usbautaa IHK TORT LATEST ARRIVAL! I FALL' sTW INTER Joseph Eyster, Corner f Market and Fourth .Street, 9UNBURY, l'ENN'A. Invite th wablle to eall and esamin bit elegant -?AU AND WINTER GOODS, which h will sllt greatly reduced price His flock conaiita in purl of CASSIMERES. CLOTHS. 8tC, rilks, Ielain, Lawns, Ulnghams, Calicoes. Muslim, Miecting, Tlckingt, Jens, and a tull assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Glovei, Hoop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs, llrnsbos, Combs. lint nnd ( aits llooln ai"l M'oci, Ills assortment of goods will not, bo is sure fail to plcnse the Taney and suit the wants of any desirous i f purchasing. His stuck of HARlAVAivK AXD QltEXSW ARK. and Oroceries in large in quantity and ehoioe in inlitv. comprising generally everything ucrded in lh" household either lor use ur ornament , He is always ready and glad to so bis Iricmls md tidies pleasuro in showing tliem his gooil' even though no sale arc made. He only asks a rail, anil is euro that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the he,J,, tVs!J tit iinlurv. Nov IB, lo7. .1. v . wikviwov WATCHMAKER A JUWLLLH Square, near the Court House, SUNHTTRY. Northumberland County. l' HE boa nist opened an assortment ot Uohl and l'lain Patent Watches, CLOCKS fnr Railroads. Hanks and Dwelling. Fine Gold Kings, Finger Kings. Bracelets. 'Minia lure Cases. Medallions, Locket. Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Salt and Mustard r-poons. bugar t-poons. Cups, Napkin Kings, Fruit and Butter Kuivca. Shields. Comb, ! iMiiiuutid Pointed Pens, Cnslors. Pitcher.-', Butter i Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Basket. Syrup Pitchors. Ac. Ac I He invites the t-itisens of iMinbury and vicinity to call at the above plaoe. where he will bo happy to . wait upon them. I Particular attention puid lu P.tPAIP.INU. i December 21, 1H67 NEW GROCERYS M.Al.W-lA,ai i'ii Third tt . . one duor Wlow the Lutheran Church. ' 8UNHUUV, PENN'A, i HENRY PETERS, j lias just opened a AND Provision Store and is selling low for CASH Wis Mock is complote, consisting iu par t of I'tiARS. COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL. MolnsH'g, Fyruj.s, Mackerel, Lard, llnnis, Nuts I'ried and Canned Fruits. Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kopt in the Grocery line. The best FLOUR nnd MEAL In the Mnrko1 l obac :o, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. (.onutantly on hand ibhcllandCan which will be furnished to privato families in large ' or small quantities. I Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest ! prices. j Country Produce takes in exchange for Ooods. j tCall and examine my tock, and satisfy your . lives i 1ILXKY PETERS. .Suubury, Dec II, 1867 ISAAC X. STATTFFER, tVatcInnnkcr aisd .!.". NO. 148 NORTH 2d ST., COB. OW QUAHKY, PHHjADKLPIHA. An aainruuenl ..f Watiliea, Jewelry, Silver and PUted I Vsre constantly mi Land, j rVRepairing of Watches ai:d Jew. -Iry promptly at j ti'iHlrd t. ! X"v. W, l87nJ-v- dm STORE. W. A. BENNET, HurUrt Squnie, KE'mritl, la. U AVISO recently tiurclaaed tho Drug tore formerly conducted by It. A Fisher, I beg leave to inform the citizens' of .Sunbury end vi cinity, that I havo entirely replenished my stock "wCJ- FANC1T ARTICLES ! -uoh as Combs, Kru-hcs, Pockct-Books. Soaps, Per lumcry, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors. Coal-Oil l.auiiis Tobacco and Cigars, aiutsi. OIln, tsinr, la., Isill,, Vnrnlslivs, I'atcnt Modiciucit, &. Ail my Tinctures, Syrups. Ointments, Cerate, and other preparations aro manufactured by myself, and from the best mi.tcrinl I ean procure iu Market Ibo'''"3 numl)r of J""' "Poricnce in li'ug und Pi'terij'tiitH L'tmiiirv,. bulb, in Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of tile College of Pharmacy. I (eel com peteiil to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS Innt the Physicians and public may favor me with. All my preparations, aa I have above asserted, are mado from the best material, and upon honor 1 assert, I hey aro ol ollioinal strength, best"' mc"iclI"tl PXT""'": I keen ou haud the very WINKS, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, limt I can procure. Botore purohaeiug elsewhere, call and convince your onu mind . . W. A. BENNETT, aubury, Nov 18. IS6i THE' GREAT, AMXKIfAX i:OMHrA II OS lluflou Hole UT-i'k4isiiiiiitt ""'" i ! oie-u'e iu lh bcti uiaimerrvt.i t ymwy ,.f lemming JJeinming rViK t t. ""'I brsnlinij. Uaihriag. Vunliag Ovhivsii, " I in,.r...,ie,,HS n l he r(lK ,n,t ,',, si l,,,,.,, " -.U'-i- Miiiiiul builoa and f velel in nil i IT I1A.S SO tgCAf. IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the cheapest, fur it k two Ma . rhlnin,uJ '" 10 hy ilnP'e " bcautifu- hanicnl arrangement. U,rHTi''i,fu!' Prtiiulars and samples of work he lu I W'"-lll. '" b on application at N w .' "0"": of Coaiuy, ' In rr,,0!'-' 1'luv.en" ""1 Chwtnul.S'U., Philadel s. wi ?utt.,,"B ou 018 McUiBe to"'y AtlENTS WAITED TO M.LL THIS MA'JHIXK. , , Mlrectorn i ' t m ,trNIMonE' Pfiae.t. LLIAM P. JENK8, ii. UWKi"VV,ernCJ'"nt' K40 S"""1 Frot St-,, 3i.5la3.wJ5 N- 504 "utket btfCCt. rip,, AMiAC0B 8HIPMAW. "arsr-"' t aruitr. Mm,,,,! p, . 1 iiuihnl.,,,1 v ,, '"uraiice ;, yuri u. 0. NEW GROCERY STORE, W. 3. FTOMA1T & CO-, Market Street, Six doors But of Third street, Berth side, BCKBURY, PA., RKSPKCTFULLY Inform their friends and the public, that tbey have opened a NEW GROCER'S" AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their stook, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Orucery line, such as ColTee, Tea, Sugar.Syrup, Spice, Canned and Dried Fruita, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, . etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Vo., . and in tact everything In the Uroocryaud Provision. L FLOVR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-Waro, Glassware, Conl Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ae. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. & Suubury, April 27,1S67. ( FISKSII ARUIVAL OF j FANCY DRY GOODS. ! MISS KATE BLACK, M.,rlet .aiiaro. two doors East of the old Bank : 'Ur uilding.SUNl!i;KY,Pcnna., j HAS opened a Iresh supply of the latest stylos of Full and Winter Mood, selected by Ticrsolf fii.m tho most lashioiiuble istablitbwcuts in Phila .n..l.iM Chtiip De l.uinw. Alpacas. French Merinos, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Goods. Cloths', Saciiuo Flannels, Ladies and Childrena' Hats. Feathers, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Lace A'oils and handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, Balmorul skirts.Brcakfast and Blanket Shawls, Winter Jacques and Ladies' goods of every description. tlents' Col.lurs, Ncck-tios, Jlulf-hose. Handker chiefs and U loves. Porluinery, Toilet Heaps. Hair Brushes, Combs, etc: Ufr-Hopkius' Eliplie Skirts. KATK BLACK. Suubury, Nov. 2. 18f7. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S sewikg machines, 699 Buoadw AY, Nltw YoBK. I 'or 1'aiiiilicM and .tl:niil'alni-T-., These World-Rcnuwncd Sowing Machiues, were awardod the highest preuiiuin at the World Fuir in London, and six first prcmiuuis at tho New York ."tate Fair of 1SC0. nnd aro celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the Mime thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of tho most npproved machinery, we aro now able to supply tho very host machines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious I'actory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President uftho Company, El. IAS Howk, Jr., tho original inventor cf the 6'ewing Ma chine They aro adapted to nil kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of Senmstresses, Dress Makers, Tavlors, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars, Skirts, Clonks, Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Cape, Corsots, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen (toods, I'mbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, coUon nr linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gathor, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every speei"s of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect etitch. alike on bcth sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most KiUar and all dewing Machines are subject to the principle invented by hiiu SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. fi99 llroadwuv. Cor Fourth St , N V. April ,IHt!7. THE CHEAT ZINGARI BITTERS The eomponcm pans ef this rcroarkaOU preparation were first discovered, compounded and distributed, some twenty years ago, by Dr. Cusorscs, the cele brated Kg-yplion l'b bician. Thousandscf his sudcr Ing couiitr.viocQ were restored to health, as well as urea t numbers of the inhabitants of N'ubia and Abyssinia, and of thecountries borucrinjr upoj the tioulhern coabt -,or tug Mediterranean bua. I Inrtrtu, the funic cf tho USUA1U UlTTJlUtS soon spread over uroie, and was adopted by the principal Physicians io charge of the hospitals of the old world, in which it is still used with irecmi- nnt success. The Viceroy of l.'gypt placed the name of vr. CHEorscs upon tho " Koll ut Nobles," and pre sented to him a llcdul bearing the following inscrip tion: " Da Chioi'SUS. the Public Benefactor." This bitters is now ottered to the public ef America with tlie full assurance that it will bo found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specific for the cure of Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhaa, Cholera Morbus, Fever and Ague, Yellow Fever, Rheumatism, Typhoid Fever, Uyapepata, Colic, llronchilis. CousumpUou, Flatu lency. IMaeaae of the Kidney. N'ervoue Ueblllty, and Female Complaint. Remarkable cures of the above diseases have bei n effected, by Its use, as numerouscertiQcales, mnnv from reifular physicians, fully attest, and it is dcitinci! tu supersede any preparation extant. At an aa-iecttule Tontc, and an 1NVIC0RATI.VO BEVERAGE, IT HAS KO tQL'AI. TIIU3 Till ZIVUAKI HITTEItS HAS SOI"!, ii W K L 1. A3 BODY, SID AS PREVENTIVE or IH8KASI' HAS NO Bl'i'ERKiI! A W W WDKhS Til .A 71V! A III BITTr.lW will pit iraii-iimit ciepl'ipn U: sirfliiliK l "Oinn lit ! lh- hi, i i:,tim!"!l 'hj.' v.vii i!,.,t4 h, poml.-i- tai,t Imiltt e-.inl.h'il. imnUtinii tlx- if Qvnl,ii simI m'liiiilMii; hr u'h soil Itf, nli:. -The ue it tl, e to ou ilnti suft. ssmi h th- t,oil ol tutt'ir., (de I'liCFt f his M Orliu) f lllv , for t i- naimt' - own H. r ir.fv ii'tr il,e l.,i, c.iu ut the rt-rnn. . tloniiK,ool lis cnPis .it n,nntli rtf.i-ri' k inili-li In l USf i it el r n l:,-i,l-H ,illl!ir.liil -oitinirjH ill oirdit... nod ii imt i-rv i-iei ,f HSU. UK. I'.. as slilil II I JH'l l;irle "ill 1 1 twttuiy io ihi.ioiniiieY:,,!! m Miv.ns a'i rn iliii.'- l,ln-.-li tl.4l r,llo. ri.i ItHil, 'ii , s-hi.1 ! Ii 1 It. .i. 'I.;- f-inrni n r.'ir:il.t; !'!' noil 't.. !'! II,'! ji;il IVlt'll. 11.11 i .tl i RAHTEH & HAUSE, Bulk ruorniKTono. For sale by Vv'. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Sunbury Pennsylvania. August i), ltttS7.- - N E W 15 11 0 C E 11 Y. rpilK subscribers begs leave to announce to the X chitons of Kuubury uud its vicinity, that they have opened a NEW GROCBIl 7Vi .'' trfxt of J. 11. Knyle't Store, m Market Sijiuirt, where they arc prepared to furuMi ev ery variety of groceries, und will keep cuutuully ou hand the ehoioest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, ColTee, Teas, Sugar, Molussea, Cheose, Salt Fpices of all disoripliuu, isonps ol every variety Candles, flunking and Chewing tuba ceo, i'egurs. Hams. Mioul ler. iiacoll, Uutter, and I'ggi. Also Driod fruits of all kiuds, Caned Peaches aud Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper .Sauce, RaUins, Lemons, to., of beat quality, and in fact every style of article kept in a well stocked Utooery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kluds ot country produce taken in exchange. The patronage of the publio is re spectfully solicited. (JEOKUE E. BEARD A CO. uubury, Nov. 11, 1865. Are especially invited to call and examine our stuck of- llUILDiliiu HAHDWAHK, comprising Kails and Kpiko of all varieties. Cutis, Horews, Strap and T Hinges, Locks aud Lalebe. BolU. Pla terioit Trowels, Uriek Trowels, I'loalcrei s eieve, e , It (ur sale by J U CONLLV A '. . it m ii aIIJl?w, SrKKirs PORT sBltAPIJ WWE, Used bjr htut.dredfiorConrKans ibr Clinrrli or Cemmnaleo tis y um. EXCELLENT ton LAIIE9 AH WEAKLY PERSONS. ' VWErAKDS, A7i TV JERSEY. FOVR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wino ia made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this country. Its invalunblo Tunic fc Ktrriiutticntiig; Iroprlic Aro unsurpassed by any other nativo wine. Being the pure juice of the grape, produced nndcr Mr.' Spcer's own personal supervision, iti purity and genuineness are guaranteed. Tho youngest child mny pnrtake of Us generous qualities, and the weak est invalid may nse It to advantage It ia partien ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respeot, . A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use SPEER'S PORT ORAPE WINE, ! Female use. SPEER'S PORT OKAPK WINE. ; Weakly persons find a benefit by its nse. j SPEF.H'S WINES In hoepilals are preferred to othnr winea. I Ijp-Sold by all Druggists abd Orocera. A. SPKKR S INKYAHD, New Jersey. Offioo, ! 213 BROADWAY, New York, I The trado supplied by Johnson, Holloway & Cow Id en, and French, Richards A Co., in Philadelphia. 1 For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. ! Pel 2i'i. ly. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, ia. Miscellaneous Books, a good assort ment. All the new books rcceivod as soon as published, and for sale at Publishers prices. BIBLES, Prayer Books and llyuiu Books, in every stylo of binding. Catholic Prayor Books. FAMILY BIBLES In various styles DICTIONARIES of all sites. s3 w w ri W o o to 3 O w M to W M k3 03 M in d tn w to 'tS Juveniles and Toy Books, a large bssoilincut ItlnnU Itookst i Blank Forms of ull kinds. Foolscap. Legal Cap, Letter and Noto Papers. COPVIX'O TIOOKR. Tiikltnnrls Pen Rucks, Files, Paper, Cutters and louiuing House stationery generally . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS and dear. cheap (lold Pens and Holders. Pockot Looks and Dill Wallets. Pictnro Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American, French, 4 o. Drawing Paper, nil sizes, Bristol Board, Ac. Diaries, Memorandum Books, io. Backgiiuimun Hoards, Uauios, Chess-' men. Ae. ! j Toys a large and complete assortment! Ilnse-liiiUs uud bitts. Fishing Hods' ; and Tucklc. j i l'eifuuiuf , Broheuiiau und Parisian, ! Marbles. Ac. Uold Pens ro-puinted. I-Kinps, ShtdoB, Globes, Chimneys.: Ac. i Wall Paper and Border, all kinds.) Window Curtains, Patier Uilt andl Oiled. I Music and Musical Instrument. t All kinds of Books and Stationery not ou hand promptly ordered. All thu Daily and Weekly Papers and Muguzincs. Agent for tho "Americiiu Organ." Also lor "La Hose's Hnir Hcsloralivc," Enamel of America, and Notional Steam Navigation Company." Sunbury, May 18. 18B7. UlCII STIIEET FOUNDRY ! .V. YO.;:VUJlAX, Propi-Ielor. jai-i-li Si.,l-tvvoen ad and llli, closo to the tMibllc fSvbool llosixe, SUNBURY PENN'A. 'X11E proprietor of this establishment rospcctfully inlurms the publio that he has commenced the man ufacture of Cooking and Heating j STOVES! ' which he Kill sell ut lower prices then they cuu be ! obtaiucd elsewhere. MILL (leering, Stoves, and the largest clan of I Castings made promptly to order. Also, Window Weights, Frames and Urates fur Cel- i lur Windows, Ac. 4'nt Irhu 4'ltiiitiiey '1'oiim. : WATEll TH0U01IS t DOOR bTbl'S I A liberal price paid for old castings. ! THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im proved, is manufactured at thisestablishmont. Also, Ktovo (Irate of all kinds, Kettles, and every variety ' ofsmull castings. - j buubury, Oct. 5, 1867. FAllIIiY MAClll.MJM ' Mrs, 8ABAH 8IMPBOU". Waluut Street, SLNBI RY, PA. lim ing been appointed Agont by tho linger Manu facturing Company, for the sale of Singer' Now Family bowing Machines, inform tho publio that j they can be bad at her residence. I Machines are simple compact, durable and , licautilul. Capable of performing a range and a j vnriely of work never before attotnpted upon a sin i gle Muchine using either silk, twist, linen or cot ; ton Thread, and sewiug with equal facilpy tho very i finest aud coarsest materials, aud anything between ihn two extremes in the most beautiful aud substan tial manner. I lice Machines mil be sold at reasonable rales. i'.iM r,ud exsitiiue for vmirsolvcs. Mrs .UI W .IMPO Abch ciub-i ?ii 1.V.7 SEEING IS BELIEVING tl 5l ,r ls Wirerl. nkw I'HiCris; m:v goods ; Hiuh Silver und Silver-Plated Wares, Including every style and description, made expressly fur the Winter trade, which for neutnes and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S W'holcaale and Retail Manufacturing rstablishment, 10 aitt'll cattEtr, 1'iilbADt.LPJllA. I'p'Re-plating at short notice. . I'eoembej 21, 1387 .aug27 PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS ABTS BTATIONEHV, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Elate. Bocks, Hymn Book. Bisnk Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Books. Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fine a&ortmeut of Paper, Ink, Ae. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. PURE LAGER BEER! iukti: a-i ali:. From the Cold Spring Brewery, JOSEPH EACH3EPk. RESPECTi l'LLV informs the public getmrally that he is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, POUTER AND ALE, n large or small quantities His facilities for malt ng Bear canae be eiHuillaJ. and is pronounced sup, rior to any other oaured in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been fooomia ended b physicians a a healthy drink for invalids. -" a Uotels. Restauraeta end Brlvata famtlln I at short notice Sunbury, Sept 21. 1667 - To 1T2CVT OH033-OTOM. Market Bwrtjj,JJij,'J(Jy "j?' Confectionery rpiIF nnd erst KB ed n trae4 resrwetftiTly tohrme the eltiiens iry and vicinity, that ke haa opened a ! STOKE, for the sale as well as for the J. ofBanbur NEW 6U0K I manufacture of the finest and beat sjaallt of Ladies Shoes, Til : UIOYoIild, Mot-roc cw, Cairakln and JLastlBii; Unllcris, Ac. Children's Shoos of all kind, U Is stock Is entirely new and well selected. He also maaafaetarei On Frenofc and other Calf skin Boot and Shoos for Gentlemen. Orders for ladies and rent! em en's eustotn work will be promptly attondedto end got up In the best style by skilful mechanic Shoe findings 4o., constantly kept on band and Tor sal to tho trade. J. H. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April M, 1867. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION' 1 1ST STJISTBTJIfY is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Out Irately SSHtabllofacd, Mills ull the Modern Iniprovciucula) of tho Art ! j fpiIE subscriber, having built the room expressly X lor me purpose or rnotograpamg, ana Having devoted many year to the business, Is confident of his ability to assure hi patron that tho work pro duced shall be second to none In country or eity. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the host sky light In the county, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day for smnll children. He Is also prepared to take new site, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such a Landscape view of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, do., a large lot of Photograph frame constantly on hand. The publio are respectfully invitod to Call and see our epeoimons and our coTrrplote arrangement for making Photographs, spoclul term to families and Clubs. BERGSTRESSER. Suubury, July IS. BREAD &lNWl)AKES. DAVID IFIR-S" Two doors west of tho Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs the citlrons of .Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bako to ordor all kinds of CuUeti lor IIullx, Partica, A. v. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, io., and also kept on hand mnnnfaotured out of the best materials. All ordor will meet with prompt attention. Having had largo experience I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Dec. 9, 1SC5. FAL.L AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS uA.J4ID NOTIONS, Mies ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Past Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends nnd the publio, that she has just returned from the city, whero she has spent some timo in making selection and purohascs, and has just opened a largo stock ol MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dross-Linings, Crinolino and Wi gan tikirting Lining, Hoop Skiru, Bugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets. Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS t STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sizes, Alphabot Blocks, Ac. She flutters herself In being able to make a display that Till give entire sut intact ion to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. 1 -- ounuury, iov. z, iui. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY informs hi irionds and cus tomers, that ho has just oponcd a shop for tho manufacture of BOOTS 4 SHOES, on Syruec ttrcet, Ictteeen Second ttreet and Centre Alley, Sunhiry. whero ah kinds of work in his line will be mado up in tho lutcst stylo and in the best worktnanliko man ner. Having first class stock on hand, he flatters himself that ho '."ill bo able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. The public are invited to call. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Juno 19, ISi'i?. ll. V. UliiLltllAUT'K Confectionery Toy and FBUIT STORE .'Knriicl. Street, Sunbury, la. CONFECTIONERY OK AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, &c.r C CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above J establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able price. He I manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries to keep up a full assortment which aro (old at low rates. Tobacco, Kcgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whiah are offered wholesale and retail. fjlicmeinber the name and place. JF M. C. UEARUART, Market street, S doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf Yl'uirr ana l'irc Proof SLATE HOOFS. THE undersigned respectfully Informs builders in this and adjoining oouutie that he is prepared to put on 'lalo Roofs in a superior manner. He furn ishes the celebrated Lehigh county Slale, whioh is the best in tho uarkot. He warrant hi work to ba d uruble and fire and water proof. He invites tho in spection of tho publio to the work he hudone in Sun bury on llaupl s, Oroonough' aud Haas' buildings, and on others at various places. His prion are a low as those of any other slater. Address, D. S. SMITH, ... Sunbury, P. 0., or call at his residence in Upper Augusta two January II, 18oti.Iv UNION. HOTEL- III IS. rrziili, Proprietor. Iu Cake's Addilitu to SUNBURY, near tho Pcuu'a. Railroad Company's Shops. VI.HM ANKNT AND TR t NSIENT BOABHEBS. kept who will und ample accoimuodaliens tiood oook. and waiters, hoarder can aHjov the quiet com lor', ot home wiib fare equal to ihe Lc-t hoieU III? I.iquouare ol Ihechoioet kinds Sunbury. June 8, 1807. NEW GOODS, ' Miaa LOUISA 8HI3SLEB, South side of Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa., HAS Just 'returned from the elty with a large, handsome and cheapest assortment of Parisian styles of Ladies' and Misses' Hat and Bonnet in Sunbury, of the following patterns, Princess, Aluska All Rtglit, Florotta, Seusatton, Turban, eto. Also Saoquoa, Breakfast Shawl, Zephyr-knit Sacquos, foatier, velvet, ailks, laces, ornament, IVimmlngs Fur, Fur Trimmings, Veils, both Lace and Orena' dine, fcmbroidcry, Cluna Laoe and Linnon Collar and Can. Gentlemen' Good, such a Hosiery, nandker chief, Neck-tios, Brushes end good fur the toilet Also, a fine assortment of Perfumery, and all good, usually kept in a well furnished establishment. inankful for post favor aha hope by a further desire to please the publio, the eontiuuauo of thoir patronage. .,, LOUISA 6U1SSLER. nor. 5, lBo7. BOUNTY FOR SOLLIEKS. I HAVE made arrangement In Washington City, for the prompt oollooliou of Bounty under the lata Aot of Congress. I have also received the pro per blanks to prepare Ue claim. Soldier an tilled to thl liountv nhniiM i,nl.l-.U.,-l.. I. i- j , 1 f I'.J HBNWWWIfi W It 1 OS- tnTeWm4 " re1u": tbre J1" tu Jtt all All eoldiers who enlisted for tlire year and who have not reoeivad more than 1$ bounty are entitled to the benefit i of thl Act, a a. aoldien wh have enluted for thro ywu, and discharged aftor a erviea al l k. ... . j ' ' - - wa sihuiii reeesvetl. dueaM contracted ia line of duty, or re-enll.Uneot . siioi a a. AUltKJiAtJi. J , .mm . u, low. SHOEMAKERS. THL hi n.lill m. a..l- V il m v ri. . - -i . " . - 4viaw, rmiKS vail ". Morreooo. Lmiagi, Last, Nail, ?, Tool an suau. auu ev .rr uiiugased by the trade, rbr tale Ijw by i. u. WAittit VO Great ."AtjyractioV''".1 NEWTIN-VAIIE, Blioct Iron aad Stove Btor of O'MITH be OE1TTHER. SrVtoote.CT0Bfc TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARB of all descriptions. cbair to largo and well loleoted itook of aTfaWk a m . j uc w won i rm m i n 11 ii . . n m vmua. aud PARLOR 8T0VES. TA-?ttT0,b?1 arrangomenU to have all their boat rtoree mad to order, and those who would hare a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected (took. - , ?"3r,8'r' PUtlon on lh following tried Brand of Cook & loves, vli : Combination Utu llurner. Cook. Governor Pcnn-Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antldust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and offioo Stove in great variety em bracing all tho beat manufacture and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for bpauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they art represented. Also, Tho oelobrated Baltimore Fire Dace Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Alw, VULCAN HEATER. Alio, tho celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coul Oil, Conl Oil Lnmps, Shades, Cliluisiicai, nnd nil nrtlclea usually kept in an establishment of this lnd. They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in tho best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofimr. Snontinir. Ranva and Furnaoe Work, Has Fitting, 4o. Repairing neatly Also: 'Itnncu') Kair Hone 8upcrllioii pliute." Remember tho nlaee. .Vamnla and Kill. Tt AAm Lenrlj opposite Conlj'i Hardware Store, Market street, botween Third and Fourth streeta. Building August 2.'), 1868. LAGER BEER GS'mmr m nac - v IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the publio generally, that bo has commenced the manufacture, and is now ready to furnish LAGER BEER AND ALE, or a superior quality. Having procured the services of a first class brower, he is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private families with an ar ticle that is palatable, puro and healthy. Orders aro respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. . CHAS. ITZEL. Sunbory, November Id, 1667. FARMERS & BTJTLDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. rpUE subscriber respectfully inform tho citizens I of Northumberland eounty, thut thoy are now fropared to furnish LIME of a superior quality to armors and Builder. Also, LIME-STONE from toe oelebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Lower Maho noy township, at short notice and at reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the line of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at tho Shamokin Valley Railroad, near Sunbury, where order will be promptly tilled. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Addross, J. B. LENKER A BRO., August, 1807. Sunbury, Pa. SDSCCBIWn IRON. A largo assortment of the best manufne . tured Bars, Hoon. Bund, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Stool, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Ra?iis aud Files, at CONLEY A CO S CIIOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL BENJ". BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other Stutcs, first olass TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Uurdcn Seeds of all kinds. Orders arc respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHXER, Paxino, North'd. Co. lvJ N. B. Insurances taken in several of tno most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Companies in the State. June 8, 1867. y FLOUR&iTSxME WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. rpiIK subscriber respectfully Informs the publie X that ho keep constantly on. band at his new AREHOUSE, near the Shamokin Valloy Railroad Dopot, iu SUNHURY, Flour by the barrel and sack of all kiuds of Feed by the ton Tho above is all manufactured at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cash prices. , J M. CAD WALL ADEU. Sunbury, April 1, Idtf J. H. Conley Co., Uarlict Street, KaMtolilic Itatlroad STJrTBTTR-X". IENrTjrV. DEALERS IN FOKIUCiX & A!EItlCA, Hardware & Cutlery. riHIE attention of Mechanic, Farmer. Builder, X and Buyer, generally ia invited to the fact that wo aienow offering a bettor selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at price much bolow those hrrvtotbro demuuded by dealers. Our stock comprises all article in this lino of business, embracing a gcuorul o&jui'tmcut of tools and mato riuls used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAHONMAtERS. JOINERS, AC, AC, together w ith a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikos.Ropo, Chuius, Orindstoucs. Mill and X Cut Saw, Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March 30, 1S67. , SUNBURY FOUNDRY. " Cii:0. KOllUlI.tC'll & MO. i 4 RE now carrying on business at this old estab- lishmcnt with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished ! to order. i The Stoves manufactured at this Foundrv have acquired the highest reputation Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS i i ultra euouiu not loigot tnat tno 1 utJHA made i iu cuuuurj l ounury nave never been equalled Alfl-iculllirul Illll.lMlllAnl. -. ..U --0-T.-- , . . iiiwi BUVIOO. Small eastini8. lunlmliniy P.,v:nw ..AMa;i. -e .u. - lj , . ! , "l., W U10 - ."... w . uiv.1, usuiui pattern. The businca will be eonduated on an enlarged viu vunouiur. wui oeaocommodateu as usual, Sunbury, May 12, lood. Kotice to Merchants and fih I t wi ti ciawr r rica .iK Tineglir ?oUoM "aerehanu and ihlppert .. . ""t iu on waraes street, Pbilai delnhia. and all lUJ.JI u T ..7 . V , ' 7 ivcuuuury, vanvm and Lewiaburg and all intermediate stationajUong the railroad, will K nmnmiu i a .Gr-Uar leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia tri-weeklv Tul. tu-j... i o....-j ' J. H. BROWNAgent, Sunbury, ' DoeemberT, 1867. Clilldren'ai Currlaren. T1TE would a.11 ihm .ii.nMn. .r ,i f V Child ' Carriage, to our new and Urea aaaurt- J. It. CONLKY A CO. Airrlculturul lunssleanaatw. . HOE'd Grain Rakes, Btoel and lion Qardea Sake. Lrfin .nil n ll.n.ll. t'i i . q - vuvrvu, aaaaara r,ii,,'r?0,,Gr,M- 2 Uni SoIth". Uri Cradloa. t'r.,1 1. Vin.M t..a. h . rr " , ' " - -1 i i ll, Willi WW Log Chain. Urind-iton, Faaaiag Mill cwivea of ii .ca urn a,uma, m larg aararuaen el Ke4 Wagoa Ham, for Plowing, Earns Bell. Cultivator Teeth, for aaiobjr S. u- CONUiY A CO. llountCarmel Hotel UT. CABMII, yortkiunbHTlw4 Oe. jPss, TUOa BUKKET, PitoraiBTOB. Thi larg maiodlou Hotel to loaated aaer 4b depou of the Kiuunultin Vali.y and the Uuakaka New York Railroad. Trail arrive aad dapart dally. Ihi boa is located ia the oeutr uf la Coal Re gion and afford the beet eocomniodetieu to travelers and permanent customer. Jay 6. 4 u BAX.M301ltB LOOK HOSPITAL KBTABLI8HKD AB A BXFUQX FROM QUAOK EKY. TUB ONLY PLACE WJlBRK A CURS . VAN BR OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON ha mmt the mm CerUln.ftpeedT andoelf Kffeeteal Hmeriy ia Die World fur all Pri vat. Dinasee, Weaknese of lh. Back r lmlr., Bti kiaiee, Affrntions wf ihe Kidneveaad HlaiVkw. Involantan lHe- eliariiea, Impoteney, General D.tnlity, Nervoemna,I)'ei dd.v. Lanauor. Low Buirita. CnnfuaiflRaf Idea. Palot btina of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblinn, Dims) of Bight or Oiddino., Dlaeaae of the Head, Throat, Nnee or akin, Aneetiona ol the Liver. Lain., fMurawh or Bowel these Terrible Disordmsamlng ikhh the Solitary H.Wte of Ynath tan, seeret and eoliui v praetioe more fatal lo their victim, than the song of Pyren. to tli Matiner. of L'lvf.,,ntl,elritbia,,ihupe.or.nti.-1p....., rendering mi...,iiqM. . , , .. " Eanecially, who have become the vietintaof aOolitnrv Vies. that dreadful and deelntetiv habit which annually .wren. , to en antimelv arava thoumid. of Viniuir .Miii in' amimely arave UhwmihI. of Vouui Men of the . exalted takmte and hrillwiit liilellwt, who might j most otherwise have eutraneed liatouiiHr FJenatn with the tliim. del s of eloquence nr waked to cest.iy the living lyre, may I wi niui luu ei'iliiuriiee Iitrrluire. Married Persons or Young Men cnnlemp:ating marring, beina aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de formities, Ae., speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may may religiously conlide in hi. honor aa a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Wen I. ii on Immediately Cured, ond Full Vigor Restored1. Thi. Distiesaing Affection which renders Life miser., bla and marriage impossible i the penalty paid by t he victims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit exeene. from not beingavvare of the dread ful ennaequencea that may ensue. Now, who that under sumls the subject will pretend to deny that Hie power of Eiocreaiion is knrl siaaier by those fulling into improper abita than by Ihe prurient. I Beside, doing deprived the pleasure, oflienlthy oirnring,the most scriousand drstrnc Uve symptoms to both body end mind arise. The system become. Deranged, the Physical and Mental function Weakened, los. of Procreative Power, Nervous Irritubili ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, ludu-c.tioii, Con stitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Dtath, Office, No. 7 South I'rcdcrK'lf Street Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few diatia rroin thccoiiier. Full not to observe nana; and number. Lettei. must be paid and contain a sunup. The Doctor' Diploma, hang in hi. office. A Cure Warranted liiTvvi) ifnyi. Atf Mercury or Xautwvt Drityf. Ir. Johnston, Member of the Ruyul College of Surgeons, Isiinlon, Crud oute from one of the most eminent Colleges in the t.'nnrd States, nnd the grenter part of whose life hus heeu sgieiit in the hospital, of I Hindoo, Pnria, PhiladelpliM and cIm where, ha. eiTreted some of the mint aslimishing eure. tint were ever known ; many troubled with imping intlie head and ear when asleep, great nervousness, being alarm ed at sudden sounds, bashfulncs., with fiequcnt blushing, attetiiled Mmetime. with derangement of miiui, vveic cured immediately. Tuke 1'arlieular IotIcc. Dr. J. oddrease. all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and euliuiry Imbits, which ruin both body .nd mind, unfitting tliem for either business, study, society or marriage. Tilts are some of the sod and melancholy eflcets pro duced by early habits nl youth, viz: Weakness of the liuek and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muaculur Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. The fearful effects on the mind are much to bedreuded Loss or Memory, Confusion of Idea., Du- gressinn of Spirits, Kvil-Koreboriiiigs, Aversion to Soeietv, elf-Distrust, liovu of Solitude, Timidity, &e. ere some ot the evil, priiduccd. Tiiocsanus of iwrsoii. of all age. can now judge what I. the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, bconming weak, pale, uervou. and enaeiuted, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough uud symptoms of consumption. Young: Slrrt Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice Indulg ed in when alone, a liubit frequently learned from evil companions, or at at huol, the eflevt. of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, nnd if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroy, both mind and body, should api")' iminetl lately. W.iut a pity that a vuug inun, the hope of his country, the durling ol Ins Hirents, should be .hatched from all pnis pect. and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of devia ting from the put It of nature and indulging in a ccrtirm secret habit. Such persons sivsr, heloie ciaitciiiptuliiig Ulnrriiije, ri-llcct tluvt a juiuI mind and Isxly are the moat necessary reuuisite.Ui proiiMtcc.iiiiiulnul UuppineM. Indeed without these, the journey through life become, a weary pilcrim age; the prospect hourly darken, to the view; the wind become, shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly reBeriion limt the iuippincs. of another become, blig'ited with our own IMmcumo of Iiuprudcnee. When the inisguidcd and imprudent votary of pleasure inula thut he ha. imbibed the seeds of this puinful diaease, it too often happens lliut an ill-iinied sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deter, him from applying to iIium who. delaying till the eouslitutioaal symptom, of tin. horrid disease uiulte their appcumuce, such a. ulcrrutcd aire throat, diseased nose, noctuinl pains in the head ond limtis, ', ., " .uul,u ami n-rpccuiuiiity, can aioiic ueirieiM nun, diionci-s of sight, deafuesa, n.sles on the thin bone, and aim., blotchc on Ihe lie-id, l.ieeaud exlieinitii., paigrcss llig with Irightful Uipidity, till at lost the palate of llie mouth or the bone, of the nose full in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of coiainisera tiou, till death puis a period to his dreadful suuoring, by sending lion to '-that Undiscovered Country from whence uo traveller letunm." It is a melancholy fact that thnusnndr fail victims to this terrible disease, owing to Die umltillfulucis of ignorant pletendcrs, who, by the use of that ' Deadly Poison, Mer cury," ruin the constitution and make Ihe residue 01 life miserable. MriisitrcrN Trust not your lives, or health, to the care cf the many luilcained und Worthies. Pretender., destitute of knowl edge, inline or character, who copy Dr Johnston', adver tisement., or alyletliemselvea in the iiew.napel., reguluily Kriucuted Pnyiiciiins, iueuimMe of Cm inir, they keep trifling mouth after usmtli ukniir their hltliy and poiaonu. eouiiiHinds, or as long the aiunllest fee ecu be obtained, and lu despair, leavu you with mined health to ugh over your pailmg disnpiKiinlinent. Dr. Jobnstou is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diploma, always hang in his oificr Ui. reinidie. or treatment are unknow. to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hospital, of Knmne, the first iu tlii. country end a more extensive "Private Pructwa" than any oilier Physician in the win Id. Indorsement of the Ii'Ct. The many thouamids curcdat this institution yeai after year, and I lie numerous important turgieal Operation, perlormcd by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporter, of the "Bun," Clipper," and many other impcr., indices of which have uppeared aguia and again before the publie, beMie his sumdiiie as a geiitleinaii of rharaeter aud rc .mn.ibihty, i. a suHiuieiit guarantee to the altiicled. Ktii lUcaeat Mpeedlly Cured. Persons writing should be particular iu directing their etlers to hi. Institution, iu the following wanner, John .11. .loliiiMton, M. I. Of the aillnnoie Lock llotnital, liultimore, Md. Nov.aO, 1H)7 1 y. 18G7 Will VI' RKIil'C-I-IUX 18G8 IN THE PRICES OF Fall & Winter Goodsl Palatal 91. It. I.uxarua, having just return ed from Philadelphia w ith a superior stock of Fall and Winter Quod for the trado of 1807 and '08, which the is able ts sell at very reduced prices, would rcepcotfully cull the attention of her vusro uicrs aud the public generally, to the superior qual ity of her goods, aud the low price at which tbey aro held, Sho has all kinds of TJRliSS GOODS, including Poplins, Merinos, Do Lains, Calicoes, do., all at the lowest price. Jxura quality Muslins at extra low prices. Dril lings, Canton 1 lanncl. Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. Glove? of all descriptions, iooludiug a very supe rior quality of Ladies' Cloth U loves HOSIERY. Ribbons aud Trimminct of all varieties. !.. (lamped goods, Zephyr and Yarns, Towliug in groat Uent1 and Ladles' Handkerchiefs, Scarft. Muff aaiDii .ou siutioD. romsaw, r.xtracls, and a largo ...jwiwitHHaMm ibwvj rueitai. Call and see them before going elsewhere. t M. It. LAZARUS. Sunbury, Nor. 2, 1SA7. Millinery Goods, Kliata 31. IM OosMsYer. ben leave to an. nounce to the Ladies of Kunbury and vicinity, that ue nasjuat opeueu a large ana varleu stock of MILLINERY GOODS, of all the latest Fall and Winter styles, to wblcb ah invite attention oi nor patron, ana to laale geue rally, confident of her ability to ploaaa. A good aasortiaenl oi iiONNtTcj A HATS, Hat for feature bright and jolly, Hat for face melancholy. Hat for tgure. broad and burly, Ual for (traight kair, and for ourly. Hats of (Ilk, eloth, fell and beaver, Hat that almost wear forever, Uat thai always look ae neat. Are bought at Mis Uosaletia ao Fourth street Also, aa excellent assortment of Kia brnideria. Gd.inrra. Laerau Woolen Cap. Haodkef ehlef, Scarfs, trlovo. Hosieriee, and all kind of Honey Mutton, blamped Muslin, vor, rerianie. riu, Soaps, Lilly Whiter htumol tt A oi erica, Uu. Uoaerr, A., As. . .. . Gail and auuuln fur yrMlv. N troaU to show gotxLt tluubury, No. I, 1867. , BUITBTTBY XVTLDIBQ LOTS IV I. W OAKK'S AddiUoa to th Borongk of thuibar, tor stale as) faW. tor L "UROivIOUS, Sunbury, Pa Or T. VT SUM.KttH, Pviuvilla, Pa. Nov 24 leeO " IVortaiot-M CHtrRl ItallvratT. WINTER TIMS BOHSDVLX. ON and after ttorenber J4th, 1847, train will leave BliNBURY, aa follow : ' LEATS HORTITWARD, l it A. Hi Dally for Villlamtport. Dally (eioept - Baadaye,) for Eliutra, Canandaigua, , ; . RcBAWter, Bnffaloe, Niagara Fall. BuspemioB Bridge and the Canada. 4.15 V. M., Daily (eioept Sundays,) for Elmlra, and Buffalo via Brio Railway from Elmira. .IS P. M., Daily (exeept Sundays,) for WUIiam. port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. S.OO A. M., Daily fexeept Monday.) for Baltimore. Washington and Philadelphia. A f! A M.. TV.tlw fh Ruttltniw. mnA V..UInMl ,0 J6 A. M J(lr,y (01oept Snndays,) for Baltimore, WuLlngton and Philadelphia ' i .1. N. DrBiaar. Bn B Vnr. . USD 1. OUp I., I Uarrfh,,rn t. Qen'l Paaaen'r Ag't., Baltimore, Md. ! & Phlladelplila St Krlo Itullrond. WINTER TIMEiBLE Through end direot tout between Philadelphia, Baltimore, llarrisburg, Williamsport, and tho Ureat Oil Kegion of Peansylrania. ELEGANT ELEEPIN J CARFoTall Night Trains. On and after Monday, Nov. 25tb, 1867, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Hail Itosd will run as follow : WTTVABD. Mail Train loaves Philadelphia, 11. IS p rn " " " Bunbury, i.60 a m " arr. at Erie. .oo p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 1 2.00 noon " ' " Sunbury 8.85 p m " arr at Erie 9.45 a ni Eltnira Mail loaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a m " " " Sunbury 4.15 pm " arrive at Lock llaven, 7.45 p m Eastward. Muil Train leaves Erie 10.25 a m " " " Runbury, 1.65 am 11 " arr. at Philadelphia, 8.55 a nn Erie Express leave Erio 4 25 pm- " " " Kunhury 5.40 a nv " arr. at Philadelphia, 100pm Elmlra Mail leave Lock llaven, 7.10 a ax " " " Sunbury, 10.25 am " arr. at Philadelphia, 6.10 p m,. Mail and Expross connect with all trains on War ron A Franklin Railway. Passengers loaviug Phil adelphia nt 12.00 M. arrive atlrvtneton at 6.40a m, und Oil City at t.50 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrivo at Oil City at 4.33 p m. - Al I trains on Warren A Franklin Railway saakrs close conn.otions at Oil City with trains for Frank; tin and Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, Ocneral (Superintendent. I.utkuniinna V Illooinwlmrc Hull rond. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1887, Vawonsor Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. A M. P. M. 7.10' a. 20 F. M. 4.40 6.00 8.17 8.60 10.15 Leavo Bcrnnton, " Kingston, " Rupert, " Danville, 5.60 1000 655 11.20 20 0.64 10 35 Air. fvorth it. , NOK'PHU'ATtn. Leato North'd., 7.00 Danvillo, 7.40 Ruport, 8.15 A.M. 5.20 6.00 P. M. 6 35 " Kingston. 10.50 8.30 2 5r 9.05 4.00 10.15 Arr. at Scranton. 12.00 0.i5 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. . M. for Scrnn- ton. connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20. Passenger taking Train South from iScrsnton at 5.50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach llitrrisbttrg 12.30 P. M., lialfiinoro 5 . 10 P. M., Washington 10. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. 11. A. FONDA.up't. Kingston, Jon. 19, 1807. Iteiisliiig; Kuilroutl. VT I N T E R A R R A N O E M E N T . November 25th, 1807. C1 KEAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana j North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Puttsville,, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Euston, Epbruta, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave llarrisburg for Now-York, a fol. lows : At 3.00, 6.25 andB.IOA. M. and 2.05 and 9.3j P. M, connecting with similar Train on tho Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5.10 lU.LVand 11.50 A.' M. and 3.40, 9 30 P. M. Bleep, ing Cars accompanying the 3.00 A.M. and 9.35 P. M. lruuis, vfiiuout ebange. Lenve llarrisburrr for Readinrf. Pottsvilla. Tama ! 1u:l Alinersville, Asblnnil, Pino Grove, Allcntowu ) and Philadelphia nt 8.10 A. M. aud 2 05 and 4.10 j P. M., stopping nt Lebanon and principal woy tntlons ; the 4.10 p m. mukins connection for Philadelphia and Colnmliu only. For Puttsville, .Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via 6'chuylktll and tjustuvhaiinaltailroad. loave llurrisbur at o.66 p. m. Huturning: Leave New York at O.tlDa. in., 12 00 Noon and 6 00 and 8.110 p. in.; Philadelphia at B.lj a. in. and 3.30 p. m. Way Passenger Traill leave Philadelphia at 7. oO a. in., returning from Heading nt 6. ill) p. iu. stopping at all citations ; Pottsville at 8 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. m; Ashluud 0.00 a.m. and 12 10 and 2.00 p.m.; Tainaqua at 8.30 a.m. aud 1.00 aud 8 45 p. sn. Leave Pottsville for llarrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 !0 a. ui. and 12.00 noun. Heading Accommodation Train leaves Heading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4 Ou P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave P.eading nt 7 0S A. M., and tt. 1 is P. M. for L'phrata, Litis, Lancas ter. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 00 p m., Phila delphia 8 SO A. M , and 3.15 P M. the 8.00 a.m. train running only to Heading. Pottsville 8 00 a m , llarrisburg, 6.25 am, aud 4.10 and tl-35 pin. and Heading at 1.00 and 7.15 a. in, for llarrisburg, and 7.00 a. in. and 11.40 p lu. fur New York, 4 25 p in. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage. Season, Echoed and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rate tu and from all points. baggage checked through : 100 Pound Brggage allowed each Passenger. O. A. NICOLLS. General Superintendent1 IIUVUUUIiIi AAV lLALLU in every variety of ANTHRACITE CO A I, Upper Wharf, 8UNBTJBY, Fonn'o. tyOrdorssolloited and filled with promptness and despatch. BjiubjiryjMay 12, 188fJ. y coalF coal iFooTlT! ! GRANT a BB OTHER, Shippers Al Wboleaalo &. Hclail Dealer) 1st wiirri: &. bf.u akh coal, la every vsrlety. Sol Agenu, westward, of th Celebratod Ucnry Clay Coal. Lowest Wharf, Eukbiry, Pa. Banbury, Jan. 13, 1866. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., 18 prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magaiine Musio, Ae.. in any style that may be desired, at cheaper rates than can be done iu the oities. All Ordors left at this Offioe, will receive prompt attention. oot.ltt, '07 II' III., T am-. . ,11, . T- - - ... T ... 1 luiut, Uilaj, Ae. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Cosl Oil, Fish Oil. aud Lubricating Oil for Engine and Machinery,, Ulass, always on hand, at low prioesat CONLKY CO S ITIOR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bills, Buck ' les, Uig Trees, Pad Tree, liane, all kinds aud every thing pertaining to the biuiaes, for sale by J. II. CONLEY A CO. THE following person are entitled to reeoive u iuorea of Bounty ander th Act of Congress passed July lbud, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldier who enlisted after the 10th day ef April, ISol, lor 2 years, and served their time of enlistment aud bkve been honorably discharged, and have received or aro entitled 'O receive a Bouutyef $ 100, are entitled an edditional Bounty of $tt0. 24 All suoh soldier who enlisted for S yeait, sod bava beea honorably discharged on account of wounds reeeived in the line of duty, aro entitled tu an additional Bounty of a) IOO. Sd Th Widow, Minor Children, or Pareaui ef such aoldiea who died lath rviee of wounds or disease, re eaUtled to aa additional Bounty of f IOO. H annlieatiom to B P. WOLVk'HTON. Ksq .of tjusuar, Pennsylvania, who to aa aalborised Claim Agent, all auoa elaiia aaa b peoeuiy eeuawxm. SHiauury. Augusts, iboa. -u Coachmakers JI ar sailing Rim. Book. Hubs, Spring., VV Cnvass, iiofu, CUp. AjUcs, Ae., very lew Large Stock at nnvr rv.nn 3unbury, March 10, lb67L CARPENTERS. WTT.T. j i. .... t.kiiahmant a sunerior stook of Plane, bawa, Auger, ilatobats, UaaMsers, t Ues,