AUCU STREET FOONDRI! I. YOIOMX. Proprietor. Arils Kl.,lirtwcn Stt and lth, clone to Ie I'siblic IScliooI Howae, SUNBURV PBNN'A. T11K proprietor of tbis establishment respectfully informs the publia that he has coinuienoed tb inun ul'iiotuie of Conking and Healing ST072C! which ho will lull at lower prkesiucn they enn bo obtained elfowhere. MILL Gearing, Stove, and (he largest elan of Casting" mad promptly In order. Also, Window Welghls, Frame and Orates fot Cel lar Windows, Vnt Iron OilinrM-y Topa. WATER TROUGHS A DOOR STEPS. A liberal prieu paid for nl J castings. , 1 UK CELEBRATED UVEHPOill. PLOW, Im prove!, U manufactured at this estnhlishiunnf. Also, Stove Gi ilea of all kiu Is, Kettles, uud every variety of small pnstingr Sunlimy, Oft. 5, 1K67. All hinds or SCHOOL BOOK?. Slates, Pens, iLk, Paper, Ao. ! Misetllieous Books, n good nssnit- tnoiit. All the new nuuas rowm i nssooufu puliliebod, aid lor laic at Publishers pi ices. l!IHI.F Prayer Book and Ilymu Books, In every stylo of binding Catholic l'raycr Books, j FAMILY BIBLES in various slyle.; DICI 10NA RIKS nf ull sliea. j Juvenile and Toy Hooka, a largei krtmint I Itlaut. HoaU d Blank: Tuiuii of all kinds. i'oolfmnp. Lrzal Cup, Lett- r undi f H 0 M O 'A w tn W U O H w J O H N s W w I t M m cj B w c W 4 "d Hole Payer. , COPYING BOOKS. Inkstands Pen Racks. File, Paper. Cutters hii.i Counting House riluiionery generally. PHOTOG1I and dour. A I'll AI.ltl.M4 etjji; Gold Pen nnd Holders. Pocket Books i.n I Bill Wallets Picturo Frames. t-tereoseopos and Views, American. French. Ac. Drawing Paper, nil site. Bristol Board, Ac. Diaries, Memorandum IJ-ik, Ac Backgammon Boards, Games, Cbcss- mun, Ac. I Toys a largo nnd complete assortment Bii--llall and Bills. Fishing Rod and Tackle. Perfumes. Brobeniiiin nnl l'urisiaii Marbles. A-o. I Gold I'uns ro-pointed. I l.Hmpt, ,Shdcs, Globes, Cltimnoy. Ac. I Wnll Paper and Border, ull kinds I Window Curtains, Paner Giit and: Ollod. .Mu-ic and Jlusical Inctruiuenlii. j ty All kinds of Book ' aud Sutioiitry not on hiind prompily ordered. Ail iliii l)ailv and Weeklv Pauers and Mairaainea. Agi;iit for the "Amerii nn Grgnii.'1 Alwi for "La jt'we s Hair Kontoralive," hnaniol of Aineviou, mid "National Stcnin N.iviiiti'ju Couipany, Sunbury, May 18. lsi)7. IMJI5LY SI'.V. yt t'BllSi: Mrs. SARAH bTTVIPSOfiT, Walnut Stre.:t, SI'NUCKY, PA. Iluviim bona annniiiLed Aiiont bv tbe Siinter Mnnu- fncturiui' Comnanv. for tlio mile of Singer's Xew Kainily Sewing Maohinr', informs tbe public that they cau be bad at her residence. Thes Macbineaare.HinipIo, conipapt. durable nnd beautiful. Capable ot perlorminj a range aua i variety of work never before attojipted upon a sin' glo Machine uiu; either silk, tvit, linen or cot ton Thread, and sewing with equal laciliiy the very fine' t aud coarsest material, ana anyining Dciwcen th. two cxtrcinediu luo mojt beautitul ana euustnn tial niHnnor. These Maebine will bu sold at reasonable rotes. Cull and e&aiiuo for y mrse'vu. Mrs. SAUAU SIMPiSON, AKent. Oetoiicr2;1.li7: Millinery Goods, llH I.. iaonU'rt beg leave to an nounce to the I..olii:sof hunbury aud vicinity, that tho has just opened a large and varied slock of MILLINER Y O C) ( D S , of all the latest Fall and Winter styles, to which ."bo invite aiieuiion of her patrons. iuiU the ludies gpne rallv. cimfidduL oi bur ubilitv to lileHriO. A good aiHi'Ttruont ot BONNETS & HATS, Hats for features bright and jolly, lints for fnues melancholy, l!;its for figures, broud uiid burly, ilats for rtraiglit hair, and for uurly . Hate of silk, cloth, felt nnd beavor, llats that aluiost wenr forever, Hats that fllwny- loik so neut, Are bought at Miss Goaslens on Fourth strt-et. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries, Edgings. Laces, Woolen Cups. Handker chiefs, Scarfs, tilovtrs, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Nutions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume ries, .Soaps, Lilly White, Euumel of America, Sta tionery, Ao., Ao. Call and ejtumiuc for yomsulvca. JCo trouble to show goods .Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1807. IN SL'NBL'RY, N'JKTHUMBEULAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL REfll'ECTU'LLY informs his friends and the public gouor.illy, that ho has eomiucuced the uiauuliicturo, aud i- now ready to famuli LAGEH ):i:i.R AND ALK, of a superior qaality. Having procured the services of a first class brewer, he is eunbled to supply Land lords. Uestauranls aud private families with an nr tide that is palutable. pure and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicited which will re cei o prompt attention. C1IAS. ITZEL. Punbiiry. Noveiuber 111, 1R07. FUKSM AK!aVAl7Ttr " FANCY DRV MODS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Si'jttre. two lours Kist of tbe oli Lank buildiiif-. SUMIUltV, l'cnn n., HAi; opened ft t'reh ttupply of thu latest PtrleJ ! Fall uuil G.Hj.lri, ct lectc l hy oeraelf ft'iiu the most fahiouaMo cstultlUhLcuiit in l'tiila Clienp DeLtiuca, AIpnoox. Kren-h fcri!l(aI iMuin and IMhid l'"liutJ, Miurniut( (iunds t'lotii, iSuojuo Flannel.-, Lttd.iM nnd C'bildrciiB" HuU. l-'eulhuid. Kib'jouii, lriid Trimiiiin', tmbroidorie, Luce V eils an 1 hitndkfrchiots, k1v lisltryt Ittilintirul vkirte.ltreakfiut aud UUnkut iSlmwls.WiiiUr .Sactjuod and Ladied Kdi oi' cvvsy dtwripti ai. Gents' O.dlurs. Xuck-liu, HuM-houj, Ilandker eh kii Hud uluvej. rerfuniery. Toilet I Son n, Huir Bruges, Com be, etc. KATE BLACK. Huobury, Nov. 2, lot7. I "I I oo JN THE PRICES OF loUO Fail & Vinter Goods! !liit S. t.. Lll riira., having jint return ed from Philadelphia with a superior sUick of Full and Winter Goods for tbo trade of ISUT und 'OS, which she is ublu to soil at vry reduced priees, would respejtfully cull tbe attuiiiiou of ber custo mers and tho publio generally, lo the superior qual ity ol her goods, and the low prici. at which tboy axcbcld. Sbtfhiu all kinds of DRESS OOOD3, including Pupliu, MeriuoS, Do Lain, Calicoes, Ad., ul at the luvret prieoj. txtra quality Mu.liin at vs'.ra low prices. Dril lings, CuulouFluuueis. Ilalu.oral.-kirtj., Shawls, Hood.. 'b'Viw ot all duseri pilous, iucludiiig a very sopc riorqitulily of Ladie' t'lotb tiluve. HOSIKHY. Ribb..n, and Triuunliigs of all varielii s, Laocs, variety Zdiyrs nui Varus, Toaling in grout Ueiils' and Ladies' Handkerchief, Scarfs, Muff tZi? . "'i'1 rouiadcs, Extracts, and a large "' U1'"""S and fancy articles. Vail aud so theuj before going elsewhere. it , . M. L LAZAKIS. Minbury, Nov. 2, lsi'.7. Wt liildt t-u 'urs-iaKeJI ,.riV!fl,"".l!l,l,,,nl'onuf ln"0 wanting mem . . .i ,"r"i,e ",u c large a.,n mu" ""' new an I beautiful ,tv0. J li. CONLEY CO. I ! V t .7'Jr" tn "0 iutiful IJir4 Cages at tbo XJ new Hardware stoiu.r Uudware stoic ef J. II. CONLEY 4 CO. SHOEMAKERS. .kuiIE v'rrl'"0. - 'I 8U lH Calf kiiis, w orroccus, Liniugs, Lasts, Nail. P- J y tbinu uied bv "he f r sal low by ory thing used by th trade. i. it. (.".LF.Y 4 gy LOOK HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUGE F110M QUACK ERY. TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. Dtl. JOHNSON bus discovered the moat Certnin.Speeily nnd only Effrctiml Hrnmly m Hie World f"rnll I'ti Viit'i Diteatei, Wenknena of the Hitch or Liraha, ytrk-turra, AlTections f the Kidneyi end HUi-Mer, Itivolnntnry Die Ctturt-a, linMiieocy, Ufnernl Uelnhty, NerVotiineM. Dye ( ev, liingd'T, low Spirits, C'nfinitn ttl lilcna, rnlpi itilKHt nf the, Tinmhiy, TrenihlimrM, UinweM f Higlit or Oidditiete, DiietiM of the Henit, '1 hrnnt. Note or skin. Affections oi the Liver, Lungs, Hoin.irli tr Uowele these Terrible Dieonlpisnrising from the Solitary llalnta of Youth those secret bin) litniy praetiena mre fatnl ti their victims tliuu the eonfr of rena to the Mslnitrsot L'l)ssc, blighting their movt bnlUnm hti)eaoi jtniicipntiona, rendering iimrriiige, ic, iinposslble. rpeeialtv, wh- hnve I tern mo ilie virtimaof Military Vice, ttmt Oreniiiul unrt destructive habit whn h nnnunlly sweeps to nn uiiltiittly grave ihtiusniirla of Yotnig Men v( the mint finltt tt talents and brilliant iiiMlect, who ntiglit utherwiKe have enttaneeit hstrtiintT Semites with the thtm ileis oi eloquence or wnked to ecsiuty the living lyre, uny ! cull with t all confidence. Atnrrit i, renins or Ytnn Men contemi'lnting m irnngp, being natire f physical wckneM, ogmnc ikl'ility, do lotimlns, t., tprftlily rured. Mo wlr plnces himself under the enre of Dr. J. may nwiy ffhjriiMin'y coitfiile in his honnr as a gentleman, and c.uiti.teiiily ruly up n hie skill as a I'hyiicitui. l.mtiediiitfly Cured, and Full Vtifof Rertcrcd. riri I)itiHing Aift'otitMi vliih renders Life tniem hi Mini ni'iirinuu inijiotiMlile is the puuulty p-iid by t he Virions of improper iiKtuleui'rs. Young persona uro (ik npt to C'tuimit rici'Mt-s iroui not bcingawaie u'tlie dmul 1ul C'ntrneiier9 thut mny entiie. Now, wlio l lint under stm.ils th 4- subject will prrtcud to deny the (iiwer of ptoLTfuiion is lost sooner l-y tlio-r frilling into improper liatnn ihan by the prudent f Besides deing d'prit d tli-3 pU'tisurfSot hmlthy oi!'pi ingjhe ni'ft torniu)iid destine live syioptMii to hoili LihIv and mind mine. The Mstc;n hrei iiies ltinuel, the l'hsirii ai.d Mental Puii(tittS Wenkt'in'd. I soss of Proppeutive I'owei, Nervoim lnit-bili-ty. DvspepMin, PiilpmitiMu of the Ili-art, Indigestion, toic 8'itiiuttiiul liebihty, a Wetting .,( the Frame, dugli, Consumption, Decay mid Jumli, Irfft hand side going from Ilnltiinore street, a few doots torn ihCRotiuT, i' an iut ttuittpcrve name unit nuuilvr. Lttteis must be naid and coniainastamn. The D.cMis ()iploinus hang in his ull ice. A fiirn arramlr! in Two Dnp, Ao Mfrwryor Auukcous JJruys, i Br -f olsntoti, Mrn.hor of the H. Cid'tgenf Stuceoi;, Lond ti, (irfid- uiitc iroin one oi" the tiiokt eiuiuent C' lleyes in the I nited tati's, aud the greater mrl ol lite has been snei t in the hipita1ft oi ludon, Fihib, riiiladelpliia and else wheie. has filleted non.e oi the in-M Uftniiifhittg cures that wureever known : many troubled with iiuuinu in ihe head and ears when asleep, tiaut nervnusuucs, being ulaim ed ut sudden s muds, lianhluluess, with fieuucnt hiushuiLT. utteudetl sometimes withdcrmgeiiieut of mind, wciecured ni.uieuiaieiy. Tnkc Iurllcnl:ir police, Pr. J. addresses all those who hnve injured themselves by improper indulgence aud solitary hnbila, which ruin both body nrnJ mind, utifittiug tlicui lor cither busiuet s, study, society or murriage. Thk'k tire siane of ihesud nnd melancholy efli'ds pro duced hy early habits ot youth, viz: Weakness ol the Hack nnd IsiiubH, Fains ui the Head, Dunnes ft S plit, Ioss of Muscular I'ower, Fulpitatioti of tie ilt-ort, Uyspepsy, Nervous Irritability. Derttiitcementof the Uigesticv Func tions, Utiienil Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, 4 c. M&.itally -The leariul eifects on the nii.iil are o uch to tie dreaded Ixiss ot Mmury, Confusion of lle is. I)e prHHioti of Spirits, l'vil-I'oiehoi1iiif:s. A version to f.tcicty, Self-Di-itrabt. Iavv of Solitude, Timidity, &c. ure s .ii.e it the evils produced. TtiocANti3 of persons of all ates can ivw jud what is the cause of then declining health, Until m their vii;nr, becoming weak, pal.', nervous and euncintcd, having a sing alar appearance about thu eyes, cough and ?ymptuniS of couHUiripUiu. Vomiv 31 ikii Who have injured themselves hya certain practice imlLl(T ed m when ahate, u habit frequently lemned from evil compuuious. or at school, the eifects of which aie nichily felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders mairioge impossible, und destroys bvitti mind and body, should apply immediately. a pity that a voung man, the hope of hit cninlry, Uie darling of hi parents, should be snntclietl from nil pns pects and eni'yments of life, by t!e consequence of devia ting from tlu path of i.Hfnrennd indulging m a certain stciet habit. Such persons Mfsr, before caiteinp!a(iii reflect that a sound mind and In ily are the most ncceewiry requisitesto protn ite connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life licw ines a weary pilgrim age; the pitiupcct houily darkens toiheview; tlie ii ind becouies shadowed with despair und filled with the ini'luii clioly rtilection that (lie liuppiin ss of unother becomes on neu wim our own XMetiMO or Iiupi-iiitt'siicc When the misguided Hinl imprudent votary of pleasure finds thut he hus tinbibeil the seeds of this puinfnl disease, it ttHi often happens that an ill-timed sense of sli.ime, oi drc.-ul of discovery, deters turn from applying to those w ho, fiiim education und rcspertubiuty, can alone befriend hmi, delating till the constitutiouul smptoins of this hornd disease make their appearance, such us ulcerated sore tiirout, diseased none, iioetuiui (mins in the lit ad and limbs, diuuiersof s:ght, deafue, m des oil Ihe slim bones and nun, hlotehes on tiie hem), fnc caud cxtiemitii s. r.ioiiewt- 1 ing with frightful tapidiiy, till at l-tKt the pioite of ihn j (uouiiiitr the hxueBof the nose fn!l in, aud Ihe victim of tliiHiiwf'tl disease becomes a horrid object of comuiiserri ! tiou. till dentil nuts a period to Ins dreadful snfferiiiii. bv sending him to "Unit Und.ieoVt.Tcd Country from whence no traveler returns " It is a nielimch ly fuel that thousands full victims to this terribh disease, owing to the uiiDkilllulnesw of lynoinut pretenders, who, l.y the use of Ui;.t 4 Deitdly I'omou, Mtr curr," ruin ilie coiutttuiion and make the residue of life in.iit rablu. KlraitycrM Truttt not yonr lives, or health, to. the rare i f the many t'hleaint d and Worthless Fretemlerp, destitute i f knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr Johnston's udver tlseiueius, or style themselces, in the uewspapeis, rcauluily Kdiientetl I'ayoiciaus, iucivt!!e of Cniinc, they keep yu trilling mouth after mouth tnkinff their filthy and poisoiui compounds, or as long us the smallest fee enn be obtained, and in despair, leave you with luiued health to sigh over your gailiug disnpwtintment. i)r. Join ml on is the only Flivvician advertiHiiijr, Hiscredcntiai or diplomas always hang in his ninVe. His reiuidicsor treatment ure unknown to ull other?, preparwl from a life spent in thegreat Intspiiiila of Kurope, the first in this country nnd a more extensive "Fnvate Practice limn any other Physician in the w-rid. Emlortoi'iiient ui' I lie Vf The many thousands cured at this institution year after ynr, and the numerous important Hurgietd Opiutioiu, per ((tniied by Dr. Jiihnston, witnessed bv the rep rters of the "Hun," "Clipper," aud many other papers, notices of which have appeared nuui sud again lciore the public, lus:,1fs his standing as a gentleman of character anil re k(xuisibility, is u sudicient guarantee to the idthctrd. tKiii ftHu Nierlilay ('m-cl. Pers-.ns writing shnu'd le puiticulHr in directing their eticrs to his lustil'itiait in the following trimmer, John 31. Vohnston, Ut. H. Of the Haliiinofe Lock Hospiial, baltiui ne, ,MJ. to, 1'uiu-y ('(si-M at JOHN FAREnt A S Old EstublUhed FUR Manufactory, AO 7IS ARCH Struet, above 7th, PHIL'A. JIuvo now in Store of uiyown Importation and Manufacture one of tl.o -largest aud most bcauti- V- fuI selections of FANCY FURS, i vrts r -R5for Ladies' and Cbil- ureu . 11 eur in mo v. 1 1 v . r-' iiS Also, a fine ussortuont of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. I ain enabled to dispose of my goods nt very rea sonable prices, aud I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county aud vi cinity. Uemeuibcr tbo Name, Number and Street ! JOHN FAREIRA. No. 7M ARCH St., ab. 7th, south side, Philad'a, rlbaveno partner, nor connection with ory other .lore in Philadelphia. Sept. 16, lat57. Juiw It. IIOOI Ma I ll'l'S. Oi. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Ocn Own M.kb." After nioro than Five Years experience and ex perimenting in the manufacture of Slrictly First tiuulity Hoop 6'kirts, we oiler our justly celebrated gxids to merchants and the publio in full confidence of tbeirsuperiority over all others in the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in tbciu, as tbey give more sutUtoction thuu any olher Skirt, aud reoommend themselves in every rc.-pect. Dealers in Uoop 6'kirU, should make a note of this fact. Every lady who has not given them a trial should do so without further delay. Our assortment embraces every style, length and site for Ladies, Misses aud Children. Also, SkirU made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkin'a Own Muke," and bo not do. ooived. .''eethat the letter "II ' is woueu on tho Tapes between Each Hoop, and that they ure stump d "W. T. HOPKIN'S Alanulauture. ti'l'S Arch St., Philadelphia," uxn each tube. No others aro genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full line of fgood New York aud Eastern made SkirU, at very low prioos. WlwUfiile und liUnil, At tbo Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Emporium, Nu. 62a Arch street, Pbiladulphia. VM. T. HOPKINS. March 23, 13f.7.-10iuw Cl.E.VNLI IS "KKXT TO GODLI NESS." AFACTuighUidouiojutrU4 w UL'N'NISUN t CO S., I'iral t'laaa) SkHtlns Ilulr i'ltltluff auU Nliauipuoului; Itooui. Two firat elaas BARBERS always in atteudanc. 1 arUoular atteuUou to cutting Ladies and Children's V.!r,V ' M tu """ over tho 1 oat Uroee. Sunbury, August lSdr.t irf i him " eww TORRIHROTON & HODOKNS, K A "W B O MB . SUrER-rilOSPHATK OF LIME, TIIE 0I1EAT orlltnnsbTlnna County FERTILIZE 11. The bust ninmira for all Mnds of grain manufac tured. More aotivo, more durablo, than any other. It does not exhaust tho mil, bul on the contrary w a ro-Mniuicnt imnrover. OVER MO FARMERS in the County applied it to their Spring Crops, the resulu were Ibalit execeueu tneir niosi sanguine eapeoia- lions. It was tostod with the best Phosphates in the country but came out'victorioui. Farmers, us it for your wheat aud rye. rut up In Use if 20(1 lbs. cash aud told at 07 per 200V pounds, at tho Manufactory, i:ut JEai-Kct Street, Sanitary, Ia,, or at any of our ngonts In Danville, Williamsport, liewisuurg, aiuncy .Mallon, Milton. Vewart, rotta grove, blooinsburg, Solins'-Grove, Trovorton, or any of tho principal towns in the adjoining oouutics. Wlicro wo have no agents appointed, fanners can send the ir orders by mail aDd rely on their receiving iinnicdiato attontion. We have the advantage of Railroad and Canal trmii-portation in all directiona, and purchasers noud apprehend no delay in filling orders. J. E. TORUIXGTON, EI. UOUUKIXtf. Sniibury. Aug. 1", 13(57. CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL 1 St 8 3 8 BENJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Urnamcntal Treos, will furn ish from Ihe most responsible Nursories in this and other titatcs, first class TREKS of all kinds. Also, hrubbcry, ines und Plants. (Jurdcn feeds of ull kinds. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Addross REXJ. r.nilXER. 1'nxinos, North'd. Co. J j N. B. Insurances taken in several of tne most resjwnsiblo Fire losuranco and Horse Detective Companies in the Stato. June 8, l(57. y FLOUir&FEEE "ST0RE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs tho publia Hint he keeps constantly on hand nt his new W ARE1I0VSK, ncur th Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SL'XDL'UV, Flour by tho barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by tho ton The above is all tnannfHCturcd nt his otvn Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest ciixh prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, iBU J. H. Conley Co., Market Street, I'nl ofllic It nil road SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN i-oici:i. .v ami;kii a., Hardware & Cutlery. rplIE attention of Mechanics, Fanners, Duildcr, X nnd buyers generally is invited to tho fnct thut wo ure now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. 4C, than ever was oITcrcd in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and uinte rials uacd bv CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, 40., 1C, together with n larire stock of Iron, Stoel, Nails, Spikes.'Rope, Chains, Uiindstoucs, Mill an IX Cut Saws, Ac, Ac. Sunbury. Mnreh 3(1, 1HC7. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rriHK muli-rsigncd. proprietor of M'eiser A Frick's J Lino, give notices to merchants and shippers (bat the Depot is still at till Market street, Phila dclphia, and nil Goodsdircctcd to Sunbury, Dnnville aud Lewisburg. and all intermediate stations along the railroad, will bu promptly delivered. i ir Curs k'livo SI 1 Market street, Philadelphia tri-weckly Tuesdays, Thursdays anil Saturdays. J. V. HRO'WX, Proprietor, Lowislmrg, J. II. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pu. I'ccenibi'r 7. HII7. ' SUNHUUY rOUNDUV. " i:0. tCOI81tlt.l:iI A: NO, A RE now currying on business nt this old cstab- lUhuiciit with renewed vieor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have ucquircd Ihe highest reputation. Funicular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget that the 1' LOW'S made at the Sunbury Foundry nave never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Siiinll castings, including Cookiug utensils, of thu mo?t improved and most useful patterns. The business will bo conducted ou' an enlarged icnle. Old customers will beuccommoduted sa usual, and new onos aro rcspcotfully solicitod. Sunbury, May 12, 1886 FALL A XD INTER MILLINERY GOODS NOTI )ISTS Hiss ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, tiro doors west of the Post J(5co SL'NBUUY, PESN' A. r)E.SPi:CTFL'LLY informs her frieuds and (ho V publie, that she has just returned from tho city, where she has spent sumo time iu making seluctions und purchases, and has just opened a largo stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons. Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinolino nnd Wi guns Skirling Lining, Ho-p ,Skins, Uugto Trim mings, Cmpo Trimmings, Hut Crape, Clonk Uultuns. Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ludios and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A .STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sites. Alphabet Blocks, Ac. be flutters herself iu being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will bo eihibitod with pleasure. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1B67. BOOTS ANDHOESr MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY informs hi friends and cus tomers, that he has just opened a shop for tbe manufacture of BOOTS i SHOES, on Sjiruce ttrtet, lehtcen Second tlreet and Centre Alley, Suhbury. where all kinds of work in his line will be made up in the latest stylo and iu the best workmanlike man ner. Having Erst class stock on band, be flatters himself that he will be able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. The publie aro invited to call. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, June IS, 1867. "FAIIMKJ?S.& BUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. rpilE subscribers respectfully inform the ciliicns L of Northumberland euunty, that they are now tropared lo furnish LIME of a superior quality to armors aud Builders. Also, LIME-STONE from tne celebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Lower Maho noy township, at short notice and at reasonable rates. Tbo above will bo delivered to any Railroad sta tion along tbo liuo of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at the Shamokin Valley Railroad, near Sunbury, wbero orders will bo promptly filled. Orders are rcspcelfully sol idled Address, J. B. LKNk'ER A BRO , August , 1867. Sunbury, Pa. SAESAPAEILLA, MINERAL WATER, POETEU AND ALE. f fUE subsoribrs having located a bottlbg astab X lishinent in Oak' Addition, in tb Riougb of Sunbury, respectfully inform tb eltisrn of tbis and adjoining oountie that they ar proparad to turn. ib Landlords, Restaurant Keepers and private fami lies with tb best brands of liarsaparilla, Mineral Wa ter, Ale and Porosr, bottled in tb best manner. Their drinks are procured from th best establishment In tbo country, which nables them to furnish a better artlol than eao be had elsewhere, which will be de livered at tbo lowest rates. The oitisens of .Vunbury aad vioinlly will And it to their interest to paUoniso homo industry, and assist in making thb) a permanent enterprise, and at th nam tiuia sav labor and money. Orders ar respectfully solicited, hich will reteiv prompt atteutiuo.- A ldrew. PROB.ST ROTE. Augiit 17, lSt7 iu f uobury, Pa ' LUMBER ! LUMBER ! Tho lotler Connty nnd .rUnubnr m her CTompnuy, Now fully established at tho ETJKDUUT 8TBAM SAW-MIIiLS, arc prepared to saw to order WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK AND OAE, of any die and all length!. Afull assortment of IDnST LUMBER always kept on band. Pannel, Flooring, Elding and finishing boards of all kinds. MOULDING, SASH, DOORS, and SHUTTERS. SHINGLES, Boned and Ehavod, White Pino, and Iltmlock. l'lUMtcrlng abulia nnd I'ulinif, Planing, Kipping and Turning, will be done to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everything in their line at sucb rates that Lumber Yards, Builders and all parties using Lumber, will Cud it lu their interest to buy at this establishment ORDERS aro rei ispeotfully solicited and will be promptly at- tended u to by addressing, WM. REAOEN. Sun't. Eunbury, June W, IRoS. aHT.-sVja.; HEW SHOE 370B.E. Market Streot, adjoining Genrhnrt's Confectionery Store, SUNBURY, Pa. rpUF undersigned respectfully informs the citizens X nf Sunbury and vicinity, that bo has opened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the sale as well as lor the manufacture of the finest nn J best quality of Ladies' Shoes, vii : iloveIiid, llorroeeo, Cill!.iii nntl Ijisitinx 4iterH, Ac Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely now and well selected. Mo also manufactures fine French and other Culf rkin Boots nnd Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders for Indies nnd gentlemen's custom work will bo promptly attended to and got up in the best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for sale to tbo trade. J. II. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, 1807. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, X 1ST SUNBURY, is on ad street, opposite tho MASONIC HALL, i.t BERGSTREESSER'g NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ISut Lately i:Ktnln!ied, Mills till tlic lotlcrn IiutM-oTenieiit or llac Art ! rilHE subscriber, having built tho room exprely J. for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted mnny years to the business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave tho gallery uulc.-s en tirely satisfactory. Havine tho best sky liirht in the county, he la prepared to make Photogruphs in nil kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. He is also prepared to lako new siic, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required size and colored benutilully in Oil or Water colors or India iuk. Wo pay special nttention to all kinds of out door work, such os Landsenpo views oi jionumcuis, iiiaciunery, uuuuty Scats, ,vc, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly ou niniu- ine puuuc are rcspecttully invited to call und see our specimens and our complote arrangements for luuking Photographs, special terms to tumiiies and clubs. . LERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July IS, POL AN D'S magic Bilious Powders, "HIS I'KKPAIIATKIV is the discov erv of the liev. J. V. ! .IhikI. foi- uierly Ihe Piistor of the llapttst t'hurrli in Uolfstown, N. II , ami u niiiii Nearly bi..""st-I:Jf HI Y'i''!.' beloved by thut ileiioiniimtion throuelioill ':;'.'.! Y New l'.llltnnd lie wasotili!eil In leave 'VlVGICl the pulpit nnd stuHy medicine to save 'WlUirirPVV Ins own lile, iiihI his single Powders uie SJ-WVVUliSv, one of Hie lllnut w,i:i,Vif,,l ili,..iv. ri.. . modem times. TIIE GREAT LIVES AND BILIOUS REMEDY ! wli ifh eomplHtly thmwi in the slunle at! other itiscoverif In meit ici lie : anil it rilPinli Imn murh cr;Uificnti.n 1 tin ihey receive the unnnimouf nppn bfiiioii nf nil who have tented them Tht Mngic Kiliuus Powders ure it l0!iti vet'urc for l.iv-r 4'o:iirI:iin : in its uifflt ngrjvulcj form, oi;d nn innncJiiitc c''irecrr of ull r.xcelleiit fur IIKADACIIK, CONSTIPATION riMlM.K, lil.OTCHKS, A SALLOW SKIN, DROWSIN M'lr.S. IIKAUTIU'RN, IMLriTATlUN, And a m'Kt wniidtrtul CVRE A ritEVEXTIVE 0E FEVER A AO I E ! (We advise all who aia troultled U'illi tint fi-niful mnlu dy to always keep tbo 1'uwderi on hiiii't ready ft.i mime dmle use ) Here nre ft few irrportnnt paitirulnrs : 1st. They are Ihe Great Sotxifio fr ull AlTeo tionR. M They ore the only known remedy th;it wi'l cure Liver C'lmotaint. 3it. The are the on'y known remedy tint will cure Constipation. 4th. The Powders nre so thoroui-!i in their operntinn thut one pnekau will he ull (hat the innjoniy ol t!i -ttt using thrni will require to etlect a cure. Oih. They are mild and p emunt yet tho uicst elTt-r-tunl cathartic known. Otli They are tlio chenpest and best medicine exiui.t, as they can Ik sent by mull to any paitoftlie glebe for the price. AO cents. Circulars, conlainiiifr cerlifientep, ii:fmintton, &r., tent to any part of the wmld free nf chnrge. SOLUUY ALLDHL'UumTur by nwul ou ap.lica thut to C. G. CLAItK CO , Uknkkal 4iknt, New Haven, Ciiu Pneet 50 Cent jer Box. j r eiirunry w i, iw7. ly. Iiyon' ierlo4lial Irop-, THE GREAT E EM ALE REMEUlEd !OU IKK K, GULAIUTIKS! i have tested these Drops in my own ,lace, over ten years, and do ut hesitate to say. thut ii'rthing b:is yel been develnpeU by medical research, that acts so powerfully, jytsitively, and turmlesily( in cases of female iirt'Kularily, as d-tes tins uiediciue. lit all recent cases it never fads, while thousands who have been Ions; tuUetuis, are indebt ed lo it for the boou of beaith to day. Although so powerful and positive, they are perfectly harmless, and may be used at all lin.ts, cctt uheiispe cially lorbaJdeu in thedirectious They have been extensively employed by eminent phy sicians in France and England, as well us in my own prac tice, over ten yeais, and 1 have yet to hear of the tirs instance of failure. 1 could veyou testimonials of their efficacy fiom ludies all over thu northern unit western Elates, were they not in their nature private. Over 100,. (too bottles have been add the past year, and I hope und trust us many sutTerers have been benefitted. 1 am well aware that a remedy so jrotent to remove ull ob structions, may be used fur a bud purpose, but trust that where on bottle is thus used, ten may fail into the bands ol really needy sttflereis. To all who sudor from miy irregularity; painlui, diffi cult, excessive, offensive or obstructed iMeustiuiition, Lu oorrhea, or the train of diseases that follow, I would say, try a bottle ot Dr 1 .vox's French Periodical Urops. ileum a tluid preparation, their at-lion is more direct and psi live than any pills or powders. K up he it directions, Lur liiflt my facsimile, accompany each bottle. J'hey may be obtained nf nearly every druppint in the count iv, or hy inclosing the pi ice toC. G CLAKK A CO , New Haven, Cl., General Agents for the UuiteU States ai.d Cuuuda. PK. JOHN L LVOV, rracticinjr Physician, Price, 91 50 per IMtle. New Haven, Conn. Eebiuury ti3, Ib07 ly 1'IHi: A.VI U ATKK lMtOOr ROOFING ! rn UIMES A CO., are the Agents in the Counties L . of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M WARREX'S Iinprovad lire and M'ster-Prauf Roof. Tbis is tbe cheapest and best Roof that eao be put on a building, lias been used in th city ol Philadelphia, sine 1851, where it has superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is reoommend ed by the builders, and is used on all of tbe finest buildings in that city. Parties contemplating build ing, will do well to examine into tbo merit of tbis and ail other kinds of Roofs, at d give the best the Tb Fountain II,. lei, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be covrd with this Roof, and parties desiring to do so, may oall ther. and .i.mii it. For further information address lioi 11, Sunbury Post Office, or call at tb Brick Yard of T. UIMES A CO. Sunbury, IS, 1867. Blacksmithing. JOHN IHVIN, 6 UN BUR V, PENNSYLVANIA, RESPECTFULLY Informs th cllixeas of Sun bury and vieiuity, that be bu erected a Black smith Shop near the Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, where he Is prepared to do Blaoksinitbing iu all it branches, at th shortest notio. Having had many years' in th business, ho flatters himself that ho can render satisfaction to all who may glvs bits call. ,uubary, August 17, 1SS7. TUB OBBAT ZINGARIB1TTERS The enraponent parts ot this remarkable preparation wersflnt discovered, compounded and distributed, omo twenty year aio. by l)r. Cuiorsos, the eelo brated EgypUan Phy.lckn. Thousands of hi. suffer- lot country men resiom, w nemm, mm w v numbera of the inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia, and el the countries bordering open the South, coast , oil the Mediterranean Bra. Indeed, the fame or tne Z1NUARI BITTERS toon spread over Europe, and was adopted by the principal Physicians In charge of tbe hospitals ot the old world, in which It is still used with preemi nent success. The Vloeroy of Kgypt placed the nuna of na. Chsopsos upon the " Koll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following inscrip tion: Da. Cniorsos, the Public Benefactor." This Bitters is now offered to the publio of America with the full assurance that It will be found, upn a fair trial, to act as speciflo for the cure of Cholera. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Mnrbut, Fever and Aeue, Yellow Fever., Typhoid Fever., Colic. Ilroiicliltis, Consumption, Vlntn lenry, Disease of Ihe Kidneys, Nervous Debility, and Female Complaints, Remarkable cures of tho above diseases have been effected by its use, as numerous certificates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an sgretabls Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Tnni Tin ZIXOARI BITTERS IU3 SO0I. ASTCELI, A8B0OY, AN AS 1 PREVENTIVE or DISEASE, IMS NO SUPERIOR. A FEW 'WOnca TO LADIES. The use ef th 7ivi: ul niTTKIlS will uive to you that soft, semi- transparent complexion which th God of nature (designing- woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It is nature's own powder and paint combined. Dy purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and lifo throughout the entire system. It especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to bo desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, slrklv look so common in our day; and what is even better than this, it cures every species of female irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Hairisburg, Ta. EAHTER & HATJSE, Sole rnoritiETons For s,i!o by W. A. BEX SETT, Druggist, Sunbnry o, 1S67. NEW GROCER Y. (TMIK subscribers begs leave to announce tu Ihe I citiicns of Sunbury nnd its vicinity, thut tbey Inn c opened a Tim dmi t treat of ,. If. Enyle'i Store, in Jfurht S'jiiiire, where they nra prepared lo furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on bund the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Spices of all inscription. Soups of every variety Ci.udles. Smoking and Chewing tobacco, S'egnrs. Hams. .Shoulders, Bueon, Duller, aud Eggs. Also Dried fruits of ull kinds, Ctined Peaches ami Toma toes. Pickets. Ketchup, Pepper nucc, Raisins, Lemurs, Ac, of best quality, mid in fact every stylo of articles kept in a well stocked liroccry. Also ! Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot country produco laken ! in cx' hnngo. The patrouiigo of tho publio is re- specll'ully solicited. GEOIiljE E. HEARD 4 CO. j Sunbury, Xov. 1 1, lSGi. j BREA D & FANCY ( KES. da.vid T o doors west of the Post Office, SL'XBl'RY, Pa. 1" EPECTFl'LLY informlio citiiens of Sun V bury and vicinity, that ho t ill b.iko to order all kinds of fTuKt'M ir t!al!-., E'nrlics, &. Pniuilies ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Itolls. Rusks, Tea Huns. Ac, mi l iilyok. pt on hand uinuiii'iicturcd out of the liut mnU'i iiiN. All orders will meet iih prompt intention. Having had liirgo experience I hopo to ice general satisfaction to nil who may favor incwilh their patronage. 1AY1D FRY. Sunbury, Dec 9 Ii'iS. .ti. c ai:Ai:is.t:("s Confectionery, Toy and ZFIR.TTIT STORE CDNTECTIONr.I'.V OF All MX MS, TOYS OK KVEKY MKSC "IlIl'TlON l lil'lT, Ac, Ac CONSTANTLY on hand and l-r alo at the r.lioe eitiihlishiuent ulnholcsulo und retail, ut riu.-on-able prices. Hv is iiianufncturin ' all kin is of Coiif -ei io:i::: i. s to keep up a full ussorlmcut which ure Suli ut W-ut J riaes. Tobacco, Segurs. Stationery. Nuts nf all kinds, and avaiieivof other articles, all of wbi.ik ar. ofleied wholesale and retail. fP Remember the niuiic and plaoo . TJ M. 0. HE AR11ART, Market street, .'! doors west of E. Y'. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 1. IMS. tf S T ORE. A. 1JENNKT, llarkrl Siu;irr, i .MtVIt V, HAVIXti reeenily purchaseil Iho Drug Store furmerly conducted by R. A Fisher, 1 beg leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury and vi cinity, that 1 have entirely replenished my stock of "Hs HJ- S jrtfflf. rNC- ARTICLES ! such as. Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Books, Snaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, I'uliiln, Oiln, .Iu, 4ala, Intl', Yaruixlifk, l'uleaii .Ysrsliciiifw, c. Ml my Tinclures, Syru, Ointmeuts, Cerntes, aud other preparation arc manufactured by myself, and from the best material lean procure lu -Market. Hal ing had quite a number of years' experience in tbo )rwj and l'nerijtion Jjtiaiiuti, both in Philadelphia and the eountry, and also tho advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I fuel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on baud the very test WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUOHS, that I can procur. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nor 18, 1865. LIME! TMeT" liir liters and II ii 1 1 1 e r ! Fkasbolti ft Broth A ar now prepared to do liver, at tb lowest market pnoe, th very best quality JC XSEKCa for LAND and BUILDINO purposes. Tbeir llniei burned of tb celebrated TUCKYHOE LIMESTONE." Tbeir lime kiln are looated at the Philadelphia and Ena Railroad, near Uie teui saw will, in th Bo rough of Sunbury. Plasters, Masons, Bricklayers and Farmirt are in vited to call and giv u a trial. bEASUOLTZ BROTHER, Aug. S, 1867. hasaHHaoiiaari CARPENTERS. WILL 6nd la our establishment a superior stock J?..?1? i ' Hatchet, Hammer, Files, Lbiwls, A , Ac , for sal by J O. CONLEY 4 CO NEW GROCERY STORE, W. 3. PTO111T & CO-, Market Street, Si- doors East of Third street, north eido, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform tbeir friends anil tb publio, that they have opened a ICTE-W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to bav them call and eiatnln their stock, wbioh has just been opened, euibrao Irg everything iu the Uroeary lint, suoh as Coffee, Tea, Sugar.Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried .ruita, Beans, llomiuy, Obecse, .raoker, Bacon, Ham, Finn, Salt, Potatoes, to., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, o.. and In fact everything in tbo Oroccrynnd Provision. Line. FLOVR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-waro, Olassware, Conl Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Call and see betore purchasing eisewnerc. W. 8 FURMAN CO Sunbury, April 27, 1887. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 Broadway, Nw Yohk. 5'or a'amilio! iiikI .TlnimlUolHrT, These World-Renowned Sowing Jlacl.iues, were nwardod the highest premium at tho W orld 's Fair in Lonilon, and six 6rst premiums ut tbo Mew York Mate Fair of latirt. and are celebrated for doing tho best work, using a much smaller needlo fur the same thread than any other machine, and by tho introduc tion of tbe most approved machinery, we are now able to supply tbo very best machines in tbe world. These machines aro made at our new and snaeinus Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of tho President of the Company. Howe, Jr., the original inventor of tho Sewing .Ma chine. They nro ndiiptcd lo ull kinds of Family Sowing, nnd to use of Seamstresses, Dn ss Makers, Taylors. Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skirts, Clonks. Man tillas, Clothing, lints, Caps, Corsots, Boo!s. Mums. Harness, Snddles, Linen Uuods, Umbrellus, Paruao's, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, hem, full, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a boautiful und perfect stitcb, alike on bcth sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, nnd made nn this Machine, is the most popular and nil Sewing MticbiiKS are subject to the principle invented by bim. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Tho Howe Machine Company. fi'JU Rroadwnv, Cor. l'uurtb St., N. Y'. AprilS, 18o7 1I1M I .V 31tEi:i2. Mrs. A. TWEED. In Miss Anna Painter's Fancy Goods Store liuil iin, Market Square. It doors west oi tho Post Office, Sl'XUL'RY, PA. I" ESPECTFL'LLY' informs her friends and tho j publio ibat she bus auiu opened a shop. n .Market street, Sunbury, wberu :ho is prepared lo make to order Ladic' Dresses, in an entire new stylo, l.ndiei' Clonk, Ao. Also (icnlluincu's shirts, t'rdeis respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. I i. Is ,7. ly Great Attraction, NEW TIN' -WARE, Mat'rt Sruti tiistl !tovo Stor ol SMITH & GE1TTH231. Whore they keep con.-lantly on hand and uiauul ic tuio to urder ut short u ilicc. TIN AND SHEET IKON-WAKE of ;dl d, vri iioi,s. They would especially cull thu ntlcmion ol pur chasers to their large aud ut.l selected stock of COCK AND PARL0K STOVES. Tlio subscrtbera ba c mndo arrangements toluiic ull their best stoves miuio to order, and ilioso nl,u would have n good stove would do wcil to go 1 ixtiiuiue their large und well selecte I stock. First. They defy competition ou tho following Uied Brands of Cook Sloves, vis: f.'i!tliiii:t liot; ti-. I'airn.-r, 4'l.. 4iiovi'i'ior iViiu-t'ook. V.'ABASII AND IRONSIDES, and tho well known Antidust Cook Stovo culled ol'EAU'S ANTIDl'ST. Also. Parlor and Stoves in great vaiiety cin br acing ail thu beat manufactures aud most ftiliiuii able dozens, uiisurpussed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrant,'! wenls combining cheapness, duralnliiy nnd each stovo warranted to perform what they aro represented. Also, The celebrated iialiimoro Firo Place Stuvo, f..r healing lirst, second and third stories hy Regblers Also, Y L I. CAN HEATKH. Abo. l!io ccielralcd MORNIXU OL0RY. t'oal till, t'.xil Oil I.aiiipM, "IiikIcs, il;t3siiiif, a n. I all uriiclcM u'ually kept in nn establishment of tbis kind. They nroal.-o pri pare 1 to furuish Slate and do jlutii.g in Ilie best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Rooting, Spouting. Rano nnd Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repniiiiig neatly nnd cheaply executed. Also: 'ISauh'. k!avv ISoiic Kui-r:i. phalf." Remember the place. Sample and Sales nearly opposite luniy s llartlwnro Sloro, Market iaraci street, between Third aud Fourth streets. Building aura paunoii. August 25. ISfifl. SUNBUIIY BUILDINO LOTS IN J- W. CAKE'S Addition to the Bo:ougU of Sunbury, fur Soile on reasnnnhlo terms. I Apply tu Dr. H. II. AWL aud, SOL. BROSIOI S. Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAFER, Poltsville, Pa. Nov. 24, ISfirt n s bu a bz g6 Aro especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, eomprisiug Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolts. Plus tenug Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ac, Ac, for sale by J. II. CONLEY A CO. Coachmakers, are selling Rims, 8pokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolts, Cli, Axles, Ac, very low Large Slock at t. , CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, March SO, 1867. rpilE following persons are entitled to receive an J. increase of Bouuty under the Act of Cougre passed July 1866, to equalize Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlutcl after the 19th day of April, 1861, for 3 years, and served their time of eulistment and have been honorably discharged, aud have received or ar eotitled to receive a Bounty of aion n j,;,i...i ... . - y.. r.,.,.. auuuiouai uouuiy OI stWt. 2d Ail sucb soldiers who enlisted for 3 yeaii, and nave oeen oouoratily Uischarged on acoouut of wuuuus rccenea ia we una of duly, are entitled to an additional Bounty of tlMrO. Ju Th Widow, Minor Children, or Par.ut of such soldier who died in the service of wounds or disuaao, are entitled to an additional Bouuty of ft I Ot). By application to 8. P. WOLVERTON, Esq , of BuaauBV, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, all such claims can be speedily coljuoled. Sunbury. August, 1B66. tf Aitricullural iuplem-ula, HOE'S Eskes, Steel nd Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D liandl Spades, hove)s, M.our and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scyths, Grain Cradles, Cradle Finger, 'iraoe, Breast, Tongu and Log Chains, Grind-sum, Fanning Mill fcciv.uf II ie and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagoa Hemes, fur PLiwing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sal by J. ir CONLEY CO. ie IR0X A larg assortment of th bt manufac tured liars, Uoop. Band, Round aad Square Iryo, NaU Rutis, Cast Steal , Blulor 8tel, Drill Steal, Horse Shoes, Uorse N.ils, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, llaumers, 81dg, Hasp and Filrj, at ' CONLEY 4 CO S Northern Ontrnl ltullwuy. WINTER TIME BCHFDTlt.F!. Through and Direct Route to and from Washington, , Baltimore, Kris, Elmira, Buffalo, Rochester, ' and Ningara Falls. FOUR TRAINS DAILY from and throe to Wash ington and Baltimore, and THREE TRATNs DAI. LY to tbe North and fom and West Branch ftasnna. hanna, and northern and Western Pennsylvania and New York. ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1887, tbo Trains of tho Northern Central Railway . will run as follows : N0RTITWARD. Mail Train leave Baltimore 8.20 ant Harrtsburf;, 1.20 pro, " Williamsport, pm arrat Klmira, ll.Ojpm Bnffuli) Express leaves Baltimore 12.10 pm uarrifourg, f m in " Elmira. 12.20am nrr. Canamliiieua. 3.40 n m Fast Line, leaves Baltimore, 12.10 pm " llarnsburg, t ill p m arr. Williamsport, 8.23 p m ' Erie 0 4Sam Night Acoom. leaves Baltimoro, 7 00 p m " Hairisburg, 8.15 a ta " 'Williamsport, 8.10am arr at Erie, 8.45 a ni Yoik end Harris. I leaves York, 6.20 a in burg Accoui. i nrr. Harrisburg; 8.05 am S 0 U T 11 W A Kil . Mail Train, leaves Elmira 4.55 a in " Williamsport, 8.40 am " Iiiirrisburg, 1.40 pin" arr. at Baltimore, 0.10 p m Buffalo Express leaves (.'nnandaigua, 4 no p m " Klmirn, 7.55 p m " Williamsport, 11.45 pm ' HarriNlmrg, 4.35 a ut arr. at Ballimore, 8.15 am Fast Liuo leaves Williamsport, 3.50 pm " Harrisburg, 8.15 am arr at Baltimore, 1 1 30 p m York and Harris- j loaves Harrisburg, 4.15 ji ai burg Accom. j arr. Y'ork, 6.50 p m ' Mnil Train north nnd south. Fast Lino norlh, and York and Harrisburg Aecommodutiou north and south run daily except Sunday. BiiGalo Express north nnd Fast Line south, run dnily ; and Buffalo Express south runs daily except Mondny. Night Accommodation north arrives daily exoept Saturday. For further information apply at Iho Ticket (JUico in Iho Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. I. N. DvBARRY Gen. Supt. ilal-lili ill. & i'.riv ESailroad. ' WINTER TIME TABLE. Through nnd diroot route between rhiliidelphi.:, Baltiinoru, liarrisburir, Williamsport, nnd the GrcniV I Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. On and after Monday, Nov. 25th. 1307, tho Trains on the Philadelphia ,t Erie Rail Road will run as follows : WMTwwnn. Mail Tr.iiu leaves Philadelphia, 11.15 p m Sunbury, 5.50 a m ' nrr. nt Erie. 11.00 p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 12.00 noon " Sunbury 6.35 p ui " nrr nt Erio 9.45 a in Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, S 00 a ni ' ' ' Sunbury 4. 15pm " arrive ut Lock Haven, 7.45 p ui East w aiiu. Mail Train leaves Erio 10.35 a ui 1 Sunbury. 1 .55 a in ,l " nrr. nt Philadelphia, 8 55 a ni Eric l.' leaves Erio 4.2"i p in ' ' ' Sunbury 5. 10 u m ' " nrr. at Philadelphia, I.Oopm Mail leaves Lock Haven. " Ill a ni ' " ' Sunbury, 10.25 n m " " nrr. at Philadelphia, 6.10 pin Mail nnd Express connect with ail trains on War ren Jt Franklin Railway. Pusseiigcrs leaving Phil adelphia nt 12 ; 0 M. arrive at Irviuctoit at 6.10a in, mid Oil Lily at U 50 a ui. I,ea ing Philadelphia at 11.15 P. 51., arrive at Oil City at 4 .'i.'i p i-i. All iraius on Warren A Franklin Railway niako close vniicuiinus nt Oil Cily with traini f r Frank lin an.l lVirulcum Certrc. BAGtlAliL' CHECKED THROIGJI. ALFRED L. TYLER, I Ucncr.ll Suptriutcn lent. i..ti l.v. atii.t: V IMoomi-lmi- ttt:i! ro:ttl. i OX ii ml after Jan. 1st, 18(57, Passenger Tn:::) will run ns follows : I SOUTHWARD, i A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. Lc'ivo Sc-ai.t,.n, 5 50 10 nil 7 10 4 10 i Kingston, 11.55 11.20 6.20 6. Oil ' ' Rupert, it 2u 8 17 ' Danville, 0.51 H.;,fl Arr. '.r!h'd., Hi 35 10.15 UilillvY.U;i. Leave N'orlb'd., 7.10 .', 2d Dnnvillu, 7.40 duo " liupurt. S.I5 A.M. P.M. l).:5 " King.tuii, 10. M) s .3ii 2 jU -I. nil 10.15 M . fur Scran. Arr. at Scriinluu. 12.00 11.: 5 Trains Ii av inn KiuiMuu nt K.l : luu.cuMicct witli J rum uiriviug nl New Yurkat5.20. Pii'seiirfcrs inking Train South In in Scrsnlun hi. 5 .'hi A. .M i N'urthuniberliur, 1. reiu h Hiirrisl,ur.- 12 :;i! I'. M., Baliiiiiore 5.30 P. M . Washineton lo.. till P. .M. i i Rupert rcuch Philudelphiii nt 7.00 p. m. 11. A. FOXDA.up t. Iviiigitoii. Jan. 19. ISi',7. KfaiUit;; liailroa.i. ! W I X T E R A R R A X G E M E X T . i November 25th. 1807. "I MEAT TRUNK LINE from the North n:i I Ni.rth-We.-t for Philadelphia. New York. I!.u..l. ing, l'ut.svillo, Tumii'iua, Aalilnml, Lobimon, Allvn I ton. Ea.-tuii, Ephrata, Liliz, Laucuster, Columbia. 1 A c . . ,V c . Trains Ici.vo Ilarrioburg for Xew-York, as f... ! lows : At 3.00, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M. nnd 2.U5 and II. 3) j P. M. connecting with similar Trains on the Peun- synauiu luiiaiiuu, noil nrru ing Ol cw lurKutJ.iO Kt.l.Vaiid II 50 A. M. nnd 3. 10, V 30 P. M. Sleep ing Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M.inidO.35 P. M. trains, wit Lou I change. I Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Poltsville, Taina- iiun, Minvrsvillo, Ashland. Pino Grove, j and Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. and 2 05 and 4 lu I P. M , stopping ut Lebanon and principal way i station?; ibo 4.10 p m. making connections for j Philinlel) hia and Columbia only. For Puitsvilk. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill niui nus.iuenaiiuu uaiiroau. leave iiarnsnurg at 3 .m p. m Returning : Leave Now York at u.OO a. in., 12 in' Noon aud 5 00 aud 8.00 p. in.; Philudelphiii at 8 1., a. in. and 3.30 p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves nt 7 '.UI a t ..,,',,:,. r !..:. . . ...... ..... H. w., .-..u,,,,,, ,10m ' at 6.30 p. m. slopping at ull Stations ; Pottsvillo nt I 8 45 a. in. and 2 45 p. m; Ashland 8. 00 a.m. und 12 -! u ,..i o uo .., 'ir,.,. u w I V j i- 1 '' H ' v " m- 1 v" ,,n,i a a-, ,, ... i ii. Leave Poltsville for H;irrisbui j via Schuylkill an 1 Susquehanna Railroad at 7 10 a. in. and 12 00 m, i. Reading Aocommodulion Train leaves Reading at 7.30A. M. reluming from Philadelphia ot l int Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at ".( A. M. aud 6. 1 j P.M. for Ephratu, LRU, Luiua. ler. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays: Leave Xew Y'ork at 8 00pm., Phil i. dclphia 8 00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. thu 8.00 a in train ruuniug only to Reading. Pottsvillo 8 00 u m Harrisburg, 5.25 am, and 4.10 aud 0-35 p ui. aul Rending at 1.00 and 7.15 a. Bi, for Ilnriisbtirg, nnu 7.06 a. m. and 11.40 p lu. for Xew York, 4.25 p in for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex oursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from a': points. Baggage checked through: 100 Pounds Brgii2c allowed each Passenger. G.A.XICOLLS, General Superiuteudeut- BIUCK! BHICK! MUCK lo tlio t'ilizt'usj oi" Nn ii It ai ry n nt I Tit'inlly. rPHB undersigned have bought the Brick-Yarn X and improvements, formerly leased and workeJ by A. B. Stevens, aud have male additiunal im .roveiucr.ts, and are now prejuired to make contract to manufacture and deliver BRICK in large quau titles, tor building and other purposes. By the manufacture of a good article, and proiup' attention to businea., we hope to receive a snare o publio patronage. Orders left at the Brick-Yard or Box 14, Sunbury Post Olhce, will be pruaiull; attended to. T. 11I1IES t CO. k'unbury, May 18, 1857 Iuiut, OIIm, Ar. A full stock of Oils comprising Linsee.1 Oil, Co Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricaung Oil for Eugiuo. ai Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, ulwavs on hand, ai lo. pricesat Co.NLL'Y 4 CO'S 1 .10R Saddlers, we bay Saddle Trees, Bills, Buo les. Gig Trees, Pad Troes, Ilane-i, all kiud uu very thing pertaining to Iho '"iCO MESSRS. D. C. Dlaslnger and John A. T.yh would respectfully au.ouelo 11""n Sunbury, and surrouudiug couutr.v, that nam formed a eo-partneirhir. tbey ar now prepared furnUh oroamonted aau plain Urn e.lonr., Tosssbsi A !IB """ of tbe best Italian and Amarioaa marbl, at prioi that cannot fail to giv entir satisfaction, and r tMOtfidlw (Wliult th. Plflt'i TAYLOR. 6unbury, March 81,1866.-iy . BIRD CAGES, II different kinds. Ifyouws good sndeb.p Bud (f'ty co