332 &fie $uhfcur& American. 'g.WlVKRT,t. ... . W. 8. SNULil, J Publleha a. , NUNUUHV, PA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1808. local, affairs. Tat too which fall oa Tnetday Jut wm eboal eight inobe In depth. Thli addition to the enow on th ground make th aUtghlng excellent. Oon Borough father have not yet woke np to the aeoessity of employing a tuow-tlow to make path orer the crossing, and help the poor and help less to get along. Tnt appointment of Daniel Bnramaa M Poalmaa- ter at Milton has been rejected by the Senate. Mr Burnman U acting u Speolal Agent of the Pott Office Department, at preaent. MiLToa Bainaa Costraar. Th following gen tlemen were eleoted officer! of the Milton Bridge Company, at the annual election held on the 14th init. : President Thos. 8wenk Manageri Win. Cameron, Jno. Datcaman, Wm. Htadden, L. Stout, I. B. Devil, W. C. Lawaon, John Houte, V. L. It Had ; Treasurer Joseph Bound. LCTPH. Prof. W. Mile, of Williamaport, who lectured before the Teacher' Institute on Monday evening lait, will deliver a leotor la the Court ITouje thia (Saturday) arenlng, eommoncing at 7) o'clock. Subject "Social Culture ; it Infloeoo on Social Life." Admittanoe, 35 oenU; children, IS oent. Kotic to Diaroaa. John E. Smlck girei notice to parlies indebted to him for clothing, and other work done in the tailoring boalne, that tbey will are oosl by oalllng upon bin) and making settle- meat of their indebtedness. Niw Harxkh asd SaDDLtar Ft. A. J. Strob, the well known aaddle and harness maker of this placo, ha araooiated with him in hie buaioeei Mr. John W. Farnsworth, and the new firm ooutlnue the business in the thop nearly opposite the Central Hotel. They are turning out an excellent quality of work. Strob ! itlll In the lirery and auction eering business. Mclc Dnowsan. On Wednesday lost Mr. Iaaao App, of Selinagrove, while crossing the river on the ice at thia place, with two mule and I horae to bia (led. wben near the shore got off the track and broke through the thin ice where it had previously been cut out. By prompt assistance the horae and one of the inulea were saw J. Tho other mule waa drowned. In Massoobusetts ioe-cuttera are com pelled by law to put np tonae guard to designate the openinga made. TnR BitinoEg on the Shamokin Valley road, be tween thia plnce and Alt. Cnrmsl, are all being re built mid enlarged by the Northern Central Rail road Company. The object in enlarging the bridged ia to accommodate the large enginea and cara for a through lino of passenger cara between thia place ond New York. Thia line will make oloseoonnee tinna, at thia plnce, with be train from Krie and the weet, and will be a abort asd oompeting line be tween trie and New York. The bridgoe will all be completed before the first of April next. Killed ox the Railroad. On Monday night laat, about 0 o'clock, a man who waa lying acrou the railroad track wait run oror and cut in two, near Wntsontown, by a freight train. Be waa not eeeu until atruck by the engine. Ilia remains were tnken by the train to Williuinapurt. On bia person were found but ono dollar in money and a certificate to Jotcpb II. Kline, the name uf the unfortunate man, for a third clau pcJdler'a licence, isaued at Middle burg, Snyder county. The deceased it said to be from Selinsgrovo. Ilia body wua still warm when found. 7ns K.tiNs or ISfiT. By the reeord kept at the Philadelphia Hospital, in Philadelphia, it appears tbat the rain full, at that place, during 1367, waa CI inchee. Thia amount of rain exoeeda the rain fall of any other year on our record. In IBM), howevor, M) inches fell. The fall of rain in June baa never boon but onoe exceeded, and that for July waa 4 inches more than bad ever falleu In a month. The least amount for any one month waa S9i inohea, in 182i. The average of thirty year ia 4M icchee. Dn. Wkngeiit A Co., Lung, Throat, Heart and Blood Phyaiciuoa. can be consulted at all boura of tbe dv, at the Susquehanna Uouae, Georgetown Northumberland Co., front Tuotdiy, January 28th, to Monday, February -Id, lttM, where they desire all to call who are sick or ailing, with any diaeaae or complaint, and be examined with Stethoscope Electricity. They readily deleot the stages of the diseased organs of man, and will toll their patients frankly whether a oura oan be effected or relief given Their rooms are generally crowded in tbe afternoon. Th Bt'iLDiaa AasociATioH. At a meeting of the tockholder of th 'Sunbury Mutual Bavhig Fund and Building Association, " hold on Friday evening, Jan. 17th, the following officer were elec ted for the ensuing year : Vice Preeidcot John M Cadwalladcr. Secretary J. Woiaer Buoher. Treasurer II. Y. Friling. Solicitor G. W Haupt. Directors Emanuel Wilrert, V. T. Llgbtoer, J. W. Friling, Levi Seaholt, II. T. Mengei, Jaoob Sbipmau. Ira T. Clement, John G. Marklc, Valen tino Diet, M. C. Gearhart, John Ilea, John Clark, D. C. Diaainger, N. F. Marts, William II. Miller, George B. Cadwalladcr, Towneend Ilimea and R. B. MoCoy. At a meeting of the Director, on Monday evening last, the following offioera were elected : President Towuaeod Ilime. Trustees-John G. Markle, JhW W. rrlling and Ira T. Clement. Kxaodniug Committee John O Markle, John W. Friling aad Valentin Diet. Taa NoTvMBB4ii.AMD Cooarr Tcacmi' la- TiTtr. We have beea furniahed with a portion of ih proceedings of tbia body, which haa been ia aewiou at th Court Uouae, la this pUoe, daring the paat week, fur publication, but prefer giving them entire next week. Tbo attendance ia laid to be unusually large and tho proceeding mora than ordinarily inter eating, Tba oomuiodiou and elegant accommodation af forded them in the new Court room was, of itaelf, a great attrdoliun. Beside thia, in th evening, the proceeding were enlivened by eioellent musio atationed In tho gallery, by th Sunbury String Band, accompanied with a cabinet organ. Among tbe principal itrangera ia attendance wa ProfooorSaudoM, of New York, wUhpoimn of bia school books. Tbo Frofaaaor complimented lb Institute, aud caid, among other things, that the chamber they occupied waa tba moat capaoioo and elegant Court room be ever aaw. Addresses were delivered during tha arooiog tewion by Proleaeur Mile, of Williamaport, 6aoj' dare, of New York, Schneider and Rev. Mr. Kaigart, of r-uubury, and oa Thursday availing by Prof. Al len , Prof. Coburo, and other. Tbric Ucturea aontained many good point, bat oaie of them nor entirely tea loog-wiadod. - Fw men have sufficient ability, and genlu t JuUf lecture of nor thau on hour ia II delivery. A runeroJ rul a lecturer, after writing hi lcotijra, ahould rfcolv lo cipung freely aad eudvavor condense tbe whole into about ono-half tha ariguiai -pac. Tb maeiinga of lb InatHuto bar booa well at- Unded, and aeeui hi be aatieiaaUjrjr to all o)oerL Whether they aro of any freat praoUcal.ealua or not, tbey ara certainly eomuieudabl a a aooial n4 oleaMOt re-union, lending la aaouttrag -ana pro mote abrfulaea aad g'.od fuelfcg amorg tb am. fiaa a tUtAVocia.VtVt raV aaya that oa Friday naming, lth Icut., between T aad 'lock ft ire brake ant In a room la Mr. H. A. Bhlaeler'a Neldesaa, la lhamekin, In which Mrs. S. hai her ttoek of millinery goods, and when discovered the outer WU horning and the room filled with smoke Mr. B. waa made aware of the Ire on pausing through lh entry, by observing amoke leaving from ovist tbe door, and upon attempting to entet, foand Ik room dentely filled with It. She aloeed the door aad gave the alarm, whloh brought aselatanee in tlaae to extinguish the fir before It caught into iaaae. While bat little wa aetaally burned, in damaga doe to fh Mock by the amoke and water la estimated at orer 9700, on whloh there I an In surance of 250 ta the Columbia Company. , How the fire originated ia not definitely known, but the general luppoaitloa I that It waa carried In a cloth aad thrown aadcr the tranter, after being used to daat the stov. Taa SaAMOciM Coal Tad. Th amount of ooal thlpped from thtShamokln coal region over the Bbamokin division of the Northern Central Rail road, during the year 188? , wa 485,697 tons, against (i7,10O ton in 186S, a decrease of 71,483 tons. Thia does not, however, give tbe entire production of the region, from the faot that during the year the En terpruto road ha been extended to four eollieriea, aad carried from then the following amount : town. cwt. Enterprise, J7,8i8 08 lixeelaior, J,07 17 Greenback, 38.070 10 Kelianoe, total, 87,838 IS From which deject decrease Ly Northern Central Railroad, and it leave the total product of the re gion, for the year, 18,373 ton in exceaa of tbat of 1868, beside taking into account the shipment from the Reliance colliery, which may be let down at JO.WO ton. Lici.iiei.-The following licenses were granted by the Court en Saturday last : Taverns. D. S. Relti, Little Mahanoy ; Jesse Ileofyl, Shamokin township J Patriok Heater, Mt. Carmel township ; John Foy, Lower Augusta ; C. II. Ileilman, Lower Mahanoy; John U. Foresuan, Walsontown. ' Rtstuurants. Tho. S. Irvln, Turbut; P. Plock and Join Murphy, Wataontown ; Frederiok Wolf, AoUtouy Hegle and Henry Ruth, Milton ; E. Schlight and Waa. Uabring, Trevorton ; James Seibert, Mi chael Labarty, Lowis Marquetto, Jacob Bador and J. A 11. Dunkelberger, Sbamokin borough ; Jeremi ah Malick, Upper Augusta ; Isabella Parker, Coal ; Thomas Dooley, Mt. Carmel township ; II. T. Eck ort, Northumberland ; Adam Renn, Sunbury. Liquor Storts. Edward Kline, Trevorton ; C II. Wilbetm, Milton ; Christian Neff, sunbury ; Patrick Daily, Shamokin borough. Fatal Accident om the I'niLA. A Ems Rail road. The Muncy Luminary aay that on Mon day evening of laat week Mr. Jonathan Bower, of Clinton township, Lycoming county, waa instantly killed at Montgomery Station, on the Phila. A Erie Railroad, ft appe.tra that Mr. Bowor was doing ome hauling about the Station with two horses and a wagon, and while crosaiug tbe track in tbe eve ning, the gravel train came along at a rapid rale, and, a ia alleged by aercral persons who were pre aent, without blowing the whiatle or giving tbe usual aignal at atationa and crossings, instantly killing Mr. Bower, and o much iujuring both boraea tbat they had to be killed to put them out of tboir mis ery. Mr. Bower wa the main support of an aged father ami a fiatcr. His age wa about 50 year. Election or Bank Director. Tbe following gentlemen wereelocled directors of tho Milion Na tional Bank, on the lilh inst. : W. C. Lawaon, T. Hwcnk.I. B. Davis, W. P. Hull, John Rouah, Wm. F. Nagle, M. Chaniberlln, W. S. Montgomery and David Eshbach. The following gentlemen were oleoted director j of tbe First National Bank of Milion, on tho ltih , Inst. : J. Wood Brown, Jno. Dateaman, S. T. I Brown, William Savidge, Iaaao Brown, J. P. Arm- strung, B. K. Haag, Ueo. Hill, Henry Prick, Dr U. Q. Davis and Hon. Alexander Jordan. The following gentlemen were oleoled directors of the Northumberland County National Bank, of Shamokin, on the 14th iust. : F. W. Pollock, W. II. Marshall, S. Billeubender, Juhol), Douty, J. W. Friling, W. T. Grant, Samuel Hoover, Wm. Monte liu and Thoa. Baumgaidner. For th Sunbury American. Tho Now Masonio Lodge at Wataontown. Wat9otowx, Jan. 21st, 1S68. Editor American : Tbe aolenin and iiupreaaire ceremonie of conatituting Lodge No. 401, A. Y. M., took plaoe on Thuraday laat. It wua numerously attended by the neighboring Lodge, and all pasacd off pleaaantly. Your townsman, Rev. W. C. Cremer, represented th old Sunbury Lodge with credit to himself and honor to the fraternity, and although w cannot boa! of tbe quantity of th representatives of No. !, w were well pleased with tbe quality. Bro. Cremer acted Grand Chaplain, and alro mad a very nice little speech, (acting for the W. M. of tbia Lodge,) In tbe reception of a very fine bible presented to tbe Lodge by tbe ladies of tbi placo. Tb following aro tbe elected officer of our Lodge : Joseph Ilollopeter, W. M. ; J. M. Foil- mer, 8. W. ; Dr. John Goeb, J. W. ; R. H. McCor miek, Secretary ; George Burns, Treaaurer. Th appoiuted officer are J. W. Muffloy, 8. D. ; Franklin MoWiiliama, J. D. ; JohnStitrel.S. M. C. ; Jno. K. Seller, J. M. C. : Isaac Meuingcr, Pursui vant. Editor' Tablo. ( "Taa Btca-CoAT, and now thsv Linn, Foconr ahd Died roil tub Cxiok ; wirn Scicnk AND l.tClOEKTS IX THE GREAT RKBEbLION," i th till of a handsome volume, juat laauud by Jonc Brother A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. There ia a certain portion of th war that will never go into '.he regular histories, nor be embodied in romance or poetry, which ia a very res I purl of it, aud will, if preserved, convey totucoeeding gen erations a better idea of tho spirit of tbe oontltct than inauy dry report or careful narrative of ever.ta, and Ibia part may be culled tba gnaaip, tha fun, tba patboa of the war. Tbia illustrate tb character of tbe leader, the humor of lb soldier, tb devotion of wuuieu, tbe bravery of uieo, the pluck of our boroea, tbe romance aud hardship of tb service. From tbe beginning uf tbe wur tb author baa been engaged iu collecting all Ibe anec dote oonneoted with or illustrative of it, and ba grouped and claxfftcd them under appropriate ead, and in a very attractive form. Th volume is profusely illustrated with over 100 fine engraving", by tho brat artists, and its contents include reuiiuuoeuoeii of camp, picket, spy, scout, I bivouac, siege, and bnttle-Bcld. with thrilling feats of bravery, ait, drollery, comical and ludicrous 1 adventure, ate., etc. Amusement a well a instruction maybe found In every page, a graphic detail, brilliant wit, aud au theutio history, are skillfully interwuvea in this work of literary art. It ii juat auoh a roluma a will find nuinerou purchaser, and j'tat suoh a on a person seeking to act aa book agant should add to their list. Taa Ladt'S Frieud, roa FaauAev A beauti ful steel engraving, representing th biding of Mu le in th bulruabaa, open tbi number of Ihe Queen of tbe Monthlies." lh double UjI fashion plate ia as refined and elegant a usual. Then we have two pretty damiol peeping through tb curtain oa St.' Valentine' day in tba morning and also a Una engraving of "Th Meteoric Shower at Sea." Th music tbi month i tb popular long, "Paddla Your own Canoe." Tb literary miller ia -'The Romano of an Old Maid," "A Dead Mau' Rule," Little Feat." "Disillusion," "Soma Thing Mr. Shrimp Saw," "Jaaa Cliftoa Letter, " -Friendship of 6itr," Ae-! auditorial, Ac. Published by Dea ooo PtrtO, 81 U Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Oopiy'i Labt's Book. The amkaliiabmaat ta th Fthf ry number eonit of tb following : 'Th Doubtful Foriuo," a (tool plat ; a beautiful Colored faahioo-plat, containing six figure ; "Tba Old Baehalor'l Valentin," a tinted plolure ; a large astMisiua abaat, containing twenty-six engraving of ladies' dreatea, cbildisa dreaaea, :o-, etc.; "ib Cricket on lh Hour lb ;" daeign for walklng-dr-. Ia lb work-dopartment will b found article of great service for tb ladie to work from. A koiited jtokel fur a child ; baby's boot I pen-wiper Simpadgbig; napkin ring; knotted trimming for rMe; gentleman' bouaewire; initial letter; braiding aud embroidery, ato. A luburban reai dene, with tba plan. Th (tori ar all by the beat wr;tr. FubluLeJ by L. A. Godey, K Cor Sixth aud fXeatcut StieeU, Philadelphia. r - 'fttrattfftt nonet. . Dt Ljaim -Vf e bT on bawd K Hrf H bef of blank leacet, niatly printed, wbMi wt eil at tea cent per copy. "A the foaaon for leasing property I at hand, and aa a large number of them will be required, wa are able to eupply the den and. We hart them printed with and Without the ex emption elaute. ' Taa Paica or Ltaanrr. Patrlek Henry truth fully obaerved thai "Eternal Vigllanoo Uihe prio of Liberty." Ha might aa truthfully have aald tbat lo become wealthy I to practice economy by purchasing your Boot and Shoe at Was. II. Mil ler' Excelsior Store, Market Square, Sunbnry. Money will be aaved by baying uf him. a be ha the cheapeet and beat In market. ' Call and see him. ArritRE At WAiaiaoToa atlli m to be in a noddle, and the head of itatesmen are somewhat perplexed. When matter are mad straight, we may expect thing to go on awimmingly, (though rather a cool comparison thia kind of weather,) and have no mora hitch, just like a man buying a anit of winter olotblngat J. F. Shaeffer'a Merohant Tai loring eatnbllabment, on Market Square. He look at the goods, ask the price, piy th money, and take them away, well atiafied that he "might go farther and far worse. " --aftA-e- Down tnar Go. Prloe ara down 40 per cent, at J. O. Beck' Merohant Tailoring and Clothing establishment, on Fourth street. He ha Juat opened a aplendid aaaortment of goods, which be will make np to order, In the best manner, and atth lowrM price. New. Look out for the new Winter tyle of Clotba, Caaslinere, Ac, at tbe Continental Clothing Baiaar, Market Square, Sunbury. Slaymaker is determined not to be outdone, In point of cheepneas, beauty and durability of hi good, by any on in tbe country. Grand PicTtiRia. If yon want toee a grand array of richly tinted and life-like pldturea, walk up to Byerly't Gallery. Some taken a few day ago, in tone, correot likenea and artiilio finish, are cer tainly very superior rpeeiniene of art. Byerly' popular Gallery la In Simpson' building, Market Square. II IIICMw1 CnEEaruL Fact. Not tho leaat among tbe cheoring news i the report of the Secretary of tho Treasury, showing suoh a healthful atat of the finanooa, which must place our financial reputation abroad on a par with our physical fame. Not leu cheerful ia il to see brisk trade at Faust's faahionablo Hat and Cap Emporium, in Market Square. He boa the Guest Dock of good ever brought to thia aeotion of country. MARBIAOES. At Ucnton.'port. Iowa, Tuesday Evening. Doo. 2Jth at tho resilience of tho bridx's father, by Itev. A. Laubach, Mr. L. 1. Uosler, formerly of thia place, and MUa Axxa M. Crksswell, of the former plnce. K IJ I I ' It V 3 1 A It la UTS. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do per cwt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, primo red, now, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new, do Oata, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaobe, pared per round do do unpared do Dried Apples, do 91 00 C nil 10 00 0 U0 3 30 1 30 1 1U 64 1 i0 40 25 15 3 00 40 40 25 18 28 20 14 i:t 18 60 Dried Chorriea, (unatoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound. r-gi?s, Cheese, Lnrd, Hams. Shoulders, Boef, bind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chiukone. per doien, per pound, do do do do do do per pair NliiiiBioltIn foil I Trade. Siiamokin, January 18, 1 80S. Tun. C11H. Bent for week eudiug Jan. 18, 4.tt2 18 Per last Report, S.hSS 09 I. 1.531 0T II. 222 02 2, .11)9 OS To same time laf t year, Iixroase. Special Notices. 'Co' Couon Baliav" are household words throughout tbe United State. As we travel we are greeted with it from rocks and fenor ; if we pick up a newapaper we aro advised to "try it;" and a we viait our friends we aec it on tho shelf ready for use. It aonthei fretful children, put a veto on coughing, and I a great relief to tho consumptive. Dbafnrss, IlLiNDNEna Ann Catarrh treated I with the utmost success by J. Isaac, M. D , Ocul 1 bt and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. j 806 Aroh Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable sources in cily and country can be ! teen at his office. The Medioal fnculty arc invited I to accoin.any their palienla. aa he haa no seoreta in Ins practice. AKlirii.lAL fcir.3 inaerteu trim out pain. No oharge for examination. nov.ao-ly. To Conmnuptlvpu. Th Ktv. EDWARD A. WILSON will lend (free of charge) to nil who debire it, the prescription with the directions for uiuking and using the simple rime, dy by wbiob he waa cured of a lung ailootion and that dread disease Consumption. Ilia only object ia to benefit the afflicted, and he hope every Buffer er will try tbia prescription, aa it will coat them nothing, any may prove a bleasing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, my lR-'671y Williamsburg, Kinga Co., N. Y. m f.l. UmnmAlnm .r ll n,l .,1 ,. Tna following Remedic ar all old and well ea. tabliahed, and thousands have been benefited by their use. Tbey ar for sale by druggist generally : Tbe Peruvian Syrup, a protectod Solution of Ihe Protoxide of Iron, up plies the blood with its Life Element, iBo.t, giving atrengtb, vigor, and new life to ihe whole system. For Dyapepis, Debility, Female Weakness, Ac, it is a specific. A 32 page pamphlet, containing a valuable treatise on "Iron aa a Medicine," with oer tifioateaand reoommenduliona, Ac , will be Bent free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. 3B Dey St., New York. Wistar'a Balaam of Wild Cherry ha been used for nearly half a cenlury for Cocoa Colo, CojtscurTioa. and every affection of lha Throat, Lung and Cheat. It euro a eougb by loosening aud oleanaing th lungs and allaying irri tation, thus removing the cause inatead of drying up tba cough and leaving the oauae behind. SET1I W. FOWLF. A SON, Proprielora, No. 18 Tremont St., Boston. Pr. H. Anders' Iodine Water, a pur aolution of Iodino dissolved in water without j lv.nt, containing 11 grain, of Iodine to each fluid ounce ot water. Iodine la admitted dv for medical men, to be the beat known remedy Sruori'LA, Ulcxu, Camckbs, SvraiLi, Salt ,LT Knai'M. Ac, and thousand can testily to tb won derful virtue of thi preparation in luch oa. Circular free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. 38 Dey St., New York. Orace'a Celebrated Salve work Ilk magic oa Old Sores, Burnr, Scald, Cut, Wound, Bruiaea. Sprain, Chapped Ilaad. Chil blains, Ac , Aa. It ia prompt in action, soothes tb fuiin, lake out aorene, and reduce th moat angry onking (welling and Inflammation, tbut affording relief and a complete cur. Ouly to cent a bnx ; tent be mail for S5 cent. SET1I W. FOWLK SON. Proprietors, Jan. 11 tt No. 18 Truaonl St., Boston. COI.G1TK A, O.'S GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP a mnufaotur4 from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered th STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For (ate by all Orooar. May 18. IBOT.-ly. TUB USALISa FQOL, And Hons of Mrcy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Umm. an th wime of Solitude, and tha Error, Abu- es and Duease which deauroy lb manly powers, aud oreata Impediments to Marriage, with sura aiesua of relief. Sent la oaJd latter nvlop, free of charge. Addr- DR. J. SKIl.LIN u6U0HT0N, lljwsrd A'Oiti'n, Plilodulpbia, Ps juu , iwr. ly I r mi ih ftrrora f l'oilh A geotlnnan wbc (offered for Jreart frock ftervoo Debility, Premature Decay, and all th eftwU of youthful Indiscretion, will, for lb fat of (ufferlog humanity,' aeud frto all who need ft, the recipe and dlreottoa for making tba rimal remedy by wbleh he wa cured. Sufferer Wiahlng to profit by tbe ad rev-User's experleuoaj oan do o by addremlnyj; in perfect eonfklenco, JOHN B. OGDKN, myU -87 ly - t i -f 41 Cedar Street, N. Y. Imfbrmiuloas. Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald bead or beard loss tace, also a recipe for tbe removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruption, etc., Tin th akin, leaving the earn soil, dear, and beautitul, oan be obtained without charge byadtlreaaing - THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chomlat, nay 18, '67. 823 Broadway, New York. ' o bj PKICK CLOTHING. JONES' ! OLD ESTABLISHED -O.TfK I'ltK.i: CLOTHING HOUSE, JO lllnrket Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many yean this Establishment ha done busi ness on the One t'rioe Sy:em, and we believe ws are tbe only Clothing House in the oity that atriotly ! tho aoam by their own operation, and though every adhere to thia principle. We have earned a repu- .,..u i..,,, lk ... , . tation which we are proud of, for good tnat. in .elect- ; ,i'?h le cot "aul "P good style and aubslantial material, and not less j I'nc cry lllulifwt I'rizc, the CrOHB important, for having all our goods, i:xritA wt:Mi riadi:. W employ the best talent, for Cutter, and our Goods are of both kinds Faahionable and plain an that all taa ten oan be auited. The prioea are tbe very lowest, aa any on by a moment thought muat aee, or otherwise we could not meet th competition of our neighbor, for aa no deductions are ever mado, we muat put our prioc down to th advantage w promise. The people may depend, thia U th true pins upon wbiob to do busineaa, and many a dollar can b aaved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONE8' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strrcet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. March 23. 18H7. ly Aycr'et Cherry lo,lora!, for rna nariD cure or Cvughi, CoUh, Influenza, lloarteneu. Croup, Jironchitu, Incipient Votmumptiim, and Jor Vie lltiirf of Comum it ice Patient in Ad taneed Utagci of th Dicac. l i, CtO wido ia the ficldof it KJ usefulness and o nu rnorous are Ita cures, tba I in almost every aeotion ot I country ore persona pub- I lioly known, who havo I been restored by it from alarming and oven deape- I rnte diseases of the lungs, i When once tried, ita su periority over every other i expectorant is too nppa- ' rent to eaoape observation, and where its virtues are I xnown, me puuiio no lunger ncsitaio wnat antidote ; to employ for the distressing and dangerous affco- tionsol the pulmonary organs incident to our oil- mote. While n'any inforior remediea thrust upon the communitv hove failed and been discarded, this baa gained frirnda by every trial, oonferred bnnctits ! on the amicted tney oan never torgel. anil product J eurea too numerous and too remarknblo to ba for gotten. I We enn nature the nuhlic that its aualitv la care- i fully kept up te tho beat it evor hna been,' and that ! it may ite relied on to do for their relief all that it haa ever done. Great number of Clergymen, Physician, Mate men. and other eminent personages, have lent their : names to oertiiy to mo unparniieica uaeiuincsa 01 our remediea, but space her will not permit tbe in' ertion of them. Our Agent furnish, gratia, our Am kmc a Amiakac, in which they are given, with also full description of the complaint our remedioa cure. Thoee who requiro an alterative medicine to pu rify th blood will find Aver Coup. Ext. Saiisa 1'Anu.l.A the one to uae. Try it once, and you wilt eonoedo Ita value. Prepared by DU. J.C AVER A CO, Lowell, Muss , and sold by all Druggists and dealers in med icine everywhere. Dec. 21-St 4 naitKss t.) rim nervocs and okiiii.it- led, wiK'ae fcufi'eruiljs itavebeen protfHClcd liolil tiid-U-ii CHust-s.und wti'Ufe cuNte lequire prompt tiwitnieut to remler exttleuco desirable. If you aie suffering or liuve anlfcrrd horn involuntary diclidrKcs, wbul t-flect ttuea it produce upon y,ur cviienu ncuuit : 110 you teei weua, j debilitaieii, euatly ureil ? Dues a litUe extra eaertiou pro. I duce patpitiiti.iii ttl the heart ! iioia your liver, or uroiuiy ' oig-.tits, or your kidneys, Irtquemly pel out of older ? la ; your urine onetiiiu'a thick, innky, or itK-ky, ot is it ropy ou selUme? Or does a thick arum row lo the ton? Ur i ti ediiiieut at Ihe hoitom al'ier II hasstiKMl uwhile.' Ut you wish tu be left alone, to eel away Iran everybody ? Ui any little tiling niiike you amri or jump ? la your elerp uioken til restless? Is the lustre of your cyraus tirillimil f The ttliKiin on your cheek ua bright ? Do you enjoy your aelf 111 tK-tcty ue well ? Do you pursue your husnicw with the same roetgy ? Do )o'j feel as much coutjiiriier in yout self Are your spirits dull and H-iegiug. given lo fits of meluuctitay If an, Jo tti4 lay it to your liver or tlyspepaia. Have you resiles litghta ? Vour Utck weak, your knees A'eiik, mid have nut little ppelttc, and you atiubute this to dyspepsia tir liver-eoinphiiiil T Now, reader, aelf abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual rxeesaea, ate nil cujKihle of produelng u weak tieaa of the generative orgitti The orgiins of geiierHlion, when in crlect health, make Ihe man. Did you ever think lluil tlioae bold, ilefi tut, excisctic, perseveiing, sue ceaat'ul busiiiesa.ineu are always tn ae whoe generative nrgiio ere in pet I eel liciilth ? You never heai aueh men a mpliiin of being melancli'dt , of ncrvouaoeu, of palpita tion of ihe heart They are never itiruid iliey eanuot auc Ceed ill liuiitiess ; they don't become aatl and discouraged ; they are always polite and pluiaunt in ihe compuiiy of la diea, and look you end 0hiu ritihi in Ibe face tifiie uf your downcast lotika or any other meaiitieaa hooui Ihrm. I do not mean lh- who k -ep the organs iulluineil by running lo excras. These will tiotmly rui.i their coi.atiluiioiia but aiao thoae they do bus ucsa with 01 lor. flow iniiuy men from b:ul!y.cured diaeuaea, from Ihe edoeta of eli-ahute and exeeuca, have hioi.gllt alioul Hint state of weukuraa in those orguiia that hu reilm-ed the eeueral system so murh as lo inditee almost every other diaeaae idiocy, lunacy, parulysis, spinal euectiona, suicide, anil altnoat every other lortn of diaeose whit-It hunianity ia heir to, and Ihe real cause of the trouble scarcely ever aua- prcted, and have doctored lor an out lite riant one -n HKI.AlHtll.D'RI.I.Lll) KX TrtACT HUCHU I Ihe (reel IllUtetlC, BUU SI CeiUJlll CUI IIW Uma in wm u.mci, K. 0mtf., u,nIv. oramtie Vakuea. Female CHopMoni, Urttrral Deliiiuy, atal u ataeaar 01 ine uri nary UrfNiie, whether rxiuitif tu Male or Female, from whatever cuuae originating aud no matter uf how long sunning ir ii inninieiit ia submitted to. Consumption or Inannitv may euaue. Our flesh uudbliMid are supported from theae sources, and the heaii't and happineaa. and ilutt of rWeruy, depends upiai prompt uae of a reliable lemedy. Helii.ld'a Katract Uurha. rsuMtshed upward of 16 yeara, prepared hy H. T. IIKI.MUOl.D, Dfurgist, out Broadway, New Ynrk.aiul lot Mouth una Street. Philadelnhia. Pa- ratci l VS per kittle, or hottlea lor If 4 511, delivered to any addrcaa Sold by all Druggiata evciy where. March U. letir ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IVuter and I'Ire lrool' SJLiA.TE ROOFS. Til R undertl?ned resDeclfullv inform builder iu tbi and adjoining counties tbat he ia prepared to nut on .S'Uia Honf. in a auDorior manner. He furn ishes the celebrated Lehigh oouuly Slale, which is " " r.T "7" "T pectionoi ih public to tbe work he haedone in Sun- I buryea Haupt . tirenougH anu naaa ouiiuint, and on others at various pieoca. iiii i owaatboof ny olhrlator. . Addrea. D. 8. SMITH. Sunbury, P. O., oroall at hi residence in Upper August top. January II, la. ly Lime I Lime I Lime! nHEnew Lira Kilns of II. B. Maver, atSelina X Orove Swlion, are now completed and in suc cessful operation, produelng lime of tba very heat quality. Tbe kiln ar built with all tba modern convenience and improvement, and have a capaci ty of produeing 400 bushel per day. Excellent roads have been made lo tb kiln, not interfered with by lb railroad, where wagon or alcd can be loaded la a few miuule from the chutes, without handling. Having opened a large body of the best limestone, at the mouth of the kiln, tby are enabled to tell lima at tna low rase ei ii stau pj buhl. Tbe kiln are in charge of competent per sons, who will alway ba prepared lo supply cus tomers. Apply to II. B. Masser, hiiobury, or to Char. Duakleberger, or Chs. J. Conrad, at tbe kiln. Pombr 14, laof. Tbe Flrtta national UunUofBsa. bury," XT0TICE I hereby given, that threguUr on not 1 J aleetion of Director of "Tb First National Sank of Sunbury, feDn'a." will be bld en lues day tb 38ih day of January, A. O. leAJ, at ihe tattaUig uouae, 10 in jhbuhsu wi e.uti j, between tb nirf of Ue'olock, A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M , of said day. in acaordanaa will) tbf J'ravi ion ot iuc Act of Coogrea. b. J. TaCKER, CaLStr, e-jnbury, :'i,tt.y,iis)7. otcaimi.g ot U)prp..u.- n.c )..u, Thimbles. Sneotnole. Sil vcr Table. Dessert. Ten Su t liy.winiiid.j.Nwi Ji,nB tr?;,.Id1 gutter Kmvw, hiold. tombs. I CTl- IBUIli SJ UII'PIIII, SSI (7W tjl BII1ICBII1 SSIIT ; a'1 I 'U I YSO Cheatnut Street, Pbilaslclphla. Are th best in Vie, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They are more aim pie and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and more elantio atitoh, a firmer and more beautiful acatn tbnn any other They cw all fabric from two common spools, re quiro no re-winding of thread, fj-ten both ends of of tbo Legion of Honor waa conferred on tho repre sentative or me 4.itoTi:it &. imui:k SJXi at the Exposition Vniveraellee, Paris, 1567 ; thn attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing maohlne. OROVER t BAKER'S NEW STYLES n ii t; t t i, i: n a : is I . n For Manufacturing, Combiue tbe most modern and easential improve meutit. Tho attention ii roqucaled of Tailor, Mtinufuc turera of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trlmmirg, Clothing and all ot'ucn requiring tho use cf the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To those newatylua, nhioh powcaa unmistakablo ad vantages over nil others. FOR SALE BY Mis CAROLINE DALITJ3. Market Slroet, SlIKBl'RY, l'ESN A , Nov. 23. lS07,-ly Christmas Goods, ARE NOW READY AT 'I'. S. NII.W'NO'VM I 1 1 I II V Q V C I) I? II " jsj j at a u a j it iia Market Square, near the Rail KouJ, S1T1T3TJKT. F SIT IT 'A Su'h as Ladies nnd (icntl. .i.en'i Fine OoM and .Silver Watches, Chnins, llronfUl'ins, Kar-ringt and Fingor-Ring. Silver Ti-a-sctts, Cako. (,'ord. Su- trnr IImbItmib liinn. nn.l Ri.n,,i..(u,i pc.,r Holdurs, Butter. Coolera, Syrup and Drinking Cups, Knives, Foiksand Spoons of various kinds, and a full assortment uf Silver-1'latod goods. Also, Ouwson, Warren A Hide a Celebrated Tip Top Gold Fens, and a full assortment of 8 day and au nour clockb. Particular attention naid to the reDairlns of fino Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work warranted. All orders promptly attend ed to. Pleoso call and examine our stock before pur chasing el-'ewherc. Sunbury. December 21. 1'.T Holiday Presents I .1. y. si'i:Yi:r, V a-XCIlMAKER A Ji-WIXEH, Market Square, mar llouso, " tho Court SCNBCKY, Northumbc:land County, Pa. HE has arl opened an nforto.ent of tlold f)'fC nnd Plain Patent Wutchen. CLOCKS lor Railroads. Bunks and Dwellinen, Fino ""'!'' tiold Rings, Finder Kings, Ilractdets, Miiiiu- ,HM' j ture Caiea, liiutinilions, iocKcta, I euctis. Dishes, Fruifishcs, Cako lloskctt, Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ac lie invited the citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinity to cull at the above plnce, where he will be happy to wait upon them. LrParticular attention puid to REPAIRING. December 21, 1S07. sii:i:ii's I'okt .it.ii: vi"i:, I'ttrdlay liiiutlrcdhorC'oiiKi-t'Kalloiii lor Cliurch or Coniiunuioit PurpOMCM. ALIO, EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. ViyEYAKDS, XEir JEKSUl'. SVr.VAVH POIITURIPK WWE, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wlneia made from j the Juice ox too uporio urape, rm, m j. lis invaluable Tonic At NtroiBll'tiIta: i-opertle" Ar unaurpaasud by any other native wine. Being the pure juice of the K'"'P, produced under Mr. Spner' owu pcraoual aupcivUion, il purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child iimv nartake of its zoucroua qualities, and tba weak- et irvvalid may use it to advantage. It ia particu- i ly beneOoial to Ihu aged and debiliUtted, and auited ! tothevarkiua ailmuuu that uiilici iho maker aex. ! It ia, ia every leepeet, A WINK TO BE RELIED ON. Invalid usa Sl'KBR S PORT DRAPE WINE. Vemule ua SPEER'S PORT ORAl'E WINK. I Weekly persons find a honcftt by ila uae. SPEER S WINEiin hoapilala are prelerrtd to other wines. Iif-Bold b all Drusgirta and Urocers. A. SPEER'S V INEYAUli, New J-riey. Oftine, IIS BROADWAY, New York For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oot26.-ly FFICEOF THE PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 230 Wal. nut Street, Philadelphia. SUNBURY AND ERIE BONDS LOST. Application baa been made ta tha Philadelphia and -ri Railroad Company (formerly tbe Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company) br tbe iaaue of New Bonde, for the tollowing-deaoribed Bonds, with lb Coupons anneted, loat or destroy.! : Not Sol to 74 inoluaive, for $1,000 ewh, aeren Ett cent. Sunbury and Erie Railroad Compauy onda , dated September 10, 1857. Notice i hereby given tbat New Boud will be Itraod in lieu of the above, 11 aroh 1st, next, unleaa satisfaatory reason ar shown lo th contrary. OEO. P. L1TTLB, Troaaurur. December IS.ISST 7m I F you vast good TiatWae, gn J (iEN'l IhR'S New 6bop. -s:itit dr PHOTO UK AT H ALBUMS, BOOKS m STATION KHV, Monthly Itr.v 1 ks riawtni; ok tt,d ;'!- Rol. liymr tx.ii. U-.uk bit, ilea a ! :-.-k. blar.. Jv-:W. lVs "ok Smj 't. i ( i. , lWil. --- "' I ' "- '" v ftr ki by To otItn1 ttilaj Coltamii r yxa will x-rttlaly CnA rxat wrhr-ro ym ram . ....... . , Buy the MOST GOODS, of tba BEST aTJ-A.X.IXr. For the LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND SALES ! QUICK CASH ii. y. ritiLirvc;, at th MAMMOTH STORE, Market s?cark. SUXRfKV, PESX'A.. llaa'jusl received aai ?r,ni,d nv.xv sr;i-a!CTHiatui FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Print, Muslins, Olugl.ams, CaasluaTea, Ac. NOTIONS of all kinds. Hosiery, 0 loves, Men' and Ladies Under, arment WHITE GOODS. A fullauorlmont of TRIMMINOS. Buildira will Gad my'Stock nf llnrdtvarc, Palufa, OIIsi, faljiam. A.:., Complete. Drugs and Mudicicce, Willow and Cedaraara, Qucenaware, Uiaaaaaro, Crockery, Sail, BOOTS AM) SHOES- HATS AND CAI'S, sud in faol everything usually kept in a lart Store Call aud be convinced that Ihe CHEAPEST PLACE TU BUY ALL YOUR yooDS it at Tlio Mannnolli Store. of II. "5r. F1ULINO, I Tenuis Inali.-jJiliijH, Mt my Ouwia are bnugkl fvj; Ct-tb 'in I soH Cheap ,-.r ii .-tA&Y ;;"Ni.'Y KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call sod foe the frail tclootod Stock of .'.... .. .... : ; . t cLofim; ' ; ', oabsimp-he", ; OVERCOATISe?, Juatreoeived a TrrTl?05,a J? MERCHANT TAILORING CSTABLiSH MEXT. Fourth Blreet, below Eysler Btor. EINBVIIY WINTER CLOTHING of th most approved itytea i made up Is order a rensonnble ratci He haf also a fine assortment of Ca'siinaro Rhir't", Drawers, Cndcrrhlrt:', Overhnala. Dkuscr, Ne"k tic. Cotton and Woolen Hose. Supendtr, liuol kercbiefs. ftlovee, and general variety cf GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a call, which yon will Cnd to ho to you: advantage. Sunbvry.Oct. 10, IPf,?. A K W A It It I V A l4 4k F PALL ara-cjTimtf9 AT THE S10KE OP J II UN GEL, Comer of Fonrth and Market Street. SCXBUUY. JL'ST received from New York nod Pbil.-utnlph;, a Inrge supply of FALL AND WJN'JLll UOOD3, v.hich he will toll at small profit, for oasii or couutry produce. Hi Dry Gcioda department i full of every descrip tion. A aplendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOOliS, an 1 Whitt tiooda at all prions. Fancy Sncking for Ladict, and Shttlurd AW,J Sbawla Yaakee Notions in Great Varily Aiao, Ladira' Frerch Corsets and Hoop Skirta. CARPETS, Wove Floor Clnthr. Stair Cnrpeu Flfior 0:1 Cl.itbs, all widtlu, Carriage Oil Cloth. 'iuLIu Oil Cloth Widow thaUi a. I'lntn (ir.;. n ar.d Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures foi Win. lows, C 11 O C E K I I- H , ."Mignr. Coni'C, MoloonM. Klcc, Cr;.ckera,Ppioea, Suit Fipfc. Cheese, Ac. O'ieonswar,0laj!f'warr. splendid .Stlso.rTcav. arn, at low prices. BOOT8 i SnOS IN OKtlAT VARIETY. lints nnd Cans. Oil, 1'aint, Giant, Putty, ahu4 ft-xiks. Paper flan' C't... I . - At: 7 ,1 II W A K K Hhovclx, Forks, Nails, Lok, Hinje and Srrev. t A Lnre a.ortmcnt of WALLPAPER and I'.cr I der. at all prices. ! All persona desiring to get good good wi!! plt nao i give biui n cull. I J. U L'NviEt.. ttunbnrv. Nov. Id, TS;7. NEW GROCERyi j On Third t.. ftr.p l-r LrtCiWtli J-uthcrfin Church i s u x i u u y. r n x'a. ! HENRY PETEita, Una jut't opened a AND Provision Store and ia sailing low fur CA.-ll. Hit Stock ia complete, collecting in pint of SI'OARS, COFFEES, TEAS, f PICES, CO.M. Hi',., Molaa-cs, Syrups, Mackerel, 'I.nrJ. llniif. Nnta Dried mot Canned 1'iuila. Prunes. Htii.-ina. l.'hei-te, and Crackers, and in fact overythiu it-itnlly kept tn the Oroorry Itiio , The best FLOUR and .MEAL in tho Market. Tobacco, figure, and a variety of XOTl'lNS. Constantly on baud JSbell and Can tW5aU' K ' 'BMa ibiob tt.'l be fumi.-l i ! tn private fuir.il its in larj or atnaii tiHii.'iii--.'1. Alto; All kinjj ol Cauiiud Fruit, at the loiv prioi. Ccuiitry Pruduce taken in eschore for tiooda Hr"Call and examine my f io-k, and sati. . y :nt selves. ! HENRY FETLftS. j .Vutibury, Deo 11, IStl. . WATCHES FOR THE MILLION : AHRANDALE A CO S UREAT WATCII CLUB. EVERYBODY rocda a good v-etoh, and wi.'heito get it at tho lowest possible price; a horrln cf swiudlura knowing thia have contrived various in genioua devices to get people's money, and then oithcr foil to aend a watch, or end one that l worth ies as a time-keeper. ARRANDALE A CO. . hnvo now perfected arraucmciita by which, for tlio auiiill ti in of $10. a good and reliable wnich may Ik- ( Kit T A 1 N LY olitnined. Thev have t'oruicd a tlME.VT WATCH Cl.Ult on tho I 'dinning plat.. Certificates containing the numbers of nil the watchr ntimiul in our Kbolc.al list iwbiclt ia sent tu all applicnntnj are mixed up, enclosed io envclo, nnd nold tor 26 cents each. Every certificate is w.tnrtAvrrn to be for a watch, and as will be seen on reference to the list, nono are ol lea value than Ten Dollur.i. whilst s imo aro wnrth S iiKI. We undertake to accd any watch drawn whatever may bu ita value for $11. and in order that every one ram absolutely dcio-nd I upon getting a first class time-keeper, weguarunteu mat every iiurcuaaer ot una xiolitir a wottii or cer tificates hall receive ttt lct one for natch No MZ on our wholesale lit, sunt post free, which is a firnt clasa patent lever, a handsome and rclinlda wtifoh. in sterling silver hunting cane, and usually fold for $10. You will t'csrAtSLY got such a wutcb ; and, beside, vou mnv got a li rnnovditKiuii wor It JMID. Weaelllfio certiorate na follows: Unu for 2j cent t ; Three lor LH couta ; Six for $1 ; un.l l'wsi ty for .t. To thoH aeudipg jl, we will --n J u hau -som chain gratis. To thoiii funding , we will aendaOJLO c'Htiv warrunted not to turn. .11 iu M veari Parliea giltit.g up larger clubs will ri.:ei.t iibxral present, particular of which may b-i learned on application. As it i? our intwion to du strict ly honot biile businea. and tt, insure our cu'touioi Iroiu liability to loa. wj will aend our Wnlchis, if desired, Viituour mom r.r, instructing tbe Kapreati agent to onlloct osl.v oil Jflii irj . If e arc ilcire.l tu forward watuhes ly toHil. Ihe inony must be sint. ua by Hank l'ruil ol IV't Ollloo lirdor, nnd it will tbeu be at our risk Ue will then nn:isn a the puckage at our pod t,Hi-.'. and il'liwt will hki-lm k it ntKK or ciiadok. If any winch aLt is not ap proved, it limy bo roturned nnd tho money will bo refunded- The rtipiuuiiou of our iirm, whicl ha-t been i stublished for tve yeurr. and u well Ijntot n iii every part ot the country, we trust will h deemed it auiilcirnt iruaraiiteo that we will faithfully perform ail w contract to Jo. ' Atldiws ART. AX U A LK 4 CO.. Ilia BltOji'iVA V, NF.tt YORK. rURE LAGKU IiEElt! I0IS'M-:k -.i t.i:, roui Cold Spring Brewery, ki'jiuniv. a KlisHECTFl'LLV ilifuruis tb public giu-ru!!y , tbut be u ( rt jjjfed tu liruitb LACrEK BEER, FOKTKIt AMI ALfc. r. lath' or. small quantities. Iil ficilities for on li ng fleer cannot be ex jvlied. und ia renounced supe rior lo any other oflored in Central l'cuusliniiia It hasalso bean reeoumvndrd by ph)ii.u.us an a btalthy drink fur invalid. Hotels. Restaurauta and prits, fatnlliea auppl.eJ t short notice. eunhury.Mrpt 21, gr.; if i w.'r. IF you waut s a;t r(f llarutw ff.r 13 U. :o to JACK, si HOII. 11' yon arabl a good ailver-monntwi Uarnm. go t JACK bT hi i It If' you want Kariiem, cr anvthing in bit Hneu." buslnes cheaper than thev can tu iiurcrmsrl elsewhere, go and try at JAt'lv rhOil ! bh '( All goods ar warruulttii asrepreaeuted. IF you want ni"t tirli ing ilorxt an I liu,;v.g. to JACK blltDll'H Livery, opp.ui'.a U. L'-'Ut--il 1 Hotel. .Sunbury. IF you want a good Aual! er Js)Hi jACh S'l u''i; v h-i is ulwMy on band u uiaLa tco a u-.-i kd, i or i.o 14. ; Smiburv. ?rv. j. I SMOKUAKKu!. tyt ot th pr"fin