' ' - . . . , . . . . " 1 WtLVUBTi'll. " ' b ri w H. B. Sliaui, i PubUahera, ,.-.. stou-jry, PA. 8ATURDAY, MAY 16, 1868. local affairs. A toc of Will hptr, Border ud Oar taint, ery obesp, at Llghtner A Zelglor't Book Store, Thi plaoe to boy Booki, Stationery, c, ii at sue oia tuna or Llghtner Zaigler. NoTABT PtJILIC J.hn S. Bittenbender hu Un re-appolnted, by tho (Jovernor, Notary Pablia (or A I . . . - . oa&mosin, mil county . Thb Shimokla Furnace, which Was blown cut some weeks go for repairs, It again in bleat, and U now in lull operation. BAKKRDrrcr Coobt. The Rogitter of thli tit trior, J. M. WiMtllng, Esq., bold a court t the offioa r Hours. Rockefeller Rohrbaoh on Friday but. ' A bombbb of locomotive ODgtnei, intended for the union Paolfia Railroad, passed through thU plaoe ever the Phlle. A Brio Railroad, on Monday I art. Tan Northumberland Coonty National Bank, of bbamokin, baa declared a dividend of fonr per eent., clear of taiee, out of the profit for the last til months. . Dbad. John Holany, who wai injured at the late beller explosion, in Danville, died a few days ago. Tbii ia the fifth peraon who baa died from tho ffeota of the aeoldent.' AsoTHtR Fatal Accidikt. We learn that a man named Maoktey tvu killed on the Phils. A Erie Railroad, at Wataontown, on Lit Saturday, while engaged in ooopllng earl. He wai a resident of Look Haven. Osb of the firm of Moore A Dinioger is again in the eity purchasing goodatosupply their store. The large at ck purchased a short time slnoo is already exhausted. Henoe a new supply is necessary, which will be opened neat week. A New Train. An aooommodation train, be tween this plaoe and Uarrisburg, was put on the Northern Central Railroad, on Monday Int. It leaves Sunbury, daily, (except Sunday,) at 7 P. M., and arrives at Uarrisbnrg at 9.60 P. M. Public Sali or a Valoasli Lot Benjamin Hendricks, Esq., exeoutor of the estate of Clarinda Grant, deceased, will sell, on the 6th of Juno, the valuable lot on Aroh street, adjoining the residenoe or Tbos. D. Grant, Esq. It is one of the best build ing lots, for a private residence, in this place. In another oolumn will be found the advertise ment of Wm. M. Cairns, who has just opened a Queensware and Stone-Chinaware Store in Market street, this plaoe. Those wishing good ware at low prices will do well to oall on bim. Merchants from a distance are invited to examine bis stock, as bar gains ean be obtained by buying at wbolesalo. His assortment is general. EsTERrmsB R. K. The Ehamokin Herald says that work on tho extension of this road from the Greenbaok Colliery to its junction with tho Big J Mountain road at the Buck Ridge Colliery, was commenced on the 30th ult. The oontraotors, Messrs. King A Bradley, intend potting ona hun dred men on the work, and will push it tbrongh to completion by the first of August. Chang B of Scbboole. A new time table for passenger trains on the Phils. A Erie and Northern Central Railroads went into effect on Monday last. Trains now arrive and depart at this placo as fol lows: Arrive. Luave. Erie Mail, West, 6.U0 a. u. 6.05 a. at. Eliuira" " 4.10 p.m. 4.1S p. M. Erie Express. " 6 .SO 6.40 " Mail Train, East, 9 68 a.m. 10.82 a. u. Buffalo Ex., " 12.00 at. IJ 05 ' bun bury Accommodation, 7 00 P. at. Cbdbcbcr is NoRTnuuMRLAXD. Wo copy the following from the New York Observer, a religious journal : '-In tho town of Northumberland, Ta., which has only two thousand inhabitants, there are seven churches. Two of these are Presbyterian, the First being New School and the Second Old School. Xhe Presbyterian population is not more than six or eight hundred, and yet it is split into fragments wbioh are far from co-operating with one another. The pastorate of the First church has been vacant for six months." Tub Building Association The stockholders of the Sunbury Mutual Saving Fund and Building Association will meet at their new hall, second story of Masonio building, on Friday evening, May 22d, at 8 o'clock. By order of the Board of Directors. Tbe following is an extract from the minutes of the last stated meeting of tbe Board of Directors Resolved. That the dues to the Association must be paid on or before tbe regular monthly meeting of toe Association, before the sale ot money una oom- jiienocd, in default nf which tne noes will be en forced. Any of tbe Board of Directors are author ised to reoeipt for money. Coal in Cabxrom Towxsbip. Three mines of ex cellent anthracite coal bave been found on the south side of Mahanoy Mountain, in Cameron township, about one mile east of C. B. Boyer's Hotel. This Is about ten miles west of Ashland, and engineers are sow engaged in locating a branch railroad to eon neat with the Mine Hill R. R. at Locust Dale. The veins developed are five, twelve and thirty-five feet thick respectively. Tbe twelve foot vein is red ash, and tho others an excellent quality of white asb. There is no doubt of there being oosl of equally aa good quality further west. These discoveries add greatly to the mineral wealth of our county. Ga zette. - Tan Northumberland Uridgb Compart. At a mooting of the stockholders of the Northumberland Bridge Company, held at Vankirk's Hotel, in Nor tbumberland, on Monday, 4tb Inst., tbe following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year : President John Taggart. Managers Amos E. Kapp, Wm. L. Dewart, Wm I. Greenough, Wm. T. Forsyth, Joseph Priestley, M. B. Priestley. Secretary and Treasurer Wm. T. Forsyth At a meeting of the Managers of the Company, at the same time and place, after long deliberation it was resolved to entirely abolish the old contract system. Ueoee no diminution of tolls will bo al lowed to any one using the bridges during the cur rent year Abbists On Wednesday of last week a man Hamad Lewi, tiunii. a Snaniard. wu arraited hv constable Purse), of this plaoe, on complaint of A. v- nooo.es, or fiortnumoeriaaa, onargea wiin attempting to sub bim. He was taken before Jut ai. KhindaJ. who aommitted bits, hut h. aiiha. quently obtained bail for bit appearance at August term of oourt. ' On Friday of last week John Polaa was arrested by deteouve James Melloy for breaking into a freight car on the Northern Central Railroad, and stealing four bundles of bay forks and a trunk top posed to eon tain books. Tbe stolen property was recovered. He was committed, la default of f 500 ball, by Justice Fbindel. On the same day detective Melloy arrested a men samed Leonard Dimmiek, who eras charged with having, on tbe 5th inst., broken into a freight oar on the Northern Central road.' II was committed by Justice Skiodel. in default of 1500 ball. i. George Qlipbaot was also arrested t the same dsy, by constable Fursol, obarged by Dlmmiek with being an aoeomplioa In tbe robbery of the freight oar. He wu taken before Justice Bbiodol, who committed bin, being unable to get bell to too -ensue n of (500. The prisoners did not obtain any. ibipg by breaking into the car. it being loaded with shingles. Dtuimick was out of the parties arrested (oat tig eiaoe for stealing a barrel of porter I roes ,1. WMtiin? aataMIshmsctof F. Rota, ia Cske't ad- Ut(ue, OUphant, who if saliva of jthU place, it I, I I U old offetder,. having y eeenuy aerveo. a wm ia the aetorn reoUeatltxy. RBMoAi.o',t. Darptr1CoU.ifcTor"br Noa tncBMRLABO Coortt. Colt A. T.-Bital, of Wat aontown, who bat been Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for this coonty for the past two years; hu been removed by the District Colleotor, Charles H Sbriner, and Mr. Haute, until recently one 6f tie publishers of the MUBlnburg Telegraph, appointed In bit place. Mr. Bitel has been a faithful, atten live And obliging offlotf , and our ottlienf will regret fail removal, - We presume, of course, that the cause of this aotloh on the 'part bf Mr. Bhrlner was the wall known devotion of Mr, Bltel to the cause of Republicanism, and who; although an offloe bolder nder Johnson, hat alwayt been true to the prlnol- plesof the Union party. The Miltonian, of Friday last, notioei his removal as follows : ' . V' "We bave lust learned that Cot. A. T. BIset. Deputy Colleotor of Internal 'Revenue for this county, bat bsen removed by Collector Shrlner, and a gentleman from Union oounty appointed In hit iieaa, ana inis, too, alter u waa announoea inaunr. Bltel would eolleot the taxes as usual. No cause it give for this strange prooeedur and his removal, under the oircumstaooee, it not only aa-lnaalt to a faithfal publlo officer, bttt an injury to his reputation as a man. Maj. Shriner waa appointed Colleotor under the Adminiitr. tlnn of President Lincoln, and after he had been rejected by the apublioans of Lycoming, Unioa and Snyder counties tor oiate Benator. lie was not enuuea 10 me puBiuoa uv when aeleeted had the stench of Democracy rank and strong upon hit garments. Hi appointment was a oiuiraer, a oiuoaor weunwu kurvugu sonal piqae and spite a blunder that waa worse than a polltieai crime. .- The Kepublioaa party, to day, hat no bitterer, nor more malignant foe than maj. vhu M. Banner; to d suspeeieo or noia iaa fullowihln with the nart that cut him In dace. and feeds him, is an olfenoe punished with instant removal from omoe." Damns Robsirt. On Monday, the 27th ult., two mta called at the hotel of Mr. Solomon Mengit, on the rivor below the out-let looks, In Muney Creek township, during the absence of Mr. Mengis, and after oalling for drinks, obe of them offered a bill In payment, and while Mrs. Mengis Was In the act of making the ohange, he struok her npon the side of the head with a billy, knocking ber insensible upon the floor, and then robbed ber of a pocket book containing about $170.' The scoundrels then made their escape into the Muncy Hills. Mr. Mengit coming home and learning the facts at once quietly set about to ferret Out the gutlty partlea. On Thurs day evening last he visited Turbutvllle, Northum berland oounty, for that purpose, and met a man whom from the description given him by bis wife he believed to be one of the men. On Friday morning he had him arrested and brought before Justice Painter, of this Borough, where ho was iden tified by Mrs Mengis, and Mr. Hugh MoCabe, the latter having teen tbe men take tbe road leading Into the Muncy Hills, after the robbery, but at the time did not know what bad been done. His name is Brooch, and he resides at or near Turbutvllle. He was oommltted to jail at Williamsport, in default of bail. The other man Is still at large. Muney Luminary. - (Jcod Tbmplari. The following ofBoers of Unity Temple of Honor, No. 79, of Mt. Carmel, bave been elected to sorve for the term commencing May 1st, lb88, and ending with October, 18fl8 : W. C. T., Heieklah Floyd ; W. V. T., Jos. Ramsay ; W. R., Daniel D. Bollob ; W. A. K , Geo. A. Helper ; W. Tr., Edward B. Sllllwagner; W. T. R., Jeokin Evans; W. U., C. W. Ramsay ; W. D. U., James Richardson; W. Q., Jonathan Kelst ; W. 8., Thos. U. John ; W. Chap., Rev. Moses Harvey. The Good Templars of Milton Installed the follow ing offiaers on Monday evening, 4th inst : Rev. S. W. Kirby, W. C. T. ; A. Cadwallader, P. W. C. X. ; Kate Cadwallader, W. V. T. ; Thomas Mer vine, W. C ; R. M. Longmora, W. S. ; Celestla Seidel, W. A. 8. ; John Caldwell, W. X ; D. Holler, W. F. 8. ; W. P. Hull, W. M. ; Belle Seidel, W. D. M. ; Annie Rhawn, W. 1. G. ; Milton Kerr, W. O. G.J Myra Reed, R. 11 S. ; Annie Angstadt, L. 11. 8. L. M. Morton was eleoted Lodge Deputy for the ensuing yosr. Tax Strieb at Dahvillx. The Danville Avie rtranaays: On Saturday last the Furnaoemen at the Pennsylvania Iron Works notified tbe Manager, Mr. Dan Morgan, that they must have an advance of wages. eVhey were informed that on answer would be givon on Monday morning. Accordingly on Monday morning they were informed that a cer tain advance would bo made. This did not satisfy them, and they at once left the Furnaces, without, as usual, blowing them out. Of course, to save the immense expense and loss of a chill, tbe Furnaeee bad to be drowned out, which also involves a heavy loss. The mill hands are also threatened by pla cards and raids in disguise, to cease working. - Tub Statb Militia. Under a misapprehension of tbe facts it has been stated that the bill for tho reorganization of tbe militia of Pennsylvania passed tbe Legislature and was signed by tho Governor. Tbe bill failed in the Senate at the very last mo ment, notwithstanding its passage was earnestly de sired by Gov. Geary, as in bis judgment it was a measure entirely calculated to place tbe militia of Pennsylvania on a footing aa near as possible to that occupied by the military foroos of other States. As tbe facu now exist, it is shown that in this particu lar Pennsylvania is far behind tbe other States in armament, equipment and aggregate of militia'. We spend leu money now, and have always appro priated less than any of the other States, for such purposes. Heavy Salb or Rcal Estatb in Sntdir Co. The real estate of Jacob Beaver, deceased, and George Peffer, situate near Beavertown, Snyder county, cas sold at public tale on tbe 30th ult., for tbe turn of $42,421 28. One tract, containing 173 aorea, was sold to George Dreete at $125 10 per acre, without buildings. The other tract was sold to Michael Beaver at $91 25 per acre. This is tho largest tale made in Snyder oounty eince its organi sation. Tbb aitisens of Danville bave tak.n stops toward the introduction of water in that plaoe. A meeting was held on Monday evening of last woek, and a permanent organisation ef a water company effeoled by tbe election of Thomas Beaver, President ; I. X. Grier, Secretary, and David Clark, Treasurer. Managers and several committees were appointed, and tbe enterprise now bids fair to be a suceess. A bill passed tbe lata Legislature tnakiug im portant changes in the fees allowed to oounty offi cers, including Sheriffs, Registers, Reoorders, Pro thonotariee, Clerks of tbe Courts, Justices of the Peace and Constables. T be fees, as a general thing, are materially increased by the new law. . ,. ; 1 ; V (For the American Hooir-Cleani.no Extraoroibabt. In Centre Square, not a hundred miles from tbe Bataar Clo thing House, is an establishment employing some six or seven individuals four feminines, two genu and an errand-boy. The 'shebang," as tbe boys in the Union army used to style their "local habita tions," was. up to within a few weeks ago, tossy the least about it, very unoanny. It looked more like a 'blacksmith's shop in tbe house" than an emporium of fashion or a modern tailoring establishment. Even here in tbe good old borough of Sunbury, house oleaoing time, like Christmas, generally ooyes around unoe a year Thinking, perhaps, that aa the boyt belonging to the N. C. R. R. would toon don their new and tastily gotten up uniforms, and that they might ra sort to this partiou'ar r-laoa to get some of their 1'fisinKS," our friends ooscludeJ to rejuvenate their dingy shop. Accordingly, armed with brooms, bu.aete, eerebbiDg-bmsaes, soap, soda, sand, o., tbe establishment employees tnade raid npon cob webs, dingy walls, tobaooo-etainad Door' and t'fly fretooed" vindoif panes, and, after a day's bard labor by seven willing (or unwilling) haada, tat hygenla and oblutionary tranelbrmation wee so great that tbe hands, next morning, on going to work, thought they bad got into "the wrong box," by mistake. The plaoe looked tuntum ! Tbe walls glittered with paper of a costly pattern ! Thse.il Ing was adorned witb'a Coat of pure white-wash, laid on heavily by an expert hand and with a -bran new" brush, the fioor eraa '-swabbed up" and nioslv I sanded, and tbe place looked 100 per cent bettor. Gentlemen of leisure, -friends, Ac, bearing of the I admirable Improvement, 'stepped 'round" to oon 1 wratnlato our friends of tbe afoVeeaid establishment, ' and great was the excitement at. the social and neighborly gathering. "So far, to good '." Be It fOBMOmooroq, aowwer, sua. wim rvivirvu tv. moat fans khs done in a a-reat Burr, "west book" on lie originators and finishers. The calling bat turned Ouui a aiUky white to a lively pnk hue ; the papering of the walls, like tbe "sear and yellow leaves1' of autumn, it shrivelling up ; tnd the floor hat fallen Into the error of its former ways a sad pietare or untidiness dusty and toiled so that an ahaenar would acarosl believe il to be the "gay I and. festive" looking cafe of ten days ego proof I wii.iai that In hAuaa-alaanlna at well at In more romtntio and common-place affairs, through haste and went of indfmeot, "leve't ltbcr" If, toe often, "L-at " r . BUSINESS BfTIOB8. . laoi;.rrIntlnir.Uvln;raoeived a large lupply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new ttytet, Pouters Handbills, Clreulart, Cards, Letter Heads, ' Bill Heads, labels', Ac1., can be printed la the latest ahoT pert rttlet, and on short notloe. Ordeney mall promptly -attended to . , , . f " ' - i a. c " ' .Tbb huiioml lultl mada by . F. Bhaafior, Mer chant Tailor, are attracting considerable attention. Bhaeffef It a firtt-olatt tailor and thoroughly under stands hit business. Hit reputation for making Well-fitting garments, together with hit extremely fow prloet, have scoured for hit establishment a good run of custom. . Every one should oall and tee hit new itook of goods, for spring and summer. . t.. i njl.,r. Tat realon why to many people from all parti of town, and from all parts of the country, past other placet where boots and shoes are kept, and go to Miller't Excelsior Store, In Market Bqdare, Is tot ceptlble of ciplanatlon--he keeps a full assortment, the people oaa get what they want, and cheaper than elsewhere, . Satisfactory reasons, certainly. "A TBiNd of beauty is a joy forever," It a aaylng as old as It Is true, and it applies exaotly to the beautiful new Bpring Hats just received Vy Faust, the fashionable Hatter, Market Square. Judging from the rapidity and extent of his sales, our oltl. tens appreciate the cheapness at which bit goods are disposed of.' - Rbmoval, The Photograph Gallery of Samuel Byerly has been removed to the building lately occupied by Dr. Reorv-three doors west of the Continental 431olbtlg Store. ., a.4Swa Bnr when end where you can buy obeaply. If you have need of now clothing, and with to get a good artlole, go to the Continental Clothing Bat'tr, Market 8qoare. It is the plaoe togetthe full value of your money. The spring goods are open to In spection and cannot be surpassed. Go and tee them. Dm You Srb ? Did you tee the fine assortment of cloths, oassinieres and vesting! at Beck't Mer chant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street? He has a fine variety to suit bit customers, and goods are made up at short notice, In the Very best manner, at prices astonishingly low. Call and ex amine bis goods. The style and prloe oannot fail to please. Coa's Cocaa Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Bothslies ordinary 4 gs., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers In medloines. No family should be over night without it in tbe house. Cob's- Dyspepsia Curb Will immediately ro- lieve and permanently oure tbe most aggravated oase of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els, rbysioiane, oiergymen ana an no use it, join in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists every where. Price $1. CO. Corrected Weekly for the "Am er loan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do anpared do Dried Apples, do $15 00 7 50 10 00 6 00 t 90 60 20 80 1 75 SO 20 15 3 00 45 20 25 22 25 20 14 13 18 60 Dried Cherries, (ucstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, fcggs. Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " from " Mutton, Chickens, per aoten, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Sbomokln Coal Trade. Sbamokin, May 12, I860. Tons. C'wK. Sent for week ending May 9, 12,0 i7 12 Per last Report, 121.726 00 1S3.703 12 137,781 12 4,018 00 To tame time last year, Decrease, Special Notices. Dbapkbsb. Blindness ano Catarrh treated with tbe utmost suooees by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable souroes in city and country oan be seen at bis office. - The Medical faculty are invited to acoom.any tneir patients, as he bas no secrets in bit practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out painNo charge for examination. nov.80-ly. To ConcasnptlveM. The Rav. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire It. the prescription with the directions for making and using tbesiiuple reme dy by which be was oured of a lung affection and ik.i .1 - I .1 : n .: II.'. . : utt uiwj uuvmg vuuauu, p, iuu. V" VU,J uujevi 1 to benefit the afflicted, and be hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, any may prove a blowing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. myl-'671y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. 0 NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' old established 01; piuce CLOTHING HOUSE, UO market Ntrcel, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. , For many years this Establishment bas done bnsi ness on tbe One Price bys-em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly adheres to this prinoipla. . We bave earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select good stylet and substantial materials, and not less important, for having all our goods , - i:vritA w:i,l, jmdi;. ' We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain to that all tastes can be suited. - Tbe prices are the very lowest, as any one by a moment t thought mutt tee, or otherwise we eould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are evor made, we must put our prioes down to the advantages we promise. Tbe people may depend, this is the true plan npon wbioh to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind 1 Jones' one pbice clothing house, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on tbe Corner, but one door above Sixth. K. . MAIZE, MalesjmaB.. April 4, 1868. ly coi.4jJ.iti-: sv to's, GERMAN ERASIVE S04P is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For tale by all Grocers. May 18, iao7.ly. , llrrori ef Voulb, A genUemas who Buffered for yean from Nervous Debility,. Premature Decay, and all the cffeoU of youthful indiscretion, will, for the take ef tuflericg humanity, aead free to all who need It, the recipe end directiont for making tbe simple remedy by ivuiuu nv waa um vuuor.re wuuung V3 prons ey the advertiser's experieaoe. osu da so by addressing. In perfect eonadenoe. y ta -er.iy 42 Cedar Street, M. V. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED FOB DANA'S -l ACTBORUIp ARD AUTBXRT10 Life of V'lTstl U. Uraut Va Comprising a complete and accurate history of hit eventiui ana interesting career, witn aa authentic narrative of bis invaluable military servioes, adding also aa Impartial estimate of bis character as a Man, a Soldier, and titausmas.. . By Hon. Charles A. Dana, late Assistant Secretary of War. Tbe Spring laid Republican says : "Dana't Life of Grant It lure to bt the most tuthentio and best Life of Grant published." For particulars, apply to or address GURDON BILL CO., Springfield, Mass., or W. D MTft 8,41 Mtidsi taut, N'Y eplJT-et A TREMENDOUS NEW GOODS, OP ALL THE LATEST STYLES, AND REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED AT THACHER'S FIRST NATIONAL Boot, Shoe & Trunk Store, IN PLEASANTS BUILDING, MARKET SQUARE, S XT 1ST 13 XT iFtr, JPJ. Sunbury, May 2, 1otS3. 2t NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I On Third St., one door below the Lutheran Church, SUNBURY, PENN'A. HENRY lET33i3, Has Just oponcd a large assortment of DRY GOODS, such at Calicoes, Dolainvi, Muslins, Ac, Ac. QKOCEBIE a and PROVISIONS of all kinds, such at bt'OAUS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Kaisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery lino. Hams, Fub, Conl.Oil, Crockery-ware, Queemwuro Glass-ware, Willow-ware, Ac The best FLOUR and MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at tbe lowed prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. 3rCall and examine my Stock, and satisfy your elves. " . HENRY PETERS. Sunbury, April 25, 1887; SPHING FASHIONS IN isAiiiiiLiiNrEiRr'. Miss LOUISA 6HISSLEH. THt popular Millinery, south sido of Market Bquare, ounbury, is desirous of calling the attention ot tbe publio and trado to her unique and handsome assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCDS. lust opened... On hand and made to order, are the latest and most superb styles of Ilrldal, HI oil ruin iiss1 Dretisi Uon " netis sand Huts. - Also, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Veils, Collars, io. Gentlemen's Goods, such as Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Neck-ties, Brushes and goods lor the toilot. Also, a fine assortmont of Pcrfumory, and all goods usually kept in a well furnished eslubluhment. A oall is only required tobeoout inced. N. B. Special attention is directed to a fine lot of Ladies' Dress Cans and Head Dresses. LOUISA SU1SSLER. April IS, 186b . SUNBURY FOUND RV7" GHO. KOIIItH.lCII fc KU, ARE now carrying on business at their enlarged and improved Foundry with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furuiihod to order. The Stoves manufactued at this Foundry have acquired tbe highest reputation. Particular attontiou paid to MILL CASTINGS. Farmort should not forget that the PLOWS made at tbe Sunbury Foundry have ucver been oquallod. Agricultural iuiplouiems repaired at short notioe. Small eastiugt. inoluding Cooking utensils, of the niot improved and must useful paitoros. The bualneea will be conduoted on an enlarged scale. Old oustomers will be accommodated as usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 3, 1868. HOOTS A.I NIIOF.K. J. C, 8YLVIS, WITH II. G. THACHEU, Manufacturer of ' TRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF lot, Khoesi and (iaitvrs, Pleasants' Building, Market Square, - SUNBURY, FA. , Ladies' Boots, Shoos and Gaiters of all description made to order on the shorten notice and most rea sonabl terms. Having tbe btst workmen employed we can assure tbe public that, if they will give us a call, they will be satisfied of tbe above facts. RE PAIRING neatly done with ditpatoh. If your corns do hurt your feet, . Just oall and leave your measure, . : And we will make your Shoes or Boots, - That you will oall a treasure. March 28, 'M ly. ; - Hi:iirit oil, iiiu. THE subscribers baviug just erected and put iu operation a Mill for the manufacture of ' LINBEED OIL, -offer the highest market price for FLAX SEED. Thev have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Milt, apd farmers and otheta wanting grata chopped for' feeding, oan be ecoominodatea at tbe tbortett notice. A inaxbiue for chopping coru with tbt cob It attached to tho mill. MORGAN A MASSER. January K. 1848 ly - . A LARGE supply of Wall Paper and Dorder, Just received and fur tale cheap, at the Mlmmotb etore of B Y FKILINO AcriJ t, IMS P. H, MOORE, - " D. C, mMIROER. New I'Irm! A'ew ttort New It oom! - - and an ENTIRE NEW 8T0CK OP GOODS I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! MOORE fc D18S1NUEB, ' Have Just opined a carefully teleeM ttoek of NEW GOODS, in . Hauprs ievr Iron Front. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PENN'A Consisting of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, and a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AMD faadaesi Ikreasj Ootsdai, Callooes, Muslins, Flsnnelt, Table Linens Toweling, Cheeks, Ticking, Counlerpates, Cassimeres, Vestings, Yarns, Skirta, Neok Ties, CuOS, Collars llandkerohiefs, Hoso, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. We invite special attention to the quality of our Stook of GUOCIvBIKN A 8PICI3R, RIO and JAVA COFFEE, TKA3, SUGARS, MOLASSKS. SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEGAR, Ac, Ac Compbell't Celebrated FLOUR, alwayt on hand. We feel oonBdont tbnt cash buyen will Bod it to tbeir advantage to give ut a oall. and oustomers generally are invited to oall and examine our goods and got posted on our prices. By strict attention to tbe watita of our customers and luir dealing we hope to merit a full there of tho publio patronage. COUNTRY VRODUCE of all kinds taken in ex ohango for goods, for which tho highc.t price will MOORE A DISSINGKR. Sunbury, April 11, 'M J. W. Bl'fcVKHHON, A. N. Bhice. ATTRACTION" AT UAUPT'8 NEW IRON FRONT II STEVENSON & RRICE, IT AVbopeneu up a new ana aeslrable stock of Goods in Haunt's New Builiiue. consiatina in American Wali'hfs, GOLD WATCHES, BOOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVER-WARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Wnro, Cutlery, Pictures, Lonking Glasscs, &c &c, &c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim will be to please and satisfy all whocnll. S1EVENSON ABRICE. Sunbury, April 18, 1888 3m L U'lisT STIXJUS UF SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, 1Iimsi f (alosiblYr, begs leave to an nounce to tbo Ladiosof Sunbury and vioinily, that she has just opened a large and varied stock of MILLINERY GOODS, The latest New York and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellont assortment of Fashionable Em broideries, Ediringfl. Laces. Woolen Cuds. Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of x snoy iNotions, stamped Aluslin, Corsets, Perfume ries, fco'ipe, Lilly White, Kuaincl of America, Sta tionery, Ac, Ac. Call and oxauiiuo fur yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 11 1948. 1868. SPRING OPENING. 1868. EVICT. At LAHDELL, FOURTH AND AUC11 STREETS, PlilLAl'EL'A. NEW BPRING SILKS. M'W STYLE SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. STEEL AND PEARL POPLINS. E. A L. always keep the BEST BLACK SILKS. N. B. Nt Cash Buyers will find It to their in tarsal to oall, ut Bargains from Auction are daily rccoived. mar21-6t. THE GREAT AXE111CAX VOMBINA TION IliUtou Hole Ort-i-oumliijf Its Wonderful Popularity Cncclusire Proof of its Great Merit. The inorease in tho demand for this valuablo ma chine has been TEN FOLD during the last seven months of its first year boforo tbe public. This grand and surprising sucoe?s is unpreoedenU ed in the buttery of sewing-machines, and w e teel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best I AUtLY UACIll.-Vi: IN THE WORLD, An.l Intrinsically the Cheapest. It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both tbe Shuttlaor Lock -stitch, and tbe Over teaming and Button-bole stitch, with equal facility and perfection, It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such as. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Stitching, Biuidingand Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (d.-no ut tbe same time,) and in addition, Oversoauis, tinbroiderson tbe edge and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-boles In all fabrios. Every Machine is warrantod by tbe Company, or IU Agents, to givo entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on Ibis Machine, can be had on applica tion at tbe Salesrooms of THU AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions givon ou the Machine at Ibo rooms of tho Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FKED'K PAXSON, Presideul. W. B. Mhndeniiai.i., Trimmer. Aprils, 1B08. lyjjan. 2o, AliiiIiiltrutor's !otlve, ESI ATE OF WILLIAM R. JONES, DEC'D. Notioe Is hereby given that letters of administra tion have been grauted to the undorsigned on the estate of William It. Jones, late of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland oounty. Pa. Ail persons indebted to said estato are requeued to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to present tuuiu,duly aulboulicaUtd. for settlement. PETER H. SNYDER, Administrator. (sunbury, April lXth lbt)S.-6t. FARM FOR RENT ! A FARM, containing about TO eort cleared land, with dwelling, Ac, situate in Sbamokin town ship, Northumberland county, ia ottered for rent on reasonable terms. For further particulars, apply at tbo Mcrcbaut Tailor bbup, of J. O. Beck, on Fourth street, Sunbury, Pa. Bunbury, April 11, 1888. KEEP WELL-DRESSED.' Call aiii edt the a oil selected Stock cf CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTING?, 4o Just received at MEIiCUANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Strcot, below Eyiter's Store, BU.MIURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved stylet it made up to order a reasonable rates - He bat alto a tne assortment of Cassimore rihlrls, Draweis, Undershirts, Overhauls, blouses, Neck, ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, ejuspouders, Hand kerchiefs, Gloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN 'd PlRNIcUlleiG GOODS, Give him a call, which you will Cod U le to your advantage. Sunbury, Oct 19,1867 SPRING 0PENINO. GREAT FALL IN PRICES t Buy tho MOST GC0DS. eftbe BEST GiTJ-A-IrflT-ST For the LEaST money. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK CASH SALES t II. V. sVUbXIAU, st the MAMMOTH STORE, market sqcark. 6UNBURY, PENN'A., Hat Just received ud opened th BEST SELECTED and TINES! ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. Flench Morit, Trints, ilusiliis, Ginghams, Caajimeret, Aj. Delaines and Araoures. Domestic Cottons, Bron and Bleached NOTIONS of all kinds. Hosiery, Gloves, Men's and Ladles Undergarment WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Builders will flad my Stock of Hardware, Palntw, Ollai, Caluaa, Ate, Complete. Drugs and Medicine, Willow and Cedarware, Qucon.ware, Glaiware, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, uiid lu fact everything utuully kept in a large 3 una Call and be convinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOODS is at The Mammoth Store. of X. 'V. 1'RILINQ, Tentttj Catab, 30 day , as my Goodt are bought tbf Cash and Bold Cheap for the KKDY MONEY. 1 give the trade the ad vantage of all reductlcui at fast as they are made by Manufaoturtrt. U Y FRILINO j fcuutury, April IS, 1 84 100 REWARD . Pui a medicine that will oure CCV0H9, INFLUENZA, TICKLING in lit THROAT, - WHOOPING COUOIt, ot relieve , CONSUMPTIVE OOUOHS, at ouick at COE'8 COUGB BAL8AMI. ovtR one million bottles have beso tM and nfl a tincle lostaiM of ill f.Air. vi known. We have, in oar notsestiun, sny qusulityof Cei tiflcaies, some of them from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have usrd it in Hi nr prnelioo, end given it the pre eminence over every other eompoand. , IT DOES NOT DRV UP A COUGH, bat LOOSENS iT, si es to enable th patient to expectorate freely. Two or Wm IsvaautLV Ctrs TK-tittu ill vwa TasoaT ! A hnlf bitile has often eompleletv cored the most Stub, born Couah. and v.t. ih.tueliii ia at aumand .Draflv In iie operation, It is perfectly harml.., beinu purely veBStahln, Itis veryeirenblrtrithe lnU; eud may be tdmuiislered lo ehildren of sny age. In eases of CROUP a s wlllsnarsnlM a cure, if take In NO. FAMILY SHOULD BR WITHOt T IT I It is within th. reaoh of ill, It being the cheapest and bee1 medieiiie extant. C. G, CLARK ft CO., Proprietor!, NEW HAVEN. CONN. ApriHt, 1E9.-Iy OOE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE! THIS GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES of the 8T O M A O H H Is the dlannvery of the invetitor of Coe'o valuable Cnurh HHlwm, while experimenting for hisown health. Itcured Cramp lu the f hhtihi Ii for nun which had before yielded to nothing butchlorurorm. The almost daily tratiinoiiy frurn various pans of the enuntry encourage os to believe there is no disease caused by a uiaordeieu stotuaca it will not speedily oure. Physicians endorse and Use it I Minister give testimony of Ha ofSoaoy. And from all directions we receive tid.os of cures par formed. DY3PEP3! A I It is tare to cure HEARTBURN ! One dose will cure. SICK-HEADACHE ! It ha. cured ir. hundieds sf cases HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS! It stops in thirty minutes. 1CIDITY OF THE STOMACH I It Correct at once RISE OF THE FOOD ! It stope Immediately DISTRESS AFTER EATING ! One d?ee will remove CHOLERA MORBUS 1 Rapidly yields to a few doeee. BAD BREATH! Will be changed with half a bottle. IT IS PEBPEOTLY HAEMLESS Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing to the fact that t Curca by Apulating Nature TO RF.-AS9ERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM ! Nearly every dealer In the United States sells It at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C Q. CLAEK & CO., rroprieton, SEW HAVES, coys. April 18, 188. ly. JS-ttxiiC?9a.ra'efvjaJ, O. M. Itfc.V-y, Dtnllst, Will remove bis Office to J. M. Simpson's Building, 2nd story, Market Square, WHERE be will be prepared to do all kindi of work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which he will be able to select, and meet tbe wants of his customers. All work warranted to give sat.Ef-icti-jo, or else the money refunded. Tbo very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-PortS era kept on band. His references arc the numerous patrons for whom Lu '.lit, rksl 'or ra !.ut twe'veye irs. Bunbury, March 21, leu3. Watchmaker & Jeweler, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBUhY.PA., Will remove bis Jewelry Store to Miller't Stone Building, oornor of iid and Market Square, ON FEBRUARY 1st, 1863, vshere be will be happy to receive hit old oustomers and the publio in general. Thankful for past favors, be solicits a oontinuance of the same, and he is de termined to sell as low as the lowest, and for quality , not to be surpassed by any goods in tbe tn&rket. A large assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jcxrelvy and Silver Ware, constantly on band, eonsistlo; of all kinds of Ameri can Watcbet, such at the Howard, Appleton, Traoy As Company, Tremont, Waitham, F. H. iiaxtlet, Wm. El lery, Iloiae and a uae assortment of ttwiaa Watches All kinds of 8 Day and 80 Hour Clock ! Silver tea totti, card and cake baskets, breakfast and dinner oajtors, Celery stands, syrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knivet and Forkt. Particular attention paid to tbt repair ing of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry and Musio Boxes. All work warranted. Feb. 8, 18SB. T0EEINGTON & H0DQKINS K, A. W BONE SUrER-PUOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within the past year greatly increased and improvul our facilities tor grinding Roues nod uiun ufacturing, wo are prepare! to furnish to Uio firm on of Pennsylvania a superior article of S is jse rvI'Uos, plus e. Our manufjoture hat been llioronphly Intel fie pant Kciuon by practical men "t our immeli"' noighborliood su 1 elsewhere, and in every case tb remit hu been entirely satisfactory. Our pruvu of pulverising, .hereby it is proar ed for and GUAR1UNTEED 10 PA3S TflROUUH ANY DRILL, obviates aa ubjcctijn Mch iitticat to aiatiy fer tilitcrs, and secured to the farmir a saving of mush valuable time. SOLD AT IRE MANUFACTORY, EA8T MARKET STREET, m .ui;ry, im:, and by our Agents throughout the country, iu Bags of 2U0 lbs. each, at $JU per Xoa of 2U00 lbs Attn SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points acoeaiable by rail or canal, on receipt of order. TORRINQTON 1 HODOlilSB. Also Agsuts for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self Raking Reaper and .Vowor (Tbe New Yorker) and Pratt i 8medley's Hay and Orain Rake. bend for Uicylar. February I j, do. -Iy SUKBURT BUILDING LOXg IN J. W CAKE'S Addition to the Borough ut Sunbury, for bale on reasonable torins. Apply to Dr. K. H. AWL and. COL. BROSIOUS, Sunbury. pa Or P. W. PHEAFLR, PotwvlUc, Pa. Nov. , IbM i3iaou-rA.'r kutici:. MM1E underslgued having tucaeeded to the busi X ness of T. HIMES A CO., takes this method or informing llrick-Layen, Builders, and all othert in terested, in atd about Bunbury, that he is prepared lo fill all orders, for building and paving Brick, of a superior quality, and at at low rates at can be Li.d elsewhere. I am also the Agent In the Countlet of Northum berland, Union, Snvder and Montour, for WAR. REVS IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF ROOF. Ibis it Uia eheapabt and best Ruof that ean be used on buildings. We covered several build ings with it, during tho last teaoa with entire tctis fiction Orders legal the Brick Yard, la Cake's AdJitloa to Sunbury, or at the OIHce of Mr, Wm. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Bunbury Post Oluoe, will reoeive prompt attention. TOWNtSEND HIMES. Sunbury, March 14, ltod. BIRD CAGES; 11 different Vlndsir"")u'wtLi govd and cheap lliid C'agei, bp ti VONLEY 1 HJ'S