mc STREET FOUNDRY! .. YOlUMi.MA, rrorilor. trcti ftMWtweei aI nnd4lh close to tbe 1'mMIc (school Uohbc, SUNBURY PBNN'A. T1!K proprietor of this establishment respectfully inform the publio that lis bin ooinmencoi tb mnn "dihcturo of Cookiug and Heating 3 T O T B 3 I vhic'h ha will mil at lower prices then they can be oljtHiiil olsowhurs. .MILL Gearing, Stoves, nnd th largest class of Castings mndo promptly lo order. Also. Window Weight, Frames and Orate for Cel lar Window, Ac. "nt Iron Chimney '1'opw. WATER TKOUGI13 DOOR STEPS. A liberal prise paid for old castings. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, lm proved, Is manufactured at luiaestnhlishmnnt. AIm, Rove Orates of all kinds, Kuttlei, aud every variety of iuall ousting!. Sliuburv, Oct. 5, lSf.7. a st 3 w. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS. Slates, Peus, Ink, Pnpor, 4c. I Miscellaneous nooks, good assort-) tuent. All the new books received. an soon a pul.lhdied, i.d for tale at Publishers' prices. BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn M o Si w w CD to co o w on 3 o w m hooks, in every siyio ot Dinuing. Citaolic Prayer Books. FAMILY BIIILE5 In varions styles- DICTlONARIESof all sizes. J'trenili and Toy Books, a lnrge assortment ItlnnK ItooKs J Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and Note Papers. COPYING BOOKS. Inkstands Pen Hack?, Filos, Pnpcr. Cutters aud Counting House Stationery generally. PIIOTOORAPH ALPUMS cheap and dear. Gold Pens nnd II..U.-rs. Pocket Books nud Bill Wallets. Picture Frames. Storeownpo and Views, Atuericnn. French, Ao. Drawing Pnpcr. all sizes, Bristol Board. Ao. Diaries. Memorandum Hook;. Ac. w M M 3 01 0 a Backgiiinuiou Boards, Uuuie, Chehs-'i men, Ac. I Toys a large and complete assort incut. Bne-Cal!s and Uat9. Fithing Rods and Tackle. Perfumes, Brohcininn and Parisian! Marbles, Ac. Hold Pens re-pointcd. ) Lamps', Shidos, Globus, Chimneys,' Ac Wall Pnpcr and Border, nil kinds. Window Curtains. Purer (lilt and1 a a w Oiled. ! Music and Musical Instruments. ! i (7A!1 kinds of B.ioks ami Stationery not on hi'iid promptly ordered. All the Daily and Weekly Papers and Magntines. Agent fortlio "American Organ." Aisofor "L Hose's Hair Rcstorntivc," Enamel of America, nud National Steam Navigation, Company." Suubury, May 13. 1807. WATCHES FOR THE MILLION ! ARRAXDALK A CO S UREAT WATCII CLUB. EVER VBOOY needs a good wat'-h, and wiehcslo get it at the lowest possiblo price; a hordo of swindlers knowing this Lavs contrived various in genious dovices to get people's money, and then either fail to send a watch, or send one that is worth less as a time-keeper. ARRANDALE A CO., have D"w perfected arrangements by which, for the small sum of $10, a good and reliable watch may be ckr tainlt obtnined. Thev have formed a GREAT WATCH CLUU on (ha following plan. Certificates containing thcnuinliers of nil the watchos named in our wholesale Iiet"(whicl is sent to all applicants) ro mixed up, enclesed in envelopes, anil sold for 2 cents cu b. livery certificate is w.inn.NTEn to h for a n .'ttch, and its v. ill be scuu on reference to ihflit-t, no no aro of less value thnn Ten Dollars, whil.t some are worth $100. Wo undcrtuko to send any watch drawn whatever may ho its value for $10, and in order that every one may absolutely depend upon getting a Grit class linie-kooper, we guarantee every purchnsor ofOno Dollar's worth of cer tiorates shall receive at least one for n atch No. 533 on our wholesale list, seut post free, which is a first-cl.t-s patent lever, a handsome aud reliable watch, in steiPng silver bunting eve, and usually sold for $10. You will cfcHTAiNLV getsucha watch ; and, buiidi!!, vou uiuy get a gold chronouktor worth $500. e soil the certificates as follows : One for ." cents ; Throa for 50 cents ; Six for $1 ; and Twen ty (jI 1 1. To thoaa sending SI, wo will send a band sjiuo cIihiii gratii. To those tending t.'l, wo will juit.l a o.ii I) i hain warranted not to tuxuirb In 20 veaia Parlies gotting u) larger elubs will roceivc iilieral present, particulars of which may be learned ou anulicaiiou. At it is our inteu'ion to tlx a strict- ly honorable btttnes, and to iusuro our customers from liability to loss, wo will send our watches, if desired, without MoaKr, instructing the Express aseut to collect only on delivery. If we are de."ired to fnrwttrd watches by mail, the money must be sent If by B si. k Dluft or Post Office Order, and it will then he at our risk. We will then kkuistkb tho package at our ptt offico, and if lost will replace II t nti or cbaroe. If any watch sent is not ap proved, it may be returned and the money will be reluudod. The reputation of our firm, which has beeu established fort re years, and is well known in every part of tho country, we trust will bo deemed a siiifiutctil guarantee that we will faithfully perform all wo contract to do. Address ARRAXUALE A CO., 193 BROADWAY, SEW YORK. Doi. SI, lett'7. 1m Post OlBeo Bot, 6.2S5. " r ".vhiLy .M.ii?niSi: Mrs. SARAH SIMPSON, Walnut Street. Si;.BLRY, PA. Having been appointed Agent by the Singer Manu facturing Company, for the ea!e of Singer's Mow Family towing Machine, informs tho public that they can be had at her residence. These Machine are simple, compact, durable and leuuti.jl. Capable of performing a tange and a variety of woik uovcr bofore attempted upon a sin gle Machineusing either silk, twist, linen or cot ion Thread, and sewing with equal fucili'y the very tiru'-.l and coarsest materials, aud auythiug between thi two extreme in the most beautiful ana substan tial manner. iheee Machines will bo sold at reasonable rutes. Call and examine lor yourselves. Mi. 6ARAU SIMPSON, Agent. October 20, 107. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL! ! FALL &VINTER Joseph Eyster, Crucr of Market and Fourth .Slrect, t V ' U L It Y , P N N ' A . Invito, the public to cull und examine his elegant oworlui.'Ut oi FALL AXD WISTER GOODS, which be will soli at greatly reduced prices, libs stock consist :u part of CASSIMERE3. CLOTHS. &.C-, H.lks. I Kin in v.i. Lawns Oingbams, Calicoes. Muslins, Mit ctinir, 'l ickings, Jeans, and a full a?ortuieiit of Cotton uu l Woolen g.Hids generullv. II iery, l lores, II.iup Skirts. Alu Jlutidkcrchlcft, l'.iu-h..f, (,'ou.ljj. Unto und 4'njtw, lloolK nnsl Nhoes, U:s assortment ol koIs will not, he is sure fail to plotee the fancy and suit thu wauls of any desirous ot purchiisirijr. IJis stock of ilAKDWAUK AND Qt KKKSWAHK, and Oroceries U lariiu in quantity aud ehoieo In ouatiiy e..nipnsini Kincrally everythinij needed in IllP hikllkblinl Aill.... . ... . . . UOUSeilOlQ eitt.Hr n.r n t nn.wnan, .. . . "7"Jiuy an.i Kiau to i-cc bU .11.1 lakus pleaaure in choiviiiij Iheni his goods ever flouih no solus are urnlo. Ha only aFks a cull, ami rri? I1"" ,.', ,t,Mk wil' """P"ru favorably ij, price and iialily ,u the Ci,m, ,,. ' Jlu ii always rendv and irlad n I in .V'..U.ury, Nov. 1,1, 1W. " "'lfttt !. J-.ANUM::Sr5 IS XKXT NESS." TO tiOOU- uhiI tel. . "niirovHISls; ITOOIIIH, ' ill r-l -UM. III Mi llllirftti... Krlii-ularittiviiiiuu Hive us a cull at '.m( Ollioe. uiiMix i.nJio. Knd mo icw Looms over Ihe cam'airy. Au mi ft. iftiiy t Monthly Jim. Books, t-rawlng Mks and hi utcs. . ... liriM KOl.ks. Blink Dorks. W k btaiuU, Peus, rlu. s tin xv.rtKieul of Puimt '' A.NiAJ i 'I . ir. ins, sr. A fAIXikK. BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. TILE oyir PLACE WHERE A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered me most Certain,!peedy and only hHt-ituai ueinetly in the World foiall Pri vate Diseases, Weakness of the Hnek or Limbs, strictures, Affections f the Kntnes and Uiuutler. Inviiluntary l)is etiaTKes, hnioteiiey, Ueneral Debility, Nervousness, Dys pepiV! Lanautir, Lwr tpiiits, Confusion of Ideas. Palpi tation of the Heart, Timidity, Trrinliluiga, Dimness of fiplit or Uiddiness, Unease of the tleail. i'hrnat, Nse or Skin, Atiecti'-ns ot the uiver, i.ungs, pioniacn or wiwp these Terrible Disoideis arising from HieSoliUrj Habits of Youth those secret anil solum y practice more fatal lo th.'ir victims than the 'ng of Hyrein m the Maimers ' Ulysses, b.ightiniii their most brillianl hopes oi anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impossible. 'oainR- 91 on F.specially. who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, th.ll dreadful and deslroelive habit which annually to an untimely grave of ,""g e" "f the m-st exalted talents and brilliant lute ''. l i t ht otherwise have enlianeeri listening Henal es with t he 1 1 deis of or waked lo ecstaty the living I) re, .aay call with full confidence. Mnrrlnffe. Persons ..r Youn Men conlemptalinf marringe, hemg aware of physical weakness, oiganio debility, de fin mines. Ac, speedily cured. lie ' wl. placei himself under the rare of Dr. J. may may religiously cni.ti.le in his honor as a gentleman, and c..n6denily rely upon Ins skill as a Physician. Orft'nisU; Wraknm Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. Th-s Distiessuig Atrectioii which renders Life nmern-bl- .i.d mairiag..- ,iurni.le is tlii penally pud by t he Victims of improper indulgences "Ulig pcisoi.B ore aiit to commit ea.-essea troll, not being nwilte ot Hie .lielill fill coiise.piciiees th.ll may ensue. Now. who Unit under siauds the subject will pretend to deny Unit the power ot pioeren-ioii is lost aner by those falling into improper habits than by the print-ills f Besides deing deprived the piensures ol henllliv ..trsnring.llie most serlonsai.d destine nvii ainniioina to b"lh aalv uu.l mind anse. The avaU'in becomes "Jeranged, the Physical ami Mental Piliiclions Weakenefl, loss of rr.K.entive power, Nervous irrii .nill tv. D.anensia. I'alnitntion of the Hmrt, luiligeslion, Con stitutional Debiluy, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and U.alli. OHice, ."o. 7 Hon lit lrlt'ri-I Mlrcrt Left hand side g.iinn from Ualtimore street, a few .loins rroin tho comer. Fall not to observe mid number. Isetteis must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hag in his othce. A Cure U nri iiiilcil in 'Vw o Days. JV'd Mercury or Xnueoia Dni'ju. Ir. JohiiMlon, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, IjOndon, Grad uate from one of Ihe most eminent Colleges in the I niied States, and the greater pnrt of whose life has la-en spent mine nospitaisol jjondon, pans, rtiuaueipnin ana else where, has effected some of the most nstonisliing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with tinging in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being nlnrm ed at sudden sounds Imshl'ulness, with fieqiieut blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, wctecurcd immediately. Take lnrllrulnr Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and aotiniry habits, winch ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither basinets, study, s.a:icty or marriage. TiiKsfl are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by youth, viz: Weuknessnf the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of S.gtit, Lossof Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritnbility, Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind are much to Imdreu.led Ijoss oi Memory, Confusion of Ideim. De pression or Spirits, r.vil-r oieooiungs, Aversion lo s.-ciety. Sell-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidi'y, Ac. ure s nne oi the evils pnaluced. TitocsAnns of persons of nil nfres can nnw jc.liie what is the cuueu of their declining health, losini Iheir viuor, becoming weak, pale, nervous nud euaciulcd, having a singular appearance ubout the eyes, cough und syu.pteins oi consumption, Yonng ?Ivn Who hnve injured themselves hya certain practice indulg ed in when alone, u habit frequently leuined from evil companions, or at school, the efl'ects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, nud if not cured renders mairiagc impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immed lately. Want a pity that a voting man, the hope of his country, the darling of hii parents, fthnulit he snatched from all pros pects slid enjoyments of hie, by the couscguence of devia ting from the path of nature and indulging in a cerium secret habil. Sucli persons must, before contemplating lurriiijU'c, reflect that a sound mind and tioily are the most neerssnry reqnisitest'i promote comnitual happinci.8. Indeed witlrait these, the journey through life becomes n weary pilgrim age; the prospect l.onily dnrkens to the view; the rniud becomes sitadowed with desmiir and rilled with the melan choly reflection thai Ihe happiness of another becomes blinteil witli uitr own Wht-n the miicuiilM m ifDiiruvkut vntary of plenture finds th'U lie hiit tniKiIttl rhe nvt v( (inn puinful discife, it too orien happen that an ill-timed seiisc of shuine, of drrnd ot discovery, defer linn irotn ipplvmg to those who, 1'ioni educntion and respectability, cnu alone befriend him, delaying till the eonstitutinu&l smpt'ms of this hortld disciise ttmke their uppearnnce, such as ulcerated re throat, diseased uoie, n ctuful pHiiis in the ht-nd and limbs, dimness of sight, declines, m hies on the shin bones und ntins. blotches on the head, fnceamt exit emit it a, pioreHS ins; with frightful lapidiiy, till at lust the pulute of the mouth or tho lilies "t the wwe In 1 1 in, nnd the victim of thiSHwf'd dmeuse bccinnesa horrid object of coinmist-ra ti-n, nil death puis a period to his dreadful suiferin)?, by Sfiidmn him t '-ilmt I'udiscovrred Country from wlicure ti' traveller tetutiis.'1 It is a melancholy fnetthnt thousands full victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulncss f iioiaut pieteiiders, who, by the use of tliit ' Deadly Poison, Mer cury." nun the constitution and make thu fesiduc ot life iniBLTHble. Trust not your lives, or hctilih, to the care c( the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr Jnliustnu's adver-tist-nients, or stylethemselves, in the newspapeis, regularly Kducated I'.iysicians, incapHhle of Curing, they keep you trilling month after month taking their filthy and poisonui compounds, nr as long us the smallest fee can le nhtniuod, und in despair, leave you with mined health toji-liuver ymir gailing disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician dvertiuinB II is credential nr diplomas al ways hang in his office. His rem idles or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent hi thetrreni hospitnla of Kurnpe, rhe first in this country mid a more extensive "I'rivule I'ractict1 than any tithcr Physicini in Ihe wotM. Indoi'Mi-uiciit of I he 1i-m. The many thousands cured at this institution yeni ni'ier year, and the numerous important Hurmcal Operations per.ormeij by Dr. Johush.n, witnessed bv the reporters of the ''Bun." "Clipper," and mnnv other pmiers. notices of which have tippitired ojrrttn and ituiu beiure the public, besides Ins stantfinc as a gentleninn of chaincirrand rc-Bp-niaibility, isa lufficient guurantee to the iilllicttd. Ml ii Kif4aMeM Npeedily i'lir). Persons writing shou!d ho purticular in directing their ettcrs to bis Institution, in the following manner, iohii .11. .loIinMton, .If. I. Of the Buhiinoie Ick Hospital, baltunore, Md. jJov.30, 17-1 y. U by bunclrelot' 4 'oniire.-i I ion lor I'linrcli or Coinmiinlon ALSO, EXCULLHN'T F0II LADIES AND WEAKLY PEHSONS. VIXErARDS, NEW JERSEY. M'l'EH's ioitr Hi.ii:, FOL'U YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wine is made from the juice ot the Oporto tlrape, raised in this ouunlry. Its invaluable Tonic Al lr'iiOtotilrnf lrotfrOeM Are unMirpasscI by any other native Mine. Ji. ing the puro juice of the grnpe, produced under .Mr.'s owu personal sucr i.iou, iu purity and genuineness are guaranteed, 'i'be youngest uhild may partake ol' its gcucroux qualities, und the el iuvulid may use it to ailvantne. It is paiticu ly bcncticial to the acd and dcliiiilated, aud suited to the various kiimeuts that uliiict thu weaker sex. it is, in every rwpe.:t, A WINE TO B1J RI1.IKD 0. Invalids uso S-l'liKK li I'OMT UK Al'K Wl.VK. Kmale u- !. Hi b I'OllT tiKAi't tt l&E. ly (-croons nnd a benefit by its use. i l'J-.KhVti VVi.Nt.-s iu buai ilul. are urifcrrcd lo otuer wines. L jrSold by all Diuvi' au 1 Uroe A. Sl'tKll 8 VIXEVAHD, New J roeers. U IIUOADWAV; New York. ' Ly w ' BEXXEi f, Suubury, Oct. i. ly. " ory. nai.. BIRD CAGES, 1 different kinds. If ,-oa aU good aud cheap Bird Cages. Ku lo ' r VOX LEV A COs? IVtiT'.M'r r smith - ' vis; f viju, dr T0REIKEOT0N & H0DOEK8 SUPER-rilOSriIATE OF LIME, TUB (1RBAT Korlharobrrland nnly FERTILIZER. Th. bert manure forallklndf of grain tnred. Moreaotive, more durable, than y othw. It i" . exhaust the anil, bul on the eontrary Is a nen"n?prov.r. OVER 600 FARMERS In the bounty applied It to tbelr Spring Crops, the results were that it exceeded their most sanguine expecta tions It wiu tested with the best Phoephatos in the country but came out'viotoriou". Farmers, use it for vour wheat and rye. Put op In Bags of 200 II. eh and sold at $i7 per ZUUU pounds, BV IUV flliui;wi ttutrt SInrKct Sired, Huiiljnry, la., or at any nf our agents In Danville, Williatnsport, Lowieburg, Money Station, Milton. Dowart, l'otu gmve, Bliannsburg. Selins'-Urove, Trovorton, or any of tho principal towns In the adjoining counties. Where wo have no nirents appointed, farmers can send their orders by mail and rely on thoir receiving immediate attontion. We have tho advantage of Rnilrond and Canal transportation in nil directions, and purchasers need apprcucua no aetny in tilling orders. J. K. T0RRINOT0N, ED. IIODOKINS. Sunbury, Aug. 17, 18(17. CHOICE FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL BBNJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the ino?t responiillo Nurseries in this nnd other ritates, first class TKKKS of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Uarden Boodsof all kinds. Orders nrc respectfully solicited. Address BEXJ. B0IIXKK , l'axinos, Xorth'd. Co. ft? N. B. Insurancea taken In sovoral of tno most responsible Firo Insurance and Horse Detective vu.i.pnuivs in iuu ciaiu. June 8, 1807, y FLOUR & FEED STORE ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he keeps constantly on hnnd at his new WAKBiiui.'BK. near tn fctiamoKin valley Hiniroau Depot, in SUNBL'RY. Flour by the barrel and sucks of all kinds of Feed by the ten The above is all mannfacturcd nt his own Mill?, and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADIill. Sunbury, April 1, 18t J. H. Conley Co., lurkrl Wlrert, ICat ol'llio Itnils'otttl SUNBURY, FENN'A.. DEALKKS IX i oKi:i At Aii:itit'., Hardware & Cutlery. riHE attontion of Mochnnics, Farmers, Builder, 1 and Buvcrs generally is invited to tbo fact tbut wo are now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much bolon those heretofore demnnded by doulcrs. Our stock all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARl'EXTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WA JON MAKERS, JOINERS, &C, AC, together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel. Nuil-. Spikcs.lRopc, Chains, (JrinJstuncs, Mill und X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March 31), Tou7. SUNBURY F0UNDRV. KOIIKUAl'H Al (siO, ARE now carrying on business at this old e.-tub-lislnucnt with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furniilicd to order. The Stoves manufactured nt this Foundry lmvo acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention puid to MILL CASTINGS. Fiirmcr." should not forget that tho I'LUWA made ftt the Sunbury Foundry have never been equnllcd. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensil.", of the most improved and most useful patterns. Tho business will be conducted on an enlarged scalo. Old customers will beaccoiniuo.latc.1 u usuul, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 18tlr) Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rilHE undersigned, proprietor of Wciser A Frick's X Line, give nonces to mcrcnants an.l shippers that the Depot is still at 811 Market Btreet, Pbilut delpbia, and all Goods directed to Sunbury. Danville and Lcwisburg, and nil intermediate stations along tbe railroad, will be promptly delivered. t V Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia tri-weckly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. 11. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pu. December 7. Idii7. 1 oi:K.4T ki:ii I'IU. lOOi IX THE PRICES OF Fall & Vinler Goods! !JiM yi. Mi. Ijiifsas'UM, having just return ed from Philadelphia with a superior stock of Fall ana inter Uoous lor tbo trade of 1887 and '68, which she is able to sell nt vory reduced prices, would respectfully call tho attention of her cuslo mors and the publio generally, to the superior qual ity of her goods, and the low prices ut which they aro held. She has all kinds of DRESS GOODS, including Poplins, Merinos, Do Laius, Calicoes, Ac, all nt the lowest prices. Extra quulilv Muslins ut cx'.ra low t.rl.-r firli. lings. Canton Flannels. Bulmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. Gloves of nil descriptions, including a very supe rior quality of Ladies' Cloth Gloves. HOSIERY. Ribbons and Trimmings of all varieties, Laces, stamped goods, Zephyrs uud Yarns, Towling in great variety. Ucnts' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Muff Tassels and buttons. Pomades, Extraots, and a large variety of not ions and fancy articles. Call and see them before going elsewhoro. t 5l. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1867. .m; V l .ll.I, Millinery Goods, 9Itat .11. I., aosiMl-r, begs leave to on nouncetuthe Ladiesof Sunhurv ami vi,.iniiv uvjuii upuuuu a large aim varieu stock ot MILLINERY GOODS, of all tbe latest Fall and Winter styles, to which she nuumiuu oi nor putrons, and tbe ladies gune rally, coutideiit of her ability to please. A good assortment of BONNETS A HATS, Hals for foatures bright and jolly, lints lor faces melancholy, Huts for figures, broad and burly, Huts for struight hair, and for ourly . Huts of silk, elotb, fell and beaver, Hats that almost wear furever, Hats that always look so neat, Are bought ut Miss (ios.le.rfs on Fourth street. Also, an excollcnt assortment of FuBliinnnhi broideries, Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps, Handker- chicts, hearts, fjlovee, Hosieries, and all kinds of canny .Notions, btampeil Alulins, Corsets. Perfume. ries, .ohis, Liny While, bnamul of America, Hu tionery, As., Au. Cull und exuminefor roursclvoM. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, Nov . 2, lofJT. a. x. (, WATCHMAKER JEWELER, Market Square, near tbe Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland Couuty, P s i a nas just opened an assortment of Hold ryi imu Mem n su'liw, VL.UV lYO i. r naiiioaas, uanks and Dwellings, Fine Gold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Minis' turo t'w, Medallions. Lorkats. P.,.oi Thimbles, Sneeuolos, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Suit i 42k i auu wusiara npoons, nugar erxwns. Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Peus, Castors, Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cuke Basket, Syrup pitchers. Ao . Ao. s He Invites the ciUsons or Sunbury aud liuuily to call at the above place, wbert be will be happy to ail upon them. Particular attentijrj paij W REPAlUIXG. Devmbtr l, looj. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! The rotter t'oanly mA Hnnltary Lambrr ..oniipayf ow fully established at the BUNDURY BTEAM SAW MILLS, re prepared to saw to order WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK AMD OAK, - of any site and all lengths. A full assortment of rHT5T LUMBER always kept on band. Pannel, Flooring, Elding and finishing boards ol all Kinds. MOULDING, 8A8II, DOORS, and SUUTTEIIS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pino, and llemlock. l'lnsitorlnK liith und lnllii(c Plaainff, Kinnlni and TurnlnE. will be done to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everything In their line at such rates tbat Lumber Yards. Builders and all parties using Lumber, will find It to their interest to buy at this establishment. ORDERS aro respcel fully solicited and mil bo promptly at tended to by addressing, VI .11. itAU.j, Bup i. Sunbury, June 15, 18fiH. 1TEV7 SHOE STORE. Market Street, adjoining Uearhart's Confectionery DHKI) fJ J 1 kl . & , . . fl'MIF undersigned respectfully informs the cititens X of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opened a NEW .SHOE STORE, for tbe salo as well as for tbe manufacture of tbe finest and best quality of Ladies' Shoes, vir. : UlovoKid, Morrocco, t Mlf-stKIn nud Irfiwltnix 4viiilcrH, &c. Children's Shoes of nil kinds. His stock is entirety new and well selected. Ho also manufactures fine French and othor Calf skin Boots nnd Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders for ladies nnd gentlemen's custom work will bo promptly attended to and got up in the best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for salo to the trade. 3. II. JEFFRIES. SunburyvApril 20, 1807. T1IKUREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I3ST STJISTBTJIZ', is on .Idstrcot, opposito the MAS0XIC HALL, at BERGSTBEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, El ut l.u(cly r.MtnhliHlKMl, mIHi nil the Modern Iniprovvmcntrs ol' the Art ! rPHE subscriber, hnving built the room expressly JL for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or eity. No work allowed to leave tbe gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tho best sky light in the county, be is prepared to uinke Photographs in nil kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. He is also prepared to tuko new size, or cabinet curd Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required sise and colored beautitully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay speciul attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on band The publio are respectfully invited to cull and sco our specimens and our completo arrangements for making Photographs, special tonus to families and clubs. BERGSTRESSER. Suubury, July 1 i, Great Atlraclion, at tho NEW TIN -WARE, Whvet Iron nnd Mtove Si ore ol" SMITE & GE IT THE P., Whcro they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at thurt notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of till descriptions. They would espcciully call tbo attention of pur chasers to their largo and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers havo made arrangements tohuve all thoir best stoves ma.lo to order, and thoso who would havo a good stovo would do well to go and examiuo their Inrgo and well selected stock. Fiit. They defy competition on the following tried Brands uf Cook .Moves, vu : Combination ii4 Iliii-ni'i-, ( ooli. iivvi'rnvr I't'iui-Coob, WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and tho well known Antidust Cook Stove culled M'KAR'S A.NTIDLST. Also. Tnrlor nnd office Stoves In ffrout vurlelv t in. bracing all the best manufactures aud most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for bcuuty of finish simpli city of arrangcincuts combining cheapness, durability and each stovo wiirrautcd to perform whut they mo represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Placo Stoc, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the colobrutcd MORXIXG a LORY, foul OH, Coal OH Lump, Klisidt-N, 4'tiiinnIrM, nud nil nnicli-x usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared lo furnish Slate aud do sluting in the best workmunliko manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Rouge uud .Furnace Work, Uas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "lluii(th' linn- Hone MtiM-rIMt. Ihul." Remember tho place, 'ampio and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third nnd Fourth streets. Duilding dark painted. August 25, ISoS. 8ARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, PORTER AND ALE. THE subscribers having located a bottling estab lishment in Cuke's Addition, in tho Borough of Suubury, respectfully inform tho citiseusot'thi and ad joining counties that they aro prepared to furn ish Landlords, Restaurent Keepers and private fami lies with tbo best brands of Sarsaparilla, Miueral Wa ter, Ale and Porter, bottled in the best manner. Their drinks are procured from the best establishments in the eountry, which enables them to furnish a bcttur article than can be had elsewhere, which will be de livered at the lowest rates. The oitisens of Sunbury and vicinity will find it to their interest to patronize home industry, aud assist in making this a permanent enterprise, and nt the sums time save labor and money. Orders are respeotfully solicitod.which will receive prompt attention. s "fi.T . PROBST A ROTE, August 17, , HOr 6iu Sunbury, Pa ITEW LAGER SiT m HmBmvxs vmr IXSUXBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CI-IA.S. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the publio generally, that he has commenced the manufacture, aud is now ready to furnish LAGER BEER AND ALE, of a superior quality. Having procured the sorviccs of a first class brewer, he Is enabled to supply Laud lords, Restaurants and private families with on or - ucie uu is paiaiauie, pure ana nealthy: Orders are respeotfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. t , CUAS. ITiEL. Sunbury, November Id, 1807. FARMERS & BUILDERS. LIME AND LIME8T0NE. milK subscribers respeotfully inform Ibe eitiieus L ol Northumberland eouuty, that they ore bow prepared to furnish LIME of a superior quality to Formers and Builders. Also, LIME-STUNK from to celebrated Lima-Stone Quarries of Lower Maho uoy township, at short notice and at reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along tho liue of the different railroads when ordered. There Kilns art located at the Shamokln Valley Railroad, near Sunbury, whers orders will be promptly filled. Orders or retpcotfully solicited. Address, J. Ii. LENKER A BRO., jAugusl S, 1067. Suubury, Pa. 1U0N A large assortmeut of Iht bast manufac tured Burs. Hoop. Band, Round aid Pnuara Iron, Noil Rods. L'ul SLaal. ill Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes. Hon Moils. Anvils. Bellows. Vices. lLuuun. Sledges, Rosis and Files, at TBS OBHAT ZUIGARI BITT hs eetnonnent parts of this remarVsUe pTeparallea wsrearet discovered, ompoanded and distributed, orae twenty years ago, by Dr. Cmiomos, the eels braled Egyptian PhySlukui. Thousands of his sufTer lot countrymen were restored to health, as well as (rest numbers ot the Inhabitants of Nubia and Ahyssinli, and of ihe eooatries border! na upon the Southern coast - .of the Mediterranean Sea. Indeed, the fame of the ZINOAHI IlITTKHfl soon spread over Europe, and was adopted by the principal Physicians la p.haece of the haRbitalB f V the old world, In which U m is still used with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of Egypt placed the name of ta. CusorsDS upon the " Roll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrfh lion: " Da CasorstJ the Public Benefactor." This Bitters Is now offered to tbe nubile of America with lt full assurance that it will be found, upon a fair trial, to act as a speciSo for tbe cure of Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Fever anil Ague, Yellow Fever, Kheumnlism, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, Colic, Bronchitis, onsnmptlon. Flatu lency, Disease or tho Kidneys, Nervosa Debility, and Female Complaints, Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been effected by Its use. as numerous certificates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It Is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Tit IT VMS ZINOAHI BITTERS t HAS B.ri'l, AS TV ELI, AS BODY, snn as PREVENTIVE or DISEASE, HAS NO SUPERIOR. A FEW W0RP9 TO LADIES. The use of the ZIVOARI BITTEHS will irive to you that soft, semi transnarrnt comnlnxion which the God ol nature (de signing woman to bo the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It Is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and Imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to bo desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sicklv look so common In our d;iy: and what Is even better than this, it cures every species of female irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Horrisbnrg, Pn BAHTER & HATJSE, SOLK PllOl'BIBTORS. For sale by W. A. DENNETT, Druggist, Sltnbnry Pennsylvania. August a, 1887. N E W G R 0 C E R Y. a Mill subscribers begs leave to nnnouuco to the citi.CDS of Sunbury and its vicinity, that they havo opened a NEW GROCERY. Tteo doom vest of J. II. Eayk's Move, in Millet Ojuttre, where they aro prepnrcd to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly ou huud the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Cofl'oc, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese. Salt Spices of nil inscription, Soaps of ovory variety Candles. Smoking aud Chewing lobucco, Scgurs. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches aud Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of bcstquulity, and in fact every itylo of articles kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also. Cider Vinegur. All kinds ot country produce taken in exchange. Tho patronage of thu publio is ro speutfully solicited. (JEORiJE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 18(15. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doors west of tho Post Office, SUXBURY, Pa. ESPECTFULLY iufuruis the cititens of Sun- J.V bury und vicinity, that ho will buku to order all kinds of 4'nkest lot Hull. Iii'liow, Ac. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twkt Rolls. Rusks, Ten Buns, Au., nud also kept ou bund miinafaciured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having hud largu experience 1 hope to give general sutisfuction lo all who umy liivnr mo with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Suubury, Dec. U. ISt'.i. FALL ANLMVIN TKU MILLINERY GOODS -A.JNI ID XsTOTI INTS MIsb ANNA PAINTEil, Market Sqtiure, two doors west of tho Post Office si'sd u n y , r e x x ' a. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends aud tho public, tbat she has just returned from the city, where she has speut sometime in makiug tclcolions and purchases, and bus just opened a largo stock ol MILLINERY U00D3 AXD NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress.-Liuing. Crinoline nnd Wi guns Skirling Lining, lUn.p Skirts, Buglu Trim mings, Cmpo Trimmings, Hut Crape, Cloak Buttur.l, Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies uud ticiillcmcu's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sites, Alphubo Blocks, Ao. Sho flatters herself in beingnblo to make a display mat win give enliro satisfaction lo visitors, ana goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Xov. 2, W67. BOOTS AND SllOES MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and cus. turners, that he has just opened a shop for tho mauuiaciure oi li'jvia d suutB, on Sjruee it rut, Ifltatih Second tiU und Centre Alcy, Sunburn. nhrre all kinds of work in bis lino will be mado up in ine laieai style uua in me nest worKmauiiKo man uer. Having Hist class stock on hand he flutters himself mat be will bo ablo to suit tho tastes ot tho most fas tidious. The publio are invited to call. J01IX WILVER. Suubury, June la, 18t7. l. t I:.IH1I,VIIT' Confectionery, Toy and FRTJIT STORE Mui hcl Slrt-f I, Nunbin-', lu. COXFF.CTIOSERY OF All KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DLSCRIPTIO FHUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale al the above establishment ot wholesale and retail, at reason able price. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetiounries lo koep up a full assortment which are sold at low rntes. Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, ana a variety of othor aruoles, all of whwb are olUied wnolesaia and retail. l.sKeuieuiber the name and place. ir M. C. (1EAR11ART, Market street, 3 doors west ofE. Y, Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. It. LIME 1 LIME! I' nrmers und II u 1 1 d r I SmsnoLTS A Buotbib arc now prepared lode liver, ut the lowest market price, the very bostquality w v : :m s s for LAND and BUILDIXQ purpose. Their lime Is burned of the celebrated TUCKYIIOE LIMESTONE." Their liiue kilns are located at the Philadelphia and Eria Railroad, near the steam saw mill, in the Bo rough of Sunbury. Plasters, Masons, Bricklayers and Farmers or In. vlUd to oall and give us a trial bKASUOLTZ BROTHER. Aug. , 180T. CARPENTERS. WILL tnd in our astablishmant sunarlnr .i...k of Planes, bows, Angers, Uaioaols, Uauuisrs, File. Chisels, A e , Ae , for sol by NEW GROCERY STORE, Vr. 3. FTOlrlAlT & CO., Maraet utreet, SI doors East f Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and the publlo, tbat they have opened a ISTJElV QROOER-Y AND PROVISION STORE. and will be happy to bav them call and examine their stocR, wnicn nas just oeen opened, embrso ing everything in the Uroeery line, such as Coffee, Toa, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Csnned Mid Dried f ruits, Uenns. Ilonnny, vneese, vraciers, Bacon, 11am, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, to., together with Soaps, Candles. Bod a. Ao.. and In fact everything In tho Uroocrynnd Provision Lino. FLOT'R AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware tllasswsro, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil 40. Call and se j before purchasing olscwhcre. W. 8 FIRMAN iCO Sunbury, April 2", 187. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 099 Broadway, New Yobk. I 'or rnmillvM and .vlaiiiiruoliiit r. I'L 'LJ "1 These World-Renowned Sewing Machines, woio awarded the highest premium nt the World a Fair in London, nnd six first premiums nt the Xcw York State Fair of I860, nnd are oelubrutod for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread thnn any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the must approved machinery, we iiro now able to supply the very best machines iu the world. These machines aro made nt our new and spscioiis Factory at Bridgeport, Conn , under tho iuiuiediuto supervision of tbe President of tho Company. Elias Howe, Jr., the original inventor of tho Sewing Ma chine. They nro adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skirts, Clouks. Mun tillns. Clothing, Huts, Cups'. Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen (ioods. Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linon thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every speeics of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alika on belli sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and miulc on mis aiacnino, is ine most popular ana an sowing Machiucs are subject to thu principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Tho Howe Machine Company. 9'J Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., X. Y. April 6, 1SG7. - polIn bs Magic Bilious Powders, f) rpHW rilKPAR.VriON is tlie (liscov A y pi" Hie Rev. J. V pulmul fir Ly igmefly Hie piminr f the Hnptist Chureh in iji'iiBinwn, i. li f and u mun ii early (u'lni'tid Ity that deuiiiimnli'Mi llirmighout New iCiuigtHiii He whwi lilinwl lo leuve tli pulpit and stuily niwlinne to cave bit own life, and hit Magic I'owdeit ai one i' the muitt wonderful diHcuveritt of modern In tie. 'p'0tANU'y MAGIC THE GEE AT LIVE AND BILIOUS REMEDY ! which completely throwt m the thtule nil other diwjnvenc in nietliciiie ; and it atfordt h tin much prnttfic itmn ih;i (hey rerfive the uiiiimuiMis iipprchalinu nf all who have t cited them 'I'll Miigie Jlihous t'uwdert utca lOHilivc Cure lor Isivcr 4'oiiilaiiif in ill m at ;igr;ivuttd form, and mi iinmaliute crrurtor ofull Kxeeltcnl for IJKADALM1I, CONSTIPATION PIMPf.KS. HHTCHi:, X SALLOW tKI, ORtjWSlNKSS, 1HIM!. IlliAU'l'Ul'll.N , I'Al.ri l'A'nON, And ii iti" ft wotiJeriul CL'Ki; .1 IMtEVENTIVE OT FEVEH A AliLE! (Vemivif .ill who uie li -ul-ltd with thm ftiittiif mala dy lo nlwuyti keep tlx 1'owdtTk on liund ready fii imnit diatu lue ) lleie ure n few import. nt tnMieu1;,r; : - Ut. The ure the U rem specific tVtr ult liitii'iis Ailie ' liiintf. ! -2i They are the only known remedy that will ture Liver Ot'inpluiitt. j.i. i ne ure Hie on y Known rcintoy tint win cure Coiujiipjtion. 4Ui. The lowdtT ure m-i thorough in hfir ;rr:ttitiit thnl one pai-kiitfe will he nil tlmt the iis.sjot My ul llinbc lining tin-in will requite to eilret a eure. Sili. They are nnl.l und p'eu;uit yet the m it effLC tual uttthurtie known. 6th They aie the ehe.tputt and bett tnedieine exluut. Ms they ean Inj tent by iitnii to uify pait ot the globe fur the price. 50 et in. Ciicuhtrv, fojiiBiiiing fctTiuUnttf, iul'Tiiiiition, A.v.t itnt to nnv part of the world free of Heir-Re. SULUiJY ALLDHL'liUl7T,ur byiniulon np;hvu tiuu tu C. U. CLARK CO , New ilu'en, 0'im. yict( iO Cents f-cr Box. VYhru.ii y 1, 17. ly. I.yunM IVi'ioilii-nl lia, GREAT FEMALE RLMK1UKS l'KU IRRi:, Gt'LARITlES' I Ituve tented thi'tr litopti mi my own ,lacc, ovt r ten yuurit, and do nut liemtute Ui any, llmt noiliuig ho yet been ilei'elupcd hy medical rtvcurcli. tluit aeiu to iwerfiilly, pt'Miiivtly, and liurif.IcheK, in eubt t of fcinaic urtitlarit) , an doct. this medicine. In ull ease it never lailk, while thourHii'tn who have been lng tullcier, ure indebt ed to it for the boon if health tu day. Althoutth i powerful and positive, lliev are peifcetly liariule, and may be ut-d ut all tiuca, except whence cially forbidden ut thedireetioiia They have been extensively employed by ctiiinent phy. ii'iaim in France und Ltigltind, n wi ll u m my own prac tice, over icn yeum, and 1 havo yd to heur of the hru in fiance of fintuie. 1 could g ve you tcstiiiionuilk of their efficacy trom all over the northern und weilmi Natet. were they not in their nature private. Over nui,. Ooubottlea have been told the ait year, and I ti"iH and I rust ti iiiuny ullcreru have been bcneluhil. I urn well owuie that a remedy m (hitent l rt-tnovo ull oh atructiuut, umy be uied for u lud purp e, but trnn th;t where one boltlo it thua used, tell may full into the liunda ol reully needy tmfcreit- To all who auiTcr from any irregularity ; piiiutul, duli euit.excewnve.otleni.ive or obttructed MeiiKtiuntion. l.u corrhea, or the train of dueaaea that follow, I would bay, tryu I .tile ol Dr. Lvox'a French lcriidical Drop Heni a fluid preparation, Iheir action is inie dnert und .iti live than any pilla or powdera. K.xphcit direction, ihmi itu mv fuetuuile, aeeiimpany each bitttle. They may be obutiutxl of nearly every drufrtil in the countrv, or by incloiing the price toC. G. CLARK .V CO , New Haven, Ct., G cue I at AgenU for Urn Lnited Matca ai.d CaiiuUu. DR. JOHV L LVOV. Fraciiciiifr Phvsiciiiii, Price, fl SOperUottte. New Haven, Conn. I'ebtuary al, 7. ly Blacksmith ing. JOIIIsT IRVIN, SUNBUKY. PENNSYLVANIA, RESPKCTFl'LLY Informs the oititens of Sun bury and vioiuity, that be has erected a Black smith .Shop near tho Sbainokin Valley Railroad Depot, where he is prepared to do lilaoktniithing in all Us branches, at the shortest notice, lluving had many years' experience ic the business, ho Hatters himself tbat he ean render satiet'actiuD to all who may give him a oall. feuubury, August 17. 1S67. EitEsiT aTuuval of FANCY DRY GOODS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market iSiiuaro. two doors Eist of tbe old itruik building. SUKBIHY, Peuu'a., HAS opeuod a fresh supply of the latest stylo of Fall and Winter (ioods. selected h "h-rir lioiii the tnosl fashionable establishmonu in ih.i- delpbia. lbeap Delaines. Alnaoas. French Muin. pi.:. and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Goods, Cloths, tiacqus i lannels, Ladies and Cbildrens' list, Fealbws, Kibbons. Dres Triuuiinv. K ..,1.,;hu.... i . ' eiisanu uauaaerouieis, gloves, bosiery, Balmoral sairu.ureaaiustaua Ulankot Shawls, Winter 6'scoubs and 1 . a. . 1 ha ' ni,..ra ; . . : -" J WWI1IIIIUU, UenU' Collars, Meok-ties, Hall hose, 11 aud k sr. ohiefs and ii loves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Uuir Crushes, Combs, eto. tVlloiikuis' L'liplio bkiru. KATE BLACK. Bunbury, Not, t. lMf 6UMBUEY BUILDIMG LOTS IN J. W. CAKE's) Addition to the Borough ot Sunbury, for bale eu reasonable terms. Apply so sr. s. ' " Mwr bOL. BROtIOL'8, bunbury, Pa. 9- ii r. ,vr v' SS. A , 'iT Or P. W. SUKAFCR, retisvilU, P. PhlltMlrlphln Sc Ivrle ltaUra. "WIXTER TIMK ".BLK. Through and direct root between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Marriaburg, Willlamsport, and in ureas Ull Uegion of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT BLEEPING CARS an all Night Train. At ..1 .A.. V Qr.,1. 1QAT .1. - T ! on ths l'Lil&Uelphia Erie Rail lload 'will run ioiiows i . waaTWAno. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, ll.lipm. 6.00 a m ' 9.00 p m 12.00 noon 6X5 p m VAtmm B.VUam 4 16pm 7.H p m 10 25 am I.Sittn (U 5 a m 4,2.'. p m ti .411 a ra 1.00 pin T II) u ra 10 25 a in " cunoury. Erie Express loaves Philadelphia. " " " Punbury " " arr at Erie Elinlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, ' " " Eunburv " " arrive at Look llsven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erio " " " Punbnry. 11 " arr. at Pbiladulphia, Erie Express leaves Krio " " ' Sunbury " " arr. at Philadelphia, Kliulrn Mail leaves Lock llaven. ' " ' Sunbury. " arr. at Philadelphia. 0.1U p i Mail and Exnress conucct with nlltniinson W ar ren t Franklin Railway. Paasciiors leaving Phil adelphia at 12 OU M. arrive at Irvihcton at 6.40a m, and Oil C'ily at V ol) a ns. Leaving Pbiladulphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive al Oil City at 4 So p in. All trains on Warren A Franklin lluilwny mnko close connections nt Oil Cilv with trniiis I'.ir Frank lin nnd Petroleum Ceutro. UAdti.Pji; CIIECKtl TUHUt'UU. ALFRED L. TYLER, tioncrul Suporintundent. I.iti'huwuiiiin V ItliMjsiisIsurg Kail rol. ON nnd after Jan. 1st, 1367, Pawcnger Trains will run ns follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. 7.10 8.20 r. m. 4 40 6.00' 8 17 8.60 10.15 6 20 Lonvo Soranton. Kingston, " Rupert, " I n ii v i 1 1 c , Arr. North'd., 0 JO 10 110 6.55 1 1 .20 20 II 51 10 3;. NOUTIlWAllI). 7.IIII 7.40 M. 16 A.M. Leave Xorth'd., Dunvillc, " Hupurt, " Kingston. Arr. at Scninton, ft.00 6.3S U.06- P. M. 10.50 S.30 260 12.00 9.1 4.00 Trains leavina lviuiton ut S.'M) A. M. for Scran- ton.c.iiiiicct with Train arriviuznt Now York at 5.20. Pni.icn.iurs tuking Train South from Scrsnton at .'.in A.M. iu Northumberland, roach Mnrrisburg 12 .10 P. M., Unltimoro 6 :10 P. M., Washington 10. 00 P. il. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. in. II. A. I'ONDA.up t. Kington, Jan. 19. 1307. KvadiiiK ItiiilroiMl. WINTER A 11 11 A N 0 E M K N T . Novombor 25th, 1867. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Potlsvilto. TaniHijiiH, Ashlunil, Lebanon, Allcn town, Euslou, Ephratu, Litiz, Luncuster, Columbia, Ac. Ao. Trains lenvo llnrrisburg for New-York, ns fol lows : At 3.00, 5.25 und 8.10 A. M. and 2.05 and 9.35 1. il, connecting with similar Irnins on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5.10 10.15'and 11 50 A. M. and 3.40, tf.30 P. M. Slcop. ing Cars accompanying tho 3.00 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. Train, without cliungo. Lcavo HarrUburg for Reading, Pottsvillo. Tamu qun, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grovo, Allenmwii aud Philudulphiaath.10 A.M. and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping ut Lobuuon ami principal way st in inn ; tho 1.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. . For Pottsvillo, Schuylkill lliivi'ii uud Auburn, via Schuylkill and Suuchanna lliiilrnnd. leave llarrisburg al 3.55 p. m. Returning- Leuve New York nt 9.(10 a. iu., 12. HO Noon and 5 00 and 8.00 p. ui.; Philadelphia nt H 15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way Pnssengcr Train leaves Philadelphia ut7. 30 a. ni., returning from Reading at 0.30 p. m. stopping at all Stutions ; Pottsvillo at 8 45 a. ui. and 2.45 p. in; Ashland ft. 00 a m. and 12. 19 nnd 2.00 p.m.; Tiimsiiun at 8.30 a.m. und 1.00 nnd b 45 p. m. Leuvo Pottsvillo for Hnrriburg via Schuylkill iind Sustiuelinnnu Ruilro.idnt 7 !0 a. m. and 12.00 noon. Rending Accommodation Trnin leaves Rending nt 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.011 P. M. Columbia Rnilrond Train lenvo "ending nt 7.0 A. M.. and II. lo P. M. l'oi Lpliruin, Litii, Luncus tcr. Culuuibiu. iVc. Pn Sundays : Leave New Yolk nt 8 flOpm., Phila delphia S.oj A. M., iind 3.15 1 M. tlic s.iin a. m. trnin running only to Ren ling. Potlsvillo 8 00 u in , ltnrri!?liirg, 5.25 a in, and 4.10 unit U-35 p ui. und Ken. ling ut I. no iin.1 7.15 a. in, for ilnrrisl urg. nnd 7.U.1 a. in. und 11.40 p iu. fur New York, I 25 p in. fur Pliiladclnliiii . Cuiiutiiilntion, Mileage, cursiou Tiekuts, ut reduced point.J? liaggagu ehecke.i tlironh iilloucl each l'a-f.-ng. r. i!ii.-'. ii. .;cliool und L.v rutcs to und fioin nil 1 00 Pounds lira i. . N I COLLS. Supoiiuteiideiit' (Icncrul BRICK! IJSiICK! BHICK lo the Citizen ol' Mitiibm-y und 1 HIE uudvnlgncd havo Lnii-'lit tho Ilrii-k-Ynr'' and iuiii..vLu:.:.t. , fjruitr!; leu climd Hoiked by A. 1J. Mcvt'iis. mi l nave uin.lo na.liiioiiul iui proveuients, nod lire now prepared to innlio contrnels to muiiul'iictiiic und deliver iHtlCK iu lurga iiunn titics, tor building and other purposes. lly the uiaiiutiicturo of a good urticlc, nnd prouipt nttention to business, we hope to receive a shiiro of public puiiounge. Orders left ut the lirick-Ynr.l. or Box 14, Sunbury l'o.-t Otlice, will bo promjitly Utlebded to. T. IIIHES i CO. Suubury, May IS, isf,:.... liilnlM, OiU, Vc. A full slock of Oils compriiiing Linseed Oil, Con Oil, l'Uh Oil. mid Lubiicniing Oil lor Engines an Machinery, Yurni.-hcJ, til;:ta, alwnvs on hand, at low prices ut CONLEY CO S 110 R Saddlers, wo have Snddlo Trees, liitts. Buck ' les. liig 'frees, Pud Trees, llnnes, ult kinds and every thing I erliiiuii g to the business for ale by J. 11. COX LEY A CO. Are ospoeiallv invited to mil nnd examine ous ssit: of BUILDERS HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes of ull varielies. Butts, Screws. Strap and T llinges. Locks uud Latches. Bolts, l'lio tering Trowels, llrick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ae., ic, for sulc by J. II. CONLEY 4 CO. Coachmakers, AirH aro selling Rims. Spokes, Hubs, Spring-, 1 tauvass, llolis, Clips, Axles, 4c, very low- Largo block at CONLEY Jt CO. Suubury, March 30, lbfi7. rpilE folluwiug persons aro entitled to reoeivo an J. increase of llouuty under the Aut of CoHgicss passed July IS6B, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after the 19th day of April, 1801, lor 3 years, aud served their timo of eulisiuieut und have been honorably discharged, and have received ornre entitled o receive a Bounty of 1100, are entitled an additional Bounty of SJIOO,. 2d All fuch soldiers who enlisted for S yeats, and have been honorably discharged on account of wounds received iu tbe lino of duty, aro entitled to au additional llounty of rjlOO. 3d The Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of sue It soldiers who died in the service ot wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of ft lOO. By application to 8. P. WOLVEUTON, Esn .of SidBLUV, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, all such claims can be speedily colluded. Suubury, August 4, 1808 tf AfirU'iiliuml Iiislvisieul, HOE'S (J rain Rakos.Steol and Iron Garden Hakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels. Mauure and Hay Forks. Orsss and Uraiu Scvfbos, tiraiu Cradlos, Cradle Fingurs, Trace, Breast.'Tongu anS Log Chains, Urind-siones, Fanning Mill Soivcsof all s' les slid kinds, a iHrgeasw.rtiuuul ot Red Wagou llames, for Plowing, Farm Bolls, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. j,. CONLEY A CO. rntu VAii:it l'ltooi' UOOFINC! ril 1IIMES 4 CO., are the Agents in the Couutius X . of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour. M WAKHEN'S luiprovod Fire and Watur-Prw.f Roof. This is the cheapest aud beet Roof thai ean be put oua building. Has been used in the eity ot Pbtlauelpbia, since Insl, where It Los superswlea almost every oilier kiud of Roof. It is reeouiuiend ed by the builders, and is used on all of the flnot buildings in that eity. Partieauoiiteuiplatiug bull. I ing, will do well to exauiine iute the merit of this and all ether kiud ot Roofs, si.d give the best the preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Suubury, will, Iu a row days, be covered with this Roof, and parties desiring t do eu, may emll there aud examine (. For furlour information address Box 14, bunbury Post Office, or eall at tu Brick Yard of T. IIIMES A CO. Bunbury, 18, 1887 , . i'blldr7si'i CurrltiHS. WE would eall the alle ntlou of thoso wanting a i'k.i.1 . n.rrUir. to our new sod large smui- meot eouipri.-lng ew and "''y t ,.,v CONLEY A CO S T 11. CuKLE V A CO i Nov. 21, im