Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 18, 1868, Image 3

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    Efjc SunbutB American.
N. B. KJVOLB, J Publisher.
?Loral Affairs.
Skatino. During Iho put week we hare hud
excellent skating on the river. The late mow hu
interfered with it to ume extent.
Poor House. A bill providing for the erection
of a Four House In thii oounty , pawed the House of
Representatives on Tuesday laat. Our representa
tive, Ucn. Kaso, read a bill in place repealing the
act orcallng a police force at Shauiokin.
To SronrsMKN. The season hiving expired on
the 1st Inst., any person killing a partridge, rabbit,
ie., subjects himself to a fine of $5 for each ono
killed. Our sportsmen should see that the require
ments of the law are full; complied with and cur
ried out.
Ix OrLRATioN Acaik. The rulling mills of the
Pennsylvania Iron Works Company, at Danville,
arc aguln In full operation. Tho puddlers and help
ers have resumed work at the reduction of wages
proponed by the proprietors. Both the old and new
mills arc now being worked.
Coal. Messrs. Haas A Wolverton have entered
into partnership ior thoretailingof ooal In Ibis plaoo.
They cun be found at all times at tho office lately
occupied by Messrs. Scasholtz A Co., whoro all or
dcrsfor the delivcryof ooal will receive prompt at
tention, See card in auothcr column.
Ick. The recent cold weather has produocd an
excellent erop of too. The river at this place is
covered with the must beautiful clear ice, about
seven inches thick. Some of our cltiscns havo al
ready filled thoir ice houses. Mr. llursh, who sup
plies our cititens with ice every uiurnlng, has also
commenced filling his ico house, and will havo a
superior artiolo for his customer next season.
Ocn Nr.w Coisrr TitaAHiuiLit. Mr John F
Fiedler, tho newly elected County Treasurer, t.wk
possession of his office on Monday of lust week.
Esquiro Kama worth, who retires from office, lias
boon an attentive, and obliging Treasurer. We
havo mason to believe that Mr. Fiedler will also
make a good officer.
DaxgcisuI'S CoI"tbkkeit. Tlitie is now in eir-
cululion a counterfeit note of tho denomination of
$10 ou the First National litiuk of Philadelphia. It
is admirably executed, aud none but an expert
can distinguish it from a genuine Lill. A uuiubor
of them huve been taken by business men of Harris-
burg. Wo adviso our citizens to be carerul iu ta
king notes of the above issuo on that buuk. This is
the only plau to iusuro safety.
Tub EilLDlxo Association. The charter for
the 'Sunbury Mutuiil .fawns Fund and Iluilding
Association" having recently boeu grnutod by the
Court, tho first regular election of officers for Pre
sident, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a
Board of eighteen Directors to servo for the ensu
ing vear, w ill bo held iu the store room of Ira T.
Clement, Esq., on M.ukct Square, this (Friday)
evening. Jau. 17th. Every member of tho Associa
tion is particularly loqueste 1 to be present.
Tui: New Kailiioau mull StMiritvTo IIaiel-to:.-.
At a lueetiug of ihe stockholders of tho Dan
ville, lli.icltou A Wilhetbarro Fvailioiid Company,
held at the office of Messrs. Hill A Wolverton, iu
Sunbury, on Monday, lSih iust., the following per
rons Mere elected officers of said Company for the
uisuitt year :
President b. T. Kas.
Directors A. P. llussul, S. P. Wolverton, Ecnj.
Hendricks, Hugh W. McKoyuolds, Uouru Hill,
William Hancock and 31. J. Orovus.
The fiicuda of this road, which really luns from
;?unbury i. Wilkssbarre, speak encouragingly iu
regard to its prospects. About throe miles, between
Sunbury and Danville, have been gtajed. S. P.
Kane, Esq., the President, has been energetic and
untiring in Lis efforts to accomplish this emu prise,
uud feels sanguino of its larly completion. This
route is thirteen wiles ucaror New York than by
the Cutawis.u road, aud parses through eighteen
miles ol undeveloped Lehigh coal land, connecting
with the Lehigh S'allcy and the Susiuch:iuna and
Lehigh railroads.
Corr.T. The second week of Court commenced
on Monday last. The Court was occupied from
Monday until Thursday in the case of Churlus P.
Hclfcnatciu vs. the Black Diamond Coal und Iron
Co. This was an ejectment for about one hundred
atil fifty acres of valuable coal land in Coal town
ship, the title to which dopciided on a question of
boundary. Tho Court charged iu favor of the
idalutM, and tho jury louud a verdict accordingly.
The matter will, uu doubt, go up to the Supreme
The following licenses were granted by tho Court
on the I'th inst. Tbey embrace all that hae been
i.-.-ued thus far :
Christian Ncff, Sunbury, for tavern.
Adam ltcnn, Sunbury, for restaurant.
Jobu H. Foresmon, Wutsoutowu, for tavoru.
D. S. Rciuj, Litilo Mubanoy, for tuveru.
Patrick Daily, ShamoUiu borough, for liquor
The Pexitkntiaiiv. On Friday morning uf kst
week Sheriff Beeklcy took the following prbouers
to tho Eastern Penitentiary, at Philadelphia, thsy
baling been convicted at the tcssion uf Court lust
week ;
Paul lieldt, the leader of tho gang who commit
ted tho brutal outrages and robberies on Mr. John
C. Huffman and Esquire Hales, in ShamoUin town
ship. Sontouced tor 10 years and 10 months.
Edward Hathmou and Elias Hiuey, also concerned
iu the above robberies. Tho former was sentenoed
for 6 years and 4 months, and the latter for 7 years
aud 4 mouths.
Ucorge Mourer, convicted of dealing chickens
from Mr. Moekcrt, of Sunbury. Sentenoed for IS
Win, Drown and Bcnj. Crossley, both colored men,
convicted of burglury at Northumberland. Sen
tenced for 18 months.
Mourer and Hcldt made a Ccspvrrao effort to et
3itne from our jail on the night of the Vth inst., by
lwiujj through the wall. They were detectod iu
he operation by Deputy Sheriff Hofi'man, w ho sc
iii cd them. Mourer is a burdened villain, and has
ilieady served a term iu the Penitentiary. He fre
quently threatened the Lives of the Sheriff and his
Masonic At the annual meeting of tho M. E
rtind Chapter of Pennsylvania, held in the Masonic
suiplc, Philadelphia, uu the 27th ult., Couip. John
. Bobbins, of Catawissa, wus duly iustalled as
strict Deputy Oraud High Priest for this (sth)
isonic District, composed of the counties of Co
ubia, Montour, Northumberland, I'uiun aud Sny-
A Masonic Lodge wus instituted at Wataoutown,
i county, on Thursday last. The It. W. Grand
ster, liicbaid Vaux, delivered the address ou the
isiou. Delegatious from several neighboring
;ls were in attendance. We wish our Masonic
hren success.
At a regular meeting of Northumberland Chap
No. 174, held in their Hall, in Sunbury, on
ucsday night of last week, the II. P. appointed
uilowing officrs, to scrr for Ihe ensuing mi
)ear :
not Beard, Captain of Hosts.
per Slayinaker, Principal Sojourner.
in It. Lenker, Kaysd Arch Captain.
Mcxandcr Boyd, Master Ji Veil.
ob Sbipuian, Master 2d Veil.
in M. Cadwallader, Master 1st Veil.
i. W. C. Cromer, Cbaj lain.
rgc Weiser, Tyler.
rge Wsgtnseller, Master of C'erciofuies. '
i .udn Zcttlmoyr, ' ' . .
it F Li.:, 1'ursaivai.t
Cotnrcit PaoCtiDiKdt-Th Borough Couboll
feat on Tuesday erenrg 7th inst , Cblof Bur
gess Bright iu the ohalr. Members present Messrs.
John Haas, Bourne, Buvher, Marklc, Brioe, Book,
Clomcut, llooror and Henry Haas.
Before the raiding of the journal, Mr. I. Uuwlur
being present, was duly sworn and made statement
to his having paid taxes for the year 1888 in Unydet
oounty, and asktd to be exonerated from taxes for
tho same year, assossed against him in tbo Borough
of Sunbury. On motion, Mr. 0 ussier was exonera
ted from payment of taxes for 193(1. Minutes of
last stated Oight of mooting road and approved. ,
The chairman of oominittee on claims aud ac
counts laid before Council bills of John Shisslor and
J. C. Morgan, referred to said committoo at last
meeting, and reported the same to be correct. On
motion, orders were grnntod fur the same.
A. N. Brfco", chairman of committee on pave
ments and lidewalkB, presented statement of amount
of lions cntored up against parties for laying pave
monts. On motion, tho snmo was ordered to bo
charged in lodger against the parties.
The following bills wero presented aud orders
granted fur the same :
J. M. Hnrthulomew, til 00
J. B. Miller, "71
John Shisslor, IU 03
Irallile, 43 SO
J.B.Bartholomew, 20 411
Ira and Philip llila, S0 57
Lovi Seasholti A Bro., 317 )
Levi Sciisbolti, 1.1 00
Henry Conrad, i'7 00
John B. Weiser, 41 b?r
John Shisslcr prosontcd bill fur $07 07. llcforred
to committee on claims and accounts.
On motion of Mr. Haas, Itesolvet, That an order
for $50 bo granted to A N. Brioo for services in
superintending tho laying of pavements, crossings,
aud attendiug to the entering up of liens, Ac.
On motion, Resolved, That tho Chief Burgess is
horoby authorized to hand over for oolleclioo the
balance due tho Borough from audit reported by
Auditing Committee of 1566, to the Borough Attor
neys for immediate collection, allowing them 20
per cent, for collection.
Ou motion, udjourued.
Jacob SmruAX, Clerk.
How to Kill n Peach Boiier. Pour asmull
quantity of sperm oil on tho bark of your tree,
elon to Iho roots, without disturbing the earth. If
the scaly bug infests the bark of your trees, rub
them with uu oiled swub and it will bo destroyed
also. Oil is Iho most effective poison for all insects.
It closes their spiracles, or breathing holes, on tho
side of tho body. Essontiiil oils, such us camphor
aud turpentine, kill or drivo away insects fur tho
same leaf on, and not becnuso their odor is pungont.
This advice is given by on old entomologist, nnd has
long been practiced successfully by him.
Tnu One Session Movkmuxt. We take the fol
lowing from nn exchango nnd insert it iu our col
umns because we agree with it, and think that the
subject should be muro generally agitated :
'Our schools should hive but one ses'iun per day.
Our children are absolutely uvor-tiukcd ; they go at
nine and return at twelve, thence again at one, and
homo again nt four. They have but very little time
for recreation. They oro obliged to study lor the
following day, and it requires most all their time to
complete their tank, w hereas, if there was but ono
session, they would havo abundant time for both
study and pbysicil oxcrcisv, which is so much
Tub Ur.ovuit A Baker Sitwixu Machinus are
being introduced into the most prominent families
of this place. Judging from tho number reertved
by Miss Dulius, the agent ul this place, she must be
doing a good business iu the sale uf these excellent
machines. They give general satisfaction wherever
they have been tried, aud besides being an orna
ment iu uuy household, hard lubor has become a
pleasure by the rapidity, durability and beauty of
their work. 7hey make the strongest and most I
elastic stiich, ate more easily uudumtnod, and are
more tu?ily kept in order than any other machine. '
Those who have not yet seen them cau do so by
culling ou Miss Caroline Dalius, ou Mar Let street, i
Moke Koubeiuks at Mii.toe. The Mi'.ioiiiuu.
of Friday last, saj : Iu addition tu the account ul
the burglarious entrance of the houses of Mc.-rs. H i
liulh and T. B Huiuiltou, reported la-t week, wo
have to record similar occurrences ut the ro.-ddenccs
of Mr. John MiddlcLou, Mr. Hubert MeCul luick and
Mr. Thomas Artley. At neither of these places was
anything of value tukeu. At III'. Middlctoii's, it is
thought, chloroform wus used. The only booty of
tho robbers here wus about two dollars in change
At Mr. McCorwick's tho villuius entered bufore ull
of the family hud retired, and ono of the family
crossing the hall, interrupted them iu their work,
and they fled. At Mr. Artley's they made an en
trance at the cellar. Taking everything into con
sideration our citizens escaped from this raid of the
light lingered gentry with small loss. We should
say from tho overhauling of revolvers that u similar
uttemp; iu this vicinity would prove dangerous.
Fatal Accident at Milton. The iililtoniuu
of Friday last, says that on Monday afternoon, 0th
iit , an accident occurred ut the car factory iu that
place hich resulted in the dcuth of Alexander
McNeill, a workman employed by Murray, Dougal
A Co., uged about Ji years, and a native of Prince
Ednard's liland, one of the British North American
Provinces. The particulars of the accident ure as
follons : McNeill wus ut woik on u car which was
ou the side Hack and from one eud uf uhich the
trucks lui beeu tukcu out uud blocks substituted to
support it. A train backing up struck the opposite
eud of the car and threw it over un McNeill, crush
lug hiui beneath its ponderous weight. Ho wus
taken out us soon us possible and everything done for
bitu that could be done, but after lingering ulong iu
great suOeiiug until Tuesday evening at V o'clock,
he died, lie was au unmarried man aud had sove
r il cuiuruli with him from his native country, who
attended his funeiul, which tuok place on Wednes
day. LiiAi- Vkaii Muuy uf our yuung ludy readers,
we tuprosc, are uut aware of the privileges they
have limine; this leap year. Youug ladies, those
especially who have been currying on the "hand
kerchief flirtations" for some time, way take ad
vantage of this, the only they will have fur
four years tu cciuc, (-on,o of you way be old maids
by that time.) aud if ihe young geutlouitu will not
uk you to gu to sleighing parties, skating or pic
nics, you may ak them, of cour.e waking them
furk over tho "currency." We will not take Ihe
responsibility of advising you to go further than
asking thew tu pic-uics, Ac. ; iu this you will havo
to use your own discretion, but there are, uo doubt,
many buablul young wen who would Lo glad uf the
chance of uvoiding that painful duty, "popping the
question." Oirls, you wust put the next twelve
months to good use ; dun't wa.le time.
Ties. A State Temperance Convention will be held
ut Harrisburg, commencing on Tuesday, the 13th
of February uext, ut which it is expected that all
the counties, including Northumberland, will havo
representatives to take part iu its deliberations.
Each person attending the Convention, who purcha
ses a ticket to Harruburg at full rates, at any sta
tion on the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia t Erio, or
Northern Central ltailroads, will receive at the
Convention i free roturn ticket.
All churches, colleges aud academies, all tempe
rance societies, diviaious of sons of temperance,
lodges of good templars, and all other friendly so
cieties, are requested to have themselves represent
ed Ly such a cumber -of delegates as they may
The PuunsylvanU Slate Temperance Vnlon will
bold its annual seasiou in Harrisburg during the
week of-the Convention, for the election of officers
and managers. Iuturesting resolutions aud plans of
aotion will he presented for discussion, and eloquent
speakers will Le present to cnliteu the (loca
tion. All persons at the Convention (male and
female) will have ao opportunity to become members
of the Ktate I'nion, and all its auxiliaries axe re
quested lo send delegates to this annual meeting as ,
well a to the Cvuvecli-'n i
BtraimtBS jroTidEa.
CT'Job trlntinfc.' Having reoeired a
largo supply of Kii W JOAt TlfPJi, of Various new
stylus, Postors, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
lleads, Bill lloads, Labels, Ac, cun be printed in
the latest and boat stylus, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
.S' ! I
- Blaxes We have printed a large number of
blank petitions and bonds for tavern and restaurant
license, for the purpose of supplying those in tbo
oounty who intend applying fur lioense at theflanu
ary session of Court. . We koep a foil assortment of
all kinds of logal blanks on hand, neatly printed,
wbioh we sell vory cheap.
Blank Leases. Wo have on hand a large num
ber of blank leases, neatly printed, which wo sell
at ten cents per copy. As the season for leasing
property is at hand, and as a largo number of them
will be required, wo are ablo to supply the demand.
Wo havo them printed with and without tho ex
emption clause.
Tnu Rules or CoURr. We have a small num
ber of copies of the new Hulos of Court, regulating
tho praotico of the courts in this (eighth) Judicial
District, composed of Northumberland, Montour and
Lycoming counties, and also the Kulcs of Equity
Practico adopted by the Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vania, which wo will sell at $2 por copy. If any
of tho legal profession have not yet obtalnod them
thoy oan be supplied, on application at tho Ameri
can office, or addressing us by letter.
i. 1... IMP
Down thet Oo. Prices are down 40 per cent,
at J. O. Beck's Merchant Tailoring and Clothing
establishment, on Fourth street. He has Just opened
a sploudid assortment of goods, which ho will muke
up to order, in the best manner, and at tho lowest
- -
News. Look out for the new Winter styles of
Cloths, Cossitncres, Ac, at tho Continental Clothing
Bazaar, Market Square, Sunbury. Slayninkcr is
determined not to be outdone, in point of cheapness,
beauty and durability of bis goods, by any ono iu
tho country.
Do You Wam to Know? Know what? Why,
where you can find tbo cheapest, the best, and tbo
most judiciously selected stock of Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Valiccs, 'Ac, to'bo found outside of tho
cities ? Jf you do, call at Thaeher's First Nationnl
Store, in Pleasants' building, Market Squaro, and
you will find the very articles you want. Tbacher
still keeps ahead of all competitors, and his late
ndditioiito his stuck is attracting crowds of buyers
to his store. Don't wait, but go nt unco, while you
can have a lurgo stock to select from.
Urand Picture!". If you want to see a grand
array of richly tinted and lite-like pictures, walk
up to Byerly's Oallery. Some taken a few days ago,
in tone, correct likeness and artistic finish, are cer
tainly very superior specimens of art. Byerly's
popular Oullory is In Simpson's building. Market
Asotuer U a L is tuk Fi klu ! During the
past few days wo huve been viitcd by a tieuerul
Thaw, whoso warm and genial countenance has
fairly melted the tiggcte cbuuks of ice in the
streets, and the next thing we'll see will be u geiie
rul rush- if not of water down the streets, certainly
of customers tu Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe
Store, corner of Third and Mai ket Streets, to make
their selections from the new and elegant slock just
The Place tu Uet Clotuino. A good article of
clothing, ut a fair aud liberul price, can ulwuys be
obtained nt J. F. Shueficr's Tailoring establishment,
on Murkct Squaro. Shueffer ulwuys keeps on hand
a splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimures, Yist
iugs, Ac, which he makes up into elegantly fitting
garments ut u v cry luw figure.
CucenriL Facts. Nut tho least among the
cheering news is tho report of tho Secretary of thu
Treasury, showing such a healthful state of the
finances, which must pluco our financial reputation
ubroud ou u pur with our physical fume. Not less
cheerful is it to see bri.-k trade at Fuu-l's fanhionnblc
Hat and Cap Emporium, in Market Square. lie
has the finest stock of goods ever brought to this
section ol couulrv.
At Heed's Station, at tho
Martz. Esq., oil tho I'th itii-t.
polo, Mr. Jo.siAU Haas and
both of bliauiukiu township.
resi.luujc ut' fiololnou
, by llcv. J. F. Wam-
Iu Philadelphia, on the 7th iust., ZAC1IA1UAH t
l.ODHl.N'S, toruieily uf this plauo, ageil ubuut UU
Near Turhutville, on the 8lh inst., LAWKENCE
YL11K, aged about 43 years.
rxl .Niii'UtV .tiAUiliEM'S.
Corrcctud Veokly for the "American."
Wheat Fluur, extra fuuiily. per barrel,
do do tla do per cwt.
live Flour, per bid.
do per cwt.
Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel,
liye, du
Corn, new-, do
Outs, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per louud
do do unpared du
Dried A poles, do
0 00
10 00
6 00
40 i
Ha I
15 I
40 1
ia i
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per hu.
per pound,
Deef, hind quarter,
flout "
per dozeu,
per pouud,
do '
per pair
14 i
NlsiiiiiuKin oiil"l'i-(il-.
EliAauKin, January i, ISM.
Tutm. Cvt.
Scot fur week ending Jau. 11, u.109 Iti
Per last Keport, JJsri U
Tu same time last year,
4,001 03
4.2o7 C6
Sptcial SCct'ucs.
Tun Atlantic Caulk was considered a mam
wu'h enterprise, Lut never has or will elicit the com
mendation that has attouded the success of Cue's
Dyspepsia Cure. It Is getting a world-vvijo fame,
simply from tho fact thut it cures. Oue buttle often
docs the work effectually ; at the same time it Kill
lint injure thu most delicate constitution., Dli.nuxlss and Catahuu treated
with tho utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul
ist and AurUt, (formerly of Loydeu, Holland,) No.
805 Aruh Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from
the most reliable sources iu city and oountry eun bo
seen ut his office. The Medical faculty arc invited
to accompany thoir patients, as be has no secrets in
hi. practice ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with
out pain. No charge for examination. uov.30-1t.
'I'o 4'oiiumi vca.
Tho Iter. EDWAKD A. WILSON will send (free
ol charge) to all who desire it, tbo prescription with
Hie uireetions or waning auu using the simple reme
dy by which he was cured ut a lung affection and
that dread disease Consumption. HU only ubjeet is
tu beuebt the utilicled, and he hopes every suflerer
will try this prescription, as it will oost them totbing,
any may prove a blessing. Please address
myJR'fl" ly WjlHamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y.
aus'i-os-M til' Vuulls.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, and ull Ihe effect of
youthful indiscretion, will, fur the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe
aud directions for making the simple remedy by
which be was eured. tuftercrs wishing to profit Ly
the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing,
in perfect confidence, JOHN it. OUDEN,
wylo -67.1y 42 Cedar Street, N. V.
Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant
growth of hair usin a bald bead or beardless taoe,
also a recipe fur the removal of Pimples, illotches,
Eruptlous, etc., on the skin, leaving Ihe same soft,
clear, and beautilul, oan be obtained without charge
cy auurcising
THOS. P.CHAPMAN, Chimisi, S, Y7 8!:; Fiosdasy, m York
And ITcmse of Mercy.
Men. nn the crime nf Solitude, and tho Errors, Abu
ses aud Dlsoasos wbioh destroy the manly powers)
and create Impediments to Marriage, with sure meant
of relief, Hint in staled letter nvplnr. frto of
rhar. Address DP.. .!. SKtLLIN UOL'GUTON,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. I
JuueB, 1W. ly , . , ,
The following Komediea are all old and we'll es
tablished, and thousands linra been "benefited by
their use They are for sale by druggists generally :
Tho Peruvian Syrup,
a protected Solution of lh Protoxide of Iron, inip-i
plies the blood with its Life Element, Iron, Riving
strength, vigor, nnd new life to the whole system.
For Dyspcnsia, Debility, Feiualn Weakness, Ac,
It is a speoific A 32 pane pamphlet, onntalniuir a
valuable treatise on "Iron as a Medicine," Willi cer
tificates aud rcoommendntfon. Ae .will boseutfreo.
J. P. DINSMOUE, Proprietor,
No. 3d Dey St., Now York.
Wiatar'a Unlsam of Wild Cherry
lias been used for nearly hnlf a ccnlurv for Corona
Conns, Consumption, and every affection of tho
Throat, Lungs and Chest. It cures a cough by
looseninz and oloansing thu lungs ami allaying irri
tation, thus removing the cause instead of drying up
the cough and leaving the catisu hchind.
SETU W. FOWLE A HON, Proprietors,
No. H Trcmuut St., Boston.
Dr. H. Anders' Iodine Water,
a pure solution of Iodine dissolved In water without
A solvent, containing lj grnins of Iodine to each
fluid ounce of water. Iodine is admitted, by all
medical men, to be tho best known remedy for
Scroixla, Ulceusi, Cancers, Sti'Hilis, Salt
Kiiklm. Ac, and thousands can testily to the won
ib'rful virtues uf this preparation iu such cuius.
Circulars freo.
J. P. DTXSMOKK. Proprietor,
No. 30 Dey bt , Now York.
Grwco'8 Celebrated 8nlvo
works like niajio on Old Sores. Burn?, Scalds, CuK
Wounds, Bruises. Sprains, Chapped Huinls, Chil
blains. Ac , Ao. It is prompt in action, aootVie tho
pain, lakes nut soreness, and reduces the inosi angry
looking swellings and Inflammations, thus affording
relief and a ckmplpte euro.
Only 25 conts a ljr : sent bv mail for 35 cents.
BETH W. FoWLK A SOX. Proprietors,
Jan. 11-lt No. 18 Trcmunt St., Boston.
COLUAlil A; t'O.'S
U manufactured from 1T11K
MATERIALS. m:d may be
considered the ST A X DA IU) OF
EXCELLENCE. For salu by
all Oroccrs.
May IS, 1X07. ly.
m: pkici: cLoTiuxu.
O I.
, D E S T A 11 L I S 11 E D i
FO 1 .Tl a I' k e t Si reel,
Oue door uhovo Sixth, Philadelphia. '
For uiaiiy years thid Estahlishment hiutdiie hu.-i- !
ties or. the Ono i'rieu fSys.em, anj we heliuvnwo
ure the only Clothing House iu tnu city that otiietly j
nolhereii to thin jo iueiple. We have earned a repu- !
tat ion which we are proud of. forood tato in delect- :
f;ooil .styles and Mtk'tantial uialeriah', und Iiot lesi ,
iuipoilaut, tor haviiij; all our goods, ;
BiX'I'U.t Wi.t.l. ys.i)i:. i
W'c einploy the hest laieul, for Cutters, und our j
Ooods arc of hoth hinds I'a.-Iiionnblc uud plain ;
ho that all tastes can ho suited, 'l'he prices are tlio :
very lowest, us any vi by u uioiueiil thoujlil luiisl !
sec. or otherwise we could not meet tho eouipcl.tiou
(.four neighbors, for us no deduction are everiuiulu.
we must put our priced djwu tu the a.l vantage iu
Tbo peojilo may depea 1, this is the true plau upou i
which to do buxincss. mid niai.v a dollar cau bo
euved lu Cluthing buyerf by keepiii); in mind
rtu4 Market .Mrrcct, Phil.nlelphiu,
Not ou iho Coiner, but one Uoor iihuvc t'i::!h.
Match 2?,. I.;.;:.-ly
4 DDiu:si t.) tiik M:i;viiL.s ami
i V le'l. w liofe kallci inc.. t.uvc b.-ea L-r.a.-i. uu lo it, u..e
C,:i, eausen. uaU vv lice w.l, l cjn o e oioill,it ti calo.ti.l
lelalta existence UesnahU ll V .Ml at e Mit.'.rrin; ol have
btuicrc.l Hon, lovoluolai f ill., i.ii.L;,, wl.i.l eilcel iloesll
iroduee Uii.i, ).,ui .eliLlal lieall.iV II oa litei euk, '
ilcbJilateu. ciMlj nu.l '. O.a-s a cMr.i exeltl.m ti'
Ouee iai;-lLiti hi .a Uiv Ik ui'I f II e. nui liv cr, oi uri.ta.y
..r:ii.., ol y.nii Lalnej s, li Li,tiv-uii ,;tl oul ol oioei ! l.
ur unite .oiucliine. lai. li, on.Sj , o, l'..ieS),oi i. il r.jj.y ,
mi s.-llliii! ! tirttocs a lines seuia i ie u Die top ! Ill an
seijiinciil at Itie Ijiilt'.iii alter II li.iSAt oil aulu.e .' Uo )ou .
iiuvu s,aii. ol' bliorl bieatliliij: or ils;'e'Kia .' Au ...i ,
li-verl. e.ilistijatiU ! ilo vou li.iee ol laiiitin oi
lasiiv. ol bluoit lo Hie load ! V'iur ui.aa .ry loiiiaiitil '
y-im none I'liiibtanliy tlvvt-liiia: nooa tli. sai'j. el f Il..vou !
fc.-ld'll!, lllesn, lli'ipliii;, e.niiiiany, ol tile .' ll.i )iu :
W.St, lu lie lelt aliiite, to j;.-t lnvay h-aii eceryb ? ll. e. :
any inlle llilnif make )oa .Initio j n.ip ? I. your p
bioien ol rettK-.g? Is tlirt la.lie ,-l Vimh e, luilllaiit I l
The bloom .ut your cheek as bridal .' llo ,ia cnj i yoi.i.
sell' in s tetrj j ua writ ' f)o juli youi UU.tiitM vv KM
Hie hailie truviy .' llo yon feel a. tlluet, eMillilenee In yie.i
sell .' Aie V"iir S(iilils dull nail tl.;ei;i.i!!. k.vlii lo lil ul ? ll .o, .l.i lu, I li, iili.yni.i li V er or ill stieiiM.t ;
Have Jon le.ta-.a inelits.' or back v.cak, your kilet-s !
.vetik, a.til hav e oat liltle apjielile, Uii'J ),iu uttilbulL ll.ib
lo dy.jKjisia nr 1j VL-r-c. .u:' L.ii.t !
.Vvv, ItM.b-r, a!ia.-. vein-ri al itis 'a-ss liadtv eui'ej,
and seAurl e.cesus, aie all ea,ii'ieol iinlaeiii a Wu.ik-lie-.,
hi l tic geiu-rative ni;.iii 'I he orij.iiis oi uti:iti n. .
when in icrlect lieallll. make Ilia Ulan. Old )'U ever
lllink that ll..t.e b.'lil, iteh.tnl, eil.-iaetie, -,ei.i-l ei i.lil, bile- ;
ee...lul liuliaebb-niell ale alvi:ij vvli is geioaalive i
oiaaub ale la iielleel lu-allh : Von nueer ileal su"h nleil
oij i e.-loi'liin ol Oeui ineliiiieh av, l nei Y.iabiic., ol iiiiiita. -o
j lion ol ihe hcarl I'ltt-y me never ihcy bile-
' eeed In basiiK-b. ; lliey doh'i bee-mil' and Uisruiii .i;;i ,1 j j
. ! til. are a.vvayb ioiile and te.iwaat in Hie eooii-.tny .a U-
' do s, anil l.i.-l. y iu aiai ll.eih naht Ilk Hie laee lenie of j .uir
'0 ! do'iiea.t looks nr anv nlli.-r IlleaiillefaS iiIhmi! Ihelll. Iui!
not mean lh"be will keep Ihe in'aiin iiillimud hy 1
litxeebs 'riicbe will not only una their i-aistilaii ins i
bat a'so those tln-y d i bub.acnb vv-nh 01 l. i .
How many men t'loin Inilly.eur.d ihnean'S, tile
rlleelb 01 aeli-ahase and exi-esses, tiave luoi.t;h; ah ul ll,.:l
suite ol weukot.s 111 those nr'jos Dial lia. le.tneeil tin. ;
general sy blt'in so inui-li u. lo niuaee aluio.i ev. r-o.her '
disease lUiney, tuiiaey. p.irah bit, soioal .-til'-ct ions, sai-.-ute, 1
and ulnrislevtiy other loiui ol ihbe.ib'.- wioeh liuliiauilv Is !
heir to, uaJ taa rcileaase ol Ihe trouble bi-arecly ever bus
peeleu, anu liav'e Uoeloied lor ull tut the ti.'!il one. !
liiseasesoi llteie ureaiis leuutre Hie use ol uuutietie
Ul.I. llllOl.U S I1.LIU L I UACT ULl'ltl Ibllo'eie il j
Dniretie, and is a certain cuie l..r diseases ,.i the ll ai'.ler, .
htdaeys, Uiuvel, iliol'sv, Ureaii.e i eakiirss, l-'euialc
Coinilaials, Uenelld Debility, and ull diseases ol I lie I u- '
liar)' Orifoiia, wliellier existnij! lu .Mule or female, I'loin !
whutev'er i-uusc oiiginntUig and uu matter ol liow long i
btulnllnc. ,
II no irealuienl is submitted to, Consuninti 'linr li'..'iaity j
may ensue. Our llesh undldoiid alesuj)oled ironi thete ;
souiues, and Ihe hcall'tund iutiiiess. una oi I'u.ttllly, i
depruds ijpou pri.niit use ol a reliable leinedy.
lleliuholJ'a Kxlruct lluehu, esluh.i.lia.t Uward of la i
jeurs, by II. T. HKI.MUDi-li, Diufgul,
.-idl Uniadway, New Yoik,nnd
lot South Itlta Slieel. I'hila tel,hi-i. 1'a
Pan a VI via ier bottle, or o (Hitih-i tor &ti.5u. ile:iv'ered I
to any uildie.s buld tiy all Diugi.tfc cvel Wheie.
March a. Mi7 Iv I
.jfi-ai CIieiTy lN''loi-iil,
l uK tun l. A i-i ii vi lli! or
Ceuyh.i, Cu!dn, ItijUtehZt, lluarst ne-v,, Vrui,
Jjl'ultchitin, Jlltilitltt ('uDMtlllJlli Hi, II nd j or
thf Jlilirl ;' L'olMttlllj'tilc I'utUhta in A.I
tiiie'ci Sinyis iij the JJifUiM..
, .. QO wide 1. Ihe field of it
.iVs.V , IO usefulness ui. d so uus
Hfit'f9 ir'-W'- merous are Ms cures, tha-
&tr.i i 1 nri.'iir-'-i. - ,
IU Ulll.i.1 loaj :e,,uu
iS vi' f 'iv v ' couuiiy uru pcraiua puu
VVii.tC ' W licl.v kuovvu, who have
vic-i (ic-?- Wiai ea i'V ii irom
ulariuiiig uud even despe
rate discuso. id Ihu lungs.
When once tried, iis su
periority uv-ur every other
expectorant is tou appa
rent to esoupe observation, aud whure lis virtue, are
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote
to employ for the distressing and duugoruua atleo
tiuns uf the pulmonary organs Incident tu uur cli
mate. Whilu many inferior remedies thrust upou
thu community have failed aud becu discarded, this
has gained friends by every liial, conferred beiietils
ou the elhicted they cau never forget, aud produced
cures tuu numerous aud too remurkable to bo lor
golteu. We oan assure the publio thut its quality is care
fully kept up te the best it ever has been, aud Ihut
it way be relied ou to du for their relief ull that il
has ever done.
Ureal numbers of Clergymen, Pbysieiaus, States
men, and other eminent purMiUsges, have leut Iheir
uames lo oerlil'y to Ihe unparalleled usefulness uf
our remedies, but spsee here w ill nut periuil the in
sertion of them. Our Agents furnish, gratis, our
Amcricam Aluasiac, in which they are given, with
also lull descriptions uf the eompluinl. uur lewedies
Those who require an alterative medicine to pu
rify the blond will find Av tu s Com-. Ext Sahsa
fabilla the one to use. Try it once, aud you will
concede its tslue.
Prepared by I'E. J.C. AYL'R A CO, Lowell,
Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers in wed
iciue everywhere. l'uo Kl-rli
Machine ttitchlng.
OMiV.lts or work, left at ihu so. re i t M. il.
Piiuttley, iu NoithuUiberlani, ill 1 e prcuij tly
atien4ed l.
IX" All werk "ana:.!.; .S v : if
7 -''t;a-tir' ' Count lclUn.
Thu imiiunl niLCliiiL: of thu County lumi
tiitu will ciiiivutie nt T lie Court IIousu, in the
Jti.rnuib i.l'ttiinliury, on MOS DAY, Jniuiuiy
2(1 lb, 1HCS, bUti. cuullllUi! IU scsUu during
tin! Wfj;k.'
"Accoiiling to llio Acl of Asscnilily, H
proved April Dili, 1807, under wliiuli Uio
institute! is belli, t lie roll of members iiuibt
Lu eitlleil ul lenst tn ico tncLi eluy ; com
mittee of five teuuliers on Permanent Certill
enti'8 must lie ctionen by ballot ; tuichm may
iittdiid tlie limtitutc und be pniil by the District
I '.he mime an if they irero in tchuvl, und (hime
icho tht, J rvm the liutitute vj their
vim account without a nood renmn. tiiai hare
thiir ttaiit vf jirot'insi'intl nj'irit uud in- j
dicittd by eertiflivtri if a Ivircf yrudc at the
nij-t urniiiiiintiiiii. f Sru Pctiu'u. Sellout Jour- I
mil, M.iy 18U7, pa fits iiT'J. J
The Teachers' Institute is now ltKrjCiUKU '
iiy law, un. 1 the attendance or uon uttetid
iince of every teacher in the county will be
niileil down by the Sicietury in a book kept
fur that purpose. It ix eiuiiistly hoped unit
expected Unit, every School Uoniii iu the
county will allow their touchers the time to
"attend the Institute uud pay them thummie
nt if they wi re in bcliool." If any School
Kottrils will not pity their Uncliers for the
tin.e spent tit the Institute, they oiiudit ul the
very h-unt permit tlum to close school and
iilleud, each teacher Milking up the time
bcliool OinVeri, Doctors, I.nwyers, Minis
ters, Kilitors, and everybody altercated iu the
cause of education aud thu advancement of
thu Common Sc hool l-iys'.i in ure cordially
invited to attend und ptnticiputu iu the e.
tn i.-ia.
Hon. J. 1'. Wicfccrsliiim, State iriipciinten
dent, lion. C. f. Cobtun, Deputy State Mu
pel intendent : 1'iof. F. A. Ailcn, 1'iof. Kliiib
Selineiilcr, of the Sunbury Cliisii.ul lu.stitu
te; S. S. Jin k, Ksii.,l'iriiiei l.v County Supcrin
tenilctit of WeMinolehiud enlinty ; C. V.
Deans, Ks(., l'lim ipiil of the School lor Sol- i
(tiers' Orphiiu's ; J.J. Ueimi'iiMiyder, 1-sij., j
formerly CountySupcriuti nilclit o! Noithnni
bcrl ind county"; lli nry Ilotiek, lis-p, Super
inteiiih'iit nf Lebanon county, and other '
i prominent Irk-nds of cdtioiition throughout j
the State are expected to be present us lu- ;
mitutu Lecturers. CJ. V,'. IIAl! I'T, j
I Count v Superintendent. I
I Satiirdiiy, Dec. 14, 18(17. i
Are tho lesl iu V. c, j
Tiiey arc more tiinplo und durublo, cao'ui kuv-t iu
iriU'i. u trunt' unj miji'o clastic stuolt, a
fiiiuut uri'l luuro l'fuutHul t-ci.m than any uiliui- ;
'iiu'y uli f-ii-ri'-'i frm two tioii.noii hils. rv- j
tj'uie un i c-u iii'liu; of thread. f.Mlen botli tinU of '
tlie ct!im by their oivn iteration, mi'l lltough t-vcry i
ti i I li fctitcb if out tht t-vtttn toil! nut rip. j
f ilio Legion of llunnr wm confcrry l on the rente
jJcLt llivC uf till!
2 A
ul the F.xpc.iiit.iii Uiiiveiselleo, Paris, 1 St!7 ; thus .
a'.t.'stiiix their great su;.iiioi it v over nil other live- :
ing inaeiiines.
N it !' 'i' '!' I. i: H .u C t!EM:w I
For Matitifaclittiiig, j
Combine tho ino:t moderu and essential Improve. J
ii. elite. ' j
The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufao- J
turera of lioots und Shoes, Carriage Tiiuiming,
Clothini; and all others requiring the Uou of the
most cfleetivu
To those iu:w.tylcs, ivhich possess uLQ.bti.kubk nd
vantages uvi r all others.
Market Street, SL NUl liV, PLNN'A ,
Nov. 2.1. 147.-1 v
Christmas Goods,
'I'. . Mil...',,
J E W K I ii V S T 0 K !:.
.Market Sauic, near thu liail ltoad,
S" ueh as Ladies and death men's Fine Cold and
. Silver Watches, Chains, Preast-Pins,'s
i and Fiiier-ltiiis, Silver 'i'ea-sctis, Cake, Curd Su
! tar Puskeb,, LUnuer and liieaklat Castors, Spoon
i iioMoi'S. llutlel. Coolers. Svi-un and llrink inif l!nrn.
Knives, Foi ks nnd .rpoous uf various kinds, aud a lull
; assortment of .Silver-Fluted g-als. !
j Also, Iiuvvsou, Wurren llido's Colobr.ited Tip-
I Top Oold Pens, und ufull ui.rtuiei.t of 8 day uud !
j 3u hour uloeki. i
I Particular utteution r'tiid to Ihe rcrah-iiu- r.f Ono
atehes. Clocks and Javiolry.
j All woik wurruuicd. All orders promptly attend
' ed to.
Please cull and cxaiuino our slock bcf-jio pur-
chasing el.-ew bore,
j .Suiibtiiy.lle-ceuil.er2l. 1MW
Holiday Presents !
v -
tjuare, iiiiar tho Court
Iloue, t
SUNLIl KV, Nortliuiuberlaud County, Pa.
HF has just opeucd an asMriuient of Hold f) 'C
and Plain Patent Wutches, CLOCKS Vf.'.-sa.'
lor ltailroads. Panks und Ilvvellings, Fine tT'
Uuld lliujrs, Finger Kings, Ilracelois, Minia
lure Cures, Medallions. Lm'keis, I'encils.
'i'liinibles, Spcctaoles, Silver Table, llcswil, Tea Sail
and Alutard Spoons, Suar Spoous, Cuis, Napkin
ltings, Fruit and Putter KuivcJ, Shields, Combs,
lliuinoiid Pointed pens, Cusiers, Pitchers, Putter
Ui.hes, Fruit lli.-bos, Cuke Uuskets, Syrup l'ltchers,
Ac. Au.
He invites the eiliieus uf Sin. bury and vicinity to
call at the above place, where he will be happy to
wait upoirtheui.
Li -Particular attention aid to F.FPAllUNO.
December i'l, laiif.
F you want a sett of Harness for tl8 00. so to
IK you want a good silver-mounted Harness, go lu
IV you want Harness, or anything in bis line of
busiucss chear thau they cau oe puruhuod I
elsewboro, go aud Iry at JACK STKOU'd fcbop.
All goods are warranted as represented.
IF Jou want a iiioti driving Horse and Buggy, go
to JACK t'l'KOH'S Livery, opposite the Ctntr.l
11-jtcl, iVunbuiy.
IF you want a good Auctioneer, eo Ui JACK STUOll
who is ulwavs ou hand to make Jou a good sale
or no pay.
Sauliury. NovS, lnt7.
THE tmlquaMtiis (if Sole l eather, Freueli i'ulf ,
tkilib. Moiioci-.m.. l-luius, l.aMs. Nullr. Vc;s- ;
Tools nf all ku.ii Bil l iv r v thing us.'d bv 'ne Irs li
Uuls lo I; J II l"M.L lo I
i i.. . -
I Io not It end thin Column or yon
will vtti-ttilnly Icitfl out where jou
Buy the CH0ST GOODS,
uf the
For tho
11. V. I'jtili.SAU,
at tho
MaIUCET .s;i ap.k,
scM'.ntY, rr:xN'A.
Ilau just received und opemsl the
1IKST i:j.!:"IT;and
French Slerinos,
Prints, .Muslins,
Ca.simei, ic.
KOTIOXS f all uinds.
Hmi i v, (i loves, .Men 'stud Ladies Vuderganueut
A full aisortmcr.t of TRIMMINUfi.
Puildcn will find wy'Siuok uf lllai'ttvvairt-.
I'uoits., tiiti, (jiluss, Jtc, 4'ciHiU'!i-.
Lrugs und Medicines,
Willow and Cedar a are,
QdtiQfWd.-e, liUssnaro,
Ctutkery, Salt.
and in fact everything usually kept iu a Urge Store
Call aud be euuviucud thai the CI1LAPLST
The MumuiuUi Stur i
1't-riUB Cllkll,- il .Kilt) m.
as mr (iuods are bought fur
V! the HEADY MnNkY.
Cash aud tol l t Leap
ii v.fiuu:.'.
, unoui.- "ot J 1-
Call aud tea the well selected. .Stock of
CLOIU3, C.VMSIMEBES,. , ,. ' '
Just received at
MENT, Fourth Streot, htluw Eyster'a btuie, H'SIiVtV
of Iho mnft approved style is made up to utdor a
reasonable rates.
Ho ha u1o a finr assortment of Ciuiincra '.o'..
Drawers, t.'ndersliiris, Uveihuuls. lllounes, . i I, -tics,
Cotton and Uoolcn lluse. Suspenikrs, Jin
kerchiefs. Oloves. ami a geiiTal variety of'
tilvo 1,'uu a call, which you will fiud ta la to ; our
fsiiiiliury, (Vd. 19. Ifi'o.
"a-.V i: a u "i v . i. v
T S JJv K 5
J. I-I.
Corner of Fourth and Miu Lot jlreeu., tL.M:L'llV.
Jl t-T rcieived lroui New York iind Pliiladelphia,
a lavgi! supply of FALL AND VINTFit
lillODS, wiiiih hu willvuu ut taiall roli'.s, lor cash
or eouiilry produce.
His Dry U(Mi.l d"pnrtmeii( is full of cvervdes-iip-tioii.
Aipleioliil line of LAHIEV DULrisijOUDd,
anil Whito at ail prioos.
Fancy Cakiu fir Lauies, ai.d iihctlaud V'ool
Yankeo Notioua in Great Variety
Ai.o, Ladica' Flench Corsets and Hoop hkirt.
C J ZK. IP E T 3 ,
Wove Floor Clothr, f-t.iir Cn-pets Floor Oil Cloths,
nil widths, Cnvri::o Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cluib
Wi'L.w Shinies, Plain Oreeu und Uiovvu Oil Cloth
mid Fixtm'i. for Wiudous.
.s'uar. Coffee, Moh'jces, l'.iee, Crackers, Spices, Halt
Fi-h, Cheese, Ac.
l.'ueei.sw arCjUliut vvuro. idi-ndid Set'.eof Teuware,
at low prices.
I! us and Caps. Oil, Pmnl, (jlass, Putty, Sek,ul
Uookj. Paper, slates, ic.
II A R D V A R i: .
Shovels. Forks, Nails, l.oc'.is. Hinges nnd Sire!'
A Liirfn nsirtmeiit i f WALL PAPLU aad Eor'
at u.l prices.
AU pers.ois ile'ii'hiL: to
get good goWs will plc-asn
give hiui u call.
Sitiibury, Nov. 1, 1SC7.
J. 11. EXCEL.
On Third St., snc diair below the Lutheran Church
! sin n r n v , v r. n n a.
' lias jui-t iienctl a
i C2 ItC CS C: J2;2 EET
Provision Store
und is svl'.inp; low for CASH.
I UN Stock is complete, consisting ii. part of
Molasses, Syrt:ps, ijitckiiel.Lnitl, Iirii.e. Nuts
lirieil and ('t.nncd Fruits. Pinues, It i.iii,s. Cheise,
und Crackers, and in tact cv. u.-Lally
kept in tkolirociry line
7 Le bst FHiFil and WKAL in tha Mukut.
Tulaeii. t'l t'i.,1 a Iv f i :SuiI"
(.on.-ianily ou hnuu nell and Cuu
I which will be furnished to private families iu lai:,u
or .-ii::ill icai.iities.
Also: All Litidi if Fi ut the lowest
Country Pioditcc laiitii in eiih.mge for Ouo-Is.
f. Ctll nad esaininu u.y if toe It, and satisfy your
.eh es.
i:i:n;:v f::tl:'..s.
.ur.btir;-, bet 11, 1S37.
(ilerMaafiivvii 't''!i:i-ii;ii.
Devoted to Choice Literature, iuelit'lii.' Peetiy,
Novelettes, 'i'ules, nnd M.-ral 1.1. tl Fniertainii,
Kcndine;. generally, in the Literary pteoarttueni
weshall present the vlmi.-isl varieties within ib
reintli ol our i-xtcuded luoiu.s. flhe N-.veietter,
Tales. Poetry, etc., shall be supj lied I'.-.iu. lla-b.-st
1 nd hi jhest .-ources. ami be efUal to anything to Lu
found iu any journal or inai; ir.ine.
bracing Farming, (jai-tlening. l-'ruit-ltaisiinr. etc.
Our labors in this department for over thirty seal.,
hav u met the cordial ii'proii'ilioii ul the public.
Uur put-po-e has been lo tumi.-li u-eful and re.iabiu
iuiot.iiation u 1. 1 u lli.--?u very in.paitaul bran.ilies of
industry und lo protect Hum so far us vv iihiu our
poncr againa tho li.l-: ductiiues nnd selli-h pur
jMises ol" the many empirics end .ensatioii u.lven
111 rem by which ihe fanner is ineessaully assailed.
This a,iiion nf the (it rnt-.iiitoivii 'lttgra)'h is alone
worth the price ol ' Milworipliuu.
NLWS Dl-.I'Alli.MFNT The bauio industry,
care, and ,'iirciiatiuatii n iu gulhcrii-.g au I preparing
the sti-rinu' ev ents of ihe day, expriwly f ir this pa
per, w hich hitherto has been one uf its marked lea-lurei-anil
tieii Mieh uuivernul satisl'actiou. will bu
0 'iitinued with rclou! k- l ep.orts tu meet Ihu il .fea-r-ini;
dt iiian Is of the pul.lic.
Ttitiis. 1'wo d illais ai.d filly cents per aiinuoi.
No ordeis receiv ed vviiboul the cai-h. and all mbcrip
lions stopped at the end of the lime paid lor. Spec!-
t mill uuu.bors sent. -
1. liior nod Pronrittiur.
lierirtr.rdoiv ii, 1'hila.ltlphia, Pa.
' 'Ayatchijs yvi the million :
A Hit ANP.'.LH i (t'S lil-EAT WATCH C1.VL'.
1" VE!1 V L' UY ci e.',.- .1 to" I vuteh, and wi.lieslo
lirrt:l il lit !. b vvesl poi;iblu piicc; a hordo uf
swinuler l.novv in,.' tbi- i.-ave eontrived various in.
genioil. devie'.s lo eet luojdc's U.ouey, and then
. itlier lo M-nd ii v all li. or send on', thai is worth
less t- a liiue-h,.'. per. A Lit -vNO A LE A CO., have
uoiv i .-ri.-eieo urraugi 111. nt.- by vhich. tor the small
sutu ol iO. a ioi'-d a.'d leliabio waieh may be cnu
1 ai 1 V itii.-iiieil. 'inev have foriued .a U till AT
Ale "l CI. I 11 on the I .Mowing plan. Cerlifi -ale.
uontainit ILc linn.bers i.t alltiie v,atehes naiood iu
our w hull-sale Est (wbieo u- senliunll n, 1
ule L.ixed l.p, cneio.-etl In ( t.volopes. i nd sold for
'i'.i c-.'lils laeli. lvery ei -ule is tu
be lr a w aleh. end as uiil l.o Seen un retcrenuc tu
lh.-li.-t, 10:10 ure ol lii-s value than 1m l)o U,,,
I whiUl .iue I.IC v.orill f 'li). V e nu.leil.ike to .1-1. 1
I any wau ti diaiv n vv bnt.'v .-r i.-.ny he its value for lu,
1 and u ui.ier 1.1111 wiry one may al.solut.-ly tint i'i.d
I upon etuog u bi.l c.a lime-l ecp. r, we euai'-.lMi
jthatt viiv puii i.t.NCr ot line Poller's worm ol ef
: tltlcatus pluili ite.-ivu ut least one Icr w ateU No ,r.o.i
un uur u liolicai.- lift, 1..1.1 pot Inc. v, h:ii i. a Li.-'-
cIuj-s iateut lever, u band.01.1e ai.-l relialilu w ieb.
; In siciling tilv or bunting ensu. and usually h. I (or
J 10. You will iti.i M-iLV getsueba wuteh;and,
be, ides, vou 1u.1v ijvt a iioLU t uiionoviliuii wurth
toUd. Wusellliie certificates us follons: He., . t
I 2'j ueul.; ilnee luriiO eeiiis ; Sii fur $1 ; and Twin
I ty for t'l. To those sonding j-l, we w il, .end a b. i d
I some chain gratis. To those sending , we will
'sendaiioi.n ihain wairanled Hal wo Uruuii iu 0
years Putties getting up larger clubs will rceeiie
' iibcral pie.eut, paiti -ulais of which may bo learned
I ou application. A. 11 1. out inl.-n'iob to d a strict
1 ly Luituu.hle tu.-iue.-, andtoiiibuic uur customers
from liability lol,..., wo will .end our waL-hus. if
desired, wimuir luoM.v, inrtiueiing the Extiress
ageul to collect uuiy uu delivery. It w e are dctdrivii
us by Uaiik Urall or P0-1 Hill .to Order, uud it will
! then be al oall.-k. i u will tin ll Iiko.mik Ilia
, package ut our po-t S.v'n and il lo.-t v, 11.1, Ki.1-1 xesi
! ir 11a c us i n il i.f. If any waleli .em is 1101 u
! provud, it u.av lu rettirnml and the men-.-y will bo
. refunded. The repuiation of our tiim, vvtiieh
bcuu cstiibli-lied fui tive years, and is well kuowniu
; every pari of the c.iuutry. we Iru.-t wilt te deemed a
I Miulclenl guarantoe thai w e w ill fuill. l'lilly lt.-l lot 4j,
' ull we coniracl 10 do.
Ad lie- A rt ll A li A I.K C').,
, Itii LliOAl'WAY.NEvt YOp.K,
Dec. I! 11.17 :iiu Pelt Olllfe Luk, i Ibi.
(ALLai. t sou in.e 1-i.t.i
J UwA' llolUWlvre St A of
J 11
Caiji. al iLu
CONLV Y .1 '(.
! ' ' " CAiU'ilNTliUS.
1 W'ILL find iu uur iih,,.l inetit a di miui .uoK
: ut Pluiio.. hawi Auuoi. La;ewU, ii-..1., i .us
I bi.-eli, u.c , uc ,Kr t:e Ly
J. ll lONin A CO
1 'lr Mril I'uUauiu -. tl.u Fan v. li . !
1 ..;. it::.