Ctje guntrnttf American. ejurviiuitY, ia. SATURDAY, JUNE 80, 1808. i TTTTT?Tmm Slocal Affairs. Ta flood Templnrt olsarsd about $40 by their charade and tableau! entertainments in the Masonia Hall, last week. - - ToSTitm, handbills, oirculars, bill and letter heads, cards, envelopes, and sit kinds of job printing, exe cuted at Ibis office witU neatnosa and dispatch. A hiw Lodge of Odd Fellows ti about being es tablished at Turbutville, this county. Borne of the leading citizen! of the town and neighborhood will be among its charter memben. Tub ladies of the Epiicopal Church will hold their strawberry festival on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of. next week, in the Ma soniollull. Crime. I bere aro at present fifteen prisoners eon fmcd In our county jail, undor the charge of .Sheriff Bookley. After the August session of osurt we pre sume tlio Sheriff will get rid of most of his euitotncrs. The Treasurer's sale of land for taxes was bold at the Court House, in this place, on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Only a few lots were sold and the sole was then postponed nntil Monday next, C2d inst. The ladies of tho Methodist Eplsoopal Church, of this place, will hold a strawberry festival in the hall of tho Court House, on next Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, June 25Ui, 20th and 27th. Tho publio aro invited to attend. GnAM-ATF.n. Wo notieo in the list of the gradu ating class of tho Dickinson Seminary, at Williams port, the names of Elisha B. Kline, of Sunbury, and Ezra It. Yocum, of Northumberland. They will rcoeiro their diplomas on Wednesday next. The old school and new school branches of the Presbyterian Church, at their Conventions in Al bany and llarrieburg, each adopted a series of doc trine articlos as a basis of Union by a large majority. This aotion has yet to bo endorsed by the Presby teries of tho two schools to mako it final. Nbw ScnooL Eoahp. The now School Hoard of tho Sunbury School District was organized on Wednesday last, and the following officers were elec ted for the ensuing year : rrosidont I)r. D. W. Skiudel. Secretary L. T. Rohrbaoh. Treasurer Emanuel Wilvert. Verdict in Fa von of thc Nortubun Central Railroad. Tho suit of Emily Slocum against tho Northern Central Railroad Co., for damages in re ceiving an injury while traveling on their road in tho yoar 1F8R, has just closed at Elmlra. Com plainant laid damages at 5,000. Theverdiet of the jury was "no couse for action." Mas Drowned Information Wanted. The drowned man found in the river at Ooldnboro', York county, a few days since, has not yet been identified. Any person having a knowledge of a man being missing from any point up the river, will do woll to write to Isaac Sbolly, at Uoldsboro', York county, who found tbo remains of the unfortunate individual who was drowned. Exchanges along the Susque hanna river will please copy. Grand Army or tub Republic. The semi annual Slate Convention of thie Order will be held in Pottsville, on the fth proximo. It is expected thi.t about two hundred dolegatcs will attend. On tho 8th thcro will bo a parade and review of oil po?ts that participate, and on the 9 th a pio-nio will lo held on the Agricultural Park grounds in honor of the delegates. The entire proceedings promise to be of an exceedingly interesting character. Explosion On Tuesday morning last Mrs. S. B Wheeler, residing on Raco street, In this place, was feverely burned by tho explosion of a quantity of turpentine A few dnys previousho placed tho lurncuuuc in lue oven ei a now, vsnieu uau uui been used for fon.0 time, and on Tuesday morning, on making firo in it nnd neglecting to remove tho turpontinc, it exploded, blowing tho stove to atoms and severely burning her. The carpet nnd furuituro In (he room woro somowhat damaged by flro. Drowned. A sad caso of drowning occurred in this placo on Saturdny afternoon last. A son of Charles Carr, aged about seven years, while Celling from a raft in front of Reagan's Steam Saw Mill, fell iuto the river una was drowned. A boy, who was near hitn at thc time, taw bim fall, and imme diately gave the alarm, but some minutes elapsed before his body was recovered. Every effort was mad by Dis. Awl nud Angle to resusoitate life, but proved unsuccessful, as bo was too far gone when discovered. His remains were interred on last Tues day afternoon. Temperance Convention. We aro requested to nnnounco that a Mass County Temperance Conven tion, under the auspices of the State Temperance I'nion, will beheld in Sunbury, on Tuesday, June 23d, beginning at 10 o'clock, A. M. Rev. Ponnell I'ooiabo, Secretory for Eastern Pennsylvania, will be present. Tho friends of temperance throughout tho county arc earnestly invited to attond and co operate in forming an auxiliary county organization. Preliminary to the convent ion, a series of sermons rn tempcruuoo will bo preached by Rov. Mr. Coonibo in the different churohes of Sunbury. The rrder arranged is as follows : Preaching by Mr. Coombo on Sunday morning, in the Methodist Epis copal Church, at loj o'clock ; in the Evangelical Lutheran, on Sunday evening at 73 o'clock ; on Monday evening, at 71 o'clock, in the Presbyterian Church. As tho pastors aud congregations of the different churches uuito iu theio eorvlccs, there will be no service iu tho Lutheran and Presbyterian churches on Sunday morning, and none in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches in the evening. The public aro earnestly invited to attend these services und tho convention. The place for holding tho convention will ho announced from the pulpit on bundoy. An Exciting Scene. One of tha most exciting scenes ever witnessed in this place occurred on the pavement, in front of the Masonie Hall, on Monday morning last. The mail train had just arrived and a largo number of persons wore present, waiting for the opening of tho Post Offico, in the adjoining build ing. The actors in tha acena were lady from the South, the widow of a rebel offioer, comely, spirited, and of good address, who has been residing here for . a year past. The othor party was an individual well knowu in this plnoo for bis intense love of De mocracy, North and South, and alt the emoluments thereunto appertaining. Tha lady approaohod him with a small rope and a buggy-whip by her side, and before he had lime to refieot, she bad partially succeeded in throwing the lasso over his bead and commenced a vigorous application of tha whip over bis bead and shoulders, charging bim, at the same timo, with having grossly slandered her, and as she had no one elro to do so she would inflict tha proper punishment herself. Her anger was intense, and her languugo and expletives more foroible than po lite, ia whiob she bore bosvily on tb "Copperheads of the North," as she styled them. Ia th struggle be succeeded in throwing her down, but she soon reooverod and renewed tha attack with increased violence. At this stage an officer interfered, when the victim of ber attack was taken into Messrs. Ga ngers' store, while the pioeeeded nn strut, and wi.b lb, air of a Irsgedy Quae,, (6ip j tiit0 n head,) declared that aha intended to admioMer similar punishment to several others who had been gumy oi assailing her character. Thera are, of ""' 'us versions of the causes which induced his attaok. We have fntkeraa to saaatioa mU r refer mora fully details, bat as faithful public ,....,u.i Bumn toe right the lncliaa lion to 6uort, entirely, rasieg ventt-, In wkJofc bs i-nimuniiy ifi mnrj i itte inlerett Annual Conclave. TheOranl Counoll of Cry''" tie Masons met In the Monocle Hall, in 8eranton,'en Wednesday foreaoon, J Oth inst.,, and aleoted the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year : Alfred Gretgh, Washington, M. P. O. M. ; C. F. Kaapp, Blooms butg, D J, O. M. Sr. Dawes J. Martin, Allen town, T. I. Q. M. ; Geo. V. Maus, Erie, Q. P. C. of W. i Chaa. E. Myers, Philadelphia, Q. M. of Ex. j C. Stots, Reading, G. R. Tho). . Geddii, Soran ton, O. C.O.J Edward Mssaon, Philadelphia, G. M. C. ) Re. J, J. ElsegoodEaston, R. n. rattlson, Reading, J. R. Dimm, Philadelphia, Grand Pre lates ; J. n. Dustnbory. Great Bend, G. M. ; 8. 8. Smith, Erie, G. 8. ' - The abore offloors were duly installed, and M. P. G. M. Sleet, Alfred Creigh, of Washington, Pa., de livered an address of a historical and highly Inter esting character. The Grand Commandory also hold a morning ses sion, and elected and appointed the following o (fl eers for the ensuing year : IV. E. Sir John Vallorohamp, of HarrMmrg Grand Commander V. E. Bir James II. Hopkins, of riltsburg D. G. Commander; W. B. MoKean, of TowandaG. Generalissimo ; C. M. Howell, of Lancaster G. Capt. General ; Rov. J. J. Elsogood, of Easton G. Prelate ; Abram Miller, of Eaaton G. Sen. Warden; Fitz James Evans, of York G. Jun. Warden ; R. A. O. Kerr, of Altoona G. Trea surer ; Alfred Creigh, of Washington G. Recorder; Edward S.Young, of Allontown G. St. Bcarcf ; John H. Duscnbury, of Great Bend G. Sir. Bearer ; E. C.Meyer, of Philadelphia U. Warden; S. S. Emilh, of Erie G. Sentinel. Good Templars Annual Session op Tnr. On tir.n. Tho twelfth annual session of the Grand Lodge of tho Independent Order of Good Templars was hold in Williamsport lost week, commencing on Wednesday morning, 10th inst., and continuing throe days. Five hundred lodges were represented. Tho entire membership numbers thirty-fivo thou sand In the State. In tha report of tho Secretary, Miss L. E. Wright, it was stated that two hundred and eleven lodgos were organized within the year just closed. An election of officers for tho ensuing year was held, which resulted as follows : S. B. Chase, Esq., a gentleman of superior abili ties, was olected Grand Worthy Chief Templar ; Maggie McKoe, O. W. Vice Templar; L. Ellen Wright, G. W. Secretary ; Samson S. King, O. W. Treasurer ; Azro Goff, Esq., G. W. Counsellor ; Jas. Black, Esq., Rev. J. McMurray, J. Hannum Jones and Sallie Councr were elected representatives to the Right Worthy Grand Lodga of North America for 18f,9. E. II. Ranch, Esq., Rev. Jas. A. David son, Win. Patton and Miss Sidnoy Stebbins were clooted proxies or alternates to the same. Tho session of 1 889 will be held in Scranton, on tho second Tuosdny of June, instead of, a hereto fore, the second Wednesday of the same month. The report of tho Treasurer showed a balance of $3,3110 remaining In her hands. Grant and Colfax. We havo received from n. H. Lloyd Co , 21 John Street, New York, tho well-known Map Publishers, a Colored Pictorial and Statistical Chart containing very good likenc.-scs of our Candidates, Sketches of thoir Lives, The Plat form, Loiters of Acceptance, Portraits of all the Prosidunts, and very interesting statistics relating to former Presidential elections. This Chart is de signed for tho masses, and sold so cheaply that nil can have it. See advertisement in another column. Editor's Table. Ballot's Monthly Maoazivk. Thc July num ber of this popular magazino commences tho 2lth volume. It contnins one hundred pages of excel lent reading matter. The illustrations will be more attractive, while the literary dopartiuoDt will bo interesting to both old and young, home of ibo best authors in the country are engaged on this well-known and highly appreciated monthly. Terms. $1.50 per annum. Address Ballou's Maga zine, Boston, Mass. Gfn. V. S. G rant. Since the days of Washing ton, no man in tho republio has held so hih a po sition in military rank, as tho distinguished Chief tain, Gen. U. S. Grant, and none have utlaiued so high an esteem in the hearts of the people. The numerous works now issuing from the Press, narru ting his deeds, and illustrating his character, attest the great interest felt in tho subject. The desire to know of him nil that can bo learned, i strong and wido cxtonded. This is a cheering sign. Wo can not be too woll acquainted with tho ehnrauter. ca pacity and motives of onr public men. It is our duty, as citizens, to he well-informed in regard to them, that wo may exerciso our franchises intelli gently : nnd especially it desirable to bo well austructcj in regard to the man whose destiny ia to tie, it possible, more closely entwined Willi mat 01 our country in the future than in the past Happily, the t'ress lias turuisuea tue facilities to acquiro the knowlodgo. The Life of den. L . S. iiront. ty Hon. Henry C. Deming, Member of Congress, from Connecticut, is, wilhout doubt, unsurposed in its sphere. The au thor is well known as ono of tho most brilliant and ...r..i .;,nH in An...ri..n Tr;d r.nu;,;r,n .,n ,i, Mlllt.r rmn,iiip hi,.h rei.nrl.vf tin. liill r..n. I ting tho office of General of the Army of Iho I nited Slates, made it his duty to become acquainted with the events of Grant s life nnd services, intimately and thoroughly, and as no othor has had, or can have, tho opportunity. Beforo engaging in the bi ography, he obtained Gen. Grant's sanction. Mr. Washburne, Gen. Grant's intimate friend, urged Mr. Deming to go on vith it, and said : " hair sten (iei. Grant, and he informs rue that there i'f no iaiu in the cotitttrtt whom he would jurt-r to hare write his Lift brjort yourtclf." With such eminent qualifications of the author, Deming'sLifo of Grant can hardly fail to be tho standard edition. Price, ?2 75 and $3. 00. Pub lished in this Stnte. hy Parmelf-B Co.. 7:tH San soin St., Philadelphia, who are giving liberal terms to Agents to engage in selling the work. Moose's Lifb of Hon. Schi'vlfb Colfax. T. B. Peterson A Brothers. No. XM Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, have in press and will publish in a few days, "The Lifo of Hon. Schuyler Colfrx." written by Rev. A. Y. Moore, of South Bend, Indi ana, who wus for twelve years, as pastor and friend, in the entire confidence of Mr. Colfax, and had ac cess to the files of the paper published by Mr. Colfax for twenty years, nnd to the Congressional Globe ; knows all bis past history and all who have known him from boyhood. He begun this biography two or three years ago, so that it is not one of ihc hurried and ephemeral publications so common in election years. Mr. Moore is a gentleman of fine talent and oulture, aud thero is no doubt but that his biography of Mr. Colfax will be worthy of its distiuguished Bubioct. The following letter from Mr. Colfax to Rev. A. Y. Moore will explain itself : "Wasuinbton, D. C, May 30, 1SCS. "jly Dear Mr. Moore . "As your predietion of a year ago has bocn real ized, I bavo no further objection to your publishing any sketch, more or less full, of my life, you may have prepared. As you were for a dozen years a fellow-townsman of mine, and a valued friend, I suppose you know as much about my history as the public would care about knowing ; and although my engrossing duties here leave me no time to revise the manuscript, I have no four that your work will not be a faithful oue. "Yours, very truly, "BL'UDYLEB UOLI'AX. "Rev. A. Y. Moore, South Bend, Indiana." It will be published in a large duodooimo volume of tire hundred pages, printed from large type, and on thefinost and best of white paper, with a portrait, on steel, of Mr. Colfax, executed by one of the first artists in tha country, from photographs taken of ir. loiux wituiu uie last ween ; me wnoie nouna in cloth in the most substantial manner. Price, f I 60 a copy. Canvassers wanted everywhere -Large discounts given. Copies wilt be sent to any one, at once, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers. (For the Sunbury American LETTER FROM WABHINOTON. Wasbinston, June IS, 186S. Friend Wilvert : Columbia Law Colleee had its commencement on last Wednesday evening, at which one hundred and eighty students graduated Amonc the vouue Kentlemeu were two from Nor IDSDIBISU vwiurr, ' a. n. uuwm uu T. It. Jones, both of which passed very creditable examinations, particularly Mr. Shissler' The order . , I I .. -J .. . l, - A A CI. L-.1 . r.f AtaroiMM vara similar to tbosa of the medical profession. Addresses were doll verod ty Hon. laieD Gushing and Hon. Ira T. Harris. The diplomas and uuili of merit were presented br tue Key. ur Samson, President of the College. As the graduates reoeived their diplomas, each received rounds of annrobatiun and a nlentiful supply of boquets from their respective friends, and I am pleased to state that our friend Shiasler was the recipient of a full sbara of both, la which the ladies joined, showing his popularity with that portion of tha sooiety of Washington. I'D ifiarauay.piornini; jiny u u nii.id in nraotiia in tha SuDrcme Court of thc Dir trioi of Columbia ; so, now in possession of his sheev miiti. and admittad in full communion with tha followers of Coke aud Blackstsne, we of tha "art nreturvatite of all arts" should extend our congrat ulations, and feel proud that another of our number has been able to lay feide the ttict and rule to enter olo a business, (not more honorable,) but one that oil! enable him to "rut money ia his nurse Tha U ret aperl by General John A. Logan commander is -chief nf Ihs ' A h , to strew Bow r orer the graves or our AVparted noroBi, was ear r,d out lolhe full satisfaction of every loyal resident of Washington. The diffurent doputmonU were olosed, and Secretaries aid clerks nartiai noted in doing honor to the memory of the brave mon who are "sleeping their last sloep" io the "eity of the dead" on Arlington Heights, and at the .Soldiers' Home. Here, politics did nor interfere,' every one, Demoarat and lfepublioari, doing something to ex- Sress their gratitude over the mounds of those that led that tha "nation might live," and it seems Sunbury has the honor (?) to have among ber citizens who nas ine temerity lo speak lightly or tbosa whose remains It is our duty to honor, and to ridt oulo our citizens for paying a Just tribute. The press should be unshackled and free to oxpress Its sentiments and measures, but to speak of our oii-n heroes as "mon who had died for the purpose of dis solving the Union, and to make a negro equal (so Oially and politically) with their sons and daughtors," is an outrage, and should be frowned down by all good aitiions. la some communities the author of such an article would be treated to a free ride on a piece of timber belonging to a stako and rider fence, and then receive a bath free of charge. I trust the mem bora of Post No. Ilia will not pollute the clear waters of the Susquehanna In this manner, and make a martyr of the gentleman, for If they do, ho will ocrtainly reoelve an office our Democrat io friends, you are aware, always return for oflioe persons of tbo above desoriplion. The park In the rear of the White It.uise, on Sat urdny afternoon, was crowded with a large nnd fashionablo assomblogo of ladies and gentlemen to hoar the ehoiee inusio so finely rendered by the Ma rine Band. I noticed, among the persons on the portioo of tho Executive mansion, his excellency President Johnson, who was all smiles nnd seemed, likeus;yti7n.t, to onjoy the rich treat. Tbo fol lowing is thu progrsuimo : I. March Tanhauscr, Wagnor. 3. Quickstep I'm lonoly since mv mother died, Sealn. 3. .Overturn William Tell, Rosiui. 4. Lily of Killarney, Benedict. 5. Aria La Somnamliula, Bellini. 0. Coro and Duetto Maritana, Wallace 7. Nightingale Polka, Benedict. H Waltz La Grand Duchess, Offenbach. 9. Czar and Carpenter, Torzig. Our member, the Hon. Oeorgo F. Miller. ha? boon workiughard since tho close of tho impeachment (rial. .The Committee of Pensions, of which he is a member, has a large amount of labor to perform, snd it seems he is tho one who is most active. Mr. Millor is a popular man among bis fellow members, and is spoken woll of by all persons who transact business with him. I cannot say whethor ho wishes to bo returned to the 41st Congress' or not, but would suppose bo Is satisfied with his honors, and will re tire at the end of bis seoond term to givo rlaco to some other worthy Republican. 1 was glad to Boo articles in the American nnd (latent iavorahlo to tho nomination of John B. Packer, Esq. Ho is the mnn for the position one of whom it can be sal 1 "ho is honest, capable," and would represent thc 1 1th Dislriot in Congress equal in talent with Penn sylvania's best members. Air. Packer is entitled to tho nomination it belongs to him, and he should Lave it ; besides the right, he is available, nnd bis popularity would secure the majority in Northum berland county fur Grunt, Colfax, and the State and County ticket With rospects to friunds, regards to yourself and all in the ollice, I remain, Yours, fruternallv, 11. 1) W. BUSINESS NOTICES, "'lob I'l-inliiic'. Having, received a largo supply of NEW JOB TYTE, of various now stylos, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Labels, A? , can bo printed in the latest and best stvbs, and on short notice Orders by mail promptly attended to. There has been a large stock of Boots and Shoes received nt thc Excelsior Boot A Shoe stoic, of thc very latest styles, wbieh can only be bought at Mil ler's. Excelsior shoes are now bcin sold cheaper than ever. Ho has also added to his Jnek of shoes' n largo assortment of Trunks and Traveling Bugs, tho finest ever brought to Sunbury, which will be sold cheap for cash- Cull md see to satisfy yourselves. Tut beautiful new Summer Hats just received ly Faust, tbo lashionablo Halter, in Market Square, nro the admiration of all who have seen than. Faust has tho largest stock outside of the cities, and he is celebrated for his low prices. He is preparod to furnish, at the lowest rates, anything in his lino of bmine;s. Cur'i" Couuii Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sizes ordinary 4 oz., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in medicine?. No i'uinily should be over night without it in thc house. Col s Dyspepsia Ccnrc Will immediately re lievo and permanently euro thc most aggravated case of Dyspepsii. Flatulency, Sour Stomach. Con stipation, nnd all disease" of the Stomach nnd Bow els. Phyicians, clergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praise of its great virtues Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price SI .00. DKATHS. At Northumberland, on Saturday rveninj. tho Lt1.'?:!;; M.rf' M-iHGAKET O. KAl'P, wife of A fc- KA1 1 Lsq., aged 49 years. ii.e aeatti ol tnc deceased was not nil unexpected event. Thc chnractenof tho disease which preyed upon her vitals was such that her family and nume rous friends were aware that her earthly enrcor must soon terminate. Her loss will bo koenly felt, not only by her fuinily and relatives, but by the lurgo circle of ber acquaintances who esteemed her fur her worth. Suddenly, ut Lebanon. I Pn., of hemorrhage, on Thursday, Juno 11th, LEMUEL MOVER, in the 2'.lih year of his age. fii.Mmiv .iiAituiris. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, JU 00 do do da do perewt. 7 HO Rye Flour, per bbl. 10 00 do . per cwt. 5 Oil Wheat, prime red, new. per bushel 2 tin Rye, do 1 CO Corn, new, do 1 00 I'ats, do Potatoes, do 1 7i Dried Peaches, pared per pound 2i do do unpared do 2) Dried Applos, do 15 Dried Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu .1 00 Butter, per pound, 2i Eggs, per dozen, 2l Cheese,' per pound. " 25 Lard. do 25 Hams, do 25 Shoulder6. do 20 Beef, hind quarter. do 14 " from " do 18 Mutton, do 18 Chickens, per pair t'0 fmmm I I I n I i -- i i Misuiiokin 4'oal Tradr, Shauokin, June I.'i. lHAd. ' Toils. Cirt. Sent for week ending June 13, 12. Mu 1.1 Tor last Report, 182,733 08 105,5m 01 199,712 15 4,189 14 To same time last year, Decrease, taiiifle lo.tliiri lnire.-Vount Men'sGuide to Happy Marriage and Cou jugal Felicity. The hu mano views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses inoident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress HOWAKD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadel phia, Pa. June 13, IH08. ly. A NEW KEMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Phyaieian who bad Consumption f.,r uvnrai w,um with frequent bleeding of the lungs, eured himself with a medicine anknown to the profession, when his case appeared hopeless. He is the only physieian wno nas nsoa it in nis own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues; and be caa aeeribe the de gree ef health ha now enjoys to nothing but the use of his midicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of oonfidenoe in all others, iuduo ed bim to hazard the experiment. To those suffer ing with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treat ment he confidently believes will oradicate the disease.. Price tl SO por bottle or f 3 a half dozen, lent by express. Send for a eireular or call on Da. E. BovLsroN Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia iiia ov, iquo. ij. Deafnbssy Bmmomkss and Catarhh treated with the utmost success hy J. Isaacs, M. D.,Ucul it and Aurisi. (formeriv of Levden. Holland .1 No. 80S Arch Street, Philadelphia. .Testimonial from tha most reliable sources in eity and eoanlry ean be seen at bis otnea. ine Medical faculty are tovitod to accompany their patients, as be has no tenets in his practice AKIIIIOIAL EYES minted with eut paio No charge fot examination nov 30 ly NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' old established phici: CLOTHING HOUSE, Hl .Unrket Ntreel, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. Eor many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Hysiem, nnd we believe ws aro the only Clothing House in the eity that atriotly adheres to this principle. We have earned a rnpu talion which we are prond of, for good tasto In seloot good styles and substantial materials, and notions important, for having all our goods i: i ica vi:i.i. maih.. We employ th host talent, for Cutters, aud our Goods aro of both kinds fashionable- and plain so that all tastes can bo suited. TJB prices arc the very lowest, as any ono by a momont's thought must see, or otherwise wo could not meet tho oompetition Of our neighlnrs, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prices down to (he advantages wo promise. The pooplo maydcpcnJ., this is the f rile) plan upon wbieh to do business, and many a dullar can bo Saved to Clothing bti ers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING 110ESE, 004 Market .Ntreot, Philadelphia. Not on tho Corner, but ono door nbove Sixth Iv. ti. .ll AIZi:, i.ilcsniiin, April 4. IRtiS. ly NEW ADYERT1SEMNTS. FANllV DUV (H)0I)S. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for tho SPUING AND SUMMKIt SEASONS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market .Square, two doors East of the old liank building. SUNUURV, Penn a., HAS just opened a fresh assortment of Iho most fashionable Faney Dress Hoods from tho largest establishments iu Philadelphia. DlLAINFS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC S. M()i inij fjooiw. Cloths. Saequcs Flannels. Flannels, Shootings. Mus lins, Ladies and Childrens' HATS. Fealhers, Ribbons, Ilreissi THiiimiii;;, I'mliroiricrf es. Loco Veils, Corsets. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Eliptic Skirts. Ileal Black Laco Shawls, and Ladies' Uoods of every description. Sun Umbrellas nnd Farosoln. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Hundker chb'l's and Gloves. Perfumery. Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes. Combs. tc. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, May SO, IStH KKES1 1 A Kit I Vih'oV MILL. IN KR V GOODS y-lNl 3D NOTIONS, Miss ANNA FAINTEH, Market Sqnnro, two doors west of tho Post Office H UNBUIt V, PESX'A, TJESPECTFl'LLY informs her frionds nnd tbo 1 V public, that she has just returned from tho city, where she has spent some lime in making selections and purchases, and has justopenod a largo stock ol MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons. Laces. Dress-Linings. Crinolino nn 1 Wi gans Skirting Lining. Ho p .Skirts, Bugle Trim mings. Crape Trimmings. Hut Crape, Clonk Button?, Corsets. Zephyrs. A large astfortuieid of Ladies und Gentlemen's HoMcry. DOLLS of all liic-s. Alphabet Blocks, .to Mio Hatters herself in being ablo to miikoa ilb-plny that will givo entiro satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. .Sunbury, Moy 30, ltiS. ..tOO.OOO ('Momcr in I'oiir Yearn. PATRONIZE THE BEST. Having the largest capital. mot experienced buy ers, nnd extensive trade of any concern in thc Dollar Sale burdi.e-s, wo Ol'MlUAXTKE S. 77'.l CTWX in every instance, and abo thc bcl selection o! Goods ever ollerod at o-m: ii. i. as: smoii. No other concern has nny show wherever cur Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and llclia Me." Male aud female agents wanted in eity and country. Tho Ladies arc particularly requested to try our populsr club svsteni of selling all kinds of DKY AND FANCY liOiiliS. DKESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, CAS'lOUS. S1LYEK PLATED GOODS WATCH ES, Ac. (Estahlitlied 18il4.1 A patent pan fountain and n check describing un article to be sold for a dollar. 10 cts.; 20 for S2; -10for?t; fi0forJ6; 100 for $10; scut by mail. Free prosents to getter up, (worth !0 per cent, moro than tuososcnt by any oilier concern.) according to sizo of club Semi us a triai club, or if not do not fail to send for a circular. N. B Our sale should not be classed with New York dollar jewelry sales or bogus "Tea Compuuiis.'' as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN A KENDALL, 65 Hanover Street, Bosteu, Mn May 23, 'oS. Cm. W vV 1 K N N ETT , DKUUGIST AN I) CHEMIST, Jfiir-K.-i Squars. SI MU 'HY, IJ. Has just opened n fresh and full asortmcnt of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con stantly on hund. My stock w ill always bo found complete in every article nf merit in Mcdioino. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness aud attention to orders. rAMfiV AT?TTf!T.TIC!l My stock is unusually lurgo and embraces every thing that cun be found on a first doss Toilet Table, inoludiug American und genuine French and Eng- r E R F U M E n Y , Pomades. Hair Oil, Ivory, Gutta Pcrcba, Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Bru.-hes, Ac I'ateiit IcslioincM. Embracing all tho mostpopulur Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana EGAKS and CHEWING TOBACCO, of the best Brands. I'aint, Oils, (jilisc, 4Ius.k, Iu Ity, Yai-nislicM, Ao. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations aio manufactured by my. -el I', and from the best materiul I can procuro iu Market. Having hud quite a number of years' experience ia tho Jni'j and Piwijdion Etmiiu ss, both in rbiladulphia and the country, nnd al-o the nnvuuiujro ot too College ol Pharmacy, t Icel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PBESC1UPTIONS that the Physicians and public may favor me w ith. All my preparations as 1 have abovo assorted, are mado trom the best material, and ui.ou honor 1 assert, they are nf official strength. Fur medicinal purposes, I keep un hau l tho very best WINES, r.RAX DIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Beforo purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your cwn mind. w. A. liUAtir. Sunbury, May Id, I808. Eieculor's !ot !. Estato of Catharine Brocious, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that loiters testamentary having been granted to tbo undersigned, on Iho estato of Catharine Brocious, lato of Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland connty, Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves iudobtcd lo said estato are requested to make immediate payment and those haying claims to present thein duly au thenticated for settlement. ANDREW DITTY, Executor Lower Mahonoy, May 91868. Ot WALli IA IM:K4. pATER HANGINGS! AM IMXEKSB STOCK or HEW AND ELEGANT BTTLEB VOU fAKLOKB, HAI.L8, I'.TC, WHOI.EBAI.K AND 1IKTAII. HOWELL A BOI RKE'S, Corner of Fourth and Market SlrecLs, IMiiladdnliia. March 2S, '8.-3m. TUON A larga assortment of tha bs.t manufac-tured- ttars. Hoop. Rand, Rounrt and F(uare Iron, Nail Koib, ( Vt ticcl. liluter Etoil, I'nll t tcid, Uor.-o rhoes, liora Kails, Anvilf. Helloas Vice, llaminerf, rierljct, Kvn and 1 hp at ( (: Ll Y 4 en R O LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! s. tn i:ici.y, rilHR popular Pbotograper, has .fitted up. In tlio J old Pot Oflioe building, three doors west of the railroad, Market Squaro. one of thc very best Sky Lights lobe futind in the State, and is now prepared to take picture? of any krnd. In all kinds of weather, oarly and Into. Children taken almost instantly. Bung along the babies we are now ready lor them. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! both great and small, soe bis now rooms, and ex amine specimens. F RAM ICS and FRAMING material ennslanltvnn band wnd made to order. Bring along your plcturos j and havo them framed cheaper than anywhere else. 1 Come and sea for yourselves, Anything in the Sicturo line constantly on hand orordurcd. Copyiug one in all its brnnchos aud colored as desired. Both out and Indoor views takan at short notice and on reasonable forms. Satisfaction guarrantee I. as onr motto i to plcnse. All nerntivos carefully proorved. Hemeinber the place ask for S. BVKK". LY. Market Square. May 23. '68 My. JACOB EHIPIIAN, fllTl ANU LITE INStJUANCK AGENT fUNntRY, PENN'A. nrrnrsrNTS : Fanners Mutual Tiro Insurance Co., Vork Pa , Cumberland Valley Mutual Prot jtion Co., New ork Mutual Life, Girard Life of Pliil n. A Harf fod t .(inn. General Acfident. H T ST2S IHl K" Si.. S5a T All Slates. kirds of SCHOOL LOOKS, iVns, Ink, Purer. Ac. I n rn !J Pr M -- t o t M sr. O c Miscellaneous B"oks. a good assort ment. All the new bonks rccivedl aoon os published, ai.d for sale at1 Publish, rs' prices. j Bil'.l.KS, Prayer Books and Hymn' Look.-, 111 cvuy Hjlo of binding Cuthclio Prayer Books. ! FAMILY BIIlLESinviiiir.usstvlc, ' DICriONAUIEMot all .ir.es. ' I Juveniles and Toy Books, a lare, n:soiiniei.t 1 Ptl:mil Brooks, d Blank! Form.' of all kinds' 1 Fool -cap. Legal Cap, Li tter an 1 Note Papers. COPYING BOOKS. Inkstand? I Pen Hacks. Fib s. Paper. Cutters and Counting House Stationery generally PHOToi.; rod ilcur. RAPII AI.DV:. cheap 1 O 10 tl Gold Pen? and Holders i l'oi ltct Books and Bill Wallets I Picture Frames. ; Stcrcoscopei; and Views, American.' French. Ac. Driving Prpcr, all siie", Bristol' Board. Ac. j Diaries, Memorandum Boobs. Act Backgammon Buurds, Games, Chcsc-l men, A c. j Toys a lir .-e and complete aortment jlasc-Iialii nud Bal. Fiihing Bods and Tackle. Perfumes, Brobcmi in and Pari.-iim Marbles, t c. J Gold Pens re-pointed. Lampsj Shades, Globes, Chimneys,. Wall Paper and Border, all kinds 1 Window Curtuius, Paper Gilt nr. I Oiled. " 1 Miuio. nnd Musical Instruments. 1 W M i xc R. el '.1 W ti d IV'AII kind.-- "f Bvuks aud iationciy uotcu Land promptly ordered. All tbo Daily nod Weekly Papers and MaH.'.incs Agcil for the -American "rgan " Also PT "La Hose's llnir Htoratlvc," Eiiami 1 cf Amcrici, and 'Nalioiiiil Sliam Navigation Ccnf any.'' Sunbury, May L',, !;. it 'i'K.ii: isas. SrjUNC. TRADE li-Cf. M. li. LAZARUS, would call the ottcntion nf tho pn;l, and l.er eiiftomers generally lueut of to her lai go and new I';tt:- 11 ltd I;ncNio Ilry HonH Which consist of Popiuis, I.U'tain'J, Chenes, Allnpac eas, Crepes, lirena lines, Iron Bureircs, Jiunv, CingLaus, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ac, H'liitC (soods,' Omni ri. s, Stoy.'. 0;-sjandies, Victoria. I'laiil Mu'lnis Marsaillos, Pique, Drilling. Wigans. Muebus, (bleached and unbleached.) Table Liueu. Napkins. Towels, '1'aide Covers, . " Bed Spreads, Ac. flbnes, Honiory. Corsets, Hoop Skirts. Dress Trior- tilings, (in variety,) Ladies and Gents Handker- chiefs. Neck Tics, and notions in variety too niiniei ous to mention. M.' L. LAZA tU'S. Sunbury,. May P, 1SCS. IttKS'i i A.M MgiOi;. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH II. (i. TIIACilE!:. Manufacturer rf ITiENCfl AND AMFKICAN CALF I tool-', Shopsi jind anilci-. Flcasaut:,' Building Market Square SCNBt'KY, PA Ladies' Peots. Shocsand Giiilcrs ofall ilescrit li 'r, mado to ordur on tho shortcut notice ami 1110.-1 r"u sonublo terms, llavine the I. est workmen enipli jed no can assure ice puuile inai, 11 tliey will (ilvo 11 call, they will Id satUlicd nf tho above fact.:. KE l'AIKING neatly done with di'-patch. If your corns do hurt your feet, lust call and b'uvo your measure. And v.-o will make your Shoes or Boors. 'Jbat vou will call n treasure. March 2. MS lv. .!. W. Sr-KVLNtoN. A. N. Hkick. ATTBACTI03ST AT II A V D T ' S NEW IKON F It O NT!' STEVEXSON & BRIOE, RAVE opened up.-, new and desirable slock of Goods in Hau, L's New 1 uildirg. consi. ting in part of a splendid variety of America ji Watt tM's, JOLD WA'TCIIES, liOOKS. ('LOCKS. JEWELKY, STATION EltY, SiLYEK-W AKi;, (!OLD PENS, Sl'ECTACLES, NOTIONS, (JlassWure, Cutlery, Pictures, Lotiking Cilutse?, Ac. tie., etc. Call nnd examir.e our slock Our aim will be lo please and satisfy all who call STEVENSON A ElilCE. Sunbury. April IS, lSiiS. :;ui L vn!' M i i.is or SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, Minh tl. I.. ohlr, begs leavo to nn nounco to il,o Ludies of Sunbury nnd vicinity, ll. at tho hasjust opened u large uud varied stock of M I L L I N E U Y GOODS, Thclak. t New Y'ork and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, un evoelleut assortment of Fasbionalde Em broideries. Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosiories, and all kinds of Faney Notions. Stamped Muslins. Corsets, Perfume ries. Soaps, Lilly White, Euauiel of America, Ma lionery, Ac., Ac. Call nnd examine for yourselves. No Iroublo to show goods. t-unliuiy, April 11 ISrtS REEVES' AMBROSIA rou Tin: u tile. IMPHOVED' It is an elegant Preying for tbo lluir It causes tho Ilair to Curl beautifully. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It invigorates the Roots of tha Hair It forces tbo lluir and Heard to grow luxuriantly It immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It keeps the lluir from Changing Culor from Age It restores tliey Hir lo its Original Color. It brings out llair.ou heads that havo boon bald for years. It is couipoiod entirely of einiple and purely vegcta bio substances. It has received over six thousand voluntary tc. ti mouials of its excellence, many of whiob aro from pbyticiain in high standing. It is fold in bulf pouud bottles (the name blown in the glaic), by PruggUts and Pealers In Funcy Hood evoryahero, at Oue Dollar per Bottle Wholc-slo by Perns." liaruos A Co ; V. C. Wills .1 Co , t'.hii h'c lin ACo , Now York Mar ah 21, l-nin -:im . WHFRK can I get the I cM picture ' W hy at I)-rlv'h, of -x'j'rc M.-r -i UverU snd judf loi ynuisflf rat' iFKING 0PEHXKG. (IRE AT FALL IN PRICES! Buy the HOST GOODS, of the 33E3rI' GiTJXjITrr For the LKAST MONEY. SMALL i'ltui'll AND SALES! i,u 11; CASH st Hie MAMOTH STORE, .Lil'.KFT VQI Al'.i: imu i;y. r ISA. Has j,i,t rc.fived an I j ero. 'i Ilm :5 sr.d i.M 'ti I Mf.M nY (mm lv towa. J i j ' 1 1 ! j I , n j j I I I ii Giighaa;,', '"astunres. .5 . aud Armurc; . D -medic (Ytlopa Brown and blai-h'd TiONS.f- !!o. try. Clove.-, Miii': i,d Ladie: i-ti-irn. fr.t VJUIT12 GOODS. A full sssortiuciit n IMM.MINiio FuiIJer.! "ill find my i-iock i f 19.il lti .it -, E'ainlw, !5, ;ias, Ac, C'oniplrlr. Frii-r- Rr.d Medicines. Willow oc-i Cedataaro. (aJiitonMvoi'p. (ild.Mvnr' BOOTS AND SIIOKtS HATS ANM Crn. and in tact every IhiuR utually kept in a luro tiloic Call and bo convinced that the CUFAPl-'T PLACE TO HI V ALL YOCU (iOoPt? i3 at The Mammoth S t r t r. v. r niijiraci, 'I'riiuai aali,-3U slats. as my Good are bought br Ca.h an. t oll Chfap for the ltKADY MONEY. I give the trade the ad vantage of all reductions t? fa.-1 a thry aro made by Mauulacturer I F!l.I' f-unruir. April )H, ;'-( jMmA"iw UiiVsM) & FAMY CAKKsS. Rr-PDCTITLLY informs tho nitiens of 'ut: bury and vicinity, that ho will bake to oiler nil kiii'ls'of l'iil si (or tlnllsi, l'.-srllcsi. V-. Families tire supplied with FItESI! BP.KAD, J'wi : Hulls. It 11 k sr. Tea Bun", to., nnd also kept on hand Moniit'acitired out of the best material All orders lelt at his Shop in Market Square. ere r!or cnt rl Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or al iiH L'ukery on Spruco Street, between Front not Second stri-nt", will moot with prompt attention. PIC-NIC PARTIES supplied with Cako, lec Cream, Ac , at tho shortest notice. Orders are respectfully solicited.' I'.WIBFIiV Sin. bury, May 2. 19',. .SUXIHJRY MARfJLK mTTl." t,i,liii! Tne.l liat Inff l,r,m.-!it. 111. '.l&.T-y ,- 1. entile Block of IXsiinuer A Vavlor. a. J would inform tue public that ho is now ready to do all kind,' of marble work; has on haul, and makes to older at short notice, ivlotiumcii'rt nod M 'iI-S;rnos, of every stylo to s"'t rt'rebssers. DOOR ANU WINDOW SILLS. Also. Cemetery Posts with Galvanised pips and all other fencing generally ned on Ceinclerie John A. lay lor will continue in tbo employment, nt the old stand in Market Squaro, Sunbury, Pa May 2, 'B-i.-lyl V! M. DACti HEIVI V - m a srwf t.r M -l MEHCHAiNT TATLOI., !' MAPiKET SQUAUK, Sl'NBUKY, TA., j J J A? just received a large nnd well-folccted na-.-k I yi-KIN(, AND SUMMER GOODS ! t otsHtiiig of tho fines! j t'LO'1 1 i R, OA I M EKES AND VESTING I ivor bmucjil ti Sunbury, and which ho promises o s.-ll ilieaper lliali Hie clioaj'e..i iiovihb uu-noi' . of.kiliful tailors, be guarantees 0 good tit in every irtinco inferior to none outside nf the cities. Everything from my establishment will be gusr- actceJ lis repn j-utcd. . THOMAS G NOTT oim'.'iiry. Mt'v "ill. l 'i tf swung VAsiiiiiNs in iiiss i.ointjA oniysimrt, THE popular Millinery, south sido of Matkrt I Tiiioire. Sunbury, is desirous of calling the attention ; ot the public a&d tisde to her uniquo and handsom 1 assortmcrt cf MILLIKEItY AND FANCY UOGDS. I inst opened. On bun 1 and maic to older, nseti.o latest onri most supero styles ol Sti iflal, .tlouriiltisr nisa BrcstM Jiois nrls nnl Ilat. Also, ortloadid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers. Bonnet Fromcs, Veils, Collars, Ac. Gentlemen's Goods, such as Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Neck ties. I'.ru'hesand goods for tho toilet. Abo. a fine assortment of Perfumery, and all floods usually kept in a well furnished establishment A cull is only rciuired to be convinced. N. B. Special attention is directed lo a fine lo i f Ladies' Dress Cap? und Head Drews. LOl'l VA SlIK'i'LEll April IS. IMS. I ..I l nu-tl.cill'" tl:: CI CttHr", IM'l IT. t:ci;i.ino : .1 w lit cure Titrc.'.T. WIIO.ll'INli ( Cl Oil i'ON' ! VI'IIVI- OOIT.HS .-.s rtnu-k as f ( '. '!l U II A L 'l-;; io. ll.t.l i;ii r.'.I.rr ! Jmvc been soki nnd no) S.l.g. c l:iE..'li:CC of 11? Itolure test .mi, u: y j aaiiti ui i . Kii'".-i: l c Ii.tvc. in t, :r f.. ; tilicVi-r b .in? of ItKCi ft. r.l r.Mi.r. r r;;--:c: -.vi-o ;.ave U"--'! tl iu t.'icir (-.lactioc. i.;ij : ,. ami! nee cv.-r evcrv oilier compound y.cen i ir ni-;s Nor dhy i r a roi tdi, ' b.t r ooskns it, 1 - :,i to i-chKc tl,.' .-ilicnt to i xprctorale freely Tvvooi i ;lirec Uuse8. WlIT. IXVAKIAI ! A l l KB TlCKMNK in tins Thboai ; , A jia'l b.t.lchns ot'tea ronipklelv cured the moat Stul' , t Coicl,, n--.l vet. thooeti it is so aurc and loeeity m ! ooeralion, It is V'Ot'e' t'y tv-tnrlffs, tirli," purely vci:laljl, . , It is vcrv af.rc-Hhltt to iho uste and may he ad'intrsteu-l '. o ci'l.hcn r-l'aliy e. ' In crifci'S cf cnot'P c v.'iii onianlf c a cur.-, it t.ikra i.i I rces ii. 1 NO FAMILY MIOCI.D VV. WITHOI T If i l! is within the reach oi all, it beni.; Ihc cheapest and I eat :ie i xfiiiit . C. J. CLAHK A CO , rioptietcrs. NI'.lV HAVEN, CONN Ai-nl lStsi!-- ly O O 3j 3 S DYSPEPSIA CURE. mmi. great rkmf;dy ion am inF. asi.s . i 1 tnc ST O M A C II S ii t tic !tnf")Vfry n( the invcu:"r of tYe's va'ii.-iMn ' ; .' Uci'r'Hiii. while pY;'ritm'i!.!tif' d r his cwn h"i!iii It enrrt "r.(iii in Hie ittin.u'h i i Inui wlnilt ttftd Lei--it- !u''!il to intiitiiir ('lit pfil'r"('nn. Tlif Miiit'ifi flnily teirncnv ftnni vnrmy piirif.'f ti.'. country cw'Ui;i(c ut t Ih-Iivc there n nudiware caud by adm-H'kTtit :;ti Ui.u L it will not fncrdi'y cure. riijsioinns endorso and Uto it! Ministers give testimony of itu cfUcu.'y. Ami from all lonned lirctioi!! wc rr.Tivo !!nif:s ot urti i'Vsn;rf-iA: It i e.irc i cure iiEAK'iprrtN O.ic dote will cure t'lCK-IlKAPAi'HE! It IciH curnl in l.lliilfc-!i. i K-e i IIKADACHF. AN P Dl'ZINKSf ! It stops in thirty mir.uN'i ! AC1PI TV OF I III: STOMACH ' ll eruv: lit fucc ; RISE OF THK FOCI' ' i ll ttop-- i!::!ojJ.hu-:v ! PIS I'lil-SS AV rER KATINO ' j One ,o?c W i'l unlove j i iii'i.i i;a Monucs' j Itnpi U yic:,l? lo a lew ! io I pap nrn. ru ! Will l,e cinuged wnii In'l al '-'t . Jit ib pekfectlv u a it :.; i, i; z Its I ' N PR KC'LPFN TED St'CCESS in pita; t.. t, tn'l tluit I It 'iir ly AssiMinc aturs- TO Rr-AtPERT Ill-Ill SWAY IN THK SVTKM Neally every itesicr m thc I'nilcd PtHtci it ai one poll Art PF.n roTiT.i:. C. 0. CLARK & CO., rrcprictors. NEW n.VVLN, CONN, .pril IS, 18o! ly KlMrWELl7l)HF,SSKI). Call and :cc t'uc well selected Slock of CLOIIJi: CASflMEBEi. VL'STlNii."-' t . OYLUCOAII-Nii.-:', Just received at M1.KCTIAN1' TAILORING KiSTAB! h .! MKNT, Fourth L:lrect, below Fyttcr'a idorc, M'Vpl'K'i WINTER ( KOTIIINC of the raott approvod styles is made up to mdo; reasonable rales. Ho has also a line assortment of Cawimrra f lmi Prawor, rndorcbirts. Overhauls. Floincs, Nc-k ties. Cotton and Wooleu Hiwc. Knspriidorr, Hand korchiofs. li loves, aud a general vaucty of tiOTLKMLN S l'l'RMiUIM'l iinoi--- (live hitn a cull, which you will fiud to bo to v ir advantage. (unbury.Oct. 19, 1FC7. I'.iiiilx, Oilti, A full sbvk of Oils compriin Line 1 i: Oil, ri.-h I'll, and Lubri, nung Oil I r Li gm - n J Machinery Vatiibbi'S.Ulass, aiwavs on h. i d. at ' i price? al I ON Ll V a I" . : vou bnve a ricliiic ,uwaut framid ito t ll It 'a and net it 'done bear i r thin m.v where l"e in lovtn H hi mr,'Hr,- rl ! t I.. ;t 'rtr'lv Vnl