Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 09, 1868, Image 4
IHB VEST LATEST ABBIVAL 1 1 PALL &WINTER 'Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market aud Fourth Street, SUNBUKY, PENN'A. Invite the public to cull aud oxamin bit elegant assortment!1 FALL AND WINTJJll GOODS, which he will sell at greatly reduced price Hii etock consist iu part of CA3SIMEEE S. CLOTHS &C Bilk, Delaine, Lawns, Gingham, Calicoes, Muslins, Wheeling. Tickings. Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosier, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Handkerchief, Brushes, Combs. tlatM nnd Cans, Roots) nnd Kisor, ilis assortment of goods will not, be is sure fail to plonce the fancy and sutt the wants of any desirous of purchasing. Ilis stock of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries is large in quantity and ebotce in quality, comprising generally everything seeded in toe household either for use or omnment. ile is always ready and glad to see his frionds and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no salee are made. Me only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality wilb the cheapest. 1 ' JtJSKPn EYSTER. Sunbury, Nov. 1, MICH STREET FOUNDRY! I. VOrAGMA. IrorI'lor. sVrrh Nt.jH'tween l nnd it Is. loc to the I'ssMic Krhool loiir, SUNBURN PENN'A. THE proprietor of this establishment rcepectlully informs the publio that he bas commenced Uio man ufacture of Cooking and Heating STOTI3! which he will sell at lower prices then they can be obtained elsowhore. MILL 0 curing. Stoves, nod tho largest olass of Castings made promptly to order. Also. Window WcigbUi, Frames and Urates for Cel lar Window,-'?. Tit Iron 4 hlmnrv 'I'opn. WATER TROUGHS A DWR STEPS A libornl price paid for old casting'. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW. im. I proved, Is lnannfitured at thiHoslalilishmont. Also. Siovo Orates of all kinds, Kettles, and every variety otsiuiill castings. " Sunbury, Oct. 5, 1867 18C7 18G8 IN THE PRICES OF Fall & Winter Goods!! I. I.. I.nxus-ii. havinc just return ed from Philadelphia with a superior siock of Fall ' and Winter Goods for the trado of 1X67 nnd 'BS, which sbe is etie to sell at very reduced prices, j would respectfully call tho attention of her eusto- . lucrs and the public generally , tn the superior qua- ; ily of bor goods, aad the low pi iocs at which they sic hold. She has all kinds of ' DRES9 GOODS, Deluding Poplins, Merinos, Do Loins. Calicoes, Ac , all at the lowest prices. Extra quality Muslins at extra low prices. Dril- ! lings. Canton Flannels , Balmoral bkirts, 6bans, Hoods. i Gloves of all description, ioclnding a very supo- ' rior quality of Ladioa' Cloth Glove, i HOSIERY. Ribbons and Trimmings of all varieties. Luce-, stamped goods, .uphyrs and Yarns, Tom ling in great ' variety ' Gents' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Muff Tassels and Buttons. Porond'S. Extracts, and a lurgo variety ot notions and fancy articles. Call and soe tbein before going elsewhere M. L. LAZARUS Sunbury, Nov 2, 1807. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FANCY DRY GOODS. MI83 KATE BLAOK, Mai'kot Square, two donrs F.i.4 of the old Bank buildine. KINBURY. Penn'a., TT, Ar opwed a tre.-h an) ply ot tbe latest stilts of II fall and Winter tioods, seleoted by Imrsolf tioin tho most fashionable establishment in Pbila delpbia. Cheap DoLaines. Alpacas. French Merinos. Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Goods. Cloih. Saeque Flannels, Ladies and Cbildrcns' Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Dross Trimmings, Embroideries, Lace Veils and handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery. Balmoral skirts. Breakfast and Blanket Shawls. Wiutcr A'acqucs and Ladies' goods of ovory description. tienU' Collars, Neck-lies. Uulf-bose, Handker chiefs and Oloves Perfumery, ToilctSoaps, Hair Brushes. Combs, etc. (j"Uopkins' Elipiic Skirts KATE BLACK Sunbury, Nov. 2 1667 UBS BAAS, JR. C B WOLVEBTOM. COAL! COAL! COAL! f rilll! siibserlliert rcfpoctfully inform thccititens of ) l Sunbury and vicinity, that they ha e opened a COAL YARD at ,1 Ilaa-i & Co s Lower Wharf Muiiltiiry, whore they are prepared to supply all kinds of 6ha- luokin Coal, at cheap rates. Families and others : promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully . solicited. IUAS A. WOLVERTON. Sunbnrv. Jan. 18. 1RS8. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GTAN0 COMPANY'S SOLl'BLE PAOIFIO GTJANO. ri'llh, attention f Farmers and other consumers of J I. Fertilisers is Invited to this Cuano. as worthy of their spoeial notice. Its use for several years in ; .Maryland. Virginia and other Houtborn States, for all crop, has given it a etaodard character lor ex- llunoo uuertuilled by any olbur. It possesses all , the ifuickuoMi of Peruvian tluano, with puruiauonl qunlities not found in that artiole. 2i0 li s. of this Guano are found more than equal to 800lb3. of tho best Superphosphate. It ripens the whoat crop from tivo to soven days earlier than tbo phosphates, which fact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dc&lurs. For sale by J'UIN S. UKi&K 4 CO . tiineral Agents for Tocinj Ouauo Co . list Mouth Delaware Ave.. Philad'a And 71 Souib Strcot Baltimore Mar.-h 5 WM . ISsf.S Bm HOOP frHUtTS. T I'OPKIN'S "OWN MALE 1H ' KEYMONE SKIRTS " arc lb. '..:-t Kui Chcarst Loi Triced Hoop Skirts , in tbe ma.kdt. Trail l?kirts, 25 springs. $1 00: 30 i Fprint-s il 20 ; and 4(1 spiings, ?l 46. Plain Skirts i r, tap, 2u springs. 89 ceuts; to sprlngi, y.icenU., SO i priug, $1 . 15 ; and ii springs, jl 26 Warrant d in every respent- t 'OurO WN Mako'" of "UNION SKIRTS," E!ev. . Tape Trails, from J.) to 50 sriing. SI 2 tu2.0. j Plain, Si Tapes, 20 to 50 springs, from 05 Cents to ! $3 00. Thiyc Skirls are better than those sold by ' iiiheresUblL-hmcnU asjirst clad goods, and at much ' lower prices. ; Our OWN Wake" of "CHAMPION BKIBT3, ' are In every wav superior to all otl or H.p t-kiils . before the pnblio, and only have to be examined or 1 woru to ounnje tvury one of tbe fact Maunfae- ' lured of Ihelesl l!nen-6tished Fnglish KtealMpriugt ' very superior tapes, and the style of the metalio tasteninira and manner of seourinz them surpass for I durability tend exellenoe any otbor Skirt in this country, and axe lighter, (more elastic, will wear I 'tiger, give m jre sat iMu.'tion, and are really cheaper than all others. Etery lady should try them. They are heir sold extensively by Merchants throughout ibis and tho adjoining state at very inodurale prices If you wart th best, ask for "Hopkin's Chunipiou t-kirt ." If you do not find them, get the merchant uh Mhom youdtal to oider tliefu for you,ur oome or st.oi diruet to us Morehanta will find our d if-l-n-nt grxles ofSkiiU exaoily what they need, arid resrei,iy invite the iu lo call and oaluice our xt, nsiva a, sortmoLt, or t-i:d for Wbolenalo I'lico To he had a Jtr-Liil at Hanntaiory, and of the J irato cmerallv. aud at lihulesalo of the -lauufacturer only, to v,hoia all r.idets tl.oulJ he "'l'ir--.c.J MAS t r'ACTOHY and SALESROOM 62 Arch ft. Lei ween dth und 7ihiM., Philadelphia i binary 111, 1W8 Jtlmos. ISAAC K. STAUPFEU, M'atiliniakcrniit Jctti trier. NO. 1-4B NOiiTua h'p. con oy quaiibv i hi: UHLIMIIA. A a H1, I?:;"1 ''' We'-hse,' tew.lry, fhlv.r and ruie4 rV Pi ..I I.-. 1 1 ,, ,1),,, ( ' v'i's ami Isvrrlry pt"mpiH 1 V BAUGH'S connutciAL mari'bkh t yWe announoe lo farmers and doalort In For til leers, that the following prloei have been adoptod or tbe present spring season ; BAVOH SBAW BONK PHOSPHATE. Prlco, 158 per 2,000 lbs HAtCJI'S CUICACO BONK FERTILIZER Price, 4t per J.OOO lbs. . EAtUD'S CHICAGO I1LOOD MANURE. This well known popular trado-mnrk will be found upon every package of the above manures MARK tfbo high estimation In wbloh Bacobs Bone Ma nures have been hold, during fourteen years past, we shall fullysnstain In the future Havingnow (he entire control of the great resources of tbo city of Chicago, for furnishing Ammonia and Phosphate yielding material, vis : Hone, Pried Flesh, Blood, 4c .we have, in connection with our works in Phil adelphia, tho largest facilities for furnishing theso manure, at the above low prices. BAUUlI SONS, Philadelphia. NORT-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO . Chicago JOHN It ALSTON & CO ,Gen'l Ag'ts, Now York. GEORUE KIRKE 4 CO . Boston. GEORGE DVGPALK, AVhwv.r.e Ag t. Baltimore. For all u.f. ro.n'.ion rc.-ptcting llic above Manures, addrcrs cilb'.-r of the above lioiu?. lOl RNAL OF THE FARM " A New Monthly Agricultural Paper, published by BAI'UII A BONi. PHILADELPHIA. Itf diin h lo picctitn full range of AgricuUura and Horticultural intelligence ; iirticlcfj upon the Practical nnd Scicntiliorclatioiisof the subject; and its general i irn is to inculcate a popular system of high manuring. The claims of llACt.ll S COMMERCIAL MAN I RES, nre urged in an honest and open way, but not urged to tho exclusion of any "'her valuable mnnurial aid to the burner w hich tho market or homo resources afford. All farmers will find i!. wo think, fully worth all It costs, in the practical suggest ions it presents, and tho general reader will meet a fharo of solid enter tairiu:cnt rr,C' 40 &" $Zvm,w ."old 1v SMITH .tiil.NTIII'.li i-'unbury. .Ian 2t. 18rtH. ang (',7-1 v 'z&V -W;- 3 4lifluiil fitvert. VMIarirlphiii, Are tho best iu t'so. FOR THE F0L1.0WIN3 REASONS 'i h'-y are moru Hi i: find durable, easier kept id order, ma's c a and moro elaslic E' itch, a tinner nnd inure lnan'.iful soriin than any oilier They nw nil fabrics from two common quiro no ru-wirding of thread, fisteu both ends of the teaiii by the;r own operation, and iliouirli every fifth stitch is cut the scam will net rip. Tlte Very Hi&Iit'Mt I's-Ixo, 1Iic4'iomn of the Logion of Honor was onferrcil ou the repro sentativv of tho tn'iMi:i: & i:ahj:e: at tho Expo.-itinn Fim-cn-cHco. Pari. l'"17 ; thus attesting their greiit super'Mi'ily r ail r.rli r .'err ing maihincs. (Ml'iVKIt i HAKKR'5 nbw fa n s; ' t 1. 1: ii im:s For Manufacturing. Coinbiuo the uio?t modern and essential itnprovo ments ' Theattcmiou is requested of Tailors, Mauufac turers of Buuls and Shoes. Carriage Trimming, I Clothing and all others requiting tho uso of tho , most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, i To theso new styles, which possess nnmistakablo ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Mis.s CAROLINTI DALIUS, Market Slreet, Sl'JiBL'KY. PENN A . Nor 2. I8il7 iy U II K tJKEAT PRIZ K '. A'.-)c t ion I 'i ('. rtuPe, Pari, 1 807. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO i:i.l s howi:, ju. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, I'll IIisjfliea.1. l'rriuiuin, Tbo Only Cross of the Legion of Honor and QOLD MEDAL given to AMKBira .lwixo MacuiNua, per Impe rial kccri-e. published in tho "Monileur Universal" (liTo iul Journal of the French Empire), Tuesday, 2a July in these words : 1 Fabrtcante do Machines a oou Llus Hon K. Jn. I dieespieant. ! Manufacturer of Sewing Ma ) chines, Exhibitor. This double first honor is another proof of the great superiority of Ibe HOWE bEWINU MA t'iii.'. t. ovo: ail l ibel' ' ..'ltLKY 4 r-TOOFS, Xo Si .s'"U!h hi::t Strett, Philadelphia. Agt nu- f..r Peons: hatiia. New Jersey, Delaware and Western Virginia February 22, liS.-3m SELLER 8 & T0LWELL. WHOLESALE AND 1 BLITLKEKS, No. lot North Third Street, Philadelphia lj Orders promptly a'Undedto THE OID rSTAULlfllED FIRM, j. .t. Ricn.VRnsox co., 120 MlBKEr bIREKT, Pail ib'A , the largest Manufaelnrlns roofaalioners and '' wholtaU 10 Fruits, Nut, tc , m tht United States, 1 Maira 7 IHfi; v flnDt NEW GROCERY STORE, W. D. & CO., Market Btroet, 8M deora Kaal ef ThM streei, north side, BUNBUBT, 1"A RESPECTHTLLT infomf Ibelr frleoat nd'tb publle, thai they have opeaed - ISTEW OBOOBRY AND PROVISION STORE, Ing everything In the 0 rooery line, such as Coffee, Tee, Bugar, Byrups, Sploea, Canned and Dried Fruits Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Craekera, -Uaoon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoot, eta., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ae., ' and in fact everything ra the O rooery and Provision. L FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil o. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 FURMAN ft CO Sunbury, April 17, 18BT. All kinds of 8CH00L B00K8, 61atos, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ac Miscellaneous Books, a good assort ment. All tbe new books received 3 as soon as published, ar.d for salo at Publishers' prices. BIBLES, Trayer Booksand Hymn iiooas, id every stylo oi Dinuing. Catholio Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various styles DICTIONARIES of all sizes. Q M W u w o o w m 9 o w w K w H to ID Juveniles and Toy Books, a largo assortment Ittiink Ilookst d Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Lcttor audi Note Papers. j COPYING BOOKS, Inkstands' Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cuttors and Counting House Stationery generally. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS cheap nnd dear. I (lold Pens and Holders. Pocket Pooka and Bill Wallots. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American, French, A e. Drawing Paper, all sizes, Bristol Board, Ac. Diaries, Memorandum Cooks, ic Backgammon Boards, J awes, Chess-', men, Ac. Toys a large and complete assortment Base-Balls and Bats. Fishing Hods and Xacklo. I Perfumes, Brohcmian nnd Parisian Marbles, Ac. Gold Pens re-pointed. Lamps, Shades, Olobes, Chimneys,' Ac. 1 Wall Paper and Border, all Vinds I Window Curtains, Pancr Oil t and 01 hi uiieu. Music and Musical Instruments. Ij'AU kinds of Books and Stationery cot on hand promptly ordered. All tbo Daily and Weokly Papers and Magazines. Agontforthe "Amorioan Organ." Also for "La Rose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, and "National Steam Navigation Company." Sunbury, May 18. 1867. THB CHEAT ZINGARI BITTERS The component parts of this remarkable preparation were first discovered, compounded and distributed, some twenty years aco, by Dr. Cbiopsbi, tbe cele brated Egyptian Physician, Thousands ef his suffer ing eountrymen were restored to health, as well as great numbers of the inhabitants of Nubia and AbysilniS, and of thecountries bordering upon the Boutberncoast -.or uie Mediterranean Bsa. Indeed, the fame or the Z1NGAIU BITTER soon spread over Europe, and was adopted by the principal flirsiclans In charge of the trasptUU et the old world, in which tt is Still used with Dreemi nont success. The Viceroy ot Egypt placed tbe name of na. Cbsofscs upon the " Roll of Nobles,'1 and pre sented to bim a Ueilal bearing the following Inscrip tion: "Da Chopsc the Public Benefactor." This Bitters is now offered to (be publio of America with the full assurance that It will bo found, upon fair trial, to act as a specific for the cure of Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhoea,, Cholera Morbus, Fever and Ague, Yellow Fever, nhenmntlsm, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepala, Colic, IlronchlUa, Consumption, V'latu leney. Diseases of the Kidneys, Ncrvoue DeblUty, and Female Complaints Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been effected by its use, asnumerouscertlfleates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it Is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, aad an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IV BAS NO EQUAL. Tims Tr ZINOARI BITTERS HAS 6WUI. AS W ELL AS BOOT, AND AS A PREVENTIVE or PIREASE, HAS NO 6UPERI0R A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use ef the Z1NQAKI BITTERS will Klve to you that soft, semi transparent complexion which the God ef nature (de signing woman to bo the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the bloed, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look se common in our day; and what Is even better than this, it cures every species of female irregularities and diseases Principal Depot, Harrisburg, Pa. EAHTER & HAUSE, Soli Propeixto For sale by W. A. EENNETT, Druggist, Bunbnry unsylvania. August 3, IM". x m: i'ok i;vi:iiyiiooy. A Superb Stock of fino Gold and Silver Watches all Warranted to Kun, and thoroughly Regulated, at the tow price of $10 each, and satisfaction Quarantocd 100 Sold Gold Hunting Watohes, $250 to $1000 100 Magio Cased Uold Watches 250 to 600 100 Ladies' Watches, enameled, 100 to 300 200 UoKl H'ing Chronometer Watches 250 to 800 200 Uold Hunting English Levers 200 to 250 oOO Hold Hunting Duplex Watcbee 150 to 200 500 Oold Hunting Amorioan Watches 100 to 250 500 Silver Hunting Loveri 50 to 150 500 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 250 500 (lold Ladies' V a tehee 50 to 250 10U0 Uold Hunting Lcpines 50 to 75 1000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 50 to 100 2500 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 6000 Assorted Watohes, all kinds 10 to 75 The abovo stock will bo disposed of on the popu lar ono prioe plan, giving every patron a fine Oold or Soli,) Silver Watch for $10 without regard to value ! WntouT, Bno. A Co., 161 Broadway, New York, wish to immediately dispose of the above magnifi eont stock. Certificates, naming the articles, are placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Hold ers are entitled to the ar Holes named in their certi ficate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether It be a watch worth $1 .000 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to tbe articles named tberoon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as do artiole value at lens than $10 is named on any certificate, it will at onoe be seen that this is no lottery, but a straight forward logitis' male transaction, which may Lo participated in even by the most fastidious. A single certifieato will be sent by mall, post paid upon receipt of 25 eents, five for $1, eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $5, sixty -six and more valuable premium for $10; one huudrod and luostsupert watohes for $15. The agents or those wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately oooduoted business, authorized by the Government, and open to the most eareful scru tiny. Watobea tent by Express, with bill for eollee lion on delivery aotbatooaistatufaotion jau possibly oocur. Try us Addreaa WttDJUT, UllOTHER CO., Importers, 161 Broadway, New York March 21, 1SA3 -3m CARPENTERS. WILLfind in oar establishment a superior stnek, of Planes, Baws, Augers, Hatchet, Haia inert, File Chisels, A , Ao ,for sal by JJtl. CO X LET CO STONE WARD. THE best and aheapoat assortment of Ston War in tbetiiata, Jusl reoeised and for Ml cheap at the Mam moth Cash Store of n Y TRILIKO tltt 'ffl rALttAND WINTER MILLINERS' GOODS JJXX NOTIONS, - HUI A5ITA rjUNTKB, Market Squar,twa door west of the PottOffiea ,v BUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Inform her friends and the publio, that aha baa just returned frosn the elty, where aba bas spent some time In making selections and purchases, and hag Just opened a large stock ol MILLINEBY COODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Lases, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wl gros Bkirting Lining, llonp kirta, Bugle Trim rolnge, Crape Trimmings, Mat Crape, Cloak Button, Corset. Zephyr. - A large assortment ot Ladlcl tnd Oontlemon'a Hosiery. - A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLL8 of all sit a. Alphabet Blocks, Ac. She flatters herself hi betas able to make a dlsnlav that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, aud good will be exhibited with pleasure. ounDury, no v. i, mot. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEH, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and cus tomers, that he bas iudt opened a shoD for the manufacture of BOOTS i SHOES, on Spruce ttreet, hetvecn Second ttrcct and Centre Alley, Sunhiry. where all kinds of work in his lino will be made un in the latest style and in the best workmanlike man nor. Having first class stock on band, he flatter himsolf that be will bo able to suit the taste ol tho most fas tidious. Tbe publio are invited to oall. ' Sunbury, June 15, 1867. Th1TGREATENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST STJlSTBTJi-T 1 on Sd street, oppcetto the MAbONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSELTS NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hut l.ntly IColnbllHlied, Mills all the Modem SnifsroTcmcnlsi oi tho Art t n""IIE subscriber, having built the room expressly X for the purpose of Photographine:. and havine devoted many years to the business, is confident of bis ability to assure his patrons that the work pro duced shall bo second to none in country or oity. No work aHowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tbe best sky light in tho oountv. he is uronared to make Photoeranha in all kinds of woatbor, but would prefer a oloar day for small childron. He is also prepared to take now siio, or cabinet card Photographs. , . All kinds of plcturrs copied and magnified to any required sizo and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out doer work, such a Landscapo views of Monuments, Maohirrrry, County Seats, Ae., a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. Tho publio are respectfully invited to call and sco our specimens and our complote arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to families and ciuus. BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, ?l. V. t.K.tKIIAUT'S Confectionery. Toys and IFZFtTXIT STORE Market Street, Sunbnry, In. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, &c, "CONSTANTLY on hand and for salo at the above establishment nt wholesale aud retail, at reaaeo able prioe. He is manufacturing all kinds of ConfoMionarias to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. - Tobacco. Fcgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh ar oQeied wholesale ami retail. Romembcr the name and place il. C. (iEAKHAHT. k'urkct street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's ami Sunbury. Sept. 19. 1803. tf M' titer out! I 'Ire I'root SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respectfully Informs builders in this and adjoining counties that ho is prepared to nut on late Koofs in a sunerior manner. Ila fnrn. Lheatlieoelcbratcd Lebili county f-lato, which is the best in the nrarkut. Ho warrants his work to he durable aud fire and water proof. He invites the in. spcotionnf tho publio to tbo work he hasdono in Nun bnrvon Haunt s. Oreououirh's and Haas' buildinirs. nnd on others at various plnces. His prices aro as low a; iD.u.10 oi any ot Her elutcr. Address, D.S.SMITH. f-unbury, P. O , oreall at his residence iu Upper Augusta twp. January II, liiii. 1y sii:i:ks poist ukapi: ivi.i:, I'mimI by linudicdsof t'on;repntlons lor Cliisrrh or Communion Purpokett. AtSO, m EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. VINEYARDS, TiEtV JERSEY. SPICK'S PORT UltAl'E HIE, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wine Is made from the juice of the Oporto O rape, raised in this country. It invaluable Touicdt Wtronjrthouinsr Propertied Are nnsurpaased by any other native wine. Being the pur juioe of the grape, produced under Mr. Spoor's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualitios, and the weak est invalid may use it to advantage. It il particu ly beneficial to the agod and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afllict the weaker ox. It is, in every respect, A WINB TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use SPEER'S PORT flllAPE WINE. Female use SPEEU'S POUT GRAPE WINE. Weaklv persons find a benefit by its uso. SPEEU'S WINES in hospital are preferred to Othor wine. I Sold by all DruirglKt ana Grocer. A. 6 PEER'S VINEYARD, New Jemcy. Office, 243 BROADWAY, New York. Tbe trade supplied by Johnson, Holloway A Cow den, and French, Richards A Co., in Philadelphia. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Pot. 26. ly. U AI.I, PAPUUN. pAPER HANUINUS! Abt imminsi aiorc or W-A-IjXi papers, NEW ABO ELEGANT STYLES YOU PAIlLons, BALLS, ETC, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL HOWELL BOURKK'S, Corner of Fourth and Market (street, Philadelphia. March t8, '68.-3ia, y JACOB SHIPMAN, C'lREJ AND LIFE INBUHANCK AGENT, 6UN1JUUV, PENN'A. (iriEscaT Farmers Mutual Fir Insuranc Co., York Pa Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Co . New Turk Mutual Life, G irard Life of Phil 'a. A Hart ford Coon. General AooideuW. Ar especially Invited to call and examine eur stock of tUILDER'8 HARDWARE, ooinpriiini c "-fmHFk" f.'11 Borew. Strap and T Hinges, Lock and, BolU, Plas teriug Irewels Brick, Pla.ttaf's Sieves, As , Ac , f" salebv 3 H "-ONLET CO Great Attraction.' tth NEW TIN-WARE, Pheet IroaatmdStT9lra'r - SMITS fa'OaXITHBll, Where thsy keep eon Stan tly on hand and tnaaafae lure to ordor at abort notice. TIN AND SHEET IROIT-WARE of aU description. Thav wotiM MMkiiM .v. ... , -- " , .-..j mi iu iiwaniB oi pur- ohaser to thsir large and well selected stock of LUUX. ASD PARLOR STOVES. Th tnbMHh.n Kv ..Jaa a. a. all thebr beit Kotm mad to order, and those who would bava a good itoro would do wall to co and A am In a thai I.... ..a 11 a . . - -.a saHv Mill WOll tJlUUlvCI 01OOK. t.'ombinntion Ua Ilnrnrr, Cook. Oorernor Penn-Cook. WABASH AND TnniMnTnmn and the well known Antidust Cook Stova eallad uDEimii iTrniiiiK vw Dwve cauea Also. Parlor and AlttA Rn t. , . , . . bracing all the best MmETZSTIZZ: ponea ror oosuiy of an sh simpll eitvof arranir)iHntin,i,inin .i... , . I. - L -""iij vuvapuen, auraoillty 1 11" "ttrriulto1 to porforin what they are Also, Ihe celebrated Baltimore Fir Tlaco Stov. for hoating first, sooend end third stories by Registers. Al0, VUliUAHI ItilA tEll. Also, the celobrated SIOKNINQ GLORY. Coal OH, Coal Oil Irftiiifrss Nbadcsi, Chimnles). nnd nil nrilelva nsually kept 4n an establishment of this kind. io"iw piopMciMviuiuiauaiHiua uo siaiing in the best workmanlike manner. Aim .a .1 Tin TlMr.M C 1.1 t. m ...w, " . .uuuufc, t ,111, CVRDgO UO Furnaoe Work, Gas Fitting, do. Repairing neatly Also: "ItaugtVa Haw llono 8npcrPhon phate." Romcmbor tho place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly'a Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth ttreet. Building dark painted. August 25, 186. 1TEW LAGEK BEER IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY Inform hi friends and the publio generally, that be has ooromonood tbe manufacture, and is now ready to furnish LAGER BEER AND ALE, of a superior qual ity . Having procured the services of a first olass brewer, be is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private families with an ar tiolo that is patatablo, pure and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS. ITZEL. Sunbury, November 16, 1867. IRON. A large assortment of the best manufac tured Bars, Hoop, Band, Round nnd Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cut Sled, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bollows, Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at CONLEY i. CP'S CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL Dcalor in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, first class TUEES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plant. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Ordors are respectfully solicited. Addros EENJ. BOHNEI?, Paxinoa, North 'd. Co. tH7N. B. Insurance taken in several of tne most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Companies in tho State. June , iat7. y SEEING IS BELIEVING At rot Arch Strop. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS Rich Silver ami Silver-Hated Wares, Including evory style and description, niado expressly P-r the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S .Wholcsalo and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, ftl ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. firRe-platuigat short notice. Dooembci 21, 1S67 ,aug27 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Book Drawing Books and Slate. Books, Hymn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pert ila. a fine assortment of Papor. Ink, Ae. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. PURlTyaEERr I'ORTKK A!I AL.K, From tbe Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, P A. JOSEPHS SACHER. RESPECTFULLY informs tbe public generally that bo is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, PORTER AND ALh. n large or email quantities. His facilities fur mak ng Boer oannot be exaelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other offurod in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by r hyaioians a a healthy drink fur invalids. Hotels, Restauiants and private families sunnliud at short notice. Eunbury.Beptil, 1867 J. H. Conley Co., market Ulrctl , UaKt ol the Itatlroad SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN FOltF.IO fc AM EH I OA.", Hardware & Cutlery. rpHE attention of Mechauics, Farmers, Builder, I and Buyer goncrally is invited to the foot that wo are now offering a better (elected assortment of It 1 Ik I.,!-. Y. n , r T Ik T n siaxvx',! Aivr., vuiLLni. av. than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealer. Our took comprises all article in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tool and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAKERS, JOINERS, AO., AO., together with a large aUiok of Iron, Steel, Nails, Bpikes.tRope, Chains, Urindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ae. Sunbury, March 30, 1887. Notice' to Merchants and Shipper. THE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Friok'l Line, give notice to merchant and shippers that the Depot Is still at 611 Market street, Pbila delpbia, and all Ooodsdireoted to Sunbury, Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations along tbe railroad, will be promptly delivered. ijf Car leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia Iri-wceklv Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 1867. Children's Can-luge,. WE would call th attention of those wintlng a Child' Carrlag, to our new and large assort ment comprising Dew and beautiful style. J. H. OONLKY A CO. AgrrlcultBu-al Implement). HOE'S Grain Rake, Steel and Iron Garden Rake, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovel. Maaur and Hay Fork, Or as and Grain Scythe, Grain Cradle, Cradle Finger, Trace, Bread, Tongue aad Log Chain, Urind-ctonea, Fanning Mill Solve of all si ses and kind, a large assortment of Red Wagon liamee, for Plowing, Farm Bells. Cultivator Teeth, for l by J. n. CONLEY A CO. Mount Carmel Hotel UT, CARMEL, Northumberland Co., P, TIIOS. BURBTET, Propkibtob. This large onuaodloos Hotel 1 located near the depot of the Shamokin Valley and the Ouakak A New York Railroad Train arrive aad depart daily This house is looated In tbe eentr of the Coal Ra (ion and afford th West accommodations travel aad permanent customer jay Jgp 51 LOOK HOBPI TIL' ESTABLISHED AS A WJJTJGI FROM QUACK tSRT. TJIB ONLY PL ACS WKSRS AVVRB CAN BB OBTAINED DR. JOHNSON he dlesovwrad th moot Ceftaln,Bpeedy and onl Effectual Kemefty m tbe World for ell Pri vate Diseases, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Stricture, Affections ef the Kidney and Blander, lirvoluntarr Die eliaiges, Impotency, General Debility, Nemrsneaa, Dy pepsy, Lent uor. Love Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpi tatioa of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimaess of Birkt or Oiddinea, Disease of the Head, Throat, Noes or akin, Alfsetinn ot the Liver, Lanes, Stomach or Bowel these Terrible Dieovdeisarlsmg fiom th Solitary Habit of Youth those secret and solilaiy praotiees more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Matinere of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope Of anticipation, rendering marriage, A., impossible. Yountr Men Rspecially. who have become the vietimsof Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually (Weep to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the net exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun dets of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de formities, Ac, speedily cured. Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. 3. may may religiously confide in his honor as gentlemen, and vviiuuenuy rciy upon niasaui as a B uysiciail. Organic Weakness Immediately Cared, end Full Vigor Restored. This Dutieating Affection which renders Life Timers. bla and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dread ful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under- sianus tne suiijeet will pretend to deny that the power of piocreation Is Inst nier by those falling Into improper habits than by the prmtents Besides deing deprived the picaHurra ui neuiiny unspring,ine most serious anil destine, tive symptoms to both body and mind aiiae. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mrntal functions Weakened, Ioss of Proci-eative Power, Nervous Irritabili ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Con stitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Dtath, Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street Left band side going from Baltimore streei, a few doora 'rom the comer. Kail not to observe name and number. l.etteis must bs paid and contain a stamp. T'he Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. A Ctsrst Warranted In Two Istiju. No Jfercuryor Nauseous Drup. Dr. Johnston, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Psns, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the miwt astonishing cures that wereever known ; many troubled with un-iig in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarm ed at sudden sounds, bashfiilness, with fiequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, werccurcd immediately. Take Pnrtlcnlar Notice. Dr. 1. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them lor either business, study, society or marriage. THKsaare some of the sad and melancholy effecta pio duced by early habitant youth, vis: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of 8:ght, 1.08 of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervnns Irritability, Deiancemeiilof the Digestive Func tions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. Mrmvally The tearful effects on the mind are much to bedrcailcd lius ol Memory, Confusion nf ideas, I)e- pressinn in spirits, oretxaiuigs, Aversion to aoeiciy, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac. are some of the evils produced. TiiocsANns of persons of alt ages can now judge what is the cause of then declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and euaeiared, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Voting; "less Win have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulg ed in when alone, a habit frequently leurnrd from evil companion, nr at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders mar riage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply iininediately. Want a pity that a vmiiur man, the hpe of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pros pects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of devia ting from the path of nature and indulging in a certain aecrct hubit. Such persons Most, beioie contemplating . Marriage, reflect tliat a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisitesto promote cnimuliiai happiness. Indeed without theso. the journey through life becomes a woary pilgrim age; the nrnspect hourly darkens to the view; the mind beenmea shadowed with despair and fitted with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another becomes blig'ited with our own HNeiine of Inipvsidcncc. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Buds that he ha imbibed the st-eds of this painful disease, il t.m often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, fiom education and respectability, ear, alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms nf this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated tlirnat, diseasrd nose, tvctural pains in the head and limhs, dimners nf sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and aims, blotches on the head, fare and extremities, piogrrss in? with frightful tapiriily, till at last the palate of the mouth or the baies of the nose fall in. and the victim of this awful disease beenmrs a horrid object of commisera tion, tilt death puis a period to his dreadful sutTeriii!;, by tending him to ' Uiat Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns. " It is a melancholy fact that thousands full victims to this terrible di.earc, owm g to the uiibkiillulness of igiioiant pietemlera, who, by the use of that '-Deadly Poison, Mer cury," rum the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. Ntrnnsrers Trust not your lives, or health, to the eare cf the many Untrained and Worthless Prelenders. destitute of knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr Johnston's adver tisements, or style themselves iu the newspapers, regularly Edm-aied Pnybicians, incapable of Cm ing, they keep ynu trifling mouth after month biking their filthy and poisoiius compounds, nr as long as the smallest fee eau be obtained, and in despair, leave you with tuiiicd health to sigh over your palling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only physician advertising. tf is credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His rcmidiesor treatment are uuknnwa to all others, prepared from a lifespent Iu thetrreur hnspitalsof Rurope, the first in this eiaintry and a mora extensive "Private Practice" thanany other Physician in tbe world. I lo ' incnt of the l'rerss. The many thousands cured Qt this institution year after year, and the numerous important Ptirgieal Operations performed by Dr. J.ifiuston, Witnessed bv the reporters of the "Sim," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, lH-sidea his stnndinc as a pentlcman of character and re sponsibility, i a sufficient guurautee to the afflicted. PUin IMsmseM Speedily Cured. Persons writing should be particular hi directing their cttrrs to his Institution, in the following maimer, John M. .lohnaton, M. I. Of the Raliimoie Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Nov. 30. IS67 t y. .IAS. I'. CALU1VKLI, V CO., JEWELERS, Mo, 0 0 9 Chestnut Street rillliADELFniA, Mtintifaclurert and hnjioi-tern Of every description of First Class Goods belonging lo the Business of Goldsmith and SilToramith Hare rumored to their NfcVT MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sanson BUeet, aSurdiug ample room and oonveniont aooessoriea, fiving opportunity for a proper display of goods, and etter mean for their examination. With extensive and favorable arrangement in this Country and in Europe, we ar ia a position to offer at moderate EIXED price. Watches, Diamonds, Bronxe ft Marble Qoocl Silver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelains, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and Try description or FANCY ARTICLES. 6trangr visiting th city ar eordlally Invited to examine our New Store. March 7, 1868. ly. Lime I Lime I Lime I THUS new Lime Kiln of H. B. Manor, at Belini X Grove Station, are now 00 ni phi ted and in suc cessful operation, produoing lima of th very beat quality. These kiln ar built with all the modern conveniences and Improvement, and hav a eapaoi. ty of producing 4u4 bushel per day. Excellent road hav been Bad to th kiln, not interfered with by th railroad, where wagon or sled can be loaded in a few minute from the Mhules, without handling. Having opened a large body of the beat limestone, at th mouth of the kilns, thsy ar enabled to sell line at the lew rate of 11 easts par bushel. The kiln are la charge of competent per on, who will always be prepared to supply eu iomer. Apply to U. B. Master, Bunbury, er t Cha. DutiUeberger. er Chat. 1. Oonrad, at th kiln. December 14, le7. UNION HOTEL- CHAS. ITZEL, Proprietor. Ia Caks'i Addition to 6USBCRY, near the f '. Railroad Company's Shone. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept wbe will tnd ample aooommodatian. wood cooks aad waiters, boardar aa enjoy th quiet eon MM of ae Lie with far equal t th beat hotel. Hi Liquor are ef the eeeioest kiaa. Sunbury, Jul , leer -ItwrT CemrtU Rali-eray. lf'JUIUH TIM! B0HXDTJL1. 0 w ,,Jro?"VD . 1MT, traim will leave BUN BURY, at follow t IdAVB NORTHWARD, I.D0 A. M., Dally for Wllllamsport. Dally (except Sunday,) for Elmira, Canandaigua, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridg and th Canada. 4.1$ F. M-, Daily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. 4 35 P. M .Daily (exoept Bundayl,) for Williams port. LEAVS SOUTHWARD. 1.00 A. M ., Daily (oznept Monday.) for BaUltnore, Washington and Philadelphia. Washington and Pbiladolphia. )all for Baltimore and Washic S 45 A. M , Dally for Baltimore and Washington. 10. SJ A. M., Daily (oxoept Bundayi.) for Baltimore, vrasnmgioa saa r uiibuviijuh. 3 V. T)nTtAr. Kb. 8. Yomo, fien'l. Eup't., Oen'l Passen'r Ag't Harrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md PhlLadelphla Ac Krlo Railroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. Through and direot rout between Philadelphia, fialcrmoro, Hnrrlsburg, Willlamsport, and th Urtat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELKO AST SLEEPING CARS on all Right Train. On and after Monday, Nov. 25th, 1867, the Train on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run a follow Wkbtwarb. Mail train leave Philadelphia, II .15 p en. ' " " Punbury, 6.60 a in " " arr. at Erie. 9.00 p m Erio Express leaves Philadelphia. 12 00 noon " " " Sunbury 8.35 p m " " arr at Erie 9.45 a m Elmira Mail leave Pbiladolphia, 8.00 a m " " " Bunbnry 4.16 pm " " arriv at Look Haven, 7.46 p m .. . . Kastwabd. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.25 a in " " Bunbnry, 1.66 am " arr. at Philadelphia, 8.65 a m Erio Express leaves Erie 4 25 p m " " " Bunbury 5.40 a m " " arr. at Philadelphia, 1.00 pm Elmira Mail leave Lock Haven, 7.10 a ra " " " Sunbury, 10.25 am " " nrr. at Philadelphia, 6.10 n in Mail and Express oonneot with all trains ou War ren A Franklin Rnilway. Passengers leaving Phil adelphia at 12.00 M. arrivo at Irvineton at 6.40 a m, and Oil Citv at 9.60 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 35 p m. AH train on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centro. BAGOAOE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent Lackawonia V lilooniNUurg ltuil road. ON nnd after Jan. 1st, 1867, Paasongor Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. 5 50 10.00 6.55 1120 9 20 9.54 10 35 P. M. 7 10 8 2') P. M. 4 40 6 00 8.17 8 50 10 15 Leave Bcranton, " Kingston, " Rupert, Danville, Arr. Korth'd., NORTHWARD Leave North'd., " Danville, " Rupert, " Kinrrston, 7 00 6 20 6. no 6 35 9.06 7.10 8.1 10.60 A. M 8 30 P. M. 2 60 Arr. at Bcranton, 12.00 9 55 4 00 10 15 Trains leaving Kinirston at 8.20 A M. fur Scran- ton.conneot with Train arriving at Now York at 5 2ft Passengers taking Train South from Scrsntou at 5.50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg 12 30 P. M., Baltimore 6.30 P. M., Washington 10 . 00 P. M. viaRuport roaoh Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m U. A. FONDA.up't. Kingston. Jan. 19, 1867. ICcndinje Jtailroittl. WINTER ARRANGEMENT Novombor 25th, 1867. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the Vorth and North-West for Philadelphia. New York, Kad ing, Pottuville, 'i'amaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, Ephrutu, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ao. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : AtD.OO, 5.'.'5 and 8.10 A. M. and 2 05 and 9.35 P. M, connection willi similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5 10 10.15'and 11.50 A. M. and 3.40. 9.30 P. 61. Sleep, ing Carsf.cTODipauyiugllio3.00A. M. and 9 85 P. M Trains, without change Loevo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottavillo, Tama qua, Militruvilio, Ahhland. Piue (Iruvo, Alliutown and Philadelphia at 8 10 A. M and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Potti.viUe, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via 6chnylkill au l Susquehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at'3.55 p. in. Returning: Lravo New York at 9 00 a. m, 12.00 Noon and 6.00 and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8 15 a. ra. and 3.30 p. in. Way Passenger Train loaves Philadelphia at 7. 30 a. ni.. returning from Reading at 6 30 p. ni. stopping at all Siaiioiif ; Pottuvillo at 8.45 a. in. arid 2 45 p. 111; Aehland 6.00 a.m. and 12 19 and 2 00; lamaqua at 8.30 a m. aud 1.00 and 8 45 p. an. Leave t'ottsvillo fur Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 0 a. m. aud 12.00 noon. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelitiia at 4.06 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave P.eading at 7 01 A. M., aud 6. la P.M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ac. On Sundays . Louve New York at 8 00 pm , Ph'la. delphia B.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. the BOO a.m. train running only to Reading, Pottsrille 8 00 a m , Harrisburg, 5 25 am, and 4.10 and 9-35 p m. and Reading at 1.00 and 7.15 a. m, for Harrisburg, and 7.06 a. m. and 11.40 p m. for iew York, 4.2j p m for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickots, at reduced rates to and from all point. I'lpKsg" checked through : 100 Pound Baggage allowed each Paoseugtr. G A. NIC0LL3, General Superintendent- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf, 8UUBUBY, Penn'a. Cp-Orderssolioitod and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunbury, May 12, 1866. y IC0AL! COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT Sc BROTHER, Shipncra Ac Wholesale At ICetull Iulcra In M IUTi; it HKI ASK COAL., in every variety. Solo AgonU, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. ' Lowir AYiiarf, Sdmcry, Pa. Bunbury, Jan. 18, 1866. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared to Bind 3ooks, Paper, Migaiinei Music, Ao , in any style that may be desired, at cheaper rate than can be dune in the oitie. All Order left at this Office, will receive prompt attention. oot.19, '07 I'ulnlai, OIU, Ac. A full stock of Oils oomprUing Linsend OU, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, and Lubrieating Oil lor Enginea and Machinery, Varnishos, Olass, always on hand, at low prices at COXLEY A CO 8 1710 R Suddlers, we Lave Saddle Tree, BitU, Buck lot, Uig Tree, Pad Tree, Hane. all kinds and evory thing pertaining lo the business, for sale by J. II. COXLEY A CO xjmx"jt",-TsV fllHE following persons are entitled to reoeive an X inoruao of Bounty under th Aot of Congress passed July 1&66, to (qualise liounlias. 1st AU soldiers who enlisted after th 19th dy of April, 1861, lor S year, and served their time of euliatment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or ar entitled to receive a Bounty of $100, ar entitled an additional Bounty ef tlOO. td All such soldiers who enlisted for 3 yean, sud hav been huuorably discharged on account of wounds received in the line of duty, ar entitled t an additional Bounty of tlt0. 3d The Widow, MiuorChUdxeo, or Parentsof such soldiers who died in tbe service ot wounds or disease, are entitled lo an additional Bounty of ftlOO. By application to S. P. WOLVKHTO.M, Esq, of SuaatiRV, Pennsylvania, whe is aa authoriaed Clem Agent, all such claim eao be speedily eolleeted Bunbury. August 4, l80d U Coachmakers X7& are aalluag Rima, Spoke, ltubl, Bprinj. Canvass, boll, Clip. Axles, Ac., very low 00wLEyACO Sunbury, March 10, Ibe7 SU0EMAKER3. THE aaanaliUas of Sola Leather. French Calf skies, Morrecco. Lmigs, La-s. Nails, Pef, loot nf ell kinds, aad verv tbiB"fl by the . fornlelowby J H CONLEY CO