Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 04, 1868, Image 3
'HI (Jbxfy: &mcvtcan. Publisher. ' ve-eVl SUNIIUUY, PA. SATURDAY, 'JANUARY 4. 1808. ILocal Affairs. School. The sohool in the Noi;th West District, in this place, will open on Monday next. 6hor Stomc run Sale. Mr. J. H. Jeffries offers to sail bit ihoe itore, in tbil place. Set bli adver tisement. Thi Oood Tom pi art of Milton are preparing a eriee of tableaux, which they intend giving to the public during next week. ' Th annual election of Direotors of the First Na tional Bank of Sunbury will be held at the bank ing house, on Tuesday, 28th inst. Show. Tho snow and sleet that fell on Tuesday night last was about six inches doop, and if the wea ther becomes cold will afford tolerably good sleigh ing. Accidknt Mr. Jacob Spats, of Lower Mahanny township, this county, bail his hand badly lacerated on New Year's eve, by the accidental discharge of a revolvor. Masonic The It. W. Urand Al actor of tho State, on St. John's Day, (27th ult.,) appointed llrothcr Itobert L. Muencli, of ilarrisburg, District Deputy Grand Muster for the counties of Dauphin, Lebanon, Northumberland and Snydor. Tni late thaw and melliug of the heavy body of snow on the ground raided the river and Ha tributa rily, and carried off the ice that had covered these streams. Tho ice on the river was three or four inches thick wheu it movej oft. Tub American Artisan says that if pegged boots are occasionally diesed with petroleum, betweon the Boles and the npper leather, they Hill nut rip. If the soles are dressed with petroleum they will resist wet and wear well. The pegs are not affected by dryness after being well oiled. ltACPT'a New Bciloixo. Messrs. Rockofullor A ltobrbnch have rumored their law office Into Ilia second story of Uaupt's new building, on the South east corner of Market Square. U. W. Ilaupt, Esq., has also removed his law office to the scoond story of his father's new building. Tim Masonic II all Association. At the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Masonic Hall, held on Mouday evening last, tho following gentlemen wore olocted Managers for the present year : John Haas, Benj. Zettlemnycr, Geo. Conrud, Vim. F. Wagensollur, John II. l.cuker, Simou 1". Wolvorton and John Bowen. IuronrAXT to Skatkrs. As the skating soim.ii is now at hand, the following, from Hull' .fuimiiil I of Health, may soveour friends who indulge iu this I healthful recreation no small amount of discomfort : j 'Before starting for the ice, bntho your feet in cold water, dry them perfectly and give them a good rubbing with a crash towel, put on a pair nf woolen or heavy cotton stockings, and your feet will remain comfortably warm for threo or four hours in the coldest weather." Installation ok Offh riis The following offi. cers of Lodge No. 22. A. Y. M., elected on tho 11th ult., to serve for the ensuing Masonic yoar, were duly installed on Friday evening last, Dec. 27th, St John's Day): W. M., Harvey K. Goodrich. S. W., Jaspor Slnymaker. J. W., Edward M. Buchor. Secretary, John W. Bucher. Treasurer, Bunj. Zettlemoyer. In our Inst issue we published an item, staling that tho minor children of Mary Duller, recently, at a term of the Snyder county court, obtained damages to tho amount of $7,UUU from the Pennsyl vania Railroad Co., in a suit brought against tho company for tho killing of their mother, near Lan caster, about a year since. In a previous suit a ver dict of $18,000 was rendered for killing tho father. The company, in tho lawsuit, was ably represented by J. B. Packer, Esq., of this placo, assisted by lion. Geo. F. Miller, of Lewisburg. - - A Splendid G ikt. -Five oortiOcates oi tho Wash ington Library Company, of Philadelphia, in aid of tho Riverside lustitute for educating orphans, cost ing Dvo dollars, with the splendid eugraving, ' Mar riage of Pocahontas," worth at reluil at least $7. SO, and besides each certificate socurcs a present at tho tircat Distribution by the Company, and an equal chance that one or more of tho presents may be worth thousands of dollars each. Truly, you may make a friend wealthy and happy in the most ploa ant way, while aiding the Riverside Institute. Read advertisement. lviruovKii Onuxn or ltiti Mm. At a meet ing of Shohomekiu Tribe No. 09, held at their Wigwam in this plaoe, on Thursday evening of last week, the following officers were elected lor tho en duing term : P., E. Wilvcrt. S., David Attiok. S. S., Solomon Stroh. J. S., Henry V. Friling. C. of R., Cornelius Flecker. K. of W., Jasper Slaymaker. This Tribe was instituted last spring, and has in creased rapidly in numbers. We learu that it is in a flourishing condition, and will souu compare with any of its sister Tribes in tho 6tate. Dakinu Ronintmes. Ou Friday night of last week two of the boldest robberies that we have heard of fur a long time, were committed iu Irish valley, this oounty. At a late hour on that night two men went to the house of Mr. J. C. Hoffman, an aged gentleman, and rapped at tbedoor. On being asked who was thore. one ol the men answered, in a famil iar way, a friend." Mr. Hoffman then asked bitu his name. The robber answered, "Don't he alarm ed ; my name is Miller ; I was sent here to inform you of the serious Illness of your daughter, Susan Reed," who he reprosoutod to be very ill, and said that he bad been sent to tell him to come to see ber Immediately. Tbe old gentleman Informed him that it was all right, and that he would do so. Tho robber then said that be was very eold, and request ed to ba admitted into tbo bouso to get warm. Mr. Hoffman then opened the door, and two men Imme diately entered. They demanded his money, threat ening his life in case he refused. He replied that ha had no money. One of the robbers Instantly drew a club about two feet long and struck him a severe blow on tbe head, which knocked him senseless and made a terrible wound. Mr. Hoffman's wife was then assaulted, one of tbo ruffians pointing a revol ver at her, and also beat her severely. They then compelled tbe old gentleman to carry a lamp and ahow thorn where his lnouev was hidden, which con sisted of $iu0 iu bills, and about J200 in gold and silver. In tbe latter amount were six $10 srold nie ces. Mr. Uoflman is an uncle of Deputy Sheriff jionmao, oi tots place. On the same night Esqulro Hales, residing near "Bnufliown," about two miles from Mr. HoSman's house, wis robbod, it is supposed, by the same car- lias. Mr. Hales is a Justiee of the Peace, and th robbers, after knocking at the door, told him that they had a prisoner with them whom they wished to have examined. Tbe Squire opened tbe door, wheu three men entered, one of whom struck him oq bis hoad with a billey, whioh knocked him down. Two of his daughters, who were present at the time, were also attacked, and one of them shamefully beaten. Tbe robbers took about $00 in State bills. On Wednesday last a man named Ellas Hlney. wbo lives et or near Sbamoklo, was arrested by po Jioeman Everett, of that pbtoe, on suspiolon of be ing ono of the robbers, and plaeed In oar Jail. We learn that be has been fully identified by tbe per suns robbed. Paul Ueldt, another of the suspected iiarty, alto from SbaiBokio, u arrested on Thurs day morning. Jlo was examined by F'qnire Frns worth, "f Eunbury lafoxTANT Dromon ar tbi Scfremi CorjRT." It has beea decided by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that drawing oheok on a bank In whioh the ilrawor hai fundi, and altering it, ii fraud both on tho person to whom it Is negotiated nd on the bank. Case of Peterson vs. Union National Bonk. It is fraud In the bolder of a oheok to present it for payment, when he knowi tbe drawer has no fundi In the bank to meat it. The holder of a aback deposi ted it in tho bank on which it wai drawn, knowing that tho drawer had no funds to meet It; it waa passed to tho holder 'l credit and obarged against tbe drawer. Held, that this was not payment of the cheok by the bank, and that tbo holder could not recover the amount from Ibe bank.' This deci sion is of importanoa to a class of persons who are In the habit of "kiting" checks, giving "memoran dum cheoki and oheoki dated ahead." All such praoticel are frauds under this decision, and if the checks ao nttered are not stamped as promissory notes they are also in violation of the United States Internal Revenue laws. Person! who are guilty of drawing checks, when they have no funds in bank, very soon lose their oredit, and have thoir accounts closed by the bank, and may consider themselves lucky if they escape prosecution for fraud. RKAtia Entertainmbrt. James Aiken, Esq. of Lewlslurg, Pa., will give one of his oharacteristio entertainments in the Court IIoubc, in this place, on Monday evening next. There will be choice read ings of both prose and poetry. All are invited to attend. Admittance free.' A collection will be taken up during the evening for the benefit of Mr. Aikon. Editor's Table. Tiik Atlantic Monthly, fur January, bns th first Instalment of Charles Dickons's new story, George .Silverman's Explanation, written expressly fur the Atlantic Mouthly. It has also the following contents: The Wife: An idol of Beaueamp Wa ter, by JohnU. Whitlier; Flotsam and Jetsam Part 1 . ; Pittsburg, by James Parton ; Dr. Molke's Friends the tint of a series of papers on Arctic Life, by Dr. I. I. Hayes; Tbe Combat of Diomod and Mars translated from Homer, by W. C. Bry ant ; Our Second Uirl a short story, by Mrs. II. II. Stuwe: Old port Wharves, by T. W. Higginson; Tho l.nte President Waylnud, by Prof. J. Low is Diman; liy-Wnys of Europe a visit to tho lfnloario Is landsPart II., by Bayard Taylor; Aspects of Culture, by Itulph Waldo Emerson ; In the Twi lighta poem, by .Initios Ku.wll Lowell ; Airs. John sona short stury, by W. D. llowolls ; Hawthorne in the Uu-tnn Cusiiiin-lloiiso from the Unpublished Papers ul' Nnlhauiel Hawthorne; The Old Masters in the Louvre, and Modem Art. by Eugene Benson ; Hot ic un.l l.iternrv Notices. The Atlantic Month ly is published by Tieknnr A Fields, Boston, Mass., at 1'uiir Hollars a year. Tim I'aiiii and Fiiiesidk JornxAt.. Vie have received the Dccoinhor oumber of this new monthly jotirnnl. As its name indicates, it is devoted to ag riculture, horticulture, floriculture, lnudsoape Bur dening, rural architecture, etc., and to such culturo of tbe mind, as well as tho soil, lis may be calculated to enliven and enlighten our social life. Tbe Jour nal contains useful knowledge of the affairs of rural life, froe from pet theories and "hobbies." As some of tho best writers have been engaged, it will, no doubt, be conducted with ability and success. It U published by J. Payno Lowe, 32 Courtlnnd stroot, Now York, ut $1.00 por annum. BUSINESS NOTICES. IlLASa. Wo hnvo printed a large number of blank petitions and bonds for tavern and restaurant licen , for the purposo of supplying thoso in the county who intend applying for license at tbe Janu ary session of Court. We koep a full assortment of all kinds of legal blanks on hand, neatly printed, which wo sell very cheap. Blank Leases. Wc have on band a largo num ber of blank louses, neatly printed, which we sell nt ten cents per copy. As the season for leasing proporty is at hand, and as a largo number of thorn will be required, we are able to supply the demand. We have them printed with and without tho ex emption clause. m The IU i.ks of Coi:ht. We have a small num bor of copies of the new Rules of Court, regulating the practice of tho courts in this (eighth) Judicial District, composed of Northumberland, Montour and Lycoming counties, and also the Rulos of Equity Practice adopted by tbe Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, which we will sell at $2 per copy. If any of tho legal profession have not yot obtained them they can be supplied, on application at the Ameri can oflico, or addressing us by lettor. Evekvdody will want a substantial protection from the slush and snow, during the winter, and wo would recommend them to go to the First National Boot and Shoe Store, in l'loasants' building, Market street, and examine tho lie plus ultra stock which Thacher has just recoived. Ho guarantees to all purchasers satisfaction, both in tho article and prico. Dress Coats, Common Coats, Overcoats, Vests, Pantaloons and Gout's Dress Ooods of all kinds, in the best styles and at the most reasonable rates, aro always to bo found at tho Continental Clothing Ba saar, in Marlcot Square. Those who go there once are sure to go again. Slaymuker studies to please, and he succeods. Aptkk having examined the line stock of Coat ings, Overcoatings, V eatings and Furnishing Goods, at J. 0. Book's Morohant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, wo are prepared to say that ho can niake winter clothing which, for cheapness, stylo and durability, cannot be excelled in this or any other town. Give him a call. L'liKEKVti. Facts. Not the least among the cheering news is tho report of tbe Secretary of the Treasury, showing such a healthful state of the finances, which must place our financial reputation abroad on a par with our physical fame. Not less cheerful is it to soe brisk trade at Faust's fashionable Hat and Cup Emporium, in Market Square. He has the finest stock of goods ever brought to this seotion of country. Db it Iumkdiately. The pool says, "secure the shadow ere the substance fades," and in order to do so to good advantage go straightway to Byerly's Photograph Gallery, In Simpson's building, Market Square, Sunbury Mr. B. is prepared to furnish Photographs aud Amhrutypes iu all styles and sizes. We would adviso all who desire to have a good pic turc to pay h'.ui a visit. Stoi-, Gkstlkmkn ! At J. F. Shaeffer's Clothing i.inporium. in mantel square, and examine the ex tensive and vuriod assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Yestings, Ac. Everything good, substantial and fashionable, for the inter season. You cannot fail to be pleased. Suits are made there at short notioe, and tery cheap, iu consequence of the recent reduc tion In goujs. 5,4100 Worth of ,tw Uoods Jl ST UEi ClVED AT WM. H. MILLER'S CHEAP BOOT & SHOE STORE, Sl'NBURY', PA. The Great liace Eiukd Miller 3.40 Ahead! "Oood morning, neighbor Goodenough !" "Good morning, Mr. Asgood !" Mr. A. ! understand you wore at Sunbury yes terday !" " Mr. O. ' Well, 1 was." Mr. A. "What news iu Sunbury. Anything of importance '" Mr. G. -'Abundance ! Wm. II. Miller, the hero wbo never lost a battle, still stands triumphant on the field, and more, Miller is knocking the spots off of all competitors; mats so: Ana ne s selling more eoods and much oheaper than any-one else ; that's so, too ! He bus reduced his prioes to 10 per cent, loss than all his competitors. You would be urDrised to sea how mueh cheaner he sells. Just call at bis store, at tbe corner of Third and Market streets, sign of the Big Glass, and If you don't get better goods Tor less money than elaewnere, then my name ain't Uoodenouirh." Mr. A. "I think I shall call on him. I want several pairs of boots and shoes tor my family this,. II Mr. Q. "You will oertainly save money. All bis work is of tho best material and well tnanufao tured." MAItBIAOBB. On the ttth n't., at tbe residenoe of Cant W. Haugbawout, Neosha Falls, Kansas, by Rev. M Irvin.Mr. P. M. Post, at Murohvabora'. III.. Miss 8iLLia, daughter of John Haugbawout, Esq., of Shamokin Valley, Northumberland county, Pa. On the Wth ult , by Rev. C. Oinrioh, Mr. Bolo moi DuaxLEaaaaaa, of Shamokin township, and Miss Lobikoa K. Main, of Lower AucusU two. On the 1st last., at the residenoe of tbo Reotor of Ft. Matthew's Church, by the Rev. C. U. Vandyne, Mr. JumnDi'n and Miss Many Cun, all ol Ibis piaco. BU.tliTKV WAHKETH. Corrected Weekly for the "American." I Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do perowt. Rye Flour, - perbbl.- do perowt. ' Wheat, prima red, new, por bushel, . do . ( Corn, new, , . do . Oata, ,..' do .' Potatoos, do Dried Peaohee, pared per pound do do unpared do fll OA 6 (10 10 00 0 00 " a 2i rim 1 10 - M 1 60 ; 40 ; 35 15 J 00 40 5 25 ia . 28 20 14 13 18 (SO Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bn. Butter, per pound, , per dosen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Cheeso, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, ' Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, Sperial Nottcts. "V Tubs" were the or dor in tho last session of Congress, but nothing was so effectually vetoed as Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and their kindred evils, by Coe'i Dyspepsia Cure. No two-thirds vote can over lustain these trouble! when tho cure Is called to the rescue- Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Aeidity of the Stomach oannot exist whore Coe'i Dyspepsia Curo is taken. i.iiA'ri: a vak'h GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP fs manufactured from TURK MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARDOF EXCELLENCE. For lalo by all Grocers. May 18, 1867. ly. Grace's Celebrated Salve. We nro constantly hearing favorablo roports from those who have tried this remedy. Amy Anthony, wife of Mark Anthony, nf this city, and living ut No. 0 Locust Street, afflicted with a felon on the linger, was recently induced to make a trial of the Salve. Almost instantly she experienced relief from the pain, which had boon almost unendurable. Every othor remedy but this proved unavailing. Those who have tried it once are satisfied of iu merits, and nothing will induce them to be without a supply. y-'a Hirer Aevs. Dec. 14-41 o NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED OAK lMtM'H CLOTHING HOUSE, ui hi ii r h r i ireei( One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys:om, and we believe wo are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly adheres to this principle We have earned a repu tation which wo aro proud of, for good taste in select good stylos nud substantial materials, and not less important, for having all our goods, i:iitA yi:i,i. MAUI:. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashiunablo and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prices are the very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever mado, we must put our prices down to tbe advantages wo promise. Tho poople may depend, this is tbo true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can ba saved to Clothing buyers by keeping In mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strrcet, Philadelphia. Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. March 2,1, 1867. ly A PERMANENT TONIC. . Every one, at times, feels tho necessity of some thing to tone up the system, depressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. At such times lot evory one, instoad of taking alcoholic or medicinal stimulants, reinvigorute his debilitated system by the natural tonic elements of tho PERUVIAN SYRUP, or Protected Solution of the Protoxido of Iron, which vitalises and enriches tbe blood by supplying it with its Life Elemont, Ihon. Boing froe from Aloohol iu any form, its energi sing effects are not followed by corresponding re action, but are permanent, infusing strbncitu, vi gor and NEW life into all parts of tho system, and building up an Iron Constitution. WM. C. STERLING, Esq., of Poughkccpsio, N. Y., says : Since tuning tne t'eruvian tyrup 1 loci Hotter, my strength is improved, my bowols are regular, my appetite tirst rate. There is an old Physician in this city, (older than I am,) who has been in the Drug business for 40 years, who has used the Syrup lor three months, and gives it as bis decided opinion that it is tho best Al terative Tonic Medicine he ever knew." For DrsrKi'SiA, Deiiilitt, and Fruale Weak ness, the Peruvian Syrup is a epooilic. A 32 page pamphlet sent free. The genuiuo has "Poruvian Syrup" blown iu tbe glass. J. P. D1NSMORE, Proprietor, 30 Dcy St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. Dee. li lt AyerVt :ii's-ry IVcloral, FOR THE RAI'lU CI its or Cvuih; Culdn, Iiijhicntit, Uuurtencxs, Croup, lironchitti, Iuripient Consumption, and jor the ltelief of Conmmjithe I'atients in Ad tanced Stages of the J)iene. SO wide is the field of it usefulness and so nu" nierous are its cures, tha iu almost every section o' country are porsous pub licly known, who have been restored by it from alarming and even despe rate diseases of the lungs. t ben once tried, us su periority over every other expectorant is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues aro known, the public no lunger hesitate what antidote to employ fur the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs incident to our cli mate. While many inforior remedies thrust upon tbe community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be for gotten. We can assure tbe publio that its quality is care fully kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all that it has ever done. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and other eminent personages, have lent their names to certify to tbe unparalleled usefulness of our remedies, but space bore will not permit the in sertion ol tneni. uur Agents lurnuu, grm.u, uu. AurmrAM Ai - in which thev are given, Wltn also full descriptions of the complaints our remedies cure. Thoso who require an alterative medicine to pu- rify the blood will find Aveb's Coup. Ext. Sarsa- pahili.a the one to use nnnniwlA lis valiifi. Try it once, and you will Prepared by DR. J.C. AVER CO, Lowell, Mnss., and sold by all Druggists and dealers in med icine everywhere. Dec. 21-Ht Diakxess, Blindness ako Catauub treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 80i Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in city and country can be seen at nis omce. the nieaieal (acuity are invited to aceompany their patients, as ba has no saorola in hispraotice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with, out pain. No charge for examination. nov.30-ly 'I'o Coneuniptlvesi. The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will tend (free of charge) to all who desire It, Ibe prescription with the directions for making aud using tbe simple reme dy by which be was eured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. 11 is only object is to benefit the afflicted, and he bopoa every sufferer will try tnts prescription, as It will oort them nothing any msy prove a blessing. Please address any msy prove REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. my 18-'67.1y Williamsburg, Kings Co .N. Y. lrorsi of Totalis. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Deoay, and sdl the effeoU of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was eured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experieooe, ean do so by addressing, in peneot eonnaenoe, JUilH ii. uulicm, my lo'-o7 ly 4 Cedar Street, N. T. FINE Myrtle Pomatum, at the Fancy Store of ANNA PAINTER. A DDR ESS TO TIIK NCRVOL'S AND DF.UIMT4- .V ted. whose stifferuiffs havebmu tmitracled fiiMti hid. den causes, and whose eases require pronipl tisMment to Sender Bli.tiiMi. il.iral,la If vim. tt h.vA suffered fioin involuntary discharges, what efleet .loos it . I'riKim-e upliii yuur- aeneiai uenuii r uo you leei wean, debilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion pro duce palpi Union of the heart . Does your liver, or urinaiy organs, wr your kidneys, frequently get out of order T Is your uriue sometime thick, milky, u rloeky, or is it ropy on aMtiing I Or dues a truck aeuni rise to Ilia ton ? Or is a sediment at the Imuura after it has stood awhile? Do you nave ensile of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are youi howels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting or usan of blood to the head r la your memory impelled? s youi mind constantly dwelling upon this subject ? Do you feel dull, list Ires, moping, tired of company, ol life ? Do you wish to he left alone, to get away frmi everybody ? Dues any 'little thing make you start or Jump! la your sleep broken ol restless? Is the luau-e of yciur eyas as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy your self in society as well f Do you pursue your buiuieaa with the same energy ? Do you feel as mueh eouHilenre in your self ? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy If so, Jo not lay ii to ymir liver or dyspepsia. Hare you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this lo dyspepsia or liver-complaint ? Now, reader, self Blaise, venereal diseases badly eured, and -sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weak neas of the generative organs The organs of generation, when iu perfect health, make the inun. Did you ever .inns mat innse oiiiu, ueniilil, energetic, persevering, suc cessful business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never honr such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpita tion of the heart They are never afraid they ceiiiint sun ceed in business ; they don't become sad uud discouraged ; they are always polite and pleasant iu the company of la dies, nnd look ynu and them right in the fnee none of ynnr downcast looks or any other meanness alamt them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. These will not only ruin Iheir constitutions but also those thry do business with oi lor. How many men from badly.cured discuses, from the eflccts of self-abuse anil excesses, have brought alsint that state nf weakness in those urgaus that has reduced the general system an mueh as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suieidc, and almost every other form nf disease whtrh humanity is neir in, nun the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever sum- : pectwl, nnd have dnetored for all but the right ime. Disenses of these organs renuire the use of a diuretii;. . llKl.AIIIOI.Dia KIXID KXTRACT HLClll IS Hie great Diuretic, and is a certain cure lor diseases of the Bladder, j Kidneys, Uravel, Drnpsv, Organic Weakness, Female ; Complaints, tieneral Debility, and all diseases nf (he I n- I nary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause unitiunting and no mailer of how long standing. I f in treatment is submitted to, Consutnplinnnr Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health nnd happiness, and thai of Posterity, I depends upon prompt use of a rclial.le remedy. : llelintmkl'a Extract Bnehu, established upward of IS years, prepared by H. T. IIKI.MIIOI.D, Druggist, 5W Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Htreet, Philadelphia, Pa- rirn l it.5 per bottle, or 6 Imtth-s for, delivered to any address gold by all Druggists everywhere. ; March 8. IMI7 ly THE HEALING PCK Ii , j And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young I .Men, on tbe enme ol bolitude.ianU tbe l.rrors, Abu ses and Diseases which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to Marriago, with suro means of rolief. Sont in sealed letter envelopes, free nf charge. Address DR. J. SKII.LIN llOUUHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. June 8, 1807. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lime I Lime I Lime! rPHKnew Lime Kilns of II. 13. Miuser, at Sclins 1 Qrove Station, are now completed and in suc cessful oporntion, producing limo of the very bost quality. These kilns are built with nil tho modorn conveniences and improvements, and have a capaci ty ot producing 4011 bushels per any. excellent roads have beeu made to the kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, whero wagon or sleds can be loaded in a few minutes from the echutus, without handling. Having opened a large body of tbe best limestone, at the mouth of the kilns, they are enabled to soli lime at the low rate of 11 cents por bushel. The kilns are in charge of competent per sons, who will always be prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply to 11. I). Mnsscr, Sunbury, or to Cba;. Dunkleburgcr, or Chns. J. Conrad, at tho kilns. Docomhcr 14, 1867. Auditor's Notice. In tho Ornli lhans' Court of Northumberland County. "VTOTlCEis hereby given, that tbo Auditor np. IN pointed by the Court to distribute the balance in the hands of Rachel McCarty, Executrix of Wm. i MeCarty, late of tbe Borough of Sunbury, doceased, will attend to tho duties of bis said appointment at his office, in the Borough of Sunbury, on Saturday, Junuary 4th, 18S8, at 10 o'clock A. h., at which time j and place, all porsons in, created may attend if they j see propor. J NO, K. CLEMENT, Auditor. Deoombcr 14. 1867. J30 ( licrttuut XI root, I'liiliMlclphlii. Are the best in Use, FOR THE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS: They are more simple and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and more elastic stitch, a firmer and more beautiful sesin than any othor Tbey sew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of tbe scam by thoir own oporntion, and though every fifth stitch is cut the seam will not rip. ''tic Tory IligliPNt lrizr, (lie C'roHst of the Legion of Honor wss conferred on tbe repre sentative of the MItOVi:it Ac IIAKl'.K at tbe Exposition Universellco, Paris, 1867 ; thus attesting thoir great superiority over all other sew ing muchines. G ROVER A BAKER'.S HEW STYLES x ii v i' t 1. 1: n a v ii i i: n Fur Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential improve ments. The attention Is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage 1 rimming, Clothing and all others requiring the use of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To those new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miae CAROLINE DALIUS. Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23. 1867. ly KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and seo the well selected Stock of CLOTUS, CASSIMKKES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTINOS, 4c. Just received at sIKDEH So SIM&'S MEHCIIANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fuurth Street, below Eyster's 6tore, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved styles is made ur to order a "Sbas alaoe'fine assortment of Caaaimere Bhirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties Cotton and Woolen Hose, 6uspenders, Hand kerobiefa, Ulovee, end a general variety or OENTLEMEN'B FURNISHING OOODS, Give him a call, whioh yon will tod te be to your advantage. Sunbury, Oct lM&L ' Machine Stitching. ORDERS or work left at tbe store of M. B. Priestley, ia Northumberland, will be promptly attended to. jf' All work warrauted. Nov I If i l notHeed thlaj Column or you Will certainly find Ont Whrre you Buy the MOST GOODS, of the BEST QUALITY. For tho LEAST MONEY. SMALL WWKIT3 AND cjflCK CASH SALES! II. V. 1 Itll.lMj, at the MAMMOTH STORE, MARKET .VARE, SLNBUKV, l'ENN'A., Has just received and opened tho ui:t si:i.i: ti:i and FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, 'PriuUi, Muslins, Uiaghanis, Cossiraeros, Ac. I NOTIONS uf ull kiuds. Hosiery, O loves, Mon sand Ladies L'ndurgnrmcnt WHITE GOODS. A full assort incut of TRIMMINGS. Builders will find my Stock of Hurtltviirc, I'uintH, Oil, Ulna, Ar., Complete. Drugs sud Medieiues, Willow aud Cedarwaro, Queeniware, (! lassware, Crockery, Salt. BOOTS AND SHOES- HAT9 AND CAPS, and in faot everything usually kept iu a large Store Call and be eonviuced that tbo CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOODS is at The Mammoth S tor e. of II. "2". J7RILINQ, Tonus Coeh, SOdstyst, ' as my Goods are bought for Cub and Sold Cheap or the READY MONEY. Ji Y FIULING Sunbury, Oct. 19, ist". NEW GROCERY! On Third Bt., ene door below the Lutheran Churob. SUNBURY, PENN'A. IIEISTUTT PETERS, Has just opened a . Kxtrerr:M33mA.Tfcr ' AND Provision Store and is selling low for CASH. His Stook is eomploto, consisting ia part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SriCES, COAL OIL, Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits. Prunes, Raisins, Cbeese, and Crackers, and in fact evcrythiug afuully kept in tbe Uroccry lino. The best FLOUR and MEAL in tho Market. Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Constantly on hand obeli and Can C1arS!r.l.',9SM Sif f which will bo furnished to privato families in largo or small quantities. AIo : All hinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prico. Country Pioduco taken iu cxehango for (iooda. tj'Call and cxauiiuu my 6'tock, und satisfy your selves. HENRY PETERS Sunbury, Dec I I, ISO". J. . 11.11.1., Proprietor, Corner Sanhury ami Had- Strati, SriAMOlvlN, 1'EXN'A. flMIIS HOUSF. Is now opun for the reception of JL guests, and being new. spacieus and attractive has all tho facilities aud advantages of a FIRST (.'LASS HOTEL. Tho sleeping apartments are airy and comfortable, and tho furniture eutiiely new. the Bar und Table uill he suppliod with the' best in The market. Thepalronnpo nf tbo publie is solicited. April I a, 1 SH7. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watt limnlirr nnd Jew. -I'r, XfO. 14.S JJOllTU Sid BT.. COR. OP QUAItHY. PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Wul-Acs, Jewelry, Silver end PLited Ware constantly no hand, SllTAHLi: FOR HOLIDAY PRHSKNTM ! nrHcrmiring of Watches ai d Jewelry promptly at tended to. Nov. an, for i v. ri4 U EH a o CO CO 3 S s et 0 & C O o y, o (4 O a H w K u h o o pq ri GS Pi o p-t 3 u a. ii 9 5 u e SIX m m OV i , - fa & SO CO CO o o a X4 EH 4. b 3 5' 4 fa a V. A X H IV A It Bt I V A Ii 0 1' FALL A1TD VTITTEE. XsS U OCsfJaw9 AT THE STOKE OF JII EN GEL, Corner of Fourth aud Market Streets, SUNBURY. JUST received from Now Y'ork and Philadelphia, a largo supply of FALL AND W INTER GOODS, which ho will toll ut smnll profits, for cash or country produce. His Dry floods department is full of every descrip tion. A splendid lino of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and Whito Goods ut nil prices. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yankee Notions ia Groat Variety Also, Ladies French Cor.utt and Hoop Skirts. O .A. IR, 3? 33 T S , Wove Flour Cloths, Stair Carpets Moor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Windows. OKOCERIE S , Jugar. Coll'ec, Molastos, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ac. Queensware, Glassware, splendid Setts of Teau arc, at low prices. BOOTS & BHOE3 IN GREAT VARIETY. Hats aud Cups. Oil, Paint, Glum, Putty, School Books. Paper, Slules, 4c. 77 A R D W A R E . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws A Largo aswirlment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring lo got good guods w ill please irive him a cull. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, Nov. Ill, !Sii7. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ! ! FALL & WINTER atuQsi Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth .Vtrcct, S V N BURY, PENN'A. Invites the publio to call aud examine bis elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which bo will sell at greatly reduced prices. His stock consists in part of CASSIMERES. CLOTHS. &C-. Silks. Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, .Sbectiutr,, Tiekings, Jeans, and a full assortment ul Cotton aud Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Glove, Uoop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. IIat nnd 4'njsn, Koolrt and tSboea, His assortment of uoods will not, be u suro fail to I please the funcy and suit tho wunts of any desirous oi purouuMug. ins siiick oi HARDWARE AND Ql'KENSWARE. and Groceries is largo in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything seeded in the household cilhor lur use n on imenl. He is always ready aud gUd see his friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no tales are made. He ouly asks a cull, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with th. chc.r-J. Sunbury, Nov. 16, laA7. Machine 6titching ORDERS or work left at the etore of D. M. Brau tigam, in Northumberland, will be promptly attended to. , , jy All work warranted T,.?..l fnOOOTRA- P H ALBUMS, BOOKS AND STATION EUY. Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks Hymn Boi.ks, Blank Bi-oks, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Looks, Ink Stands, I'm.-, Icl.-iIs a tne e:ortmcut el Prer. Ij Ar For sale by ANNA PA1M1.R CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL $ It B 8 8 J-. BOHNER, Dealer In Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the morn responsible Nurseries in this and other States, tint elass TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vinos and TlanU. (Jardeu Seeds uf all kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. AdJr' 1IENJ. IHIIINKR, Paxinos, North d. Ce. Vy N. U.-Li.uraneos taken In several of tne most responsible Fire I nsuranoe and Horse Dotootivo Companies In the Stale. June 8, 1867. y FLOUirFEEDlTORE WHOLES Alii AXD RETAIL. mil E subscriber respectfully intorms the publie u.iTiMi,.ifry'" "',lrtnty on hand at his new V, A REHOUSE, near tlia Sbamoklo Valley Depot, in SUN BURY, F lour by tbe barrel and sacks of all kinds of ireed by the ton The above is all manufactured at bis own Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Bunbnry, April 1. 5" J. H. Conley Co., .Jiirlirt Sli -rl, V.nnt ol'tlie Itullroud BTJU-JBTJR-Sr, 3?ENISTA. DEALER. IN ro3i:iu.- v A.mouu a., Hardware & Cutlery. rpnE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, I. and Buyers guuerully is Invited to the faot that we are now olloring a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices mnch bulow those ticrotnfure demanded by dualera. Our stock comprises all articles iu Ibis line ofbusinoes. embracing a general aiaortment of tools aud mate rials used by CARPENTER, BLACKSMITHS, CA 1UU A. K AND W A ijlj S MAKERS, JOINERS, C , iC, together with a large slock of Irou, Sleol. Nails. Spikes. (Itupo, Chuius, Urindttuucs, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac Sunbury, March 30, IS!.. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. fllllK uudorsignod, proprietor of W riser A Frick 's L Lino, give no! ices to mvrehants aud shipper that tho ler.t is still nt 811 Market struct, Phila dolpbia, nnd all Ooodsdircctcd to Suubury, Dnuvillo and Leviisliurg, and all Intermediate stations along the ruilroad, Kill be promptly delivcrod. tjjr" Cars lenvo 81 1 Market street. Philadelphia tri-weekly Tuesdavs, Thursdavs und Saturdays. .1. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 13liT. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. .i:o. Kuiiuit.tiii al nio. 4 RE now carrying on business at this old estab XV lisliuient with renewed vigor. Codings of every description, promptly furnished to order. Tlio Stovoa manufactured nt this Foundry have acquired the liie;hest reputation. Particular attention paid lo ftllLL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget that tho PLOWiS made at the Sunbury Foundry have never been eijuallea. Acrieiiltural iuiplcuienls repaired at short notice Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of tho improved and most useful pnttcrns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged "calo. Old customers wilt hcnecominodatcd is unuut, and new ones nro respectfully tulicitcj. Sunbury, iloy 11', lio. " xt:v IMIA. Millinery Goods, 31 lux III. ly. taOkkler, begs lcavo to an nounce to tho Ladies of Suubury uud vicinity, that she has just openod a large and vuriod stook of MILLINERY GOODS. of all tho Intent Fall and Winter styles, lo which she invites attention of lior patnus: and tho ladies gene rally, confident of her ability to please. A good assortment ot BONNETS & HATS, Hats for features bright and jolly, Hats lor faces melancholy, Huts fur Ggurcs, broad and burly, liuts for slruiglit hair, uud lor curly. Huts of silk, clutli. felt an I dr iver. Huts that ulmost wear forcvov, llats that always lKk so neat. Aro bought ul Miss tioiiler's on Fourth strict Al-o. an excellent assortment cf Fasliinnnble Em broideries. Edgings, Laces, Woolen Cajv Handker chiefs, ScarXs. O loves. Hosieries, und all kinds of Fancy Notions. Stainpod Muslins, Corsets, Perfume ries. Soaps, Lilly While, Enamel of Amcrieii, sta tionery, Ac, Ac. Call and examine for yourselves. No Iroublo to show eoods Suiibury, Nov. 2, 1 807. FALL AND WLNTtlt MILLINERY GOODS .A.2M ID NOTION S Misa ANNA VAINTEIt. Market Square, two doors west of tho Post Ofli.-e SUNB U It Y , P E N N ' A. RESPECTFULLY iuforuu her friends and tho public, that she has just returned from the oily, wbcru sbo bns spent sometime in making scluetiuua aud purchases, aud bos just opened a large stock uf MILLINERY OOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Lining. Crinoline and Wi gans Skirting Lining, lloin .Skirts, EuK-le Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, HatCrupe, Cloak Bullous, CorseU, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS i STATIONERY. DOLLS of ull sites, Alphabet Blocks, Ac. &he Hatters herself in being able to uiake a di.pluy that will give entire satisfaction to Uilorr, uud goods will be exhibited with ploaure Sunbury, Nov. 2, JSil7. " ITEV LAGEPw SEE?. aBHKUtriBWl'BCHB.'Vk? IN SLNBLRY, NORTHl'MBERLAND CO CHAS. ITZEL 1") ESPECTFL'LLY' iuforms his friends aud the V public generally, that he has commeuced tbu mauufauturc, uud is uow reudy to furnish LAGElt BEER AND ALE, of a superior quality. Having procured the services of a first class brewer, he is enabled to supply Laud lords. Rostauruuts aud privato families Hilh an ur tielc that is palatable, pure and healthy. Orders are re.-pe.'llully solicited wlicb will te ceive prompt attention. CHAS. 11ZEL. Suidutrv, November l,t. li'i?. Fit L S 1 1" A K R 1 V A L O F FANCY DRY GOODS. KATE 33X.A.C1C, Mulket iSquare. two dunrs E ist of the old Bank building. Sl'NBTUY, Peuu a., HAS opened a fresh supplv of the luteal stylus of Fall and Winter liooils, selected by Xer.uif tioiii (he most fashionable establishments iu l'lula dclpbia. Cheap DcLaines. Alpacas. French Merinos. 1'lu.u and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Hoods, Cloths. ba.yiuu Flannels, Ladies and Childrens' llats. lcaltims. Rihbous, Dress Triinmings, tuibroideries, Laee Veils and handkorchiofs. alovos, hosiery, Balmoral .kil ls, Breakfast aud blanket Shawls, Wintor iSc.Ues aud Ladies' guods of every description. lienur Collars, Nock-tics, llull bose, Handker chiefs and liloves. Perfumery, Toilet Son ps. UairBrUibcs, Combs, do. Is-lloiikiiis' Eliptio Skirts. KATE LLACU. Sunbury, Nov. 2. 167 180 iuu!:tT iti:iu "i io i i. mi. i'titit.a vv atj1 Fall & Winter Goods! .tl mm 1. I- liUKisruM, having ju.-t return ed from Pbilatlolphia with a superior Block of Fall and Winter Uoods for tbo trade of I bo 7 and '6x, which she is able to sell at very reduced prices, would respectfully call the alttniion of bur custo mers aud the public generally, to the supeiiur qual ity of her giMals, and the low prices at wbah they arc held, bhc has all kinds of 3D ItEfcSfcJ OOODS, including Poplins, Merinos, De Lnins, Calicoes, Ao , all at the lowest prices. Extra quality Muslim at extra low prices. Dril lings, Cauton Flnnnels. Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Ilnnds ti loves of all descriptions, including a very supe rior quality of Ladle. Cloth tlloves. HOSIERY. Ribbons sud Trimmings nf all varieties. Lsees, slam ped goods, Zephyrs aud Varus, Touting la great aricty. tieuts' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, boar's. Muff Tas.el.aud Jluttona. Pomades, Extracts, and a large t ariely uf uotinuaud faocy aitiele. t all alt i o them uolorog'.-iug lsea riere :i L LAAIxf: ' Suubury Nov I I'ouT