NEW I) H V GOODS AND Fresh Groceries! On Thiril Sr "no door below tho Lutheran Church, SUNBUHY, PENN'A, II aii just opened a largo assortment of PRY GOOP.V, Buoh as Calicoes, Dolalnes, Muslin.", Ac, Ao OHOCEIIIB S ntovisioNS of nil kinds, such ns Sf(lAB3, COFFEES, TEAS, MMPEF, COAL OIL Mulntars, Fyrups, Mackerel, Lard,' Hams, Nuts Uriel an'! Canned I'mils, Prunes, Hai ins. Chr-pce, nnd Crackers, an J in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery lino. Hams, Fish. Coal Oil, Crockcry-wnro, Quccnswnro Ulnss-waro, Willow-ware, Ao. Tho best FLOUll and MEAL In Iho Market Tobacco, Cigars, nnd a rurioty of NOTIONS. Also ; All kinds of Canned Fruit, ut tho lowest prices. Country Produce taken In exchange fur uoous. Iji Cull and examine my .Soek, and sali.-fy yur olvos- henry peters. Sunbury, AprU 25, 1S'V7. t ii j; OKEAT I'lilZi; Ujif'Hil'wn Universe-lie, J'ai-if, 1?G7. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO El.IAri HOWE, Jit. Awardod over Eighly-two Competitors, 'I'lie Iltg'Iicfst lM-omlitin, Tho Only Cross of Iho Leyiun of Honor and GOLD MEDAL pivon to Americas fc'iswixo Macihskh, per Impe linl Decree, published in tho "Mnnitcur Universal" (Official Journal of tho French Empire), Tuesday, !d July, 1X07, in these word? : !Fabricanta do Machines a cou dro oxjinnt. Manufiicturer i f hewing Ma J chines, Exhibitor. ' This douUo first honor is another pru.f of tho Croat superiority of iho HOWE SEWING MA CHINE overall oilier.'1 SIBLEY .V STOOPS, No. 23 ttiuth Eight Street, Philadelphia, Acnts fur Pcnnrvlvnuiu, Now Jersey, Delawaro and Western Virginia. February 22. ISiM. 3m I. II. MOOIIE. I). C. DIP.SI.NCEn. Sew I'inii! Acw Ntoro! 'cw IJoom! and nn ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GC0D5! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! nooui; v iHssiji;n, lluvo just opened a' carefully selected stock of NEW UOUDS, in Iluiiist' Iron Front, MAKKUT STREET, SUXUUUY, PENN'A Consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. OROCERIKS, CJUEENS W ARE, GLASSWARE, nnd a full lino of GENTLELIEN'S FU3.NISHING GOODS AND S.iuli'".' (.oods, Calicoes, Mucins, Flannels, TaUo Lincna Toweling, Checks, Ticking, Counterpanes. Ciusiuicrcs, Vesting, Yams. Skirts, Nock Ties, Cufl's, Collars Handkerchiefs, lloeo, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Vl illuW-Waid. Wo invito special uttenliun to tho quality of our fclOCK 01 1UO nd JAVA CuFFEE, TEAS, SVGAK."?, MOLASSES, SY1U I'S, SOAP, SALT, FISH, YIN EG AH, Ac , Ao. Campbell's Celebrated FLOt'lt, always on hand Wo feel confident that c;uh buyer will find it to their ulvnntago to five us n call, and Customers generally aro luvitcu to call una vxauimo our g'ods anil gut posted on c ur prices. By strict attention to tho wants of our eutoincrs mi l fair dealing wchoio to merit a lull th.ire oi tho punnc patronage. CO UN Tit Y "PUODUCE of all kinds taken in ex ohango fur goods, for which tho highest prico w ill bo paid. MOORE & PISSIXUER. Sunbury, April 11, d. U.tOO,MKIC'UMtomoi'M in l'our l oiirs. PATRONIZE THE BEST. llavinir tho lursost capital, most experienced buy. ers, and cxtonsif o traJo of any couceru in the Hollar fcalo uusincss, wo O UAMIASTE13 tA 77.s.'.l CT10N in ovory instanco, and also the boitsolecajn ol Good- over ollcrca at No other concern has any shoiv wherever our Airents are sc 1 1 1 j . ! Our motto, ' 1'romut and Kehn bio." Malo and fvmulc ucnts w aniud in city aLd country. aro particularly reij lestod to try i iir popular club pyftcin of selling all kin Is of LliY AX1 FANCY GOOliS, HltKSS I'ATi'EHVS. CuTfJN CL'U'li, CATUltS. SlLYEll PLATED UOOHS WATCH ES. Ao. (Established W l.) A patent pen fountain aula cheek U.'.viil,iii ait article to bo wild fur a dollar, 10 ctn.; 20 for 40 fur !i , OtiforSC; 0i) for flu ; tout by mail, l'reo presenm to getter up, (Worth 50 pr cent, luorc than those sent by any other concern.) according to sue of club Send us a trial club, or if not do not fail t ciid for a circular. N. H. Our sale should riot be claused -with Now York dollur jewelry sales or bogus ''Tea Companies," us it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAX .KENDALL, tij Hanover Struct, L'uotuu, Muss. May 23, '(iriilni. "KEEl1 WiaiESSEJLT Call an J slu the woil teltuttj Sioiik of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, OVERCOATINGS, TINUtf, Ao Just received ut Miil'iCMAN 1' TAII.OIilNU KSTALLISil 5IENT, iuurth Street, below l'ysttr's Stor, Sl'X'Rl'RY AVINTEtt CLOTIIiNCi oi iliu umst ajiproved ttyles is inado up to order a iO'is.imMu rtuj,. Ho hat ulbo do assoi tioeiit of C'assimero Shirts, L'raw. rs, I ndebiits, Oveihauls,, Nick iim, t oiton and Huso. fcu.,..ujcr, Hand nereluets, uluves, uud a (uiiernl variety of (1ENTLF.MEX S Fl FINISHING WObS, Giv liui a call, whichu will fiud to bu to your K4aiitagu. Sunbury, Get l'J, 1667. "I II iK'8 Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden lUkui, and Hay Frks. lr BI,a Uruiu iseylhos , CrJI P'"'ers, fai, Uteiul. Ton. , Manure Grain I'onguo uud K Luains, (inud-stones, Fanniun Mill heivmof II uwiiiDit kiuds.u largoa,,,!,.,., ot itlJj wam ilainw, r I'luwing, Farm Hells, fulilvaUir Teeth, J If CON LEY i CO, ainl, Vj-. ' A full k . n.:i . , . , . Ill " l ,7, . . euiu .riin j.uiiuen mi, uual W1, t III ,.., .,1. !.,,.. : (. ... ... . , M . i 1 " . ' Hl l-nines a ... . .... ... ni ii, f ill, ,,,r l.ll'.lllUB Hlltl ......j,, , .autuW Ul:u-S, IllMn.ol, lian.l, nl low "vv,Tl. t oM.KV A CO H I 1'' You tiavo u liieloru u ... r i fc - . - iiRiunu, Km iu . .!' I) s (.,ut ,t (., ur,er tbmi ar.y OM . in.. 11 . 1. . . i ' ... J .-Umi; on hand "w,ulau, 01 0mm SPRING OPENING. GREAT FALL IN HUCE9 1 Buy the MOST GOODS, of the For tho LEAST MONEY. SMALL I'KOl'Tr.S AND QUICK CASH SALES ! it. v. ru 11,1X4, at tho MAMMOTH STOKE, ulARKKTSJiL'AUK, SUNliUHY, TEXN'A., lias ju?t received nnd opened tho iti:s r ami FINEST ASSORTMENT, of mY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Print.", Muslins, Ginghams, C.iwiincrcii, Ao. Delaines and Armures. liomestic Cultuiis, Ero-vn and Rlea br. NOTIONS of aU.kiulr. Hosiery, Uloves, Men's and Ladies I'nd. rg.irim ut WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. . Ruilders will Cud my block of llai'l tviiro, I'aiiil, Oilsi, .;ii!iN, &'., 'oin:Ul'. Drugs and Mwliciues, Willow uud ivaro, tjuovusnarv, Ghu-bH are, Crockery, Salt liOOTS AND 1S110ES. HATS AND CA1S, and iu fact everything u-ually l.epl in a I.;r.;i Stoic Call ud bo foiiviuecd that (he CHEAPEST PLACE TO Eli Y ALL VOI R GOOHa i ut The JMiiiiiinotlt Stop c. of K.Tt". I'BILTNO. 'IVl'lits, SU tlu3 . ai. uiy (loials are bought fur Cash and Sold Cheap for the UEAHV MONEY, I give the trade the ad vantage of all reduction! as fust ua they are inade by aia ciurura. 11 Y FRILING. ouuouiy, April 1, I ova T11M GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION lliilloii Hole OtemaralnK SEV"I1TG- 3ACHI1TE. IU Wonderful Popularity Conolusiya Proof of iU Great Merit. Tho Increase In the demand for thl valuable ma chine has been TEN FOLD durlnir the laslieyen months of Its first year before the ptiblio. This grand end surprising suoews ta unprecedent ed lu the history of aowlng-machinot, and wo loel fully wnrrantod in claiming that IT HAS NO EQU At, Being Absolutely the Post i'ajiii-v niAi iiii: IN TUB WORLD, Anl Inlrimkully the Cheated. ft Is really two maohlnos combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangemont,) ma king both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Over seaming and liutton-hole Hitch, with equal faoilily nnd perfection, It executes in the very best manner every variety of sowing, such as. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Praidlngand Quilting, Gatberinir and sewing on, (done at tbe same time.) nnd iu addition, Ovurseains, Emhroiderson tho edge ana miiKcs ooauiuui uuuon nnu iyeict-noles in all fabrics. Every Maohino ii warranted by tho Coinpnny, or its Agents, to give entire aatisfaotion. Circulars, with full particulars and sainploa of worn uono on mis luacninc, can bo naa on a plica tiun nt the Salesrooms of THE! AMERICAN JJUTTt)N HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND PKWLNG MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Ta, Instructions plvcn on tho Machine nl tho rooms of Iho Company ftraluitouslj to all rnirohaacrs. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K FAXSON, Frcsident. W. R. Mkndk.niiaix, Treasurer. . April 2j, 1383. Iycjin. 25, ELOUU & FEED STORE "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. nlHE subscriber resnecc fully Informs tbe public it. ..A L. I .. 1 I 1 j i:imi iiu k(jvs voiiMiiuujr uu unuu ai um new WAREllOl'SE, near tha Sliamokln Vnllcv Railroad Depot, in SL'NIH'RY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by tho ton Tho ubovo is nil manufactured nt his own Mills, anil wilt do sum nt mo lowest cssn prices. J M. CADWALLADEK. Suubury,-April 1, IS63 rrnn obeat MGMI BITTERS The component parts of this remarlcable preparation Were first discovered, compounded and distributed, aomo twenty years api, by Dr. Cucorsvs, the eelt bratid KKyptian Physician. Thousauds of his suffer ing countrymen were restored to health, as well as ureal numbers of the Inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia, and of tho countries bordering upon Uic Southern coast :oi tne aieaiterrnnean oca. Indeed, the fame of the ZI1VUAIU BITTEKX soon spread over Europe, and wns adopted by the principal physicians to charge of the hospitals of the old world, in which 1 is still used with preemi nent success. Tht Viceroy of Egypt placed the name of dk. Ciiiopsvs upon thu 11 Roll of Nobles," and pre sented to hun a tfeital bearing the following inscrip tion: ' Dr. Cue orsis, the Public Benefactor." This Bitters U now offered to the public of America with the full Assurance that It will be fouud, upon a fate trial, to act as a specific for the cure of Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera nimbus, Kever ami Acue, Yellow Fever, Klieumnttsin, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, Coile, liroiiclillla, Consumption. Flaln leiicy, IU axes of the IklUneys, Ncrvoua Debility, nnd Feninle Coinplulnta. Remarkable cures of tbe above diseases have been effected by its use, asnumerousoertincates, many from regnlar physicians, fully attest; and it Is destined to supersede nny preparation extant. As au agreeable Tuulc, and an INVIGORATIN'O BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO KWAL. Turs Tin ZI1YOAKI HITTERS SUL'I. A3 WELL AS UODY, AND AS A PREVENTIVE or M3RASE, OAS NO SITEP.IOR. a rr.vr wnrtna to ladies. The use of the ZI.NtlAKI WTTKKS will frlve to you that soft, semi transparent complexion w hich the God of nature (de si.ininic woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully intended that you should have for it U nature's own powder and puiut combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, ami imparting health nnd life throughout the entire system, it especially rives that smooth clearness and beauty to tho complexion so much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, nnd that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what is even lietler than this, it cures every species of female irregularities and disease. Pimeipul Depot, lltrristmri, Pa. BARTER & HAUSE, Sole Phopiuutorb. For Bi'lc by W. A. DENNETT, Druggist, Sunbury i I'liithyivnniu. Aupust H, 1K17 I.UI'UKXA.M lAO'lIt i:. fPllE midersig-ied having tuccoeded to tho bus! 1 lies; of T. I11MES it CO., takee this method of ml, ruling Rrick-Layors, itmldcrs, and all others in terested, in and about funbuiy, that ho is prepared to XI 1 1 all orders, for building uud paving Prick, of a Kuit-.(ior tui;niy, uuu ut a low ruios us uun uo nuu cisou hero. I am ulso tho Agent ill tho Counties of Northum berland, Union. Snyder and Montour, for WAR REN .S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF ROOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that can be used on buildings. We covered several build ings with it, during the lust season with entire satis faction. Orders left at tho Prick Yard, in Cako'a Addition lo Siiiil.iiry, or nt tho Office of Mr. Win. Rumran's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post voice, win receive prompt a'leniion. TOWNSEND 1IIMES. Pu!ibury, March 1 1, 1r6S. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. a. ;i .iv & co., Iu Wciuier's Pullding., Water Street, near King it., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., I NFORM their friends and the nublia senerallv L that they have u large assortment of Grocories Provisions, Ac, all treth i.nd ut tisling of Tcius, t'ullees, Bngurs, and Spicea. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prnnos, Raisins, Checso, and Craekors, end in fast everything usually kept in tho Grocery lino. Tkey would also eall attention to thoir large and heap lot of Good FAMILY J'LOL'R, Green Tea, Hums, Shoulders, Ac, whieh uro constantly keptuu hand. Also, all kinds of Yegotablos, io. Give them a call uud see fur yourself. Northumberland, Supt. SS, 1Sti7. REMOVAL 1 '1'. K. SUA ." Watchmaker & Jewelry, MARKET SQUARE, 8CSBUKV, PA., Will reuioio lib Jewelry Storo to Miller's Stone Ruilding, coiner of Si and Market Square, O.N FEPRl'ARY 1st, ISfIS, where bo will lo happy to reoeiyo bis old customers aud the public iu geuural. Thankful for pant favors, he solium a eoiuiuuiiuca uf the sumu, uad iia is do teruiined to sell as low as the kuet, and for quality, not lu bo surpassed by any goods lu thu luuikot. A largo assortment of IVutclit'k,, .lewt'lry aud Milvcr Marc, j constantly oo hand, consisting of all klu Uof Auicrl can WateLes, such as tho Howard, Aprjleton. Tiacv & ComnanT. 'J'reniont. t, Wultham, V. S. llnrtlet. Win. ill. l?!'y' WoinB uaaot tmeui of b'wiaa vv tch on All km. Is o' 8 Day rik! 30 Hour Clotka ! Silver lea sella, eaid and cake buskola, breakfast and dinner Ciulors, Celery stands, syrup and drink ing cups, uud u lull iiasoi lniout of Spoons, Knlvin and Forks, l'urliculai' ultonliou paid to tho repair. U'K of W alehos, Cluuk, Jewelry and Alu.lo Duxes. wui waiTUillwa. t. a, IhOfi. HID CAGES, 11 dilloreut kinds. If yoo want goo and vboap Dird Ca jes, (to In I M'ntor nnd I 'I re Proof SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respectfully Informs builder In this and adjoining counties that be is prepared to put on Slate Roofs In a superior mnnner. lie furn ishee the celebrated Lehigh county Slate, which Is the best in the market, lie warrants his work to be durable and Are and water proof. Ho invitos the in spection of the publio to the work he has done In Sun bnry on llnupt s, Grcenough's nnd Haas' buildings, anu on others at various placet. Ills prices are as low as those of any otber slater. Address, D. B. SMI11I, Sunbury. P. 0.. or call at his residence In Upper Augusta twp. iianunry ii, looo. ly THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST STJ3STBTJR"r ll on 3d street, opposite tho MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTKEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hat I.nlol.r ErtatllKhccl, with all the .Tlo'tlci'ii IinproTomont of tlie Art ! THE subscriber, having built the room expressly for the nurnose of Fhotoernnhlnir, and havinit devoted innny yonrs to tho business, is confident of his ability to auro nis pntrons inat tne wora pro duced shall bo second to nono in oountry or oity. No work nllowcd to leave tho gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tho best sky light in the county, ho is prepared to make Photographs in nil kinds of wenthor, but would prefer a clear day for small children. He is nlso prepared to take new size, or cabinet card Photographs. 'All kinds of pictures oopied and magnified, to nny required sizo and colored beautifully in Oil of Water colors or India ink. Wo pay special attention to nil kinds of out door work, such ns Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Scats, Ac, a largo lot of Photograph frames eonstnntly on hand. Tbo publio nre respectfully invited to call and see our specimens and our oomploto arrangements for making photographs, special terms to lumilics and clubs. . BEROSTRKSSER. Punbury, July 15, 1. J. CisKAKIIAItT'M Confectionry, Toys and FIEVCTIT STORE, Market Street, SiinlMtry, ln. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale nt the above establishment nt wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confcellonnrlc ta keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Bcgars, Stationery, Nubj of all kinds, and a variety of other artioles, all of w hioh are offered wholesale and retail. lj-Romembcr tho name and plaoe.,S M. C. GEARHART, Mnrkct street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Drigbt A Son's storo. Sunbury, Sept. 19. ISM. tf 0 ClioKtimt Street, lMiiladclplsiu, Aro the best in Use, FOR TnE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS : They arc moro simple and durable, easier kept iu oruW, make a strongor and moro clastic stitch, a firmer and more beautiful seam than nny other They sew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no ro-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the scam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cut the seam will nut rip. 1'IicVery lliliest Prize, tbe Cro of tho Legion of Honor was conferred on tho rcpre scntatlve of tho UUOYsKIl & n.iKi:u nt tho Exposition Univcrsollcc, Paris, 1f(17 ; thus attesting tncir groat superiority over all other sew ing machines. G ROVER A BAKER'S KKW STYLES s ii i; r x i, i: i v n i ."' i: s For Manufacturing, Combiuo the most modern nnd essential improve mcnts. Tho attention is requostcd of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the uso of the most cfTcctivo . LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To tliC80 new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY MUs CAROLINE DALIUS, MnrketStrcct, 6LNBL RY, PENN'A., Nov. 2-1, 107. ly ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Vateltnmker aud .letr clcr, XTO. 143 NORTH 2d ST., COH. OP QUARRY, PlllLADELriHA. An assortment of Wal-lics, Jewelry, Silver aud Pluteo Ware naistantly cm hand, IV Repairing uf Watclita and Jew elry prompt ly at tewled tn. Nov. 30, 11567I y. Coachmakers WK are selling Kims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, BolU, Clips, Axles, Ao., very low Large Stock at C0NLEYCO. Sunbury, Maroh SO.Jbe? TORRID GTON & HODGKINS. surER-niosriiATE of lime, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within the past year greatly increased and improved our faoilitiua fur icriudiuK Bones and man ufacturing, we ure prepared to furnish to tho farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior article vf Niiper.lMiosjpliuf e. Our manufacture has boon thoroughly testod the past season bv rructiaul men of our immailiute. neighborhood mid elsewhere, aud In every oaae the result has boen entirely satisfactory. Our prooeasof pulvuriiing, whereby it ii prepar ed for and GUARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGII ANY D1ULL, - obviates an objection which attaches to many for tiliters, and secures to the farmer a saving of much valuable tisue. , -.-.' BWIJJ ATTUBMAJICirAWOBY, EAST MARKET STREET, hi .III ItV, IA, and by our Agents throughout tha country, in Bugs of 200 lbs. each, at if 58 per Ton of lOuO lbs. Also SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points auccssuble by rail vr onial, oo receipt of order. TORRINGTON A II0DGMW8. Also Aconbi for Sevsnour. Morian A Allen's Self Raking Reaper and Mower (The Now Yorker) aud Pratt I Smedley's Hay aud Grain Kako. eiuna tor circular. Pobruary 16, '08. ly CAItrENTEUS. WILL find In our establishment a sunorlor stock, of Planes, Saws, Augurs, Hatchets, Hummers, Files Chisels, Ac, Ao , for sale by Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN -WARE, Hheet Iron nnd fttove Nfore of 31XTE & GE1TTEEH, sxjisrBTJnir, pa., Where tbey keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to ordor at abort notice. TIN AND SnEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. Thoy would espooinlly eall the attention of pur chasers to their large and well toleoted stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have tnadn smmromimi, in hn.. all their best stoves made to order, and those who wuum nave a gooa stove wouiu do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. Flirn" Tihye 1ef? comP0"t'on on the following kaiwut "1"10 V VWB. tOlUTOS TH . 'VM"ntion (as llurncr. Cook. tsloTcrnor lnn Cook. WABASH AND IHONSIDES. SPEAR'SWANTYDUSTAnliJU8t Ck Bt0T CaUJ Also. Parlor and office Stoves In great varloly em bracing all tho best manufactures ami mn.t i,.Jv.: nblo designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arriunfoincnUoomhininr .lrl.',l and oaeh stoyo warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, Tho oelebroted Baltlmnro Fire Place Stove, for hoating first, sucond and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tho coletrutcd MORNING QLORY.J Coal Oil, Coal Oil I.nniiss, Mhadea, Cliimnlcsi, and nil articles usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are nlso prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the bost workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Ran go nnd Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Alro: "IIutiRirn Haw Hone Nnper-lMioB-phnttV' Remember the place. Sample nnd Sales Room nearly opposite Coiily's Hardware Storo, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 25, 1859. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIOMERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slntes. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blank Bonks Memorandum Books, Diurios, Pocket Bonks, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ao. Forsaloby ANNA PAINTER. SEEING IS BELIEVING Atrot Arch Sireef. NEW TRICES! NEW GOODS Rich Silver and Silvcr-I'latctl Wares, Including every stylo nnd description, made expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed nt JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, Wl AllClt STREET, 1'IIILADELPUIA. t5r Ro.platingat short notice. December21, :867 .aug27 PURE LACER BEER V iMien:ie ai ai.i:, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH 2 ACHE?.. T ESPKCTFULLY informs the public generally It mat ne is prepare! to lurmsli LAGEli liEER, PORTER AND ALE, n large or small quantities. His facilities for mnk ng Boer cannot bo excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by physicians ns a healthy drink for invalids. .Hotels, Restaurants and private families ruppliod at short notice. Sunbury, Sept 21 , 1867. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC QTJANO. THE attention of Fanners nnd other consumers of Fertilizers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their special notice. Its uso for several years In Maryland, Virginia and other Southern States, for all crops, has given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not found in that article. 260 lbs. of this Guano are found more than equal to 300 lbs. of tbo beet Superphosphate. It ripens the wheat crop from Cve lo seven days earlier than the phosphates, which faot alone givoe it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by JOHN S. REESE A CO., General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., iid South Delaware Avo., Philad'a., And 71 South Street Baltimoro. March 28, 1808; in A LARGE supply of Wall I'a per ami vomer, just received and for sale cheap, ut tbo Mammoth Store of April 4, 1868. II. Y. FRIL1NG. Children' CarriageM. WE would call the attention of tlmso wanting a Child 's Curriago, to our now nnd large assort ment comprising new and beautiful style. J. 11. CONLEY A CO. J. H. Conley Co., -Ilus-ket Nt reel, i:wt oi l Ise IIuiIi-ouI, STJXTBTJRTT, PENN'A. DEALERS IN l'ouuiuK fe'A, Hardware & Cutlery. rilHE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, X and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we aro now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, thnn ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded bv dealers. Our sioca comprises all article iu this line ot businose, eiuorauiug a gcueriu aniuruucnt of tools ana mule rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS. AO.. AC together with a larcre stock of Iron. Steel. Nails. npiaos.utope, mains, unujstonos, ilill and A. Cut Saws, Ac, Ao. punbury, March 30, 1867 J. M. HH.W, Dentist, Will remove bisOlfleeto J. M. Simpson's Building 2nd story, Market Square, BUNBURY, FA. "ITTIIERE he will be prepared to do all kinds of T worst perlalninic to Dentistry. Will keen constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which ho will be able lo seleot, and meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to rive satisfaction, or else the money refunded. Tbe very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on baud. His references are the numerous natrons fur whom he has worked for the last twelve years. ouuuury, juurou m, loue. TRON. A large auortiucnt of the best manufac tured Bars, Hoop. Band. Round and Sauare Iron, Kail Reds, Cast Steel, Blister bteel, Drill Steel, ilorso Shoos, Horse Nails, Anvil. 11..H..WJ 'i ii. ' -i ...... c, , ,u,, siauiuier. bledgos, Riup. and File, at CONLEY A CO'S SHOEMAKERS. iV?'.IE xT I""1'"0" ' ?f. S"' Leather, Frcnoh Calf -1 . SI. VUXNUCK A CO BUNBUHY 6TEAM SAW MILL. " wii.i.iuiiu:,Ha, luiiY.T. !,..' veaier in an Kinds or TIMBER, LUMBER, LATH, PALINU A SHIN GLES. Also, Flooring, Shelving, Biding, Doors. Sash Blinds, Bracket. Mouldings, Ac. " . ' Corner Raoe (Street and River Road, SUNBURY, Pa. April 4, lttaa. tiiwiSTONB WARE. In tbebtat. jut reueiv! aud lor Uo ohwp at tha Mammutii Ckb &tor of Oi. hoop RHinrs. WM. T. IIOrKIN'S "OWN MAKE" OR I'KKYRTONK SKIRTS." are tho best and Cheapest Low Priced Hoop Skirls in the market. Trail Skirta, 25 springs, fl.OO; 80 springs, 11.20 : and 40 springs, 1.S. Plain Skirts o tapes, springs, bu oonu; to springs, on, 80 springs, ; and A3 springs, narrnnt ed In every respeot. "OurOWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," Eley. en Tape Trails, from 20 to 60 springs, 1.20 to J2.60. Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 60 springs, from 95 Cents to 12.01). Theso Skirts are better than those sold by nthor establishments as first olass goods, and at much lower prices. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS," are in every wny superior to all other Hoop Skirt before the pnblio, and only have ty be examined or worn to convince every one of tho fact. Manufac tured of the best linen-finished English Steol Springs very superior tapes, and tho style of the metalio fastenings and mnnner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this oountry, and are lighter, more elastic will wear longer, give more satisfaction, and are really cheaper than all others. Every lady should try thorn. They are being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this nnd the adjoining stnto at very moderate prices. If you want tho host, ask for "Hopkin's Champion Skirt." If you do not find them, get the merchant with whom you donl to order them for you, or come or send direct to us. Merchants will Uud our dif ferent grades of Skirts exactly what tbey need, and we especially invite them to call nnd cxntuino our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price lilSI. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of tho Retail Trade generally, nnd at Whulcsalo of tho Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be nddressod. MAN U FACTORY and SALESROOM, 628 Arch St. Between 6th and 7th Sts., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. February 29,1868 lOmos. BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A KEFUGEFROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE VAN VE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON hns disenveredthe mint Certain.Spefily and oil' Effectual Heinetty in the Wurld fur nil 1'ti VQtt3 Discuses, Wenknets uf the Hiirk or l.iiils, SlrieliirfS, Alfec ions tf the Kidneys nnd Bin rider. Involuntary Dis charges, Impotency, liencrnl Debility, Nervousness liyt pensy, isniiiiuiir, lw tSuirits, Conlusinu ut Ideus. l'ulni- Uitmii nf the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dim mobs of MtrM or uuuiiiiess, in sense di ttie iiend, I nroat, Piut nr Skin, Affections o( the Liver, I.uuks, Stomnch ur Uovvelt these Terrible Dismdeis nrming fiom thetSolimry Iffilnts nf Youth those secret uud s shinty prHotiees more fulnl to their victims tlmn the son? nf Syrens to the Miitiiicrs of Ulysses, blighting their miwt brillrnnt hopes ur iiticipuiiuni, rendering murringe, c., iinpjssible. Vonii' Men Kspeciolly, who hnve Iwenme the victimsof Solitary Viee, tlml dreitdrul nnd destructive hubit which ftitmiftlly swenps to an untimely grnve thousuiids of Young Men uf the most exulted tulents and bnlliunt intellect, who might otherwise Utxve eiitmnccd Jistening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence nr waked to ecsuty the living lyre, may call with full cuniideiice. Alnrried Persons or Young iMtui eontcmplntingmrirnnge, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de formities, &c, speedily cured. He who pluces himself under the care of Dr. J, mny may religiously confide in his honor ns a gentleman, and comiu en uy reiy upon iiiiskiiias a rnysiuiau. ( Organic WcnltiM-KM Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor ltestrcd. This Distiessuig Alleetion which renders Life misertv bleaud miirriage impossible is the penally paid by t he Victims of improper indulgences. Young pel sons ure too npttn commit excesses from not beingawnrc of the dread ful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power uf Kiocreaiion is lost sooner by those failing into improper abits than by the prut I cuts Besides dcing deprived the pleasures nf henlthv 'fTsprimr,the most seriousnud deKtinc Uve symptoms to both body and nuntl uiise. The system becomes Deranged, tbe 1'hysical and Mental ruiif-tioi.s Venkene(l, Iossof I'rocreative rwer, Nervous Irritabili ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tbe Heart, linlnifsiinn, Con stitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Fruine, Cuugh, Consumption, Decay and Death, Ollicc, o. 7 SoiilH I'immIci'icU Si !' t Left hand side going from Ilaltim-ire street, a few dttois from thecorner. Kail not tooliserve nnine and number. Letteis must be paid and contain u suunji. The Dic tor's Diplomas hung in Ins office. A Jur; Variaantol in Two Iay. No Mercury vr XauwuHs 2)rutjs Ir. JlolniMton, Member of the Iltn ul College of burgeons, Imdon, Grad uiilu from one of the inott eminent Colleges iu the I niltil States aud the greater part of whoBe 111 e ha been spent in the hospitals of iKaidon, Pans, 1'hiladelphiu and else where, hus tlb'cted soma of the most ushuiishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with nnging in the head and ears when asleep, great nervnusnees, being ulaiui eil at sudden Sounds, h.-odiiH loess, wilh fieipient blUHhing, attended soirictiiiius wilhderungeineiit of mind, weic cured immediately. TnUo Parlifiilnr Dr. J. ddreses n!l thse who h ive injured themselves by improper indulgence end solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them lor either buimiei!, study, society or marriage. TtiKssnre some of the sad and melancholy elTecli pin duced by curly habits t youth, viz: YeuJcu-saol the iim k nnd Ltmbs, Pains m the Head, Dimness oi slight, lyssof Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dsppsy( Nervous Irritability, Dernngementof the Digestive func tions, General Debility, Syuiptnms of Consumption, c, Mkntallt The fearlul elfeets on the mind are much to Ite dreaded Iobs ot Memgry. Confusion of Ideas, Ue- Sressitni of Spirits, I-.vil-l-'oreU'Ktiugs, Avi rshai totft-ciety, . elf-Distrust, l-ovu of Solitude, Timidity, Ac. are some of Uie evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their virr, becoming weak, pale, nervous and enacialed, having a singular appmrance about the eyes, cough uud symptoms of consumption, Yoiiii- I'ii Who have injured Uieiuselvca by a certain practice Indulg ed in when ul-uie, u habit frequently learned I pan evil companions, nr at school, the eilects of which ate mtMitly felt, even when asleep, nnd if not currd rentiers inairiage itniossibtet aud destroys butll mind uud body, should apply inimediatnjy. W.iiii a pity that a young man, the hope nf his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pros pects and enjoyments of lifu, by the consequence of devia ting from the path of nature and indulging iu a certain secret bulut. ucli persons must, before contemplating .11 ii rriu ;;'.' reflect that a sound mind nnd body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the i d becomes shudowed wilh despair and filled with the melan choly rettertion tliut the happineus of another becomes blighted with our own IHfMkn or Iniprmlritcc. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure folds that ho bus mibilied tbe seeds of this painful diseuse, it too often happens that an ill-tuned sense of shame, oi dread of discovery, deters bun from applying to those who, from education aial respectability, can alone befriend hun, delaying till the constitutioual symptoms of this liomd disease make their appearance, auch ns ulcerated ene uiroai,uiseaaeu nose, irn-iuiul .nous iu tbe load and liuibs. dimness of s:ght, deafness, mdes on the shin bones and arms, blotches nn the head, faeeand extiemitits, pii'greas ing with frightful tapidity, till at lu.t the HiUte of the mouth or theOmeaof the nose full in, and the victim nf thisawfui disease becomea a horrid object of commisera tion, till daalh puis a period to his dreadful aullering, by sending hun to "l but Ludiacoveretl Couutry from whence uu traveller retains." It is a melancholy fnct that Uiousnmls fall viciiun to this terrible disease, owing to tbe unsiEiillulueas of ignoiuut pretenders, who, by the use of that ' Deadly Poison, Mer eury," ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable Trust not your lives, or heulih, to the enre c,f the many Unlearned aud Worthless Pretender, destitute of knowl edge, luime or character, who copy Dr Johnston's adver tisemeiils, or style themselves, in the uewstnpets, regularly Educated Paysiciant, incupable of Curing, they keep you trilling mouth after month taking their hlthyand poisouua cimpountls, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with mined health to sigh over your guiliug disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. Hiscredentiui or diplomas always hnug iu his office. His remidiesor treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent iu the great hospitals of Europe, the first in this country and a more extensive "Private Pructice" than any other Physician in the world. lisrioi-sH'iiieiit ol I lie lrekw The many thousands cured at this institution yeni after year, and the numerous important Hnrgieal Operations perlormed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv Uu reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other apers, imtices of which have appeared again and again before the public, beside his standins; as a gentlemau of chamcleruiid re sponsibility, it a utfic i cut guarantee to the att'iuted. ft&Vlss. llt'iic Spcedi' t uri'tl. Persons writing should be particular in directing their cttcri to his Institution, in the following manner, Joint It!, lohiiNtoii, If I, 1V Of the Baltiinoia Ltxk lloanita.1, Bu Hi in ore, Md. Nov. 3n, lati7 1 y. SELLERS & F0LWELL, WHOLESALE AND FRUITEHEUS, No. 1CI North Third Mreet, Philadolphia. POrders promptly atteiided to. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. ri"lHK audorsigiied, proprieturof W'.ner i Pruk's X Line, give Doticus to mercdianta and skippers that the Beiwt is still at 811 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Uoodsdirected to Butibury, Danville and LewUburg, and all intermediate stations along the railroad, will be promptly delivered. Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia, tri weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. BKOWN, Fropriotor, Lewisburg, J. H. BKOWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. DeoeuiberT, lbar. Are espeeially Invited to eall and .xasuiu. our stock of BUILDER'S' HARDWARE, Nails and Siiikes of all variolic.. Bulls, Scrum, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering, Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ao-, lo , for sale by Pliilaaelphla Ac Ilrle Itallroacl. ""bummerTtimk table. ThroaKh and direct route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hnrrisburg, Willlamstiort, to the North wost and the Ureat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEOANT SLEEPING OARS on aH Night Trains. On and after Monday, May 11th, 1888, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will'ra.t as follows : ' ' WSTWAB&. Mail Train loavo. Philadelphia, IMS p m. Sunbury, 6 it', a m arr. at Erie. B bOpni Erie Express loaves Philadelphia. 12.00 mx-n " " " Sunbury 6.4U p ni " " arr at Erie 10 OS a m Eimira Mail leave Philadelphia, 8 00 a m " " Sunbury 4 15 pm " " arrive at Look Haven, 7.4i yi EasTWAno. Mail Train leaves Erie 11.00 a in " ' Punbury, 1J.00 m " " arr. at Philadelphia, 7.10ara Erie Express leaves Erie 7.40 p in " " " tiunhury 9 bS a in " " nrr. at Philadelphia, 8.00 pm Vail and Express connect with Oil Crock and Alloehcny Rlvor Railroad. BAOUAOE CHECKED T1IKOUUH. . ALFRED L. TYLER, U eneral Superintendent. oiilicrn Central Itiiilwuj-. SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE. ON and after May 1 Ith, 1S68, trains will loavo SUNBUHY, as fellows: LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6.00 A. M., Daily for Williamsport. Daily (except nunuays,) tor Altuira, vauauuaijufl, Rochcslcr, Bufl'aloe, Niagara PilIIs, Suspension Bridge and tbo Canadas. 4.15 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Eimira, anl liuflalo via Erie Railway from Kluiirn. 0. 40 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Williams. port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 A. M., Daily (except Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. 10 02 A. M., Daily for Baltimoro and Wasliinntun. 7.00 P. M., Daily (except Sssndays,) fur llarrislmrg. J. N. DcBAnnr, Ed. S. Yoiso, Ocn'l. Pup't., Ocn'I Pncn'r Ag't llarrishnrg, Ta. Baltimore, MI. 1, ackuwuiina Ac ItlooinislMirplCaH fond. ON and after Jan. 1st, ld67, Passenger Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A. M. P. M. r. M. x Leave Scranton, 6.40 10 00 7 10 4 4n " Kingston, 6.56 11.20 8.20 6. (JO " Rupert, 9 20 8 1 7 " Diuivillo, 9.64 8.50 Arr. North'd., 10 .15 ji) 15 N0RT1OVARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 6 20 " Danville, 7.40 6.00 " Rupert, 8.15 A.M. P.M. 6.35 " Kingston, 10.50 8.10 2.60 9.05 Arr. nt Scranton, 12.00 0.S5 4 00 10.15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8. SO A. M. fur Scran ton, connect with Train arriving at New York at 5 20. Passengers taking Train South from Scranton at 5.50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Ilarrisburir 12..Y0 P. M., flaltiinoro 5.30 P. M., Washington 10.- mi n At n . 1 iii-ii 1 . .. vu s . 111. .iu impart resell ruiiauoipnia a p. ip. U. A. PONDA.uo 't. Kingi'ton, Jan. 19. 1S07. tCciidlnK Itailroad. AKUAXGEMKXT. MAY 20, 136S. GREAT TRUNK MNK from tho North and North-West for Philadelphia, New Vnrk, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua. Ashland. Lebanon. Allen tonn, Eiuiton, Eilirala, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ao. Trains leave llarrbburg for Now-York, as fol lows : At 2.50, 5.25 and b.10 A. M. and 12.20 noon, nnd 2.05 and 9.35 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd arriving at New York at 5.00 10.00 and 11.60 A. M. and 3.50, 7.40 10.30 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying thu 2.60 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. trains without change. Leave Ilarrisburg fur Reading. Pottsville, Tama qua. Mincrsville, A.diland, Pine drove, Allentown and Philadelphia at fa. 10 A.M. nnd 2.05 nnd 4.10 P. M., stepping at Lebanon and principal way stations; tho 4.10 p in. making runncoliuns for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Potlsvillo, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via SchuyH.,J.i und SuMjuchanna Railroad, loavo Harrisliurg at 3.65'p. in. Returning: Leave New York ut 9. Oil a. in., 12.00 Noon nnd 5.00 and 8.00 p. m. iSlccping cars no compnnying tho 9.00 a. m. and 5 00 and S.00 p. iu . . trains without change. . Way Passenger Truin leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. la., returning from Reading ut 6.30 p. ni. stop ping at all Stations ; Potlsvillc ntS 45 a. in. and 2.45 p. m; Ashland 0.00 a.m. and 12. -IU aud 2 (H p.m.; Tamaquaat 8.30 a.m. aud 1.00 and 8 45 p. m. Leave Potlsvillc for Ilarrisburg via Schuylkill mid Su.kuehannaiKnilroad at 7 !fl a. 111. and 12.00 noon. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading nt pSMA returning from Philadelphia ut 5.15 Puttstown Accommodation Train : Loaves Potts town at 6.45 A. M., roturning leaves Philadelphia at 4. Ml P.M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave heading at 7 0 A. JI., and 6.16 P.M. for Epbrata, Litii, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ao. Pcrkioincn Rail Road Trains lsnve Perkiomen Juuolim at 9.00 A. M. and 6.65 P. M. Rutur''ng : Leave Skippack at 6.45 A. M..1111.I 1.15 P. M., e n nccling wilh similur trains nu Rending Rail Road. On Sundays: Leavo New York at h nOpm., Phila delphia S. 00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. thu 8.00 a. nt. train running only to Reading. Pullsville h 01) Harrisijurg. 5 25 a iu, and 4.10 uud U-35 p 111. nnd Reading at 1.10 2 65 and 7.15 a. ni. for Harrisimr, and 7.1115 n. in. and 11.10 p m. for New York, 4.'j p m. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileago, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and fiom all points. Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Brgsago allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS. (Jcncral Superintendent WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf, STJNBTJRY, Per.n'.;.) ly tlrdors solicited and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunbury, May 12, 1866 y UNION HOTEL- 41I.4S. lXZi:i., l-rorit-ior. In Cake's Additiin to SUNBURY, near tho Peun'u. Railroad Company 's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT ROAKl'KltS. kept who will find ample accommodations, tiood cooks and waiters, boarders cau enjoy tho quiet com forts of home with fare equal to the best hotels. His Liquor are of tbe choincst kinds. Sunbury, June 8, 1867. NEW GROCERY STORE, W. S. FTTPwlAlT & CO., Market Strcot, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and .'no publio, that they have opened a ISTEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and their stock, which has just been opened, uuiliaj lug everything in the Urooery line, such us Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Pried Fruits, Beans, lloininy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, 11am, pub, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ao., and in fttot everything in the Uroccryand Pr.ivi.d.'n. Line. LOUR AND FEED, Quecnsware, Willow-ware, Ulosswarc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil if. Cull and seo before purchasing elsewhere W. t. Fl RMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1867. C0ALT COAL!! COALIM GRANT 8c BROTHER, Khf llt-ra Ac W holfsiale & Iti luil lkulr 1st Will I i: Ai lli:i AiH 4" AI-, 1 II biui.7 wmtivij. Sols AcenU, wustward, of the Celebrated lianry Clay Coal. LOVE. II Bisr, Dlirf.on., . Sunbury, Jaa. 13, 166. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared ta Bind Books, Papers, Mttaiii.s Music, o.t in any style that may he de.ired, at cheaper rates than ean be tha Cities. All Orders left at this Vtfiee, will receive prompt aUontioa. , - - iJH''- 1K)R Siuidlera, we have Saddle Trees, Bitu, Buok ' lea, ig, Pad Trew. Uanes, all kinds aiim every tiling plauiii to ih. ""'"'i'J'Vpii' farjl J. U CONLKY CO. V. 11. W.UU vv j si vv.ii.r-1 vv. r