A XtiW ARItlVAl. OI' FALL A1TD WI1TTER AT THE STORE OP J. H. B G B Ii , Comer of Fourth uud Market Streets, tiUNBlRY. J UKI' reooived from Now York nnd l'hilitilnlphin, a large supply or FALL AND WISl'liK WOODS, whioh be will "oil at email profits, fur cash or country produce. His Dry uoous acpartineni 19 lull 01 every uesortp- , tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS UOODS, j mi l White Hoods nt nil prions. ' Fancy Sacking for Ladles, and Shell.iLd Wool I Shawl, i Yankao Notions in Greut Variety I Alio, Ladies 1'iench Corsets nnd Hoop Skirts. ' O -A. 3L PETS, ! Wove Floor Cloths, Sttiir Carpets Floor Oil Cloths.. r It widths, Curringo Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth I Widow Shades, rimn Green and Drown Oil Cloih i.ud Fixtures for W indows. Oh IX OOBBIE 8, j Su'ar, Coflbc, Motiisaos, Fiicc, Critckors. Spioos, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ao. j QuocnswitrCjUhaswaro. splendid ScltaofTeiiH nro, I nt low prices, I BOOTH & BIlOHy IN CU2I2AT VATIIETV". Hats and Cups, Oil, Tiiint, Glnn, PuHy, School , Books. Paper, Slates, Ac. ! H A 11 D W A 11 K j Shovels, Forks, Nnils, Lock. Hinges Screws" A Lur ro assortment of WALL PAFL'lt ai.d Bur tier. ai all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will I lease give Lima o,ll. J. II. ENGEL. Minbnry, Any. 10, iooi. . I ISAAC K. STA'JflXB. V. u'!"l'i- unci ?- spkek's ior J It 111 WISH, I l'5it'1t7 ImiidrrdiKtrCnnKrcstittonB I lor ;iiurci or I'oinmnnrou ALSO. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A3 A B.EFUQE FROM QUACK ERY. TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. T.K. JOIINW Has "TX'tn)i 1J. ".I- TJiY Weak e 0 Hack or Limb., Stricture., vallietae w iw .,.,,-. iv,untnrv Di,- AtTeclione "I in "' ;r' bel.HU y, Ncrvoua,,-.a, D "''' J Pi i C.H.fu.1011 of Hon., Palpi- X Z'tta Liver. I,une., Hl..nrh or Bowel. .Ll 'iwril.te lnnrdei,nri,iii fit 10m IheWolimrv Hnbiu .if Vmilh thce secret mill annuity pniniice. 1111 r ...... . Great Attraction N E AV T I N WARE, fliect Iron nnd Store More oi' D1ITH & GE1TTEEP., Whero (hey keep constantly 00 hand and inanufnc turo to order at ebort notice. Vfl.Tt CUP .111 COH. OF QXJAHItY, --5.1. -sis'. IvrCnTH2 i bT I'lin.Al'ELl'llIA. An HM'Ttmnit uf Wai-!uw, Jewelry, Silver end Hated Waie e"iitnit!y on li:it.d, Cf He,airii;g of W :ilclic n.id Jeweiry ptutnpll) at ternled to. NovSJ, ISOT-I )'. "i'AM 1 in "i2wis u .a4,mis8: Mm. BAIIAU SIMP30iV, Walnut Ht.-cM, SL'NBUUY. PA. a.. !....,. ni.i.,iln;o,l Aicnt fcv the .finzur Mnnu- faolnriug Conipi'.ny, for tho Palo of S Family oewina Mnehine, inlonn the .1 . ... Ka liu.l nt lu.r r.'siiliitieo. 'ibeso JluehiiiKj are simple, compact, durable and beautiful. Uapul.lo of perloruiin a riir.RO and a variety of woik ncvir fctl'oro nttcjiptel upon a tia gle Jlacbiiiv u-4n' ciilierfilk, Iwist, linen or cot ton 'i'hread, and sewing with euul facili y tho very lilies and coarsest material, and anything butwoou tho tno e.ttreuius in the most ueaulilul uud tubatau ti ll ninniM r. , , . Thce Machine! will bo rold at reasonable rates. Call aui examine for yourselve. Mr,. SAW All SIMI'.SON, Agent. Ootr.bcr 2t, laiil. 1HE VESY LATEST ARRIVAL ! 1 vixny.i:ns, .v-:ir je rouu y::ars oltj. T'.i iu.tlv celclrntci nativo Wine is timdo from the juice of the Oporto H rape, raised in this country, lid invaluable . Touted siroiialliriiias iipeiliC Are unsurpassrJ by rny other nr.tive wine Uct.ia; ., .. ,.r it... ,-n.i,r. iirnduoed under ir. ?pctr an I cciiuinenc?, are guaranteed, lha youngest em n inav partHKo of its genc-roiis (ual.tie?,ani the we:i.i wt'im lid may uko it to iidvanlaje. l is partieu IV bem-Uciai to tho nged and debilitated, and fuitcd to the various niltnenta that aOliet the weaker acx. It is, in every rcpeet. A WINK TO UK RELIKD OX. Invalids uh SWER PORT tl HA Pli WINli. Feica'.o use SPliK.K S PORT OHAl'L W Weakly perfnns lind a Dencnt oy ua use inn. ',,. u.-....a ti, ii.n Mntinrrl of l"lvMf biightiae the" mat brilliuiuliopoaoi aaticipatioin, readeriug marriage, Ae., iu.piible. Yoiiiiff M cn raiiprially. who hove beonme t lie vietimnof (Mitnry Vice, thul (IreMtful and detractive habit which annually awrepa in an onti.neljr grave thcnnai.it, of Youn Mull of the moat rxnlted taleaU and brilliant intellect, who miaht ulbrrwiae have entiaaced liatuaing 8eaate with ll.ethua drta of eloquent! or waked to ecutaiy Hie living lyre, may call Willi fail conlidi'iice, .llurrliiKC ' Married Pern.Mi, or Youin Men contemiilntine mariiape, hcii!? aware (if phyaical wcakaea,, oiganic debility, de fuinntira. tc oeeilily cured. Ho who place, hiinnelf under the care of Dr. J. mny ma rehiiiiiualy coniido in In, honor a, a gcntleinoit, and Cullb'tealiy fe.y upon iiiaaniu na ii;idu. Oi'ftitnic IVeuhncM Immediately Cured, and Full Vnror Restored. 'i'i.. iiia.B.iir A ll'ifpt innwiiirh re.ulera Life linaera1 .,i.. n...t ,u.rinu. inirwaailile ia the l.ennllv nnid by t he vicliuilof improper indulgence,. Young peitu'iia are tm. lint t.i n imiiiit eneesaea from not beiagawuie ol the oreao- r'.i .....Ai.ii.na thnt mnv nune. Now. Who that Under alnivla the aubjeet will prelt-nd to deny that the power of ii.oereaMon la l"t WN.ner hy inimo iiauoir .ov mn.r...c. h:il.it than by the ptudent, ? Ueaidea deoiir drprlvul the iilwiaiiria in healthy oB'apring.the moat aeruiuaBnd dcatioc ... .. ..........I in Imlh hnilv and innid aliae. The avalem lieeoinea Uernngod, the rhyaieal und Mental Punelinn, ........ i t ....... p..w. I'.iu'pi.NrrtffflWI Init itilli- I nriiwni.il, iw"i . .. -. - ! ly, l)y,pi:pam. Palpitation "f the Heart, IndiceUloii. Ona ; atiiiitiinuil IM.ility, a Wailing of the Fiuuie, Cough, ' Cousuinpiion, Decay and Hintb, U.ilvo, So. 7 Eolith l'rcd-rif!t Rrc4 t Left hand aide g..in frma Baltimore atieet, a few dnot, fi.im the comer. Pail nut Kmbaerve liuu.e and nuinbrr. Lcttei, iiiual be paid and contain asiamp. The Doctor'! I Diplomas hang in ins offieo. ! A :ir Wnrrnnlfd i" Two Ijijn. ! Mircuryvr yaufnum Drugs. tr. lolinntoii, j Member of the Royal College iifSurgmni!, London, Grad- TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all doMrlptloni They would especially oall tho attention of pur chajem to thulr large and well selected itock of COOK AND PARLOR. STOVES. , Th aiihuerlhnra hava tnada arntnuement! to bar! all Ihoir best lUive, made to ordor, nnd those wbo would have a good !tovo would du well to go nd examine their larsreand well selected itoolt. First. They defv competition on tho following lliea liranus oi tooK tovcs, via : Camlilnnlluii .n Itnrorr, Cook. UoTcrnor lonii i'ook. WAHASH AND IEOMSIDE3. mat th well known AntiduBt Cook Btovt oalloJ SPEAR'S AN11DUS1. ai. r.rlnr and offlee Stove, in uroat variety em bracing b11 tho best manufactures aud most fashion 1.1,1a .ln.itna. nnaurliuased for beautv of fluish aimpll oity of arrangement combining cbcaincss, durability and each stov warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore lire Flnco Stove, for heating first, lecond nnd third atorios by Register Also, YL'LCAN HEATER. Also, the oclobratcd MORNING GLORY. oaI Oil, l Oil IanniiP), Mtndes, Cliiinnivn, nnd nil nrliclcn usually kept In an establishment of Una kind. They are alto proparertioturnisiiEHaioana ao staling in tho best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roobng, Sponting, Range and Furnace Work, lias Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly nnd cheaply executed. also : "BSmift'ti'M lEnM Hone Siiyfr-Ihos- pilule." Remember tho place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly s Hardware htoro street, between Third und Fourth street,, dark painted. August z, iboo. LUMBER! LUMBER! Tue lottr Conniy CT j Lumber tompnny, Now fully atftbllihod at tie BUNBL'UY bteam;saw-mills, are prepared to law to order , WHITE PINK, JiJ-flllAiuiv ajia van., of any ile and all length!. Afull asaortmont of alwayi kept en band. Pannel, Flooring, Siding ana Cniiblng uonra, oi wi kuivm. xtntTiniNO. BABI1. iiivwif -i .ttT'ninnTa DOOKS. una csuuiiiiu. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pine, and Hemlock I'luNtcrlnir lutU nnd luliii(r, rinntnif. lllnnlnir and Tnrninc, will be done to ordor at short notice. Thil Company dciign furnishing everything in their line at such rates that Lumber Yards, Buildcn and all partioi using Lnrohor, will find it to tnoir interest to Duy at, rius rnvuuiiHuuie.iii. ORDERS are respectfully solicited nnd will be promptly at tended to by addressing, Sunbury, Junelii, 1BCH. WM. REAOEN.Sup't. inger Jew publio that ciirC'ii'l: wivin In hnaiiilnla are nrcfcrred to i unlo from one ol the most einnienl C'llei-ea in llie l-nileil SPEti. & WIM'-Sin hospitals are prLierre " ,,.. ,,.. . er piut f wK.,e life ha, been apent FALL & WINTER Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUHUUltY, PENS' A. Iniit.es the public to onll ar.d exaiuino bis eli-giutt ui ji.rtinent of . . FALL AND WINTER tlOUD; whioh be will stil al creut'.y redueud prices, ilock consisis in part of O ASSI MEH E nlbnr wlnrs. t .."-l-oiil by all Drnjisls and Orooers. a'PEEK'S VINEV ARI. New Jersey. 0i5ce, 2i:i BROADWAY, New York. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa O.t. W. ly. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS. Slates, Pens, lull, Paper, ic. Mtuxd1nnia.ua BooU.. a 'mod assort - mini'. All tho new books received! essoonas published, ai.d fr Eulo ati Publishers' prices. i i BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn; ! Books, in every Blylo of binding, j Catholic Prayer Books. j j FAMILY BlBLESinvnrio'istlylcs-j I DICTlONAlUEdof all sues. ! Juveniles and Toy BouuS, u large, astorlimnt j ISiauU EiooSia d Blank Forms i f nil kinds. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and Note Papers. COPYINO BOORS, Inkstands, Pen Rncks, Files. Paper. Cutters und Counting House Stationery gem-rally. a a w ;) Ji w o o M cn i-3 O Market Building j PliOTOliRAPH and dear. A LEV Mi i-heapi His 3. CLOTHS. UG; fij'.V. -. Dclain. s. Lawn. tiii.;;haiu3, Calicoes, Muslins, Miuctins, Tic.kirs.-, .leans, and a full' assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods itenerally. Ilositrv, Cloves, Uoop Skirts. AIo ll.indkerchiefs, tiold Pens and Holders. Pocket Books and Bill W.;IL-ts. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American,! French. Ac. i Dinning Paper, ull kiies, Bristol Boird. Ae. Diaries, Mcu'oi nudum Books, Ad BaclifruuiUion Boards. Uuinvs, Chvts-1 men, Ac. ' Toys a larc andeotiipltto assortment Base-Halls and Bats. Fi. bin,' iwd, und Tackle. Perfumes, Brohemian ana rnriMim Lamps, eludes, Olobes, Chimneys,; Ac. Vu !us. Combs L):i mid .iool!. uud Mioe., His assortment ol goods will not, ho is sure fail to j Jirl,les. Ac please tho fancy audi null the wants ol any desirous ! ijm Pens re-poiute.1. of purcnasin. ins stoea m lIAftDWARH AND Ql'EEXSWARE. and (iioceries is Inre in i.tiantity nnd choice in cjiialitv, ci.inprisiiiR generally oicrything needed in the housih.ild eitbur Ibr use or ornament. Ho is always ready and glad to see his friends and lakes pluasuro in showing Ibeiu his goo Is even thou;':, no salc arc made. Ho only asks a call, and ij sale t li.it the erod: will compare favorably in t r.oo ami uuair.y wiiu inn etie'ip-si pi H 01 O a & M C V-i a a M Wall Parer ar.d Border, nil kinds .w Curtains, Purer er tiilt aud Window Oiled Mu-ie and Musical Initruineu'.s H---A11 "iinbttrv No " ' t A" JUSEPH EYSTER . Id. 117. WATCHMAKER i JEWELER Market K titarr', noar House, the Court rXLVHY, No.ll.iiaiherlar.d Countv, Pn. E l.at i-ir-r. opened an i-snrliucnt of 11 obi f)"lVv al Plain Piilent Watches. CLOCKS l..r It Mlrfii-K liank" nnd Uwellinjrs. r tno M yf I'M -. J-'ii ;.'er Rlugt. Bracckts. Minin- i?' lero fa-is. AleduIHons. Lockets, J'oi.eiis, 'llii i '.';". :Spvrtttck, Silver Table, De-:sert, Tea Suit an.; y.u-i:-r.l I poons. Sujr-ir Spoons. Cups, IsapUiu l.ta ;s, Fruit and liiuler i-.nii es, Shields, I'on.l.-, lha;.: ir.rl Poii-itd Pen-, Cu.-lers, Pltcbers. Lutrir i.-'.t-. Fruit I'i.-brs. Cuke I! i-kets. Syrup Pitchers, ilo ni the -.iti -eiis of R'unl.ury ai.d vieii.ily lo i-a'il at siV-ve i.la-r, ttheic lie will bo happy to -1, - l.l.N !tei,ti :. pailtiRErAlHINH. A :srj 1 NKXT icli '" Uiiioii.-trated Tt GODI.I ' V ..i.icb Umon.-trated in (lU-MSOJ C'FS., 1 l:i-.- Si.aiiai iea.r i iidin; ::ii .-t Lit m 'lotiiiii liuoi.ix. rt-'d BAl.BE.t.S always in allendanec. al n- itt- iiti ci in curing Ladies und Children's line a1, a c til at tl.e New R'.kjius over tho kind-; of Books and Stationery not on haul All the Daily and W eekly Papers and Murines. Agent forthu "Ameiican Organ." A. so tor "La Rose's Hair Restorative,' F.ininel of America, and National Sieain Navigation Company. ;' Sunburv. May IS. 1.7 Jl) i 1 ST H R I ,T VOV N 1) H V ! J. YOl.'XWWAX, li-oiu-ifor. li cit l.,btwM'n 3d stud Uli, t lo lo tltu I'nbllc Kc-jooI Bion-, SUNSITFe.'-Z, PSSJN'A.. THE proprietor of this establishment rcpecttuily informs the public that iio has commenced the u-ui- Ulaeturc ol Cnokin ; an t Healing ,m ; r f -1 which ho will sell at lower price.! then they can be j obtained clccwherc. MILL Hearing, Stoves, and ibc largest class of i CHslings iniido promptly to order. I Also. Window Weights, Fratucs and Orutcs for Cel lar t'iini"ws. Ac. j ':i-t li'i iiiii!iir.v '3'oim. W ATER TROl 'iHS A DOORSTEPS j A liberal price pal 1 b.r ol 1 rnstin?. THE CELEBRATED LI VLRl'nilL PLOW, im proved, is manufactured at this establishment. Also, Stove tli-.ilrs of all kinds, Kettles, ar.d every variety of small casiMi).'.--. Sunbury, Oet. 5, ls07. WATCHES EOR 1'iIE MILLION ! AUUANDA LE 4 CO S 11 BEAT WATCH CLVB. ii.iIih I. isniti.la ol Eoailoa. Palis. Pbiladehihia and elae. wbeic, haa ellcctcd i .me of the moat nsloniiihbig curra that weie ever known j many troubled with iinging in ihe I head and ears when asleep, preat llervoosaesa. oein nianii' I il m ..iil leii aouinls. btiElil'alacPS. with fieqaenl blushing j attended anmctiuic, with derangement of mind, weiecaied ! immediately. I TTnlic 1'ariioular police, Dr. J. addreaaea all tb",e who have injured themieive, by improper indulgence and mlitnry habit,, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either buinieea, mate, encietv or marriage. Tiiasa are aoiae ol the and and nic'aacholy cflii't, pro .1....,! 1,.. en, k l.,.l.i. ..I vi.t.th. viz : Weai:ne8 of the llaek nnd l.unlm. Piina In the Head. D.inueis of f.ch!, Lom of M, ,,!. lar I'oivei. Pnh.itnlioii of the Heart, Dyaaepsv .Nervotia Irritnbihlv. Deiangemealof the Digeative Fuac tin,,. I.iiernl Deb'llitV. Vllllit'llll, tif C'llllU milllOU, &C. .MaNTALl.T The learful etieclaon the nnud arc much i l,..,lrp,ul.-.LI. .as ol Meinorv. Conltialou ol Ideas, ue- i, res-ion of So. lit,. l-lvibForeli .'dim;., A version to Society Self-Distrust, Uive of Solitude, Tuuidity, JcC. are some ol the evil, produced. TuousAMx of person, of all ate, con now judge what ia the cause of then declining heullh, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, neivou, and ennci iteil, having a sineuliir appearance ubout the eyes, coof.h aud symptom, of consumption. Yfttin;r Hlon Win) have injured themselves byu ci rtain practice Indulg. ed in when alone, a habit fienuenlly learned from evil companion.., or at school, the elfeeta of which nie nightly felt, even when asleep, and it not cured lendera inmriuge iin; saih'.c, and dcun.ya both mind and body, should apply i hll'iiediately. ... . .1.. ...a. aritaAn,,,,),,- 11 .mi a pry 1 11:11 a voiuia iieoi, mr ir in "o , the darling of hii pirents, should he saalehfd from all proa pects and enj.i) nieala i f hie, hy the eoaseqnence ol devia ting from the path of nalurennd indulging in nee-lam ec'ret habit. Sucli person, mist, before coulcnipUituig larriac. re.lecl that a iound mind nnd body are the mot necesstiry rc piisiteslo promote couailliial happiucss. Indeed without these, ll.e joaruev llirouah hie become, a weary pilgrim aee: the in.isi.eet liourli-darken, to tl.e view; the mind become, sliadowed with deapair and Idled with Ihe melan choly rehietioii that the bappiacui of uaotber becomes b. gated with our own ilisfiine ol Emtti'itdi'iicc. Wh?!i the r.;:peaided nnd imprudent votary of pleasure fonts thnt he h is imbibed thn aeeds ol this painful disease, 11 to . often ha.'peus that an i!l-tlnlcd ftenau of shame, oi dread ot disc very, deter, hl.n from applying to lho,e nn, lioin education and respectability, ei lone befriend Innl, deltiviiig 1.11 the ectn.ultiliou.il sjinpto.na of thi, hornd disease MitiUe lln.-ir uppearnire. sueh as ulcerated soic liiroat. diseased nose, tioetlllul pains in the In-ad and lill.lw, dimness of aigl.t, deafness, node, mi the sum hone, und aims, blotches on the head, face and e.xliemitits. picgress big with frightful tapidilv, till at last the palate of Ihe Ul iuthor the bones of the nose fall in, and Ihe victim of Ihiauwf'll disease become, a hil rid object of coininiseia llxii. till ile.ilh pats a peri'Hl to hia dreudl'ut siilierini;, by siniloej linn M 'lliat I udifcovercd Couatiy from whence no li-tivt ller k turns." It is n inehiiieh ily fact that llinu-aeds fall victim, lo lh:i terrible ilise-ise. owing to the iiikiMliilaets of igiiomnt nietenders. who. I v the usenf lint ' Deadly I'oil'.n, Blei- T vary," ruin the e. ua'.itutam and make the letidue of life uitserublc Stli-aiijiorn Trntt not your lives, or hcaUh, to the care rf the mat y Unlearned and Worlhle.s Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, naiiiei.r cinraclcr, who copy Dr Johnalon', advei. tiauiiciita, orotyictie.-iuse'ves. in Ihe newspnpeis, regularly F diu-iled P.n a'Ctaua, in.apa'.le of Cillma, tl.ey keep you tiillini! monlhnfter mouth taking their fillhc at.d poinniua eoinpoun Is, or long us Ihe smallest ft a fan I '.htained, alalia tb-stmir. leave loll with lulllcd lleullll p) Slsh over youi etiiling ills ipiMiiiitinciit. Mr. Jolihbloit is ihe only Physician nilcrrlwng. Hiscredeutaii oi diplomas aUvuie hang in hia nttiee. Hia reaiidiesor treatment are'unknown lo all others, prepared from a l.l'e spent in thecreut hospi'alaof Europe, tne hrst in tills country and a more extensive pnVuie Praetiee'' tl an uuy oilier Pliystcian in the wotld. EEitloi-ni'iut'Eil ol" l!t ri-Mss. Tne many thousands cured at litis hialilulioit yeai after year, nnd ihe uui.terou, liliMirlnnt Suipieal (Iperatinus pfriorme.l by Dr. Johiirton, witnessed bv Ihe reporter, of the "tuii," 't'hpper," and uisny other paper,, nnticca of ivloch have npiie.ired ngjiu and again before lha public, besides hi, aliui.linu a, a gentleiusu of ehan.eter aud le. a,, aiaihibty, ia a ,u. fie. eat guuiuutce lo the allbcted. !i!ii Bis'nscM Siet'di)y 4'iird. Persons writing llpuiM lie pattieiilar in directing their etttrs lo los li.itiiution, in the following lummer, John .11. .lohnitoii, .IF. I. of the nti'timtae lock Hospital, liultiiuore, Md. Ntiv.su, 1-071 y. SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, PORTER AND ALE. THE subscribers havinff located a botlline cstab- lishmcnt iu Cake's Addition, in tho Borough of Sunbury, respectfully inform tho citizens of this and adjoining counties that they are prepared to furn ish Landlords, llestaurcnt Keepers and private fami lies with the best brands of Sarsapnrilla, Mineral Wa ter. Aloand Porter, bottled in tho best manner. Their drinks nro procured from the best cstabli.-hmcnts in the country, which enables them to furnish a bettor nrticlo than can be had elsewhere, which will bo de livered nt tho lowest rate!. Tho citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinity will find it to their interest to patronize homo industry, and assist in making this a permanent cnterprizo, and at the sanio timo save Inbor nnd money. Orders nro respectfully solicited,which w ill receive prompt attention. 1 . . . tinnncii t TtftTP Atlarcss, I iWD.-'i. a niir., August 17, 1SI17. fitu Sunbury. Pa "iTEV" LAGS?. BEEF aisa-tiii:w.nc-ac.W9 IN SL'NBCRY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL T1- ESPECTFVLLY ii.foims his friends nnd Iho XV public gcncrnlly, that Lo has commence! the mauulauture, ana is now relay to titruisu LAGKU Ui:i:it AND ALE, of u superior quality. Having procured tho services of a first class brewer, ho is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private families with an ar tide that is palatable, pure and henlthv. Orders are re.pcctfullv solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS. 1T?.EL Sunbury, November 10, l.Vi". FARMERS & GUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE flHE subscribers respectfully inform tho citizen. X ol ISortliiitnOerlur.a county, mat nicy aro now prepared to luriindi LIME or a superior quality to Farmers and Builders. Also, LI ME-S DINE from ino celebrated Ltnie-Stone Quarries ol Lower Muho- iioy tuwnship.nl short notice and nt reasonable rates, The above will bo ikiivered to any Railroad stir tion along tho hue of tho different ruilruuds when ordered. There Kilns aro located at tho Shatuukin Vail Railroad, near Suiibury, whero orders will be promptly filled. Ordtrs aro respectfully solicited. Address, J. B. LEXKER A BUO., August 3, 1SU7. Sunbury, Pa. 7 RON. A larco assortment of the be?t manufac I turcd Bars. Hoip. Band, Round and Siiuare Iron. Nail Rods, C'ust Sleel, Blisler Slccl. Drill Steel, Ben e Shoes, Hore Nails Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, SlcJoes, Rn.p? und Files, at CON LEY A CO S 1TEW SHOE STOF.E. Market Strcot, adjoining Oearhart'l Confectionery Store, SUNBURY, Pa. rpHF nndersigned respectfully Informs tho citiiens I nf Sunburv and vicinity, that he ha, opened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the aale as well as for tho manufacture of the linestana ocsl quality ui i.auic. Shoes, via : 4jiIoTCKiil, rloriocoo, CtiU-wkin und I.nMlns: .'atlci-n, Ac. Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely- new and well aelectoil. Ho also manufactures fine French and otbor Calf-A-In Knot, and Shoes for Ocntlcnicn. Order, for ladies and contlenicn I custom work will be promptly atlendod to and got up in tho best style by skiuui luccnunic, Shoe findings Ac, constnutly kepi on hand and for salo to tho trade. J. U. JtFFiilt.'?. Sunbury, April 20, 1S07. I Til E ORE AT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, ' 1 1ST SUNBURY, is on 3d stroot, opposito tho MASONIC HALL, nt BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hut I.atoly 'wlnbliKlifMl, Milii ull llie ."tiodorii lnirot oitifsils of ll.c Art ! nIIE subscriber, having tuilt the room expressly I for tho purposo of Photographing, and having devoted many years to tho business, is confident of bis ability to assure li is patrons mat tne worn pro duced shall bo sccoud to nono in country or city. No work allowed to leavo tho gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tho best Eky light in the county, he ia prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ol weather, but would prefer a clcur day for small children. He is also prepared to take new size, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds ol pictures copicil nnu magniiicn to any required Bize and colored beautifully in Oil or 11 tticr colors ur xniiin inn. ni. pnjt ?(,t:viui (.iii.l..i.. to nil kinds of out door work, such as Lnndscapo views of Monuments. Machinery. County Scuts, Ac, a largo lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand NEW GROCERY" STORE, V". S. FTTF.IlAIT & CO-, Market Stfeot, Six doors Eaat of Third itreot, north . i, ilde, SUNBURY, PA., T)SSri"CTFULLY Inform thorr friends and the X V public, that tney nave openen AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to havo thm call and examine their atook, whioh haa just boon opened, embrao- ingeveryuiingin tne urocery lino, aucu ae Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrup!, Spice, Canned and Dried Fruits, ileans. uominy, ineeso, uraonora, Bacon, 11am, nsd, sun, rotatocs, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ao., and In fact erorything In the tirocoryand Trovision. Line. FLOVB AND FEED, Queonswaro, Wlllow-wore, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Call and loo before purchasing elsewhere. YY. S. FURMAN 4 CO Sunbury, April 27, 1687. " FRESH ARRIVAL OF FANCY DRY GOODS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Square, two doors East of tho old minu mil in I no, ru . tilt n i . I eii.i n. HAS opened afresh supply of the latest etylc! nf Fall and Winter Uood, selected by herself fiom tho most fashionable establishments in Fhila ,lnll,ln I'bnnn TleLaincs. Aloacns, French Merinos, Tlain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Hoods, Cloihs. Sacque n.nn.la. Ladies nnd Childrens' Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Laco v.,i. ...d handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, Balmoral skirts.Breakfaat and Blanket Shawls, Winter Sucques and Ladies' goods oi cvory ucscrinuo... OcnU' Collars, Neck-ties, Halt-bose, .1.1..T.. . .l nint'B. Perfumery, Toilet Sonps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc jf Uopuins' tupuc CKiris 0 Northern Central ltnll'wnr, WINTER TIMS BCUEDULE. tl and after November 24th, 1887; Iralni will Handkcr KATE BLACK. Sunbury. Nov. 2, Bjd7 CHU1CE F HIT IT & OKNAMEKTAI 1 j THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 Broadway, New 'Vonii. a'or FniulliOM and Miinaliicliirfra, The public are respectfully invited to cull and see our specimens ana our complete arrangements rv. Av -tl .vi:;iy:;o! j "-t it at the lowest run. ,m BEER! -z'i:T.n a;.i:. Cold Spring Brewery, s r , i; i V . v a . -7i t1 i.j.'irr. '1.1.1' it for- I . publi in rally i i E.-pi.t' ri f 1 tl. .' be l plep i e i t j im ui.-U LACiKK IiKER, lTiitTKU AXJ) ALK, i. liti ;j i.:t cinall fjunuliiit it. Hii fttciiitU-u f ir utk '1 Uoiir cannot lm.-VtM-!U-J. Hini i f'tououneuJ fcujiu" i.r Iij:iiv otluT i'u I'f.l in 1iiT IVui.nj uuiti licuhhy d i rik for iuvnlit(!. H' t.U, ikt-t.UturmiUu.iii j:vivny f.iuiilit'S Fupplicct fc 'InMt ji'Hii.-e. NKW (;ooi)s. Hiss LOUI.SA B-'irasiiTBlt, S'.'.t!-. .-i.!e of Muikel Square, Sl'NLTKY, Pa., Hat .tun' 'returned fi,.m the oity with a large, hut. some aud cheapest a'rtiuciit of Parisiau stylt-Cuf Lstlies' and .Misses' Hals and Bonnets in bai. biny, i.f the following paite: lis, Princess, Alaska, ill Ui,;!l. l iorutLi, S niration. Tuib.iu, uiu. Also, .cquus, Breakfast Sliuwls, epbyr-ki.il Saeqius, feailn.r, vihets, silks. Incus, oriinuiei.ls, 'J'riiuuilligs, urs, Fur J riuiuiiaos, eils, li.ih Luce uud tireuu dine. Embroidery. Cluna Lace and Lil.iivn Collar, aud IVU. tjeuik nun a tio. ds, tucb Hosfvi v, llandker (lii.l's, K-lii-s, lirusbcsai. I goods for the toilet. AUo. a line assortment v( I'tiiuuiuiy. and all Kn,V,' u'lully kept in a well fiirui.bed esiub.Ubuiunl. 'i'hunkl'ul for pal favors sl.u hopes by further ilc.i-.e ii pk-use iho public, trie coiniuuauce ol ibuir pati nage. I llCI.SA K!l!-.SI..:il. Nov. 2. Ibfii. 8EEIS0 IS BELIEVINQ -t 7 til Ai-t H Nli-t-pt. new 1'hkkh: .r:wcooDs iirh Silver ami t-ilver-l'IdleJ Wares, A Includllie I t erv .Ivln ttiol 1 tl f.a.'ZavKs. . ' i .. I lor iue inter trade, wbn b A. lor ii,aiiu and durability if eaui.ol b, forpnued M JOHN BOWMAN'! W aok.ale an I Retail Miiutetuj-ing K.-tablishment. .iU AKOH till EFT, PHILADELPHIA. I "f f.e-r'aiingal ihorl noti.-,. I', i uibej 21 , 17 auj!7 X needs a got. d watch, and wi.-Ucslo osioio prife ; a norde ol Wlttlel3 Know log nils nine eoiuriicii iiiriuus in oenions uciiees lo get people', money, nnd then either fail lo send a wuleh. or send one that is worth, lets as a liuie keepcr. AltRAN'DALE i CO., have now perfected an ancmcuts by which, for the small sum of lu, a good anil rtlial'lu watcu may be i kii taim.v obtained. They havo formed u GREAT ! WAl'l 'l CLUB ou the f.'.lowiiig jilau. Certilicatea containing llie uuu.beis ul nil tiiu watches named in our wln.Utsalu list (which is cent to nil applicants) i: ate mixed up, focUsed in envelopes, rind sold for 2j cents vacb. Every ciThliento is w ai:iianti:u to bo for u watch, and as will l.o v n on reference to I tiieli-;, ie.nu nro of le-s value tnan Ten Dollars, wb.: -t snipe nro worlhjlul). We uitdcrliiko to send any watch dun. n wnatevcr may no us value lor tin, and iu oi ler that every one may absolutely depend upon pitting a first clats time keeper, we guarunteo Ibattvery purchaser of One Dollar', worib of cer tiliciit"s shall receive at least one for watch No. It'i i on our wholesale list .sent post free, which is a first- I nlnss patuut lever, a handsome and reliable watch, I in sterling silver bunting case, und usually sold for ! SID. Yuu will ci.BTAiNLV get such a watch; and, i besides, you may get a uoi.n ciihumimetub worth i ood. lie soli liio ecrtitieale, a, tullow, : Olio for I cent--; 'Jhicc lor id cents ; Six for SI ; and Twin, i ty fir i'i To lie so sending SI, we will send a hand some cbniii irnitis. To those sending if !, we will 1 scud a liin.ij i hun warranted not lo tarnish in 2d vems Parlies eeiting up la. 'cr 1 1 abs will rcce'ne liberal present, p.iriioului J ol whieh may be learued ou ai.i.li. iitiou. As it is our iiiteu'ion to d a strict- ly houorablc businc:.-, uud to insure our customer, from liability to loss, v.e will send our watches, if desired, wtiaotr hunkv, iusliucling the Express agent tu collect ouly ou delivery. Il we ie desired to forward waiche, by mail, the money mu.-t bo sent us by Bank Druft or Post t'tlioe Older, nnd it will then be at our risk. We will tbeu KuuiaiKH the package ut our pint office, and if bmt vi ILL iiKI'L.ti S ir Fi'.fcK or i haiigk. irony w ateh soi.rls not np . ....... I ii in.iv l,e lelurue 1 mid the un.iicv wi'l be refuiukd. Ino r. piilaiu.n of our tirm, which has beeu established fot tve yciir. and is well known iu every part of the country, we trust will be deemed a aulUJii'iit guarantee ihut we will faithfully purforto ell wo eouti'ucl b. do. Address A UK AND LK 4 CO.. i2 BltoADW AV, NEV YORK. lec. 51. I .We Sin I'1"" Oftice Box, b 2'j. PH 0 TOG R A P H ALBUMS IiOOKrt AK.) BTATIOJS EXt Y. Monthly Time Bik, I rawina; Btsuka and Slutes. Bo. ks, ilyuin Books 111 ink Books, Memorandum E or-,. Iriarics, Pocko ll.s.ks. ink Stands, Pens, Per tils, a hue atssorfcuent or Paper, Jnk.Ae. luraaluby ANNA PAINTER. . Ki'i-u 1 1 urn I I su ilt'li-ii I OE'S lirain Rakes, Steel and Iron Uardeli Rakei, 1a.ii' aud D Hi.ndlu M udes. Miovtls, Manure and Huy Fork,, Ores, and drain Scythes, (train Cradles, Cradlo Fingun, iiaee, Hreaat'Tungue and ! Log Chains, li i ind-sionu,, Finning Mill Solve, uf ! all aiiMand kinds, a large assorliueDt of Red Wagon 1 lUiui. b.r Plowing, Farro Bells, t'uitiTalor T'oib, l..,aleby J i CON LLY CO 1 O III. T Ri:iKTI(1 no I OU ( IN THE PRICES OF loUO Fall & Winter Goods! Mli-asi IB. I.. Liiznriis, having just return ed from Philadel hia with a superior stock of Fall and Winter floods for thu trade of lntl7 and 'US, which tho is able to sell at very reduced uriccs. would respectfully call the attention of l.cr custo mers nnd iho public generally, to the superior qual ity ot tier goods, nnit tho low price, at which they uieheld. She has nil kinds of DRESS GOODS, including Poplins. Merinos, De Laius, Calicoes, Ao., all at the lowest piices. Extra quality Muslins at extra low prices. Dril lings, Canton Flannels Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. (jlovcsofall descriptions, including a very supe rior quality of Ladies' Cloth IHuvcs. HOSIERY. Ribbons and Trimmings of all varieties, Laces, stumped goods, Zephyrs and Varus, 'fowling in great variety. tier. is' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Muff Tassels and Buttons. Pomades, Extracts, and a large variety ot notions and tuney articles. Cull and see them before going' elsewhere. Al. la. LAIAKCS. Sunbury, Nuv. 2, 1S07 Millinery Goods, Jliwsi .11. It. (jioautarr, bogs leave to an nounce to the Ludie.of Sunbury and vicinity, that the has just opened a large und varied slock ot 51 I 1. 1. 1 N U Y GOODS, of nil the latest Full and Winter styles, tu which she invites uttcntiou ot her patrons, and the luil-s gene1 rally, confident of her ubiliiy to please. A good assortment of BONNL'IS & HATS, Hats fur feature, bright and jolly, Hats lor faces melancholy, Han for figures, broad aud burly, Huts lor iiraighl bair, aud tor curly Hats of silk, clulh, felt and beaver, Hal, that almost wear forever, Hats that alwavs look so ueat. Are Luughl at Mia, tiuosleri, ou Fourth street. Also, an excellent issorlaient of Fashionable Im hioiderin. Ediriuxs. Laces. Wouleu Cans, llnudker chiefs, Scarfs, U loves, Hosieries, and all kind, of Fancy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corset,, Perfume ries, i'oa i, Lilly W hito, Euauicl of America, .Sta tionery, Ac, Ao. Call and exauiiue for yoursolvn. No trouble to ; show goud, I Sunbury, Nov. 2, Intif. ! SUiJEURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition In the Borough of Sunbury, for Sulo on reasonable teruis. ' Apply b l'r K. 11 AWL nnl. ; bOL BROSlOtS, Suobury, Ft fir P V. ."-HEAVrit Potl.-ville. Pa Nuv 2l,lsM r,'v :- ev j5V . at & S3 0 m Dealer in Fruit nnd Ornamental Trees, will furn. ish from Iho most responsible Nurseries in this and other Stales, first class TliFES of ull kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Car Jen Seeds of all kinds. Orders nro respectfully solicited Addiesa BENJ. BOIIXER, Puxinos, Norlh'd. Co. N. B. Tiisiiraiices taken iu aevornl of tne most responsible Fire Insurance and llorso Dcteclivo Companies in the Stuto. Juno 8, 1kC7. y FL0Uir& " FEED STORE VTUOLESALH JXD RETAIL. nllK subsoriher respectfully informs the public L f'nt he I'icps constantly on band at his new WAREHOUSK, near th Shamokiu Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY. Flour by the barrel and lacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton Tho above is all maiinfaetured nt his own Mills, and will be sold ut tho lowest cash prices. .1 M. CADW ALLADER. Sunbury, April I. j. H. Conley Co., liitl.ol SI lit-1, H.asvt till lie Elailroud (3XJN13lTJH"5r, PENN'A. DEALERS IN I'OItl.rii. St AMI.KICA, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Muchanics, Farmers, Builder, aud Buyers generally is invited to the feet that we ate now oucring a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than over was offered iu this murked at prioes much below those heretofore demanded by dealer,. Our stock comprise, all article, iu this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools aud mate rials used bv CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAliK AND WAI10N MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Steol, Nails, Spikes, (Rope, Chuius, Grindstone,, Mill and X Cut Saw,, J.O., Ac. Sunbury. .March 30, !Sd7. hiaking Photographs, special terms to families an clubs. BERUSIRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, BREAD & FANCY CAKES. DAVID FRY Two doors west of tho Post Office, SUNBURY, Pn. RESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of .Sun bury and viciuity, that he will bake to order all kinds of 'nV- for Hull, Iarll'si, &o. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buus, Ac, und also kept on hand miinafactured out of the best uintcriuls. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their pntronngo. DA ID FRY. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 1SR5. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS AjND istoti ITS Miss ANNA PAINTKH. Market Square, two doors west of the Post fn;o , S U N B U R Y , PL X X ' A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friend, and tho I public, that she has just relumed from the city, j whero she has spent sume timo in making selections j aud purchases, nnd has just opened n largo stock ot MILLINERY OOODS AND NOTIONS, ! Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings. Crinoline and Wi- j gnus Skirling Lining. Ho:p 'kirts, Bugle Trim- i luings, Crape trimmings, tian-rapc, viuus uu.iui.s, Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo iissortineut of Ladies and Hct.tleuicn's Hosiery. A vuriety of BOOKS A 4fTAT10Nr.il Y. DOLLS of all sizes, Alphabet Blocks, Ac. ihe flatters herself iu being ablo to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to 1 Liters, una guods will bo exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Nov. 2; 1W17. Thcso World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were i awarded the highest premium ut the W orld 's Fair in j London, and six first premiums at tho New 0rl; I .Stuto Fairof IstiS. aud aro celebrated for doing the ' hcsl work, using n much smaller needle for the Mime thread than any other mucbine, ui.d by the inlroduc j tion of tho most approved machinery, we am now- ablo to supply the very best uiachiues in tho world. These machines are mnde at our new and spacious : Fnetnrv nt Bridircnort. Conn., under the immediate t . I supervision of the President of tho Company. Ei.i as ind ' liuWE' Jr- ,no orii!ini11 inventor of the .Sewing Ma- cnine. They nro adnpted to all kinds of Family Sowing, and to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Mnnu f.icturcrs of Shirts. Collars, Skil ls, Cloaks. Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoos, Harness, Saddles, Linen li.ods. Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en mid cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. Ti.nir will sRin. nuilr. tfalher. beni. fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sowing, making a beautiful anil perfect stitch, alike ou bah hides of the articles sewed. j The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made oil this Machine, is tho most popular and all Sewing I ; .Machines are subject lo llie principle uu "i I him. I SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Compnry. I Cd'J Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. j April 0, lH.i". Tniu Cl-EAT loave SUNBURY, aa follows I RA VK NORTHWARD. &.60 A. M., Dally for Wllllamsport. Daily (except Sundays.) for F.lmira, Cauandaigua, Rochester, Buffaloe, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and the Canada,. 4 IS P. M., Daily (except Sunday,,) for Eln.ira, and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. 3 P.M., Daily (exoopt Sundays,) for Williams port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.00 A. M., Daily (exeopt Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. 4!i A. Jr., Daily for Baltimore nnd Wnsningion. 10.35 A. M., Daily (exoept Sundays.) tor uatumore, W ashingtou ana rnnaaeipnia. . N. DfBunnr, . En. S.-Yotiiio, Uen'l. Sup't., Uen 1 Pnsacn'r Ag t., Hnrrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. "lMiUttdelislila Sc l.rlc Itallioud. V . "wiSTkRTIMB TABLdI Throttch and direot route" between Philadelphia, ... ti , i iTi..i . ...a .... li ..... aialtttnoro, tiarrisourg, . i.uuittsj.uti,, tut. Oil Region of Pennsylvania, ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on ull Night Trains On and after Monday. Nov. 25th. 18157, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erio Kail Bond will run ns tollows: Westward. Mail Train loaves Philadelphia, " " " hunbury, " nrr. at Erio. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury " " nrr at Erio Elmira Mail lunves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury " " arrive at Luck Haven, FASTWAIID. Mail Train lcnvcs Erie " " Sunbury, " " urr. at Philadelphia", Erio Express leaves Erio " ' ' Sunbury " nrr. at Philadelphia, Elinirn Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " Sunbury, " arr. at Philadelnhia. Mail and Express connect with all trains on War rcn A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil adclphia nt 12. UU M. arrive at Irvinotou al C.4U a in, and Oil Cilv at 9.60 a m. Leaving l'hilndclphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive nt Oil Citv nt 4..'ii p in. AH trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for Frank, lin nnd Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, Ucnernl Superintendent. I.iirliUHiiuuuiV Illoomsil.-i.rsc Slail road. ON and after Jnn. 1st, 1SC7, rusjengcr Tialm will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. Leave Scrnnton, 5 i.n 10 00 7 10 4.4(1 ' Kit. .-ton, 0.55 11.20 S 20 6.P0 Rupert, tt 20 S 17 ' Danville, 9.51 Arr. North'd., 10 .15 10.15 MJKTlllV AlUI. Leave North'.!.. 7.00 - Dnnvillo, 7.40 " Rupert, S I 5 A. M. ' Kingston, lO.f.O fi.oO Arr. at Serantou, 12.00 9.1:5 11.15 pin 6.50 a m 9.00 p tn 12.00 noon 6. 85 p m D.liim 8 00 a ni 4 lbpm 7.45 p tu 10.25a m 1.55 a in H.55 a m 4.25 p m 5.40 a ui I fiO p m 7.10 a m !0. 25 a u fl.10 p in 5 20 CPU 6.35 O.I!,, i .00 l'l. 1 5 .M. lor fcernn- P. M. 2 50 The rompim.nl pirli ef ti.ii remaikablc prcp.iraticn w.tc fir.t dis'-ovettd, eonipoundcd and disl.ibatcd, sonic twenty years ago, by Ur. tntuesis, the cele brated Egyptian Physician. Thousands ot his suffer ing ctiunti j inen were restored lo heal lb, us well as great numbers of the iubabiunts of Nubia and Abyssinia, and of the countries boidering upon the Southern coast oi me steuucrntueaii acts. Indeed, Ihe faro of the ltWJa'. sjm ! BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVKK, RESPECTFULLY informs his Itiemls ami cus tomer!, that he has just opened a shop for tha manufacture of BOOTS 1 SHOES, on Spruce street, Utiteen ScconJ ttreet nnd Centre Alley, Suhhinj. whrre all kinds of work in his lino will Le made up iu tho latest style and in the best wuikiuunliko uiau nor. Having first class stock on hand he flatters himself that be will be able to suit the tastes of tho most fus tt.li.m.. The fiublic are invited .to call. JOHN W1LVER. Sunbury, June 1, !Hfl7. siTc. tuiMiniAitr'w Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Market lrsct, tsimbiiij , fa. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DI'.ftCRII'TION FRUIT, &c.,'&c, (CONSTANTLY on hand nnd for sale at tne above j establishment atwholesale and retail, at reason able prioos. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confettionaries to keeaiup a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, Nut of all kinds, and a variety of otbor article,, allot whioh are ofieied wholesale ana retail. li'-Kouiciuber the name and piaoe.l M. C- GEAHtlAlt UMsAItl lilTTCUM soon spicad over Kurope, and was adopted by the priucipal Physicians in charge of the hospitals of the old world, in w hich it is still used with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of Egypt placed the name of na. t'lizorsus upon the ' Roll of ISubles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the folluwing insctrp. 't.itia " De. Citsorsts), Ihe Public Benefactor." This Bitten Is now otferti t; pal-lifl of America with ttie fall assurance thnt iv will bo found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specific f .r tho cure of ' Cholera, Dysentery, Dlarrhrrn, Cliolera IMoibus, 1'ievcr oua Ague, Villoiv JFever, Kheuinntlsm, Typholil Fever, Uy.j.rpala, Colin. Ilrolicl.tlla. oli.iimlitloii, JFltlu lenry. Ulseaat of the lililiieys. Nervous LklolUly, anil I'emole toiiiiilutiit,. Reroarkabto cure, of the above disease, have been eflcctrd by its use, aanumcroua certificates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it is deilintd to a iperiedu any picparattou extant. Aa an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT MAS NO EQUAL. Tuns Tin ZIVGAltl Iiri'TEItsi HAS SDl'L AS WELL AS DODY, AN AS A PREVENTIVE SUNBURY FOUNDRY. t.'I.O. ItOIIIlllACll 6i SO.TI, AV B now carrying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings uf every descrtptiou, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget that the PLOWS made at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implement, repaired at short notice. Small easting,, including Cooking utensil,, of the most improved uud must useful paitorns. The business will be coudueted ou an enlarged wale. Old customer, ill be accommodated u usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, Iboi). Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rpilE undersigned, proprietor of Weiaer i Frick' X. Line, give noiieee it. mciunniHi tut. .oit'i'c.. that the Depot is (till at ell Market street, Pbilei delphia, and all (iuods directed Ui Sunbury. Danville and Lewisburg, aud all iutermedinU statiuoa along the railroad, will be promptly delivered. I B' Care leave HI I Market street. Philadelphia Iri weekly 'f uestlava. Thumdavi aud Saturdays. W . B ItO H' N , Pruietur, Lew isfaiirg, J. 11. BROWN, Agent, Ouubury, Pa. December?, itij7. rIRD CAGES, II different klud Hyouwaut ) good and. heap Bird V,M- 4 co f. Market street, S doors wet of E. Y. storo. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1803. tf ART, Bright A Son's LIME! LIME ! V it v m e r at und llulldcra! Sxasuolts A BnoTititti are now prepared to de liver, at the lowest market price, the very best quality of for LAND and BUILDING purposes. Their lliuela burned of theoelcbrated TUCKYIIOE LIMESTONE." Their lime kilns areloouted at the Philadelphia and Eria Railroad, near the steam saw mill, iu the Bo rough of Sunbury. Plasters, Mason,, Bricklayers and Farmers are in vited to oall and give us a trial. 6EASUOLTZ A BROTHER. Aug. S, 1MT. ; OAIU'ENTKUS. " WILL find in our establishment a superior stock of Plane,, Saw,, Auger,, Hatchet,, Hammers, Files, Chisels, Ao., Ao.,fur sale by . J. H. CONLEY CO Blacksxnitbing. JOHN IKVIISX, BL'NBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. RESPECTFULLY inform! the eitlsen, of Sun. i bury and vioiuity, that be has erected a Black smith Shop uear the khamoklu Valley Railroad ' Depot, where be is prepared ttt do Blacksmithing in i all lis brandies, at the shortest notice. Haying Lad j many years' experionoe in the busiuese. be llattcr, himself that be can render aaliUncti n to all wbo I may give him a oall. Sunbury, Auajt II, 18.7 DISEASE, HA 3 NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WOW'S TO LADIE3. The us, of the ZIN'iJAltl BITTERS will give to you that soft, nni transparent complexion which the lod of nature pie igning woman to be the loveliest of hi, works) fully intended that you should have for it is nature', own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, tlimuUtlng the pigmentary cells of the dermii, and imparling heatth and life throughout the entire system, It esicially givca that smooth clearness and beauty to tbeeoaopl.xina ,o much to b dealrcd re moving all rOUgllUeSS, OIOICUCS, liees.ie, i.uii-.,nu.a that yellow, sickly look so common in our duy; and what I, even better than this. It cur,, every pcc.scf temal, irrcgularilie, and discaso. J'nncipid Depot, Ilarrisburg, Tu. EAHTER & HATJSE, Sols: PuoruiKTou. For salo by W. A. BENNETT, Drusg'-'. Sunbnry Pennsylvania. Augusta, 16fl7. NEW G ROC E R Y. TIIK aiilneribers beg, leave to announce to the eitineus of Sunbury and iu vioiuity, that they have opened a NEW anocuRv, 7 av door trent of J. 11. hngU t Store, d Murl-et S'jitare, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly ou hand the cboioest yarietiee of FLOUR-& FEED, Fish, Coffee, Toes, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Suit Spioes of all disoripliou, Soap! of every variety Caudles, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Segue, Ham,. Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Alto Dried fruit, of nil kiuds, Caned Peaches and Tom a. toe,, Piokols, Ketchup, Pepper Sauoe, Raisin,, Lemons, Ao., of bust quality, and in I not every style of artlules kept in a well stocked Urooery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot country produce taken in exchange, Tbe pmrouag, uf the public ia re- apeciiuiiy Kiuuiieu, GEORGE E.. BEARD t CO. Sunbury, Nov. II, lollj. ,.SeU.KaUi:iiMs' . Are espeoially invited tueall and examine ourateok of BUILDER e) UARDWARK, eomrristng Nails aud Spike, of all varieties. Butte, Screws, Strap and X ilingee, M al laertohee, Bolt,. Plas tering Trowels, Briok TroweU, Pluterer'i Sieves, t , ,t"rileby l J 11 CONLEY CO. Trxins leavinir Kilitrston nt B.iiO A. ton. connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20. Pn-scngcM taking Train South frcm Sercnton at 5 Si) A.M. via Northumberland, rca-h Hnrrisburg 12 . 0 P. M., Htiltimoro 5.:!tl P. M., Wnshinglnn 10. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.U0 p. in. H. A. FONDA.up'l. Kingston. Jan. Vi, 1467. hleatllnsx ECaiiroatl. W 1 N T E R A II U A K U li M E N T . November 25th, 1807. Ct REAT TRUNK LINK from Ihe North ami Tf North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Head ing, l'oltsville. Tanniqua, Asblanil, Lebanon, Allou- towu, Euslon, Ephrutu, Liliz, Lancaster, Columbia, i i.e. Trains leave llaniiburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 3.0D. 5.25 and S. 10 A. M. nnd 2.05 und P.o.s j P. M. connecting with similar Trains on the Pinn svlvuniu Railroad, nnd arming nt Now York nt 5..J I IH.l.Vuiid 11 Ml A. M. and o.iO. 0 'M P. M. Sleep- tnx Cars necompunving the 3.00 A. M . uud 'J.Si P. M I Ti'tius, without change. ! Leave Ilarrisburg lor Reading, l'otlsville. Ttite.v J qua. Mincrsville, Ashland. Pine Grove, AUcn'.own nnd l'hilailclpbiu ut S.lll A.M. nnd 2 05 and 4. Ill P. M.. stopping at Lebanon aud principal wuy I stations ; ihe 4.10 p ui. making connections for j Philadelphia and Columbia only, l or FotUviltc. , Schuylkill Haven and Auhurn. via .Schuylkill and ! Suiquohaniin Railroad, leave llnriisburg uf d i.'. p. in. j Returning: Leave New York nt 0.(10 n. m., l'.'.l J : ;.' j'.n uu 1 J OH and S.PO p. in.; Fhilai'.olphia nt ti.l 'i a. t.i. nr.d il.oO p. ni. Way Passenger Tit.iii leave, 1 Philadelphia nt "oi0 a. in., returning fr-'iu iteinUig , at d.. 10 p. in. stopping at ail Stations ; I'ottsvillc at I S 15 a. in. and 2 15 p. In; A -1. land nil a.m. and 12. : lit and 2 0U p.m.; Taaiuqua ut 6..'tl m. und l.oo ' mi tl H 45 p. iu. I Leave Potlsi illc for Hnrrisburg v ia S-huyIl;ilI iit-.l Si Suebaiiua Railroad at 7 lit a. in. ami I'.' t 0 uooii. lict.diitg Accommodation Train leaves Rou-itiig at I l.,',l A. M. retuiniug from Philadelphia ut 4.00 j P. M. i Columbia Railroad Train lento Heading nt 7.0i j A. M.. nnd ti.l a P. M. for Ephrata, Litii, Lancas , tcr. Columbia, A'e. j u Sundays: Leave New York at 8 OOpni.. Phila t delphia si.no A. M., und 3.15 P .M. tho S.tiu u. iu. j train ruunin only tollea iir.g, Pollsville Sou a nr.. Ha:ilsbi:rg, i 2i A m. and 4.10 aud V.XS p ni an i ivuautng tit 1.00 and 7.15 a. in, for Ilarrisburg, and 7.00 n. ni. and II. to p :n. for New York, i 2j p m for Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage, Season. School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates u und from ail points. Baggage elivckvtl ihruiigh : 10J Poundt, Brggago allowed each Passenger. O.A.NICOLLS. General Sujicr intend out- ! BRICK! BRICK! BRICK I To t:i ilizt'ii of fimtmry and vltiiill.v. ; rpilt: undersigned havo bought the Br.ck-Yar'.' jl and iniiruvemcnts, formerly loused and Worked j by A. IS. Stevens, and havo made additional iai j provcuients, and aro now prepnred to muko c jii'.ra.'ts i to manufacture nnd deliver BRICK in largo quau I tities. tor building uud other puriscs. I By the manufacture of a goud urliclc, and prompt ; attention to busiucss, wo hope to receive a share i f i public pattonage. Orders left at the Brick-Yard, ur Box 14. Sunbury Post Office, will be promptly attoaded tu. T. HI. MLS A CO. ! Sunbury, May li, lb67 B'li I li I m. Oil, Siv. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed On, Coa Oil, I ish Oil. and Lubrioating Oil for Engines au Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, always ou hand, at low prices at CONLEY A CO S 1,"VJR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bit'.s, Buck ' les, Gig Trees, Pad Trees, Hanes, ull kinds uad every thing pertaining to the business, fur tule by J. II. CONLEY 4 CO. l'llti: A."M WATI.lt PUOOF ROOFING ! ril 1JIMES & CO., are the Agents in tho Countio X of Northumberland, Snyder and Mouiour. M WARREN'S Improved Fire uud Wutor.Proti Roof. This is the cheapest and best Roof that cai. ho put Mia building. Has been used iu lha city of Philadelphia, aiuoe 1851, where it bus superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and is used uu uli uf the finest buildings in that city. Parties onr.templatiug build ing, will do well to examine into tho uioriia of this and all other kinds of Rout's, and give the best the preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will. In a fen days, be covered with this Roof, and panic, desiring to do so, uiay call there and examine it. For further information address Box 14. Sunburv Post Ofiice, or oall at the Biiuk Yard uf T. HIMES A CO Sunbury, 18, ISo?. CJlQim'Tke rpHE following persons are entitled to rec ! e an X increase of Bounty under tba Act uf Courc.a paused July Itiot), to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after tho 10th day of April, lSOl.ior 3 year,, and served their time uf enlistment and have been honorably discharged, aud have received or are eutltleo) to receive a Bounty ot 100, are entitled au additional Bounty of slol. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted fur 3 yeai,, and have been honorably discharged on account nt wound, received in the liue nf duty, are entitled to au additional Bounty of a)lWO, Su The Widow, MLpor Children, or Par en u of such soldier, who died in the service of wounds ur disease, are entitled to au additional Bounty of t I OO. By application to li. P. WOLVERTON. Esq . of frinbuav, Pennsylvania, wbo ia an authorised Claim Ageut, all sueb claim, ean to speedily col lee led Sunbury, August 4, IsnS if Coachmakers, "WTI. are selling Rim,. Eisikes. Hub., Springs. f Canvt-,, tol:,, Cliisi, Axlw, I. , very lo - Large block at ,SUBbiuy, Idatva M, lt7 foNLEY (""