NEW DHY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I On Third Kt., n kor below Iho Lutheran Churob, SUNBUKY, rEMN'A. HENBY I-J3Xl:ll3, Hm just opened largo assortment of I'KY HOODS, such as Caliooct; Dolnines, Muilins, (JHOCHIVIE 8 nnd provisions of nil kinds, such n B'uO ARS, COFFEKS, TEAS, SPICKS, COAL OIL Molasses, Eupt., Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuti Dried and Cnnned Fiuilf, Prunos, Raisins, Chcoso, and Cracker, a-d in fact everything usually kept in t'-io t" rocery lino. plains, Fifh, Coal Oil, Crockery wnre, Quceiiswnre C lnss-w.-iro, illow-ware, Ac. The best FLOUR and .MEAL in Die Market lobacco. ''ic.irs, nv..l a variety of NOTIONS. Also: All kindj of Canned 1'ruit, nt the lowest 1 rice. Country Produce laken in cuchnngn fur Goods. Cull and examine my Stock, and rnlitfy your ilvca. HENRY PETERS Sunb.iry, April 25, 1BC7 i-. u. mookc. l. c. inesmuBU. cw linn! New Sfoio! Sew If com! and an ENTISE NEW STOCK OF GOODS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! flOOISK A: issi.aiit, Jlavo iu::t crenel f'refu'Iy 'elected Etoak ol NEW liOOl'ri, ia FJaurl's .New Iron 1'ront, MARKET STREET, SUNBUKY, PENN'A Consisting of nil oooks, noti or-';-', groceries. (JLEEKS WARE, ('LASoWAH, nnd a full lino of nENTXEMEJfS rURSISIIIKO GOOES AND l alien-;, Jluslm'. l'l.irncb, Tnblo Linens Toweling. Cheek., Tickint:, Couui'.T-au-, Cnssimcres, Vi :iini?9, lam?. Skirl.. Neck Tics, Ci'llc', Colbirs'tKcrclikf-', ;i.c. Oil (.'! Lli . Carpel.--, Wood t.ud l 'iilow-Viure. W, invito tpccial a' tent ion to tl.c quality of our .;tock of .;!"n.i:s!t: am ii:is, MO r.,ul JAVA COFFEE, TKAS, StXIAKS, Ji (.'LASSES, svuri', eoAi. SALT, 1 IS1I , VINEUAR, Ac, Ac. i urnpucH's Celebrated FLOUR, nlwajs en hand We fuel confident that cah buyer will lind it to lijcir aiivaDU'.c to givo u n call, nnd customers (vncraKy arc invited to call and cxuinine our goods ;iiid got ported on our price?. By strict uttontiun to tho wants of rur customers c'. l fair dealing we hope to muiit a lull r'juro ol tho public pstronni'e. COUNTRY PRODUCE of nil kinds tnken in ox- ba:io for good?, for which the highest prico will be paid. MOORE A DlaSINUER. Banbury, April !'., 'CS HtltCtieV' JK8 1.8.. THf" bavin," just erected and put in v I'oruiiun a Jlill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, v tlf r iho liifri.e:,t market prieo for FLAX SEED. Thi-v hu-'c nltiiubcd to llinlr vstnbliidiuient a Chop ping Mill, ii : 'J firmer nnd otherb wanting grnin ' iotpi-d for feeding, can bo accommodated at tho jbirWt notice. A ninc' fr chopping corn with the cob 13 attached to tbc mill. II JUU AN & MASSER. .'.-inunry 2.r, ly TOP. RING TON & HODGKIHS. i-. yv w BONE jjurEii-riiosriiATE of lime, A STANDARD MAXUHU Ki. ALL FIELD AND C.ARDEK CROPS. Having within tbo pn.t year greatly increapeil and improved our lacihtiap lor grinding iionoft and man u'.aoturing, we are prepared to l'tirnitb to tbo larui trh of rcnupylvuuia a superior article of f!iuf'i--JMoi filiate. ('ur manufiicluro has been thnrnr.ghly testrd the, pa-t rea'n by piraetioul nion of our iinmcdiHtc m iglil'orhood and cl.-c here, and iu every ta. c tbc icoiilt had been entirely atii'fuetor'. ('ur process of pulverising, whereby it is i .1 t'.ir anil propar- ' b; ARRANTEED TO PASS THROl'lllI ANY DRILL, ol.-. i'lteg on objection wliicli mlneher to many fer t li ters, nnd secure io tho f irmer a saving ol much valuable time. HOLD ATI UK MASUl- ACKKV, K A S T M A II K E T S T It 11 1 T , MWIJIL'SIV, H'A., ol by our Agents throughout tho country, iu EngJ A Cell Ibj each, at fi,-" per Ton rf 20C0 lbs ALIO SHIPPED PROMPTLY 'i al! p-'inti acces.-ablo by rail or canal, on receipt rf order. TOREIXGTOX A HODGKINS bi . --rlx for F. yre. ur, M Tnn A Allen's Self 'abma lit a per and Mower (Tho New Yorker) an.l '' A l i... iioy - ilny and liruin Rake. t i'.l ,r Circular. ' t bruury 1 j V-.-. !y iliCIVitl At l' .lOTH'li. . I' I 111 1. under i""c.1 ;ueceeded lo Ihcl ii.i- i l l'. 11 IMF. A I'O , I lies this method of !i:t..rming l.m k havers, liuilders, and all other. in- i-r-slvd, in and about Sunliuiy. tliat he if prrpurtal io fill nil orders. f..r buildiug nnd paving llrick, of a i iii'-rior rjualiiy, and at in low rules uu can be had i i ev, hi:l e 1 am ii! 0 the A.'cnt in tho Cuinties of N'ortbun l.eilan 1, I i. on, Snvler and M.nitour. for WAIi. 1 : 1 : N .s IM.'lioVI '! I 1 HE and WATER PR'ji 'F bfiic is tbo tin Hix-.-t nnd bi.-t Roof Ihnt i nr. 1 c n ul on buildiii. Wo coi ered build- ; Ja.-t aea.'ill V ith entire satie- Mi i,i the ri u ri t i i -. f.r at the Yard in I'ako s Addition Cr-o ot Mr. )'m. Roapan m r Xhv or at .unbury Post itpt HiU'iit-on. TOWN-SEND HIME3 oi t .w Mi'l hijiI l.uml.i i 'rticiv will receive pi. "unburv, Mar' h I t i jcri3PiA:j,9i rja.'jav:ia"a ii. II. IU.., llentisl. "Alii remove Ida Oflice In J. M. Pinipsou's Ruildif.js 2i.d story, Murkct Siuuro, BU1-I33-JRY, TA.. J lli.lil. he will be pnrM-id to do nil kind:: of work pirtairdn.' to 1 vn'i.try. Will ke . i .Mi.lnntly on hand a l;ir;;o iii--orini( ut of 'J'eeth, and i. tin r Dental n atorinl, fi oui wldch ho will be able to ;ele.-t, und ine'-t thf.'s of liis eiiomers. All work wnrruiii'd to j-ivo s:!ii;l'aciion, cr cl.c tho m-'iuy reiuii'ied. Tbo try IikI I.f.iutb V.'ath ni: l Tooth-r:wder k. i f on liar.d. Mi reference nro the numerous p dronr br whom ri w rkol fir the )t twelve years, uubury, .dai oh 2!, Iu6i. To Farmers! rACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S TJLE f-OLl'LLL PACIFIC GUANO. TflilE attention i f Farmors and other consumers c.f I Feitiliers is invited lo this (iuano. at worthy of i ii t kpoeiul notice. Iti uso I'.r te oral years iu .Mai viand. Yiriuia and either b'outheru .States, for all .noi'.i, has giveu it u t-tandard character lor t.v c !!. ncu unequalled by any otfcer. l! posto.-ses all tlu iiuickncss of Peruvian Unano, with permanent Huiiliucs not fiiimd in Unit ai liclo. ii.'iO lbs. of this I....U.I. i re '.mini uioie Ihau mpinl In MO of the I et hu; eri In-.-; bale. It r'pnii- the wheat crop I rota t ie to '!Viii ds enib. r than the plii...; hates, wliicb i-. -t o1 l give-- it iu.'a.V jlaLlo udvunuigcs Liberal I" de.ik,s. I l r tnlo hy .1011N B. LEESl' A CO , tleetral Agonts lur Pnoilie (Iuano Co , ;ih bou'.li lirlr.waru Avo , I'lnlud a , ,, , , Aud 71 routb fitrtut Ualliuiore M.trcli 1SC8. Om f-lIOEMAKKRr?. HE be.i i,uaiHCB 0 . ,lu tonlher, Frown Calf 1M"r'"'w. Liinnn:, 1.H..I-, Nailt, peC,, ii ot nil hmdt. and eery ihinL'usrd lw tbo trd, 11 " v J H C'iNLEY A CU A Le-K''J' "' Mall HY7rj7ml ' 'b '"' ' 1C0''1V,', "ul p'f tale et!,, M-r3Ul l'. A, r.r .... " Y FPILIN'J THE GREAT AMSItWAN COMBINATION Million lloI OTcrncuuiInK AND DEVAIITG IEACHI1TE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of Its tirent Merit. The incrmro in the demand for (his valuable ma chine ha been TEN FOLD during tho last seven months of its fimt year before the publio. This grand and surprising success is unprecedent ed in tlio history of ewing-mnchines, and wo foel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Jieing Absolutely the EofI B A.tHi.Y ?I V4 1I1M: IN THE WOULD, An I I ntri 'ideally the Cluoftd. It i really two m;hines combined in ono, (by liuiplc und bwi'itiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both tho Shuttle or Lock-stitch, aud the Over Beaming and Uutton-bolo stitch, with equal ractlliy and perlection, It executes in the very tost manner every variety of toning, such .-, lemming, Fe ng, Cording, Tuikmg, Stitching. and Qu 1 ng, Oatberii.g and saving on, ,done at '" l'- and in addition, Overscan,.., 1 n.broid orton tl te edge nnd makes beautiful liullon and l.yelot bolcs in nil '"Fver'y Machine is warranted by tbo Company, or its Agents, to givo cntiro satisfaction. Circul'ir', with full particulars mid samples of worli dono on this Machine, can be had on applica tion lit i-!io!Sloroouis of -TUB kvanmcASs IJUTTON HOJJ', OVEHSEAMINU AM) SEWIXU MACHINE CO., 3 IV. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. lnftructieii' given cn Iho JLuhino at tbo rooms of the Couips.i.y grntuiloufly to nil purehiiscrs. At! H NTS WANTED. n:K!)'K I'AXSON, Prcsiilcnt. W. II. Mr.NPKXii.M.i., Tiw-surcr. Ap il2.i, lt'f.i. lyau. ' FLOUR & FEED STORE WllOT.mM.!-: AND HKTATL. MV, -Iihit . 1.. r r.-'t coifiilly iuf..rni3 the p-ab.ic that ! keel C"r.?tar.:ly on band at his new WAKE1KU M'. near tli Wiauiokin Valley Railroad Dipnt. in SI A' lit IY. lb Mir 1 y the barrel and talk? of all kind? ol Fc.l by the bin Tho nlvno i all r.iamili;cturcd at bis own Hills, and will Lo sold at the lowest cash prices. .1 CADWALLADER. fimlmry, Apul 1. !m'n Watchmaker & Jcwelr, M A K K E T S IJ V A RE, S V N IiUHV.l'A, Will remove his Jewelry Store to Jliller'ii Stono Iluildin. curn.T of .Id nnd Mariiet Siiiarc, ON FE Ell VARY 1st, 1803, where he v.ill be happy to receive his old customers and the public in generc.l. Thankful for past favors, be solicit a enn'inuarco of the same, nnd he is de termined to tell as low as the lowest, and for quality, not to lie surpassed by any goods in tbo market. A largo a-j'rluicnt of WnlcSti-si, Clot'lt. .Jewelry ami Mitver Ware, cun-tauliy on nana, c.x.u'i.-'.m oi uu jtiuusoi .-imcri-can Wir.ebes, ittcli as the ITownr-l, Apploton, Tracy & Company, rrrm'v'r, Wnltham. P. H. JJartlet, Win. Fll lory. ilotue and a lino ussortment of Swiss Wntches. All imU ol' 8 D;iv nml 30 Hour Clocks I Silver tea setts, card nnd cukn baskets, brciikfatt nnd dinner castors. Celery slan,l.:. syrup and drink ing eus. r.i d n full aiseilmcnt of Spoons, Knives Mid Forks, l'nrlieiilnr n'.tention paid to Iho repair ing ol Wnlclios, Clucks, Jewelry aud Music Roses. All work v arrautcd. Fob. 8, IM-S. THE Git EAT PllIZE I'l.Uc rcV, r.iri, 1SC7. THE K0W2 SEWING MACHINE CO ELIAS JlOWE,Jlt. Awarded over Eighty-twu Competitors. 1 111- t i '.'.:" Sl- Iililirn, Tae ' ' Ci'e:i of tho Legion of Honor i.r.l GOLD MEDAL ven b Avi.l.KAv .Sr.vvisi; M ' uiNKS, per luipe riul l'oeioc. i r.Mi.-hed in ll.o .Mnnitenr bimetal (Dllieiiil ..'i u. in.l of tho French Empire!, Tuesdtiy -j Juiv, 1 -o, . in ll.e-c worn. I 1'at'rie.iiitc dc Machines a ecu- Ei-IAb iiouj . Ji: : itre ei.-posunt. v '.T.-innfaetiirer of Settine; Mu- ) chines. Exhibitor. 'Th's (I.-ubio fir. t Lt nor ii an tlier proof of tbo great .-upeiiorily if tbo HOWE SEW INti MA CHINE over all others. ' .-'HILLY A STOOPS, No 1?. i-oulk Ei-bt ritieot, PhiladelpbiH, ADei.t.. lor l'cuiisvlvai.ia. New Jersey, Dvlawaro and Wc.-ti i u A irginia. 1 l.tuarv 12. Im'.-i. :im CIOOEIlIEa Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. . CJ!l'.l!V A: "t.. Iu Wtiiret V I'.iil lin.-', V. i. er Sireet. near King St., Noi.TIU Ml 1 i:i..)ND, PA , IM'i'I'M ib-ir friend : m l the public generally tb;it ll.-vl.'ea I.-.!;'.. ,. M.rtiuout of tiroccrico I'lc.i i.- i. A c . - ii 1 1 froth ;i.i t I be be Jt i utility, con tistinS of Tea.-. C ti'ees, fugar. . and r-picei. I j i I in 1 I'Mnid Fruit', Prunes, Raisin-, Cheese. Cr:;ck rs. end ill fact nir.vlhing usually K. I in the Up ,'i ry line. 1 1.. v v.-o u'il at-. 1 1 all all "'.tii n M their large and I. u-p ;-t .- I FAMILY FLOCK, llreen Tea. II. ii is. -nhlors. .'. c , . !i!.-h arc constantly kept ou b:.n I. Alvi, all l ind.-; i.i Ycge-Ubles, Ac., Ac. iiivctl.r-n a call mi 1 rec f, r y,,urcll. N..l tln;;..! f rlnnd, pt. 2 l-'o7. SSONB V7AHE. JIM 1 c.-t in; I cbeiti ett iisMrtuiont of iStoiic Ware in tin .laic, ju.-i riee.icl uui lor sale cheap at Jie M-iuiii.- tU C.-Bb 'u re ef H Y. FRILIXH ISAAC K. STAUFFER, YiHi !siua!i-r untl Jevi. 'lr. v -! -f.v . IIORT U. i!d BT . ('Oil. Ob' (JUAHUY, l'llll.ADF.t.PliiA. Ail aiv r' V:mt eoei'aiilty l li-.a.i-Mie I Wnt 'luSj Ji V ry, Silver aud 1'l.tteo I Viite!:is nnd Jrwelry pr'nntly at leinleil l.i N"V :', l-il-l y. t'JU s-'.-d Hers, we l ave Saddle Tieis. Litis, Ruck lii Tre.f. Pad li'-es, lianes, all kinds aud e;ery thin1: 1 eriainiiig to ihe baffinesj--. iur ulo by J. II CO.VLEY Co 'I:lilr-3'. ;n rlnx . -1171: would call (l.o iitt' Tition of those wnnting a Y Child s, to our new and lurgo assort ment Cuujpii?:ng new und beautiful stylo. J. 11 CON LEY A CO bUNr.L'HY STEAM SAW MILL. M 1 1. 1.1 111 HE tl. AI, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of TI.MH.K, l.l'MLLlt, LATH, PAL1NO A til IK- OLE3. AI.o. Flooring. Sholviug. biding, Doors, Smh, blinds, 1' Mouldings, fio. Corner Race .Street ai d River Road, Bl'NRL'R Y, Pa April 1 ISiW. T1'itN Ii; V hi Al.LRrT.uT', litTwilbTll kinds o' J biono Waic a thin l'aetoiy prie. at Hsr ) 1IT il, LM lll I 'b'? ! ! Hume' f.i.-kn- he. skage and freight, at II Y FMLl-1 Li fiiifav A fa r00m J30 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Are, the bost In Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They are more simple and durable, ea6ior kopt In order, make a strongor and more elastic- stitch, a firmer and more beautiful seam than any othor They sow n'l fabricf from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fusion both ends of tbo seam by their own operation, and thongh every fifth stitch is cut the scam will not rip. 'I'hc Very llifihcut Prize, the Crows of the Legion of Honor was conferrci on tho repro sentativo of the (.ROVI'It Sc IIAKI-K at tho Exposition I niversclleo, Taris, 18fi7 ; thus nttcs'.ing their great superiority over all other sew ing machines. OROVER A BAKER'S MF.W STYLES i t it i: m jit'iii n r. n For Manufacturing, Combine Iho most modern aud essential iniirove ments. Tbo attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Roots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring tho uso if tho mojt cli'cctivo LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over nil others FOR SALE RY Miss CAROLINE DAI.IUS, Market Street, SL'NBURY, PENN A., Nov. 23, li67. ly THE GREAT MAM BITTERS The component parts of Oils rcmaA-aldo prrpftration frcre flut diaeovervd, compounded and liietri touted, some twenty years njro, .by Dr. Cmeopscb, the eclc luated Kgyptiuu riiyMckiu Thousands of his suffer ing countrymen were restored to henlth, as well as great numbers of the inhabitants of Nubia nnd Abyseinio, and of bordering upon the Southern coast or lite Aieaitcnancan sea. Indeed, the fnmo of tha 1 A UAlll 1111 1 LIU noon spread over Europe, und was Adopted by tho principal l'ltysicians in charge of the hospitals of tho fid world, in which it is Mill used with preemi nent sureess. The Vioeroy of Kgypt placed the name of dr. CheoPBI'S upon the u lioll of Noblci," and pre entcd to him a M edit. I bearing the following inscrip tion: 41 Ur. Cuxoi'sua, the Public Benefactor." Thu Jlitters is now offered to the public of America with the fall assurance that it will be found, upun a fair nial, to act ns a specific fur tho cure of Cholrrtit Dysenfcrv, DlnrrHorn, Diolrrt Murbttn Fever nnl Aenr, Yellntv Fever, f tlieumnfUm Tyhoil Fever 1 spepsla, 1 olle, ItronchltU, Cotmumptlon. VlnCis lenoy, sJUcaueB of the Kidneys, Ncrvuua Debility, ami Fcmnlo CoinplaliLts. Remarkable cures of the above diseases hare been cQVctcd by its use, as numcrousccrtiflcates, man' from regular physician, fully attest; and It is destined to piipcrscile any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tuuic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT HAS KO KQl'AL. Tnrs rn ZINCVAKI IlITTEna UAA SW1I. AS W lil.L AS 110DY, AND AS A rREVKNTIVB or msKAsn. HAS NO BCPEKIOR.. A FF.W WfirtDfl TO LADIES. The use of the ZISGAKI BITTKR3 will Rive to yo that soft, icmi- transparent complexion which the (iod of nature (dc f,iitninir woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully InlenUed that you should have for it is nature's own powder nnd paint combined. By purifying the hlood, Eiiiiittl.uinff tho pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire rystein, it especially give that f mouth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to he desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what is even better than this, it cures every eptcies of emale irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Ilarrisburg, Tn. HAHTER & HATJSE, Sole PnorniETOK. For salo by V. A. liENNETT, Druggist, Buubury Pen nsylvania. Aug'ust o, le'ri?. on N Haas, jn. C. H WOLVEnTOJf. COAL! COAL! .COAL! f IH E subscribers respectfully inform tbociliiens of L Eunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a COAL TTARD at .1. Haas ii Co s Lower Wharf, huiiliury, In. here they are prepared to supply all kinds of 8ha mokin Coal, nt choap rates, i'uinilics and others promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully fcLlicitcd- HA AS & WOLYERTON, t-'uubury, Jan. IS, 1S68. tVAit ni:s fou i'vi:itvitiv. A Superb Slock of fine Clold nnd Silver Watches all Warranted to Run, and thoroughly Rogulatod, at tho low prico of $10 each, and satisfaction Guaranteed. 100 Sold Hold Hunting Watches, f250 (0 $1000 luu .Magic Closed Uold )) atehei Sou to 100 Latin' Watches, enameled. 100 to 30U Gold H'ing Chronometer Watches 2 0 lo 2H0 (lold Hunting Kngliab Levers 200 to oui) (lold Hunting Duplex Watches 100 to :io 250 2o0 2,0 150 250 250 75 ltitl .'iO ieiO ('old Hunting American Watches 100 to bl'O Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 5U0 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 500 Uold Ladies' Watches 50 to I'llin liold Hunting Lepincs 50 to 1000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 50 to 2. 'Oil Hunting Mlver Watches 5 to 5000 Assorted Watches, all kinds 10 to Tbo abnvo ttock will be disposed of on tho popu lar one price plan, giving every patron a fiuo liold or Solid Silver Watch for 10 without regard to valuo ! WnuiiiT, Duo. A Co., 101 Broadway, New York, wish to immediately dispose of tbo abuva maguili ceut stock. Certificates, naming tho articles, ure placed in sealed envolopes, and well mixed. Hold ers are entitled to the articles named in their oorti tcate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a wateb worth $1,000 or one worth leas. The return of. any of our certificate entitles you to the ui'liolas named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of iu worth, and as no article valuo at leas than H0 u named on any cortilicato, it will at once be seeu that this is no lottery, but a straight forward legiti mate transaction, ahicli may bo participated in even by the most fastidious. A single eorlilieato will bo sent by mail, post paid uf.n receipt of 25 cents, fivo for SI, cloven for S2, thiily-tbree and elegant premium for ii, bixty-six und more valuable premium for 10 ; one hundred and mostsupcrb watches for $15. The ngenls or those wishing employment, this is a raro opportunity. It in a legitimately conducted busiuuss, authorized by tie (iovernmcut, aud opeu to tho most rareful scru tiny. Watches bout by Express, with bill for collec tion on d-livery so lhal no dii tisfuctiuu ;on possibly occur Try us Address WRIUHT, RROTHER & CO., Import' rs, 101 R road way, New iork Marehe21. IStjtl. 3m CARPENTERS. WILL find in our fc-tabli.hiueut a tupwior btoek, of Planes, Saws, Augers, Ualchots, Hummers, File Chicle, 4 c , te , for sale by J II. CONLEY A CO 1IHD CAGES, II different kiuda If jouwunt I giod nd cheap hit I i. sget, Koi( i'ifl,r,V r-n c i . TTrriTTr-. -U BOOTS AKD SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVBR, KFSPECTKULLY Informs his friends and cus tomers, that be ha jmt opened a shop tor the aiaiiufaotur of ROOTS 8U0E8, en fjirure tlrcet, letween Scetnd Hretl und Centre Alley, Sunhtry. whero all kinds of work in hit line will be made up in the latest style and in the best workmanlike man ner. Having first olass stock on hand, he flatters himself that he will be able to suit tha tastes of the most fas tidious. The publio are invited to call. e. u , , , ,J011iN WILVER. Eunbury, Juno IS, 18(17. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on 8d street, opposito the JIAbONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSR'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Ktit Lately 12MtnbUhcd, -with all tlie Modern Improvements "of the Art I rpnE subscriber, having Inilt the room expressly 1 for tho purposo of Photographing, and Laving devoted many years to tiio business, is confident of his ability to assure his J atrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leavo the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best Sky light in the county, he ia prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, out would prefer a clear day for small children. He Is also rretrnrod to tako new size, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required site and colored boautilully in Oil cr Water colors or India ink. Wo pay rpecial attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscnpo views of Monuments, Machinery, Count v Seats, Ac, a largo lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The public are rospcctlully invited to call and see our specimens and our couiplcto arrangements for making Photographs, special terras to lumilies and club?. . EERG STRESSES,. Kunbury, July 13, .18. C. UllAKIIAUX'S Confectionry Toys and FIVETIT STORE flnrkct Street, Sunbury, Pit, CHXrECTIONEUY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c., &o., CONSTANTLY on hand and fr.r salo nt the above establishment ntwbolcsalo and retail, at reason able prices. lie is manufacturing nil kinds or Conre.l'.oiinri5 lo koep up a full assortment which nro sold nt low rntes. Tobacco, Pegars, Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other ai tides, all of whioh are otlorod wholesale nnd retail, Uf Remember the name and plnon. , sTT M. C. fl-EARIIART, Murkcl rtrcot, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright ASon's store. junbury, Sept. 19, lPoX tf Wnler iiiid l'iro Proof SLATE ROOFS. THS undersigned respectfully iuforms builders in this and adjoining counties that he is prepared to put on "Slate Roofs In a superior manner. Ho furn ishes tho celebrated Lebigli county rJlate, which is tho best in tbeirarkot. Ho warrants. bis work to bo durnblo and Oro and trcter proof. He invites tho in spection of tho public to tbc work he has dono in Sun -bnryon Haupt's, Urcenougb's nud Haas' buildings, and on others at various places. His prices are aa low ns those of any other sluler. Address, T. S. SMITn, Sunbury, P. O., or call at his residence in Upper Augusta twp. Januury 11, ISfi!. ly i'KUK'M i-o ifrlii a i'il Vii L ij, Vs,-I by Imilrolsorl'iigrr(4Rtioiis for Church or Commanion I'urpo.srs. AI.'O, EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. v.Yiivincj5, -Viiir jersey. SJ"i:i:iS'!i l'ORHlKAI'U HWH, FOUR YEARS OLD. This jusdly colebrated native Wine is mado from tho juice of tbo Oporto Orapo, raised in this couutry. lis invaluable Tonic A Mfrongthcniiip; Properties Are unsurpassed by any othor nativo wine, living the puro juico of tbo grape, produced under Mr. Spoor's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. Tho youngest child may partako of its generous qualities, and tbo weak est invalid may uso it to advantage. It is particu ly beneficial lotho aged aud debilitated, and suited tii tho various ailments that afflict the weaker ccx. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO RE RELIED ON. Invalids uso Sl'EER S PORT GRAPH WINE. Fvmalo uso SPEER'S PORT 11 RAPE WINE. Weakly persons find u benefit by its use. SPEER'S "iVINE-i in hospitals arc preferred lo other w iocs. Ixf-Sold by all Druggists ana Urocors. A Sl'l-.i'.R S YI.NEi'ARD, New Jersey. Office, 213 BROADWAY, New York. 'Tho trado supplied by Johnson, Holloway K Cow den, and French, Richards & Co., in Philadelphia. For sale by W. A. DENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oct. 20. 1 y . j. H. Conley Co., .tlai-Uel Street, Kant of the Railroad, sTjiTBTjn"v, rPKisris'-'YY. DEALERS IN I-ORUIU.'4' v Artii-RitMrv, Hardware & Cutlery. fllHE attention of Mechauics, Farmers, Ruildcr, L and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that wc arc now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than over was ofi'ercd in this markod at prices much below those hci cloture demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a geueral acsoitmcut of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, ELACK'SMITHS, CARR1AUE AND WAUON. MAKERS, JU1NER.S, AC, AC, together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Jltopo, Cliaius, Uriudstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March .10, 1IWT. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. TUB uodcrslgnwl, proprietor of Weiser X Fnck's Line, give notice to merchant and shippers that tho Depot is still at 811 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Uoods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations along tho railroad, will be promptly delivered. Uff Cars leavo 811 Market street, Philadelphia, tri-wcrkly Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewieburg, J. II. DROWN, Agent, Suubury, Pa. December T, 1807. Agricultural Implements, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Stool and Iron Oardon Rakes, Long and D llaudlu Spades, .Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Uraiu Scythes, drain Cradles, Cradle Fiugors, Traoo, lireast. Tongue and Log Chains, U rind -stones, Fanning Mill beives of all sites and kinds, a large airtiuout of Red Wagon Humes, iur Fluxing, Farm Rolls, Cultivator Toelb, for sulo by J. ir. UONLEY A CD. Trlount Garmel Hotel JIT, C'AIfMEL, Northurabcrlund Co., I'u., TIIOS. 15URKET, ruot-WErou. This largo commodious Hotel is located near Ihe depots ol the Sbauiokiu Valley and the ('uskako A New York Railroads . Trainosrrivo aud depart daily 1 hi home is located in (he ceutre ot Ihe Coal R ;i"D and tfl"rd.. the heat sci ommodsliooi! to I ravel and pcrinsu' n' ci. ome is nv 5 h virtMiVimiM' 4li:iM Great Attraction, at tha NEW TIN-WARE, Nhrt Iron and Sto-re Store of SMITH & GEITTEER, SXJKTBXJR, A., Where they keep constantly on hand and maniifae bure to order at short notioe. TIN AND BHEBT IRON-WlV RE of all d wsripttons. They wowH espeelalby call the attention of par ehuers to their large and well solooted stock of COOS AND PARLOR 810VES. Thasnbsetlbers bava made arrangement to have all thoir best stoves made to order, and those who would haTefo5d stove would do well to .go and examine tbeir large and Well selected stock. First. They dofr contpotition on the following uiwi viuiuj wi vwum ovuYOSj'TII Combination (jinn Ilnmcr.'C'ooU. dovernor Prnn-C'oofa. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Btove called err.Ait a Aciiiuuai. Also. 'Parlor and ofBoe Stoves in e-reat vr1t nm bracing all the bost manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining choapnoss, durability and each stovo warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Tire Tlaee Stove, for heating first, second nnd third stories by Roglstors. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tho celebrated MORNING OLORY. 4Jonl Oil, Coitl Oil I!imfH, Khadcis, Chliimipis, nnd all nrtlclrs usually kept in an establishment of Ibis kind. They arc also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in tho best workmanlike mnnner. Also, to do Tin RooGng, Spouting, JFtango and Furnaco Work, (Jas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly aud cheaply executed. ' Also: '"Ua-ugh'ti Kta-vr llono Snpcr-Ihosi. phatc." Romcrnbor tbo plaee. nmplo and Sales Tlodta nearly opposito Conly's Hardwaro Storo, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets, liuilding dark painted. August 25, 186(1. J AS. i:. C.U.DWEI.L Ac CO.. JEWELERS, 902 Chestnut Street rillL-VDELPm A, Manufacturer) and Importer V! every description of First Class Goods bo!ongicg to thoBusiue; cf Oolelumitbs and Uilv-crsuiitua Have removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansom Street, allording ample room and convenient accessories, giving opportunity for a proper display of goods, and better moans for their examination. With oxtensivo and fiivorabloarrungonenui iu this Country and hi Europe, wo are iu a position to orTer at moderato F'lXICD prices. "Watches, Diamonds, Bronr.e tz Marlc CJoods Silver Wnrcs, Jewelry, Porcelains, Plntecl Uoods, Musical Boxen, nnd every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting the city aro cordially invited to xiiminn our New Store ALareh 7 lo. ly. PHOTO 6 R A. P H A I B U K 8 EOOK3 A"5:l fJTATIONEIlY, Monthly Tinin "ricok Drawing Books nnd Slates. Rocks, Hymn lionks, Bhuk Rooks, Momorandnra iianki. Uiuries, I'ockot Hooks, Ink Stands. Pons. Pcniils. a lino a.s)-i iiuont of i'aper, Ink, Ac. For salo by ANNA PAINTER. CHOICE F1UUT& OlilN'AMENTAL s 1 m I0 I3E-STJ". 33 OMNEK, Dealer in Fruit and Ornsraentnl Trees, will furn ish from Iho most responsible Nurseries in this nnd ol her States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Yiucs and Plants, tiardcii Seeds cf nil kinds. ; Orders aro respectfully solicited. I Address ISENJ. ROHNER, I i'axiuos, North'd. Co. ; t.V N. B. Insurances taken in several of tno Ttiut re-ponsi! lo Fire Insurance and llorto Dttectivo Companies in tbc State I J uno t, 1S67. y SEEING IS BELIEVING At 7 OX Arch Sli--t. NEW PRICES! NEW COODS llicli Silver rind Silvcr-riatcd Wares, . Including every style and I tiTe1' -5ff description, mado expressly ffLi f XtuS tur ,uo t"f trade, which ,.Ty tHA 4l'or neutiiess aud durability J3j,5 I.J 3; cannot be surpassed at w K) JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, 7U1 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, t ar"Re-rlatiug at short notice December 21, :b'67 .aug27 rURE LAGER BEER! pok'ii:ic ai ai.i:, From tbo Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH E.CHEE. 1ES1'ECTFI'LLY tnfjrnis Iho publio generally V that bo is prepared to furnish LAGEI! UKER, POIlTEIt AND ALE, nlarroc.r email quantities. His facilities for mak ng lieer canuut be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other offered iu Central Pennsylvania. It lias also been recommended by physicians as a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and privato families supplied nt short notice. Suubury, Sopt 21, Ii-("7. iRCH" STREET FOUNBlRV! a. Vlll'.'tUJU.'i, Proprietor. Arch St., between d und 4f h, rloise lo tUo Public Kchool IIounc, SUNBURY- PENN'A. T UE proprietor of this establishment respectfully informs the publio that be has commenced Ihe man ufacture of Cooking and Heating ST07ES! which he will v at lower i-riec then Ihoy c&o bo obtained clecwhorB. MILL Gearing, Stove?, aud the lurgi-nt class of CtihtinBmade promptly to order. Alci, Window AVoigbts, Frauies aud Grates for Cel lar Window, So. t'UNt Iron JiIninry Tops. WAXKUTR0UGH8 A DOCK bTLi'd A liboral price paid for old castings. THE CLLLIiH A J Ei LIVERPOOL TLOW, Im proved, it manufactured at thUetablUbmont. Alvot htore -trot o of all kinds, Kettles, and e err variety of small castings. buubury, Oct. 5, 1S67. Are tejiecmlly invited tooall aud examine our itock of iillLUKU'S iiAKDWARE, compruing Nails aud tipikoa of all varieties. ButU, Screw, i?Uap and X XJiutfos, Locks aud Latches, Bolts, Pitt. ti-riug Trowels, Buck Trowels, riasterer' Sieves, Ac, do., for aale by J. U. CONLEY A CO. rilHE following persons are entitled to receive an 1 increase of Bounty undor th A el of Coagrss passed July lb6r, to equalize Bounties. 1st All soldiers iho enlisted after the 19th day of April, 1601, for 3 years, and served their time of eulutment aud have bceu honorably duoharged, aud have received or aro entitled to receive a Bounty of IM0, aro entitled an additional Bounty of glOO.' 2d All such soldiers bo enlisted for 3 yean, and have been honorably discharged on acoouut of wounds received in the line of duty, are entitled la n ddilionl lfounty of sj lOO. Id The Widow, Minor Children, or Parent! of suoh soldiers wbn died in the service ol wounds or diseai, are entitled to an additional Bounty of sjlOO. By application to B. P WOLVfcRlON, E,of pi'Hsnur, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Aent. sll tuna claims can be speedily colleoled i;unburv. AurusI 1, IH4 If ess. WM. T. COPIUN'S 0WIv MAKB'' on "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." ar the best and Oheapest low Priced Hoop Skirts in the market. Trail Eklrta, 25 springs, f 1.00 ; 30 springs, $1.20 ; and 40 springs, tl 45. Plain Sklrtj 8 tapes, 20 springs, 0 eenU; 25 springs, ufteents; 30 springs, Jl.lo ; and 35 springs, $1.25 Warrant ed In every respect. "Our OWN Make" of "UNION 5KIRTS," Elev n Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to$2.50. I,!' TPM. 2 t SO 'prtngs, from V5 Cents to Wi.OO These Bklrts are hotter than those sold by fiber establishments as first class goods, and at much lower prices. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION FKIRTS," are In every way superior to all other Hoop Bkirta before the pnblio, and only have to be examined or worn to oonvinse every one of the fact. Manufoo. tured of the best linen-finished English Steel .Springs very superior tapes, and the style of the motalie fastenings and manner of securing thorn surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and are lighter, moro elastic, will wen. longer, give more satisfaction, and are really cheaper than all others. Every ladv should trv them. The are being sold extensively by Merchants tbroughont this and the adjoining state at very moderate prices. Ifvou want the best, ask for "Honkin's Champion Skirt." If you do not find them, get the merchant with whomyou deal to order them for yon, or oomo or send direct lo us. Merchants will find our dif ferent aradosTf Skirts exactly what thev need, and we csbociallv invite then to call end examine our extensive assortment, -or send for Wholesale Price 1.1st. To be had nt Retail at llanrifnctcrv. and of the Retail Trado generally, and at IVlrolesile cf tho Manufacturer only, to whom all orders Cbould be n'larcssea. MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM, C2S Arch 'St. llotwecn 6th and 7th Sis., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPiUNiJ. February 29, 18G8. lOmos. BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. KBTABLISIIKD AS A REFUGE FKOM QUACK ERY. T1TE ONLY PLACE IV II F It E A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON hasdireoveredtbemrmt CertRiii,Spetdy and only'uctunl Kemetty in tlia World for nil Ffi- vnte ipcieen V ettkr.:i!i ol the Ruck or Limbs, Ptncttirt'B, A Ructions of the KHnrys and D'attdcr, Involuntnrv Dn- I . .1 noln.ieu r.i lUl.ilil,, IV 1l. . pcny, Ijnncuor, lovv Spirits, Cnnfusmn of IdniR. Il'nlnl- tr.tiiMi of tlie Heart, Timidity, TTPmblinpit, Uimaess of right or u km i liens, ui sense 01 tnc uemi, l hroat, ?ime or skin, Alfrcliom ol the Livcr; Luiijjs, Stumaeh or Rowcla these Terrible DiBOtJei-pnrmrtK fiom the Solitary Ilnhilt or Youth th'Bo Rfurct und sohtiuy prueticen more fatal Ut lietr vu'unift innn ine sng 01 syrens to Uic Ir'atmcrs ot "!,Li gluing ineir moral rir.riin: nopesor antiL-lpulums, renuenng murria'.'c, ire, unpussmic. Kiprrinllv who hnve heroine trie victimsof Solitary Vice, that dreadtul and destructive Imbit whu li aimuuliy sweepB to an untimoiy prave thousnmls of Young Men of the m'-m exulted tnlents and brilliant intellect, who might'rwtue have eutinnrud liBtumng Seimten with thethun dets of eloquence or -fcraked to cestui y the living tj re, may call with full c'i)tidence. .Ilarringc. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating niamage, being aware of physical weakness, otga:iic debility, de foiiuities, rVe., pefdily cured. 'lie whit p'lires himself under the cttre of Vr. J. may mnv rehpi"iia!y emilide in his honor as a gentlenmu, and cntklaiily rely urKUi lus skill as a I'liysieian. iprtiiic IVeakuchK'Htely Cured, nnd Vull Vig'ir Rpsb-rtd. This Distrcsfiing Ailuetion which renders Life niiurr.i Mr and marnago impossible is the penalty paid by the vietinn of improper indulgeiu-i s. Young peisons nro too apt to commit eaiepss'ia from not being awere of the dieJiil ful eonsequenees that may ptisne. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny Ihiit the pwer of pioerentioi! is ltt aoouer hy tliote falling into improper Imbits than by the prudent? IJemdr-K demg deprived the pleasures of hculthv oflspring.lhe most si-riousiiud destine live symptoms to both body and mind a:ise. Tfre nystein berrniea Di-rnir-d, tho IViyciruI und Mutnl rniKtnms Ve;iV-'hed, Ifisoi rnivative Power, Nervous Irritabili ty. Dyspepsiii, raip tut:on of the fleort, Indtgesiinn, Cnn stttuti'iunl Detnbiy, a Vbt;ng the Frurne, Cough, Consumption, Ueeuy und Death, Oilice, .An. 7 South I'rcilorU U Slrect l-et't hnnd siilu going from Rattimore street, a few doois "it ii n thccoiiu-r. luil nt toi-)erve name und nuiuber. Letteis must he pnid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Oiplomus hung in his oihce. A i'ure Uarrauted in Two Ojijh. Mercury or X'tuttoutt Drugs, Bi. foliiiMton, Mnnber of the Roal College of Surgeons, Imd' n, firnd unte from one of the inot ciniiicnt Ci'lkrs m the United MJii-s, ami me greater part ol whose lite tins heen spent in the hospitulsof Ixnidnn, Phtib, Philadelphia and else where, hits e fioe ted some ol the rn-tt nst'nithiiiir cures that were ever known ; many troubled with iinging in the head und ears when asleep, great nervousness, being q In tru ed at sud.len s Hinds, bMshtulness, with fiequent blushing. d trended BxineUincs with derangement of mind, weic cured ir.itrof!iate!y. TiiUc funicular Roller. Dr. S. addresses all thone who h ive injured themselves by improper indulgence und shtHry hub its, which ruin I bulb body nnd mmd, untitling them lor either business, f study, society or marriage. j Tr.ftsRure sitnie ol the sad and me'nneh-'ly etT-'cts pro i dueed by eurly habits ol youth, vii: Weakm-nsol tbi'Unck j and Limbs, Pains in the Ilend, Diinnet-s of iglit, Ltuof I Muscular Puvvim, Palpitation of the ileiri, Lpi'ijv, ! Nervous Irnt;i!;'ity, lleiioittr.eiito the Diestivw Kunc- ti'iis, Oeiicriil i'cniiity, iyrnpt"ins ol Consumption, Ac. Ihe fenriul tif eel it ou tbc mind arc much to be dreaded Loss ol Memjry, Coifunio:i of, Ie presi-ioii if Spirits, Kvr1.-l,oreb.jr!i:tgfi, A vttc'.'in to Sekty, Sell'-O it-trust, ljove lH' iSoHtcde, Timidity, 5:c. are Sinim of the evils produced. Thousand of perms of a"I ngi-s can now juflge what is the euuse of then dee.Uiiing hevltb, l-jsiug their Vigor, bei-onimg weak, pale, m ivotas and eimcmret), having a singular appearance about the eyes, cugb und t-yirij'UMns of consumption. Y on nfi !.!eft Who have injured themselves by a et-r..nA practice Indulg ed in when alone, a habit Ireqiifiitly learned from evil companions, oral school, rJn eneeta oi wfiieh are inehtiy felt, even when anlerp.and if not cured lenders ineinaru iMiniitle. und destroys both iniudand body, should apiy iinmediatcly. V,cit a pity that a vung mm, the hope of h:a country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pros pects und enjoyments of life, by the consequence of devia ting from the inth of nature und indulging in u certain secret hubit. ?ucu persons Mi'sr, before coutempUitiug .Harriae, r-flt'Ct l tint n sound liund and body are the most necessary reijuisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life become a weary pilgrim lige; the prospect hourly darkens to the view j tV.e mind becomes shadowed with despair und tilled with the melan choly re (tec t iuu that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own IHxonMO oT Impi-iiiloiK-o. When the misguidt-d and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this utiiiful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education arrd respectability, can aloue befriend bun, ddaviug till the constitutional symptoms of this lioriid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throul, diseased nose, ii 'ciuiul pains hi the h-ad and limbs, dinmens of :ght, deafness, nodes on the shut bow and urms, btotchee ou the head, face and exttemitiis, piigiees ing Willi nth tin I tapidtty, till nt lant the palate of the mouth or the bones of the none full in, and the victim of thisawhil disease becomes a Ivn id object of commisera tion, tilt duaih puts a period to his dreadful sutTuring, by ending him to "that I ndiscove'ed Country from whence no traveller returns. 11 It i a melnnch dy fift Ihnt thousands fait VH'tiuis to this tvrnbto digram', owing to the unt-kiDiulneas t( iguoiant pretenders, wlio, by tha eseof that -"Deadly Poison, M fl oury ruin tba votiitiuttion and make tho reaUne ol hfc miseruble. Nlrniiu-t-rM Trust not your lives, or bealtJi, to the care cf the many Unluunwd and Wortlileas Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or character, w bo copy Dr Johnston's adver tisrinents, or lylethemneb?ee, in the newspnpeia, regularly Educated P.iysicmns, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and pmsnnns compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, end in despair, leave you with lutiied health to sigh over your galling disappoinlmciir. Dr. John-tton is the only Physician advertising. Iliscrcdentiai or diplomas always hang iu his office. Hit rcmidiesor treatment are unknowa to all others, prepaiftd from lite spent in the great hospitals of Kurope, the first in this conn try and a more extensive "Private Practice1' than any other Physician in the world. Indorsement ol' the I rest. The manv thousands cured at this inatitution yeui after year, and the numerous important tturgical Oparationa performed by Dr. Johii.uni, witrietved by the reporters of the "San," "Clipper," and many ulnar papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standi ni! as a gentleman of charucteraud re sponsibility, ii a suihcieut gum a nice to the atlliCted. ' hktn Iti-xoawcw Kpoodily rured. Persons willing Uiou'd bt' purticulur in directing their etteis t bi Institution, in the following manner, lolin .11. .folinatoit, M. I. Of the Baltimore Luck Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Nov. 30, 1HS7- l y. Lime I Lime I Lime I atllHnow Lime Kilns of II. B. Masser, at Sclins . Urove 6lation, are now completed and ia suc cessful operation, producing lime of the very bcht quality. Those kilns are built with all the modern couvonionce and improvements, and havo a eapaoi ty of producing 400 bushels per day. Excellent roads have been made to the kilns, not Interfered with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds can b loaded in a few miuntes from the echutf, without handling. Having opened a large body of the best limestone, at the mouth of the kilns, they are enabled to sell lime at th low rat of 11 eents per bushel. The kilns af in charge of competent per sons, who will always be prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply to 11. B. Masser, uabury, or to ('has. Dnnkleberger, or ('has. J. Oonrad, at the kilns. December 11, loT. 8ELLERS & FOLWELL WUOLESALK AND FKLlXEKtRE, No 161 North Third -Street, Philadelphia ry "rderj promptly attended to HOOP SKIRTS. Philadelphia Ac Irl Ritllroad. BUMMER; TIME TABLE. Tlrffngh and direct ronbs between Philadelphia, more, Harrisbnrg, wuiiamsport, 10 tna aorta Tid the Urdat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEQANlLEiPINa CARS on aU Night Train. rw . a ..., '.-ti,;--.v .... .v. vu , ki.v. .IUUUBJ. W1J HID, U 1IWH on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run as Ibiiows : WliTWiR Mail Train leave Philadelphia, "il l p m eunoury, a os a m arr. at Eri. Rnm Eri Express leaves Philadelphia. 12 00 docd eunoury a. 40 p m arr at Eri loo&ura Elmixa Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a m eunoury 4 id pro " arrive at Look Hsven, 7 45 pm KlItVlIB Slf il Train loaves Erie 11.00am 12.00 m 7 10 am 7.40 p m 8.5B a to funbnry, " " arr. al Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie " " " Hunbury .' " srr. at Phlladelntdo. 5.00 p m Mail Tid Expreas connect with Oil Creek nnd Ali"if,!!?-n7t. EBlIro- BAQOAQE CHECKED ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. Northern tcntrnl Itnll- ay. BUMMER TIME SCHEDULE. LEAVE N0RTHWAHD, 8 00 A. M., Tally for Williampport. Dally (exoopt Sundays,) for Elraira, CanandaiRtiit, Kochoster, Buffulue, Niagara Fall , . . Su"Pnsio' Bridge and the Uimadas. ' 4.15 P. S..,Daily (oxcept Sundays.) for tlmira, and Buffalo Tia Erie Kailway from Klmira. 6.10 P. M., Daily (except Bunday;,) for Williams. port. LEAVE BCTjTUWARD. 12 03 A. M , 'Daily (except Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. 10.02 A. M., Paily for Fallimcre and WashiiiRtcn (.DO P. JI., Daily (exoopt Sundays,) for ilarrisburg. J. N. Pi'Harhy, Ed. P. Yor.vo, Uon I. Sun t., Oen'l I'a&scn'r A f Jlarrisburg, Pa. liaitiuiorc, M l. I.aiknirnnnn A Illooun-biir Kail ronl. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1807, will run as follows : Panengrr Traiu'i SOUTHWARD. A. M. A. Ji. Learo Frranton, 5 60 10 00 p. :i. 7 10 8 I'O P. M. 4 M 6 Oil H 17 5 50 10.15 ' Kingston, 6 56 11.20 " Rupert, 9 20 " Iionville, 0.54 Arr. North'd., 10 35 NORTHWARD. 7.00 7.40 8 15 A.M. Learo yorlh'd.. 6.20 HO Cob " Danville, " Rupert, " Kingston, Arr. nt Sernnton, r. m 10.50 8 30 2 50 12.00 0.55 1.00 10.15 Trains leaving Kineston at 8. .19 A. Jl. for Reran - ton. connect with Train nrrirfnirnt Now York at 5 20. l-a'.onors luting Tram (South from Scranum at 5.5(1 A. Al. via Northumberland, relu b llnrrbburi; 12 30 1. AI., Uiiltimoro 5 30 P. M., Wihinaton 1 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia nt 7.00 l). ra. . . . - H. A. l'C.VUA.up t Kinp-fon, Jan. 13, 107. ICc-ndiuK ICailroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 20, 1868. C1KEAT TRUNK LINK from tho North and J North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, fstti-rllle, Tamaqua, Asbland, Lebanon, Alleu tovra.Easton, Ujihiata, Litii, Luucuiter, Cclumbia, &c, lo. Trains leavo IlarrLiburg for New-York, a fol lows : At 2.50, 5.25 and 8 10 A. M and 12 20 noon, and 2.05 and 9.. 16 P.-M, connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York nt 5.l'0 10.00 and 11.60 A. Jl. and 3.60; 7.10 10.30 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompnnvins tho 2.50 A . JI. and 9.35 P. M. trains without chan" Leave Ilarrisburg for Reading, Potts, ilto, t,. qua, Minersville, Ashland, Piuo Urove, Ai'entown and Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. und 2 05 ami 4.10 P. Al., stopping at Lebanon and princmul way stations ; the 4.10 p m. making ronueot'iona for 1 hiladelpbin and Columbia only. For Pmlsvillc Kchuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Srhtivlkill ani buwuehanna Railroad, leavo llarristmrx at'3.55 p m. Returning : Leavo New York tit P.eU a. m., 12 01 Noon nnd 6 00 and 8.00 p. ra Mecr,ing ears ac companying the 900 a. m. nnd 5 00 aud Si. CO p m trams without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia a. 7. CI a. 111., returning from Reading ut 5.?0 p. m. iu.p-pui-; at all Simp-ns, Pottsville 11I8 46 a. m and 2.4j p. m; Ashland 6.00 a.m. and 12 -HI and S il p.m.; Tamuquaat 8.30 a.m. mid 1.00 and S 4.'i p 111 Leavo Pottsaa(lo for Ilarrisburg via K. liuvlkill and fcusquehanua Kailroad at 7 10 a. 111. and 12.0U nooa Reading Accommodation Truin leaves Reading a oOA. JI. returning from PLiludelp'hia at 5 IS Columbia Railroad Trains leavo P.eadins at 7 00 A. M., and 6.15 P.M. for Enhnua. ter. "Jolumbia, fro. Prrkiomen Rail Road TraiV. lfvo Perkionicn .Tunctirn at 9 00 A. M. and 5.55 T. M. ltetuimna Leave Skippack at 45 A. M .and MS P. Jl., con necting with similar trains on Rending Rail Road. On Sundays: Leave New York at mo p m . Phila delphia b 00 A. JI., and 3.15 P M. tiio 8 .tin a m train running only to Reading, Pnttsvilln S 00 a m , Ilarrisburg, 5 25 am, and 4.10 and 9-35 p m. am' Reading at 1.10 2.65 and 7.15 u. in. for Harritburi; aud 7.06 a. m. and 11.40 p m. fur New York, 4.2a p m. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, .Mileage, Siw-n. School und t.H cur.ion Tickcta, at reduced rnt-s tu imd from all f oift-j. Pat-gage cheeked through: p'u Pounds Brir-air allvvrod cah Passenger. G A NICOI.L5-, General t itporintendent WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety r f ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharr. SUNISUIIY, renn'a. ITjfpOrderssolioited and filled with rromptncis ji I despatch. euuburyJIayj;, 1808 y UNION II iOTELT" C'lIA.S. I'roprielor. In Cake's sjsldiUcn to SUNBURY, m ar the Penn'a Railroad Companv's Slops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDER.", kept who will find ample accommodations. U d cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy tbc iiuiot com forts of homo with fare equal lo the boa hotels. His Liquors are of the choicest kinds. Sunbury, June 8, 1S67. NEWR0CERYST0RE, V-T. 0. FTO1.A.1T & CO-, Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north si Jo, SUNBURY, TA, RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and the publio, tbut they have opened a HXTZEW GEOCEB-Y" AND PROVISION STORE, and will b happy to have them call and examine their stock, winch has just been opened, i-mbrau-ing everything in the Urooery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Pyrnps, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheeso, Crackers, liaoon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with tkiape, Candles, Sodn, Ac , and In fact everything in the Grooerynnd Provision Line. FLOt'Il AND FEED, ueonswr,ro, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil .to. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. W. b. FI RMAN 4 CO Buubury, April 27, 1667. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT as BR OTHER, (Skipper Ac IVltoleanlo Ac Kiluil Ikeuleris in tVlllTR Ac Kl'.l AMII 0.4I., In evnry variety. Bole Agents, westward, of ths Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. ' Lowen Wharf, Slkbirv, P. Punbury, Jan. 13, 1864. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN. North Mill street, DAN VILLI, PA 18 prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magt:ii Musts, A., In any style that may be do-in d ine.l at obeanar rate than can b duue in the cities. All Orders laf i at this OfUoe, will receive piompt attention. . oct. IJ, ' Coachmakers WE are selling Rims, 5pkes, Uut. S'pne-. Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Alios, Ac , ery low Lire block al Suubury, Match 30, l7