Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 08, 1868, Image 3

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    fiftc Simtmrg American.
B. wilvert,
N. 8. luMOLE, J Publishers.
SlfllL-KV, PA,
Tilt township and Borough elections,
In tliU
wl( pitos on Friday, lbs 21st tmt.
Taa CoMTtKMtAt Vocalists govTeonoert la
h Maeonlo nll, on Thursday evening last. They
will entortajii our Northumberland friends this (Sat
urjsj) evening.
A tw requiring the eolleotors oi bounty taxes In
Northumberland eounty, to ente r bonds for the faith
ful discharge of their duties, was roeently passed
by both Homes of the Legislator at Harrisburg.
PnoTnacTiD MccTtMot hare been held for some
weeks put In the Lutheran and Methodist Churohes,
of this plaee. We learn that a large number hare
professed rer,gion connected themselves with
these churches.
O. V. A.
M A lodire of l'nlt,l Am!n. M-
ehanlci was organised in Milton on Wednesday night
r.f lust week. Co-oporation and mutual exohang
yf sentiment proves beueficial in all olawcs of so
ciety. Tbi waATnsa has been extremely col J during
the beginning of the week. Beveral mornings the
tneronry stKid at I degrees below sero, at sunrise.
n Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock, it stood below
S.iow. -Several slight snows have fallen the past
week, which, in addition to the former snows, affords
the best sleighing we have had for mony years.
Many farmers are taking advantage ofthls in hauling
lime for Ibcir land.
Election or DmacTon.i. The following gentle
men have been elected Directors of the Pint Na
tional Bank of Northumberland :-A. E. Kspp, John
Taggart A. 11. Stone, D. M. llrautigam, John Mc
Farland, I). O. Dricabncb, Benj Hummel, W. H.
f-lghou, Hon. Isaao Bidclspach.
Icx. 7he recent oolj weather has greatly thick
mod the ice on the river, and trade between this
place and Snyder and Union counties, has been very
active, for several weeks. Some days not less than
thirty sleds in a row, have been counted crossing tho
oe. Many of these bring produce and take back
onl. .
I. O. or 0. F. Tho following charter were
granted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, on
Uio 2Jtli ult., fur Northumberland oounty : "C. O.
Bacbmar. Lolg, No. 019." lobe locatoil at AVat
ontown. "Fort Augusta Lodge, No. 6.10," to be located at
IxroitTAST to SoLDir.ns. By a recent dceifion
rtlio Court of Claims, the members of the following
Pennsylvania regiments are entitled to $1U0 bounty :
20th, 27ih, IStb, 21' ih and "1st ; also, all persons who
enlisted between April lilh and July 22d. ISBl.and
were discharged upon surgeon' certificates of iliaa
bility nnl received iw bounty.
Rruci.Anr in NoRriiiMaKRiAKn. On Sunday
night !at, the house of Mr. John Wheatley, in Nor
thumberland, was entered through one of tho front
windows and between ISO ami $170 stolen from Mr.
Wheatley 's desk. Tbe robber made his exit by tho
front door, leaving it open, and the cold thus intro
duced aroused Mr. W., about o'clock on Monday
- - - -
Ykkdixk A Walthm's Finn IUxrEr.s have been
put into u-e in several families in this plaee, during ,
the past weok, by Mr. Fikc. Those dampers aro !
highly recommended l.y those who have usod them, j
its effecting nn important saving in fuel, whilo tho
lew pern tore of a room can be more easily rcgulutod I
than without them. All who have given them a '
trial are satisfied, and would notdo without them. I
Thk lioiionou Ki.rcTiox. The spring election is !
near nt hand, but we hare nut, as yet, hoard of nny
ftepirant for tbe various Borough offices. As a new !
"Council is to be elected, we would suggest to the j
firemen to get np and support a ticket rouiposod of ,
public spirited uitirons. who. if elected, will take j
an active interest in establishing a tiro department ,
in thin place.
- - . .
Tiif. Oil W'kll. Y learn rhatnperntions at the
Pnydcrtown oil well, on the farm of Valentine
Klnsc, have been resumed. The work of boring wns
commenced on Thursday last, under the suncrinlen-
tendenco of Mr. J. Bussard, who has had experience
in the business in the oil regions of tho western part I
of tho Stato. The stockholders of the company
seom dutcrminod to thoroughly teil the various in- !
dicutions of oil on Mr. klaea's farm i
A MtsorctP I.opgi! at N'onniriinRnT.Ajin.
Eureka Lodge No. 404, A. V. M.. of Northumber
land, was instituted on Monday night last with the
usual solemn and impressive ceremonies. C. F.
Knapp, of Bloomsburg, acting M. W.Grand Master.
After its organisation the following officers wore
-elected for tho einw'ing year: E. Lewis. W. M ;
.Tames Toole, S. W.; James Barrett, J. W.; t.
Watkins, Secretary; James Scott, Treasurer.
- - - -
Stamping Defhs. The rerenuo officers of our
Plate aro being instructed from Washington to ap
point special officers to examine the eounty offices as
to whether deeds, mortgages, and other official pa
pore, hare been properly stamped. The peualty for
omitting to stamp, or for not stamping properly, is
fill for each doed. In Bucks eounty the examiner,
in going over the first six dockets out of twenty,
found about oue hundred deeds which had either
Veen improperly stamped or the stamps entirely
omitted, making an aggregate of fire tboussnd dol
lars in ponalties.
Northern Central ft aii.road. Tbe Danville
American, of a recent date, pays the following
compliment to the Northern Central Railway, and
one of Us omployees. which we cheerfully transfer to
our columns : "The Northern Central Railroad,
under the present management, has established for
itself a reputation for regularity, safety and com
fort, socond to no other in the eouutry. The track
Is the best, and tho ease and luxury of their ears are
unsurpassed. Those who have traveled over the
Northern Central, within the last three or four years,
will endorse every word we) say. Apart from its
safety, it is also provided with careful and gentle
manly conductors sn4 -employees men who deal
justly between the company and its patrons, and yet
mete out that justioe in a manner that eannot give
offenoe to the paMenger. Among the gentlemen
who enjoy the publio respect in an eminent degree
is Mr. II. S. Noues. From him yon ean always get
a satisfactory answer, and vry favor a passenger
has a right to ask."
Railroad Appointiimti. Th rhfladolphi &
I'.rie Railroad Company hu made taw following ap
pointments ot this place, which took effect on Sat
urday lost, 1st Inst. : H. F. Mann, as first-olas
freight agent at Suubury, rise S. Stehley.
Jacob Shipinan, as joint tioket agent at Suubury,
vie 8. Stehley.
Tbe Northern Central Company has mad th
following appointment: Samuel Stehley, freight
agent at Suubury.
Jacob Shiptuon, Johst tiokt agent of US Northern
OntTuI and Philadelphia A Kri companies, at
It still b (eon that a division of ofliee has been
mado and th responsibility divided. Hitherto Mr
Stehler was th nominal haad of th tioket offio,
ulthough Mr. Fhipman, lb present appointee, was
Lhew and has been for ( number or year tn aoiuai
gant. Mr. Maim, Us freight sgeut or lb I'. tv
road, was foriAurlT U agont at Lewisburg sUtion
Mr. Stehley 's duties as freight agent of th heavy
hiuinoss of tbe Northern Central, at IhU plaoe, will
v. ,.u. ienl furune mas' attention. W bar
nni hm.r.1 of anv t heox-es in th ler ical fore anj
Coimoit Schools i NoTiomtnLio Co.
We hare received lb annual report of J. P. Wick
orthara, Esq., Stale Superintendent of Common
Eohools, for the year ending June 3d, 1807. We
take the following, in relation to the tonditlon and
progress of the fret school system Id this eounty,
from tbe report of (J. W. Haupt, Esq., our County
(superintendent :
The whole number of school houses Is one hundred
ad thirty-throe, in which one hundred and flfty
three schools were lauirht d urine: the vear. Thlr
teen new bouses were built since July 1, lHf), tn the
following districts, vli: Sunbury, two. These are
substantial and onmmodieus brick buildings, two
nones mgn, eaon story being ten feet In the olear,
between floor and oeillng, surmounted by oupnlos or
bell turrets and bells. The mnln buildings are
thirty-eight feet front by twenty-five In depth, with
wings ten feet front by eight feet tn douth. Tbe
out-buildings are suitable. The whole, Including
area for play grounds, is enclosed by serviceable
fenoiug. Cost of lots and buildings, $10,000. The
furniture is eonvenient and suitable, embraolr.g
ample black-board surfaoe. Tbe directors in this
district have already commenced the erection of two
oiner Doiming. to be in all respects similar to those
now completed, the plan and specifications being
the same in both Instances.
Turbut, one; first-class brick building. Tho lot
was donated to tho directors, for school purposes, by
William Kemmerer.
I'pper Augusta, one; a substantial, number one,
brick house. The lot on which the bouse stands was
donated to the board by our esteemed and generous
fellow chiton, Col. Joseph W. Cake.
Kush,one; a good, oonvenlont brick building. In
the following districts good serviceable frnme build
ings were created : Lower Mahonay, two ; Coal, two ;
Upper Muhonoy, one; Lower Augusta, one; and
Mount Carmel township, two.
In Justice to the intelligent and energetic direc
tors, through whose exertions the above mentioned
school houses were erected. I would say, that in
each and every iuslanae, the buildings are woll and
substantially finished, and hare good out-buildings,
nmplo play grounds, neat, durable and convenient
furnituro, and suflielont black-board surface The
ventilation, in most cases, Is good. In townships
that have recently adopted the coin won school eys
tom, the buildings aro not suoh as are desirablo ; in
many cases being old, rarely supplied .with proper
conveniences, and in some instanoes dilapidated.
The enthusiastic and energetic direotors of those
districts will, uo doubt, soon remedy this evil, by
providing new and properly construoted edifioes.
Upper Miihnnny township, heretofore a nnn-ao-cepling
district, adopted the ooinmon school system
last winter. Six schools were in operation during
the year, which, considering the opposition offered
to the system by uiiuiy of the citiiuns, woro quite
There ha been no marked or satisfactory change
in srle il furniture, excepting where now buildings
haro tieeit erected. I have suggested the requisite
changes, and liaro supplied Uio direotors with a
uopy nf the Pennsylvania School Architecture,''
from which to take plans for houses, desks, scats and
other requisites.
AuvtnTisiNd I'ATnoKAoa. We copy and fully
indorso the following sensible remarks, from the
Jamestown (N. Y.) Journal of recent data : "In a
general sense, the effort on tho part of any merchant
to get trade without advertising is a wrong to other
I business men in the place. Wbolher a man believe
in advertising or not, hn will coincide that the news
j papers uro a great help to the place, and that busi
! new amounts to very little in plnccsthatdon'tsupport
ono or more of them. Absence of newspapers is a
bod sign for a place in a business point of view, as
absence of churches is in morals, of school houses in
education. The men who support the village paper
do more to build up the placo, and make it prosper
ous, ttvj draw trade there, than all other influences
combined. Therefore, the man who tries to come in
and take tho benefits of the prosperity without con
tributing to sustain it, tries to "dead head'' on the
rest of the business men. and does them wrong."
J For the American.
Lower Mnhnnoy Township.
l.o we it Mahanoy, Feb. 1st, lSl'ni.
Editor Aueiiicax : If any ono township in this
county merits more praise than nnother, for interest
taken in lis schools, it is Lower Mahanoy township.
Having aoonpted tho free school system in 1SR5, they
had tio freo school bouses at all until they built them.
Now, however, they have nine now, largo, com mo-
dious, beautiful free school houses all built within
2J years and will build two uioro next summer.
Being thus encumbered with a heavy debt, the
Uiroctors thought themselves not froo from censure,
on the part of tho district, if they allowed their
teachers time and pay to attend the County Insti
tute, though very Killing tn nllow thorn to makeup
the lime, if they resolved to go. Next year Lower
Mnhanoy wilt send every teacher to the County tu
stitute, having (ess or no detit.
Their interest in their schools can be measured by
the fact Unit the ttholt loan accompanied tho Su
perintendent while visiting their sshpuls. Let other
townships say as much, if they can. Tho iiurlli
genet down here, hich, the Democrat says, dolights
in "pinekster," "treason," Ac, will compare very
favorably with most other places, but is not showu or
manifested so plainly by rcoson.of thoir inability to
use the English languago. Let the Democrat speak
more ia accordance with facts. W.
(For the American
Zerbe Township.
Trkvortox, Feb. 3J, IStlS.
Mu. I'm mil : The statement made and pub
lished in the proceedings of the Northumberland
County Institute, saying that the Directors of Zerbe
township refused to consent to give tho lime to their
teacliors to attend the lnstituto, is not correct.
C. II. KKAMEIt, President.
A. I.. Bastresx, Secretary.
Tn Mari:ii Tbiiii ok Coinr. Th fulluwingis
tbe list of jurors for the March session of Court :
GRAND Jt'lir.
Val. Klnse, jr. .Shamokin, George Deppin, Jackson,
Wm. Fuller, Sunlmry, jC. Kreeger, Sham. boro.
Thus. Karchner, Turbut, iJ. M. U'Carty, Delaware,
Geo. P. MerU, Point, Z. Ilogeudoeblcr, Milton,
J. Malick. Mt.Caruiel bo.lileniy Gcigor, Kortb'd,
Adam Kembel.L.AuguvtaJ. Uognn, Mt. Carmel tp.
Sol. Ilriwious. Sunbury, Weslo.v llaupl, Shainokiu,
C. r. Huff, Milton, j Daniel Hoover, Coal,
D. Yost, Shamokin boro. 'Jacob Ruhrbach, Sunbury
R. Garingor. I'. Augusta, Win. Grady, l'oint,
11 S. Ilurr. Shamokin bur am. Rennor, North'd,
S A. Morgan, North'd, Tbos. Foulds, Zurbo.
Josonh Kisely, Sunbury,
nr. i'. tiiuron, .vniton, -ai. a. iviceiy, Delaware,
Jno. Dunbaiu. North'd, Samuol Wilson, Lewis.
I. Bubb, L. Mahanoy, ,J . Wagoner, Turbutvillo
U. oris. I hilhsausoue, John Uludor, Turbut.
Jacob Ilofla, Turbut, jii Reeder, McEwcnsville,
Wm.Klasu, Shamokin bo E. F.Gould, "
Martin Gass. " two. li. S. Faber. Turbutvillo.
Win. II. Douty, bur. M.Graham, Mt Carmoltp
ji. u .itiaucK, u. Augusra, iiaas, ii. aiananuy,
Henry Morgan, Point. Sam. Sober, Shamokin,
S.Smenk, Shamokin boro. Daniel Hoover. "
Jacob Schlagel, Coal, 'Isaao Brown, Milton,
Jos. Kvert, Wateoutown, IT.C.M' William, McKw'lle
lsaae Item, n ashington. itleo. foulk, L. Augusta,
R. W. Stewart, Turbut, J. M. Fry, Turbutvillo,
4. B. Weiser, Sunbury, 'John Linck, Coal,
Benj Lerob, Shumnkiu tn.1 Alfred Krause, Milton,
Ldwnrd Cbapin. Milton, .Stephen Hlcltey, North'd,
Benj Philips, I. Mahanoy. J. C. Fisber, Washington,
S II itnmeruian, 1,. Aug. f errv tiearaart, Kusb,
S. N. Miller, Delaware, (Jacob Wagoner, Cameron,
11. G. rry, Shamokin bor Wm.Niipe, L . Augusta,
1. f. G auger, Milton, J. B. Lonker, Sunbury.
fktit iirar.
J. H. Hoffman, Rush, D. C. Hoffman, Delaware,
Jacob r.vert, l. Augusta, isaao Uottorl, Jackson,
John M. Huff, Milton, James Young, Lewis,
T. Gibbons. Mt.CuruieJ tn.'.J. A. Snvdor, nham. bor.
F. Dipner, Shamokin bor.'Robt MoCormick, Turbut
B. Droeious, vi asnington, nam. l ost. cnamoain nor
John Miller, Billion, IJoOn oil, Delaware,
Aaron Sober, Itush, J . uampDeii, tjnamoktn,
A.S.Matis, L. Mahanoy,
('aspor Adams, jr.
Clint. Roiirhacb, Suubury
banners, Ubillisquaque,
Jno. Vandorender, Point,
JoUn rica, uciaware,
J. H. Brown, Sunbury,
J. A. seats, Snamokin,
John J. Smith, Sunbury,
V. D. Paul, V. Mahuioy,
D. K. llauok, i, Auguj a
l'eter ttucb, norm a,
Martin Weaver, Rush,
J. Bordoer, Sham. boro.
Joha Sterner, Lewis,
R R. Miller, L. Augusta,
Art. Buss, Delaware,
H. Fry, U. Muhanoy,
Peter llartuer. Lewis,
Jaoob Stautu, Turbut.
tjTJob rlntlnir. Having received
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various now
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, 4 e., ean be printed in
th latest and best styles, and on short notioe.
Orders by mall promptly attended to.
Blask Liasis. W have on hand large auin
W of blank leases, neatly printed, which w soil
t ten cants ner eoDT. A th season fur leasing
property is at band, and as a large number f them
W bar them printed witfe and without in
,i,i;, tua
Ma Mori Tacsr! We have positively deter I
mined to retail no mora Coal, unless for eaA en d
lirerf. Grant Bro.,
Valehtiki Diets,
4t Haas A Wolvbrtos.
General Grant's nomination forth Presidency
seems to be as "pbixed" a "phaot," judging from
the ton of the press, North and South, as that the
olothing told at J. F. Shaefier't Tailoring Establish
ment, on Market Square, Is a universal favorite with
the publio. The eomperlson baa tiris difference,
however that while Grant's praise Is in the month
of but on party, the praise of Shaefler's olothing la
n th tongue of all parties.
Thi Rcsb at Bxce's Th publio are taking ad
vantage of Book's low prices, and are carrying his
goods off, (nfter being mad up into suits of all
styles.) at a rapid rat. He has just replenished
bis establishment with another supply of Cloths, Cas
siineres, Ae., whioh he proposes to oonvert Into suit,
at reduoed prices. If you dosir to purchase a good
article, and at a reasonable figure, call at Beck's
Tulloring Establishment, on Fourth stroot.
Take Vkrt Particular Notice, that, to enjoy
winter properly, you must b well guarded against
tho elements. When you go skating or sleighing
wrap up warmly, while enjoying th exercise, and
make yourself comfortable A pair of boots or shoes
from Miller's Excelsior Store, Market Square, on
such oecaslons, is a great luxury and a safeguard
against oold feet.
Bractifi'l, The boautiful specimens of the Pho
tographio art, on exhibition at Byerly's 'Jullery, in
Simpson's building. Market Square, tell tbe publio,
in unmistakable languago, that Byorly is a first-
class artist. Call up and get a lifo-like picture.
Tue General Vkiidict. The general verdict
approves the suits for gents, tho suits for boys, the
suits of all grades, made at the Continental Clothing
Bataar, on Market Square. We would advise all
who intend replenishing their wnrdrobos, during the
present year, to call at the Continental end cxamibe
the elegant stock of goods nlways on exhibition
"Mr dvnr Murphy," said an Irishman to his
friend, "why did you betray the secret that was
told you ?" "Is it bctrayin' that you call it ? Sure,
when I found I wasn't nblo to keep it myself, didn't
I do well to toll it to somebody that oould ?'' Sam vK...IJ ... I.. L., .,. f, i i !
..... ...v .
fact that S. Faust, the fashionable Hatter, is mnnu
and selling eoods vorv fast and verv
cheap, at his store, on Market Square.
- - ,
On the .10th of January, 1SB8, at the residence of
Charles J. llrunor. Esq., by James Beard, Esq..
Mr. Jacob P. Kkksciisku to Mrs. Lutisa Conrad,
both of Columbia oounty, l'a.
In Shamokin. on the morning of the 2Slh ult., Mr.
DANIEL EVERT, agod 0i years, 10 mouths and 4
In Point township, January 21th, Miss SARA II
TREMBLE Y, aged 7H years.
In Northumberland. February 5th, Mr. J. W.
STAMM.nged 75 yeijrs.
k i ; it l it v a iKii ivrr.
Corrected Weekly for tho "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do d do perewt.
Ryo Flour, por bbl.
do per ewt.
Wheat, primo red, new. per bushel,
Rye, do
Coro, new, do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per round
.do do unpared do
Dried Apples, do
I2 00
10 00
:m I
40 I
Dried Cherries, (unstoncd.) por bu.
per pouhd.
Beef, hind quartor
' front
per dosen,
per pound,
per pair
Kliumokin Conl Tnide,
Shamokin, February 3, 18HS.
7'nwjt. Ctrl.
Sent for woek ending Feb. 1, .1,81(1 O.i
Per last Report, 17,573 15
I.'t.SHS Oft
S.i,:i3.i in
To fame timo lo.-t year,,
'ol 04
Special JCoticrs.
Iiiuen.sxly Port" L A R. Tho proprietors of Coo's
Cough Bulsam hava tucccodod '.n creating a do-
mand in nearly every villngo of the United States.
Reason why ? First, it is effectual ; sceond, it is
cheap; third, it is pleasant to take; fourth, they
know how to let tho afflicted know it.
Krrora ol Vonlli.
A gentleman who sutfurod for years from Nervous 1
Dsbility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of 1
youthful indiscretion, will, for the sako of suffering ;
humanity, send free tn oil who need it, the recipe
and directions lor making the simple remedy by j
which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing,
In perluot connuence, JUll.x is. uuui..,
my la -u; ly a cedar atrect, . i .
TO CoilfcUllllit Ivom.
Tbe Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free
of charge) to all who desire it, tho prescription wilh
tho directions lor making and using tuestinplo reme
dy by which bo was cured of a lung affection and
that dread disease Consumption. Ins only object is
to benelit tho ntllicted. and be hopes every sufferer
will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing,
any may proven blessing. Ilease address
my lR-'671y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y.
i'OIiUVri? A. "0 'N
' '
Is manufactured from PIKE
MATERIALS, and may 1e
considered theSTANDARDOF
For sal by
all Grocers.
May 18, 18BT. ly.
A -' Cherry I'ectorul,
Cough. CM; Influenza, lloartcnm. Croup,
JlroncliittH, Incipient Lotuumption, awl Jor
the Relief of' Connuinptire- l'utients in Ad-
tanceu SUi'jct of tut ititeatt.
SO wide is the field of it
usefulness and so bus
morous are its euros, tha- I
in almost every section ot 1
eountry are persons pub-
iiciy Known, wno nave
been restored by it from
alarming and even despe
rate diseases of tho lungs.
When one tried, its su
periority over every other
expeororant is too appa
rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are
known, the publio no lunger hesitate what antidote
to employ for the distressing and dangoroua affec
tions Ol me puiiuuuarjr vraaua moiuaui 10 uur Clt-
n nil many iiuoriuv remeuica mniH Uou
the community havo failed and been discarded, this
has gained friends by every trial, eonferred benefits
on the amioted they eon never forget, and produced
cure too numerous and too remarkable to be for
... .1 Lit- . v . it- . i : i i- -
iva ean assure uo uuuno ma, iuvimuj wn-
fiillv kent un t the best it ever has been, and that
it may be relied on to do for their relief all that it
lima ever done
Ureat nam bars or Clergymen, roysicians, Dtates-
nien, and other tminent parsonage, bar lent their
name to eertify to th unparalleled usefulness of
our remedies, but space her will not permit the in
sertion of them, uur Agent lurnlin, gratis, our
Anaatr.u Aluaiao. in whWb thy are alven, with
also full description of th aomplaiuts our remedies
eur). ....
Tbos who reajulr an aiuralivo meateins to pu-
.;r. ,y. MatA will find Ami Coup. Ext. Sarsa
I i-arilla the on to use. Try it one, and you will
lbDR. J C. AVER 4 CO, Low.ll,
tx - I j((aa., aid sold by all Druggist an4 dealer in nied
1 li ins srervviere l'( .l-ei
k V
a .laias-MVl r, I r I T I ,
! One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years this Establishment has done bnsi
, new on the Una 1'rlo rJvs.em, and we believe we
1 mm l 1 ..
nw vuij vioioin ii oue e in uio city mat striotly
adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu
tation which w are proud of, for good laste in select
good styles and substantial materials, and nut less
Important, for having all our goods,
We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our
j Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain
.so that all tastes can bo suited. Tho price are tho
I very lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must
see, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition
j of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made,
we must put our prioes down to tbe advantages we
; promise.
The people may depend, this is tho true plan upon
j which to do business, and many a dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
004 Market tStrroet, Philadelphia.
Not on the Cornor, but oue door above Sixth.
Msrch 2.1, 18rt7. ly
; mk:
1 JV left, whose MiUVrnics ha
vela-en protracted Hoin nui. i
den causes, anrt wltone eases letiiire runipt Ifeitment M
j remler existence riesiraMi If yuu ate suuVrius; or have
; sullered ftoin involuntary discharges, what rllect (toes it
produce upon your geuetal health ? JD'i you (eel weak,
debihliiteil, easily liud ! Does a little eairu exertion pro.
ifuce palpitation the heart f Dues your liver, or urinary
r oresin, or your kidneys. Iriipienlly (el out of i.nler Is
your urme sometime thick, milky. 01 rhw-ky, or is it ropy
on seltluiR .' Or does a thick scum rise In I lie t..p? Urns
, smllilielil at the Imttoin aflcr It has stood awhile Do you !
' have spells of short liieutliilix or ilyspepslu Are youl '
i l iwels constipated Do yon have spells of Csoilnn w I
lushes ol PI.mkI to the head? tsyoiir memory iinpalird .' '
In Vour Iflllid eoimtautlv riivellilltf llmin Hub suliieet 1 Diivnu 1
feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, nl life Do you
Wish to be left alone, to set away Iran evenlsaty f lines
any htlln llutir make you start or jump f Is your sleep
broken 01 restless? Is the lustre of your eyeans brilliant ?
The hltmru on your cheek as hriicht ? Do you enjoy your,
self in tieiely as well I Do you pursue your husineiw with
the same energy ? Do y on feel as much emitiileiiec in your
self ; Are your spirits dull and MasiriiiK. itiven to fita of
, uielHiK'liuly ? If so, .to not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
! Have you restless niulits? Vour hack weak, your knees
: veak, and have hut little appetite, ami you attnbute this
' to dyspepsia or liver-eomplaiut ?
.Now, reader, self nbuse. venereal diseases Imtlty cured,
and sexual excesses, are all cnpalile oi prinlueinr; a weak-
nem or me generative orgnns i ne organs ol generation,
when in perleet health, make the man. Dai you ever
'B' boki, "tenant, eaeieetie, persevering, suc-
ri.MUj uusmeKS-men ate always t
th'-se whose generative
organs are ill perfect health ? You never hear such men
eompiain oinemg n,eianeiiiv, iiervoneuees, i.i paipitn
nun fii iii i,ri
Thev are never alruid thev eannot sne
i , -
ered in business ; they don't liecome sad and discouraged ;
they are always polite and pleasnnt in the company of la
ities, nnd limk you ami thrill right in the face none of your
downcast looks or any other ineaiUK-ss about them. 1 do
not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running
to excess. These will not only rui-.i their coustitutioim
but also those they do hus:ness with ot for.
Ilow many men finiu lindly.eiireil diseases, from lite
rib-eta of self-abuse and excesses, have brought nbout that
state of weakness in those organs that bus reduced .Hie
general system so much as tn induce almost every other
disease id ioey. lunacy, paralysis, spinal affect ions, sui-'ide,
and almost every other form of disease which humanity is
heir to, ami the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever sus
pected, and have doctored lir all but tl.e right one.
Inseateffni' these organs require the use of n dmretie
MIOt. llHOI.II'SFI.l ID KX TH ACT UI OIIL' lathe great
Diuretic, mid is a cerium cute for diseases ol the IPudiler,
Kidneys, Gravel, llropsv. Organic Weakness, female
Ciiiiplaiiiis, Uencral Debility, and all discuses of the t'n
nary I Irgatia, whether existing in .Mule or Fcui-ile, from
whatever cause originating and no matter of how l-mg
If uo treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity j
may ensue. Our (lesh and blood are stipMuleit from these
sources, and the liealtn nan happiness, mid ol rottenly,
depends upon prompt use ol" a reliable remedy
llehnhold's Kxtraet lluchu. established upward of tS
years, prepared by II. T. llf.l.M IIOI.I), Druggist,
5".i llriaihvay. New York, and
104 South lutli rucet. Phikulrlphta. l'n
I'Ricx I H5 per bottle, or li .tiles for S9..V), de'iverel
to any address. Sold by all Druggists evei ywhere.
Mareh. IMI7 ly
DriAVNKSS, lit.INII.NK5S AMD Catarrr treated
with tho utmost success by J. Isaacs. M. D., Ocul
ist and Auriit. (formerly of I.rydcu, Holland.) No.
805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from
tbe most reliable sources in oitv nnd country can be
seen at his office Tho Medical facility are invited I
to uccompany their patients, ns tie has no secrets in
his practice. ARTIFICIAL KYF.S inserted with
out pain. No ehargo for examination. nnv.H0-ly.
Information, guaranteed tn produce a luxuriant
: growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless faco, I
' aUo a recipe for tho removal of Pimples, Blotches, I
Kruptions. oln.. on the skin. lea ing (lie nme soft, i
clear, and beautitul.cau hu obtuincd without charge j
by addressing I
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. I
' may IS, 'tl7. Broadway, New York. j
. T HE II E Kill lioT P 6 O Ii . j
And House of Merciy.. j
. Men. on the crime of Solitude end the F.rror. Abu- ,
I see and Diseases which destroy tho manly powors. I
and crest impediment to Marriage, with sure means t
of relief. Sent in scaled letter envelopes, free of j
charge. Address DR. .1. SKILLIN llOCGIITON, I
Howard Association, l'hiladelpbia, Pa.
June si. Irl7. ly
7 no C'li'sIHst Kim-1 IliilttdolisiiIa
Are Iho best in Use,
They aro mora simple and durable, easier kept in
I or1!r' vaukt ,''n6or Bn1 more elastic stitch, a
c 1 kan.iliril uim than anv other
wiiuoi auu ww "--" J ...
i Th m f-,.:M from two common spools, re-
'quire no re-winding of thread, fasten bothendsof
! lhe ibe" ' "n "P"' 0D" "d4 thoUh eVCry
fifth st.teh cut the seam will not rip.
I Very llltfhs-s.1 lVlzc, the I ross
of the Legion of Honor was eonferred on tbe repre- !
sentative of the j
;icovi:h a. ii.iki:k
at the Exposition I'niversellro, Paris, 1RA7 ; thus
j attesting their groat superiority
I in. mo-cMiies.
over all other sow-
H II 17 X T . !! A V II I - K M
Fur Manufacturing,
Combine th most modern and essentiul improve
meuti. Tbe attention Is requested of Tailors, Manufac
turers of Boot and Shoes, Carriage Trimming,
Clothing and all others requiring tho us of th
most effective
To these aew styles, which possess nnmistakabl ad
vantage over all others.
Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A.,
Nor. 83, IBOT. ly
NOTICE is hereby gives that un the loth day of
January A. V. lBO, a pennon was prosemea u we
Hnuit of Common Pleas of Northumberland County,
praying the said Court to grant a Charter of Ineor
miration to sundry oltifens of Trovorton, uudur tbe
name, style and till of tho "First Babtist Church of
Trovorton, ' witn me rigui ana privileges luomiu
.i.,A and ifnosufiioienl eaus hi shown ts the eon-
t.m.w nt tha (rat das of next term th second Mon
day of Maroh next being the ninth (Uth) day of
. . ' . . i, , .) j .I. .tik. miIiImm III
JhlarCO, A. f - i ouo, uiv prajv. Ul Ml. uonuvuw. n...
be granted according to th Act of Assembly, In
auob eas mad ana proviaen.
By lb. Court, J. J. REIMES3t'YPER,
J.n HS. -"t Proth'y
WILL bo sold nt publio sale, at the residence of
thoaulwriboT, in lewis township, near Mo
Ewensvillo, Northumberland oounty, I'a.,nn
V-Iii'isli J nnsl 'I hurstluy, ili4tli
nnd 5th 1iiys ol'Iflnrrlt, 1WU,
the following property, vis :
A span of brown match Mules, 1A hands high, woll
A pair of match sorrel Horses, 16 hands high.
This snsn drew the first premium at the Pennsylva
nia Stnta Fair, held at W illiamsport, as the boat pair
of Horses on exhibition for all kinds of use.
1 thnrnugh-brcd Durham Bull, 3 yrs . old on July 1!,
1 thorough-bred Durham Heifer, 1 year old.
il yoarling lluifors, Durham and Aldnrny cross.
3 yuarling Durham Moors, 6 milk Cows, Durham
and AMorny cross.
2 thorough-bred Durham milk Cows, and II Head
of Beof Cattle.
1 Lincolnshire Buck, 12 Ewes, Southdown and
Cntswold cross with a lamb to a thorough brod Lin
colnshire Buck, and 7 yearling wnnthors.
S Breeding Sows, thorough brod, Chester eo. whites.
(J Mioats, thorough-bred, Chester county whites.
Throo good Iwo.horso Wagons, two of them with
r'l-o boxes 1 r-pring Wagon 1 Carriage, 1 Buckeyo
-""r i ---j -, n.i .uy
era I'iston Grain Drill.
Ono pair No. 1 Bob-SIcds, 2 long 61ods. I Ion
Med nnd 2 Sleighs.
1 Sell heavy breach-hand Harness, 2 sells Yankee
Harness, 2 celts Plow gears. I doublo sett Buggy
Hnrness, 2 double setts Fly NetLs, I singlo Fly Noit,
S Saddles, Halters, Lines, collnrs, bridles and check
line tumbling rod Threshing Machine and power,
1 corn shelter, I wind. mill, 1 cutting. bm, 40 cattle
chains, rakes and forks.
One hand press oider mill, 7 plows, 2 harrows, 4
cultivators, 1 corn plow, double-trees, spreads, log.
chains, tug-chains, hnrrow-ohaina and I fifth chain,
I potato fork. 3 pair breast chains, 3 pair wagon lad
ders, 1 roller, plow-shares, grain cradles, mowing
scythes, sickles and y corn cutters.
Ono cross-cut saw, 2 post anttrs nnd post-horse,
1 shaving horse, 1 sledge, grubbing hoes, shovels,
spades, crowbars, poet-diggers and 1 cant honk, 2
broad nxes, wrenches, auguis, chisels, planes, hilling
hoes, axes and grind stono.
One cook stove. 2 iron kettle, t brass kettle, spin
ning wheels, Hax-brsko, satisnga stuffer, lard and
butter tii-kins, hdncbes, flour chests, butter churns,
bedsteads, barrels nnd water can, and other articles
tonnuniernus to mention.
.'ale to commence at 9 o'clock A. M.. of each of
said days when terms will bo made known by
Lewis township. Jan. 25. IHH ts.
m;,ui;uy oii.iiiliT.
THE subscribers having jiift erected and pnt in
operation a Mill for llio manufacture of
offer tho highest mnrkct prico for FLAX SEED.
They liavo attached to their establishment a Chop
ping Mill, and farmers nnd others, wanting grinu
chopped for feeding, con bo accommodated nt the
shortest notice. A machine for chopping corn with
the cub is attached to tho mill.
January 25, 1&63. ly
rilUK subscribers respectfully inform tltecitiicn of
X Suubury and Ticimty, tuut they have ocotvi a
at J. Haas A Co s Lower Wharf. NunlHiry, fn.
where ihcy tiro prepurcd to supply all kinds of Sha
mokin Coul, at cheap rates. Families and others
promptly supplied. Couutry custom respectfully
SjuLury, 13, ISCsS.
:om?ie:i:ciai. .iia.m:e:i:m:
Vlf Wo announce to farmers and dealers In Fer
tilisers, that tire folpwing price; have been ajoptod
for tho present spring season :
Price, ?5(! per 2.000 lbs.
Prico, 846 per 2,000 lb.
This well known po ulnr trudo-tunrk will be f jund
upon every package of tho abovo manures.
The high estimation in which Batch's Bone Ma
nures havo been held, during fourteen years past,
wo shall fully sustain iu tho future. Having now tho
entire control of tho great resources of the city of
Chicago, for furnishing Ammonia and Photpbnto
yiolding material, vii : Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood,
Ac. .we have, in connection with our works in Phil
adelphia, the largest facilities for furni.hing tbeso
manure, tit tho above low prices.
BAl'GIi A SONS, Philadelphia.
JOHN RALSTON t CO., Gen'l Ag'ts, Now York.
GEORGE KIRKE & CO., " Boston.
GEORGE DIGDALE. Wholesale Ag t, Bultimoro.
For all information respecting Ilia abovo Mauurcs,
address cither of the above houses.
old by
SMITH A GENTUER, 6'unbury.
Jan. 25, 16oi. uug 67-ly
Illinois Hole Ovcrit-umiu((
Is warranted to execute in the beft manner every
variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording,
Tucking. Braiding, Gathering, Quilting. Overseam
ing, Embroidering on the edge, and in addition
mukos boautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fa
Being absolutely the Bast
I'AJIII.V .UAt'lll!-:
And rntrintiaallv the cheapest, for it is two Ma
chines combined in one by a simple and beautiful
mochauical arrangement.
Circulars with full particulars and samples of work
done on this Machine, can be had on application at
Ihc sales-rooms of Uio Company,
. W. Cor. Eleventh and cnestnut rntiaaei a
Instructions given on the Muobine gratuitously to
all purchasers.
lIrcclorsi i
J. L. FENIMORE, President.
President 13uck Mountain Cual Company.
Wool Merchant. Io. 40 SoutU h font bt.
H. H. HEED, of George W. Heed & Co.,
Vholcali Clotbincf, rso. 4a juarKci ntreci.
UICHAKU80X. PUiladeljiuia.
Of Coateaville, Chester County, P.
F. PAXSON, of F. Paxton & Co.,
Notions, No. 50 Market Street.
January J5.I868. ly
wvlaitlom of urtssei-sblp.
NOTICE is hereby given that th partnership be
tween Levi Seasbolts, C. H. Wolvortou and
r P KauhnlLa. was dissolved by mutual eonsont
nn tha 11th day of January, 1868 Tbe books of
th firm ar in th hands of Mr. Levi Seasholtx,
where all persons indebted will -pleas make imme
diate payment, and those baying claim will pre
sent them for settlemont.
."unbiiry January !. IMS
o tiot Rend tltlss Coiairm or yon j
tv III ccrtitlnl' fluH out wlti-i-v Jots t
Buy the MOST GC0DS,
of tho
BEST Q,XJjfti.XiIX"5r.
Tor the
II. V. I ltll.I.Ad.',
at tho
! irtVERTBOnycendaagnod watch, and aifhoefn
iJJJget it at the lowunt possible price; a horde of
swindlers knowing tins nave contrived various in
genious devices to get puopte's money, nnd then
a. v srf . w , ; cither fail to se nd a wnte.h. or send one tlnit is worth-
1 less es n time-keoper. ARRANDALK A Cd., have
t now perfected arrangements by which, for tho small
; sum of $10, a good and reliable watch may ho crn
t tainlv obtained. Thev have formed a GREAT
Has just received and openod the
on our wholesale list, sent ynl freo, which is a Cist
, claims patent lever, a hant.eome ami reliable watch,
in sterling eilver hunting raso. ttni usualiv s"!I for
EIK.SX SHl.t:C'Xi:i and I0. You will 1-cnTAiNLl- get such a watch; nud,
! bef-ides, you may get a ooi.Ii CHRONOMi'Tnti north
jt'J. W'o roll the certificates as follows: Ono tor
I 25 ecnls ; Three for 50 cents ; Six for ?l ; and Ten
i tv for ?:'. To thoso sendin"$l, wo will n nd a hand-
Frouch Merinos,
Prints, Muslim,
Casslmeres, Ao.
NOTIONS of all kinds.
Hosiery, Gloves, Men's and Ladies L'ndorgarment
A full assortment of TRIMMINGS.
Builders will Sn.t my 6tock of Hardware,
Fultitw, Ollfs, Cilasia, Ac, Complrle,
PJJJDrugs and Medicines,
Willow and Cedaraar.
Quceneware, Glassware,
Crockery, Suit.
and in fact everything usually kept in a large Stor
Call aud bo eonviueed tbat the CHEAPEST
The 3Iaimnoth Store.
Ttrmsj I'asjh.SOdays),
as my Goods ar bought fur Cuh and Sold Cheap
u. y. rrnisG.
Junbury, Oct. 1. IMT.
On Third St., ono door holow.Oie Lutheran Cburrh
Has just opened a
! Provision Store
I and Is selling low for CASH.
! ills Stock Is complete, onnsiatiiig in part of
I Molasses, Syrnps, Mai kerel, 'Lard. Hams, I-oia
I'ried and Canned Fruits, Fronns. Raisins. Cheeeo,
ana truckers, nnd in fact everything usually
kept in the Grocery line
Tho best FLOl'R and AtKAL In tho Market.
Tobacco, Cigars. Bud a varlotv of NO I I'Ne?.
Constantly on baud Shell and Can
whioh will bo furnished to prival families in Isrg
or small quantities.
Also : All kind.l of Canned Fruit, at tho lowest
Country Produce taken 19 exchango for Goods
Ijf Cnll aud exnuiina my .Stock, and satisfy your
! selves.
I .Sunbury, lr.o It. ISS7.
j " iioiir .! kiii 01; M14lli:
I THK subscriber offers to sell bis Boot and .Shoe
j Store, located on X urket sireet. Sunbury. a tew
i doors cast of llaupt's new buildiug. Including a
i large stock of R00H. and Ladies and Cbildron's
.""boes, Gailers. Ac. 1'ho room will also be rented
I to nny person purchasing the stock, if desired. Hero
is presented an opportunity lor doing a first.olasa
Loot nud Shoe htisttiesa. 1 "he es ablieliment is offer
ed for sale because the oaner ha. gone into other
: business in tho West. J. H JhFr'MKS.
Sunbury. January 4, ioC3.
WA'i'Cll Cl.l'B on the f illuwing pian. Certificates
containing the numbers of all tho watches named in
our wbntexslo list (which is sent to all applicants)
are mixed up, enclose 1 lu envelopes, and sold for
25 ecnts each. Kvory certifica'e is WAHRANTKn to
be for a watch, and ns will lie seen on reference to
the list, none uro of le vnluo than Ten Dollars.
whilst some aro worth $300. We undertake to send
any watch drawn whatever may bo its valucfor f 10,
and in order that, every oue may absolutely depend
I upon getting n tirst class time-keeper, wcguarunteo
I that every purchaser of Ouo Dollar's worth of ter- s
I tificatert shall reeeivn nt least ono for watch n A.'Vt
i some chain gratis. To those fending ivo v.i'1
I send a ooi.n chain warranted not to t.irni.-h In 1W
years l'artie: get! ng up larger rlubs will receive
libera! present, particulars ot whi.-h may be i-unad
on application. As it ie our intcti'.ion to 6 n strict
ly lionornbln business, mid to insure our customers
from liability tn hiss, we will send cur watches, if
desired, w ITnofT moskv, instructing tho Kxyiress
agent to collect only on delivery. If wo aro desired
to forwnrd watches by mail, the money inu.H be sent
us by Bank Draft or Post Ofiieo Order, and it will
then bo at our risk. Wo will then rkiiiktkr the
package at our pot office, and if lost willufi-i.ack
it PliKF op ciiapub. it any watch sent is not up
proved, it may be returned and the inoncy will bo
refunded. Tho refutation of our firm, which has
been ehtablishetl for fve years, and is well known in
every part of tho oounlry. wo trust will ba deemed a
sufiicii-ut guarantee that wo will fuitbl'ully perform
all we contract to do.
Dec. 21. 1R7. 5m Post GSco Boy, 5.2e5.
Lime! Lime! Lime I
riHIH new Lime Kilns of H. B. Murscr. at Solins
.1. Drove Station, are now couiplctod and in sue
cossful operation, producing lime of the ycry best
quality. These kilns are Luilt nith all the luoderti
convenience and improvements, and have a capaci
ty of producing 400 bushels pnr day. Excellent
roads havo been mnde to tho kilos, not inU-rfcrci
with by tbe railroad, where wagon or i icds can be
loaded in a few minutes from the scbutcs, w ithout
kandling. Having opened a large bwly of tho
best liuiestotie. at the mouth of tho kilns, they are
enabled to suit lime at tho low rate of 11 cents per
bushel, 'iho kiln are in chargo of compotent per
ilous, who will nlways l prepared o supply cus
tomers. Apply to II. M. Miisscr, Suubu.y, or
Cha.'. Dunklchcrircr. or Chos. J. Conrad, at the kilns.
. Dowmber U, tS(17.
Mater nnl sVlre Proof
THE undersigned respectfully informs builders in
this and siljoiniug eouuties that ho is prepared to
put on lute Roofs in a s(porior manner. Ho furn
ishes the celebrated Lehigh county Slate, which is
the best in the tvurkcl. Ho warrants his work to bo
durnble nnd fire and water proof. He invites tho in
spection of the public lo the work hehasdone in .Vun
bury on Haupt s, Greiwough's and Haas' buildings,
hud on others at various places. His prices aro us
I jw a; those of any other slatur.
Address, D. S. SMrTU.
.unbury. P.O.,
or call at his residence in I'pper Augusta twp.
January II, l!t!. ly
nut Street, Philadelphia.
Application has been made to the l'hiladelpbia
and Erie Railroad Company (formerly th Sunbury
and Erie Railroad Company) for tho issue of Now
Bonds, for the following-described Bonds, with tho
Coupons annexed, lost or dentroyed :
Nos 851 toSN inclusive, for fcl.000 each, seven
per cent. Sunburv and Erie Railroad Company
Bonds, dated September 10, I8i7.
Notioe is hereby given tbat New Bonds will b
issued in lieu of tho above, March 1st, next, uulorf
satisfactory reasons are shown to the contrary.
GEO. T. LITTLE, Treasurer.
December 2. 1W7 2m
Holiday Presents I
Uarkct Fqnare. near th
SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa.
HE has just opened an assortment of Gold ffffCt
aud Plain Patent Watches. CLUCKS VX-.W
for Railroads. Banks and Dwellings. Fine yf1
Gold Rings, Finger Riugs, Bracelets, Mini- s
lure Cases, Oieanllions, iiocaeis, renens, mf
Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Salt
and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoous. Cups, Napkin
Rings. Fruit and Butler Knives, Shields. Cotubr,
Diamond Pointed Pens, Carters, Pitchers. Butler
DiAes, Fruit I'nheo, Cako Baskets, Syrup Pitchers,
ie.. Ac.
Ho invites the oitisens of Sunbury and vicinity t"
eall at the above place, where he will te happy to
wait upon them. ...... to.
I -Particular attention paid to RLrAlIUNG.
December 21, 1S6T.
ioiiti:ii A.1 Al.l
Troui th
Cold Spring Brewery,
KESPECTFULLY Informs th publio generally
that he is prepurod to furnish
n large or small quantities. His facilities for mak
ng Boor cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe
rior to any other ollured in Central l'ci.nsylvnnia
It has also been reoommenaed by physieiuiis us a
healthy drink for invalids.
Hotels, Restaurants aud private families supplied
at short notice.
Sunbury, Sept il, 1387.
IRON. A large assortment of tbe best manufac
tured Bar. Hoop, Band, Found and Souur
Iron, Nail Rods. Cast Steel, Blisier
Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails.
Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers,
Hedges. R.-ri ani TUe?, at
n't.'! tntplviil