
Count of Xurthumherlanrf County :
Tho Grand Jurors having passed upon all bills
laid before them by the District Attorney, and mado
tho necessary examinations of tho public buildings,
Ac, do state that wo have made a thorough exami
nation of the county buildings. Wo find it necessary
that thcro should bo ono dozen chairs and one settee
for tho witness room, and also, that tho Urand Jury
room wants some plastering done, and window panes
inserted. Tho rain evidently comes through tho
ceiling in the vaulta of the Register's and Prothono
lary's oflioos. We recommend tho banging of cur
tains in front of the bonds and papers, to keep them
free from dirt and dust. Tho privy at Iho Court
House should be immediately cleaned. Also, that
water closet! be erooted immediately. The late
plastering or bard finish on the inside of the Jail
yard wall we highly approve of and think it quite
an addition to the safe keeping and security of tho
JUS ATliAM 1'. SULL1Z, Foreman.
Aug. Oth, 1863 The Court direct a oopy to be
furnished Commissioners, with directions to carry
out reeomtuondations of Qrand Jury. p. c.
Tbe following is the order of Court fur next term :
To continue two weeks Courts of Common Pleas.
Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and Ueneral
Jail Deliverv, aud Quarter Sesduns of the Peace, to
be held. 21 Grand Jurors. 48 Traverse and 36 Petit
Jurors to be summoned. It is also ordered tbat a
Special Court of Common Pleas be held for one
week, commencing on tho third Monday of Novem
ber 36 Jurors lo be summoned.
It is also ordered thut an adjourned Court of Com
mon Pleas, for Jury trials, be hold for one week,
commencing on the fourth Monday of November
36 Jurors to be summoned. The Jurors for tbe first
week of the regular torm to be summoned to appear
on Wednesday of that week. Twenty oivil causes
to be put down for trial the second week of the reg
ular term, and twenty for the Adjourned Court.
Fiaa in Mcnct. Tbe most destructive (ire that
has ever visited Muncy occurred in that place on
Tuesday night of last week. It commenced on the
north aide of Water street, a short distanoe from
Main street. The alarm was given a little after ten
o'oloek, and before the fiames could be arrested tbe
following property was destroyed : Tbe buildina
vuiuugiug hi mo pcin oi ii. rsoD.a, deo'd, and ocou
pied by M. Dolan aj a saddlery shop, and Q. W.
Boo tor, m a atovc aod tin-ware establishment ; the
warehouse belonging to the tame parties, and ooou
pied by Noble k Co. ; the large tannery belonging
to titeuflVr k Peternian ; the stable or . K. Noble,
the stable of J. IJ. Hooker, and the stable of J. B.
The loves nay be summed up as follows : Estate
of H.Noble, in buildings, $1,600, no insurance; No
Lie A Co., eon tents of warehouse, $606, no insu
rance; Geo. W. Doctor, $4,000, insured for $3,000 ;
Petertnan 4 Stauffor, $3,600, insured for $l,6l0;
. R. Noble, $3J0. no insurance ; John H. Hooker,
$250, insured for $200 ; Jas. B. Hiley, $350, no in
surance; M. Dolan, $1,176, insured for $533; Clapp
k Snjith, $H25, fully insured ; Wm. U. Millhutah,
$250, damage In removing furniture, insured; I.
Walton, $100. stock damaged in removing, 4o.
Be bool Dibectobs. We observe by the proceed
ings of tha 6tate Sohool Convention, reoenily keld
at Harrisburg, that a resolution was adopted redu
etog the number of School Directors, in eaob dis
trict, from si i to three, and that they be paid for
tDtti' serf ioea, and also to ba morn before entering
lif t du4"
Tat Ultr Flia taw. We publish, below, the I
new fish law passed by our State Legislature Inst I
winter It will be obi-a-Tcd that It Is very itfingent
In relation to fish-baskoti. The erection of these has the most pornlcloui effect on the j
fl.hnrlai. lh. ath and destroy millions of tho .
young fish, on their passage down the rivor
learn that there is a groat deal of this kind of fish
ing being doae dn or abont the Shamokin dam, bo
low this place, wbloh the law especially prohibits.
As this is the season In which the baskoui are gone
rally put up, for the Information of all ooncerued
we publish the act of Assembly, which imposes a
heavy fine and imprisonment on all infractor! of tho
law, and we will further state, as a warning lo all
offenders, that parties have taken the matter in hand
who will see that the law li rigidly enforced.
Col. Jamei Worrall, of Harrisburg, the Fish Com
missioner appointed by Gov. Geary, is doing all in
his power to supply the citizens of the towns along
the river with the excellent fi-b for which tho Sus
quehanna Is noted, and it should be the duty of
every good oitlron to aid him In carrying out tho
law. A suit has already been entered against the
Pennsylvania Canal Company Tor not opening the
Duncan's Island dam, which will be tried next
month. When the law onco compels the opening of
that dam for the passago of fish, every obstruction
of the kind will of Oourse have to follow suit. The
following is the act of Assembly :
A furthor supplement to the act relating lo the
passage of tish in the Susquehanna rivor and cer
tain of il tributaries.
Sue. 1. Be it exacted, 6c, That the fifth seotion
of the act to which this is a supplement be and tho
same is hereby amended so aa to read section fifth ;
it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, to
build, extend or plaoo any fish baskot, fish trap or
other dovice, permanent or temporary, in the nature
of a fish basket or fish trap, across or at any placoin
tho Susquehanna river, or other stroam or streams,
designated or embraced in this tret ; neither shall it
be lawTul lo fish with any seine or by any other sys
tem of entrapping, in numbers, within two hundred
yards of any sluico or other devico eroded for tho
passage of fish as described in this act, or upon or
about any dam in or upon whioh such sluice shall
have been erected, nr to draw any leine or net in
any of the said rivers or streams, within one-half
mile bolow any of said sluioes, or to use any devico
or means to frighten the fish or spawn or fry, or
otherwise to prevent their freo passage tip or down
the said streams or pnssngo ways, at any distanco
whatever from said dams ; and any pcrs-m on-ndiiig
ngninxt the provisions of this section, their nidrrs or
abettors, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and ou
conviction thereof shall bo fined in any sum not. less
than one hundred nor more than one thousand dol
lars, and be imprisoned at the discretion of the court,
for a period of not more than twelve months, one
half of the fine, above mentioned, to be paid to the
informer or compluluant ; information mny bo lui l
as in any other oase of misdemeanor, by any,
befoio any justice of the peace in the district in
which the oflcnoe shall be committed ; and it shall
be the duty of all constables, in their townships,
wards or districts, to keep special watch and make
return of any violation of this law to enoh nnd every
court of quarter sessions in tho county or cotintios
in and fur which thoy may bo constublo or consta
bles, as iu the caso of other misdemeanors coming
within the lino of tbe duty of said constables ns
guardians of the peace, ami ol wtiion tney are
to taito nottco nuu make return.
Sec. 2. The office of Commissioner designated in
tho act to which this is a supplement, is hereby fur
ther continued under the lippointuioiit of tbe Gov
ernor, and as provided f -r iu said act, but shall cease
and determine on tho ,'llstdnyof Decimber, lStiS.
The duties of said commissioner in addition lo, and
iu connectiou with thoso now specified by law, shall
be to uso bis best endeavors in tho goneral further
ance of the objects of these nets, tin 1 if auy concur
rent legislation be necessary, in conjunction with the
State of Maryland, to ascertain and report such pro
posed legislation to tho Governor, who will submit
the same, with bis recommendations, favoralilo or
otherwise, without delay, to the Legislature of this
Commonwealth, and the duties of the said Commis
sioner shnll be further extended so os to include the
consideration of nnd reporting lo tho Governor such
action as may be necessary and practicable, in view
of tho planting and propagation of ediblo fish in
such of the rivers and streams of this Common
wealth as may bo fitted for tbe same.
Eusha W. Davis,
Fpoakor of tho House of Representatives.
Ja.i. L. Graham,
Speaker of the Senato.
Approved the ninth day of April, one thousand
ci-'ht hundred and aixty-ei -lit
Mixing Affairs. The Shamokin Herald, of tho
6th imt.. says : Nearly all the oollicries in this ro
gion, on the lino of the Healing road and branches,
I are still idle. On Tuosduy thu Excelsior startod up
j undor tho old system, but was visited and stopped
I in the afternoon by a oonnnittec-man from Oirards- (
: villc, who demanded that the fires bo drawn, and !
i warned tho men to quit work. Tbe demand was
' not complied with, but the men feared to disregard I
; his threats, and discontinued work. j
In the Schuylkill and Mahanoy region! thestriko :
I still continues crneral. but it is well known that
over two-thuds of the miners of all tho renions are
wmil)g t0 ruaum6 wolk at the 0u mol. anj tie
strikers failed to secure the co-operation of tho mi
ncrs at Scranton and Wilkesbarre, who continue
working under the old system, tho impression pre
vails that the movement w ill bo abandoned and a
resumption take place next week. We trust this
will bo tho case, and that the strikers will sco the
folly of standing out longer with tho trade in its
present depressed state.
The following is tho amount of coal shipped over
the .Shumukin division of tbe Northern Contrnl Rail
road, during the month of July
Tout. Cwt.
7,072 H
John Haas k Co..
S. liittf nbender A Co ,
Shainukiu & Dear Valley Coal Co.,
llichard H. Douty, Agent,
J. Langduu,
May, Patterson A Urolher,
liuruside Cual and Iron Co.,
John II Dowees A lirotlier,
Shamokin Coal Co.,
John II. Douty,
Excolsior Coal Mining Co.,
Enterprise Coal Co.,
S. John A Sons,
Mt. C. A L. M. Coal Co.,
William Montelius,
Cool Kidge Improvement Co.,
Grabor 4 Kemple,
Jonas 'fillet A Co.,
4, sal
43,810 17
1'Job Mil ,, Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Pouters, Handbills, iruulurs, Curdi, Lottcr
lleatis, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, c:m be printed lu
the latest and beat styles, and on short notice
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
A Fact. The finest assortment of Hats and Caps
in Sunbury or vicinity will bo found at S. Faust's,
in Market Square. His stock includes every style
and quality, at remarkably low prices. Fauat is
determined on "quick sales and small profits."
"Talking Matches" are about being made
among some of the women of Boston. There are a
great many ''talking matohes" in this section, in
which the principal subjects of discussion are tho
superior Boots and Shoes at Miller's Excelsior Store,
Market Square, and the unusual inducements oUcred
for buying there.
Tub political canvas now opening does not retard
the steady custom at Beck's tailoring establishment,
on Fourth street, ilia fashionable ooats, vests, pant
aloons, o., continue to be in great demand. It is
really astonishing to learn the amount of clothing
Beck tells.
ivecidedlt ue nasi place tn Bunbury to get
"nxea up" u at bhaeSer't tailuring establishment,
io Market Square. SbaetTer's suits are esneoiallv
admired, while his priee! are so low that any one
eao make himself look 'neat, but Dot gaudy," for a
small sum. fcvsry one should give bhaeffer a eall.
Con'! Codoh Balsam. The great popular Reme
dy for Coughs, Cold, Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Consumption. Sotb sues ordinary 4o.. also mam
moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and
dealers in medloines. No family should be over
night without it In tne bouie.
Ooi'a Dtifspiu. Cob Will immediately re
Here and permanently ours the most aggravated
ease of Pyipepsda, flatulency, Sour Btomaeh, Con.
itipatlon, and all dlieaiei of tbe Btomaeh and Bow
els. Physioians, elergymea and all who use it, join
in -unbounded praise of its great virtues. Bold by
Trttgpsti everywhere. Price ft .00.
M A H n I A O E S.
' 0n tha ?d nit , hy Rev. Mr. Fooht Mi.. (i K-mnr
w. Aitsm.n In Mm Mart M. SrAiiiFSt,, both of ,
Snydortown, Northumberland oounty, Pn.
im th Itti Inst., by the same. M. Ansor Dkwiit ,
X2"t ',K,;" " Mnimsj hutli of Lowor Augusta,
.i.. . mm i
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
$1.1 no
n 0
10 00
6 00
2 2i
t 20
1 2i
1 10
2 00
:! no
i u uu uv mi
Rye Flour,
per cwt.
per hid.
per ewt.
1 p"r bushel,
per pound
Wheat, prime red, old.
" new,
Oals. ,
Dried Peaches, pared
do do unpared
Dried Applos,
Dried Chcrrice, (unstoned,) per bu.
Beef, hind quarter,
" front "
per pound.
per dozen, 1!5
nor round. os
do 25 I
do ii.'i I
do 2D
do 14
do 13
do 1
per p lir KO
Miiiiunbiit Coal 'I rii.
Shamokin, Aug. 4. 1WW.
Ton . Cvi
Bent for woek ending Aug. I, S.B7S 04
Per hurt Report, 2il,0.H) 11
270.075 li
2So,!77 07
15,901 12
To same timo lent year,
Special Metiers.
Drafnkss, Ulindnkss ANn Oatariui treated
with the utmost success by .1. Ikaac'8. .M. D., Ocul
ist and Anrift. (formerly of Lev leu. Holland.) No.
805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from
tho most reliab'.e source in city nn i country can bo
sucn at his nfilco. The Medioai f ioulty are invited
to accompany lbc:r jiiitlt-n's. as ho has no scores in
his pructice. AltTIt'ICIAli EYES inserted willi
ont pain No cliRrgo for e:i:i.i;nition. iiov..'!'t-!y.
IJititli' lo ,T1:ii-i-1:i,-. Young McnVHuide
lo Happy Man iao and Conjugal Fcln-ity. Too liu
mane viowsof benevolent l'liysicians. on tl" Errors
unit Abuses incident to Youlii and Early M.inbood,
scot in sealed letter envelopes, free of chnre. Ad
dress HOWARD ASiOClA'llU.N, Hox P , Philadel
phia, r.i.
June 1.1, lS'W. ly.
Physician who In 1 CYn.mmption for several ytars.
with frequent bleeding of tlie luiis, cured Inwelf
with a medicine unknowu to the profession, when bis
c.isc appeared hopeless. Ho is tho only physician
who has u.-cd it in his own ferson, orholn.s any
knowledge of its virtues; nnd he can asuibe the de
gree of health he now enjoys to nothing hut II. e
ueofhis midicine; and iiolliint but utter despair
v.,.i and entire extinction of nil hope of recovery, to
bound , . , ... , ... .... ...... ..,.
" o-o 'iwHuiwmiiimwonii w.i.v.o,
ed him to hazard tho experiment. To tluc sufl'er
ing w ith any disease of the. Lungs ho proffer" a treat
ment be Confidently believes will eradicate the
disease. Prico $1 .''l per bottle or ? a hnlf dozen,
sent by express. Send for n circular or call on
Du. E. liovi.mos .Iackson.
No. 250 North Tenth .Street, Philadelphia.
May "n, lSi',3 lv.
.t: bmsiu'b:
5( ft .11 it i- hel Klreet,
Ono door abovo Sixth , Philadelphia.
For ninny yenrs this Elali'i.-hutont has done busi
ness on the ' 'no Prico Svs.em.anl wo l.eheve wo
ore the only Cluthin House in tho city that strictly
adheres to "this principle. We liavo earned n repu-
j tat ion h Inch we are proud ol, lor goo. I taste in select
1 good styl..s iiiol stil.atnnti il inalcri:.!-:, and Lot K.-J
i important, fur having all our oous
i: i be vs r.:?.t. .Ti.4ae:.
We employ the be-t talent, for Cullers, and our
Goods are of both l:iuds--fasliion:ililo and plain
so that all tastes cun be suited, 'li.o prices arc tho
very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must
sec, or i;il;erwi;.u v. e coul l I ot meet the C"ii eiitin
of our neighbors, tor as no deuuct ions are ever mado,
we mini put our piicos down lo Iho ieivnnt.';;ej wo
The people may depen 1. t'.ir L the tm pl::n upon
which to iio hu-iness, and many a dollar can bj
saved lo Clothing buyers by keeping in mil: 1
ONE VillCE CHI'llil.Mi IliH'SE,
6o4 Market direct, Philadelphia.
Not on tho Corit'-r. but one door nlo e Sixlli.
C. . JSAIZii:, S;tri:i:ti.
April A, ISi.i. ly
pDUKsa to Tin: Nr.uvors and i.rr-
ti-d. wlfse tsullcniius i.uvr Itciti i-, -li ;iclt-ti 1imii mil
iU-ii (MUM'H, t wU 'ae ft" st if; it;.- fiiii'l tie itui-iit t
r'-miti fXistfiiL'tt iS'Siin'.tr I: y'. ' .itl-rtii r li-.ive
siiilcft-.i mvlutiiarv ii ir;ii-F, cv.t-f '--n a
iri)tlute p-uii;;! iu-.n.ii ? !) "ii i vw;.i,
(It-hihtillt'il, filHlly tilt .1 f 1' ;i t-tt.c r T i 'Xr. Ll'iii
lUtvc nii'i' i tlifluarif I) -
yur urine iuii-Ihium tim-.i. u.-ikv, m ii '-. . ii i r " , y
on B'.'tt.init ! r a tl.u k wutii fisr i' :lif t" 'r i u
t-ilimrni ul i iie li.U'in :ir ft-r it lnv'" '-l ;iw li ir! I) . yu
hnve spviU ol" s!i'rt ntt-ritiiii. ir ilyfipepbiu An? i-ci
liu WfU c,msti iiitJ ? 1 "U h.ive t-u-'. a t i t'.tiuiini: -r
lusht'ej til" liLmd v. lli'1 ' I -ur .iicni'i y iiiip .in-ii .'
U vnui n.H.'U'tmi-taiiUy .hvrtlniE tt-,-n thit ul.jfft 1.i ym
ft-eldull. hnitit, miipinaTtircii'l "c iit . ! lue i)" yit
wish lo lie It ft .il vi.;, m ?.-t nvv:i-.' fi-uu cvi'.h .ilj Ihtv
any In t le Hum make you Biart or j mhi f lc "r tv f,
hiukcii t rtytifbh? tne I is! re "t' y Mil i'U'suj liriiiiaal ?
The IiUkhu on yuur HieHc a orient t you e ijt v your
elf in S 'Cie'y mwr-ll! Un yu: imiisu'' your humm-as with
Uit ami; riierv ! l)o oi let I u much t-'iih U'iift lit vour-
ll 1 Are y tir s,iii it dull and tl iiiutu. priveii l tits o)
nielaiiriioly ? If so, J imt 1m ii to y ur luer.-r dvof psm.
Have j,ou rest less imriiit. : our uarn utuk, y'u mwvm
,ve;ik,'und have but litile np.ftite, un.l ou utuibute Hits
lo dii'tnia or lii'tr-coHiilnnit f
Now, reader, self nhim. venereftl diraes hidly cured,
and sexual excestrs, are ull eap ilite ol rodjcini; a weak
ness ol Hie general. ve orgiiiis The ortiiiiis of j-eiiTii.ii,
when in per feet heuHli. make the man. Did you ever
think tint those Udd, dt fruit, rueteri if, persweriutr, u'
cesNlul business-men ute always those whone peiiemt.vii
ornniiM are in per feet health You never heal mich men (
C. lilptiOil i'l being nieliinclc lv, of ner V1 itin:ieh. o piilpit:. I
lion of lite iien: t Tm-y nre never nliaid ihey citmiot ti'- j
cred lu litiiniem ; thfy don't bee "Hie tvid si'd dieonrited ;
they lire, ulwayti poute mid plL'.-san: in i..ia e.nn,i.iu ! la- '
dies, and look you uud Ihrin riehl in I he fn'-e none of your
downcnitt looks or any oilier iiit-annris mmii iliein. I do
not mean t!ion who W-ep the orjans itiit iiurd by inmniin j
to exeesH These will n t onty nn i t,iir conslituttoMsj j
but als i those tney do Imiiwm Willi oi f. r. (
How ma.iy men ii.mi tKidky-eureil diwMseii, from the ;
ifleets of lelf-uitune and excesses, have tttot.ght hImui that
late of Weakness in thohe om inn tliat hsi ledueed itie j
Benerul oyilrui n iiuk Ii us to mdiife alni 'm evciy orher '
diirase ulioey, lunacy, pjru!) m-, Mpiual nl''eU"iif aui 'i.jc, ;
and Jilmojit every dhcr t' or ai i of diatsifie wlom lounatiitv m
heir to, und the fell eane of I lie tr -ol nr ) ever Hue- ;
peered, nnd hurt; d viored for all but the r-: one. !
)itfetiesnf iliessf! urciii'K renuin1 (he ii.e of a diurrtic
HKi.Miiuia'sri-i it) i:x n..uT m rnr iMiieema
lhurelic. ami is u ceitam euie fof dixt aves of the it
Ki lne, (iravel. Iropnv. Ormm Weakuens, Feunfe
t'omplninti, (ieneral, i.ikI till dineare of (he I " r i- i
nary Organs, whether exiting in Maie or Kein de, from
w;ittver cuutte originating and no uiniler 1 1 Uow -ut
attundiiifi. j
It' in ireiittiKiit in sulitnitted in. Consumption - r Insanity ;
may enue. (bir tl- li mid lnoott are suppoi ie-1 from t lie-so j
aiurees,aiiil the he t'l'i und It ippim . und tint of Poaterity, f
dependa up 'ii priinirit iimp of a rvlia'.V reinedr j
iJehltlf.ld'i I'xiraet Hm-lm, es'ablished upward of li
yrars, prep ired by II. T. II l .l .M IH M.l, Uruiigut, I
fl'tl Mroadway, New ork, hiuI !
1' t S mill lOih Stit-et. Philadelphtn, I'a.
Pritf 1 li'i per bot'le, or fl lttlet for SO rH. delivered
to any addreui. Hdd by a!l Uiueeiit everywhere !
TONR ARK fiKNTlNi: l lS )(K I P l
Meel-eiiaravrd wrapper, with rae-aiini:e of my fhtm-
Wu.cUoule, und ..goed
II. T. HIlI.MHOl.l).
Julv i-n
KOi'icu x t'o iBs ie:k rotts.
TOTICE i! hereby given, that Jiropo.als will L
received by tue uu Jersixuua. tu grunl for a
term of years, near irevuriou, rvoriliumberlund
County, fa-, sovcrui uew loascs upon Heil and
While Ash Cosl beds, hnvinjr t'nur miles run ubove
water level. Tbe red (li are the mime vcius nw
being worked by the Lykeas alley Coiii.iin.r, the
eoal from which is of a superior nuulity uud alwaii
eotninands the hii;liet prioe in tbo ninrkot l'os.
session of tbe premises eun bo given immediately.
In addition to the facilities now possesatd by this
region for shiuicut Ui market by May of the North
ern Central Kailway and the I'ennsylania Cuual,
there will, it is believed, very soon be an opening to
tha Kastera market, by way of the Enterprise and
tha Philadelphia and Keadina; liailroml.
EnKineer of Mines, 121 Centre St., Potbville, Fa.
Uarrisburg, July ll, IbiiS. 2ia
WILL find In our ostajblinhmeui a superior u.ok,
of f Unas, Saws, Augers, Uatobets, Hammers, files
Chisels, 4e , sW ,for saloby
J .H. t0XLEyCO
r fcTJ, J TO f
i (4 4 ii U "3a.
23X3IJJ". 3i O li INi 1-3 TEl,
Dealer in Fruit and Ornnmontnl Trees, will forn.
(..), trom u,. ,, r,.,.nihle Nurreriea in this and
Klirnhliorv. inne olul 1'IKIHS. waruen cooas i u
Order! are respeotrully solioiloj.
Paxinos, Norlh'd. Co.
ty N. B. Insurance! tuken in several of the
most responsible Firu Insurance ond Horse Defective
Companies In tho fctalo.
.iuiy as.jsm. y
Joseph Eysler,
Corner of Market and Fourth Street.
S U N H U It Y , PESN'A,
Invites tho pnblio to call and examine his ulngnnt
such as Tablo Linens. Domestics. Doylies, Towels,
and Domestic of every description at tha very low
en price.
S ilts, tlelnmes. Lawns. Ginghams. Caliouen. Muslins.
heoling. Ticking, Jenns, and n full aseortmeiit ol
Cotton and Woolen good. nerallv
Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts. Also Handkerchief?,
Bru-lles, Coml's.
tantsi anal :nj-i, Stootst iiikI Slioru,
His iissortincnt of will nut, he in sure fail to
please tho fancy and suit tho wai ts of any desirous
of purchn:nc His stock of
and Groceries is large in quantity nnd choice in
quality, comprising generally everything needed in
the lio'uscholil either for use or ornament.
Ho is nlwuvs rnndy nnd plad to see bis friends
and takes pleasure in showing; litem uooils even
though no sales nrn mndo. lie only nslts a call, and
is sure that tho stock will cotnpuro favorably in
prico and quality with the cheapest.
Sunbury, June. 20, 1XM.
TK0!A3 G
HP A I T ;
a- i va tvv ii,
HAS just received alari?eaul wcll-sclccte 1 stock
consisting of tho Hncst
ever brouirht lo Snnbury. and which he iromises to
sell elieaper than tho cli'-apoi-t llavintr t'ue services
nf skillful tailors, he guarantees a good tit in every
instance inferior to nono outsido oi the cities.
Everything from my e.-UUislunoi.t will be guar-
autoed as represculeJ.
May Oth. Hf.5 If
Miss Louisa Sliissler's,
Ladios' and Misses' li AT.5 and BONNTS,
in imtnenso variety.
.liitinory i!w :n:l 'I'rimitiittj" si. j
Ereneh and American Hihbons. Laces, Handher- !
chiefs. Gloves, llociry, and a general assortment of
Ladies Millinery Goods, which have been selected
with grcnt care.
aVi: J I ollui-h, rVi'Cstlic Io! on, Ac.
Kvorv Tnritv will bo found
; unhUATi; i'uici:s.
to select from, at
j Sunbury. Muy ;iU. lHf.. i
! sjr puMiib'-'d, a nr w clition of Dr. Culver-
Jr well's Celebrated Ksuy on tho nidicnl cur !
t v (without mpJininel nf Spt'rinaturrli or j
; Av" Semi mil Weaknpss, Involuntni-y 4St'iJiinnl
i Losses, iinpul 'ii'-y. Mental ami JMiya,iCHl Incapacity, (
' I uipudiuiciil io MarrWtyp, etc ; hIi, Con.uinptiun, j
' K iUp-v, :A l'ii.-r, inuucel hy .-elt'-ii'duigeiice or I
! sexual xtrn a; ;
, lxr lrieit l.i a se itcJ etiTelne. only 0 cnt.-i, '.
1 lie oele.lrnteJ HUtlmr, in thi a (iiiirablo cs-iiy, j
1 clearly demoiMrat'. from n lliirry years' Mi(ve.--tul ,
; j r:ic'.icc, that tho aldnuin cMnequenc.'s ot fi'if- '.
! libiice in ay lo ra Heiilly eured without the d.tnei ---i-.s ;
j uso of internal medicine or th applicatiuu nf the
; knifo ; pointing out n mo lo ol" euro at onoy simp!.-, j
! efi tain, uinl ellectnal, by tnoaiif of which evnry Mil- ,
I ntntter what his condition mny lie, may j
i euro himself cheaply, privately, and radically. '
I & ' lo is Leciiite Jihi-uM r.f tn (ue littii'-s ol ovviy
joutii aiid every man in the
. ' JMiit, ii mler n-nl, in a plain envelope, to nny nd
j ilrojt, postpaid, on receipt of cix ecids, or two ynA
.'tamps. Also, JJr. CulvcrweM's "Mai lit.Lje iuidc,M
i price 2'j ceiita. Add res the 1'uUMkt.
! CIIAS..J.C. KI.1XK. .V CO..
127 Howery, Now Voik, l.t-lilieo liox 4.frrt.
I July 1. ImW. y
cer...r ufiuiy ' 1) A AI r AHEST5 IVAXTl'.l), to Mime or
. Hi J ) )yj ,,,r, f,,r iMl Smiths
liinin.NA. X lit. miil.r.. ini: om.v m i
T1'N l'fBI.ISHCH IN AWKltlCA, I'oM'KNrKIJ 11 V I'll
Smii'Ii'sou n iianii. lu itno lure Ootave vuluti;!',
illu.trati'l with over K'j steel ami wood enniviiiL's.
Agents uud Miiuieiibcrs s.'u Ibal y.on get the gen
uine edition l.y lr. Puiith.
The Hrit'i:lirl(l HrpiiMirw my, edition
Vnlilished l-y l!js;rs. Uurr A Co., is the genuine
The Vuhuii s,itioini!it says, whoever wishes'lo
pi I. in the elienie.t form, tho "best liietionary of the
iiMn should buy this.
Amenta lire meetine; with unpiiriilleli d sikvp.s.
We employ notitneral Agents, mid ofier vxlnijin
(iiieeuieuts tn (!anvns?ers. Ayents will sof the ad
vantage of dealing dirot tly wilh the I'l'ULISllKltS.
Kor deseriplivo eirenlars with full particulars and
terms, address the Publishers.
.1. a. Ul UK Ilartier :. Uoun.
Mny 30. l'i'. 3m.
Wm. 1'ausu.n. Nki.kun IYuii
F U 11 N I T U It E ROOMS!
lateof tho firm of l'arion A IVivLs.liuve opened ware
rooms at No. 224 South 21 street, Mow loek,
Where they keep a full assortment of
ami 1)1X1X0 KOOM F U ItXlTL'l! H.
Tbeirold customers, nnd all persons wishing to
pureh.'tso. uro iuviltd to etiil and eiauiiue their stuck
I. el. re purehasing elsewhere
l'arlieulnr attention paid to packing. inyd ly.
!srui. uniflA watit, occ-
:.Iaikot Street, fl doors wu.-t of l'.mrth St., south side,
ESl'KCTFCLLY informs tho oifzens ofMinbury
an 1 Morelianls aud dealers iu this nnd adioin-
ing eounties, mat ncnnsjusi oi.euea u mi j
of every variety, from tholet inanufaetories in the
eountrv. which will be sold at WiloMO'AEE uud
1: KTA 1 L.
Ii.. ituis Mru invited to examine his stoek bcf .ro
j lllu,aain in the city, as they cau save money by
1 . .
Sunbury, May ltVlStlS.j-Bm
itoiiitii v ii v
TXFORMthepublie that they hnve establuhed a
MACHINE SHOP, in oonnceiion wilh their
FUINDKY. They have sup plied themselves wnti
Now Lathes, Planing and lloring Maobiuos. with the
latest improvements. Wilh tbe aid of killtul uiu-
obunios, they are enabled to eieoute all orders of
."v Work or IteptviriiiCt
that may be ((iveu them, in a satisfactory manner.
Having eulurged and rebuilt their Foundry, they
are ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS.
Ilraai Cusjliisjis. '.
The PLOWS, already selebrated fur their superi
ority, have been slill further improved, aud will al
ways be kept on hand.
Sunbury. June ltt, ISrtR. .
iTKKK cau 1 geTihe beat picture? Why at
llyrr-ly'a. of oourse. Always gojto llyerly
and judge fur yourself. -
THE beet and cheapest assortment of Stone Ware
ia the State. Just reoeived and lor sale cheap at the
Maaimoth Cash 5tor. .1 y mji0 .
Miirlset Hqtiarc, NI'.KI'II V, Vi.
Hns Just opened a fresh nnd full assortment of
Brugs and Medicines,
iinsurpnss..,t in purity enl freshness, and k-pt con.
stanily un hand. My stock will nlwayi !,., found
complete in every article of merit in Medioiiio.
Physicians and Customers innv rely ui,n proinM
ness and attention to oritur".
My stock l unusually largo and ombrn..e, Bvni.v
thing that een ho found ou a first class Toilet Tnble
innluding Amcriuiiu nnd geuuiiia Erenuh and Lnz
! P e r r U M E R Y ,
! Tomades, Hair Oil, Ivory. Unit Porcba,
Wood and Horn Cnmbs, Toilet Koa'S, Hair,
' Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Puiut l'iu.'hr.s, Ac.
j ll-ii .'"SrI:c!tU'sJ.
Embracing all tho most popular Preparations nf the
j day. at manufacturers' prices.
. Pure Havana fifvl A and CHEW TNG TOBACCO,
of tho but lintnds.
! tilnts, Hl-s, .;i:vi. E';U1;,-.
vHrais'ho. Ac,
i All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointiuents. t'erotes.and j
! oilier preparations nio irianufactured by mywdf, and 1
from the b.'.-t lnnterinl I cnu procure in Market.
: Having ha 1 fjtiitc a number of yeaa' cxpei ience in
the j
' T)rj mul rm i. ti,ia IJusino,
j both in Philiidelphia and the country, nrd at"0 the .
t advantago of the t'ollege fif 1'harinfic'v. I fed com- 1
1 that the Physicians un 1 public may favor ma with. I
Ail my prepuriitiuns I have iibovo inserted. are
i tnalo Irom tho hevt m.v.erirl, and upon honor I
nrfsert. theyare of olliciul atrength.
i l or ine iicinal purposes. I keep on bund tho very
thct I can procure.
; Hclore purchasing clsenhcro, call (in i convineo
' your own niiinl.
i Sunbury, M-iv II.
fpilE popular Photngriper. has fried up. iu ll.
I J old Port OuVo building, three doors we-t of Ih
f tho
I rnurnail. .M.irUet .-ijllin e. olio of the very I..
be found in the State, nnd i-now prepurtd lo v oji ores in any Kind, in all knots of weather,
, eari.y Him late. ( Inl.lien taken almost instantly.
. linng along tho bullies we uro row ready for them.
both pros' and small, ...j his n-w rooms, and ex
j aiinno speeinien.
I , KliAMES and FUAMIX-1 malerial cor, -tcntlv on
i hand and made to order. 11. im- alo,,,, v,.ur pi.-hirca
! and have tlien. rrnsrel . In np.-r tli v anvnh, rc i-Po
I Conio nnd seo lor y..tirrev-s. Anvihii t: in the
I picture line constantly on loind oro,-.i.-i.v. Copying
' done in all its branches ntid colore I ns -l. -ircil .
I lioth out and indoor views taken at !.oii uotico
iind.on reas.maloe. '.emu. S itlsfaetiou guarraiitned.
as our motto is to' p!enn. Ail ncgaliv-s eirer,illv'
, pre-erved. ll'uiicinhcr the place a.-k for .s. P-VKP".
j LV. Market Sqimro.
.May 2.'!, T.S.-ly.
MMii EtV 013 .13S.K,. i
THK ?ul?i'rilors luivin jut. created an 1 put in
peraiuii a, lill for the manuiacturc nf '
L i n s i; i: i oil, j
olTrrtliP hli-'lifft nmrhct prico for FLAX HKLti.
Tbnv have nttaehod to tlieir esubli.-lmipnt a Chop )
I injf Mill, nnd fanner and olhprs wfintins piHin
ehopped f''r feeding. o:in bo n?io:mnudatcd n t tLe '
shortest notion. A uia'd tiip for chopping corn with '
the cob is attached to th mill. j
Januftry 2V ly I
MIB.X; TEEADi: tl. j
Sl'iilXa Tlt.VDK 1S33. i
M. li. LASAHtlS, !
: W'jul 1 call thp attention of the p'.UIr, and hrr
I cuftomori! gpupfully, lo her lare and iimt n..j -i t-
I mcnt of ' j
I'ii:'. y ituil I)o:-.i('wll4' Iiv (oo(l.
Wbioh consist of l'uplins, Del:iiii.J, I'lien'3, A'.litj.-no-c-.
Crfpi's. (IrtMiuUiu'is. Iron I'urt'i-, I.uuus. j
liinjliiiins, Ciilk'ocs, Cbir.tis, lc, j
tVliiK oIsi.
CiUtil rU's. Dtoys, (.IrnndiPS, V'tnriu, I'laul Aluslins j
MillSiiilli'S. i'i((U:. lJl'illillts. .!uiiIlS, ;
tbliNi -lie-l :inJ uiihl.'m'lM 1 1 l.ittlr I.:uni.
'.'njl::rj. Tu""ls. T.-iblo L'ovors,
llivl : rmri. .to. 1
lil'.rs. Hu-i.Ty, CoisL'ts. lln' .kir'?. L't ih :-i;n-
in!:i,.', ;in vdiictv.) Linlivs mid linnts li'imlkiu- ;
1'lnt.M.-', rf't I'a-s, HLi uolior.s in vnri.-tv to- nutiU'i'
ous lo nifMit : .ii. M. I.. LAZAKTS.
Suiil'iirr. .M:iy P. l;s.
J. W. Sl'KVKNSoK. A. IjHtl K
HAY V. opened up a new and dosirablo stoek of
tiooh'in IImup Xe-.v lluildiup. coiisi-ting in
pii i of a s !en lid ariety of
ti-i ii-:iii Vi :il-li-.
COLD V. 11'Iir.S,
uooks. clocks, j i:vr.i. rv,
lj;tfsY:iro, Cutii'iv, l'lftuies,
Locking -Glasses, &c Ac, Ac.
Call and examine our j:to-k. t:r aim will be to
pleu-e and satisfy all who eall.
.-ui bury. April . IKiN.
.vi'S-:"!" 'rYfl.E: or-'
Millinery Goods,
.tDis .11. I.. jssl'l-, begs leave to nn-
itouueotoiho Eudiesof Sunbury and vieiuity, that '
the has just opened a large i.ul vari'1 1 st'.ek of i
The Inte-t New York and l'hil idelphi i style! of;
Also, an exeolU nt ns.-orinieiit of F.-t-hionaMo Kin- 1
. iiroideries. Ldgings. l.n.-es. Woolen Caj-s. Ilaniker- j
j eluefs, Senrfa. (1 loves, llmterius, and al! kinds of
I aney Notions. S.uni'e l Muslins, Cornels. Pennine
ries. Soaps. Lilly While, Enamel of Ameriea. Ma
tion. ry. .Ve., .Ve.
I ( all and examine lor your-elves.
2Co )ri ubIo to
I fcUoW gOO. IS
j .vuiibttiy. April 11 !'.
uoors .. fi!ii:i.
I .Iiinit".iLiur'-r ef
l!ou!iit-i l!uiMinr. Mtirkirt .S'uaiy,
I.fldifd' lio.t, Shui'Dnd (luiters ofull Jocrii tiun
uiHili to order on ttio Flmrteot notice und u:ul ica
(Loimblt Urtus. HrtVtm; the hvat workmon i-iii-loyi.'d,
hp curj aur the fmltlte Unit, it' i)ity will ivw n
CMi.l. thry will he Mili.-lU d of tho iihove lucid. UK
PAlJUNii neatly done with dinulvh.
If your corns d hurt your feci,
jut onll nnd liave your ineii.suro,
An I wo wi'd iMitke your hooa ur itoutu,
'J'lmt V"U wilt call u ttuusufo.
Mtirch 2H, 6S ly.
Puitnljle for tho
Market JSnuare. to doms
of the old
1'i'DU a.,
building. Sl'MU'ltV.
HAS just upeut-1 a freh assortiuout of the most
l:i "burnable 1 aiu-y l'nss liood. Horn the largest
est ahlUb menu ill l'lulndt Iphia.
noi miMJ jooisi.
cintlia, Saooue Flannels, Flannels, t-haetiiit!'. M
i jin, i.a,li0saud Childrens' HATS, Feathers. Hibbous,
li- I'siiimiiiiii. i:mlroileilesi,
Laoo Veils. Corsets, Handkerchiefs. U loves. Hosiery
Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Lliptio Skirts. Ileal
Hlaok Lace Shawls, nnd Ladies'
Hoods of cvory description.
Bun Umbrellas and Paroaols.
(SeuU' Collars, Neik-tics, Hall-hose, Handker
chiefs aud illovos. ,.i .
Perfumery , Toilet Soul, Hair lsi. V,i"i-,?t0,
Sunbury, May SO, ISflS.
C10USTBY HEALERS supplied with all kinds of
Sloue Ware at leas than Factory prices at Har
risburg, saving package, breakage and freight, at
tbe Mammoth Store ol. U. V. 1K1L1MJ.
ALL and see Moe beautiful Dird Caes at tbe
1 nw Uardwaiesuire of
1" ESPF.CTITLLY informs the oilisetn of Sun
i bury nnd vicinity, that be will hake to nrdur
all kinds of
'uti lor Ktn 1 1 is, litrtlH, Af,
Families ire supplied with FPErfll IlltKAl). Twl-t
llolls. Itu.-ks, loa Huns, ,tu., imJ lso kept on hand
niniiafacturi' 1 out of the best mn I "rials.
All orders left at. his Shop In Market Square. on
door rsst of Miss Anna Painter i Jliliinory Store, or
at his Itukery ou .-pi u Streol, betneon Front ajid
Second sheets, will meet wilh prompt attrntiou.
PIC-NIC PARTIES supplied with Cukes, Iou.
Croiim, 4c , at the i-liorlest notice.
Orders are rosponlfully soliuited.
J" bury, May 2, J ?0.
M1K unc'p.iiied hi tvl hotiKht tJ.O
'U-'. l.i X entire Stock of llisniioror .V lavlor.
C-'-"- would inform lite puhlie Unit ha is now .
ready to do all k'nls of marble work ; has on band,
and inak'-s to order at short notice,
"loiiiiMientx iinsl Elcixt.toot'r,
of every style to suit purcbai-ors.
Also. Cemetery Posts with Galrnnizwd pipe ud all
other fencing generally used on Couclris.
John A Taylor will continue in tlio euiploymnnl,
at Iho old stand in Market Square. Sunburv. P.
May 2, W.-ly W. M. DA VU HEItl V.
THE popular Millinory, south side of Market
Square. Sunbury, is dosirons of calling tbe attention
of iho public and trade te her unique and handsome
assort niclil of
jut opened. On hand and made lo order, me tho
latest nn 1 most superb styles of
EJ;-i-l:it. .Tlosirtiliisy nl I):tks Kon
nets nnd llntw.
Also, a i Icri'liti aaorlmrtit of Trimming, Artificial
Flowe.ra, Ilonnel Frninea, Veils, Collars. Ac.
Gentlemtn's Go. Js. such as Hosiery. Itnndkcr
chief. Neck-ties Itrtihesand good" f ir the toilot.
Also, a lino awortment. of Perfuinory, and ull
goods usually kept in a well furnished eslablishuieut.
A enll is only required to bo com inee 1.
.V. II. Special attention Is directed to a flue lot
of Ladies' Dress Caps and Head Drews.
ApriIP, 166S.
,'l)ioli lo Trcp:ierfi.
"VJOTICE i hereby given, that no person or f or.
IN sons will bo allowed to trespass on the proper
ty of the undersigned, in Lower Mahonoy township,
Northumberland county, for the purpose of picking
Berrio, Fruit. Ac, or "to enter into any enclosure
without pcrmbuion, as tho law will ho enforced
against all offcudcr.i.
Lower Mahonoy twp . Jutte IhOS. 4m
IIAl'lill 4 SONS, Philaduliiliia.
lliiiiutiKl orcrs.
j'P. rci;.s.
$:$ 2:000 lbs.
i-..u'i.irs cnicAco r.oNn rcRiauEr.
tl0 per 2,000 I In.
i BAL'ull 3 CllICAliO BLOOll MANURE.
I per 2000 pounds.
i The aliove Mnnurns ore funil-heri ia both Ijngsaul
i biirrols, whichevtr cuslomirs prefer.
j I'Sr T'" lia'i'.io uniform in weight 100 poutids
! Tbo fl'.tMiti'Vn cf rurnier-j is cspccinUy ritre.'leaO
; the tjirt thttt tin souroes nf t!..; l!nv Materiul cf
i whifli tie hIk'Vm Manures nic eoLijn'.svd, are s well
I und'.'r control tli:it no enn furnish (liiin ol" stri?'.iy
I uniiurnj fjiinlity anil cuoJUKin. nnd that they contain
j :i lart r per'jcnl:ije of nintnnnid tb'iu any other clas
; ol iiiaiil'ic'tured n.unuros in the market.
PAHllI ,v SOX.
20 .S. Delaware Avenue.
Corner Lake i Lasulle Sits., Chiefg
be procured from dealers in any of the principal
tewtu in the I'ntte l Stales or 1'uuiiniou of Canada
.'old bv
SMITH i CiEXTHEU, hunturr.
June lit, lf.js. uug'ti?-ly
Koi a inedteuie that v;:! cure
ct fciii,
W'liiiiiplNO till Oil,
or relieve
coNsi'.Mi'm i: cm t,n,
:is ijuiet, as
C O K ' S C O V G II B A I. A .,!
hive been )'' ami it"t h iniiile ilif.'Jiiief of its ftv!':: s
known. N'e hnve, in our unweii' . un -;,iaiitity vf Cvr
t.ticat f , Rome of tiifiu tioiii
wlio 'nave usu) it in Hit ir na-i;cr, mi given it li;e i'i
tMllliieiifC over evrry r:iitr coinpour1..)-
i n to enable the putii-iit lo electorate freely. Two ur
i A h i'f tiot.!e oi't.-n i-oiii;!'!f'v "ured the mfst Stuh
I hoi.iCuimh, n ml yt. I Ii1 "i;'1 " " "tenJ apeedy in Mi
oier:it!on. it r lo-lVfltv l.:tnu!ei)S. iM'irtr purely vrcetalilfl.
1 it in wtv sftMMe tnthf mete. tuiJ nuy be aiiuuhiBicievI
j to children oi nny npr.
J In ctscii of Cr.OL P we will euantiile a care, iflukert in
j tte:i'll.
It ifc within thf rcaoh ol nil, it being the cheapest and bo
(!,: Lcme fit;oit.
C 0. CLARK CO., P'opuct !?.
A;n! l . lo.?.-!y
C O E ' S
nilllS GRF.AT
U!:mi:dy foh all DisKAsr.sot
JL the
i the dicov-ry of tlie inveir.oi ol C.e's vuIuaI Is Cough
II.iIsiiii. wloir t-xj,t-i inienl ion i..r h.sown i:.i.ui. Iu-uilaI
Cranio m tliw l !ii;u h f.T linn lluil Lrfure jieMrd
to io 1 h l-.ilt elil.rof.rm.
The almimt dailv from v:ti i.nts parts of the
country eiitMuiuue u lo hclteve tl.ere l u Out-use caused
1 by a dtsorik-icl toiuach it wul n,.l speedily cure.
i Physicians endorso and Uso it!
j MiuUters give testimony of its efficacy.
Ami from all utrcctioi.s we receive tidings of cures -
j It is tare to cure.
One wilieure.
It lis cured ill hUii.'u is vl cases
It stops in Ituity minutes.
It conccls st once.
It stops ilioiledlaiely.
One dose will remove.
Rapidly )ielJs to a few doses.
Will Ue changed with half a bottle.
Its UNPRECEDENTED Sl'CCESS is owing to the
fact thut
It Ciirft) 1y AKHUllnff alnrs
Neatly every dealer in the United Suites sells it al
C 0. CLARK & CO., Proprietors,
A pi il Io, lei?. lv