. a tTvnuu v. pa. BATTODAY, DECEMBER 68, J807. ftorah flair. .:" Wt notlo that oar young friend and fellow towns Bias, 0. A. Rolmenrayder, Esq., DM bHl admitted to praetloe In tbe ooorU of Colon county. tea Mothojist oburoh, at MoEwensv ill, will be dedicated on Sunday next, 39tb Inst. Services will commence at balf-patt Un o'olook, A. M. Cocbt Th next trm of Court for Northumber land oounty will eommenoe In ,thUi plnoe on Mon da;, January 6th. It will eontlnue In itMlon for two weeks. ' Ton oclebraled Eurti Uold Fem art for tale at Etevemon't Jewelry Store. They are considered tho best pen made, and art Juit the thing for a New Year's gift. '' :. ' ;' Bet. Mr. Hbmpirlt, of the Lutheran Charon, in this pine, wa tho recipient of a donation visit from the memben of his oburoh, on Monday evening last, with a bountiful lupply of the thing needful in the family oirole- Dkath or RKV.JonaGcrnn. Rev. John Quyer, Presiding Elder of tbii DUtrlot, died at Tyrone, Pa., on Hie 13th inst. lie was an eminent minister of the Methodist Church, and his sudden death is lamented by a larg circle of friends and acquaintances. A Festival will be held at Turbutville, thii county, on Tuesday erening, 31st lnst-i fur the ben efit of ibo Sabbath School connected with tbe Union Church of that plnoo. Dialogues, addresses. Ao., in addition to the usual entertainment, aro among thu ordor of exerciser. Bkar Fkast. Mr. Joseph Vankirk, mine host of the Yuukirk ilouse, at Northumberland, slaughtered ono of bis bear on Tuesdny last. Young bruin was in good condition and weighed 90 pounds, dressed, without the head, and afforded an excellent repast for those fond of bar meat. IIkavy Damages. At the f est Ion of the Snyder couuty court, recently, the minor children of Mary Butler recovered tho un of 17.000 from the Poun. sylvimia Railroad Co. At a previous suit a verdict of H8.000 was rendered. Tho parent! were killed about a year ago on that road. Ciiihstva passed ofl" pleasantly. The weather was lino during tho day, and large numbers availed themselves of the opportunity for sleighing and skating. Nearly all business was suspended. But few cases of drunkenness wcro seen on our stroets. The uauul turkey roasts woro indulged in extensively. Sale or the Bia Moi-ktaih Railroad. The Siesmoliin Herald says that tho Enterprise R. U. Co. recently purchased the Big Mountain road and its laterals at the Buck Ridge oolliery. The Company has agreed to have the Enterprise road opened as fur as the Buk Ridge colliery by ti.o tint of May next. Blank Leases. Wo Lave on hand a large num bor of Wank leases, neatly printed, which we sell at leu cents per copy. As the season for leasing property is at bund, and as a largo number of them will bo required, wo are ublc to supply tho demand. Wo have them printed with and without tho ex emption clause. Is our notice of the various business establish ments of this place, Inst week, wo overlooked our C.jetid J. F. SbactTor. Mr. Sliaufl'or's tailoring es tiiMi.'hiuent, at tho north-west ccrncr of Third and Market streets, is well knuv. li for its good, cheap and well-fitting g irineuU. Wo can recomuicLd him as ? fiist-ohus tailor. New Yk.iii's Address. Our can icr requests us 0 state that bo will be around early on New Year's lay with Iih ani.ual grrc'.iii to the paints of th.) meru:a'. :n t!iu borough. Ho hopes that all will euieiubcr !... o:. that ir.u:.-.;..g occasion, when ho rill be ready and willing lo receive all donations" hat n generous pubiio mny see fit to br.'-i v. Al'l l'IVTMKNT.S RY THE C'oM MlSSOJi KRS The j tim:iiiiiocers of this county, on Tiiiusdtiy morning f lu-.t v !'.k, made iho following appointments : I Mercantile Appraiser C. M. l.r'hcr, Point twp. Clerk John Fumsivorth, Ei-q , Upper Augusta. I'hyJciati-Dr. R II. Awl, b'uubury. Attorney O. W. Haupt. Janitor of Court Houro Samuel llaata. Pronation Vixtr. We neglected to notice, last eek, a handsome donation visit, of which the Uev 'r. Yandyne, of St. Matthew's (Episcopal) Church as the recipient. Tbe members of his church took ,e reverend gentleman and lady by surprise, and in few moments his tablos wero covered with dry lods, clothing, provisions, and a variety of useful ti;le.s in addition to f07 in money. Tho dona in was not only liberal, amounting to about $100. it entirely unexpected. It ia but proper to say a! some of the members of St. Mark's Church, a orlhuuiberlaud, were liberal contributors. Thk 1'ottivillo Journal ssys that in various sec. '.s of Schuylkill county people have sufTcrod late- in consequence ot tho springs beiug dry and their Yeiis bciiig lioicn. This has also been the caso in ilicrtnt portion of thie couuty. We havo heard a real many complaints from farmers and others ot .,c scarcity of water, which, iu some instances, they havo bud to convey some distance to supply tbeir wants. Several nvuring mills nave oeenooogca to top nperatiou on aooount of insuaicient water-powo;-. Tbo lato rains, bowevor, have remedied this. Ahotiii:k New U.itLBOaD. A Hurrisburg paper, of a recent date, says that a charter was grunted by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, last winter, inoor poratin a company to build a railroad from Head ing, along tbo valley of the Tulpehockcn, via Hern villo. Rohrersburg and Millersburg, Berk oounty, crossing tho Dlue mountain at the gap pear the latter pluie, to Trcuiont, Schuylkill oouuty, and tbence via Oratitown, Dauphin oounty, to Port Trevorton, on tho Su9iuchunna, there to connect with other railroads passing through tho oil regions of Western Pennsylvania. Tbo capitul of the company is fixed .fl.bOU.OoO, of which $700,000 is guaranteed by Vcalthy corporation intorested, and Sai.OOO it al ready subscribed, leaving only about $200,000 to bo subscribed. A meeting to orguuite tbe company will bo held iu a few weeks. Tho length of the road will be sixty-five miles, and its estimated cost for grading, Ao., it $14,000 por mile. HoaBKiiika. No lest than five robberies were committed in this place on Friday night of last week. Ibo house of Win. M. Itockofeller, Esq., was en tered aud jewelry worth about $0 taken. A tett of fur and other valuables, in the same chamber, were not disturbed. Mr. R. was absent from home at tho tiuio. Xbe same night Mr. Chariot Weitiel't residence, en Aich street, was entered and about $S0 abatraoled from tho pookctt of hit pautaloont, in bis bed chamber. ' Mr Joseph Eisely, residing on Fourth street, re cti d a similar visit in bis bed chamber, and wat relieved of about $t0 to $100, whloa wat takeo from bis pockets, and bit pants left down tttdrt. Mr. M- C. tioarhart's Coufootionery establishment, oa Market street, wat also entered. The thieves, L-'aver, only got $3 or $1 for tbelr paint. Tho residoncoof Mr. Win. Haupt, on Arch street, was entered on the tume night. The rubberi did out take anything of much value. Those robberies were evidently oommitted by meant of false koyi, by persou. of experience ill tha bmiucMi, and having some know, ledge of tbe premi se. There has beuu considerable dimmJ for bolto ,u.':atbfc:. r-ilb-.-rift, en-1 wi-lout whiU 9 door I, -.-' Finn at Milton. -The Mihothan, of Friday last, says i The Milton Aoadomy was burned te the ground on Thursday erening of this Weak. .The Are aaught from the More In tbe tohool room, and was flrtt disosVered by Air. Btrus, night watahmaa at the Car Fartery, UtUe eft atot o'olook . Be lm medieval gave the as arm, and the wtrttle on the Car Co.' planing mill wat vigorously blown, bat the Bra bad cbtataed taob headway est to be beyond oontrol, before asshnanoe aould arrive, and nothing coald be dona by the oocoourse of altltent assembled but witness, while tbey regretted, the destruction of the adlflee. Col. O. J. Wright owned the building and oooupled It as a school room., A reflation of the school was to hare taken plaoe on the day following that on which the Are occurred. We learn that the property was Insured for SS.OOO. A MaoniriciiiT Njw Yeaa't Gist Fire Cer tificates of the Washington Library Company, of Philadelphia, in aid of the Riverside Institute for eduoatlng orphans, oostlng fire dollars, with the splendid engraving, "Marriage of Pocahontas," worth, at retail, at least $7.00, and besides eaoh Certificate secures a present at the Ureal Distribu tion by the Company, and an equal obance that one or more of the presents may be worth thousands of dollars eaoh. You may rejoioe and enrich your friend, and do a good act. Read advertisement. Editor's Table. IlARria's Maoaiike. The January number of this able and widely oiroulated monthly is on our table. Tbe oontents are as follows : Chattanooga, and How we Held It ; Unreturning, a poem ; The Cafes of the Paris Exhibition ; HolooBust, a poem ; Memoir of Babylon ; Fanoy, a poem ; My Brother-in-Lnw ; Among the Wheat-Fields of Minnesota ; Three-Ships, a poem ; The Woman's Kingdom A Love Story; Why Shall they Do It f In the Fivo Points; Travelers lor a Night; Uermnn Newspa pers; Mrs. Knt's Lodger; Tho Inevitable Crisis; Day and Night, a poem; Editor's Easy Chair; Monthly Record of Current Events ; Editor's Draw er. Published by Harper A Brothers, Franklin fquaro, New York. Thk Lady's Fhiknd. run January. Two finely exoeuted steel engravings lead off tho January num ber of this excellent lady's magatine One is called My Household, and thu young husband cer tainly seems to bo very well satisfied with his trea sures. The othor engraving is a Dutoh Skating Scone, and is very fousonablo and appropriate. The colored doubie-page aluel fashion plato is, as usual, unrivalled in elognnco. Tho engraving, Dogs will be Dogs, is first-rate ; and the many illus trations of the fashions, eto.. all the ladles will know how to appreciate. Tho musio for this number is The Moonlight Waltz. The literary matter is by Virginia Townsend, Elizabeth Prescott who begins a fascinating story oalled A Dead Man's Rule Fioron.ie Peroy, tho distinguished pootess ; Louise Chundlcr Moulton, Margaret Honner, Aunt Alioe, t.'nn Locke, eto., oto. The publishers are sending the Docotnber number, which is a very beautiful one. free to all now sub scribers for 18'ftS. Prioo (with engraving) $2 50 a year; four copies (with one ongraving) $0.00. Ono copy of Lady's Friend and one of Saturday Evening Post (and one engraving) ft. 00. Address Deacon A Pot erf on, 310 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. j BUSINESS NOTICED. I L"5 IM-liitisijf. Having recuived a I large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various now j styles, Po-tom, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter ; Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, &!., can be printed in ! tho latest and best styles, and on short notice. Or dors by mail promptly attended to. Blanks. We huvo printed a largo number cf blank petitions and bonds for tavern and restaurant license, for the purpose of supplying those in the oounty who intend applying for license at tho Janu ary session of Court. We keep a full assortment of all kinds of legal blanks on band, neatly printed, which wo sell very cheap. "Tnx luxury of doiug good" may bo enjoyed on CbrUtmos day, by any one who presents husband, wife, son, daughter, or friend, with one of thoso ele gant Foloy (iold Pons and Holders, to be found in great ijuaulity at New York prioes, at LIGHTNERS Book Storb. Christmas Presents, New Year's U ifts. Toys and Fauoy ArtiiU-9 of all kinds, at LIUHTNKR'3. Brackets, Albums lo , at LICHTXER'd. .,OOU tVoi-llt i" Sew ool Jl'ST RXCE1VEO AT V.M. H MiXLEKS CHEAP BOOT A SHOE STOKE, SUN BURY, PA. 7V.e Un.it Jiace niuleJMUUr 2.10 Afuad ! 'r,ood morning, neighbor Ooodenough "liood moruiior. Mr. Asood !" Mr. A "I understand you wero at Bunbury yes lerday ?" 'Mr. U "Well. 1 was " Mr. A. "What news iu Suntury. Anything of imiKtrtance r. Mr. U. "Abundance! Wni H. Miller, the hero who never lost a battle, still shin. Is triumphant on tho hold, and more, Miller is knocking tho spot- ofi of all competitors ; that's so! And he's selling more goods an I much cheaper than any-ono else ; that's so, too ! llo hus reduced his prices to III per cent, less than all his competitors. You would be mrprifod to see how much cheaper bo soils. JuH call at bis store, at tho corner of Third and Market streets, sign ol the Big Ulass, and if you don't got better goods for loss money than elsewhere, then my name ain't Uoodenough." Mr. A. "I think I shall call on him. I want several pairs of boots and shoes for my family this winter." Mr. O. "You will eertainly save roonny. All his work is of tbe bast material and well manufac tured.'' Tue IUi.es of Court. We have a small num ber of oopies of the new Rules of Court, regulating the practice cf tho courts in this (eighth) Judicial I District, composed of Northumberland, Montour and Lyjomihj counties, and h!ho the Rules of Equity Practice adopted by the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, whi.di wo will soil at $2 per copy. If any of tho legal piofiui.,11 have not yet obtained them j incy can ue Fiij'ioieu, on ajrfmunuou ui tue AMkni- c v!, p0ll.Oi or Ba,ires,in u, by letter. A roET intended to say : '-Sco tbe pale martyr in a sheet of firo," instead of which the printer made him say : '-See the pale martyr with bis shirt on fire!" We would adtiae the unfortunate fellow to cull at the Continental Clothiug Kmimr, in Market Square, and procure a new article of tbat useful under-garment. as well as a bran new suit of olothes. Tbo Continental is Iho cheapest and best establish ment in town. Oekihal Cuti.kh says if a man'e houso it worth $10,000 to duy, with tbu national debt at $2,500, 000,000, wheu the debt it roduced one-half, then your bouse it worth $20,OUO ; and erg o, if tha debt 1 reduced to nothing, then your house is worth $2 500,000,000. These are big figures, because we are dealing with big things (the national debt and (ieu Cutler) ; but to come to small figures, we would say that a small sum w ill buy an elegunt pair of Boots or bboea at Thaobor't First National Store, in Plot' aanU' building, Market Square. brop, OEXTLCaaa! At J. F. Shaefl'or's Clothiug Emporium, in Market Square, and examine the ex tensive aud varied assortment of Cloths, Cassimerei, Vetlings, Ao. Everything good, substantial and fashionable, for tbe Winter season. You eannot fail to be pleased. Suits are made there at short notice, and very obeap, in consequence of tbe reoent reduc tion in goods. OiKTbiata. A word to gentlemen we mean those who like to drest in the latest styles, and who keep paoe with tbe seasons. To such we say. confi dentially, that J. 0. iieok, Merobant Tailor, on Fourth street, hat on band a full telectioa of new pattern aud styles, In all kinds of olotbipg for men and boys. Tbott who have tried the eity and Beok't establishment, know tbat elegant clothing oan be bad at borne, equal in all respect to tbe beat eslab- Call and tea bit Dew luhmeote in the city splendid variety. Do IT iMNCPIATaLT. Tbe poet tayt, "teoure tbe tbadow are tbe substance fades," and in order to do to to good advantage go straightway to Byerly't Photograph Gallery, in Simpson'! building, Market Square, bunbury. Mr. B. it prepared to furnish Photographs and Ambroiype In til styles and litet. Wa would advise all who desire to have a gool pic rure'lo py b'm a visit "War don't yon trade with me t" said a olooe fisted .trndeotnsn 'to a fillend. tbe other day. The reply irk iaereoterfsUo'i "You hare oarer asked Be, air. I bare looked all through the paper for tfi tnvtutloo Id the shape of an adrerUtemant, and fbaed doc a. t trfor go war C am twt lartted." feast, the fash ion able fiat and Cap ttensjfeetorer, In Market Bqaare, It liberal (a 4fae oe of printer's Ink, and In vitas all, through the medium of the press, to call and tea the new winter stylet Juft re eelred by him. ' HABBIAOBB. At Bcranton, on Tuedsy,Uie tlth Inst., by the Ror. Mr. Marple, Mr. Wat. O. DicameoH to Mist Lulls A. Massxr, daughter of Dr. a. W. Master, all of Soranton. On Tuesday evening, Dno. 24, 1867., by Rer. Oeo. T. MoNair, Mr. C. P. SassnoETi, otBunbury, and Miss Lima M. Reed, of Poiut township, North'd. County. The thanks of the entire foroe of onr offloe are tendered to the happy couple, and their health and future prosperity were not forgotten when enjoying tbe fine Christmas present that acoomptnledj the above notioe. r DEATHS. At the residence of his brothor, in Huntingdon Co., Pa., on the 1:1th inst., Iter. JOHN UUYEK, of Lew isburg, in bis 60tb year. ., At a meeting of tbe Preachers of the Northumber land Distriot, present at the funeral of the Rer. John (iuyer, tho Rev. T. M. Racsa wa oalled to tbe Chair, and the Ker. W. R. Mills was appoint ed Heorotary. The following preamble and resolu tions wore unanimously adopted : Whereas. It has Dl eased the Great Head ot the Churoh to remove, by death, our beloved brother and oo-laborer, the Rev. Jobs Ouvkr ; and Whereas, For nearly thirty-four years he was a faithful and successful minister in the M. E. Church, and for nearly four years past Presiding Elder of the norinumoerinna irisinci inereiore, Resolved, That we recognise the hand of Ood. In this dispensation of Divine Providenoe, whiob has) severed our present relations, and that we deeply feel our loss, but are assured it is his eternal gain. Resolved, That we most oheerfully give our testi mony to tbe kindness of his heart, Christian eourte BV, ardent zeal and suooessful labors. Resolved, That we deeply sympathite with Iho neroaveu iuniuy oi our ueceased orotner, ana de voutly pray thut the Saviour whom be preached will ooiolort and sustain them in their afflictions. Resolved, That a oopy of the above resolutions be presented to the family, and that they be published in tno papersoi tne district, "unnstian Advocate It Journal," "Methodist," and "lloinn Journal." W.R.Millii. tjeo'y. T. M. REESE, Chalr'n. Lewisburg, Deo. 10. 1K67. M J. A II I It V M l IE IHYIS. Corrooted Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de da per owt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per owt. Wheat, prime rod, new, por bushel, Rye, do Corn, new, do Oato, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unpared do Dried Apples, do $12 00 G 00 10 00 (I 00 -3 20 1 20 1 10 5 1 00 40 25 1& 3 00 40 Si 25 IS 2S 20 It n 18 CO Dried Cuerries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter. per pound, per dor.cn, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " from " Mutton, Chiokens, Kliuinoliin 'onl Trade. Sdahokiii, Deo. 23, 18G7. Tons. Cut Sent for week ending Deo. 21 8..10S 09 Per lost report, 409.410 03 475,718 12 652,329 07 To tamo time lact year, Decrease. 7B.2fi0 15 Sptnal Noticrs. Decided. There seems to bo uo question but what Coo's Balsam is tbe greatest and best Cough preparation extant. In cases of Croup it is unfail ing. Take little and often, and the result is sure. It should find a home in every household. The pro prietors assure us it needs but one trial to establish its merits. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with tho utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Auiist, (formerly of Leydun, Holland,) No. H05 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from tho most reliable sources in city and oountry can do seon at his ofiioe. The Medical fioulty aro invited to accompany their patients, as he has no seorets in hispraclico. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out psin. No char jo f r examination. nov.30-ly. I'rros'D of Toitlh. A Kentlemsn who suffcrod for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Dooay. and all tho effect of i youthful indiseretioa. will, for tbo sake of suffering I humanity, send free to all who need It, tbe recipe 1 anu uirections ior ninaine; 1110 simpiu reiueuy oy which he was cured. Suflorers wuhing to profit by the advortisor's experienoo, can do so by addressing, in pcrfoot oonCdoncc, J' 'IN U. OODEN, tny la -OT.Iy u .eui:r .ircoi, . t . ( DLUATi: Jc CO.'fi GERMAN EUASIVE SOAP s manufactured from PL'RE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For talo by all Grocers. May IB, 1B67.-Iy. A PERMANENT TONIC. Every one, at times, feels tbe neoeosity of some thing to tone up tbo system, depressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. At such times let every one, instead of taking alcoholic or medicinal stimulants, reinvigoruto bis debilitated system by the natural tonie clement of the PERUVIAN SYRl'P, or Protected Solution ot tne rrotoxiue 01 iron, which vitalizes and enriches the blood by supplying it with its Life Element, Iron. Being free from Alcohol in any form, its energi sing efleoU aro not followed by corresponding re action, but are pormauent, infusing stresgtu, vi gor and new Lira into all parts of the ayitotu, and building up an I no Constitution. WM. C. tiTEKLINU, Esq., of Poughkeopsie, N. Y.,suys: '-since tuktng the Peruvian Ayrup 1 leel Belter, my strength is improved, my bowels are regular, my uppetite first rate. There is an old Physician in this oily, (older than I am,) who hat been in the Drug business for 40 a years, who bus used the Syrup lor throe months, and t gives it as his decided opinion that it is the best Al terative 'i'uuio Medicine bo ever knew." tor DvrPursiA, Debility, and emalb easi ness, the Peruvian Syrup ia a ipecino. A 3'i pK pamphlet sent free. The geuuinu hat ''Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. it, i.ivviiAnr n. :.... j. 1, yi..iionci, i iu7nciui, 3d Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. Deo. U-tl o NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, J 4 Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many yoars this Establishment has done busi ness on tbe One Prioe Sys.em, and we believe we are tbe ouly Clothing Houso in the city that striotly adhere to this prineiple. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select- f;ood styles and substantial materials, and nut leu in por urn t, for having all our goods, i:TKA HEMi MADE. Wt emnloy the best talent, for Cutters, and ear Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain ir,.i .11 iiuik, ean be suited. The prioes are tbe audi very lowest, at any on by a moment t thought must tee, or otnerwise we oouiti uui wow of our neighbors, for at no deductions are ever made, we must put our priccf down to tbe advantage we promise. , Tbe people may depend, thu it the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar oan be saved lo Clothing buyer by keeping ia mind JONES' ONE PHIUE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on tbe Corner, but cne dcr above blth Ntr"b?3 I?" -ly Hi Ayr-r'n Vtti-rry I'lCtorfl, ' irea tsa baimb curb of ' Coayfa,' Cold, .sm. tfaarttntM, Croup, BroPcf,UU, IncibmU duntumption, and Jor th Betitf nT Cmncmptie4 PutitnU eft AdL- SOerMebtbatVaUofJt aeefalneei end ao Bo' anaroesi are Its on re, tha In almost every section e ooantry are persons tmb Holy known, wb bare been restored by it from alarming and evoa despe rate disease of the lung When onee trlod, lie su periority over erery other expectorant it too appa rent to escape obserration. and where Its rirtuee are known, the publie Do lunger hesitate what antidoto to employ for tho distressing and dangerous afioo Hons of the pulmonary organ! incident to our cli mate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon tbe oommunlty have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, oonferrod benefits on the affliotod they oan never forget, and produoed oures too numerous and too remarkable to be fur gotten. We oan assure the pubiio that Its quality it oare fully kept np te the beat it ever has been, and that It may bu relied on to do for tboir relief all that it hat ever done. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and other eminent personages, bare lent their names to oertify to tbe unparalleled usefulness of uur reiueuiro, out space nere win nor permit ine in sertion of them. Our Agents furnish, gratis, our American Almanac, in which tbey ore giren, with also full descriptions of the oomplainle our remedies cure. Tbnso who require an alteratire medicine to pu rify the blood will fiud Ater's Cumf. Ext. Sarsa parilla the one to use. Try it onco, and you will conoede its ralue. Prepared by Dtt. J.C. AYER A CO, Lowoll, Mass., and sold by all Druggists aud dealers in med ioiue everywhere Deo. 21-tit ADDRESS Te) THK NERVOUS AND DKB1LIT4 ted, whose sufferings have been protracted loon hid den oauses.aad whose cases lequire prompt lieutmeiit to rentier existence desirshle If you ate sulTering or have suffered fiom involuntary discharges, what effect dues it produce upon youi aeueial heallli ? Do you feel weak, deblhtuteu, eusilv tiled ? Doe a littta enrx eierti ro. duce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary orgaui, or yuur kidneys, frequently get out of order ? Is your urine sometime thick, iniikr. m Hockv. or is it roDV on aettliiig or dues a thick ecu in rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at l he bottom afler it has stood awhile? Do you nave spells of short breathing ot dyspepsia? Are youi hotvel constipated ? Do you nave spells of fainting or tuslir of blmKl to the head ? Isyuur memory itupaiied? Is your mind constantly dwelling upiai this subject ? Do you feeldull, listless, moping, tired of eotninuy, ol hie? Do you wish to he left alone, to get away fran everybody ? Does any little thing make you Blurt or jump? Is your sleep broken ol im leas? la the luaire of your eyes as brilliant ? The btooin oil your cheek us bright ? Do you enjoy your, self in society as well? Do you pursue your business with the same euelgy ? Do jou feel us much confidence in your self? Are your (pints dull and Hugging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, Jo not lay iKu your liver or dyspepsia. Have you rustleaa niclits? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but iitile appetite, and you utliibute this lo dyspepsia or liver-complaint ? Now, reader, self abuae, venerea! diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weak ness of tiie generative organs The organs of generation, when iu perlect health, make tha man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, eaereetle, persevering, suc cessful business-men are ulways th'-se whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear sueh men Complain of being int-lancholv, of nervousness, of palpita tion of the heart They are never afraid they caauot suc ceed in bjameas ; they don't become sad and discouraged j they are always polite and pleasant iu the company of la diea, and look you.'nd than rii;ht in the face none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. 1 do not nieau those who keep the nrgnns inflamed by running to excess These will not only rui.i iheir constitutions but alao thoac they do buaiuena with ui for. How many men from badly-cured diseases, from tho j ui.a hi kii'muumi anil cAUCHK-n, nnvtr nriiuni nmiui ihhi stale of weakness iu those organs that luu reduired the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, parulyaia, spinal alfcctloiis. sui.nde, and almost every other form of diaeaae which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever sus pected, and have doctored for all but tha right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic II ELaIHOI.D'8 FLU ID KXTKACT m cllt; isthe great Diuretic, and is a certain cute for dlaeaaea of the U'adder, Kidneys, Oravel. Dropsy, Orgsmo Weakness, Female Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of Die Uri nary Organs, whether existing in .Mule or Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may snsue. Our flesh ondhlood are supported from ttiene sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of u reliable remedy. flelmhold'a.Kltruct Uoehu, eatahliahed upward of IS years, prepared by II. T. HKI.MIIOI.I), Druggist, S!lt Broadway, New York, and lot South 10th Sueet, Philadelphia. Pa- Paict Sl .5 per bottle, or 6 bottles for SO . 10, delivered to any addreM Sold by all Druggists evei) where. March -j. 1 THE HEALING POOL, And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORT, for Young I Men. on tho crime of Solitude, und the Krrors, Abu- i sos und Diseases which destroy tho manly powers, and create iiu pediments to Marriage, with sure means j of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, froe of j charge. Address DR. J. SKILLIN UOUUHTON, , Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Juno 8, 1367. ly j jrii)VEHTISEMExTS. ! Kiii:itirFs wai.i:. 1 Y virtue nf a cettain wrt of Venditioni F.xpoims, ia Aj sued out of the Court 01 Common 1'ieuae 01' Noriliuin Oct laud comity, and to me dirccttd, will lie exposed to null lie sale at tile Coal Breaker ol the defendants, upon the preiiiiaca herelimllel drsnled, oil tATU tt I.IA V, the till day 111 JANUAHV,A D leoH, at lUo'cl-ick, A. M., Hie fmliiwiiig dt-ecrioed property, to wit: All thut eei lam piece or pai eel of land aitunte in Zerbe and Little Matmii")- towulnpa, fNorthuinucrlatid ci'Untv Pa , tiouudrd as loUous, to wit : Urgiiiiiui; at a Inllcii pine, the lioltlo-aat cornel ot' land auiveyed to Philip liunkelbciser, llicuce noith 1 degree 6'i minutes enat, 31i .1 perches to alones ; thence noilh ft.) degrees rust. 47 0 perches to a small cheitudt ; thence north oJ.A prrtht-s to a post aud stones; thence 1101 th HA decrees west, IU t pen-ties to a white pine; thence north 66 d. grrrs 30 minutes wet, 111 7 perches to an ash : thence 1101th 43 degrees West, Uli perches to u white onk ; llicuce muth 5i3 decrees west. 61 4 perches to a lieuil.iuk; thence north 17 degrees west, 64.C perches to a white pine aupling ; thence 1101th II de gree aud 7 ininules west- 15 'i pt lelica lo sUmes; thence ! s. utli7l degree, aud ii minute, west, I'JS perchc. to a WBCl Ulll.ll MieillV ll.'I.U f UrfilB.. . WW . peiches U stouesi thence north tf degrees ISininntrs went, , 111 perches lo a white oak; thence by laud surveyed to ; John Kuiikin. south su deKiees3u miuuies west, til li per- '. dies to klooca; thence hy l:iud surveyed to Jucnh Wuituer, south $1 degrees 37 minutes west, IH7 4 perches to ache nut uk, theuee north bO degiees 7 miuuies weal, e3.8 perehrs to a post and stones ; thence north 4 degrees cast 3 perches to a fallen black oak, now post an-! stones; I hence north 60 degrees Kl minute west, I IG 5 perches to suiues; thence south 10 degiee euat, li d 3 perch to auliesnut; theuee north SO d. nic.es weal, 77 0 perehe to stones: theuca south 3'3 degiee Vj miuuies ca.l. ItM perches to a post ; theuee south i degrees 10 minutes west, 175 peiches to a post ; 1 hence by land suiveyedto William Hamilton and Philip Duukellieiger, south b7 de gree SO minutes east ; 615 0 perches to a fallen pine, the puree of beginning, eonlaiiiins; 4,tral acres and 6i peiches, mote or leas. Whereon is erected a huge Coal Breaker and Htearu Engine. Alao All that certain other piece or parcel of land situ ate 111 Zeros township al'oiaauid, called the Klishu tieiger. tiact, adj.-iuing lands surveyed to John Nlcholaa Bally, John Cowdeu and Willuou (Jray, coiiiaiuiug I5u acre, inure or lea. Also All that certain other tiact or piece or land a. turn 111 the inwnahiD eforeauid. surveveit 111 puisuaiii-e of a warrant gianleii to Williwm Ciaik, ailjoinmg lunit surveyed to William Utay. John Cowdeu, Ik'Uiicd uirner, ruin tulip 417) Dunkelheicer and Jeiemiali Jackson, continuing 4 acres. Also All that certain bly and parcel of land, situate in Zefhe township aloreMid, tmuuderi and dt-scritied as follows, to wit: Heginniiig at stones, the norlhe.isl eorner of laud auiveyed to Win Cook; thence norlh I degree 6J minutes east, ttsi.0 percho to stones; thence ivrtli oj decrees east. 47 6 ocichcs to a small chestnut; thence liollh 33 3 perches lo a post and stones; theuee noith 85 degrees weal, 1114 perches lo a while pine; thence north 60 degrees 30 minutes west, 10 7 peiches to an ash ; I theuee uoilh 43 degrees west, 10) peiches to a white oak ; ; thence none KJ degrees west, 514 perches to a hemlock ; : ihi.- in nili if deerees west. 64 6 perches to a while pine sapling ; thaiwe north 1 1 degrees 7 minutes west, li t per ches in smnes; thence noitn 70 degires 37 minute euat, ISSBperchea to stones; thence ninth SO degrees 4S mm utcs eust, S77 perches to a post; theuee south 14 degrees 15 minutes rust. 'J'J7 e perches to a dead maple; theuee sisuth 81 degrees east 103.7 perches to a poat ; thane soulu 1 1 de grees weal 43 6 perches lo a post and alones ; thence norlh I degrees li minutes west, 141 perches m a dead maple ; thence noilh 8U degrees west, IA9 perches to e post ; theuee south 14 degrees 16 niluuiea east, 165 9 perches lo atones ; thence a mill es deiree 15 inoinle east, I IK 7 perches lo a post ; thence south I degree it minutes west, 134 5 perches to a post; ihence south (degree 8'J minutes west, ISO 3 per. ches to e post ; thence by land of Oeo Karsietter, north 83 deaiees 64 minutes wesl, lev perehe to a pine ; thence south 16 degree weal, 1 17.9 perchc In a fallen while-oak, theuee noilh I degree 64 minute eait, 947 6 perches to a post; Ihence norlh Ha degree 16 minutes we t, 314 perches lo the place of beginning, containing llbfi acre aud 66 per ches, more or lefts. Also All that ceitain Railroad of th Trevorton coal Company, extending from the town of Trevorton Hi Poet Trevorton. in tha sounty ol Snyder, including the rifhl of way, blanche, haain, deaU, alation and all improve menu n.' every kind and dcvriptioa connected with Ik aid Kailload, including I he Toll Bridge, wilt th appur tenance. And alao all singular the corporate riihis, pri vilege end freuahite of th said the Trevorton Coal Com- '"'i'L, All tliat nine or unreel of land situate la Ihs town ship afiwnaHt, hounded by Twelfth atieet in th Iowa of Ticwion, th Trsvoilon Kaik-oad, mhi land of said de fendants, and lend suivsyed lo Plei Petty, conlaiuii g 45 Also All thai pice or parcel of knd situate in the township aforesaid, bounded by Cosl street in the town of Trevorton on Hi north, olher lands of defendants end Und surveyed iu th name of Peter Petty, containing t acres more n lea Seized, taken in execution and to be told a th property of ,h. T-evoitou Coal ,,om,-ay p 8hii6Te Omee, Punhnry, Dee. 14, 1647. aMALL and tee w.e beautiful Bird Cagel at the V j II coMiVAtro Tr-nJJaer- tOouotjr InaitUaie. The annual inciting of tlio County Insti tute will convene at the Court Ilouae, io tho Borough of Htioliury, v MONDAY', January SOtb, 1809, o1 coolintto In ei(n during lb week. "AoconliDif t the Act of Aiweinb'f, ap efotrert April fth, 1607. tititlcr wliicb the Institute Is held, tbe roll of member uiuut te Cftllcd at IcHHt twice mcli tlay ; a coin mi t Ice of Ave UucUcrt on Permanent Certitl catea mnat lie clioaen ly tsnllot ; ttnclier may nfisndthc Institute and'bt paid by tho Dutrict thttaiMM iflhcy iters in tchool, and Ihott who abtcnt Viemmlmjrum the Institute of their own account without a good Teuton, may have their want of profcmonal tpirit and teal in dicated by certijicaU of a loiter grade at the tiett examination, -Sec Penn'a. ScUuol Jour nsl, May 1807, nii ifi. Thu Teai.-liei's' Institute is now xrtijuiKF.y n? law, ami tho attutiijiinco or non attotitl ance of every teacher in thu county will ho noted down by the Kecioiary in a hook kept for that purpose. It is earnestly hoped und expected thHt every School DimrU in the county will allow their teachers tho tiiiiu to "ullend the Institute and pay them the sauiu as if they wero in bthool." If any School Boards will not pay their teachers for tho time ppent at th': Institute, tney onilit at the very least permit them to close school and attend, each tt-achcr making up tho time lost. School OlTletr.H, Doctor. Lawyers, Minia tcra, Editors, and every hotly interested in the caiine of education and the advancement of tho Common School S.vV.ein are cordially invited to attend and participate in the ex ercises. Hon. J. P. Wit'nersham, State Superinten dent, Hon. C. H. Colmrn, Deputy State Su perintendent ; Ptot. P. A. Ailen, Trof. Elius Schneider, of the Sunluiry Clussical Institu te; S. S. Jack, Esq., formerly County Superin tendent of Westmoreland county; C. W. Deans, Esq., Principal of tho School for Sol diers' Orphan's ; .I.J. Heimcnsnyder, Esq., formerly C'ountySiiperintcndcnt of Northum berland county ; Henry Houek, Esq., Super iutcudent of Lebanon county, und other prominent friends of education throughout the Stale are expected to ho present as In stitute Letturets. (!. W. HAUPT, County Superintendent. Sutitrdiiy, Dec. 14, 1S07. Lime ! Lime ! Lime I riMlKnow Lime Kilns of II. R. Manner, at Selins X Urove Station, are now oompleted and in suc cessful operation, producing limo of the very best quality. These kilns are built with all tho uiodern conveniences and improvements, and havo ft capaoi ty of producing 4UU busholn per day. Kxcellent roads have been m.nlo to tho kilns, not interfered with by tbe railroad, where wagon or sleds oan bo loaded in a few minutes from the scbulos, without handling. Having opened a largo body of tho best limeatone, at the mouth of tho kilns, tbey aro enabled to sell lime at the low rate of 11 oents por bushel. The kilns uro in chargo nf competent per sons, who will alwavs be prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply to li. it. Master. Sunbury, or to Char. Dunklelicrger. or Cbas. J. Conrad, at the kilns. December 14, lriG7. Aro th host in L'.e, FOR THE F0LL0WIX1 EEASOXS . They are mora simple and durablo, caaier kopt iu order, mako a stronger and mure elaslio stitch, a liruicr and moro boautii'ul scum than any othor They sew all fubrics from two common spools, re quire 110 re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the scam by their own operation, aud thouzh overy fifth stitch is cut the eenni w ill not rip. ! The Very llislicsit IVi.t, IlicCrCMt! of tho Legion of Honor was conferred ou tho roprc- 1 sentativc of the iiiovi:i: a ii.isi 1:1c at the Exposition I'r.ivorse'.ieu, Paris, !3o7 ; thf attesting their grot, lupctinity over uil other tew. ing ciucVu.c. (iKO Kit A BAKER'S si:' UTILES SH I TI TI.I! M .!..' IJ I rv t: W For Mamifacturii g, Combine tbo mod modern and essential improvo ments. The attention i requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shots, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the uso of tbe most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new stylos, which posvess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAUOLINE DALIUb. MarketStrcet, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, 1867. ly PUBLIC SALE of A Valuable Hotel, IN THE BOROUGH OF SUNBURY, PENN'A. WILL bo offered at pubiio snlo. on tiie premiers, on Monday Ibo tilh day of January, tbo ioiioviiok pioperty iu li . A certain lot of ground situate on t hird street, neur tho Railroad Dciatta, in tbe borouuh cf Sunburv. I'a.. ! containing fill feet front on t'hcuiiut street, and 2' I) icei on iniru streui, atonn ine niiiiroait, wnereon is erected alargutwo-slury liltiCK TAVERN bi'AND and outbuildings. Tho buildiugi are nearly new. and the bounc has r.n excellent run of custom. This is considered the most desirable hotel proper ties in this section of ci.utilry. Sale to eommence at 1 o clock P. M., when the conditions of sale will bo made known bv JULII .S ARBITER. Sunbury, Dec. 7, 1867. ruiTLic SALE Of a valuable DWELLING HOUSE A X 1) It U S T A U R A X T. rpilEsulmoribcr will offer at pubiio sale, at tha 1 Court Houso. in Sunbury. on Monday the 6tb day of January, ItMSS, that line Two Story Frame House on ilaspberry street, below tne Lutceran Church, now occupied by himself. Attached to i ls a FINE RESTAURANT, and is an excellent but tines stand. The lot has a front of 41 ( feet ou Rasp berry street and it 2M fuel deep. Sale to oomuieuco at 1 o'clock, P. M., abon tho terms will be made known by WM. ENGELMAN. Bunbury, Dee. 14. 117. II'' YOV WASiT, IF you want a tett of Harness for f 18 00, fo lo JACK STROH. IF you want a good silver-mounted Harness, go to JACK bTROll. IF you want Harness, or anything in bis line of buslneat cheaper than they eun be purchased elsewhere, go aud try at JACK M llOil'S Shop. All goods are warranted si represented. IK you wantauice driving Horse aud Buggy, go KiJACK STUOH'8 Livery, opposite the Central Hotel, iS'uDbury. IF you want a good Auctioneer, go to JACK STROll who it always on band to make you a good sate orno pay. Sunbury, Nov. 3. 1S07. FINE Mwtlo IVmatuni. t tbeKan'y Store of ANVAPAISfCr, l 7:10 ChesSndt Ntrcot, I'ltilisdC'lrshiit I Ho ssotnrtifl Ul( lolaian r yon twill sju iaini,r Hnd oat vrtrrr yon eau ' Buy the MOST GOODS, of the best QTjjxrrsr For tha LEAST MONEY. SMALL mOFITS AXD SALES ! QUICK CASH H. V. aHRlXlxu, at the MAMKOTH STORE, MAHKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Has just received and opened the IIlUMr SELECTED and VISISX AS.SOUTMEXr.ef DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Mrrlno, O.ngbams, Casimere", io. NOTIOXa of all kinds Hosiery, Olovcs, Men's and Ladies Undergarment WHITU GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMTNG?. Builders till iind my Stock of llurd ware, I'll i lit, OiiiN, iil:s, Ac, Complete. Druji uni Modiaines, Willow an 1 CeJarware, (uoonsware, CliKwart, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS ANU CAPf, and in fact ovcrything usually kept In a Iarg6 Stor8 Call snd be eonviiiced that the CHEAPEST PLACE 10 BUY ALL YOUR G0DS is at The Mammoth Store. of II. "V. FHILINa, 1'rrruM Coals, SOtlnya, as ix y Goods are bought for Cash anl Foi l Cheap Is READY MOSEY. U. i.FUII.IV'i Saobury. Vt I. NEW GROCERY! Oa Third ttt., one donr fcto the Ithereti Oinnk, SUNBl) KY, B JIN' A. Has Just opened AND Provision Store and Is telling low for CASH. His Stook Is eomplete, cnniisi im; In t art of 6TJOARS, COFFELS, TKA3, APICES, COAL OIL, Molaa-et, Byrups, Wikntl, l.iirl. Ilium, t.ls Dried nnd Cnrncd Fruits. Trunes, Ilalritis. Chccsr, and Crackers, and in fact everyhing uruiilly kept in the Uroccry line Tho fcest FLOUll and MAL in the Xatkct Tobacco. Cigars, and a vari-ty of IhOTI'jKS. Co!ii".aiitly on hand Midi and Can 9GE 'W SS nV SHltHK. which will be furnished to pritate families in large or small (uartities. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods tjjf Cull and oxamlno my .Vtock, and sutipfy ycur selves. HLSRY PETERS. Sunbury, Dee. II, 1847. Uotico to Merchants and Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser 4 Frlck't Line, Rive notions to merchants and shippers tbat the Depot is still at 811 Market street, Fbila dclphia, and all Goods directed to Sunbury, Danviiln and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations ulun tbo railrond, will bo promptly delivered. fl? Cars loavo hi 1 Market street. Philadelphia, tri-wcekly Tuesday. Ihordnjs and Saturdays. J. W. BRiiWN, Proprietor, Lcwijburj;, J. H. BKOWN, A;$cnt, bunbury, Pa. December 7, 1367. IOCATED in ChiUUquaquo township, about Si J miles from Milton. For further particulars address, AMOS T. BISEL, Jr. Montnndon, Nortbuujborlar.il County, Pa. Deo 7, 1667. 3m ISAAC K. STAUFFEK, Wntrhmnkcr ncd Jcwi e'.er, ITO- 148 NORTH 2d ST., COB. OF QUABRY, PIHLADF.LrHIA. An assortment of Wafrlies, Jewelry, Silver end PliU-d Ware constantly on hand, SUITADl.r. FOIt HOLIDAY PREEXT9 I ry Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended t. Nov. 3D, 157 I y. f a o ed Xll s B 3 O x u c f, W c r s n a t 9 cf m m O u r, O H O u w H H f. 3 1 4 a C t? e 9 a t 9 x s V M 13 f CO 00 A SEH AKKIVAIi OP F.LL WI1TT3?. aaoititwAi9 AT THE STORE OF J. H SNaEL, Comer of Fourth und M.-irlf. Streets, hCN'iUF.Y. J UST received from Now Y irk und Philuuclrhii, a l.irve supply of FALL AND WINTER tj'JOlW. Kbicli uo will ell at email profits, lor oaeh or country produce. His Dry Oonda department Is full of every deicrip lion. A splunuid line of l.ADIEs' DULad GOODo. and Wbito Goods at all pi ices. Fnccy Hacking fir Ladies arid Shetlacd Wool Shaw la Yanlioti Iv'otioa'i in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Csrsr.ts at.d noori Skiru. CARPETS, Wove Floor Cloths, Slair Carpets Floor Oil Cloth'', all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shade?, Plnin Grcon tnd Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures for W in lows. GKOOEIIIB Q, SnKr. Coffee, Mola&es, Riao, Cracker?, Spicw, Salt iiih, Cheese, Ac. QueenEware, GlasHware, splendid Setttof Toaware, at low prices. BOOTS & SHOES II.' GREAT VAUIETY. Hats aud Cnp4. Oil, Paint, Ulan, l't-tty, Scho.4 Books, Paper, Slates, Ao. .1 R D W ARE. Shovols, Forks, Naili, Locks, Hinges and Screws A Large assottiuetit of WALL PAPEPv and Bor. dcr. at ail prices. All persons desiiiu j to gut good goods will please rive him a call. ; J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 1Su7. ! THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL!'. I FALL &T WINTER a " a m 9 i ; Joseph Eysler, I Corner of Market und Potirth tret, j BUNBURY, PENN'A, Invite the pubiio to call and examine his ologtu.t I assort ment ot FALL AND WINTEU OOODS, which ho will sell at greatly reduced prioes. flit ! stock consists in part of 'CASSIMEREQ. j CLOTHS. &C . j Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, I Abetting. Hokina, dean, and a lull eatnrtiuvutt 1 Cotton auu oolen goods generally. Hcwlery, Gloves, Ik op Skirts, Aim HandkerchitO. llritHbcs, Combs. lltitr Hint 4'aiM, llrsolis anil k.joci. J His a-wrtmeid ol goo U will not, bo is sure full to j plnuic the fauey and suit the wat.ts of any dcdrr.ui. ' of purchasing. His stock of j HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARK. snd Groceries is largn in quantity and choice in ' (iiialily. comprising generally everything newltd in the household either for use or ornament. llo is always ready and glad to see Lit fiietoli and takes pleasuru in thowing theai hit good even ' though no sales are made. He only arks a call, an I , is sure that tbe sl.wk will compare favorably u price and quality with ibe cheapest . 1 , J0SEIn EYSTElt I Sunbury, Nov. H, 167. Machine Etit:hin;. "VRDEKSnr work left at tie store of V. M. Pra J llj iraiu, m otluuaurll n I, will be protup .) -N.-v. :-n fr MM'! it siieiiit.d to. If- All work warrante! K von vant rroo4 Tie- 'iUSI. 11 li S Nan siu,,