Gfce, &untmt American. M. S. BNQLiE, ( Fubllahtra. MluVHCRY, PA. SATUUbXT, MARCH 14, 180&. M--J.J .... .1 . . .. local &ffafrs. SaTTLxn. Th ImporUnt trial of Fahaeefaok t. B;if hat been fettled by the parti, recently. AtTBKTioii it invited to Milliner .Goad all kind advertisement in Ihii issue, by II. Ward, 103 North Second Street. .Thli if an old and tellable "hous. , . .i . Brat wahd Millixirt Goods. Read Win. Km tea't advertisement, in thU iasu. t arehaeert will find a large ttoek to (elect from. Thoir interest should prompt them to ealt. A ftanoH to young men will be delivered by the Bar. 8. VT. Reigart. to-morrow, (Sunday) evening, the Presbyterian Church, in thia places All A yeang mea are eepeeially invited to attend. Taa Odd Feliowt of Northumberland, Columbia and Montour oountiet are agitating the auhjeot of establishing in the District a home fur the mainten anee and edueation nf the orphan children of mem few. ' Taa Great Fusi-Ysma Japanese Troup of Jug glert, Top 8pinnert, Balanoert, Oymnutf, Ac, will .give two entertainmenlt in the Masonic Hall, in toll plaoe, on Friday and Saturday evenings of tbla week. Admission, 60 centt ; children, 25 cents. lit the proceedings of the House of Representative! 'at Hsrrisburg, on the flth iiut , w observe that our representative, W. 11 Kate, Esq., presented "a sup plement to an aot to divide the iforough of Bun bury Into two wards, approved April 3, 1837." Post Ko. 105, Oman Army or ma Rarciuc, was organised in this pi see on Monday last. The following officers were duly eleoted : Commander of Post Col. Wn. M. MoClur. Vice Commander Col. Qeo. B. Cadwallader. Junior Vie Commander Capt. Daniel Oyster. Adjutant Capt. II. F. Mengia. W. Master N. F. Lightner. MiDntt Creek Railroad. A VTI! it aow pending in Mi Legislature, authorising the Compa. ny to borrow one million of dollars, and issue bonds, hearing interest,net to exceed 7 percent, per annum. The engineers are now examining th bluffs below Northumberland. Braixo The warm weather that tueeeeded th severe cold snap of hut week, hat nearly dissipated th snow In all exposed tituationt. Apprehensions of another great flood have nearly parsed away. The frost it nearly all out of th ground, and thus far th earth has inustty absorbed the waters of the melting snow. The river commenced risingalightly on Wed aesday. The iea moved off at Lock Haven and Money eft Wednesday, from the dam doWn. At Williamsport it is gorged, and also at Lewisburg. The flats at Chillisquaque are submerged. On Thursday noon the ice of th West Branch earn with eruhingiorce and moved the ice from off the river at this place. The ice wat orowded up the bank and into the mud at the upper end of town. The river is not high, but the ioe is running thick. Accidksts at Milton. The Miltonian, ofth Stb inst., says : Bcnj. Hendricks was injured at th Catawitsa depot on Saturday last, his hand having bn caught between th coupliogs of two cars. It was found necessary to amputat the index and ad joining finger of the injured hand. Eli B. Dreifuss, an employe of th Catawisa Railroad Co., in making up trains at the depot at this plaoe, wat fatally injured on Friday last by being aaughl between twi cart which ha wat en deavoring to coo pie. lie wat horribly mangled, and although Dr. McCleery wat called and every thing don that could be, he died in a few hours after the accident. The deceased was 27 years of age. Tho mother of the deceased, who is a widow, realdes at Puttsville, to which place the remains Were taken. RoTUiRRiEf in NoBTBOMtKRLirio.Tb latter of our Northumberland correspondent wot miscarried last week, and did not com to band until too Into for insertion. Among the items is the following, In relation to th burglaries oommitted in that place, recently : The night of Wednesday, Feb. 28lb, is memorable in the annals of Northumberland for its many cotes ef house-breaking, there having been four attempt nt that species of robbery on that bight, the houses of Metars. Alfred Hawlcy, John McFnrland, Peter Vandling and Dr. McCay having been forcibly entered. The entrance to all was ef fected by applying some instrument to th thank end of tb front door key, (whioh bad bora left in th lock,) from the outside. Th only plunder ob tained by the rubbers wat about 3, from Dr. Mo Cayl. Four attempts at burglary in on night! Who tayt Northumberland it not a growing place? Coarxaii Mketirg. Th conferees from th tereral counties In this (I4tb) Congressional Dis trict, except Union, met at tb Loobiel Hotel, in Uarriiburg, on Munday afternoon last, at 2 o'clock. Col. John J. Patterson was appointed Chairman of th convention, and George Bcrguer, Secretary. Tb following gentlemen appeared at conferees, vis: Nortbumberlan 1 K. M. 1'rick, Oeorg Wagon teller and A. It. Fiskc. Snyder Wm. G. Hrrold, Peter Roigl and John U. Wright. Juniuta Col. John J. Patterson, Col. John K. Rubison and Capt. William 11. Patterson. Union Col. Eli Slifur. Dauphin J. E. Alltn, Col. Qeorge T. Hummtl and George Berguer, Mr. Allen moved that Col. Ell Slifer be permitted t cast the throe votes from I'oioo county, la tb ib.ence of bit colleagues. Mr. eUifer asked to be-exoused from doing to. He laid that be hud received no notice of the place of seating, and presumed hit colleagues woresiuii- arly situated. Tho motion of Mr. Allen was agreed to, but Mr. lifer declined to vote for them. Tb Convention then selected J. D. Cameron and I. H. Fiske as th Congressional delegates to th Ibioagu Convention, with power to tubttiUste. U. 11. Beobtel, of Juniata oounty, and W. Cook unoan, from Uuion, were select oil as alternate legate. Coobt Pnocxtoi.iot. The March term of Court jmmenced In this place on Monday last, bit Honor, dga Jordan, presiding, assisted by Attociata udge Shipman and Beldelspaob. Tha following iininal eases were tried ; Commonwealth vt. Ellas Williams. For and bat., rah E. Pann, prosecutor. Bound over to appear .next term. Com. vt. W. II. Banian. Malicious mischief. efendant found guilty. Wui. Farvine is. F. J. Parv ice. Judgment n a turn ofiftO 36 granted tor wart of appearance. Com. vt. D. P. Oyster Fornioalion. Bound over appear at next term. - - i g, ,., Cum. vt. Nathan OluuttaJ. A common barrator. tfeudaiit not guilty. Each party to pay half (he it. Com. vs A. A. Porter. Illegal voting. No bill, bo. Coooor, prosecutor, to pay coals. Com. v. Geo. Bolinger. Burglary and larceny y A Cumtaings, prosecutor. True bill. Defend. . plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of$l, and prUonmcut for two year in tha Eastern Peollan "f. lum. vt. Earn. Burglary and larceny. A. Hack ,arg. prosecutor. True bill. Defendant not ilty of burglary but guilty of larony. 8ntend ?ay a fine of oo dollar, eosu of pruteoutioa, r. -e property itolea or pay f alu Urof, ana tm Komot in Eastern Peuitentlary tor oa year, .teoc to ouunaeoe immediately fW the xpl on of sentaooe in ca above, om. vi. Emanuel Keadel.-AasauH i battory bill Joeish J, pro"mtor, pay aoatf. Ceta. V erne Treutmaa. Far. aad kas. Aav v Sraataaa, praseoatrlx. Tra bill. Defendant fband fu,7- fcWanaan pay a fin of $10 to Overseen af Poer ef Jordan township, eoets ef proa cation, $J0 to protecaUix for lyiag la Mpea, aad II per week antil th child shall attain th ig of are year. V Com. n David I. LwU. Atsault and battery. Isaac Yordy, pTosoctrtot. fru bill. ' Defendant plead guilty. Bentonoed to pay .a flu ef $1 and eeett of pvoeeoutton. ' ;'..' ' Com. vt James Broken! trad Wm. Kottley. "Lar ceny. M. Stuck, proteoutor. Tru bill. Broken plead guilty; Netlley plead not guilty. Jury found Wm. Nettley not guilty. Court seutenoed Brrkens to pay a n of ?1, eOsttof prosecution, restore pro perty stolen w pay value thereof, and undergo im prisonment in the Eastern Penitmtiar foroue year. Com. vt James Kamsey. Misdemeanor in office. True bill, ioond otm for hit appearatro at next term. Com. vt Danlol Williams, Elisabeth Wililnmt and 6evllla Appellng. Lewdness. Tru bill. Com. va Charles Carr. Larceny. True bill. De fendant found not guilty. Com. vt fames Bnrrett.'-Aseautt and battery with intent to commit a rape, nd atsault and battery. Defendant found aot-guilty, and Harriet Shipman, prosecutrix, to pay costs. Com. vt P. 8. Vanhorn. Adultery. True Mil. B. S. Wolverlon, prosecutor. Defend"!:1. as found guilty. Not yet sontonced. Cora, vi Amanda Shoftstall. Adultery. D. Trout man, prosecutor. No bill, and prosecutor to psy covtt. Com. George W. Lehman. Kecogniinnc of defendants, and bail Jeremiah Lehman, on procla mation, forfeited. Com. vt. Jacob Woomer. On petition rnle grant ed, returnable on Monday noon next, to show cause why prisoner should not beditohargod. Com. Vs Ju'uios Watts. Illegul voting. True bill. Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to pity a fine of $10, costs of prosecution, and imprisonment for 43 bourt. Com. vt Jeremiah Zimmermin and Dnnicl Strai ner. Larctny. RsV. Qeo. A. Le, p toseeutor. No bill. Com. vt tiaorga Mantt . For. and bas. Cnlbarino Krone, prosecutrix. Bound over to appear at next term. Com. VI John Malady. Larceny. Lewis Sticker, proseoutot. No bill. Cum. vt Saui'I. i?oly. Adultery. Tru bill. Cat ooutinued. Cot, vs. Philip Winterstcin. Misdemeanor in office. A. A. Porter, prosecutor. True bill. Jury find defendant not guilty but to pay ousts. Com. vs. Samuel Bosley Seduction. Duuivl Con- jtd, prosecutor. True bill. Com. vs. Martin Hogins, John Uaughlin, John McQratb, Pat. Conway, Peter Larkin and John Cava. Riot, residing police, and wounding. Jury tworn and withdrawn. .Vo. pros, entered as to Peter McLarkin, Johu Cavo and Martin Hogins. and tho others withdraw the plea of not guilty and plead guilty. Cum. vs Patrick Conway. John McSrath and Juhn Uaughlin. Assault and lottery. Each sentenced to pay a fine oi $10, jointly pay costs of prosecution, and each undergo an imprisonment in the jail ot the Oouniy for one calendar month. Com. vs Cornelius Wi'uier. Adu'tei.y. Daniel Rethermel, prosecutor. No bill, and prosecutor to tiaV costs. Com vs jamea iveiiy Keeping a gtiutiiing No bill, and Wm. Ewiug, prodeoutor, to pay . vs James Kelly. Selling liquor without li No bill, and Wm. Ewing, prosecutor, to pay bouse, ousts. Com oensc, costs. Com vt A. Zimmermnn Selling liqnor with- out license, to pay ousts iso om, anu n m. twiag, prosecutor, Com bouse, costs. vt A. Zimmerman. Keeping a gambling No bill, and Wm. Ewing, prosecutor, to pay (The criminal bu-incss having been disposed of by Wednesday afternoon, the Court took up the civil list, a report of which will appear in our next issue Froeaodiiigs of Council Report of Chief Burgess, i). Y. Bright, E31. Sumivhv, Feb. 27, 1863. Council met at 7 o'olock, P. M., agreoubly to no tice given by direction of the Chief liurges. Chief Burgess, E. Y. Bright, in tb Chair. Members pre sent, vis: Messrs. Hendricks, Bourne, Murkle, Clement, Hoover, C. A. Bright and II. Alter stating to Council the object fur which this mooting was onlled, the Chief Burgess, E. Y. Bright. proaeedod to read his report of the finanoial condi tion of the Borough, which wot as follows: To th Bitreetrts and Common Council of the livroufk of Simourf. I, Edward Y. Bright, Chief Burguss of said Borough, do hereby submit the following natement of the financial affairs of the Borough, showing the amount of the indubtnd ness of the Borough paid off and discharged during my offlolal term, ana also showing tne present in debtedness of th Borough : BOROUGH DEBTS PAID. Name. Philip Kfr. Bonds. Interest. Total. (21X1 til) $IU AO $2IB 00 100 00 II SO 111 30 2011 00 17 00 217 00 SIM 00 1 i 50 213 50 200 00 10 f7 210 e7 200 00 10 7 210 H7 100 00 0 75 108 70 U0 00 56 00 550 00 2000 00 205 77 2205 77 500 00 5n 66 556 66 20i0 00 112 00 2112 00 200 00 21 tW 211 Hi 200 00 26 43 22A 43 200 00 20 00 220 CO 200 00 22 60 211 HO 200 00 20 56 20 56 500 00 60 00 500 00 S00 00 30 00 .3:10 00 600 P0 61 25 60S 25 5O0 60 64 70 654 70 200 00 20 86 2-'0 K6 200 00 14 00 214 00 3011 00 51 00 351 00 100 OO 17 60 117 50 2"0 00 35 00 2 !a 00 100 00 1 1 21 114 21 bOO 00 111 00 UI2 to 2u0 00 30 00 i 00 100 00 15 00 115 00 ISO 00 26 10 2o6 10 300 00 61 00 351 00 150 00 150 00 2u0 00 30 00 210 00 200 00 24 43 2& 43 300 00 1 65 342 65 ion oo 15 00 luoo 600 00 122 20 T22 20 8AA 00 lit 74 1034 76 1500 00 2-12 60 1732 50 John Young, J. W. Bright, 15. r. Kngnt, Uriah Foulk. Julius Ray, A. 11. Hover, John Bowen, W Wi Kington, Jacob Seasholtt, Joseph Hoover A Co., Ueo. B. Uenther, John Measner, Harry Boyer, K. L. Siarkloff, Landis Fry, Wm. Munleliut, Clinton D. Hobrbaoh, Catharine cibrank, Fred. Spaitb, John Baker, W. 11. Rohrbach, Samuel llendrickt, (.'. C. Uucher, Thomas llenninger, Jacob Fetter, Elisabeth atroh, J. P. Bell, J. P. Laudan, Lef. Itenuinger, Peter S. Uussler, li. A. Shifier, A. Cassett, D. K. Conrad, W. J. Harp, 11 D. Bucher, John Haas, John lisas, Job a liamt, B. A. Hoover. 200 00 S5 25 2 15 26 W. L. Denart, judgment, balance, W. I. Oreeuougu, interest, J. B. tanker. " 700 00 305 00 104 07 2307 65 Orders for tupport ot th Poor, 121,307 67 E. Y. Brioot, Chief Burgest, in Account with Bo- ruugs ot ouuoury. To 12 Bonds issued, each $500. Not. 1, 3. t. 4, 6, 0. 7, H, 0, 10, 1 1 , 1Z, I a, 000 uo Tu 26 Bonds issued, each $100. Nos. 1,2, 3,4.5,6,7.0.9, 10,11. 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, li, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 21, 25, 20, 2,600 00 CREDIT. By ain'rt paid for Bounty Buudi, to wit ! Paid to Pater H. Guntler, (WO 00 ioo oo 8110 00 200 00 lOo 00 SUA 00 200 00 300 00 100 00 200 00 6(H) 00 80A 00 ' 1500 00 84 II 3180 48 J aoob retter, Elisabeth Strob, J. P. Bell, Henry D. Bucher, Alexander Caeett, Daniel K. Conrad, W.J. Harp, J. P. Landau, L Keouioger, B'd (180. Interest, (20, John 111 John HaeJ, Job ho Haas, Interest in Dart. 188, Feb. IHtb, George Bright, (Treat.,) rtoeipt, (b.880 43 1865-7. To am't ree'd for Lioen eet of different kinds, To 4 perch (ton sold to First Nat. Bank of Sunbury, (2 60, '88, Feb. 18, By am 't p'd to Q ao. Bright, Boro. Treat., at per receipt. (168 00 19 00 (181 00 IXDISTIDHUi Or TBI BoEODOt FasaoAar 33, 1868. 1884, April JO Wm. I. Grwoougb, 1806, Jun to Wot. I. Graaaongh, 1864, April -Joba B. Packer, im, Ja 3d John 9 Factor, or 6oaoaT, (850 00 M7 00 060 0 m oo C. fJragh, fetara, " Idjad'ttiaaaoaedkalV '1 ' ItHlia UM,. ' . ' t ' BOO M - 100 04 - suo ot 1HI0 V9 fe OO 200 v0 ,6U0 09 - i aw5 axCfcwOJta i P. H. Cable, -. Joseph Me vert, P. r. f immerman. New ateodt laud, - $13,434. 0 By Liens tnt'd for Parent'!, 11714 M, Dae from solleetor for th taaea f IHR7, lOOv 00 " Du from Ira T. Cletaeat , ,,. fev I years' ferry recit, at l0t per 4res9 480 M , 11 Due from 8. B. Boyar, a per hit italemeut, SM 04 DuefromSol.Shlndel, col lector, at per Autl. Kep t, 0VI II 5,77 41 Tutal amount of Borbugh indebtedness,' (7,666 611 Benjamin Zctttcmoyer and David llatipt. Over seers uf Poor for I8A2, are eharged in the beokt of the Borough for a balane of Uuplioat ontetuca, . as per the report of Auditors, amounting to $4tftf 60. On motion th report of th Chief Burgeei was accepted, approved, and ordered to be copied in the report book. . . On motion an order was granted to E. Y. Bright for (SO 43, for balance due him on bounty bonds paid and monies paid to the Borough Troasurar, at per statement. Ou motion of Mr. Bourne, Resolved, That th thanks and acknowledgments of th Coouoil ore tendered to E. Y. Bright for his valuable services as Chief Burgee, and fur the very able manner In j whioh be hat eonduoted the financial and all other matter! pertaining to the interost and prosperity- of the Borough oT Sunbury, during hit olfioial term of office at the Chief Burgess of said Borough. On motion th above proceedings of Cuunoil, to gether with tha report of th Chief Burgess, be published,, in full, In the Sunbury Amtrica aud Sunbury Gatetlt. On motion, adjourned. JacoB SotruAH, Clerk. assi tr, March -Id, 1868. Council met at the odioe of Janice Beard. Esq , at 7 o'efcek, P. M., tt-being the regular stated night of meeting. The first hurinesi being that of organising th sew Council, the following named persons, at Bur gewes and Councilmen, were duly tworn and their oiths of oflico Aled, vis: J. W. Bucher, as Chief RurgcFi; 2d Burgess, John Bourne; Assistant Bur gesxa, John U. Markle, J. M. Cadwnlladet. Thos. U. Cooper, Wm. T. Grant J Counoilmea, Wm. R. Dunham, Geo. W. Smith, A. Dicflendorl'er, Charles Gnringer, Jos. F.ystcr, Jacob Henn, Chos Beck and Valentine Dicti. Town Clerk, Jaoub Shipman J U!gh Constable, Ueorge Harrison. Minutetof adjourned meeting, Feb. 11th, 19C8, were read and approved. The Chief Burgest appointed the following com mittees, to torve for the ensuing year, vit : Committee on Finance, or Claiint and Account Wm. T. Grant, Jos. Eyster and John li. Markle. Cunimittee on Grave Yard John Bourne, Chai. Beck and Jacob Henn. Committee on Borough Charter and Borough Or dinances G. W. Smith, t. Q. Cooper and John G. Markle. Committee on Ways and Means W.T. Grant, Julin Bourne and Jos. Eyster. Committee on Roads and Bridget John G. Mar kle, Jos. Eyster and Charles Bcok. Committee en Pavements and Sidewalks J. M. Cadwullader, Juhn G. Markle and Wm. Dunham. Committee on River Bank Chat. Garingor, Wm. T. Grant and Valentine Diet. Committeeon Vice and Immorality Jno. Boarne, Geo. W. Smith and Joseph Eyster. Committee on Streets, Lanes and Alleys A. Dief fendorfcr, V. Diet aud Charles Garinger. On motion, tho Chief Burgess appointed an Audi ting Committee fur the ensuing year, he (tb Chief Burgess) to not at one of said committte. Messrs Markle and Cadwallader were appointed halanoeof Auditing Committee. On tnothou, D. Rockefeller, C. A. Bright and A. II. Clement were appointed Borough Regulators for the ensuing year. On motion, tho rules uf order, parsed by Council I July 3d, 18(16, and adopted by lost Council, were read. On motion the tame were, in cunneotiun with a resolution passed by last Cuunoil March 6lb, 1S67 adopted, for the government of the present Council for the ensuing term. The inspectors, judgos and clerks of the East Ward, Sunbury election district, presented a bill, amounting in all to $16, fur servioes in holding elec tion Feb. 21.1S63, authorising J. II. Engel to re ceive the tame. On motion, bill wat referred to Committeo on Claims and Accounts. On motion, tha Chief Burgess wat authorised to confer with the County Commissioners with a view to securing a room in the Court House, to buld meetings of Council in, and, if necessary, to confer ith the School Board in regard to the same object. Ou hiotion, Rtsolvttl, That the Committee on Fi nance be instructed to call on th Borough Attor neys in relation to soveral claims the Borough bas against Benjamin Hendricks and Poter W. Gray, bail for Solomon Shindel, for the tai'duplicate for IS;3 and '60, including Borough, Road and Poor taxes; also the Pour-Duplicate of 1862, in th band David Huupt and B. Ecttelmoyer, and fur all claims ngninj-t any utber parties who may be indebt ed to the Borough, and if the said atturnoys do not proceed with proper despatch the said committee may employ other counsel fur th Borough, who ill attend promptly to th same. Cuunoil proceeded to an eleotion, by ballot, of urough Treasurer. Nominationi were made and ballot bad. J. G. Markle and J. Shipman, Clerk, ere appointed tollers. E. M. Bucher having received the highest num ber of votes, was declared duly elected Borough Treasurer fur the ensuing year. On motion, Htsolved, That those persons against bom liens buve been entered fur paving, be exone rated from pay incut of 16 percent of the penalty f they pay the claim on or bufur the 1st day of July, 1868, with the necessary eottt for entering ei.s. Ou motion, adjourned. Jacob Emm ar, Clerk. BUBII7B33 NOTICES. UJob lrlsillts. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new tyles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on thort notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Delay are as unwise as they sre daegeront. When your old clothe wear out do not delay, but go and purchase new ones. Make it a point to get a good article something that will wear, and buy where you ean get the cheapest. This oan be don at J. O. Beck's Merchant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street. War It lover popping th queetion like a tailor running a hot goose over tuit of clothes ? Beoaue be it pressing a suit. It eanaot ba doubted that Blayniaker, of the Continental Clothing Basaar, al though a married man, "presses more suits" than all lb young mea in Sunbury combined. But Ibey are th elegantly Siting garment mad at th Con tinental, and all hit customer teem to like bit stylo of "pressing." Particular. A young couple of this place, wbo bav resolved to beoota one, recently triad to fix on th day. lis Insisted on waiting until J. r. Ehaeffer got up hit spring. goods, is order to get a real stylish tuit. 5h contended that all kind of legant material could be bad ther at any tlm. She it right, and should have added, It it mad ap to order, promptly, neatly and cheaply ; but she didn't lik to. - A Tkutb. After all tb rax and costly gift that may past from on to another, at keepsakes, ther U nothing met appropriate and tatting than lif-lik photograph f tb remembered on. Nothing will to vividly recall that on, in afttr years, and nothing like thli will grow in alu. as yean pat away. Xhui uupjaUod, go at one to Byarly ' Photograph Gallery, is Bimpsoo building, Market Square. Any site or ctyl that aaay be 4! red can be e4 at kia nallerv. I ' Wa are row In tb last winter month. Ppriag and bad will b her almost 'bror y know It." Th wtator ha keea acid and hoalthfut, fell nf ipar kl and oxygta. We have had mow In abundanoa, giving livery met "iota" of business and our erops and meadows a covering that will double' tW pro duoiivtnsts next summer. With the advent of th warm aeason w may expeot I witness a grat ruph for Faust t new Xashivnabl Halt, at hi store in Market Square. 4-e A Good Tim a Coamo. The cheering buatoees prospects fut th coming summer do not argue the genoral prostration of business that alarmist would foreshadow ejrAn tb publie mind. Th laws of trade, In ear opinion, will do feaoh to regelate th eendition of the country, and with a determined spirit of industry much of th gloom that obscures the fcrightnest of the future in lb minds of th timid will ba provontoJ. And with bop fur the good time coming, we advise all to economise by purchasing their Boot and feboet at Miller' Ex celsior Store, iu Market Square. MaAHIAGDS. On tho lOih iut., by Rev. Jneob F. Wauiimle, Hf.xrv B. HorrxAKaud Miss Harriet 8. Kai, Mr. both of Shainokin township. PEATH3. In Upper Aui;ujta township, on the 10th Inst., Mr. ME'S CA.VU'BELL, aired 77 yoars, 7 monthl and 6 dap. Near Turlmlville, on the 5th lnt., BAMl'EL BIKilKR, aged 7u years, 6 mnntht and I day. blJiUlllY M lHUIiTN, Corrected Weekly for tLo "Amerloan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do Ue do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. du per ewt. Who it, prime rod, sew, per biifhel, Bye, d Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared - per round de do unpared do Dried Annies. do SI 2 00 6 t'O 10 00 Dried Cburriw, (unatonej.) por bn Butler, ' per laiuud, per doioft, per pound, da do do do do do per pair Cheeso, Lard, Hams. Shuulden, Beof, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Cbickont, Sliuisiokin Con! XriKle. Sbahokis, March 11, 1869. Tow. Cut. Sent Tor week ending March 7, Per last Report, 6,165 17 61.661 00 67.826 17 61.341 07 3,4?2 10 To lame time last year, Increase. d penal Notices. '!' 'onwuiiipllve. Tb Rav. EDWAKD A. WILSON will send (free of oharuH) to all wh dire it. the prwripiion with the directions fur making und using tbesiniple reme dy by wbioh he was cured of a lone afleclion and that dresd disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the afflicted, and ho hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, us it will lost them nothing, any may prove a hltawin. Please address REV. KDWAKD A. WUON. my lS-'Ct.Iy Williamsburg, KingsCo.,N. Y. QNE PRICE CLOTHINO. JON3S' OLD ESTABLISHED 0.r. I'KK'K CLOTHING HOUSE, UOi .11 ti r If e t hlreet, One dour abuvo bixth, Philadelphia. Ftr Bitny ynra th'. F,l-llmnt has done busi ness or. tha tine i'liuu i va.cui, a..a ' - "O are the only Ciolbing Ilousu iu lue city ill -tn.'.llv JlnirHi in thta nr'ti.i'iitln. We hnvo earned a reiu- tutiun which we are proud of, for g-io J tajte in select- j good styles aud substantial materials, ana not itti important, for having all our goods, i:rti t v di.i- ti We employ the be.-t talent, fir Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashiunablo and plain to that all tastes can bo suited. The prices ure the very lowest, as any una by a moment's thought must seo, or otherwiso we could not meet the competition nf our neighbors, fur as node.iuctiousare ever made, we must put Our prices duwn to the odtauutges wo promise. Tho people may depend, this is iho true plnn upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be laved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Marktt Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door abuve Sixth. March 23. Iid7.-ly IIri'ret ot Youth. A gentleman who suffered fur years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all Ibe effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, tend fro to alt who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sutlereri wishing tu profit by the advertUor s experiuuoe, can do m bv a Dressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN It 0(JII'N. my in -07 I y 4; UeUur .Mreet, i. I . DKAMI19S, IIi.indnum Attn Cata R R 0 treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs. M. D , Ocul- Ut and Aunst, (tormerlvot Leyden. ItollniH I .No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Teidtuioninls from the must reliable titi.rces in city aud country can be seen at bit office. The Medical ficully arc invited to accompany their patients, as he hus no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted with out pain. No charge fur examination. nnv.30-ly. t OLG ll i: .V I'O.'M GEHMAN ERASIVE S0P Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered iho STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For hale by a'l Grocers. May 18, 18C7. ly. CONJUGAL LOVK, ardtub nArptuxst or hu e jiaruiaok. Estay for Young Men. on the Errors, Abuses aud Diseases which destroy the Manly Powers end create impediments to Mnrriune. with sure means of relief. bent in sealed letters envelopes tree oi etiarge. AS drest. Dr. J. SKI l.LIN H'JUGHION, Howard As sociation, Philadelphia, 1'a. tebljia AVER'S CHElUtY PECTOHAL. TS a toolbinz expecto X raul, prepared to meet Uio urgent need of a safe table cure tor ui- the throat and A trial of many year has estaoiitnea me fact that it is mure effica cious in pulmonary afftd tioiis tbun any other rem edy. Iu efficacy has now becouce so generally known that it hi jarly regarded in many eouutntt at a medicine ot inditptorablo necessity. In Great Britain, France end Germany, where meJicel sci ence ba reached its highest perfection, it it pre scribed in domrstio practioe, and constantly used in the aruiiei, in hospitals and other public institu tions, where it is regarded by tho attending phvai eiani a lb must ipaedy and agreeahle remedy that oan be employed. Scarcely any neighborhood oan be found where well known oases of diseased lungs, which had baffled ibe efforts of the moat skillful and experienced doctors, have been permanently eurtd by it. These results art tha must convincing proofs ef th superior curative properties ot this prepara tion: and to them the authors point Wilh peculiar While it Is moat nowerfui attains! eon- Aimed diseases, it is extremely gentle at a medium in iufancy and youth, being quite harmless to vea ha niuiiiu. ehss admiaistarod iudioiouily. Th, kaulih-rwiorer aoeomnlUbe vcu more by tireventiua than ur If takea in season it heal kil irrltjutunt nf tha threat and luciit. whether an ibis from tinldt or Cuuaht. or from other ase, and thus prevent that Intig uaia ef painful ted insurable disease whioh would arise from the aegleet of them. farail should be without it. Influetita, Croup, Uoarseoati, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, In ftinient Consumction. and other aneotiont of tha breathing orgaut, giva war befor tbit pr-minnt combinations f mediotl virtues. Prepared by DU. J C. AVER A CO., Lowell, Ms., and told tr all Tniggiartl and deaieiainmett icin evwrywb! "' -9 X'jr?i Slitcrv'tvT? aud rel LEWIS & CO.'S ILLUSTRATED . .IXO.TrieaYY FAMILY JOtin.lAL, FOR THE MILLION I Thuttandt of families in the lty and eonatry, bar long felt tha want of an illustrated Jouraal at a reosunabl price, and equal to any on this oontinent. To tbit end, w btv engaged good si lists. Th literary department will be one ofth feature ofth paper, aad we shall publish from time to time, ori- Binal Tales, Sketches, Ac, by tb leadmf writers ef i country. THIS 18 NO LOTTERY. But we oflSr as aa Inducement to those who anb soribe, and will help to push forward to a successful Issue, a cheap and valuable Illustrated Family Journal, and give a targt hhihLut of premium'. Subscribers will aut have to wait re know if they have a premium. There will m 1,116 premium distributed to tb tuboribors. The paper will b well worth the dollar, for the year. A book bat been prepared for subscribers with numbers trota 1 to 100.- 000, aud the preinieoi are equally distributed through th on hundred thousand n tubers. If there stranld boons thounmd name received on the same day and dare, th letters will be opened regularly aa tbny come to bend, and marked on the OuoK in reanlBT rotation as opened, so that there will ",.l;,r,"tr'bution of th premium. Wa shall publish the names or the persons that are auUtled to the premiums, in th New York Montult iilus TAtsD, and In tho city and ouuntry panel, in r u !,ollowinK Premiums will be distributed : 10 Cash Premiums of (iCO acb, f.5.000 10 20 40 HO 1,000 100 60 25 1.000 1,000 1,000 10 00 2.000 TKRMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. 1 Copy, one year, with one subscription, I Ofl 5 copies, " ' fivo ' j oo 2u " " twenty " '20ti0 Persons petting up clubs will be entitled to pre miun s, as soovu. Address LEWIS A Co., 41 Mercer St., N. Y.. Box 3.1v I. Write th adJross plain, giving township, ccunty and &tato. Money by dratt, 1'ust office order, regis tered letter, or express, may be sent at our risk. Send 10 cU. fur specimen copy containing all necessary information. REFERENCES. Levi Stockwcll, Treasurer nf the Howe Sewing Marlilne Co., ti!!) Broadway. New York. Edward P. Hat.-h. Secretary of tho Wilcox A Oibbs' Sewing Machine Co., 508 Broadway, N. Y. Feb. 15, 13fi8. BAUGH'S con t bitci t i . m a. v it uh i We announce lo farmers and dealers in Fer tilizers, that the following prices have been adopted or the present spriug seosun : BAtOH S RAW BONE PflOFPHATB. Price, (59 per 2,000 lbs. BAIGU'S CHICACO BONE FERTILIZER Price, (4S per 2,000 lot. BAUCH'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE. This well known poi ular trade-mark will bt found upon (very pcekageof the above manures. Th high estimation in which Batob Bone Ma nures have been held, during fourteen years past, w shall fully sustain in the future. Having now th entire contrul of the groat resources of the city of Chicago, for furntthing Ammonia and Phosphat yielding material, vit : Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, do., we have, in eonueclion with our works in Phil adelphia, the largest facilities for furnishing these manure, at the above low prices. BAUOH A SONS, Philadelphia. NORT-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Chioago JOHN RALSTON A CO., Geu'l Ag'U, New York. OHlRilK KIKEK A CO., 11 Boston. GEORGE DUG DALE, Wu-ksale Aji, BulUsKre. For all Information respecting the above Manures, address cither of tho above houses. "JOURNAL OF THE FARM," A New Monthly Agricultural Paper, published by B AUG II A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Its design is to present a full rangeof Agriculture and Horticultural intelligence ; articles upon the Practical and Scientific relationtof the subject ; and its general aim is to inculcate a popular system of uigu manuring, ine claims or BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, are urged in an honest and open way, but not urged tu the exclusion of any other valuable manurial aid to the farmer which the markets or home resource afford. All farmers will find it. we think, fully worth all it costs, iu the practical suggestions it preseuts, and the srenorul reader will meet a share of solid enter tainment. Price, 60 cent per year. Address, BALGU A bONa, Philadelphia. 5old by SMITH A OENTHER, Sunbury. Jan. 2i, I80. aug 67-ly 730 CUcalnut Sli ccl, IMkJluadpblQ, Arc tb best in Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They ar more simple and durable, easier kept in order, make a strorgor and moro eloslio stitch, a firmer and more beautiful sosm than any other Tbey sew all fabric from two eommou spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation, and though every firth stitch it cut the team will not rip. The Very II 111 i"' l'rlae, the Crone of tb Legion of Honor wat conferred on the repre sentative of th GROVEU Jc Kiiirn at th Exposition L'nivortellee, Paris, 1307 i tbut attestlug their great uperierity over all other taw ing machines. uROVER BAllivli o XIW ITTLKt BIltTTLi: JUCIllJlEH For Manufacturing. Combine tha most modern and essential improve ments. Th attontiou if requested of Tailor, Manufae turen of BooU and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all other requiring th ut of th aott affective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which Unmistakable ad- vantages over all other. FOR BALE BY Miaa OAHOIjINtJ DALIU8. Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A , Nov , ly ChUdrea'e CarrUget. tlTE would eall th attention af that wauUng a VV's Carriage tow cow aad larj aaaorv uutt Anwpriting naw and beautiful "via. 1 J M OOKLEY W ""i " aicnes, inm n watcn Cn.l ISO eneb 2 500 50 Wilcox A Gibbs' Sewing Machines, 00 ' .1000 60 Howe's Sowing Machines, (J u 3,000 iaii.i I n-. . . ... zuuu i rcuiiunis ot at each, o xtt nd thia Vol-mwmm or will certain) Had nhert you Buy the MOST GOODS, U th BE3.T fXJA.t.IT'sr. far th LEAST MOiNEY. SMALL PHOriT3 AND QUICK CASH SALES 1 at the MAIIHOTH ST0HE, MaRKET SQUARE, STJ.NBCKY, PE.N.YA., tlea jturt received and opened tha BEST SELECIEUtl FIN&St DKY GOODS IN TOWN. Frenoh Merino, Prist, Masllat, Ginghams, Caastmerw, A. NOTIONS of.ell.klnd. Hosiery, 01oTeah'Meo'ian4 Ladle Uniergsrnient WHITS GOODS. A full attuitaieut of IRIMMING3. Builder will Sad my Stock af Hurdwurc, FalattMy Olla, Ulasis, Ac, Complete. Ding and Msdielse, WlUow aad C4arwar, Qattwwar, OlaatWaT, Ovveksti, Salt BOOTS AND SU0ES- UAT3 AKD CAM, and in fact everything usually kept in a lorgs Slur Call and b cunvinced tbat the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOODS it at The Mammoth S t o r ts of M. "V. rBILINO, Termw Caah,-oiey as xey Goods are bought for Cats aal Bull Uhoap ortb READY MONEY TUB GREAT AMERICAN V0HBISATIO3 llution Ilol UVorwatmJaa; 03277 11TG lACsEXlTr. Is warranted to exeut ia th best manner every variety or Sewing, Hemming. Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering, Quilting, Orerseam Ing, Embroidering on the edge, and in adiitioii makes beautiful Button and 1 ytlct Hole ia all fa brics. IT n AS NO EO.CAL. Being tbsolvtely Ih Bret r.v.tni.v !i.14;iiii: IN TUB WOULD, And lutrinsically the cheapest, fur it tt two Ma thine combined lo one by a sfrrple ar.d besutifu mechanical arrangement. Circulars with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be bed on tppllcatica at the ralas-ronmsuf the Oinpsny, W. Cor. Eleventh and Cbwtnut ,St., Pbiladel' Instructions given on the Macbice gratuitously to al( purchasers. AGENTS WANTED 13 SLL1, THIS MACBISB. Illrfclora t J. L. FRNIMOUE, Prtaidetit. WILLIAM l. JLNKj?, I'rt'bidciit Uuck Muuntaiu Coal Company. BENJAMIN UULLOCK, Xioi Wcrvhant.Xu. 40 Soulli Fnint St. II. II. HELD, of Oeoreo W. Ht ed & Co., Wholesale Clothing, No. 423 Mnrkot Street. A. II ART, JOIIM T. TAITT, G0. J. iticn.vRusox, riiiUtitipLi. W. VS. MKNDEX1IALL. Of CnntevilU;, Ohtatiir County, I'a. T. TAXSOX, of F. PXbtiri & Co., Nntt'ins, X'j. 504 Market S'.reet Jsnuary 25,lbu3. ly Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. JT. A 4 Ul'Mli &. CO., In Wvimer't Buildine;, Water Street, near King tt. , NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends and thn publio o on orally that they have a large assortment of Groceriet Provisions, icall fresh and of the best quality, con sisting of Teas, Cotlccs, bugars, aud pioes. Dried and Canned Fruits', Prunes, Rai.ius, Chens, a&d Crackers, and ill fact everything usually kept iu the Grocery line. They would also call attention to their large and ehesVjIcvtof Good FAMILY FLOUR, Greenlee, Hams, Shoulders, it., which are constantly kopt ots hand. Alo, all k'mdi of eotublos, kc'., Aa. Give them a call and rto fur yourself. Northumberland. Sept lr.67. On Third St., one door below the Lutheran Churoh, 8 U X B U U Y , PE X X 'A. IIENIVST PETERS, Has just opened a XiBLaeriijc&Tcr AND Provision Store and is selling low for CASH, nil Stock is complete, ousting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES. COAL OIL, Molnsscs, Syrups, Mackerel, Lord, Hams, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits. Prunes, Raieins, Cheese, and Crackers, aud in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. The best FLOUR and MEAL in the Mark1 Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. , Constantly on hand 6'hell and Con tcmrsmsror which will ba furnished to private families in larg or tmall quantities. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowett prices. Country Pro luce taken In exchange fcr Goods. (Tp"Cull aud exuuiiue my Stock, and satisfy your selves. HENRY PETERS. Sunbury, Dec 14, 1867 'KLS!' "WELL-DRESSED. Call and ice the well selected Stock of CLOTUd, CISSIMEREd, OVERCOATING?, Just received at VE6TINGS, se MEIiCIIANT TAILOIUXa ESTABLISH MEXT, Fourth StrM-t, below Eyster 's Store, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of th most approved stylet is made up to order a reasonable rates. He has also a Cue assortment of Cassimera Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties. Cotton and Woolen line. Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs. Gloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a call, which yuu will find to bo to yottr advantage. Suubury.Oct. 1.,1SS7. JuB.V HAAS, ja. C. U WOLVKHTOX COAL! COAL! COAL! rpHE subscribers regpectfiiliy inform thecititent of 1 Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a GO AX. "STARD at J. Haas A Co a Lower Wharf, usiltury. Ha. where they are prepared to supply all kinds of hha luokiu Coal, at cbsap rates. Fauiiiies and others promptly supplied. Country cuituui respeotfully saliciied. HAAS 3i WOLVERTON. Sunbury, Jan. IS, Wti. iilWTlsiiiiiiiiii STORE. AV. A. BENNET, nnrket Kquurc, al .HBl lSY, u. HAVING resently purchased th Drug .5 tut a furmcrly couduoted by K. A Fisher, I bog leave to inform the eitizeos of Sunbury and vi ciuity, that I have eutirely replenished my slock h a& -mLJ ana- mi PANCiT ARTICLES 1 such at Combs, Brushes, Puckel-Buok, Soaps, Per fuinery, Hair-Oil, Knives, ScUeurs, Coal-Uil Lajup. Tobacco aul Cigars, 1'ulutH, Oil. O'liw, (Jluk. lntty, VuruUhes, 1'utrsit .llediciuca, Ac. All my Tincture. SyrupJ, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations hiu maui'iaotuied by myself, aud from the best material I Can procure iu Market. Havin j had quite 1 nuub:r uf years' experiaso la tho Druj ar.d rri'crilluii ulhci, both In Philadelphia and tlie country, aud also the advauta ot the College ot f uaruiaey. t l-l eoin- peteot lo LUMfUL.NU ALU fttttSUtt 1 flit-lJiM that the Physician and public may favor wo with All my preparations at i nave auov asserted, are made from the beet material, and upon bunor I assert, they are of ollioiual ttreugth. or meUlcinal purposes, 1 aoep on aaua In very beet WISES, BRANDIES AMD LIQUOHU, that I ean procure. Betoro purcnauug Hehere, si.l and ouuvico your own uiiuJ. W. A. BENNETT Banbury, Nut 13, 1S6S. IUAYE mad arrangements In "Washington City, fur th prompt ullecuon of Bonuty undur th late AoHif Congress. I bav also received tha pro per blanks to prepare the claiuu. buldiert cntitlod to this Bounty should apply immediately, aa it is es timated tbat It will require tare yeaxt to adjust all the claims. All soldier who enlhftod for threo year and h bav aot receive I more than $100 bounty are entitled to th benefiLs of thia Act, a well a soldiers wh hav en luted fer thre years and dUohargud afttr u sen ice of two years, by reason of woud4 lectitad, I diieat ecHrcel ia lin of duty, or r rc'is'incnt LLOYD 1 BOHltwACH ttw-v. v , toe