-1 .niawwiii isai-i...' i.':j)xui.miai A HCH STREET-FOUNDRY i j Arm pi., urtvict tt tini wns, ir to thp Mio Si-host- Sliotino, J SUNBUIUT. P12NN'A. f THE propri of tbii eubll-hmwit ra-pootfntl Informs tbepublie thai he liM Commenced 111 male ufaotare of Cooking and Heating . , 3,1,072 3! rbie'i he v i I sell i:t ljwr prices vn they can be nM.ilncl ib-ce-b re. MltX (lefiriii... :f.vi, mot ihe largest oiuss of t .i.stln,'Jniae nremptly to order. Also. Wlrdow Weight, Pr-iiae ci Urates fur C.-1-lnr Wit.doT. Ac :at Iron Oilmncj U'AiXR 'iROliC-lIS DOUR 8TEPB. A liberal mice rn'ul for oM onsting. THN CELEBRA rjvU LIVERPOOL PLOW, ira pioved. irfianf?turei at this r Uhlidiinent. Aim, Stove Orates nf all kinds, Kct'.les. and every variety rf tnnll os'iri.ej !iihij. Oct.. 4, IK7. BI)SCa.B4 -,. All Mmls f SCHOOL HOOKS- Sintci, Pens. J nk . Pnpor, Ac. I iijcellsr.enr.' Uoelis. good nssoit- mttit. AH Iho new hvuks received! t I h.wiiu 111 rul.lifbod. aid for sale it -i Pn-hli-lu-rs' pries. I , ! BIBLES', Prsycr Hooks and llvum' Books, in every style id binding. I Catholic Prayer lio.-U. j r A M ILY B 1 1! LE? in vm (mis sty ! t ! DICTlONAKIESol 11 ' ! Juvenile and Toy IJ.k, it large) asecrtnient 1 Illnnk tlooliM - ,l:Ui.Iij I'.nus f t ull kiuiis. 1 Foolscap. Legal Usp, Letter ni.H1 Note Papers. I COPYlN'l BOCKS. Inkstands; Pen Racks. Files. Paper. Cntici, mid; l.uiiting House Stationery generally .j PS j; M M o o O ta W PJ t M W , c la! c a to a i'!tOTO;;K.ni ti.il dew. ALEVM. cl.cn'- C...M rWar.-ltt....!'-. 1 cokct Bonks mill Bill V -lints. Picture riau.es. :ittriwfnpt nau View. Ainri -lean.. French, Ac. ' ft rawing Tr.or, nil sies, Biistol Hoard. Ao. i Diaries. Moirnrniiiliim B'H-ks. Ac I Backgammon Boards, tinnics, Cln.i- men. Ac. 1 Xovs n large n.nd cernplcte assort incut- linse-Balis nuil B.its. Fishing Rods nml Tneklo. . . Perfumes, lii'i-huninn anil Parisian' Marble, ilc. .J 1'mw rc-poin'i'il. J.nuip. ShiJf", Globes, Ciiimi cjf., A'! I Wull rnper r.n.l n.'rder. all Mini.' j Window Ouriains. TBiicr lii't mui; 0.1H. Muaic end Miificol Inrlruniciil? j CTAH l;indn nf Pooks an! Statinnery nut on llllUil promptly nrrtM-ii'l. All tl.e Pftil and Wcokly Papoi and ..InjTJitin. Atfant fnr the ' Air.crii'iir. Ortin." AIM fjr la , R.wb'j llnir Rentorative."' HnHinel Aiwericj, and Na'.innnl Strara Navitrn'i m Ci'inpnny.-' Siinbur;,-. May IS. let. iM.mi.T sF.vni a a iii.i: Mrs. SARAH SIKPtSOX, Walnut Pitr-t, FT'.N KUUY. PA IT.i'uii;liton appoint'-d Agcr.t by the ."iuj'.'r Maim I lotnrintf Company, f ir tuu nile of Hinder'! New 1'uii.ii.y fcewing .Miichiun. inlnrum ibo public that thrv eiin be bad at her rixi deuce. fkw .Macliinw are fiiinpie. enuipaot. durable and beuutirii' . Opable of pel torniimr a rnne and a vorietv of work no ci li f.re alte npted i'l on a sin gle Machine unirg ciUiersilk, twist; linen or cot ton Thread, and aewin,? with equal faoili y tbo veiy finest and cnarneat mattriuls. and anytbiut; between thi two extrcmeiiiu tbe most beautiful and substiin tial manner. Tbew Matdiinei will bo fld at reumiuula r.itot. Call and examine for yotirnelve. Mr. fcAJUtl SIMPSON, Ageut. O.'iober 2fi. l-ift?. Millinery Goods, Tfl. fi. Sofilr, l egi leave to an noiincetntbe Ladieaof unbury and vicinity, thut he hapjiist opened a large and varied stink of MILLIXKHY GOODS, of all t'.ie l.itet fall and Winter style?, to whiidi si e invituf nttenlion of her patroua. and tbe ladie gi tiu rr.ily. eonSdentof her ubilitv to pleufe. A g wd Bjs.irtuicut id UONXEl A HATS', llnti f-r feature bn'jrht an 1 jolly, iat f'r faem nii-lii.-. 'holy. Haa t'-r il -uir-, hr.iad ai.J l-nr'y. l'li" lev I'-i'glit i :r.:r.;l iir enrly. Jihtof e'.'iix, e!oth. felt and beaver, llr.tr !h '. alji.irt n-cr.r foii-!-; Ilata thai b1whv look o m-Bt. Are buiglil at Mia tion-lei a on Fnr'b s'l ie. Al.'o. an exenllent awirtmentof l'aliiuuabln Kin broideries. Kdinf. I.ai!f8, Wouieu Cup, limulker- liir.r, Scarfu, tiiuvea, Jlosiericf, and all kindu of Kancy Motions, bumped Muslins. Cornets. Perfuine ties, foaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, iSta tioiiery. A e., A. Call and exauimr lor yoursrlvei. No troublo to illtiw go.rtl? .Siinhury, Nov. 2, 1.7C7. ITSVr Li.GSP, 33E?r S3 Bii i3-a xsi.&' ax: o st'W 9 I.VSUXCVHV, NOiirUl'MKEBL.VND CO. CHAS. ITZEL rr.5n:CTH"LlA' informs bis fikuds and the I public generally, U.tl he L.'ib cuiuiiiei.ce l the iu..uiii'at-jre. and is now rea'Jy to fiirnfch LAUKR liEElt AND A LI", of a frrinior qualify. ' lUvio proeiircd the sirxioes ni a nrr. 01 is Dreimr. ne n eimbtca 10 supply i.an.i- loni. ltetnurnts and private families with an ar-j ti-! lhat i palntabl-. pure and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicited which will It- reive prompt atti niion. i CIIAS. 1TSIKI.. ! FutiVary, NovemW IB, I SRI. i'KJisu .UirTvai777L' i FANCY DRY GOODS. MISS KATE BLACK, Maj-i' i Square, two doijrs E ist of tbo old Dank j building. SI Nbl'Kl', Pi nn a.. ' HAP openea a trtsb supply of the latent siylts of i all and U iuut tiuuds, selected by lurfell 1 fioi.i rsot fasluoiiuVlg eatslilishuiinU iu l'fuia t-nmp i (.'i I'lM.d L'-ln-s. Alpacas. I reiieli Mer s. Plain Siit:oUtf 'roil,., .ijountii.g lioifj-, Clj; r'atini'le, LuUies i.. ijuiluiil... iiatf. I'ealuui's, muiiUL's. I-Uibroidciies, Lace iirit.oM. Ir,?s 'i': ens and nmdkerc'iiefs. nluve.. husiurv. ln.liuorl rkirt'.Rreiikl'vt nml lilai.kci shan Is, Wiiitar S.ciiucs and 1. a lies' no I., nf every description. ti.-tits Collars. Neck-lie, Hull-hose. Hundker. cbief.i and frlovev. l'trltiniery. 'I oil, t p., a; . Hair Brushes, CouiIm. etu I I a,' ilopkira' l.Uptio Skirts. ! KATE BLACK, 'j Sunbury. .W 2. I ST. 7. ! lOMJREVI' Itl'.IH "I'l. O-0 i I Ol) i IN THE PRICfco OF lOUO j Fall & Winter Goods!! Mil II. I.. L-iiiru, having just return- j ed from Philadelphia with a superior .look of Fall ar.d Winter Hoods for tlie trade of 1S67 and '6S, : which she is aide to icll at very reduced prices, t would respectfully call the nitin'ion i,l her custu- ' nier and tbo pib:ic generally, to tho superior iU.il- ! ity of hr gtvt and the low price, ul which ibey ; nreh.M. She b." all kinds of I DBESS OOODS. i in'.dujii.g Poplins. Murines, De Lains, Caliooos, Ac, all at the lowest prices. I ntra quality il't-lins at ex'ru low piiccs, 1'ril- liui. Cunion 1 lai.ue.s. ! Ifulir.',.ral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. 'Hovcs of ell diccriptiots. including a very up- r.cr ijuni'ity uf Lu .lies' Cloth liluies. j IIOSIKKV.' j Rdib 'r.s aud Triinmingii of all varieties, Lacee, i aiauii.v igmid.., Zephyrs and Yarns, Tuwiu. in reut variety. ' if in.' Slid La lie ILiudkur diiefs. Soarfs. Malf, Tusulsand iluttocs Poniades. l.'xtractii, and a laru tai icty ot'noiion,and fancy uriieles. ! ill and sea tuciu bx f ire 'oiti4 !. here I M. I, LA.Al'.l . Sunbury. Nov 2. '.i7. 4'l.ililri'ii 4 iirriax. E would nll the attiutiou of tbo wanting a t V Child s C.rri ige. luuur new and lr aMurt u.mt comprising new and Iwauliful style. J. li. CON LEY CO., j (1 M.L and see io.c lieauulul Bird Cage at the j nasi Uai dw arc .tore nf J1I. COXLEY 4 CO. C.HlJkNTERS. W ILL find in our (-iaM'.-hoierit a fuperior stock ..! l'..ue. Saw.. Auger.. Il.ichets. Hammers, Tile. 4'b ' to.. i , fi.r sale bv J 11. CONLEY A CO Lociciiosi if al:"; KSXAHt.lsnKO AS A 1M:FI'UK FKOM Qi'ACK v; -1. - t .? KttY. " .- v"- TUB OAXrK- i''lc;?. H'UUUJi A CVilt vax nii oht.uskd. PR. JOIINrUiN Sib t)ttvirmirrf in. M CertMirtpiVlfy tiduiily hlirtiHi Kemrtly m Uund lrHli Tit- AiffctiotHi ui the KiiJiifjieiHl Hht.kW, ir.v-.iuiiUiry ltt-i-tij fef, liiiitiiuncy, (iruffHl UfhtUiv, Ntnvunfcuw. Dvi rlV, I f.n n, C"iini.t..n.rf hints. Vmi, Mtlh.n t( th Hmrt, Timhltiy, rretnbfcuia, JDiinnvM " HiclU or (JuUtnfi, tiiffiine t the llrn-l, 'fhftH, y-mnf km, AfT.i Ixmib ot the Liver, l.uiipT, Moinnch 'f Bawel ihfM l urritile DtKtH.tfjitiiitiAiitK Ititm Hif -IMnry UhImU Visuth-th me ihicrrt mid t1n.ni y prnulicft hhth liitl ili?;r victima lh:iii ihr ifr i) (r.i tnilie Matinrri ni' UiVf.lj ilitiiitr their nnwi biiilmnih ptstit aniit lputk'ii. rent iff n.g uiirrtiiOt fie.t nrtptnuibli. fp?i:tlv, tvn bnv lifwm t lit vif:timiif -ilifiity Vk-e, tin' ilre-vtfiii sitJ tts-mrurtivc habit which miiiuntty wr p t tin U'lttmHy tinvn thtwpntfla nf Vmntg Men of the n"t railinf tafcntt lr.Hinnt inltlift, whu mihl h htr wiw hnv euctaitpcj lislriitnff HHMtr with tt tiinu tliM of p'lKjiJCMrr nr wnktd to ccntuty tli living lyr, may cm!) tvult full cmhtlfiioe. MrrirJ rrn or VoOitff .Meti fsmtfuplninp roinmc, lritt nworp f phyt.tM) wHknr!nt titatnv iftbtUty, tie (n iinlif , A r iprrfiily cur tt I. lie wit lacei himfflf ttudi-r the P:ir if Ir. J. may mot' ,liituly i'iurStc iti It if hci'tf n rfuilftnaii, ana e CI tuy rrly up n hi nit ill av a I'hvbiciuii. Oriuir VYrakHrdit Itritotnli.Vflv Curril. n-nl Full Viff-T ltt'it'Ttri. 1 1 a iMftifMiiig Alltrti ii--Wni'ti rntli'tn I.if imfprn. lil-Mini in.iirmgr! imp rkiili- m I lit? priifiliy pjtd liy I tic vir'.iiiis -f imprip-r imtiilffin',a. VutiMtr pii"nParr Ik apt to c mi-mi exct'kwa irmn nit rinpitwurt nl thr ilrpud fill P'thAMpitfipra llial tnn nnup Nmv. vh i ttirtt umlef ataiulit ilie aulijcpt wnl pn tftid t' druy ttiat the pnwt-r of fjtiKTen imi ia loat atnnt(r liy thnm t'a'liiiji inl'i impntprr mltt (rtuii liy (lie prti drill ? Hi'Hnlffl dfinit ilt privetl tli ptriiaiirrr oftitnililiy ffifprti-ctlir nvt rumanisd tloaitnp- tive ympi iii In h iih h -fl hikI min-l otiFf, I'fw itrm j Itrt'diiit-a lit-nuigf.t. ihe I liyn-;il ihh! tpnttti Piitirritti.a : tkat.il. Itj n" rri'piejiMvi l'.'wrt, Ntvimi Irrit i i'!- 1 ( ty. Iaprniu. rulpitiitinii -f the llnuL. liiiliit'tii--tt. i;iti j i aMtnti'Miiif lVliilny, n WnMtxg f liie ritmi, Cuui;li, , 1 (Viirtttmpti'm. lfc:y mid Dtittli, ; j 4HUv, ?o. 7 MouiSi 8Vrd rU U Slrrol j . Isfft ii'ttul aiile tt-iiiz fr -m ll iUiin irt' Klrect, n iVu il iota i ''loin thi'foitifr. Km! n t lo.t'.Hrrvf nmne tnnf nniniir. ' l.viteia ni-mt he pumI hm 1 c"tit;iimi huh up. Tin- l,'luf'a j fiiplotnii.t lia.ii? in In I'ilice. j A t'tiri- Uui'i'nutcil in 'I'o tayx t Xo Mt rcurij'tr Xuununin Drutjs, r ,Uin!n t,f ti - U-.yil C'llPfic f rirpp-m, Intd m. fir-ul. WiW irom mi til In- iu ut ritiiiif it .l!t'i;cs in tlip l mud i !t;t!.'t, inJ nif rtMl-r jvirl t Miu'htr lit? lus liffil e-it 111 l!i h -fpil:ti ..f I.'.Miii-Mi, I'iii.f, I'hiluJrlpiui nntl i-tt-i wtine, hiin Mft'cirJ noun ul I tie irhrtt nal'iiiiFhii urca 1 that were evir known ; many iru!tpd wild tuigiii in lite j hrnd nml eura when atUep (trcal iHTV'tinnt-r,. lifint; nliin i ed at ml.ltn unds li-iplriiiluff, wild ftwpn'Mt blunli'rfr. Mtirnkil r hitctimca wuh Uci mgi'inenl f mi at, t;i f curftl iiiiiut J intcly, ''aki 8ai-l-itlai roliv. i Dr. J adtlrrfBfi ull tlino wim luve ininrt'd HifttiFe'vea iy impr-tppf inflti zvn e and 'li'ury hiil'itf, wlii' h rmn i b tli bdvniiit iiiintl. nr. titling then, lot fitl.ti buiiie, auiiy, a.'c.cty tr iinrriiijrfi, I 'i iiFsCiirf d H!f tif iIk. nul a tuXanch- ly tlT-'-a pn i (U-.pril hy t;nilv liabitu ul ytuli vii WeakiHWAoi liie Hurk j ni.d hinib I'.tihv in the' H'i!, Iiimiifia nt s? gbt. U f i Mtiat-iihr I'.iw!, I'd! . lair n f the llVaii. Uftpej'yt Nervnua Irritability, lieifti ntetit tl" the li!eta' i v Kunc ti)iis, Ucucrnl I)ebilitv, viiipt'Hiii nf 1 'tiininiiUi'ii 4c. Mk.ntali.v The leurful ffleuis tKe mind art much t Itt'drentJed Ijiiss o; Mcin try, Ount'tiginn of Mei. l)e prcssit'ii of ripnitv, Kifil-Koi'bidiiijr?, AV'ri"n tns cipty. h'!l-lji;rul, l.'ivc ol attliiuJ, i'miulity. art Mine ol III;' f Vila prtfdnjed. TiiolhaMi ni pei-ct f nil n-es can tvw j uJc wnat is ttii' Piiiisc uf tlifii dtct mi np limlili. tiinr vitr-T. bpc):niiig weak. p;ilf, nr mu and ciukmu p I, (nvinR a lingular uppeuiance ubout t'ie evef, t':-iii;ii and mptiuni il c-'JifMinipuon Voting .it-ii Wh have iiijuretl t!itmc!vi'! by a rtrtain pmpiicc indulg ed in when ul"iir, a hi'it Irpiaeni'v I'tinifd irum evil c iripani-'iiB. or n. m-Ij ioI. thn eiic'ta ul which at nmhtly fc't. even whfn ate'p, n;tl if u t curnl rendt-rs mniriae imp bih. and dts;ru" t both unud and l.ody, should aj p:y jintnpdiut'ly. W.iat a pity that a vn.ig nan, th li 'ptr r.f mutitry, llie d. it ling l Ins ym t-ni5, iviiM be pttaitJit-tl irom al pros pect and e r, iiirnU "I ule, by ie c-Oiit iin-hre of dr via ting from t,,r path of iimnre mul in.'olif ru: in a -eriain ecrul habit. Such peri ut Mi tr, lei ic c-iuUii.Iiihiig .tlarrin;-, reflect that otinj niuid mS In-.ly are the most nceisary requisite t' proiTi-itf;L' mnuniHl 1j iupmct. Indeed vviiieuit tbene. I lie jiurncy ilirougli biV bte ineu a weiy piljirnn flpte; tlie pfuppet'l i.ontly d;ttkcia the View ; Die inind bet.'oiiH'K ariad ivvcrt with drp:i :i I .illptt wild the riK'laii ch'tly rtli-f'tion that the hippim vt' antli:r becomes btig'iien wun our ow n . ,.tl.W'"KM.,of,,,Mi;'r"d?,cc; , finci. iimt he h:n iiuhiiie.l it,. ru .,i ib,. ,.ifi,l discise. il bw often heppeii. unit mi in limrd seu,e of stiaine. m I ilr,,it nf rfiu-.iv,ru H.-ir. t.nr i,.n , ..!, i.,a f.. il.,,,.. h i j fioin eiiuc n anil respectability, ea'i ft ne liefiienil lum, , ileUvmp lill llie eunstiiuiiouul sMiiptans of Ibis lion id i tliroul. iliM'.ired noe, u- i'luiul iaiu. ill Ihe In ad atul limlis, ! dimness of s.aht, ileul'iicsn, n- iies on l!ie?lin boics unit anus, bl'.ti'iies on ttie IiimiI. fiii-eant extieiuiti. s, pr grins- t tne with rnaniful tapiditv. till at I tkt the nahtc of tli j m.'Uth r the b 'lien of tht aoe f.dl in. and Ihe vurtiin f j ihit:"0wfii dnt-aj liycHncii a horrid i.loect of coinmiiLTii ; ti"ii. till death pats a period t Ins dreadful BUUVrnn:. by : endinK lion m that rnd.scovm-d Countiy trum whciirc : no traveller retain." j ; It n a nu'Km-li ! f:ict tiiat tlrms-indi f.r! vi. ti-t- tn thli , , ternbla ducine, tiwing t thc niikiilt'iibrr-Ti' .f ic' .itant - pielfiidcw, vii;, by tne u.-i.f tint ' lc-H!y i'o'k mi. Mer. i t ail.,'' rii.ii ;he c.;i'..;-jtit is n it! rnV !)' rosid it- "f life I i ininL.uuie. I Truil ivt your liven, or nejiUh, t liie c-tirr i.f llie many I'lileained and W.irtiiiees rrereudfrn. deMitute f kii"vl- j edjje, uuinft or ch n-teicr, iMpv Pr Jnlnir't oi'ii ml . I Its- ntciitv, nr i U't tis'ittst-! vrrt in lit.. iit'.vnip'iu. r-j'il it ly I Kdacatt-d I'.rvMfians, hit ipiilil i( CmiMf. they keen Vu ! t u.1.n: tit iuh after inn.lh lakins tbeir (lUhv and p ib nus t'limpoutidFt, -u pfji Hug as tlie ini:il!eil fee ran bn fil.ianieil, nnd mi d-Fpair, leave VMt with mined health to sigh over you i palling (bnapprMuiineiit. Ir. Jt.huM'iii itheiiily Pliiicidii ndverlin'tic. liiicrrtlentiai oriiipLmiaj af wavs btnit in hie .i.Tk-p. rintnip nr treat nteiit are miknowi. t-. till othrrs, , prepared fioni a life t pent in ihe Rreat h'pitals of Km pe. j ftie firpt in this p.inntrv r.ttd a iwr eti'inivt rr,vaie rracttee' than any nhr I'hysicisn in the world. lndoi'ri..4'iil l fin- The many th"iiF;iiiifi cured at Ifiia nntiMition vent after j -ar. and the itntntTim iii)psrait Stckti! (iptiHtuui 1 perb-rmedbv Ir. J"hntoM, v1tnf-5red l.v th rep Tteri f"t ! tins "S in." '-Clippei ,r aiid rti'iuy other p-ipt-rn. h'itfeH.-f i whu-ii rnve appeared iij.ain and ayiin bei'-re 1l- pnlie, ! tiesalei h. standi hi; : a jrenttftiimi .f ebirnter h:i1 re- s.nHiiibility. is a fttificiet.t tititantee the atlii.-tr-tl. y-Uiu Ii.i-nw iiM'-til(V 4'nrii. Tent n t willing ihou'd be jmrttenJar n directing their eitcrs 1 nm Jiimiuiii-in, ut ir.c tniiow :r uiiunef , .lo!iinlOft, yt. Of tlie R.ilnmoie liek II wjuial, bull mine, l,l. .30. I-0T I v LsiUton 9'uMt'V I'll r ! AT JOHN FAUErRA ' Old i;.tabli.bcd F L' R Mstiutactory, No 7ls ARCH Street, above 7tb, PIHL'A. Have now iu Store of l'ni myown Inn iiitiiiioniind f' fj ifT''1'A" -T.M'iuiifacliireono of thn f- tWwT' i'r- largest and most beauti fy,! "'I'fi'.t, - . 1,1 .elections of rVV;.-", FANCY FI RS, X-.'Ss-fti9- for Ladies' and Chil- , -,-r Ureri's Wear in the City. "- -iirIi-?' " Also, a fine assortment of (vent's Fur tiloves and Collar. 1 em enubled to di.-pote of u:y g.iods at very ren. tollable prices, and I would therelore solicit a call fi'iuii my l'liendi of Nonhuniberh.iid county un 1 vi cinity. Rimembcr the Nun.c, Number and Street ! JOHN FAREIRA. No 7IS ARCH St , ub. 7th, s.mtb sole, philsd'a. lV'1 have no partner, uor cuuncction with any other stoi c in Philadelphia. Stpt. 25, 1 37. 4uiW Jin. iioi iwiaiit tm. wi. NEW SPUING STYLES, "Ol n Owx Make." After more than Fivo Years experience and ex perimenting in tbo manufacture uf Strictly First Quality Roup Skirts, we otter our ju.ily celebrated goods to mer.-huLt. and the public iu full confidence, of their u.. ri.,i it v over all others iu the Ameru.-nn niuiket. and they aro so iK'knuu lidded by ull who weur it deul in them, us they givo loore suti, taction than any other Skirt, ar.d recommend themselves iu every respect. Dealers in Hoop Skirts, should make a note ut this fact. Every lu iy a ho has not given them a trial should du so vt ithout funher delay. t.lur aj.:.xirtn:eut einbinues every style, length and siso for La'lies, iiiws and Children. Also, Skii U made tu order, altered and repaired. Ak for "Uopkiii'. Own Make.'1 and lie not de. eeived. See Ibat the letter 'll ' is wouen on tbe Tapes between Kiudi lloop. and thut they are siauip. d V. T. liUPKFN t .Mauulucturo. 62S Arch St.. Paiiadelpl.it, 1 Uihi each tube. Nu otberi arc Beuuine. i aisj, consiaiiity ou iiaii't n mil line oi -goo,i .ew Voik audEntiern made Skirts, at very low prices. Whotrtnle nnd Jil'iil, At the Philadelphia ll.e.p Skirt Manufactory und Kuipurium, No. 02o Arch sUcot, Philadelphia WM. T. HOPKINS". Mar-h 2.1, mI7 -lui'v CLEANLINESS N EXT TO UOULl NESS." V FACT which i.iletnonslratcd al UI .NNIfK"t A CO S , l'lrwt 'lawn Nbutins Ilulr Uttiti(; , , V ad fshmoiiouniuR Wooius. Two 6rsi-clast BARBERS' always in attendance. rartlcuiar attention to cutting Ladies anil I hildrt-n hair, tiive u. a call at Ihe N Room ever th I'.wl Offiue. Sunbury, August 3, 1637. tf TORRlHROrON.&rHODQKNB ,i I AW BONE super riiosniATEor j,ime, : THE ORKAT , ', j li - 1 .orllsnmlorlnnsl Cownf y FERTILIZER. Tl, best manure for all kinds nf Brain manufac tured. More active, more durnblo, than any other. It docs not exhaust the soil, but on tb eontrary is a permanent imnrovor. OYER 600 FARMERS la the County applied It to their Spring Crops, the results were that it exceeded their most sanguine expecta tions. It vrne tested with tbe best Phosphates In the country but came ont'victoriuul. Farmers, use it for your wheat and rye. Tut up In Haas of 500 IU. cab and sold at S-'j? per tju pounus, at me 4i:icuiacinry, i;ut .Hal lit'l Street, jSun'iiury, !.. or at nny of our ngents in Danville. Wllliarr.'pnrt, Lew isburir. Alunc.y Station, Milton, Dawart. Potts jfrove, illooinsbur.',eliiis,.Orove, Trovorton. or any of tbe prineipnl towns in the uiljoinin); oountii-8. Where wo have no apents appointed, fanners ean send I heir orders by mail and relyon their receiving iinmedinte attention. to e have the advantago of Railroad and Canal transportation in all directions, nnd purchasers need apprcucr.d no delay in Oiling orders. J. E. TORRINOTON, i Eit. IlODUKI!. Sm.btiry. Auj. 17, ISoT. "liTToiici-: f uui'fcc o un a m ent al v t w n sa cr y) vd u 33ETMJ". BOHNER, Peeler in l'ruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn- ili from the most responsible Nbrscries in this and oilier Stati s. first elans TREES of all kinds. Also. Shrubbery. Vines nnd Plants. Harden Seeds of all kinds. Orders ere respectfully solicited. Address UENJ. 110I1NER. Paxiuos, Nortb'd. l o. J N. P. ti.urniice taken in several of tne niot rispoiible Eire Insurance and Horse I'ctcotirc (!oinpaniPS in tbe Stiito. June X. 1K117 V fjZ)Ur1Tf) store WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpiIE sulisi-ribcr rcFpccifully informs tbo public I JL that he keeps constantly on houil at bis new j WAREHOUSE, near th Shamokin Valley Railroad Hepot. in SI NIll'llY. Flour by the barrel and aucks of all kiinls of Feed by the tuu i The above is nil manufacture ! nt his own Mill'. and will be suld at the lowest eiish prlees. J M. CADW ALLAIiER ! Simbiiry. April 1. llif " X H7Conley Co!, I Jim-lid M !. lutt tit tin; ICuilrwiitl I BUNBURY, PENN'A. 1'EALERS IN 1 I Iii:lU .V AHERU'A.V, i Hardware & Cutlety. rplib attention of Mechanics, farmers, liiul'lrr. nnd Muyers gcuernlly is invited to tbe fact that tvu uie now nffuring a better salccied assortment of IIARDWARn, CTTLERY. AtC. than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below thi.se heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing n general assortment of tools and tuntu rials used hv I CARPENTERS. IlI.ArKSMIT lit?, CARRIAtiK AN1 W AtlON M AKERo, JOlNElLS. AC, AC together nith a largo stock of Iron. Steel, Nails. Spikes.'Hopc. Chnin tirindstoiios. Mill and X Cut ; auws, ac.. itc. i Sunbury. March .10 lai',; ! Notice to Merchants nud Shippers. I rnilE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Krick-' ; J. Line, give notices to merchant, and shippers III,.,! tl,n ll..r.r,t Ittcttllntfill M-trL'nl steent Pliiln delpiiiu. and all Goods directed to Sunbury. Danvillo ; ,u,j Leivirburg, and all intermediate stations along the railroad, will be promptly delivered. Cars leave HI I Market trect, l'biladclphin ri-wcklv TiieF.layr-. Tbtuvlnyf and Sntnrdayit. j. V. BHt)VN. l'ropnetur, Levn-burg. .1. H. JJUOWX, Agent, Sunburr, la. Docembtr 7, 18fi7. sWuRYlwiiRvr""' UVA. ICOIIIIII 14 11 A SO.lf, A Ri: now currying on bu.nen at tbiu old cetnb lifihment witb renewed vigor. Ca.-lir5 ui" every dcsciiitionf promptly finni"-licd to order. Thfl Sloven mntmfactured nt tliih Foundry have acquired tho hitfhcHt reputntimi. i'artieulRr attention paid to MILL CASTINGS Farmer? should urt forget that the made I r.t tbe Huubnry Toundry bava never bein equalled, j Asfrieulttirul iir.rletuents roTjaired at ebon notice. I tiiiiall t'.'tr-riiii,". iijelii'liiii Cooking utetiiilx. of tbe inoM i ml roved and most uieful natterns. The busiutss will be cuuducted un an eulnrged : cale. l.Hd enstomers will heaccomrood.ited rji usual, ' nod new ones lire respectfully solicited. I Sunbury, May 12, lSbrl FAI L AND AVINTEK j MILLINERY GOODS ! 3D 3STOTI' 3STS j Mis ANNA PAINTED., Maikut Sfiinre, two doors west of tbe Post Office SUX11URY, PENN'A, RESPECTFULLY' informi bcr friends and the! public, that she has just returned from the city, ! n here she has spent aomo lime in making selections ! j nnd purchases, aud baa just opened a large stock ul : j MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS. j Ilib'jons. Laces. Dress-Linings. Crinoline and Wi I guns Skirling Lining. Ho p .Skrru, Bugle Triui ' tuings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, I Corset, Zephyrs. j A lurge assortment of Ladies aud ticntlcmen's j Hu-iery. A va'riety of BOOKS STATIONARY. DOLLS of all .ilea. Alphabet Blocks, Ac. She Hatters herself in being able to make a display uiai win give enure satutactlon to visitors, ami goods will be exhibited with pleasure. . .Sunbury, Nov. il, 1867. BOOTS AND SHOES. ' MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, 1)ESPECTFL'l.L' informs bis friends aud cus. j tomerj, that he has just opened a shop for the aiuoufucture or ROOTS A bliOEd, on Sjirurc ttrc.t, Ittteren Second ttrect and Centre Alky, Sunhiiry. where all kinds of work in bis line will be made up in tli.j lulwt style and in tbe best workmanlike miu ner. Having f rut class stock on hand, be Batten himself thut be will be sole to suit the tastes nf tbe most fas tidious. The public are invited to cull. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury. June la, 1SB7. FAR & BUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. r pilE sulscriliers rcspeotfully, inform tho cilixons L ol'Nortbuuiberlaiid county, thut they are Bow trepared lo tarnish LIME uf a superior quality to Miners aud Builders. Also, LIME-STONK from tne celebrated Lime-Stone Quarries uf Lower Muiio uoy township, at ihurt notsre and at reawmable rate. Tbo above will bo delivered to any Railroad sta tion along Ihe line of tbe different railroads when ordered . Thiie Kilns are located at the thatnok in Valley Railroad, near Sunbury, where order will be promptly Gllod. . j Orders are respectfully solicited. ' Address. J. 11. LENKER I BKO.. Augusta, lwi7. , Suul.ury, Pa. caaoaf atllbLA, XulXtAAi W AitK, FOBTEB AND ALE. ' ; rpiIE subscriberi baring located a bottling eeUb , X lishment in Cake's Additiou, in Ihe Borough of , Sunbury, respectfully inform Ike uititons of this and adjoining counties that they are prepared to furn ish Landlord, Rcatamcnt Keepers andptivate fanii , lie witb tbe best brands ofSarsapariila, Mineral Wa . ttr, Ale and I'irfUr. bottled m tbe beat mauaer. Tbeir drinks are procured trout the best establishment, in the ccmntsy, which eaabdea them la furnfch a better i article than can bo had elsewhere, which will be d.- ivoreoj at iu iowum rule. Tbe oitixens of Sunbury aail virinlty will 5nd II lo : their interest to patmnixe home Industry, and aasbt ; ta B,kUig ,h J tnuamt ,0urrixe, d aD. ) same time save labor and mftney. i Orders re rwpoctfullv eulicited.whicb will receive prompt attention. I Artnress. FKrB I It OTIC. ' August 17, 167. -Jn Sunburr. Pa --LUMBKRhLl'MRKR!- Tim Iter Oonnly, na$ Knnbtirr "i 1 1.unb?r tJinpiny, ... , . Now fully establUbsd at tbe PLiNBl'KY ; BTEAMBAW-MliLS, "" '' r prepared tn saiit 6 m6ft ' '' ' ' - VlfrrR MSEv HEM1.0CK ASD o,X T. i ol nny sie and all Ungth. Afall essovtment pf , I3Iil'r LTJMBER always kept on hand. Panael, flowing, fcidrng anil Snlshing brds of al) kind. , , MOULDING, 8ABI1, DOORS, nnd 'SHUTTERS. SHINGLES, Eawed and Shave 1, White tine, end Hemlock. I'litHterinir lttte nnd Inllssrto - Planing, Ripping and Taming, will b done ts' order at short notiue. This Cninpnny design furnishing ; everything in tbeir line at inch rates that Lumber , Yards. Luildcrs and all parties using Lumber, will . Bud it to their intern tnbny at this establishment. 0 RDKRB ' arc respectfully solicited nnd 11 be promptly at tended Ui by addressing, ' WM. REAOEN, tup't Punbury . Juno 1 5, 186HJ 1TEW SHOE STOP.E. Market Street, adjoining Oenrbart'e Confcoiiouery Hlore, BUNBL'RY, Pa. fltllF undersigned rcspoetfully informs the ettitens X of Sunhnry and vicinity, that he has opened a NEW SllOli ijTOHF., for the aide as wall as for tbe manufacture of the1 finest an I best quality of Ladies' Shoes, vis : UIoveIal, Jlorroeco, t alf-kkin uml lAtis: t,ailrrw. Air. Children's Shoes of all kinds. Hit stock is entirety new and well selected. He also manufactures fine French and other Calf skin Hoots nnd Shoes for Ucntlemen. Ordora for ladies and gentlemen's custom work will be promptly al tended to nnd got up in tbe best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on band and for sale to tbe trade. J. H. JEFFRIES. Snnbury. April 20. 1807. THE ORE AT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, ' 1 1ST SUNBUR"Y, is on 3d street, opposite the MAfcONIC HALL, at! BERGSTREESSER'S ! NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Itut I.nlely i:lnltllK-ct, vltli nil the .Mederii Improt oiuoiiim of tltc Art I fllHE subscriber, having built the room expressly I for the purpose of l'hotnsrnphini;, and havinit dovoted many years to the business, is cmQdcnl of I bis ability tn assure his taitrons that tho work pro- I I ducod shall be second In none in country or city. I No work allowed to leavo the gallery unless en- tirelv satudactury. Having the best sky light iu the I County, he is prepared to make Photographs iu nil I kinds ol weather, but would prefer acK ur day for small children, lie is also prepared to take new site, nr cabiuct f oard Photographs. i All kind, of pictures copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or W ater colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of nut door work, such as Lanilscnne I views ol Monuments. Machinery. County Seats, Ac a large lot of 1'hotornj.h frames conitinillv on hand 1 Tbo public are respectfully invited to cull and see j our specimens and our complete arrangements for I making Photographs, special terms to tamilicH and : clubs. BEROSTUESSER. funbury. July 1 5. POLAN D-S Magic Bilious Powders, Ills' PUKPARATION is Hie ihscov ery ol tlie Key. .I. w P,.)au(t foi- merly the Pittor i.f the Mapttsl t'liun h ' in J 'Jft'wn. ,. li , Hint a mnn deiir'y 1 br-l red hy tliMt di-ii Hiiinatioii tbroitthi.iit New KtuiIaii'l lie wnso hli-jtit t lenve j the pulpit and !inly tueilietne tn leive : his own life, unit Ina Mnpie powilets aie one ttf the mot. 1 v aider ful diHMVrries of j modern li:nci. A THE GREAT LIVE" AND BILIOUS I REMEDY : I which completely throw, in the shade all other iliscovene i il ineillciue ; and it alfortts him much gnilifii'iui-ili llie I liey receive Ihe iiiciiiiiumii. approbolion ,,i ull ituohave le.teil them The Magic Itllcu. I'.twiler. lire a i loitiv't'iire lor l.lvi'i 'sisilnint ! , in Its miBt agravated form, oii'l mi iinmeihate coirector ! ufall ! uii.ifXN i)i'.E:.tr..'ii:.r! I 1 Excellent for IIEADACIIR, C O N S T I F A. T I O Itf piMHi.KS, r.i.oTciir.s. 1 A SAI.LOWfKIN. DROWjiINKSM. M..INi:??. HKARTHCRN, PALPITATION, I And n must wonderful J Cl lli: A PREVENTIVE OF FEVER A AOCE! 1 itu v IfeC nil W Il'J a' C l""lil"tu tin iiiinrmiui iiw.a- rl to nlvvayi keep li e Powders 011 luiiul ready for Hume diale use ) Here are a few important pnitieuluri : tion lit. I hey are me ureal peeinu tor uti riiiiifl Ill They nie the onlr known rcinei'y that will cure Liver Cunji !:iint. .1.1. Tlie) are ihe ou'y known remedy ilia! will cure C'ie.Ktl;atioii. -t ill i he Ponder, ares-i tliTuuili ie their .prr:iti..i thai one p'Hikage will be ull that ihe inaj ni')' ol .to iisiui liirni Mill rt'ijuuc to t ;b-i-t n cure. Sili They me iiuUI and p eniaiitycl the m si ilT e- Inaleatharlic known. lilh Tliey aie llie cheapest and but med cine extant, as Hiey eau be sent by mail to any part of tlie gt"br f ir tlie price. AO ceuls. Circulars, eoiiiniuiii!; eerlifieates, iui'cruintion, Ac., icnt to any part of Ihe woilil free of elianta. SOI.l) BY ALL DKL'OOI rs, or byinailon aripi.n tiou ti C. 0 CLARK A CO . GeNeSAL ausNV. New Haven, Conn Pi ter, 40 C't'ils per Bo.r. Februa-ysyi"?. Jiy. I.jsiM I'ori.xllt'iil Ikrupw, THE ORKAT FEMALE REMEDIES FOR 1HRK, tiLLAitrriKs: I have tested these Drop, in my nun ,il.iee, over ten year., unit do nut liesilale lo say, llial itolliiii lias yet be.ii llel'el'(eil by medical rcscurch, tluit uels so powerfully, positively, nnd hasuiltss'f ni euses of feiu.le iirraulanti', as tl,M- tiw. meOieiiie. Iu all recar ease, it never lulls, wliius ihousuiHl. who have been long aullei.l.. are iiulebt ed to it lor the bo,u ut health n, djy. AK'iouch ao powerful ami eiltiee, lliev are pel feelty harintes., and amy be user) at oil tiu.es, eacrpl wheal s,-. dally forlHOileii in I be ch reel mn. They h:ive been extensively employed le eiiiiueut phy. .ieMii. ih Fnuie and England, as well a. in mv nws prac. lice, over leu years, and I huve yrl In bear of tlie fir. itt.nuiee of faliine. I annlil r.v, vtui l.linni,iiMl. ,,t il,-,. eflic.iey fiiiui ldie. all over Ihe northern and western Mules, were they not In their uulllre private liver trill.. OiKi bolt lea have lieen id ihe m.t year, and I hope and Iru.t as, many autfrreia tmve lieeu lieiielilled. 1 mta welisawai ikat a retiMriy an puleut to remove dH oIh atruellun.. nu) be used for a Uiil puie'U-, but Unit llvit wlieisone iKiille is ifius aseit, uo may ull mm Uie hand, ot reully needy eurlereia. . - ' . . . To all who .ulfer from any irreeaiuirity; painlul, difR euil.excea.ive. ullensive or otMrueled MeostiuMion. t.u. nirrlie.. ur Ihelrein of diseawe thai fotbivs, I would my, try a l.lt.a Di. I.von'. French Pernsl.cal Umpi. Ileiiia a dixit prerarauoraikeir aeirnu i. Bime euaei and p...i. tive Uiaa any nib. m puwdera. Explicit directions, bear, iiizmv facsimile, aceomuany each bottle. They may beoblniiied of nearly every drucgi.t in the C'Hlntiv, nr by inclosing, the price to C. G CI. A II K A CO, New Haven, Ct., tieneral Agent f.H. Ihe I'niled Mule. ai.d Canada. I) It JOHN L LVOV, praeiieiiia Pbyucwa, Price, l SO er R -ill. Mew Haven, C'uuu. J'ebiuury U3, IMiT. ly i-iiti: A.l H'ATi:U l'KUOF ROOFING ! rn Hr.MES A CO.,are th Agents iu the Cowntio , of Northumberland, Snyder aad Muniour, M WARREN'S Improved Fir and Water. Prof Ruor. This ia the cheapest and best Roof thai can be put on a bnilding. il.s beea used in ike elty ot Philadelphia, sine. 1:541, where it tss auperneded almost every other kind of Roof. It i. reoosaaicad ed by the builder, and is used on all of the nne.t building la that city. Parlieaoonteniplating build in;, will de well lo eaainiue into the Merit of Int. an.t m At be. kiailAf ttAtklM. a. A ui.. tL. kuf ,1,. I prefurenee. ,. , i . in ruisisis uvm, as rninonry, wui, in a lew day, be eoeered with tbia Roof, aad perlie dwirieg to du o. nu nail there and exauiina it. For further infornuliua addrese Boa 14. Bunknry fust Othce, or aail al the llisck k mi d ol .... . , I. IIIMES I CO. funbury. 18. 10T. . Blacksmithingf. . JOHN IBVIN, 1 SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA, 1 1 ' RESPtCTKl LLY Informs tho oitixen. of fun bury aad vicinity, that be has erected a Blaek smith Shop near tbe Sbamokin Valley Railroad Depot, where he is prepared to de Blaeksmithing In all ill branohes, at tbe shnrteat notice. Having had many yean experience ic the busineas, be flatten himself that k ean render aarisfaetioa to all who may give biro a call. Suubuy. August I'. 1?67. 1 i iv'AN ..THU .OBBAT.T. mm nartt et Ibis reraarTiable preptrat'oii 1 V&fi.M&VWtol Thow-.nasef'hte tuffer. laantrVmen wore restored to health,., well a. great , it M Inli.biuntsof Nubia and AbyssinlJ, j and o Ih.eounUlc. bordering upon the Boutberncoan . irf the Mediterranean efea, lnitor.t, Ui. fame of tre I KINUAIU BlTTBItlt eon spread evw Kttrope, and ess (dopled by the prinetpal ' I'li.lcians la ch.n ot tbe kesratati et ; tbe aid world, to which II la Still nsed With tirreml- ent tueee-J. The Viceroy ot Kgypt Waeeo tne nme of CwresiOt npon Die ' Roll ol KeMea," and pr.- . inted to blm Mwlal bearing the following InSertp- . Itim- "P CinoMCa, the Public Ben-factor." Thn Blltert I. now oOWed to the wahlie of America with the full assurance tlial it will bu found, a pun a (air trial, w act as a snoclOe for the cure of Cholera. Dyaentepy, Dtarrhorsi, Cholera Dtorbn.. Fever onrt Acne, Yellow Kever. Uteamntl.tn, Trp'u,' Iver, lspep.l, Coll'. Uronehllle. fonanmptton. VUta. Irnrr. Utarwaea or the Kldneye. Ken oma tScbillty, nd Ktmsle Complaints. RMnarkabla cures ot the above disuses hare Wen effected by its use. asnuraeroiisccrtiOeates, many from regular physicians, fully attest: and It Is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and sn INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, it nss NO EQUAL. Tarn TBI ZI.VGAHI niTTEIW HAS SOt't. A3 W EM, AB U0DY, is as a PREVENTIVE or DISKAPE. HAS KU BUl'EUIOR. A TRW WOTtDS TO I.ADirS. The use nf the i ZINOAill HITTERS will give to you that soft, serai transparent complcslon which the Uod of nature (de signing woman to lie the loveliest of bis works) fully 1 intended that you should have for it is nature's own i powdrr and paint combined. By purifying the blood, I stimulating the plament.ry cells of the dermis, i and Imparting health and lif throughout the entire I system. It csp"Clally gives that smooth clearness and j beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re- moving all roughness, blotches, freeMes, pimples, and , that yellow, slrklv look so common In our day; and I what Is even better than this. II cures every species of , female Irregularities and disease. I Principal Depot, llarrishitrg, To. RAHTER & HATJSE, Sole PnorniKTong For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Sunbnry Peniisylvunin. August 3, 1837. VT t,' WT 'if1 I) V P V I ' i li 1 1 U Jt U l Ij it I, r.-.,!,.- i u.-. J citirons of Sunhury and its vicinity, that the) bare opened a NEW GUCCEIlYj Tiro iWn trcof: nf J. If. Engirt Sln, in M.trUt where they are prepared to furnldi every nrto'v of groci-rii'S. and will Keep coii'tantly on lnud ihe choicest varieties of F L O U U vv F Vj E 1), : Fish. Coffee. Teas. Sugar. Molie. Cheo'e. Salt Sr, piee ol all discnptiou. .soap. ol i-iery variety Cundley. .Smoking and Chewing tobacco, 'egnrs. Hams. Shoulders, llacon. Butter, nnd Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds. Cmied Pi-sclies and Torna toe,. Pickets. Ketchup. Pepper .'auce. tln.tiisi. Lemons. Ac. of bent quality. Hiid in fact ev-r style J of iirtieles kept in a well stocked tlroeery. Also uider incgar. All Kinns ot country produce niKen in exchange, tne patronage ol tl,o putuic is ri epectlullvtoticitcd. tiEOUOE i: HEARD A CO. .ui.lnry. Nov. 'I. Hrlj. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. DAVID ZFJRTSrT Two door! west of the Post Office, SI'N1H"RY, Pa. ESPECT1TLLY informs the ciliten of 'un- . bury mid vicinity, that he will Imkc Iu order all kinds of , 4'iiU. h lor IIhIIm, S':irll . Ac. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist j Hulls, Kuk,. Ten Buns, Ac., an I also kept on band ! uianafnciured out uf liie best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large exper.cncc I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with ' their patronage. iAY!l FI'Y. f-'unbury. Dec 9, lSfi. .11. ". (.liAHIIAItTN Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE .tlarl-l Street, Hiiuiliury, I'n. CONFECTIONEUY OF A I '."INDS, TOYS OF EVKHV DI.M UII'TIO.N Fitrrr, a.c.. &c. "10NSTAXTLY on hand and for sale at tt.e nbot e J establishment at wholesale mid le'uil. nt rnai,u. able prices. Hois manufactuririic all kind .f-C..tf,'..iotinrii to keep up a full awortmunt which urn ld nt lew rates. Tobacco. Segnrs. Stationery. Nats of all kinds, ar.n. a variety of other articles, ull of nhiah art olleitd wholesale and retail. las Keuiembvr Ibc name and place A j M. C. tiEAl'.HAR'f , Market .tree, 5 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's sloio. Sunbury. Sept. 19. Tgtt.l tf hi iiiiaMlAii. S T O R w. a. jjeInNlj1, 1liii l.-t K uai, SI. Mil It V, Iu. HAVINtl recently pnreliased the Drug Sl.ne formerly oouducted by P.. A Fisher, I beg leave to intorin the ciiixc'n uf Sunbury and vi cinity, that 1 have entirely replenished' my stock of h as. cj ttrw: yt AND FANCY ARTICLES! such as Combs, Brushes, Pucket-Books. Soaps, Per fumcry, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scisnrs, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco uud Cijtw., I'lllllla., tHU, (alllf talllWM, lllty, Vnrniwli4st, 1'alciil .M-.li-iu'N, A-. All my Tincture. Syrups Hntments. Cerates, and other preparation ale maaur'aetiired by myself, and from the beat material I can procure In .Market. Having had quite a number of yeais' experience in the Drug and Preerh'tlon Ihmiiiiti. both in Pbil.lulphia and tbe country, and also tbe ! advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com i relent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS inui tne roysiciuus ana public may favur mo nith. All my preparations a I have above asserted, are mude from tbe best material, and upon houiar 1 assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purpot-es. I keep on baud the very best WINES, I1RAND1ES AND LlQl'OUS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own wind. . W. A. BENNETT. bnbury,Nov Id, 1804. - u r in e r nnd lluilderi! Skasholts A Bnotnea are now prepared to de- i liver, at the lowest market price, the very bct Quality of ! ,n' Bl ILUINU purpose. Tbeir llmel f.arLAND and BUILDING punawe. hu Hied of iheeelebrated . . T V C K Y II O E LIMESTONE." I Deirtlme ktlna are lneii.l ,r tk. ri.ii-.i.i..t.:. ... i if-i. ii.;, Z.L-.""-'"""""T,H i ...v . ui.a.iBiiuiiaaua . ... i,rnHf., icinig aieam . tomik f Suabwrw. -ui, i, i. u.a iij. - I Plaster, Masona, Brioklayer. ! yitud touall and cive us a trial. BEASHOLTZ X npATiit.il . -Aug. 3, 18.7 photograph: aTb m7, 'BOOKS AV9 BTATIOWSBV, j Monthly Tim Hooka, Israwing Hooka and 61 ate. Boem, Hrmn Books, Blink kViokl, Memorandu-. Ui7, Fock.i Bunk.. Ink sZ?g I Peifihi, tne aasortaient of Pai-r l-w .T . Foraeleby ANNA ANJfi NEW GROCERY1 8T0RE, Market Htrcet, Six doors Est of hitd sUeot,or'b i side. PEN LI UX. I'A .... ; I RESPECTFULLY Inform tbeir friend and Ihe pnblie. that they have opennd . . I NEW, GHOOTST, AND : PROVISION'; STORE and will be barmy tn have them Call and eaamine their stook. whmh has jud been opened, r la or so- ing everything In the Gronery line, snob a CotTs. Tea, Bngar.Pyrnp. Ppleea, Dunned ami Drleit Frolts, Ream. Bomihy, Cheese,. Crackerf, " , j ilaeon,,JJai fish, Salt, Potatoee, ... , etc., together with Soaj, " ' " Candlet, Porta, 4o., , and In fact everything In the tfroeeryand Provision. Line. 1 PI.OTR AXD PEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil . Call and tee before purchasing elsewhere . W. S rURMA.t A CO Puubuty, April 27, J3fi. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, i B'.lfl IlRnann av, New York. for Viitnllirn nnd .tlnnnlartnrorx, aasdviMMrailnM'WHMMMaMBlfcMi I .. I j The.e Woild-Renowni'-V Sewing Maoii'iie'. were awarded llifthighert premium at th" Wuri-I's Fair in , London, and six first premiums nt the .New l.rk . ; iStato Fairof Istltl. and sr celebrated fir d"!ii,r the j best work, using a much smaller needle fur tin' nm; i thread than any other machine. nnd by thn introdtic- ' tion of tiic most approved machinery, we are now able to supply tbo very best machines in Ihe world. I I These machines are made at our new and snaeious Factory ut Bridgeport, t.'oiui., under the imwiediuto j supervision of the Pre.i-lent oftlta Coinnanv. Kins , Hor. s;, Jr., the original iuventor ot' llie .Vewing Ma chine. ' j They are adapted to all kind nf Family Sewing. ' and to ue of Seair.stresses. Iirise Makers. Taylors. 1 I Manufricturersof Shins. Cullirr. Skirts, flunk'. Man- tillas. CTuthing. Han. Caps, t'orseis. slu-s. I Hirne's. Saddle". Linen tin,!.. I niKrella', l'ari.il. ; etc. They work c. u ilt v well up m silk, linen, wool- I ; en itriT Cotton goods witfi silk, coib-n or linen throad. i ' They will seam, uiiilt. gather, hem. fell. card, braid. ! bind, and perforin everv .pe:ie,nf sewing, ruakin a i ' beautiful and perfect stitel h. alike on ism sides ot the articles sewed, I The rUitnh invented by Mr HOWE, and made on this Mschiue. is the moft ioTulur and all Sewinif t Machines are subjert to the principle ii.ventcd by ; him. ( FEND FOR ( IKCl I.AR. Tlie Howe Maohiuo Company. it'.!1.' liro.-iilivtiy, Cur. Fourth ei., N . I . ! April. I. Ml".-- .y 1M B' itiVi;i. i Mrs, A. TWELP. I fn Mi Anna Painter s Fancy liumlsMoru luiil iing. j -Market Souiiie. S ,lo.,r, wc-t ol liie Pu-t iifli.i... I MMH RY. PA f Il.'"Et'TFI LEY informs I er friend-and the I V public that she has n a i n opened a ruop. 'n j Market street. Sunbnry. where she is prepared to i.miikc to order Ladies' Dres. in an ei.tire new j si vie. Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. ANo iJentlcmen's ?birU". i tirder respectfully wilieited. Sunbury. ,l,in. ill." ISiiT. ly ! Great AUraclion, at the V' It H' rn t il- . ft ty L li 11,1 " V , It Is, Mx'.-I li-in inul iov v Slurs- ut SltITH fe GE1TTSE?.. Where they keep constantly on bund ar.d ina.iufmr lure t oiit. r al sliorl nonce. TIN AND SHEET IRoN-WAKi; of al! d. -script!..!.' They would especially cull the aiiention of pur ebaseis to their large and well selected stuck of C00X AUD PARLOR STOVES. Tho subscribers havo mado arrangements to have nil their best stoves made to urder. and thu-v who M.uitil have a g.Hid stove would do well to o and examine their large nnd well selected slock. i Fir-t. They dely competition t, .!, f,,i; tried Lniuds of Cook Slut us, via: . t'ontbiiiiit ion 4iiw Itm-nrr, Coiik, t'l'iim I'riin-Couk. j WABASH AND IRONSIDES, ! and the well known Autidutl Cook Stove called I jJPEAK S A.NT1DCST. i Also. Pari. and office S'toves in great varielv em l bracing nil Ihe best iii.imil.ictures and most fn-hion. , able designs. uiuurpoM-.-.l .u beauty of tini.-h simpli j city id arrangements combining ehi i.puo'. durability t and each Move- warranted to perform what liny are i reprisentcd ; -ii.-.., i iiv tcieuraiei ..iiiuiioi ire J'lucn .- .ov c f ir heating first, second nnd thiid toriu. l.y It ,e'utl.t.' j Also. VULCAN II EATER . j Aim.. Ihe celel-rilrd M'.'RNl.Nii Ol.KY". l oiil vsil, 'sil i lj,m,fc. ,rw, 4 iiiiuil, iiikI ull rtls-i-s ii 1 1 . j ,.. ... ... usuauy Kept lit an eslal.liahnirni ,. tbi, kind Thl-y rireal,n prcred lul'urnish SUtr and do slutinK in th best workmanlike manner. I Also, to ilo fu, Jiia.fu,,.. Splinting. Rnn-e nnd i I uriiaceW ork.Uus Fitting, A,-. Repairing n. atlv and chcaplv ixeeutvl. j .V.'o : j "llaiili w Kitty Itwns- jiii-r-Ilio. j pliiilr.'' I Remember the pl-.ic. Sample and Sules P.v,!r. 'nearly opposite ioiil s Hnrdnare Store. Market , street, between Third and Fcurth it reels. Building darK .lin!"''. j August 24. lii'ui. : fun bury l'tjildiVg LOTS IN J tt. CAKE'S Addili..n to the Va.rvja . Sur.bui v. f ir Sale . n rese-uiable ti.-rm'. Aprly to Dr. R. II. AW I mu, SOL I'lfV-ijui , uiib:iry Or P. W. SHEAI-ER, r.,fjvillc, Ta. Nov. 21. lwtt Pa. Are especially invited to call and examine our l.k of Bl ll.DERS HARDWARE, tsiiii prising Nails nnd Spikes of all varieties. Bulla. Screws. Strap nnd T Hinges, Looks ao. I Latches. Bulls. PI., tertng Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ac, Ac, for sale by J. II. COXLEY A CO. Coachmakers, WEtir Jjirgc Slue at covi t-- i ,.,i Sunbury, Murcb 30, laC7. " '- "TB. Jim.' Ti "-.V. rpiIE following persons are entitled tu receive an Increase ot liouutv under Ibo Aci ,.f r..u.., passed July 1S64, to equalize Bounties. 1st AH soldier who enlisted after the 19th day of April, Ibnd.ior 3 year, and served tbeir tim ot enlistment and have beu honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled iu receive a Bount of lltiO, are entitled an additional Bounty uf sJIOO. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted f-r S yean u,i have been honorably fliMcbur.ra.l A. j woands received in tbe line r duty, are entitUd tu I aa aldilioual Bounty of ailoo. 3d The Widow, Minor Children, or TorenU of such soldiers who diedin the wrviee of wounds or disease -'"o'tiiiBi iK.uniy 01 liilOO., tin, l-fn.rt.. .. 1 trsii ir P.-i... i ..;r." v-v " "' ! Aent. .11 .Vch . lIL " ' 1 uln0"J tonbury, August 4 1M tf "-e,J- . UJ. -aitrlt ultiar-Mt lsMil-iHrBl . "' " OKSOrinRak.Btelan.Iron(.i"i, l tt!ZKi:T s-..ii- ... .aiu ncyrtjas. Uruin 7 -r;ir.ndc ' : ; fcrTl Vu mS. r Veils, tulii, BrcisL T.w-., ....i ol' UeoV W for tale bv . . . :"?. ' 7 Rni ,-A, large ancUBcni' of : I ... - lur.,,1 ' Barv Hoop. . IMI - A -,;. . . ! Kie.t M' r, ,. ! ri?BU ...?''"" ! c ?WJi. Nail de, . tv'i'f V. !-- . -"viis Helluw. y ami!. Jbltdj;.., ISv-aud Vjf.,' : . llamtaew. . , WHiZY to . ri.llra4lclpI.lA Krle Sl.lirJ. : r? iij ) f .wpxf er tijji itIB7 Through and direct route between lM1delnhi, Baltimore, llnrrisbura-, Wllllamanort. anrf il.- .l"l Oil Koglon of Pennsylvania, ELEOATiT 8LE Ep flR8 oo aU 1,-l.t Traini. On and after or. 2Mh.1SAT. lb. T,.i. ott the Philadelplila A follow. I ... rl. Rail Road will run m Mail Train leaves) Philadolphm, ' tl Uptp o.V am f .00 p tn , U .00 noon 5.35 p m Hits H Warn t lipm t.tipm nnnonry. 4 arr. at Krla. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. " " Sunbnry " . nrr rt Ms) ' Flinlr Mail leaves PMmdvtphla, " ." " Bunbary " strrlTO t Iflok llavefl, ..... . EAiTWaau. Mail Tram leaves TSrie 10 Kara 155am H Jiam 1 11 p m - ( 40 a m 1.00 ptn 7 10 a m 10 25 am Kunburr. " " rr. at Philadelphia, Erie ('press leaves Erie " . " 'Huulmry " " Brr. at Philadelphia, Elsnlra Mall leaves Lock Haven. " " " Sunbury, " 11 arr. at Philailelohia 0 .10 p in Mail and uxnress eohunet wtrh attip..tn.H u ren A Franklin Railway. Pawengera leaving Pbil adclphia at 12 00 M. arrive at Irvineton at 8.10 a m. and til City at 9 Su a m. Leaving Philadelphia al 11.14 p. M., nrrivo at Oil City at t.:ii p in. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connections nt oil City with trains for Frank, lin and Petroleum Centre. HAUttAOE CHECKED" THIIOIOH. ALFRED L. TYLER. . Weneral Suiwriuleiideiil ."tortli'-t'ii I'.'sitritl Itiiilttnj', WINTER TIME SCHEDVLE. Thrnngh and Direct Ronte to nnd from Washington, Baltimore, Erie. Eltuira. Iluffttlo, Rochester, nnd Niagara Falls. FOUR TRAIN'S DAILY from nnd three to Wail,, legion and Baltimore, and THREE TRAINS DAI. LY to tne North and foni and West Branch Swhouo hanna. and Northern aud W'o'tern Pcnnylvaiiii and N'e.w York. ON mi l tifier MONDAY. OCT'iHEl! 1 lib. ise:( tbe Train, of tho Northern Centia! R.iilway n it) run ns loliows : NOKITIWAUD. lenvea Baltituurc S 2D a in " Ilarrisburg, 1.20 p in " Williamsp irt. 6.6i p in arr nt Elinira. 1 1 OA p ni leaves Baltimora 12. Ill p ni Mail Train Buffalo Exi'riss ilarrisburg, 4.e a m ' Elmira. 1'.' 20 a in arr. Canandaigun, 3.40 p in leivea Baltimore, 12.10 p m IV-l Li I " Jlitrriruurx, 4. 20 p m i ore. Williumsport. S2i p m " Krio y 4'i a in . Niht Aecoin. leaves B iltimore, T tin j in Ilarrisburg. :l.l.i n )s " Williainporl, S 10 am err at Erie. H 6 a ni i Y rk at. 1 Harris. I leaves York (1.20 a in burg Accom. . j arr. Ilarrisburg; 8.04 a la i South w a r i . : J.atl Tram, leave. Elinira " Williainsport, ; ' Ilarrisburg, orr. at Baltimore, : ButTiln 1" sprees leaves Caiiundaigun, Elinira, " Wiiliumsport, " Harriiburg, nrr. nt KaHiumri'. Fa.i Line leaves Willlain.- ort, ' H.irnsbiirg. nrr nt Baltimore. Ynik no ! Harris- j leans Ilarrisburg, borg Acenm. (air. York 4 IS a in H A0 a m I. 40 p m 8.10 p m .00 p tn 7.44 p m I I . 44 p ni 4.:4 a tn N 14 am .1 40 p m S.I 4 a m 1 1 .:;o p ui 4 14 p iu s ill p m .lain ram north and south. last Line north, and k'ork an t lluiri-burg Aecoinmodatioii north and s.iuth run daily ncept Sunday. Buffalo Expriws north nnd Fast Line ""nth. run j iluily ; nnd llutl ilo Eyprcss south rnns dstly except Mniiday. .Night Accoiuuiodution uortli arrives daiiy ' pt Saturday. i F..r further inturmaliori apply at the Ticket Offie 1" the I'enii.vlvania Kallroad Ilepot. I. N. Dt BARRY lien. rupt. i I.iM-Kuvs ii si si ;s At Itltiiiitiii-; Hi:il roiil. , ". ar,.l aTler Jar.. 1st. ISC7, Pn.'-.-iigrr Trcii.s a ill run a follows : SOI'THWARD A. M. A M P. M I.vh.o Seraj.ton. d bo In U0 7 In hingr-tou, il ia ll.i'u It .'u " Rupert, y 20 Dnniille. V :,t Air. North'd., in 34 P. M. 4 4.1 0 tin 17 5 all HI I j .NORTHWARD. I. S'..rtl,'..1.. .'. 2n i! nu li U .114 I:iliiile, ' RllTu-lt. ' Kiu'ton. Arr. at Scrnnton. 7. In 1? IS A. M. P. M. Ill AH S ;:o J 'ul 12. 0U it.. ' 4 4 nil In t . t iriiins leaving Kingston at n :in A. M. f,,r Scran toti.e..mieo! with Train arriv in; at Nov Yoi k .it .'. 2d. I'avenwrs Inking 'irain South fn-ni Sen nton at. ' 4 AO A.M. via Northumberland, reach Harrishuig 12 WI P. M.. Ilaltimure 4. .Hi P. M.. Wiishiugi'nu 111 . IU P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7 nil p in. II A. FONDA. ijji't. Kings-ton. Jan 19. I.sfi7. KriMlin Kitilro-rt. W I N T E R A R It AN,: E m K N r . Norembor. 25th, 18J7. IKEA T Till NK -..ink rr,.m NrI,, .J North-We-t ;nY PhilHd.lpliia New York, Il.-n.l - in),. "il." li. lHinaoilll. As II nnd. Lubilmn. Allen. town. Lii,r,i,. Ac is. L) hratii, i.ilii, Luneastei. Columbia, jYaini l.-ave Harillurg f.u New-York a f..l. lows : Al t.mi, ;, ;, Hn,i siai. i ,.,, u .... ; P. M, i-ui.iuviiug auh similui Triiiits on the Penn-f-v.vu:.:-! I'.-ulnmd, iin.i arriiiic'ni New Yolk at 4 it) ; in. I., and II :.(i A. J. and :: 10, U Bu P.M. Skep : mg Cars acMunpnoviiigtiic :: rij A . M u' d a..14 p . . In. ill- without chance. ; Leave H:irriburg lr Reu lin;. Potlsv ill... Tums 'ii. M r.cr vnle. A-l.land. Pint lirove. Allontftwii and I'i.ilndelj hii. ni s.ij A .M. uuj 2.hA and 4.10 I. M.. stopping at luolaini.il and principal wav .,?!!"ri' . .'1m; ' f m- """k'ng i Miiiieeliuns f.,'r Philadelphia nnd ('..luinbia oulv. For Pottsville j S.'bnylkill Haven and Auburn. 'via SVbuvlkill aud usiiuehniiiiii HiiilrtMid. leave ilarrisburg af;i 44 p. H, i .. Rnurnir g Leave New York at u in) a. iu., 12 n ) N. n and 4 On and H.oO p. m ; Philadelphia at s I., i a. m. ami:: DO p. m. Way IWrnger Train leaves 1 Phili..lelpl,ia at:. 30 a. in., returning from ItMdiug . at !.. p. in. Mopping at ull Stations ; Puttivillu at : n 14 a. m. and 2.14 p. m; A.hlaiul li nn a.m. and 12 -; If and 2uo p.m.; lemaqni al b ."0 a in. uud 1 01) . sn i s 4.. p. HI. 1-llVe i'lltlslille for Hariiylmr vin SL.I...V, 1.111 j i siiuehuiiiia Riiilimidnl 7 111 u. m. and lii'im m,i-. I Reading Accommodation Train lo-iv... n. .'. M A. M. returning from Pbiladelpbia at t"tt P. Al. C.il.in.hin Riil'.r.iad Trains leave I'.eadin" Kg tl 7.1 I .1 . bioi r. u r. n. lor I.phrata. Lili ler. t'oiuiiibia. At. Laneiis. Oil i Sui.days; Leave New Wk it 8 (Hip,,,.. Phil,,. drlpbia-.no A.M.. and 8.14 P M. the B.I o . m ram running only to Keating. Potuville Sliu a m Lirrisl urg. 4.24 am. and 4.10 and -:4 p m. and : Reading at 1.00 and 7.14 a. in, fr Hurrishur.' and 7.0(1 .. iu. and 140 pju. for New Ymk. 4 4 p m for Philadelphia . 1 Commutation, Mileage, 6ea..n. School and Ex I e ur.-i.ai Ticket, at reduced rates to and flora alt i .UI.I.C. lisgnge cbecked through : 100 Pounds Erg-nso-lowed ech Pestenirnr. I all.. G. A. NICOLUs. tieneral Supertnritat' I ! wKltK ! BRICK! BRICK ! 1 ItizrilM ol" Ciuilluirv ; . . J I i III tritlzniM ol Oiuulutrv .taut I ,.... , . VWUy. fpHt undersigned have bought the Utcait Yurd ! ,X ."Vj "Provtt.ents, formerly leaaed and worked I y bteteu. and baa undo aoditioual im pr-.v.inents, and arc imw prepared ly make cuuirai-t -."""... aim iieiis.r mtiuin larga ouan title, lor building aud Mac purpose H By tbe Hianulaotas. ad', gtmd article, and prompt atleutiun u, b..ue, , huiietu receive a share if puldie patronage. Order, left the BricK-Y.rd! r K..11 14. banbury Put Office, w ill te promptly aiudtt to, ci , T. UlMESi CO. Sunbury, May i, li87. n -i I"1! ,.'.f k of,UiU "wmprbjing Lineod Oil. Co Oil, Fi.h O.I. aud Lubrioauug Oil fur Eugiue. u -Machinery. V.er.itb.., . t. . i ...... , . , s. .,, ti uu U11U, ni iu. coxley a co s I I. Haddlere. we have Saddle Tree. Bitts. Buck i U 'g Tree. Pad Tree, llaae, all kiud and : every Ihinir perUiuliir tu ibe busiue.. tor a be J. BL COIihV CO. t " - -" REMLMREU THE DEAD. ... . . K3rti J tf. hinlna.r ...i T,,hii A Taylor. ! IflW, awl .,-...;..- M,i,r. lhat having i VV. . aumnteo aad idaiu ... i. .k... -. Am.ricua marhl. l P.r" oi ma mm. --- . thdaotion, a4 n- th.l eanuut ra.ii W rre ' orally tuReit the r$$Jg TAYLOR- g.Mi aatf p n.NLEY 3