Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 27, 1868, Image 3
SATUftftAY, JUNK 87, 1B08. Uocali.SlfCairs. tasi President of the Middlecreok Railroad Oo. advertises for 20,090 railroad ties, to be delivered before the first of September next. ' ' Tb ragular monthly meeting af tie Sunbury Mutual Loan and Building Association will be held iu tha Masouio Hall, tmVfFriday) evening. . Posrrits, handbills, oiroularv, bill and lotler buads, earde, envelopes, and all kinds of job printing, exe cuted at this office with neatness and dispatch. m - A Post of the O. A. R., (No. 140,) was instituted at Sbamokia on Tuesday evening last, by J. M. John, A. D. C , assisted by members of Post 42, of Mount Carmel. - -, There appears to have been an unusually largo number of persons killed by lightning, this lesson, as the papers throughout tha country hare been more than usually fuithful in chronicling such dis asters. The Good Templars held their Convention at the Court House, on Monday and Tuesday last. There was quite a number of visiting members of the order in attendance. The proceedings will be published next week. Tea Mammoth Store of 11. Y. Friling, Markrt Square, 1ms just reooived auother extensive stock of Dry Ooods. The large business done at this store requiroa a replenishing of stock very oftsjh, in order to meet the demands of Its numerous customers. Wis observe by tho proceedings of tho so-oalled Democratic soldiers' meeting, held at Northumber land on Thursday of last week, that Mr. James C. Sylvis, of Puubury, was selected as representative delegate to the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Con vention, lu meet in Now York oilv on the 4th of July ' , Excursion Tickets. Wo learn that the Northern Central, Phlla A Erie and Lackawanna A Blooms burg Railroad Companies will issue excursion tickets on tha 4th of July. This will bo a great accommo dation to persons in our neighboring towns who wish 'to attend the Odd Fellows' celebration, in this place, on that day. The Delegate Meeting To-Day. Tho Repid, lioans of tho East Ward will meet at the Coutrul ilotel, and those of tho Wost Ward at tho Washing ion House, to-duy, (Saturday.) between the hours of 6 nud 8 o'clock, J. M., to choose, by ballot, dole gates to the County Convention, to bo held in this ilace on Tuesday next. Continued. The shaving and hair cutting busi ness, which ha heretofore been conducted by the tiim of Gunnison A Ilemporlcy, in Market Square, will be carried on, in the future, by Mr. Hcinpcrley. first claES white workmen are employed at thi.i es tublitbiuont, and a fine assortment of gentu' furnish ing gcods constantly kept on hand. An ALi.iaATon. Tho Danville American says T.n uiligatnr was caught in the Susquehanna river, o-ppositu that plaoe, by a Mr. Ross, a few days ago. It was of the same family so abundant in the Ohio river, which grow two or threo feet in length, pre senting tb appeanwoe of a monster lizard. Tho specimen was taken to the Blockhouse, in n largo fcuokct. where it liassinco died. This Strawberry Festivals. Thu ludiesofthe Episcopal Church held their Strawberry Festival, in the Masouio Hall, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ovenings of this week. We Karn that they were very successful. The Jadiet of the Methodist Church immtnc'd their Festival, in the hall of the Couit House, on Thursday evening. They will continue it every evening this week. The Sunbury Literary Association will give two entertainments iu the Masonic Hull, on Wcdnosduy and Thursday evenings of next week, for tho boneut of tho Sunbury Orchestra. Tho proceeds will be used iu purchasing new instruments for the Orches tra. ' This movement is one that deserves the pat ronage of our citizens. It is rather discreditable to our town that we must scud abroad, as wc sometimes do, for mu.-ie, when wo have so much musical talent ut home. I'irk Insurances Paid in Xoiithl'miikhi.ami Countv. From tho annual report of tho Lycoming County Mutual Insurane Co. we learn that the fol lowing persons in Northumberland county received iusuronco for losses by lire during the past year : Oeorgo Miller, $1,333 00 Samuel Yorks, Sr , 100 00 Richard Bowcn, 200 00 Cornelius Raker, 1.200 00 Wm. II. Reber A Bio , 1.500 00 N'athnn Marts;, " 25 00 Matthias Scfamuek, 800 00 Meat Siior. Among the most importaut estab lishments for the supply of provisions is one from i which good fresh meat ean be obtained, at all times. Tho community Is much indebted to Henry Fugcly A Co., for opening a shop of this kind, in Market Square. This establishment, besides being in a cen tral locution, Is well conducted, aud the best quality of beef, mutton, and oil other meats, kept in the best possible condition by meant of ice, during tho worm weather. Messrs. Fagely & Co. aro deter mined, by fair dealing and by keeping a full sup ply of the bust the market can afford, to merit the patronage of the community. I. O. or O. F. Mount Carmel Lodge No. 630 was instituted on the 17th inst., by D. D. O. M., S. B. Boyer, acting M. W. G. M. ; Bro. P. M. phindol, of No. 620, acting R. W. G. W.; P. G., James Lynn, of No. 548, acting R. W. G. Seoretary; P. G., Wm. M. Hogalon, of No. 580, aoting R. W.G. Treasurer ; P. G., Uriah Sober, of No. 125, aoting G. O. Guar dian ; Bro. Michael Lukcns, of No. 62, acting G. I. Guardian; and P:"G' J! V. Young, of No. 125, acting Orund Marshal. The following officers were elected and installed for the present term : Rev. John A. Dickson, N.G. ; Henry Hilo, V. O. ; II. J. John, Rco. Sec. ; Chos. Uolioh, Por. See. ; Peter PoHog, Treasurer. Sheriff's Sales or Real Estate. Sheriff Beck Icy will offer nt public, sale, at the Court Hoaee, In Sunbury, on Wednesday, the 15th of July, the fol lowing real estate : House nnd lot in Shamokin borough. Property of Ellen Mclvin. House and lot in the borough of Shamokin, and four lots of ground in Cake's addition to Sunbury, "lib tavcru, browcry, io. Property ef Chas. IUel. House and lot in Mi. Carmel borough. Property of Patrick Donahoe and P. 6. Vanhorn. Twenty-five acres or land, adjoining tho borough of Sunbury. Proporty pf Joeph 8. Silver, Jr. An undivided interest in two and one-fourth acres of land in Chlli?quaque township. Also one acre and 33 perches, adjoining. Property of Wm. Frick;. Iui'BOVEUKjiTi in Suamoki.1. The Herald,, of lant weok, says : As the season, advances many of the property holders of this borough, who contem plated building the present summer,' are letting their cgntraoU, and our builders uot only find plenty to do, but bogiu to look forward to busy timet. '. In addition to the umber of better class build inga, we have to add a three-story briok store-bouse and dwelling, 28 J feet front by 68 feet deep, to be erected on the lot pf George Miller, oo Ebamokin. street, between Commerce street and the railroad, the contract for which evate to paniel Yost ou . Saturday -last. t. ( - 1 cl ' On the same day Mr. Miller gave a contract, to Benj. MoClow to erect a two-story frame building, suitable lor a business stand, the eorner of Com merce and Frunkliu streets. From the number of buildings of the latter class alroady commenced,- we jude there will be nearly at many put ep this year ashere were lus, while the number' of bolter olos buildiqjj will equal, if cot exceed., that of any former soasoo ""Jfn Odd iYuowar.CEtBiiTtOJ(, Jn luU place, n Saturday nfcxt.niia 4th of uly, promises 10 be grand: aftft,MTiropitttyO .PtArjJirt extended invitations to about eighty Lodges and Camps, and a fafgel orilon of them have already ftelitleJ the-oommittee ef (ben Intentions to bepreJ ient-f. SeVeal . bands' have been I engage,! for llie' eooasion.1 .! ; ' .! ; Since etie invitations were issued by Fort Augusta Lodge Ne. 020, there have been added to the Com mittee of Arrangements committees from Sunbury. Lodge No. 203 and Kurt Augusta Camp No, 140. The joint oommlttecs are Wutxlng' unceasingly to perfect their arrangements.' ' ' . ' , Past Grand Townscfid Hiints, of Lodge No. 620, has beoh appointed Chief Marshal, and has named the following Brothers as his staff :Bro. J. S. Angle, ef Lodge No, 020, Aid Commanding First Division ; Bro. A. N. lirice, of Lodge No; 203, Aid Command ing Seoond Division ; Patriarch Em'l Wilvert, of Camp No'. 140, Commanding Third Division.; Spe cial Aids Brother! Past Grand E. M. Buoher, of No. 203 J. K. Torrlngton, of No. 020; and Patri arch John Clark, of Camp No. 140. ; The following is the programme decided upon for the oocaslort : The Visiting Lodges will be received, upon their arrival, by k rcoeptlon committee, who will osoort them to their quarters and take charge of thorn, while the Marshals of the Visiting Lodges and Camps will report ' themselves personally at the Head Quarters of the Chief Marshal and Staff, second story of liaupt'i new building, for instructions. The grand procession, In honor of the Or nud Lodgo officers, will bo formed in tho following order, at hall-past 10 o'clock, A. M. : The subordinate Lodges in two grand divisions, the first furm on North Fourth street, right resting on Market ; the Second form on South Fourth streot, right resting on Market ; the third, composed of Encampments escorting tho Urand Lodge officers, will form on Market, right resting on Fourth, facing West. At eleven o'clock the coluniu will move ovor the f. Honing route : March down Market street to Second ; countor march on Market to Fourth street ; up Fourth to Arch ; down Arch to Front ; down Front to Chestnut ; up Chestnut to Fourth ; down Fourth to Walnut ; down Walnut to Front ; down Front to Spruce ; up Spruce to Fourth ; up Fourth t Market ; down Market to the Square. The first division will then proceed to their quarters, Hull of Fort Augusta Lodge No. 020 ; second division to tho Hall of Sunbury Lodgo No. 203 ; third division to second story of Masonic Hall building, and there bo dismissed for dinnor, which will be provided at all of the hotels in town, at 1 o'clock, precisely. At 2 o'clock the procession will form in the sumo order, and at the point they separate J, and march to tho Court Houso, the use of which the County Com missioners have genorously ofTored to the Committee, there to be addressed by Past Urand Sire James B. Nicholson, and other eminent speakers of tho order. The procession will then form and march to the sop arute division Head Quarters and dismiss in time for the 4.10 P. M. train. Strawbkrries. This delicious fruit is now abun dantly supplied In our markets. The fruit is, how ever, not so abundant in all localities. Strawberry festivals are now the order of the day, which, with cake and ice cream, constitute the main staple of modorn festivals at this season of the year. As a general thing fruits are not as generally cul tivated as they should be, though wo aro fast be ginning to learn its value. There is nothing moro wholesome than fruits oaten in season. The small fruits, strawberries, raspberries, and others, may be eaten with sugar, but croam or milk should be avoid ed if tho question of health is to be consulted. It is also better to eat it in the morning, say for broak fast, than later. The old ndago that "fruit is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead in tho eve ning," is a trueism now universally acknowledged. I" tnu 11,0 ef sugar for small fruits, fine pulverized should be used, instead of granulated, as it is not ! only better, but decidodly moro economical, as any ! one cun learn by making the experiment. Only that portion which is molted iu the mouth is tasted, the remaiuder, perhaps one-hulf, is swallowed un- dissolved. Confectioners understand this matter. ; The vulgar idea that fine pulverized sugar is adul ' tcrated with flour is without foundation. If it woro so, n test is at hand ; a tenspoonful dissolved in a glarfs of water would soon detect its presence. If pure the water will becmne perfcotly clear. If adulterated, the flour will bo deposited at the bottom. SinnEN Death in Wili.iauspokt Arrest fob Muiidi:h and Acquittal. Between four and five ! o'clock on Monday morning, William Clush and ! Christopher Oberlandcr, who reside in tho classic ) locality of Swampoodle, commenced tho week by I having a difficulty about a woman who had, by turns, lavished the wealth of her nffoctions upon both. The result was that Oborlunder caught Clush by the collar, and in the struggle that followed, both I fell back on Ibo loungo. Oberlandcr becaiuo sick, I and was taken up stairs nud laid in bod, w here he soon died. A jury was empnnuelod and an exauii- nation held, Justice Cramer acting as Coroner. The testimony developed the fact that deceased was ml'joct to a disease of the heart, and the physicians who made the post mortem examination Drs. Pol lock and Treadwoy wero decided in the opinion that death was caused by disease of the heart, asthoy found that ossification had taken plnce to an extent sufficient to produoo death when laboriug under great excitemeut. On further investigation this opinion wos confirmed by Drs. Goerig and Luks. After a full bearing the jury rendered a verdict that the deceased died from disease of the heart, and Clusb, who bud previously been arrested for murder, wasdisoharged from custody.-ira Branch Bulletin. Tub Miodleciiekk Railroad. Tho work on tho Middlecreek Railroad is progressing finely. About two-thirds of the road, between this and Seliusgrove, bos been graded, and the appearance of tho state of affairs has a favorable aspect. We cun no longer see any just reason why the road should not be built. Sufficient money cun be se cured to get the road in running order between this place and Seliusgrove, which is about one-fourth of the distance. After oapitalitts from abroad see that our people are io earnest about the matter they will lend us a helping band. Engineer Arms informed us that he had partly made arrangements with a party to furnish a locomotive for the road on liberal terms. Every day brings with it something new whioh adds to the tuocess of the undertaking. The time for the payment of the tubscriptiont bos ex pired and nearly ono-balf of the money tubscribed remains unpaid. This is an evil which should be remedied if possible. If the arrearages were prompt ly paid up, the work would be pushed on much more rapidly. Let the stockholders pay up promptly and many of the present Impediment! will be removed. Middlcburg Tribuui. Remeot for tue Currant Worm. Our friend, II. Y. Friling, Esq , informs ut that he bat tried successfully the application of sifted coal ashes (white ash coal) to the leaves and stalks of ourrant bushes, whioh had the desired effect of killing the troublesome currant worm. The morning it the best time to apply the ashes, when the dew is on the leaves.'. One application is generally tuffioient, al though Mr. Friling has found two or three necessary in one or two oases. The ashes should be sifted ever the branches until the leaves are white, when the worms will "ourl up" immediately. This it cer tainly simple "remedy, and "within the reaoh of everyone. We would recommend its trial. An exchange advises youag men to "wrap them, selves up in their virtue." We think that tome of the young men in Sunbury would be wrapped in very thin cloaks if they should try the experiment Tie Lapv'8 Friesd, for July. The July num ber of thit ''Queen of the Monthlies" opens with a beautiful engraving of Abraba and Hagar. The double fashion plate of thu number and the variety of other fashioaa-roannot fail to please the ladies. The music is the "Little Birdie's Wallx." The lit erary matter of this month is "Evangeline in Prose," (oouoluded :) Remembrances of Tbaddeus Koscius ko (the "Tbaddeus of Warsaw," of Mist Porter ;) "A Dead Man's Rule," lively, spirited and inter esting as ever ; "Angel Visits," a story by Emilii T.cjter Lei?b : "The Debarry Fortune,' a eapitaJ story by Miss Douglas t "Vaosnt Plaees," a fine seem by sYtorenee Percy, Ae. Published by Dea con k Peterson, 819 Wulaut Street, Philadelphia, at, 2 50 -ew, ' (wjjieh also includes large steel en- grsving ) :..',..'-. ' t I BTJ81NE8fl WOflCfill. " CiTJebV Print lh(i -Hating reooived a large supple, of JUSW JOB XX PE, .of ratioui new styles, Posters, Handbills',' Circulars, Cards, Lotter Healll, Hill Heads, LateK e. ean' Iff printed in the latest! and bolt style .and on shor't Jiotiee. mail promptly attended to, .', -. Mij.Litn, the .enterprising,, go-ahead Boot and Shoe dealer,-in Market Square, is not to be outdone In'hls ITh'e "of Business."' Ho manages well to koej) his stock Hip arid hit prioes down! Roader, oonsult your interests, and give the. Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store a eall. ' i -.i i . " "Wu.i. wonders never cease T" Is the general exclamation of the hundreds who crowd to Beok's Merchant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, to examine his 'extensive assortment of fashionable Cloths, Cassimeres, Vostings, to. They are good in quality and cheap in price. Uo and see thorn. The beautiful new Summer Hats just received by Fauift, the fashionable Halter, in Market Square, are the admiration of nil who have teen them. Faust bat tho largest stock outside of the cities, and ho is celebl uted for his low prices. He is prepured to furnish, at tho lowest rates, anything in his Hue of business. ' - Con's Couau Balsam. The great popular Reme dy fur Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sizes ordinary 4oi., also mam moth family bottles for salo by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night without It In the houeo. ' CoE's Dvsrr.rsiA Cube Will immediately re lieve nud permanently cure tho most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of tho Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use It, join In unbounded praiso of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Prloe $1 .00. MAR HI AGES. Oulhe2ist inst , by P. M. Shindel. Esq , Mr. John it. (Smith, of Bangor, Muino,and Miss Fan.vii: Kramer, of Sunbury, Pa. On tho 21st inst , by Rev. J. R. Fooht, Mr. J. M. Major, of Danville, and Miss L. J. Row, of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland County. DEATHS. On Sunday last, at Uniontown, Dauphin countv, Mrs. JACOB WIEST, aged 70 years. K U:liritV MAKKKTN. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do d do per cwt. Ryo Flour, perbbl. do per cwt. Whcot, prime red, now, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Oats. do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared ' per pound do do uuparod do Dried Annies. do (14 OU 7 00 10 00 5 00 2 50 1 50 1 Hi 85 1 75 25 2U 15 Dried Chorries; (unstoned,) per bu. 3 00 Buttor, per pound, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do por pair 2, Cheese, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beof, hind quartor, fronc " Mutton, Chickens, 25 25 25 .20 14 13 ' 18 60 Khnmokin Coal Xrailo. Shamokin, Juno 22, 1868. Tons. Cwt. Sontfor week ending Juno 20, 13,634 no Per laat Report, 15,553 01 209,187 07 To sumo time la-t yeur, Decrease, 211,953 1.1 2,760 06 Special Notices. 4uii to Muri-ingc Young Men'sUuide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Folicity. Tho hu muiio viens ul benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of churge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. June 13jJI8ed. ly. A NEW REMEDY IN" CONSUMPTION. A Physician who hud Consumption for several years, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, curod himself with a medicine unknuwn to the profession, when his case appeared hopeless. He is the only physician who has used it iu his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and be can ascribe the de gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but tho use of his midiciuc; and nothing but utter despair and entire cxtiuction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of conlidence in all others, induc ed him to hazard the experiment. To those suffer ing with any disease of tho Lungs he proffers a treat ment ho confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1.50 por bottle or $S a balftozn, scut by express. Send for a circular or call on Dn. E. Bovlston Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Stroet, Philadelphia. May 30, 168 ly. Deafness, and Catarrh treated with tho utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Auri8t, (formerly of Loyden, Holland,) No. B05 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable souroes in city and country can be seen at his office. Tho Medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. nov.30-ly. o NE PRICE CLOTHING. OLD ESTABLISHED - o.'ms iieicr: CLOTHING HOUSE, 001 Nitrlict Street, One door abovo Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment hns done busi ness on the One Prico Sys:cm, and wo believe wo are the only Clothing House in tho city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which wo are proud of, for good Uste in select good styles and substantial materials, and not lets important, for having all our goods liVI KA Vi:i-I JIADI). We employ tho best talent, for Cutters, aud our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prices are the vory lowost, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet tho competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are evor made, we must put our prices, down to the advantages wo promise. xne people may aopona, tnis is me true pian upon whioh to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JOINT 238' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but ono door above Sixth. :. . MAIZI?, Halesiuun. April 4, 1868. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wm. Farson. . FURNITURE Nelson Puau rooms! late of the firm of Farson 4,Davis,have opened ware- rooms at No. 22d South 2d street, below Dock, -. PHILADELPHIA, ' Where they keep full assortment of PARLOn, CHAMBER, SITTING ROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE, Their old customers, and 'all porsout wishing to purchase, are invitod to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere Particular atteotiosi paid to packing. myt ly. (HJEENS-WARET" . STONE CHINA WARE. &6. Market Street, 0 doore west of Fourth St. .south tide, SUNBURY, PENN'A.; . RESPECTFULLY informt theeltiteni of Sunbury and Merchants and dealers in this and adjoin ing eounties, that be has just opsjned a large assort- QUEENBWARS AltfD STOKK CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in the country, wnicn wilt p9 sola nt W HOLESALE and RETAIL. , Dealers are Invited to examine bis stock before Surobiiing in the city, as Uey can rave money by oing to. Sunbury May I,lPa tm otick i.i if irmnt v. fpniS is to give notice, tlfat on the 1 1th day of J. .lune, A. D. "IHOtf, warrant In Bankruptcy was issued against Hie estate ef Am II Bergstresscr , of Shamokin, in tho -rounty nf KorthBrnberland and HUte of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on hisown potition ; that the payment ol any debt and delivery of any property belonging to such baukrupt, to him or for his use, and tho trans fer of any property by blm are forbidden by Law i that a meeting of tho creditors of (be said Bankrupt cy, tpbe hojdon at Sunbury, .In tho county of North umberland, and State of Pennsylvania before J . M. Wiestling, Register, oS the 10th day of July, A. D. 1SUB, at 11 o'clock A. M. 1 T. D. (4REENAWALT, , Deputy United States Marshal, (as Messenger,) June 20, 1808. 4t - Western District of Penn'a. OPKXtSG OF HUMMER STYLES, AT Miss Louisa Shissler's, MARKET' SCJU A UK, Ladies' and Misses' II Aid and IW.NST.-, in immense variety. Jlllliu-ry Woods nud TrlmniiiiKM. French and American Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs, Gloves, llosiry, aud a general assortment of Ladies' Millinery Goods, which 'hove been selected with great care. 4lCIltK CoIlsii'N, c'-ltti' 1V'N, Vo. Every variety will bo found to select from, at MODERATE PRICES. Sunbury, May 30, 1868. 5000 LBS. OF CARPET RAliS WANTED at tho .Store of MOORE DiSdtiNUMt. Maylrt. Market stroet, Sunbury. FANCY DRY GOODS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for tho SPUING AND SUMMEU SEASON'S. MISS KATE BLACK, Market ,?quare, two doors East of the old Bank building, SUNBURY, Penn'a., HAS just opened a fresh assortment of the most fashionable Fanoy Dress Goods fioin the largest establishments in Philadelphia. DeLAINES, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CAL1C S. .ioi it.-vixj noons. Cloths, Sacques Flannels, Flannels, Shcotings, Mus lins, Ladies and Childrons' HATS, Feathers, Ribbons, li-eNH 'I'rliiiniliiKH, I?mbrollerleM, Lace Veils, Corsots, Handkerohiefs.Gloves, Hosiery Hoop skirts, Hopkins' fcliptic Hkirts, tteal Black Lnco Shawls, and Ladies' Goods of every description. Sun Umbrellas and Parosols. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perf umery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, May 30, 18(W. FRESH ARRIVAL OF MILLINER Sf GOODS ITOTIOITS, Miss ANNA PAINTER. Market Sijuoro, two doors west of tho Post Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public, that she has just returned from the city, where she has spent sometime in making selections aud purchases, aud bos just opened a large stock of MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS,. Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings. Crinoline and Wi gans Skirting Lining, llop .Skirts, Bugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hut Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A lurne assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. DOLLS of all sires, Alphabet Blocks, Ac. Sho flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, anil goods will bo exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Mny .10, 1803. )S,SOO,OOOCulomi.-i'M In I'our Vt'lii'N. PATRONIZE THE BEST. I Having the largest capitul, most experienced buy I crs, and extensive trade of any conoern iu the Dollar ftuierteusiness, wo G UMillA X TEE SA T1SFA CTIOX in every instnnca, and also the best selection of Goods ever offered at O.MC IIOIX.1IC K.ll. No other concern has any show wherever our Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Relia ble." , Mule aud female agents wanted in city and oountry. 'I' h I.ntlioB are particularly requested to try our popular club system of selling all kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, DRESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, CASTORS, SILVER PLATED GOODS WATCH ES, 4o. (Established 1804.) A patent pen fountain and a dheuk describing an nrtioio to bo sold for a dollar. 10 ots. ; 20 for 2 ; 40 for $4 ; CO fur SO ; 100 fur $10 ; scut by mail. Free prosents to getter up, (worth 50 per cent, more than those sent by any other concern.) according to site of club Scud us a trial club, or if not do not fail to send for a circular. N. B. Our salo should uot be classed with New York dollar jowelry sales or bogus "Toa Compauics," as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN A KENDALL, 65 Hanover Street, Boston, May 23, '08. tfm. W. A 1JENNKTT, " DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Miii-Lcl Kqnarc, SI'.Mtl'KY, l'n. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con stantly on hand. My stock will always bo fouud complete in every article of merit in Modioine. Physicians and Customers may roly upon prompt ness aud attention to orders. My stock is unusually large and embraces every thing that ean be found on a first class Toilot Table, inoluding American und genuino French and Eng lish P E R F U M F.RY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Gutla Pcrcha, Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, 4c. Patent Merilciiieti. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of tho day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SEGARS and CHEWING TOBACCO, of the best Brands. PnintM, OHm, (alue, fjIaKS, littty, Ynrui!ieti, Ac All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations uio manufactured by myself, und from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had (juite a number of years' experience in the Drug and rrecri"jtion Business, both in Philadelphia and the oountry, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmaoy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTION'S that the Physicians and publio may favor mo with. All my preparations as 1 have above asserted, are made from tlio best material, aud upon honor 1 assert, they are of ulliciul strength. lor medicinal purposes, I keep on nana tne very ' Vines, brandies and liquors, that I can procure. before purchasing elsewhere, eall and oonvince your own mind. mvvm Sunbury, May ltt, lSo8. Kxecutoi-'a JHotlcc. Estate of Catharine Brooious, dec eased NOTICE Is hereby given that letters teatamontary having been grantod to the undersigned, on the estate of Catharine Brocious, late of Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland oounty, Pa., deceased. AH persons knowing themselves indebted to laid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having olaims to presont them duly au thenticated fur settlement, tueuucaieu ANDREW DITT Y, Executor. Lower Mahonoy, May , 1808. 8t - WAI L I'.IPKU. pAPER HANGINGS! ' ,( JMllI.vst STOCK OF WALL PAPERS, - NEW AKD ELEGANT STYLES i- ' foA PARLOUS', BALLS, ETC., ,' - - -' Vnoi.E8AI.p ASD HETAIL , ;-: HOWELL 4 BOl'RKE'B, -Corner of Fourth aud Market Streets, ltiiludelthia. March 28, '68.-,1m IF you want picture, nf auy kind, of yourself er friend, go to Itrerly'fc new room, Market t-jinre. near the Mlrd LIGHT ! LIGHT !! LIGHT! flMIE popular Phntograper, has fitted up, in the JL old Post OftVo building, threo doors w est of the railroad, Market Square, one of tho very host Kky -Lights to bs found in tho State, and Is now prepared to take pictures of any kind, in all kiuJn ol weather, early and late. hildron taken almost Instantly Bring along the babies wo aro now ready for thorn. COMK ON'K ! COMB ALL ! both great and small, soa his ne(V rooms, uu J ex amine speoimens. FRAMES and FRAMING material constantly on hand and made to ordor. Bring along your pictures and have them framed choaper than anywhoro else. Coma and see for yourselves, Anything in the plcturo lino constantly on hand or ordered. Copying done, in all its branchos and colored as dusirod Both out and indoor views taken at short noli'-" and on reasonable terms. Satisfaction giiarrantee 1 , as our motto is to ploasc. All nogatives carefully proservod. Romembcr tho plaoe usk for S liVLIl LY, Market Square. May 'ii, '68. -ly. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Ink, Paprr, Ac. I Miscellaneous Books, a good assurt-, nient. All tho now books received its soon as published, ni.d tef salo a' Publishers' prices. BIBLES, Prayer Books and Ilymu Books, in every stylo of binding. ; Catholic Prayer Books. FAMiLY BIBLES in various flylis DICTION ARIES of all furs. Juveniles and Toy Books, u large assortment IIIanK IIooltM d Blank Forms of till kind?-. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and Note Papers. COPYING BOOKS, Ink-tands Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutlers and Counting House Stationery generally PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS cheap nud dear. Gold Pens and Holder:'. Pocket Books nnd Bill Wallets. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American, French, Ac. Drawing Paper, all sites, Bristol Board. Ac. Diaries, Memorandum Books. Ac. Backgammon Bourdt, Guinea, Clie men, Ac. Toys a largo ami complete assortment Base-Balls and tints. Fithiug Rods and Tackle. i Perfumes, Erobciuiau and Parisian ) M n w j V, w w N M tr1 W ts is. fci a c tr. H O w M ES to W tt to fC c! M w V w c V Marbles, Ac. ' Gold Pens re-pointed ' Lamps, Shtdcs, Globes, Chimueys, Ac. Wall Paper and Bordor. nil kinds Window Curtains, Paner Gilt and Oiled. Music und Muiieal Iutruments. fj'AH kinds of Books and Stationery r.ot on bund , promptly ordered. All Die Daily and Weekly Papers and Magazines ! Agcutfurthfl "Amorican Organ." Also for "La ' Rose's Hair Restorative," L'nainol of America, aud "National Steam Navigation Company ' Sunbury, May 10, 1806. IItl TU lim I Ml. SPRING TRADE 1308. M. L. LAZARUS, would cull tho attention of tho public, aud her customers generally, to her largo and now iisnrt meut of I'aui j'uiul Domestic Iftry tiooiN. Which consist of Poplins, Delaine, Chencs, Allapuc cus, Crepes, Gronadines, Iron Baregoj, Luivu, Giughams, Calicoes, Chiutzes, Ac,, White oo1m. Cninbrics, Stoys, Organdies, Victoria, Plaid Muslin? Marsaillcs, Pique, Drillings, Wignns. Mucins (bleached aud unbleached.) 'i'uldc l.ineu, Napkins, Towels, Tablo Covers, Bed Spreads. Ac. Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Dres Trim mings, (in variety,) Ladies aud Gents Handker chiefs, Neok Ties, and notions iu variety too numer ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury, May 0, 1803. MOOT A.M JVC. SYLVIS, WITH II. O. TIIACHER, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF . Moot, Shoes iiml tiJui tt-rx, Pleasants' Building, Murkot Square, .VUNBLRY, PA. Ladies' Boots. Shoes and Gsitcrs of all de.seriition made to ordor on the shortest uutico aud nio.-t rea sonable terms. Havin; the best workmen enipl 'ved, we can assure the public that, if tliey will pvo us n call, iney will do satisuea oi tao uuove lacis. ki: PAIRING neatly done with tlisputuh. I If your corns do hurt your feet, Just call and leavo your mcaturc, And we will make your Shoes or Boots That you will cull u treasure. March itt, '68 ly. ' J."V. Stevkspon. A. N. Uiih i:. ATTRACTION AT II A U l'T'S NEW 1ROX Fill) N T : STEVENSON & BRICE, HAVE opened up a new and desirable stnek of Goods in Hnupt's New Building, consisting in part of a splendid variety of American 1VW-Ii'm, GOLD WATCHES, ROOKS, . . CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVER- W A RE. GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Wnrc, Cutlery, Pictures, Looking Glasses, &c, &.C, kc. Call and examine our stock. Our uim will bo to nlnu.n nt,,l unlirifviill ichiimtll. STEVENSON A BRICK. ! Sunbury. April 18, 1888 ;im .i'i'i:s'r st vi. lis or ! SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, itltHtl rtl. Ii. (aOMHler, begs leavo to an- ' nouncetothe Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, thut 1 she bos just opened a lurgo and varied stock of MILLINERY GOODS, The latest New York and Philadelphia styles of , LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fabiouablo Em broideries, Edgings, Laoes, Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, aud all kiuds of Fancy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Porluine ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, Sta tionary, io., Ac. Calf and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 11 J88S - REEVES' AMBROSIA roil thu iiviit, IMPROVED ! It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair It causes the Hair to Curl beautifully. It keeps the Scalp Cloan and Healthy. It invigorate the Routs of the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuiiautly jt immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age, It rostorcs Grey Huir to its Origiual Color. It brings out liaison heads that have been bald for years. It is composed entirely of simple and purely vegeta ble substances. It bat received over tix thousaud voluntary testi monials of its excellence, many of which aro from physicians in high gtandtog. It is fold in half-pound bottles (the name blown in the glass), by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Good everywhere, at One Dollar per Bottle. Wholesale by Dcmas Barnes A Co.; F. C. Wells & Co.; SchicfTe lin A Co., New York. March 31, 1868. 3m IRON. A large assortment of the Lest manufac tured Bars, Hoop. Band, Round aud fviuare Iron, Nail Rods, L'aat titeul, liln-ler Steel, Drill Steel, Here Shoos, none Nails, Anvils, - - Bellows, Vises, Hammers, Bledfies, Ratpt and piles, at CONLtV t CO S WiiRE can I get the beat picture' Why st llyrrly'k, of coutie Alwtys gi. Ui F-yr rly an jud'g l"i yourself SPRING OPENING. GUV. AT FALL IN r'KK'P.H! Buy the MOST GOODS, ot the 1 or th LEAST 3I0NEY. SMALL l'liOni;j AND SALES! ;l'K;K CAM I st th MAMMOTH STORE, .'l.vHKI.1 ;l r-.1', Sl'NPl'UY, PENN'A iliir juol ieive l aud npened ibo ki:t isi;i.i;"ri:iaud ! i'lM.M ASMRIMLNT. -f DRY GOODS IN TOWN. l'ren'ii Mr !'i lilts, Muslins, tin-lianis, Ca;tuum. Ac. Dclaim ,- inul Aruiuri i'-m-stlu Cottcis". Rtowii and Kmobed NOi D'lN.j of all kiunr. Jli- , Ol. vci-, Men sand I.ndicj I'ndergai ment WHITE aOORS. A full a.-soi tin out of IlilJtMlNGS C'tiidci will find my Stovk of Hai ti ivurc, I'liintH, Oil, lav, Ae, 4 oiuplt' t'. I'ru -.i and Melismi-, Willow and i'c lai waie tjueinaivai . ila M(ar t'ri ckerv sit BOOTS AND SHOES HA is AND CAPS, and iu fact everything utuelly Urpt iu a lae :tuie Call aud to convinced that the CHEAPEST. PLACE TO LVV ALL YfUT. (iOODS i at Tlic Maniniotli Slur v. Jri. V. riULiwa, I t rim. Cuoli, a as my (iuoda aro bought for Cath and riidd Chea. for the Kfc'ADY MONLY- I give the trade tho ad vautageof all reductious ukl it th'.y ir ir.n lo by Manulaclurers li Y iRlH-V S-unl'ury, A piil 1? K05 BUEAI) & FANCY CAKKP. HKi'.l'ECTlL'l.LV mt'iruii thn -ititu4 of .'- ii, j bury and vicinity, thut lie will twke t-i ou r all kind., ol 4 nUrnloi tti)4, Pai lii-N, sVr. Kamilins are supplied with rj'.ESII I1KK A D, 1 u Hulls. lln,'ks, Tea IHms, Ao , and alsok 'pt ou Usui uiiinut'aeiiirud out of the liesl rtlAtcrials. All oideri left at his ("hop in .Hrkel S-iia, . . . dour cat t of Anna Painter's Nillinory Slot. , ,,r at his-Bakery ou rlpruoo Street, bvlwuen Flint and Second streots, will mod with prompt aitnnti'ip. PIC-NIO I'AllTIKS Fufpiid 'with Ctkr.. I." Creiun.Ac, at tho tliurtusl unticc. t'rl rs oro rcipt fuiil'ii! v. Mav 2 utfully fcOlkited I UAVin ntv I86i. s'W)n.R. m:m uud'.r..iur't bavins; ioiebt 'hn 1 entire teok of Diw.iucor A Invlor. old mi'uini tki t'ublie. thai he no- ready to do all kim'.t of ron.blo work , hue on hand, and mnks rdw at short notice, .MomiDvrn'.s und Hr.ltt-5 lours, of rery ttylo to suit purchuieii. VVVU AND WINDOW MILS. iVuict'-ry lti. vilb G.ilvanit.'d pipe, ta ; a. I other feioitu: generally u"d on Cumet'jrirs J, dm A 'i'ayl"i will coiMiue un Ihn wmpWivrru.M . u' the old Hand in Murkt Souurn, Sunburv. Pa May 2, 'frJ.-ly W. V. DAVGHERIY ' TSCICAS Q. 1T0TT3 MKKCHANT TAILOII, MARKET WAKE, Cl'MJUKY, PA., J J An just received alurgeaud well-selcitoi .-to. k Sl'lMSl! AND SUMMEIl WJttS coiniidini; of the fniui-l (.'!, I Til S, CASSIMEREiS AND YLSi'kN'.;:i ever brought to Stit-.biiry. anil which h nrmntF:- t-i ;.el cheaper tbau tlio cheapest, lluving the .-"rvie. . of skilllul tailor.i, lie guarantees a Buod fit in i vr.iy in.-tnncc-iul'fiior to none outside of the cities. Eierythinj; from my eslublubment will bo gunr anti i'd'iiF ropiffciitcd. . . . THOMAS U NOIT. .--uiil'urv, Moj '.U!i, 1;63 ti' SlMliN(l FASHIONS IN Mii'ti LOUII3A SaiSfSLEK, Till, popular Millinery, smith side of M irkit Square, Sunbury. is desirous of calling the ottontion of the public and trade tc her unique and handsja'.B iu-?ur:un.ut of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCDS, jud opened. Ouhan i nnd made to ordor, are the latest and moat superb Mylca of Ilriilal, .loui iiia nud Urcsn Hou nets and SliitM. Also, a splendid sssorlmrnt of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Frames. Veils, Collars, Ac (icntloioeu's ll'iodj, such as Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Koek-lios. BrmliiiMiud goods for tho toilxt Also, a fine assortment of Perfumery, nnd oil gouds usually kept In a well lutui-lied establishment A call is only required to be convinced. V. I!. Special attention is directed to a Ene lot of Ladies' Drc&i Cap." aud Ilea I Drosses LOI'ISA SHlsnLi i;. April I?, lS'jS. R13WAED I'm n ineitieLi-: 'iiut villeijre t-t 11311, IM-'l.i V.W.K. TIi'ltl.INO ;:, ;:,e I'ltKOA I', WIIOOI'IM", i l,It r.(; CUN:-i'M-iVi: OtWUIIs. cr iu.e a:i (HE'S C o V ; II li A I, S A M 1 OVfcR ONE MILLION BOTTLES : have, been mo'i! and not a meclc iu&(;iiil'c ol its nu u" -. known W'f. luive. in our po.-bi'SHleii, nny TiHiili';. "t r-,:.' ' tifi'-iitt!--, b uie of tliein ("roni i I'.MINENT IMIVML'I.VNS i ! -.- : 1 1 t t I ( - i l . . t r y, .i: l riven It ttlCp'f ; i jitnieiice ovcrcvciy orla-r c-iCiputiuJ j IT DOES NOT DRY IT A COI'tai. ' but I.OOSKNS IT, k i fl'j tn (Mi.;b!c the p:it:r:'it to ex'ect"i:ite frce'y. Tv-' . j Jfirt-o desert. Witt. InvaRIAHIV t'l'Hb T'lCKMMI IN THE Tllti'Mt ' A linll' bid. In lins ol'teil e-iniplcleU i-orr.t t tin iick' Ski'.. j bom Couali, titel yet. lliouli it la '( flineand Mpeedy in Oil 1 "peniluiil. It ()(-vt"-tly lii)nn!eMf, t-i porelv v. jitf(r,l,le .' It is very af reealjle to tlio taslc loul may be adniliilhten 1 I I., .-niLI-. n ,:i ,,, In c:ivc i -I CK'JIT ire '.vi '1 udar.-oitee u e-nu, It luSra in K'iini. NO FAMILY Midi 1,11 Hi; Wl Mini T I I" tt in williiu ftir readi ul nil, it bcjnc liie clicapc?t :iui t-ect niedl.'iiie e.!uill. .'. i.:. CI. AUK A CO , Proprietors. NEW HAVEN, CONN Ar-ril If, l:tW. ly DYSPEPSIA CURE. riMHS OniLvr KE.MEDV l'Olt ALL DISEASES d X t tnc E3T O M A C H 6 ( u tl,c dli,,.-overy "i ttie mvenror ot' t"oc's va'iMl-;.- C-nii;''! j H'dmin, while eiiielliiieuttiig f"r liMown health, li e(j(ed ( Ounip iu the Htouiiteh lor linn winch hail heiore jicKid j to lioiliinK liut chlorofurin. i Tin- iihiioKt (tjiily te.tmi inv l((ni vniious purts i,r :hc ' country eucouiiiite us to l.eheve thure is no iliai:if.c i-.o-e-l tiy a diiiorileit.t atoniaeli it will not ipeedtly cure ! Physiciaua ontloiso aud Vno it ! ; Milliliters give testimony of its efficacy. J And from nil directions "'c re-.'eivc tulini, of cures re? ' l-.ninei!. t DYSPEPSIA! I It i:- i:rc- to cure i llEAItTlifl'.N j Our il-jiic w.ii eu'e j SICK HE WIAi'UE ! i It him curc-i m litintrt-'ii ot eaaeu ! HEAD XCHI: AND MZINEr' it It'))), 1!) thirtV JltMltll. cipi ry oi' the stomach It concell at once RISK Of 'I'll K 1 OOI) ' It Mtops iinnictiau-iy 1 IHiMlE-rS At'M:H KA'MNO' i lui ,loi:c vvi1' ic-.n-c. r i'IKJEi:UA M 'K Hl.'tj ' , liajildlv yields to a lew d- set I BAD UliEATH ' Wili h'j c'uin;'-it ,vit!i lull a t, .-t'.,t ; I T I H D E it 1 liDTLi' 11 AHMLlCHt' It tlNPRKCF.DENTED SPCCES9 is owing l ths Ia,:l that It t uri'n by ."hiMlng: "Nature Tt) I' HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM ' Neatly tvj-ry dealer in the t'nited States sells ,1 tt ONE DiLL A It PER UOT ILL. C G. CLARK & CO., Proprietor!, ; NEW HAVEN, April l. 16 - ly Ki:i:i AYKI.L-DHESSER Call aud 'to tuo lull at-iccled stock ol CLOlTIS, C.VSflML'RLS, OVLKCOA'JIXti.-', Juit received at VL'STINC. 1 i.) MLllt'IIANT TAILOIJING KSTABLIrJil 51KNT, lourtb Street, below Kystur's .Store, El'NEVRV WINTER CLOTHING if the aiut apprcved styles is male up to crier reai-otiablo ratos. Ho has abo a Cne assortuunl of Ca'.iimcre Kbirts Drawers, L'nticrt hirts, Ovnihaul?, Blotvw, Keck tics, Cotton end WouUn H" i.. Suspondoro, Hauu keicbicis, Cloves, and a general variety c-t liL'NILEMLN'S FlRNIbUlNU t;0'De'. tiive him a call, vrhiub you Kill hud te bu to your a-lvantajre. cunbuiy.Oct. 19, ISC7 luitsj, OIU, Ac. A full stuck of Oils couipricin Linseed Oil, Coal I Oil, I' isb Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Lniu.s an I ; aiaerinery, sinirncs. uiass, always ou itjiei.atiuw prices at co: ,'LL'Y ro; 11' you h imi a v' liy rrl " cd (( hi re c lr t in () n ei'.: -F-t)l 1 ( -i !i o 1 (ire Tt II IE- I'll roil rent framr J, t r"iic hrsprr ihtn sn n-'-ul-ltp; o! ii:! k-.ri