I22B fZRl LATEST ARMVALU FALL &"WINTER Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth S troet, BUSBURY, I'ENS'A, Invito! th public tu 011 Mid examine hi elegant astortuis'ntdf' FALL AND WISIER 0001)8, whioh be will sell at great); reduced price. Ilia took euualile In part of CA3SIMERU S. CLOTHS. &C-, Pilka, Delaines, Lawns, Gingbatnl, C.tlieoM, Muslins. .Sheeting, Ticking, jeans, aud a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Glove, Hoop Skirt. Abo Handkerchiefs, lirusboa, Comls. MaH and Cnp. llnotn naA Shore, His assoiln rut ol good vill not. be iafure full to pleaeo tbc fancy and suit th wants of any desirous f pUiPhiminK. Hi? stork uf HARDWARE AM) QUEENSW ARE, and Uiouerlrn la largo in quantity and euolc in quality, uomprising generally everything needed in the lio'uMhnld e'ther lor use or ornament. lie is always ready and vJ t '" Wend' and take pleasure in showing ll.cin his aoods even tho.'eh no sules are made. Ho only a-ks n call, ai d la eure that tbe Block will compare favorably in price aui quality with tbe cheapest. H ' JOiiJPIIEYSTLR Sunbury. Nov. H, U.17. GROCERIES. Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. I. A. UlUV Si. ., In Weimer'i Building, Water Street, near King at., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., TN FORM their friends and the public generally that tbcv have h luro nssurtuiunt of Grouur.es Provisions. Ac, nil fre.-h and i f tbe bent quality, con. sisting of leas. Cofloes. Sugars, an 1 Spices. Di'ied and Canned Prui'a. Prunes, Raisin. Chac.se. and Cruckcra. and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. They would also call attenlbn t'i Iheir large and cliean'l-.l of Hood FAMILY FLOlll. Grouu Tea, Hums, bhouldura, Ac, which are constantly kept un hand. Also, nil kind? of Vegetable, AcrAc. (live them a cull and see fur yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 25, 18rl7. AllCH STKEI.T FOf NTlRV"! jr. 1 or.Xi.UA, Pi-opi-irtor. J rcli fit., bci ven :tl u nd tilt. Iom to tli Iullif Mcliovl lion,,-, PUNBUny, PCNN'A. THE proprietor of tliis establishment respectfully Informs tbe public that b has norniueuoed the man ufacture of Cooking and Heating ST07SS! which he will sell at lomr prices then they can be obtained elsewhere. MILL Gearing, Ftove, and the largest claw of Castings made promptly lo order. Also. Window Weights, Frames and Grates for Cel lar Windows, Ac. 'iit Iron 'lilrimrr 'I'oria. WATER TROUGHS DOORSTEPS A liberal price paid for ni l rastir'irs. THU CELEBRATED LIVi.HPl.xil, I'LuW, im proved, is niiinur.ictiiiel at tbiaostablishiiiriiit. Aim. btnve Urate of all kinds, Kettlee, and every variety ol so. all catiiiKs, b'unl.ury, Oct. 5, 1867. Q'jiISH.T KKIX rrii nnn JUUI IX 1I1E PRICES OF i OUO Fall & Vinter Goods! 51. I,. Lntnrn., bavinjt just return ed from I'hi'adelphiB wild a ropfrior pluck of Kail und Winter Uooda fur the trade of 1?67 and '61, which ahe ia ablo to aell at very reduced prices. Would reapeetfull.v call the nttention ot her custo infra and the t ul.;le generally, to the pup trior qual ity of her good. aod the low prices ut which Uiay arc held. Hbehaa ull kinda of IDltEftS GOODS, including Poplins. Meriuua, lo Lain, Calicoes, Ac , bli t thu lone, I rices. I xtra qualify Muslins at extra low price. Pril 1il,:. O'inloul Wr.uelf inlmMil l-kirti!, SIihmIs, ilondt. Gloves of all desoriptioui. Including u very aupe tiur quality ol Lu.iit-a' (jlctb Glovcj. HOSItKY. Kibbncs and Triuuuin-s of all vnricum, Laces, lamped good, Zephyrs aud Yurna, Towling'iu great ! variety. Gems' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, r'eartV, Mi'5 Tasselsand Uuttons. Pnrnades Extracts, bad a 1 urge varietrotnuliuneatid lancy articles Coll and soe them before goinr eisewhere. M. L LAZARIS. Suubury, Nov. 2, 18t;7. FK!:slI akhival or FANCY I)IY G00IKS. Majkcl &vjuare. two lours l'.st of the eld Bank I building. fc't'Nl'l'HY. Venn a , ' HAS opeuou a t'rh mr ly of the latest style tT t Full aud W'mtor Goods, selected by herself I fmiu the moat foaliiouahle esti.blihwcnls in Phils, d'lpiiu. Cbcup I-eLaiues. A.'pacn. Freich Merino, Plain ' and Piui t P ipUis, Moui niuit Go t is. Vlo'lia. racque j El.muels, Ludies and I'uilan us' lis Is, Feuihenv, Ribbuus, Ireis Tritnioiiii;s. Eu.broiiierics. J.oce V'tl and ban Ikerdiiers. 'oi ts, hosiriy, MHlmorsI j tk:rls.lroul:fiii anJ lilankti Shu Is H iuter iicjues i lit. l Ludies' Koolsot eieiy des-ii;,tton. t.cnis C .liars Ne.-k-'.'ifct, iiuil-iiw.se, Iljndkor- ch'efs and Gloves. Pi i i.iioery. Toilet Soups, Hair Rru. l ((.l.'oitte etc. . L ii .pkii.s Liipcic bbiita. KATE BLACK. Suooury. Kov, 2, 1S07 juh:i HAAS, JH. C. H Wi'LVERIoK. COAL! COAL! COAL! f ItHE sutaurd.ers rospeclfully mf. rm theciritena of X buubury unl ti'jiuity, that they have cpebed a GOAkZa STA-CID at T. TIhsj A Co s Lower Wharf, M.inlxiry. where they are prepared to supply all kind's of Sha m kin Coal, ut cheap rates, iunulivs and others promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully solicited. HAA3 A W0L EKT0N, funt.ury. Jan. IS, 18:. To Farmers! TH2 PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'3 bfJLUl'LE PACIFIO OUANO. fit. IE attention if Fnru er an 1 other consumci of 1 i erulituis is invited to this Gumo. as wortbv of tiie'r specinl notice Its Lector several M.-ars in ! Maijlnod. Virginia audo ber t.iuiharn States, f.u all e.r,.pe. Las aiven ita standard cbmaiter for ex- ! cell.i.ce unequalled by tiuy other. It pu.-svasae all ' the quickiA-ss ol Peruvian Guano, wiih pormanent itHlnit- nut fuuuj ia I bar artiel. !M . of this Uuaim are I- uicl more than equal to :li:0 1U. cl tbe ' btst ("uporphospl.ate. It linens the whejl crop tmiu i fii e to seven day earlier than the pho batta. bieh 'act aloue gives it in. alculabie advantages. Liberal djioouni to dealer. 1 ur sale by JOHN S RIESE A CO , General A'nla for PaciSc Guano In, Ha Soulb Delaware Ave., I'bili.d a , An 1 71 teouib ttrem Baltimore. Mr.?h s,l63 tiiu f pilE following persuna are enliiled tu receive as ' X ii.oreaws ot Tualy unuer the Act of Congress j oued J Uly lfttM, to equalise bounties. , . ", , ; ..v . euiistuaiil and have I. ecu honorably discus reed, and lave reeoi.ed or are entitled u receive a Bounty eif j tltiu. are eutitlbd an additional Bounty of ajluO. ' L'l All Eueh snl.licr bu enlisted fur $ yeais, and ' have been honorably diseliarged oa account cf wounds received to ibe Ime of duty, ar ontitlid tu i tn ad titional lioautv ef at I Ot). 'iu The W idow, Minor Children, or Parent nfsuea ' Boiaieit wbn aled iu the strvioe ol wounds ur Uiseaae, are entitled lo an additiotiul Bounty of at too. Byapplicaiiualo S. P. WOLV1RTON, i:-i.,of Ft aaiar, Penusvlyuuia, who is ao aa horned Ciola Agent, all such claims cn be speedily cti!lotle4. eunhury, August, IrttliJ ISAAC K. STAUFFEK, tVaf cliiuukrr aud Jew. cltr, Xv7o. ia BT-.Cnil.or QUABHT. 1'illL.M l.t puu. vt?.,?,'.!r".,,', "f x ,'"4U ,,wlri 'UUd .ht " W',c(",n'' 'wt! ft n-ptl) at' r-' v :-). v-r i -. . BAUGH'S co.H5iutciis u.iini:si t7W announce (o farmer and dealer in FIT tiliiera, that the following prioe have been adopted or the present spring season : BAUUH S RA)V BONK PlIOSPHATK. Trice, Tit per 2,000 lb. BAVUH'8 CI1ICAC0 BONE FERTILIZER ' Trice, f 16 pet 1,000 lb. BALUU'S L'UICAUO BLOOD MANURE. This well known poj ular trade-mark will be found upon every packogool the above manure. Tho hi;h estitnatiou in which Raiou's Bne Jla nuns hate been held, during fourteen yciiis past, no shall fully surtaiu in the future. Having now thu entire eoctrol or tho great resources of tha c.ly ot Chio"?o. for furnLbing Auiniuria and Phosphate yielding inrteri'd, via : Rones, Liiel Flesh, llloivl, Ac . wc hue, in connection with our works in 11.41 adolpliia. il.e largest fnoilities fur furnishing theeo luuuure, nt Uie above low prices. BALUil A SO.NS. PtiiUddpbia. ORT.Vl,-Tl:R FLRllLIZlXa CO., Chicago JOI1NRALSION A CO.,cu'l Ag'ts, Now York. UEORUE K1RKE A CO., ' Boston. UEOiiUEi-'t'UDAL!", Wbolusale Ag't, llaltiuiore. For til I information respecting tho above Muiiurei, addrcaa either uf tho above houses. "JOCRNAL OF THE FARM," A New Monthly Agricultural Paper, published by BAl'Gll A SONS, PlULAiJELPllIA. Ita deicn is to preacnt a full rai.gcpf Ari.-ullnra and llorlieiillural intelligence ; artieKa upon the I'racicit! en I ricion''ic rehitionauf the subi- ot : and Mtaicenorul niui is to incuLiatu a populur svitcin of I hili li:i:iHi'j. Tbc clniii.sof BAl'GH'8 COMMERCIAL MANTKKS, are urzed in an honest and f pen wny, tu' not urged to the cxoluion ot any other valuable nuinui iul nid to the farmer which the ufnikcis ur Lntne retourcee afioni. All I'nrinors will find it. we think, fully worth (ill it coft. in the pr.ielicitl HifreMi"tis it pr'ct nts, mid the ircncr.ll reader will meet a thine ol Solid enter taii'iiioiit. I'lice, 10 ctuts per year. AMn-s. 1JA1011 A fi'J.N,?. Philadelphia. fold by- SMITH AGLXTllEU, unburv. Jan. 2;. HM. au'7-lv 7Zb ( iK'Htuut r-iti-' , i!.l3iiae'Iil:t;i, Are the best in Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: They are more simple an 1 durable, easier kept hi order, make a nroiicr and more closlio stitch, a firmer aud more hcn'itilul sc -tu than a,y ether The ew all fabriftj 1'iom two eon.uion spools, re ! ijulre i.o re-winding of thread, f.i'ten both end.-, f . ttie seam by their own operation, an I thcUt;h every I fifth stitch is cut the sctui not rip. 'fl ln? vry Xi-is!f, iUc('n).s r hc Legion of Honor was conferred on the reprc- ' sel.tittie of the A B7ASif.: rrj-- r- n ,.r. ut the Kxpnsiti in Vniverscllco, Paris, 1W7 ; thu, al:eotili? their great superiority ocr nil other t-eiv-iug uiacbibcs. GROVEi; A BAKEri'S xrv STVLF.S nuettm: x v it i i: tt For MHtiut'aciuruig, mo.:t u.lJciu uad cs.ci.tiul in. rev Cum blue uiciils. The alieiiiiou is requestcl of Tailors, Manufac turers of Hoi li nr.d Fboes, l.'airi. ijro T.ii.in.ii g, Clotliing au I all others ri'i ii. in tl. - use of tho toot ( fleC'vo ! L'U.K STITCH MAUUXr.-, To lhcc" now styles, which pos.ess unmistakahle ad i vanishes .ver all othcis. FOR SM.K PY Miss fJAROIs'NV. rAT.JT.'S Mai k Street. SCNliCRY, PENN'A., Nor. A 1-17 - ly T 111) GltE A T 1' II 1 Z K ! Ejricitini Union-nil,!, J'ur'n. li.7. 7UZ HOWE EZWIVG :.I4CIIIXJ3 CO ELI AS II'iVi:,.'n. Awarded over l.'igbl-two Coinpetitnr, 'Ine l!l:e.t Ii--i:iiiiiu, Tho Only Cross of tho Legion of Honor an 1 GOLO MEDAL giveu to Am kmc a n vviso M.v. hinkb. per Impe rial Decree, published iu the a.M..iii..eur Universal'1 (OQicittl Journal of the French Lmpire), Tuesday, j u uiy , i out , in iucsu viur.ii . tabriciiute ue Machines a cou- ) eXposaut Ma unut.ieiurer ot hewing Mi- J ellllles, feXIIIIUlor. This double, first honor is ariolucr pi.".f of the great superiority of uie HOWL .vEUlMi .M.V. CHINE overall o-kcis. ' AlilLEY A STOOPS, No. 3 South l'.i:lit nlttet, Pbiladeiphia. Agents for Penus.v Iv aui.i, Now J .jsey, Dvlauute and Wesiein Virginia. February 2, IMS cm EELLEItY&loilZ M HOLES ALE VT S fci) tti AND TRl 1 TtHEKS, r.o. 161 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Order promptly atteLdedlo. 1UB tLD EbTAbLlbliblJ IT1.M, J. J. RIC1IAUDSOX dc CO., 136 Mackkt Sraxcr, I'naiD'A , I the largust MaiiofwluriLg Coulee tiouera aud V Boleeale Doalera iu i'ruiu. Nut. Ac , iu the L ulled biates Mar.bT IS, -ly 3 , iiS : kilw kV jc Ai,ir Aijsa NEW GROCERY STORE, Vr. 3. & CO., Market BUeei, Six doom Kmi of Third street, north tide. STJXBCRY, PA, RESPECTFL'LLY inform ttiolr frlnda and the public, thai they have opened a JSTJEJW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to hav them eaM and examine their stock, whioh hap juat been opened, embrac ing everything in the Uroeery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Huaar. Syrups. Pplcea, C nned and Dried Fruit, Ron ns. Hominy, Cheese, Cracker, Bacon, linio, Fisb, Salt. Potatoes, eU)., together with Soup, Candles. Pcda Afl , and in fact averyUilng ttr the Grocery and Provision. Line FLOVR AND FKED, Queenaware. Willow-ware, Olassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ae. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. V. S FIRMAN A CO Sunlury, April K.18B7. 3BBY9GBlBa fSm All kinds of 6CU00L BOOKS, Slates. 1'ena, luk. Paper, Ac. Miscellaneous Books, a good assort Dieiit. A'.l the new uooka received n.ns'n as publi'hed, at-d tor salo at l'uo.islitra pric. 1 B(li,i., Player Books and llymn M Q Iiuvk, iii every aiyieoi oinuiug. Catbulio Prayer Rooks. F AM I I.Y blBLES in t nr.cus styles I'lt riONARILHofull si:ca. Joveniliuj and Toy Books, a large assortmvut to a o o M 01 H O w w t ta W H 4 09 P c w at cl a a to it;-nk IlookN d Blank iortns of all kinds. Foolscap. Legal Cup, Lettor and aoie i-aper. COPYING BOOKS, Inkstands Pen Racks, Filus, Paper, Cutters and counting House stationery generally rilOTOGRAPU ALBLJI3 and dear. cheap Gobi Pens and Holders. Pocket H.i.k- and Bill Wallets. Ptciure Kramea. btereoscopes and Views, American. Fri'iieh. Ac. Lrawing Paper, all Ies, Bristol Ronnl. Ac. liiarlea. Memorandum Books. Ao i Baekgamuiuii Boaids, Games, Chess uieu, Ao. ' Tovs a larjie and completn assortment it'.-e-tl.,lis and liais. Fibbing Rods and Tackle. I Perfumes, Bruhcminn and Parisian M.irb'.cs. Ao. ! Gold Pens re-pointed. ! Lamps, .ludes. Globes, Chimneys,' Ac J Wall Paper and Border, all kinds. ! Window Curtains. Pauer Gilt und Oiled. " ' Music mid Musical I nflri. merits. j Alt kinds of Books and Stationery not on ham! pro in pi IV ordered. All the Daily an I Weekly Papers and Maeai'ne. Aei tforlhe American Oraan." A. so for "Li, Rose's IIht Rettor-itive.'1 L'n'iniel of Atneiicu, and 'Na'.ional ,S;enm Navigation Cowpui.y Kuubury, Muy IS. I 17 TnH GREAT Tbe compticnt parts ef this remarkable preparation w.iv tl.st discuvvied, coiUKiuudcil and UutilUuUii, some tsfsnly years ato, t, Ot. CHBueaes, tba cele-b.-jud Laypiiun l'lieicuui. ThuusaiiUs ot Lia auflcr lug eouul. ymen weru rcslu.xd lo health, as wi ll as RrtJtt numlKos of tbe inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia, aud of tlicountiiwj curd .tin upon the Houtiiern cuast ci lue Alulileriaueuii bea. llo-.leeJ, the farce of tto oa spread ever muie, a. id was ailopted by tbe ;.miciiaJ Pbysicians in charge uf the bospiuls of Hie vld world, in which it is sUU used with nrecuiL ir.-I.t uccebS. The t'loaoy of r.j pt placed the name of ra. CuaoPaus upon the " Roll or robles,o and i t-e-BwlUiid to lura a Modal bcar.uic tbe foliosrina tnseup. tioa: " Du Clil'.i'.-L's U.e i ubi.e lJcn.')lCtol.,' Inis Bitten Is now offered to tbe public ol America witn the full assurance tbst it will Lie lounJ, upvn t fair trial, to ktt as as:if'c f. i- the cure of rh.iUrn, nvken.tr-, lltarrtinui, tholerai r'. nbli, Kivrr ami Aear, nlcxv itier, f ilieuiu.it Ism, Ty i.Jloicl l ever, Dyspepsia, ..i!r. l'ronelilils. onauiiitton, V Inlii. lenry, DlseaiPi .f tlic iKl.lueya. ftervuua iJ. liillly. U Female t uiulajita. H.-mirkahle cures of the aliove diseases liavr l-eea euL--.H"l by us use. asnumerouseerliOcate.. many f.ero regular pi.ysiciiins. fiilty attest; and it is destined to sas rs.-.l- any prciaratton cxtunt. As on agreeable Touic, and nn 1.VVIC0RATINO BEVERAGE, IT IMS NO EQUAL. Tors rut Zn'O.tlil HI TTEIl.l I Had Hill I, A3 W El. I. A3 U0DY, ISB SS A PltVCMIVC PtSRASE. IIA3 NO 81TEP.I0R. A TEW Wrirtr.8 TO- I iIHFS.-T!e vise of the Zl.Vti tl'.I IIITI'L Its will Klve U yoa tl-atinrt. Mini-" . ti-4.is.,stcut complciti, a wl u-.'i tl.e (. d ui natui. (it- aiaiue wftinan to Ih tbe loviliest of Us works) fully In e'-dtd That vou hiio-ibl l.ve-for It is nature's own K)vJ '. ard p tint combined. By purif inir the 1. lo.nl, i atiiuiibuiiiK tbe jit.,-me.ioi.-y cetts of the dermis, ! and iuips.rtii.x lieott i and l.fj tliroubout tie entire I sysm, esfit.iy (-i.e. c,i ,,oo ln eWaniea. a..d be iuiy 3 t1- ciniil,-::ion so inucb to bo d -satd i j niv .1:,? uil ra,irtiauss, blotcbss, freekles, piniile..ai,.1 i lb.it ellow. sickly look ronirnon In our day; and wl-at is even heM-r tt.au 'i4, it cures every specivsof felnsle i'ularities and ducaa i l'ULi.pul l'em.t, HaiTi-' urg, Ta, ! nAirnir. & nAuss, i Solu ruoruitTor.s. ! For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Dui.uury I eiit.sy Iviioia. August 3, I S7. Uv v'i t sii;x l'Tiit uvi:it i... 1 A Superb Stock of tine Gold t ud Silver Wuichei uii Warranted to Run. and tboiouglily Rcguluted, ut thu low .price of $10 each, and aatufactiou Guaranteed j ll)'J Soli Gol 1 Hunting Watches, $250 to JltWO I luu Maj;io Cased Isold Watches 2jD to out) lim i.jo lies' t alcbes, enaiuule.t. Km to j 2'IU tioli U'ing Chronometer Watches -it) lo Sou Sou Zil) 20 2m A.o is.ou iiuunng iugnso i.uvera aoii to liull Gold lluutuig Duplex VVaichcs lib to ecu tsuid ituuting Amciieau n atcbes 100 to oi l) Silvtr iitintiiii; Levers UU to I au ill.) Silver lluntinn Duplexes ol0 Gold Ladies' Watches Hun: Giil.i lluuliiig Li it.es loon Miscellaneous Silver W'atches l!oUd Hunting Silver U aietita 76 to It.u) III In iu tu 7 j 10 to lilt) 3a to 60 in lo Jj i.'-'O AiMjito 1 Walch.-s all kinds lbe ata.ve suea will be disposed of on tbe popu lar one (.rice plan, giving uveiy p.itrou a tiue Gold ur Solid Mitel Watch tor (10 without regard lo value ! Vv aiunr, Bno. A Co.. 1C1 Broadw.fy, New York, wish tu unmrdiiitely dispose of tbo aoovo uiagbifi oent stock. Certiliciies, naming the arliolis. are pluued in sealed envelopes, and well mixed Hold ers are entitled lo tbe urticlus named in their certi faiiie. upon payment ol Teu Di.llar, w heiher it be a watch worth $1 1)00 ur one worth lea, 'ibe reiuru of any ol our certiucilts inline, you to tbo aruelea Uaiued Ihoruuu, upon puyuinl,rretpkclive ot its I worth, und aa no arii.ilv valuo at liss I bun flu is nun, e l on any certificate, it will ai once be seen , that Ibis is no lottery, bat a straight forward legiii. mate trii"sai'lion, wl.icb may bo puiticipatcd in cveu by the most fastiili. us. A siogie eeiiilicalu will be sent by mail, post paid upon receipt ut 23 cents, five tor 1. eleven lor $2. thii ly-lhree and elegant prcu.iuni tor ti, sixty-six 1 and mure valnahlu i-iniuui lor l tl ; one hundred 1 and n.itupert w iteff.w l.a $li. 'ibe ajieuts onbose ! filing employment, this is a rare opporluuity. It I is a ieailiiuately conducted busiuesa, uulhorized by the Guverunieiit, aod open to the must c-treful aerti- tiny. W aichm sent by Expreaa. with bill fur eollio I lion on delivery an that no dissatisfaction yen possibly I occur. Tivus. Add'es. j U Rl j II T, BROTtlLR A CO., Iinpcrtei, ! 161 Broadway, New York. Alareo Zl IBH8. 3m . CAltriiSTEUS. WILLfind in our oslablishwent a auperior stock, of Plauea. bawe, Augera, UatukeU, Uauimera, Ftlos Chisels, Ao , Ac , fur sale by J. U C0NLEY A CO STONE WAttU. THE best and eheapeat assortment nf huoue Ware , in thebtate, just received ubd lor bale cheap at the Mauimmb Caeh Ntore if I U Y FRILIN TALL AND WraTTO MILLINER ST GOODS .Xm13 NOTI 1TS, Mia ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two door West of tho Port Offlo 8UNBURY, PENS'A, RE.SPECTKULLY Inform her friends and tho publio, that she ha just reiurned from the oity, where she has spent some time in makins- awlswtlona and purohaaeo. aod hat juat opened a largo stock ol MILLINERY CJOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Lace. Drew-Linings, Crinoline and Wi ana Skirling Lining. Uocp Skirts, Bugle Trim- uituga, e rapo iriinuiitigs, llat Crape, Cloak Bolton, wwi d.u,. ..opuyiv, A large assortment of Ladle and Gentlemen' Hosiery. A variety or BOOKS STATIONARY. DOLLS of all site. Alphabet P locks, Ao. iS'hc Hatters herself in beinir able to make a display that will five entire satisfaction to visitor, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Minbury, isuv. 2, Ib07. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEH, RESPECTFULLY Inform hi friends and eus- li tomers. that he has lust, oiieneu a suou ior .u. aianufaotiire of BOOTS A tillOES, on iijirucc seVtYf, Ut.reen fecoiut ttrtct and Centre Alley. Smihimj. wh- re all kinds of work In lie lino will be mad up in the latest style and iu the boat workmanlike man ner. . ... II .vii.f first class stock on nana ne natters nnnseii that he will be aide to suit the tastes of tho most fas tidious. The public are lnviteu to can JOHN W1LVER. Siinbury, Juno 1, 18117 THE GREAT CEjiTKfci Vf ATTRACTION, TST SUNBURY is on 3d street, opposite tbe MASONIC! 11 ALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PH0T00KAPH GALLERY, Hut l.tlK'lj lislllllillCtl, Mill ull (lie 3Ioderu IisiproTVinvntit oi lite Art t rpiIE subscriber, having built the room expressly 1 fur the purpose of Pkologrnphing, and havinj levoted many years 10 the business, is confident ut htaubiliiy toussure his patrons that tho wurk pro duced shall bo second lo none In country or oity. No wurk allowed to leave tho gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Ilaviiiu- the best sky liifht in the Ruiiiny. he is prepared to make P-iolographs in all kinds ol wcutiier. but would prefer a clear utiy tor small children. He is also prepared to take new sue, or cabinet caul Photographs. All kinds .t pictures eopied and magnified to any required size and colored beautifully in Oil nr Wuter colors nr India ink. We pay special attention to nil kinds of out door work, such us Landscape v ievts ol Monuments. Machinery, County Seata, Ac, n b.re lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand The public arc respectfully invited to call and see ..ur specimens und our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special tortus to lauiilios and ciubi. BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July IS, SI. C. .i:.lStllA.M'i Confectionery Toys and IF-FLTTIT STORE .viui-Ucl .N tree i, Mitnbiii'j-, lu. ONFKCTIONKUY OF All r'INDS, TOYS OF EVEKY DLSCIUI'TION Fit I TI Ac, etc., ( CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale nt the above . establishment at w holesale and tetail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetionaries in keep up a lull assortment which are sold at low ates. Tobacco, Sonars, Stationerv, Nuts ef all kinds, ana n variety r other articles, ull of wbuh art, ollaiod wholesale and retail. t,j,- Remember the name and place AX M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's StUl'U. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf Wistcr ii ml I "Ire I'roul' SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respectfully inform builders in this and adjuiiiitig counties that be is prepared tu in on Mato Roof in a superior manner. He furn-i-hes the celebrated Lehigh county Slale, which is liichcd in the u arket. tie warrants his work lo be lonibl.j and lire aud water proof. He invites tho in - ection ot tbe public tu tbe work be hasdone in -Sunbury on liaupt'a, Greenougb's and Haas' buildings, n,d on others at various places. His prices are as low us those of any other slater. Address, D. S. SMITH. .Sunbury. P. 0 , oronll at his residence in Upper Augusta twp. Jauuary 11, InCti. ly ii:b:ii's ioicr .it,iii: u'i.xi:, I's.4-1 by liuii-t'lMoi"t'eriiKr'S"lioiiis lor Chin-! or C'oiitmuulou PurpoHUH. AL80. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. V1XEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. Ni'Miit'N 1'oit i-(aiitAfia im:, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Win is mad from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised inlhuoouuLry. Its iuvaluablo 1'oulc A. Plrcullif ntn-; lroperltet Are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Being the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Specr'a uwu personal supervision, its purity and Heuuinencss are guaranteed. Tho youngest child may partake ut its generous qualities, and th weak est tuvalid may use it to advantage. It ia partiou ly beneficial uilb aged and debilitated, and suited P. tbo various ailments that afflict tbe weaker (ex. It is, in every respect. A WINE TO RE RELIED ON Invalids use SPEER'S PORT GRATE WINE. - Female use SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Weakly persons find a beuefil by Irs use. SPEERS WINES in hospital ar preferred to other wine. tf Sold by all Druinrlsls and Grocer. A SPEER S VINEYARD, New Jerey. Offic. ZH BROADWAY, New York. Tbe trade supplied by JohusoD, Holloway A Cow. den. and French, Richards A Co., in Philadelphia. For .al . by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oct. jo. ly. VVAI.I. I'AI'tUM, pAPEU HANGINGS! Ai iMMaxaa stock or W Li I'-A.IrwS, IKtW AND KLEOANT 8TTI.K 01t PAltLilst. HALL. ETC.. WHitl.KDALK AND MKTAIL HOWELL BOURSE'S, Corner of Fourth and Market istrooti, K'tttittacipuiu. March 28, '68 8m. JACOB 8HIPMAN. CIBB AND LITE INBI7RANCB AOENT. SUNBCRY, rENN'A. xratsi-iT Farmer Mutual Fir luauraaeo Co., York Pa., Cumberland Valley Mutual Proleotion Co., New Yurk Mutual Life, Guard Uf of Phil'a. 4 Hart fold Conn. General Aocideat. JtUBwaKAsf Ar osiweially Invited to eall and exaaiio our stuck of BUILDER'S HARDW AKhi, MSB prising Nail and Spike of all varieties. Butio. eL,r. Strap and T Hinge. Locks and Latches), Bulla. Plot- j term Truwala, Brick Truaela, Plastoror' SUvea, I Ae , A., f.r tol by ' J H CQVUY 4 CO Great 'Attraction, - at to NEW TIN -WARE, Sheet Iroaa m1 tT tr r SMITH & G IT THEE, Where they keep eonstantly on hand and tuanafao turo to order at snort notie. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all description. They would especially eall tho atleatioa of pur ehasers to their large and wall folottad (took of COOK AND PARLOa 8T0VE8. Tho subweribers hav mad arrangement to hav all their beat atovea made to order, and those who would hav good stove would do well to go and txamin their large and wall selected stock. First. They defy competition on lb following tried Brands of Coek Btuvee, vt (Jombtiinllon (sitts) llurmer. Cook Uovcrnor Penn-Cook, WABA8U AND IRONSIDES. and tbo well known Antiduat Cook btovt called BREAK'S ANTLDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves la treat variety em bracing ail tho beat manufactures aud most fashion. able design, unsurpassed for beauty of finish si in nil eity of arrangements combining ohuapnesa. durability and each stov warranted to perfurm what they arc re presenilis. Also, Tbc celebrated Baltimore Fir Plaeo Stove, for beating nrse, seonna and third atoriea by Register Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tb celebrated MORNING OL0RT. Coal Oil, Conl Oil Ijimps, Nhadri, 4'lsliHiiicN, and all artlclrs usually kent In an establishment of this kind. Thoy aroalao prepared to furnish Slat and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, tu do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Rang and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly ana oneapiy executed. Alo: "IfuitgH'a ltn.tr Hone SuperPlioiM ptiate." Remember the plaee. Sample and Sales Room nearly oppoaite Conly'a Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August li. 14611. ITjUW LAGffiPe BEEPw R BIKCVV CBA.TaV? IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. OKCa-S. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY Inform his friends and th public generally, that b has commenced the manufacture, and is now ready Iu furnish LAUEK KEEK AND AL3. oT a superior quality. Having procured the services of a first class brewer, be is enabled to sui ply Land lords. neaiauraniB aua private famines witn an ar ticle that is palatable, pure and healthy. urdurs are resuecituiiy solicited which, will re ceive prompt attention. C11AS. ITKEIs. Funbury, November 16. 1967. IRON, A largo assortment of tb beat manufac tured Bars. Hoop. Rand, Round and Pquaro Iron, Nail Rods, Coot Steel, Blister Steel, Drill tsteel, Horso Shoes, Horse Nails Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at C0NLEY A C0 8 JIIOICE FUUIT i 0 UN A. MENTAL St 2 iS 0 . BBNJ. BOHNUR, Dealer in Fruit aud Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other Mutes, first class TREES uf all kinds. Also. Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seed of all kinds. Order are respectfully solicited. Address BEN',1. B0IIXER, Puxiuos, North'd. Co. I tf' N. H. Insurances taken in soveral of tne most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Dotective bvu..in in int. ciniv. Juno b, 1867. y SEEING IS BELIEVING At 7U4 Arrh Klrr-t. NEW PKirESJ NEW GOODS Uich Silver and Silvcr-I'latcd Wares, Including every style and dusnriplion, made cxpready for the Winter trade, which for uealuesa and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S V huletale and Retail Manufacturing Establishments 70 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. I y Re-plating at short notice. Ieceinbcj 21. 1867 .aus27 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS ATT STATION EBy, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slate. Rocks. Hymn Books Bunk Books. Memorandum Eki Diaries, Pucka. Book. Ink Sunds. Pens, Percils. a fin aaaurtmeut of Paper. Ink, As. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. PURE LAGER BEER! I'oitxi-it ,si ah:. From tha Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOrsSFH Fi.CHE?v. RESPECTFULLY inform th publio generally that he is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, POKTEK AND ALL, nJarge or (mall quantities. His facilities for niak ug lieer canuol be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other oflered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also beeu recommended by jhysieians a a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurant aud private families supplied at abort notice. Bunbury.Sept 21, 1867. J. H. Conley Co., Market Ntreel, aOuntolilic Itaiiroad OUNBURV, IJ3NWA. DEALERS IN roiti:i(.. v A.ni:icA, Hardware & Cutlery. rpiIE attention of Mechanics, Farmer. Builder, X and Buyers generally is invited to th fact thul we we uow offering a better selected assortment uf HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever waa ottered in this marked at prioe much below Ihoao heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock oom prises all article in this I in of business, embracing a general assortment of tools aud mate rials used by CAUPEMERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGO.N MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC. together with a large stock uf Iroo, 6tl, Nails. Spikes. Rope, Chains. Grindstone, Mill and i Cut Saws, Ao., Ao. ..''-'' Suubury. Mareh M, 1167. - 21 otice to WtrchauU and bhipperi. rpiIK undersigned, proprietor of Weiaer A Friok's A Lin, give ooiioea lo marokant aud shippers that tb Depot tl still at ell Market street, Poila delpbia. and all Gauds directed to Sunbury. llaavill and Lewisburg, aud all iutei me.iiat stations along th railroad, will be promptly delivered. tV Cars leave hi I Market street, Philadelphia Ui-kly Tuesdays, Thursdays aod Saturday!. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor. Lewi.bug, J. II. BROWN, AgeB Suubury, Pa. PeoemberT. IrittT. 4'ltlldreu'a) Curritt(;vs. WE would eall tb aueotiua of tbueo waolinat a Child s Carriag. tu our new and lorg aasort maul ooui prising new aad beautiful siyle. J. U. CONLEY A CO Aerrlcttltsaral liuplciuealat, . H0K S Grain Rakea. Steel and Iroo Garden Rake, Luna aad D Uaodl Spadea, i hovels, Uauur and Hay Forks, Or as and Grain Scythe, Groin Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Iran, Breast, Tonga and Log Chains, Grind-stun ea, fanning Mill Seivus of all alio aod kinds. a large aaaurtaneot of Had Wagon Hernial, (or Plowing, Form Ball, Cultivator Toulk. for ! by V H. CONLEY CO. Mount Carmel Hotel UT. CABMEIo, Northumborland OoH Ftw, TU08. BURKET, Pbopkieto. Thi larg mu adkHS Uubtl kt iooated satr th depot of ill Shamokin Valley and th vtiokak New York Railroad. Train arrivo aad denart daily um ais w iwsisv mm ma oosivi ox ina i 1 sal it gioa and affords th bat aoowaiBudatijsM la Uvlj and permaiient oaatouer Jy w BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. BST.AIflLI.UUJ AM A iltFUtfSrB0M TBS ONLY PLACE WBERB A CVKB VAN BB OB TAJ H BD. rxl iM.lr KLfvrtiMl Uttmcity in Um Wtitid firH Pi- AfoUuiii f th Kidtwyi ami KtaiMrr, iitvl(Hwiiry li Iihikd, linfiotMrOy, Wvtiefal Debility NerfuiiiM, !) uimhi w tha Heart, I imikIiiv. I rciubintfra, UimMeaa uf MffM nr GiUdhtai, Uimm M the Mewl, 1 knmU N"M ur sin, nrctin nr mm uivar, i.mqrn, CHaimavn T Hwrw ihrm Tmm DitotdHiariving Ii-m UieOilftar) Htttiiu of Y'lft tiv-wwrfMatHiivtiiUiiy uraotioaa muf t laMI l( mnr VK'tims innn ina wm tn iyriit in ma rlatntr Ulyam. b Ighvint i Wit w$mt briHinm at 'pea ui aulicipaiiun! raiidariiig ntmwga. 4., unpuwiUi. FwpvialTr, w Hara hflfiw tKs vtotitnanf AoXtvry Viea, thai drantifiil and deatruutive hntitt whtf anuantly wecpa lo an a ..timely grava WxMimuMda of Yuiig Mn ui Uia at txa.UNl taWiila aiwl brilliant iiilrlluirl, wh nnbi otarrwiM have aiitianrd httetitug MtMintcia with thattiun deia uf atoqueifTf? nr wakud Iu acataty Ui hring lyr, mmf call witb full amifi-iVnce. Marriage MnrriH Persona ur Y nn Man ctmtf mplatina auiniaga, being aware if ihyicl weakutraa, mgajiMl debility, oe flUaUllla!. A l!MlllV mtti. Ue wIm placea hnntvlf arnJrf th eflra nf Dr. S. amy may re!igi"uviy etiifite in hi hmtw aa a grntleroan, aitd c nBdeuiijr riy nm niaucni aa a rniician. lmfTAtvdifitr4v Curat!, ami Fall Vianf Keatrired. Ttiia Dmtietfiiia Adeti-'ii winch reivdrf Life mieem- blf ami marring imraai(iie-Ha the penally pud uy t he Viciiuia nf iinnr'tprr UduliriH't-a I'ttiii pet ma are t.o artt' a -mtnit rmttiei fnun nut being aware ol the drvad fnl cntarantntoca that mar enane iiw, whit that aiuVef- aunde th auiijm will pn tenrt to druy that tha puwer of puK-rra inti ia Miat earner hy tiHiee faHing into nnroper hrtliita than by (he prurientaT HraiJt demg deprived ihm plraaureaof hralthy flpriiig,tht- in -at r:nnaiMd dealt ac tive ivmnlnnis tt bi-ih bdy and mind anae. Th tveifirm bepomra Drranted. the Fhysiml and Mctitnt Paiicttniia Wnketieit. Isaaf PTocreative power, NVrvoua Irrit -liii ty. Dvaprpaia, Palpitatioii of tde Hart, Iti'lifftetion, Cm Biitutimnl Uflnlny. a Waiting of the Frame, Congo, cnnmraptKin, uecay ana uuin, Olllc. ao. 7 Nouili Frederick WlrMt I .eft hand aide giiing frim Bnltirnre atreet, a fewdmna 'mm thcertrnrr. Fail nt toobarrve itnnie m1 mirnlier letteia rnuit he puid nnd oLtntaiuaatainp, The DnctorTa vipiotnan iia ig iu ma omce. A Curt Uurrunird In Two Day.. Mercury or Xautcout Drvgn, r. Jolinfton Member of the ftovfit CoHlecenf !uiaetMia. Lnndnn. Grad uma from tie of the newt eminent Coltpeii in the t inted tut;. Htid tl grMHier part "I wh"e hie hna been ant in lha a mtttln ot Loniton. pHtia. rhiiailelnhia and elae where, bhs rfft-ctrJ aome ol the in t aaioninhing rurea tluit wereever known ; mniiy tr 'uhled with iiiifriiifi in tbe nt-mi aim enra wnen aaieep great nerv ubiu tnMB amim ed al audden aonnda twnhfulnrM. with firfiuent btuahine;. attpiHlt-d aoineiimea wuhdcringi'inent f mind, wme cured uunieuiaieiy. Take I'arlicnlnr Police. Dr. J. addieaaea all ttvwe who bve injured themoelvea b improper mdu gen e and aoiliHry hutma, which ruin brill bdyHtid minil, uuhiiitig tbcui lor either buawetfa. aiiiiiy a-eiety or tiuirrmge. I HKaB are aome ol the and aod melunch"y elTei'ia pti durrd Ly eHitvtialMtaol youth vis: W Vakin-Moi the Hm lc Hint Liiuba, Priina in the lietd, loniitaa tignt, L aa of iMuacuLir P'vei, PnlpitnUon )' the ilcaru U)npepivt iNerV'-us Irntiilnlity, lJeiHiuenient of the Di Restive Kune tiuua, lieiieriil L)hility, ) tiipt -iiia of 0iiaumpti-ii, Ac. Mem tali v The I earful rflVt'ta on the nm id nre much to beUrentled Ioea o Mein ry. Coniueioii of Ide-ia, De preaiimi of pinu. Kvil-Koiflt Klingi, Av raioii t.iieiy, iHt-ii-Uutr'iiti, lve ui tiliiude, TmittJity, tke. are emue ol the evila produced. 'I'H'it iAND ol ferana of all aire, can now Judge what ia iue cuum) of their declining health, I mint their vigor, hcvoining weak, pale, netvouaand riuiriMiel, having a amgulnr appeoance about Uie evea, C ugb and aympunna of coiiauiiiiuoii. Who have injured the in set vm hva cerum practire ln)utg rd in when al uie, m .mint frrqufinl Irtinn-d irom rvil c mpanioim. or Hi ach-Mil. iln erTe'la of which me nnibtiy felt even when atleep, and if n t cdred teudni umiriugn impoamble. and deatroa bulb miudaiid biftly, bIhiuIU appiy immediute.ly. W.ihI a pity tlint a young mnn, the h pe of bta country, the d 11 iine o bit j mi rent, ahoultt 1e inalrlied irom ail pro perta and en)tiyinents of uie, by ilie conseijueiice of devia ting trom lite p:ilh of iiMiureand ini'iilying iu a rerlam aecrot habit, Such peri in mvt. belote couLeiiipUiLiiig .Marriage, fflect that a Bound mind mid b i are the moat necessary requisite to protuotrcniiuiUHl bappiiiei. InUt-ed withont U.eM the journey through hie Isecme a weary pilyntu age, the proptn-t houiM darken to the view; the in mil become ahadowed wuh despair bikJ tilled wiih the nielmi rholy rrtUvuoii that the bHppnteaa uf another bucoincB blighted with otir ovvu IHM iiie r luiprudoiiro When the raiagunJed hihI imprudent Votary ol plenaure Curia thtit he h;i imhibett Uie eeita of thu ponful -li rouse, it ton often huppena llmt an ill. limed aensa of aham, 01 dread of ditcoverv. detera him from applying t tho,e who, fimn eihienti 'i! und riapeM.ib htv. nn alone lief' tend him deUviug till the eoutilutiual inpt' in f tlria h md tbsettae HMtve their appeitrmire. such aa ulcerated ie Ihronl. (tiaVfinteil iioe. ti ciuth) imin in the N-nd and hiul. dnntieMof a:ght. dtifntaa, tnkle on thehin bonce umi mill, hl 'tclif on the hrtttl. fHr-eand eaiieimlii a, pi- grra' ine with IrUiJitful tapidity. till at Lint the p-ihte ol the moulh or the b-'iiea f tha iioae full in, ami the victim of Ihiaawfnl diveaae bee Hues a hrtt4tolijeet f comunseiu lion, til) itedih puts a period t'i hi dreadful m.lTV-rit.e, hy aeinlins; him to "that Undiscovered Country fnun wueina no traveller letutna V It ia h meluneh 'ly fact thut f hiiBnnrtx ftitl victims I this teinhle ilineinse. owing to th- uin.kiili'uines "f iguomut pretender, who, by the use of th it led!y Poison. li. cury." rum tho cou'iitutinii and uiake tha icai luc ot nic iiuacrable. (XlrnnutTH Tmrt n t Tour live, or health, to the eare r.f the rnnnv UnleHrned ami Worthies Pretenders .destitute of knwl edce, unine of chirtrter. who cop v Ur Johuaton's ndver. ti-meni. or style ihemseivea in the uewaptipeia. reculHily Krfiicated P.iysiriana, iueapnbte of Curine. they keep you trifling month after m nith tiikiug their fiHhr mid poi.MinB compounds, nr aa liig a the siualeai fee ran le olmiuied, and in despair, leive you wuh luiuetl health to aigh over you l fritting dtmppniiitrnent Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. HiBererientint or diplomas 1 1 ways run? in Ina olfie. Ui rem idie or trentmeut are unknown b all others, prepared from a hfepeut in the great hitspitala nf Kure. the first in thia roiinrv and a m re ext"S've "Private Proetiew" than any other Physieinu in tbe wnld. litois.onictit Ilie lrMat. The mm it th'Mtsauds rnredat this inti'iitim veto after year, and the numerous important Singtfnl tliefiitnii ptr( rtm'ri br Dr. J .hr.sr u. witueel hv the repirtrs of tne 'Pun." "ClipiH-r,1 nnd mmv other tni-ra. i.ot "e f wh'eh hnve appnred Hitan nr nguni lie tore the pnh'ie, h'de hi st and itte ti geni lernMii of chitfT'r mid re sjmi.srt ility, is n snifineiii gmrsntee t thnafflirtfd. Kin BVsUrnse NjM-H-iHIv 'nri1. PersHis writing rhotiM be ywit ifiilnr Tn directing their ettcrs tt his Instilution, in trie following maimer, John II. Jolinton, f, , Of the Bxttimoie loek lloapiml, balttrn T, Md. j i. i: rAisinvi:isi &, co., TEW BLEKb, o. OO'J 4 hfatnnt Mtreet PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer! and Importer! Of every description of First Class Goods belonging to th Buiincatof Goldsmith and 8i.'Trmlth. - Hare removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to b'aosoui Sireet, allurdiug aui(le room aud ouuveuiuut ouueasurius, giving opariuuily lur a proper uispl.iy ot gods, aud betlur mean, lor their axatuinaituu. With extensiv and favorable arrangements In this Country and in fcurop. w ar iu pusttion to offer at mod orate i 1LD prices. . W atobaa, Diamond, Hronxa & Marble Oo jda ,buver Ware. Jewelry. 1'oroelains, Plated Oood. Muaioal lioxaa, and every dosoription of FANCY ARTICLE8. Sirauger vi-iuug tha oity ar oordialiy lavtlcd lo xauitu our New bture. March T, loots ly. Lime I Lime I Lime I rpiiEnew Lime Kiln uf II. B. Massrr. at beliee X Grov Station, ar now oompleted audio suo easful operation, producing lim uf tb very bast quality. These kiln ar built witb all tb modern eunveninuce and improvements, and hav a capaci ty of producing uu bushel par day. txoellent ruad hav been tuad to th kiln, aol interfered wuh by th railroad, where wagon or sled eon be loaded in a few minutea from the eobutee, without baud ling. Haviug opened a large body of the beat limestone, at th mouth of th k ilna, they ar uabled to aell lime at tho low rate ef 1 1 eea ts per bushel. Tbe kiln ar ia charge of eotnpetaot per. on, who will always be prepared to supply out turner. Apply to II B. Maseer, Banbury, or to Chat. Danklebergor, or Cha. i . Cworad, al ike kilaa. DeoeiutMK 14, Ia7. UNION IIOTKI. CHAN. ITXi:i Preprieler. Ia Cak1 Additlc a to SUNBURY, ar tk Peaa'a. Railroad Cuinpany't Skop. 1'EE.MANENT ANDTRAJ.6Ii.NT BOARDERS, kept wiw will and aaunle aeoiiMiiaa-ia'iMM Wees) eouk and alum, aoaeXsr eaa aujoy Ike quits! evea surw ol bun wltk fare esjual to the beat km el . Hi Liquor are of the eheieea kiuda Suubury, June a, W tnaialptita fc Crii KatlrMA. Tbnmgh and direct ront lttee PHnadelptU. Baltimore, ilarrtaburar, Willia-BAfport, and tha Ureal ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS oa aH Night Train. fin mnA aft. Vf 1.. w t.i .. , v u.vuu., w . mui, idui, tn iram en tb Philadelphia Eri Bail Koad will ran as rbllow : WMTWAKO. Mail Traio leave Philadelphia, 11. is p m rsun bury, b.bo am rr. at fr. Illll n n. Eri Express leave Philadelphia. 13 ou noon ounuury .o p m arr at Erie B IS a ... Elinira Mail leave Philadelphia, b.UO a tu " " cunnurv iftpm " arrlr at Look Haven, 7.45 p ut Lastwad. Mail Traio leaves Erie 10 25 a tn " " Funbury, 1.1.5 am " arr. at I'liiliulaiohla. ft f . m Eri Exprea leaves Erie 4 25 p m Hun'.ury I 411 1 at arr. at Phtlna,.intila I mi m Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, f it) m euarsury. 10.2a a in arr. at Philadelphia. II In p m Mail anJ Express connoct with all tralcs on ar rn A rroi.kliu rtsilway. Passengers leaving Pbil adeiphia at IIOOM. arriv at Irvineton at 0.40 u ui, and Oil City at V.au a tn. Leaving Ptiiladclpuia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 4a p ni. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway niake oloa oonneclions at Oil Ci'y witb train, f r'r'tst.k lin and Petroleum Centr. UAGGAGE CiiCKKD TUKOUGU. ALrRED L. TVLER, Geii' ral Su rin ten lent. LackuM uunn A lMuuiilui ktuil rnl. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1W, Paengcr Train will run aa follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. 4 40 6 nil 8 17 H nil 10.15 6 20 f, o0 . ti :15 Leave Scranton, s oli 10 (10 7.10 8 20 " Kingsism, 6 65 11.20 " Unpen, V JO . " Danville, V i.4 Arr. North'd., 10 85 NOKTHWARD. 7. mi 7.40 M.IS A.M. Leave North'd., " Danville, " Rupert, " Kiugaton. Arr. at boronton, P. M. io io h .tn 2 50 9 Ii5 12 Oil 0c& 4 110 111.16 Trains loavinir Kingston at 8 30 A. SI. for ftcrin- ton.ootinnct wilh Train arriving at New Vorkst5.2n. Pascnii.rs laking Train houlh fn tr. Son niou at 5 50 A.AI. via lioithuiuiH'r'niid. re .eh llitrrisiiorg 12.30 P. M . Balliinore 5.. HI P. M., Wasbiiijt,m n.. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia nt 7 nil p m. U. A. FO.NDA.up't. Kingston, Jn 19. Isrt7. klouUiitt. ICiiilrioi'l. W INTER ARRANGEMENT. Kovrjmber E5th, 1SU7. GREAT TRUNK. LINE from the North ana Nonh-West for Philadelphia, New Voik. Head ing, Puttsville. 'Juina.iua. Ashlaii'l. Lebanon. Allcn tosin, Easton, Epbruta, Litis, Luncustcr. Culuuibia, Ac Aa. Trains loave Harrijburg for New-York, as fol low : At -Von. 5 25 und B III A ,M and -' l)J i.nd V :j f. M. cotiucctuiK witn sniiuar 1 rums on tbo t'enn sylvonia Utulroad, and arvmiifrat N'nw York ai 6.i0 10.15 and II 50 A. M. and 3 4ti, V tn IV M, gri p ing Cars acoi.ipiiiiyiiin thu ii.00 A. M and U..!5 P. Al. Trains, without chiinau. Leave llnrrifburg for Reading, I'ottpville. Tainn qua, Mtuvisv illc, Ahlniid. Pine Grove. Al'viiiown and Philadi lphia at b.lll A ii. and 2 I'i ami 4.IU P. M., slopping at Lobinoti and priliupn! way stations; the 4.li) p ui. making comuvtions for Philadelphia und Columbia only. l'"r i'ottpville, Schuylkill llsvi-n an. I Atiburu. via cbuylki,l and Susquehanna Railroad, kavo llantsbur at u.5 p in. Returniuj; Leave cv York at Mil a m . 12 00 Noon and 6 (10 and 8 I'U p. m.; Pkil.iilt'lpbiu at 8 lj a. ui. ami .".oil p. In. Way Passviigrr Train U-nvis Philadelphia at 7.. 10 a. in., r Pu lling f.ma Reading at tt.3u p. ui. stopping at all htalions ; Pottsville at 8 45 a. in. and 2 45 p. ui: Aslilaud ti.00 a.iu.an.l 12 -19 aud 2 011 p.m.; 'li,ii:iiUU at oi) a m. uLd 1 00 an 1 8 45 j, mi. Leave I ou viMe for Harrirburg via SVI.uvlkili and rtust(uehaii!ia Uuitrotdat 7 10 a. in. an.l 12. no noon. Ro.iding Accommodation Train leaves Heading nt 7.30 A. Al. returning front 1 biladciphia ut 4.00 P. M. Columbia Railroml Truiuc leave Sca ling at 7 01 A. W.. and t 1j P.M. for Ephrata. Litir.. Lancas ter. Coluuibia. Ac. On Kuudnys . Leave New Y ork at 8 00 r. in., Phila delphia H.Ob A. M., aim ,1.1 i' M. too R no a ui. train running only fallen ling. Potisviile 8ui'am , llarrisburg, .' am. and 4.10 nn l y.'vS p m. and lleudiug al 1 til) and 7 15 a in, lor Harri.-ln.ig. and 7.00 a. tu. an. I 11.40 p tu. lor Sv York. 4 J5 p tn. for Philadelphia Commutation, Mileage. e:unn. rehool and Ex cursion Tickets, at rcduoid rates tu and from ui I points. Ri'ggagc checked through : 100 Pounds Brggug.i allowed each Puascniier. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent- U0LESALi: AM) ULTAIL DEALER in every variety uf ANTHRACITK (' 0 A I, Uppar Wharf, SUN BTIltV, Peuo'n. Or.iers s-.licitcd and tilled witn promptness aud despatch. Sunbury, May 12. IS'l'). y COAL! COAL!!" COAL!!! Ca-JitsTT As H OTH.bx-t, Kliiitisvi'it .V liolf-.ale .V rtt'ttiil a4-n!fi's in AVIIl'S 2: Kt.k A!II (O IL, iu every variety. Sole Agents, nostuarl, of tbe Celebrated Henry Clay C..1 I.t vvtii Wivvr-c. Slsbi HT, Vjl. 8uii!-uty. ouu 13, l.'sii'.i. )00K 'BlMiKUY.' JOHfJ EX5TirfItWs North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., 1 Sprit, ned to liiud Rooks, Papers. Magazines .Music, Ao., in any style that tniy be dutircU, ut eheaper rateathou can bu dou in the cities. All Orders left at this Ctho, tsill receive prompt attent.no. uct. 19, V7 INtisilis, Ullt .Vf. A full stock i f Gils comprising Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Gil. and Lubiicating Oil for Engines aud Machinery, Varnishes. Gloas, always on huud. at love, priocaat CUN LEY CVS F ,"tOK Saddlers, we have Saddlo Trees, Kills, buck le. Giu iries. I'td Tree, lianas, all kind and very tuiug pertaining tu tbe busints-. for sile by J. U. CONLEY A CU. 038. IIOOI v Kilt I N. tits. WM, T. HOPKIN S "OWN MAKE" ua KEYSTONE SKIltTS." arc th best aud t'hrapes. Low t'riued II.vop Skirts iu the market. '1 rail Skirts, 2j springs. $1,011; 3u springs. 1 1. 2U ; and 40 springs. (I 4u. I'laiu knu It tapea. 2us.iii.ir, U'l couts; springs. kJC. nts; 30 springs. (115; and Jj spunks, f. .Zj Warnut d iu every irsuvot. -OurOtt N Make" of -UNION SKIRTS." Kiev en Tape Trails, tn.ru 20 to 50 sprunts. l i, io jti. I'laiu, Six Tpt. 2u tu 6.1 B.nng. lioui 95 Ceni.lo f I DO. Ire-e.-ltiri. are leti.r ibau ihie suid bv nitier ettabii-buiru's as B.sl oluasg.aKls, aud at uiuub lower prices. Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKI. TS.'' are in every way superior to all other Hia.p Skill before the publiu, an I uuly but to be ex ludoed or orn to eonvmoe every one ol ibe loci. MsiioUo tured f the beat liiieu-duisbe-l Itigliso Slot pnns very superior tapes. anJ lha lyle uf the ineialio lasteuings and uiauuer uf securing ibeiu surpuiss lur dursbiliiy aud excl'euce any uiber kirt in this I country, aod sue lighter u.oie elaslie, will a ear J longer, give uioreaaiislaciiou ami are really uhenper thau all otl.e-s. Every ludy si.oubi try :bem. liny ' are being sold extensively Ly Mcichai.ia through, ut . this and the adjoining aiaieal vary ui.i.tora.e ptioisi. If you ssai.l tu l-i, ask for lim km s Ch'.mpi.m Skirt." If you do not tlud them, get tb merchsut ( with whom yuu deal to uider them lor you. ur eome or send dirot lo us. Merchaule will "hud cur uif ferent grailes ul skirts exactly bl they need, and w especially inviiu thuiu tu ce'l aid rx-mnne our eiteusiv aaaorliueut, cr send fur M Bolesal Price List. Tube had at Retail' al Hanufaotury. and of th Retail Tivwl generally aud at Uholesaleof the Mauufoutu.er uuly, tu atom all orders should be address.!. , Manufactory and sALEt.Roo.M. Arch a. Betweea 6th and Tib Ma , Pbiia.t-!pt'-WM. T. HOPS INS. February W, Ibotj lOmos. Coachixiakers 1TTE era aallin Itims. (.pokes, H"' P"Kei V CaavaM, Bulla, Clips, Axia. A., very luw Large btuvk at coNter co. fiunbary, March it, 187 8I10EMAKEK3. THI W q..KUe of Bole E sklna, Muirioeo. Liuiag. L-. Tool of all kiud. and verv ? o" tor aol lw k ' "