p.; eM.Tsrw.si as m m.-Z O-C K a O S ? I T A L tBTABHSnF.D AS A REFUOKFROM QUACK EB1V THE OXir PLACE W11KUB A ClTRti CA N BE OB TA IXE I) . DR. JOHNSON has discovered the most Certahi,Bpoedy nnt only fctfeeluai Remedy m tho Wiirld fir nil Pii vnte Disease, Weakness of the llurk of Limtia, Pinnules, Affections of the Kidneys and IllaiWcr, Involuntary T)is etircs, linpoleury, Oi-mral Dehililv, Nervousness, I'vs peper, Languor, Low fi,irits, Confusion nf Ideas, Vnl'itt tenon of the Heart, 1 1 niiliiy, Treiiihliiirs, Himeeta of Hirht or CuMinef. PltrtlBe of the llcud. TLtuil. Nntn nr mn, Affection! nf ihe Liver. Lungs, Hummcli or Uovvcl thine Teirihle Dienidoiaarlsiug i,,.,,, Hie tioliCary tlnhita nf Youth Irene secret ami eoh'ary prictier. more foul to their victim! than the nng of fSyrru lu Ui alatiaera of .,,nr..,.HU,,,,K inriimiw Dtillmil Hopes ot aiilicipAliolis, rendering merririge, Ao., impossible. Vouuir Men TS7ecil.ltv. vv'.M have become llii vii.fm.anf l..lifr Vinj. tint drenillul and deatrui'tive hahit which annually sweeps to an untime ly grave ihiiini,d of Voiine Men of the most exulted talent, and hril'iant intellect, who iniaht wurrwiae nave cntianced lisl.-i.lni; Pennlra with thettiun iters of eloquence or waked to rcslaty il.t living lyre, oiay i'i i" c'liuuencc, iHarriiifxe. Married Person, or Yonns Men ciMrniptath's; mamaae, being aware of physical weakness, oigeiuc dthnlic, de forinllirs, Ac, speedily e,lmJ. He win places himself under the rare of Dr. J. tony religiously confide in his hcni'-r us gentlemen, mid ouitdciitly rely upon fiisskil? as a Physician. Ornuic IVi'stUnem Immediately Cured, anil Full Vigor Restored. True Uitiiessmg Aifcc'l.m wliioa reiulers (.ife miScra Ml and mirnac.e unpnauiiile ia the penally pud by I ha victims of improper nilul,.-tiirc. Yonna pemon are to apt to commit excesses from not being awaie ol the drend ful consequences that war emic. N"r. w"" that uiilsr stands the subject will iielcii,l in deny tlmt the power ol procreation in losl eooner hy (In.? fnll'int into improper tahils than by Hie printout f llesidc living flrprircl Ihe pleasures of healthy olI'spronMl;f m-st s,:rn,usa, d dcttinc tive ivtnptonni to h'Mh ho.ly ami mind mini'. The lyetem heconies Derailed, tire Physical nod Mental Fuiiet i -na Weakened, lKii''f Pro(.'.'-ative IVwi", Nerv -o Irrll-it'ili-ty. Pyne!ii, I'ulpitation of the Hoar, Intliraiui.jii. t'on tituii"i'i'il Pcb'li'y, il VtioK of l;ie Krmri, Cough. Consumplioo, liciiy and Vtnth, Left hnnd aide frin? fr m Hulliuioie alrert, a few d-oia from thecoiner. Katl not foorworve uame Ji.il nunilier. Letteia mu.-it I".' p'liil nod contuoiai!ainp. Ths- Doctor ' lOiplomaa hang ill !tia niHnc A Cure Wui'i'ituflo in Xo Mercury or Xaunoim Dniyn. r. .SoIlsiJKtoti, Member of the Hoyal C'lSve of Smcona, Lc:iiVn, (irnd uate from one of the int einineto IdlVirt-i hi ihe l.mird Ktatt-a, nud the ereater port of whoeltle liav Ikoi toeut in the boapita.'i of l.on'lon, l'.oia. IMiihutelphia aiaf elae. witerc, h.ia erfccteif noine ol the m.iat uiioiiiIumk curea that were ever known : mniiy trouhled Willi iiiifcinK in the head and mra when ar.k'rp. jjreat ttervousneaa. hen.g aluttn ed at BuiMrn rhiihIi t.atfiiMi:nri, with fieqnent oluahi.ifr. attended aoinctiiliea wittileratrL-metit of mind, wrircured imruediati-Iy. Tokc i'lirlii iiiar Dr. J. adJreaata all tlioae who have injured thtnaeU'ea by improper indulgriu e ro d aoiilary hablta. whn h rum both Ivdy sr.d miial, unfitting th.m for either bune, atudv. aoriety or ni:irriHie. '1'nnR aro aome of the Bad and melancholy t-fTecta pro. dnciM by enilyliabitaot youth, viz : Wenknnanof IhclJuck and Limla. Pnina in the llcid, Li:niti'fi .f 'ght. Ioaaof Mnacular Power, ralpitaiioii of the Henri, l)ypepv, Nervous lrntnbdily, iJeiangcmciit of the DicrBtive Kuue- tiona, fieneial Uebiiity, Symptoms ol i'fiikiiuipuoii, 4u. Mentailv The leiirful cifeeia on the mind are much to bi'dleii'le'l I..18S of Memory, ConlitBloll of ldeja. lie prcsi().i of SpiiitB, Kvil-i'oreliudniga. Avcrsi"n toS.ciety, Hi'lf- Pi'tru-.!, lxivo .'i" j? luu Je, i'uiiidi'y, 4c. arc a.iuie ol the evils pr.htuced. Tiiol smj- of pcraoua of ail aces c;v now judge what, ia the caue of their doi'linin health, loBiiuf tneir vigtr, becomimr wenlf, pule, neivtiua and eoacia!ef, having u aiuguiar nppearaiiv'u about the eyes, cougb and ayinpiouia Of conS'llii;UiO;i. Voting .tlvn Wiio hive injure-) themselves by a certain practice indulg ed in when al-Mie, a habit frequently learned from evil eompamona. or at nclioo!, the ertcjte of which ate mainly felt, even when asleep, and if nut cured reudrn mainae imfKitiBtble, and destroys both mind and body, shouid a;p:y imtnediutely. Wnat a pity that a voting m.ni, the hope of hii conolry, the darling of his parents, ahould be anatcheif from all pros peels und eoioymeniii of hie, by ihe consrijuenee of devia ting from the path of r.itore'au.i indulging ill a certain secret habit. Such perRoi.s Ht-sT, before contemplating Marriage, reflect that u sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to proiiti.tecitinubial happiness. Indeed without these, tiie journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the piospeel hourly darkcua to ihe view; the mind becomes shadowed with dcrpair find filled with the inelnn elioly reflection Hint the banpiii.'ss of another uteomri blighted witii uui own linrnMo or lu;ruicuro. Vlien the misguided an! imprudent votarv of plcntne finds that he hits imbibed the seeds of hii pui ifnl Jmeasc, it too often l.uppene that an illumed sense of st-mii'. of dread ol dt"e , very, deters honfroin appH iug lo III te lio, from eu'Kntion and risperiuhiliiy, can alone bel'nn.il nun. delaying till the coii'titiitinr.al a) inpli ins of H is Inrnd diseas? nuke their uppenrni.ee, rtiu-S as uVeraic.l oe thront, dile.iBed iiobc, noctuinl puins in the head and hniU, dimness of sight, dcafnua, n.nles on the sinu oonv mil ninia, blotches on the head, face an t i xtietnitiLS, pn ,i'CB- I ingnilh frightful ti.pnlilv, till at Uit the pLitc ol th" j mouth or the hones of the n"e fall in. and the victim f , this awful disease becomes a horrid object uf coii.u.m n,. nou, mi oeain pun a pen. J to hi dreadful suaering, bv aeiiduig him li -that Liidisc.U'ereU Country from v.!cikc no traveller rct'irns.'i If ia a melauch ily fact that thousands fr.ll victims to Ibis terrible die:im, mvuig to the iniskiill allies of ignoiant pretenders, wlio, by the use ol that ' ileadly Poison, .Mei. cury," ruin the conuituiion ai.d iukkc Uus riJue of life miserable. Nlrjiniiorit Trurt not vour lives, or IiphUIi, to ihe cute . f the many TJutt'lined mid Worthless Pretenders, destitute of kni wl edge, name or char icier, who copy L)r Johnston's ndver l;scin:it:i, or ntyictheiuaclvcj in ihe newspapeis, regiii.n ly Kdutatetl Poyin inns, iiieajvc.le of fiiio-a, they keep yoii trirloig monlh nfter mouth t,Ui:ig their (iiljiy und Miiaouns oorilpoundn, or it long ,oj it ainailrst fee can oe oblaine.l, and in despair, leave you with' mined health to sigh over your gailing disrippointment. lir. JohnMon isthe only Physician advertising. 11 is credential or diplomas alwajv hang in tiis ollice. ills rcmi-lies or treatment ure unkuoivn t. all others, tirepared from a 'He spent in tticgreat hospitals of s.:J(ope, the ftrat in Ibis country nnd a liioie enlei.nie ''I'nvuie Practice" than any other phv siciau in Ibe world. luitorsioiiient of the Hrckai. The iii.iuy tli'imoi,i cuniliit this institution vein after year, an. I the nutnerons uuiiorlaiit Hurgical tjperationa pfrforiue.! by lr. dolmston, wituei!s,d bv the reporters t the oSau,'' of iipper," and in.iuy oiiier p-ipera, nolici-s of which have a-ip.-.-ued ajjuin and again tfore ibe pa1' c, besidea ho. si.iiiuing as a fccidirnnoi of chatacicr and re s;xi.'isibility, is a suificicut gu.uaoiee to Ibe nifontrd. Mikin IiVir.'m.i kijcalsiy 'iirsMl. Teriviiis wiitir.g nhou'd !,c pmticuiar in directing their it'.c.'s.to !i.s lustittiLion, iii the folh'Wuig fr.aunrr, Jiiltii .Vf . Jfoliuclou, is. cr . Of IMf Huitiirc.ie l.ck H .spual, iMliiuiorr, Md. Nov. atl, Ifi7 1 y. I 'uui ) sl'e. ! r JOHN FAK;irt. S Old l'ta.i.he,l riK Miiiulactorv. No 718 AKCII Mrsst, ahivo 7tu, PHI LA. Have now lit Siore of ruyowa Iuit'ortstiotiand ( '.: f i Tfr'--J4-.--i.laniii'HCtiir1 ttire onu of the I iiio.-t heauii- V Lr-v -. lul selection! clicnsof I'AXCV f UKS, rgf lor- J.ii'lius bill f. h-l- -i-Js Orcn a Wear in theCitv. - ... . . .. Sl;w5-:;- Abo.a tluoassoitmeDt'of , ,ey. i iounded lor Ib'o purposo of gratuitously eiu Cent's Fur Ulnves and Collars. caling tho sons of dcccuacd Soldiois aui Seamen ol 1 am enabled to dispone of my grods at very rea- i the United t-tate-. rouahle prices, nnd t would therefore solicit a call j Tun Rnard of Trustees consists of Ihe following from my friends of Nurtliuiubcrlund county and vi cinity. Kemciubcr the Name, Number end Street' JOHN FAhKIKA. No. 71S AUC1I St., ah. 7ih, south sida, Philad a, tjfc?"I have no partner, nor conneciir.n with any other stnro in Philadelphia,. Kept. 2s, 1M7. linw Oi. II OU1 Sla I ti l M. tin NEW SiPRINU STYLES, "Of a Ows M.tE." j After ttinro than Five Years experience and es- i pcriincnting in tho inanufncluro of .Strictly First ! Ljunlity Hoop Skirts, we cITcr our justly celebrated I goods to merchants und iho public in full conn Ur.ce ! oi Ihtir.'upcr'uriiy over all others iu Ihe American : mnrket. and tin y are so ncknoa lulled Ly all who wear cr dcci in theiu, us llicy gio moru snti-iucti' n I than any other 'KiIl, and recomtuuiid tucinsclvcs in every rcstct. Dcilcri in I loop skirts, should make a uoto of tl.i fact. Every lady who tins not given them a trial shoi-.M ilosowilliout further delay. Our ar-tiortmcut cuihraoca every si,io, length and size for Ladies, Mimes and Children. Also, ifkirta made to of dor, altered and repaired. Atk for '-Hopkin's Oivn Mako," and bo not de ceived. .S'oetiiat the letter "11 ' is wouon on Ihe Tapes befwoun Each Htaip, and that they are stamp ed W. T. HOPKIN'S Slanufacturo. B28 Arch St.. Pailadclphia," upon each tahe. No others are gemtine. Also, cufixtantly on hand a lull line of 'good New Yoik anaEuatoru uiudo SkirL, at very loiv prices. li'iiulciiih and 1'ttait. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and LuiportuQi, No. 0,1 Aivn kircct, Philadelphia. WM. T. Hoi'KIN.S. March 23, 16C7. lPinw CLEANLIXLSS IS NEXT TO OODLl NESS." AFACTwhichistlemoiisliated at UUNNISON 6 CU'S., I'it-st ('Iimis SUittsiiK llnir Cutlis' utitl Sliuiupooniu Itoor-.isi. Two firu-clui BARiiLRS always in at'cnluuce. PrticuUr attention to cutting Ladies and Children's i'ur. tvlvo us os.ll at tbo Now Pj..h over the lVt ffffico Sauta.-y. A'igurt ifT tf Washington Library Co- rntliAtiRLPTtlA. Is Chartered kjrthe tatt of .1'cnnirjlTaota, Mil Or ganlicd In ai 1 of the niVEllSIDE IN8TITTJTB Vot Educating Oramitoual J Boliliora nd Bitilors' Orphnna. ucorpornted by tho State of N. J. Al'BIL 8, It?. SUBSCRIPIIOX ONE TOILAE. Tho Washington Library Company By virtue of their Chartor, nd In accordance with its Provisions, will distribute THItKF. HirMUlFU TIIOtKAND 0OI,t.AR8 IN PKHSKNTS TO T11KISI1AREHC)LDER9. ('it TiYc7fMitiy, January Bth, 1U08, At PHlUXUKI.rillA. PA., Clrat the Institute, RIVER MDI, N. i. Out' Prt-wnt worth lo,nno 20,ono lo,noo One rtteent worth Ouo Prepent worth Otic Present worth Tn riescnt worth f 2,500 ench (ni TriK; nt valued nt 5,000 18,000 T n rrnnpnta. tftlucd fit 115.000 Cach 30.000 One lVeertt, valued t 10,000 Four riesentr, , Rhi. l at 5.000 each, 20,000 Two Presents, vulued ut 3,000 eaeh, 0,000 Three Presents, valued at 1,000 carh, a,000 Twenty Preeentf; valued at SOOeach, 10,000 Ten Prcsente, valued t 800 eoeb, 3,000 Three Prt-scr.tf!, valued at 350 ench, 7S0 Twenty PiiBttite, valued at 225 ench, 4,500 Fifty Five Presents, valued at $'-00 each, Fifty Presents, valued at T3 ?ach, 1S.0O One Hundred ami Ten Prenent, valu- '500 ed at if tOO each. 11.0,(0 Twenty Presents, valued nt 75 each, l,50fl Ten Presents, vilocd at u eacu. 500 The VeniKimnfi Presents consists oi articles of use nnd value, apper taining to the diffusion of Lite rature and the Cue arts, fP2.000 $3.n).l 00 Each Certificate nf Stock is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving WOllTa MORE AT RETAIL THAN TBC COST OP CERTIFICATE, And also insure to the holder a PRESEST IN THE GREAT IUSIT.IBL'TION. FUBSCRIPT10N OXE DOLLAR. Any person sending us One Dollar, or paying the same to our local Agents. receive immediately a tine Sicii Plate Engraving, at choice liom ll 'ol lowiii list, and One Certificate of Slock, insuring One Present in hi Ureal fJiilrilu'.ion. ONE Jl0EI.AH EXGRAVI.NU3. No. l-"My Child ! JIv Child !" N'o. 2 They're .eavui! They're Saved No. 3 "Old Scveuty-six or. tho Early Days of the Revolution " Any person paving Two liollars will receive either r C.M . , l,i..t .. ..l...i..n m. iuu iiiliu,, iui uii kjieui line?, re. wr'i.". " -. Two Certificates of titook, thus becoming uutulud to Two Presents. TWO DOLLAR CKORAVIXOS. I No. 1 M'a-Iiinjton'sCourtJhip." No. 2 "Wash iugtou's l.a-it Interview vrU!, his Mother." TIIIIi;!; DOLLAR E.NUIIAV1NBS. Any i i vfon paying three dollars will receive the beautiful Meel Plate of 'Hosts: jhom rUE war." and thrcii Ceitilicutcs 0! tock, becoming cutltled lo iLreo Prctci.t-. rol K DOLLAR r-NGRAVINOS. Any pcrfcu paying Four iullai'S shull receive tho larre nnd be'nitilul Steel Plato of ''Tilt: I'tHILS IS OfJIl rollKFATUEnS." r.nd Foiir Ccirticutcs of Stock, e.,titling them to lour Presents. FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any pcrt'ou who pays Five Ifoltars shall receive Uie laifje and splendid Ktcel Piute of TEE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS." And Five Certificates of Slock, entitling them to Five Presents The engravings and Certificates will be delivered lo each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by inuil, pot paid, or cxprens, us may be ordered. HOtVTU OBTAIN SHARES AND ENGRAVIFU Fcu'l ordcis to ns by imnl, enclosing from HI to 8?U, eitlier liy Pt lithce orders or in a registered letter, al ourrisii. Larger ainounta should bo sent by draft or ex press. In shates with Cugiavings B0. 50 25 kharta with LiiKiavinVs ul cm 50 ahurcs with Knuraviiigs 4d &ll ?f sliales wllh Knpraviii:B 0 60 l.ai. s w.in l:iivi,igi 3.1,00 l.ocil A'il'.Ml'S WAM'KDtnrokghuut the tniteil States . r 11 71 nTimnc'TnTi t n i- muni : .it I. iam nir.noiuAiivoiiiuiAi Ki,, .1 n;.;j. tt...i; ... f..... v.- t.. well.kh"wn citizenBof Pennsvlvaniauud New Jersey. riii,l,lA.ll u. MA., listrict Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa. HON. LEWI'S H. DKOOM ALL, Lx-Cli'tf Coiner U. S. Mint, and Rcourder of Hei-1.1, Philui'a., Peurmylvania. HON. JAMES W. SOOV EL, New Jersey. HON. W. W. WAKE. New Jersey. HENRY GORMAN, tf., Agvnt Adams' Ksprvss, Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. CUE, E.hj., of Juy.Coe A Co., Philadelphia. Tar.AsuiiY Departuent, WAsntHOTON, V. C. April IK, r,il7. Otlicf) of Internal Revenue :Hnv iug received satisfactory evidence that tho proceeds of the enterprise conducted by tl 0 " Wushiugtou Library Company" will bo devoted to charituble, use, permission is hereby granted lo tuid Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from nil charge, whuiher from spcoial las or other duiy. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner ,.,1 '' Association have aporilmed as Receivers, Messrs. Gr.ORG K A. CoOKIi II to., wh'o wr known mil gniy and husiiiess exprrunce will tie a sufficient yuaian tie that the money iniriisti-d 10 theiu will be proinpily ap plied tis the paiM'se staled. Pim.tijtLrHiA, Pa., May SO, lHi To the Oificeis auJ MemtKisof the Washington Libia ry Co, N. s. HI-;AIJ,ecreUry. Rriiiienieu : On receipt of your favor nf the 1,1th iusl., tioiiiiug us of ciur app 'iiiimeni as Iticeivers f. r y..ur Couiluiiy. we funk tl.e liberty to siihiuit a copy of ya,r I haiter. Wllh a pliu i f your enlcijulsr, 1.1 the hiilirst Icfraluulhoiiiy nf the r-lule,uiid havuiv received his favor. alile iiuii- ji in regard in its ov'liry, and aynipnliiuig Willi I lie benevolent object of yuur Asa w-ian-.ii viSltlie education and maiuleiiiinee of the fiiphau ehildreu fnur Boidiers und sailors al liie Itiver ide iustiliile, we have .nciuiteil to accept the irust. and to use our best eiforts 10 proio'ite s i wniliyaii nlneot. Kosectfully. yours, Ac., OKO.A. COOKE 4 CO. Addi es all letters nud orders 1,1 Gtio .t.COHKK A CO., BANK Etta, ftlrtoaih Tnird tireet, Philnrlclphia, Pa Deceiver foi Hie Washuuiioii Libiary Co. WS. T. I.IUUTNER. Rooksellar Futioner, fiuiii.jry, Pa., u tho au'torised Aojt uie Coj panv lor this rlsoe u.J vUilaify. .Xm'U-r .''i. T0ERINQT0N & H0DQKIN8. RAW BOWB SUrER-rilOSPIIATE OF LIME, TUB GREAT WorCbunubcrlond County FERTILIZER. The best nmnnro for all kinds cf grain tninnfaj' Inred. More aolive, more durable, than any other. It docs not exhaust the soil, but on the contrary is a Permanent improver. OVfcR NI0 FARMERS in the Couuly applied itto their Spring Crop!, the results store thai it exceeded their most sanguine expecta tions. It was tested with the beet Pboat'habss in the country but came out'viotorious. Farmors, nee it for your wheat and rye. rut up in Bngs of 200 lbs. rash and sol J at $57 per 2000 pounds, at the Manufactory, SiMt .llnrlivt Street, (Snnlsury, Va.t nt at nny of onr agents in Pnnville, Williamsriort, Lenisburg. Muncy Station, Milton. Dewart, 1'otta grovo, Bloomshurg. Sulina'-Urovo, Trevorton, or any of tho principal towns in the adjoining counties. Where we have no agents appointed, farmers can send their orders by mail and rely on their receiving immediate attuuliu'n. We fanve the ailvnntnge nf Railroad and Cnnnl transportation in all directions, nnd purchasers uaed apprehend no delny in tilling orders. J.K. TORRtNGTON, Lb. HODUIUNS. Knnbtiry. Ang. 17, 1S67. BOOTS AND shoes; MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEK, "TlESrECTFL'LLY informs lits friends and ens- Xi turners, that ho has lust opened a shop for the manufacture of DUOio 4 bll'JtSS on Spruce itrcct, beticeen Second ttrect and Centre Alley, Sunbury. whero all kinds of work in his line w!i) be made up in the latest stylo and in the best workniaultke man ner. Having firf-t ola.-s stock on band he Batters himself that he w ill bo able to suit the mates ol trie most fas tidious. The public are invited to call. JOHN WHA'ER Bnnliury, Juno Is, 1807. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We take rlonsuro In announcing to Dealers In Perliliicrs. nnd tho Agricultural public, that we havo within the past year increased our facilities for the manufacture ol our Rnw Bone Phosphate, lo an extent uncauolled bv any othor liouse in the United States or Europe. These facilities not only include the enlargement of our old established works in Philadelphia, known as the OcliiM iu- Klv-r ,ti'ii'iilliiriil 4'lss-iuis'itl Works, but also the purchase of extensive and well stocked works at Chicago, III., witn all tiie necessary macninery cars. Ac. lo conduct the busino's. This establish. mcntalnno has produced, aunuully. over 5000 tons of dried Rones nnd Meat, aiid is capable of being largely increased, n e desire, by the closest super vision to oomluct these two concerns so that our cus. tomors will derive a practical benefit from their eon ulidalion, in obtaining a MANURE which shall maintain a standard nnd uniform quality, and at the lowest possible price. BAUG11 A SONS. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGU'3 :r.a."W boiste SUPER P 110 SP H ATE OF LIME. BATjcjrii se soisrs Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, KELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. e). A. 175 Farmers are reirnmmended to pmehase of the dcnlei located in liieir neiglili'irlitiiHt. In lections where no dea ler is vei cstal'lislicii. I lie rli"S('hale may bepr"CUHMl direct ly fioin ihe uiitViS'g'iied. A Pnced Circular will be sent . , , i. , I " UAUGII & SONS, Dehttcara Atenue, Ojfice .Vo. SO S. PHILADELPHIA. BAUOII BROTHERS & CO, General VTkflUwU ApenU, No. 1S1 Pearl St., corner ol Codar. SEW Y'ORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, VrViofea' Agent for Maryland & Virgir.if, No. 105 Smilli's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. 11F 'Wo are prepared to Supply our Patent Sec tional Mill to nil Manufacturers for grinding Bones, Uuauo and all other bard substances. Sold by SMITH 4 GENTHER, Sunbury. Aug. 3, J8U7. ly FARMERS & BUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. rilllE subscribers respeolfully inform tho oititens L of Northumberland county, that they are now prepared to furnish LIME of a superior quality to t'liruiora and Builders. Also, LIME-STONK roiu toe celebrated Limc-btone Quarries of Lower Maho uoy township, nt short notice and nt reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along tho lino of tho different railroads when ordered. Tbure Kilns aro located at tho Shumokin Valley Railroad, near Sunbury, whero orders will Le promptly filled. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address. J. 11. LENKKR A RRO., August 3, laVi7. buubury, Pa. SAESAPA1ULLA. MINEEALWATER. PORTEtt AND ALE rilHE subscribers having located a liotlllng ejtab. L lishment in Cuke's Addition, in the Borough of Sunbury, respectfully inform tho citizens of this and adjoiniiiK couti'ica that they nro prepared to furu. tsh Landlords, Restaurent lveers and private fami lies with the best brand" ol Sar-aparilla, Mineral Wa ter. Ale and Porter, bottled iu the best manner. Their drinks are procured from the best establishments in the country, which enables them to furnish a better article than can be had elsewhere, which will be de livered at the lowest rates. The citizens of Sunbury and vicinity will find it to their interest to palronir.e borne industry, and assist iu making this a pormaneut enterprise, and at tho Saino time save lubor und money. Orders are respectfully solicited, which will receive prompt attention. Address. PROBST 4 ROTE, Auiiust 17. H7. dm Sunbury ,Pa llE A AO VAll:iC I'rtUOF ROOFING ! m HIMES 4 CO .are the Agentsin the Coontle. 1 . r,f Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, SI WARREN S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. This is the cheapest and best Roof that can be put on a building. Has been used in the oity ol Philadelphia, sinoe ISA I, whero it has superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is reoommend ed by the builders, and is used on all of the finest buildings in that oity. Parlies contemplating build, ing. will do well to cxaiuiue into tbo merits of thia and all olber kinds ol Roofs, aid give tho best th preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, In a few days, be covered with this Roor, and parties desiring to do so, may cull Ihere and examine it. For further information address Box 14, Suubury Pust Oflico, or oall at the Brick Yard of T. 1IISES t CO. Sunbury, 18, 18(17. 3ui BlacksmitMng. JOHN IK. VI 1ST, SUNBUHY, PENNSYLVANIA, RESPECTFULLY Informs tho oititens of Sub bury aud vioinity, timt he hat ereoted a Black- I sumo tMiop near tho Sbainokin Valley Railroad Depot, where be is prepared to do Blaoksmithing in ail lis brunchus, ul the shortest nolioo. Having bad 1 many yeara' cxperiinoe ic tho business, ho natters niiuseu mei no cau render satisfaction to all who may give him a oall. Aunbury, Auguat 17. 1S07. SHOEMAKERS. THE beet qualities of Sol Leather, Frenoh Calf tkuis, Morrooaoa, Linings, Lasts, NaiU, Pen Tools of all kicda, ud uvur thing need bv the trinia f.rlok,by J H. COKLEYsVO) ' LUMBER !, LUMBER ! The Potter ' C4nnty ana Honbnry Mitatiiber yfiTly, i Row fully Ubllahld at the FUNBtJRT 1 . . r .y 'Uv ' i BTEAM'tjAW-MlLLO, aro prepared to sate to order ' WUITK PINE, fiEMLdCit. ASD OAK, of any sfio and il lengths. . Antirissortment of always kept on band. Pannel, Flooring, Biding and Snisblng boards of all kinds. MOULDING, ' 8ABH, DOORS, and . BLIUTTEKS. SHINGLES, Pawed and Shaved, White Pine, and Uumloek. Plaajtcrlnn Inlh and I'allnr;, Planina?. Rltinini and Turning, will be done to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everythhg in their lino at Such rates that Lumber Yards. EuTlders and all parties using Lumber, will find It to their interest to buy at thia establishment 0RDER8 are respectfully solicited and will ht promptly at tended to by addressing, rt in. jvr,(ut.-H, sup i. Bunbnry, Jnno 13, 1B68. 1TEV SHOE STOPeE. Markot Street, adjoining Qcarhart's Confectionery More, eurscum, ra. rilHF undersigned respectfully Infnrmsho cilitens JL of Sunbury and vioinity, that bo has opened a NEW SHOli STORK, Tor tbo salo as well as lor the manufacture of the finest and best qnality of Ladies' Shoos, vis : Glove-Kid, Jlorrocro, ulf-sLtlu unci l.nHtinc 4sattct-n, sVr. Children's Shoes nf all kinds. His stock isentir.-'.y new and well selected. Ho also manufactures fine trench and other Culf- skin Boots and Shoes for Uentlcmen. ' Orders for ladies and gentlemen s enstom work will be promptly attended to end got up in the beat style by skilful mechanics I cnoe Dnmngs rtc, oonstanuy aopi on nana ana for sals to the trade J. 11. JLx FRILe. Sonbury. April 20, 1867. atrM.MsJ sas -VLTXT TOl. heel Iron and Stove G- ZETTLEMOYER&BRO., (Sucoessor to BENJ. ZETTLEMOYER.) Market Street, near Engel's Store, SUNCURY, PA. HAVINU taken charge of tho old stand so long patronised by tho people of Sunbury and vi oinity, beg leave toamiounco to the old friends and tbo publio generally, that they will supply them with the most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of Ihe best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish. Biniclicitv of airangcmont, combining cheapness and durability and ench stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Coal Oil, Coal Oil I.nsii, Lantern, Shades. Chimneys, and all articles usually kopt in an cjtabli-hmcnt of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLE?, of all sites. FRUIT JARS and CANd of the latest improved styles. 'lie is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing. Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatlv executed OEO. ZETTLEMOYER t RRO. June 8. 18R7. y the6"reat centre ok attraction, is on SI street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lint Lately LstnblUhctl, M il It all tiie Modern Iniproi emcnt ol the Art ! TIHE subscriber, having tuilt the room rxprcMlv X for the purposo of Photographing, and having dovoted many years to tho business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that the wjrk pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unlets en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in tho county, he is prepared to make Plintnraphs in all kinds ut weather, but would prefer a clear day tor email children. He is also prepared to take new tit. or cabinet card Photographs. I All kinds rf pictures copied and magnified lo 1 any required site and Outored beautifully in Oil or j Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention j to ail kinds of out door work, such as Landscape 1 views of Monuments, M'ichtiiery, County Seats, Ac, a l.irge lot ot Photograph Iramcj constantly on hand The public are respectfully inviud to call and its our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Pbotugraphs, special terms lo tiunilics and clubs. HERUSTEESSER Sunbury, July IS, SUNBURY FOUNDRY. HO. UOUKllACIl fc ko.-i, ARE now carrying on business al thia old cetab lishuieul wifh renewed vigjr. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry hare acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not lorget that tho PLOWi made at the Sunbury Foundry hove never been equalled Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small eastings, including Cooking utensils, of tho most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be oonducted on an enlarged cal. Old customers will beuccoimnodated :.s usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 1866 CHOICE Fl'llflTi U K N A Al LS T A I- u & a s 3 BENT. EOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn. ish from the most responsible Nuricries in this and other States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds ol all kinds. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address BENJ BUHNER, Paxinos, Sortb'd. Co. Li?" N. B Insurances taken in several of tna niosi responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Companies in tbo State. June 8, 1867. y FLbURFEEDTTORE WHOLESALE AXD JIETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully Informs tho public that he keeps constantly on band at bis new JV AREHOUSE, near th Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by tho barrel and tacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton Tho above is all tnannfuolured at his own Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest cash prices. . J M. CADW A LEADER. Sunbury, April I, W J. H. Conley Co., MstrUrt Nirsrt, ICaatulihe Knllt-outl BUNBURY, 3?EIsf JM'yv. DEALERS IS 1'OREiuAi &. Anionic A, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, and Buyers generally ii invited to tho faot that we aro now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than over was offered in this marked at prioet much below Ihoae heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock cuiprii es all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WA(ONMAKER3, JOINERS, C, 40., together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes.Ropo, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, te. esutibury, March JO, 1867. rOTJT"2" HOUSE I. S. II A I. L, Proprietor Corner Sunbury and Muck Strettt, SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. THIS HOUSE is now open for th reception of guests, and being new, spacious and attractive, ha all the facilitiea aod advantage of FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Tbo (looping apartments aro airy and comfortable, and tho furniture entirely new. The Bar and Table will bo supplied with th best in the market. 1 ho patronage of th pnbllo li solicited. April 13, lor7. FINE Myrtle Pom atom, at the Fancy Stars rf ANNA PAINTER ZniGMBITTiniS ' 'Tho oseaowssiS tWto'of this rsmarVaMs (wvparatlefl ' Sreve flrit Otarli eomvoundcO and aUsiributed, ' saM.wantsirtsaa,lir lr. SMaorsirs, Use eel- -tfraud esyptlaa f hrsisUo. Thousand at his saflr tf( etmntryman were restored to health, as Well as iraal Bambera of tho fnaabitJinU of NuMo and Abyssinia, ana ol theaonntriaa borAarrbf ttDon the Boil thero eoaei i nt Uie lledlterranean Bea. Imteed, tho fame of the i ZINGAIU HITTERS . toon spread over fiuroie, and was adopted fey tho DTincinat Physicians In charfc of the hospitals of inn viu wviiv. in Rmvn is still osrd with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of KKypt placed the namo of pa. Cnsoratrs upon llio " Roll of )obles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the followlnaj Inscrip tion: " Da CnioMUS, the Public Benefactor." Thia Bitters Is now lered to the puhlio of America with the full assurance that it will be found, upon a lair trial, to act as a sptsetuo lor too euro oi Cholera, Dysentery, Dl Morbus, Fever anil Acs Rhrnmntlsm, Typhoid 1 Dlarrhorn, Cholera, site, Ituow Fever, I Fesrcr. Dvaprpslsis Colin, ilronchltla C'onaninpttou, Flatna leisry. Dlsensee or Sho Ivlilneys, Nci-rosta leiiiiy siutt emnie vomyiaiius. Remarkable eures of the above rifieaaes have been effected by Its dm, as numerouscertlflcafes, many from resular physicians, fully attest; and It is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Toulc, and an 1NVIG0RATINO BEVERAGE, tT IMS KO EQUAL. Tnrs rnt ZlffGA RI HITTERS HAS SOUI. AS W ELL A8 BOOT, am as a PREVENTIVE o DISEASE, HAS MO SUPERIOR. A TT.vr WORPa TO LADIES. The vie of tbo Z1NGARI BITTERS will give to you that soft, semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, atiroulatinK the pigmentary cells of the dermis. and Imparling health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be dcslrer1rc- moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, plenties, and that yellow, sicklv look so common in our day; and what is even hctfr than thi. It cures every species of female Irregularities and riiscaaa Principal Depot, Hnrrnbiirg. Ta. , RAHTER & HATJSE, Sole rnorniETORa. For sila by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, bunbnry Pennsylvania. August 3, 1867. NEW Gil 0 0 kTy. rpHE subscribers begs leave to annonnco to the A. oitir.ens of 8unbury and its vicinity, that tlisy have "petted a NEW GROCER! luo rvvji vcH of J, II. Fnghit Worn, if Afarlct fymir xfT ihty nro pripnr'i to friih rrery vftrit tr of Kpsofri!, mv will keep cr.m.inUj on bund tho ctioict'ftt TnrirtifMi of FLOUR & FEED, Fish. Coffee. Tens. Suar. Mornwes. Ciiecs... Suit Spices of all diaol itiin, .Soaps of every variety Candles, .Smoking nnd Chewing tobacco, Regius. Hams. Shoulders, llacon. lluller. and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Cam-d Peaches uml Toma toes. Pickets, Eetchiip. Pepper ,vnuce. Raisins, Lemons. Ac, of best quality, and in fuel every tiylo of articles kept In a well stocked tin cery. Also j Ci lar Vinegar. All kinds ol country prndu-o taken in exonango. 1 110 patronage 01 me puuiiu 1 re spectfully solicited. QEOlUsE E. BEARP A CX. 5ufcury, Nor. 11, ISo5. BREAD & FANCY CAKKS. Two doors weslnf tho Post Ofiiee, SUNHURY, Pa. I) USrECTFULLY informs Iho cilinns of S,m JV bury nnd vicinity, tanf. he will bake to order ail kinds of CnUeis f or Halls, Van ion, As. Families ire supplied with FRESH DREAD. Twist Kill? lai-ki-. Tea Runs. Ac , and also kept uii hand u.inal'ac'urcd out of the best material. All orders will iueot with prompt attention. 1 Having hud largo expLr;enoo 1 hope to ghe ! general satisfaction to all who rnfiv favor tpe with i Iheip MttrmmiiB. L'AVin tRY. I ,.Vr. n. 0 llts "-- - M. . GIMRII HITS : Confectionery, Toy and i iFiFtTJIT STORE yiarlirl Mrtrt, tiiiir , I'ji. CONFrXTIO.VEKY OF All winds. TOYS OF F.VEI5Y W.SCltll'TION F1IUIT, Ac, Ac. "tONSTAKTLY on hand and for sale at the al.ov j establishment atwliolosale uud retail, al rsason. ublv prices. II is manufacturing all kinds of Confctliotiiirles to keep up a lull assortment which are told at low rates. Tobacco, Scgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, ar.d a variety of other articles, all of whioh art oS.iao whulcsuln and retail. l'Romembcr tbe name and place -TI M. C. (JEARHART. Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 1!. ISd.t. If run & oiiji jh STOR E . w. a. jknnFi tliir!.'! Square, STAlll'llY, Vn. I IAVING reocntiy purchi.svd tbo Drug &tore conducted bv R. A Fisher. I be? LI formerly conducted leave 10 ituurm ine Glutens 01 sunbury and vi oiuily, that 1 Lars entirely replenished my stock uf ' UB DC J r3 rai rflNCV ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Brushes, rocket. Books, Soaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coul-Oil Lamps, Tobacco aud Cigars, I'uitllsi, Oils. Clttr, llla, I'istlJ, Viirnissltrti, 1'iiUnt .licit IcIsicm, At-. All my Tinctures. Syrups, Ointment. Cerates, and other preparations sio manufactured by myself, and from the best material I oun procure iu -Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in the Drug and Precription Butincus, both in Philadelphia and Ihe country, and also tho advautuge of Ibe College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that tho Physicians and public may fuvor me with. All my preparations as 1 have above asaeried. are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For mudiomal purposes, I keep on band tho very best WINES. UHANDIE3 AND LIQUOKS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Banbury, Nor 18, 1866. LIME! LIME ! B' n r m u t' uud II it 1 1 tl e s- ! Siasroltx A Bnoruin are now prepared to de liver , el the lowest market price, tho very best quality for LAND and BUILDINQ purposes. Their limoli burned of Ihe celebrated TUCKYHOE LIMESTONE," Their lira kiln aro located at tbe Philadelphia and Eria Railroad, near th steam saw mill, io th Bo rough of Sunbury. Plasters, Masons, Bricklayers SDd Farmers are in vited tooall and give us a trial. 1 . ,. 6EAS110LTZ BROTHER. Aug. 3. 18A7. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS A ST 3) STATIONER V, Monthly Tim Book Drswing Rooks sad Blabs. Bocks, Hymn Bonk. Blank Books, Memorandum Bwki, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Bunds, Pen, Pearl, 60 assnrtmest of Paper, Ink, Ao. r-ssoJoby ASH PAINTER - n NEW GROCERY STORE, alatket 8troo Sla doors Boot ol Thltd street, north r stUe, BUNBCRY, PA;, RESPBOXrVJLl.T Inform their friends ' and tho pablto, that (hey have opened a v ; ' 3STEW aROOERY AND PROVISION - STORE, slml wlltbohapTiy to havo them call and elitmine their stovk, which ha Just boea opened, embrao- ing everything in the Uroeery lino, snob to Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried fruit, iicana. Hominy, Cheese, vraokera, Uaeoo, 11am, Fish, Bait, Potatoes, ota., together with Boapo, Caudles, Soda, ke., and In fact rverylbiug In the Urooeryand Provision. Lino. FLOTR AND PEEDQueensware, WilloW'Waro, Olnrsnnrc, Coal Oil Lamps. Coal Oil to. Call and soo beforo purchasing elscwhera. W. U FURHAN 4 CO Eonbu'ry, April 7, 1807. .S'- -oSIP" ' 'TTmw 1 THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 609 Broadway, New Tone-, for I'niuillon tsntl illntinructitrs-rsi. I Theo World-Renowned 8ewing Machines, were j awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair in j London, and six first premiums at tho New 1-ok j ilSttta Fair of 180. and are oelebratcd for doing Ihe i best work, using a much smaller needle for the same j thread thnn nny other machine, and by the introdue ; lion of the most approved machinery, we ai-n how j able to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines are made at our new nnd j-irii ui Faotory at Rrtdgeport. Conn., under tho itu'nrdint supervision of the President of Ihe Coinpiuy tt-US Howe, Jr., the original inventor of tho Sewing -Machine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of Seamtrerscs. Dross Makers, Taylors, Manufaetnrrrs of Shirts. Cullers, Skirls, Cloaks. M.m '". CI" thinr. Hats. Cit's, Corrals. Roots, Slice!", ITftr c". Saddles. Linrn G'joJs, Umlirollns, Parasols. . vi.v. They work equally well upun silk, linen, wool i en find cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. I They will scum, quilt, gather, hem. fell. cur t, bruid, I hind", nu I perform every species of sewing, making a j beautiliil and perfect stilch, alike on bclb sides uf i the articles sewed. I The Stitch invented by Mr. ID'WE. ar.,1 ni. on j this .Machine, is the most popular nnd ell Ver. ing I Midlines are subject to the principle invented by I him. SEND Fir. CIRCULAR. ; 1'ht Uowb Marliino Company. ' W9 llioidway, Cur. Foi.rtli N. V. Aril8. 1M.7. ! JIAVl'I A .tllssEK. i Mrs. A. TWEED, j Ir. M-is Anna Painter's Fancy tl-o,ls r-f.re huilOlo. ; Miithct rfiutirc. ;i doors west ol the Post 'Jiiice, ! SUNbl RY. PA. RLSrEC'irULLV infirms ker friends and the public that slio Las aaiti npnticd a shop, 'n Market sireel. Sunbury. where rhe Is prepite l make fo order Ladies' Dr.'sses. it, an Lniiro new atyle, l.adios' Cloaks, A'. Al.-o Ocntli io'.ii's shirts. Orders ruspeo: fully solicited. Suiibury, Jin 1'.', ISrtr. ly Great Attraction, at the N K T I N - W A R E , Kljrt-t Iron mid More krr uf if V liere they keip c.s'airly on land ar.-j u ai lure to order at st-,l Lulice. riV AND Pin-XT IRON-WAIIE :t all discnp 1 J hey would ;einlly ."ill ih rt'cr 'tut ,.f I chario their large and well salecu-l ft.j.:k -4 (:i ! COOK AKD PARLOR STOVES. ! The sub-cril-ers bin e made arrar.iseniciitf ly hjis I all their ncrt stuvi-s innife to cr-ler. acd llnise wlij I would Lave a g-io-i su va Mould do well to iri and : examine -.In ir lar;,- and wvli cli.ie i stock '. j l irst. They defy competition on the fu!loin , irid U'aii'l. ..fl'.s k .Si'iv.,-, viS; t:inilin;ilitii Ittirstrr, t ool.. ci'iior 2V 11 - fools. I WAD ASH AND IHOKSIDKH. J and the well known Anti-inst Cook irlcve. e:,:;ed I fcl'EAK'i A Vl'IDUsr. J Abo. Parlor and ollice Si-u-i-s in c,t cat vasietj I blueing all Ilia Ih-ji irftiiufusiui-rs and mo. 1 t-tsinn. ' ubl designs, uiisiirpassid fir heauiy of finish siu.-.li. I ei ) 01 s:rrtui.'iii.:i.is.'(,nii,ii u.- cl..':ipnts, diiriih lii and v.-iJh sif.ri nariin.ied t., j erlorm what -fU-y r- ' reprciieiiti'd. Also, I he celebrated Baltimore. Fire Plnca Move, fur healing first, second and tfair i stories by Register Also, VULCAN HEATER. Alsu, llio cleliratiil JIOHMX') (JIiRY. 1'oiilO.M, Coal Oil l,nni.. Sltuslrn. 4'hiiiiiil-i.ir.l till nrtit'Is'N usually kept in an estahlisliinenl of Ihi. kind. They arc also prepared to furuirb Slate ao I deflating in the bel. woi 1, manlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing. Spouting. Range and Furna-eWurk.fiu Filling. Ac. Repaitir.; neatlv and ehenplv executed Also: "Ilauif U ttavv Kiiiic KtirIliosm Itlinlt-." Remember the piece. .Satnpie and Sales Room nearly opposite Lonly's Hardware Slora. Market streel, betwecu lliird and Fourth streets. Building dark painted August 25. Irtfid. 6TJJIBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J W. CAKE'S Addition to tbo Borough of Sunbury, for s"il on reasonable terms Applv lo Dr R. It. AW I. ai.d, S1.1L. RKDSI'll'S. Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAl'ER, ro'.tsiillo, Pa. Nov. 14, 1S84 bb vj n ri nsiif: Are especially invited to call aud examine our stock of BUILDERS HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes uf ull variotiea. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Rolls. Plan terms Trowls. Brick Trowels, Plasterer Sieves, Ac, rvc, or sale by J 11. CONLEY A CO. Coachmakers, 11 7E are sellins Rim. Snnkes. Hub. Snriim V Canvass, Units, Clips, Axles, Ac, very low Large Stock at CONLEY 1 CO. Suubury, March 30, lc.67. 'B'OsI"J'JW'JII.''"W rilHK following persons are entitled to receive an A increase ot liounty under th Act of Congress passed July Uiitt, lo equalixa Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after the 19th day uf April, IStil.lur 3 years, and served their time of enlistment and have beeu honorably discharged, and have received or aro entitled to receive a Bounty of flOO, are entitled au additional Bounty of SIOO. 2d All such soldier who enlisted for 3 jean, and bav ben honorably discharged on account of wounds received in the line nf duty, aro entitled to an additional Bounty of tilOO. 3d The Widow. Minor rhil, Ire,, .,P...i..(..i. soldiors who died in the service of wounds or disease, are entitled Ui an additional Bounty nf si lull. Ky application to 8. P. WOLVERTON. Esq.. of , eiuir; ivauia, wnoi ao authorised Claim Agent, all such claims can be speedily collected. Sunbury. August 4, lollH.tf Auric ullurnl liupleni-nla, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rake, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovel, Manur and Hay Forks, firas and Grain Scythe, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Traoo, Broast, Tongue and Log Chain. Grind stones, Fanning Mill beivotof all s'.iei end kinds, a larg assortment of Red Wagon II a rocs, for Plowing, Farm Rolls, Cultivator Toeii, for sal by J. u CONLEY CO. IRON .A large tusortoient of tbo best nanafao rurod Bar, Hoon. Band, Roond tad Sqaaro Irota, . Kail Rods, Cast Stool, Blister Stool, Drill Stool, Horsa Shoo, flora Vail, Anvils, Bellows. Viooa, Uarasoora, 1 6idge. Rsrs aod Fllos, at OrtNLKY CO S iVi p U 4 s Plallsadojlplala M BrU nasJraO. . 4 1 j. ajtWiTaii ling jlCS. Throngs and direst roots betweem PhlWlelnhlfw Baltimore, Harrlsbnrg, WHIUlnsIo, tB4 Oil Region of Pennsylvania. .. . ElEQANT SLEEPING CAR8 on all Wight Trains. '1 6si and after Monday, Bor. 25th, lUr,?. tho Traltti orjihe Philadelphia Erie Kail Road will tunas Ibllow's: 1VU Train loaros Philadelphia, 11.15 pm. 6 50 a in ' 00 p m 12 00 noon - 6 5 p m 9.4fi a tn (UNI a m 4 lopin 7.45 p m 10 25am 1.44 a m 8.00 a tn 4.25 p in 4 40 a m 1.1)0 pin 7.10 a m 10.25 a m ennoury, rr. KtKrlo. Erie Express-leaves Fkilrutolphla,. - ponDury - " " arr at Erie Elinlrs. Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury " " arrive at Lock Haven, ...... EatTWABn. Mail Train loaves Erie b." " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie " " ' Sunhury " " arr. at Phila-lelpbia, Elmlra Mail leaves Iock Haven. " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Philadelphia. 0.10 p in Slstl and LXDrcw connect with all trains n IV, reo A Franklin Railway. Passengers le ivinj Phil, adelphia nt 12 00 M. arrive al Irvine, in at H.40n m, and Oil City at 0.60 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11. IS P. M., ar.ivo at Oil City at 4 3S p m. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway mak close connections at Oil City with trains lor Fni,k- iin ann l etroleuin (. eutre. ilAUUAtiii tUiiUKLO TilROUOii. ALFRKD L. TYLER. Ueneriil SuperiDteudunl. .Alorilsvru CitlB'ii2 Kuilivsi j-, WINTER TtME SCHEDULE. Through and Direct lloule In and from Washington, Ralliruore. Erie. Elmira, Biitl-ilo, Uouhesier, and Ntagaru Falls. COT-D -T, l,v. Iiiti T' . ... .,- 1 iwi'j iani.10 oAibi iroin ana rnrce ro iiimn. 1 ioirton and Ballimoro. and I'UREE TRAINS DAI. Li to tn North and fom ami West .'Iranch Su"auc hniina. and liorlbemand Weslern Pensrsylrauia end New York. ON ami after MONDAY. Of.'TORER H'.h, Ml, the Trn'ns of tho Northern Central Ruilmiy I will run ns follows : NORTHWARD. Mali Train leaves Rnltimoro 8 20 am " Harrisburg, l.ttlptc " WilliaMiort, 8.55 p 111 arr at Ehnita, 11 05 p 111 BnJa'o Kspress leaves Raltimore 12.10 p m " Hiirrisburg, 4.20 a is " Elmira. 12 20 n n arr. Ctiiiuudaigaa, - Id p . Tat Lino. leaves Baltimore, 12 10 p 15 " llairistnirg. 4 2il p d arr. vi illiamsport, S.2i p m Erto V 45 a ti .V.,;bt Aceoia. leave Baltimore. 7 00 p u " llHirisiihr. ;t I.S a tr ' ilii.-iutsport, S 10 nu irr nl Eric. rf 45 a tr York rinl IIhiii I lunvee York 6.20 h n 0111-g Aacorri. I arr. Han i-ibure; fc 116 a 11 SOU T 11 W A R D . M.u! Tri;n. le ive: Elmira 4 n tr " VV illiiimspurt, b 40 a 11 " 11 irriaburg, 1 III p 11 arr. at Baltimore. 6.10 p 11 lli'fTalo Lxprm leaves f-'ifiajKiaiu.i, 4 ;0 p u " Elmira, 7.65 p v " Willinuip,rt, ll.l.'i p n " Harriabuvg, 4.;i."i a u nrr. at Baltimore. b 15 in I t .isll.Uie leaves W illiiiu.sjoit, .1 ,',ti j, ; " Harrisburg, H. 1 5 a 1, j arr nl Eaititnoie. 11.10 pt j York nod Harris- I leaves H-imsl urg, 6.15 p n ' lnKg A;!iiin I arr. Y'ork ft 50 pt i Mtiil Tram noj th and south. Fat Line r.01 Ih, an. V01H ail I Itatrisburg Aceoium'dutiou noi'.h au s-uth run daily except Sund-iy. lluifalo Ev.r's 1, 1. nu and Fust Line south, ru tally ; arid LnQalo Express south runs diitly exoer Monday. 'o;tit Aocoiniuodation nonh arrives du. I except tu,illy. For fnriher iiifotimiliou apply nt Iho Ticket OCio in the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. ' I. N. Di'HAKHV Pen. Fupl. 9 firkfin iiu mi A Et'c:i:,sl.i.i 1; atul ronsl. OS and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Paueuger Trail ill run as follows : SOUTHWARD. . .... .1 P. M. I' V I i-iv S--rai'Un, .V.S0 10 I'll 710 4.4'" ;insu,ii, K 55 1110 (. ;'.. a ,!, Rurt. V 20 1? I'a.ville, tf.M ..;. Arr. N.-rth'd.. In ' .1 NORTHWAED Leave Vnrtli'd.. 7 00 5 " I'anv i1!l. 7 40 f, 1 " I'.Mpr-n. H la A. M. P. M. ti " King.'U'lt. Iu .iO a :(! 2 ;i V '. Arr at Surantoti. J 2.00 U.i.i 4 10 In Trains lnutMit Kingnton at 8.:iu A. M. ,.r Scr . t.... coiuisci with Train nrriv ing at New Yorksi j .' pa.rengvrs luking Train S nitli fn tn Scr, nion 5Mi A.M. fia Nortliiiiuberliiod . reach H.irrisl'ii 11 : P. M.. Ilnltiinote 5.30 P. M.. Wnsliinxtni, 11 nu i". M. Rupert reach Philadelphia nl i .nn p i H. A. FONDA. up 1. Kit gainn. Jan ID. ISS7. Kcatliitu f Citilr-oad. W I N I i: K A P. P. A N liKMtSf. Novam'jor Zola, 1SQ7. tKEtr TRUNK LINE frotn the North ui V X Niii'th-vVvsl tor Plii',a,l.ilpt,i.i, Ni-w York, Rea in. Pot!iillc. Taiuuqii.i. Ashlnnd. LaLnnon, Al'e town. EustLti, Kj braiu. Litii, Laucaster, Cuiuu.1... Ac. A". Jrain- leave n.iiTi.i'.iiirg f.r New York. a f I'ws ; At "..(iii. b li uud s in A. .'I. and l.i'b a' d . P. M, ccnrmctiug with sii'iilar 'iinins on the Pel. jylvuiiia KHiiroad. and airir ii g .11 .Sew Y' rk in b lu li'iird II M A. M. und Si .40. 9 M P. M Met ing Cur iiccooip'inv it. the 3 i u A . M. und P. 1 rains, without change. Leave Hiirrisiiin'g I'm Kcadins, pntistili". Tun iiia. Mincr.'Ville, Ashlni.fl, Pino Orom. Ailemv ami Phila Kdphiii al tt.lti A. M. and Jti nnd 4 P. M., sto iii at Lebanon and principal v. stations; ibu 4.10 p in. lu.ilni, cini.ictious Philadelphia und Ct.luxbia only. For lVt-ivil Schuvlkill Haven and Auburn, vii Sclinvikol a ; Ausqurhanna KailriMd. Ivavo liarrishurg at :. p. , j Reluruiu" Lcnvo New York nl U.io a. Li . - Noon and 4 00 nnd n.i'O p. n,.; Philadelphia ut a. m. aud;i..10 p. 111. Way Passenger I rani iiu, fUitanelputaal 7. JO a. m. reti.riiiu from Hem' at tl .(U p. m. snipping al all Suitiui s ; Pottsvillo H.li 0. tn. and 2.45 p. ui; Asliliinil tf.nu a .ui.m u 1. 10 and I 00 f .10 ; 'luuinqua ul 8 Ci) a to. et.d ; .c n l S IJ p. m. Leave I'oliirille for Hiirri-burij via Schnvlkill a-Su-iilianna P.uilroad at 7 !u a. in. ami li'.i.o 11, Iti'a.ling Accommodation Train leaves Reading at PM tBlU'"'UK flum ''biladelphia ut 4 U0 Columbia Railroad Trains leavo Jeadin" at 7 CO A. M . and (l.lj P. M. lor Ephiata. Luii." Lai.caf. ter. Coluiubia. Ao. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 00 p n , Thila dolphia O lio A. M.. and 3.15 P M. the 0 1,0 a ui train rmiumg only to Healing. Potisvillo hut a m . Harrisburg, 5 25 a m. and 4.10 and I'-.li p 111. and Reading at 1.00 and 7.1a a m, for Han isi ui g aud 7.08 a. ta. and 11.10 p m. for New York, 4 J5 p in. for Philadelphia . Cuiumiiiatii u, Mileage. Seiu.111. Sc-honl aud Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and f.oiu all point. Daggage checked through : 100 Pounds Rrgjage nLowvd each Picsei.-er. G A. NICOI.I.3, ' General Supcrintcndei.f BKICK r5iTlTKT" J1KI CK ! To Iho illi.ii, ol" raitubui-y uu' Vit'iisliy. fPHE undersigned have bought tho Brick-Yari v, 11 1!,'P;uv'"i,"i lormerly lons.il and worked by A. Ii. Slvvens. and have made additional iiu provemenls, and arc now prupare 1 to make cuutraeia to manul.oiure and deliver BRICK iu lare quau tities. lot building and 01 her i iiipuses. By Ihe iiiai ufiiciura of a good article, and prompt attftiiltnn to bnsiiieas. we hope 10 rccene a share of public I atior.nj.e. O-neraleft al tiie llrica-iiird, or Box It, Sui.tury Post biSco, will be pr.iUly attended I". ' ' , T. IlIMhSACO. Sunbury, May 18, Is",; m k'iiisilsi, il, Ac. A full tock of Oils eoniprising Linseed Oil. Cos Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubiicatug tlil tor Engines an Machinery, Varnishes, tilaat, alwuvs on baud, al low prioasal CONLEY 4 CO S TiOR Saddlers, ae have Saddle Trees. Bills. Buck JU le. liig ircoe. P.,d Tree. H.iues, all kinds and overy thing reriaiLing to the business, fur sale bv J. ii. CONLEY k Co. TeMEMDKU TIIKDK.tl). MESSRS. D. C Disshiger and John A Taylor, would respectfully ausounoe to the citisens of Sunbury, and urruundinr oouutry, Ibal having formed a co-p.irlnci-ti:n, they ax Bow prepared ji furnish ornamenteu sua plain fii-siTOuloiK'H, 'I'osiibw & .Tlonumt'iila of tho boat Italian and American marble, al price that aannot fail to ziv entire satisfaotion. and ro- spootfully solicit the publio patronage. ' l,l,v,ii 11 . t 1 1 nn Siukary, March 31,1866 ly. B IRD CAUE8.lt different kind. If youw.ot food sad cheap R:rd (-aes .goto t'.L NI.EY & COS