Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 11, 1868, Image 3

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N. B. EJMGLBv ( PublUhew.
buhiiitry, PA.
gitlUHUAY, JANUARY 11, 1808.
ILocat Affairs:
, Dojuhos On New Te,ar'l eve th. Rt- W. 0.;
.Crmr, paator or the German Reformed Chureh,'
of thli placa, was the recipient of donation visit.
iroin me mourner or MS congregation. About f 80
in money waa preaentad, besldea other present to
the amount of about f 100, These donation partiel
are, no doubt, very gratifying to our olegymen, a
it show an appreciation of their ssrvion on the
part of the meuibora of their oongrcgationi.
EnrnoH or OrrtccM. A President. Treaturer
and eight Manageri of the Milton Bridge Company
will be elected on the 14th init., to conduet the bu
aineet of the company for the ensnlng year.
The elcotion of Dlreetora of the First National
Bank of Milton irlll take place on the same day.
Director) of the Milton National Bank wilt also
be chosen on Ibe 14th lost.
Ekuoabs Within a week or two our borough
has been Tliited by a number of auspicious looking
Individual!, who went begging from house to house
Some, we understand, were able-bodied young men
who were able to work, and were generally very Ira
vertincnt when refused admittnnoe into dwelling".
We would advise our chitons not to harbor them, as
the majority of them are, no doubt, rascals and
Tn Sl-nburt Eranixa akd Loah Associa
tion. At a regular monthly meeting hold on Fri
day, 27th ult., the second sale of shares took place.
The first shire of $200 was aold at a premium of
$Si; 2d, $39; 31, $88; 4th, $39; 6th, $9; 0th,
J97. Par value of each shore, $2.48.
Person wishing to subscribe can do so by calling
n Oco. B. Cadwallader, J. 6hipman and T. lliwcs,
ommittee on subscriptions, and by paying $2.48
on each share subscribed between this and the 4lh
Friday in January Inst.
A GRxenora Donation. The pastor of the
j'TNbylerian Church, ?f this place, Hcv. S. W. Rei
pirt, wns surprise! na Thursday evening, 2th ult.,
by a donation visit from the members of his congre
gation. Among the testimonials of their kindnoss
was a present in money amounting to about a hun
dred dollars, while the value of the other presents
probably amounted to a hundred and thirty more.
The occasion was a very pleasant one to all present,
end the reverend gentleman was no doubt highly
gratified by these evidouces of affection and esteem
from his congregation.
Ckims. Almost every day wo hear of some crim
inal offence committed in our community. Robbe
ries arc perpetrated, dwellings entered and Indies
insulted and nttucked on the streets. It is scarcely
afe for a lady to appear on our streets in the eve
Jung without a protector. As these matters seem to
. be beyoni the control of our officers, and no effort
J Loing made towards checking the operations of the
scoundrels who in font our borough, we learn that a
committee of active and resoluto men are about ta
king tiio matter in bond, who will, no douht, use
feme parties roughly before they get through with
AxoTni.n RoxtsKRY. On Monday night last the
merchant tailoring establishment of J. . braick,
on Fourth stroet, was entered by means of skeleton
key, and between three and four hundred dollars'
worth of cloths, caisimeres, underclothing, Ac, sto
len. A watch dog had been kept in the shop nt
nigLt, but on Tuosday morning when Mr. Stuick
w ent to his placo of buJincss. ho found the door
open Rud tho dog missing. His shelves were en
tirely stripped. A coal oil lamp was left burning
tin the counter by tho bnrglars. The loss falls vory
heavily upon Mr. Smick. This is tho second time
he has met with tho same misfortune. As all tho
flock which he hud accumulated has been taken, he
intends getting up another rupply immediately.
A reward of JS0 is offcrod for auy information that
will lead to the recovery of the goods and the detec
tion of tho thicvos.
llur.oLARiaa anb!i. The daring bur
glaries and robberies that have been committed re
cently, in this place and in S hum ok in towoship. call
loudly for tome kind of organisation to suppress the
lawless spirit that seems to prevail among tho reck
less desperadoes that room through the country.
Tho brutal nttuck of three villains upon Mr. John C.
Hoffman, of Shamokin township, an aged and iufirm
man, knocking him down with a olub and robbing
his house of some $100 in money, and the erjuully
brutal attack on Inquire Ilules, also iufirm as well
as lame, on the same evening, by the sumo parly,
who beat him as well as an nged sister, shows a do
grce of desperation and hardened villainy that
should arouse ibe citizens of the county to extermi
nate these reckless scoundrels from the face of tho
earth. The ten and a half years' servitude in the
Penitentiary, to which the leader of tho gang was
sentenced, will, wo hope, check in some degree tho
career of crime now so prevnleut.
A Sao Cask. Kurly on Sunday morning a week
last a woman's dress, wrapped around ft pair of
hoes, was found ou Iho river bank, below the dam,
at Lewisburg The sume moruing Siuuu, wife of
Vi'm. Uibbnny, of that place, was missed from her
home, and it is stated left behind all her clothing
oxcept the articles found 'at the river. It is feared
that while in a fit of melancholy she committed
suioide by drowning herself, induced by causes, it
is rumored, that may heroafter bo investigated.
The bad always borne a good ohnractor. Any infor
mation of her whoreabouts, or of the d'.soovcry of
her body, addrestied to Nicholas Ernst, Chillisqua
qua P. O , Northumberland eounty, Pa., will be
thankfully received by her friends.
Milto Itivk We take tho following from the
Miltonian, of Friday last: Wo art sorry to loarn
that Col. C. J. Wright does not intend to re-opeu
his school. Ha hud intended to lease the old Bap
, tint Cburob, on Locust street, but we regret to learn
baa abandoned the undertaking.
The house of Mr. T. B. Hamilton, of this bo
rough, was entered by a burglar on Thursday morn
ing, about 4 o'clock, and a silver watch and iotno
change, which was in Mr. Hamilton's pocket, wero
taken by the rasoal. He made bis entrance at the
front door by means of akeleton koya. '
On the same morning, about 2 o'clock, a bur
glar entered the reeideuoe of Mr. II. Uuth. Tho
first notice of bis presence was given by Mrs. Huth,
who, on awakening suddenly, discovered a man In
the bed room, and gave the alarm, when Mr. Huth
sprang out of bed and the burglar fled down stairs
and out of tho front door. It was discovered, on
examination, that the villain bad made an entrance
at the front door and passed through the parlor to
tho silling room, (stopping tha clock in this room for
aomo reason,) and thence into the eonfeotionery
room, where the IU1 waj robbed of about a dollar in
mall curreney and pennies. From here be passed
up stairs through the rooms ooenpied by some of the
family to the room oeeupied by Mr. and Mrs. Huth.
His errand was fiuitleta, however, owing to Mrs. u. I
giving tha alarm opportunely.
Three men were arrested by a constable from
Bhamokln, short distance below this borough, on
Monday last, on a charge of having been engaged in
a robbery in tho lower end of the eounty. They
. were brought before Justioe Bound, when tbey ela
ted they could prove an Mi. Tha robbery waa
committed on Friday night last, and they aUted
that they atopped at hotel in Mt. Carmel, that
niuht. and could so prove by th landlord, lie was
tolovroohed to, but as no reply came, tb parties
were committed to jail at Sunbury, to await trial at
neat court. The aoouied claimed when arreeteu
that tbey were peddling tickets for gift enterprise
Tin fair and CbrfaUnM dinner, at Wataontown,
for tha benefit of the Union Church, or mat piaoc,
vac very eueocasful. , It waa fcepi op wret aaya,
and ihereceipta were rr $900
CocrtT. The J annary tension of Court eommenoed
In thla place oa Monday latt, bra Honor, Judge Jor
dan, presiding, (delated by Aeaoolate Judgee 8hlp-
man and Bldleepaoh. The following criminal euea
were tried : .
Commonwealth va. Lewis Croasland. Petition of J
defendant for benent of Insolvent Aot granted; add
he wis aooordlngly disohargod. ,
Com. vi. Henry Reed, Laroeny. Vcrdlot, not
guilty. . 1 . t
Com. vi. George Aumllter. 'For. and baa; In
dlotmont, quashed. New bill round. Defendant
plead guilty, and the usual lentenee was passod.
Com. vi. Paul Heldt. Laroeny. Verdiot, guilty,'
and sentenced to pay a fine of $1, restore property
itolen to true 6wner, if not already restored, or pay
full value thereof, coats of prosecution, and undergo
an imprisonment at labor in the Eastern Penlton
llaryfora period of tlx calendar months, aftor ex
piration of lenlonoe under charge of burglary and
larceny, and stand committed until the aenteneo of
the Court Is complied with.
Com. vi. John N. Bingaman. For. and baa. De
fendant plead guilty and submitted. I'sual sentence.
Com. vi. Jacob Mowery. Larceny. Found guil
ty. Sentenoed to pay a fine of $1, rostore property
to owner, or pay bim the value thereof, and undergo
an Imprisonment by aeparato and solitary confine
ment nt labor in the Eastern Penitentiary for a pe
riod of eighteen calendar months, and itand com
mitted until sentcnoo isoomplied with.
Com. vs. Paul Heldt, Kilns Hincy and Edward
Rnthvon. Burglary and larccqy. Elins Iliney and
Edward Rathvon plead guilty and submitted. Paul
Heldt plead net guilty. Verdict, guilty, Ac. Sen
tence of Court was that defendants severalty pay a
fino of $10 to the Commonwealth, jointly pay the
costs of prosecution, and that tho said Paul Heldt
undergo an Imprisonment by separate and solitary
confinement at labor in the Eastern Penitentiary for
a period of five years and two calendar months.
Edward Rathvon was sentenced to undergo an im
prisonment by separate and solitary eoufinemont at
labor in the Eastern Penitentiary for a period of
four yeara and two oalendar months. Elias Hiuey
was sentenced to undergo an imprisonment by sepa
rate and solitary confinement at labor in the Eostorn
Penitcntinry for a period of four years and two cal
endar months, and stand committed until sentence
of Court be complied with.
Coin. va. Paul Heldt, Eliaa Iliney and Edward
Rathvon. Burglnry and larceny. Iliney and Rath
von plead guilty unci submitted. Holdt plead not
guilty. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine
of $10 each, and jointly the costs of prosecution,
and that Paul Heldt undergo an imprisonment by
aeparato and solitary confinement at labor In tho
Eastern Penitentiary for a period ol four years and
ten months, nftor tho expiration of hissontence in
the esse in which John C. Hoffman was prosecutor
for a similar offence. Edward Rathvon waa sen
tenced to undergo n similar jinprisonment in tho
Eastern Penitentiary for four years and two month9
after the expiration of his sentence in the above ca-e.
Idas Iliney was sentenced to undergo an imprison
ment in the Eastern Peuiteutiary for a period of
three years and two mouths after tho expiration of
snntence in tho above cane, in which the said John
C. Hoffman was prosecutor, and stand committed
until sentence of Court be oomplicd with.
Com vs. Jonas Eisenhart. For. and bos. De
fendant submits. The usual sentence passed.
Com. vs. Daniel Rolhormol. Fornication. Found
guilty. Sentenced to pay costs of prosecution and a
fine of $00 to the Overseers of Lower Mahanoy town
ship, for use of poor of said township.
Com. vs. William Conrad. Maiming n dog. Ver
dict "not guilty." Cost! dividod between prosecu
tor and defendant.
Com. vs. Benj. Hendricks. Publio nuisance By
direction of Court, jury find a verdict of guilty in
manner and form as defendant stands indicted. Mo
tion for a new trial and in nrrest of judgment for the
reason :
1st. That the road described in tho indictment is
not a public highway.
2nd. That the verdict is against the law and the
Tho case will be carried up to the Supremo Court
Com. vs. William Brown und Benjamin Costly.
Burjilury nnd larceny. Sentenced to Eastern Peui
teutiary for eighteen months
Tnn Otd Fellows' Hall Arsoiiatio.m. An
election of Mauagors of the Odd Fellow' Hull As
sociation took place on Monday evening last, at the
oflico of S. B. Boyor, Esq. The following person?
were elected for tho ensuing year : S B. Buyer,
Solomon Stroh, Henry Clement, Charles J. Bruner,
Levi Seaeholts, Jacob Hendricks and J. W. Bucher.
Tho following nre the officers :
President 3. B. Boyer.
Secretary J. W. Bucher.
Treasurer Henry Clement.
IV'.lob I'riailinsr. Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various now
styles. Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in
the latest nnd best styles, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Blanks. We have printed a largo number of
blank petitions nnd bonds for tavern nnd restuurunt
license, for tho purpose of supplying thoso in tho
county who intend applying for license at the Janu
ary session of Court. We keep a full assortment of
I all kinds of legal blanks on band, neatly printed,
J which we foil very cheap.
Blank Lkasks. We have on hand a large num
ber of blank leases, neatly printed, which we sell
at ten cents per copy. As tbo season for leasing
property is at hand, und ob a largo number of thorn
will he required, we ure able to supply tho demand.
We have them printed with and without the ex
emption cluure.
. m m
XnTirr.. Dr. Wengcrt A Co., Lung, Throat.
Heart and Blood Physicians, can bo consulted nt all
hours of tho day, at the Washington House, Sun
bury, Pa., from Monday, January 7th, until Janu
ary 20th, ISriS, whero they desire all to call who
are sick or ailing, with any disease or complaint,
and be examined with Stethoscope Electricity.
They readily dotect the stages of the diseased or
gans of man, and will loll their patients fnnkly
whether a cure can be effected or relief given.
Rooms are generally crowded in the aftornoon.
DftMi Ooati, Common Coats, Overcoats, VeaWt,
fantadooni and Oent'i Dree Goods of all kinds, In
the belt itylec and at tha moat reasonable rates, are
alwayt to be found at tha Continental Clothing Ba
tear, In Market Bqnart. Those who go there once
arc lure to go again. Slaymnker atudloa to please,
and he luooeeda.
Arrtn having axamlnod tha fin itock of Coat
ings, Ovarooatinge, Veatinga and Furnishing Qoods,
at J. 0. Beck ' Merohaot Tailoring establishment,
on Fourth streot, we are prepared to lay that b oan
make winter clothing whioh, for oheapneaa, ityle and
durability, cannot be eioellod in thie or any other
town. Oiv him a call. f ,
CnxxtircL Facts. Not tho leaat among tha
cheering news is tha report of tha Seoretary of tha
Treasury, showing such a healthful etate of the
flnanoes, whioh muat plaoa our finanolul reputation
abroad on a par with our physical fame. Not leas
cheerful is if to see brisk trad at Faust'a fashionable
Hat and Cap Emporium, In Market Square. He
faai tb finest stock of goods ever brought to this
eotlon of oountry. . .
At Sbamokin, on Sunday morning last, by Rev. J.
F. Wampole, Mr. Pxrnn Monnv, and Miaa Mart
A it it Movir, both of Irish Valley.
$1,00 p4r an.
T.U0 "
4.110 "
7.00 "
In thla place, on the 8th Inst., after a lingering
illness, Miss ELIZABETH WEITZEI,, aged about
AtWoshingt.onvillc.on the 29th ult., WILLIAM
ALFRED, iuiunl son of Charles and Clara Revonolt.
At Paxlnos, on tho 4th ult., ANNA, wife of Thoi.
Smith, aged nearly 27 years.
In Shamokin township, on the 31st of October.
DAV1B S. ADAMS, ajjed noarly 38 years.
SU.lIUKl' M,lltlt:T..
Corrected Weokly fop tho "Amerionn."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
. do do d do perewt.
'Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per owt.
Wboat, prime red, new. per bushol,
Rye, do
Corn, new, do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Poacher, pared por round
do do unpared do
Dried Annies, do
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu.
$12 00
B 01)
10 00
6 00
Beef, hind quarter,
" front "
per pound,
por doien,
per pound,
per pair
ititrrisii pf.kiooicai.s.
The London Quarterly Review (CooHtrrativoJ,
Tb Edinburgh Review (Whig),
The Westminster Review (Radical),
Tb North British Review (free Cbaroh),
' and
Blackwood's Edinburgh Mugatin (Tory).
These periodicals are ably sustained by (he con
tributions ol the best writers ob Hoienoe, Religion,
and General Literature, and stand unrivalled in the
worjd ol loiters. They are ihdiapensablo to tho
scholar and the professional man, nnjjiu every read
ing man, aa they furnish a better record of tho cur
rent literature of the day than oan be obtained from
any other source
For any on of the Revlowa,
For any two of the Reviews,
For any threo of the Reviews,
For all four of the Revtowa, '
For Blackwood's Mugitsine,
For Blackwood and one Review.
For Blackwood and two of th Reviews ll'.OO
For BUokwood and three of the Review 14,00
tor Dlaekwood and the four Reviews 13,00 "
A discount of twenty per cent, will be allowed to
Clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four copies of
Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one
address lor $12,80. Fonr copies of tbe tcur Reviews
and Blackwood, for $18. (H), Knd au on.
Subscribers should prepay by the .quarter, at the
office of delivery. The I'oniaire to any iart of the
United Stales isTivoCanrsa nnmbor. This rato !
only applies to current subscriptions. For buck
numbers the postage is double.
Pifmiumt iif Acw tiilincri!icrs.
Few Subscribers to any two of tiie above periodi
cals for Iwis ill be entitled to receive gratis, any
ono til Iho Four Reviews for 181,7. New Subscribers
to all five of the Periodicals lor 18UH may receive.
gratis, Jilackwoou ur any two of Iho "tour Review''
lor lot7.
huiiseriliorj may obtain back numbers at Ibe fol
lowing reduced rales, vi.:
The North British from January. 18M, to Decem
ber, ltG7, inclusive ; Edinburgh and the Westmins
ter from April, 1HM to December. 1887, inclusive,
nnd the London Quarterly the years lobs, lciob
and 1807, at the re;- ol $1 .M) n vein- tor eoch or nny
Review ; nUo, Blackwood for lbfl I mid 1 nf7, for $2 60
a year, or tbo two yo.irs touotner fur $1 OU.
("Neither premiums toSubscribets. nor discount
to Ciulis. nor deduced prices lor buck numbers, can
be allowed, unless the mouey is remitted direct to
tlio Publishers.
No premiums can be giben to Club?.
140 Fulto. St., JJ. V.
ssliitinoUiti 4 oal 'l'rude,
Shavoki., January 8, 1868.
Tout. Ctrl.
Sent for week ending Jan. 4, 2,7S8 11
2.7HS 11
1,423 19
To same time last year,
1..HH 12
Special iYot'ucs.
Til a "January Thaw" often leave many unplea
sant mementoes, in tho shape of sudden Colds and
Coughs. They are, howevor, easily controlled by
Coo's Cough Balsam. It is ngreoablo to the taste,
effectual, and no family with children subject to
Croup can afford to be without it, as it is infallible
for Croup if taken in senson.
L. S. Pl'B CO. aiso publish the
by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and tho lain J
Y. INorton,ol tale tollcgn, I vols., Koyul Uctuvo
DiOO pages, una numerous Engravings.
Price 7 lor the two volumes by, posl paid,
eight dollars.
January II, 1563.
Quarterly Report of the condition of Iho "Tho Kirst
Nationul ilitnk of Sitntnirv. in tho bnrousli tif Sun-
bury, in the fttntc of IV'tuisylvauia," un the moruing
of tho first Monduy of January, A. D., lb-GH :
Capital stock paid in, $200.0(10 00
Surplus Fund. 12.471 21
Dividends Unpaid, 8,417 70
Circulating notes received from
tbo C'omptioller, tint). 000 00
Less amount on band, 0,32100
Leaving amount outstanding, 173,1 79 00
individual Deporils, 83
Construction Account. I0.3riii 81
Due to Nutional Bunks. 4.0711 6a
" " other lianks and Bankers. octi 07
State Bank circulation ouistanding, 7,b.-0 00
Discount. Exchange and interest, Profit
and Loss, 41,933 91
$:;tl,7M) III
Tiir following Remedios are all old and well es
tablished, and thousands have been benefited by
their uso. They are for salo by druggists generally :
Tho Peruvian Syiup,
a protected Solution of the Protoxido of Iron, sup
plies the blood with its Life Element. Iron, giving
strength, vigor, and now life to the whole system.
For Dyspepsia, Debility, Fcmnle Weakness, Ao.,
it is a fpeciOc. A 32 page pamphlet, containing a
valuable treatise on -'Iron as a Medicine." with cer
tificates and recommendations, Ae .will be sent free.
J. P. DINS.MORE, Proprietor,
No. 36 Dey St., Kcw York.
Wiatar'a Balpani of Wild Cherry
has been used for nearly half a century for Corona
Cot.ns, Consumption, and every affection of the
Throat, Lungs nnd Chest. It cures a cough by
loosening and cleansing the lungs and nllaying irri
tation, thus removing the cause instead of drying up
tho cough and leaving the cause behind.
SETH W. FOWLE & SOX, Proprietors.
No. 13 Tremont St., Boston.
Dr. H. AnderB' Iodine Water,
a pure solution of Iodine dissolved in water without
a solvent, containing H grains nf Iodine to each
fluid ounce nt water. Iodine Is admitted, by all
medioal men, to be tho best known remedy for
ScitoruLA. ULrxR, Cakcer, Svpbilis. Salt
Riiki'H, Ao., nnd thousand can testify to tho won
derful virtues of this preparation in such cases.
Circulars free.
J. P. DIN'SMORE. Proprietor.
No. 36 Dey St., New York.
Grace's Celebrated Salve
works like magio on Old Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts.
Wounds, Bruises, Sprain, Chapped Humis, t nil
blnius, Ac , Ac. It is prompt in action, soothes tho
fmin. takes out soreness, and reduces the most angry
ooking swellings and inflammations, thus affording
relief nnd a complete cure.
Only 2S cents a box ; sent bv mail for 35 cents.
SET 11 W. FOWLE A SON. Proprietors.
Jan. 11 it No. IS Tremont St., Boston.
Notes and Bills discounted $2'j . :.:'. Gi '
Baukiug'houfc, other Real Esiala, furni
ture and fixtures, 47.716 61
Current expenses nnd Tuxes poij, 1.1 41
Cn-sh Items, including Revenue Stamps, 3,7u 4H
Due from National Bunks. A3.2I7 53
" " other lianks und Hunkers, 1.990 02
1'. S. Bonds deposited with U S.
Treasurer to secure circuiting notes, 2nO,000 00
Oihor U. S. securities mi bund, 27.300 00
Other stocks ami I'-oli.l-'. 10.020 00
Cash on bund in circulating notes of other
National Bunks. 20.310 Of)
" " " SjiIo Banks 1.518 00
V. S. Legal Tender Notes,
Compound Interest L.-gai leuuets,
I7'.t -ill
49 2'JO 00
2.7JO 1.0
$011,703 10
Tux Rule or Court. We have a small num
ber of oopiee of the now Rulca of Court, regulating
the practice of the court in Ihia (eighth) Judicial
District, composed of Northumberland, Montour and
Lycoming counties, and also Ibe Rules of Equity
Practice adapted by the Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vania, which w will sell at $! per copy. If any
of the legal profession have not yet obtained tbem
they can be supplied, on application at the Ameri
ca ofSee, or addressing us by letter.
(oi.u iti: &
Is manufactured from PURE
MATERIALS, and may be
considered tbe STANDARD OF
EXCELLENCE. Tor aale by
all Grocera.
I, S. .1. Packi:i. Cashier of iho '-First National
Bank of Sunbury. Pa.," do solemnly swear that the
above statement is u uo to tho best of my knowledge
and belief. S. J. PACKER. Cashier.
Sworn tu and subscribed bei'ure me, tliia 10th duy
Jai ua y, A. 1)., 180-'.
P. M. Suinuel, Ass t. Assessor.
Bunbury, Jan.'-l I, IS0S.
.c: Vorlt anil oal
ICiiil Ituafl A. 4'oul Co.
OrrirK, 204 Sorrn Fourth Stuket. )
P111LAPKI.T IHA, Deo. 27th, 1S07. j
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of '-Tho j
New York nnd Middle Coal Field Rail Road and '
Coal Comp-iny.'' will he held at tbe ofriee of tiie
Company No. 22' Walnut street, on TusdHy, Jim
uaiy Itlth, IrtiS, ut 10 o'clock A. M . when an elec
tion will be held for set en Directors to ccrve for the
ensuing year. .
V. 11. UAV.;.U, see y.
Janunry 4. lOS 2t
it4Mr .. kiioi: a'tiatra;
iBm ae cat. fu'& 2a.-. ul-j-
THE subscriber offers to fell his Hoot and .Siioe
Store, located on nrki t street, Sunhury. a lew
doors cast of llaupt's new building, including a
largo stock of Hout. and Ladies nnd Childum's
.Shoes, Waiters, A c. I ho room will also be rented
to any person purchneiug the stock, if desired. Hero
is presented un opportunity lbr doing a lirst-eliss
Boot and Shoo business. The cs nhiishmcnt is offer
ed for sale because the owner has gone, into other
business in tbo West. J. II JEFFRIES.
Stinbury. Jampiry 4, 1KCS.
May IS, 1867. ly.
Grand Picture. If you want to see a grand
array of richly tinted and life-like picture, walk
up to Byerly' Qollery. Som taken a few days ago,
in tone, correct likeness and artistio finish, are cer
tainly very superior specimen of art. Byerly'
popular Gallery is in Simpson' building, Market
Another Ukneral in toe FieldI During tho
put few day we have been visited by a General
Thaw, wbos warm and genial oountenanc bu
fairly melted the biggest chunks of ic in tbe
streets, and the next thing we'll see will be a gene.
ral rush if not of water down tbe street, certainly
of customer to Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe
Store, corner of Third and Market Street, to make
their (elections from tb new and elegant stock just
'a i
T Plao to Git Clothih. A good article of
clothing, at a fair and liberal prie, can alwaya be
obtained at I. F. Bbaeffer'a Tailoring establishment,
on Market Square. Shaeffer alway keep on band
a splendid assortment of Cloths, Caasimwre, Vest
ings, Ao., which b makes up into elegantly fitting
garment at a very low figur.
EvervoiT will want a substantial protection
from tb aliuh and snow, during th winter, and we
would recommend them to go to the First National
Root and Sbo BUm, In Pleasant' building. Market
atreet, and imin th si plus ultra (took whioh
Thicker baa juat reivd. H guarantee to all
purehrs satisfaction, botti la thf artlel and prie.
old established
k imih'i:
a nnrket Slreci,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many yeara this Establibhmont has dnne busi
ness on the One Price Bys.em, and we believe we
are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly
aUUercs to tma principle, vie nave earueu a rejiu
tatinn which we are proud of, for good tuite in select-
good style and substantial materials, ana not, less
important, for having all our goods.
i: iu t vi:i.i. madi;.
We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our
Goods or of both kinds Fashionable and plain
so that all ton Los can be suited. The price are the
very lowest, (s any one by a moment thought must
ee, or otherwise we could not meet the competition
of our neighbors, lor as no deduotioua are ever maae,
we must put our price down to the advantage wo
Th neonla mavdenond. thia is the true clan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar cau ba
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in uiiud
004 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth.
March 23, 1867. ly
Wuler and 1'Ire lrool"
THE undersigned respectfully inform builders in
this and adjoiniug eountie that ha ia prepared to
fiut on Male Roofs in a superior manner. He furn
ishes tb eelebrated Lehigh county Slat, which i
the bent in the icarket. lie warrants bis work to be
durable and ore and water proof. He invite th in.
peotionot the public loth work a baadone in Sun
baryoa Haapt'a, UreeMugb' and lions' buikliuKs,
and on other at various plao. lii pric are as
luw mm iuue oi any oiuar Biaier.
Addr, D. 8. SMITH,
iunbury. p. O.,
ores 11 at hia residence in Upper Augusta twp.
January 11, lei. ly
Machino Stitching.
RDER8 or work left at tha (tore of M
J Prieetley, ia Northumberland, will be promptly
UF All wrk warrant'.. Nov J-tf
ut Street, Philadelphia.
Application has been ma le to the Philadelphia
nnd Erie Railroad Company (formerly the r-unlmry
nd Erie. Railroad Company) tr the issuo ol ,nw
Ronds, for tho iollowins-doscribed Bonds, with tho
Coupons annexed, lost or destroyed :
No eil lobit inclusive lor i.ikoj enco, rcvou
per cent. Sunbury anl Erie Railroad t-ouipauy
Bonds, dated September 10. 1Sj7.
Notice is bcrehv given mat . jonus wm on
issued in lieu nl tho above, .Murch 1st. next, unlet;
salhdaotory reasuns are fhown to tho contrary.
tEC. P. LITTLE, Troumirer.
De aembor 28, 1 8..7 2m
Al i Arvla fiirvr-t.
llich Silver and Silvcr-riatcl Wares,
Including every style nn 1
ilesenplinn, made expressly
;r trade, whicli
and durability
'fi' cu"no1' b" surpassed at
Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing bstannjnmeni.
704 ARCH SlKfctt, l-niUAUcui uin.
Tearlici-n' County ItMUtni.
The annual meeting of tbo County Innti
tuto will convene nt the Court Mouse, in the
ltornugli of .Suiiliury, on MONDAY, January
20t)i, ISMS, ami continue in session during
tiie week.
"Accortlinp; to tbe Art nf Assembly, Ap
proved April Dili, 1807, umlcr which the
Institute ia held, ,th roll of members must
be called nt leant twice eneh day j a com
mittee of five teachers on Pernmnelit Certill
cutcs must be cliosun by ballot ; teacher may
nit end the Littittite nnd be paid by the lintrict
the tame at illtey were in tcfionf, and thoe
who nhunt themxeiee Jrom the Institute of their
vien account without a good reawu, may hare
their want of tirofemonal irit and teal in
dicated ly certijicnte of a tower grade at the
next examination. See Peon's. School Jour
nal, Muy 1807, page 272.
The Teachers' liiFtitule h now required
bt law, and the attendance or nnn-uttend-nnce
of every tencher in tha county will be
noted down by the Secretary in n book kept'
ior unit, purpose, it is earnestly Imped mid
expected tlmr. every School liourd in the
couuly will ullow their teuchers tho time to
"attend the Itistiltile und pay them thesnmc
on if they were in school."' If nny School
Hoards will not pny their teucheis fur the
time spent at the Institute, they ouuht at the
Tun least permit them to clot'e fchool nnd
attend, each teacher making up the time
School Officers, Doctors, Lawyers, Minis
ters, Editors, nnd everybody interested in the
cause of education nnd the ndvonccmeiit of
the Commoti School SyWeni nre cordially
invited to attend and participate in the ex
irci.scs. lion. J. P. Wiekershiim, Stale Superinten
dent, lion. C. It. C'oburn, Deputy State Su
perintendent : 1'iof. r. A. Aili n," Prof. Klius
Schneider, of the Hunbury Clnxiicnl Institu
te; S. S. .Pick, Euri., formerly County Superin
tendent (.f Westmoreland county; C W.
Dcuns, Kaii., Principal of the School for Sol
diers' Orphan's ; J. .1. nciineiiKiijtler, Esq.,
formerly County Superintendent of Moi tlinm
beiland county; Henry Ilouck, Esq., Super
intendent of Ecbitnon county, nnd other
prominent Iriruds of education throughout
the State are expected to be present us Ia
stittitu I.ectiiiets. O, V. HAl'l'T,
County Superintendent.
Saturday, Dec. 14, 18(7.
.olioc is Kaiilti-iiiHry.
THIS is to give notice, that on the lftth day of
ucccmoer. a. d. i&ar, a warrant in Uauuruplcv was
issued against tho estate of Frederick Dibnor, of
Sbamokin. in the county of Northumberland, and
State ol Pennsylvania, who has been adiudued a
Bankrupt on liiii own pelition ; that tho p iymeut of
any cienis una delivery ol any property belonging to
such Uankrupl. to him or for his use, and Iho transfer
of nnv property by him nre forbidden by Law: that
a meeting of the creditois nf tiie sn id llankrupt, to
piove itieir (loots, anil to choose une or moro Assijr
nees of his estate, will be held al a Court of Bank
ruptcy, to bo hidden nt tho ollicoof tho Register at
Sunbury. of Northumberland, and State of
Pennsylvania, before J. M. ietllintr, RciMslcr. on
the K'lb day of l'ebi nary, A D IStirt. at II o'clock
Deputy Enitcd States Jlarshal. (as .Messenger.)
Western District of Pennsylvania.
December 21, 1bo7. It
.osrci: i stttitit pre v.
THIS is to e,ivo notice, that on tho 5th c!ny nf
December. A. 1). lHd7, a Warrant in Bankruptcy
was is-ued against the Estate of James Vun Dyke,
of .Northumberland, in tbe County of Nortbuiuber
Ijind, and Slnto of Pennsylvania, who has been ad
judged a Bankrupt, on his own petition ; that tho
payment of any debt und del ivory of any property
belonging tcsueii Bankrupt, to hi in or lor his uiui, nnd
I tic transfer of any property by him arc forbidiUn by
Law; that a meeting of Ilia Creditors of the said
. Bankrupt, to provo their Debts, nnd to chose one or
; ii. ore Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court
nf H ir.kruptcy. to be holdcn nt Sunbury, Cnnntyof
, uriuuinosTtnna, rnutoot t eunsylvania belore J.
. ii. Wiestling, Register, on iho 121b day of I'cbuary,
! A. D. ISiiS. nt 9 o'oloek A.M.
Deputy I'nitoJ States Marshal, (as .Messenger.)
Veteru District of l'onnsyivania.
i December SI . 117.
Notice its :nil.i-irpt cy .
THIS is to give notice, that on the 5th day of De- 1
eeiubcr. A. 1). Isi;,, a u arrant in bankruptcy waa
i issutt-i agninet the eatateot Charles W . Snyder, uf the
; Boiougn of Sliutiiokin, in ho county of Northumber
I laud, ar.d t.'ito of Pennsylvania, who lias beeuud
! judged a b.iuhrupt on bin own petition; that the
p'lyioent of any debts nnd delivery of any property
! huinngii-g to such ilankrupt, to bim or fr his use,
j and the transfer of any property by him are forbid
, den by Law : that a meeting of the creditors of tho
' said Rnnkriipt, to provo liieir Debtj. aiel to choose
one or more A-signees of his esl;ite. w.ll he held at a
l Court of Ruiikruptuy, t" be hidden at Sunbury, Coun
ty ol .Norinuiuocriuii'i, fnne oi i'i nn-yivania. neturo
.1. M. WiesHing. Register, on the ll'th day of Febru
ary. A. D. JliliO, at 1U o'clock A. W.
Deputy I'nited States Murshnl, (;is Messenger.)
Western District of Pennsylvania.
December 21, 1867. 4t
(lernumtoMU 'a'clfi-apli.
NAL. Dovotcd to Choice Literature, including Poetry,
Novelettes, Talcs, and Mural and Entertaining
Reading, generally, in tho I.ilerary Department
v.eshall innscul the choicest varieties within tho
reach of our eileniled means. Tho Novelettes,
'tales. Poetry, etc., shall be supplied from tho best
end highest sources, and he equal to anything to be
found in any journal or mtii zinc.
bracing I'-irming, uarileiting. r rutt-Raising. e:o
Our labors in this departmout for over thirty yoars.
have met the coriiul approbation of the public
t)ur purpose has been to lurnish useful and reliable
iutoriuation upon these very important branches of
industry and to protect, them so far as within our
power against tho false doutrines and selfish pur
poses of the many empirics and sensation adven
turers ty which tho farmer is incessantly a.ssailed.
This portion of the Grrmnntowi Trtr?raph ia atone
worth the price of subscription.
NEWS DEPARTMENT. Tbo same industry,
care, end discrimination in gathering and preparing
tho stirring events nf theday, expressly for this pa
per, which hitherto has been one of its marked tea
lures mid given such universal satisfaction, will be
continued with re doubled effort to meat tho increa
sing demands of the put lie.
TeiiMK Two dollars end fifty cents per annum.
No orders received without the cosh, and all subscrip
tions stopped at the-end of the timu paid for. Speci
men nuuihcm sent. Address
Editor and Proprietor,
Gcrmautown, Philadelphia, Pa-
Io not Henri lhi Column op ron
ft 111 certainly Und out -where yon
Buy the MOST GC0DS,
nf th
For the
is. y. i nn,i,
at the
On Third St., ne door below tb Liillieron Chureh
Ho juat oponed
rs bb flex casxcTii
Provision Store
' and is selling; low for CASK. ' "
Hi Stock Is complete, consisting: In port rf
Molnsfcs, Fyrups, Mackerel, Lard. Ilntrj, Unto
Dried and Canned Fruits. Prunes, hnisin Cheese,
and Crackers, and in fact everything oiuully,
kept in the (iroccry line.
The lest ELOUR end MEAL In tiie Jfail.rt.
Tobaoco. Cigar, and a variety nf NOTION?.
Constantly ou hand iShell and Can
which will bo furnished to private familiiw in Inrg
or small rjuantitle.
Also : All kinds of Conned Fruit, at tj l.rwiV.
Country Produce taken in exchango for Hoods.
kJp'Call and eaainine'tny tock, and satisfy your
5onbury, Deo. 14, 1S87.
lltil .mH'.:
Has just received and opened tho
m:T KEI.KCTr.Iand
French Merinos.
Print, Molins,
G ingbams,
NOTIONS of all kinds.
Cassimeres, Ae.
Hosiery, Gloves, Men 'earn! Ladies Undergarment
C'licnlaiuf tir'.-t, f!ii!ntieiiIU.!.
Are the best in Uso,
They nre more simple and durable, easier kept, in
order, make a stronger and more eliutic stitch, a
firmer and more beautiful seam than any other
They sew all fabrics from two common spools, r"
fUiro noro-winding nf thread, fasten both emir nf
the seam by their own operation, and though every
fifth stitch is cut the seam will not rip.
'1'Iip Very 81 SsiiMt S'rir.r. tbp('riis
i of the Legion of Honor was conferred on tho rep-c-
j scnlative of too
;::vi:i: & ii.&iii-R
at tho Exposition Unit-crsellco, Paris, 1S67 ; thus
etlestir.g their groat Fuperierity over all other sow.
ing machines,
s ks i: tc t j. i: si , ; ij n'KN
For Manufaetarlng,
Cnmbino the most modern and essential improve
ments. Tb nttcn'ton is requested nf Tailors. Manufac
turers of Coots and Shoes. Carriage Triminlrir,
Clothing and nil others requiring tho uso of the
most effectivo
To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ml-
j vantages over all othors.
I hlirs CAROLINE UATjins,
1 Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN A ,
i Nov. 21. 1S(7. ly
"keep well-dkesskd.'
I Call and soo the well selected Stock of
Just rcocived t
A full assortment of TRIMMINOS.
Guilders will And my Slock of Ilurslwiirr.
t'oii Ik, ilM, Cilas, X.C., C'oauplelc.
Druj-s and Medicines,
Willow and Ccdarware,
C1 descriplion,
YlT'i' f for Iho Winter trad
YJS S.' for uoatnuss
I'lr Re-plating at shorl notice.
Docember 2I,ili7 auc,27.
'l lse !'! .ntlonnl Itaiask of Kuas
XTOTICE ishereby given, tnat tiie regular auuu.i
N election of Directors of -The Finst National
Lank of Sunbury, 1W." will he held on in
day.h.Joih tofrtJrS.tJ.
iinnaing Mouse, in iu "is"" 7 ' i .i.
between the hoursof IU o'cloi k, A. M . aud 3 o clock
P M , of aid day. in aeoordanoe with tb provi
io.ofth.AetofCon1r.s.. pAcKRi
Quccnswore, 01srware,
Crockery, Salt.
Fourth Streot, below Eystcr Rlore, EUNRUF.Y
of the most approved ftjlesis made up to order a
reasonable rates.
Ho has also a Bne assortment of Cas.imero Khiris.
Drawer-, Undershirts, Overhauls, Dlouses, Neck
ties, Cotton nnd Woolen iluje. riu.pendcrs, Dand
kerehier's, O loves, and a general variety of
(live him a call, which you will find te be to yeur
Sunbury, Oct. 19,lSii7.
.1. S. Ii AI.I., Iroirirtoi-,
Corner Sunbury and liuch Street.
rpiIFS HOUSE is now open for the reception of
J guests, and being new. rpncioua aud attrncMvc.
hits nil tho facilities and advantages of a FIRST
CLASS HOTEL. The sioeping apartment are airy
and comfortalile. and tho furniture rnliif ly new.
the llur and Tablo will be supplied with the best In
Tbe market.
The patronage of tho publio is solicited.
April 13,1867.
Lime I Lime I Lime!
miW nw Lime Kiln of II. U. Maswr. t Solin.
I Urov8ution, r now eompletod and In uc
ceesful operation, producing lime of the very best
au.lit X he kilu re built with all the modern
Sonvoulenee and improvements, and a eaPoi
t, t producing 41)0 bushels per day. fcollet
roads hav been made to th kiln, nut Interfered
with by th ruilrod, wher wegon or led oan be
loaded in a few miuute from the ohutcji, without
handling. Having opened a largo body of the
beet liiueatona, at th lueulh of the kilns, they are
enabled to sell lime at the low rate of 11 cent per
biwbei. Tb kilu ar in charge of competent per
sons, who will alway bo prepared to supply cus
tomer. Apply to li. H. Manser. Sunbury, or to
Chas. Dunklvherger, or Cba J Conrad, at the kiln.
Deeember it, 197;
Christmas Goods,
'l t. SII WO.VM
Muikot Square, near tha Rail Road,
Such as Ladies and (ientlemen Fine Gold and
Silver Watches. Chains, llreast-Pins, Ear-rings
aud Finger-Rings, Silver Tea-setts, Cake, Card Su
gar Baskets, Dinnor and Brcaklast Castors, Spoon
Holders, Butter. Coolers, Syrup and Drinking Cops,
Knivos, Forks and rijmons ut' various kiuds, and a full
oasortment of Silver-Plated goods.
Also, Dawson, Warren A Hide's Colobrated Tip
Top Gold Pons, and a full assortment of b day and
3U hour clocks.
Particular uttentlon paid to the repairing of fine
Watches. Clocks and Jewelry.
All work warranted. All orders promptly attend
ed to.
Please call and examine our stock bofore pur.
ohosing elsewhere.
Sunbury, Docember 21, 18S7
Holiday Presents !
0 J. "V. KTM'lMO.'V,
, Market Square, nar tho Court
BUXBL'RY, Northumberland County, Ta.
HE ba just opcued an assortment of Gold YtVS
nd Plain Patent Watches, CLOCKS Vt;. W
III! U.IIIU.U., JJUI. Rill. HH.IUUg-, r HIV '
Uold Riugs, Finger Rings, DraceleU. Minia
ture Ciues, Medallions, LoekeU. Pencils.
Thimble, Speotaole, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Suit
and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spooni, Cups, Napkin
Rings, Fruit and Butter Kuive, Shields, Combs,
Diamond Pointed Pens, Castors, Pitchers, Uutiw
Dishes, Fruit Dinhes, Cake liunkeu, Syrup Pitchor,
Ac. ic.
He invite tb oitiien of Suabury and vicinity to
call at tbe above place, wher he will be happy to
wait upon mem.
i-Vriieulrltentbn pil l to REPAIRING
1'vcember SI, ImlT
and in fact everything usually kept in a large Store
Call und be convinced that the CHEAPEST
The Mammoth Store.
I ra rw 1'ualt, SOIaj,
ni, floods ar. bought fur Ch nd Sold Ch.ap !
' BuabU'T', 19, 13"".
h v. ruiLirG,
Lj 5' 1 " "tf Iiint-r nr.fl .som
A.v CL -lcr.
An at.ortment of Wai-hes, lewelry, S.vr and t'litel
Wure c a itnntly on ham!,
t7 Repairing of Wauhee and Jewelry pr mpt'y a'
lemleij to
N"V. 1S07-! y.
a i: w a n it t v a i. o r
ra bt?
Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, S'JNBtT.i .
UST received from New York and Philadelphia,
large supply of FALL Ail) VW.Mtil
GOODS, which hu will ncll at oual prouts, b-r oajli
or oountry produce.
Ilia Dry Goods department Is full orcveryde-erip-tiou.
A tpleudid line ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS,
and White Goods at all prices.
Fancy Sucking for Ladies, an! ijheilata ol
Yaukoa notions iu Groat Vorioty
Also Ladies' French .Corsctr and Hoop Skirls.
Wov Floor Cloths, Stair Carpet Floor Oil Cloths,
.11 widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Gil Cloth
Widow sjiadiis, Plum Green and Brown Oil Cloth
nd Fixture l"r l iodows.
O 1 O C iZ 11 X o .
f-'ugar. CoDV-e, Molaasea, llio, Crackurs, Spices, Salt
Fish. Cheese, Aa.
Vfiieensnare.Glasswar, splendid SelU of Tcawar,
at low prices.
Hats and Cap, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, School
Rooks. Paper, r)Ute. Ao.
,1 II I) W A li E ,
kaaveli, Turks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Scrowa
A Large assortmwt of WALL PAPER aad Bor'
der. l all price.
All parsons desiring U gt good good will pleas
glv bim a call.
ousbury, bv. le, IS' 7