Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 08, 1868, Image 3

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    Ctjc -jSnnbutg American.
N. B. KNOUtl, ( Publishers.
' " ' ' " ' ' . . . .g
sunmntY, PA.
FiT -- - ' 1 V
JLoral Affairs.
Raw We have hid three or four refreshing
rains the put ink, whloh has greatly revlvod vege
tation. .
Tanaa regular markets bar been established in
Danville, with market day. en Tuesday., Thursday
nod Saturday, before 10 o'clock, A. M.
Stivmo Bntca are telling Books and Sta
tionary at lower than ordinary prloes, and good
glassware and knlve. and fork! at wholMale prioei.
Iroh Fkciiio. We observed soma very lino cart
Iron fencing at the Foundry of Mr. Jaoob Youngmsn.
The design i neat, and the workmaniliip can't be
Tot new mail route which was reoently estab
lished between Herndon, thli eouoty, and dingers
town, Bohuylklll oounty, faaa boon extended to Zlm
mermanstown, In Sohuylkill oounly.
DlKKtB. A dinner Tor the benefit or the Zlon'e
Churoh Union Sunday School will be givon in
MarU'i gTova, near the Stone Churoh, in Lower
Augusta township, on Saturday, 15th inst.
Icc-Crbam Festival. The ladles of the Gorman
Reformed Churoh have been holding an ioe-croain
Festival In the hall or the Court House during the
evenings of this week. Wa learn that thoy havo
been very successful.
Scsdat School Cslibration. A colouration ty
the Onion Sunday School of Lower Augusta town
ship will be held at the Seven Corners, on Saturday,
29th inst All persons favorable to the cause are
invited to attend..
Tub Republican primary elections in tho counties
of Dauphin and Snyder take place on Saturday,
August 15th. The County Convention in Snyder
county takes plnco on Monday, August 17th, and in
Dauphin on Tuosday, 18th.
Tax parade of the United American Mechanics,
at Milton, on the 25lh ult., was a success. Councils
from Northumberland, Danville, Bloomsburg, Jer
sey Shore and Williamsport, with delegations from
other Councils, were present.
TJion Prices. The eity papers oomplain of the
high prices demanded by the retailers of fruit and
vegetables. Tho evil is not confined to the eity
Blone. The same complaint is made bora and else
where. Somebody must be reaping the profits.
ThS Court in session the past week has been con
fined, almost exclusively, to criminal proceedings.
Much of this is confined to private quarrels. In
several cases the jury divided ihe costs between the
parties. This may rondcr them more cautious here
nftor. Tat Rivir Bank. Tho Borough Council, on
Tuesday last, allotted the work of repairing tho
river bank, from the Shamokin Valley Railroad to
the south side of Spruce stroet, to Dr. J. B. Masscr.
Y7e learn that the improvement will be pushed
ahead rapidly.
nmiavLVAXiA Stats Equal Rights Leaoc.
Tho annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Etato
Equal Rights League will bo held in Doebler's hall,
Williamsport, on Tuesday, August 11th, at 10 o'clock
in the morning. The different railroad companios
will Issue excursion tickets or give return tickots
free to persons attending.
I'xw and fresh goods are constantly arriving at
Moore A Disinjer'B storo, whero overybody is buy
ing cheap. They have tho latest styles of liry
goods, and are obliged to roplouish their stock daily,
owing to the many and rapid soles thoy make.
Their groceries are fresh, something that every one
should look for when buying.
PostBurixo and Rail Pointing Maciiine.
We reforred, some months cinne, to an excellent
machine of this character, invented by John A. Sny
der, of Lowor Mohonoy. One of these machines was
in operation in tho public square last Monday. It
bored five mnrtisos.of threo holes seven posts,
in five minutes. The rails are sawed to a point noarly
us fast.
SiiERiFr'seALeao' Rial Estate. On Satur
day last Sheriff Beckley sold four lots of ground in
Cake's Addition, together with a large two-story
frame hotel, brcwory, ton-pin alley, 4c, property
of Charles Itxcl. to C A. Reimensnyder, for .1,000.
On tho same day the Sheriff sold a lot of ground in
Mt. Carmel borough, on which is erected a largo
two-story frame house, property of Patrick Donahoe
nnd ThilipS. Vanhorn, to Ueorge Schall, for $1,800. j
Casit Meeting. A camp mooting has been in
progress Ihe present week, on the grounds of Mr.
ieorgc Zimmerman, in Upper Augusta township,
about four miles east of this place. It commenced
on Saturday last, and will continue all week. On
Sunday a large number of persons were present from
Sunbury, Sbamokin, Danville, and other places. An
extra train was run on the Shamokin Valley road,
from Shamokin to the camp ground, to accommo
date those who wished to visit the meeting.
Good Templars. At the installation ofoffioersof
Sunbury Lodge No. 134, I. O. of G. T., held on
Monday evening last, the following officers wore duly
installed : O. O. Miller, W. C T. J Mary A. Brice,
W. V. T. ; J. Wm. Johns, W. S. ; Libbie Wells,
W. A. 8. ; Dr. J. K. Cressinger, W. F. S. ; Martha
Eislcy, W. T. ; J. P. Roberta, W. C; D.Koch,
W. M. ; Kate Strob, W. D. M. ; Kate Weaver,
V. R. 8. ; Kate Morton, W. L. 8. ; David Attick,
P. W. C T. ; Anna Wells, W. I. O. ; Chas. Man
lier, W. 0. u.
St sqi iBAaxA Convention or Good Templars.
The Susquehanna Convention of Good Templars
will bold their quarterly session In Sunbury, com
mencing on Wednesday morning, 12th inst., and
lusting throughout two days. It is expected that a
largo number of delegate! will be present. On the
evening of the 12th, S. B. Cbase, G. W. C T., of
Great Bend, Pa., will deliver an addresa on the
cause of temperance. lie it on of the leading tem
perance men of the country. The place of holding
the meeting will be announced on Sunday.
Bi-rularv. Dr. Joseph Eyster's store, on Market
ttreet, was broken into on Friday night ol last week
and about $20, the contents of the till, stolen. The
burglars efTuctcd an entrance by prying off the shut
ter or the glass door, and then reached through a
hole in tbe glast and unlocked It, the key having
been left on the inside of the door. The money
drawer wot tound, next morning, in front of Bar
tholomew's ebire, on Fourth ttreet, where it had
been thrown by the burglars. Two rather suspicious
looking characters wore in the store during the day,
endeavoring to tell tome trinkeU, and they are un
doubtedly the rasoals that committed tbe burglary.
Two large carpenter's chisels, which were used in
prying off tbe shutter, were left in the ttore room by
tbe robbers, whioh the Doolor exhibits as trophies
of the "unpleasantness."
Korthcuderland Cobstt Agricultural So
nxTT A meoting of the Northumberland County
Agricultural Society was held at the Court House, in
this plaie, on Monday last. The meeting wat oalled
to order by Wn. C. Lawson, Esq., and Thomas Barr
chosen Secretary pro torn. At the election of offi
cers for the ensuing year, Robert Montgomery wat
chosen President; Wm. C. Lawson and J. P. Arm
strong, Vioe Presidents ; Thomas Barr, Secretary ;
John F. Wolfinger, Corresponding Secretary ; and
Wm. Savidge, Treasurer. Turbutville wat selected
at the place for holding the next annual exhibition.
Before adjournment tbe President appointed the fol
lowing Executive Committee : Amos E. Kapp, D. F.
Drieebaob, Jamet P. Armstrong, John M. Fray, John
McCormick, John MoFarland, David Dieffeubaobtr
nd Pr Jamet MoCleery.
Cottar Procerbinoi. The August tern of Court
eommenced in this place on Monday last, hit Honor,
JndgeJordan, presiding, assisted by Associates Bblp
man and Beldeltpach. The following It a synopsis
of the proceedings :
John N. Blngaman filed petition in Insolvency.
Jordan Township petition filed to compel School
Directors to enforce school system.
Jaoob Woemer filed petition In insolvenoy.
Jonas Eistnhart filed petltldn in Insolvency.
Com. vs Eliat Williams For. and bat. True
bill. . Sarah Palm, prosecutrix. Verdict guilty.
Usual lentenco
Com. va Geo. Manti. For. and bas. True bill.
Catharine Krone, prosecutrix.
Com. vs Anron B. Koont. Fot. and bas. Amelia
Wertman, prosecutrix. True bill. Settled.
Com. vi Daniel Williams, Elisabeth Williams and
Savllla Appling. Open and notoriout lewdness.
True bill. Verdlot, not guilty.
Com. vt Deoatur Young. Larcenry. Isaao Mof
rett, prosecutor. True bill. Defendant found guilty.
Com. vi Henry Morris Rhodes. For. and bas.
Catbarino Reedor, prosecutrix. Bound over for his
appearance at next court.
Com. vs C. F. Little and John B. Ifawlcy False
arrest. No bill, and prosecutor, James (juiun, lo
pay the costs. Sentence by the Court.
James Troutman filed petition in insolvency.
B. S. Bartly, Jr., Esq., was sworn and admitted
to practioe In the several courts of the oounly.
Edward B. McCorralok was tworn and admitted
to practioe in tbe soveral oourtt of the county.
Com. vs Daniel Stabler. Assault and battery,
Emetine Stabler, prosecutrix. No bill, and prosecu
trix to pay the ooits.
Com. vi Ueorge W. Freed. For. and bas., Carrie
Fetterolf, prosecutrix. Defendant was bound over
for his appearance at next oourt. , .;
Com. vs. George W. Freed. For. and bas., L'ine
line Mott, prosecutrix. Defendant was bouud over
for his appearance at noxt court.
Com. vs John S. Shade and Chas. Winter. Lar
ceny. No bill. Jacob K. Fisher, prosecutor.
Com. vs Joseph Conrew. Assault and battery.
True bill. Robert Hutchinson, prosecutor.
Com. vs J. Ramsey. Mlsdomosnor in office. Ro
cognisance o( defendant and bail forfeited, and res
pited until next term.
Com. vt Samuel Coaly. Adultery. D. Conrad,
prosecutor, for Harriet E. Conrad. Defendant was
found guilty, and was sentenoed to pay a fine of $50
and imprisonment in county jail for four calendar
Com. vs Nicholas Philip. Assault and battery.
Bill ignored.
Com. vs Mary Haines. Assault and battery, Mary
A. Tabis, prosecutrix. No bill. County to pay the
Com. vs Henry B. Messina and Augustus n.
Khoads. Maliciously killing a bog. Ueo. Taylor,
prosecutor. True bill. Nolle prosequi cntored as
to Rhoads. Verdict not guilty, but to pay all the
Com vs Joseph Bucbncr. Assault aud battery.
Rcoognizance of defendant and bail forfeited.
Com. vs Joseph Conrad. Assault and battery.
Silas Kramer, prosecutor. Defendant was found
guilty, and was sentenoed to pay a fine of $30 and
costs of prosecution.
Com. vs Joseph Richardson. Assault and battery.
Frederick Coble, prosecutor. Recognizance of de
fendant and bail forfeited.
Com. vs (1 cor go Coble, Simon Coble and William
Coble Maliciously breaking window glass, Ac.
Joseph Richardson, prosecutor. No bill. Proscou-
tor to pay costs.
Com. vs Mary A. Tilvin. Surety of the peaco.
Mary Haines, prosecutrix. Caso dismissed, and
prosecutrix to pay costs.
Com. vs Lucy Haines. Surety of tho peace.
Alary Tilvin, prosecutrix. Care dismissed and pros,
ecutrlx to pay costs.
Com. vs Perry Haas. Torturing animals. True
bill. Verdict, defendant not guilty, but lo pay one.
half the costs, and Joseph Welker, prosecutor, the
other half.
Com. vs Peter Crossineor. Malicious mischief.
No bill, and prosecutrix, Elita Brown, for costs.
Com. vs D. 1. Oyster. For. and has. Laviua
HaiiKonbucb, prosecutrix. True bill. Defendant
gave bail for his appearance at next court.
Com. vs Andrew Saxon. Surety of the peace.
ueorge Iloey. prosecutor. Caso dismissed.
Com. vs Andrew Saxon. Keeping n disorderly
house. Ruth Iloey, prosecutrix. No bill, and pros,
ecutrlx to pay tbe costs.
Com. vs Andrew Suxon. Misdemeanor. No bill.
Prosecutrix, Ruth Hoey, to pay the costs.
Com. vs Jesse Barnbart. aiurcty of tho pcaco.
Defendant was scntencod to pay costs and give bail
for his good behavior.
Coin, vs Henry lloXutt, Surety of the jieace.
Isaao FUhor, prosecutor. Recognizance forfeited.
Com. vt Philip Scovcl. Refusing to support hit
wife. Recognizance forfeited.
Com. vs I. II. Rossler. Nuisance. True bill.
Verdict not guilty, but to pay one-half of the costs.
Prosecutor, Klias Dockey, to pay the other half.
Com. vs Frederick Hcintc. Horse stealing.
Defendant plead guilty and submitted. He was
sentenced to pay a fine of $5, costs of prosecution,
and undergo imprisonment for tbreo years in tbe
Eastern Penitentiary.
Com. vs Aaron Lane. Attempting to shoot a man.
No bill. Ephraim Foulk, prosecutor, to pay costs.
m B
Arrekti. On Suuday a man named Peter Har
mon, a foreigner, who arrived here with a train load
of emigrants, wot arrested by Constables Pursol and
ilrosious. He was charged with threatening to kill
one Anton Monig, a fellow emigrant The prosecu
tor also alleged that some forty watches had been
stolen from the emigrants, and believed tho prisoner
to be the thief, and also stated that be believed him
to be an Impostor, who had got among them for the
purpose of robbing tbem. Justice Beard committed
him for a bearing on Monday morning, but the pro
secutor having left town early in the morning, the
prisonor wat discharged.
On Saturday, G. H. Egar, who bos beon carrying
on tbe auction business in the storeroom of Ira T.
Clement, in this plaoe, during the past two or three
weeks, wat arrested on complaint of John W. Fri
ling, who charged him with lolling goods without
a license. He gave bail to the amount of $100, and
will be tried by tbe Court tbil week. On the pre
vious Thursday Geo. W. Gratton, a partner of Egar,
was arrested on tbe tame charge. Ho wat commit
ted in default of $100 bail by Justioe Beard. He
afterwards gave bail before Judge Jordan, and was
released from prison. He will also be tried by the
Court now ia session.
On Tuesday last, a mi named George Batsman
was committod to jail at tbil plaoe, on oath of Lewis
L. Thompson, charging him with larceny. Tbe
theft wot committed at Northumberland, and the
prisoner taken before Esquire Dieffonderfor, or that
placo, who committod him In default of bail. He
was brought here by Constable Johnson. lie will be
tried by tbe Court this week.
A German, named Frederiok ileinti, was commit
ted to jail on Tuesday. He wasehargcd.on oath of
J. A. I bier, or Mt. Carmel, with stealing a horse
from him. Ueinti was arrested at Tremont, Sobayl
kill county, on the 23d ult., and put in prison at
Pottsville, and on Tuesday arrived here in charge of
a policeman. The prisoner, who it a young man,
wat immediately taken before the Court, on tbe day
of bis arrival, and plead guilty. Ho wai sentenoed
to imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for
three years.
FiEHDiia Attempt to Murder. On the 25th
ult., as an exouraioa train from Catawiasa wat re
turning from Milton, it wai fired into by tome vil
lain itanding sear the railroad, between Mausdale
and Danville. A bullet entered the aid of the ear,
ihivering the tiding and frightening the passengers.
A lady passenger made a narrow escape, sitting close
where the ball took effect. The oar wat filled with
passengers who had beea ia attendance at the Ame
rican Mechanics' oelebration, at Milton.
Bit roa Cbewbri. Ao eminent physician as
serts that be bas traced til eases of lead eolio and
1 paralysli to tbe consumption of tobaooo that bad
been kept in leaded boxei. Another chemist ha
' found that when the weed U wrapped in the this
1 sheet-lead, falsely oalled tin-foil, it beeome impreg
' aated, ia course of time, with atetate of lead. -
novrorea at WaMoirfowit. The Afiltenion, of
Friday last, lays : Al we go to press we learn from
a gentleman Who has just eome dowa the river from
Watientowa, that Amot Skoytor waa instantly killed
by a blow received from a man to whom he presented
a bill, and threatened to "take it out In his blood."
The indignant man, whose nam we eould not learn,
In a beat of uncontrollable passion, drew back and
truek his opponent a powerful blow with his fist,
which took effect on the left temple. Skeytor drop
ped like a bullock to the ground, and after a few
brief struggle!, expired. The murderer then quiet
ly walked away. He elalmed that he wai justified
In the deed, atd expressed no regrets for what he
had done, aaylng that ha had been provoked beyond
endurunoo. The decooiod waa of a numerous fami
ly, and hit tragic death will be mourned by a large
oirole of friends. He was rash and impetuous and
to this fact owes bis horrible death. We eould net
learn his age. The murderer was, at last accounti,
till at large, no attempt having been made by tbe
authorities to accuro bis arrest.
New Railroad. We are glad to learn that a
number of oapitalists have undertaken to build the
Danville, Uazleton and Wilkosbarre Railroad, and
that the work will at once be pushed to completion.
This will be one or the most valuable links in the
State, as well as a local advantage. Much is due to
the energy or S. P. Kase, the President or the com
pany, for his untiring efforts to advance this great
enterprise. We therefore rejoice in the prospect of
soon having a good road along this branch of the
river. Tho Lackawanna is nearly played out. Tbe
road is very much worn and out of repair, but there
is a good time coming, when we van go up or down
on the other side of tho river, with comfort and
safety Dant ilU Amrrimit.
Reuistkreii Letters. Soma of our readers may
nut be aware that a now system of registering lettors
has been in operation sinco the first of June. Under
the new system registered letters are a very safe
means or tending small sums or money where post
office money orders cannot easily be obtained. The
registry fee, as well as postago, must be paid In
stamps at the office where Ibe letter is mailed, or it
will be liable to be sent to the dead lcttor office
Buy and affix the stamps, both for postage and reg
istry, put in tho money and ical the lotter in the
presence or tho postmaster, and take his receipt
for it.
Ws loam that John H. Wright, Esq., of Snyder
county, who was announced as a candidate for Con
gress in this district, has withdrawn from the con
test, owing to ill henlth. This leaves the field opon
to John B. rack or, Esq., of this county, John J.
Patterson, Esq., cf Juniata, and Hon. Geo. F. Mil
ler, or Union. Northumberland county is entitled
to Ihe nomination, nnd she intends to be heard em
phatically on the subject. Miltoniun.
The Bankrupt Act. The olause or tbe not which
provided that no person should be discharged whose
estate would not pay fifty per cent, on the dollar,
and which took effect on the 1st of June last, bos
been further extended to the first of January next.
This gives Cve months more time for tbe application
of those who have no assets.
Editor's Table.
"Tub War Between the States, its Causes,
Character, Conduct and Results," by lion.
Alexander II. Stephens, is the title or a valuable
work just issued by tbe National Publishing Co.,
rniiadelpuia, fa.
Histories of tbe late civil war havo sprung up like
mushrooms, and they can now be numbered almost
by bundrods. This book presents a careful political
analysis of the past, separating real rrom apparent
causes of tho lute uuhappy coullict, and gives thoso
anterior lights and shadows of tbe great war, only
known to those high officers who watched the flood
tide of revolution from its fountain springs, and
which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his
position as second officer of the Confederacy.
To a public that bos been surfeited with appa
rently similar productions, it presents a change of
fare, both agreeable and salutary, and an intellec
tual treat of the highest ordor. The great American
war has found in Mr. Stephens a historian worthy of
Its importance, and at whose hands it receives that
moderate, candid and impartial treatmeut which
truth and jujlioe so urgently demand.
This most valuable work is sold only by subscrip
tion, and tbe publisher! want an agent in every
Men or Our Pat. A peculiar feature of Repub
lican sooicty is tho rapid advancement of men of
talent ami ability to positions of trust and responsi
bility. There are, at Ibis time, many men promi
nently before tbe Auiorican people whoso career is
but partially known. We read oajrerly Ibe words of
counsel and cheer they speak, and oaten glimpses
of their lives, only to wish for a more Ultimate
knowledge of their eharaoter, and thestepsby which
they havo attained their present position. Dr. L. P.
Urockett, tbe popular biographical editor of Apple
Ion's Cyclopedia, bas prepared oonoise and interest
ing biographies of some fifty or more of these men,
including all the more prominent Statesmen, Gene
rals, Financiers and Philanthropists or the country.
The work has just issued from the" press, and is a
model of the art of book making.
Tbe position and reputation of its author is a
guarantee of its strictand impartial accuracy. Tho
work is written in sol car, terse and interesting style.
and is interspersed with incidents and anecdotes
wherever they can illustrate the peculiarities or
cbarauter of the subject.
We copy some extracts from the press in various
parts of the country :
"Tbe sketches are written with great ability and
vigor ; there is no sameness, no dullness in tbem, but
tho diversity of the experience, and the numerous
aud thrilling incidents interspersed, give the book a
perpetual charm, wbicb must delight even the most
enuuyed readers.
"Tbe engravings are admirable, as indeed they
should be, being the best productions of such engra
vers as Sartain and Walters, and tbo typography
will show that Philadelphia printers have no cause
to fear tbe competition of Boston, CambridgeorNew
"No other work on thil subject yet published will
compare with this in the extent and completeness of
its sketches, or Ihe careful accuracy of its slatemenU.
The variety or tbe labor or the men whose work's
described in it, and the introduction of thrilling in
cidents, give it a charm which will cause every
reader to he interested and delighted with it. This
is one of the fuw works tbat we oan unhesitatingly
endorse. In the beauty of its typography, and tbe
excellence of its engravings, it is a model."
The work is sold only by oanvassors, and intelli
gent men and women are wanted in every county,
to whom the most liberal inducements are offered.
3f'.IoU Printing: Having reoeived a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various now
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, oan be printed in
the latest and best styles, and nr. short cotlce.
Ordors by mail promptly attended to.
A Fact. The finest assortment of Hats and Caps
in Sunbury or vicinity will be found at 8. Fautt't,
in Market Square. Hit s'oek includot every ttylo
and quality, at remarkably low prices. Faust is
determined on "quick saler and small profits."
"Talking Matcbbi" lire about being made
among some or the women or Boston. There are a
great many "talking matches" in this section, in
which the principal tubjeoti or disoussion are tbe
superior Boots and Shoes at Miller's Excelsior Store,
Market Square, and the unusual inducements offered
for buying there.
The political canvas now opening does not retard
the steady custom at Beck's tailoring establishment,
on Fourth street. His fashionable coats, vests, pant
aloons, Ao., continue to be in great demand. It is
really astonishing to learn the amount of clothing
Bock sells.
Decidedly the best place in Sunbury to get
"filed up" is at Bhaeffor's tailoring establishment,
in Market Square. Bbaoffor's surta are especially
admired, while bit prices are to low that any oue
ean make himself look "neat, but not gaudy," for a
small sum. Every on should give SbaeSer a oall.
Coa't Cocoa Baliam. The great popular Reme
dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cougb, and
Consumption. Both tises ordinary to., also mam
moth family bottle for sal by all druggists and
dealer! in medtolnei. No family should be over
night without it ia th house.
Coa'l Dtipefsu Curb Will immediately r
liov and permanently eur th most aggravated
eat of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con
itipation, and all die eases of th Stomach and Bow
els. Physicians, elergjmea and all who as It, Join
ia unbounded prait of its great virtues. Sold by
Druggist everywhere. FricellOO.
In Northumberland, ns fha ffd inst.. hv Rev.
Aaron Porter, Mr. William L. Hma, of Northum
bertnnd, and Miss Mart Fhilifs, of Shamokin.
uiiu nv m iHUETn.
Correoted Weekly for the "Amerloan."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do de di
$1.1 00
A 50
10 00
6 00
2 25
a Di '
per bid.
Wheat, prime red, old.
" " " new.
per ew.
per bushel,
" ii
2 20
Dried Peaches, pared
do do unpared
per pound
Dried Apples,
lriod Cherries, (unstoned.) per bn.
per pound.
Beef, hind quarter,
" front "
per dnsen,
per pound,
per pair
Kliimiokln Ton I Trade
Sbamokin, Aug. 4. 1803.
Ton. Cwt
Sent for wenk ending Aug. 1,
Pur last Report,
8.!7 04
231,099 It
270.075 15
285,077 07
15,901 12
To same time last year,
Special NJ"oti(t3.
Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated
with tho utmost succoss by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul
ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No.
805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from
the most reliable sources in city and country can be
seen at his office. The Medical faculty aro invited
to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in
his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with
out pain. No oharge for examination. nov.30-ly.
4Jiiil lo Jlni-rlnfjc Young Men'sKluide
to liuppv Marriaire and Conjugal Folioitv. The hu-
mano viows of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors
and Abuses Incident to outli nnd tarty Manhood,
sent In sealed letter envelopes, tree ot charge. Ad
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , 1'hiladel
phia, Pa.
une 13, 180H. ly.
Physician who had Consumption for sevoral years.
with frequent bleeding of Ihe lungs, cured himself
witn a medicine unknown to the prolesslon, wnen nis
oase appeared nnpeioss. lie Is the only physician
who has used it in his own person, or who has any
knowlcdso of its virtues : and he can ascribe the do
(tree of health bo now eniovs to nothing but the
use of his rnidicine; and nothing but utter despair
and entire extinction of all hope of rccovory, to
gother with a want of confidence in an others, indue
him to hazard the experiment. To those sutler,
ing with anv disease of tho Lungs he proffers a treat
mont ho confidently believes will eradicate tho
disease. Price $1 50 per bottlo or $3 a half dozen,
sent by express, bend tor a circular or cnli on
Dr. K. Buvlmton Jackson,
No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia
May 30, 186S ly
.? pitii'i:
004 Market Mtreot,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For mnnv Team this Establishment has done busl-
oow on the One Price 8y:em, and we beliore we
are the only Clothing Houe in tho city that strictly
ndheres to this principle. We havo earned a repu
tation which we are proud of, for good tafto in sp! cot
good ntyle and BubntantiaL materials, and Dot leas
important, Tor Having an our goods
We employ the be.t tulcnt, fur Cutters, aud our
tioodt are of both kinds fashionnble and plain-
so that all tastes can be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought muct
see, or otherwise we coulJ not meet (ho competition
of our nctfihbors. for n no deductions are ever made.
we must put our prices dowu to tho advantages we
The people mny dopen1, this is the true plan upon
which to do buined?, uud tunnva dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
tioi Mtirkot Street, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth.
April 4, 18C3. ly
J led. wlmpe ftuffcriiMEa liav Ix-en protracted (una hid
tleii cauirg.atiu whae ruse lemure piomnt tiuatmem v
rondei existruce dcRirulde. If yu me utTering or huve
u Iff red fi.)in mvoluiituiy iliinhitrgfi. what elfctit doei II
priMlure uixiii V'Mir t!tm-itil health ! D you fVel weak
drbihUleii, raiily tired ? D'H a little extr exertion pro
duce iuil:itiiti"ii of the henri ? Does ynur liver, or urinuiy
orpins, tir yotir kidney , I'rtniueiitly ett out of order f li
your urine giniipiimfai iliick , milky, or ti'veky, or u il ropy
on witling 1 Or duel a thick st-uiu riae to the top? Or 11 u
ftfdiinent at ttoe Itottoni after it hut stood u while? Do you
have spells of short l.ientliine or d)ipepiHr Are youi
howelc coiutiimtetl f Do you luive pellMol faint nig n
riishe of hlood to the lieitd ? If your memory inintitted
Is yotir mind constantly dvvelhtnr, upon this subject t Do you
fed dull. lintleM. looiiinc. tired of comnanu, ol life Do you
wish to Ik- left alone, to gt away from everybody ? !oe
ny little llnnn ninke you suirt or jump? U your sleep
InokiMi or restless ? In the lustre of your eyes us Uullianl :
The I doom ou your cheek as bright Do you enjoy your
elf in society as well ! Do you pursue your biisiueM with
the nine eneirv t Do vou feel aa much couhdeuoe in your
self ? Are your pints dull mid fluBgiug, given to tin of
melancholy 11 so, jo in my n 10 your liver or uyapepna.
Huve voti rustless nishta f Your back weak, your knee
A' en k, and huve but little appetite, and you uunbule this
to oyspepiia or iiver-pon.piaim r
Now, render, aelf abuse, venereal diseases badly cured,
and sexual excesses, are all cupatne ol producing; a weak'
ncss of the tienerativt) oruaus Ihe urirans ot (reiteration,
when in perfect health, make the num. Did you ever
tin iik that thoae Md. defiant, rHergetic, perse verinir, suc
cessful business-me it are always those wlmie sjeueralive
orsam are in perfect health? inu never hear such men
cmiiplnin of being meluncholv, of .nervousness, of iulpita
lion of the heart They are never afraid they cannot sue-
ceed in business ; they dim I become sau nnd discouraged
tlirvare always oolite and pleasant in the company of la
dies, end look you ami them rmlil m the face non of your
downcast looks or any other mean new alout them. 1 do
not mean those, who kep the organs in named by running
to excess. Tiieae will not only rui.i their constitutions
but also t hi taut ihev do busillCH With or for.
Hour inaiiv men from badlv -cured diseases, from the
eftccu of self-abuse and excesses, have binughl about that
state of weakness in those organs thut lias reduced the
general system so much us to induce utmost every other
tliBKiauiili.!f v luiauev. narulvsm. soinal a (Tec! ions, suioide.
and almost every other form of disease which humanity is
heir to, and the real cause w me trotmie ararceiy ever sua'
nected. and have doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases of these organs rrnuire the use of a diuretic.
Diuretic, and ia a certain eure for diseases of the Bladder
Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Femae
Coinnbiiiita. iieiteral UebihtV. Slid all diseuaes of Ihe Uri
nary Urgiins, whether exivting ill Male or Female, fr(n
whatever cause originating and no matter of how long
If no ixittliiient is submitted to. Consumption or Insnnity
may ensue. Our urah ami blond art eunnoited from these
tourer., and the hmll'i and hunpiiKsa, ana inai 01 rosieruy,
finiirii umiii nrninnt uh of a reliable remedy.
llelmtmlU's Kltract Itucliu, rsuMished upwards of 16
yirs. ireireil by H. T., uruggiH,
S'.H Ilroodwny, New York, nnd
inj o...itli inth HtiHt. Pliiuulelnhia. Pa.
rain per bottle, ore bottles for SS.AU, delivered
tti any anilreis. soiu uy.nwnii!i"wwj""i,
il sieel-enntHVed wrapper, with Cue-simile of my Client
..a. W.bou, end signeu UKlM0LD
July 1f.
Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn
ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and
.i u.t Til V ..f .11 LlnJ. Alu
Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all
Orders are respectfully solicited.
Paxinos. Norlh'd. Co.
N. B. Insuraaees taken in several of th
moat responsible r ire lusuranc una iiorse iseteouv
.Oinpanies m iu ciate.
July J8i-r7
Arch 8t.,brlwrcB 3d amd-llk, vloa
lo the Public School lloeiae,
of th bost Pattern!.
Ei( salterns, th Duett in th Stat
Parsons wishing to buy stoves, ean purchase them
cheaper at this ettabluhueat than any where els ia
ia piae.
Joseph Eysler,
Corner of Market ami Fourth Stroet,
nviina the rubllo to call and examine his elegant
assortment of
inch as Table Mnons, Domestics, Doylies, Towels,
nil Domestics of every dosorirtion at the very low
est price.
Iks, Delaines. Lawns, Uintrhams, Oalicnes. Muslin,
Nh eel in (f, Tickings, Jenns, and a full assortment of
otton and woolen (tmxU Rcncrally.
Ifoslerv. Gloves. Iloon Skirts. Also llnndkcroliiufi,
Brushes, Oomhs.
llntM nnl Cnps, llools iiti1 Nltor,
His assortment of goods will not, he Is sure fnil lo
please the fnncy and suit the wants of any desirous
of purohssinir. II i stock of
Groceries is lnrie In ntmiitity and clinlre In
Mumuy, comprising fccnornlly everything Deeded in
Inn household etthor for use or ornament.
i ? i ,wy ready and (rlad to see his friends
anil takes pleasure in showing them his (roods even
.U..HU , nro , li0 mily ,, ft Cl, nnll
is sure that tho stork will comporo favorably. in
pnoe and quality with thechenT.est.
Sunbury, June. 20, ISM.
THOMAS G-.'lTCT?."""
JJAJ? just reoeived alnrgoand woll-snlcctcd slock
consisting of tbo finest
ever forouifht to Sunbury, and which ho imuni., i
sell cheaper Ihsn the chijnpcst. llnvinn the services
of skillful tailors, he guarantees a good lit in every
instance inferior to none outside ot the cities.
Everything from my establielitucDt will be guar
anteed as represented.
Sunbury, May 0th. J 868 tf
GREEN." The most entcrtainins book tub.
lished, abounding in Rotnnncc, lluninr nnd Wit.
Aeents ssv It Is the best solline book nut, as pct'le
are tired of the repetition of dry dcttiils and eriny
one AjrcniBoiu oh in uno ti cck.
(. , it y2 " "
" ' " 182 Ten Dayi.
I.lbornl Terms to Agents, fend for Circulnr.
Also, Family Quarto Bibles. Best rditinn pub
lished. Wm. Flint, l'ublishur, 2f South Tth street,
I'hilndclphia, IVnn'a. jyl I It
oi'Exrso of HiMiricn styles.
Miss Louisa Shissler's,
Ladies' and Missos' HATS and EOXNTS,
in iinnjenso variety.
.vllllnoi'y 4ool nntl 'I'l-iiitinlngN.
French and Americnn Ribbons, l.noes. Handker
chiefs, Gloves. Uosiry, and a general assortment of
Ladies Millinery Goods, which unvo been selected
with great care.
(jiriitM Collar, IMuekti-rs 4lov c, Vo.
Every varictv will be found to solcct from, at
Sunbury, May 30, 1868.
.ollcc toTrcitiiiiafiri'i.
NOTICE is hereby given, tlint no porson or per
sons will be allowed to trespass on tho proper
ty of the undersigned, in Lower Mnhonoy township,
iNormunioerianu oounty, tor tne purpose oi picKin
Berries, Fruit, Ac, or to enter into any enclosure
without permission, as the law will be enforce!
against all offenders.
Lower Mnhonoy twp., June 20, 18f:v 4in
Manhood t How ImskI, How !
Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver-
well s Celchrnted Keany on tho rndiciil cure
(without medicine) of SpermntoiTlio'tt, or
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal
Losses, iuiotoncv. Mental nnd Physical IncnpHuily,
Impodiincuut to Marriiigo, etc.; ul?o. Consumption,
Epilepsy, und Fits, inducod by self-indulgence or
scxunl vxtrnvngnnce.
LTriee, n a sealod envelope, only 0 cents.
The celebrated author, iu this aduiirnMo cfsay.
clearly demonstrates from n thirty years' successful
practico, that the nhirmin consequences of self
abuse mny bo radically eurcd without the diingorous
use ol intermit uieutcine or the application ol me
knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at onco simple,
certain, und cncctuul, by means of which every suf
ferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may
cure himself cheaply, privatoly, and radically.
I V"Iuis Lecture should bo in the hands ol every
youtb and every man in the land.
front, under seal, tn a plum envelope, to any ad
dress, postpaid, on receipt of six ecuts, or two post
stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell'. "Mnrringo Guide,"
price lo cents. Address the Publirhor.
127 Bowerv, New York, Fost-Otiico Box 4,i:8.
.Tulyj, 1868. y
T) V VT7 AGENTS WANTED, to solicitor
I J J J 1 ar for Dr. William Smith's
Smith's own hand. In oue large Octave volume,
illustrated with over 12i steel aud wood engravings.
Agonts and subscribers Boo tbat you get the gen
uine edition by Dr. Smith.
The Springfifit Republican says, this edition
published by Messrs. Burr A Co., is the genuine
The CuHsrfsjationalist says, whoever wishes'lo
get, in the cheapest form, tbe best Dictionary ot the
ilible should buy this.
Agonts are meeting with unparalleled success.
We employ nouoneral Agonts, and oiler extrajin
ducements to Canvassers. Agents will seo the nd.
vautugo of dealing directly with the Pl'ItLISHERS
For descriptive circulars with full particulars and
terms, address the rumisners.
J. Li. 13 l'R 11 A CO., Hartford, Conn
Mny 30, 18T.8. :iin.
Wa. Farior.
. Kklson Pi uh
late of the Arm of Faraon i.Davis.hsvc opened ware
rooms at No. 228 South 2d ttroot, bolow Dock,
Where they keop a full assortment of
Ibeirold customers, and all persons wishing to
purchase, are invited to call aud eiamino thoir stock
betore purchasing elsewhere
Particular attention paid to packing. niyfl ly
Market Street, 0 doors west of Fourth St., south lido,
RESPECTFULLY informs tbe eitisens of Sunbury
and Merchants and dealers in this and adjoin
ing eounties, that he has just opened a largo ascurt
uieut of
of every variety, from the bost manufactories in the
country, which will be sold at WHOLESALE und
Dealers are invited to examine his stock before
purchasing in the city, ss they can saveiuunuyby
doing so.
Sunbury, May It, 18fl8. 6m
INFORM the publie that tbey have established a
MACHINE SHOP, in eonueotion with their
FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves with
New Lathes, Planing and Boring Maehiues, with the
latest improvements. With the aid of skilllul me
chanics, they are enabled to execute ull orders of
New Wark or It-pta.ii-Iuif,
that may be given tbem, in a tatisfaotory manner.
Having enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry, they
are ready to execute all kinds of CASTlNUs.
ltruaa t'uailnu
The PLOWS, alreadv selebrated for thoir superi
ority, have been still further Improved, aud will al
ways be kept on hand.
Sunbury, June 13, 10(18.
WllElllt ean I get the Ud. picture Why at
Hverlv'a. of course. Alwayt goto Byerly
and judge for yourself.
Mnt lcct Ktjunre, KUrVltT ItY,
Hns just opened a fresh tud full assortment or
Drugs and Medicines,
?r"'tll;"n"'neiI.,n.pU,L,.T "ai r"''"os, and Kept eon.
stantly on hand. My stock will alwirs bo found
complete in every article of merit in ModMuo
Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt
ncss and attention to orders. r f
My itook it unusually large and embraces every,
thing that ean bo found on a first class Toilut Table,
Including American and genuine French ami Ki.j
lif-h h
V Vt n F U M E II Y ,
Pomades, Ilnir Oil, Ivory, llulta Perelin
Wood and Horn Comb, Toilet Soaps, Huir.
Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paiut Dru.'lics, Ac.
I'll t rut iTI'iIf Iim'..
Embracing all Ihe inosl popular Preparations of Ihe
day, at manufacturers' prices.
Pure lluvann MM AlCS and CHEWINU TOBACCO.
of the lirst Brands.
iainl!, HI, lno, ilai, I'm ty.
YtiriiiMlicN. V-.
All my Tinctures, Syrups, Oititiuonls, ('orates, mid
oilier pri-piiriit tons tuo iiiantifacturoil by niynelf. nud
from the best mnlei in) I can procure in Market.
Having hud quite a number of years' experience in
Ih'uy mul Prfi riition !itinef,
both in Philadelphia and the country, and alnn the
advatitngo of tbo College of Pharmacy, I feel com.
that the l'livsit inns and puhlid mny favor lne with.
All my preparations . 1 have uliovo iifsei ted. are
made from the lnt rtiHterinl, and upon honor I
assert, they are of oflieial strenglh.
For incdicmal purposes, I keep on hand tho very
that 1 ean procure.
Before piuxbuMiig elsewhere, oall and convince
your own ininii.
Sunbury, May 111, Itf'iS.
LIGHT ! LKJirfT U(;ilT !
s. eivi:i:b.v,
fpiIE popular Photograper. has fitted up, in tho
X old Pot Oilioo building, three doors west of the
rullnm.l M...1, ... c .. ....
.-ijuaru. ono oi inu very oc.i Ky-
. ,...1., i.ninii )tl moMato, and is now prepared to
taku pictures of any kind, in all kinds of woathcr,
.j u iimo. Children taken almost, inatnntlv.
Lnng along the biibies-we aro now readv for them.
both grcatni.dEu.nII, see hi, new rooms, nnd ex-
FHAMKS nn.l FIlAMTVu ...
hand and mad. to w.,r. BHngy uTur
and have then Irnuie l eheanerib.n.SAx. ......
Cuino sco lor yourselves. Anything in tho
picture lino constantly on l.nml i,,,t,..,i , . ... .
d ono in all its branches ntid colored n do-ircd
Both out nnd indoor views taken nt rhort noti. o
and on ronsonablc terms. Sutii-faction irunrra.,t,.o.l
ns our motto is to please. All negulivus cnrefnlly
preserved. Heu.en.bcr tbo place nsk for S. BY Ull.
LY. Murkct S.j.inro.
.May 2:1, 'tlS.-ly.
M A It I K V ( 1 1 . II 1 1 .1
1 11 b subscribers bnving just erected and rutin
operation a Mill for tho manufacture of
offcrlhc highest market prico for FLAX SEED.
They have attached to their establishment a Chop
ping Mill, an. P fanners nnd others wanting train
chopped for feeding, can bo accommodated at tho
shortest notice. A uia' hina for chopping corn with
the cob is attached to the mill.
January 25. ISt'.S. ly
si'Ki.xj tec um: ms,
would call tbo attention of tho public, nnd her
custopicrs generally, to her largo uud now assort
ment of
I'ancj auU Isomeittic Iry 4i!ool.
Which consist of Poplins, Dulains, Chonsn, Allapac
ca, Crepes, tiicnadiins, Iron Barege.-, Lawu.'.
(iinbaui.-., Calicoes, Chintzes, to.,
M'l:il ool4.
Cambrics. Stoyi, Ornnd:-.-.. Victoria, Plaid Muslins
M .iraill ev. Pi'jue, I'rillinc, ians. .Mu-'in-'.
(blenchrd and uiiblenchci.) lable Liiun,
Napkin, iowels, Tablo Coci,
Bed Spreads. Ac.
(llovcs. Hosiery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts. Drcs Trim
mings, tin ariety.) Ladies and tients llandker
eniets, .ecR lies, una notions in varictv too .uno.-r.
ous to menlion. M. L. LAZARUS.
Sunbury, May 9, IS'.S.
J. V. 8'1'KVKXSON. A. N. JJlllC'E.
HAVE opened up a new and desirable stock of
Oo .dsiu llaupt s New Building, consisting in
part of n splendid variety of
Aiiivi-iciiii W iiK-ii)-,
Class-Wnre, Cutlery, Pictures,
Looking Glasses, &c, ite., &c.
Call and examine our stock. Our aim will bo to
please and sulisfyall who call.
HunburyApril IS, lSfis. 'Jm
i. i i:s r '!' i, i:s uv
Millinery Goods,
Slint yi, 1,. 4onl-ra bega leavo to nn
nouneetollio Ladies of Suubury and vieinitv, thnt
ho ha just opened a largo and varied stock of
Tho latest New York and Philadelphia styles of
Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em
broideries, Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps. Handker
chiefs, Scarfs, Oloves. Hosieries, nnd all kinds of
Fancy Notions, t-tmnped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume
ries. .S'oaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, Ma
tionery. Ac, ia.
Cull nnd examine lor yourselves. No IrouMo to
show goods
Sunbury, April 1 1 ISiW.
IIOOs'N .-M MIOI'.si.
Manufacturer of
IIOOlM, SIlOI'M 1111(1 lllt'-M,
Pleasants' lluilding, Market Square,
Ladies' Hoots, Shoes nnd Oalters of all descriptions
made to order on tho shorle-t notice and most rea
sonable terms. Having the best workmen employed,
we can assure tbe public that, if they will give us a
cull, tbey will bu taiislicd of the abuve facts. 11 K
PAI1UXO neatly dono with di'puU'h.
If your corns do hurt your feet,
Just call nud leave vour mea.-urp,
And we will mako your t-hoes or lloots,
That you will cull a treasure.
March M, 'fid. ly.
Suitable for Ihe
Market Sciuare. two doors Fust of tho old Hnnk
building. SUNBL'UY, Tcnu'a.,
HAS just opened a frwh assortment of the most
fiuliiunable Fancy Press Uoods flom the largest
etblUbiucnls in Philadelphia.
.110li(XI( 4.01!i,
Cloths, Sucriues Flannels. Flannels, Sheetings, Mus
tins, Ladies and Childrcns' HATS, Feathers, lUbbons,
!- 'f'rliuutiiiitM, i:niIroilrriPH,
Lace Veils, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Horiory
Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Kliptio Skirts, lloal
Ulaek Laee Shawls, and Ladies'
Uoods of every duscription.
Sun Umbrellas and Parosols.
Gents' Collars, Keok-ties, Hall-hose, llandker
chiets audUloves. .
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, llalr B J, LmK
Bunbury. May 30, 1S.
niiitk'TU V DtCALKKa' suDPliod with all kinds of
( j Stone Ware at less than Factory pilcM at Hi.r
r . 1 iaa anil Ir a I i'hl all
risbur. saving package.
breakage and freight, at
tho Mamiuotn More vi
il. x. run. i..
ALL and see inoe beautitui uira vag.s iu.
I . llarilwar store ut
w JH
DAVID x-ur
KEf.PECTFCT.f,Y tnrnnns Ibe riM.t1 of ,.!.
r bury aud vioinity, that ho will bake to il l'r
all kinds of
I'nheslor llallis, rorile, A.r.
I'amillns ire supplied trilh FIIE.11 BI'.UAD, Ta it
Holls, Husks, 'lea Huns, c , and a'sokopt on hand
mnnnfnotumd out ot tho I. el t.intnials.
All orders loft at hit Shop in Market Sqniu e, onn
door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery JSlnm, or
at Lis Biikury ou Sp.uca Street, bctivcei. Front and
Second streets, will meet with prompt attention.
PICNIC PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ice
Cream, Ac, at the shortest notice.
Orders are rcspc.'tfully solicited
Suiibuiy, Mny 2, IS1S
&- fP"l'' undersigned hm ing bought the
p y X entire rt0-U of Hujinger A lavlor,
woiiM inffinn tlte nubile ibst bet. 'io.w
ready lo do nil kinds of marble work ; bus on baud,
and makes to order nt short notice,
.lloiimiirnf nntl tlrn'..iniir-r,
of every stylo lo suit puruhasors.
Also, Cemetery P.ts with tlalvaniied pipe and ell
other fencing generally usod on Cemeteries.
John-A. Taylor wilfr-nutinue ill the ctnplu.vinent,
nt the old stand iu Market Sounrn, Siinhtirv. Pa.
May 2, 'M.Iy W. M. DAUiillhRTV
T1IK popular Millinery, south side of Maiket
Square. Sunbury. is dorirous of calling Ihu attention
of the publie and trado lo her unique and bandmuin
nisorluicnt of
just opened. On hnnd nnd lnado tn order, are tho
latest and mnM supcrn styles oi
liritltil, .tloiirnin mul rs l!oii-tir-lsi
il in") ISiiIm.
Also, a splendi.'. n.-sortiniulof
Flowers. Bonnet Frames. Veils, Collars, Ao.
Oentlemcn's Uoods. such as Hosiery, Hnndkor
chief, Neck-ties, Brushes nnd goods for tho toilet.
Also, a lino assortment of Perfumery, and all
goods usually kept in a well ftirnifhod establishment.
A call is only reouired to be convinced.
N. IS. Special attention i. directed to a fine lot
of Ln lies' Dress Caps and Head Dresses.
April IS, isr.8.
I'.xocntor'n .Xotis-c.
"VJOTICE is hereby given that lottors testamenla
ry, having boon granted to tho undersigned, on
the est'ato oftleorgeP. Puifor, late of Jackson town
ship. Northumberland county, Pa., doccasc l. All
persons indebted to said c.tatn nro requested to
mako iiutncMliatc payment, nnd those having cluims
to present llicul for i-ultloment.
Jackson twp., July i. lKftfl. 6t
o.'iHi.itt i ii- iai iti.s:
. 1 1 n r v'
ON EVr.ltY
BAL'till A SONS. Philadelphia.
Sole .'rliiiiiitiifliii'Prsi.
?a per 2,000 lbs.
f 30 per 2,000 lbs.
HAl 'Jll S CHK'Aiio liLOOD MAM KE.
$l0 per J.lilil pounds.
Tho abovo Manures arc f.iri.i be 1 in both l ag.', an I
hurrels, whichovvr vustuuiers prefer.
U'Tho P:igsarc uui! urn in weight lot) uiidf.
The nilention of I' is cpcially direi-ted to
tlio fact that the sources of Ihe Haw Mutriul of
whb'h I'.o .ti ive Manures are cuinposed, are so well
under control that wo can furnish tbem of strictly
uniform rpialil v und cundiiinn. and that they contain
a larger percentage of aininonia tliuu any other class
of uiaiifuctmcd niunures in the lu.n ki t.
i:.n;ii & si)NS,
20 S. IMawaro Avenue.
Coiner Lal.cA LasalUtts., Chiea'o.
be procured from dealers, iu any oT the priu.'ipul
tewns in the I'nitcd Mate's or liou.iniou o( Canada.
fold by
SMITH A tiENTHEll, .Sunbury.
Juno LI, ImIS. aug 07-ly
For a lacilieiao that will cute
IXKl.l I'.NA,
oi relieve
. s quick as
c-oXMi'.Mi'i'ivi: ttn;iP,
C O K ' 8
C O U (i II R A L S A 31
ovkii om; million hottlks
Imvebecn ami not a niuslc iucf:in'' ! nn liiiiun is
known. W hiivf.iii nnr (iomh'MKmi, any tjunntii ii t'ti
ttticatf, nine ol'tln'tn from
vli huve u-ril it in Hit-ir ptm'ticf, mul ('Vt'11 ll lM0 l'ru
cnnHcnce uver fvi'iy u'Uvr ci'ittpouiul.
rr does not dm v rr a cough,
but UMtSMNsi IT,
i ni l( enulAe the patient to exprrtr:ito freely. Two or
three il4st
Wll.L ISVARIAni.Y Crpu TlCKLtMl in thr Tmhout !
A h'llf hns nfii'ii emplt'trlv -"nretl the mt Siutf
horn Cough, mul vet. tliouh it i m sure ami ttpccUy in ifj
ftprTtifmn. n in pTiVi'tly ii:iiniIi'iD, Ik'Hh purely vli.ite.
It m very ii;reeil'le to the male, mid may he utliiiiiimteri-il
In rhiMreii i anv' ft'f.
In fufi of CUOUP we will uuurunirj a cure, il lukm in
8CIi Ml.
It ii williui th reuch ot oil, it being the chenpeil and be a
iiit-tlifino exliiut .
C. G. CLARK CO., Proprietor.,
April 1,1G? ly
O O 33 ' s
rpillS Cilll'.AT RK.MKDV l-Oll ALL DI3KASKS ot
1 the
it tl.e dispovvry of the invriitol of Cot's vattiAt-ts O'Uh
hVtlsaui. while i-xii'-i liiintinn lor l.isowi. liaan. llrurti.
t'ram.i m the Sionmcti lor Inn. wlutll 1i i1 before ytelilvd
to ii'ithln tml i-al Toloi iil.
TI.m ulo.oai tlai.y teflon 'ay firm va.ious parisol the
country cocouiusv us to Ik tt.?v therf is no lirai. rauseU
by a Jisotdi.ul atiauoi li it will noi s.M-eiiily cuio.
Physicians endorse and Use it!
Ministers give teatimouy of its efflcac-y.
Ami from nil directions we receive tidink. of vuirs per
funned. DvsrtrsiA!
It is sere lo cure.
UE.UtTUi rtN
One dose will curs.
r?ll-K HKAD.VCIli::
It lias cared ll. I.UI1 dceils -'f eases
HKAD.vciiK AXD hi''jxkss:
It stops it. titiily aiipules.
It cor.eets at once.
it stop, imincd.airty.
One dose will remove.
Rapidly yields lo a few dues..
Will be dunged with half a hotlle.
Its I'NfRECKDE.N TKD gt'CCESS is owiaf to the
It i'iirr ly ;tlHtiaa alni
Naailjr every rlMlr in tin l.'uiied States sell. .1 m
C O. CLAPK & CO , Proprietor,
xr.w iiAvrs, f ess,
Avril U. IS0S.--ly.