N. . JANGLE, Publisher. SATURDAY, MAY 80, 1868. Eocal Affairs. Grand Lodge of the I. 0. of 0. P. wlU (told ia next annual meeting at Harrlsburg.' - i ' Ait adjourned meeting of the Northumberland fresbytery was held In the Frssbyterlan ohurob,"ln bnaraokin, on Tuosday taut. ' ' . Posters, handbills, elroulara, bill and letter heads, oards, envelopes, and all klnda of Job printing, exe outed at thia offloe with noatness and dlapatoh. Thb annual ooinmenoement ezerolaei of the Bui' quehanna Female College, at Sellnsgrov will take place oa Monday evening next. ' , Cmccs. AVe obaerre, by' show billa posted up throughout the Town, that Gardner 4 Kenyon'e Cir cue will glre two exhibition! in thia plaoe on Tuea day noxt. Tni Classis of West Susquehanna convened in the Reformed Churoh, at Selinsgrove, on Wednesday evening of last week. It waa In session until Tuee day of thia week. Miai It. 8BI89LBB la opening a large lot of MU1I- 5ry Goods, at her store in Market Square. The latest atyles of summer goods are displayed, and told at moderate prioea. Dedication. The dedication of the sew Odd Fellows' Hall, at Snydertown, will take plaoe to day, (Saturday,) at 1 o'elook, P. M. The neighbor ing lodges will participate in the ceremonies.. This ladies oonnected with Bt. Matthew's (EplsoO' pal) ohurch intend holding a strawberry festival du ring the ooming season. The prooeeda will be used in purchasing books for the Sunday school library. IImos League. A meeting of the Union League will be held In thoir hall, above the Post Office, on u ednesday evening next. All the members are re "nested to attond, as business of importance will be t'ranaaotod. Resigned. Hugh Pitoairn, Esq., Superintendent of the Susquehanna Division of the Northern Central Kailroad, has resigned that position. Mr. Pitoairn has had ohargo of the Division for the past two years) and has made an excellent offioor. A new Coot and Snoa Stoiie has just been open' d by Mr. John Wilver, In Spruoe street, in this place, whore boots and shoes oan be purchased at greatly reduced rates. Ills assortment is general and la well aelooted. If you want a good, cheap artiole, go to the above place. Middlecreek Railroad. The Board of Direc tors of this road met in Selinsgrovo on the 14th inst. Mr. J. A. MoKee resigned aa a Director and was olooted Treasuror. John MoFarland, Esq , of Nor thumberland, waa appointed to fill his plaoe. Mr. MoFarland will be a valuable acquisition to tho Company. Assault and Battery. A German, named Christian Deilz, residing at Trevor ton, was commit ted to jail at this plaoe, on Saturday lost, for com mitting an assault and battery upon a woman named Judith Clankenhorn. There are at present fifteen prisoners under the charge of Sheriff Beckley and Deputy Hoffman. Railroad Excursionists. On Tuesday evening last tho President and Direolors of the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad Co., together with a number of gen tlemen prominently interested in railroad affaire, ar rived at thia place from Philadelphia. They re mained in town over night, stopping at tho Central Hotel, and loft on Wednesday morning, en routo for Erie. Tannery Burned. The Democrat says that the new steam tannory of Hull k Poneyl, at Elysburg, waa dostroyod by fire r.n Friday evening, 10th iust. It waa with difficulty that the old tannory buildings and rcHidonco of Mr. Hull, adjoining, were saved. The Cro was caused by the extreme heat in the engiao-rcuiu, a high pressure of steam having boon kept up during the day. The hands were at work when the roof of the engine house caught fire, and it was not noticed until too late to save tho building. Fire and Dreadful Consequences. The So linsgrova Times says that a serious misfortune 00 currod near Richfiold, Snyder oounty, on Sunday night, 17th inet. Tho house of John and Willis Gordon took fire about midnight, from some un known oause, and the Games spread so rapidly that nearly all of tho family were badly burned, and two of John Gofuon's ohildren perished in the flames his oldest daughter and oldest son. Alioe, the daughter, was nearly 14 years of age, and the son 7. Sukucry Cattle Insurance Company. A ohar ter having. been obtained for thia company, the cor porators, on Tuesday evening lost, met at the office of Mossrs. Bruner k Kase, in this plaoe, and organ ized by eleoting the following Directors, to serve for one year : William Erlndlo, JohnShissler, Solomon Stroh, Charles Martin, C. A. Ueimensnyder, Thos. Baldy and Charles J. Bruner. The following por sons were elected officers of the Company: Presi dent, Charles J. Bruner ; Treasurer, Bolomon Stroh ; Secretary, C. A. Itoimonsnyder. Tub Building Association. A meeting of the fiunbury Mutual Loan and Building Association was bold at the Masonio Hall, on Friday night last, at which nine sharea were sold at the following price : 1st, $'.'5 ; 2d, $100 ; 3d, 98 ; 4th, $98 ; 6th, (99 ; 6th, $99 ; 7th, $100 ; 8th, $100 ; 9th, $160. The par value of the shares is now $9.60. At a meeting of the Directors, on Monday night last, the fallowing resolution was adopted : R' solved, That after the meeting; on the fourth Friday in June next the premium shall be oaloula ted upon the actual number of shares sold. Accident. On Saturday aftornoon last, William, eon of Mr. Goo. W. Smith, aged about 1 2 years, had his hand terribly crushed while unloading a barrel of molasses in front of the co-operative store, In this place. While backing the horse to the pave ment for the purpose of unloading the molasses, by a sudden movement of the horse he was thrown out of the wagon, and while holding on to a tree to re cover himself the barrel was thrown out, striking bis hand ruling on the tree, whioh badly crushed it. We are pleased to state that under the skillful care of Drs. Masser and Awl he is rapidly recovering, and amputation, which was at first thought neces sary, will be avoided. Ehamokin Items. We copy the following from the Ehamokin Herald, of the 28th inst. : The Fenians had quite an cntbusiastio meeting at Kutmer's Hall, on Monday evening. Messrs. Cruikshank 4 Brother are putting up a email breaker, opposite the Furnaoe, with a oapaoity of about 25 ears per day. A fire ooourred at the house of Jbhn Edmunds, on Dewart street, on Thursday morning last, but luok Hy waa diseovered and extinguished before much damage waa done. It aDr.ear. w . m.,- - .r . yun gin, m playing with matches, had sot a bed on fire, whioh vuuauuivu ueiore 11 was discovered. ' The Bis Mountain Colllerv. tendenoe of Mr. Fulton, has increased Its shipments considerably. They are making new opep ags on the Buck Ridge side, whioh, if they turn out well will largely augment their tonnage, Tney are put! ting up a uesue-worx 4iu teet long and 43 feet bigb to bam the ooal to the breaker. Joseph Gosky, a miner at Lambert Colliery, died suddenly on Tuesday afternoon in the mines, from the effects of bad air and over exertion. He eom nituoed work on Monday morning, worked, all that dsy and night, and part or Tuesday, without rest ing Mr. Gosky was sober and industrious eititeo, aa-t leaves a wife and child to mourn his dath Taa Lata RoaaMT"at WaTs' The Miltenian (Ires the following particulars of the surest of the colored roan, who gavt bit nam as To good, at Watson town, on the 16th lust.,' tor fobbing the ofSoa of the WaUontowrJ Lumber Company, and also the offloe of Wagner, Hogue A Co., of that plaoe. ' The prisoner's real name Is Moor : On Baturday last a young oolored man named Moore, formerly of this borough, went Into Wataontewn and endeavored to sell soma postage and revenue stamps. As it was known that the Watsontown Lumber Co. bad been robbed of stamps of those kinds, informa tion was Immediately given to Mr. J, M. Follmer, agent of the Company, and he procured the servioe of a oonitable and started in pursuit of Moore. They overtook htm on the toad between Watsontown and Dewart. On being brought bl&k to the former plaoe and searohed, a lot of postage and revenue stamps and the missing key to the Company's safe Were found on bis person. The safe key waa In one of his shoes, and when they made him take the shoe off he transferred the key by a dexterous movement to bis mouth ; but was not sharp enough to esoape detection. On the key being found he gave up and acknowledged to being one of the parties who robbed the Company's office, as well as Wagner, Ifogue A Co. 'a office, and told who were his accomplices and where the olothing that had been stolen could be found. His aooomplioes were white men, and old hands at the business. Measures have been taken to apprehend them. ' Tho olothing has all been re covered and Moore has been lodgod in jail at Sun bury to await trial. From information in our pos session we are oonvinced that this arrest has broken up a gang of villains who have long been oommltting depredations in thlsseotion, and it is to be hoped that all the members of the gang may be brought to trial and punishment. Our Fallen Heroes. la compliance with the order of Gen. John A. Logan, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republlo, the Posts everywhere throughout the oountry will, to-day, (Saturday,) visit the cemeteries where the bodies of the dead soldiors of the Union rest, and in the beau tiful language of the order, "gather around thoir sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with tho choicest flowers of spring time ; raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor ; and In this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have loft among us as a sacred charge upon a nation's grati tude, the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan." To carry out this order, Post No. 105, of this Bo rough, appointed a committee to arrange the details for the oeremonies, and at a subsequent meeting the oommittee submitted the following, whioh was adop tod: As a tribute of respect to the memory of our fallen soldiers, the graves of those buried in the Cemetery, at Sunburv, will bo strewn with flowers on the 80th day of May, under the direotion of Post No. 105, -J uranu Army ot the itepublio. The oommittee of arrangements directs that the members of the Post will meet at their Head Quar ters, on Saturday, May SOth, at 6 o'olook, P. M., where wreaths and flowers will be prepared for them, and then march to the Cemetery. On reach ing the Cemetery they will at once proceed to the monument erected to the memory of the soldiers of the 47th Regiment, whore an address will be deliv ered by the Rev. Mr. Evans, after which tho flowers will be strewn upon the graves of our comrades. The oeremony at the Cemotery will conelude with prayer, and the members of the Post will then march to their quarters and bo dismissed. A cordial invitation is extended to all soldiers and others, who feel an interest in this work, to partici pate in the exeroises with us. It being a fixed fact that works of charity and be nevolence oannot be oonduoted successfully without the aid and assistance of the ladies, we would re speotfully solioit their co-operation with us in fur nishing flowers for the ocoasioo. They can leave them at our room, over the Post Offioe, on Saturday morning. By order of Committee of Arrangements. Cuas. J. Bruner, Chairman. Annexed is a list of the names of soldiers interred in our Cemetery, as far as the committee has been able to obtain them : Boulton Young, 47th P. V. Peter Uaupt, " " Georgo Miller, " " William Fry, " " Samuel Bartscher, 58th P. V. Harris Hopper, " James Hoey, " " Emanuel Uotschall, 11 " John Durst, 7th Pa. Cavalry. Edward Beok, " Frederick Kline, 188th P. V. Lieut. C. I. Pleasants, 11th U. S. Inf. Philip Renn, 2d U. S. Inf. William Landau. Newton Sarvis. Isaac Wilkorson. Lafayette Landau. Middlecreek Railroad. We learn authori tatively that an arrangement was made last week between the Shade Mountain Iron Company and the Board of Directors of the M. C. R. R., by whioh the road is to be graded from Selinsgrove to Beaver Furnace, a distance of 12 miles, by the first of August the contractor having ratified this part and as the ties and rails will be on the ground by the time it Is graded, track laying will immediately thereafter oommence and the oars run this fall. By this ar rangement, the S. M. Iron Company will furnish the rails, 66 lbs. to the yard, and agree to take out the oost in transportation, so that 12 miles of the road will be laid with rails without the expenditure of a single dollar over and above the oost of laying track. Mr. Alexander, the President, has thus far been most fortunate in pushing ahead this important link in railroad communication, and if nothing un toward oocurs, wo may now safely prediot that the oars will run from Lewistown to Northumberland before tbe close of 1869. John MoFarland, of Northumberland, an energetio business man, was elected a Direotorln place of John A. MoKee, Ssq., resigned the latter now filling the positions of Seorery and Treasurer. Lewistown Gazette. Popularity or Tnx Groveu k Baker Sewing Macbines. There are, we believe, no sewing ma chines without some merits. Indeed, we consider the most indifferent ones in use vastly preferable to none at all. Nevertheless, in sewing machines, as in most other things, the test is the cJuapest, and tbe most satisfactory. Tbe people soem to under stand this, and hence the annual sale of the Grover k Baker instruments probably exoeeds the annual sale of all the other sewing machines oombined. The seoret is plain. The Grover k Baker machines are really a luxury, as well a a necessity, in every family where oomfort, eonvenienee, health and taste in sewing are appreciated. Tehpebaicb Convention. At a meeting of the Northumberland Distriot Convention of tbe I. O. of G. T.j held in Bloosnsburg, Columbia oounty, on the 13th inst., the following preamble and resolutions, after being fully discussed, were adopted, vis. : Whereas, Intemperanoe is sweeping over our fair land, oarrying down to the grave sixty thousand druukarda annually, orushing the hearts of huu- dreda of thousands of wives, mothers and ohildren, Increasing crime to an alarming extent, spreading poverty far and wide, and even threatening the foundation of society itself; therefore, Resolved, 1st. That we will redouble our dili gence against this giant evil. 2d. That all good eitisens should support tempo ranoe principles. - 3d. That we should use our influence to awaken the ohuroh to a greater appreciation of her duty and responsibility. t i 4th. That we earnestly invite the more sealous co operation of the female members of our Order in furthering the cause of temperanoe by exerting their peculiar influence, both with their own and tbe Sterner sex. 6th. That special efforts should be made in the borne eiroles, in Sabbath and ih publio schools, to thoroughly indoctrinate the young in temperance principles, and inslruot them as to the poisonous and destructive Influenoe of strong drink upon tbe hu man body, mind and oharaoter. 6th. That we condemn the manufacture and us of domestic winee and oordials. 7th. That we sincerely deplore the practioe, per haps too prevalent, of seoret Indulgence in the in toxicating oup, by member of the Order, as a uyuui DiDurauuv vu uur auuovn. 8th. That w disapprove of the us of aloohollo bitten aasi oordials, by whatever name they may be called, believing, as w d, tbat they possess little or no medioal virtue, but tend only to create a love for aloohollo stimdlenta, and to uoduc diunkards 4 druDkoueee- -.-" W B Fowler, W gso'y. 'Z..-Z:..-. Editor-i Tabi.""" "T Taa Edinsurob Rviw. Th April number has beea-retrubllsbed by lb Lonaftl Boot Publish ing Company, 140. Fulton street. Maw. York. The oontontk are The Positive Philosophy of M. Au gust Comt: Western China; The Monks of the West ; Teohnleal and Bclentiflo Eduoatlon : Bunsen's Memoirs ; The Irish Abroad Malleeon'l French In Indiaj Tea Disraeli Ministry ... , Oonar'a Lady1 BoosE.'roa Jcn. We have re ceived the June number 'of Godey, whioh is, as usual, op to It standard of eioollenoe. The stories in this number are Interesting, while th mls6ellan ous matter commends itself, as being of a oharaoter that will furnish a vast fund of Information to th reader. The illustrations that art given in the pre terit number of this excellent monthly are the fol lowing : A Dream of th Future, one of the finest steel plates of th year ; oolored fashion-plate, con taining six figure ; a tinted ploture Leaving Horn. Another lare extension sheet, containing thirty three engravings of dresses and novelties. An evening-dross, and four summer oloaks. The work department contains an exoetlent variety df useful artloles with simple descriptions for making them. In th July number of the Lady's Book will be com menced a story, by a new contributor, entitled "Un rest.". This story is without doubt on of th boat that has ever been published. Address, L, A. Go dey, N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Bts., Phila delphia.' ' A Dictionary or tni Bible, Comprising its Anti quities, Biography, Geography and Natural His tory, with numerous Illustrations and Maps. Edi ted by William Smith, LL. D. Published by Messrs. J. B. Burr k Co., Hartford, Ct. Thia work is a timely response to a wide-spread and urgent neoessity of all Bible readers. Being the only American Edition of the only abridge ment by the author's own band of his voluminous Dictionary, whioh is too oostly for tbe common purse it is at onoe the only perfectly reliable and prao tioal ono, containing nil tbat the general reader and student can wish. The publishers have in this given tbe publio a volume ot which they may well be proud. It is a standard work, commends itself to all. who examine it, and should be found in every family. Bo oareful to get this edition, if you would have the most reliable Dictionary at the most rea sonable price. It is sold by subscription only. Agents should address the publishers at onoe. BUSINESS NOTICES. CF'Job Ps-Intinpr. Having receivod a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE,' of various new stylos, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best stylos, and on short notioe. Orders by mail promptly attended to. II I llll Sr-niNO Favorites. Miller's boots and shoes, for ladies and gentlemen, are unrivalled this season, their reoognizod superiority in style and manufac ture placing them far in advance of all similar efforts. When you want a really stylish and boooming boot or shoo, oall at the Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market Square. Many a man asoribes his entire success in life to a proper impression, made at the proper time, upon the proper person. Any one who attires himsolf at J. O. Beok'a Tailoring establishment, on Fourth St., knows this for himsolf. In a suit of the pretty sum mer goods at Bock's even a sloven oan make himself gainly, and without startling his pookot-book. "Three and six penco por Gal !" exclaimed Mm. Partington, looking over the prico current. "Why bless me, what Is the world coming to, when the gals are valued at only three and six penoe?" We think the old lady's surprise would be equally as great, if she would examine tbe price list at the Continental Clothing Bazaar, for it has astonished loss susceptible persons. "A thino of beauty Is a joy forevor," is a saying as old as it is true, and it applies exactly to the beautiful new Spring Hats just recoived by Faust, the fashionable Hatter, Market Square. Judging from the rapidity and extont of his sales, our oiti zens appreciate the cheapness at which bis goods are disposed of. Cqa's Cough Balsam. Tho great popular Rome dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sizes ordinary 4 oz., also mam moth family bottles for sole by all druggists and doalers in medioines. No family should be over night without it in the houso. Coe's DvsrEi-siA Cure Will immediately re lieve and permanently euro the most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. PhysioWns, clergymen and all who use it, join in unboundod praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price $1.00. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do porewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, new, per busbol, Rye, do Corn, now, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unparcd do Dried Apples, do $15 00 7 60 10 00 6 00 2 75 1 60 I 20 85 1 75 30 20 15 3 00 40 20 25 " 25 26 20 14 i:t 18 60 Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. But tor, por pound. Kggs, Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, bind quarter, " from " Mutton, Chickens, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Sptttal Notices. A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Physioian who bad Consumption for several years, with frequent bleeding of tbe lungs, oured himself with a modicine unknown to the profession, when bis caso appeared hopeless. He is the only physioian who has used it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and he oan ascribe the de gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his midicine; and nothing but utter dospair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of confidence in all others, induc ed him to hazard the experiment. To those suffer ing with any disease of the Lungs he proffersa treat ment he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $10 per bottle or $8 a half dozen, sent by express. Send for a ciroular or oall on Db. E. Boylston Jackson, No. 250 North Tonth Street, Philadelphia. May 30, 1868 ly. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from tbe most reliable souroes in oity and country oan be seen at his office. The Medical faoulty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no seorets in bispraotice. ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted with out pain. No oharge for examination. nov.30-ly. 0 NS PRICE CLOTHING. T-i"M"r!e5 OLD ESTABLISHED O.HE PK1CC CLOTHING HOUSE, OU4 market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Prio Sysiem, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the city that striotly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation whioh we are proud of, for good taste in seleot eood style and substantial materials, and not less Important, for having all our goods EXTRA WELL DUDE. 1 W employ the best talent, for Gutters, and our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes oan be suited. Tbe prioes are the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prioes down to lb advantage we promiso. ' . ' The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar oan be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 Market Street, Philadelphia, ' Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. C U. MAIZE, Haleaman. April 4, 1868.-Jy " T Ma. Green sued a lady for breach of promise. Her friends offered to settle it for two hundred dol lars. What! oried Green, two hundred dollar for ruiued hopes, a shattered mind, a blasted lit and a bleeding heart 1 Two humlred dollars for all this ? Never I never ! 1 never I . Make' it three hundred and it a bargain ! This proves tbat Green never used tbe Ziugari Bitters. Any one nsiug the Zin gari will be free from all bodily disease. A bealtby and well balanced mind mutt follow. . NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. t i'i,t - A m-.. . a m srm. trade lues : ! 8PRINO TRADE 1608. M. L. tiAZAHTJS, " ' would call the attention of the publio, and her oustomer genually, to her largo and new assort ment of 'anew and toomeatic Dry Ueods, Which consist of Poplins, Delaioi, Cbenes, Allapao cas, Cropes, Grenadines, Iron Bareges, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ac, ; . i . White Oooda. Cambrics, Stoys, Organdies, Viotoria, Plaid Muslins' . Marseilles, Pique, Drillings. Wlgans, Muslins, (bleached and unbleaobed.) Table Linen, . Napkins, Towels, Tabl Covors, Bed Spreads, Ac Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Dress Trim mings, (In variety,) Ladios and Gents Hsndker ohiefs, Neck Ties, and notions in variety too numer ous to mention. : M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury, May 9, 1868. TO FARMERS. The prio of Uansrh'si dslcage Done Fertilizer has this day (May 4) been advanoed to $50 per 2000 pounds. The high percentage of Ammonia it contains with its Bone Phosphate, makes it more desirable, as an active and permanent manure, than any other in the market. Tbe price of the other Commercial Manures, bear ing our brand remain as bofore, viz : Baugh's Raw Bone Phosphate $56 per 2000 pounds. Baugh's Chioago Blood Manure. $50 11 " 1IAUGH A SONS, Manufacturers, Offioe, 20 South Delaware Avenue, PhU'a. Mny 16, 1808. 3t BY virtue of aoortain writ of Venditioni Exponas, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland oounty, and to me dirooted, will be exposed to publio sale at the Court House, In the borough of Sunbury, on SATURDAY, MAY 30th, 1868, as 1 o'olook, P. M., the following property, to wit : Tho following described real estate, situate in the borough of Sunbury, oounty of Northumberland, State of Pennsylvania, to wit: Lot No. 281,oornor of Billberry Alley and Broadway, on whioh is erec ted a Log House and Stable ; Lot No. 232, on whioh is orocted a double frame house ; Lot No. 282, ad joining, and vaoant lot No. 284, adjoining, and va cant lot No. 00, ou the oorner of Third and Pino streets. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as tbe property of Jacob B. Masser. DANIEL BECKLEY, Sheriff. Sunbury, May 8th, 1868. BEEVES' AMBROSIA . Foil THE HAIR, IMPROVED ! It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. It causes the Hair to Curl beautifully. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It Invigorates the Roots of the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly, t immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It koeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age. It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. It brings out Hair.on heads that have been bald for yonrs. It is oomposed entirely of simple and purely vegeta ble substances. It has reooived ovor six thousand voluntary testi monials of its exoellenoo, many of whioh aro from physicians in high standing. It is sold in half-pound bottles (the nam blown in the glass), by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Good everywhere, at One Dollar per Bottlo. Wholesale by Demas Barnes k Co.; F. C. Wells k Co.; Sohicffe lin k Co., New York. March 21, 1863. 3m BREAD & FANCY CAKES. ZDAVIID FRY RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun bury and vicinity, that be will bake to ordor all kinds of Cake Tor Hulls, Parties, Ac. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept on hand manafaotured out of tbe bost materials. All or dors left at bis Shop in Market Square, one door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Spruce Street, between Front and Second streets, will moot with prompt attention. PICNIC PARTIES suppllod with Cakes, Ice Cream, Ac, at the sbortost notico. Ordors are respectfully solicited.! DAVID FRY. Sunbury, May 2, 1868. SUNBURY MARBLE , rpHE undersigned having bought the ii JL entire stook of Dlssingor k i'aylor, 2s would inform the publio that he is now readv to do all kinds of marble work ; bas on hand, and makes to order at short notice, Monument! and Ilead-StoncN, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will oontinue in tbe employment, at tbe old stand in Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. May 2, '6S. ly.J W. M. DAUGHEltTY. SPRING FASHIONS IN Misa LOUISA BHISSLEU, THE popular Millinery, south side of Market Square, Sunbury, is desirous of calling the attention of the public and trade to ber unique and handsome assortment of MILLIKEK-Y AND FANCY GOCDS, just opened. . On hand and made to ordor, are the latest and most superb styles of Dridal, Monrnlug and Drcas Don nets and Hats. Also, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Veils, Collars, Ac Gentlemen's Goods, euoh as Hosiery, Uandker ohiefs, Neck-ties, Brushes and goods for the toilet. Also, a fine assortment of Perfumory, and all goods usually kept in a well furnished establishment. A call Is only required to be oonvinoed. N. B. Speoial attention is direeted to a fine lot of Ladies' Dress Caps and Head Dresses. LOUISA SHISSLER. April IB, 1868. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. CSEO. KOllKUACH &. SO. ARE now oarrying on business at their enlarged and Improved Foundry with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry hav aoquired tbe highest reputation. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget tbat the PLOWS made at the Sunbury Foundry nave never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notioe. Small oastiugs, inoluding Cooking utensils, of tbe most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be oonduoted on an enlarged scale. Old customers will beaooommodatod as usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 2, 1868. BOOTS AIYD SHOES. J. C. 8YLVIS, WITH H. G. TIIACHER, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Boots), Shoes and Gaiters, Pleasants' Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Ladie' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters of all descriptions made to order on the shortest notice and most rea sonable terms. Having tbe best workmen employed, we oan assure the publio that, if tboy will give us a oall, they will be satisfied of tbe above foots. HE PAIRING neatly done with dlspatob. - If your corn do hurt your feet, . Jast sail and leave your measure, And we will make your Shoe or Boots, Tbat you will call a treasure. Maroh 28, 'fe. ly. FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rTUTE subscriber respectfully Inform th public X that be keep soustantly en band at his new WAREHOUSB, near th Shamokia Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by th barrel and saok of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all manufactured at bis own Mills, and will be sold at tbe lowest eich rrloes. 4 J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury,' Arril 1, 18M A TREMENDOUS NEWJ3O0DS. OF ALL THK LATEST STYLES, AND REDUCED PRICES, JU3T RECEIVED AT THACIIER'S FIRST NATIONAL Boot, Shoe & Trunk Store, IN PLEAS ANT'S BUILDING, MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, May .;, 1803. 2t SUNBURY STEAM SAW MILL. tVlI.LlA.n KUAOAX, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of TIMBER, LUMBER, LATH, PALING & sniN GLES. Also, Flooring, Shelving, Siding, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Ac Corner Race Street and River Road , SUN BUR V , Pa April 4, 1863. NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries! On Third St., one door below tho Lutheran Church, SUNBURY, PENN'A. HENRY PETERS, Has just opened a large assortment of DRY GOODS, such as Calicoes. Delaines, Muslins, Ac, Ac. QKO CERIE B and PROVISIONS of all kinds, sucb as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Molasses, Syraps, Maokorol, Lard, Hums, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunos, Raisins, Choese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery liuo. Hams, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-waro, Quccnswaro Glaas-waro, Willow-ware, Ac. The best FLOUR and MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of .tUTlONS. Also : All kinds of Caunod Fruit, al the lowest prices. Country Produoc taken in exchange for Goods. y Call and examino my .Stock, and satisfy your elves. HENRY PETERS. Sunbury, April 25, 1867. J. W. Stevenson. A. N. Bkice. ATTRACTION at - IT A UP T' 8 NEW IRON FRONT!! STEVENSON & BRICE, HAVE opened up a new and desirable stock of Goods in Haupt's New Building, consisting in part of a splendid variety of American WatchCH, OOLD WATCHES, BOOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVERWARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Ware, Cutlery, Pictures, LooVing-Glasues, &c, &c, &c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim will be to please and satisfy all who call. STEVENSON k BRICE. Sunbury, April 18, 1868. 3m LATEST STYl.i: OF SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, niiaa HI. I. Ooatiler, begs leave to an nounce to the Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened a large aud varied stook of MILLINERY GOODS, The latest New York and Philadelphia stylos of LADIES' BATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fasbionablo Em broideries, Edgings, Laces, Woolon Caps, Handker ohiel's, Boarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Notions, Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of Amorica, Sta tionery, Ae., Ao. Calf and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April U 1868. FARM FOR RENT ! A FARM, containing about 70 acres cleared land, with dwelling, Ao.,sicuate in bhamokin town ship, Northumberland oounty, is offered for rent on reasonable terms. For furthor particulars, apply at tbe Merchant Tailor Shop, of J. O. Beck, on Fourth street, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, April 11, 1868. SU.MILIIV OII.I Mill,. THE subscribers having just erected and put in operation a Mill for th manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer the highest market prioe for FLAX SEED. They have attaohed to thoir establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wanting grain ohopped for feeding, oan be accommodated at the shortest notice. A maobine for chopping corn with tbe oob is attached to the mill. MORGAN k MASSER. January 25, 1868. ly COUNTRY DEALERS supplied with all kinds of Ston Wae at less than Faolory prioes at Har ruburg, saving package, breakage aud treiuht, i tbe Mammoth Stoi ot 11 V. I RILING. SPRING OPENING. GREAT FALL IN PRICES ! Buy the MOST GOODS, of the 13 EST QXJ-AX.ITT lr the LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK CASH BALES! II. V. rniLnu, at the MAMMOTH STORE, market svjrAiu;. KtNBUKV, PliNN-A.. HiiS just received auj opened the WKM'l' SEl.ECTBMand FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Priutd, Mu.tlins, Ginghams, Caosimvrus, dc. Delaines aud Aruiuroe. Domestic Cultoue, Blown and lUaohcJ NOTIONS of all kinds. Hosiery, Gloves, Men's aud Ladios Undergarment WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of Tttr.'IMINtiS. Builders will fiud my Stock of Hnrd w.'irc, I'alnta1, Oil, !rtsi, Ac, Complete. Drugs and Medicines, Willow and Cedarware, Queemwaro, 01aswa:e, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND cAra, and in fact everything utually kept in a Urge Store Cull and be convinced thai tbe CHEATEST VLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR UOODS is at The Mammoth Store. of Term Cali,- 30 days, as my Goods are bought for Cash and Eold Cheap or the KEADY MONEY. . 1 give tbe trade tbayd vantagoof all reductions as last as tbey aro made by Manufacturers. H I iRlUMi, Sunbury, April 18, 1S68. For a medicine that will one CCU0I1S, INI LL'ENZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WilOOPlMii CCIGI1, or relieve CONSUMPTIVE OOUGflS, as quick as OOE'B COUOU BALSAM! OVLR ONE MILLION BOTTLES dave been wild and tvt single instance of its failurr is known. We have, in our puiesi'n, any quantity of Car- tifiaiicfl, some of II em from U11ME.NT PHYSICIANS nbn hsvr. usod it in their practice, anl given it the pre eminence ovoreveiy other compound. If DOES NOT DHY UP A COUfjll, but LOOSENS IT, so as to enat'lethe patient to expectorate freel)' Twi or ihree duscs. Wil t I.NVABIADLV CtTS TllH.IKS IN tU THOAT ! A h;ir ttoti't hits ollen completely cured the moat Htuh-h-trn Coup h, mid yet, though it ia an sure and speed,' in its operation, it is perfuily nannies, bain? purely vegetable. It is very Mgre.-uMe t'J the tustc, and may bi odium' .leis-l tu children t any prf.'. In casts of CROUP we will Kunantu a cure, if Ukea in FCIS'Ul. NO KAMII.Y Fliuri.p BR tVITHOl T IT" It i within tlii ren"h ol ail, it being the chcapoat und I -it IliLdiUUU 1'Xtflllt. C. G. CLARK ft CO , Pp-prieturi, NEW HAVEN, CONN ApriM !W - ly . DYSPEPSIA CURE. fTIHIS GREAT REMEDY F Oil ALU DWEA9ESv 1 tho bt o m a a a iii Mm diflt"vtry of the inventor of Cue vnluftW roiih BilPriiii, while experimenting for hiiown health. It aired Cm in p in tho Humirtt'h for him which had be for o yielded to nnthiiip tmt chloroform. The almost dully tcMiinony from various pari of thp country cnronrHgo un to heliuv there in no rl tarn no caused by u disordered ntuinach it will not ipeedily curs. rhysieiana endorse and Vso it! Ministers give testimony of its efficacy. And from &!I directions we receive tiding of cute) per formed. j DYrtrKrSIAi It is Etna to cure. One dose will cure. HEARTBt'RN SICK-HEADACHE It hits cured in humltolii ol pans HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS '. It stops ill thirty minutes. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! It corrects at once ItlSEOl-' THK l'OOD! It stops immcuiaiely. DISTRESS AFTER EATING ! One doaewill runove. CHUUf.K A MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few d'jiiM BAD BREATH ! Will be changer! with half a luittle IT 13 PERFECTLY HARMLESS. Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing to the f.K't that ' It Oires by .lslt!np; rVnturc TO RE. ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM ' Nearly every dealer m the United States soils it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLK. C. O. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NKW HAVEN, CONN. April 18, 16G3. ly r. U. MOORE. D. C. DIMIXOER. 3icw I'frm! Hew Store! Sew Room! and an ENTIEE NEW STOCK OF GOODS 1 GREAT REDUCTION IN I'lUCES ! JiooRi; & uissnGEii, llavo just openod a carefully solocted stook of NEW UOODii, in llaiit New Iron I'roul, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PENN'A Consi.-ting of DKY GOODS, NOTIONS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WAKE, OLASSWARE, and a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND I.imIU'n' Ire 8 Goods, Calinoos, Muslin', Flannels, Tnblo Linens Towaliiig, Chocks, TicKing, Cuantrrpar.cs, Ciisjimcre, Vostings, arus, Skirts, Nook Tics, Cull's, Cullars Iliuidkoichiefs, Hose, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. We invite special attention to tho quality of our Stock of , 44Kci:rii:s ad si ci:s, RIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAcf, SUOAKS, MOLASSE3, SYRVl'S, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEGAR, Ac, &a. Campbell's Cclcbratod FLOUR, always on hand Wo fool confident that cash buyers will find it to their advantage to givo us a oall. and customers gonorally aro invited to call and examino our goods aud get poAod on our prioes. Ry strict attention to tho wants ot our customers and fuir dealing wo hope to merit a full chare of tho public patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of nil kinds taken in ex chanro for goods, for which the highest price will bo puid . MOORE DI8SINGER. Sunbury, April II, '69. km welmressedT Cull aud sue the well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CASEIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTING.?, i o ' Just received at MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Street, below Eyetcr's Storo, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved ftylcs is made up to order a reasonable rates. 11c has also a fino assortment of Cawimcro Rhirta, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouxes, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen lime, Suspenders, Hand kerchief's, Qloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a call, which you will find te be to your advantage. Suubury.Oct. 19, 1P67. BEMOVAL 1 X. fti. N 11 A . IN O ft . Watchmaker & Jeweler, MARKET SQUARE, 8UNBUKY.PA, Will remove bis Jewelry Ftoro to Miller's Stone Building, corner of 3d and Markot Squaro, ON FEBRUARY 1st, 186d, where he will bo happy to receive his old customers and the publio in general. Thankful for tust favors, he solioits a oontinuance of the same, and he is dc tormiued to soil as low as the lowest, and for quality, not to be surpassed by any goods in the market. A large assortment of WnU-heei, Clocks), Jewelry nud Silver Ware, constantly on hand, consisting of all kinds of Ameri can Watches, such as tho Howard, Appleton, Tracy & Companv. Treruont, Waltham, P. 8. Bartlot, Wiu. JCI lery. Home and a tine) assortment of Swiss Watchoa All kinds of 8 Day and 30 Hour Clocks ! Silver toa setts, card and cake baskets, breakfast and dinner castors, Celery stands, syrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortuiont of Spoons, Knives and Forks. Particular attention paid to Uia repair ins of Watches, Cloaks, Jewelry and Husio Boxes. All work warranted. Feb. 8, 1863. CARrENTERS. WILL End in our establishment a superior stock, of Pianos, Saws, Augers, liutcheu, Uaoiuiors, Files Chisels, io., Ac, for sale by J. II. CONLEY CO Coachmakers WE are selling Kims, Spokes, Hubs, Spring. Canvass, Boltf, Clip?, Axles, te , very low Large Stock at Suukury, Marrh o, 16