"KWWUP $uhu awf MNtjtwl..A,. . ' . . i i . . - .. . Sunbutfi ,"Bmc ricati. It. B. BNOLS1, tnbUahera, AAA ' ' SATURDAY,' APRIL" II, f 1888, Ir 70a want to gel good boloring for, eggs, ck.11 at . a. Bennett' Dftlf Stor; "'. j - ' I.asT To-day (April 10th) is Uood Friday, bed tb taat day of the Lenten season. - Easter tome ta Sunday next. ' " ' r. Tna Commissioners of Montour county are ma- king arrangement to build a new Court IIoum at Danville. Mn. E. J. Field haa Uken charge of the United States Hotel, in Milton, whioh was lately kept by u, vi. oucaer. ., Catt. C a slow, formerly of Milton, hat told the Exchange Hotel, in Bloomtburg, to V. 11. Kooni ana Henry J. Clark, for the turn of 115,000. ' UriRLr, tho Photographer,, hai taken aeveral gnod views, from the Court House roof, of the high water at this plaoe, during the late freshet. They are worth preserving. A.H alarm of firo waa railed on Monday vvoning lost, which waa caused by aomo rowdio letting Bra to a barrel filled with ttraw, in the upper part of town. For a while it oreated quite an oxeitatnont. Naw Uoods. The best toleoted and most exten sive assortment of goods in the oountry at the Mam moth Cash Store of II. Y. Friling, just opened. Call and examine the prioea and qualities of goods. Advortisoment next week. . Accident on Tna Railroad. On Thursday of laetweok Mr. Eli Miller, of this plaoe, employed on ono'of the freight trains on the Northern Central Railroad, had bis left arm broken whilo coupling cars near Mrllereburg. Our young friend, J. Kdward MoCarty, formerly of Sunbury, baa gone into the boot and shoe busi ness, in connection with Mr. Cain, at 008 Ar h Et., Tbiladolphia, Tho name of tho firm is Cain 1 MoCarty. We wish thorn sueoess. Office Removed. Jacob Shipman has moved his Fire and Life Insurance Offioe to the room one door woat of Engol's store, on Market street, where! bo will h ready at all times to take risks and give information portioning to insucanee. Messrs. Stevenson A Brick, WatcLmukers, Jewellers, Stationers, Ac, moved into their new storeroom, in Haupt'a building, on Monday last. They have a splendid business stand, and with their large stock of goods, just received, aro already doing well. John S. Marsh has just returned from the city with a largo and fashionable stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, at prices as low as before tho war. Call and eco him at hia old stand, Simpson's building, Market Square, before purchasing else where. J. II Enqel has just received a new stock of Spring Goodp, nt very low priocs. Good Calico and Muslin at 12 cents. A good assortment of Carpeut, and very cheap. Boots and Shoes at reduced pri ces, and a lurgo assortment of Wall Paper at lower prices. m mmm - Tna New Store. Messrs. Moore A Diasingor hove received and opened their new goods. Their store, in Iiaupt's new building, is among the hand somest in this place, and tbey will without doubt eucceed in establishing a good business. Road their advertisement in another column. . . . . Toiiacco Stoiie. Mr. Fox, from York, I'd., bos opened a tobacco and cigar storo in the building lately eroded on Third street, adjoining Washing ton's b'.iror shop. As there nr plenty of lovers of tho wood in Sunljiiry wo lo not see why an estah li.l.nicnt of tho kind should not pny. The Oil Well. Operations at the oil well on tho form of Mr. Valentine Klase, near Snydevtowo, have been susponded for a few days in order to ex change engines, tho one formerly used at th well to bo put in uso at the oil refinery at Sunbury. The work of boring will be resumed on Tuosday next. The MimiLECRKEK Railroad. The editor of the Middleburg Tribune has been informed that it is the intention of the board of Direoeora of this road to push things ahead, and that a strong force is to be put on tho works on the eastern end. By next fall trains will be run between Selinsgrov and Middleburg. Handsoiie Millinery Goods. Miss M. L. O uss ier has just opened a lu'ge assortment of millinery goods, selucted in Now York and Philadelphia, whioh cannot bo excelled for beauty and cheapness. The ladies' bats are pretty, and bcr bonuets are the most tasteful aver brought to this plaoo. Call and reo them. Josks' Clotmino House. We refer our readers to the advertisement, in thia issue, of this well known and popular olothing house, 801 Market St., Philadelphia. To those who intend buying clo thing in the city tho inducement offered at this establishment are not surpassed anywhere. Mr. U. G. Maiio, formerly of Sunbury, is connected with the haute as salesman. . A Good Hotel. Decidedly ono of the best pub lic bouse to be found anywnere in the country is Yankirk's Hotel, in Northumberland. - Wear glad to. seo that our old friend, uncle Joe, succeeds so well in pleasing bis numerous guests, and we think . that he has justly won the enviable, reputation which is everywhere given him at an aooouimoda ting and obliging landlord. Another Hotel. Among the numerous build ings to be erected in I'urdy 'a addition, . the coming season, will ba a large brick botol, which Mr. Geo. Conrad intends putting up, with the design of going into tb business himself. Mr. Conrad hat bad several years' experience in running a hotel, and will no doubt succeed. He hai retired from the farming business, having leased his farm,' adjoining the borough, to bis ton. Presentation. Mr. C. W. Stewart, lata fore man of the Northern Central Shops, in this place, wax presented, on Tuesday evening of last week, by the employees of th e'.jps, with haodsotn gold chain, as a testimonial of their esteem. Mr. Stew art hot been foreman, of the shops for the last two years, but ha left for Baltimore, where be will be ungagud in another branch of service of th road The chain cost (45, and was purchased from on of our Sunbury jewellers. Mr. Charles Alexander succeeds Mr. Stewart a foreman of the shops. , Sua MOKiN.-The Herald, of Wednesday latt, lays : Tho depot and offices of th Northern Central Kail way Company, at this place, wero removed on Mon day last to V. Faguly's buildingj on ShamoUn ttreet. - A number of tb friends of Rv. J. P. Cook inado him a visit at the Presbytoriau Parsonage, on Monday evening, and presented substantial token of their regard to Ihe amount of about (j0, in gru- backs, aud $104 worth of provisions, Ac. ','''' : ---- - - I. O. of O. F.---Th following officor of Sunbury Ladi No. 2ui war (looted on Saturday night, 28th ult. N. Q., Andrew Dlennderfri V. a.,Jaoob, K. Hendricks : Secretary, John W. Bueher; Aasil Unt SaereUrv, W. 8. Bhodet ; Treasurer, Solomon, fetich. Subordinate ejeert N. Q, &. George, Bncher : N. G, L. Eamuol Koons; V. O. R. 8 a. W. BIoodji V.3.L.8., O. P.Krobo; 8. W., Wm.. Simpson ; J. W , M. Ship i 0., O. M. " i Tt B. 8., John Reffeu; L; 8. 8., Wm.Mooktt; I. .. K. Wf. Wynn : 0. 0., John Mocket:- 1 Th following officers oi fc'toee Valley Lodge No. 161, of Georgetown, ejected on he same night : N. 0 , Tobias Long; V. G.j David L- Ditty i fetietarv Dtnl Peller; Af ittect Secretary, Au- gvltoBMuun! Treat t?U Bleganwa- AXOTBxft AHRET.--On -Saturday last 1 named O, P.'rleTSeo' titt MTMted) on oatjt of Mr. Valentine Klaae, eaidugjiaa BnyoWown, char ging bin) Kith, hiring In bUpowWlod a promissory not to the amount of $371), Whi6J Mr. Klase a.1 leged was fraudulently obtained from blm. It ap pears that Plfiiso t.nd, (wp other men named E. W, flow and E. D. Blmpaoh own the right 6f a patent wasldng maohiati. Simpson oalled .upon Mr. klasi and gav blm the right to Bell the machines in seve ral townshlnt. be arreting; to bar t:i7S. or the amount of the fraudulent noto, after ha had told machines to that amount. 'Mr. Kla, in his evl denoo, stated that S impaon obtained hia signature to papelf which be supposed, and whloh tb agent told um, was bit (Kioto's) address, but which turns out to bar been tb note. Pieraon in tome way got the not from Simpson,, offered tt for sale to aeteral persons In fiunbury at a heavy discount, and this coming to the knowledge of Mr. Elase he bad blm arrested. Tb arrest waa made by detective, Win. Smith, and the prisoner taken before Enquire Shin- dol, who bound him over in the sum of fl,0'J0 for his appearance at next term of court. Plerfrm and Simpson are from Wllliamsport, and Ilowe from Elmira, N. Y. A dispatch was sent to the pollco at the former plao to arrest Howe and Simpson, but they had already left. Mr. Klase bas been peculi arly unfortunate. About a year sine $500 in gold was stolen from bis resldonee. . Loo Driver Anrtasvan. On Thursday morning last fourteen individuals, from the neighborhood of Williainsport, acting for Craig, Blancbard, Dodge t Co., and known as log drirora, who claim the sin gular priviiego of setting their, properly without any process of taw, except their own will, oora- menoed removing some of the logs belonging to Ira T. Clement and Wm. Ileagnn from the river bank into the river, and even entered the saw mills of these gontlemen for that purpose. Messrs. Clement and Reagan had this roving band promptly arrested and taken beforo Esquire Beard. When the 10. SO train arrived, Messrs. Blancbard A Dodge, ivhocsme down, were also arrested and bonnd over. Messri. Clement and Reagan purchased the togs from per sons who caught and sold them, ns they any, after the time for redemption hod passed. Messrs. Critig. Blancbard, Dodge A Co. own largo saw mills at Willlamsport and Havre do Grace. Individuals,, generally, are obliged to institute legal proceedings to teoover their property, even whete their title is indisputable, but some of these lumber monopolists seem to think the Susquehanna and all tint -floats theron were designed fur their exclusive use and convenience. Tan BoRotuu Council. Council met on Tues. evening last, it being the stated night of meet Ing. Second Burgess, John Bourne, in tho chair. Members present Messrs. Cadwollader, Cooper, Markle, Dunham, IHefTendorfur, Kystcr, Uuringer, Ilenn and Diotz. Minute of special meeting bold March 2:td, and also of special meeting March 2ii!h, were read and approved. The Auditing Cooimittoo reported progress and was continued. Bill of Alex. Manlt, A. X. Brioe and others, for holding election in West Ward, alsu bill presented March 3d, by J. II. Engel and other, for holding election in Kast Ward, were on motion laid on the table. On motion an order was granted to John Sbisslcr for $12, for one year's interest due on bond No. 24, issued to 1. F. Zimmerman and transferred to Susan Hoey. On motion adjuurncd. New Encami-.me.it or I. O. or 0. F. A special session of tho Grand Encampment of I. O. nf O. F. was held at Selinsgrove on Wednesday last, for the purpose of organiring William Curtis Encampment No. 101. Th Encampment was duly instituted by the following officer, viz : Dist. Dep. Uruod Mas ter, Solomon B. Boyer, acting M. W. O. P. ; r. C. Pat., Charles J. liruner, Acting M. E. U. II. P. ; Pat., T. Himes, acting U. W. U. 8. W. ; P. C. Pat., P. M. Shindol, noting K. W. G.J. W. ; Pat , Eml Wilrert, acting G. S. ; Pat., Alfred Crouso. acting R. W. G. I. S. ; nnd Put., Jacob-S. Hendricks, ao ting R. W. O. O. S. . After the Encampment was duly instituted it was organized by the election of the following officers : U. P., J. W. Oaugler ; II. P., J. A. Wenrich ; S. W., 11. E. Ricbtcr; J. )V., Wm. Gcmberling ; Scribe, A. B. Hiosland ; Treasurer, Joseph Wonrich. The visiting members from Sunbury and Milton Were splendidly entertained by the members or the order at Selinsgrove, at tho Koystono House, on the occasion,. The Enoampment is named after Wm. Curtis, Esq., nhoaha long been a fuitbful member and officer of the' order. A Mvsterious Aepair. The Miltoniun, of Friday last, says : Mr. Samuel Fiuney, formerly of this county, bus been engaged in running a flouring mill in Frederick county, Va., for a fow years past, and for about a year bas had associated with him in th business Mr. T. S. Sudden, of this borough. On the socond day of March Mr. Finney ascertained that a oar load of Sour which ho bad shipped to New York City had been consigned to a bankrupt party, and as he bad just started another ear load consigned to the same party, be immediately pro ceeded to New York to stop tb delivery of tho second car load. In this bo was successful ; and be fore leaving h disposed of tho flour to a responsible bouse aud obtained a small advance on it. This wu on the 13th day of March. That morning he left New Yorl for bis home, adesvillu, a. Kiuco that time no word has been bad of him. His brother, William Finney, has been on to tho oity and made every exertion to obtain a trace of the missing man, but without urail, and his frionds j very much fear he has been foully dealt with. The Selective have th case in hand and are ondcavor ing to work the matter but, but as yet bave wet with to success. Mr.' Finney bas always been known as au honorable, upright man, of whom no word of reproaoh could be justly uttered, and wo trust the mystery which surrounds his disappearance may toon be cleared up. Change or Weather. The snow storm of Tues day and Wednesday suddenly took us back to the scenes of midwinter, with its most dreary accompa niments. Tueaday waa day dedicated to dullness and inaction, to for as all out-door business was con cerned. The stroet and store were apparently de serted. Not a tingle farmer a team Was visible du ring tb day. Some four or five inches of snow fell, most of which melted at fast at it came down. Those who bad already mad garden, and ethers who were preparing their -ground, found that they were yet a little in advano of the season. Such are the vicissitudes of our olimat.. Last Sunday a week the day wu warm and pleasant. A week after we are Immersed in snow storms and tho chilling blasts of winter. ' Tna Wheat Crop From every section of the oountry, says the Chambrtburg Rcpoaiiury, we learn that th wheat crop presents most excellent appearance. Th oevering of inotr which bat been tipoi it for nearly the whole winter hat been a great protection, and now that the bleak winds of March are over, it is generally supposed that there must necessarily be a very heavy yield. Previous to the last snow torn few of our wmer had commenced plowing, and bat a few daya of warm weather will b necessary to again put tb ground in tolerable condition. TH long and elose winter has made our farmer friends anxious to resume operations. Taa publisher of a paper bas recently rcoovered at law thirteen years' ubaoripUon and ootts from a lubsoribI wh pleaded th tlatue of limitation whioh th claimed barred th elaim for fell exoeed log six years. The Judge, held that it was a con toDuJugtWPtraot, . .. Tui Ron Ferry at Lewisbarg it in successful operation again, and tba Ulagrophline was eipec tad to b Metered last week. Tb contractor for building tb bridge hat band ai work oo the abut V7 tea it stated in on of th? JIarrlsburg papers (bat Ktv.'J. nobart Mlllett na removeo irqm that alao. and La Uken ohag of Iimty (pisco ..it flhurah. at Shamokio, and alto of C'brkt Church. MiUoo '4' unovaa A Bakbk'b Sewtira Machists. We would oaU tht attention of irar reader to the adver tisement oT (ha Grove' ,Hser Savfirij-'Madhln uompacy, in anotner ooiumn i in tufaaioaw. Mum Carolin Dallut is the agent for Banbury Mi viqiqlty This maobiao Is distinguished frnvotbers '01 moist n the following point pi eiienoe,: 1. Uovuntnt 1m ImnfLrtad to iha neadl bv re volrtng. shafts, wiibcnV gears,., or cog- heels,, or orahks . . . ..... ., I. A itallonary, noisalesa. .regalator .causa Uia precise motion required to be imparted to the needle , throughout each revolution of tiie shaft during its vvajtwiuvuv iinM J B.: I Ull. i. In oodseauenoe of Ihla arranircmcht tb ma chine Is almost noiseless, even in rapid action, runs in heavy machines, and 14 the most powerful and strongest mavhlne In use. . 4. The simplicity and durability of its meohanism so far surpasses other maobines of its class, that lia bility to derangement and getting out of repair is euooiuauy precmaeu. . 6. By new and simple devices, the difficulties re sulting from unevenncsa of tension upon both shut tle and needle thread are overoome In this machine. 8. It nfei, With equal raoility, ailk, cotton and linen thread, and exeouts perfuetly all kinds of sewing, from the thinnest muslin to tbiok leather. IN)tant to MANi-rACTOnERg. The following bill, passed by the Legislature, and signed by Gov. tiea'ry, Is of importance to our manufacturers and mechanics. The Crsand only section provides : "That (ho true intent and meaning of the elev enth section of an aet entitled "An act to provide fur the roduotion of the debt," approved April twenty-second, ylnno Domini one' thousand eight hundred and forty-six. it hereby declared to be that a manufacturer or mechanic, not having a store or ware-house apart from his manufactory or work shop, for tho purpose of vendirJj foods, such tnanu facturcr or mechanio shall not be classified or re quired to pny the annual tax and license, as is now required, in relation to foreign dealers, and that an affidavit before an uldorraan or justiuo of the peaco, or any person authorized bv law to administer un oath or affirmation, setting forth the fact that such manuiacturer or nieobanic bos not a store or ware house apart from his manufactory or work-shon. shall be sufficient evidenee for the Appraiser of Mercantile Tax not to so classify said manufacturer or mechanio: Provided, That any person swearing falsely in relation to any matter provided for in this act, shall bo deemed iruiltv of neriurv. as if said oath had been taken In any legal proceeding." BUSINESS NOTICES. p?Job I'rlnlliig-. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Postors, Handbills, Circular, Cards, Lotter Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Si-niNo J. F. Sbaeffer it now prepared to fur nish the Spring stylet of clothing for men and boys. His stock is complete, and work is made in the best manner, warranted to please. Call at bis shop, N. W. corner Third and Market streets. i i i We talk of spending our time as if it tvero so muoh interest of a perpetual annuity ; bu'. money expended in tho purchase of good Boots or Shoes nt Miller's Excelsior Store, in Market Square, will be interest saved. We adviso every one to go to the Exoelsior and Invest a small sum in some of Miller's goods. A bettor investment cannot bo made. Come One! Come All! nud sec the great stock of Wall Pav-eii aud Borders), also Window SiiaQes, just received, at greatly reduoed rates, at LIGHTNER'S BOOK STORE, Pleasants' building, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. 4t A St re Tiiino. People may talk as they ploase, think as they please, arid entertain contrary opin ions on any subject ; but there is ono on which nil agreo, nnd that is, that Byerly, tho Photographer, produces the best pictures outside of the cities. Call at bis Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market street. - "Bealtv unadorned, is adorned the most," is a truo saying, as far as Indies aro cohcerned, but not so of the sterner sex, for their appearance can cor tuinly be improvod by the wearing of a hat or cap, to be purchased nt the fashionable emporium of S. Kuust, in Market Square, Sunbury. New Sniiso Goons. Mr. Jacob O. Beck, Mer chant Tailor, on Fourth street, lias just received a fine assortment of Spring Goods, consisting of men's nnd boys' wear, which ho offers at reduced priocs, and invites the publio to cell and examine his largo stock. Mr. Book is a good cutter and fitter, and persons in neod of anything in his lino would do well to give him a coll. In Time. All the Spring styles of gent's end boys' clothing will be found at the Continental Clo thing Bazaar, in Market Square, in time for the season. . Every variety of pattern and every new stylo furnished at short notice, and warranted to please, both in mode and price. 'Call and seo. En courage home industry and skill, which is tho suro road to general prosperity. DEATHS. Suddenly, nt Racine College, Wisconsin, on the Mhinst., WILLIAM ELLIS LIUUT.NEK, son of Itev. E. N. Ligutner, of Danville, Pa., used 22 year. At tho rcsidonce of her son, in Upper Augusta township, on Saturday last, Mrs. MARGARET ST11011, aged 88 years, 1 month aud i days. In her we have lost an atfectionato mother and a kind friend t all that know her. Her heart was always iq her band to assist the sick and needy. mj:i;kv markets. Correoted Weekly for the ."American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do perowt. Ryo Flour, per bbl. do por owt. Wheat, prime red, now, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do uupared ' do Dried Apnles, 'do (13 00 0 50 10 00 8 00 Dried Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu. Butter, per pound, . r-gi Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beof, hind quarter, front " Mutton, Chickens, per dosen, per pound, do . do , do do do do per pair Nliiiraokin Coul Trade. SUAUOKIN, April 8, 1888. Tom. Cuit. Sent for week ending April 4, 9.080 17 Per last Report, 78,tl23 10 87,91.1 07 eO.Hott 01 11,954 17 To lam time last year, Decrease, Special jtfrjtt(t0. T rcnsnmptlve. Tbe Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send ifreo of obarge) to all who desire it, the proscription with tbe directions for making and using the simple reme dy by which he was cured of a lung affootion and mat dread disease consumption, ill only object it u nenem in amioiea, ana ne bopes every sufferer wili try this prescription,' it will cost them nothing, any may prove a blessing. Please address any may prove REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. my 18-'7.1y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. ' . .ass. COlAlATil CO.'S I 'i M GERMAN , IIerasive SOAP l .lit manufactured from PURE I IMATERIAL3. and may b oonsidend the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE.' For sol by all Orootrs. - ' May 1H, 186T, ly. ; ,i . Jtrrtr 1" Youth. - A gentleman who suffered for year from Norvoui Debility, ' Premature Te6ay, and all the effect of youiniui luuuureuu, niu, tur uie VI UUWlg humanity, tend fr to all who need it, tho recip and directions fur making tb simple remedy by whioh he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by th advertiser's xperieaee, oan do by adrtrostlug, In perieoi. conuuenc, juiih if. uuik.-, . nylb'-7.1y - 42 Cedar Street, N. V. ftra-mica-cwTuntvr '-'OlBiRSTAHlIflnBD L . : clothing house. - fll Harbet Nlreet, ; ' ' - On door bov Sixth, Philadelphia. r Fer many yir this Establishment baa done busi nest on the One Pnoe Sys:om, and We believe we are the only Clothing House In the oity that strictly adhere to this prlnelpl W have earned a ren. tation which we are proud of, for good taste in seleot good Style and substantial materials, and not Ices important, for having all our goods, ' - - , , HXI'UA vi?M, M tur., We employ the best talent) for Cutters, Bud our Goods aro of both kinds Fashionable aud plain to that all tastes can be suited. The priocs are tho very lowest, as any on by a moment's thought must tee, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deduotiont are ever made, we must put -our prices down to" the advantages we promise. ' The people maydopend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and manv dollar can ba saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONE8' - ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 804 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth, i:. (i. .Tl.tlZi:, NalrKiitnn. April 4, 1803. ly . AYER'3 lOniEItRY FDCTOBAt, IS a soothing expecto rant, prepared to meet the urgent need of a safe and reliable cure for dis eases of the throat and lungs, A trial of many years has established tho fact that it is more effica cious in pulmonary affec tions than any other rem edy. Its efficacy has now become so seuerallv knnwu Inat it is justly regarded in tunny countries ns a medicine of inilispensablo neoesaity. In Grcut Britain, France nnd Germnny, whoro medical sol once has reached its hichcat nerfeetion. it is tire- scribed in domestic prootice, and constantly used in the armies, in hospitals and other publio institu tions, where it is regarded by the attending physi cians as the most speedy nnd agroeablo remedy that can be employed. Scarcely nny neighborhood oan be found where well known cases of diseased lungs, wbioh had bnllled Ihe efforts of the most skillful and experienced doctors, have boon permanently cured by it. These results aro the most Convincing proofs of the superior ourative properties of this prepara tion ; and to them the authors noint with neouliar satisfaction. While it is most powerful against eon- firmed diseases, it is extremely gentle as a medicine in infancy and youth, being quite harmless to even the youngest, whon administered judieiously. iuis iieuiiu-resiorer aecompiisues oven more oy prevention than Cure. If taken in season it heals all irritations of Ihe throat and luners. whether ari sing from Colds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus prevents that long train of painful and incurable diseases which would arise from thoneglcctof them. Hence no family should be without it. Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Plourisy, In cipient Consumption, and other affections of the breathing organs, give way before this pro-eminent combinations of medical virtues. Propared by DR. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers in med icine everywhere. Feb. lJ.-8t. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ooul ist and Anrist. (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 80S Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable sources in city and country can be seen at hia offioe. Tbe Medionl faculty aro invited to acoouipany their patients, as he has no secrets in his praotice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. nov.30-Iy. NEWTDVmiEiS Dxocaloret' .Motive. Estuto of JAMES CAMPBELL, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamenta ry having boeu granted tn the undorsigned, ou tbe estate of James Campbell, late of Upper Augus ta township, Northumberland county, Pa., doccased. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make iuiincdiato payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. ROBERT CAMPBELL, Ex'r. Upper Augusta twp., March 21, 1N08. flt MILLINER 218 ARCH STREET, above 2d .St.. Philadelphia. fTlIlE subscriber Is now prepared to oiler to his A customer, and the Irade generally a large aiid well selected stock ot Straw ond Millinery lioods. I'At ii.u. liua.-vbis, f lowers, uibbops, uonuet Frames. Ac , Ac. - N. B All orders will reoeive careful aud prompt atteulion. WM KRUSEN. 218 Arch Streot, Philadelphia. March 14, J868. 2in Philadelphia, March 1st, 1868. We beg to inform you that we are propared to offer for your inspection our usual assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of the Newest Shapes in Straw, Silk and Gimp Hats, Bonnets, Ac ; Velvets, Silk Goods, ltibbens, Flowers, Feathers, Ruches. Crapes, Blon des, Braids. Ornaments, Ac, Ac. We shall be hap py to wait on you at our .Store, or rcoeivo your or ders. Prices low for cash. Yours, Ac. Ii. WARD. Nos. 103, 105 A 107 N. Second St., Phila. March 14, 1868 lui REO-VA 1 X. H. M II A X X O Watchiiiaker & Jeweler, MARKET SQUARE, 8UNBURY.PA., Will remove his Jewelry Store to Miller's Jstone Building, corner of Sd and Market Square, ON FEBRUARY 1st, 1868, . where be will bo happy to receive his old customers end the publio in general. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a oontinuouoe of the same, and he is de termined to sell as low as the lowest, and for quality, not to be surpassed by any goods iu the market. A large assortment of WuU-Iicm, riockts. Jewelry and 'Silver Ware, constantly on hand, consisting of all kinds of Ameri can Watobes, such as the Howard, Apploton, Tracy A" Company, Treinont, Waitham, P. B. Sartiet, Wm. ill lory. Home and a tine assortment of riwiai Wtuch.es All kinds of 8 Day and 80 llour Clocks ! Silver tea setts, card and oake baskets, breakfast and dinner castors, Colory stands, syrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knives and Fbrks. Particular attontion paid to the repair ing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and JUusio Boxes. All work warranted. Feb. H, 1868. 1 . JAW. K. WLDWELL CO., JEWELERS, So. 0O9 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer and ImporUrt Of every description of First Class Goods belonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and Bilverimiths Have removed to their ' NEW MAUBIK STORK, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansom Street, affording ample room and convenient accessories, Eiviog opportunity for a proper display of goods, and bUw meant fur their examination. With extensive and favorable arrangements in this Country and in Kurops, w are in a position to offer at moderate FIXED prices. Watohes, Diamond, Bronte at Marble Good Bilvar Wares, Jewelry, Foroelalna, Plated Good, Musical Boxet, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting the oil are cordially Invited to examine our New Store, - - ' March T, 1868. ly. v MU.'viimuv oil. raii'i'. T1TE s'ubsoribort having just erected and pyt lu operation a Mill for tbe manufacture of -. . ' l.i N seed 91 h7 ' . offer the highest market prica tot FLAX SEED. They have attaobed to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and ptben wanting grain jokoppud fur feeding, oan be aooommodatea at the shortest notice. A tuaohioe fur chopping corn with the oob is attached to the mill.' ' .- MO KG AN A MASSER. Jsuuary 26. looti.-ly TOBSia oxoir HODfifc i s I K- , A .STANDARD MANURE . . . f'OR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. '' Having within the pastyear greatly increased and improved our facilities for grinding Bones and man ufacturing, w are prepared to furnieb to the farm ers of Pennsylvania a luperfor articlo of Nupr-rvl'homprinto. Our manufacture has been thoroflghty tested 'tho past season by practical, men of oar Immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every case the result has been entirely satisfactory. ' Our process of pulverising, whereby it Is prepar ed for and o GUARRANTEED . TO PASS THROUGH ANY j . ,' DRILL. obviates an objection whioh attaches to many fer- timers, nu seeures to tne tanner a saving ot mucn valuable time . 8il.l At THB-MAXVKAt'tonY, , 'AST MARKET STRLET, ! Ktl.lll'KV, PA., ' I and by our Agonts throughout tho country, in Bags ' of 200 lbs. each, at $58 per Ton of 2000 lbs. I - , " also j SIIirPED PROMPTLY to all points accessuble by rail orcaual.cn receipt i or order. I SM tt T TORRINGTON A HODGKINS. j 'xlA' Also Agents for Sejwour, Morn A Allen's Poll' Raking Reaper and Mower (The New Yorker) nnd ' Pratt A Smedley's Hay aud Grain Rake. I Send for Circular. l'cbruary 1 j, 'OS. ly j Lime I Lime I Lime I! rPIIEncw Liuio Kilns of II. 11. Master, nt Sclius- i JL Grovo Station, are now completed and In suc cessful operation, producing limo of tho Tery best ouality. These kilns are built with all tho uiodnrn 1 couveniencos and improvements, and havo a capaci ty of producing 400 bushels por day. Excollont roads nave hcon mado to the kilns, not interfered with by Iho rnilrond, where wagon or sleds enn bo loaded in a few minutes from tho schutes, without handling. Having opened a largo body nf tho beat limestono, at the mouth of the kilns, thoy aro enabled to sell limo at the low rnto of 11 cents per bushel. Tho kilns aro in charge of competent por sons, who will always bo prepared to supply ou." iomors. Apply to If. B. Mawor, Sunbury, or to Chns. Dunklcborger, or Chas. J. Conrad, at tho kilns. December 14, lt!fl7. ' BAUGH'S 4 U.1I7IL.KC1 ti. .M.i.M;Bti:wi 13W announce lo farmers and dealers in Fer tilisers, that the following prioos hove been adopted or the present spring season : BAUGH'S RAW BONK PHOSPHATE. Price, f SO per 2,000 lbs. BAt'GH'B CIIICACO BONE FERTILIZER j Price, f IB per 2,000 lbs. j BAUGH'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE. This woll known pojulur trade ninrk will bo found ! upon every package of tbe above manures. MARK Tho high estimation in which BACUii'd Bono Ma nures havo been held, during fourteen years past, we shall fully sustain in the future. Having now tho entire control of the great rcsourcoa of the city of Chicago, for furnishing Ammonia nnd Phosphate yielding matoriat, vis : Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, Ac, wo have, in connection with our works in Phil adelphia, tho largest facilities for furnishing thesu manure, at the above low prices. BAUOH A SONS, Philadelphia. NORT-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., fhica-.. JOHN RALSTON A CO., (leu 1 A-'ts, New York. GEORGE KIRKE A CO , Boston. OL'OllGK DUUDALEi tt holcsalo Ag't, Baltimore I ""-"uur- j For all information respecting tho above Manures, i address either of the ubovo houses. "JOURNAL OF TIIE FARM," A Now Monthly Agricultural Papor, published l y BAIOH A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Its design is to present a full rangoof Agricultura and Horticultural intelligence ; articles upon the Practical and Scientific relations of the subjeat ; and its general aim is to inouleate a popular system of high manuring. The claims of BAUOII'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, are urged in an honest and open way, but not urged to the exclusion of any other valuable manurial aid to the farmer which the markets or home resources afford. All farmers will find it. we think, fully worth all it costs, in the practical suggestions it presents, and the general reader will moot a share of solid enter tatmnent. Price, SO cents per veer. Address, BaCGH A SONS, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH i GENTUER, .Suubury. Jan. 25, ISCiS. aug'67-ly 7SO CbrHtuiit Street, lMiiladt-lplilu, 1 Are tbo best in Use, FOK THE FOLLOWING REAeONS . i They are more siuiplo and durable, oasior kept iu i order, make a stronger and more elastic stitch, a J firmer aud more beautiful seam than any other Thoy sew all fabrics from two common spools, re- ; quire no re winding of thread, fasten both ends of ; the aoam by their own operation, aud though every ' fifth stitch is cut the seam will not rip. 1 The Very lllffticist Irtc, the Vom i TRADE of tbe Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho : UKOVEK Sc, u.iui:u ' SSWSIIFVB' M&5M3HiKS ! d in fact .veolhi.g usually kept iu a lurgc Store ! Call aud be eouviuccd that tho CUE A TEST at tbe Exposition rniversclloo, Paris, 1807 ; thus I PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOODS is at attesting their great superiority over all other sew. ing machinei. GROVER BAKER'. xaw ari'LEi i: t t 1. 1; nAoim'UN For Manufacturing, Couiblno tho most modern and essential improve ments. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boot and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and 11 other requiring tb as of .the most effective ,..LQCK STJTCH MACHINES, To these new style, whioh possess unmistakable ad vantage over all others. FOR SALE BY ' ' ' ' MUa CAROLINB TJALIUS. Markot Stree, BUNBUBY, PENN A , Nov:23,s6tttA-ly . . i j . ..-..."SHOEMAKERS. THE btst dualities of Sid Leather, French Calf hktns, Morraoces, Liaiags, Lasts, Nails. Peis, for sal lew by ' J H. CONLfY A Co A . . . I not Ra (tsXat Colamn yocs vrTU criuftily tta& 'H ?'?) rnts- ' Buy tho "MOST GOODS, of th BEST QUALITY For tho LEAST MONEY. rHOHT.S AM) sai.ls: QUICK CASH hi. 1. ruts. CM;, ut tho MAMMOTH STORE, Mrt.ltkE'1 S'jrARK, Hu just recuived and opened the iu:r wi:i.i;xiiana FINEST A.-rOllTMENT, ef DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Prints, Muslins, "iDfiliair-s. 'ussiujcres, Ac NOTIONS cf all kinds. Hosiery, G lovesMen's and Ladies L'lidefteurhicnt WHITE GOODS.. I A full sssortiiieut of IKIMMlNGo. Buildors wili find my Stock of IBui-sitt are, I I'll in I , Oils, (ilu.s-, Ac, Cuniplctr. j . . ' M iltow un I iVUrwaie, QUCUIJWJU'C, GlutbAuiC, i i Crockery, Halt JiOOIVS AND SHOES- HATS AMI OAl'i. The Mammoth S tur e. of S-I.Y. ritltINO, '1'i'i'iut) C'ali- UOUa j at, as my Ooods are bought for Cash aud Sold Cheap or tbe READY MONEY. H. V. iiiii.!"" ' hunfcury, Oct 1, l'.7 GROCERIES. provision, ind .Flour Feed. Store. J. A. ii;.-BV Ac CO., lu Weimcr' Building, Water Street. Mar Kj'ig st ' NORTHUMBERLAND, PA , I NFORM their friends aad th public generally JL that thoy bave a large assortment of Groceries Provisions. Ac, all fresh and of the best qnallty, cot sistlng of Tas, Coffees, Bngara, and Pploco. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, snd in fact everything usually kept In the Grocery lino. They would also call atlontioii fo thoir large nnd cheap lot of UooJ FAMILY FLOUR, Green Tea, iinius, hhoulders. Ac, whioh arc constancy kept on band. ASOl all ki(1, oJ. Vegetables, ., Ac. Uive them a call and see for v"ursell. Jrluumbrlstid, Sept. 2s, J867. KEEP imES. Cull and sec the well selected Stock r.f CLOTH;- CA8HIMERES. VESTING'. OVERCOATINGS, Just rMcitc-1 at Ac MKUCilANT TAlI.OiltM; L.STAM.lSii MKNT. I'turtb i-lrt-t. Lelow 1'jfterf Store, SI'.MiTUY WINTER OLOTHING of tho niot-t spproveil styles is mado up to order a reasonable rates. Ho lilts also n fins assortment of Cashmere Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Ovorhauls, Blouses, Neck ties, Cotton nnd Woolon Hose, Suspenders, HnucJ korohiefs, Gloves, and n general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GO0DH, Givo blm a cull, which you will find to be to your advantage. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1867. Jun.N UAAs, jn. c. ii woLvrmoM. COAL! COAL! COAL! f IMIE subscrihers respectfully inform tbecitiiens of JL Htiulmry and vicinity, that they have opened a COAL YARD at J. Hans .t Co's Lower Wharf, Nunhury. Iu. whero they aro propared to supply all kind's of Sha uiokin Coal, at cheap rates. Families and other promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully solicited. HAAS A WOLVERTON, Sunbury. Jon. 18, i6.t. SELLERS & F0LWELL. WHOLESALE AND FRUITERERS, ; No. 161 North Third fc-'treot, Philadelphia, j "gr-Orders promptly attended to rui; oi.r lstabluiiku firm, I J. J. HHII.VHDSOX it CO., ! 128 Market Stiieet, Philad'a , I Is ihn largest Manufacturing Conftnionors an l Whulcsula Dealers in Fruiis. Nuts, Ac , in tho United Stutcs. March 7, 18u7. ly TuTaXLINESsIs JiKXT TO GODLI I NESS." A' FACT which is demonstrated ut Ul'-NMbON A CO'S., I sV'ir CIuas KIistYins Hair CuttlHf; ! ltd MsaiiipooiiiiiK ICooniH. I. Two st-class BARBERN always in attendance Partic Inr attention to cutting Ladies and Children's hair. 'Jive us a call at the Row Rooms over Ike . Pou OPjcc. 1 I Sunbury, August 3, 1807 tf LEWIS & CO 'S j ILLUSTRATED ' .UO.i'IIS.I" I'l.fri'J.'i' .iocktsai., ! FOR THE MILLION ! i Thousands of families iu the city and country, have long felt tho want of an Illustrated Journal at a reasonable price, and equal to any on this continent To this end, wo havo engaged good artists. Tho literary dopnrttnent will be one of the features of tho paper, and wo shall publish from time to timo. ori ginal Tales, Skotohes, do , by tbe loading writers of tho country. THIS IS NO LOTTERY. But we offer as an inducement to those who sub scribe, and will help to push forward to a sueocssful lssuo, n cheap and vatuabto Illustrated Family Journal, and givo a targe number of premiums Subscribers will not have to wait to know if they havo a premium. There will be 2,315 premiums distributed to tho subscribers. Tho paper will be woll worth tho dollar, for tho year. A book has boeu prepared for subscribers with numbers from 1 to 100, 000, Rnd the premiums are equally distributed through tho ono humlrc! thousand numbers. If there should boon thousand names received on the sauio day and date, the letters will bo oponed regularly as they como to band, nnd marked on the book in regular rotation as opened, so that there will boa fair distribution of tho premiums. We shall publish tho name of the persons that are entitled to tho premiums, in tbe New Yobk Monthly illvs thated, and in the city and country papers. Tho following Premiums will bo distributed : 10 Cash Premiums of ?je0 each, $5,000 5 " 200 " l.OOu M " ' InO " 1.000 20 ' ' 50 " 1.000 40 " ' 25 1,000 SO 10 " 8i0 I 60 Gold Watches, (Aui'ii Wutch Co.) tii) each, 2,500 50 Wilcox 4 Gibhs' Sowing Machines, ( - 3,000 50 Howe's Sowing Machiues, 60 ' 3,000 2000 Premiums ol SI each, 2,000 TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. 1 copy, ono year, with one subscription f I 00 6 copies, " five " 5 00 20 " " twenty 2u.l)0 Persons fretting up clulu will bo eulitlud to pre-uiiux.-, as above Address LEWIS A Co . It Mercer St., NY, Box mm . Write tlio a-ldross plain, giving towuhip, county aud iitnto. Money by dratt, Post office order, regU terud lotter. or exprecs, umy be Bent at our riak. iuod id cts. for specimen, copy containing all ncecssury infoiuiiitioii. REFERENCES. Levi Stnckwell, Treasurer of tho Howe Scwiug .Ma-bine Co , 600 Broadway. New York. Edward P. Hatch, iietTetary of the Wilcox A Gibbs' lowing Machine Co., 503 Broadway, N. Y. Feb. IS. IS6S. THE OR13AT P R I Z L : Jljtosiliuti Cnirertclh; Paris, 1867. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO ELIAS HOWE.Ja. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, 'I'Ut- lllKltestt E'rt-iiiiuiu, 'Ihe Only Cioss of tho Legion of Honor Dd a OX, ID MEDAL given to Aueriosn Siwiso Machjnxs, per Imt c rial Decree, published in th "Moniteur Universal" (Official Journal of the French Empire), Tuesday. 2d July, 1867, in those words: ) I'abrioant d Machine a c-ju Elu Uowe, Jit. dreexpoHaut. Manufacturer of Sewing Ma chines, Exhibitor "Thit double first honor is another proof of tlm great superiority ol th HOWE SEW1NU M . CHINE overall others ' - , -SllilJvY HTJOPS, No 23 WisW, Lirtt street, Pbiladeli.h.a Agenls for Peunsylvenia, New Jirev. I'e!aar and Western Virginia, i -oiU'irv Ji. lbe.- oni