Cljc SunburV American. E. WIT, VERT, I- . . N. 8. EWOLE, J rubllsheri. SATURDAY, MAY S3, 18C8. A lArob gTOCtt of Wall paper, Bordor and Cur tains, very aheap, at Llghtner Zeigler'i Book Start, Tan plaoo to buy Books, Stationery, Ac, If at the old stand of Lightner ft Zelgtor. ' Shannon, the enterprising Jeweler, bu all the different kinds or Amerioan made Watohet. -Call and see them. Tub Rcglaler or this Distrlot, J. M. Wlostilng, Esq. j of Harriaburg, held bankrupt oourt in thil plao on Tuesday last. ' " " "" Dividend. The First National Bank of Sunbury has declared dividend of five p'or oent., olear of lazes, out of the proGts of the last six months. , Miss Anna Painter has just received her Sum' Jner Millinery Goods. . She has a fine assortment, and our lady readers ihonld call and make their selections. Tebtb. If you want a good, neat and substan tial sett of artificial teeth, go to Dr. J. H. Crossing er's Dental Room. Ho uses the best material and is a first-class workman. Thb Susquehanna is now in fine rafting order, the continued rains having raisod it considerably. ' A number of rafts fasted this plaoe, this week, on their way to the lumber markets bolow. The Bi'ildino Association. A meeting of the shareholders of the Sunbury JJutual 'Saving Fund and Building Association will be held at the Ma tonio Hall, on this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. . Tub Weathbb. We have had any amount of rain during the past week, which has made business very dull in this plaoo. . We hope it will soon clear up, that we may bo favored with a glimpse of "Old Sol" onoe more. Miss M. L. Gcsslrr has just opened another new Ftook of Millinery Goods, at her storo on Fourth street. MissGussler displays good taste in her se lections, which, together with hor low prises, have established a good business for her. Pnor. J. B. Anbrews, of Philadelphia, is visiting Sunbury for the purpose of giving instruction in his new, short and simplo methods of calculation. Bo teaches to add several columns and to multiply by goveral figures at onoe, with as much ease and accu racy as by the common method. His rules for in terest, banking and partial payments aro the short cut and simplest over discovered. Ho has been very successful in teaching his methods in the different cities and towns he has visited throughout the coun try, and comos among us highly recommended. His tones arc moderate, lie takes no fees in advance, mil gives full satisfaction or makes no charge. TnB GniNn Louge of I. 0. ok 0. F., or Pehn HYI.VAMA. The Pennsylvania Orand Lodge, I. 0. of 0. P., commenced it annual session in Pittsburg on Wednesday last. Tho following representatives of Lodgos in Northumberland county were in atten dance : W. K. Wortman, Mutual Lodge No. 84, of Milton; W. K. Erdman, Mount Tabor Lodge No. 123, of Shamnkin ; John A. Taylor, Northumber land Lodge, No. 108 ; Edward M. Buchor, Sunhury Lodge No. 203 ; D. C. Campboll, Shnmoklo Volley Lodge No. 527, of Snydertown ; C. H. Kramer, Tre vorton Lodge No. 628 ; Henry Veagor, Elysbnrg Lodgo No. 848 ; Dnniol Hotrich, Mahanoy Lodge No. 551 ; E. Wilvcrt, Stone Valley Lodge No. 584, of Georgetown ; W. W. Horning, Augusta Lodge No. f14 ; C. 0. Bacbmau, Lodge No. 619, of Wat sonlown ; S. 11.. Boycr, Fort Augusta Lodgo No. 620, of Sunbury. Committed to Pbjson. On Saturday lojt a col. nred man, named Janios Togood, was arrested at Watsontown, this county, charged with burglary, larceny, Ao. lie was brought to Sunhury by oon stable Crossloy, of Watsontown, and handed over to Sheriff Beckley. Lewis Kolchncr, a white man, and an accomplice of Togood, was cuptuied at Williamsport on Mon day last, by constable Crossloy, and plaoed in our jail. Tho prisoners broke into the offico of tho Wnt rontown Lumber Company, on tho night of the 4th inst , (an account of which appears elsowhero,) and stole two coats, $1 or $3 in poata;;o and revenue stamps, and sundry other urticlos. An Irishman, named Hugh Smith, a residont of this place, was committed to jail n WednosJay of last week. Ho was charged with an assault and battery on his wife. Ho subseijuontly obtained bail and wus released. Tub following are the number of arrests made in Schuylkill and Northumberland counties, by Mar shal Heisler's poljee, during tho year enditg May 1st, 188: v May, 188", June, " July, ' Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., " 40 f S3 103 79 4fi fil 72 ; 54 19 17 84 Deo., Jan.. 1868, Feb., March, " April, " Total number of arrests, (84 Every tbingls very quiet and orderly throughout the two counties, thanks to the efficiency of this force. Miners' Journal. The annual Convention of the Protestant Episco pal Church, ibr the Diocese of Pennsylvania, cool tneneed its sessions on Tuesday of last week in St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, and adjourned line die on Friday afternoon. We notice by tbo proceedings of Friday, that In regard to the division of the Diocese a resolution In favor of the measure was adopted, subjcot to certain conditions, which we presume will be complied with at once. The vote on ita passage was : Clerical, yeas 70; nays 87; lay vote, yeas 60, naya 42. A The district hereafter to be known as the Diocese cf Pennsylvania consists of Philadelphia, Montgom ery, Delaware, Bucks, Lehigh, Northampton, Ches ter, Monroo, Carbon, Pike, Wayne, Luzerne, Wyo ming and Susquehanna oounties. The new Diocese will embrace thirty counties. Bishop Stevens having recovered from the injuries received in tho railroad accident near Scranton, eomo time ago, presided over the deliberations of the Convention. A resolution, increasing the salary of the Bishop to 1 3,500, was agreed to. Fatal Accident at Watsgjtto !. The .AW toniail. gives the following particulars of the acci dent at Watsontown, a notiee of which appeared lu the American, lost week, by which a man named David Meekly lost his life ; On Saturday morning lact a young man in the employ of the Watsontown, Lumber Co., named David Meekly, whose father retiJcs in Mviitoureville, was killed iu the following manner. He bad got oij board an empty truck ear, which was being sent from the planing mill of bo Company down the truck to the saw mill for a load of lumber, his duty being to put the breaks on the uar whan it reached its destination. Mr. Christ, one of the shippers in the yard, noticed the car coming down with no ono on board, and sailed at tention to the fact, riank wa thrown uuder the wheels and Its motion eheeked.' On looking up the: road the body of young Meekly was seen oq the track, and going to him they found that his head bad been ruu over by the wheels of the oar and that his death must have been instantaneous, as his skull was literally orushed in and his brains protruded It i supposed- he iell off tire ear and got under the wheels whilaeadeavoringtoputoa the breaks The. deceased was an industrious and highly rspeflted young man, having endeared himself to cu employ ers sud comrade by bis many goj, qualities, i bil Kan in "deeply nurucd by all who knew him. HesFa nhrut njlecn years oi" ae - Tail Strike at Dakviixb. The Danville Am riean saysrA satisfactory arrangement, w learn, has been made, and the workmen are again etirrini op the fires at the Pennsylvania Iron Works. W bollove they agree to work at the. old rates for on month, when there will be an advanoo ; aoertalr peroentageof their' wage to be retained for on month, and specified notices" to be given, atd 14 oase of future non-agrcemeDt,, the furnaoei art to be regularly blowr but, The men are now but) olearing out the furnaoei, and Will have them in blast Id about ten days. ' The terms agreed upon seem to be satisfactory to most of the worklngmenl The people generally are muob gratified to lee the workt again In motion, 'and regard It as ah lot of wisdom on the part of the employees. Those amonaj tho latter, who are pot satisfied, will doubtless tees; employment elsewhere, and the "strike'.' will prove but a ripplo in the 'current of business In Danville. ' Ta Qbkbm Gravis or Oca Soldiers. The Grand Army of the Republio, by order of Itt oon mander-ln-ohief, General John A. Logan, will cele brate Saturday',' SOth Inst., as a holiday for paying tribute to the memory of the horoio comrades who fell in the recent war. A oironlar from the head quarters of the organisation says : The 30th day of May, 1868, Is designated for tho purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise deoo raling the graves of comrades who died in defence of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, Village and hamlet ohurchyard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but pests and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting servioes and testimonials of reaped as circumstances will permit. It is the purpose of the commander-in-chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of bis de parted comrades, He earnestly desires the publio press to call attention to this order, and lend its friendly aid in bringing it to the notioe of oomrades in ail parts of the oountry ia time for simultaneous compliance therewith. Rosbbrt at Watsontown. On Monday night last three robberies occurred at Watsontown. The office of the Watsontown Lumber Co. was breken into, Ingress being obtained by prying open the wooden shuttor on the windows. ' They obtained possession of the key of the safe, whioh had been left in a private drawer through mistake by tho clerk, and on opening it were rewarded for all their trouble by finding a few postage and revenue stamps, but no money. A valuable overcoat, be longing to Mr. J. M. Follmer, agent of the ooin pany, was taken by the robbers. . The office of Wag ner, Hogue A Co., proprietors of the planibg mill lately destroyed by fire, and cow being replaced by a new mill, was also broken into and a good eoat, belonging to Mr. D. C. Hogue was taken. They did not succeed in operating the aafo at this place. It is supposed the same party broke open a tool ohost at the railroad blacksmith shop and took therefrom a lot of tools. No traoe of the rascals had been found at last accounts. We understand that the Watsontown Lumber Co. never has any money in its safe, it being only used for books and papers. Northumberland county is becoming notorious for the frequency of the robberies committed within Its borders. Mittonian. Escape and Re-Capture or Two Prisoners prom odr Cocntt Jail. On Monday evening of last week Jeremiah Landau and Stewart Winder es. caped from the jail yard in this place, under the fol lowing cireumstanoos : Plasterers had been engaged during the day in cementing the inside of the yard wall, and whon tboy quit work for the day left two planks and several cemoct barrels in the yard.- While the Sheriff and family were at supper tho two worthies took advantage of the opportunity, plaoed one of the planks, which had cleats nailed across it, on top of the barrels and against tho wall, and another plank resting on the first, which wont within about fivo feet of the top of the wall, and by this moans olimbed to the top, and jumped down on the outakle. They then made tracks for the river, stolo a foot-boat and rowed to the opposite shore. The Shorifi followed them to Lewisburg, but there lost all trace of thorn Winder was re-captured on Wednesday, at his home in Shrewsbury township, Lycoming county. He was brought here on Tuesday and put in close Confinement. Landau wus arrested on Thursday of lust week, in Shrewbury township, Lycoming county, and is al so closely confined iu our jail . The Munoy Luminary gives tho following par ticulars of the arrest of the escaped prisoners, and also of another robbery committed by Winder in Ly coming county, jifter his escape from our county jail : Both of the prisoners were reoaptured Win der on Wedncsdny night last wj found sccrotod iu a saw mill, near the residence of his brother, in Shrewsbury township, this county, and taken into oustody by Constable Fabrenbach, of Hughesville, assisted by G. W. Taylor, Esq , and others and Landau was arrested on Thursday, in Shruwsbuty township, Sullivan county, by John Foust and Taylor, and both returned to the Sheriff of Nor thumberland aounty, by Constable Funronbacb. These men escaped from the jail at Suubury on Monday night of last week. Cn Tuesday night the store of G. W. Taylor, Esq., at Tivoli, Shrewsbury township, was broken into and robbed of roady modo clothing, and other goods, and about fifteen dollars in notes and pennies. On the arrest of Win der, on Wednesday night, he proved to be the thief, as he had on at the time a coat taken from the storo of Mr. Taylor, and on his person were found over two hundred pennies, and notes, among which were two State Bank bills, recognized by Mr. Taylor as two ho bad hod on hand for some time, and always kept in the money drawer. On being questioned Winder gave information where the remainder of the stolen goods eould be found. Ho had seoreted them in the woods. Winder is quite a young man, and married only lost January.. Removal. Tho Photograph Gallery of Samuol Byerly has been removed to the building lately occupied by Dr. Renn, three doors west of the Continental Clothing Store. The At'ausT Term of Court. The following is the list of jurors for the August session of Court grand jury. S Hoover, Coal M J Jones, U Augusta J P Sheets, Delaware J C Morgan, Sunbury E Evert, MuEwecsville J 11 liursh, Rush J W Haas, Coal f Donahoe, Mt Cut Twp a iiarirantt, ijolawaio S Vostino, Shauiokin J B Ithodcs, Mt Our Twp a DiaiicK, ii Augusta J W Bucher, bunbury a rlaiuuack, lolaware R Johnson, North'd S R Snyder, L Augusta S 11 Koardaruel, Zerbe II Fausold, L Augusta U M. Renn, Sunbury J Arnold, l Augusta wm luaaius, lurtmt A A lleim. Coal J R Teats, Shamokin I R Keiser, Shamokin rem Juur. T London, North'd S Stablneckor, DIeaware M Wilvert, Sunbury L Eckinan, Rush W Cooner, Watsontown J Caulcy, Cbilisquaque S Duller, Delaware L Scesholtt, Sunbury J A Bashere, North'd 1) Cares, Jordau J Irnin, Chiliequaquo i uossier, suuoury C Ryan, Rush E Chidister. Shamokin J D Barr, Turbutville A J JJarrab, Delaware K 1 Raker, Lit Mahanoy P Ritley, MtCarmol Twn J v A' riling, bunbury J Bowen. Sunburv D Clark, Point C Broidous, Low Mahanoy J Keen. Northumberland o Hoover, enamoKia J A Caldwell, Lewis J K Frauois, L Mahanoy' lisurga bum, Aewi Peter Y saner. Cool C J Conrad L Augusta M Lamb, Milton S bees, Delaware J V Roadariaol. Shamokin C Muixwell, Milton ' J Soott, Mt Carmel. Twp D Hoffman, Mt Carmel In U lileuient, bunbury TRAVIBSB JURY VT P Wlttilngton, Sh'n Wm Raker, L Augusta J Delbert. Milton W H Lerob, Mt Car Bor J M Hair, North'd O B Hotlman, Zerbe J Bordner, sr., L Mah'y P Risbel, Lewis J Park, umiisquaque M Bobner, Jordan P Mowery, Mt Carmel Tp T J Miller, Shamokin R Camnhell P Persing, Mt Carmel Bor S R Gilger, Shamokin Tp W Road arm el, Lit Moh'y W Rcber, Shamokin II Snyder, Bnamomn I H Reese, Lit Mahanoy M Keeder, Turbutville G E Beard, Suubury J Peonypaoker, Zerbe II Burns, Coal i J Lenker, Little Mahanoy James Arthur, Lewis O B Kremer, z,eroe J D Long, Upper Augusta A Kembel, Jaoxson . J Kriok, guamokin ' ' C Hcholl, Shamokin A Maul, Delaware W Rhodes, Shamokin B r Bright, bunbury D Truokeiniller, Delaware u Meitier, nusn A Q Haupt, Low Augusta A Gnffy, Delaware T Kirk. Delaware J R 11 il bush, Jaokson . J MoKee, Delaware J Seibert, " " V Futternian, L Augusta W E FeUer, Cbilisquaque J Sheets, Sunbury ' W H Bright, Euabury W Elliot, North'd Joe Frederick, Cbilts'que TarAtiaV. t following real estate if, exempt from taxation, oofdlng to th provlsloni f the la W th' subject, passed by the Logisfatar oT oar Stat f " bzb.nS7.'- " All lands "whioh havi Ven of ma hereafter be treated, within this State, to any office or soldier of the tin of this State, by virtu of -any f. resolution or ueogretsror law or-tnis etato, ss a re; Ward for their aervtoo,- Ih&ll be -and are hcrebl exempted; from taxation for and during- tbo life of suoh offloer or soldier respectively, unless the same shall be transferred or aliened to any other personJ Sid. 68. All ohurches, meeting-houses or other regular plaoes of stated religious - worshipi with the! ground thereto aunexed, for the occupancy and bfet ter enjoyment of the aaiso,- all burial grounds be longing' to any religious congregation, universities, colleges, aoademiee and school houses, belonging to any oounty, borough or sohool dlstriot.'or incorpora ted, eroded, endowed or 'established by tirtuoof any law of this Commonwealth,- with ' the ground thereto annexed, and all oourt houses and jails, bo and the same are. hereby exempted from all and every oounty, road, oity, borough, poor and school ta; and all taxes heretofore 'assessed on any such property shall not hereafter be oolleoted, but the respective offioers, charged with tbo ool lection there of shall and are hereby exonerated from the collec tion and paying over of the same : Vrovided, That five aoreaof land, together With the improvements thereon, attached to all suoh religious congregations, universities, oollegos, academies and school-houses, belonging to any county, borough or sohool distrlot as aforesaid, and no mote than five acres Of land, with the improvements thereon, attaohod thereto, shall be exempt from taxation as aforesaid. - Sec. 5V. It shall be the duty of the several as sessors in this Commonwealth to make return of all proporty now, or which hereafter may be 'specially exempt by act of Assembly from taxos, In a separa ted list to the commissioners of the propor county, for which sorvioe the said assessor shall reoeive the same compensation as is allowed for like services in other cases." , BUSINESS NOTICES. l3FIol Priming;. Having received, a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Postors, Handbills,, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads,. Bill Heads, Labels, &c, can be printed In the latest and best stylos, and oh short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to, - i i I m r Many a man ascribes bis entire sucoess in life to a proper impression, made at the proper time, upon the proper person. Any one who attires himself at J. O. Bock's Tailoring establishment, on Fourth St., knows this for himself. In a suit of the pretty sum mer goods at Beok's even a sloven oan make himself gainljr, and without startling his pookot-book, "Tim it E and six pence per Gal !" exolaimed Mrs. Partington, looking over tho price current. "Why bless me, what is the world coming to, when tho gals are'valued at only three and six ponoe ?" We think the old lady's surprise would be equally as great, if she would examine the price list at the Continental Clothing Bazaar, for it has astonished less susceptible persons. i Mil r -Cmmn The reason why so many people from all parts of town, and from all parts of the country, pass other places where boots and shoes are kept, and go to Miller's Exeelsior Store, in Market Square, is sus ceptible of explanation he keeps a full assortment, the people oan get what they want, and cheaper than elsewhere. Satisfactory reasons, certainly. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," is a saying as old as it is true, and it applies exactly to the beautiful new Spring Uata just received by Faust, the fashionable Hatter, Market Square. Judging from the rapidity and extent of his sales, our oiti zens appreciate the cheapness athich his goods are disposed of. Colt's Couoii Balsam. The great popular Koine dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Jloth sizes ordinary 4 ox., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night without it in the house. Coe'9 Dyspepsia Ocue Will immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated r I,.... l L-l..t..lA UA...QU Case Ul Bjjujiain, i iomiibuuj , uuui uiuuiauu, wu1 stiDation. and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, olergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere, mce t.uu. MAKRIAOES, On Tuesday evenins. the 12th inst.. in the Roformed Church, at Rev. I. S. Brown, assisted by itov. Air. Appio ana nov. ut. tiiguoe, ncv. n i A.Haas', from n oar Sunbury, North d county, to Miss Sadb A. Uause, of Morcersburg, Franklin oounty, l'a. . DEATHS. Iu this place, oa Monday last, at the residence of Gen J no. lv Clement, Mrs. HANNAH E. CLEM ENT, aged 81 years. In Lower Augusta township, on the SOth ult., after a lingering illness of six years, ADAM ROW, aged 65 years, lJ mouths and l'J days. - SU.III IIV DIAItHKTM. Corrected Weekly for the "Amorioau." Wboat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do , per cwt. Rye Fluur, per bbl. do per cwt.' Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, (15 00 7 60 10 00 & 00 i to 1 60 1 20 80 . Kye, . . . do corn, new, uo i Oats, ' do ' Potatoes, ' do Dried Feaohes, pared - per pound do do unpared do Dried Annies. do Dried Cherrios, (unstoued,) per bu Buttor, per pound, per doien, per pound, do do do do do -do per pair Eggs, . Chuese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hiud quarter, " from " Mutton, Chickens, Sbamokln Coal Trade. Suahokim, May l'J, 186SJ. Tout. Cut. Sent for week ending May 10, 11,V48 15 Per last Report, 133,763 12 145.712 07 146,969 01 1,256 14 To same time last year, Decrease, . Special JCotttta. Deafness, Bumoness and Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No boa Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in oity and country oan be seen at his offioe. Tbe Medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no seoreta iq tis praotice. Arviir lvlAL inserted with.' out pain. No charge for examination. nov.iiO-ly, To Conatusiiptivesj. The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who dotiro it, the proscription with the directions for making and using the simple reme. dy by which be was cured of a lung aSeotion and that dread disease Consumption. His only objeot is to benofit the alhiuted, and bo hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as It will cost them nothing, but ubt UEurao UIUB3H1K- r ieue nuircss REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, myl8-' ' Williamsburg, Kings Co., N, Y COi.JATll 4t i'O'W . .. , ' OEBMAN ' ERASIVE SOAP If manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and. may be considered thaSTANDARDDF EXCELLENCE, for tale by all Grocers. May 18, 1867. ly. . J Error of Youth, ' A gentleman who suffered fqr years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effect of youthful indiscretion, will, for tbe sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by we puverusvr vapeueuoo, onn uo so by aauressing, in peneei oenuuunce, - juuj u. (JtiuHJI, my 18'-(i7.1y - . . 42 Cedar fc'treet, N, Y Coaclimakers' 117E are sell In k Pirns, Spoke. Hubs Bpricgs, V V Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ae., very low-r-targeStook at - CONLEY Cp Sunburv. Nsrcb Si lbT Real Est Alt, ExBirnv llioaj rAtid. Th mm KB PRICK CLOTniNG. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED. ONE I'KICK ' ' CLOTHING HOUSE, OOA Market Street, One doofbve Blth, PhUadelphU..1 " ' For many roars this Establishment has done bust nesS on the One Price Bys.erO) and we believe we are the only Clothin House in tho olty that strictly adheres to this prinoiple. We have earned a repu tation wblch we are proud of, for good taste in seleoU good styles and substantial materials, and not lestf important, for having all our goods , . 7 EXTIIA IV'FXL MAUI'., We employ the best -talent,1 for Outtors, and our GooUa are of both klnds-fashionable and Main so that all tastes can be suited. - The prioes are the very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must see,, or otherwise wo could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we most put our prices down to the advantages we promise. . The pooplo may depend, this Is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar oan be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping In mind JONES' ' ONK PltlCK CLOTHINd HOUSE, 604 Market Stroet, Philadelphia, Not on the Cornor, but one door above Sixth. 13. d. Jl IIZK, Salesman. April 4, 1868. ly i ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED FOR DANA'S AUTQOniZED AND AUTHENTIC ''e of tlysscs . (jruiit Comprising a complete and accurate history of his eventful and interesting career, with an authontio narrative of his invaluable military servioes, adding also an impartial estimate of his character as a Man, a Soldier, and a Statesman. Bv Hon. Charles A. Dana, late Assistant Sooretarv of War. The Serine- field Republican says: "Dana's Life of Qrsnt is sure to bo the most authentic and best Life of Grant Sublisbed-." For particulars, apply to or address URDON BILL A CO., Springfield, Mass., or W. D. MYERS, 41 Maiden Laue, N. V. ' apl7-4t.- REEVES' AMBROSIA for Tin: H int, IMPROVED! It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. It causes the Hair to Curl beautifully. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Hoolthy. It invigorates the Roots of the Uair.- It forces tho Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly, t immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age. It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. It brings out Hair.on heads that have been bald fur years. It is composed entirely of simple and purely vegeta ble substances. It has received over six thousand voluntary testi monials of its excellence, many of whioh arc from physicians In high standing. It Is sold in half-pound bottles (the namo blown in tho glass), by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Good everywhere, at One Dollar por-Bottlo. Wholesale by Dcinas Barnes & Co.; F. C. Wells A Co.; Schiefic lin A Co., New York. March 21, 1963. -3m BREAD & FANCY CAKES. RESPECTFULLY informs the oitizons of Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of Cakes Tor Bulls), lartle, &c. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept on hand manufactured out of tho best materials. All orders loft at his Shop in Market Square, one door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Spruoe Street, between Front and Second streets, will meet with prompt attention. PICNIC PARTIES supplied , with Cakes,. Ice. Cream, Ac, at the shortest notice - Orders aro respectfully solicited.' . , DAVID FRY. Sunbury, May 2, 1868J SUNBURY STEAM SAW MILL. UILLIAUUEAGA.i, . Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of TIMBER, LUMBER, LATH, PALING A SHIN GLES. Also, Flooring, Shelving, Siding, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Ac. Corner Race Slroot and River Road, SUNBURY, Pa. April 4, 1863. aSUNBURY- s MARBLE rpHE undersigned having bought the would inform the publio that he is now roady to do all kinds of marble work ; has on hand, and makes to order at short notice, nionuineiilst and lloaU-Stoncs, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with GalvnnUed pipe and all other fencing generally usod on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will oontinue In the employment, at the old stand in Market Square, Suubury, Pa. May i, 'lit. ly.) n.m, uanuunnu. SPRING FASHIONS IN MisB LOUISA SHISSLEB. TflE nonular Millinery, south side of Market Square, Sunbury, is desirous of calling tbe attention of tbe publio and trade to ber unique and handsomo assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, just opened. On hand and made to order, are tho latest and most superb styles of Uridal, Mourulug and lrcsn lion sioti anil IlatM. Also, a Biilendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Veils, Collars, Ac. Gentlemen s Goods, suoh as Hosiery, liandacr ohlefs, Neck-ties, Brushes and goods for the toilot. Also, a fine assortment of Perfumery, and all goods usually kept in a well furnished establishment. A nail is onlvreauired to be convinced. N. B. Speoial attontion is directed to a lino lot of Ladies Dress Caps and Mead uresscs. ' - LOUISA SH1SSLER, April 18, ISM. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. jji:o. itoiimiACii v (so.. ABB now oarryins; on business at their enlarged aud improved Foundry with renewed vigor. Castings of every deseription, promptly furnished to order. The titovos manufactured at this Foundry have acquired tbe highest rcputattou. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget that the PLOWS made at the tiuubury Foundry have never boon equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small oastiii;s, including Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most useful pattorns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged scale. Old customers will beaoooinmodated as usual, and new ones are respeotfully solicited. Bunbury, May 3, 18. , UOOXM A' SHOES. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH IX O. TIIAjCIIER, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERIOAN CALF , ' lleels,' Khooo uud Unlleits, Pleasants' Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Ladies' Boot, Shoes and Gaiters of all description! made to order on the shortest notioe and most rea sonable terms. Having the best workmen employed, we oan assure tbe publio that, if they will give us call, they will be satisfied of tbe above facts, HE PAIRING neatly done with dispatch. If yoar corns do hurl your feel, Just oall and leave your measure, . ' ' And we will make your Shoes or Boots, That you will call treasure. - March 38, '68 ly. , I A LARGE supply of Wall laper and jtV Uorder, just received aud for sal oheap, at tho 1 .- ' - Mammoth Store of ' H. y.FRILlNG. . April I,' MM. ' ' 1 COUNTRY DEALERS supplied with all kinds of J Stone War at lees then Factory prices at liar rlsbnrg, saving peaage. tbe Mammotb Store ot breakage and freight, at U Y IRILINI o A TREMENDOUS .a,tjHr,tjsc::4K. NEW GOODS, OF ALL THE LATEST STYLES, AND REDUCED PKICESj JUST RECEIVED AT I THAOKER'S FIRST NATIONAL Boot, Shoe & Trunk Store, IN PLEASANTS BUILDING, MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, May 2, 1808. 2t NEW DRYG00DS AND Fresh Groceries! Ou Third St., one door below the Lutheran Chuieh, SUNBURY, PENN'A. HENBY PETERS, Has just opened a large assortment of DRY GOODS, such as Calicoes. Dolaiues, Muslins, do., Ao. and PKO VISIONS of all kinds, suoh as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts Dried and Gunned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in faot everything usually kept in the Grocery line. Hams, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Quecnswaro Glass-waro", Willow-ware, Ac Tho best FLOUR and MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at tho lowest prices. Country Produce taken lu exchange for Goods. lyCnll and examine my ftock, and satisfy your elves. HENRY PETERS. jSunbury, April 25, 1867. J. W. Stevenhon. A. N. Bhiok. ATTRACTION AT II A UP T 8 NEW IRON FRONT!! STEVENSON & RRICE, HAVE opened up a new and desirable stock of Goods in Hnupt's New Building, consisting in part ufa splendid variety of American WuicIick, GOLD WATCHES, BOOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVER-WARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Ware, Cutlery, Pictures, Looking Glasses, &c, &c, &c. Coll and examine our stock. Our aim will be to please and satisfy all who oall. i o , i. o a, Sunbury, April 18, 1863. 3m i,,.vri;s'r STYLUS or SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, HIls 31. sLi. doawlor, begs leove to an nounce to the Ladies of Bunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened largo and varied stock of MILLINERY GOODS, The latest New York and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. lsr, an exaellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries, Edgings, Laces, Woolon Cups, Handker chiefs, Bcarfs, Uluves, Hosieries, and all kinds ot Fancy Ivotions, mnuipea juumiiub, vun, x-eciuuiu-ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, Sta tionery, to., Ac Call and ezaminf for yourselves, ho troublo to show goods Sunbury, April 11 1IW. Adiniuiatralor'a Kollt-e. ESTATE OF. WILLIAM R. JONES, DLC'D. Notice is hereby given tbat letters of administra tion have been granted to the uudereigned, on tbe estate of illiam it. Jonos, late ol bower Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. ' PETER H. BNTDER, Administrator. Bunbury, April 18th 1868. 6t. FARM FOR RENT! A FARM, oontainiug about 70 acres cleared land, with dwelliug, Ac, situate in Shamokin towu ship, Northumberland oounty, it offered for rent on reasonable terms. For further particulars, apply at tbo Merchant Tailor Shop, of J. O. Beck, on lourtli street, bunbury, Pa. Bunbury, April 11, 1868. NUN HIT t Y Oil. THE subscribers having just erected jtnd put in operation a Mill for the manufacture of . . LINSEED OIL, offer the highest market price fur FLAX SEED. They have altaobed to their establishment a Chop ping Will, and farmers and others wanting gralu vhopped for feeding, ean be aooouimodatad at the shortest notice A maohluo f r chopping oorn with Ihe eob is attached to tbe mill. MORGAN A MASSKR Jsnuery ?V 18 ly spsiim opening: t OI'EAT FALL IN TRICES ! Buy the MOST GOODS, of the BEST GiTJ-A-XilT-X- For ihe LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND SALES ! QUICK CASH II. V. I KlkMAU, at the MAMMOTH STORE, MrtRKET SyL'ARK, BUNBURY, I'ENN'A., lias Just rvoeivedand opened tho tEWT MIJLsuCTKIJand FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Morinoi, Prints, Muslim Ginghams, Cuasiuiercs, Ac. Io!uuies and Armurrs. l'ome.lic Cotton", ltron and likached NOTIONS cf all kindj liosii'.ry, Cloves, Men's and Ladios Undergarinout A full assonmout of IBI.MMINOS. Builders will find my Rock of Hnrilwiiro, faiutw, Oiln, CiliiKS, Xc, Complete. Drugs and Medioints, Willow arid t'edarirare. Quueusaare, OlauHure, Crockery, Suit BOOTS AND SHOES- HATH AND CAr, and iu fuel everything usually kept in a large Store Call and be convinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR HOOPS is at The Mammoth 8 t or e. of Term.. C'ub,-aO lu , as my Oood M lught for Cash and Sol 1 Cheap for the HEADY MONEY.' 1 gi trade tbe ad vantage of all reductions as fast as tbey are made by Manufacturers II Y IT 1 1,1 NO 'uubury. April 1. I1"1 8100 UESWABL Fot a msdiolne that will owe CCH0H9, INFLtlENZA, " TICKLING In the THROAT, WHOOPING coyonfc or relieve CONSI'MPTIVE OOtl'ortfl, as quick aa C O E ' S COUOU BAL.8AMI OVKR ONE MILLION BOTTLF.S have been sold and not a single instance of iu fsthireis known. We have, in our poBsetsmn, say quantity of Cer tificates, some of them from EMINENT PHYSICIAN ' tvho have used it In" their ptactiire, and given It th f' eminence qyerevery other comuouud. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COL'OH, but LOOSENS IT, bi to enable lle patient to expcctoiate freely. Tw" rr jliree doses. WltL iKVAaiiBLV Cl TlCM.UtO is tna Thuout ! A half boUe has afina completely cured the most Stub born Cough, and yet, th uru it , ,, Blue an,l speedy ill Its operation, it is perfectly Imrnitrn, licing purely vi-iretstile. It is very ncrecnWe ! the tone, and may b aiiminitefcd to children of any ace. tu cases of CROUP we will guarantee a cure, if taken in seom, NO FAMILY SHOULD BE W1THOI T IT' It is within th' reach of ell, It being the cheapest and he medicine extant. O. G, CLARK A CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN April 18, 18fl9.-ty . COE' s DYSPEPSIA CURE THIS OKEAT REMEDY KOK ALL DISEASES of the ST O IVt A O H 8 it the diseovery of the Inventor of Cna'a valuable Cough Balsam, while experimenting f"r his own health, ltcurod Cramp iu the Stomach for him which had before yielded to nothing lint chloroform. The almost rlnily teMimony from various parte of the country enoouiage us In believs there is no disease caused by a disordered stomach it will nut "peedily cure Physicians endorse and Use it I Ministers give testimony of its efficacy- And from all directions we receive tidings of cures per. formed. DYSPEPSIA I It i sure to eurs. HEARTBUKN ! One done wdleuro. SICK-HEADACHE' H has cured in hundreds of ci HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS: It stops in thirty minutes. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! I It corrects at once. j nisE or the rooD! 4 It stops irnmeuuiieiy. D1S TllEH? AFTER EATING : " One dose will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few doses BAD BREATH ' Will be changed with half a bottle. IT 18 PERFECTLY HABMLESS Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing to the fact that , It Cures by Asuiatiiip Xnturo TO RE ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM ! Nearly every dealer In the United States sells it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C O. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. April IS, 1863. ly. I. LI. MOORE. . C. DISS1NCEK. 3icw rirml.Scw Store! !ew Boomt and an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS! GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES ' Have iutt opened a carefully selected stock of NEW GOODS, in llauit't Sew Irou I'ronl, MAKKKf STftEKT, SI'NUUKV, TEN.N'A Consisting of CRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES. QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, ami a lull line of GENTLEMEN'S FTJENISHING GOODS amlies' I fens 4ioodai, Calioooe, Muslins, Fliinnola, Tablo Linens Toweling, Chocks, Ticking,, Cafiimerea, Ycstings, Yarns, Sltirw, Neck Ties, Cutis, Collars Handkerchiefs, Hoeo. Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Wuro. Wo invite special attention to tho quality of our Stock of ukoii:iui:n ai spicks, RIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, FISH, YIN EG A It, Ac, &o. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always on baud Wo fool oonfident that cash buyers will find it to their advantage to give us a call, and customers goncrally are invited to call and examine our gol ds unl get posted on our prices. By strict attention to the wanta of our customers and fair dealing we hope to merit a full share of tho publio patronage. . . , . , COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in es. chango for goods, for which the highost price will l l""11' MOORE A DISSINGER Sunbury, April 11, 'C3. Call and sec the well f elected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTING", Ae JuH received at MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, " Fourth Street, below Eystcr's Store, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of tho must approved styles is made up to order s reasonable rates. llo has also a fino assortment of Cassimere Shirt, Drawers, Undorshiits, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck tins. Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Hand liorchieli, Gloves, aud a gcnerul variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a tfull, which you will find te bo to your advantage Sunbury, Oct. 10, ie6T. REMOVAL! 1 S. H H A X X O Watcliinaker & Jeveler, MARKET SQUARE, 6UNBUKY, PA., Will remove his Jewelry Store to Millors Stone Building, oorner of 3d and Market Square, ON FEBRUARY let, 1S68, where be will be happy to receive his old oustomers and the publio in general. Thankful for past favor, he solicits a continuance of the same, uud he is de termined to sell as low as the lowest, and lor quality, not to b" surpassed by any goods in the market. A large assortment of tVatclst-s, Clock. Vewelrjr uud jBiilvt'i IV a re, constantly on hind, consisting of all kinds of Ameri can Watches, such as the . -Hpward. Appleton, Tracy A Company, Ti-eruont, Waltham. V. B. Bartlet, Wm. El- . levy. Home and a flue assortment of bwms Watcbea AllkiuJof8 Day and 80 Hour Clocks ! Silver tea sett, card aud cake baskets, breakfast and dinner oastors, Celery stands, ayrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knives and Forks. Particular attention paid to Uie repair ing of Watches, Clock?, Jowulry and Miwio Boxes All work warranted. Feb. 8, lBtlS. CARPENTERS, WILLSud in our tietablislimeut a superior sl-iok. of Planes, Saws, Augers, Jlutuuets, Uammcrs, I'i'.cn Chisels, Ac, Ac, for sale by 4U, CONLEY C0 SHOEMAKERS. TUK Ui t ualilici f Eole Leather, Irene!. t;B" rkine, Morroccos, Liniairs, Lmis. Nails i'et TooisW'ail kinh. and n ft y thui(;ued l.t the rd.' turtle i ny J i , ', A , ,,