Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 11, 1868, Image 1

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TCKMS-fo DOLLARS pf anatau RNV
apliLwuhlthy Sv iw diMo-UsBe
ahtU all arrearage bib paid.
Tdm iu win bi itriotijr tawwi w WMtttt.
If tubeorfber neglect oi retueeto take their sew,
paper from th ofhoe to which they are directed, they
MP FMmniMriM nnltl Um iatil.1 ik Wii i. j
ordered them dtoeontlnoed
I Jl . t. .11 . i . i
will plee at a ear Agent, and
containing subscription money. They
to do IhU ander the Poet Uet Law.
bank letter
are permitted
W hare aobaebted with oat ectabl hmecvt 4 well
teleotod OS OFFICE, which wUl enable a to
exeoute, la the Beelott Nyla, vry variety of
Attorney nnd Counselors at !.
r ILL attend to the collection of all kind! of
olaimt, Including Back Pa;, Bounty and Pen-
lone. apl. I, 'M.
Attorney ut law, SUNBURY, PA.
Collection attendnl to la the oountlee ef Nor
thumberland, Union. Snyder, Montour, Columbia
and Lycoming.
Hon. Jolm M. Reed, Philadelphia,
A. G. Cattoll A Co.,
Hon. Wm. A. Porter. "
Morton MoMiohael, Esq., 11
K. Kotcham A Co., 2S Pearl Street, New ork.
John W. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, "
Matthew A Cox, Attorneys at Law, "
Sunbury, March 29, 1862.
Sunbury, April 7, ly.
i l lOUXl ATUtV,
Market Etreet, i door wust vf Dr. Eysier Store.
AH profoulooal bu.lnoa, in this and adjoining ceun
tii). promptly a'tended to.
Suubury, November 17, 1863. ly
Jjortli Siuouf Public Square, one door eat of the
Old Bauk Building.
Colleotlona and all Profoimonal buslaeu promptly
atu-uJoi tola the Court, of Norlhumberland and
adjoining Cuuutios.
tSunbUry.Sept. li, 1&69.
T. 1J. rcitrv,
J. I). Jamei.
& JAMS 3.
Oflioe in the coo.l elory of Ilewart'e buildioft. ad
joining the Dtmoerut office, on tbe north ide of
Market Square.
Will attend promptly to the oolleollon ofolalml
mid othur profeisional busincM lutruitei tvbiioare,
in Northumberland ud adjoining oountio.
November 9, ltU7.
fc. S. Webbb,
A21CU Sltltti, Dotween iniru auu iraiu
WKULH A KUNKLE. Proprietor.
June tO, lbH7. ly
A T T () II N E Y AT LA W,
BII AMOKIN, KorthumberUnd fjounty. Ta.
l.l. businots attended to with promptnou and
.Slixmokiu, Aug. 10,1867 ly .
jj 5 j f -f p OR SOLDIERS.
Ill A V K made arrangements in Wa-hlngton City,
for the prompt collection of Bounty under the
laic Act or Congress. I have also received the pro.
tior bluuka to prcpaie the olaiuia. boldiera eutitled
K iiid llouuiy mould ftiyP'J imuliate!y, aa it is e
tiwiited that it will reiuire three yean tu adjust all
tna o'.uiiiis.
All ollier who entistod for three ye.iri and who
li.ixv nntreovivtd im-ro tliau 1100 bouuty are entitled
u Uiu uenolits of this Act, us well noldiers who
bi g milisted for tlii-u years and diachargvd after a
r :rv ii!o of two voara. by reason of wound? received,
dtiuaao cou;rocUd in lii-e ofduty. or re.piilitiiiut.
Kuubury. August la. XbM.
. ............ . n., i . , t .i. a. '
J -A. cob o beok:
Aud Doaler io
I'uwu sitrffl, aoutlt 1 Wearer'
aiTNB U K Y r A..
March II 1806
t . kLliiaot.Tx, c. n .!. isr.lok, c. r. isasaoLT
t pilli subseribtrs reiipectfully inform thecitiient of
J. tfunbury au i viclulty, that tboy have opened a
at J. lLuu A Co'. Loaer Wharf, Munbury, Po,
wbre they are prepared to supply all kiudsof She
uokin Cual, at oheap rates. Families and other
vrouiiitly supplied. Country custom rospectfully
iolicited. bEASUOLTZ A CO.
ruinlmry. Jn. H. 18o7.
Ntilijti- V Hholesnle &L Kvtall
leenlfrsi In
W lll l i: V HK.I thll ton,
. in every variety.
r'olu Agenu, aestwiud, of the Celelrated lieury
Clio Coul.
Low EH M HARK, ftHUlf, l'i
Siinbury, Juu. U, IHii.
in every variety oi
Upper Wharf, BUNUVRY, Penu'a.
l-Ordorolicitod aul lillod with promjitneet and
due patch.
Sunhury, May 18, 18o6. y
Ambrotype and photograph
Corner Market k fawn Htreet, SL'Mll'RT, I'a.
S. llYEliLY, I'Ronti-Ton,
"hutoraph, Auibtotf pee and Melalnotype taten la
0s ht etyle ef tbe art. apl. T, ly
"UNION hotel-
4'IIAK. iri:L, lrorl;tor.
j Cake' AddiUta to BUNBURY, fcar tbt Tenn'.
Railroad Company' Shop.
i,t who will lud ample accommodation, flood
ok and waiter, boarder ean enjoy the quiet om
u of home with fare equal to tbe best betel.
His Liquors are of tbe euoieesl kind,
junbury, Juuu 8, 1867.
Mount Carmel Hotel
r. CAB.MEL, Korthumberland Co., Pa.,
bi large eoinurodiou Uotcl it loeated near tb
ot of the Shamokiu Valluy and the A
r Vork Railroad. Trainaarrlveanddopartdaily.
I bouse is located in th centre of the Coal Re.
and allords lb bed acoomiuudatiou to travel ir
permanent oustomer. J"?
(IS well known Hotel, altaat near tbe eoraer
,f Niuth A Chesout SlreeU, Philadelphia, U, on
tnt of it u parlor looatica and excellent acoom
4 ions, u of th best and mat daalrabl ton
rlaoiU.8ifKAOAprprt4lor aary 18, 18o7. m
-T ! l'"ey Cioo-al
.. i,. PkiladelDhia. Importer of
just rteeivtd a very Urge assortment of U
China-War, Cane. Pipe. Uartoooloe, Mr
bl, Elate, PenolU. Makk, BkU,
,.f (iAMES. A.. 0.
c'ouwy JUt -in ,ui-e--i" r
Wm. U. RoCBaMLttt. Llottj T. Robbbacb.
OPFICB In Hanpt'e new Building, ieoood floor.
Kntranoe on Market Square,
Sunbury, January 4, 1866.
C3-. W- IrlATJT.
Attorney nnd CoutiMellor at I.nw,
OFFICE In IUupt'enew Building, on iecond floor.
Kntranoe on Market fqnitro,
Will attend promptly to all profeirionol kusineai
entruited to hie eare, the oolleotioa oi elainu in
Northumberland and the adjoining eountiei.
Banbury, January 4, 1868.
North Mill street, DANVILLE, TA.,
Mind Books. P.D.rl, Matinei
1 ilusio, Ae., In any ityle that may be desired, at
cheaper rut" than oau be done in the oitiee.
A'l Orlors left althU Offiee, will reoeiv prompt
attention. oct.19,'67
a. i. baoiiaa. -
Atlorns') nnd Counnellorw ut l.iiv,
Chcsnut Street, wcet of the N. C. and P. K. Rail,
road Depot, in th building lately occupied by
F. Latarus, Esq ,
Collections and all Profesrional business promptly
attended w in Northumberland and adjoining Coun
ties. '" JNoTkAY CLEMENT,
issvmimrs ait -l&w.
Business in this and adjoining countie carefully
aud proiuptlr atttended to.
Office in Market Street, Third door west of Smith
A Uenther' Stove and Tinware Store,
Miltl ItV PO.A'A.
Sunbury, March at, 1866 '.y
All businee entrusted to bi car attended to
promptly and with diligence.
tiuabury, April 27, lw7.
il)omaopatijtc iJljijstnan.
Graduate of the Ilomosopathio Medioal College of
Orrica, Market Square opposite tbe Court House.
BUNBl'KY, PA. . . o
Office Uoum-7 to 9-mormng; 1 to S-aftornoon ,
7 to 9 evening.
,Mnot, Xorthumitrhmd Cvvntit. Penn'a
Office In Jackson township. Engagement can
be mad by letter, direotod to the above address.
All business entrusted to kl car, will b promptly
attended to.
April 22. 1847. ly
GRADUATE of Jefferson Medical College, with
live year praotice. offer hi provisional err
vice to the oitiien of Sunbury and vicinity-will
ltnd all call promptly
OFFICE over Thaober' Store. In Pleasant' build
ing, Market Square.
Orrica Horn from 8 to 10 A. M.
J 3 to a P. M. .
Matkct Square, near te Court House,
afvm'RY. Northumberland County, Ta,
Colleotlon promptly attended to In UiiJ and adjoin
ing Ceuntio.
Parmer Mutual Fir Insurano Co., York Pa.,
., v.n... l,.i Proteotlon Co.,
New York Mutual Life, dirard Lifo of Phil a. A Hart
fjrd Conn. General Acidenta.
Attorney Ac CoiiuNt'ilor ut Luv.
Nl ISl HV, I V.
ISTOUtrlct Attorney lor WortUuin
berlond ComUy.
Pensions Increased.
The late Act of Congress give additional pay to
the following Pension, via :
,t. To those who have lost the ight of both eye,
or both hands, or totally disabled so aa to require con.
taiitnlteiidanoe, Ibasuinof $'iS 00 por mouth.
2d To those who have lost both foot, or aro totally
disabled in tb ssme so a lorequir oonstant attend
ance, th turn of S20 Oft.
3d. To tboeo who have loet one hand or one foot,
or are o disabled aa to render them unable toper
icrm luauuul labor tli uO per wuntb, and other
oiwrsiu properlion. .... ...
Tbe subscriber i duly prepared for the immediate
I recureinecl of there elaims.
S. B. H0YEK, Att'y at Law.
Sunbury. June 18. 1868.
Provision, and Flour
& Feed tore.
J. A. !L1V V CO.,
Id W eimcr' Building, Water Street, near King t.,
INFORM their friend an! the -uulio generally
that they have a large aaaortuieut of Groceries
Provuioii. io . all fresh and of the best quulity, con.
uting of Tea, Coffee, Sugars, and Spices.
Dried and Canned Fruit, Prune, Rauin, Cheese,
and Craoker, and In fact everything usually
kept io tb Grocery line.
They would also oall attention to their large and
cheap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Tea,
Haui, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on
band. Also, all kinds of Vegetables. Ao., Ao.
Give them a call and a for yourself.
Northumberland, Sept. ti, 1867.
WILL tod in our establishment a superior atock
of Plane. Saws, Augers, lUleheu, Uatuwer, File,
Chisel, Ao., to , for tale by
South aid of Market Square, BUNBURY, Pa.,
HAS just returned frost th aity with a large,
haadaom and eh.apeat sortment of Puri.iaa
tylaaof Ladie' and Muaoa' UaU and Bonnet in
Bunbuty, of th following patterns, Prioea, Alaska,
All Right, Flor.tta, benaatiun. Turban, lo.. Also,
-aeqaea, Brwkfaat bbawU, Zepbyr-kuil Saequos,
feather, velvu,ilks, laoe,ornamenU, Trimming,
Fur. Fur Trimming, V.U., both Laoe and Grena
dine, Eia broidery, Cluna Lao and Llnnea Collar
"uMtlw-ea'a Good, nok a Hosiery, Ilaodkar.
cblet. Ne.k-a. Brush and good for th toilet.
Alo. B in aworUaaot of P.rfauiery, and all
good usually kpt in a wll fornlshsal eWablUtiajeot.
Thankful ft pad for h hope by a further
dotUHopleatoUnpahU, th ooaUBuaao of Ihelr
P-6' ' virrrr.eji itnmsr. ta.
From the
Cold Spring Brewery,
J03-CPZ 2 .CHIC P..
RESPECTFULLY Inform th publio generally,
that be la prepared to furnish
n large or amall quantities. Ills facilities for mak
ng Beer oannot be excelled, and i pronouneed supe
rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania.
It ha also been recommended by physicians a a
healthy drink for invalids.
Hotels, nestaurant ana private lamuie supplied
at short notice.
Sunbury, Sept 21, I8fl7. .
All kind of SCHOOL BOOKS,
Slate, Pen, Ink, Paper, Ao.
Miscellaneous Books, a good assort
ment. All th new book received
as soon as published, BLd for sale at'!.,..' nrii,is
.. f
BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn
Book, in every style of binding.
Cat hoi io Prayer Book.
FAMILY BIBLES in various style'
DICTION ARIESof all sites.
Juvenile and Toy Book, a large
Itlunk IIooLm d Blank
Form of all kind.
Foolsoap, Legal Cap, Letter and
Note Paper.
Pon Racks, Files. Pitpcr. Cutters and
Cuuuting House SUtionery generally
and uenr.
Gold Pens and Holders.
Pocket Hooks and Bill Wulluts.
Pioture Frames.
Stereoscopes aud Views, American,
Frrnob, Ac.
Drnwiim Puper, all suo3, Brutol
Board, Ac. I
Diaries, Memorandum Books, da. I
Buckgammou Boards, Game, Cheati-
men, Ae.
Toys a large and complete assortment
Dnse-Dalls aud Bat. Firhing Rod
aud Tackle. .
Perfumes, Brohomian and Pnruian
Marbles. Ac.
Gold Pens ro-pointod. I
Lamps, Sh .dus, Globus, Chimneys,'
ic :
Wall Paper and Bordor. all kinds.,
Window Curtuius, l'uiier Gilt aud
Oiled. i
Music nnd Musical Instrument.
lr All kind? of Books and Stationery not on hand
promptly ordered.
All the Daily und Weekly Papers and Magaiine.
Agent for the "'American Organ." Also for "La
Rose's Hair Restorative,'' Ensuiol of Amerioa, and
"National Steam Navigation Compuny.''
Suubury, May 18. 1867.
SI'I'.r.tfM IOICT t.KAtMJ i"m:,
l.'sted by liuud moI' i'ongi'CKU I torn
for Cliurcli or Communion
ss'i:i:at'M ioit r grapi: wmi:,
This justly celebrated native Wine i made from
the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in thin country,
lu invaluable
Tonic cV Ktr-nci'll'uiu(k lropertie
Are unsurpassed by any other native wiue. Being
the pure juice of the grape, producod under Mr.
Spcer own personal aupert isiun, its purity aud
genuineness uro guaranteed. The youngest ohild
may partake of It generousqualitie,and the weak
est invalid may use it to advantage. It in partiou
ly bene6ciul to the aged and debilitated, and suited
to the various ailment that afflict tbe weaker sex.
It is, in every respect,
Invalids use Kl'EER'B PORT GRAPE WINE.
Weakly persons find a benefit by ita use.
SPEER'S WINES iu hospital are preferred to
other wines.
Ij Sold by all Driieijists and Grocer.
A. SPEER'S VINEY ARD, New Jersey. Office,
213 BROADWAY, New York
For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Suubury, Pa.
Oct. 26. ly. .
a. VO!.U.MA, lroiri'tor.
Art'li Kl., between 3d ussd Alii, eloaie
to the 1'iiolic Neliool llouee,
THE proprietor of this exlablishinent ro.p"e'tull.v
informs the publio that he has commenced the win.
ut'uoturo of Cooking aud Heating
3 T O V i !
which he will soli at lower price then they oan bo
obtained elsewburo.
MILL Gearing, Stoves, and tbe largest class of
Castings made promptly to order.
Also. Window WoighU, Frame and Orate for Col
lar Window, Ao.
I'li.l Iron Clslmuey Top.
A liberal priea paid for eld eastings.
proved, I manufactured at this establishment. Also,
Stov Grates of all kinds, Kettle, and every variety
of amall easting.
Suubury, Oct. 6, 1867.
FAMILY MF.V14 J A lll.i:
Walnut Street, SUNBURY, PA.
Having been appointed Ageat by tbe linger Manu
facturing Company, for Ute aal of biuger's New
Family Sewing Maubioe, tutorial th publio that
they oan be bad at her reaideuoe.
These Machine ar simple, coaipaot, durable and
beautiful. Capable of parlbrmiug a range and a
variety of work never before atle opted upoa a sin.
gl Makinuiug either silk, twit, linen or cot
ton Tbroad, and (ewing with equal faoili'y tbe very
finest and eoaraeet materials, and anything between
lb two extreme in th most beautiful ana sabetao
dial manner.
These Maehtaa will be aold at reaaonabl rate.
Call and examine fur yoareelve. , .
' October M, 1867.
S yoa e.nt good Tin.Wai, go to SMITH
1 ywTut tierrl'TVu mStpftiDr.Hii.jf
"What makes you iu lato to-nlglit, Tracy?"
Frank Tracy laughed ami reddftiuti a lit
tle as hia room mate, Howard Leigh, care
leaaly put the qtiustioti.
"Blushing, eh 1" puraued the latter, with
it spico of uiischiuvous malice in bis voice ;
"then ol course I nin to conclude that you
hnvu been in the charming society of some
young ludy."
"Your guess is partly right." said Tracy,
lightly, "but the lady ik a very little lady.
To tell you the truth, I have been spend inn
the evening ut Mrs. Waltong, and playiug
with that cliHitniug baby of hers. I never
saw such a Hebe in my life. Why I could
have sat ior hours with that buby on my
"Then I am Io conclude that she neither
chewed your cravat ends nor jerked at your
watch chain to say nothing of crying."
"Nut a bit of it. She's the most perfect
little piece of llcsh and blood I ever saw in
my life; if I thought she would grow up
Imlf as pretty a she is now, upon my lite
I'd wuit for her."
"And what would Leonore Warren say ?"
"Ah, what, indeed ! I- am glad you've
recalled me to loyalty, though certuinly Le
onore can't very well be jealous of my tiny
Hirtutiuiis with Mrs. Walton's pretty baby.
Ufigho, I sometimes think I have made a
mistake in engaging myself to Leonore War
ren. She is us beuutiful as un angel, unci
yet somehow we don't seem to bo conge-
u III."
Until tr lute to think about that, I should
iiiiHgme, when the wedding day is fixed
and pusaage taken in the Europeau ateuuier
for the wedding tour. By the way, Frank,
bow long shall you remain in Europe ?"
"I can't say, some years I believe. Leon
ore thinks a residence in Paris would be de
lightful. I tlon't agree with her; but brides,
you know, are privileged to have their own
wuy. I'll tell you w hat, Howard, the pret
tiest coral in Naples shall be sect to hang
around the ivory ueck of Mrs. Walton's
"Frank, how fond j ou are of children."
"You're wrong there, my boy ; I am nut
l'o nd ol children, generully speuking, but I
don t know who could help loving luut lit
tle browu eyed seraph."
Frank took up the newspaper as he spoke,
and the conversation gruduully merged into
the ull entrancing subject of politics, foreign
und domestic.
Twenty years have ebbed und flowed iu
the bioud chutitiel of time, und Mr. and Mrs.
Tracy had just taken possession of their
elegant home niter a long residence abroud.
It was evening. The gilded clock oil the
in nut el pointed to the hour of seven, the lite
burned clearly in the ornamental grate and
the tl'iWfM in the several vases on each side
of the chiinuey piece were scarcely hnighter
in their hues than the pictured blossoma on
the superb velvet carpet. Frank Tracy, who
Imcl chungud from a handsome youth into a
tall s ateiy man of ubout torty, stood
thoughtfully lu-foru the fire, while his lan
guid, laded looking wife, reclined on the
sofa iu the lustrous shining of the glowiug
chandeliers. There was only cue guest pre
sent to break the luouolouy of the conjugal
tele-a tele, he was our old acriuuiuluucu
Howard Leigh.
"I do wUh, Frank, you wouldn't keep
drumming with your lingers on that man
tle, it makes tne so uervous, but of course
you don't care lor that," excluiuied Mrs.
Tracy, petuluully.
"I beg your pardou my Into; I was uot
aware it wus annoying you."
"Why don't the servant bring the choco
late ?" pursued Mrs. Tracy, clcvutiug her
"Shull I ring and inquire?"
"No, it isn't worth while. If we had ou
ly remained in la I tile Pari, whcie the
servants understood their btihiuekb."
"Then you preferred Paris as a residence,''
said Leigh.
' Oh, by ull means, but Frank never could
be contented there. It is the most absurd
whim of his, returniug to America."
"You forget, Leonore," said Frank, some
what gravely, "that America is home."
Mrs. Tracy tossed her aud took re
fuge iu a bottle of smelling salts. Her hus
band turned carelessly to Leigh and resumed
the conversation that her petulance had dis
turbed. "I haven't asked yet whether my old ac
quaintances, the Waltou's,are living or dead.
You huvo not forgotten my penchant for
the beautiful baby ?"
"Oh, the Walton disappeared long ago
from the current of New York life. He
failed or something blew out his brains, I
believe. He died of a broken heart. La
Uellu was sent, I understood, to an orphuu
asylum, where she has sprouted up into a
gavt ky, red haired woman."
Tracy was silent a moment, contcmplutiug
upon the sad fucility with which people
slip from the cures and memories of their
friends in the whirl of huge cities.
All at once the door was thrown open and
two or three rosy little children came bound
ing into the room, w ith long shining curls
hanging on their white shoulders, aud their
eyes all iu a sparkle with iufuuliue tucrri-in-
"Don't come near me, you noisy little
hi nti-rs," lisped Leonore, waving them
.. -nil lu-r snowy jeweled lianas; -you
rtiiciiish my silks and lao-s ruinously."
No word of reproof fulU'rotn the lips of
Frank Tracy, however, as the little ones
climbed on his knees and (hung around hit
neck. Those children were the sunshine of
his life; be endured his wife, but idolized
his children.
Poor Tracy, it's quite plain to tee that
he is not happy," said Leigh that eveuing
as he was tukiug his ease with bUcosy home
circle. "That wile ot bis is enough to drive
a man distracted. 1 wonder that he dou't
commit suicide."
And so some day afterwards, when the
sudden death ot Mrs. Tracy was announced
in the newspapers ailoieat, diaease of the
heart hia first thought was
"What a lucky ihiug for Prank I"
It was scarcely a year after Mrs. Trary's
decease, and the widower was sitting alone
io hie study, when Howard Leigh wa au.
"Well, my dear frieud," was hi suillini
salutation, "what news do you bring me I"
-Capital newt!" said Leigh. "Do you
know I've just engaged yoa splendid gov
ernes for your clitioren i
"I ain heartily glad of it ; tbe little rebels
are getting quite beyond my management.
They need oine gentle, ailectiooato female
"And they will Iibto it. This is one of
lit u6t trl 2 h tu f" l"nj time j
11, 1868.
she has been teaching in the acadumv. but
thinks she should prefer a situation in some
private family. She is all grace and gentle
uiguiiy a jewel oi a governess."
"I am delighted at your success. When
will she come to take charge of my child
ren I"
"This evcuinir. But I hadn't told you tbe
Birnugeei cuiuciuonco ol all. Wno do you
suppose that she is ?"
"I'm sure I can't imacino.
"Her name is Atrnes Walton; she is the
same whom you took such fancy to in the
days of your boyhood. I can tell you she
dou't know you were on old beau of hers,
else she would shrink from assuming this
il-s)iiihiuii: Riiuniion in your taniiiy. '
"Nonsense" said Tracv. half lauirlilntr
half embarrassed. "But I am sorry she is
reduced to the wretched life of a governess."
Nothing more was said ou the subject,
and several times that altcrnoon it recurred
to Frank Tracy's mind. He wished he could
see her.
The gas bad been lighted, however, and
the little girls were safely tucked iu bed,
after having said their prayers ou "papa's"
knees, before the governess was announced.
"Miss Walton, pray bo seated."
He saw at the first glance that the pretty
baby had grown to be au exquisitely lovely
girl of twenty-two, with soft tender eyes
like a Madonna, and sad, quivering lips.
Poor Agues she has been so much accus
tomed to rebuffs aud cold neglect at the
hands of the world, that Mr. Tracy's chival
ric politeness affected her nearly to tears.
He noticed it ; he observed the delicate,
ahy refinement, and the timid glances from
beneath her lashes. Frank Tracy was a
great physiognomist, and drew his own in
ferences from these things. After a few
gentle questions he asked :
"But, Miss Walton, why did you leave
the academy t"
"The principal was harsh and unkind to
tne, and the place was noisy. O, sir, if you
knew how I have hungered and thirsted for
a quiet home !"
"My dear Miss 'Walton," be said, "I com
missioned my friend Howard Leigh, to find
a governess for me, but I am in much more
need of a wife. I think you would suit uie
in that capacity. Will you accept of the
home as a permanent engagement, and tne
as tbe encumbrance thereof "
Agnes looked a moment into bis kind ,
eyes and placed her little hand confidingly i
iu Ins, and said, "1 will 1"
And thus concluded their extremely brief
courtship. Yet when Frank told her of tbe
many years he had secretly worshipped at
the shrine of "Mrs. Walton's pretty baby,"
she didn't think it so very strange after all. I
Thus it was that Frank Tracy married his
beautiful second wife, and the little ones,
instead of a governess got a mamma, w hom
little Minnie confidently informed her sister,
"she liked a deal better than the old mam
ma, w ho was always afraid of having her hair
or collar mussed, w hile new mamma liked
to have her daughters bug and kiss her."
And Howard Leigh was satisfied that bit
friend had married the right person at last.
The Eruption ol Veauvluai.
A letter from Naplts, dated November
SO, gives the followiug particulars of the
eruption of Vesuvius :
During the last two years a small cone has
been formed by the matter giadually ejected
from this sulphurous hole; we could scarcely
see its bead above the walls of the large
erater, but w ithiu the lust week, like some
presumptuous stripling, it has shot up above
its venerable parent, and this it is which bag
been fuming and spluttering and storming
with all the arrogant impudence of youth
since last Weduesday. It has sent forth an
immense quantity of lava, converting the
surrounding crater into a lake of fire. At
first the high circling walls kept it within
bounds, but gradually it has risen until it is
now flowing in several directions where tbe
abrupt and irregular wall admits of a pass
ago. Ascending by the usual road, we were
compelled, on approaching the summit, to
skirl a little round to the southeast, for two
reasons first, to get on the blind side of the
wind,, which might have brought down
upon us an inconvenient shower of stones ;
aud, secondly, to obtain a better view of the
main stseuiu, which as fed, not only by the
great crater, but by another orifico opened
outside, about twenty tt-et iu diameter. From
this spot the stream of living fire, full twenty
to thirty feet in width, poured down to the
bottom of the mountain rapidly where it met
with uo obstacles, and v. here it did struggled
energetically uutil it carried everything be
fore it. To ihe edgo of the crater it was
impossible to approach; the heat was scorch
ing; and what would have been the cou se
quences had the lava boiled over and came
down upon us? It was difficult, therefore,
to form any fair estimate of its size, but one
might have supposed that it was uot over
seventy feet in diameter. It was not a mo
ment, however, for figures, when nature was
exhibiting her power in one of its grandest
forms. There was a roar and a chock, and
then shot forth flames and stones full cue
thousand feet in height, at intervals of from
one to five seconds, according to the watch
of one of the party. These treiueudous con
vulsions were repeated, and then came tbe
descending shower, composed of stones of
various sizes, some certainly half a ton in
weight, judging by the bulk. We could
mark their course by the eye as long as they
retaiued their red beat, but on approaching
the earth they blackened, and then the ear
alone could tell what was spotting and pit
ting tbe earth arouud.
KisatNS a Y ankee Taii.uh'b Wifb.
William tbe IV., late king of England, when
Prince of Wales, and during bis service off
the coast .f Canada, made an excursion into
Upper Canada, and crossed over to the state
of Vermont. He entered a tailor's shop,
and oc seeing the tailor' wife, an exceed
ingly beautiful wouiau, bo wituOdt cere
mony ravished a kiss from the lady and re
marked :
"There now. tell your country women that
tbe eon of the king of Englaud has kissed
a Yankee tailor's wife."
Unbanpily for him, at that moment her
husband, the tailor, appeared from the back
room, and being a stout fellow, gave the
scion of royalty a tremendous kick and ex
claimed :
"There, go and tell your country-women,
that a Yaukee tailor bas kicked the son of
the king of England."
When is lover like a tailof I When he
preiaea bis suit.
Tu this BkkkviiLUiT. Judy knows a
tuau o kaid uo that he evm simps on tick.
SERIES, YOL. 28, NO. 13.
A C'beerful Old Age.
Bishop Morris, senior bishop of the
Methodist Church, sends to the New Orleans
Advocate, from hit home io Springfield, O.,
the following interesting autobiographical
sketch :
"I was worn in Kanawha county, Virginia,
April 28, 1794 ; joined the Methodist Church
in August, I8ia, and received the full spirit
of adoption on Christmas following. I was
licensed to preach April, 1814, employed ou
a circuit by a presiding elder in 1815, and
received as a travelling preacher on trial by
the Ohio Conference in 1816. After a cam
paign of City years, 1 Whs, in January, 1880.
attacked with paralysis and rendered inca
pable ot pulpit service. Having now no
sermons to uiske or conference to bold. I
have time to think add review the past on a
small scale Great changes have occurred
in my day both in church and state. When
i began to itinerate wo bad no graded pikes;
canals and railroads were not then thought
o ; our speed then was four miles an hour,
and Tuul ""ib-old system of horse
?oad UT: ?nd thu Prcseut rail
road and satchel, is wonderful; the speed is
increased from four mile, to twenty-five mile
per hour which i. a great saving of time!
The worlij moves.
"The siles of our large and flourishing
towns in the est were then in the wild
wood. Our log cabins are superseded by
respectable dwellings of brick, and our log
meeting houses by respectable church edi
fices. As to our numerical strength, the
Methodist Episcopal Church has more than
quadrupled in my day, with financial ability
in proportion. My early contemporaries are
mostly gone. I have great grandchildren
ranging from four to eleven years old. Under
these surroundings, it begins to be whispered
around that I am an old man. Pet-baps it
is so, but I don't feel old. It is true, I have
some physical infirmities, but my spirit is
buoyant. I love life as well a I ever did,
and might enjoy it as well if able to be active
in the ministrv. If'l -u. ..-. .,
1 should hope soon to resume mv ministry ;
but as at is I have little or no prospect, aud
it remains for tne to cultivato r.i ;.,.. nri
exercise resignation. Old age, however, is
n ai uuee supposed it to be. I ex
pected It Would brimr fin I W rrlniiit . w"1 ,1,.
pression, but in my seventy-fourth year I find
neither. To borrow trouble of the future is
onanist mv creed. I th, .
the river till I reach it. and have no wish to
dio before mv time comoa tvi.,.,, ,i...
v i uuu is Ul'ViD
come, I trust upportiug graco will come
with it.
" 'Ti all my hope and all my p'.oa,
For me the Saviour died.'
"Brethren, pray for me."
rVoble'a lMclure of John Brown ou
tbe Wuy to Execution.
We fiud tbe following allusion to Noble's
picture of "John Brown on hia Wav to r.r.
ecution," in the Chicago Tribuno, whose
editor bas recently visited New York aud
seen the pictuie, which is now on exhibition
in Boston ;
"'John Brown's lnl ..,..1
tlie grave, bis soul is marching on.' Noble's
great picture of John Browu on the way to
execution, which is pronounced by compe
tent judges to be the lineal work of art ever
produced in this country, has received the
m ue Bnu BOiie to Boston to bo
exhibited. The sceue is from WbittirrV
well-remembered poem, where the old mau
puts his hand on tbe bead of a alave-child
held up to him by it mother, as be moves
toward tbe gallows. The benignity of
Brown's countenance is said to be something
sublime. There are fifteen or tweuty figures
on tbe canvas all of them wonderfully ex
pressive. What is, perhaps, most singular
about it, is the fact that such a picture
should have been painted by an ex-soldier of
the Confederate army.
"It seems to have been reserved to Mr.
Noble to illustrate upon canvas tbe life, the
struggle and the hideous death of American
slavery. Born on a Kentucky plantation,
reared among the subjects of his easel, a
pupil of the great Couture, a soldier of four
years' service to the principles into which
be was born, but which ho bas learned to
abhor, a man of deep religiou feeling an J
singular beauty and purity of privato life
his name is already associated w ith the most
memorable transactions of the age."
A Colored Clerg-jinan on Modal
Rev. Mr. 1 Hi tier, a colored minister, ad
dressed the Kentucky Colored Convention,
at Louisville, a few day ago, as follow :
"The future of this country depeuds, not
so much on what party is in power, as it
doe on the removal of all disabilitiea ; they
weigh dowu it people. Then, and not
until then, willfhe country have peace.
We dou't ask for social equality. I never
saw that white woman yet that looked so
well, in luy eyes, a a good brown colored
wouiau. Aud if it wasn't so, we don't need
their social equality, because our friends,
the w hite folks, have kindly managed it so
that we have every shade to choose from,
from tbe deepest iet black to the purest
white. Luughtcr.J And, as there are no
ladies preseut, allow me to say that the
practice of social equality has not been on
our tide, but ou the part of the whites, who,
in their dark and devious ways, were uot
always able, let us charitably suppose, to
tell black from w hite. This social equality
has not beeu sought by us, but they have
run-after us; and though we are now eman
cipated and free, they haven't stopped."
A voice "Wc'il etop it when we get the
"Ye, that's so. They better not come
my way even uow. We say to them, let us
alone ; we dou't w ant any mixture. If they
bad let mo alone J might have l.noW u what
color 1 was ; but as it is my greatest trouble
is to keep tny hair just right. Dou't talk
about social equality. If 1 was a white
man in Kentucky I would bide my bead ; I
wouldu't mtulion it with so many evidence
standing arouud of my social equality. We
don't want any more of it. Keep on your
side of the lino aud we'll keep on our side,
and in tbe course of time we'll get tack
where tiod left us."
. A Mr. tlihbard, of Jackson, 111., made and
won a wager last week iu the pedestrian hue.
He bet that lie could walk tweuty mile in
four hours, tbe first five of which lie would
accomplish io one hour and the first ten in
two hour. All this he did with several
minute to pare io each case.
Eight hundred and fifty buildings, which
cost $,848,U0O, have been put up in Mil
waukee tbe past year. The etreet improve
ment for the tame time bavacukt about
hall a million dollar.
The following are the rev for advertising In the
AatRicA. those bavin sdvurliit. to ao will
find it uu;.ren(i'nt lor roierunoe :
1 1. 2 t. Im. Jui. m 1 1L
31,01)1 fl.UUl 4.b
6 Ml 7 .M J 2.1'
H (llljli.lMI 211 IM'
I4.i'? HI'I So i't
, .(,;
! 10.HI
, i.vv
J,Vei4oj 00,kl
Ten Une of this sited typo (minion; make cm
Anditore', Administrator' and -reenter' Ratio
13.00. Obltnwte (except the anal annnanoemorit
Whloh I free.) to ba paid for at advertising rat
Loeal Notice, ttoeiety Resolution, Ao-, 10 eni
per line.
Adverti-nent for Rrtlriom. Charitable and Eda
oational objects, one-half the above ret"..
Transient advertisement will tie published until
ordered to be discontinued, and charged aooordingly .
Sua ar Dkk.t Cultivation. --A ge'ntlenmn,
who ig vouched for by the Ban Francisco
papers, says, that be ba made a partial ar.
rangement with European capitalists tn
introduce the cultivation of sugar beets, and
to establish factories for the production of
raw sugar therefrom, in California. He saja
that these capitalists have agreed to invest
$1,500,000 io the manufacture and to im
liort six nr awrf lumri....! l-; 1 1 . . , 1 1.1
lhe Califonno beets, it is said, will yield at
least two per cent, more eugar than those of
A Glorious Game Nutu i ru-r. viuk-.i
The following colloquy did not occur in
Elmira, but might have happened there just
as easy I It is between an enthusiastic ad
mirer and player ot the name base ball, and
a gentlemen who had so much regard tor
his personal comfort as to refrain from bat,
ball, and base exercise :
"V hat is the matter with your fingor ?"
"Struck with a ball and rf
Is a noble game," was the reply.
1 reciaeiy una your thumb is useless, is
it not 1" '
"Yes, struck with a ball and brokeu."
"That finger joint '("
"A ball struck it. No bettergame to Im
prove a man' Lhyeicul condition. etrenctU-
en one sinews."
"Y'ou walk lame ; that foot, isu't it P
No. It's the the the well, a bat flew
out of a pjnyer's band and bit my knee pau,
uo 11 uu mu innings.
"One of your front teeth is gone ?"
"Knocked out by a ball ; n accident."
"Your right hand aud nose have been
peeled how's that J"
"Slipped down at eecoud base only
mere sctatch."
"And you like this kind of fun t"
"Glory in it sir. It i the healthicut iramo
in the world, sir."
In the old town of W . in the Pine
tree State, lived one of those unfortunate
lords of creation who had, in a not very long
life, put on mourning for three departed
wives. But time assuages heart-wound a
well a those of the flesh. In due time a
fourth was inaugurated mistress of his heart
and house. He was a very prudeut man,
and suffered nothing to be wasted. When
the new mistre.s was putting thiuge to rights,
while cleaning up the attic, she came across
a long piece of board, and was about launch
ing it out of the window, when little Sadie
interposed, aud said :
"Oh, don't, mammal that is tbe board
papa lays out-hit wives ou, and he wants to
save it 1"
Nevertheless, out it went.
An honest Dutchman, in training up hi
sou iu the way he should go, frequently
exercised bim in Bible lessons. On one of
these occasions he asked hini,"Whovas dat
would not shleep mit Botiver's wife?"
"Shnaeph." "Dat'a a coot poy I Vel, vat
vas the reason he would not shleep tit her ?"
"Don't kuo abposu he wusu'tshleepy."
"What a fine bead your boy has 1" said
an admiring friefid. "Yes," said the fond
father, "he's a chip of the old block, ain't
you sonny 1" "I guess so, daddy 'ciuse
teacher said I wus a young block bead."
If "Beauty draw an by a biniiln hair," who
can withstand u nioderu waterfall ?
The couu try pays more for alcoholic drinks
than for all its colleges aud schools.
Why is dancing like milk ! Because it
strengthens tho calves.
These are loving times, when every thing
is ks dear as it cau be.
What sculpture is to a block of marble,
education is to the human soul.
It is said hoops surround thulovliett of all
things girls and w bisky.
Patrick told his sweetheart he "Could not
slape for dreaming of her."
When may fund be supposed to be un
steady? Wbuu money is tight.
When does a mau have to keep his word?
n ueu uo one win take it.
Why are Odd Fellows like sausages? Be
cause they are linked together.
Men, like books, have at each end a blank
leaf childhood and old age.
Why are your eyes like stage-horses ? Be
cause they are under the lashes.
Why cannot a cook eat bcr own apron f
Because it goes against her stomach.
What beau is least liked by young ladies
on a picnic party ? A rainbow.
Tobacco should not be chewed, but es
chewed. If a (mall boy is a lad, a big boy mutt be
a ladder.
Beer fill many a bottle, and the bottle
many a bier.
When it silence likely to get wet 1 When
it reigns.
What can you not name without breaking
it? Silence.
Some fishermen use cotton for bait, so do
some women.
m:t:i :, Ac.
I From th Oerniautown Telegraph.
Brown Kabhit Soul'. Cut into ioiuts.
flour and fry lightly two fullgrow u rabbits,
add to them three onions of moderate size.
also tried brown; on tuese pour iiraduallv
seveu pint of boiling water; throw in a
large teatpoon ol salt, clear on tbe scum a
it rises, then put to tbe soup a small bunch
of pursley, four carrot and a few pepper
corns j boil the whole very softly for five
hours, add more s!t if needed; strain off
tbe soup, let it cool sufficiently for tbe fat to
bo skimmed clean from it heat it afresh and
send to the table.
Potato Pvddiko. 'With a pound and
quarter of fine mealy potatoes boiled very
dry and niathed perfectly smooth while hot,
mix three ounce of butter, five or six of
sugar, five eggs, a few grain of salt and the
grated rind of a lemon. Pour tbe mixture
into well-buttered dish and bake in a
moderate oven tbree-quafrtrt of an hour.
When doue sift some sugar on it.
MotiSlKUM WOK' ltKCKlPT FOR Cl tUiia
Hams. l ake tbe ham as soon a the hog 1
cold euough to cut up, ru! them well whn
common salt and leave them for three day
tu drain ; throw away the biiue, aud for two
ham of 15 or 18 pounds each, mix two
ounce of saltpetre, a pound of brown sugar
and pound of common self. Hub tbe ham
with these, lay theai in a deep pickling dih
with the rind downward, ami keep thrin
for three day well cut nod with th salt and
sugar, then pour over them a bottle of Koo
vinegar and turn them in the brine tint bast
daily for a month. Then hang tbim up t
dry, and after the; are rfCj rl kiriok.
t Stmare.
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I "
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