Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 25, 1868, Image 3
HLWILVEItT,!,, . ', . ' N. 8. EN OLE, ) Fttbllshersj. SlIU KV, IA. SATURDAY, APRIL 55, 1808. ILocal Affairs. J. I!. Elton, hai just received I large assortment of Eton Ware, for sale at reduood pricei. Relioioci Notici. ServloM will be bold In tie Reformed Church on to-morrow (Sunday) morning, at 101 o'olook. RArnHO. The rain on Monday last caused the Susquehanna to rise sufficiently for rafltnf purpose. A number of them passed this plaoe thla week. II. Prters, at bia Grocery on Third itreet, near the Lutheran Cburoh, bas just opened a fresh lot of grooeriee for the spring trado. Call and lee them. Ir you with teeth extracted without pain, go to Dr. J. R. Crcsaiuger, Dentist. He is a skillful ope rator in surgioal ae well a operative and mechani cal dentistry. A. W. Blair, formerly of the United States Ho to, Milton, ha taken obarge of the hotel at the P. ft . Railroad depot, in that plaoe. The hoase has been thoroughly renovated and refitted. S. B. Boykr, Ksq ., hai been re-eleated District Deputy Grand Master of the order of I. 0. of 0. F., fur Northumberland county. Mr. Coyer received the same majority as at his previous election. Tub ladios connected with 6t. Matthew't (Episco pal) Church are raising funds, by subscription, for repairing and tuning the organ. It will eost about $75. The organ is badly In need' of repair?. Bankrci-tct Cobht. The Register in Bank ruptcy for this District, J. M. Wiestling, Esq., hold a oourt at the oflico of Rockefeller ft Robrbacb, in this plaoe, on Friday last, A number of eases were acted on. Flaming Mill. Mr. Ira T. Clement Is comple ting his new planing mill, Ae. The workmen have just put up for him in tbia mill one of Root's celebra ted Tioi.k Engines, with sectional safely boilers of 40 horse power. . Dkath or J. J. Wai ls, Esq It is with regret we anncunce the death of J. J. Walls, Esq., of Lewiburg. Mr. Walls was a brother of Judge Walls, of that plaoe, and bad long been an influen tial and worthy cilisen of Lewisburg. Tub lumber manufactories at Watsontown will soon be in operation. The saw-mill of Messrs. Cook A Pardee is worked to its fullest capacity. Mr. Fardoe's largo mill la nearly ready to run. for which many millions of feot of logs have been cut and are' on the way. PioaoNS. Four men, of Clinton township, Ly. ooming county, recently caught with a single net, botweon the hours of ten aud four o'clock, ono hun dred doxea pigeons. This was a good day's work, and gives enuie Men of the large numbers of pigoons that were driven to tbo valleys by the suow storm. Fire at Danville. On Friday night, 10th inst., a firo broke out in the extensive Machine Shops of the National Iron Company, in Danville, whieh entirely consumed the building and destroyed a large amount of valuablo machinery. Tbo loss nmuunts to several thousand dollars. The origin of the fire is unknown. Rev T. Db Witt Talhaoe, of Philadelphia, will deliver two lectures brforo the Clionian Peolety of the Missionary Institute, and the citiiens gener ally, on Monday nnd Tuosdoy ovenings, the 27th and 2dlb inst., in tbo Lvangelioal Lutheran Church of Selinsgrovo. Il's subjects nro "Grumbler t Co.," and "Our New House. " Dan Rice's Great Show. We oUVervo by the Shamokin Herald that this circus. and menagerie will exhibit in that placo on next Tuesday, and at Sunbury on the following day. We cannot vouch for the truth of Dauiol's intended visit here, as we have not seen a single bill or heard of his adverti sing in any of our .Borough popors. Presentation. Rev. W. C. Cromer, recently pastor of tho Reformed Church, in this placo, left Sunbury on Friday morning last, to take charge of his congregation at Westminster, Md. Previous to his leaving he was presented by Biblo Class, No. 3, C. A. Roimensnyder, teacher, with a beautiful cune, as a murk o their esteem. Internal Revesce. The taxes on the annual lirt, for incomes, aarriages, watches, Ac, are now due and payable Amos T. Ileiscl, Esq., tho collec tor for Northumberland county, will colloot at Huffs Hotel,'on, on Tuosday, May Oth; at Esquire Shindol's office, Sunbury, on Wednesday, May Oth; at Sheriff Weaver s Hotel, Shaniokin, on Thursday, May 7tb ; and at Vuukirk's Hotel, Northumberland, on Friday, May Sth. - i . Sii.vuLhV M umble Yard. Tbe Marble Yard at the north-west corner of Market Square, recently operated by Dusingor A Taylor, has been purchased by Mr. Wui. M. Daughorty, of Middlotown, who will continue the businosa at the old staud. Mr. Dougherty manufactures all the latest stylos of monumenip. t.bolitkp. head-Btones, Ac He is a good mochnnio, and is able to turn out first-class work. Mr. John A . Taylor, who bos a wide reputation as a marble cutter, remains in the establishment. Anotu-f.b Victim. By reference to our adverti sing columns it will be seen that Mr. O. W. Long, of Muncy Creek towmbip, was swindled out of a note of S200, by Lowe, the Washing-machine man, whose operations in Northumberland county we no ticed last week. It is to be hoped that no one bus purchased the notes given by either Mr. John Dimm or Mr. Long. We think thero is no danger that either Lowe or his confederates will attempt to col lect theui, as the evidence of thuir swindling opera tions has become a little too plain for that. Lowe will not be likely to show himself again in this part of the country Nitney Luminary. Accident at Milton. The Mil Ionian, of Fri day last, says : On Saturday afternoou last one of tbo younger sons of Mr. F. Wilbelm, of this bo rough, was out with gun shooting pigoons. Before starting for borne he loaded bis piece, thinking he might have another shot on the road. No opportu nity for discharging the weapon at any game hav ing ofiered, lie took it borne loaded. Frank, the eldest son of Mr. Wilbelm, took tho piece out on the back porch to discbarge it before putting it away. In attempting to discbarge the weapon, from some cause it exploded, and a piece of the iron entored the forehead of the boy, passing through the skull and penetrating tbo brain. Dr. Davis was immedi ately called and dressed the wound. M the time of going to press the injured boy was improving and strong hopes are entertained that be will fully re cover from tho effects of ble dangerous wound. Caiomt ibj the Act. On Sunday night last Mr. George Kieffer, who, with bis brother, koepaitore in Lower Augusta township, about three miles east of this place, after returning borne from church discovered that the store door wu fastened oo the inside, and also heard some one walking iu the store, which aroused his auspicious that all was not right. With the assisiunoe of two neighbors be de termined, if possible, to capture the burglar. - An entrance was effected, aud with lbs throat that they would shoot the rascal in case he attempted to ta oape, the o (lender speedily cam to terms ana was properly secured. He gave bis name as Stewart Winder, and said that be was from the violcty of Wilkcsbarre. lie was brought to town oa ALaU morning and taken U fore Esquire Phi ad el, wbo committed bim for trial at next term of court. .The prisoner, who is . a yung man of About 27 years, confessed his guilt, and eiatejl that tbS pa bis in( offence. . On his person were found a bunch of keys, a revolver, aud about U or f 13 iu money, the la tor belonging to Mr. Rlvlcr, Wliicjt () bad taken m the drawer lie is evidently u old band at bqlr.c& ; - . - Tub North Branch Conference of the Susquehan na Bynod of Pennsylvania met In the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Bnnbury, on Tuesday eTonlng, Slat Inst. ' Ii was organised by tho selection of tho following officers : President, Rev. M. L. Bhindel ; Beoretary, Rot. Keller Treasurer, Rot. Erokner. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. M. L. bhindol. Tho first session for business, was oponed en Wednesday morning. After calling the roll of mem ben and the reooption of lay delegates the Confer ence prooeeded to business. Tbo minutes of last session were read and ap proved. x Many matters of interest were discussed during tho morning session, among which may be regarded as prominent "Home Missions " It Is evldoot from the statements made by tho ministers presont that there is a large territory lying within the bounds of the Conference unooouplod, and material to which they are entitled unattended to. Measures for the oooupaney of those waste places were presented and discussed.- ATTSItNOON SESSION. At two o'clock the Conference was opened with prayer. This session was taken op In fraternal and animated discussion of matters relating to the general Interest of Zion. In the evening Rev. Rioe, of Espy, preaohed to an attentive audience, from Psalms 40 : b. TnrnsDAT morning session. The Missionary Committee inado a full and inter esting report. The report was received and its re commendation approved. Borne interesting and instructive discussions took plaoe, which oocupied tbo morning, after which the Conference adjourned. In the afternoon tho Synod mot and was organ ised. We will publish tbo proooodings in our next Issue. m ' -. -- The Boiler Explosion at Danville. The Danville Inttlligcncer, uf Friday last, says: Be tween five and six o'clook on last Wcdnosday morn ing, one of the boilers in the Penna. Rolling Mill exploded, instantly killing one of tho workmen, Edward Russell, and severely burning and wound ing nine others, vis : John Clave, Sr., arm and leg very badly fractured ; John Clavo, Jr., cut in tho head and severely burned ; Adam Funk, burned ; Thomas Burns, severely burned and bruised ; John. Moloney, skull badly fraotured ; Thomas Muln ney, Jr., badly bruised ; J. Hawthorne Clave, cut in the head ; Wm. Farroll, very sovcroly injured. It is thought that John Mulaney and Wm. Farroll are fatally injured. Binoo writing the above Far rell has died. We have no means of ascertaining tho cause of this terrible explosion. It lt stated that no blumo is charged to those having charge of the boiler at the time. TnE Milton Car Company has erected four tene ment houses near the upper depot, east of tho rail road, in that place. It is intended by tho Company to erect a number of similar houses in the uppor end of that borough. We think the example could be advantageously imitated by tho railroad companies whose roads terminato at Sunbury. A largo num ber of their employees have the greatest difficulty In obtaining bouses, owing to the great demand for them. It cannot help but bo a profitable invest ment. Rkv. Wm. C. Cremer. A meeting of theoonsis tory of the Reformed Church was bold on Saturday, March 21st, at which the following resolutions wero unanimously adopted in relation to tho resignation of Rev. Wm. C. Cremer, late pastor of the church : WnEREAS, Our beloved pastor, Rev. W. C. Cre mer, has tendered bis resignation to this charge, and bv it we are about to be deprived not only of un ablo and eloquent minister, but of a pastor whom we all deeply love and revoro, tbcrcfuro llcsolvtd, That wo cannot contemplate this sud den announcement of our pastor's ilolerminntion without our expression of the sorrow and grief so universally folt, and our reluctance to sever the tender ties of love and uffeotiou which have bound us together as pastor and poople for so many years. lirnolved. That we greatlj deplore the resigna tion of our pastor, who has labored amongst us with great acceptance and success for five years ; his pop ularity and usefulness incroosing all this tiino; cu that bo is universally eeteotned and beloved not only by the members of this congregation, but by all who are acquainted with him. Jiesotrtd, That our prayers and ardent wishes for bis health, happiness and usefulness will accompany him to his now field of labor to which in tho provi dence of Uod ho has been called, and that wu will ever remember him na a faithful pastor, a sincere christian and a beloved friend. In Memoriam. At a meeting of the Faculty and Fellows of Racine College, held on Monday, the 6th of April, 18C8, the day succeeding the death of their brother und oolloaguo, William Ellis Ligbtner, the following resolntions wore unanimously adopted : lie solved, That the death of our young brother in tbo midst of a career of usefulness, bas come to our hoar ta with a painful shook of surprise and unmiti gated sorrow. litiolvrJ. That we doeiro to boar public testimony to the promise of his early career, both as a student at St. James' College, Maryland, and at Rnoiuc College, of which he was a graduate ; to his morits as an instructor and disciplinarian, iu each of which capacities he dovoloped aptitudes, which would have entitled htm to the highest trusts ; to his steady and conscientious fulfilment of duty ; and to bis blumelcss christian character which won for him the confidence aud affection of those associated with him in his work. lioolvcd. That wo hereby offer our sympathy to his aihioted parents, and pray that they may find In God s grace, eomfort in this, their bitter bercavo- ment. C. N. Sl'ALOINO, Sec'y of the Faculty, Appropriate resolutions wero also adoptod at a special meeting, April 6th, of the Clionian Society, belonging to Racine College, commemorative of the deceased. Orn Railroads. From the Auditor General's Report un Railroads, we glean the following in reference to the railroads terminating at Sunbury : lortnern L entral Railroad. Length of road, 138 miles ; number of eugine homos aud shops, 4 ; number of engines, 89 j first-class passenger cars. 64 ; baggago, mail and express cars, 41 ; freight do.; 1 i coal do., 1.61a ; iron bridges, 28 ; wooden do., 120 ; stone do., 28; railroads oroesed, 6 ; stations on inuiuroad, 12; wood and water stations, 17; tun nels, 1. Total passengors carried, 55,651 : gross tonuage, 1,190.084. Killed employees, 4; others, p. Injured employees, 8 j othors, 3. riultiUetpkia if Erii Railroad Length of maiu road, li7 miles; number of engine houses, II; number of shops, 6 ; engines, 90; first class rasseuger oars, S3 ; baggage, mall and express ears, 8 ; ireight do., 1..184 ; coal do., 50 ; iron bridges, 2 ; wooden bridgoa, 103; railroads crossed, S; stations en main road, 71; wood and water stations, 41. Total passengers carried, 635,542; gross tonnage, 7U2.008. Killed employees, ; others, 5. In juredpassengers, 2; employees, 9; others, 2. Editor's Table. Gouev's LAnr'i Book. The May number of Goduy in already on our table. It is decidedly the ablest and mosl widely circulated fashion magazine published iu this oouutry, and no periodical is rood with more interest or wields the sums amount of in fluence. Tbe illustrations that are given In this number oonsiat of the following : Gardening, a teel plate; colored fashion-plate, containing six figures ; a handsome design for an antimaoassar or tidy, printed in red and blue ; the usual large ex tension shoot, containing forty engravings' of dress es, bonnets, bead-dresses, embroidery, children's dresses, etc. ; an engraving for the juveniles ; two percale robes from Mnddart A Brothers ; aud a great variety of useful work in the work-deuarlment. Tbe literary department contains a rich, treat for tue readers oi tuo look. Published by L. A.Godey, N. E. Cor. Sixth and VbttfUiut atreeu, fodadclpuia. i Toe Ladt's Fbienu, for Mat A very boautl (ul steel engraving "Margnorite Going to Church" -with Faust anal Mopbiatopheles In the back' ground leads off the May number of tbe Queen of tha Monthlies. .This charming engraving of itself snany will considor worth tbe price of tbe camber Then there is a magoifioont colored steel fashion Blatjv wbiph all ladies will admire. "Summer Time," another engraving, makes one wish that tho. tommer days were bare, Tbe Music for this month is called tbe 'Belles of Georgia Walts Then there are numerous engravings of ihe fashions -Toilettes, Embroidery, Coiffures, to. Price (with engraving) 12.50 a year ; font eopies (with ana ea araviiiE) 6. 00.. One cony of Lady's Friend and ? . .i -. . . r i L' ..... .j .. ' i : :io oi iuai jujiumr wooiit. iuo catuiuuj c vouiug ost, (and one engraving,) $4 09. - Address, Deacon Peterson,' 319 Walnut fctreet, Philadelphia. i-sjuple copies, 15 erota BUSINESS NOTICES. Did ,Yoc Eei ? Did you seo tie An assortment of Cloths, oasslmeres and Testings at Beck's Mer chant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street? He baa a fine variety to lull bis customers, and goods are made up at abort notice, in the very best manner, at prices astonishingly low. Call and ex amine his goods. Tbe style and price cannot fail to please. . For man .to say that bt oan never ohange bis opinion, is either to Imply that he Is too obstinate to be taught by experience, or that be claims infalli bility. It is but necessary to visit Miller's Excel sior Boot and Shoe Btere to oonvinoe the most obdu rate person that be keeps the oheapeat and best stock lu Sunbury. A Perfect IwrossiatUTr To bo comfortable In a badly fitting suit of clothe,. It la contrary to all tbe rules of human nature. Call at the Conti nental Clothing Bataar, Market Square, and furnish yourself with what you soed, and you will never have to complain. The suits are miracles of com fort and elegance, and the price" are such as will suit all classes of customers. Tbe stock of undor clothing and gentlemen's goods is also well worth examining. in A Sure Tuino. People may talk as they please, think as they ploase, nnd entertain contrary opin ions on any subject ; but there Is one on which all agree, and that Is, that Byerly, the Photographer, produces the best pictures outside of the cities. Call at bis Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market street. "Beactt unadorned, is adorned tho most," Is a true saying, as far as ladios are concerned, but not so of the storncr sex, for their appearance can cer tainly be improved by the woaring of a hat or cop, to be purchased at the fashionable emporium of S. Faust, in Market Square, Bunbury. Coi's Cocoii Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, nnd Consumption. Both siies ordinary 4oi., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should bo ovor night without it in the house. Coe'j Dyspepsia Cl-re Will immediately re lievo and permanently cure the most aggravated casoof Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, aud all diseases of the Stomaoh and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join in unboundod praise of its groat virtues. 8old by Druggists everywhere. Price f 1.00. MARRIAGES. On the2flth tilt., by Rev. S. Reid. Mr. Adraiiau Stewart and Miss Mart Wrratlet, loth of Nor thumberland. On the 20th ult , by J. lineman, Esq., Mr. J. H. Inkrote, of Littlu York, Pa., und Aliss Matilda Duruniai.En, of Lower Angusta, Nortb'd county. DEATHS. At Northumberland, on tho 6th inst., 8. ANNIE, daughter of David and Barah Ililker, aged 18 yours, 10 months and I- days. At Georgetown, on the llth inst, Mrs. CATHA RINE BKOSiors, aged about 74 years. The deceased was a worthy and respected old lady, well known in tho neighborhood, where her death will bo much regretted. At Lcwisburg, on the 18th iuet., JOHNSON WALLS, aged iU years. SU.MilKV itlAKKIZTN. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do per cu t. Rye Flour, perbbl. do perewt. Wheat, prime red, n Rye, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do uuparcd do Pried Applos, do 14 00 7 00 10 00 0 00 I 2 CO I 1 SO I 1 20 : 75 i 40 25 t 15 ! CO 40 I 23 : 26 ! 18 20 I IS ( 14 lj' lfl xineu memos, (umwnea,) per du. Butter, per pound, Hg. Chueso, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beof, bind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, per aozon, per pound, do do do do do do per pair 60 Klimiiokln Coal Trnde, Bhamukin, April 21, W$. Ton, t'irt. Bent for week ending April 18, 11,080 l.'l Per last Report, B0, 615 03 101,004 Id I18,(j'i2 04 17,027 08 To same time last year, Decrease, Special iNottcea. Deapness, Blindness am Catarrh treated with tbe utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D , Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leydon, Holland,) No. b05 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from tho most reliable sources in city and oouutry eau be seen at bis office. The Modioal faculty arc iuvited to accompany their patients, as be bas no secrots in bis practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES iuser'-d with out pain. No charge for examination. nov..10-ly. o NE PRICE CLOTHING. OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, ( 60 ft .Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the Oue Frioo Sy8;em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which wo are proud of, fur good taste in select- ?;ood styles and substantial materials, and not less mportaut, for having all our goods, EvntA u:ii. made:, We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes oan be suited. . Tbe prices are the Tory lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we could pot meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prioes down to the advantages we promise. Tbe people may depend, this is the truo pi an upon which to do business, and manva dollar oan be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING IIOt'SE, 004 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on tho Corner, but one door above Sixth. 12. J. MAIZE, Kalckiuuai. April 4, 1868. ly j '4I.4J ITU At . O.'S GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For tale by all Grocers. Mayl8, 1867. ly. ' ' .. Krrorai of Youth. ( A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tbe sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need It, tbe recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured.- Sufferers wishing to profit by tbe advertiser's experience, eando so by addressing, in perfect oonfidenee, i i-JOHN B. OtiDI.N, xoy!8'-7 1y 41 Cedar Street, N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - . ., , : In tUe JItrlct Court of tbe tutted , u ,. State, . . For the Western District of Pennsylvania : ' IN BANKRUPTCY. f .At SofBCRT, March 270), 1868. , The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis ap pointment as assigns of Jacob A. Ithle, of the Borough of Mt. Carmo, county of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, wbo has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said district. ' LLOYD T ROHRBACH. Assignee Arril 18, 1868 -3t SPRING OPENING. ORIiiT FALL IN PRICES I Buy the MOST GOODS, of the BE3T GLiTJ-A.X.ITTr For tho LEAST M0NKY. SMALL PROFITS AND tJUICK CASH SALES ! ii. v., at the MAMHOTH STOEE, market sqi are, SUXRCRY, FEN'X'A. Has just receive.! and opened lh wKi.wrn and FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Prints, Muslim, Ginghams, C.uslmerer, da. Doluiucs aud Armurrs. " Domestic Cottons liroxn and Bleached NOTIONS of ulUiuJi. Hoilery, (llovos, Men's and Ladios Vndcrgarrntnt wnxTrj goods. A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Builders will Bud my Stock of llartlivurc, IulutM, OIK, (jilabH, Ac, Complete. Drugs and Medicines, Willow and Cedarnaro, Qucensnare, Glassware, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AM) SHOES- HATS AND CArs, aud In fact everything usually kept iu a large Store Call aud be couviuced that tho CHEAFEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOOP.i it at The Mammoth Store. of K.-ST. FBILINa, Terms C'le, day, as my Goods are bought for Cash and Sold Cheap for the READY M"NEYS I give the trade tbe ad vantage of all reductions as fast as they are mado by Manuiaclurors. U Y FRIUNCI. fuubury, April 16, loots To Farmers! THE PACIFIC OUAN0 COMPANY'S m ROLTJBLK . PAOIFIO . GrtJAI-TO- TflE attention of Farmers and other consumers of Fertilisers is invited to this Uaano. as worthy of their (peoinl notlco. Its use for several years In Maryland. Virginia and other Bouthern Hintos, for all crops, bas given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not found in that artlole. 250 lbs. of this Uuano are found more than equal to 800 lbs. of tbe best Superphosphate. It ripens the wheat orop from fivo to seven days earlier than the phosphates, which fact nlono gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by JOHN B, REESK A CO., Ucneral Agents for Paoitlo Ousno Co., 3S South Delaware Ave., Philad'a., And 71 South Street Baltimore. March 28, 1868. 8m JS WfSb.XIwe ti. St. Hi:v, Kentlfiit Will remove his Office to J. M. Simpson's Building. 2nd story, Market Square, BUNBURY, XA. yiIEREhowill bo prepared to do all kinds of IT work portninlng to Dentistry. Will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Tooth, and other Dental material, from which ho will bo able to select, ond meet tbo wants of his ouslomers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very host Mouth Wash nnd Tooth-powders kept on hand. Ilis references are tbe numerous patrons for whom be has worked f(,r the I aft twelve yoara. Bunbury, March 21. IrtSS. ItEEVES' AMBROSIA i-oii Tin: HAIR, IMPROVED ! It Is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. It causes tbe Hair to Curl beautifully. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It invigorates tho Roots of the Hair. It foroes the Hair aud Beard to grow lnxuilai.tly. It immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age. It restores Orey Huir to its Original Color. It brings out Huir on heads that have been bald for years. It is oomposed entirely of simple and purely vegeta ble substances. It bar received over six thousand voluntary testi monials of its excellence, many of wbioh lire from physicians in high standing. It is told In half-pound bottles (tbo name blown in the glass), liy Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere, at Ono Dollar par flnltlo. Wholesale by L't nias Barnes A Co ; F. C. Wells A Co.; SchicfTe- liu A Co., New York. March21 , HOB. ?,m . A LARGE supply of Willi I'lipi-r and E.oi'iii'r, just received and for sulc chonp. at the Mammoth Store of II. Y.FRIL1NG. April I, 1M8. aim. iiooi sat i s. WM. T. IIOTKIN'S OR "OWN MAKE" "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." are the best nnd Cheapest Low Priced Hoop Skirls in tho market. Trail tSkirts, 25 springs, $1,011; 30 springs. $1.20 ; and 40 springs, $1 46 i'luin Skirts ft tapes, 20 spiings, 80 cent; 25 springs, U.'icenis; 30 springs, f 1.15 ; and 35 springs, - 25 Warrant ed in every respect. -Our OWN Mako'' of "UNION SKIRTS." Elov en Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 springs. SI .20 to2.50. Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 60 springs, from Hi Cents to $2.00. These Skirts are better than those sold by other onutilijlnucnts as first class groods, and at much lower price". j "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS," I are in every way superior to all otber Hoop Skirts I lioforo the public, and only havo to bo ex.itnined or I worn to convince every ono of the fact. Manufac tured of the best linen. finished English Steel 'primrs I very superior tapes, and the stylo of the metalio lastenings an., manner o.seeurjnguieir 'V durability and excellence any other bkirt in this nnnnirv. .r.rl are liirhter. more clastic, will wear longer, give moro satisfaction, and are really cheaper than all otl ert. Every lady should try them. They this and the adjoining stale at very moderate prices. If you want the best, ak for "JK.pkin'a Champion Ttt-uT;.: rkirt." If vou do not find thoiu, get tho meruliaol with whom you doul to order them tor you. or conic or aen.l direct to us. Merchants will find our dif ferent grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially invito thorn to call and examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholcsulo Price List. Tn be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of tho Retail Trade eenerallr. and et Wholesale of the Manufacturer ouly, to whom oil orders should be addressed. MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM, 23 Arch .?t. Between 0th and 7tb!itM.. Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. February 29, 163. lOmos. m i-oit rA.'i' .o'i:i;. flIIE undersigued having succeeded to tho busi 1 Less of I. UI.MES A CO., takes this method of informing Brick-Layers, Builders, and ull others in terested, in nud about truiibuiy, that be is propared to nil all orders, for building and paving Brick, uf a superior quality, aud at as low rates as oau be had tl.-i where. I am also the Agent in tho Counties of Northum berland. 1'nion. Snvder and Montour, for WAR. Rh.S 4$ IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF i.UtF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that ean be ued on building. We covered several build ing" with it, during the lost season with enliru satis faction. Orders left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to Bunbury, or nt tho Oflico of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Haw Mill aud Luiubur Yard, or at Sunbury Post Office, will receive prompt attention. TOWNSEND UIME3. Funbury, March 14, ISCS. E.K'iutoin' tolitc. Fst'.te of JAMES CAMPBELL, lectured. XT OTICE is hereby given that letters lestainenla i ry having been granted lo tbe undersigned, on toe estate of.Iair.cs Campbell, late of Upper Augus ta township, Northumberland onunty. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, tiro requested to make luiuietiiata payment, and those having olaims to present them duly autbenticnted for settle, ment. ROHKlri CAMPBELL, E'r. Upper Augusta twp., March 2L IXtK rtl MILLINERY AND YrRAW GOOD fl 21S ARCH STREET, above 2d St.. Philadclpbia. rilllE subscriber is now prepared to ofler to his X customers and the Trado generally a large aud veil srlectcd stock of Straw and Millinery Goods, PATTERN BONNETS, Flowers, Ribbons, Bonuot Frames, Ao , Ao. N. B All order8wi!l receive careful and prompt attention - WM KRU8EN. 218 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Marchll, 18M.-2ui KEMOVAl-1 t7 s. tTf x. WotfihrYII IV .lfTJt7PlPr MARKET SQUARE, 8 U N B U It V , P A., Will romove bia Jewelry Store to Miller a Stone Building.corner of 3d and Market Square, ON FEBRUARY 1st, ltiSt. where be will be happy to receive bis old customers and the publio iu geucrul. Thankful tor pant lavors, qo soliciu a continuance o: me aiu, "u.j termined to sell as low a the lowest, end for quality , not lo bo surpadfed by any guoda in the market. A large assortment uf HuKbes, Hoiks, . .lewi'li-y uud oilvs-r Ware. constantly on hand, consisting of all kindaof Ameri can t atcnes, suon as ine Howard, Applaton, Tracy A Oompariy, Tiemont. V.'ullUuui, P. B. Bart lot, Vui. ti lery. Homo anii a tino aaaoitnieut ct bwiaa Watcnoa AilkiuJof8 DayaodSO Hour Clocka 1 Silver toa setts, card and eaka baskets, breakfast and dinner castors, Celery stands, ayrup and drink ing ups, and a full aaaortmvpt of Spoons, Knives and Forks. Particular attaution 'paia to the repair lag ot- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry aud. Music Boxes. Ail work warranted. . Feb. h, 1BB. - ... kt.ULHV Oil. 5II1.I-. - THE subscribers hawing just erected and put in oporaliou a Mill for tbo manufacture of , LINHBKD OIL, offer the highest markot prioo for FLAXSEED. They have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, aud farmers aud others wanting gram chopped for feeding, can be accommodated at the shortest notice. A machine for chopping ovrn with tbe cob if attachod to tbe mill. . M'KGAN MASSER. . January 25. W ly nAuairs ... co.iini:ut iAi, MAt?ici:st . CiTWe announce to farmers and dealers in Fer tilisers, that tho following prioes havo boen adopted or tbe present spring season I AUDITS RAW BONK PnOBMIATK. Prioo, $M por 2,ooo lhs. EAVOH'S CHICACO BONK FERTILIZER Price, (10 per 2,000 lbs. BAuan'Sjrmioc- blood manlrk. This well known popular trade-mark will be found upon every package oi tho above manures. MARK A The high estimation in which BAunn'f Bone Ma nures have been holJ, during fomteon years, past, we shall fully sustain in tho future. Havlngnow the entire control of tho great resources of tho city of Chicago, for furnishiug Ammonia and riiospbate Jieldiug material, vii : Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, Ac, we have, In conuection with our works in Phil adelphia, the largest facilities for furnl-hlcg these manure, nt Uie above low prices. BAUG1I A SONS, Philadelphia. NORT-WESTEKN FERTILIZING CO., Chicago JOHN RALSTON A CO., Gen'! Ag'ts, New York. GEORGE KIKKE A CO., " Boston. GEORGE Dt?orA!,E,Who!.a!o Ag't, Baltimore For all Information respocting the above MaourM, addresi either of the above bouson. "JOURNAL OF THE FARM," A Now Monthly Agricultural Paper, published bv RAL'Oil A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Its design is to present a full range of Agricultura ond Horticultural intelligence j articles upon tho Practical and Scientific relntionsof the rubj-ct ; and its general aim is to inculcate a popular system of high manuring. The claims of B AUG ITS COMMERCIAL MANURED, arc urged iu an honest nnd open way, but not urged to the exclusion of any other valuable niannrial aid to Ihe farmer which tho markets or home resources afford. All farmers will find it. we tbink, fully worth nil it costs, in tbo practical sugektinns it presents, and the iceneral leauor will meet a share of solid enter tainment. Price, GO Contd per venr. Ad'lrros. 1IAI' G 11 A fcONS, PL'.lDdelphla. .Sold by SMITH A GENTI1ER, Sunbury. Jan. 2ft, lHtia. aug'rU-ly 130 t'JiOKtiiiit Ntrcct, I'lailmloljiliisi, Arc tho best iu Ueo, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: They nro more eimplo nnd durable, cosier kept in I order, make a stronger and more elastic stitch; firmer nnd raora beautiful seam than any other , 1 ' j ! They sow all fabrics from two common spools, re- , quiro no re-winding of thread, f.iston both emhof j j (ho feam ly tll0ir ,jwn operation, nnd though every fifth stitch is cut the ream v. ill r.ot rip. I XIjc Very illglioNt lrixo, iiia Crown of tho Legion of Honor was conferred on tbo repre sentative of tho T0 at tho Exposition l'iiivcisell.e, Parut, loC7 ; thuj attesting their great suporirity over all othejr low ing machines. UR0VER A BAKER'S KKW HrVLUS h ii i; x x ii k ?i a t: si e : r: m For Manufacturing, Combine the Kxt modern and essential improve, mcnts. Tho attention u requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Ilnota and Shoes, Cnrriago Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the uso of tho most effective LOCK ISTITCII MACHINES, To those new styles, which pocseas uumistakuble ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE D ALIUS, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN A., Nov. 23, 1S('.7. ly IV.lTl'IliiM IlHi CVlinlltUUr, A Superb Slock of fine Gold and Silver Watches all Warranto 1 to Run. and thoicughly Regulated, at the low price of flO dob, and satisfaction Guaranteed 100 Sold Gold Hunting Watches, f 250 to ?lflU0 100 Magic Cased Gold Wtitches 250 to 500 100 Ladies' Wntchcs, cnauieb d. 100 to 2o0 Gold H ing Chronometer Watches 2M to 2nd Gold Hunting Kns-li-h Lever3 200 to Itl'O Gold lluniing Duplex Watches 150 to :foo 300 2M 200 2."0 150 2.'0 250 75 inn 50 500 Guld Hunting Amerieau Watches 100 to 500 Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 5nil Sil or Hunting Duplexes 75 to 5ii Gold Ladies' Watches 50 to lOno Gold Hunting l.epines .10 to 100(1 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 50 to 2..U0 Hunting .Vilver Watchea 25 to 5000 AorUd Watches, ail kinds Id to 7j The above stock will bo disposed of on tbe popu lar oue price plan, rriving every patron n fine Gold or Solid Silver Watch for SI0 without reg;ird t value ! WaimiT, Flii). A Co., 101 Broadway, Now York, wih to immediately dispose oi tbe aliovo magnin oent stock. Certificates, naming tho articles, are placed in sealtd envelopes, aud well tuived- Hold- I ( ....., t.. i.i.,. .ri,.i....;. u. .. il u llie erticlea named iu loeir corn watch worth . .wu or one worth le.. li-.o return ol ' named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its orib.andtis no articlo value at lus than 10 is named on any certificate, it will ot once be seen that this is no lottery, but a (straight forwar d legiti mate transaction, which may bo participated in eveu by Ihe most fastidious A riugle eeriihcate will be sent by mail, pot-t paid upou receipt of 2j cenu, live tor $1, eleven for 2, thirty-three aud elegant prom loin tor 5, sixty-six aud more valuabU pi ciniom for 10 ; one hundred und must superb watches lor I5. The itzents orth .o wishing ouiployuieut, this is a rare opporl unity. It is a legitimately conducted business, authorised by tbe Government, and open to the most careful scru tiny. Wutohes sent by Express, with bill fi r oolleo tiuu ou delivery to that no dissatisfaction :on possibly occur. Try us. A-blross WRIGUI, bliUi IIKR A CO., Importers. 101 Broadway, New York. March 21, 13113, 3m "TbVAIjs" I'AI'liHMi pAPER H AN U IN US! AN lUMEKSB STOCK Off W-AIXi PAPERS, KSW AND LI.EOANT 6TTL-S foii rAiii.ona, halls, etc., MIOI.t;8AI,K AND HETAIL HOWELL BOI RKE S. Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, Pkllndt-lnliin, March2S, '68.-Sm. STONX3 "WARE. TUE best and cheapest assortment of Stono Ware in Uue State, just received and for salo cheap at the Al-oiwoio t tun ovore oi II Y. FRILlN'i fA.Dt GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. IslIrY V. CO., In Welmir'a Building. Water Street near Kings' . NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM tbnir friends end tl.e pvV.ic j. ncrally that they have a largo nrnrtnetit Of "irocerips Provisions, Ao.,at1 fresh end of tl. ebetinality.con sistiug of Teas, C'oflec , Spguv, und t:plree. Dried and Canned Trull', Piuntw, raisins, Cheese, end Crsofcer'. n In f.,rt every!!iing usually kept in the Grocery line. ebeaplotof Good FAMILY FLMitt, Grenh Ten. Ilams, Shoulders. Ac, which arn eonstantlv kef t on hand. Also, all kinds of VegotnJdes. Ac, 'Ac Uivetbem ncall end see for yourself., teept. 2s, lt'f.7. lirWsLM)UESSEl). Call and see the wall selocud dtook a CU'TnS, CAKSIMKRF.S, OVERCOATINGS, VLbTING.-'. Au Just rer"ied at MHHCHANT TAILORING rSTABLISH Mi: NT, Fourth Street, U'.ow Eysfci's Moro, KUNLt KY WINTER CLOTHING of tho most approved styles is made up to order a reasonable rates. Ho ties also a fine assortment of Cswimero Fhirls, Drawers, I'nderi-hirts, Overhauls, lilnnsof, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen llrwo. huspenders, Hand korcbiefs, Gloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Oivo him a call, which you will find to bo to your aJvantago. If - 'fs7. STJNBUHY BUILDING LOTS "IN J. W CAKE'S Addition to the Borougl of X fcunbury, fur ealo on ressonnhlo terms. Applv to Dr. R. 11. AWL and, tSUL. BROSIOL'S. Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. CHEAPER, Pottsville, To. Nov. 21, 1W SELLERS & F0LWELL, WHOLESALE AND FRUITERERS, No. 141 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 'Orders promptly attended to. nrc oi.i URTAtiMsnEn nnf, J. J. WCIIARDSON & CO., 12o Maiikct Strbct, Philad'a., tbe largest Manufacturing Confotior.rn and Wuolccnie Dealers in Fruits, Nut.", Ac in tho United tfiatixi. March 7. 1S.17. ly I ! THE G II K A T P R I Z T. I ! lCriOfillm I'nirendtCy Pitris, 1867. j THE H0V,rI3 SEWING MACHINE CO ! ELI AS HOW E, Jk. 1 Awarded over Eighty-two Compolitor. 'I'lio IEinlie.wl IVrmium, Tie Only Cro of tho Legion of Hon . r and GOLD MEDAL givi-n to Amkiiioan .rwiNn ..! ,irnist:a. per In-; rial Decree, putitiuea m the 4 (Official .iituruat of the Fivnc 2d Julv, b,7 , in those wird : ALinitrur Unh enl" i Empire), Tuesday. 1 Fabricantn do M:ichir,'3 a CjU 1 rlre exj o? .mt. Manufacturer of Soii.g Ma- Elias Howe. Jn. j chines, 'Exhibitor "This double Grt honor H unotht r of the great superiority of the HOWE SEWING MA CHINE overall others.'' SIBLEY A STOOrS. No. 23 South Eight Street. PhiladvlphU, Agenta for Penualvania. New Jersey, Delaware and Western Virginia. February 22, lHOrt. ",m ISAAC K. SIAUFFER, t"ulcIimkor nnd .lew -rlr. NORTH 2d ST., tlOR. OP QUAItHY, I'liii.ADr.i.rjiiA. An .umtment of Vuiihes, Jewelry, Silver ati'l Pl itjJ Ware constantly on bond, f"RIiairiilg of W''.e tl'l-.l Jiwelr;.- pr..rr,pllv at ten'U'J to N.iv. lc67-l v. TORRIKOTOIT & H0DGKIN8 iZ A. V,T PONE SUPER-l'UOSrnATE OF LIME. A STANDARD MANURE I0R ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROP.S. Having within the pa! year greatly incroated and improved our facilitie, tor grinding Bonos and man ufacturing, ue are prepared to furnibh to tho farm ers of PeuusylviiUia a superior artiolo of Niipor-IMiowpliut'. Our manufacture has been Iborooghly tested tbe pat soaon by practical men ot our iinmediato uetghbui hood and elsow bore, end in every c&ev tho result bos been entirely satisfactory. Our proceeaof pulvcriiiug, w hereby it is prepar ed for and GUARR ANTEED TO PASS TnROUGII ANY DRILL, obviates an oljccti jn which attaches to many fr , til iiors. aud secures to tho farmer a savimr of mu-h valuablo time, SOLD AT TIl MASCFACTOltY, EAST MARKET STREET, M AIII KV, IM., nnd by our Ageutj throughout tho country, in Ba of 200 11. each, at J5 per Ton of 2000 lbs ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points accessable by rail or canal, on receipt of order. TORRINGTON A IIODGKINS. Also Ageuts for Sevnmur, Morgan A Allen's .'If Raking Roaper and Mower I'lho New Yorker) and rratt i rmeiiioys Jley and Gram I'.ako. Send for Circular. Fobruary 5. 'tW, ly Lime I Lime I Lime I miiE new Llmo Kilns of II. 11. Master, at Svlins X Grove Station, are now completed and in su--cossful operation, producing lime of the very best quality. These kilus are built with all the uio lorn oouveuienoos arid iuiprovcuiujits, and bavo a oupsci ty of producing 400 bu.-hela per day. Lacellcut roadd have beeu mado to tho kilns, uU iiiuwlxred with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds can be loaded Iu a few minutes (row Un sohutes. wiihoui handling. Having opened a largo body of tb. best limestone, at tho mouth of the kilns, thev aru enabled to sell lime at tbe kiw rate of 11 eent'. nor busbol. Tbe kilns are ia charge of competent per anns, wbo will always bo prepared to supply cl tomors. Apply to H. B. Maasor, Sunbury, t tj Ch. Uunkleborger, or Chas. J . Conrad, at tho kilus December 14, 1867. 1IRD CAGES, 11 iliftwwt kinds. If you want I good and cheap Bird Cages, g. to 'M.i: VMS i