THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION iltsMon Hole Overaeainlnsr SEVXITG MACHI1T2. Iti Wonderful Pr.plnrity Conclusive Proof of its Uroat Morit. Tbs lnereae in the demand for thi valuable ma thine ha been TEN FOLD during the last seven months of its firtt year before the public This grand and surprising auoceea ia unprecedont ed Id the history of sewing-maebinos, soil we feel full warranted in claiming that IT II AS NO EQUAL, Bring Absolutely the Best ii,miY si a in.Ai: ' IN THE WORLD, AnJ IntvintleaVy tha Cheiicit. Il is rsally two machines combined In one, (by a aimplo and bennill'ul mechanical arrangement,) ma king both tbo (shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Over scaDilng and Button-hole stitch, with equal facility and perfection It executes in tho very Uejt manner every vari-ty of sewing, such as, Hemming, Fclliug, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, (lathering and sewing on, (done at tho stiuio limo.) and in addition, Ovorsciuna. I'nihroldersnn tbe edge aud make beautiful Button and Lyelot-holos in all fabrics. Every Machine is warraoied by the Company, or its Agents, to give entire tstisfuclion. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on tbia Machine, eau be bad ou afplioa tion at the Salesrooms of THE AISEHICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVEKSEAMIXO AND BEWIXO MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh auJ Chestnut Street?, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on Iho Machine at the rooms of tho Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FKKDK rAXSOK, President. TV. H. Mespknham., Treasurer. April 25, 189. lyojan. 25, TO K 'Ria 0 T 0 if & H 0 D OKI N 8. HAW E O XT E SUrER-rilOSPlIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MAN IRE FOR ALL FIELD ANDUAKDEN CROr.V. Having within tbe pa.-tycor greatly increased and j unproved our iucilitics tor grinding rione nnd man ufacturing, wo uro prepared tu furnish to the furm ere of Peunrylrania a superior article of Siaprr-lMiowplsatc. S Our manufuoture haa been thuiouglily tested the ; past t;eR.-un by prnelical meu of our i:uiucdinte i lieigliborbuud and elsewhere, and in every c&sq the result has born entirely saticlaolory. Our piotesaof pulverizing, thereby ilia prepar ed for ui (il'ARRAXTELD TO PA S3 THROUGH ANY 1R1LL, obviates an objection which attaches tu ninny fer tilizers, and seuuroa to the liuriuer a saving of much valuable time. SOLD AT THE MANtT ACTOIiY, EAST II A H II E T STUEET, I'.I'I1T, PA., and by our Agents throughout tbo country, in Bags of 200 lbs caoh, at $.rs per Ton of 2000 lbs. Also SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points nccc?si.b;e by ritil or cunal. on receipt of order. TORRINGTON & IIODGKINS. Also Amenta for Seymour, Morjnn & Allen's Self Kaking Reaper and Mower 'iho New Yorker) and Pratt A Sinedloy a li.iy and Urain Kukc. e'end for Circular. February 15, '0 ly '6VTsfoTiY Bmiimo lots IN J. W GAEL'S Addition U the Eojough of Sunbury : for Sals on reasonable term". Apply to I'r. R. 11. AWL and, SOL.BROSIOUS, Suubury, Pa. Or P. W. 6HEAFER, Potfcville, Pa. Not. 24, lHilO lHI'Ki.UT SOTICE. rriHE uiiilei-jiiTed bavins succeeded to tbo buei JL cess of P. HIMES A CO., takes tbia meiiiud of iuforming Jiiick-Layers, Buildeis. and ell others in terested, in and about buubury, that he is prepared to All all ordors, for building and paving brick, of a superior quality, and at as low rata as can bo bad elsewhere. I am also the Agent in the Counties of Northum berland, I'uiou, !iiydor and JJontotir, for W A 11 KEN'S IMPROVED FIRK and WATER PROOF HOOF. This ia tho cheapest and best Roof that can bo used on building'. We covered several build ings with it, during the last season with entire satis- faction. I Orders left at the Brick Yard, in Cuke's Addition to Bunbury, or at tbo Of)i e of Air. Mm. Reugnn's i Saw Alill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post i Office, will receive proiurt attention. I TOWSaEND IIIMES. I nbury March U, 1?B8. U. 31. lt8;--N, Iciitt1, j Will remove Lie Office to J. M. Simpson's Buildint', 2nd stury, Sim ktt fuurc, WHERE he will bo prenireil (o do ull kinds of ' work perutiniui; to iicuti.iry. Will hocji constantly on hand a larir.0 assort incut of Tenth, and other IX'utul mutrrial. t'roui n htch lie will bo able to i seloct, aud meet tho wnuts of his cuatou.e. j All nork uarruntcd to give s.ititfuction, or elso tho ', money refunded. j The very best Mouth Vuh and Toolh l'omltrs kept oo baud. ! Ilia loforouces aro the numerous patrons fcr hi'lu Jjc has workfl for the lust twelve years. " I , riiinbury, MarchSl, lsiS. j To FariaerB! ! tHS PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S j SOU'llLE PACIFIC GUANO. ri'dE aituntion of Fanners and other o nsuniers of L Fertilisers is invited to this liuaiio. as worthy of : Iheir special ni'lioi . Its uce lor tovcral veors iu ! Maryland, Virginia and oilier r-uiiiberu Mates, for j nil crops, h given it a rtunriard character for ex- j eellence unerjualle.! by any other. It J.(SlBscs all j the quickness nf Peruvian liuauo, with permanent I quttlities not found iu thai article 2ii1 IU. of Ibis Guano aro fuund more than equal to 'M0 !!s. of tbo habl Supurphonphuto. It ripens the wheal crop from : fivotosovcu daya earlier than tho phuuphnlcs. Hhich faot alone give it iucaluulublu aUvaQtajjis. Libuil I uiscouut to doalcrs. Fur m1 by JOHN S. RLEKE I CO , General Agentf lor Paoitio tiuano Co , S8 Sou'h Delaware Ave., Philad a , And 71 rioutu blreot LaUiruoie .March 2t, IH4 oiu rllllcj luhuwiuj; persons arc eutillc'l to receive an ! 1. inereasoot Ununtr under the Aut of Congress I jassed July Im, to eualua EounUoe. i , , i j ! r.5 eulistcd aft or the lv'.h day of April, Ifcfll, lor A years, snd served Ihoir tiuiu of eulu-Iiaeut and have been honorably duchurged, and have received or ure entiled lo receive a Bouniv of S100, are entiilcd an additional bounty of tOO. 2.1 All Miii'h aolllfre nhn .iiIii.a.I f..r . v..u. un.1 - -. , ..j ....... uavv uveu ouuuiauijf it iseimrjje: on 8L-t!01lfit OI wonn in reoeivea in tue imo oi uuty, are eutitled lo an a'tMiiioi.Ri nouuv oi KIIIU, ;u The Widow, Minor Cbildieu, or I'oreiits of .uo'.i ktldiers who died iu Ihu sen iee cf woumin or llielue, are entitled to an additional liounty of sSIMO. By applioatioo iu H. P. WOLVEKTOX, l'i..of l!rauhv. Feunsvlvanla, who is an authuriioj Cluiui Aout. all suuh uluims can l ct) etdily culleeied. Sunljtiry. August 1, IJiiiJ If ISAAC K. STAUIFK, sy'SA WaKhmahfr nnd Jew. i vr. r-w . . v. atCLia2 uo. ia MOHTH Sd ST-, COIl. OF QVAIillV, HilLAtELPHU. at virin,e,ii ,f wi-he, lewe'n We a niaaunliv on haul. filrrr and I'lOed rr He,mg of Waives and Jewelry U lufCtl Ul. ' f I'-militly at JACOB EHIPMAN, sitlfc AND LH'K IABUKANCE A.GKIJT BLT.BUKV, FtXK'A. SHOEMAKERS, skbVs S T,.'""",r,f Leather, French Calf T U l 1 . In .Unf iVL , ' , w K' .asis, .milt. Fete, f-rli 1 fc'.u4i- "Vy?V"i by he trade! w t i IBS TOBY IATEBT ARRIVAL II FALL &VINTER !S9 Joseph- Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites the publio to eatl and examine his elegant assortment ol FALL AND WINTER OOODB, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. His stock consists in part of CASSIMERB3 CX.OTHS. &C , Kliuolin. Tickings. Jonns. and a full aseortmentol Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts. Abo Handkorohiofti, finches. Combs. . Iliil iiiul !. Moot nsil ,:! ......., i rrt will not. he is aure fail to t.loaie the fancy nnd tuit thewantaof any desirous if nurchnsinff. His stock of ' T HAltDWAHliAND ylEENSWARE, i iirruonioa in lnrire in nuantitv and ohoioe In quality, comprising generally everything needed In il... l,,.n.rh.,l.l Bither for ue or ornament. Ho ia always ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in snowing mem ui? pnu evn, ihmii-h no sales are mada. He only asks a call, and ia sure that the.stni'.k will compare favorably in price and quality with tbe cueapest. Sunbury. Not 1. 1807. his-lniit Street. IBkiladcIphIrt, Are tho bust iu l'--e, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: They aro move simple mid durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and more olastic stitch, firmer and muro beautiful tenra than any other They aew all fabrics from two common spools, rO' quire ro rc-winding of thread, fasten bothendaof the seam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cut tho scam will not rip. 'l'he Very llisii'et-t Vrlt.o, the Cross of tho Legion of Honor wna conferred on tho repre tentative of tho at tbo Exposition Univcrseltco, Paris. 1887 : thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machines. 0 ROVER A BAKER S NEW STYLES KIH'TTI.2: J!,V( !IIM!ti i For llanufacturing, i Combine tha most modern nnd cyscntml nnprovo I ments. The attention is reqnestod of Tailors, Stnnufac turcre of Eoots and Shoes. Cnrriago Trimming Clothing and ull others requiring tho use of tbo most eflVcth o LOCK hTlTCU MACHINES, To these new styles, which posposs uumistuhablo ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE PY Miss CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Street. Sl'NIjl'RY, PENN'A , Nov. 23, loC7. ly rV.. T II E G li EAT I' R 1 Z E fafio!tion I'niwsel'e, Pari, 1667. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO LLiASHOUE.-Im. .-.uii JtJ over f!ighly-two Couipditors. Uic fHiliesI Ir'Uiiui, The Only Croif oi' tl:o Lcgiou of limor nnd mmiJ GOLD MEDAL I given to Aui.iiirix ewino Macuiies. per Ini c- I rial Hcrc e. .u')li. b-.l iu the .Mooi'.eur linivcrful" I (Ollkial .Ir.iiruiil of ilio French Luipire), Tuesday, I 21 July, Ht7. in those wonls; 1 Fabrioanle Uu Aluchtnes a cou Eli as ilu e. J it. i lre eximunt. f Manufnelurer i-f Sewing Ma ) uliinua. txuibitue. "This duul'lo first boiinr ia another pruof of tho Rrent superiority of Iho HOWE fcEWl-NU MA t'lllN E over ull oibcrs. '' SIBLEY A STOOPS. ;'o I'! .Siuth l.ijrlit .Slieot, Philadelpliia. Acul- lor Pennsylvania, New Je'foy, Dela.tale and Wesicrn Vii jsliiiu February 2J, lMiW. ,lut groceries" Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. j. A. Cal.'XlY Ac ((., , ... , , ., ,. . ; Xa " s Luililuii;, ater street, near King it , i Ni.'UXHl'MHKHLASD, FA , j T JCFOKM thiir friends an.l the public generally I . .t . .... '. . .. v. t t uiiu iui ey have a large assortment of liroceri I lrovi ions. Ac., all fresh und ol the bos tnuality, con. sistiug ot lea.-, Lulieot', t-uars, ani hpifoa. Dried and Canned Fruits, l'ruues, ltuislns. Cheese, uud Crackird. tnid in fact eveiything usually kept in the (Jrocery line. They would ali call atlei.tion to Ibeir large and eheup lot of iood FAMILY 1L0LK. Ctreeu Tes, Hams, tiioulaors, Ac, whi 'h aro coimtautly kept un U..- .1 A 1- ..11 1. :.. 1.. .fl' ....LI.. . M. . uai:j. msit, mt niuiia ui I eLteiauies, ue., uu, (live tin in a eull and see for youraelf. Norlhuuiberlaud, Kept. 23, l!b7. KKK.sil AHltl VAL OF FANCY DKY GOODS. , XI uktt .Suarc. tuo diiom l.tat of the old liauk I buildinrj. Sl'NtrRY. IVnu'a., I T f AS up,ncd a lith u ply of the laiert atytes of j I 1 Full and Wiuler tioods, selectod by herself fiom the in 0.-;. futhiojablo eslabhshuie'uU in l'hila dtlpuia. Cheap DeLaini. Alpacas. Freuoli Moriuos, Plain nnd 1'laid Fnplins, Mourning Uood. Cloths. aaeue Flannels, Ladioa- and Childrens' flats, Feathors, Kibbons. I'reks Tiiiuinlngs, Fmbroideries, Lace Veils and han Ikerebiefs, uluves. boaiarv. Ilalinoral , akirtaJireaktuKi and Blanket Kli.wls, Whiter 'aciues and Ladies' goods of evury deaoriptiuu. . ucnu- collars, Book-lies, Ualt-buae, Uaudker chietS audlilovHS. aVrlum.ry, Toilet Boa ps, Hair Brashes, Combs, eto. Ltf" Hupkira1 Jllipiw Skirls. , KATK BLACK. Buubury, Kov. tL t8T. STONE WARS. THE beat and ohoapeat aseortiiient of Ktuee Ware in the Mate, ju.t received and for sals cheap at tbs M ... U I . . L t ... - Af H Y. FRILiyO BAUGH'S r?"Wi announce to farmers and dealers In Fer tilisers, that the following prloes hats beel tdopWd or the present spring season : BAUOH'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE. Pries, CM per 8,000 lbs. BAVQB'B chicaoo bonb fertilizer Price, C&0 per 2,000 lbs. BAUGH'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE. lf, Priee W) per 2000 ponnds. This well known popular trade-mark will bs fonnd upon every paokag if tbs above manures. MARK A The high estimation in which Bacob'i Sons Ma nure hays boen held, during fourteen years past, we shall fully sustain In ths future. Having now the entire eontrol of the great resources of the city of Chioago, for furnishing Ammonia and Phosphate yielding material, vis : Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, Ac., we have, in eonneotion with our works in Phil' adelphia, the 1 argent faoilitlcs for furnishing these manure, at the above low prices. BAUun A SONS, Philadelphia. NORT-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Chicago JOHN RALSTON A CO., Gen'l Ag'ts, New York. GEORGE KIRKE A CO., " Boston. GEORUE DUGDALE, Wholesale Ag't, Baltimore. For all information respecting the above Manures, address either of the above houses. "JOURNAL OF TUB FARM," A New Monthly Agricultural Paper, published by BAUOH A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Its desieu is to rresent a full ranzoof Agricultura and Horticultural intelligence ; articles upon the Practical and Bcientifiorelationsof the subject : and its general aim is to inculcate a popular system of nign manuring. A Do claimed BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, are urged in an honest and open way, but not urged to tbe exclusion of any other valuable raanurial aid to the farmer which the markets or borne resources afford. All farmers will find It. ws think, fully worth all It costs, in tbe practical suggestions it presents, ana the general reader will moot a share of solid enter tainmcnt. Price, 50 oonts per year. Address, BAIGH A SONS, Philadelphia. Sold by HMIT1I A GENTIIER, Sunbtrry. Jan. 25, 1S88. aug'67-ly " TUB OBBAT ZIN6ABI BITTERS The component parti of tltii re no ark alto preparation Were tint discovered, compounded and distributed, ftoruo twsutjr years ago, by Ur. Cueopsus, the Cele brated Egyptian Physician. Thousands of bi luffer Ing countrymen were restored to health, as well as great Dumbrs of tho inhabitants of Nubta and AbysintC, and of thecountries bordering upon tho Southern coast oi ttio esicaitcrrancan bea, llndetnl, the fame cf the ZXNUARI B1TTEIIS soon spread orcr Europe, and Wus adopted by tha principal Physicians In charge of the hospitals of the old world, in which it is etill used with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of Egypt placed the nama of Dft. Cubopbos upon tho " Itull of .Nobles," and presented-to him a kttd&l bearing the following inscrip tion: "Da Cmopat'ri, the Public Benefactor." Thia Hitters Is now offered tu the publio of America with the full assurance that it will bo found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specific for tho cure of Cholera, Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Cholert) Morbus. Fever anil Ague, Yellow Fever, K lieu mat I am. Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, (olio, Uronchltls, Consumption, Flatu lency, Dlaeaaee or the Kidneys, Ncrrout OeoAlliy, and Female Complaints. Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been regular physiclaos, fully attest; and it la destined to , upcrseile any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tunic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT MAS NO EQUAL. Tans rut ZING A III IUTTEKS UAH 8UI, AS HILL AS BODY, lib AS PREVENTIVE or DISEASE has ko fcurtiiion, A rrw W0RD3 TO LADIES. The use of the Z1NGAKI BITTEH3 will give to you thnt mft, icml transpRpent complexion which the Uud of nature (do inlnts: woman to by the loveliest of his worki) fully intended that you nhoultl hare for it U nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying tha blood, timulatinK tho pigamitary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout tha entire system, It especially plvts that smooth clearness an4 beauty to thecompiexirtn so much to be desin-d re moving all roughness blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly lookup common in our day; and what is even better than thin. It cures evory species of female irregularities and disease, Prmmptil Depot, Ilarrii-burg, To. RAHTER & HAUSE, Soli Pbopbietoks. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, buubury ennsyivania. August 3, 1867. OH baas, Jtt. C. H. WOLVERTON. COAL! COAL! COAL! rPIIU subaoribera respectfully inform theeitisens of X Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a COAL YARD at J. Haas A Co's Lower Wharf, toiiiiltury, 1U. where they are prepared to supply all kinds of She niokin Cual, at cheun rates. Families aud others promptly supplied. Country oustoia. respectfully nAAS at WOLVERTON, Eunbury, Jan. 18,186. va'iciii:n ron i:vi;hyhouy, A Boperb fitoek of fins Gold and Silver Watches all Warranted to Run, and thoroughly Kegulated , at the low prioe of $10 each, and satisfaction 0 uaranteed 100 Sold Uold Hunting Watches, $250 to 11000 100 Maftio Cased Uold Watches 260 to eOO 100 Ladies' alches, enameled, 100 to 200 Uold H'iog Chronoueler Watches 2H to 2u0 Uold liuuiing Knglinh Levers 200 to 300 Uold lluutiiig Duplex Watches liO to Mm Uold liuuiing American Watches 100 to Sud 800 250 200 2o0 160 6 DO bilver lluntuiK Levers SO to 600 Eilver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 600 Uold Ladies' etches 60 to 1000 Gold Hunting Lepiues 50 to 1000 Miscellaneous riilver Watches 60 to 2o00 Hunting .Silver Watches 25 to 6000 Assorted W alches, all kinds 10 to 260 2j0 75 100 60 75 The abovo stock will bs disnoaed of on tha conn lar one price plan, giving every patron a fins Gold or Solid bilver Watch for flO without regard to value ! Waittur, I!ru. A Co., 161 Broadway, New York, wisoto luiuieaiausiy dispose ot ins above magnin contsivcK. lertinoales, naming tbs articles, are placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Hold ers are entitled to the articles named in their oerti Coate. upon payuiontof Ten ltollars, whether it be a watob worth tl.uuu or one worth leas. Tbs return of auy of our certificates entitle you to tbe arlioles named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no artiolo valus at leas thaa fill is named on any certificate, it will at ones bs seen that this ia no lottery, but a straight forward legiti mate transection, which uii.y bs participated in even by the must fastidious. A single certificate will be sent by mail, post paid upon receipt of 25 eenls, five for II, eleven fur $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $5, sixty-six and mors valuable nreinium for f 10: one hundred and moeUuperk watches for 915. The agents or thoss wubing employment, this is a rare opportunity, it is a legitimately conducted business, authorised by the Uuvernmeut, and open to ths mast careful scru tiny. Watehea sent by Express, with bill for collec tion ondelivury so that no dissatisfaction) Mat possibly WtUiiUT, BROTHER CO., Importers, , lol Broadway, kew York 1)IRD CAOKB, II diftVreiit kinds. If ioi waut XJ fooa sal sUeap Sud Cages, LY A CO S BOOTS AND SHOES, MANUf ACTUBXO TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEH, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and ens. tamers, that he has just opened t shop for tts manufacture of BOOTS A BQOES, on BptMf itnet, between Second ttrtet and Centr Alley, Sunbury. whers sdl kinds of work la his line will bs mads Bp In the latest style sad In tbs best workmanlike manner. Having first class stock on band, he flatters blmaelf mat ns will be able to rait the tastes ofths most fas- tidioua. The publio are invited to call. JOHN WILVEB. Sonbary.June I, 1807. . THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST SUNBXTRY Uoa Hditreot, opposite tha MAbONIO HALL, at BER6STREESSEE S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, nut Lately Established, -Willi all the nodem ImproTemeutsj of the Art I THE subsoribsr, having built ths room expressly for ths purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to tbs busineas, Is confident of his ability to aaaure his patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in conn try or sity. No work allowed to leave we gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tbe beat sky light in the county, ha is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. ... Be Is also prepared to la. Dew site, ot eaoinet card Photographs. All kinds ot ptotures copied ana magmnea u any required site and colored beaatitully in Oil or Water oolora or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape viewa of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on band, lbs public era respectfully invited to call and so. our specimens and our complot. arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to families and olubs. . BERQ3IRESSER. Buubury, July 15, M. C. ClIiARIIAUT'M Gonfectionry Toys and FRUIT STORE Rlarkct Street, Snobury, I a. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, "CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at ths abovs able price. He is manufacturing all kinds of ConfrMionaries to keep up a lull assortment union are com at low rates. Tobacco. Scffnra. Btationerr. Nntsef all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are offered wholostilo and retail. I'lKomember the name and place. .JF1 M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf Witter nnd Fire Proof SLATE RQOFS. THE undersigned respectfully informs builders in this and adjoining counties that be is prepared to fiut on Slate Hoofs in a superior manner, lie furn rhes tbe celebrated Lehigh county Slnte, which is the best iu the rrarket. lie warrants his work to be durable and fire and water proof. Ho invitee the in spection of the publio to tbe work he haadone in Cun bnryon llanpt's, Ureenough's and Haas' buildings, and on others at various places. His prices are us low as those of any other slater. Address, D. S. SMITH, Sunbury, P. 0., or call at his residence in Upper Augusta trip. January 11, 1863. ly SPliEK'SPOKT RAI'E WIXI3, l.'sed by hundredsof Congregations lor 4'burrh or Communion. Purposes., FOR LADIES PERSONS. EXCELLENT AND WEAKLY VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. sii:tit'ii pour (.uape wwe, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly eel cbratod native Wine is made from tne juice ot tne V porto urape, raueu in iui cuuuu Its invaluable Tonic Sc StrniRllienlnK Properties! Are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Being thepuro juice of ths grape, produoed under jur. 6 peer's own personal supervision, its purity and irenulnenesa are sruaranteed. The vouniest child may partake of its generous qualities, and tha weak est invalid may use it to advantage. It is particu ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to tbe various ailments mat ainict tne weaaer box. Il is, in every respect, A WINK TO BE RELIED OX. Invalids use SPEER'S PORT URAPE WINE, Female use Sl'EER'S PORT QKAPE WINE. Weaklv nersons find a benefit bv its uss. SPEKK 3 WINES in hospitals are preferred to Other wines. I 5 Sold bv all Druirtrists ana Grocers. A. EPEEK'S VINEYARD, New Jarsey. Office, 211 BltUADWAX, Ms York. The trade suDulied bv Johnson, Hollowav A Cow. den, aud French, Richards A Co., in Philadelphia. For sale by W. A. UbZZLll, fcuuDury, fa. Pot. 2fl ly. J. H. Conley Co., Market Street, Kukt ol'lhe llstilroad, BTJNBUBY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN jFOHUICiN eto ANEUICAi'v, Hardware & Cutlery. milE ttnallni, .S . t' l7. . : 1 .1 . w, wwiiiiiilM) ruuim, uiuiuw, JL and Buyers generally ia invited to tha fact that we are now offering a better eeleeted assortment of JlAKDWAKli, CUTLERY. AO., than aver was offered is this marked at prloes much below those heretofore demanded by dual era. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials usea ty CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAKLRS. JOINERS. AC. AO.. tocother with a lame stock of Iron. Steel. Nails. Spikes.Rope, Chains, Urindstonos, Mill and X Cut caws, Ac, o. Sunbury, March 39, 1867. Notice to Merchants and ShiDuers. THE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Friok's Line, give notices to merchants and shippers that tbs Depot is still at fill Market street, Pbila delpbia, and all (iooda directed lo Sunbury, Danville and Lowisburg, and all intermediate stations along ins rauroaa, win oe promptly aenverea. tjT Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia. iri-weexiy luesaays, inursaays ana naturdays. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lswisburg, J. U. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 1867. AK'rlcultssral Intptesnentai, TT OE'8 Urain Rakes. Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, 1 1 Long and D Handle Spades, fihovele, Msauro and Hay Forks, Qrass and Urain boythea, Urain Cradles, Cradle Finzers, Trace. Breast, Tonsus and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill beivesof allsisesand kinds, large astortmeut of Ked Wagon names, lor flowing, r arm Jleiia, Cultivator leeLb lor sale ny j. ir. uult.t. s tx. Mount Carmel Hotel HT. OARMKL, Korthumberlaud Co Fa., TUOB. BURKET, PBopjtiKTOS. This largs onmmedlous Hotel Is luostted near the eepote of the Shaasokiai Valley ad the Quakake m simw ior naiiroaas. iraius arrive ana aepariauiiy Xbu botua a. looatsMl la lb aooUa of lb Goal Ha gtsta n uuroM w pwtaaoommoaauoaftia crarw aad par aiaatat a(oaai- Great Attraction, - . aits. . ' NEW TIN-WARE, fllioet Irsa mm& tore Storsj mT .: oxJisrBTJit-sr. PA., Wbsr. they keep sonstantly m kaal Sjb4 saauafae tore to erder at abort notice. Hit AND SHEET IRON -WARE of all deaoripUoae. They would especially sail the attention of par- snasers to tneir targe ana wen ssieewa sicca oi COOK AND PARLOR 8T0VES. The subscribers have mad. arranrements to have all their best stoves soade to order, and those who would have a good stove wonld do well to go and examine their large and well soleoted stock. First. They defy competition on ths following tried rands of Cook Stoves, vis : Combination das Ilui-ner, Cook, Uovernor Penn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antiduet Cook Stove oalled SPEAR'S ANTIDTJST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves hi areas varletv em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed lor beauty of finish simpli city of anajigemente combining: obeanness. durability and each stove warranted to perform what they ax. represented. Also, ineoeieurated Baltimore Fir. Place Blove, for heating nrst, second ana tnud stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNINQ GLORY. Coal OH, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades, Chlmnles, and all articles nanally kept In an establishment of this kind. Xbey are also prepared loiurnisneiate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Rang, and Furnnoe Work, Gas Fitting, do. Repairing neatly ana cneapiy executes. Also: "Baugh's Raw Hone Super-Phos phate." Remember the place. 5ampl. and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Uuilding dork painted. August 24, 1S69. 1TEW LAGEB. BEER SB REiWXQ V"SsV9 IN SCNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and tha publio generally, that he has commenced the manufacture, and ia now ready to furnish LAGER BEER AND ALE, of a superior quality. Having procured the services of a first class brewer, he ia enabled to supply Land lords, Restaurants and private families with an ar ticle that is palatable, pure and healthy. Orders ara respeotfully solioited which will re- oelve prompt attention. CHA3. ITZEL. Sunbury, November 18, 18(17. JAS. t'ALDHFXL At CO., No. 909 Client nut Street PHILADELPHIA, Mamifacturert and Impvrtert Of svery description of First Class Goods belonging to ths Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths. Uavs removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Stroet to Bansom Slrcot, affording ample room and convenient aooemories, piviug opportunity lor a proper display of goods, and cotter means for their examination. With extensive and favorabla . , j r . , 0 ... buuuuj aim in uurope, we are in a positiou to otter at moderate FiXbD prices. Watches, Diamonds, Bronzo A Marble Goods Bilver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelains, Fluted Goods, Musical Boxes, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. etrangora visitini the citv ara enrdiallv invited to xamine our New Store. March 7, 1S68 ly. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing- Books and Slates. Books, Hymn Books, Books, Memorandum Bo.'ki Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper. Ink, Ae. For sale by ANKA PAINTER. CHOICE FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL f a 3 B 8 m BBNJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trcos. will furn. ih from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, first class TREES ofuli kinds. Also, bbrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Ordors are respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHNER, Paxinos, North'd. Co. Vtf N. B. Insurances taken in several of tne most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Dotective Companies in tbs State. June 8, i07. y SEEING IS BELIEVING At ro t ArcU Street. NEW PRICES I NEW GOODS Rich Silver and Silver-Plated Wares, Including every style and description, made expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot bs surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, YUi AKCii STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ps-Re-plating at short notice. Dooembej 21, lb7 .aug27 PURE LAGERBEERT aku alu, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH ETCHER. RESPECTFULLY Informs the publio generally that bs is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, PORTER AND ALK, n largs or small quantities. Bis facilities for mak ng Boer cannot be excelled, and ia pronounoed supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been reoommended by physicians as a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at short notiee. Buubury, Sept SI, 186T. 1RCH STREET FOUNDRY! J. YOU QM AX, Proprietor. Arrh Kt.( between Sd and 4th, eloee to tbe Public School House, SUNBURY, PENN'A. TUU proprietor of this establishment respectfully informs ths public that he has coum.noed the man afaoture of Cooking and Heating 3TOTE3I which tt will tell at lowr prieet tbB ltJ OU b obtained tlMwbvrt. MILL QotviDf, BtoTM. and th largett tlaof twaogi oituo prompt. 10 oraer. Also. Window WighU, Fraaet ui OrmUt for Cel lar Windowi, !. 4 at I row 4'lilMneT X 16 A litxiral prlo paid for old eutlnit. TliU CKLtBKATKl) LIVKRPOOL PLOW. In ppytd, U manufkotured at tbuasUblUhmoot. Also, Stow iintm of ali kiotU, Kottlw, and ararj variot Ara atpaotallT Invited to aall and xamiuo aar atoek af JU1UKH8 HARDWARJS, aoaipriiung NaOs aad aiHkM f all variatt. Satta, teew., Siraa and T lilnM. lkak.Auul i.avIaK MaIi- Mm. tjriaj XrowaU, Bio Xrvwala, ilaataft' Siavaa, m i i i w wj i J H COKLEY CO as. noot AXUKTS). as. ' " WM. t. SOPWN'8 0W MAXS" ' , srs KYSTON STKlTtTS are the hem) and Cheapeet Low Prieed Beep Skirts In the market. Trail Skirts, 16 springs. $1.00 ; M spriags, , 11.20 I and 40 springs, f 1.4. Plain Skirt. 10 springs, ; and 15 springs, f l.Jft Warrant. tapes, m springs, w cents; zo springs, vseasitsi ad In everr resoeoi. "Our OWN Maks" of "UNION 5KIRT8," Bier n Tap. Trails, from 10 to 60 springs, II .10 to $2 M. Plain, Sis Tapes, 20 to 50 springs, from 95 Cent to $2 00. Theae Skirts are better than tbos. sold by other establishments as first .lass goods, and at maoh lower prices. "OnrOWlt Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS," ar. In every waySaperior to all other Hoop Skirts neiore tn. pnone, ana only nave to oe examined or worn to sonvinos svery one of the fact. Manufac tured of tbe best linen-finished English Steal Springs very superior wipes, ana uie style or tne metall. fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and sxcellens. any other Skirt in this country, anu are nuivr, mure eiMiio, win wsar longer, give more satistactlon, and are realty cheaper than all others. Every lady should trv them. Ther are being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and tbs sdjoining state at very modorat. prioea. If yon want the best, ask for "Ilopkin's Champion Skirt." If you do not find tbem, get ths merchant with whom you deal to order them for yon, or eotne or send direct to us. Merchants will find onr dif ferent grades of Skirts exaotly what they need, and we especially invito them to call and examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price Mrt- . . . To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of ths Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of ths Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should bs addreeeed. . MAN V FACTORY and S.v LESROOM, 628 Arch St. Between fith and 7lh St., Philadelphia. WM. T. I10PR1NB. February 29, 1868 lOmos. LOOK HOSPITAL. EbTABUSUEP A3 A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered the moit Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in the World for ail Pri vate Diaeatcs, Wen knew of the But It or Limba, Strictures, Affection f the Kidneyi and Bladder, Involuntary Die- UllBlgCas) 1 II' VkCllt j , uoiioini svcuuitj, nil (iiuontse, j w venav. LsBiitiuor. bow dduiii. uoniuaion oi lucae, rauu- tation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimaew of BisTht or Gidduieai. Uieeaae ol the Head, 'I brtt, Nm or akin Affectum! ol the Liver, Langs, Htomnch or Bowels these Terrible Disoidets arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth th secret end alilaiy practices more fatal V their victims than the song (f 8reus to the .Maimers of Ulysses, biiahtint their most brilliant hopes or anticipauons. reuUenttg murriuge, hc.t impossible. Young Men Etpecially. who hove become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the Ihun ders of eloquence nr waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full eoiifidence. Marriage. Married Pernons or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de formities, eke., speedily cured. He who places himself under the eare of Dr. J. may may religiously confide in his honor es genUeman, and confidently rely upon his skill as Physician. Organic Weakliest. Immediately Cured, end Full Vigor Restored. This Distiesiiug Affection which renders Life misera ble and rnurrmge impossible is tbe penally paid by t be victims of improper indulgences. Young peisons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dread ful cm t sequel ices that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of piorrea'ion is lot sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudents f Besides demg deprived the pleasures of healthy utfapring,lhe most serious and destt ac tive symptoms to both body and mind at iae. The syitem becomes Derange!, ths Physical and Mental Punctiona Weakened. lossof Proc.eative Power, Nervous lrrit-ibiii-ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Con stitutioiml Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay end Death, OIHcc, !o. 7 South Frederick Street lft hand side going from Baltimore street, e few doors oin the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Lctteis must be paid nnd contain stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas bo.g in bis office. A Cure Wurranted iu Two Days. So Mercury or Sauscous Lrug$. Or. lolinMtonv Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one ot' the most eminent Colleges in the United trtatrs, and the greater part of whose life hus been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, hus effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when avlucp. great nervousness, being alarm ed at aiidnen sounds ti.tsiiiuiuesa, with tieqtieiu blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses all th'se who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, whu b rum , both body sud mind, unhuing Uiem tor either business, : study, K.'iety or marriage. iiisoiare me or the sad and melancholy enects pro duced by eaily habits ot youth, viz: Weakness oi thrilark nnd Lttiibs, P4ius in the Head, Dimness ul tttght, Loss of Musculiir Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervotis lrrilatlity, Dernncmeutof the Digestive Func tions, uenerai ut-ninty, symptoms oi u nsuiriitiont ate. AIkntallv I he leariui etleets on the mind are much to beitreuiled Los oi Memory, Confusion of Ides. De pression of Spirits, KviI-ForebHlings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrukt, Isove ol Solitude, Timidity, &c. are some of tne evus prooucea. thocsamds oi persons nr su ages can now juue wnst is the cause of then declining health, Uiaius; their vigor. becoming weak, pale, nervous and rnaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young- ITI on Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulg ed in when stone, habit frequently lenriied from evil companions, or at school, the tflecLs of which aie nightly felt, even when asleep, and tf not uured renders iniuriaire impossible, end destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. pity that voung man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pros pects aud enjoyments of life, by the consequence of devia ting from the path of nature and indulging in a certaia secret habit. Such persons most, before cuutemp latin f IVIarrlace. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection thut the iuppiiiess of another becomes blig'ited with out own jtsiHua oi impruuenee. When the nnsiruided and imnrudent volar v of Dies sura finds that he has imbibed tbe seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that su ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters biro from applying to those wh'S from education and respectability, can atone befriend turn, delaying till tbe constitutional evmptoma of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated eore tnroat, ciseasea nose, nociurai pants ah tne ntau ana iimus. aimnetsor s:gnt, ueaiiiess, nodes on ine snin bonce ana aims, blotches on the head, face and eilieinitii s, progress ing with frightful lapidify, till st last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full in, snd theviotimof thisawfnl dscase becomes horrid object of commisera tion, till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending him to that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns.11 It is e melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of ignoiant pretenders, who, by the use of that "Deadly Poison, Mer cury," ruin the constitution and make tbe residue of life miserable. Stranger) Trust not your lives, or health, to the eare ef the many Unlearned end Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr Johnston's adver. tisementa, or slylethemselves. in the newspapeis, regularly Kducated Poysicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month sfter month taking their filthy snd poiaonns compounds, or ss long as tbe smallest fee can he obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your failing disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the mily Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas si ways hang in his office. His rcmidiesor treatment ar unknowa to all others, p repair from life spent in l hs treat hospiralsof Furor, the first in this country and mor extensive "Frival FnsrUr" than mv other Phtatciaa ia the wmki. Indorateiueiat of tbe Preei. The BMny thousands eared et this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations per for i nod by Dr, Johnsh), witnessed bv ths reporter of bbe'&un," "Clipper," and many other papers, notiees of which aav Appeared again end sgain aefor ths public, besides his staiMJing as gentleman of ebantetcr and re sponsibility, is sufficient guarantee to tbe afflioted. tekist Olaeaaca Hpeeslily Cured Persrtns writing shou!d he purtieuler in directing their tiers tu hi institution, in the following manner, John 2II Joltnaton, Xt. I Of the Bahirooi Lock Hospital, Ba hi mors, Md. Nov. 30. 1W7 1 y. Lime I Lime I Lime I THE new time Kilns ef H. B. Manser, atSelins QroTS Button, are now completed and ia sua. eeasful operation, producing lime of tbe rsrjr best quality. These kilns are built with all tbe modern eonvenienoes and improvements, and bare a eapaoi. ly of producing iui busbels per dsy. Excsllent roads have bean made lo the kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, where wagoa or alsds eaa be loaded in a few mine tee from the sobutes, without handling. Having opened a Urge body of the best limestone, at ths month of the kilns, they sre ensbled to sell lime at the low rate or II eeats per bushel. The kilns are ia charge of corn pe teat per. sons, whs will always be prepared to supply eiuv toiners. Apply to li- B. Maseer, Banbury, ar te Cbac. Punkleberger, or Chas. t. Conrad, at tbs kllna. December 14, leaT. r, 8E1LKR8 FOIWELL, WH0LE8A1JI AND J EUITERKB3, No. 161 North Third Street, Philadelphia rjTrder promptly attended te. IrhUaAelpMsa ale F.rle Riallread. " bummer TIMS tablbT" Throsgk said direct route Je etwees PhMadelnhla. vwviuiurv, urwnri, T I rmunapOTt, 10 the Nc west and the Ores Oil Region of Pennsylvania. Mltlmore, itarrisbarg, WiTWai mapoit, to the North- ELEOANT BLEEPINtt CARS en a Night Train. On and after Monday, May tlth. 1868, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Read will run a. follows : WlSTWA.S. MaU Train leaves Phlledelphis, " " - Sunbury, " art. at Erie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, - " Sunbnr 11.1S pro. 6 05 a ,1 8 60 pm 12 00 neon 6.40 p m 10.05 am 8 00 am 4.16pm T.45 pm Sunbury " " arr at Erie Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury " arrlvs at Lock Haven, EasrwaKB. Mail Train Isavea Erie " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Philadelphia, 11 CO am 12 00 m 7 10 a oi 7 .41 b m Ariv Axureas leaves &rts "Hunbury 68 a m 11 arr. at Philadelphia, 6.00 p m Mall and Extireaa eonnaat with nil f!rilr anrf Allegheny River Railroad. BAUUAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, general Superintendent. Ionliern Central Railway. SUMMER TIMB SCHEDULE. OVSnSSV.' Xm "wUl le? SUNBURY, as follows : LEAVE NORTHWARD, .00 A. M., Dsily for Wlllismsport. Dsily (ezeapt Sundays.) for Elmira, Canandaiipis, Roohester, Buffaloe, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and tbe Canada.. 4.15 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. 8.44 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Williams, port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 1J.03 A. M., Daily (exoept Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. 10.02 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.00 P. M., Daily except Sundays.) for Harrisbarg. J. N. DdBarrt, Ed. 8. Vorno, Qen'l. Sup't., Uon'l Pasaon'r Ag't , Harrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Lackawanna fc. HlooniKburg Itall road. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1887, Passenger Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M P M P. M. 4 40 I 00 R 17 8.50 10.15 6 30 Lears Soranton, 5.60 10 00 7 1 0 ' Kingston, (.55 11.20 8.20 " Rnpert, 20 Danville, 9 54 Arr. North'd.. 10 35 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 . Danville, 7.40 6 00 635 " Rupert, 8 15 A. M. P. M. 11 Kingston, 10.50 8 30 2 50 V.06 Arr. at Scranton. 12.00 9.S5 4 00 111.15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Reran- ton, connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20. Passengers taking Train South from Scranton at 6.50 A.M. via Northumberland, renoh Harrisburg 12.30 P. M., Baltimore 5.30 P. M.. Washington 10.. I 00 P. M. via Rupert reaeh Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. a. a. f uai;A,up t. a Kingston, Jan. 19, 1867. leading: ICaJIroiid. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 2Bth, i867. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Potteville, Tamaqua, Asblnnd, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, Ephraut, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave Unrrishurg for Now Yorlt, ss fol lows : At 3.00, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M. and 2.05 and 9.35 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 6.10 10.15'and 11.60 A. M. and 3.40, 9 30 P. M. Sleep, ing Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 9.36 P. M. Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsrille, Tama qua, Minersville, AshUnd, Pine (rrove. Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. and 2.05 and 4 10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pnttsviile, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.56 p. m. a Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.00 Noon and 6 00 and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Heading at 6.30 p. m. stopping at all Stations ; Pottsville at 8 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. m; Ashland o 00 a.m. and 12 - tv anu p.m., ABiuaqua ai s.ou a.m. ana i.uu and 8 45 p. m. Leave Pottsrille for Harrisburg via S.-huylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 !0 a. ro. and 12.00 noon. Reading Accommodation Truin leaves Heading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4. 00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Seeding at 7 04 A. il., and 6.15 P.M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancas ter. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00pm.. Phila delphia 8.00 A. M., and 8.15 P M, the 8.P0 a. m. train running only to Reading. Pottsville 8 01) a m , Harrisburg, 5 25 am, and 4.10 and 9-35 p m. and Reading at 1.00 and 7.15 a. m, for Harrisburg. and i. no a. m. ana p m. lor new lorK, s.zo p m. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rate to and from all points. ifaggage cbeoked through : 100 rounds Btggage allowed each Passenger. O. A. NIC0LLS, fleneral Superintendent1 VMewSiraHiB m&riL'9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety ot ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf, SUNBURY, Penn'a. EyOrdora solioited and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunbury, May 12, 1966 y UNION HOTEL- CIIAK. Vir.V.t., Proprietor. In Cake's Addltica to SUNBURY, near the Penn'a. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations. Ocod cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy tbe quiet oom forts of home with fare equal to tbe best hotels. His Liquors are of the choicest kinds. Sunbury, Juno 8, 1867. NEW GROCERYTORE, "VT. S. FTJUMAIT & CO., Market Street, Six doors East of Third stroet, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and tbe publio, that tbey have opened a UNTEW qrocert' AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, em. brad ing everything in the (Jrocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cbeeso. Crackers, Baoon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ac, and ia fact everything ia the Oroceryani Provlaioa, Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, ttlaeswsre, voat uu t.ampa, coal uu sc. van ana sss neiore purchasing elsewhere. W. tt FURMAN A CO Sunbnry, April 27, 187. COAL I COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT Ss BROTHER, Shipper Si. Wholesale V Keiall Dealer In WII1TK V IIEU ASlt COAL,, In svery variety. Role Agents, westward, of ths Celebrated Oenry Clsy Coal. Lowia Wasap, Bun!!?, Pi. Sunbury, Jaa. 13, IBd. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magaiiaes Musie, As., ia any style that may bs desirsd, St obeaper rates than oaa be done ia tbe cities. All Orders left at this Office, will rsoeivs prompt attention. oet. 19, '67 Caslsila, Oils), Vc. A full stock of 01 Is eomprUing Linseed Oi), Cost Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines and Machinery, Varnishes, Plass, always an band, at tow prices at CONLEY A CO S 170R Saddlers, ws bars Saddle Trees, BitU, Buck X1 ies, Uig Trees, Pad Trees. Uanes, all kinds and ever thing perUiauS te tlje "jfifjg. " Clslldrea'o Cstrrlne. WI would sail the atteaUoa of those wauUng a Child 's Carriage, to our aew and large sewit aieat aew and """"jf y k co