IIIOtCR FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL 9 & 5 S 8 S? BENJ. BOHNER, Dealer tu Frail uJ Ornameulal Trees, mill tarn Ish from th roust responsible Numeric In tbia and other State. Brrt etas TKKK8 f all kind.- AUi, Shrubbery, Vine and Plant. Uarden Seeds ol all kind. Order era rospeerfully tuliclt!. AddTee. BtNJ. BOItNER. I'axinoe, North'd. Co. 7 N. B. Insureneea taken In tcvernl or tne most responsible Kir luaurauoeund Horsu Deteotite Ooropanloa in the State. . J up B, 187.--y FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. fl ,HE lubwribor rospecifully Inform th publi X that ho kp oonstantly on bund it hi nrw WAREHOUSE, near the Bhamokin V alley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by tb barrel and saoka of all kiuda of Food by (he Ion Th above la all maiinfiwlurod at hia own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash prioe. J M. CADWALLADER. Bunbury. April 1. 5btJ J. H. Conley Co., Market Strcrt, i;ns.t ol the Ilnllrouil SXJKTJB'CJPJ.'V, PENN'A. DEALERS IN I OKIilO; AJIKRHM.M. Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, ,II"!,;,h"; and UiiTora generally i invited to tbo Inot that w. ar e now offering a belter selected a.ortnient of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever woa offered iu tbia marked at prioes much below those berctutore demanded by dealer. Our stock comprise all article, in thi. lino of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate- CARPENTER. ' BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAOON.MAlvEKS, JOINERS, AC, II.'.. together with a largo atock of Iron, Stool, Nuils, tpikc.Kope, Chains. Uriodstoncs, iiiil aaJ A I ..t Saws, do., Ac. Suubury, March 30. l"'7, 5otice to Merchants and Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietor of i A Frick'a Lino, give notices to merchants and ehippers tUt tbe Depot is still at bll Market street, Pkila dclphia, and all Uoudsdireetud to Suubury. Dauville and Lowisburg, and all interraediato stations along the railroad, will bo promptly delivered. tV- Cars leave 811 Market street. Philadelphia tri.i,..'rlv Tuesdays. Thursday, and Saturdays. J. W bKO'WN, Proprietor, Lewisourg, i J. II. BROWN, Agent, Suubury, Pa. j December 7, 18tJ7. tJi;0. ECOllltMACll Al no., ARE now carrying on business at thla old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Coslinga of very description, promptly furnished to order. Tho Stoves manufactured at tbii Foundry have acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS Farmors should not forget that the PLOWS made at tho Sunbury Foundry have never bcon equalled. Agricultural impleutenta repaired at short notice. Small cuttings, including Cooking utensils, of tbe most improved and most usoful patterns. The business will bo couduoted on an enlarged cale. Old ouBloiucrs will bouooorutnodnted a usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 13. leH. SKW FALL Millinery Goods, MIM 31. L. 3onlcr, bege leave to an nouncetotlio Ludioaof Sunbury and vicinity, that tho has just opened a large and varied stock of MILLINEHY GOODS, of all tbe latest Fall and Winter style, to which (ho invites attuulion of her patrons, and tho ladic gene rally, confident of her ability to plenso. A eood assortment oi BONNETS HATS, Hats for features bright and jolly, Iluts for faoe melancholy, Hats for tjure, broad and bnrly, Hits fa- timignt hair, ami for early. llaUof iik, oloth, felt and beaver, Hats that almost wear forever, IIuis that always look so neat, Aro bought at Mis GoSilir'a ou F.urtk etree.1. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Kia broiderici, Edgings. Laci j. Woolen Caps, Handker chief. Scurfs, uloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of Taney Notions. Stumped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume, ries, .Soups, Liliy Whitu, Enatucl of America, Ma. tionury, Ac, Ao. Call and examine for yourselves. J0 trouMo to uhow goods Suubury, Nov. 2, 1S67; FALL AND WIXTIZK MILLINER V GOODS Miss ANNA PAINTEH, " Slurkct Square, two doora west of tho Post OHisc SUSBUHY, PEXN'A. RESPEt'TFl'I.LY informs h-)r frionda anl the public, that h has just relumed from tho city, where sb" ' " spent some time iu making soloctions aud pup a. utid has just opened a large stock ol Mil CEllY OOOUS AND NOTIONS, Kibbona. cea, Drem-Liuings. Crinoline and Wi gaus Ski ig Lining. Hu:q JSkirta, llugle Trim mings, C m Trimmings, Hut Crape, Cloak Buttons, Coraou, i hyra. A larg assortment or Ladies and Goutlonien' Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS STATIONERY. POLLS ofull aizea. Alphabet ltlocks, Ac. &hu flatters hersolf in being able to make a display that will give entire aittisiaclioii to visitors, uud goods will be exhibited with ploaoUl'C. Suubury, Nov. 2, 1S67. ITSV LAGS?. BSEE. urn n J2La xkxk.' asatwa IN SL'NBL'RY, NohTlU'.MISERLANJJ CO. CHAS. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY inform bis friends and the publio gonerally, that bo has commenced the mnuulactuiu, and is no roaJy to furnish LAG E It HEEK AXI ALE, of a mpwlor quality. Hat ing prosurcJ the service ni'a una clas. brewer, be is eualled to supply Land lords. Uosiaurani and private famitiee with an nr tide that is palatable, pure and healthy. Oiicro ate respectfully tolicitud which will re ccivepromrt attention. J.TZEL. Suubury. November 16. 1SH7. t ' ntKSlFAWUVAL OF FANCY DRY GOODS. MI86 KATH BLACK, Market Square. '0 doors Et of the old Bank building. SUN BURY, Penn'a., IF r AS opeued a Ircrh supply of the lutest tyle rf Fall and Vt inter Uoods. selected by beraolf finm the must faihionuble eublUhmi.i.U In I'hila d"lpbia Cboap DaLaiue. Alpaca. French Merino, Plaiu and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Goods, Cloths. Saequo Flannels, Ladie and Lb.lJren.' Hats, Fealhura, llibbous, lii Trimmings, Emhroideriea, Lace Vuils aud handkorcbinfs, gloves, hosiery, Balmoral aLiru.ltrcukfaat aud Blanket Shawl. Winter .Sacques and Ladies' goods of every description. tienta' Collar, Neck-lies, Hulf-hoso, Handker chii'i's andulotes. Pertuuiei v, Toilet Sol. Hair Brushes, Citnbs,to. rsT-Hopkirj' Lliptic ekiru. KATE BLACK. Cunburr, Nov. 1867. 18GT in "i io. 1 oo IN 1UL PRICES OF lOUO Fall & Winter Goods! niUa vl. I.. Limit r II , haiiug just return ed from Philadelphia with a superior .look of Fall aud Winter Good for lb trade of Iu7 and Tirf, which she la able to seil at very reduced prices, would respectfully call the attention of her custo mers and the publio generally, to th superior qual ity ol bar guuu, and tb low pricia at which they art. held, bb him all kind of DRES8 OOODH, iuclu'iing Popliua, Merino., V Laiua, Calicoes , do., all at tbe lowest price. taira quality Miulins at M'.ra low price. Dril lings, Canton Flannel. Balmoral tklrU, Shawl, Uoods. UIovm of all descriptions, iuuluding a vary up nor quality of Ladies' Cloth Gloves. HOSIERY. LiVoone Tiinuiing of all varletiaa, Laos, iuipd gtods, Zephyr and Varu, lowling io great Variety D Unui'a.td Ladle' Ilandkerehief, bearli, Muff isuurt buttons. Pomade, KilracU, and a larg rtn ol bottom aud faucy article. aud taa l(,.m before going Uwhor. ii it. LAZAIU. eaubuiy. No. J. J,T BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUUK FROM QUACK EUY. TIIE ONLY PLACE WHERE A (JURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOnNfON ku dlKnvated the most Oertin,!peedy lid only Kifeiluui Hatneily in the World for all Pri vate Diseases, Weukucu of Hit Hack or Llinbs, Htrictare, Affections of lb kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Dis charges, linpoleucy, General DetaUiy, Nervouanrsa, Vy pepsy, Languor, Low fyinu., Confuaaxiof Ideas. Palpt lauoii of ll. Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimaess or Highl or Giddiness, bweue of th. Il, Tbroal, .Num or kin, ASectinn ol tli I. Ivor, Lung., siumaeh or Bowel -theM Tarrilu Disoideis arising iioin the (Solitary Habil of Vouth thosa Meret and Kilhaiy practice, more fatal l their victims than ih. srnig of Syren, lo Hi. Manner, ot Ulysw., blighting their most brilliant hopeaot uticuwUon.i rendering marriag, A., impossible. 1 tang .Tien Erocclalrf. wbn bveberome the vlcurnsof !Kirr vie., i thal d,ec7u7ndd..tra. i,veh I to ... u..l.mely .rave tbousai.d. l V. Me. of th. I mt r.xltl tafoita and brilliant ' T'. othrrtvise del. of eloau eall Willi full confidence Marriage. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating manuig being aware of physical weakness, olivine debility, da forniltie., e., Siredil)- cured. He who uluues himself omler the rare or Dr. J. may may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, ana OviiBdeiilly rely upon his .kill as a Pnysiciuu. Ortituiic WoiihiiiOMS Immrdintely Cored, and Foil Vigor Restored. Thia Pislieasmg Allect.on wlncb renders Life mieera bl and uinrringe imimssible le the penally pmd by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young peisoiis are too apt t) commit caicrsse. fioui not being a win e ol'the dread ful consequences Uiat may ensue. Nnvv, who that under BianUs the subject will pretrial to deny that the power of pincreulinu is lost sooner by thoso fulling into linproajr Iiubits than by the prildeuls ! He.nle. deing deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring. the most aeriouss.id di-.linc live .yiupuiins to both b-Hly and mind arise. The system become. Ilerauteii. the Hiy.irul and .Menlnl Pi.ncll'nis Weakened, I-nss of Procreative Power, Nervou. Irrit-ihili-ty, Dyspepsin, Palpitiitiou of the Jleurt, luillgrstion. Con stitutional Debility, u Wasting of the Flame. Cough, Consumption, Decay and Dtnth, Office, o. 7 South CVeslei-ick Street Left hand aide g ong frm Hall iiuire street, a few doois rrotu tliecoiner. Fail not looUeive name uud number. l.rttei. must be paid nnd contain a stamp. The Doctor's Oiplouias lin..g in bis ohce. A t'uri) YViirrtiKteil in Two I;iji. Xo Mercury or Xauttvit Vrug. lr. -3uhntoii, Men.lier of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges iu the iinited States, nnd the greater part of whose hie has beau spent in the hospitals of Guidon, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has cflW-led some ol tbe most aslonolnug cures that tv-ueever known ; many troubled wilh inigii.g in the head and ears when asleep, great uervotisne... being aluim ed at sudden sounds, baslifubu-ss, with frequent blunhiiig. aXtendrd sometimes with derangement of mind, weie cured immediately. Take l'arlUuIui Police. Dr. J. .ddressesall those who huve injured themse'ves by improper indu geuire and aoliiary buluts, tvhieb rum I both body and mind, untitling thciu lor either busine.s, study, society or nwrnage. Tliatx are some of the sad and me'nncholy effects pro duced by eaily habitant youth, viz: Weak lie, of tin- Mark uud Limbs, Pains in the I lend, Dimness ol M.ght, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability. Deiangrment of the Digestive func tion., General Drbility, Sympt s of Consumption, Ac. Mkmtallv The feurful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Ijiss oi Memory, Confusion of Ide.is. De pression of Spirits. Lvil-Foieb'idiiigs, Aversion tnSorieiv, Belf-Distrust. Iive ol SoliluJe.-TnniJitv, Ac. arc some of tbe evils produced. Tilui'.ANDS of nersou. of all a2es can now iud.'c what is the cause of their declining brulth, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pair, nervous nnd eliaeinlel, having n aingular appearance uboul the eyes, cough uud symptoms i of consumption. Vonng .Tien Who have injured themselves bya certain practice indulg ed iu when alone, a habit frequently lemnrd from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which nte nisMly felt, even when aslerp, and if n-t cured renders mainaga impossible, aud destroys both mind and body, sbouid apply immediately. W.iat pity that o voung man, the hope nf his country, the darling of hn parents, should he snatched from all pros pects and enjoyments of lile, by the consequence of devia ting from the path of nature end indulging in a certuia secret habit. Such persons Mrsr, before contemplating .Marriage, rnVct that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to prom He connubial hoppiiu-fes. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the piuspect bourl) darkens to the view; Ihe intid becomes shadowed wilh despair ntni hllrd with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another become, blighted with our own IMitense of Imprudcncr, When tlie misguided aud imprudent votary of plcasuru uu that he bus imbibed the seeds of this painful dn.-.ie, It bKolleu happens that all ili-lnncd sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deter nun from applying to those hi. fi nil education and rcs,ier:ab.lity, run alone befuend bun, deinving till the Constilutiouul swnpt mis of this horrid dneuse make their appearance. sm:h us ulcerated a ire throat. diseuK-d 1105c. n cluia: pains ill the tii ud aud limbs, dimness of s:ght, deal ness, nodes on ihe ihln buuua ami aims, blotches 0,1 the head, face aud extieiiulii a, pngies ing with frightful tepidity, till at last the palate nf llie mouth or tbu bones of tlie nose full in, ami the victim of IhisHWI'ul disease becomes a horrid object of cninuiisera lion, nil death puis a nen.al to bis dieadlul surTciiuir, by sending him lo - thai l.'iidiscovercd Country from whence no truvelicr returns.1' It is a melancholy fact that thousand, fall victim, to thi terrible disease, owing In the unskiUlulnrss of ignorant pieteilders, who, by the use of (hit ' Deadly Poison, Mer cury," ruin the constitution and nutke the residue of life miserable. WlciiUK'err Trust not your lives, or health, to the care i.f the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or diameter, who copy Dr Johnston's adver tisements, or slylelhemselves iu the newspapeis, regularly Kdueated Puysiciaus, incapable of Cunng, they keep you trilling mailh after month taking their filthy and poisouus compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and 111 despair, leave you with mined health Weigh over your gulling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. Hiscrcdcntiai or diplomas always hanir in his office. His reinidies or treatment are uuknowa to all others, preiaml from a life spent 111 the great hospitals of Kurnpe, the first in this country and a more extrusive '-Privute Practice" than any oilier Physician in the world. IsKlorwcmciit of the Pi c, The many thousands cured at this institution vrm after year, aim the numerous imiiort-uit Surgical Operations perbrrmrd by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of the "Pun." ''Clipper," and mnnv other papers, notices of wh'rli have appeared again and again before the public, besides his slandliiK as a geutleniili of chiirm-trr and le Sjionsibiiity, is a suihcient guarauiee to the utriieted. Liis lHaeUMC eedily Cured, Poi'B ns wiitmg should lr particular iiidiiecliug their ettcrs to his Iusliluliou, in the following manner, .lolin .li. JultUMfoai, 13. B. Of the lliltimoie Ixiek II ispital, Laltim ore, Md. Nov mi. It-tl7 I y. JLiUtliea I'uucy I'urr ! IT JOHN FAREIKAfl Old Ivstublished F U R Manufactory, No TIM ARCH ritreet, above 7th, PHIL'A. Haw now in Sicre of l.i' j;-YA myown Importation ur.d P 'A4t olauuliiclure onu of the IftHy'MvV' l!irgest and moji bcauli- ww5M) l'ANCYl-URS, 0 I 'I for Ladies' and Chil- .'-"iaradreu'a Wear iu the City Also, a tine assortment of Gent's Fur li loves and Ctllara. 1 am enabled to dirpoee nf my goods at very rea sonable prices, uud I would therefore solicit a cull from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Ileuieinber tbe Name, Number and Street! JOHN FAllKIRA, No. 718 ARCH Kt., ab. 7th, south side, Philad a, ff ' have no purtnvr. nor counccliou with any other store iu Philadelphia. l-epl. 34, lbb7. 4mw 3die. IIOOI NUlItTK. Oii. NEW 6PRINU BTYLF.S, -Oua Own Make." Alter more than Five Years experience and ex perimenting in the manufacture of fetiictly First Quality Hoop .Skirls, we oiler our justly celebrated goods lo merchants and the publio iu full ooulidonce of tbeirsuperiority over all others in tbu American market, and they ore so acknowledged by all who wear or dual in them, aa they give more tutistaulion thou uny other Skirt, and recouimrnd themselves in every ruspuut. Dealers iu Hoop .Skirts, should uiako a uuteof this faot. Evory ludy who hus not given tbcm a trial should do so without furibor delay. Our assortment embrace every style, length nnd sise for Ladies, Misses aud Children. Also, SkllU Uiude reorder, altered and repaired. Ask for -Hupkin' Own .Make," and bo not do oived. Seelbut llie letter ''II ' is wuuun ou the Tapes between Ka a Hoop, aud that they are stamp ed '-VV'. T. HOPKIN S Mauufaoture. Oi'S Arch tit., Philadelphia," upon each tub. No other are genuine. Also, oonstantly on liud a full line of 'good New Yutk and Easluru made Skirt, at very low price. Il'huhtdv and Httail. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Maaufactorj and Emporium, No. 62 Arch ,u'e1Ml'Uj:J'ss March St, 1SII7. lOtnw CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLI NESS." AFACTwhlchUUcmonsUated at CCSNISOJ A CO'S., First t'luaa MbatluK Hair CuftlnMT uud bhuiiipoonlat; ItwoniM. Two Irst-cla BARBERS alwav in attendance. Particular attention Iu culling Ladioa and Children ' bair. (live us a call at tb tcw iloout over tb PoetOf&o. , buubury, August 3, 1807. If St4 021 SI OT0H H0DOKIH! H A. W O X E SUPER-PIIOSPUATK OF LIME, IllB ORB AT .lorlboiaberlaBd Oon7 FERTILIZER. Tb be, manor for all kind, of grata f tared. Mor aotiv, or durmbl., than any othr. it doesTnot eichaort th. aoil, bul on th contrary U . imorSvar. OvkR MO FARMERS in th rjounty applied It to meir Dpnog vrui, u. m. li.t it .led their mt aanguin. .xnectv n w wlln the beat Pho.pb.te. In th. e0untrT but earn. ouUviotorloua. Farmer, u.e it for iTllt Bp U lifts" OI aw iuv. ca u uiu wm ah pJi j'wi 20011 pounds, at tho Manufactory, Haul .narkct Street. Snnbury, Pa., or at any of our agenta In Danville, Wllliamsport, Lowisburg, Money fetation, Milton, Dewart, Potts grove, Bloonishurg. Selins'-Grove, Trevorton, or any of the principal town in the adjoining eonntie. Wher w have no agent appointed, farmer can aond their order by mail and rely on their receiving immodiato attention. We have the advantage of Railroad and Canal transportation in all directions, and purchaser need apprehend no delay in filling orders. J. E. TORRTNGT0N, ED. 1I0DGKIN3. Sanhury, Aug. 17, 1807. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY inform hi friend and cus tomers, Hint ho has just opened a shop for the manufacture of BOOTS 1 SHOES, on Spruce ttrect, Icticccn Second street and Centre AlUy, Suhbury. whrre all kinda of work in his line will be made up iu the latest style and in the best workmanliko man ner. Having first class stock on hand, he natters himself that he will be able toiuil th tnateaoitne mostlna tidioua. Tbe public are invited to eall. JOHN WILVIR. Sunbury, June lt, 1S67. TO OUK CUSTOMEES. We take pleasure in announcing to Dealera in Fertilize!, and the Agricultural public, that we have within the past year inoreased our facilities for the manulacture ol our flaw Done rnospnate, to an extent unequalled by any other House in the United State or Europe. Those facilities not only include the enlargement of our old established work in Philadelphia, known a the Ireliiwiis-e ICirer Asrieiilliirial t'lieiuit'ul Works, but also the purchase of extensive and well stocked work at Chicago, 111., with all the ncceary machinery, cars, Ac, to conduct the business. This establish montalono ha produced, annually, over 50t)0 tona of dried Bone and Meat, and is capable of being largely increased. Wc desire, by the closest super vision, to conduct these two concerns ao that our cus tomers will derive a practical benefit from their con- solidation, in obtaining a MANURE which shall maintain a standard and uniform quality, and at the lowest roMioie price. BAUQH A SONS. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE! BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPEHPIIOSI'M ATE OF LIME. MRK BAUGH &C SON3 Solo Manufacturer A Proprietor, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORK?, PHILADELPHIA, U. 8. A. nr-Panneie are reroinmeudrd Pi purchase of the desler located in their neighborlaKid. In sections where 110 dee- ler is vet established, the Phosphate may be pr.K-urrd direct- ly from the undersigned. A Priced Ciirular will he .rut w uii n iiu aipjny. BAUGII & SOXS, Ortice Xo. 20 8. DJaicare Arena, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BROTHERS & CO, General "WholttaU Agcntt, No. 181 Pearl St., oernerol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUGDALE, Wholeale Ayent fur Muryhind Virginia, So. 105 Smith' Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. 13" Wa are prepared to Supply our Patent .Sec tional Mill to all Manufacturer for grinding Bones, Uuano aud all other bard substances. vldby CSt A S A OENTHER, Sunbury. Aug. 3, 1b67. ly FARMERS & BUUjDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. flUlK subscribers respectfully inform tbe ciliten J of Northumberland county, that they are now prepared to furnish LIME of a superior quality lo Farmer and Builders. Also, LIME-STONtt from tne celebrated Lime-ritone Quarries of Low er M abo il ov township, at short notice and at reasonable rate. The ubore will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the line of tbe different railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at the Bhamokin Valley Railroad, ncur t-unbury, where order will be promptly filled. Orders are respectfully solicited . Address. J. li. LENKER A BRO., August 3, ISuT. tiunbury. Pa. 8ARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, PORTER AND ALE. fnllE subscribers having located a bottling estab J liabmenl in Cuke' Addition, in the Borough of Suubury, respectfully inform the citiiena of this and adjoiuiug couutie that they are prepared lo furn ish Landlords, Reetaurcnt Keeper and private fami lies withtba best brands of ar.aparilla, Mineral Wa ter. Ale aud Purter, bottled in the best manner. Their drink are procured from tbe bestostublUbmenU in the country, which enable tbem to furnish a better article thau can be bad elsewhere, which will be de livered at the lowest rate. Tbe citizen of Sudbury and vicinity will find it to their interest to putrunixe home industry, and assist in making thi a permauent enterprise, and at tbe same time save labor and money. Orders are respectfully solicited, which will receive prompt attoulion. Addrea, PROBST A ROTE, Augut IjljloT 6m 6unbury,Pa i nn: a.i Waikh ritoo' HOOFING ! TUIMES A CO., are tb Agents io tbe Count! 0 . of Northumberland, 8nyder and Montour, M WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. This is the cheapest and best Roof that cos be put on a buildiug. Has boon used in the city ot Philadelphia, since 1851, where it ha superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builder, and is used on all of th finest buildings in that city . Parties ounlomplating build ing, will do well to examine into tbe merit of thi and all other kind of Hoofs, atd give the beat th preference. Tb Fouutain Hotel, of Buubury, will, la a few day, be covered with tbia Roof, and u.rlie desiring to do ao, may eall there and examine it. For further information address Box It, Bunbury Post Office, or call ut tb Brick Yard of T. U1MES A CO. Bunbury, TH, 1867 3u Blacks mithing:. JOHN IHVIN, SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA, RESPECTFULLY inform th eitixen or Sun bury and vicinity, tbat be baa erected a Black smith Shop near the bhamokin Valley Railroad Depot, where be t prepared to do Blaeksmithiog in all it branches, at tb shortest notioe. Having bad many year' experience ic the businca, h Hatter himself tbat he can render satisfaction le all who may give him a eall. Suubury, August 17. 1887. SHOEMAKERS. THE bast qualities of Bole Leather, French Calf skins, llorroooo, Lining. LaeU, Nail, Pegs Tools uf all kiuila, anil fiery thing used by tbe trade, f ule low ly 5. U. C0NLSY a CO MI LUMBER ! LCMBER 1 p. Mat Potter Jamy Mid nanoury LtamlNtv toat Sow full esUbliakad 4 Ut BUNBCQT , ., BTKAM S AW-MILL, are prepared to w a. -wdaa . .., .11 WHITB FI JK, UKJtlAO.ll A3U W4, li of u (lMMd all length. Afull aortnBt at way a kept en ban i. ' P.Onet, 7toorln,fiMtD( anA nnudilng boards of all kind. MOULDING, SASIJ, D00R8, otl . 8HUTTEn& SHINGLES, Sawed and Bbrd, White Fine, and Hemlock. PlMteriaiK Lath a aid Pallir, Planing, Ripping and Taming, will be done to order at short notioe. Thi Company design furnishing everything in their line at inch rate that Lumber Yards, Builder and all partiea ueing Lumber, will find it to their interest to bay at thi establishment. ORDERS art respeotfully solicited and win be promptly t- tended I d to by add ddressing, WM. REAQEN, Sup't. Bunbury, June It, 1868. 9 1TE77 SHOE STOP.S- Market Street, adjoining Qearhart' Coufeotionery Store, BUNBURY, Pa. rrVllF undersigned respectfully inform tbe oitiiet X of Bunbury and vicinity, that be baa opeued a NEW SHOE STORE, for the aale a well as for tbe manufacture of tbe finest and beat quality of Ludio' Shoe, v it: GloToKId, Jlorroceo, aICKlu aitd Lnsting .nlter, Ac. Children's Shoes of all kind. His-stock U entirely new and well aoleoted. He also manufacture fine French and other Cull akin Boot and Shoe for Gentlemen. Ordere for ladies and gcutlemeu' custom work will be promptly attended tu and got up iu the best style by skillul mechanic Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on band and for al to the trade. J. n. JEFFRIES. gunbury. April 20, 1867. "JOLT n. XX tm m.W 1aV jlk heet Iron and Stove (i- ZETTLEM0YEU&BK0., (Successor to BENJ. ZETTLEM0YER.) Market Street, near Engel'f Store, SUNBURY. PA. HAVING taken charge of tbe old atund so long pntroniied by the people of Sunbury and vi cinity, beg leave to announce to tbe old friends and the public generally, tbat Ihey will supply them with tho most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, eombiuing cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform wbut they are represented. Coal Oil, t'oulOi! Lumps, Lnulrriis, Shades, Chimneys, and all article usually kept in u establishmcntof this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all site. FRUIT JARS and CANS or the latest Improved tyle. Ho ia also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing. Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and 11 eat I v executed. (1LO ZETTLEMUVER A RR0. June 8, 1867. y THE UREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, IT STUsTBURY, ia on 3d (treet, opposito the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Hut Lately LxfabllriUed. t.illt till the .Modern Improvements) of tUe Art ! fTinE subscriber, having built the room expros.'ly t .X for thu purpose of Photograpliiug. and having ! devoted many years to the business, Is confident of bis ability to assure hia patrons that the work pro I duced shall be second lo uuoe in country or city. I No work allowed to leave the gnMcry uulcss en ! tirdv sulisfaotnrv. linviiiLf flit. Lest skv lie-lit in tlii county, he ts prepared to muke Photographs 111 all kinds ol weather, but would prefer a clear day tor (rflal children. is Ilso prcparcd to now ,-lin or cabiuot card Pbotogrupha. All kinda of picture copied and magnified to any required six. and colored beautilully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attantiou lo all kinds of out door work, such ns Landscape viows of Monumonts, Machinery, County Seats, Ac., a large lot of Photograph frumes oonstantly on hand The publio are respectfully invited to cuil and see our specimens and our complete nrrungementa for making Photographs, special terras to lumilica and clubs. BEROSTRESSER. t-unbury, July 15, S100 REWARD For a medicine that will cure CCL'tillS, lNFLPr.NZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WIIOOPINO COCOH, 01 relieve CONSUMPTIVE O0C0H3, as quick aa C O E ' S COUGH BALSAM! OVKR ONE MILLION MOTTLES have been sold and n it . Slug), iustanca of its failure ia known. W have, in our possession, any quantity ui l'ci lilicalrs, some of tbem from KMINENT PHYSICIANS who have used it in their piactiee, and given it the pre eminence uvcicveiy uiucr couipouiiu. IT DOES NOT DRV LP A COUCH, but LOOSENS IT, a to enable the patient 10 expectuiate freely. Two or toree doses. Will iMViXissn Cr.i TicxLixa in vm Tuor ! A half bnulehaa often completely cured the most Stub born Cuugh, and yrt, though it la e aure.nd speedy iu lis operation, it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable Ilia very agreeable tu the taste, end may be .dminisieied tochildreu uf euy age. Iu cases of CHOI P we will guarantee cure, if takca 111 aeuaiu, NO FAMILY SHOULD UE W1THOI T IT! It is within the reach 01 .11, it being th. cLeaiest aud b. mcdirii.. extant. C. 0. CLARK t CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. February 3, lfc7. ly o 5 E s DYSPEPSIA CURE! THIS GREAT REM EI) V FOR ALL DISEASESof th. ST OMAOKB is Ih. discovery of tb. inventor of Co.'. valuable Cough Bilsam, while rxwriineulllig lor hisowu health. Ilcurui Cram,, iu th. Btoru.i h for him which bad before j iclucd ko noibiiig bulchaa-utonn. Tbe almost daily testimony from various parts of th. country eneouiage us lo believe there is no disease caused by a disordered stomach it will nut speedily cur. Phynician endorse and Uaa it I Minister give testimony of ita fllcacy. Ami from all direction tv receive tiding of curea per. formed. DYSPEPSIA! It 1 sur to cur. HEARTBURN! One do wfll cur. SICK-HEADACUE! It has cured in hundreds of case. HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS! II stops in thirty miuute. ICID1TY OF THE STOMACH ! It careers .1 one. RISE OF THE FOOD ! II to Immedisirly. DISTRESS AFTER EATINO ! Ou dose will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few do. DAD BREATH I Will be changed with half a buttl. IT IB PERFECTLY HABttlsESS It UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS i owing to the fact that It Care by Aaelatlnxr future TO RE ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM Neatly every dealer iu th. United State acll it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. G. CLARK ft CO., Proprietori, KEW UAVKX, CONK. February M, 18o7.-Iy. Cblldren'v Carrlatfrea. WE would oall th attention of thoee wanting a Child' Carriage, to pur new and larg assort neat compriiiog new and beautiful (tyle. J H. CONLEV I CO ziniMtniAVs -! I , The nesttnennnl avU of UiU tmarkabl ertearatl mm BxTTdisrwvJted. eossuouudwl and iutrllnitre. asm wnty ymn ago, rr n """"n," esil lfnr'lf f"1,1' Tn.asaedel his uBa tnaeaiwtrynen were rsstortd tu health, a well as great aumbur ( the nitiebitatit ef N.taa ead AbysslnleV u at tnceowntrle bordwiaf upon th Sou U vara wast 01 ui. aieaiierranean ne. ElKuXlU B1TTEBS soob prM over Europe, os wa adopted by the p rind pal Physician, to criarf. r u. dcepitai Of the old world, In which II i. sun srn witn Th. VlMrov of K.vDt Dlaoed th. e Da. CatoMU upon th " Roll of Noble," and pre am ted to him a Hedal bearing tin following rnscrlp. Mow: " D. Caaorsus.tbe pebll. Beaenwtor." Thir Bitter I new offered to tbe public ef America with tne full assurance that It will b found, spvn a (air trial, to act as a peeing for tb. cur of Chttlent, Dyaentery, Dlarrheea. Cholera Morbus, fever and Aartae, Yellow Fever, Rbeamntlsm, Typhoid Fever, Dyapep.ta. Calle, BronchlU., ( easampUsa, VleteM leney, Dlsraae. of the Kldurya, Nerrea) Debility, and Female Complaint. Remarkabl. curea of the above disease, hav. beea effected by It nse, as numerous crtlflcate, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It I destined t snprrsed. any preparation extant. Aa aa agreeable Tonic, and an I.VriCORATIN'O BEVERAGE, , it an NO EQUAL. Tan twi ZIVGAKI niTTElW HAS SOU I. AS vi ELL AS BODY, (D AS A ritEVB.VTIVE or BIS KG' SUPEklOR. E. DISKASR. A FKW W0HD8 TO LADIES. Ti use of tht ZINUARI BITTRK8 will (t'v to you Uiat ioft, teml trantpareot complr-xlon which the QoA of nature tiKniDg womiD to be the loveliest of hie works) full Intended: that you ihoulJ hiive for It te nature'! own powder and paint combined. By purifyinft; the blood. timuUUnff the pigmentary oelle of the dvrmle, and iroparting heattb and life throughout the entire system, it enpfolally givef thai cmooUi cleamete and beauty to the complexion io much to be deeired re moving all rotifthneM, blotch, freckle,, pimjilee.and that vellow. ttickly look io common In our day; and what ia even better than thli. It curat every apccleeof If male irreguliirititre and Utieaea 1'riucipal DiipoU Hnrrthburg, Pa. RAHTER & HAUSE, Sole rHorKiEToa. For iil. by W. A. BENNETT, Brugjist, Kuubnry Penusvlvunia. August a, 1667. NEW G lu C ERY. fllHE subscriber bega leave to announce lo the X citinons nf Suubuiy and it vicinity, that Ihey have opened a NEW GROCERY. Tico dourt tfett uT J. 11. EngU't fitvrt, iii yfiirlet iSyuui'c, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of groccriea, and will keep constantly ou baud tbe choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee. Teas, Sugar, Mohisws, thcosn. Salt Spikes of all discription, 'onps of every variety Candles. .Sinokiiig aud Chuwing tobacco, I'egnrs. Hums, ttbouldurs, Jl icon, butter, and Eggs. Also Ijricd fruits of all kiuds, Catied Peaches and Tuma Iocs. Pickela, Ketchup, Pepper 6'auce, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of bestqtiaiity, und in fact every llyle of article? kept in a well stocked Urocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ol country produce taken in exchange. The patronage of the publiu is re spectfully tulicitod. 0E0RUK E. BEARD A CO. .Suubury, Nov. 11. 1835. I - HUKA1) & FANCY CAKES. ID ."V 1 3D FRY Two door west of the Post Office, t-L'NDURY. P.. f ESPECTf L'LLV informs the citiieus of .''un- J v bury nnd vicinity, tual be will UaKe lo ureter I all ainasoi Cube tor Italia, l'ai-lii-n. Ac. I'amiliio ire supplied wilh FRESH BRKAD. Twi.M llnl'.s. Rueks, Tea Buns. Ac, arid aim kvpt cn h:ind nianafactured out of the best materials All order will meet with prompt attention. Having had largo exper.enco I hope to give general sutirlactiou tu all who 111 a v favor me with Iheir pulronage. DAVID FI1Y. buubury. Dec. II, 1HH5. .M. . cii:AKii Ai:i.i Confectionery, Toy and TPIXJXT STORE .llurki'l Slrtri, Kunbury , CONFECTIONERY OF All L"INI)S, TOYS OF EVERY DhSCKll'TION FRUIT, &c C CONSTANTLY 011 band and for sale at the ahnte j esutblishmeut atnbolesale aud retail, at rauaon. able prices. Hals manufacturing all kinds of Coiifeotionario tu keep up a full aaaoi iiueut which are sol J at low rate. Tohacoo. 8egars, Stationery, Nuts nf all kinds, ami a variety of otber articles, all of whijb are ofieie.l wholesale and retail. Houicuiber the name and place . -T) M. 0. liEAlUlART. Market street, 3 door west ufE. Y. Blight A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19. 1803. tf STORE. AV. A. HENNKT, ' Uurkrl Nuiiiirr, NI'AItl IIY, lu. HAVINU recently purchused the Drug Store formerly conducted bv R. A Fisher. I bei reuve iu iniorm tne citizens 01 sunbury and vt ctuity, that 1 have entirely replenished my stock of FANCY ARTICLES ! uch as Comb. Brushes, Pocket-Books, Niaps, Per futuery, Hair-Oil, Knives, tfcissura, Coal-Oil Lauijia, Tobacco and Cigars, luinta, Oila, luo, .Iukh, lutlj, VaruUlira, lntnt Sls-Uic-Incsi, Xv. All my Tincture, Syrups, Ointment. Cerate, aud otber preparation aid manufactured by myself, aud fiuui the best material I ean procure iu Market. Having had quite a number of year' experience iu the Drug and Preeription Jiuinei, both In Philadelphia and Ihe oountry, and also the advantage nf the College of Pharmacy, I fuel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Phyaioiana and publie may favor me with. All my prensralioua as I have above asserted, are mad from tne beat material, and upon honor I assert, they ar. of officinal strength. Fur medicinal purpoaea, I keep on band th very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I ean procure. Before purohaaing eltewber, eall and couvlno your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Suubury, Nor IS, 1805. LIME! LIME! I'aruer und llalldera! FlaHOLT A Brotbib ar aew prepared te de liver, at tb lowest market pric, th very best quality . JL-JCPaT:3C3e for LAND and BUILDING purpose. Their limt burned of the celebrated TUCKY1IOE LIMESTONE." Their lla kiln ar located at tbe Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, near th steam taw mill, iu the Bo rough of fiuubury. , Plaster, Masonsk Bricklayer and Farmers ar In riled to call and give us a trial. BEASUOLTZ A BROTHER. Aug. , 187. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, BOO&B AND STATION EBV, . Monthly Tim Book Drawing Soak and Slate. Book, Hymn Book, Blank Book, Memorandum Book, Dlarie, Pocket Book, Ink Stand, Pen, Pencil, a tat MawLmaut of Paper. Xak. Ae. 1' 07 sal by ANKA PAINTER rn: i 1 am - t. iffltr guocery inoiiB, Uarket Street, Sis ooett aVas of ThUd itraet, norta , .... , aide, BUNBURY, PA., RtSPBoTPPltt inform their Mo'nJfi &f th public thai tiivf bar opened a AND PRO VISION STORE, and will be happy to hat theirs eall and eiatnlne their atock, whieh ha just been opened, esobr Ing everything In tbe Grocery line, ueh a . Ooffe. Tea, finger, Bynrpt, Bpieea, OenneoTiad tMed JTrulta, Deans, uomiuy, vneeee, vraeccra, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Halt, PoUloee, etc., together with Boap, Oandlee, Boda, Ao . end In fact everything in the Orooeryand ProvUrlon t.lna . FLOVR AND PEED, Queeratware, Willow-ware. Olanwar, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal WI Ao. Call and ee before purohaaing elsewhere. W. B FURMAN A CO 8unbury, April 27, 1867. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, OW Cboadwat, Nw York. I'or Famlllen una Jlanufurtarrni, These World-Renowned Sewing Machines, wero awarded the highest premium at the World ' Fair iu Loudon, and six first premiums at tbe New York State Fair of IrkSfl, and are celebrated fur doing tbe best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, nnd by the intrmluc tinn of tbe most approved machinery, n. are now able to supply the very beat machines in Ihe world. Those machine ar made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn , under the iimusviinto supervision of Ihe President of the Company. Ki t liiiwt, Jr., tbo original inventor of the Sotticg .Ma chine. They ar adapted to all kind uf Family Sewing, and to use uf Se urn stresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Snirts. Collars, Skirts. Clmiks. Man tillas, Clothintr, llnta, Caps, Corsets. Boots. Shoes. Humes. Suddles, Linen floods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will acam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, aud perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on bcth aides of the urticle acned. The cititch iuvented by Mr. HOWE, and made ot. this Machine, is tho most popular aud all ewing 'Machines ure subject to the principle invented, by him. ; SEND FOR CIRCt LAR. j The) Howe Machine Company. B'jo Hroadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April b, 1M7. .UA.Vri'A .MA I Kit. Mil, A. TWEED, In Mis Anna Painter s Fancy Goods Store building, Market Square. :i door went of th Post Otiice, SitNBlRY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs ler friends and the Public that she bos attain opened shop, u I Markut rlreef, unbury, where she is prepared to I mako to order Ladies1 Dresses, in au entile now tu,..l- T .I1...I i-l.. L. L - ... 1 ,,,, b.um violin., u. niou uumiDluvu . EUUW. Orders respectfully wdiuitod. Suubury, Jan. iU. lon7. ly Great Attraction, NEW TIN - W ARE, faht'ol Iron aiatl Mluvc Store ot" SMITH & GElTTEEPw, Whole they keep constantly ou baud und uiwnifas lure to order at M ort uolice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WAUE of all descrtptior s. They would especially cull tbe nlleuliot of ur chasers tu their large ami well selected au,,,U of COOK AND PARLOR, STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to Lav. all their best stoves uiatlu to oritur, uud tboso wh- ' would have a good' sloro would do well to go and I exumine their large uud trull actuated slock, j First. They duly competition on the following I tried Brands uf Cook Sluvus, t it -. j t'unibiuiitiou (suit lturiicr, (eek. tiiutt't-nor 'fiint'ooi.. WABABH AND IRONSIDES, and thu well known ALtUust Cook ctovc called SPEAR'S ANTIDl'ST. Also. Parlor and nflie Stout in great variety em bracing all the best ntnuufacture and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arraugunieiiu combining cheapness, durability and each atove warranted to perform what iboy are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, secoud and third etorius by Ri gi-ttrs Also. VULCAN HEATER. Also, the eelebruted MOUNINU 0L0RY. t'onl Oil, foul Oil luiisiH, Khudrs, t'lilmultra, aaid all stritvIcH usually kept in an establishment of thi, kind. They are aim pi eparedlo furnish Slate and do slating in the bust woi kuianlike manner. Also, to do Tiu Roofing, Spouting. Itauge and Furnaoo Work. Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing ucatlv and cheaply executed. Abo: "Itniijfli'si ECnw Bonn Suprr-I'he. piintc-." Rrmembcr th pise. .Samplo and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly' Hardware Store, Market street, between Third und Fuurth streets. Building dark puiutn.). August 25, IStld. fc UN BURY BUILDING LOTS 1 N J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the liomuv'n of Sunbury, fur Sale on reasonable terms. Appiv to Dr. P.. 11 AWL and, SOL. BKOalOUS. Sunbory, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAFER, Poltsvilte, P.. Nov. 21, lt6il t j n mt 53 e. Are especially invited to call and examine our flock of BUILDER'S HARD WARE, oompiising Nails and Spike of all varieties. Butts. Screws, Strup and T Hinges, Lucks and Latches. Bulls. Plaa tenug Trowels, Brick Trowel, Plasteier' Sieve, Ao., Ac, for aale by J. U. CONLEY A CO. Coachmakers, A7E uro selling Rims. Suoke. Hubs. Snrinn. t Canvas, BulU, Cliiw, Axle, Ao., very low Large Stuck at CONLEY A CO. jSunbury, March 30, 1WI7. THE following person are entitled to receive aa increase of Bounty under th Act of Congrea passed July lSlkS, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldier who enlisted after th 19th day of April, 1801, lor 3 yoara, and served their time uf enlistment aud have been honorably discharged, aud bat e received or are eutitled to receive a Bounty of 100, are entitled an additional Bounty of $100. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for 3 yeais, and hav been honorably discharged on account of wound received io tbe line of duty, ar eutitled to an additional Bounty of glOO. 3d Tba Widow, Minor Children, or Parent of aueb oldiers who died in the service of wound or disc a, ar entitled to an additional Bouuty of )IOO. By application lo S. P. WOLVERTON, Ean , of euukv, Pennsylvania, who 1 an authorised Claim Agent, all such olaiuis ean be speedily oolleoted. bunbury. August 4, IS66. tf Agricultural laupleiueuia, TJ OE '8 Urain Rake, Steel and Iron Oarden Rake I I Lane anal Ik 1 1 ..... I I aJ J . a.i ... 1 m vsruiD naaea, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure lay Fork, Urea and Urain Kuvihua and Hi Cradles, Cradle Finger, Traoe, Breatt, Tonga aud Log Chain, Uriud-ionea, Fanning Mill Seiveaof all sue and kind, a larg assortment of Had Wairou Lame, for Piowiug, Farm BIU, Cultivator Teeth fur al by J. H, CONLEY ACQ. ' Ban, Boob Hand, Round and Square Iron, Kelt Rod, Cast 8iL Biiater Steel Drill Steel, lien Shoe, Horn NuUl Anvlla. Ballowa ViesuL H..,,..-"1 ' eiedge, Barj ui Filet, at ' C0MCY CO S rlelpkl ra air. Krlai Itsallressul VYlNTKItNaB-BLHr-- - -r Throngh and Itraet roeta bet wean PbiUdelphia, uaitimer. MarrWbwrg, WHliaaupert, and th (sreat OU K.giosi of Pennsy Irani,,, r ,,,. ELEQANT SLEKPINU OARS m. an Night Train. Ob and after Monde! No. 5Lii. lur it,. T.b on tbe Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road wUI rut nmowii 1 . . ff.Tw: Mail Trala lea Phllar.lphiar 1 J ,1 J p nv art. at Erie. ano.L Krie Bipreaa leave Philadelphia. ll w ooon ounoury oilipm arr at Erie . 9 44 am Elioh-a Mat) leave PhtVaitTei'&ia, 8 00 a ra " " ' Sunbury 4.15pm arrive at Look H.vao, 7.45 p m . . latTWABB. Vail Train leave Erie 10 25ata Sunbory, 1.65 am " arr. at Philadelphia, H 55 a ra Erie Exeres leave Erie 4.25 pa " " Sunbury 5.40 a m arr. at Philadelphia, I 00 p m Elrhlra Uail leave Lock Haven, 7 10am ' Sunbury, 20.25 a u 11 arr. at Philadelphia, S.io n m Mall and Express connect with all trains on war ren A Franklin Railway. Passenger leaving Phil adelphia at 12 00 M. arrive at Irvineton at 8.40a m, and Oil Citv at 9.50 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 35 p in. . All trains ou Warren A Franklin Railway mAo close eonnectinna nt Oil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAUUAUE CHECKED' IHROUUU. ALFRED L. TYLER, Ucncral Superintendent. .Aortlit'i-u Outriil Ittiiltvst). 4 VVINTCR TIME SCHEDULE. Tbrourh und Direct Route to and from Washington, Baltimore, Erie. Eltnira, luffalo, Rochester, anil Niagnra Falls. FOCR TRAINS DA1LV from and three to Wafh ' iuzton aud UulliuiorH. and fllREE TRAINS DAI Li to tne .North and fom and West lirrtwn rarfdc. brum, and Ilorthern and Western Pennsylvania nnd New York. ON and aftor MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th. IS.i',7, tbo Trains of the Northern Central slailway will run as followa : NORTHWARD. Muil Train leave ll iltimore HWntr. ' Harrisburg, 1.2tt'Jni 14 W illianisprirl, fi-55 p ui arr at Klmita. ll tjjpiu B.ilalo Express leaves linlti.nnre 1-10 pin Harrisburg, 4 20 a u Elniira. 12 20 ,.u. arr. CanamlaiguA, -t.40 p't. Fast Line, leaves Haiti more, 12 .111 p 11 " Harrisburg. 4 p n arr. VYtlliutuspurt, S.25 p u Eriu Q 45 a u. Night Accoin. leaves Baltimore, 7.00 p 11 Harrisburg. 3.15 etc " Williiiiusport, S.IO a 11 arr at Eric, S.45 a 11 York and Hurria. leaves York 8 -0 a n burg Aocuut. ) arr. llurritbnrg: h Hi u u a u v 1 11 t a u i' . Mail Traiu, lenve Eluiira 4.55 a u f 40 a n I - in p 11 6.10 p 11 4 nn p 7.55 p II la I H 4. .15 a n a lo a n 3.50 p 111 Willinmsport, Harrisburg, arr. at Haltimoru. leaves taiiitudaigua, " i'.lniira, M'llliainsport, " llnrriaburg, arr. at llaltimoie, leaves William sport. " ll.-iri i?biirj, Buffalo Express Fast Line o.u a ta II. .hi pnf 1.I5 p u t oU I t:i 1 lo a i nrr at lialiimiTv, Ynrk an-1 Harris- f leavrii llnrrutburg, bnrg Accoui. i arr. York .Mail irnin north niul south, r j.-t i.n.c norin, nu.r ork and llarriv.,urg Accoinhiodatiou horlb und Couth run daily except Sunday. Buffalo Express uorlli and Fust 1. ine south, rin ilnily ; and Putlatn Express south rutin daily t xc. 1 1 Monday. Night A tcomiuoduliou norih arrives daily except Saturduy. For further iufoimatiow apply at Ibv Ticket Oihcu in tbo Pcuusylvaiiiu Railroad lk-pot. I. N. Hi llAUia jijn. Sttpl l.iukutiiiui:u A UIcon:litri4 ltuit !! l . t'N and after Juu. 1667 lVucnger Trr.ir.s will run aa follows : SOI'TIIWARD. A M. A M. P M. P 11 4 in li !! H 17 8. '.11 Id.li , 5 2'! n 1 it Lcav Ncranbin, ' kingjltiU, Rupert, ' 1 'am ille, Arr. North'd., 5.50 10 HU r.0.1 n..'; ii 20 tl .51 iu N"liTIIV.M'.:i. 7 I'D 7.4il 15 A. M. Tin o.o ! 1 ve North'd., liiintillo, ' Rupert. Kingston. P M. ld.W h."i 2 50 Arr. at Scruiit.,11, 12.00 Vct 4.1'0 IP.I.. 'i'ruius lcuti?!i Kingstou at h.'itl . ?.. lor Scriin- , ton. connect with Train ai riving at New York alft'Jd. i Passengers taking Train t-oiith fn-tii S'-rnlon at i 5 50 A. M. via N01 ihuuibcrlnud ' rea-h llnrrishur 12. SO P. M.. lialtimuru 5. no P. M., Warhingtoi. In.. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Pliilndolpliiu at 7.00 p- ui. 11 A. 10.NDA.up t. Kingston, Jan. I. l07. ICviulliiK ICuilx-oiitl. YY I N T E R A II K A N U E M E N T . November 25th, 13U7. ' GHEAT TRUNK LINE from the -North ar. t North-W est for Philadelphia, New York, Reuri iug, PulUvilltf. 'j-aiuiiijua. Ashlaiui. Leb',uin. Allen- loan, baswn, Ephraia, Litiz, Lnnciter, Columbia. lo.. Ac. Trains leave Il irmlmrg for New -York, as fol lows : At 3.00. 5 2b ami tj.10 A. M. ut d 2.U5 and V ..".j P. M, connecting aiji similar Trains on ihe Penn sylvania Railroad, mid arriving at New York ai 5..0 to. 15 and 11 50 A. M. and -'I In, V .10 P. M. Sleep, ing Cars accompany ing the 3HU A.M. and " P. M Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, I'otisville. Tnu.a rjua, Minersville, Ashland. Pine Oiove. AUcniowu and Philadelphia at h.lU A.M. aud 2.115 and 4.10 P. 51., stopping ut Lebanon aud prmcipul tvuy stations ; the 4.10 p m. making connections tor Phladulpbia and Columbia only. For Pothville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Sdiuvl kill uud Su'iiui.'biinun Railroad, luate Harrisburg ut'o.Oi p. ui- Itcturning Leave New York at 9. Oil a. iu.. 12 I'li Noon and 5 00 and S un p. Ui.; Pbiludelphiu ut 8 15 . m. and 3.30 p. ui. W ay Passenger Tiutu leuves. Philadelphia ut7. 30 a. m., returning l'rniu Hendinf nt tf.3o p. in. stopping at all Ktulioiis ; Pottsville at S 45 a. m. und 2 45 p. ui; A.hlaud tl no a.m. and 12 li and 2 00 p ui.; Tumuiuu ut S. 30 a.m. nnd I DO mi I S 45 ui. Leave PoU.-villc for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Su'iiichautnt Railroad at 7 !0 a. in. and I2.Ii0iioul- Reailing AocotiimodHtiou Tiaiu leaves Reading at 7.3U A. M. reluming fioui Philadelphia at 4 00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 7 Ot A. M., and 0.1j P.M. for Ephrula, Litij, Lancas ter, oiunmia, ac. On Sunday: Leave New York at 8 00 n m.. Phila. delphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M, .thu S.oOa. in. tram running only to Ilea ling, Potisville 8 ml a m., Huirisburg, 6 25 a in. aud 4.10 and tt.35 n in ami I Reading at 1.00 and 7.15 a. in, fur Harrirburg, aud 7. Oh a. m. and 11.40 p m. fur New York, 4 25 p m. for Philadelphia . Couimutmiou, Mileage, Season, School nnd Ex cursion Ticket, ut reduced rate to aud from all poinu. Baggage checked through : 100 round Lr"g allowed each l'assengor. O. A. NICoLLR. Huuersd Superintendent- BRICK! BRICKTbRICK! To tho t'ilizeuN of M.iubiirj uiitl vicinity. fTtUE undersigned have bought tbe Brlck-Yari X aud improvements, formerly leased and orked by A. B. Stevens, aud hate made additional im provement, and are now prepared to make conuacu lo manufacture and deliver BRICK iu larg quan tities, tur building and utber purposes. By th manufacture uf a good article, aud prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a share i f publie patronage. Order left at th Brica-Yard, or Box 14, Suubury l'ut Olkce.will be ruompily alteuded to. 11 . , T.UIMESACO., Buubury, May Id, ln;.3m faiula, OiU, Ac. A full stock of Oils oompriaing Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fub Oil. aud Lubricating Oil tor Engines an Machinery, Varnishes, Ulas, always on hand, at low rjlT-Vo CONLEY A CO S IIOR Saddler, w have Saddle Trees, Bill, Buck X1 i.Wig Irons, Pud Trees. Huns, all kind and vary thing pertaining tu the business, for sale by J. U. CONLEY A CO. RKMEMBKR THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and Juba A. Taylor, would respectfully auauuuce to lb. citiiens ol ury, and surrounding country, that having formed a eo-partuenliip, they are now prepared to furnish ornanioutu) ana plaiu C4.ru est ont-t. Torn Ita A Jlounnt of tit bast Italian aud American marble, at price that eaiinul fail to give entire aatiataotion, aud ( WsoUuiij lolioll th publio patronage. . DLSSINOLR A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31, 1W8.1J. HUD CAQES.il different kind. If want good aad cheap M-WfTjY. 4 CO S PaULadelp'