"a ncn'ittnn-Aii of FALL JllTD vmTTEF AI IMf STOHEOF XH BNGBt. - Comer of Forth nd Market Streets, 6UNBCRT. J EST received from New York and Phild1rthl, a largo snpply nf FALL AND WINTER UOODS, which he will fctj t small l.rofltj, for eatb or country proiluoe. Hii Dry Ooods department Is Ml of every df'rip Hon. A splendid line of fcADlES' DRESS UOODS, mul Whito ttonds t all price. Fancy Sacking fur Ladies, ana Shetland Wool Shawl Yanked Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corst and Hoop Skirt. o a. n. :e D3 1? s , Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpet! Floor Oil Cloths, til widths, Carriag Oil Cluth, Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Similes, l'lam Orecn aud Brown Oil Cloth and tixmtes lor Windows. a- k o c b n x e e , Sugar. Coffee. Molnsscs, Rico, Crackers, Spices, Bait Fur., Cheese. Ao. . Qtiecnswarc, U lassware. splcEdid Sot t of Tcaware, at low prices. BOOTS ft SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. lints and Caps. Oil, Paint, Ulass, Putty, School looks. Paper. Slates. Ao. HARD WARE. Shovels, Forks. Nails, reeks. "".V YpTV A Largo assortment of WALL PAPER i.d Dor a'lT pcrsoni'dcriring to get good goods will please give htm a cull. J. H. EXCEL. Svinbtiry, Nov. 1", 1So7. ISAAC K. STAUFFEjZ, lVntfliiimlafr iiii.l .lov- clcr, NO. 148 KOBTII2d ST , COR. OF QUARRY, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Wat-lies, Jewelry, S.lver find TUted Ware cuiitant1y "tt hand, nrHfiring of Watches and Jewelry promptly at touted t". 'VJL''!S.2L 'J . . "I'AJiii.v ps;vi.aj ji irki.M:K Mra. SARAH SIMPSON. Walnut Street, Sl'NIil'KY, PA. Ilavinibeen appointed Agent by the Singer Mnmi- f.ic.iiirini Company, for the rule of Sinsrer's I.ew Family Sowing Machines, informs tho public Unit they enn be hud ut her residence. Tncse M.ichines arc simple, contract, durable nod bcnutiiul. C'lipnble of pel bu nting a range and a variety of work never before attempted upon a sin glu Machine u-ting either silk, twist, linen or cut ton Thread, and sewing with equul faeili y tho very finest and eoaraesr materia!, and anything Ictwecn Ui two extreme iu the uioet beautiful and substan tial wanner. These Midlines wjll bo srld nt reasonable rates. Call and examine for yourselves. Mrs. SARAH SIMPSON, Agont. October 2d, loii i. IKE VERY LATEST A REI V AL ' ! FALTi & WINTER Joseph Eyster, Comer of Jlnrket on J Fourth Street, SUSB U II Y , PENN'A. Invites tho puMie to call and examine hU elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER UOODS, whiehhewill sell nt greatly reduced pilccs. His stuck coiietsU in part of CASSIMBEES. CLOTHS, &.C Bilks, Delaines. Lawn, tjinghnms, Calicoes, Muslins, heeling. Tickings Jenns, utid a fu'.l uuoiluieulol Coltou uud Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, (lluves, Hoop Skiits. AliU Uaudltercbiefs, ru.-hc., Coirtis. IltilM ami 'i;ii, ItaolM :in;l tKlio -, 1 1 lit usuortmcnt ol gumli vi.l not. he if stiro fail to j ploa:c the Oincy ar.d ?uit the ivaiitc'i f any deii-ouri ' ot purciifiMii. His !( k of i IU lit WAiiE ANI iVEf.Tv'iWAL.B, . .! n' i ,M,5i- 14 1 1 ' -jitai.! rr Mid cioee In (finlv. enmnrifi rz rcnernlty f tceJcil in the Iiui4.hiU ether f,r or roatiu-i.t. i Jlo is always rpiJ.y v.r-.'i 'rd In mm fvicrvlj and takes pU-a-uie in slijwi. :r tlc::i i. 11 (ii.-e. tn i though no sales are made. Jl! only u-kt a call, and I is sure that the etock ui:i tauupaiu faoiab!y iu ! iince una quality vwui tue cucaptjt. JO.-ri:riI EYSTJ-.H. ,uiibiirv. Nov. Id. Ift7. WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market Square, near tho Court II'HISC, SI NPVR Y, Northumberland County, Pa. II r. nas nisi opci.ca an estoruuent ot (iold fyif XX and limn I'm. ut Wal.hcs. CLOCKS for K-iilmad. Bncks ar.d Dwellings, Fine Ould itiugi. Finger It'ngs, Braoeletu. Minia ture Cues, Medallions. l.oi:Uets. Iuii,.i!. Thimbles. Spectacles, .Silver Tublo. De.-scit. Tea cinlt mid Mustard .jHvotw. s-ugar Spoons. Cups, Napkin Rings. Fruit an I Jiutler Knives. Shields, ('ouibs, Diamond Pointed 1'eus. Caslers, 1'itcbers. Butter DUhes, Fruit Dihef, Cako Butkels. Syrup I'ilchers, tlo.. if.. ilo invites tho ciiijens cf Sunbnry and vicit.Ity to call at the aiiove pluee, where he will be happy to Wait ui.oli them. tvPrti-uUrallenti)n paid to REPAIRING. December 21, lBd7. 1 IS m:.t TO UCDLI FACT which is, dcinonslriited nt GCXXI'JX JX t co :., 1 ',a"" flinTlnpr Hair ,iiJlin- ! Sli;iniposiu- lioontM. Two st-clnss BAllBiiR.S always in attendance. Partic Jar attention to culling l-mlies and Children's hair, iveusaeall at the New Rooms ever the 1 rest ui.ice. biiiilury. August 3, ls'7. tf PURE LAGI'lf UEEllF nkti:i: A. A 1.1., Frcm the Cold Spring Brewery, S I; X B V II Y , P?V. TiESl'ECTFFLLY informs the public generally Xi that he is prepurod tu turnith LAGKIl 1JKKR, PnHTK!!, AND Al.fc, lar?a or small quunitic. Jlis facilitiw. for mr k ng i ier cr.iu,; be t ieclKd. and i' pronounced sui e riur toauy u.iierohered in Central Pennsylvania J. i.l'5"'", , n .reeomuiended by physicians as a healthy drink for invalids. lintels, liesiaurauts and private families supplied ai snort U011C4J. ' 1 tSunbury.S.ot 1. 1?. ilbs LOUISA fiHiabiiEIt, Boith kide of Muiket Susre, Sl'NBUP.Y, Pa., TJ ASji.!freturi..-d ffum ,bo oiiy tti,h air,,(, A,i 1 T,l V f"ll,,"' ratlerns, Prince, Alaska, J,uOT. B.cakla.t r'1,,,1, f.,n,hi.rtf ...I....... Zephyr-kuil Sucoues. Furs. dine. if. .. , ' ... . u,,",k 'aces.ornuu.enu. 'Jiiniuumri. ',1.1,14-r.. V4- diiia v.,il it r.' "om t-actjaud Ureua. J .";i1,,u,d"'y- Lac. aud Linuen Collar. un, r ur 1 r ,i.ii. i- :.. .... . " ' (aid Cults. titntleuicn's (ic-als. such ae.iretoulease tiir.i.n ,7 ' ' ' " lurlner patronage tMke oouuBBneB of their '. 2. 1ST. LOI ISASIILSSLER. SEiyQ is B2LIEVING U? f t1 ' , r KKW GOOD 8 Uidi Silver and feilver-l'ktea WW 4 Tnl...n ... ' d. rJiU4 . a K Itr 4B. 1 w J M, for the Wiutcr trade, wMco j tor nealuiias and durability cauuot lot surpassed at -TOTTTff Tininr . - i .UAH o i 11,: it ii... AIo a, -"4"ii gooas lof il txii ot. io. a Bun assorimer.i .,r ur. . 4eU44..Il,14l Itr. . .. J !irt?n7w ioiit cuiaie hhe, Icl by htar?djoi't'ontr8-losi Ivr'l'luirt'h of 'ommunloii Pnrpowon. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY persons. I' ,jfrf vimw 'wtMMAfy ft VIXE YA II DS, XEW JEliSEV. sviw.irs voie r jeeaii: him:, FOUR YEARS OLD. This iustlv celebrated native Winu is nnndu from the juice of tho Oporto Ornpe, raised in this country. Its iiivaluahlo - ; l'viiiC4V Sd-t'iiKtlM-iitns; lrnn'rl"' Arc unsurpnssed by any other native wine. Iieing tho pule i iice of tho grape, produced under .Mr. Speer's oivu e.rfonal supervi.-ion, its purity and geiiuinenui-3 are otiranteed. Tiio youngest child may partake ot iu g!'neroui"ualiiies. and the weak est invalid niny use it to advantage. It is pnrlieif ly beneficial tut lie aged and ilebilitatud, mil suited to tho various ailments that nlliict the wcuker sex. It is, in every respect, A 'WINK TO BE RELIED ON. Invalid ufe Isi'KElfS POUT IlitAl'E WINE. Feun le use .Sl'KU'l POUT UltAPii WUiB. V'eakly persons And a beuetit by its use. RPEEll'S WIXE.Sin hospitals aro preferred lo other nines. l iVId liy nil DrniT!ists and Clrocers. A. SI'EElfS VI.NKVAKi). Now Jersey. OOicc, 2i:i UKUADWAY, New York. For snlo by V. A. bKNXETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oct. 2d. ly. BBa9eSI9L!tu' All Mmli of PCIIOOL BO0K.. Slates. Pens. Ink, Paper, Ac. ' Miscellnneous Books, n good assort-' ment. Ail the new oooki reecived p a. soon as rutili-hed, ui-d ior &a!u at 3 Publishers prices. , j i;ilI,r.:v I'rnyer lira i;s nnd llyiwi Pouks, in eery style oi bindiii. i Catbclic Traycr Jot'ks. FAMILY LIULL in various Riytcs ; DICTli.tXARIESofall sizes. i Juveniles und Toy Cooks, a large nesoriL.t-nt m ltl:nK It )! si d Dlnnk: Foruis of ull kinds. I Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and; Note Papers. j COPYING ROCKS. InkstnndsJ Pen Racks, Files, Paper. Cutters and Counting House 3tuUuucry generally.; O H CO a o o PI tfl a o X M a W H m 0 JrJ V) o c: PHOTOORAPII and dear. AL11UM3 cheup (iold Pensnnl Hol lers. Pocket IJooke mid ii!l Wallets. I'icture Frames. Sterooscopet and Views, American. French. 4ic. Iirawing Paper, nil sine?, Bristol Bo-ird. Diaries, Mcmornndum Books. c Backgammon Boards tiaiues, CLvmi men, ,Ve. T,',vs a Inrennil ciniilete nssortmem iSasc-I'aiU attd Bats. FULing UuU and T'icklo. I'ert imcs. Broheuiiun and Pnrisinn M-rbK-. A'!. tiol I Pens re-y.M'.toI. 1. 1::.: s. l. -. ': ' . r'. v. V.' Oil, , .1 r.. pir :i, Curt i t i- ai! I. in! - , Oi.l aiu I .II...1- m iini Mu."icul Iii:lii.ir.enls. t fA kinds of Books and .Stationery not ull hand proinpily ordered. All the Dally and Weekly Papers and llngaiines. A sent for the "American Organ." A. so for "La Ruse's inir Keator iin c," Eimiii'd of Auiericu, and "Na'.ional r-ttnrn Naviirntion Coinp.i.iy. 1 .Suiiliurv. Mny x. IfjoT. .1. VJ".iJIA, lrnii ln-. AiM'li Ht.,l.t lvv-u wI and Ills, clone lo llie Inbli- Xcliool IIousi-, SUNBURlTt PENN'A. THE propiielor of this establishiuuiit respeettully informs the public that he has commenced the uiaxi ufu'Jiuru ol Cooking and Healing STOVES! which ho will se'.l at lowor prices then they can be obtained elacv. lore. MILL (Icniing. Stoves, mil the largest e'l.-s of Cuntiiigs made promptly to order. Also. Window Weights, Frames and Orates for Cul lar iudows. Sic. 4'as.t Iron biniiK-y 'I-o.. WATER TKOl'iiHS & DOOH STEPS. A liberal price paid for ol 1 eastings. THE CLLKIJKATED LIVi Rl'OUl. PLOW, im proved, is uiaitutaclurc-1 ut thiftcstuldiehuuuit. Also, .Stove (irales of all kin Is, kettles, and every variety of --mull castings.' .Suiibury. Oct 5, 1HI',7. . WiiTCHEs ron the iIILLI0.N ! AURANDALK h W B (iKEAT WATCH CLl It. T 1 VKRVBODY i:'CU a (thtj v.-jtt:h, an ! tti.-ho(o J jct it ut llie lowi-.n pu-tib.u rif. ; a horde wi i itiiiUin knowing M havo cuuttived variuuit in gtiiioui tltv'h'?4 im pit pLoplo'd liioiity, and then eiilier .'nil to Fend n vvHt.h.tr serM one (tint is vrotib Uri as a tuitc-Uo-j'T. AUKANDALK it CO., imvo now pLi ci if'vi ai I'Mi'Jitu nre by whit h, fur thtjciuull Bum uf $10. a uod i4i4 rcliultlu wu;di muy lie tii taim.v '.Mini.td. Ihcv ha.o I'urint l u GKLAT VAlCll ClAi.cn tho f 'lli in -tn. Certil.atiii coutitiiiiis the nutniicrij ut'till tho wutches named iu our vhtilfjili lift (whi!i i tent tu nil fippiicHiiis are iuix.d up, msoe l iu eiivehpea, knd tId fur cent cHth. Kvcry ciTiiticuto is u auiiantkii tu bis tot u watch, und ai bo pecri on referi-nue tu the hit, n'Ue ar ( Km vuiuo than Tin iillfirs. whiMv 'Uic itiu worth v'o ui.duiUiku iu fi-ml Hi.y waich drawo whatever may be lit VaJui foe 10. uni in order thnt cver one mny abmdutcljr defend up )U fi lling a tirst el . tinic-Uefjier, we urtrni.tee that evry purchaser ef "ne Uullar'a wnrth nf eer titicatcs sdiuil reoeivo ut leat oiiu fur Witfeh No. on ouruhuUule iiri.seiil 1-ost trot, uhit h is a lirst rl;ti6 j.ilt.t 'w Uvcr, a iuriduuie and leliablo w filt h, in diciling ilver hunting ea.-c. uud usiiiiliy il l for $IU. Vuu will cd.T.WM.Y pet nucha watch; m.ti, ln'.-i.lc-i. uwv get a r.oLu nauHuy fcr.nt wuiih tit'.). Wesolltbo orulicaU'n us fulioH : Ono !r 2j ceniH ; 'ihroo fur iii cei.ti ; Six fur ; and 'J'wiu ty fur 5 -1. X thofco inMi'tintl. ho will end a h.ind tkme el.uin prn'U. Xo tUu-e n liti,- J.'J, wo will end a uui.n cuain warranted nut tu tarnirh in 20 year Part i en juU'nj up Ur;i-r cluba reuuiie libera! preyt-ut, particulars ft vhi h may be luai nid oa applicattuu. An it ie our iutoutiou tu aattru t ly bunorable buMnew, nrA tu innure our outuuieri from liability to low, w will auud our wnieUe, if desired, vnuoi'T kiuMK v, intruetiiij the ACxpreM ugeui iu e licet only on delivery. It w e are desired tu I n VKid w tii-licri by mini, the uiunfy umit bu neiit ui by Hank lrat'l ur Pint iJLe Order, and it will thuu'hoat our risk. U'o will ihvu RKtiisTKH the package al oar post offioa, and ii tm w ill mki lack iT t'htKny luakuh. Ifatiy watcb sell! i lint a p proved, it way ba itu,'ued an I the uiuuty will b ri-utnJtd. Xho repuutnui of cur firm, which hu bueti rtftabl idied (urf.ve yeuif, aud in well known In every part ot tho country, we truid will be deemed a tiutMeu nt guarantee thai we w ill faithfully perluiin all we cjuiraet to do. Addros-. ARftANDALE CO, lti2 bKOAbWAV.NKW VUK. T)e-.. 21, 1W7. 3m PuatOOioo Uax, b.'Zrih, PHOTOGRAPH "ALBUMS BOOKS AKO STATIOMEHV. Monthly Time lluk Drawing Huuks and Slut ei. Bks, li.uin Boi.ks, Bunk BiKiks, .Meioorauduu Bjiki, Uiari.-s, fockec Hooka, Ink Sunds, tm; P.Mils. a tiae asHurUiiei.t of Puper. Ink. 4(0. For sal, hy ANNA PAINTLR. Atfi'U'uliurisI liiileiiiit HOI! S Orain Ruke.. Stwl and In Garden llukas, , n s..n.l 11 ,lM1-" Spade. 6'huveU, Jloiiuro uud lluy torks, Ola, and Oreia Bcvthee, Wrala Vrdle f "4(!, iriioe, Lieant," Tongue and 7 r Z7. Z'-Jf I tiiiuiiig Mill Selves of f i?;.fi I Balls, Cultivator Tll " BALTIMOBE LOOK UOIPITAL. rUXAULISlUO) A3 A XBFUUI FROM tiUACK j, :UM. r t THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CVBB - ' VAN BE OBTAINED' ? 1 DR. JOHNti! has dise.vwtllh mt Certaln,tpedy nd only r.n.ietu.l Memrd-in the rv.a-Kt for all Pn vata Disniwa, V.,Iimm of tlie Ha ell or l,imli, 8lrh:lnr, AITeeti'Hianr the Kidimjsamt HtarinW. Involunuiry Uif chai(a, Impteaer, Oanentl Uolnlily, Neivmiwirsa, !)- pensv, Mneuor. rpnita, i;oniuinmin room. t-ii' iHll'Ml of the 1 1 MCI, linioiiy, rpniininpr. i'inim ui yitiMor UiottiiiPiw, UiaetJte ol Ida llenn, lhr.t. iM " kui, AflVi-l oi the Liver. I.ungi, Htomeh or Horde 4iht-wi 'tVrrihle UiMMileiinrtiuiig liutn thetSolitury HmIhu of Vimtti tb -te ierret end ulitnijf praeticet mire tntil t fhrir vUMim Ihmi lh fug f tjTia to llie Matiiirrtof Uir.iwi.a ihtiiif tlirir mt hriMiioithopcaoi anlicipnUum, rendering iaamaa Ve impowible. Vounfr yten. EiiDrtlflllv. whn have liemine the Ticiimtof nlUurr Vice. thai drentifut nad iteitructive ImMt which annunlly w-m9 to tin unuttifiy grave tw-ueaiain or Toung; juvrt or tlu? in rxaltmt tnk-iUtmit brillmut iuth!:t. who minht oihervviw hnve cutiaitreil liitmntig 9etmlefl with tbetlMiu ilna ta rotutiit,e or waked tu ec itaiy the living lyre, iiiny call Willi full ooubdrnee. Mi fried rertow nr Yotifit Men eon1eiti,hHnff mnninff. being aware of phyfieiil weakneie, oigniiic debilny, lie fuiiiiitirf. ?., fprvUtly cured. tie vh nlnce hntioelf umler Ilia rare nf Dr. J. mnv mav religiously con tide lit hit fautftraia gentleman, and C.uihJenlly rely u(rai huaKill n a fiiyiieiun. I mmedi.it i Iv Curel. nad Full Vicr Mtstored. Th'fi tsiKlies-inii AliVetwu wlnrli leuilen l.ifemikern bit iihd mitriHite uii"iltle 1 iae pt-imhy pod Uy t Iih Vieious ul iMt.riipT iiidulgfiictn Young per mint nre aptti c initint rxt-t-He liom not lieingauHte ol the (1rewl ful C'Mt8niititict'B that tiiav eutue INow. wli ttint umlrr- tlAi.'lit Lvtilijrft will pretend to deny that the r"Wer oi pnurea iOii is Iori nier hv tlioti tailing mi imprKr htilrlt thi;i by Hie pnttlfitld I Its it Iff tlfintf flrprivnt lh" plfniiiirr'a l i.rtinity Hspntip,irH tn l arnoiiHi.ftiisttnr live iii.t in t'i huh u h' antl intinl arine. 'I'hr iiein lttroiiiR teraiiiiel. the t'lixsieal and Mental I'.iinctlni.i AVe.ikenwl, l,-isif PrtH-.eJitive ptvei, Nrvoa Irrit-bitr tv. iHiirnnin, PtilnilHlinii nf the Ht-nrt, liittiifrfnoM. Ci- , iMinth'tiJil Uehiliiy. a WiiMing f the Frame, Cuugh, Consumption, Dre-iy and Pcath lsf-0 h-iml ale g'ing fr-an U'litnnure ilreet, u frwiluuii 'totn the corner. Kail iM timlrtt-rve name and nmrtber. Ietten malt be p.ml and comaitui alamp. The Doctor's Di;itoin.iR Im.ig tit hu t'thee. A Cum Varrantol in Two Day. Xo Mtrcuryor Xauacowi Drug loliuiktouv NTemher nf the Hnyal Odlere of uipe-Mi. IOndnn, Grarl uia Irom mie v( the uiort euoiioiii 0Ueitea in the I'lint-d M.ilfii. and Hi itiviiter iMirt t( wli'iir tile hn lieen dnent ut llie h-'Spiial n Lunilun, I'ioih, I'hiladelphia and elie I wheie, h'i cilW-'etl t ain of the in M iiai iuishitig cure lint veie ever Iimhwii many lr"ullett wnh i ingiiig in ihe tii';nl mul eiim when atlefp, urt-at iitrvnupiipf hrmir alann tit ut vuddeii rvmntta, hnsliiulaeraf Willi fiequrnt liluniunfr, i attemlttl ib inet lines with duringciuent of ninid, were curt-d limned i nt el y. l ake I'ariicular Pr. J. lirasti nil th.'Br wh" hive tiijtirc.fi Uiimwc!vs by i i(r'iper i;t.l.i.L'-M'e and fcttmry hiilatf. whn-h ruin inili Only mul hiiikI, in. luting theui lor either bufcuie1,, ai uciv, H.iety r niflrnifte. 'I n. -t ntf 9 -vw l Die Mid and mancholy eflVcta pin dii(!4iM.v tiii Iv tiaiarit vanli viz: Wtnkiiesfti't lli.'hat-k lllid islintm. ('.Hit III D't 1 1 e'l I , U.l'UUta ui ? ijltt , L'ii8 uf M'iMal.r P-wei, PalpiUimu uf the Heart. UyFpepav, .frv'U" Ii i liability, lAnii.acnieiit "f 'he Dicnuve Kane turns, (tftipml U'-lnlity, Ov inia ms ol C 'iikuniijli' ii, e. AIkstallv The I'eariui etfeem mi the mind tire nuu-li t- Ik-lire uli'it -L -a- o Mrmry. (Jontuhhin uf lde.a. lt-pr.-4iMt uf pinta. Kvd-Ktiieti Nlunni, Av. rnin'ii tt t -i-ieiy, Sfii-Diitpjtti, l.'.ve ut titilitude, Timidity, &c. are s-nue uf tin evila pruttueed. I'll icmi i'f per ma of ell nuei can w judjre what ia tiif c.uiye uf Hint decliHiiii; health, laiinr their vuc-r, hev-'uiuitg weak, pule, netvaaaiid ruriMeil, having n siiiicular appemanee about the ever, eui;h uud aymptouia o eoitauniiiiion. Wh Imvs? injured themalva by a ci-riain practice tndnlg-t-d in when ul"ne, a habit frefpirml) lent tied frmn evil e 'Miipiiiih'iia. or ot aeh ot, the eftcisi -a winch tut- niahtty tr t. rveii wlieit Hlerp,Rnd if it t eurttt iemler irniruiff' iuixtai!tte. and deatroya both nuinlaud Ludy, siiuuM apply ini'iiHiluitrly. V,mt a pity that a vmng rain, the h'pf nf hi country, the darlum 1 tin parent a, ftiemltl he aim! cited from ail pr. is peeta and enjoyiitenla ( lue, by (he eonkeipieiiee of ilt via ting from the p:ilh of nntnre'nnd indnling in n crrlatu aecret hubit. Sucli rera-ua Muar. Iwloie contem plating Ulari-iaft'e, rl1ecl that n aiud tnind mid hotly are the moat neceawiry reyoaiteitt'i pnun itecuniitunl liappiuew. Indeed without these ihe j-mrney through hfe liecmiei a weary pdrmi nge; the prnapfi.1 hoaiiy darkens to the view; the imml beeomeii ahud wed with despair mid hili.il with thf ntelau ch dy rehVctiiM that the tuppiiiiaa of uuother bee anea liMg'itel with tnir own i-fsir oC CiiipriMlcnt't. Wlieu i tic imiiiilnl ami imprudent vtary of pleasure films thai he li.ik imbilrl the aeeda ul Una inont'iil tluetite, it too ..Hen h ippc" thutiiti ill-litiit'd aoitiiu of airline, oi ! dreml f diM' very. deter loin from nppK inj tu th v v !i, I lt., n etluruli 'ii una intpccl.i'tMity, fiin ttlinr befitriKl hiin. ' del ivti"? ti" i.f i it )(. t ' Ii mi ' '. .i. - r ,. u ii n c I red t ' Ol-. tin ;;. d i. i '4-T ttl.il ' 41 18 in the lit ;td ;u.d i.a.iia, I l:",!ln-1tii r t , 4 u km iiuiIchii tlu ?l i;i ii " i l-'lii i ( :otiiH, tiLMcucS un tht. tu ;t. lit.;,; juiti extUiliilli S. pt"gre( : 11. Wi'h Iriulnfal tfipxtitj . titt t liM the p:.!.itc i-t ihe , in itrh ur tlir- i. Mivfl uf the irae fall in, ar.d the victim f liiiMvfd dii'Mfr bee tneM a ti 1 rid ut.jn-t !" cuinu uira ! Ii ii. tll 4U iiii pit. a a pentnl tu his drcatiful auiTeii.iir, by 1 sending linn I ''th.tt I'lidibcovercd Country fiom wl-eiiee i ll'i rrrtVeller let'iins.' It i a metauehi'ly fact that ihrus;oids full victim to tins i tenilile diffuse, owing to the iia WiMfiilm as "I ii-i.utaiit j it-tfiidern, who, by hit ntei.f thtt ' deadly Puiaun, Met eury." rum the coitsiittttioti und make the residue oi hfe linn-ruble. Nlranerw Trust n"t yur lives. r tituhti. to llie rare r.f the many I'.i'.'ililHr! rn.a Wi.itl.l.'i:. t ' rt ...tpst ,I..Uilul ,1 k. ...... I. I ed.', iiuiue or clnrarier. who cav .Dr Jtduistiars ndver- t )i utent(, or at vlctlifitiwlvt s in lite uewspapets, retulaily I K'lucHiixl Paystciaus, iiicnititu ut Cutina, itiey keei yuu ' iri.ung in alh alter tu itiili lukn-g ihcir hlihy and poiauhea cuipuuudu, iti na l.aig us the suia'iest fee can l uhiMOted, and in dr-epuir, Iciie yui with luiued lieullh lo mtfU over yuur (jnihni; dit:iipiHiii.tm'r. lr. Jt'hiitl tn tatheotdy Phvaician advertiftntr, H is er fMteuliiii or dtptunr-is nl vayp lioi iu his 'aficc. Mia rcnitdnajr trtnitmeuc art miknuwn to hII others, pret'irt t'ruut a lift pfut in It; trrt-u It'mpi'a's uf Kurupe, t lie? tirsi in this eHiorv and m in re tfiiaive Wrivme Praetiee" lliimMhy uiher Phyuirian tit the wutld. I?ai1oi.k!iiii iti' lJi lr?. T!e in tnv thiiiyniid citTfd nt this Mhi ituti.'ii yeai efier 'e:ir. und Hit' uiiiniTuus tmpuri ml m t .; iJtl p-rni inns peri'iritifd by I)r, J-tlinvtun. wiltieiHl nv the rr porters i III. "San." 'Clipper. M ami mauv other papers. uuie-s. wh h li'ive apH-f.rt-d Httou und ngam tw-i'ire thtt public, h.s .le Ins s.audins us ii gem lem tu of chnrnt-tt r and re. smsihihiy, is a suihcieut guarantee to the ull.icied. MIa Elat4aM4kB SHW:!Al.v 4 tired. I'erB Mts witting elHtuld THiicit!;ir in directing their etu-rs to Ins Institution, m the fo. lowing manner, loliu .11. Iwlantlon 31. B. f tlif B ilti-noie Utck IIusjiuL balttmure. Md. Nov. Jo, l-n7 I y. loO I XX THIS PRICKS OF lOVO Fall & Winter Goods! tliKia II. Iu I.nzaruis, baring just return ed from Philadelphia with a superior stuck of Full mid Winter lionds for tho trade of 1857 and 'IIS. which she Is able to sell at very reduced priees. would respeotfully oall the attention of her custit. mers nnd the public generally, to the superior qual ity of her goods, and lh low price at which they lire held. She bus all kinds of DRESS GOODS, Including roplir.s. .Merinos, Ho Litins, Calicoes, ito., all nt the lowest prices. l'xira ijuulily Muclins at extra low prices. E.il ling, Cuiitou Fltlunels. Liiiuiuralbkiris, Shawls, Hoods. (.loves ot'ail Uoseriptions. including a very supe rior ciuuiity of Ladies' Cloth tiluves. HOSIERY. Rilihons and Triu u.ii.; of all varieties. Laces, stumped goods, Ci pbyrs and Yarns, Towling in great variety. Uun'ts' and Laiies' Handkerchiefs. Searia, Muff T.-olsauJ iluitons l'ltiuales, Lx'rscU, aud a large vurlei v of notiorsitiid fancy articles. Culi nnd see loom before goiujr elsewhere. M. h. LAARU3. 6uubury, Kuv. 2, 1S67. rtlil liner y Goods, IvIshm II. I.. 4ai.Hl'r, beg, leave to an nounce to tho Ladies of Sunbury uud vicinity, that she has just opened a iarg. uud vuiiod stuck of MILLINERY GOODS, of nil the latest Fall and Winter styles, to which she invites ntleiiiioii of her patrons, and the ladies gene rally, oonbdentuf bur auility to pluase. A g.aai assortment ol BONNETS A HATS, , Ilau for features bright sad jolly, . , Hats for faces inclaneholy, Hats for bgurcs, broad and burly, Huts lor f truiht bair, and for ourly. Hatsof silk, elotb, felt and beaver, ' Huts that almost wear forever, Haul that always look so neat, Are bought at Miss (Jusslcrls no Fourth street, Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries. Kdgiogs, Laces, Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs. Scarfs, O loves, Hosieries, aud all kind ol Fancy Notions. Stamped Miuliua, Corsets, Perfume ries, oaps, Lilly IV bit, Kuauiel of America, t tiuiiury, Ao., lo. . Call and examine fur yourselves. trouble to show goods - - Suulury, Nor. 2, 137. 6UHBURT EFILDIN0 LOTS IN J. V CAKK'8 Addition to tit B.cough of Ciuobury, tbr Sale on reasonable terms Apply t lr. li. H. AWL aud, ' bOL. BHOSIoL'S, 8unbnr. P.. J ' ; O ?- W. SHEAFEB,Pvlll, Pa Great "Attraction,: a s a. " NEW TIN-W AUE, Shet Iron itnl Store Mtorc 4r SMITH" O-BXTTSBXC Vhcr they keep onnstnntly on band toil maniila. tura tv ordr atshurt nuticv. TIH AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all Josorlptloss. TheT wrmlil csmciiiII onll Ui. attonllioi of nor. chasers to tholr large ami well lelmtwl stuok of COOK AMD PARLOR STOVES. Thesubsoribera bar made arriingements to have all their best stoves ruado to ordur, und tho. bu would have a (rood stove would do wull to go and (xainiue their larjjo and well selected stock. First. They defy competition oa th following tried brands of Cook Stoves, vis i 4'osnl.imtlion 4iim llssfner, Cook. (Jovcrnor I'cnii'Coob. WABASH AND IBONSIDES," ami tho well known AntUust Cook fctov. called Sl'KAK'S ANTIbUdT. Also. Parlor ami oQioe Stoves in great variety em bracing all (bo best manufactures and most l'Mnhiiin alile designs, uiwur.Hssed for bvnuly of finish simpli city nt'tirrnnKoincnts coin Inning cheiipueas, duriiliility and each stov warranted to f.erlorin what tbey ar. represents. Also, The cnlebrntorl Dnltlinnr. Firo Plnoe Move, for healing first, seo..ntl and third btorics by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. AUo, tbe colebrated MOKXIXQ OLORY. Con I OH, t'onl Oil I.mnpis, Nhndm, CliisnnicH, nnI ull iirllVI.'M usually kept in nn establishment if this kind. 'I liey arealwi prepnred to furnish Slate and do slaiinn iu the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Till Hoofing. Spouting. Ttnnge and Furnnco Work, tins Fitting, 4o. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : 'Ilaiiftli' IJinv Ilosic Snirrtlioiu Ili:il-." Reinemher the place. 5innpIo and Eales Room nonrly opposite (Jonly's Jlnrdware Store, Market slrei t. between Third aud Fourth stroete. Building dark pninteil. August 2."i. 180(1. SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, PORTER AND ALE. fillip, siihscribirs linving lociitcd a hntlling estnb- 1 ii4.)imuiil 111 Luke s A'lititinii, in the Uortigh of Sunl . pMpei-iiuiiv tntiiriii the oititcnsol this an.l ndi'iim. t coiirities tli.it they nro prcpnred to furn ih Lull I 'rdi1. Hestitiirent Keepers and piivate fami lies with 't c beet brands ol dHr-iipaiilla, Mineral Wa ter. Ale ami Toner, bottled in th. best uiunnur. Their drinks arc i.r. -Tied from the bestesiHblii-huients in Ihe enmity wliiuh eimbles them to furnijh a belter article thim can he h.d elsowbere, which will ho de livered at Ihe h.wesl mica. Ihe citizens of tfunbury nnd vicinity will find it to their interest to prttronizo houie industry, and assist in making this a permanent enterprise, and at the same time fcnvp labor nnd ftioncy- Orders aro ..-"pMHfiilly solicited, bicb will receive prompt ntieiiiicii. Address. TR0BST A R0TK. Aii(;ust 17. HiiT. Bin Sunhuiy. Pa IXJr LAGER BEES" DESK Xi! tSZ B EL O7 I.V SUXHL'RY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL RESPKCTFULLY informs hls( Triends and the . puhlic generally, that he bus commenced the uuaiiufucttirc, nnd is now ready to furnish L.VUER BEER AXD ALE, of a superior quality. Having procured the serviees of a first class hrcwer. he is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private families with an ar ticle tlrnt. is palatable, pure and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS. ITZEL. Siiohnrv. VovcmhT 1 (1. 13R7. FAKM DKtS & iTDTiTDEi LIME AND LIMESTONE. f Milt siiliscrihers respeetfnlly Inform tho cilitens X ol irtliuuibcrliind county, that they are now prepared lo turui-h Ll.Mliola Fupcrl"r qunliiy tu Fiiroicrs and itnililera. Also. I.I.MK-STDXl-; from C I i.i ; . 1... t.,.1.1 ;..'.'.(, er .l,l! o- 1...;. t.'i.ip. ii rli.ii I 1 tuieo and at ri-i.'lrlhlo rates. ihe above u iil bo delivered to any I: lin'oad sta tion up ng the lino ot tho (iilteieut ruilroaiU when ordered. Q'iiere Kilnt are locntod at tho Shamokio Valley Railroad, near Suiibury, wbero orders will ba promptly tilled. Orders are respeulfully solicited. Addict. J. U. LL.NKLR BR0., August , I , -ill". Sui.bury, Pa. IROX A largo as3ortmcut of the best manufac tured liars. Iluup Ran I, Round and Souare Iron, 4N'nit Rods, Cast Sttel. RHsier Steel. Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at CONI.KY & CO S L'llOiCE VJ1UIT & 0 UN A MENTAL e23 1 12 BKNJ. EOHNER, Denier in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn. isli from tbe most responsible Nurseries in this and other Statos. ftrit elss. Tltl.ES of all kinds. Also. Shrubbery, Vines und Plants. Uarden Seeds of all kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Addresa BEXJ. BOIIXER, Paxinos, Noith'd. Co. ( .V B In'nrnncee taken in several of tne moi respomiible Fire lueuranceuud Horse Detective Companies in the State. Juno tf, lSf7. y FLouirjMlrm WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the publit iVnt he keeps constantly on hand at his new vYAI.EIlOl.'SK. near lh Shauiokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUN ill RY. Flour by the barrel and looks of all kinds of Feed bv ihe ton Tho above is all niiinnfnciured at hit own Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest cash prioei. J M. CADWALLADER. Bunbury, April!. W J. H. Conley Co., Market ! I, I.ukI ol 1 lie ICnllroiid BUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN I'o.ci:icj. a ym:itit'.4. Hardware & Cutlery. flHi: attention of Mechanics, F aimers. Builder, A aud Buyers generally is iuvitod to th fact that wa ate now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than over was ofleri d in this marked at price much below tbos.-1 eretoli.ru demanded by dealers. Our stock oonipri. e. all articles in this (in of business, embracing a j. uexnl asMii lutuut of tuuls aud mute riul. used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAtii. AND VAHONMAKLKS, JUlNfcRS, A.C., AC, together with a large stock of Irou, 6toel, Nails, Spikw. Ropo, Cbuiu., CirinJaluues, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ao., Ao. Sunbury, Msreh -111, 1867. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. 4. i:. ItO II It 11 ACM A NO. ARE now carrying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings ol every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired tbe highest reputation. Particular attention wid (o MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should nut forget that the PLO Wi road It th Sunbury Foundry nav never been equalled. Agricultural iuipleoieuts repaired at short Duties. Small eastings, including Cooking utensils, of tb most improved and most useful patterns. Tb busioess will be conducted on an enlarged seal. Old customers will heocouuiuiodatcd u usual, and new ones ar respectfully nJioileJ. Sunbury, May 12, lSoA. Kotico to Merchant! and Shippers. fill IB uudarsignwl. proprietor of W.iser A Friok't A Lin, give uouce to ueruh.nu and snipper that the Depot is still at Hit Market street, Philai iiblpbia, and all (iuods directed to Sunbury, Dasvill aud L.wisburg, svud all iulertuediale statiuos along tberailruad, will b promptly dulivorod. ; . tfr' Cars loaf . till Mil k.t street, Philadelphi, iri-wkly Taesdays, Thursdays aud Saturday. J. W. fettOWN, Pruprietor, Lwibuig, J II. RKOWN, Agent, Sunbury, P. Dombor f , lo7. TIRD CAGLS, II diffrnt kinds. - If jo want 1, go to1 -VON LEY CO'S J food and eheap bird Cages, T LUiSlBER! "LUMBER ! The Potter tZoifrtity tana tnabdry , ' . Lumber C1rHnny, r Nov? fully MUblMMd at th fcU.NDURY . t 4..4.4I f- Tr 8TEAM SAW-MILLS, r pfupsred to saw M order .4 WHITE PI?!K,, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any tit aad all lengths. A full ssartiarat of always kept nn hand, l'nnn.l, Flooring, 6ldmg and uuiiuuig uo.ras 01 ail ainas. MOULDING, .. SA8II. l)Oon9, - nd SHUTTERS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pine, end Hemlock IMMsterlsiK l.nili and I'ulintr, Planitg, Ripntnc and Tnrninc, will be don to order at short Botia. This Company design furnishing cverytnmg tn tneir line at such rates that Lumber Yards. Uuilders and all parties using Lumber, will Hod it to their interest to buy at this establishment, ORDERS are repcetful1y solicited and will b promptly at tended tu by addressing, WM. REA0EN, rjup't. Punbury, June li, 1S0H. 1TEV" SHOE STOP.E. Market Street, adjoining Genrhart's Confectionery 4... 4 1 : V n. .. v ,i Dieis, DU4.Di.n1, rs. rfMIF undrrsignod respectfully Informs th oititens I ol sunbury and vicinity, that be baa oiicued 11 NEW MiOE STORE, fur the stile as wull as for the nianufauture ol tbe finest and best quality of Ladies euoes, in : loTolti4l, !florrorro, i nll-xkln aiisl IiMtitisx t.Hl4or, Ar, Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entiroly new auu wen seieoteti. He also manufactures fine French nnd other Calf skin Roots and Shoes for Oentlemen. Order for ladies and gentlemen's culom work will bo promptly attended to and got up in tbe best stylo uy skiiiui tnecunnici Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on band and tor sale tu tbe trade. J. II. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20. 1SS7. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST SXJ 1ST DBXJn'Y, is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, tut I.nf-ly i:KtnlliMlsetI, Mills nil tlse .llodcrn linpi-ovoiiivutat of the Art ! rpiIE subscriber, having tuilt the room expressly A for the purpose nf Photographing, and having devoled many years to the business, is confident of ins ability to assure bis patrons that the work pro duced shall he second to none in oountry or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely salisfaotory . Having the best sky light in tha county, he is prepared to make Photographs in nil kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day fur mull children. He is also prepared to take new site, or cabinet cord Phutographs. All kinds of picture copied nnd magnified tn any required size nnd colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special nltciition to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views ol Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ao., a large loPof Photograph frames constantly on hand The publio are respectfully invited to call and see our specimens nnd our oomplete arrangements for witKiiig i-uuiograpus, speoiai terms to lamiltcs aim clubs. BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, BREAD & "FANCY CAKES. ID-AVIID FBY Two doors west or the Post Offico, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of 5un , bury and viciuity, that he will bake to order all kinds of 4'uUp tbr llallst, Inrtis'M, Ac, Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Hulls. Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept 011 bund manufactured nut of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large exper. 01100 I hope tn give gencrul satisfaction to nil who may favor toe with their pnironnir. DAVID FRY. I .M...OUI.T. Die u, ixr,v FALL AND WINTER MILLINER Y GOODS -A.JM3D 3STOTI NS, Mia ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Post Office SUNBURY. PE X N ' A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends end the public, that she has just returned from tho city, where she has spent sometime in making selections aud purchases, aud has just opened a largo stock ol MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Lnces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline nnd Wi gans Skirting Lining, ilo'p ."skins, Ituirle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hut Crape, Cloak Buttuns, Curbets. Zephyrs. A targe assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONARY. DOLLS of all sizes, Alphabet Blocks, As. 6'he flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire saiislaetion to visitors, anil goods will be exhihiied ith pleasure. .''utthury. Nov. 2. IHI.7. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and eus. toiners, that he has just opened a shop for the uiuuufacturc of BOOTS A SHOES, on Spruce tlreH, lettteen Second rtreet nnd Centre Alley. S'inhiry. wh're all kinds of work in his line will be made up in the latest stylo aud in the best workmanlike man ner. Having first class stock on hand be flatters hinisoli that be will be able tn suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. Tbe public arc invited tn call. JOHN W1LVLR. Sunbury. June 1, 18f7. fit. V. .r.Altll4lt'I''M Confectionery, Toy and FBUIT STORE Mtirket Slrtel, siuuhury, Iu. CONFECTIONERY OP All WINDS. TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION' FRUIT, &c, Ac, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at th above establUkhment atwbolosale and retail, at reason able prices. He I manufacturing all kinds of Confe.lionaries to keep up a full assortment which ax told at low rates. Tobacco, Segara, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and variety of other articles, all of whiah nr. oBeied wholesale and retail. IVHeiueuiber th nam and place. tri M. C. OEARIIART, Market strt, I doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son' store. . tjuukury, Sept. 19. 1863. If Wuier aud I'lre Proof SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respeotfully informs builders In this and adjoining aouuties that he Is prepared to put un Slate Hoofs in superior manner, lie furn. uhe tbe celebrated Lebigh county Slate, which is th best In the nrarket. lie warrants bis work to be durable aud or. and water proof. He invite, th. in. speolion ol tb publig lo tb work he baadua in Sua. bury on Haupt's, Ureeoougb' aud Haas' buildiugs, aud on others at various place. His price axe u luw as those of any other slater. Address, D.g.SMITfl, Sunbury,-P. 0., oreall at bis residence iuUppw August two January II, IboiJ. ly " JACOB fiHIPMAN. rrRB AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, btrllL UY, FENN A. BKratsEMi Farnar Mutual Fir Tnsurano Co., York t Cumberland Vltc XI,,,.,. 1 r... r. Nw otk Mutual Life, Girard LIT of I'hjl'a. A Jltxt- iiwrn vuap. ueperai Aocidents. UNION HOTEI,. CHAN. ITZEl Proprietor. Ia Cak Additit to 6UNBURY, r tb Penn'a, ' Railroad Company's Shops " - PERMANENT ivnvi ivnivv stfi.wnviisi kept whoa 01 Aud ampl aee.aiiodaUwi. -Um4 took and waiter, boarder, eaa aja U. i)iu.l, uau forts of hum with fare equal to th beat iiuti!.. His Liquors ar of tb cboiee-.t ilnds 6unborTl June 8. loT HEW OR00EHY0T0RE,l Vf. O. 7J?.1A1T 03-, 1 m.MStHiKY,.PM.t ....... publln, that they hhlmt a new aiooKJ.V'-r AND PROVISION STORE, and will b ha my to bar tttaia Mil Iwl ...mine th.ir stock, which bar Just been op.nl, euibrno frig everything In tbe Urocery Una, such ss Cotfse. Tea, Sugar, Syrups. Bplces, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Haul, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Cnndlca, .Soda. Ac, and tn fact everything la th Orooerysnd Provision. L4ne FL0VR AND FEED, Queenswar. Willow-wan, Olassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil ic. Call and seo before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 FL'RMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1667. FRESH ARRIVAL OP FANCY DRY GOODS. MISS KATB BLACK, Market 4?qunre two doors Ett of the old Bank building. Sl'NUURY, Pemi'., H A3 opened a fresh supply of tho latest slylee nf Fall and W inter Ootids, selected by terelf fiom fhe most fashionable establishments in Philn dclphia. Cheap DeLeinos. Atpscas. French Merinos, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning llo.t ls. Cluths. Suequ Flannels, Ladies and Chlldrens' Hats, Feathers, Ribbons. Dress Trimmings, Embroideries,- Lace Veils and handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, Bnlmoral skills. Breakfast nnd blanket Shawls. Winter Sacqitcs and Ladies' gtaids of every description. Dents' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and Oloves. Perfumery. Toilet Snaps, Hair Brushes, Cotubs, eto. $t Hopkins' Eliptic Skirls. KATE BLACK. Suubury, Nor. 2, I R5T. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 UnoADWAr, New Yokk. I'or I'mailloH and .Mann fact urcrs, These World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at tho New lork .Stale Fair of I Still, and are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we ar now able to supply th very best machines in tho world.. These machines ar made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn., under the Immediate supervision of the President of the Company. Ei.ias How e, Jr., the original inventor of the Sewing Ma chine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to uso of Seamstresses. Dress Makers, Taylors. Manufacturers of Shirti. Collars. Skirts, Cloaks. Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corse's. Hoots. Shoes. Harness. Saddles. Linen Goods. Umbrellas, Parasols, They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and c.lton gttods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, hem. fell, cord, braid, hind, nnd perform every spefies ofsewiiig. making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on bctb sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, nnd mado on this Machine, is tho most popular and ull Sewing .Machines aro subject to the principle invented by hiiu. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Uowe Machino Company. M9 Rroadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 6, 181,7. THB OHEAT 11mm emus Tht component parts of this renarlcablc preparntion wore Qit Uivcovcrul, oonttiuuii.-i auJ tliaUibuUit ioidj ttnty yvurs ago, by lr. tucui-iius, tho cclo braUtl tt( iuun Hiysiuiiiu. TliouBahtl of Ms ulTer lug country tnvu wtirv ixilurxt tu hcitith, tui well at great number of U.c inhabitants Nubia and Ab3inia, and of thecminUic bordering upon the Soullieincoat of ttia Mtdiurrancaa tk-a. IiHU't-d, the fume of Uiff ZI0.AUI bimKlld soon itrvttd over Eumj, nnd wa adapted by tha lirlnclpal 11. ysiciatit la charge of the hospital I of tht old woi Id, in which ii i still usul with iirtuiui nnt luccess. Tlit Vicuruy nf ttfypt placed the numt of pa. Ciiaofsua upon tho " Hull oi Nubkt." aud pie ontud to htut a il.dl bearing the foliuwtntt insciip tian: " Uu Cutoi'su the Public Itvucfuclor." liii II titer 1 it now oiicred tu the public of America with the f ill aiiuVaiice that it will be fouml, upn a fair trial, Ij act at a f,K.ciiie for thu cure of Cholera, Dycntcr. Dlarrhorn, Choler nirbtit. Fever ami Auur, illow Kevcr, lllieuiu-Ulsin. Typhoid tVtvcr. U-tncpatat olir. Hroiicliitia, 4 oiisuiiitiou Vlaln. Wnoy, jeaea of the ICioiitys, Nervoua icKUlty nucl I enmlo Cuinpiiuuta Remark.lile cures of the aiiove disvuf,.. have heen cft'cl-d bv its use. as numerous cerlttlcntes, many fioni regular p'tysiclan, fulf.v attest: and it is destined to sip-rt"d; any preparation cxlunt. As an agreeabl Tonic, and sn l.NVIGORATIXO DEVERAGB, it ins NO 1WAL. TttrJS tn ZIXO Altl HITTERS IAS SUIT. ASTVCLI. AS UODY, SMS AS k PREVKXT1VE or DISK AS!?, BA3 NO bl'PUtlOK. A FKW WOROS TO LADIES. The vs. of tb ZIN'O.Utl HITTKK3 will Kite to you that sr. ft. semi transparent complnxioa wlmili the Gu.1 of nature (designing- woman to be th. loveliest of Lis work) fully intended that you should have fur it is nature's own powder antl paint combined. By punfyinir th blued, stimul-iting th. pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout tbe citiite system, it ei"CMl1y gives iltat smo't!i clearness and beauty to the complexion so saticli to b. desire r. moving all ro'igtines. btotclies, fi-eekles, pimi1es..nd Dial yellow, sickly Irwik so comnvai in our duy; .nd what is even lvttr Itntn tldi. ii cures every species uf female irregularities .ml iIim'SS. Principal Depot, Dairishnrg, Ta. RA.HTER & HAUSE, Soli Puoraiirrorx. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, dunbnry Pinnsylvunia. August 3, 1S07. ...... NT E W G tt 0 C E R Y. a VIE subscribers beg leav to announce to tht . eitir ens of Suubury and it vicinity, that tbey have opened a NEW GROCERY. Tie 0 duvr went of J. JL EugU't Store, in Muriel Square, wher Ihey ar prepared to furnish erery variety of grucene., antl will seep vOSlAUy OO Bund ID choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish. Cuffo, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Spices of all diseriptiuu, .Soaps of avery vari.ly Caudles. Suiokiug and Chewuic tubaoco, 5egars. Hams. iShoulders, Haoon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits uf all kinds, Caned Peaches aud Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Ppr iauce, Raisin, Leuoua, Ao., of bctoualily, and in faol ivsri ilylo of article, kept in a well slocked Urocery. Also Cider luegur. All kinds et country product taken iu txcknigu. Tb pairouag of tb public is re peotfully Milicilcd, ' GEORGE E. HEARD A CO. Sunbnry, Nor. 11, 1815. ujajL.aju: atiMf; . : Ar especially invited iee.ll and ju.a.iue our stock of fiL'ILDEk'S IIARDWARli, . Nail and Spikes of all arietie. BatU, fior.ws, Euaf and I XliugM, Wka and Late he, Bulu. Pla. t.ruig Trowels, Brick, rowvU, PIUKf.'s Swyes, An , ., for ssl. by J U CONLEY CO. " Vf " M 5 "WINTER TIME, 8CHBDTJLB. OX .ml afte 1nFniW 4th, J&9T, Wa will lv (SUM BURY, a follow : ' LEAVH NORTHWARD, IMA, M., Dally for WllliamspoTt. Dally (extent Banday..) for tlmira, Canaiidnigua, ' - Roeheeter, floffslo, Ifagar Fall. .fnirpsosioB Bridg and th. Cantdat. 4 1 P. M., Daily (exoept (Sundays,) Iht Eliitir. and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Klmlra IU P. it.. Dally (except Sundays,) for Yilllami- ts.v... Pr- ......... . LEAVK SOUTHWARD. to A.M., Pally f.teept Monday.) for Baltimore, Watlsiugv snd Philadelphia t 44 A. M . Daily f.,r Haitian or. and WahingtoB. 10 ii A. M , ll'y i.xeept Kundays.) for Baltitnor, VI bigua snd Pfaiiadelpbia. J. S. Di liiktr, . Ed. P. You. Otqi. fiup't.. Oen 1 Psssen'r Ag't , Harrif trarg, P. Baltimore, Md. Plillaslelplsii At l.rlt) Kallrssitsl. " WINTER TIMB TbLK. Through and dlreot route betwsjan 1'biladelphti, Uitltiinore. Hitrriiburg, Wllliauspurt, aud lb Ui.ul Oil Rcgiou of Pennsylvania. LLF.tJ ANT BLEKPINa CARS on all Night Trains. On and after Monday, Nor. 25th. Ii7. tho Train on the Philadelphia A Erie Kail Rosd will run as follows: . . Wcitwaid. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " .Sunbury, " 11 arr. at Erie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. " " Sunbury " " rratKrle Elmira Mail leave Philadelphia, " " Suubury " " arrlv at Lock Haven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie " " " Piinburr, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Eriu " " ' Sunbury ' " arr. at Philadclpfiln, Eltuira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " Sunbury, arr. at PhiUrf-l..hl 11 15 pm. t.bi) a to 8 uu p tu 12 00 noon o.'i5 p ra 9 J a m 8 00 m 4 lipm ?.IJ p in 10 CSam 1 ;S a tn 8 a tn 4.2i p tn 0. 40 a nt 1. tlO pit 7 10 a m ID. '25 a in 6. ID p m Ma'il and Kinross connect with all trains on W ar rcn A Krituklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil- . ad el phi a at 12 00 M. arrive at Irvinetun at 8.40 a m, and Oil City at S.50 am.. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 35 p in. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway rank'! clo.e eoitnonlioos nt Oil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Ceutr. BAUUAUli CHECKED TilUtJUUU. ALFRED L. TYLER, Oeueral .Superintendent. Iiui'liawimuii fc UlooiubMrf (Call rontl. fN and after Jan. 1st, 188T, Passenger Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. 7 10 8.20 P. M. 4 40 6 00 8 17 850 10.15 Leav Scranton,. " Kingston, " Rupert, " Danville, 5.50 6 55 . V 20 10 00 11.20 9.54 10 H5 Arr. North d., NORTHWARD. Leave North 'd . , 7. DO " Danville, 7.40 " Rupert, i B.I 5 A.M. 5 20 C10 P. M. B 35 " Kingston, 111.50 8.30 2 50 9.05 4.00 10.15 Arr. nt Scranton, 12.00 9.55 Trains leaving Kingston at R.30 A. M . for Soran- ton. connect with Train arriving at New York st 5.20. 1 ancngcr .-iking Train South frcm fktrmton at ' 5 .50 A. iM. via Northumberland, reimh Hnrrihburg 12.30 P. linltimore 5 :t(l P. M , Washington 10. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. ra. a. A. FONDA.up't. Kingston, Jan 19. 1667. Heading; Itnili-oatl. WINTER ARUANUEMENT. November 25th, 1807. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and ' North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Read ing, PottsviMe. Tamaqna. Ashland. Lebanon, Allen Uinn. Kaeton, Epbrata, Lltiz, Lancaster, Columbia, .Vo., Ac. Traius leavo Ilarr'uburg for New-York, a fol lows : At 3.00, 5 25 and 8.10 A. M. und 2.U.S and 1 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5..0 IU.Ij and ll.SO A. Al. and 3.40, 9 M P. M. Sleep ing Cars accompanying tho 3. (JO A. 41. and V.lib P. AI. Trains, without change. Leave Hiirri.biirg for Reading. PottsvlJlc. Taica- 'juir, J.i'ioravuie, Ashlnnd. Pir.c UtitV" .'Venlown I I'lti.ud.ipiiiit ut S.lil A.M. and 2u5 and 4. In M., stopping at Lebanon nnd uriueipul way stnUons : the 4.10 p m. makinz conucci.ons for Pbiltidcliihia and Columbia oulv. i'or Poiiaville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill uud 4?uiuenannaltailrouil, leave Uarnsburg at 3.55 p. in. Reluming Leave New York at U.tn) a. ru., 12 U0 Noon and 5 00 ami 8.110 p. in.; Philat'.elphiu at S.li m. 1n.anun.0up.nl. v. ay rassengcr train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returninir from Reading at tl.30 p. in. stopping at all Stations J Pultsville at 3 45 a. iu. nnd 2.45 p. ui: Ashland ll.uO am. arid 1.. 10 and 2 00 p.m.; lnuino.ua ut b.30 a.m. aud I uu and 8 45 p. mi. Leave Pollsville for Harrishuror via S,.,nvll,!lt n,t Susquehanna Railroad at 7 10 a. m. and I2.nu noun. neatling Acoommotlntion lrain leaves Reading at j'A. 51. returning from Philadelphia at 4.00 Columbia Railroad Trains leav Heading at 7 0 A. M.. and 0.1a P. M. fur Enhrata. Liiii ter. Columbia, Ao. On Sundays : l.eav New Y ork et 8 fin p m.. Thila. delphiab.00A.il., and 3.15 P M. tho 8.00 a. m train running only toRcuiing, Pottsville bob am., Harrisburg, 5 25 a ni. and 4.10 and 9-35 p in. and Reading at 1.00 nnd 7.15 a. tn, for Harrisburg, aud T.Ud a. ui. and 11.40 p m. for New Yurk, 4 25 p m. for Philadelphia . Comuiutaiiun, Mileage, Season, School and Ei curslnn Tickets, at reduced rates to uud fium all point. Uaggagaoheoked through: 100 rounds Brg-ngo allowed each Passenger. G.A.NICOLLS, General Superintendent' WHOLESALE A.D RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL. Uppor Wharf. SUNBURY, Peno'a. tfiOMorssolioitedand Ailed witu pruuptucss ace .les.alch. jMinburyMay 12, lRfifl y COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! QUANT Az. BROTHtH, isiliiltpcra V at Isuleviile Ai, ICt-ini leulrsiiu WIHTxU lti:i COAIi, in (very variety. Role Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Jlccr Clay Coal. Lower WnAitr, Su.nbury, Pa. Sunbury, Jan. 13, Ii0. BOOT AD MIOi: ST4MIU X T SMssm.W.al'C THE subscriber offers to tell his Boot and hr Store, loeated nn & arket street, bunbury. a t: doors east of Haupt new buildiug, ineludii. larg stock of Hoots, and Ladies and Childivn Moves, tinilers, 1c. Tbe room Will also be re-K Ui any person purchasing lb stock, if oWred. Ilo. is presented au opportuniiy lur doing a li r-t- 1 1 Uiiot and Shoe business. The s abltehmem is u Ik ed for sale been ne tb owner has gone into i.th busines in the West. J. H JEFfKIES. Suobury, January 4, liM38. INilulw, OIU, V. A full stock of Oils ooniprudog Liusced Oil, Co Oil, Fish Oil. aud Lubricating Oil for Engines ai M uhiuory, Varnishes, Glass, always un band, at It price. al . . CONLEY A CD'S f7( R Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees. Ilia.-. Uu. J1 le. Oig Tree, Pad Trees, Hauea, all kinds m every tbiug pertaining to lb busuir.. ..r sale by J. U. CONLEY A CO. rilHB following prson ar entitled to receive X iuor ef xtounty under th AtM of Cuagp passed July loot), to u.ualis Buunties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after Ihe 19th day April, 1861, lor S years, and served their time eultstwent and have ba honorably discharged, a bavataeoived or are entitled o reeeiv a Boa hit tlvU, areenutled an additional Buuuly uf IO 2d All suob suldicrs wbo sululed fur i yeit, s bav been buourably direharged ou accouut wounds roivd i tb lin nf duty, ax entitled an additional Uouuty of 100. u The Widow. Miuart'hildr,Parnt.fi soldi. rs wbo died iu lb ervie of auuiids or disai are entitled to an additional Bounty ut stlOO. Dy application to 8. P. WOLVERTON, Ej. 8uuav, PaoBsylvani. wbo is an authorised Cli Agent, all aub elatuis au b pully oUM. Bunbury. August 4! lood tl m Coachmakers, WE ar elling Rfms, Spokes, TJuot, Pprn Cssna, Bolt. Clip. Axle, , very lo. LaxtSHuk CONLEY A Cf SuVvy, Mar.k M, lsW