Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 07, 1868, Image 4
A XVXV ARK1VAL Or FALL A1TD VmTTE.R AT l'Uli 8X0 RE OK J. K- ENttEZi, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY. Tl'ST received from New York and Philadelphia, large tnpply of FA I.I. AND WINTER GOODS, which ho Kill toll at small profits, fur Sash or country proline. Ilia Dry (tvoili department In fall of every descrin lion. A splendid lino or LADIES' JDUKSS GOODd, til l Whits Gauds at all mice". Fancy Saokios for Ladle, find Shetland 'Wool 8hwL Yankeo Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladlci' French Corsets and Hoop Skirtt. O A R P B T S , Wove Floor Cloth, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, nil widths, Cnrrisge Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plnin Urcca and Srvwn Oil Cloth and Fixtures fur Windows. ."'agar. Coffee, Molasses, R,ioe, Crackers, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, do. Qucciiswaio, Glassware, splendid Setts of Tcawaro, tit low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IW QBEAT VAIH13TY. lints and Caps, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, School Books. Paper, Slates, Ao. HARDWARE. Shovels, Forks, Nails, Loeks, Hinges and Strews A Lnrgo assortment of WALL TAPER and Bor dor. Ht nil prices. All persons desiring to got good goods will p.caso '""-J.II.ENGEL. Pnnhnrv. Nor. 1(1. 1P67. ISAAC K. STAUifFEIt, tYittcIimultei' wul Jrm eler. NO. 143 NORTH 2d ST , COIL OF QTTAItUT, Philadelphia. An assortment of Wut'-lies, Jewelry, 8. Iver and Plated Ware constantly on hand, tTTRe;'airing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at teiiiled to. Ml'JI"i-l!'7il- " I'A.IJILV I.A4J JI U'lUStS Mis. SARAH SIMPSOJI, Waluut Street, SUNLURY, PA. Havingbccn appointed Agent by tho Singer Manu facturing Company, fur the s.tlo of Singer's Nen Family Sewing Machines, informs the public that they can be bud at her residence. Tncse Machines urc simple, compact, durable and beautiful. Capable of performing a range and a variety of work never before alto npted upon a sin gle .'dicliiiieu-ing ci'.hcr siik, twist, lineu or cut tnii Tnreii.l. and sewing with eual fncili'y tbp very finest and coarsest mtitci-iiils, and anything be'tween tin two extremes iu the most beautiful and substan tial rammer. Ti.ese .Machines will be sold at reasonable rates. Call und examine for vourscives. Mis. SARAH sIMPiON, Agent. October Jo, 1367. 1HE VERY LXTESTAliRrVAL ! '. FALL & WINTER Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Slrcat, SUNK U R Y , P E N N ' A , Invites the public to call and examine b:s elegant Ojortmentof FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which be will sell ut grcuily reduced priced. His rtimk consitts in part of MER E G. CLOTHS, &C-. Silks. Delaines, Lawna. tiinhnra?, Culicoes, Muflinf, Mhcetiujr. Tickinsa, Jeans, uml a full unsorUiiciitof Cotton und Woolen nods generally. 1 ifosiery, 01ovc, llimp fckirts. Al0 HaudkercLiofn, Urmslitid, Couibs. llirt n?oriiueiit ol go., t-j iviil Lut, bo is 5ur'i to pleiio tho lii'.ey and tuit tbc w;'.n'.3 of any desin.u of purelini!i. Ilijsto.'k iif II AltbWAKK AM) QfEKNsiWARi:, nnd I'-oerieM id l:trc:o in qirmlity and c'tolee in qualify, cnir.pi itinj cnerally tvrrythine; needed in Hie ti.u.M-h il I cHliei l' f u-i.i r erriniuer.t. JI.i i al .vuvs ready nnd prlnd to see hi friends rird t fi k e.s pie;.suro in showing ilicin l.i?' even lli-iu! no saliM are uinde. lie only ii.-kn a cull, and is sure that the st.irk will cuatpnro favorably iu price and iiuality vilh the e!ie;n.e.-t. JOSE PII EYSTER ";n.'.,uiy, Nov. Ill, IW.7. WATClIM.'wCEP. i JEWELER; Market 'juur. near t!io Court ilouc, i t'ENUl'RY, N,.rll.nmler:.:!id Count;-, Pa. HE tins iu--t opened an assortment of tiol.l fi'Vpt and Ptuin Piitent H' CLOCKS (-r JNiiioads, iJiii.k and Leliiiigs. f'ino " Hold Hings, Finder hin. iinieilets, Minia till e Cares, Mednliionn. l.'.ekel--, I'i'li'.ih, ..''s. Ttilinbli';'. Spceluek., Silver ThIjIo. Ilt- ert. 'J'ea Salt an 1 Mutard Jpo..ns, Suiir Spoons. Cup4, Nupkin Itiivs, i'ruit and llutter KniVt-s, Sbicld.i, Comb:?, I'luuion Pointed Pi'iid. Canters, Pitchers. Butter Dii-Ues, I'ruit Dishes, Cuko JdikcM, Syrup Pitchers, in: Ao. Ho invites tho citizcui of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, nbeio bo will bo b'lppy to wuit upon them. t--rarlicularatleutijU paid to REPAIRING. beceiubcr 21, 117. c:.EALI'F.r;. is nkxt Vo""godli VFACT which is el at 0CNNI30N it CO S., t'irn 4laH Miain;r ISir Cntin; J'ntl ?liamioon: ISooims. , Two it-clnss BARUEli.S always in ntter.danoe. Panic lar attenti jii to culling Ladies and Children s huir. iii'dusacull at (be New Rooms ovtr the Post O.'.'.co. Sunbury, August 3, 1S07. tf PURE LAGER BEER! roii'ir.ic xyti ALU, From lbs Cold Spring Brewery, P IT N 13 L" R Y , PA. rsPECTfl'LLY forms ih publie generally that he is prepared to luna-h J.AGER DEER, l'On'IEIt AND ALL. nlargaor small quantities. His facilities for uik lieer cannot be eKeolled. and is pronounced supe riir to any other orl'ered iu Centra! Pennsylvania. IkbasaUo bocn reoonuunnded by pbysieiaus as a bealihy ilrink fur ii.valuU. U'.lcli. L. itunruuts und J lie ate families fupplied at hirt nonce. Sunbuiy.Spt 21, lf37. ' NEAV 'filloiS Misa LOUISA BHISSLEK, rSonth tide of Warkot Square. SVNDl'KY, Pa., HAS jmt "returned from the eity with a large, haiilsnuie and cheapest asfrtuiont of Pri.i id MVletof La lies' nnd M Uts and Ununets in Sunbuiy, of ibe f..lluu in puttcr'4. Princess. Als-ka, All lliht, l'loreit'i, Turban, etc. Also, fiiicquts, Uieakf.irt Shawls, Zephvr kuit Saeijues. ytuM, v.veu,sdk. luoi i,on.ann nts, Triinuiinirt. Hii, Fur Triuiu.ii.s. Vtils, boih Lace und tireua dmn. Embroidery, t'iuna Lae ml Collars and Curls. limilenico's lior.,U. mch as Hiuiorr, llandker cbiels, .Neck-tios. iiru.-h. and govl fur tk toilet. Also, a tine wsornuenl of Pi'ifuinery, and kll gio.1i usually kept in a well fi.riii... d elablihuient. 1 haukful for pat favors b hopes b a further aesira to pleae the public, the eomiuuuiioe of their patronage. v LOl ISA oiUSc-LER. Nor. 2, 1 sr.7 . 6EEIKG IS BELIEVIN3 -NB V IMtlCJ S! SKW GOODS Kich s Jvcr aiul Ssilvtr-I'ltiteil' Wures, - IneluJlng every style and 1 rCP-is-fl riptioo, nia.le espre.,lys"i A , tZ-l f"rth. Winter trado, whb n VM? ' X?ij V for neatness and durability Xzjjti oawiot be surpassed at yj.: . - r . iif,: Y, utw iigviiiN's M'lH)ni,!?;,..Re-,j" :""'f-,'--rin1F..tnUi;bra.;t. 'Ot AIJCU tTUHft. PillLADl.LPUJA fRe plailrg at short notioa spran's pout can apr .wnr, lined by hnn(Ii'cliolConRre'ntIoiifl tor Clturrlt ot Communion Pnrpoiseti. AISO, EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAK.LY PERSONS. in Vie ltt 90NINC)i it?,' ' FACIT 111 'f'; Vi ft X V 'iV f., Oil G00t-, rr fsill CUP sii:s:uf. voirr .iMii3 wi.e, FOVR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrnlcd native W ine Is mado from the juice of tho Oporlo drape, raised in this country. Its invalutiblo Tonic fc Slronllif iBltiff a'roiiortif" Am unsurpassed by any other native wino. Bein the pure juice of the gripo, produced under Al.'. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are gunrtiMocd. The youngest child may purttiko of its generous qualities, and the weak est invalid utay use it to ndvaulnge. It is partieu ly beneficial to tho aged and debilitated, und suited to the vurious ailments that alllict tho weaker sex. Il is, in every respect, A WINE TO RE RELIED 0T. Invalids use SPKF.R'S PORT OUAPli WINE. female usr SPEEifS POHTURAPK WINE. Weakly perfons find n bcucllt by its use. SPEEll d WINES, in hotpitnls are preferred to other wine. L2-KoM by nil Drujisls and tlrocers. A. SPEKR'S V1NEVAKD. Now Jersey. Olce, 2 BROADWAY, New York. For snlo by W. A. liENNETI, Bunbury, Pa. Oct. 2. ly. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS. Slntes. Pens, Ink, Paper, ic. Miscellaneous Books, n good nssort-j mcnt. All the new books received ssson as published, liLd for sale ut Publi-hers' piices. ! BIBLES, Prayer Books nnd Ilymuj Books, in every style of binding. Catholic Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in vuriousstylts-' DICTIONARIES of nil si.cs. Juveniles and Toy Books, a lr.rge' assortment t ltl;in! ItookH d Blank Toi uis of ali kinds. ; Foolscap. Leol Cup, Letter and Note Papers. COPYING BOOKS, Inkstnnd. Pen Rucks, tiles. Paper, Cutters anil Counting Stationery geueraliy . PHOTOtlRAPlI ALBt'MS chcnie und deur. Ps Hold Pens and Holders. Pocket Books mid Bill Wallets. Picturo Finnies. Stereoseopes and lews, American. French. ic. Di iivii g Paper, nil sites, Biietol Board. Ac. . Diaries. Mi'tioirnnduin Books. Ac . Backgammon Boards, liamcs. Chess! men, Ac. j Toys a lnr;;c nnd complete assortment, L'lisc.lliills and Bills. Fishing Rods: and Tackle. feri'un :s. Rrwlituiiin and Purisiau. Marble-. Ac. j Cold Pens re-pointed. L'liup, Slide.s, tilobci, Chitnneys. Ac Vail Pi.p..r iii.-l llord-r, nil kinds. Window Curl:iii:;, i'ai'cr eu.t ana q W H to tt a w : Oiled. I Mu.ic nud Mu-i.'nl Instruments. ! I t All kinds of Booksau l Stntionciy not on hand prooipily ordered. All the Daily und Weekly Pnpers and Magazines. A'enl for tho '-American Organ." A. so for "La Rose s Rest ramo,'' En imel of America, and -Nutioiiul Atenm Navigation Coiapuuy. 1 Sunl.iirv. May Is. 107. iUCH STHEET FOUNDliV ! .8. VOJ Ifu-i'lor. ll'dl !-tt.,lt-1 -l'Sl :l :n el llli, i-losc l I lie' Ili' Sellout Elolise, STINBURVs PENN'A. XIJIs ;.-if i ttl"r n Ihii u-it ilililniiut ieeeUully inf'triui.s tin ju'uI . j thut ho hits c-iiiiLucacvU tlio in tut which ho will sell at lower price then they can bo obtained ehenhere. MILL (jcniiinr. St. ve, mid tho lnrg'-st cla.-s of Castings inndo promptly to order. Also. .Window Weights, Frames and Orates fof Col lar Windon?, Ao. 'al troll i '.St.iii'- 'I'ojim. WATER TROIGIIS i DOORSTEPS. A liberal price paid for old castings. T11H CELLBK ATKIl LIVERPOOL PLOW, iiu proved, is uiiinufiietiired ut this cstablishmont. Also, Stove Orates of all kinds, Kettles, and every variety of small castings. Suu'uury, Oct. 5, LiC7. WATCHES IOR JllEmiilQN AHUANDALK k COS CiEATWATCU CUB. EVEllYIlOUYcetKlmgoiKl watch, unj wUhcs.o -I'titRtthe lowest possible price; a horde of swinJlnra knowing this have contrived various in. Keniuui dovicei to get people luonoy, and then tiihcr fail to send a Htttch.orscnd onctbut is wonb ltui us a tiuie-kcepor. AKHA.NDAI.L A CO., huvo nnw pertVtitfd nrrangohienls hy which, for the smiill sum of $10, a good und rulitibte watch may be ckii. taisi.y ohttiiiitd. Thov have formed a tiltLAT WATtU CIA U on the filluwin plan, CortilK-atea containins (lie numbers of all the wntchos mimed iu our wholexnlo list (whiob sent to all npplicantp; are mixed up, vnultwed in ouvelnpe. and enld fur 2- centu e.'u'h. Lvery oeru'icalo is w auuantico to be lor a wutoh, and m n il) bo iecn on reference lo the 1 id , li'iuo uio of Um vutuo tlinn Ten IollaM, whilst s.iuje am worth $ 100. We undertake Ut nend any watch drawn l.atcver mny be its value lor $10, and in order that every one mny abdutely depend upon gelling a Urst cIha tiiuu-keeper, we Kuarante that every ol'Onu Dollar's worth of eer tiucutes "iiull receive at K-iu-t one fur wntt-h Xo. j'V-i on our w holesale li$t, sent post free, which is a Hot el. .mi patent lever, a h uuU-me and reliable watch, in iter. i n k ilver hunting case-and dually soli for $'ii. Yuu will i lktai.nlV get such a watch; aud, brides. v'U may get a .ou runovoMEToK worth f.spj. Ucs-dlthe eer ti lies tea as follows: One for rent h ; Three tor 00 ecuts ; Six for $1 ; and Twiu ty for $ !. To those sikuding$lt we will send a hand iiue ehuin gratis. To tliuo bending $1, we will seud a ooi.D chain warranted not to UrnUb iu 20 vear parties getting up largiT rtub will receive liberal present, particulars of uhk;h may be learned on application. As it io our iiiHu'ion to d a strict ly bonoreble bu?iit-c, and to in.-ui e our eut4mers from liability to Uss, w will seud our wat.'hes, if desired. wiTUoir uonkv. iiiltuo(ing the Express ageut ta C"llit only ou delivery. Jf we lire desired to t'rw)ir 1 w.'Hrhnf by mil. tho money iwut be tvt us by Dai.k liatt it VU'n'o Order, and it will then be at our ri-k. Wo will then KtuiMfcii the packaont (Mirp'-'t lAioa, und if lust u ii.i. hkitai k 1TFKKKOP tUAiiUK. ifaiiy uatebseiitu not ap proved, it m-iy fctt retmued and tuo u oncy will bo refund 1. Tho rciiUtuii iii of our firm, which has been established for five yiars, and is well known in evirv put ut the country, we trut will be deemed a uftb:ieut guarantee that w will faithfully perform all wo coiiUact to do. Addtei AltHANVKLE A CO., Ini liUOADU A V, NKw YORK. Deo. 21. 1Ho7 Shi PoMrHorin, 6.2K5. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS books ab:: bTATxoi-EJiy. Monthly Time books I-rawititf Hooks and hi ate. Bocks, ilvtun ibxika, Hunk liuoks, Memorandum Bk, Uiarirf, Pueke ilooks. Ink Htuudi, l'eps, I'ej.cilh. a line tsor;:upnt of Paper, ink. sVo. Foraalaby . , A3NA PAKNTKR. Agi-irullurul 1iu1iiuuhv HOK'fe Gruiu Hakes, Stool sjni Zion (iaiden Uakej, Loot and D llaudlo bpades, buveli, Munuro ajid iiy ioiM, i-ruf.s w drain slavoN. tjraiu C'raAMes, Cradle k iugurs, - Trace, Uraast, Tongue aud L- i Chains, Urludtonsa, Fanning Mill beives of all a sua an d kinds, a large assortment of Re4 Wa?ii llauies, torl'lowing, Farsa Bells, Cultivator Tooth, fo. aU by J H CONLKV CO LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTA15LISI1EU A3 A REFVQE FROM QUACK KRY. . - TUB ONLY" PLACE WJISRS A CURB CAN BE OBTAINED. Dfl. JOHNSON hnt discoverrtl the most Cerfain,Ppnrjr hrtPf tual 14 email jr in the Woral ftralt Pn vnte lliaeaaea. Wfnkiirta of lite Hack oi timhs, Slrii lur s, Affertiima of the KuliieyinnO Blmtilrr. Involuntary Uia chnrfra. Iinrteney, Genrral Drhility, Nervmiant-aa, Dya pensvi IsHiWU" UwlptiHii Conhuiniiof lOs. ralpl union of lle Heart, Tiinuliiy, Tremliluipa, Uim-fM of !iRht ot Gidtl'nriw, Onenra ol the Hunt, Throat, Ns or akin, AtT'TiMMt irt the Isivor, l.uns, Htttmarh of Bwels thesu Tcrrilile Uisoidt;itiiriiiis; liom the k9tili tar y Hit hits of Yonlh th secret nml sobtaiy practices more fatil to Ihetr victims lliiMi ihe aoitd of tvrrns to the Matinprsof UlyMes,b.ighiiii thrirm-ti billliiint hopes uf aulit-ipaLious. reiuleimg murriage, fte., impossible. Young illcn F.sppciallv, whit have become the vutimsnf Solitary Vice, that drrmlful und ilestruetive hahit which aitnunlly iwerpt lo an untimely grave thou sin. da of Young Mm uf the most ex-iillftl ttilmta aid brilhtuit intellect, who niiuht otherwise hu'e enhanced liRtniing 9fiuitcM with thethuu Heta of eloquence or waked to cestui y the living lyre, may call with full couHdeitce. Married Perion or Young Men contemnlatinR maniage, being awiire of pliyrical wcHkuess, uiganie debility, Ue loninttfa, Ac,, ipri-dily cured. He wli t place himself under th enre of Dr. J. mny tnnv reltgi'ius!y conh le in his honor ns n gentleman, and coiitidenity rely u(. ti his .kit! as a Hliysieiun. Organic lVraUiions Immciliatfly Cured, and Pull Vigor Itestoml, Thta Uii'tiesdiiig AtlVetion whieli lenders Life miiera blfinid inmrifii;e; ia ttie pt unity n-nd uv t he vicliijiaof improper imlulgciicis Young prisons are tim apt u c'immii exceascs ironi nl ueingH witte ot the dread fill coiiRCGiicnrts that may ensue. Now, vhi that under stands the euhjccl will pretend to deny that the power of PMTiru'um in miii Miner (,y loosr laning into impnqier h-ilnts thuii hy the ptunenls f MeRuh a deing deprived tin plciisurfs ol Inalthy i-tUpi ii'.the n t S'-riouaaiiil di atiec live symptom-! to both bod nnd mind utme. The dyutcm I iff oincs Dcrattcel, the I'hvsical and Mental functions Weakened. Lot of I'roc.'eutive Power, Nervous Irrit ibili ty, l s,iepniii, t'lilpiiittioii of the Heart, Iiuligeation, Con siilutionnl Uelnlity, n Wnrlnig of the Frame, Cough, Conrmiiipiion, Deoty and Htath, 7 South I' rodorick Slrorl l.eli h.iml n!c g.'inR from Baltimore street, a few rioris rn;ta the comrr. t ml not tooltiicrve iinnie and anmher. I.eiteis must be paidttnd contain a stump. TheUoclor's Oiploiiins hui.p m Ins olfice. A C 1 1 1 Varranled ia Two Dnj t. Xo Mercury or Xauscovs Drugs. Br. .JoIiiinIoii, Menthcr of the Uovnl Collepeof Suigetnis, Itndnn. Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the I niled M.ites, and tlir gre.iter rart ot whose lit e has leen spent in lite h"rvntals of Utiahni. Pans. I'hiladelphta and else- wheie, has iilectcd somik of the in t ntloituhnig cures were ever known ; miuiy truhletl With nnging In Hie ami e ira when asleep, sreat nervourtnens. beitm ninrni ed ut ml'b.'ii H 'Uiiilf ti;tih1uhie, Willi fieipjeut Itliishing. ntts-nOett s tnetuncs with dcrnngeinenl of mind, were cured liiuned lately. 'k'tilit' rarficulur Police Dr. J atl.treMes nil those who Inve injured themselves by nn, p'per iiidoieii e and solitary Imlats, whu-u rum billi u dy und mind, unfitting them lor cither busmccs, study, h sciety or uiurrmije. TiiK-aare iue of the rad and melancholy effects pro-(ItH't-d l:v fiirlv httlittmtl voath. Viz: Weukliessol I lie I lack and l.iiiilis, I'.iins in llir Head, Dnnnesa ot t glit, L"n 4f .M.taeiilir t' wei. 1'alpititiioii of Hie Heart, DiH-psv, Nervous Irnial-.lity. Leiio.uement of the iigeNtive Kune ioiik. tit-neral U Inlity, ynipi'nis ol C 'tiainnplioii, Ate. Mkm am.v I'm leufiul elfctaoii the mind are much to ln.-tlrea.lea l,"8s 10 Meiu-'iy. Contusion o IdeiS, I)e I pP- Msi 'ii of Spirit,, A vi ntoii to society re!t-lisiril. I.owoi solitude, I'uuidity, Ac. are some ol tin' evil pr-niut t'il. Tn 'i amh of tiers mis of n!l aea can mw iiulfrc what is tin-ei. isc of tiieii dechutiig luiililt, l.isimr their vnor, l.eeomn.jr weak, pule, net ' u and rtiHciuie l, Imving a Eitiiiaro iinpv.i'aitce nlwut Hie eyes, c-ugh und symptoms l e-nitniiitii'ii. Votinii' ."'Sen Who h ive in"irel tlRinelvv byu certain practice indulir- td I ' i Wtici aloiit, ii halnt frefpiently letilued Irom evil C 'inj.aiu n. nr Ut feli-itil, the t-ttecIS ot which me ItlEhtly felt, even when a!eep, mid if imt cured rendera mainage imposstiiic. and destroys botli mmd and body, should apply immediate ty. Want a piiy thai n Vfmii man, the hope of his country, tne fi-ii iitej .'I tiif pnrrrn's, ih"iilit he snatched Irom nil pros- pens aiiii enjoy nifiiis i sf hie, hy I lie conseipiciice o devia li. ii: tn -m !te path of nalnieand indulging in a certaui See ret iiuuil. ucll persons MUT, helote coiitempluliug r'-fl- rt that a sound mind and Imdy are the most necessary re pi-sitcs to prom 'teeonmitiitd h jppincss. Indeed without tiie-t- i'ic j -urui y ilirmiyh life huc'inea a weary pilgrim e; the pittHpect horn ly darkens to the view; Ihenuud lu-eoiiieM siiadowed with dennair and tilled with the melan choly refleetion t inil ihu happiness of another becomes u;ig'iieii won our own KkiMi4i oT Impiii4l'iiMk When the mi.-;:iiidfil mid imprudent votary of pleasure ii i it in tail ne lias oimihttl ttie seedl ul this pninMil uieae, il ioooiirii huppeiia that nil ill-timed sense of shame, or die.l of diitc-'Vcry. deters loin fioiti applying to those who, .una u i. i, , .(.... e i. !)!'. run alone itetiienn him lUIavnig lilt the CoiiHiltulh'UUl ff inptonu of tins Ih rikl iIcimlmj tii irvo th'-ir appearnnce. such ms ulcerated a rt f hr - ;,( ."t-. I n i.e. tr etiita! in the In nd and Itmlm. d.iui!'.-s s ; ., deafness, nodes on ihenhitl txincs tmd tintj. o. 'teiH N ut rite head, taceand e.Miemitn a. pi"iireK lug wan tiulittiii tapMily, till at l.ibt tin p-ilite ol the in aith nr the I, ,ies of the n. me full in. lind the victim of M;.avi'll de:tft: hetMoies a hi r id "bji et of coittinisera-il- ii, nil t.c'Hti period to his d rem' i"n I n.flVrinu, Uv j'.u.linn linn i i "i. mt I'ndiscovcrcd Counlry from whence no tiawlier letllll.' It is a im'l:i.ieh"ly fact that Ihonrnula fill vietima to this ternl.le nisriv, tiwit'' to the nntAii'iithtrt-s of igntiinut pieTendera, who, hy the Hfteitf Ih'tt Ueiidly Poimn, Mer l uiy'rmn the constitution aud make the residue of life miserable, S I rn ur I Tfua n t y nr lives, or heap h. to the enre rf the many t nit anted and Wotlliles Prelenders. def-titnte of knowl e.lye, n.icif or elro-.icier, who copy Or Johuatoirs ndver t;s. uiei.ts, or style ihcmeivi'M in the newspapets. retrul nly l-ahu-ited Pavsictans, itieafhihle of Cumi, they keep ymi Ii illier nnaiiit after iiinth lakit's: their fiiiltv poisomis C'Ti.potimU, i as J ijijj at. the en. o eat fee can he obtained, and oi dr-pnir. U-v-e yi.ii wnli luined health lnmghover jour "aiiiMt divip.t.mfineiit. I'r. .I 'h; .-i'm th the f'lixsici in a !vertiiiiff . II tscreiii .it un or .nad al wa m It'iosr in Ins oife. Hi renodn-h i.r treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from u iiu- -pent in ihetrrei ho(iinls of Knrepe, the first ia this fi -n. trv and a nene exteuhive "I'rtvute I met ice than any oilier Physieimi in the wtrhl. BnlorKMii4'ii t" III i-sw I'l.e ininv ih'iUKiu.hi i-uredat this inatimtion year after vnr. nut! the uauier-nts uixntaiil Sniifietil Opeiatioiis perl rmeil ly Dr. J..!iiint. w iiiKsed bv the reporters of the Sim.'' Clipper," and inauv other pstpers. lattices of ivli eli h ive np;ieared aj;ain and itgHtu before the public, Ics-Jr-: li s si.oxhxf :m u (tfiit leiuaii of chaiac'ernnd rc- sp'tnsr.iniy, u;i mi.ticiet.t g'j tiamee t- the alllicted. IMciiM! Sotlily Cured, Persons writ mg-shou'd he ptirlieiil ir in directing their "ai i i io ma inniuuiioiii hi ifie tonowiug manner, Joint .11. Jlolinsitou, II, B. Of the Raliiiiioie Lock JI spital, ballimore. Md. Nov. in, !M17 y, i OU I IS IIIK PH1CKJS OF luUO Fall & V7inter Goods! li 'I. I.. I .ii xii !-, having just return elfroin Philadelphia with a aupcrior stock of Full and Winter Woods for tho trade of I8ti7 nnd 'ti, bieh the is able to sell at Tery reduced trices, would respectfully cull tho attention of her cuslo. mors and tho publio jonerlly, to the superior quul ity f her goods, and th. low prices at whicb they are held, abe has all kinds of DHE88 OOOD3, including Poplina, Meriuos, Da Lain,, Caliooot, to , all at the lowest I'xita quality Muslim at extra low price. Dril- Balmoral Skirts, Pbawls. IIi,o.l. Gloves of all dwriptiont. Ineluding a rerv tune Mn,ii...i;i.. ..r i .1;.' .n J 1 .juu.i.ji v. liwim viuiu eilOtei. IIOSIEHV. Ribboui and Trimminet of all varieties. Laces. stamped goods, Zephyrs and Varus, Towling in great variety. Wonts' nnd Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Muff sass.-isuu uuttons roma.lea, Extracts, and a largo i.i iuijf ui uuiuiiitKiiu laucy article.. Cull und ie Idem befuru going elsewhere. M. L. LAZARl'S Punbury, Xuv. 2, I3u7. Millinery Goods, .lilitH m. I. 4JoMklfi-. ben leave to an. nouueetolb. Ludieaof bunbory end vicinity, tbut sue uos just opened a large ana vurlea tiock of M I I. L I N E 11 Y GOODS, of all the latest Fall and Winter stjles, to which the inviics nueiiiiuu oi ner patrons, ana in. laaies gene, rully. conlideut of her ability to picas. A good assortment ot UON.VLTci t IIATS, Hats for feuturos bright and jolly, Hats for face, uieluucboly, Hals for ligures, broad and burly, Huts for itraigbt hair, and for curly. Hats of silk, cloth, felt and beaver, Hals Ihst almost wear forever, Huts that always look to neat, Are boggbl al Misa dossier s on Fourth street, Alto, au excellent assortment of Fashionable Km bruideries, Ldiriugs, Lacea, Woolen Cans, llandker. olnel'j, bcurfs, (iluvcs, Hosieries, aud all kinds of 1 uney Motions, htamped .Mu.lms, Corsets, Perfume. ftiy, (&a,, Lilly Muite, t-uaiuelof Aiuerica, Hi. iionery, Ao., Ao. Call und examine for yourtclyci. I'o trouble to show giaxls Suubury, Noy. 2, JS67. SUXBUfiY BUIIDINO LOTS IN J. W CAKE'S Addition tn the Borough of j kuiiiiii J , nu UH ivMtiuMuis terms. , Apply to lr. K. II AWL and, , ' SOL. DHOSIOL'S, Or P. W. SHEAFER, TotteriHe, p,"""'""'' " Nov il, Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN-WARE, Het Iron aatt Stove Stor or OMITS &, GE1TTHER. Where they keep eonttantly on basd ani manufae lure to order at short nolioe. TIN AND 6IIEET IRON-WARE of all deeerlplloDt. Thy would especially etill the attention of pur chasers to their large aud well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers hare made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, and thee who Would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well aeleoted stock. First. They defy Competition en the following tried Brand! of Cook Stoves, via : ' Combination Une Ilnrncr, CooU Uererner 1-eiin Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antldutt Cook Stove called SPL'AK'd AJJTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves tn great variety em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Ballimore Fire Plnee Move, for heating first, second and third stories by Kegistera Alto, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil. Coal Oil Lump, Shade, Cliim ni cm, nnl nil art Ecl' usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They aro also prepared to furnish Slato and do tlating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Hoofing, Spouting. Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, io. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Iimigh'a Raw Hone Shih'I-.IMiox. llint'." Remember the place. Sample and Eales Room nearly opposito Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark pninted. August 25. 18ft. SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, PORTEH AND ALE. rpHE subscribers having located a bottling estab. J lishment in Cake's Addition, in tho Borough of Sunbury, respectfully inform the citiiensol'lbis and adjoining counties thnt they nro prepared to furn isli Landlords. Restaurcnt Keepers and piivote fami lies with the best brands of Sar'npnrilln, Mineral Wa ter. Ale and Porter, bottled in the best innnner. Their drinks are procured from the best establishments in the country, which cnnbles them to furnish a better article thnn can bo had clsewbero, which will bo de livered at the lowest rates. 1 hn citilens of Sunbury and vicinity will find it to their interest to putronir.e home industry, and-muist in milking this a permanent enteral ue,'and at tho same time save labor and money. Orders aro respectfully solicited, which will receive prompt attcntiun. Address, PROBST A ROTE, August 17. I?i57. Bin Sunbury, Pa 1TEV L1.G2P, BEES. INSUXBCRY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL rEPPi:CTFULLY informs his friends and the t, publio generally, that he bat commenced the manufacture, and is now ready to furnish LA.GEU UEEU AND. ALE, oT a superior quality. Having procured tho services of a first class brewer, be is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private faiuilios with an ar tide that is palntublc. pure and healthy. Orders nro respectfully solicited which will ro ccive prompt attention. CHAS. ITZEL. Sunbury, November 1(1, 18fi7. FAKMKS & mjflJjERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. fpiIE subscribers respectfully inform tho citizens L of Northumberland county, that they are now prepared lo furnish LI.MEofu superior quality to Fanners and Builders. Also, LI.ME-STOA'E from ttie celebrated Liiue-Slone Quarries of Lower Maho noy township, nt short nntico and at reasonnble rates. The above will bo delivered to any It lilrmol sin lion along tho hue of the different railroads when ordered. There Kilns arc located at tho Shuuiokin Valley Railroad. neHr Sunbury, where orders will bo promptly filled. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address, J. B.-LEXKER 4 BRO., August 3, Ii?u7. Sunbury, Pa. :m:EcaiN2ije IRON". A large sjur.nient of tho best manufac tured Liars. Hoop. Hand, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Sttcl, Itlisler Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shuts, Horse Nulls, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, ut CONLEY i CO S JHOICE FlllTlT k ORNAMENTAL IS 1 a i -si t BEISTJ. B OK INTER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn. ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, first class TREES uf all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of ull kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BEXJ. BOIIXER, Pnxiuoa, North'd. Co. IV N. B. Insurances tuken in several of tne most responsible Firo Insurance and Horse Detective Companies in the State. June 8, 1S67. y ciWiTTmTfoRE WHOLESALE ASD HE TAIL. rpHE subscriber respectfully inform, tho publie 1 thnt he keeps coustuntlv on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near th Sbamokin Valley Railroad D.t, in SUMiLKY, Flour by the barrel and tacks of nil kinds of Feed by the tan Tho above is all mannfaetured at hit own Mills, and will be told at the lowest cssh prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, I&" J. H. Conley Co., .Miirht't Xlrt-el. i:utol the Ituilroud DEALERS IS om:ici.-i cY AHi:i(l( ,l Hardware & Cutlery. r"UIE attention of Mechanic, Farmer.. Builder, X and Buyer, generally is invited to the fact that we aienow oflering a belter sclcolod assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC. ban ever was offered in this marked at price, much beluw those beretolore demanded by dealer. Our stoe-k couiprisea all article, in thi. line ol business embracing a general assortment of tool, and mate rials used by CAR PENT ERS, BLACKSM ITII3, CARRIAGE AND WAOONM AKERS. JOINERS, AC, 4C, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nail., Spiket.tRope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Suwt, ia., to. Suubury, March 30, W1. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. cii:o. icoiiiiiiAcu mo. ARE now carrying on buslnese at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castiug. of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have aoiuired the highest repulallou. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Formers should nut forget that the PLOW'S made at the Sunbury Foundry have never beep equalled. Agricultural implement, repaired at short notioe. Small clings, including Cooking uUintili, uf the mwt improved and most useful pattern.. The business will be eondueted ou an enlarged scale. Old customer will be accommodated u usual and new ones are rospeetfully solicited Sunbury, May 12, stjfl Notice to Merchants and Shipp6ri. mil E undersigned, proprietor of WeLjer Friok'e A Line, give notion to uerubanu and bipnerf tbut the Depot Is still at gt I Market ttreet, Puila. delbbia, and all Hoods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewuburg, and all intermediate stations aloue the railroad, will be promptly delivered. Car. leave Mil Market street, Philadelphia In-weekly Tuesdays. Thursday, aud Saturday. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Leti sbui d. J. a. BROWN, Ageut. bunbury, f ...' , , Ofniberjr 1867. J BIRD CAGES, It difforeni kind.. If von want good and ckeap Bird Cage, go to CON LETT A CO'i , LUMBER! LUMBER! Tho Potter County nnd Hnubury Lumber Company. Now full ettablisbed a4 th SUN BURT STEAM 8AW-MILL3, are prepared to taw to order - WUITB PINE, HEMLOCK AND OAK, ef any site and all lengtht. Afull easortmenl of alwayt kept on hand. Pannel, Flooring, Siding and finishing boards of all kind. MOULDING, 8ASII, DOORS, and SHUTTERS. SHINGLES, Bawed and Shaved, White Pine, and Hemlock, 'lanlcrlng l.nilt nnd I'nUiitr, Planing, Ripping and Turning, will be done to order at abort notice. This Company design furnishing everything in their line at such rate. I hat Lumber lards. Builders and all parties using Lumber, will find it to their interest to buy at thi. establishment. ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at tended to by addressing, , . WM. REAGEN, Sup't. Snnbnry, June 15, 186B. VeVjej aw TbV o HEW SHOE STOF.E. Market Street, adjoining Gearhart'e Confectionery Store, SUNBURY, Pa. milF undersigned respectfully inform! the citiieni of Sunbury and vicinity, thnt ho has onened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the sale at well at for the manufacture of the finest and best quality of Ladies' Shoes, vir: lov e-Kid, Jlorroceo, ( h1i'-U1u nnd I.itMtins' nitt'rsi, Atv. Children's Shoes of all kinds. Hit stock it entirely new and well selected. Ho also manufactures fine French and othor Calf skin Boot, nnd Shoes for Gentlemen. Order, for ladies and gentlemen's custom work will be promptly attended to and got up in the best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for tale to the trade. J. II. JEFFRIES. Suubury, April 20. 1307. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, i isr sxjisrBXJR'Sfr, is on Sd street, opposite tho MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'3 NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lint l.nn-ly i:stnllis.liel, ivilli nil the Modern Improvements) oi the Art I rpHE subscriber, having built the room expressly X for the purpose of Photographing, and having dovotcd many years io tho business, is confident of bis ability to assure his patron, that the work nro- .i..An.i .i... n i , . r uuee-u buiiii uv eeuoou iu noue in country or oity. No work allowed to leave tho gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the couniy, he is prepared to make PiiuUuruplis in all kinds ut weather, but would prefer a clear day lor small children. He is also prepared to take new size, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to nny required size and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention In all kinds of out door work, such es Lnnd'cnpc views of Monuments, Machinery, County Scuts, Ac, n large lot of Photograph frames constantly ou hand The public nro rcspect'iilly invited to call and see our specimens und our complete urruugeinents for making Photogruphs, special terms to families und clubs. BERGS IRES6ER. Sunbury, July 15, BREAD & FANCY CAKES. ID-AVIID FRY Two door, west of tbc Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bake lo order all klnds of CitKs-M lor Itallis, Pin-t i. At. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, TwUt Rolls. Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept on baud manufactured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt uttentiun. Having hid largo experieuco I hope to give general sntisf iction to all who Lunv favor me with their patronage DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 1805. FALL AND WINTER MILLINK11Y GOODS -A-LXiTD 3STOTI HTS Miss ANNA PAINTEH., Market Square, two doors west of tho Post Oflieo SUNBURY, PEN N ' A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and tho public, that she has just returned from the eity, where she h8 spent souio time in making seleetiniis and purchases, and has just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Ribbons. Lnces, Dreea-Linings. Crinoline nud Wi i lis Skirting Liuing. Ho qi Mi ins, liuulit Trim mings, Crapu Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets. Zephyrs. A lure assortment of Ladies end Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONARY. DOLLS of ull sizes. Alphabet Plucks, Ac Sha flatters herself in being able to innke n dlsplay tbat will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury. Nov. 2. It!7. " BOOTS AND SHOES." MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and cus tomers, he hut just opened a shop for the manufacture of BOOTS i SHOES, on Sjjruce ttral, Idican Suoiid eliU and Centre Alley, Sunhury, whrro all kinds of work in his line will be made up In the latest style aud in the beet workmanlike man ner. Having first class stock on band be flatters himself that bo will be able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. The public are invited to call. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Juno la. 150J. 11. C. t.KAICIIAK TM Confectionery, Toy and FKTJIT STORE market Ml t'bet, Nunbnry, Ia. CONFECTIONERY OP All 1HND9, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, etc., CONSTANTLY on hand and for tale at the above establishment at w holesale and retail, ut reason able pr iocs). He Is manufacturing alt kinds of Con fed binaries to keep up a full assortment which are told at tow rate. Tobacco, Scgara, Stationery. Nuts ef all kinds, ana avariutyof other article., all of wbijb art ofleieu aholuaale and retail. Remember the name and place .ri M. 0. UtAUilAllT, Market street, 3 doortweet of E. V. Bright Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 1. JS63 tf Wetter and I'li-e l'rool' SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respectfully informt builders in this and sdjuiuiiig eouuiiet that he is prepared to put un Slutu Roofs in a superior manner. He turn-i-het the celebrated Lehigh county Slate, which it the beet iu the u arket. lie warrants bis work to be durable and tire and water proof. He invitee the in. peottouol the publio to the work he husdono in Sun. bnryon llaupt s, Greeuough't and Hau.' buildings, and on others at variuus places. Hit price, are at low at tkuse of any ether ilaler. Addrcat, D. 8. SMITH, Suubury. p. Q, ort-ill t bit reidonoe InCpper Aueuttwp l January 11, latin. ly r' - ' JACOB 8HIPMAN, riH AND LIFE INSURANCE AOEEJT V SUNBUttV, PEXN'A, ' BEpRXSINTg Farmers Mutual rCumberland Valley Mutual Protection Co!. Now York Mutual Life.Girard Life of PbilV A Hart. fardCuna. lanarai Aeotdeuta. - -- 0, i. aut. t. a. KA.a. Altoraaeya and i'osiaiaflUrei I-nr, CbMnut Street,' weat of the N. 0. and P. A E. Rail .. road Depot, is the building lately oooupled by ... F. Letarut, Eti . ColleoUon. end all Professional buainee pramptly attended U in Northumberland tod edjoiuuig Couu-tiee NEW GROCERY STORE, 77. 3.! AIT & CO , Market Street, Si door East of Third itreet, nonn Ide, SUNBURY, PA , RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and fh public, that they have opened NEW OROO-E-EVY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them tall and examine tboir ttock, which has jutt been opened, embrac ing everything In the Grooery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrnpa. Spices. Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackera, iiueon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., tngotber with Soaps, Candle., Soda, to., and In fact everything in the Grocery and Provision. Line. KLOt'R AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Con I Oil Lamps. Coal Oil 4c. Call and tee before purchasing elsewhere. W. b FURMANACO Sunbury, April 27, 18(17. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FANCY DRY GOODS. 3MCiaS KATH BLACK, Market Square, two lours Esst of the old Bank building. SUNBURY, Penn'a.. HAS opened a tresh supply of the latest styles of Fall and Winter Goods, Selected by herself finm the most fashionablo establishments In Pbila dolphia. Cheap DeLalnes, Alpacas. Fronch Merinos, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Goods. Cloths. Sacque Flannels, Ladies and Children,' Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Lace Veils and handkerchiefs, gloves, hnslnry, Balmoral skirts. Urenkfust and lilankct Shawls. Wiuter Sacquet and Ladies' goods of every description. Gents' Collars, Neck-tics, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery. Toilet Ponps. Hair Crushes, Combs, eto. IjgrHopkim' Eliptic Skirts. KATE BLACK. Sunbury. Nov. 2, 187. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 BnoADWAT, Naw You. I'or I'amiliesi nnd .flaitutactnrcrej, These World-Renowne.l Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premiiun at the World s Fair in London, and six first premiums nt the New York Suite Kairof IStifl. and nro celebrated for doing the besi work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than nny other machine. nnd by the introduc tion of tho most approved machinery, we aro now able to supply tho very best machines iu the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn., under tho immediate supervision oMIio President of the Compnny. Kli am How e, Jr., thcorigiuul inventor of the Sewing .Ma chine. They nro adapted to oil kintis of Family Sewing, and to u?c of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collurs. Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Cups, Corsets. Boots, Shoes, It iriics.. Saddles. Linen Gtls, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and Cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quill, gather, hem. foil, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making u beautiful and perfect stitcli, alike on bctb sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HnWE, and made on this Machine, is tho most popular nnd nil Sewing Mnchines arc subject tu the principlo invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Ilowa Machine Company. 99 Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 6, lbo7 . THE GREAT Z1WII BiTflRS The component parti cf Uiis remarkable proraraticvn Wirt (list di&covcitil, cMUiuutnitjil unJ diblrilmttil, feouie twenty ytivi u.'o, ty LH'- CtiEufaus, tho cehs brutal Kgynliaii I'tiystciuti. Tliuuundi of his suffer lug countrymt:n wuru i t.sttirt J iu health, a well as great numburt of the inhauitiinU of Nubiu und Abyssinia, aud of ttie cuuntik bui d:iin upun the Southcincoa&t -oi tltc AlLditcrruuean boa. Indicd, the fame of the Z1NGAIII miTEKS oon sprtiid ever Europe, .ind viis udt ptcd by the principal l'l.yiticiur.i la charge of the hor-pitals of the old world, in whkh it ii still used with prcemi I r Ti n -nt success. Hie Vio- iuy of lKypt plu&d the nam of ia. Ciicnpsti upon the " Hull ol Nohlvf ," and pie snttd to him a HctUl U arinj? the following inscrip tion: "Da Cheopsvi, the I'ublic Benefactor." This Bitter, ft now offend to the puMic of America with th full assurance tiiat it will be found, upn a fair trUI. u act as a speciiJO fur tho cure of f holer. Dysentery. DlorrhflDA, Cholrra Morbus. Fevrr and Ac;ue Vrllow Fever, Hhrumnllam. Typhoid Kcvrr, Iyspeistt lullc. lU-oiivlilti, 4 unsuniptiun. Vlatu lenoy, UUi-ases of I lie lvldneya. Nervous Debility. auiI Frmnle CumiiluliUs. ReranrkaMo cures of ttie uhove diseases have be-en ClTccteil bylts nse. as nuoierouscertiflcates, manv fiora regular physicians, fully attest: and it is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an 1NVIC0RATI.N0 BEVERAGE, ir us. NO EQUAL. Tuns rue ZIVG AKI nrPTElt1 IMS BOUI. AS V ELL AS BODY, AMD AS A PREVENTIVE or DTBRASB, HAS NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use of the Z1NUAIM BU'TKRS will uive to you tbst soft, stmt, trun, iiarenl oomplusion wliich the God of nature (ri HKniiiK woman to bo ttie loveliest of bis works) fully ink-niled that you should huvc for It is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying lh blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of th. dermis, and imparting health ami life throughout th. entir. system, it especially gives that smooth clearness aod beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roagltuets, blotches, freckles, pimples. and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what is even tviter than this, it cures .very species of irregularities end disease Principal Depot, Hatnshurj;, Pa. KAHTEIt & HATJSE, Eolx PsorntxTona. For tale by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Suubury August 3, 1b67. N E W CI U 0 C E II Y. milK aih.rtrlhM h.M Im. .a - I I ! . ..r C .. I i ,. I M. vi'irisi,. u, ouuuury aui4 II. VICiniiy, tOat luCV . bav. onened a a a-t w uAtvwuitj,, TirtJoort vett of J, II, Englc't Stoi i, in Mai lt Smiare. where flicy are prepared lo furnish every variety of piveoiic-., .ni, win vrp vuiisiauiir vu Barns is, oiloioeet variotiea of FLOUR &.FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teat, Sugar, Molutaet, Cheese, Salt Spiuot L,f all dituription, Suap. uf every variety Candles. .Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Segar. Ilami, fc'bouiden, Baoon, BuUer, and JCgge. Aleo tried fruits of all kinds. Coned PoacBMsuid Tom, toe. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper .Ssusce, Raisiu., Lemons, o , (.foci quality, and n Oict every style of articles kept in a well stocked Urooery. Alto Cider Vinegar. Ali kind, ol eonatry produce taken In exobange. The palrunafo of ttie Jiublie if re-.ptfullyHclte-. QEomft B pjAW M uubury, Nov. 11,1884, . . . - Are espeaielly invited le eall and examine our .took of RUILDKR'M HARDWARE, ompritini Nail and biiike. of ail varleliet. Buttt, tjorews, Strap and I Uiugee, Look, and Latchv., Butte. Has. taring Trowels, Brick, flatterer'. Sieves. Ae , Ao , for sale by J H CONIETACO. ' northern Central Halltmy. WINTER HUE can wets. 05 and after November 34tb, 1307, tralnt will leave BUNBURY, ae follos-ti ' LEAVE NORTH WAR t, ' i.hO M. 11., Daily for Wllllamtport. fty (eetl Sundays.) for Elmirli, pauandatgua. Rochester, Buffaloe, S 1arra Fall., f ospentlon Bridg. aod' IL ,a Uansdas. 4.15 P. M., Daily (exoept Sundajs,) for Elmirst, an I Buffalo via Erie Rmilwe v fi Mm Elmira. t ti 1. 11., Dally (eioepl aluadayt,) for WUIiamt port. LEAVH SOUTHWARD. 2.00 A. M., Dally (eoept Monday.) fof B illlmore, Washington and Philadelphia. 5 ii A. M , Daily for Baltimore and Wa'bl Bgtow. 10. SS A. il., Daily (exoept Bundayt.) for Ba.'litnere, Washington and Philadelphia. . N. DoBahht, Ed. B. Yomo, Gen'l. Bup't., Uen 1 Possen r Ag't , llarrisbnrg. Pa. Baltimore. Mil "I'liilaUelplila k lirlss Itollroad. WINTERTIME T4.BLE. Through and direet route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, llarrisburg, Williams port, and the Great 011 Reglou of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT BLEEPING CAR8 on all Night Tralnt. On and after Monday, Nor. 2Sth. 1867. the Traini on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run as follow. : Westward. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 11.15 p m. " " " Sunbury, 4.60 a m " " arr. at brie. 0 00 pm Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 12.00 noon . " " Sunbury 8.85 p in 11 11 arr at Erie 9.4b a m Eliuira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a to " " " Sunbury 4.15 pm " " arrive at Lock Haven, 7.44 p m Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 25 am " " " Sunbury, 164am " " arr, at Philadelphia, V 64 to Erie Express leaves Erie 4.25 pin " " ' Sunbury 6.40 a m " ' arr. at Philadelphia, 1.00 pm Elmtra Mail leave. Look Haven, 7.10 a m " " " Sunbury, 10.25 am " " arr. at Philadelphia, 6.10 p m Mail and Express connect with all traini on War ren A f ranklin Railway. Passenger, leaving Phil- . tslclphin at 12 00 M. arrive atlrvinoton at 8.40a na, and Oil City at'D.50 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.16 P, M., arrive at Oil City nt 4 A o p m. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for JVank. lin nnd Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. Lni-liun uiinu X. Itlooiuaiuurg Kail road. ON end after Jon. 1st, 1887, Passenger Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. Leave Scrnnton, 5.50 10 CO 7.10 4.40 " Kingston, 6 55 11.20 8.20 6 00 " Rupert, V 20 8 17 " Dauvillo, 9.54 8.50 Airk North'd., 10 .15 ,0.15 NORTHWARD. I Leave North'd., 7.00 5 20 " Danville, 7.40 6 00 " Rupert, 8.15 A.M. P.M. 6.35 " Kingston, 10.50 8.30 2 60 9 06 Arr. at Scrnnton, 12.00 9.S5 4.00 10.15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. .M. for Scran ton, connect with Train arriving at New Yorkst5.20. Piiisengers taking Train South from Sonnton at 5 51) A. M. via Northumbciland. roach llarrisburg 12 :w P. M., Ualtiinoro 5..W P. M., Washington 10. t'O P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. II. A. FONDA.up't. Kingston. Jan. 19. 1867. Itcntlinx ltailroal. WINTER A li 11 A X G K M ESI, Koveraber 25lh, 18Q7. P REAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana V.1 North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsulle, Tiiuinquii. Aslilanu. Lebanon, Allcu toivn, Easton, Epbratn, Litit, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave llarrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 3.01), 5.25 and S.lO A. M. and and P. M, connecting with similar Trains on tho Penii., rylvaiiiu Railroad, and arming nt New York at 5 ",0 Kl.lj'nn.l 11 5U A. M. and H.40, 0 :i() P. M. Sleep In:!, Curs accompanying the J.UU A. M. and 9.35 P. M. Trains, without change. Leave llarrisburg for Reading, Tottsvillo, Tama qua, Mincrsnlle, Ashland, Pino Grove, Allentown mi l Phil.iilidphia at S.lO A. Al. and 2 lij and 4.10 P. M., stopping nt Lebanon aud principal wav stations ; tho 4.10 p in. making conuoctions for Philadelphia aud Columbia only. For Pottsvillc, Schuylkill Haven nud Auburn, via Schuylkill und Susquehanna Railroad, leave llarrisburg at 3.65 p. m. lie-turning- Leave Now York nt O.OUa. m., 12.00 Noon and a 00 nnd S.00 p. in.; Philadelphia at 8.1i a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Wily Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Reading, nt U.Jtl p. m. Hopping at all Stations ; Pottsville n't X 46 u. in. nud 2.15 p. m; Ashland tl.uo a.m. and 12. IU and 2 Ot) p.m.; Tumuqiitt ut 8.30 a.m. aud 1.00 and 8 46 p. hi. Leave Pottsville for llarrisburg via Schuylkill and : Susquehanna Railroad at 7 !0 a. m. and 12.111) uoon ; Rending Aoeoiuiuodulion Train leaves Reading at ' I,-"0'' 'eturuiug from Philadelphia ut 4.00 I 1 . M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Sendin" at 7 0S 1 A. il.. and 0.1a P. ii. for Ephrata, Litii,Lancns. ler. t i-luiiibiu, Ao. I On Sundays. - Leave New York at SOOpm.. Tbila- A. M., and 3.15 P J. t, 8.00a m I ,rn"' ruin ing only to Ken lie. Pottsville 8 00 a ni j Hurrisburg. 6.2a a ni. und 4.18 and tt-86 n m. and Ken ling ut 1.0(1 and 7.1a a. in, for Hurrisburg, and 7.'S a. m. and 11.10 p in. for New York, 4 2a n m for Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage. Season. School and Ex cursion Ticket., nt reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage cheeked through: 100 Pounds Brggng allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent- IJHICK! BHICK! BRICK! 'Io the Citizens, of Nuubury una vieitili.r. rplIE undersigned hnvo bought the Brick-Yarel X and improvements, formerly leased and worked by A. B. Stevens, and have made additional im proveuienlt, and arc nuw prepared to make contracts to manufacture und deliver BRICK in large uuuu tities, for building and other furposes. By the manufacture of a good article, and prompt attention tu bu.iuess, we hope to receive a share ol publio palruuuge. Orders left at tho BricK-Yard, or Box 14, Suubury rust OrSue. will be promptly attended ta. , ,' T.IIIMESAC0. Suubury, May 18, 1887. nintsi, OlJ7VcT A full ttock of Oils comprising Lintcc l Oil, Cot Oil, lish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Eugincs on Maotrinery, Varnishes, Glass, alwavs on band, nt los rfie at CONLEY CO S TluR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bills, Duel XI les Gig Trees, Pud Trees, llano., all kind, am every thing pertaining to the business, for tale by J. U. CONLEY A CO. nun a.i" tvAxnu ruooi; ROOFING! m IH.ME9 A CO., are the Agcntt In the Counlie 1 . of Northumberland, Snyder and Momoui M WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proc Roof. 1 hit is the cheapest and bet Roof that ca bo put on a building. Hat been used iu the city c Philadelphia, tince 1851, where it kas supersede almost every other kind of Roof. It is reoouimend ed by the builders, and it used on all of the finei buildings in that oity. PariieeOonteuiplatiug builo ing, will du woll to examioe into the merits of th aud all other kiuds of Roofs, aid give the best th preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a fe' days, be covered with this Roof, and parties dcsinD to do so, may eall there and examine it. For further Information address Box 14, Suubur Post OUico.or call at th. Brick Yard of ' T. HIIIESACO. ' Sunbury, 13, 1S07. rpHE following persons are entitled to receive t X increase ol Bounty under the Act of Coagrc fussed July larjd, to equalUe Bounties. All soldier, who enlisted after the lth day April, lstil.lor yoswe. and owved their time eululuieut aod have been honorably discharged, ai have received or are entitled io reoeiva a Hooctv f 100, are entitled aa additional Rouuty of tiloi Id All ..tch tuldi.n who ealis4ed, ai have been honorablr diwharged oa aoaonnt wounds received ia tne line of dutv. ara antitliwl n additional Bounty of CIOO. Id The Widow, Minor Children, or Paxacutorui soldiers who died in lb. tervio. til wounds or diui are entitled to aa addilior-al Bounty of ttlOO. By application lo 8. P. WOLVERTQN, E., 8c)ibvhv, Pennsylvania, who it an aulhurited Cla. Ageut, ail tucb oiaiuit can be speedily collected, L. sn l.s. raw InMoal A tlMai es Coaciimakersi W" mniB H,,n,' Bpoket, Huha, gpria . . t . CONVEY A CO finnbarr, March , lbr