SLAr - JB. WII.VBBT.I PtlSluh. NlXHI RV, PA. SATL'itDAY, FEBRUARY C3. 18CH. JLoraj Affairs. Ash WmixasnAr, the first day of I.eht, Ootnei on Iho 20ili lnl. J. II f.Hori. has just reocived and ofle"rs for sale Cotton Yarn, rilling, Cotton Carpet Chain and Cot ton "cine Twine. Tnr proceedings uf the Convention of UooJ Tem plars, held nt Northumberland last week, appears on our second page. 8pfci.ii. attention ii invited to Confectionery Card of Sellers A Folwell, In this Issue. TnK.lnw office of Messrs.. Rockefeller ft Rohr. ' bach, which hu Just been Cited tip In llaupt's now building, in, we think, deoidedly the neatest one in Sunbury. Everything is well arranged, and has Iho nppcaranoe of comfort na well a good taste. I.KQ HnoKKt. One day week, Jacob Colo, a trackman on the Shamokin Division of the N. C. K. W,, had his leg broken whilo assisting to haul up an engine which was down the ombankment nt tho rock rut. Tina at Sei.insoi!ov.Oii Tuesday nignt last wo barns were destroyed by fire on the Isle of Que, nt Selinsgrove. One belonged to Mr. Fiester and the other to Mr. Slehley. Three horses, several rows and pig', besides about 400 bushels of corn and fin much oats, were consumed. The fire, we under stand, was cnurd by some one going into one of the barns with a light, late at night, to feed the horses. Goioii to Muvit. tlur frieud Thaoher, of the first National lioot and .Shoe Store, at present looa - ted in Pleasants' building, Market Sqnare, Intends -tnoving, on the Ant of April, into Iho handsome. new storeroom now being prepared fur him in Ilnupt's iron front building. When proporly fixed in his new quarters Harry will have one of the finest es tablishments in Sunbury. Si'pKn-Piiosi ii.iTi. We call attention to tho new Advertisement of Messrs. Turrington ft Hndgkins, who are making every prepnration for an extensive business in the manufacture and sale of their Super phosphate cf I. iine. The fertilisers made by this firm hnve had the roost beneficial effect in all cases where used, and such i the character they have establi-hei fur their Phosphate that greatly in creased silks may be expected next season. Tim Japaxrsr. Some six or eight Japs, part of the troupe now exhibiting in this seotioo of the Stale, passed through this place on tho mail train, south, on 'Wednesduy uioruing. Most of them ap pear marked by the pits left by small pox. One littlo six year old, with pants tight as the skin and wooden clogs to hit feet, was himself a furiosity among this curious people. The Japanese, though they hold in contempt their Chinese neighbors, have the same pig-eye and peculiar cast of countenance. Fatal Accinr.M At Shamokix. Tho Shamokin Herald says : On Wednesday morning of last week, Isaac Starr had his face frightfully burned, both legs ami an arm broken, and several deep gashes made in his abdomen, by the discharge of a blast in the mines at the Uenr Valley Colliery. Ho survived but a few hours. The powder became Ignited while the unt'orlifnatc man was putting in the tamping. Deceased was a Pennsylvania (lerman, about 30 years of age, and leaves a wifo and three children. Pi iii.n- Sai es. During the past week we have printed bills for Ihe following sales of personal pro pert v : Property or .Jesse Yoemn, in I'oint town ship. Northumberland county, on Tuesday, Sd of March. Properly of P.. V. lfoIh ;e. in Jackson township, 119 Wedneslny, March lib. Property of Peter Werl, near Trevorton June I ion, on Thursday, Sib of March. Property of Philip Uaul, in Lower Augusta tw p.. .near Kinerich's tavern, on Wednesday. Match 25!h. Fikp On Monday morning last, about 5 0 clock, 1 the frame buildings connected with the limekilns' -of II. B. Mossor, near Sclinsgrove station, took fire. Thc building over the kilns was entirely consumed. Thc roof of the lime bouse was also on lire, but Ihe .covoring of snow on it enablod the men to save that building with no olhrr damage than Iho burning of tbo stair steps and part of the roof and rafters. There wcro two kegs of powder in Ihe lime houao ai the time, and also a tin canister with 8 or IU pounds .of powder, hanging near the stairs, which had be come so hot that thc tin cap was soldered fast by tho .melting of the tin, wheu rescued byoneof tho work -,1:1011. iFoTtunfttcly the kilns were but little injured, and ore agaiu-in cperutioti. Tiik UoKoi'GB Election, hu:!i comes oft' lo-Juy, .(Friday,) is one of great importance to every tax payer and propetty .bolder in town. The officers elected should 'be not only il!jualS3ed, but inde pendent persons, wuowoulil nave no niner inieresi j in the election than Iho prosperity and welfare ot the Borough. Had this Borough elected men, for the last Cftoen or twenty years, -who would have ,.. .t. . :... .. ,.r ,v, t..un ;niil r ,"'"' .individuals, many thousands of dollars might have !ocn realiiod and extensive publio improvements made, with hut littlo or no taxation upon the citi T.cns. When will people learn to protect their own true interests by electing proper msu to office ? Wisti 1:. The prcsout winter has been one of un- usual severity, but the sun is beginning to exert his vower. and the snow it fast disai.ceritig. Theriver has been froien over tho second tttne, nd Ihe pre sort beil of ice is not less than 15. inchei thick. Sleds and sleighs, heavily Laden, hnve been traver sing It for weeks past wilh as much impunity and as Utile fear of danger as if upon the public highway. . .. .11.., : . . r 1-j : 'IhBtraao auracieu nnuer is .omen."'. u .u...- cation what might bo expected rf w.d bridge ut this plaoe. Our retailers of .ottl re doing a big business on the strength of the present free bridge. From twenty to thirty sleds at a time have crossed over. Muob of the .produce of Union and Snyder counties finds its way to this place, summer and will- tcr, and the only obstacle in the way of increasing that trade four fold is the want of a bridge. Tii Northern Central Railroad Company hav determined to uniform its aSGecrs, agents and em ployee, engaged in or about passenger stations, and on passenger trains, the following being the dress prescribed : Coat Army bl-ie, sack, pattern army blouse, single breasted, with Ave gilt -buttons. Vest- Army blue, single breasted, cut high in the neck, with lix gilt buttons. Pants Gray, plain, without atrip or welt. Csrp-.Vas.y fxAtwn, with black band, half an ndh wide, aronsd lower edge, with second band, same width, one rsclj above the lower band ; between theso band the bal rf ervic will b worn. Engineers, nrneo, brs-ketneu and baggage-masters may wear dark blua overalls, (shirt and pants,) rondo to 8t neatly. Station agents, and thou employed about stations, instead of blaok :band or cap, ao use a band, same width, snad 01 yellow worsted lac. The button and badge of ervioe will be furnished by the railway company. Liteiiat Winter, beaver or broadcloth ; maimer, flatuwl or broadcloth . Th order Is to Uta effect on the first of May next riNXFYi vasjia Icstititb rots Yc Lapim, Allixtowm, March 1, 1867. MassBf. Gaovra A BAiaa : Your Swing Ma chin, nof in us in this Institution, affords rotir satisfaction, and continually delight th cporalor with new aad unexpeoted success in avery kind of work. All ar plead. Labor ba baoom plea sure, and otir hopes in regard to lb exeelleneie of the niaohin have beon mora than reallted. We contldaolly recommend th "Orover I Bak.r" to all who deeira, wacbint eapabl of jiving coin lcle satisfaction. Very lr.vy M L UirrotiP A M , l'rimial COUKOII. ntOCEEDIWGB. "i Bunion, Feb. lltb, 1809. Council met agreeably to adjournment at lust stated meeting, Feb. 4tb. Chief Burgess, H. Y. Bright, in the ebair. Members present Messrs. Bourne, Markle, Brlee, Clement, Hoover, Bright, liendrl?ka and It. Uaa. Minutes of last stated night of meeting read and approved. A. N. Brio, chairman of auditing commitloe, presented the report of audit of Treasurer's aooount for 1809. Committee on claims and accounts presented bill of John 8bissler. fur $06.67, which was referred to i said committee at last, meeting, and reported same I to be eorreot. On motion an order was granted. I Kolumon Weaver presented bill, for hauling, fir $1 .60. On motion an order was granted. J. Wetsrr Bucher and A. N. Ilrico presented bills for $3, each, for auditing Treasurer's account. Ou motion an order was granted. On motion of A. N. Urine, ResolrrJ, That the collector be exonerated from the taxes of A. Prow ell, fur 1367. Tn motion the fullering persons were evonoritled from taxes for lgfifl and 1807 : ylvestor Myers. Charles Harp, Charles Ueorhart, Theodore Bobbins, Kdward Hcitman and Allen Hunter. Jacob Shipman presented bill for services as Town Clerk, Ac, for $30.15. An order was grantod. N. F. Marts presented hill of $10, for services as Ovorseerof tho Poor for 1867. Order grantod. John Bourne presented bill of $ IS. 75, fur work, Ac, on streets. An order was granted. Bcnjnmin Hendricks presentod a bill of $29.25, for hauling, Ao. Order grnntcd. Wra. Clnrk presented bill of $l,12S 12, for cross ing stone. An order was griiftcd for $111 12, bil ance due, In full. On motion, adjourned. Jacob SmruA, Clerk. Tib Mmnt ecbrkk Railroad. We are indebted to Goo. II. Arms, Esq., Chief Knginecr, fur a copy of the report of the officers of the road, accompa nied by a map of the route. The officers speak en couragingly of the prospects of the early comple tion of tho road. The following txtrncts will be of interest to our readers : Commencing at Northumberland, the terminus of the Lackawanna ft Blnnmsburg Railroad, and cross ing the West Branch of the Susquehanna, the route follows liia west bunk of the river to Kclinsrove, crossing Penn's Creek near that place, with a iridgu of 172 feel span, thenoe over the dividing ridge into the valley of Middle Creek, which it crosses with a bridge of 125 Icot spun, at a point I t miles from Northumberland : passing up the valley of Middle Creek to Middloburg, the county seat of Snyder, IS miles; following the valley two miles beyond, it roaches the FurnHoe of tho "hhado Moun tain Iron Company," the point designated in your Charter as "Beaver Furnace;" here tho line leaves the main valley 11 1 Middle Creek and extends to llenvertown, 20 miles, and Aduinsburg two miles beyond. i'benoe followlne a tributarv of Middle Creek, to I the summit which divides the waters of Middle and Jack 's Creeks ; pavsing into the valley of Jack's Creek, 40 miles from tho point of starting, tho line follows that valley to within two miles uf l.owistown. From this point the route runs south of Kishaco quillns Croek, crosses the Juniata river wilh a bridge 700 feet lung, a thort distance below the present railroad and wagon bridge, and makes a Ilircot connection with iho Pennsylvania Ceutral. The distance from Northumberland to Iho Penn sylvania Central Railroad, lit Lewi-town, in 50 miles. The total receipts and expenditures have been as follows : Total received to dale, $50,183 80 Total disbursements for engineering, salaries and contingencies, For graduation and masonry, '11,360 82 39,631 09 Total. $51,024 82 Leaving a balance due the Treasurer of $i41 02 The total amount subscribed to the capital stock of the company, as appears from tho books, is Deduot tSunbury subscription, which was conditioned that that plnue was made the western torminus, ,S0O 00 tnft AO i ' t Leaving a balance of The charter authorizes $250,500 00 iseun of stock to the till amount of $500,000. The maximum grado adopted is 52 8-10 feet per mile; this grtdc is used on 21 miles of the road, being about euunlly divided, Jul milee in each di rection. 0 round has been broken and the work is pro gressing on CO miles of tho road. The entire grading and masonry dono will amount to ubnut 13 miles. The estimate of tho cost of thc road, ready for oreration, is as follows : Oraduation, masonry and bridging, . excepd bridge ovurSus4 na river $110,3.12 10 K.0,000 00 40.000 HO suFqm hanua river bridge, at -or- lhuiiilierlaml, (ubl Ballasting. 5U miles main, 2 miles tide track, Depot buildings, Ac. Right of way, engineering and con 1 tingencies, Motive power and rolling etoel:, 491,000 00 10,000 00 45.000 00 lliU.OBO 00 Total, $1,325,332 40 BUSINESS NOTICES. CiTJob 111 11 tins;. Having received a largo supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cars!,;, Letter Heads, Bill Hoads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notiae Ordors by mail promptly attended to. ' PnocBAaTtXATios is the buster of success,'' quaintly but Iruly says Nasby, in his late proclama tion to tho Dcmoorncy of tho North. Many nro the good resolutions, well-laid plans, wise undertakings aud capital enterprises that have been "busted'' by procrastination. Then no longer delay, but go at onoe and order asuit ot goen oioincs ai j. r. annci- -',... ,..1,.., ...u,:.l.T . "'f'"t5 o..."u..ul, ....... ,,....,. A rROVEHB. The influence on mrn's appear ance, made by the tailor, bus long since gone into 1 proverb; nnd those who get thrir elolhes at 1. 0. Beck's, on Fourth street, aro living witnesses of the truth it oontaius. At Beck's nil kinds of njeu's and y coming are niaue u.pieu.uu ;'.' ', eiegaui una warranieu 10 ui li s have all heard of asking for bread and re- cell ing a stone, but .be young gentleman may be coneidored still worse treated tt'hca ie asked for a young lady's hand and got her father's boot. He j desorved it for not going to Miller's Excelsiur Store, . fv, s. ,j i,i a r,ir that would much f b(j h , Mt,on . , - , 1 ..Jiht the Fit," said a gentlumau who bad just ( vitcd the Coutiuental Clothing Baiaar and made a j purchase. ' It is a good plaoe to buy you always Kut clothing as good as it is recommended to you. iHTinaker sells at very reasonable prices, and is cd- 1 whvs ready to wait upon customers. I like to buy of nun, ana can reeommena oiuers 10 uo so The Continental is just the place to mil every ono. X'o Moan Trust ! W have positively deter mined to retail no more Coal, unless for rask on dr livtry. Urant A Cko., Valrntinv Ujitz, It LIaas A Wolvkhtox. o:i - TJCAl'TiruL. Tb beautiful spaoimens of th Pho tographic art, on exhibition at tlyerty's 'iallery, in Bimpson's building. Market Square, toll th publio, ia unmistakable language, that liyerly is a Ursi elas artist. Call up and get a l'tfe-lik picture. nM ii "Mr dear Murphy," said an Irishman to hi friend, "why did you betray th secret that was told you ?" "Is U betrayln' that you eall it ? Sure, rbeu I found I wasn't able to keep it myself', didn't I do wall to tell it to somebody that could?" Bcsrn things should not be kept seoret, for instanc th fact that S. Faust, th fashionable U after, is manu facturing and selling goods very fast and ry cheep, at bis store, on Market Square. nii A i gas advertisement of Spees'j Wines in ant&er column. They ar pur juica sisal and th nioet reliable for sickness poses. -superior for communion pur- !) Artless, Ctfiipatsi asu Cavarrii treated with the utmost sueoau by J. Isaacs, M. D-, Ocul ist and Aurlst, (formstrly of Leydeu, Holland,) No. ROi Arab Street, Philadelphia. Testitoonlal from th most reliabl touroas in ity and country ean ba seen at hi otto. lb Medioal faculty ara invited to aceouipany their patients, as h has no secrets ia bis practice. ARTIFICIAL KYKrt intartad with out psiu No charge for imioiou nee :0-ly. BIrvnmtY 11 A It Ii ETM, Corroded Weekly for the "Amorloan." Wheat Flour, extra family, perbnrrol, do do da do barnwt. $13 00 0 HO 10 00 (1 00 3 36 1 so 1 10 ni 1 60 40 25 n r . . . uy r lour, do Wheat, prima ted, new. per bbl. per owt. per bushel, do da do da porcound Corn, Oat. bew, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do uupared i-rnea Appies, du l.i Dried Cherries, (unstnned.) per bu. 3 00 1 liutter. per pound. Nggs. Cheoso, ,ard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens. per; doten, per pound, do do do do do do per pair 40 25 18 'M 18 14 13 18 61) Wlinsnoklu 4,'onl 'l'msls. Sbawokin, February 13, 18CS. Tan. CVr. Bent for week ending Feb. 15. 7.925 Id Per last Report, 28,575 0 2 36,500 18 38,410 10 1,909 12 To same time lut year, Decrease. Special 2tfotirt0. Sccckssj. Tho enormous sales of Coo's Dyspepsia Cure is in a great measure owing to the fact that those Who use it are cured and tell their friends and neighbors of it, so thousands of tongues are adverti sing this conqueror of I'yspepsia, Indigestion, and kindred evils. iOs-l-UI'M vV loWtli. A gentleman who suffered fur years from Xorvous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the efl'ecti of youthful Indiscretion, will, lor the sake of suffering humanity, send free to nil who need it. the recipe and directions for making the simplo reined v by r 1 1 1 - 1 1 ' for making the simple remedy by j ired. fcullerers wishing to profit by experience, can do so by , euce, Jt ,"',.. :,, , v ' V ltlirJsl,.-:i.J. I wbtoh be was cured. the advertiser's in perfect ooufid myjiv-oriy 'I'rt I'otiNiinipliTCSi The Rrv. KDWARD A. WILSON wilt send (free of charge) to nil who desire It, the prescription with the directions for making and using thosimple reme dy by which he was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. His only object U to benefit tho alllicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, anv mtiv provea blessing. Please address JiKV. I'D WARD A. WILSON. my 18-'671v . Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. V. CONJUGAL I.OVi:, AID TIIR ll.U'PUKSS OP TRI E MARRIAGE. F.ssav for Voung Moa, on the Errors, Abuses and I Diseases which destroy Iho Manly Powers and create iuicuiuieiiui lUitjnrriHgo, wun rule means ui reuei. Hent in senlod letters envelopes fre of charge. Ad dress. Dr. J. SKI1.LIN HOLQUTON, Howard As- sociatinn, Philadelphia, Pa. febl5in AYER'S CHEHHY PECTOBAL "I S a soothing expecto .1 rant, prepared to meet the urgent need of a safe aud reliable cure for dis eases of the throat and lungs. A trial of many ycais has established the fact that it is more effica cious in pulmonary ulTeo tions than any other rem edy. Its efficacy has now become so 2 o li e r a 1 1 v known that it is justly regarded in many countries as a medicine of indispcmtablo necessity. In Ureat Britain, Franco and fjermany, whero medical sci ence has rcaohed ils highest perfection, it is pre scribed in domestic practice, and constantly used in the armies, in hospitals and other publio institu tions, whero it is regarded hv the attending physi cians as the most speedy and agroeablo remedy that can bo employed. Scirccly nny neighborhood onn be round where well Known cases ot diseased nines. I 1 .t 1 1 .f .1.. - -1.: 1 1.- t II'.. " Uic-u mm uiiuiri 111c ruurie 01 tuu iiiuih kiiuui uiiu ; i-vni-riffneeil ilnetnrs. hnvn been tiermiilittntlv eiirril ' liy it. ihese results are the most convincing nrools ; of the superior curative properlies of this prepura- I tion : and to them Ihe authors point wilh peculiar siitist'nulion. While it is most powerful against con f firmed discuses, it is exlreuielv gentle as a medicine in infancy and youth, being quite harmless to eveu : the youngost. when administered judiciously. This health-restorer accomplishes even more by j prevention than euro. If taken in season it heals I all irritations of the throat and lungs, whether ari- i sing from Colds or Coughs, or from other onuses, nnd thus prevents that long train of painful and incurable dineasca whioh would arltie from the uegleot of them, j Hence no family should bo without it. Influenta, I Croup, itoarseuete. Whooping Cough. Pleurisy, In- 1 clpieut Consumption, and other affection of the 1 breathing organs, give way before ibis pro-eminent combinations of modical virtues. , Prepared by DK. .1. 0. AYER t CO. Lowell, ; Mass., and soli by all Druggists and dealers in mod- ' ieine everywhere. Feb. 15. -hi. j "i DDRES! TO THE 'nWIVIiC"aN1) DKUU.H'a yV Urit. whossj bun'eruies have been prolfueeii I10111 hid- I ilcu cuuses, and whose vases reiuirc proiiuit ti eati;ii-iii to reiiilcr existence dcsiruhie. If you are suiferios or have j sullcred liuin involuntary dischurpes, what effect docs u 1 produce upon your (iciu iul hcalili f Do you feel w'rtik, ilebilitnteil, easily tlivd .' Does a hltie extra exeilion jiro duce palpitation ot the tiuurt ? Uoca your liver, or uriimry organs, ur your kidneys, lleijneiilly gel out ofordcr .? Is your urine sometimes thick, uuiky, 01 tloeliy. 01 is it ropy 011 settling? Or uoes a ttuek scum rinclo inefip ur is a , sediineut at the bottom ntler it huSktisHl awhile.' Do you 1 have spells of short hietithins: or lsfuia Are youl ; bowels constipated 1 lo you have spells of fniotittg or : tushes of blood to the head f Isyour tueiuory iinpaiied? Is vour mind coiistaiitlvdwclliiiKuiMai this subject f lloyou 1 feel dull, listless, luopins;, tired ol coiliiaiiy,of life F lo you wish to l left uluiiu, to gut uwuy f rom every body ? lloes uiiy linle tliiiitt muse you start or jump f Isyour sleep hioken 01 restless? Is tlie lustre of your eyes as ttiilhmit '. The bliKim oil vour eheek us bright? Do you enjoy your self 111 ocicty u well ! Do you pursue your business with the iHine eueiey ? Do you feel as much confluence in vour- self! Are vour spirits dull and Hugging, given to his 01 : melaiirholy ! If so, Jo not lay it to your liver or djspepsia. I lla-ve you ret less nigtitk? Your buck weak, your knees Aink.nnd have but little appetne, and you atinbulc this : to dyspepsia or liver-complaint ? Now, render, sell abuse, venereal diseases Iwdly cured, I and sexual excesses, ae Nil capable of producing weak- less of the generative organs 'Die organs of geuemllou, j when iu penect lieaKii. make the num. Did you ever think tluil those bold, defiant, eueigelic, persevering, sue- , cesslul business-uien are always tin sn whose generative I organs are 111 nerreet health You uaver hear such men 1 coniplsiii of heeig inrlaucholv, of uervousuess, of Kilpila lioli of ihe heart They are never afraid lhay eannol sue- I 111 business j Ihry don't becMne sad and discourugi d ; Ihey are always polite and plnesaut in the coinpauy of la dles, aud look yomiMd lilt is 11(111 lu tlse face none of your downenst l-siks or any other lueauueas utMnit them. 1 do not tnr.iu lh"se wdio keep the oiguus influmed by runniu j , ' " ' E o .or. lit)V ninny men iruin uauiycurc rUsanMi, mmi iub eflecti 'f iril -nl.unc and exceAMi, tmvt liruughl iitxiiil Uiat Ultftil xveaiiiieM iu nvue orn-aiiit thut 1m rmtuceil Ihe dr ne nil i'iiusja u inuia ui to mauce tiumtti every uiner tJitrti'-iiJiiMy') lunacy, parulyiit, (iial HlTevtMina, ui :idif nnd blmisHC every other !nn nf disease which ifUinnmty if heir t.i, and the rcul?Mie o the tnwble Kciiy pvw iu prcted, hiiU Uvvk dticUiied Cor !Hut the right one. U leafM O IMie Oivuiii m uite mo bdii uiuirine HKLJWOLD'A KIXl KXTH ACT HUCUU nthtrt Diurciic, hiuI ii cerium tvie i'or dlaenafs of the Hlailder, Kitliieye, Gnivrl, Untpty, Organic WeukneM, Female i;tm,)Utmta, Unierul Uf inlity, hi id ail diicuara of Ihe I ri- nHry ura;Mi.i, whether exinnif in .iiHieor t nnnie, in mi wliitfver cuum originntiiif and no matter of how Miidinf. II iiu txuacmeni is uommea m, coniuinpiMii or nwniiy may eiiaae. Our nrsh and blKHl are suupoitrd from thfie aourcea, ana Hie hmith and hflppnitna. and thnt of t'oatcnty, depends uaHW proippt use of a rclwUs remedy. lielmmiura bxtract uiunu, rsnaHiMrn upwnru ni its years, prejmred hy H. T. I1KLMUOLD, Uiupgut, o rsraavay, new i mi, ino t-Vmth l(Hh Btreet, Philadelphia, Ta raics f I per U-ttle, or 4 b-Htlrs U 6 .Vi, deliverej to any addrcH. Kld hy all Drusgials everywhera. March a. 1M7. iy n 0 NK PRICE CLOT1USO. Tr,TTT'e OLD ESTABLISHED or: i-itM i: CLOTHING HOUSE, uus iriuritei narvvi. On door above Biith, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishirent has s)on busi ness on th Ou Prio tijsm, aud we Wjeve w ar tbA(y Olotblog Uouse in trie etty ttul strictly adhere to this prinoiple. H e hae earned a repu tation whutb w ara proud of, for good tsvsw iu solect good styles and auUUotAal mataritvls, and nut leal important, for having all our gauds, i:vnu 1VKM We employ th best talent, for Cutters, and our Q cods are of both klndr Fashionabl and plalu ao that all lutes can be suited. Th prices ar lb very lowest, as any ona hy a luoiMot s thought must see, or otherwise wo eould not meet th competition of our neighbors, for as nod ttd notions are evurmade, w must (Ut aut price aowa u uie auvuiissa Pratpoople may depnd, liil is th Uu plan upon which todo buinHsT and man,, dollar cau bo saved to Clothing buyers by heaping in wind JONES' O.S1S FKICS CLOTUINO UOl'SE, 404 Market fitrraai, PhUadelphia, hot la Corner, but as dor alwv biaits Marth V, 186V -ly vol. UATI! A tO.'N GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP la manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCKLLF.NCE. For sale by all Grocers. May 18, 1867. ly. In f'oi-nintion. Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant ffrowlh of hair Unon a halil head or hnnrrilftM Iften also a recipe fur the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc, on the skin, leaving Ihe same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing TH05. F. CIIATMAN, Chemist. may IS, '67. 2:i Broadway, New York. NEV ADVERTISEMENTS. LEWIS & CO'S IUXSTRATKI) .MO.Vrill-Y IMItlll.Y JOl ItVlt., I FOP. THE MILLION ! I Thousands of families In the city and country, bnvo j lung felt the want of an Illustrated Journal nt a ; reasonable price, anil equ.'il to any on this continent. I To this ond, wo have engaged g'md artists. The ' I literary department will be one of the features of tho - paper, ami we shall publish from time to time, ori- I giual Talus, Sketchen, Ac, by the leading writers of j the country, THIS 18 NO LOTTERY. I But we oiler as an inducement to thnso who sub- I scribe, and will help to push forward to a successful issue, a cheap nmi valuable Illustrated Family Journal, and give n tirirr winder of prrmitimf. Subscribum will not have to wait to know If they hnve n premium. There will ho 2,",I5 premiums , distributed l tho subscribers. The paper will be ' well wonh the dollar. for Iheycnr. A book ba been i prepared for subscribers with numbers from I lo 100,- uOO. and the premiums arc equally distributed 1 through th one hmeireil thousand numbers. If there should hcono thousjnd namne rocoivod on : the same ilav and date, the loiters will be opened regularly as they come to hh'.A. and marked on Ihe book in reulitr rotation as opened, so that there w ill be a lair disli i'iulion of the premiums. We shall "uua in rcniHr roinuon na oneneu. so inai r R f)lir j WH,,uliun of thc' premiuma. ptll,,ilth , ,,.,, ol thB ', Umt ,re )U promiuni,. iu ,e Se'w yokK MoHIll tbatkd, and in thecitv and oountry papen Tho following Premiums will be distrib entitled to I.T IlLCS- papers. distributed : 10 Cash Premiums of $5l'0 each, $5,000 6 " ' 2U0 " 1,000 10 ' ' 100 1.000 20 ' ' 50 " 1,000 40 " " 25 1,000 Hi) " 10 800 50 Oold Watches, (Ain'ii Watch Co. I $50 each, 2.500 'ill Wiloox ft Uibbs'Sewine: Machines, n 3.000 All Howe's f owing Machines, 60 " 3,000 2W0 Premiums ot $1 each. 2,000 tkrm3 to Subscribers. jj?. copy, one year, with ono subscription, $1.00 5.00 20. Ml j copies, " uve 20 " " ' twontv Person" getiin miums, as above. np clubs will be entitled to pre- Address LEWIS ft Co 3391. , 11 Mercer St., N. Y Pox Write tho address plain, giving township, county and i'tato. Money by draft. Post office order, regis tered letter, or express, may be sent nt our rik, Send 10 cts. for ppecimen copy coulniuing all necessary information. REFERENCES. Levi Stockwell. Treasurer of the IIowc Sewing Machine Co., 099 Broadway. .Vow York. Kdw.ird P. Hutch. Secretary of the Wiloox ft Oihbs' ."ewing Machine Co., 508 Broadway, N. Y. Feb. 15. 1MSX. NEW A UVKRT1SKMENT. j A. M.T!i:iXrX( 1)ractieal WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, who is well known in this, and Union county, having i been for a number of years at the old established ; Store of "Jos. Amjuktaut," Milton, Pa , now respect- fully informs tho oilizuns of Sunburjr ond vicinity, ; that he baa leased 11 room in J. M. Simpson's Build- I iug, Market S(uhio. from Iho 1st of Mureh next, ; where he will open Iho largest nnd best &.-ortcd stock of American and European Watches. Jewelry, solid Silver and Plaiod Ware, ever brought to Ihit ' lilace, which will be sold at the lowest CioiU rule: .... . , 1 jo SU11GI11 A Ollll, Iccilli coitllueui ui puuBO. n..t,..ip;,, .l..i, .,n l)m t,-.,Kl s,,,iiil il'i.i l'l-ineiritt nndsutisUeium i!ivcu bv n arrautce. Accurate ad justins of Railway Time-Keepers, made a specialty A. aM. MtlXtLL. lUl oi A i-iiMi'iiKl ivr -ci3k'M lor .?3arch .-itm, A. K. 1 1HC, t I jKinea Kelley, Mt. Citrmvl lnironi;h, oldetmid. i Daii'l A. tl;, t-pper .Mhiiuiiiij-, U iicnty liinati, iMinbui) oirmgii, 4 Ontirge Kcfit, Nouii'ti iximugh, a Win. iMycis, t-'hitliatiuuqiu't l ft Thus, rsfdint 1'iixiiiKsi. rttiiiiiufkln I p . t 7 Jacob lA'iSf iinng, iicm Itnp, " l b Thos. Koul'li. jr., 'AciUe towiMp, " y J.-lin Albert, Juckw'ti townaiiip, IU John Weiivcr, Zerlie tovviiKinp, II Aaron T. Colde, Jovdun t.-Wnhliip, " lv! 'I'. J. Stutnui, orihuiii:i(-il:iiiil iKtiotigli, : Stmub, Jordan L-'Wiiflnp, l 14 Win. 1 arrow, Sh.itiiokiii tjwn.'iip, j Win. Kiig.ctnaii, MJidniry taitiuli, new stand 10 Jultnn J iiMS-m, Norlii'd U'iUfjtti, old stand. 17 A t. Mums, Lower .Mnliuiniy twi- 1H lJovid U l,tvis, Mt Oirnitl bormih, ' IU J. AI. IJotwMoii. " i -Hi I, li. Hnrker, M illon bomuph, " l C. II. Hoyer, Cmron towuhhip, ' 1 l-.Iius Minder. JofUmi township, a j.-iio ni. jinn, ,iiuoinjiouKn, t Win. AI. Nesliit. Norin.l borough, Head's old stand V.'i J. V. C-eilsli ilt, l.ouer Mu'lioy, Jiminc s il. ilult, AluLon tHiiouftn, -fil l-'railkllu Bjerly, old staitd. ; J7 Chus. Ciarriiter, t'linbury Loxough, o Jacob Sheen o nf. jtmnl. I io Augustus Wald, I.'-wer MaHnnoy, old stand. ;to Joe)h Vankirk, Nonli'd b .rough, " III Charles ltzel, Suubury tsroui;Ji, o n-4 Itaruett Cannon, Ml. Curiiiei tvvp , new st uiit ltd I'eler Weikcl, CHineroH townshli, old 1111111. 4 John It. Coiinid, Muoiiokiii buiouifh, ilj Nicholas VeiiK,S,,ul-ury boioiigli, lit 11.;. l-'isher, WHslnuKtoii towiidlup, u 117 Chi 1st inn NcfT, tSunbury IkuoukIi, " John ei. NVaiiiiei, trliuiiiokln towushiii, ' :ii Joseph 'I'eiiuiirs. borough, 4U Jas Vandyke, Notth'd liorouKh, - 41 Wm. Co-'iitr, Delaware lowu.nip, 4 l-'raueis MlI'iiiiv, Ml. Ciirmel tow ,,frli ; ji, -4d I'elel McU 'llold, 41 llenj Kii.'usc, .cibt fownthip, ' 45 Cyrus ftrown, Uiro., (In, storr), 46 Cltas llnrtm.0), Moiituiidon, o 47 11. J. Kinder, Mil weusvi le, -4 4ri Jacob l.lliteilbiiilJer.JiiCksoiitowilBliip, ' 4tl John McMmuus. C-hI tovvusliii, new stand 60 A. KoihuriAitf, ti'town, l. iUu'nov, old stand, SI J'cl llitterniMil, Jticksoa township, o b'l Aur; Ziininermsii, Mt. Csnnel borough, o f,: l3.oilcl iteib, Upper .Mitiuiioy, o 51 T. Foukls, r , ifieil"-- ip , (lii sm:e), " 65 K. T. Urumliellel, Puuliury bolough, o 60 C. II. Haker, Lin'e Muiiaiioy towusidp, " 67 Kdinuud Trosel. Millou boroush, " 6-t John Cuius. -Miumokiu b-irouvh lk Ml Huirh T,e. Ixiust tiso, ' 6u Maty Biyiuue, Huiibury bnrouEh, tfl J. Oalsu Suiitti, Jsekfe'ii township, 6-J Amos Miller, Suubury UoioukIi, en 'I'bos. Uibbous, Mt. Cuuncl township, fit Henry V.-in Ktien, Milniu IsirouBh, liesA s'.aild. Ret-il's SUlld. 1,5 Th is Wclsli, Ml. I'annel borough, old stand. fin wm. .larvey, ism-u.i nap, ti7 Jacob Mowuiy, lShjiakkiii biirutigh, t Win. M Weaver, " " 6!) Uolwri Nicholson, eiuimokin bnraigh, old stand 70 H. H. VHVt-l,erlie township, , - 71 Win. V. Itoth. Mum km borough, ' li rSamuel tsiuhliieekei, llcliwure twp., o 71 1). II llreibluieh, 1 urhutville iKirouth, " 74 C. W. Sticker. Millou Uiloiish, ' 7S John M. Kry, Turbutville borougb, . 70 John l', PoiotiowiuUip, ' 77 I'eler Vtnger, Hlmiil 'km township, ." 7r) Usiesman H lli ekel, Delaware twp , " 74 John II iin, t'pper Mauanoy twp , " HO J. M. liarthoi micw.Suubuiy, (bq .tore,) new stand. til 1'rrderiek Fuhnou, .Mt. Carmtl boro , C. W. ctii)dcr, flMon .km borough, old stand. h: J. M. tsimpson, (-.ndairy, new stand. M Martin I.. Fisher, Suubury, old sund. J. 1. RF.MENSNYI)nR, Proth'y 1.11 of ApisllciinlM oi Itekfauruns. WAcmtuM tor larch Netlou. I ! t F.lias Huyder, llerndon, idd stand. t Fiaayth A Moiaau, Noith'd borough, " 3 George A. Reeser, rsuubury borough, " 4 John Cams, " 5 Wm. W. llulh, Milton bmough, Jas. Kelley, Mt Cannel Imrough, " 7 Wm. Uuriows, tshanokiii (sxoagn, " Wm. Hoover, stunbury b-ironglt, new stand. 1) John Mc.Maiius, Coal township, old sUiul, III Heuiy (otisaull, Uer Ausuwalowiulufi, " II Fled (shrank, tsuimury borough, u IS Jaooti Clyoier, Milton borough, " 13 Wm. A Fnhei, " " 14 Jacob Critler, " li Matikla Pyera, Hunbnry borough, new stand, III A. II. BcrfslrcMcr, tUiaraokiu boraiujii, " J7 Win. C. K.ali, " ' la I'tunr skneliser, Cuiilmry borough, old aUud. It F. F. Hold, McKwmisvihe buruugh, " ttu 11. B. Clark, " , new stsnd. tit Hurtnu L. Hall, Suubury borough, old stand. t Jas. ltuck, Lorusi (iu, new sumd. i'i Will. Stiuhal, North d liorouf h, " ut M. Crahiun, kk-avsf Dale, Ml. Carmrl Ip., ' ti kl ikon Trossil, Turbulville iKirousli, old stand. 0 John Waguet, tMiainokin twp., new slsiid. i7 Jnhn AleUuilua. Caul UiWnsblO. u KH Philn Dtetman. tshamnkin IstoucIi. old aland Philip Ux-iman, tshumnk in borough, Dou'l Maisaall IVm, Norlh'd borough, v SO Henry Buck, Khauiokui borough, 31 Henry SimrBon ,'.,.,, a A. lluekei.Urg t Co , Montan new iiiiiii. J. J. REI.VKNBNYDKR, Prnth'y. I'lilldrt-n'tt i'urrluuea. WE would eall tha attention of those wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new and large assort ment C9tnpri3in6 new and j,ayllf'l vj J y t c0 roil BALE! I A VALUABLE r.VO-BTORY FItA&E HOUSE and lull-lot, situate on the South-oust corner of Fourth and Hanover street in the Borotiirh of Nor- 1 thumborland, formerly occupied by Jno. A. Taylor, tiow by Win. Buruside. For full particulars, inquire of W. A. BENNETT. Diuggist, tSunbury Pa. Feb. I5,188.-3t. p ub LRTs A17e. WI EL be sold nt publio sale, nt the residence of theaulwcriher. in Lewis township, near Me Ewensvillo, Northumberland county, Pa., on Hptlnesdny nnd 'l'liurnslar, llio Ills 11 ii si 51 h iluysi wl'.lliii-cli, IWJN, the following property , vis t PRIZSBTOClwIIORSES AND MILES. A span of brown match Mules, 16 hands high, well broke. A pair of match sorrel Horses. 10 hands high. This span drew Ihe llrst premium at the Pennsylva nia State Fair, held at WilliMm.ort, as the best pair of Horses on exhibition for all kinds of use. CATTLK. 1 Ibnrniizh.bred Durham Bull, 2 yrs. old on July 19, 1 807. 1 thtri)iiK)i,bred Durham Heifer, 1 yoarold. 2 yearling Heifers, Durham and Alderny orose. 3 yearling Durham Steers, fl milk Cows, Durham and Alderny crosn. 2 tborough-hred Durham milk Cows, and 11 Head of licet' Cattlu. SHKKP. I Liiion1nsh:ro Buck, 12 Ewes, Southdown and Coiswold cross with a lamb to a thorough bred Liu e Buck, aud 7 yearling weutheis. nut is. 5 Breeding Sows, thorough bred. Chester eo. whiles. 0 ,'hoals, Ihorough'bred, Chester oounty whites. V 1 1 E i: l.V. I IMHI, K M KNT3. Three good two-horo Wagons, two of them with Ilpe boxes, I Spring Wagon. 1 Carriage, I Ifuckeyo loupcr, 1 Hay Kaku, and 1 Myers Piston Urain Drill, Sl.r.DS AND M.KIGIIS. One pair No. 1 Bob-Sleds, 2 long Sleds, 1 lug .icd and 2 Mcighs. IIAUNKSS. 1 Sett heavy breach-band Harness, 2 sells Ysnkoc Harness. 2 sells Plow gCars. 1 double felt Buggy Harness, 2 double sotts Fly Notts, 1 single Fly Nelt, .Iftaddke, Halters. Lines, collurs, bridles and check reins. IJARN IMPLEMENTS'. One tumbling rod Threshing Machine and power, 1 eorn sbuller, 1 wind mill, I cull in-box, 10 cattle chains, rakes and forks. FA KM IMPLEMENTS. One hand press cider mill, 7 plows, 2 harrows, t cultivators, 1 corn plow, double-trees, epreuds, log chains, tug-chains, harrow-chains and 1 lifih (haiu, 1 potato fork, 3 pair brenst chains, ,1 pair wagon lad dors, I roller, plow-shares, grain cradles, mowing scythes, sickles and 9 corn cuttors. TOOLS. Ono cro's-cut saw. 2 post augurs and post-horse, 1 shaving horse, 1 sledge, grubbing hoos, shovels, spades, crowbars, post-diggers nnd 1 cant hook, 2 broad axos, wrenches, nuguis, fhisels, planes, hilling hoes, axes and grind stono, SUNDRIES. One cook stove, 2 iron kettles, 1 bra.-a kctllo, spin ning wheels, llax-brako, saunigo stuffer, lard aud butter Drkins. benches, flour chests, butter chains, LaruU nnd wuter enr.. and other articles I too numerous to mention. , ! ,'alo to couimcnoo at 9 0 clock A. M., or each 01 said days wheu terms will be made known by 1 SIMON CAMERON. Lewis township. Jan.5, 18U8 tn. 730 CiM'Ktitut tro't, ISillal lp!iin Aro the best iu Use, l'OU THE FOLLOWIXM KKAsiOXS : They are more simple and durable, easier kept iu order, make a stronger and more elastic stitch, a firmer and more beautiful senra thau any other They sew nit fabrics from two common spools, re quite no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of thc scam by their own operation, and though evory fifth stitch is cut tbo scam will not rip. The V !' Blifli't I'rizr, the t'rosifs of the Legion of Honor was conferrc l on the repre sentative of the ukovb:i: .v i;aui:k . rl.--.A rs rs t m-) fTtT-r) ts 'vK-VV 'TPv" Wt 'f?t ' It ir ' I i i' j I J J, J .lii- yVw4JJ)J at thc Exposition I'nivcrselloe, Taris, IBfi" ; thus attesting their groat superiority over all other sevr. ing machines. tIKOVEU X llAKKR'S NEW STVI.r S II V T T tt I! .11 A V f I A li For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern ami eaeopliitl improve wonts. The attontion ii requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage, Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring tbo use of the most cO'oetivn LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistaksblo ad vantages over all others. FOR S VLKUY Miaa OAllOLTNEl DALIUS. Market Street, SLKBL RY, PKXN 'A., Nov. 2.1, 1So7. ly THE liREAT .1 MKlilCA .Y CO.VIUXA TIOX Hill ton IIolo OviTseninluc SEVI1TG- LC.GSI1TE, Is warranted to execute in the best manner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering, Quilting, Ovoraeam ing, Embroidering on tho edge, and in addition makes beautiful iiuttun and Fyolet Hole iu all fa brics. IT HAS NO EQUAL. Being absolutely tho Best i a vi i i.v n iii-sii: IN UE IVOKLl), And Intrinsically the cheapest, for it is two Ma chines combined in ono by a simple ajid beautiful mechanical arrangement. l.'ircula -s with full particiilars and samples of work done on this Msoliui, csin be had on application t the sales rooms of the Company, H. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut .Sis., Philadcl a. Instructions givn on the Machine gratuitously to all purchasers. AUENT3 WANTED TO .SELL T1II8 MACniXE. lIrctrsi i J. L. FEXIMOKE, rrcsidajt WILLIAM P. JENKS, l-rcaitU'tit Buck Mountam Col Cooipany. BENJAMIN BULLOCK, Wool Merchant, No. 40 South Front St. II. II. KEEJ), ol Uoorue. W. ItoeU ils Co., Wlioleealts ClothiDp, No. 423 Market Street. A. HAHT, JOHN T. TA1TT. GEO. J. UU'HAMDSON, l-biluduliiltia. W. tt. MENUENHALL, Of Coateavillo, CheMcr Couutjf, Va. V. PAXSON. of t l'axaon ii Co., Notitina, No. 501 Market Street. January 25, l4. ly sal I.lll lt Oil. Ml LI THE aubsoribers having just erected and put in operation a Mill lor th manutauiure oi LIN8EEP OIL, offer th highest market pric for FLAX BEED. They hav attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wanting grajin chopped for feediug, cau be aoeommodalod at the shortest nolle. A uiaohin fur chopping corp with tha oob is attached to tha mill. M"K'iAS 4 MASSEll Jsnusrv 2i. ly lo not llrntl I litis Olninii r Mill srmlsily- ft ml wsit Mlirrejou Buy tho MOST GC0DS, of tho BEST Q,XJI.ITr. For tbo LEAST MONEY. I yielding material. i; : Hones. Dried l'lcsh, l',lood, j Ac, we hac, in connection wilh our winks iu Phil SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK CASH ' adclphm,tho largest facilities f-r furi.i lung lh"-e HALES ! ! rnRn,irn. nt 'ho abovo low prices. ; BAfOH A SONS, Philadelphia. j NOHT-W ESTKRN FEKTf LIZINU C'. .. Chi .ag.i j JOHN It ALSTON A CO., Oen'l Ag'ls, New York. II. Y. FRII.I.'XU, St tho MAMMOTH STORE, market square, lias just rccied and onenod lite m:N'r fi:i.i:c"i'i:t ana Fi.N't.ST ASSOUTMEXT.of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. Kreuch Merinos, Prints, Mucins, Uinghnms f'osslmeres, Ac. i XOTIil.NiS of all kinds. Iiot'.cry, (jloves.'Men's and Ladies I'ndergtirrocnt WHITE GOODS. A fulisswilmentuf TftlMMl-S'tiS. I Builders will find my Flock of Hard ay (Arc, jPnintai, Oils, Crllnit Ac,, 1'oropltf. "T-' Drugs aud Jic licinc', Willow i,a l Cedaiware, Queensiruie, tjlounar, Crockery, Salt. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1IAT9 AKJ) Cl', and in fact every Hvng usually kept in a large Store CalLand be convinced that th CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUIl UOODS U at The 51niiinittli Store, of H.ST. FRILINQ, Tertuk Cawli, SOdnyti, as my tioodi ar bought fur Cash and Sold Cheap orthaKEADY MONEY. Jl. Y i KILUMi, Suubury, Oct 19, 1WT :ri ,tii .k 1 4 , 1 . ."! a l ff l . s 5 We nrfcoiinee to farmers and ilealmri 13 I'c--tilisera, that the follow hag prices have beeo sp'cd for the present spring season :- BAldirS RAW' HONE PHOSPHATE. Price, $5(1 per 2.00 tbt. BAl.'OH'P rjUCACO HONE J I.I;U1.I7I P. Price, 44 per 2.030 lUb BAI.UI1 S CHICAOn B5)()D M(V." P.K. This well known popular tiadi-.marlj will kffuuuJ upon evory packagool the aliove manure. MARK Ilia high estimation In which Bai oh's M-niu-es have been held, during fourteen ycais past, wo shall fully sustain in the future. Having now tho entire control of the great resources of tho city of Chicago, for furnishing Ammonia and Ph'wphato GEOItOE KIRKE ft CO., ' Boston. ! GEORGE DUO DA LP, Wholesale Ag't, I5aU;nicro. For all informniion reupjuting tho above Manures, addrvss either of the above house". ' JOURNAL OF THE FARM," i A New Monlhlv Agricultural Popor, pubtTshed by I BA101I 4 SONS, PHILADELPHIA i Its design is to fresenl n full rnngeof Agricultijrfi. 1 and Horticultural intelligence; uiiiclu Ukiu Iho j Practical and INiieniifiorclulionsof tho subjeol ; ami ; its geoeral nim is to inuuiunte a oiultir Dytvni "T high manuring. Ihe claims of ! B.VIOH H COMMKKCIAI. MAXt'KKS, are urged In en honest and open way, but not iirge1 to tbo exclusion o any other valuable maiiurial aiil to tho farmer which the markets or homo resources afford. All rarniern jiill find it. wo think, fully worth all it costs, in the practical suggestions It presents, nn4 the general ruailcrwill meet a sharo of solid enter tainniont. l'rice, JO cents per voir. Address. 1'.. VI till Jt sOXS, l'hiliwjelphia .'-'"Id by SMITH ACTCNTnKn. 5unl.ury. .'n. ?'i, lrlija. aug'li"-ly NEVrCROCERY! Ou Third Si., npn door bt-lciw llie Lutheran Churc!; S V X 15 U K Y , V K N N ' A. HENRY PETERS, Has just opened a 12 S5. D CSZ M 2 JB C"QU' I AZb Frovision Store and is selling tow for CASH. His Stock: is complete, onmisling iu pin t of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, .SPICES. COAL Oil.. Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, 'Lard, IIhuis, Nut Dried and Canned Fruits, Trullcs, lliiisins, Choes';' and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in Ihe lirocery line. The bed F LOL' It nnd MEAL in Ihe Murl.o1 Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTflNS.. tjonrtuiilly ou liiind "'bell and Can T ""Ha." s3 ".at- JH.iL: .. SS a) which will be furnished to private families in lnrgo or small quantities. Also: All kiuds uf Canned Fruit, at Ui.o Jpweft prices. Country Produce taken in exebango for (loods. l"Call and examine my flock, nnd satisfy your telves. JSunbury, Deo. II, IR67. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Cnll and see the well selected Stock uf CLOTHS, CASblMEHLS, EfcTJf. Ao OyEIlCOATlNilS, Just received ai MEKCHAXT TAILORING ESTAr.!.I3iI MEXT. Fourth Street, Ltlow Kystcr's toro, c'l'MIL'PvV WINTER CLOTHING of the most spproved ttyles ia ma4o jtp -J ordcj a reasonable rutes. lie has ulan a fine asenrl merit of Castumcre Shins, Drawers, I'ndershivtr, Overhauls, Blouses. Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen lfue. Suspenders, llun-i kerchiefs, tilovvs, aud a gouernl vnrioty ot UKNTLEMKK'H Fl RXfSIU.NO IjtiODS, flive bira a call, which you will find to be lo your advantuge. fMinbury, 0,:l. 10, leflT. Lime ! Lime I Lime I f pilKuew Lime Kilns uf 11. li. Master, at IS. Im- (irove Station, aro now completed and in sue ceorful operation, producing liuio of the very l-i -l quality. Theso kilns arc built with oil tho uiodori; conveniences and improvements, and have a onpoc-. ty of producing 4nu bunhels pet day. Kxucllcni roads have bveu madu liy Ihe kilns, not interfere-! with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds aan loaded in a tew minutes from ihe sebutes, who oil handling. Having opened a large body of iJk best liniesjone, at tlie mouth of tho kilnj, they iu vuahlod to sell lime at the low rate of 11 cents per bushel. The kilns nro iu charge uf competent per sons, who will always bo prepared to supply ous :omers. Anoly to II. If. Masser. Suubuiv. or l Cha.-. liuukU-herger, or Chos. J . Conrad, at thc kilns i Decomber J4, Jbo7. O' FFICK OF T11E PIIILAHKLPHIA AM KJIIK KAll.HOAD COMPANY, No. Wal J uul SUoot, Philadelphia. I SUN'HIRY AND KKIK BONDS LOST, i Application has boeu made to the Pbiladelphi j and trio Kail road Company (formerly the Sunbur and Krie Kailroad Company) for thu u.uu of Nut : Bonds, tor the lollQwing-domribed Bonds, ua th Coupons annexed, lust or destroyed . tos &sl lo 874 fuclusivo, for $1,000 encjb, sevo ! per cent. Sunbury aud Krio Railroad Compitn : Bonds, dated c-eptumher III, lh57. '. ' Notice is horeny given that N'ew Bonds will b issued in lieu of tbo above. March 1st, next, unlc ansiauiurv ruwut n o,f-.m ,o h,v uuiivooji. OKO. P. Ll'ITLK, Treasurer. December tS, lgfiTj 2m JOU H HAAS, JU. C U MOLVKHTO- COAL! COAL! COAL J yTVIK subscribers respectfully inform the ciliAcn., , 4 Sunbuy aud vicinity, thut thc' have opened COAL YAHD at J. Haas A Co's Lower Wharf, tauiilsury, ln wher they ur prepared to supply all kind". of Sni mokin Coal, at cheap rales. Families and uiba promptly supplied. Couulry cusunu rcspectlull I StfllClll-U. HA At? A WOLYLP.TOV, j Buubury, Jan. l.S, 186-i ) iioor A'ii saiKskv; fisi(i: I woriB. smjv'mc.m i TIIK subscriber offers lo sell bin lioot an 'i .SI, i tSforo, lu-ted on Market strret' SuuUury. a ti I door wast ol' llaupla new buildiug, incfujl. j lsrgs stock ol Buou, aud Ladies aud Chibin i . .Vuoes, Uuitcrs, Ad The room will aho lie r.ot to any pursuu purohasisg thc stock, i. Jit is presented an opportunity for doing a first oli Boot and Shoe businus. The stablubmeiit is off ed for aal (,a-ausa Iba owner has gone into on bnsiueas in t,he West. J. H. JF.FFMIKS. fjunbury, January 4, l.bhS tVU. aud ae tAo beautiful L'lrd Ch-;ea at t uew llai'd war store vf i H 1NLL t 1 1 (t.iod Tm-Wsie, (' i,. SMITH a N Nuf.p j, ; I I F V I 1 ou vata tNXiLtf. ca.DE