Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 21, 1867, Image 3

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ILocal affairs.
Burnt LmM. We have on hind a largo num
ber of blank leae, neatly printed, which we nil
at ten cent per copy. A the joason for leasing
property li at hand, and aa a large number of them
wltl bo required, we ate able to tupply the demand.
We bare thorn printod with and without the ex
emption olaaae.
Ton Sew York Tritnme ii rery properly down on
aU Old enterprise! aa swindle.
Cbtihta.h Pbisbsti. T. 8. Shannon haa jttst
received a largo aaaortment of watches, jewelry
and sliver ware, for Holiday pretend. It will pay
to take a look at bia establishment. See advertls
mont In another column.
If you want to get a line article of perfume of
alt kinds, and toilet In general ! Call at W. A. Bcn
nott'a Drug Store, who haa just received a freih and
good assortment of both American, French and
English goods.
Reader, if you wont a good Hold Pen Rings,
Watches, or any kind of silver ware for a Holiday
present, call at J. W. Stevenson's jewelry store.
A Srri'LR. We have been requested to announce
that the Mite Society of the Second Evangelical Lu
theran Churoh, of Selinsgrove, intond giving a aup
pcr on St. John's Pay, 27th inst., betwocn the hours
f 0 and 8 o'clock. P. M., in the locture room of the
church. The proceeds are to he appropriated to im
proving the church odiflce, purchasing an organ, io.
. .
Limk Moasra. Soaslmlti A Brother have ou hand
a large quantity of the finest quality of lime, at (heir
kilns, at the basin in the upper part of the borough.
Farmers and others in want of this article can al
ways bo supplied by calling at the kilns.
Tnu Teaciikiii.' Coi Ntr Iirtitctk, which is to
: meet in the Court House, in this place, on Monday,
January 20th, promises to be of great interest, and
will, no doubt, he largely attended by those favora
ble to tho cause of odueotion. The State Superin
tendent and other prominent gentlemen will bo pre
sent to deliver addressee on the occasion. We arc
pleased to learn that under the direction of U. W.
Haupt, Esq., our efficient County Superintendent,
tho free school system is making rapid progress In
the county.
Tub late doep snow haa made the sido walks al
most impassable along vacant lots and crossings, and
even beforo some dwellings. Our Northumberland
neighbors have wisely used a snow plough, us w
used to do in former times, and have good walks
The actual cost of this enterprise ou I J bo about one
u... i,, .1.1... ,, 1.1 ,n .. ,,,,iu I
,. . .
the poor aud helpless Why cannot our Uorough
fathers autliorino someone lo perforin this duty.'
RuTfENKD. We observe that our neighbor Dr. J.
II. Jeffrie has returned from the Plains, where as
conductor, ho had charge of a passenger train on
tho Pacific KuilronJ, running from Julesburg to
Cheyouno city. Ho speaks encouragingly uf the
great enterprise.
Mr. John Buyers, of this ploca, had alro returned
from a trip to Tennessee, Missouri, Ac. He is highly
pleased with the Tennessee country, but the condi
tion of ufi'airs are not promising.
A Valuable 1'cmfkix. Iu our Issue of the Sulh
Jit., we noticed a mammoth pumpkin on exhibition
at the Messrs. Ucri'ingor' store, in this place, which
was raised oh u farm iu the lower cud of this county,
by Mr. Joseph Lower. It was presented by Mr.
Lower to Oil. Wagenseller. by whom it was brought
hero. A few day since a Now Yorker happening iu
town, saw the maimnoih vegetable, ami ottered $1 j
for it, which, of course, was refused. The eotorpri
eme fellow wanted to exhibit it, as a curiosity, In a
fashionable saloon in Now York city, aud wuuld, no
uoubt, if bo could hive succeeded in the purchase. j
raado a profitable thing of it. Northumberland
county not only carries off the palm in raising tho
largest pumpkin, but is also entitled to the honor of !
producing the most valuabloone.
An Ounauknt. tYb were shown, a few day
'iuco, a box made of sou shells, whioh, for it novel
ty of design and beauty of construction, is one of
he haudiiomcst ornament we have seen for a long
line. Tho shells are so urruuged us to represent
i-artous flowers, Bhrubbery, Ac, and on one side is a
epresentotion of tho Masonic emblem, the compass
Lii.l rqtiarc. It is of tho most exquisite workman
hip. The shells were brought from Key West,
'lorida, by some of the members of Co. "C," 47th
'enna. Vcterun Volunteers, from this place, who
rero stationed thore for a short time during the late
(bullion. Tho work was executed by Mr. Cyrus
I easy, of this place.
Gkn Tom Tui'mb am Family. This (Saturday)
furnocn and evening our citizens will have an op
ortuuity of seeing und hearing the celebrated
imily of little folks. Uen. Tom Thumb nnd wifo,
.'oinuiodore Nutt and Miss Minnio Warren- They
vill hold a levee at the Masonic Hall in tho after
noon, the tickets for which are 25 cents; children,
15 cent ; roserved seats, 50 cent'. For the evening
performance the ticket uro 25 cent; children, 15
vents. They will undoubtedly have a full house, for
ive know our cilisuns will be delighted to sec the
General and party.
Of It Fire DEPAnTUE.NT. At the recent fire in
Cake' addition, we heard a number of persons in.
quiro, "what has become of the firo department of
Sunbury?" W will state, for the Information of
nil anxious Inquirers, a well as for theeititcn of
Sunbury, generally, that two of the fire engines are
now standing in different alley of tho Borough, ex
posed to tho damaging effects of tho weather, while
a third, which has only been ullowed ' house room''
through the kindness of a lady, at present stands in
danger of sharing the same fate. This public spiri
ted lady generously offered the company to which
tb engine belongs, shelter for it until they were
able to put up their proposed house, on the lot which
they purchased from the Bellas estate, on Second
street, and adjoining the Court House. But the com
pany not having the fund to go ahead with their
building, and the lady needing the use of the build
ing occupied by the engine, there seems to be noth
ing left but to "turn It out of doors" also. No one
pan be found who hi liberal enough to give it shelter,
and, of course, it will have to occupy some uufre
qucnUd alley.
Application ha been inado, on loveral occasions,
to our Borough Council for an appropriation or as
sistance to enable the company to build an engine
house, but we learn that in every instance it ho
been refused by that body. The firemen are willing
to contribute from their own slender mean, and are
also willing to furninh the labor, in order that they
may soeure a place where they can keep their en
gines in repair and hold their regular meetings,
without which it is impossible to keep up an organl
xatioo. A au instanoe of the way thi matter i
treotcd by the Council, we give place to a revolution
which was adopted at a meeting held on the 10th
inst. '.
ftsolvii. That the Counoil hereby iustruet the
offio'ers of the Washington Fire Company to put their
engine in Martin i barn, and agree to pay a rent of
10 per annum fox the use of the aarne.
W sincerely hope that immediate effort will be
made by our cltiieni to properly organiie our fire
d, pprtment. It i of vital Irnportanoe to all of our
property bolder. Considering the time, attention
and labor gratuitously given by firemen, who, a
elas. ar poor, and In oaso of Or have very little
r.t stake in the thape or property, we think that oar
eitUeo do not appreoiate their efort. Id Milton,
Danville, Williamsport, Lock Uaveo, PottavUlo, and
in all well regulated town, the fire department U
rr-i 'r' 'Yo f :ft in portance, and, t eone
, V? ;!r ' .;'! : a fll-
ftaH tfoMDAr Saaaow -Our storekeeper and
milliners hare been basy tor format weeks paot hi
getting up everything that oould be thought of to
ploaae their customer, in tho way of holiday pre
sents, and we doubt whether any town in tho State
la better supplied than this plaoo.
On taking a stroll through Market street we ob
served that If. Y. Frlllng, at tho Mammoth Store,
bad suooeeded in getting up a display of goods thai
la astonishing. Ilia stock ia very largo and aeleotod
with good taste.
J. W. Stevenson, next door to the Mamsnoth ftlira
haa on exhibition full setts of Silver Ware and a va
riety of Jewelry, expressly for holiday present.
S. Faust haa just opened the latest etylee of hats,
whioh are Just the thing fur the ladiea to present to
their husbands and lovers, aa a Christmas gift.
Ir. W. A. Bennett's Drug Store haa been refitted
and fixed up equal to at elty establishment. Ills
stock haa been replenished, and beside Drugs, all
kinda of Perfumery, fancy Toilet article and notion
have just been opened.
N. V. Lightner ha Just opened bis stook of toys
and holiday books, which far eioeeds anything of
tb kind ever before exhibited In this plaoe.
Next we found that our merry friend, Thaober,
had opened a new lot of the latest styles of Boot and
Shoea. Mr. Thochcr Is always accommodating and
courteous, and customer will find it both pleasant
and profitable to visit his establishment.
Mr. Shannon, in Simpson'! building, has supplied
hie store with everything In the Jewelry line, lie haa
elegant Silver Sett which would make a most ac
ceptable present at any time.
Miss Shiasler's Millinery Store Is the place to see
all the now styles of bonnets, which are admired by
all who have seen them.
Mis Anna Painter is pleasing her customers with
her beautiful stock of Fanoy Goods.-
Mr. I)avid Fry is evidently trying to excel the
Philadelphia bakers. Every one fond of good things
should call and see his tempting fancy Cakes.
In the Continental Clothing Baxaar we found
Slaymnker engaged, wilh a full foroe of hands, in
making up beautiful and well-fitting garments, and
giving his customers "fits'' generally.
On the opposite corner we found tho Kxcelsior
Boot 4 Shoe Store, kept by onr enterprising neigh
bor, Wm. II. Miller, well stocked with goods suita
ble for the holiday.
Further up the street we observed that Mrs. Jeff
ries is displaying at her store as fine a stock of Boots
and Shoes as can be found anywhere.
M. C. Ucarhart, Confectioner, is manufacturing
candies of every description to please Yonng Ame
rica. Uearhnrt roooives daily orders from abroad
for his excellent Candies, Toys, do., and is doing a
large wholesale business.
J. II. Connelly A Co. have tho windows of their
store full ir all kinds or beautiful Skates, Sleds, Aa.
lie is selling them off rapidly.
Win. S. Furman A Co., Uroccrs. on the opposite
side of the street, are doing their share in supplying
our citizens with all kinds of Uroceries.
Smith A (lenthcr, proprietors of the mammoth j
Stove and Tin-wnre establishment, have tho largest
and best assortment of goods, in their lino of busi
ness, ever brought to this place.
lleorgo Heard A Co.. a few door above, havo a
well selected stuck of Groceries, Fruits, Ac, fresh
from the city markets.
J. II. Engol's Dry Woods Store ia attracting con
siderable attention. He has an extensive assortment
of new goods, which be is selling very cheap.
On the opposite corner tho Union Store, kept by
Dr. Joseph Eyster. Is maintaining Its reputation in
the way of selling ohonp goods. The Union 1 well
stocked with a splendid assortment of new goods.
On Fourth street, below Market, J. K. Smick,
Merchant Tailor, is doing a large and successful bu
siness. Smick's establishment is notod tor it fine
goods and tho well-fittiug suits it turns out.
A half a tnuare further down is J. 0. Heck's Tai
loring Establishment, which haa long been known
as a very good place to get a good, cheap nnd neatly
made ui suit of clothes.
On the same street, below the railroad, is tho large
Millinerv Store of Miss M. L. Gosslor, .which is
filled with everything that a lady could wish.
Judging from the number daily purchasing at her
establishment we arc of the opinion that sho is doing
a thriving busiuos in holiday goods.
Mks M. Laiarus' Millinery Store, in Market
Squure. is thronged with purchasers making selec
tions from her beautiful assortment of Holiday
Tho Fancy Dry Goods Store of Miss Kato Black,
in Market Square, is stocked with every variety of
spienum fancy lioous, leys, ao.
The new Grocery Store on tho corner of Third
and Raspberry stroots. recently opened by II. Pe
ters, is well stocked with all kinds of Canned Fruits,
Apples, Nuts, Ac lie keeps a full assortment of
all kinds of Groceries ; also, Oysters by the can and
in the shell.
I. 0. or O. F. At n special aussion of tho Grand
Lodge uf I. O. of O.'F., held at the Hallor Augnsta
Lodge, on tho 13th ln.-t., for the purposo of organi
zing Augusta Lodge No. 611, tho Lodge was duly
opeued by the following officers : D. D. U. II.,
S. 11. lloyer, acting M. W. U. M. ; P. O., Levi Soa
sholtz, acting M. W. G. W. ; P O., Sol. Stroh, act-
j ing G. T. ; Emanuel Wilvcrt, acting M. W. G. S. ;
I C. P. Scasholtt, acting W. G. M.
After the Lodgo was duly instituted it was organ
I izud by the election of tbo following officer for the
ensuing term: N. G., Wm. W. Horning; V. O.,
S. W. lasold ; Secretary, G. W. Keefer ; Assistant
Scoretary, Theo. Chester ; Trcusurcr, Peter Zim
merman. ... .. . .
CirizKN op SiNBinv. On Tuesday evening of last
week, about nine o'clock, the snw, shinglo and jack
mill of Messrs. Dunning. Tabor A Eystor, at William
sport, was totally destroyed by fire. The loss is
about $10,000. on which there was no Insurance.
Messrs. Dunning A Tabor ownod one-half of the
mill, und Dr. Joseph Ksyter, of Suubury, tho other
half. The firm had taken possession of the mill, but
Iho transfer pipers were just being executed at tho
timo the alarm was given, and had just been signed.
Tho origin of the fire is attributed to Inccndiurism.
Colo Weatuer. Immediately after tbo mow
storm ou Friday of Inst week, tho atmosphere became
extremely cold, at nine o'clock on Saturday morning
the mercury stood at 10 degrees below aero. During
tho day, however, it moderated considerably.
AnvKHTiaisii An exchange very truthfully re
marks: "The benefit sod Importanae of advertising
in tho newspaper are being more generally under
stood and appreciated, even by tboso who, when hav
ing nroperty for salo, depended entirely on hand
bills. Tho newspaper is road by hundreds who
never soe tho bills, be they over so attractive, which
are lasted in the taverns and the store rooms. Most
of the subscribers to a county newspaper read all
such advertisements carefully. They know who is
aellinir out and exactly what is offered for sale. Tbo
advertisements are a topic of conversation when
friends meet, and arrangement are made for attend
ing sales. The result is a largo crowd, spirited bid
ding, and a realization of ten, twonty or fifty times
what it cufU to advertise. No amount of money ia
so sure to return a large profit as that spent on
printer's ink. A single additional bidder on a single
article will pay all it cost to advertise a sale of per
sonul property in a newspaper. Is it not strange
then, that any one should fail to advertise? Those
who aro about selling out will certainly profit by
giving this mattor their attention
Legacies akd DisrniBrTivi Shares. The at
tention of Executors and Administrators is particu
larly directed to the following Clause of the Internal
Revenue Law : "And every administrator, exocu
tor, or trustee, having In eharge or trust any legaey
or distributive shares, aa aforesaid, shall give notice
thereof In writing to tbe Assessor or Assistant As.
sensor of tbe district where the deceased grantor or
bargamor lost resided, within thirty days after he
aball have taken charge of aueh trust. And in cue
of wilful negleot, refusal, or false atatcmont by such
executor, administrator, or trustee, a aforesaid, he
aball be liable to a penalty of not exoeeding one
thousand dollars, to be recovered with oosta of suit.'
A strict compliance with the above olause of tbe
law will eavo executor and administrator time and
Watsohtowh Tho new tannery of Messrs. Hoi
lopeter A Wagner, in Wateontown, i nearly com
pleted, and will be in operation in a short time.
A large vh and door faotory, built by Measr
Fegely A Dixon, i nearly ready to commence ope
ration. Mr. Pardee is erecting large and sub
itantial planing mill near hi extensive lumber mill
which will be completed by spring.
A MAumncim Cbritma Otrv Five Cerllfi
eale of the Washington Library Company, of Phil
adelphia, in aid of the Riversido Institute for edu
eatlnir orphan, coating five dollar, with the plen
did engraving, 'Marriage of Poeahonta," worth at
retail at least $7 SO, and, bealde. each Certificate
aMiu-a a nreeent at the Great Distribution by the
Company, and an equal ehane that en or more of
the nreeeoui may be wortn tnouiana oi ueuara now
Trulv. vou may mk your frUnd rieb in tb mot
pleasant y, while aiding tb Riverside Institute
pd dvrtirnn'. J
jrlob Ii-IbiIIoia. Having received a
Jarg auppl. ef NEW JOt TYPE, of Varlou new
tyloa, Posters, Handbills, Ciruulara, Cards, Letter
ueiKt, Bill Head, Labels, o., oan be printed In
the lateat and beitatyles, and on ehort nobioe.
Order by mail promptly attended to.
Blakki. We have printed a large number of
oiank petition and bonds for tavern eod reitaurant
lioenie, for the purpose of supplying thoja to the
oouniy woo intond applying for Iroenae at the Jane.
ary aeneion of Court. We keep a full aaaortment of
ail Kinds or legal blank on hand, neatly printed,
which we elt very oheap. .
"Tn luxury of doing good," may be enjoyed on
Christmas day, by any one who presents husband,
wife, eon, daughter, or friend, with ono of tboso ele
gant Foley Oold Pen and Iloldora, to bo found In
great quantity at New York prices, at
MliHTNER'S Book Store.
Christinas Presents, New Year' Gifts, Toy and
fancy artlolea of all kinds, at
Brackets, Album Ac, at
Tea or Court. We havo a (mall num
ber of copies of the new Rules of Court, regulating
the practlee of the court in this (eighth) Judicial
Distriot, oomposed of Northumberland, Montour and
Lycoming counties, and also the Rule of Equity
Praotice adopted by the Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vania, which we will sell at $2 per copy. If any
of the legal profession have not yet obtained them
they onn be supplied, on application at the Ameri
cas offico, or addressing us by lotter.
A poet Intended to aay : "See the pale martyr in
a sheet of fire,!' Instead of which the printer made
him any : "Seo the palo martyr with his shirt on
fire!" Wo would advise the nnfortunalo fellow to
oall at the Continental Clothing Basoar, in Market
Square, and procure a now article of that useful
under-garment, as well a a bran new suit of olothes.
The Continental is the cheapest and beet establish
ment in town.
Ub.ixral Bctlkb says If a man's house Is worth
$10,000 to day, with tho national debt at $2,500,
000,000, when the debt is reduced one-half, then
your bouse is worth $20,000 ; and ergo, if the debt is
reduocd to nothing, then your bouse 1 worth $2,
500,000,000. Those are big figures, because we nio
dealing with big things (tho national debt and Uen
Butlor) ; but to come to small figures, we would say
that a small sum will buy an elegant pair of Boots or
Shoos at Thocher's First National Store, in Plea
sants' building, Market Square.
Stop, Gkxtlexbs ! At J. F. Sbaeflcr's Clothing
Emporium, in Market Square, and examine the ox
tensive and varied assortment of Cloths, Cassiinores,
Vcstings, Ac. Everything good, substantial and
fashionahlo, for the Winter season. You cannot fail
to be pleased. Suits are made thero at short notico,
and very cheap, in consoquonoo of the recent reduc
tion in goods.
The Eiiii'tions op Vesuvius ' Thi
terrible volcano is now devastating the plains for
mile around with Its streams of heated lava, a ter
rpr to all peoplo within it troncberous limits. Mil
ler' Excelsior Boot and Shoo Store, in Market
Fquaro, Sunbury, brings joy and gladnexa to all
households within its operations, by the steady
stroam of good aud chonp goods that is daily pour-
g out of its door.
Ukmtlkmrx. A word to gentlemen we mean
thoso who like to drcas in the latest stylos, nnd who
oep pace with the soasons. To such wo say, conft
entially, that J. O. lleck, Merchant Tailor, on
Fourth street, has on hand a full selection of new
patterns and styles, in all kinds of clothing for men
and boys. Thoso who have tried the city and Bock'
establishment, know that elegant elothing can bo
had ut home, equal in all respect to the bout estab
lishment in the elty. Call and see hi now and
plendid variety.
Ill T-!,' Ill
'Wuv don't you trade wilh me?" said a close-
fistod tradesman to a friend, tho other day. The
reply was characteristic : "You have never asked
me, sir. I have looked all through the papers for
on Invitation in tho shapo of an advertisement, and
found none. I never go where I am not invited."
Faust, the fashionahlo Hat nnd Cap manufacturer,
n Market Square, is liberal in the use of printer's
ink, and invites all, through the medium of the
press, to call and see tho new winter styles jaet re-
eived by him.
Do it Immeoiatelv. Tho poet says, "secure tho
shadow ere the substance fades," and in order to do
so to good ndvuntngo go straightway to Bycrly's
Photograph Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market
Square, Suubury Mr. B. is prepared to furnish
holograph and Ambrotypes in all styles and size.
We would advise nil who desiro to have a good pio-
turo to pay h'.ni a vUit.
SiKlilonl v. at Pliiliulcluiiiu, on tlic 15th
inst.. MfB. AMANDA BKLL, wife of John
A. Hull, nnd daughter of the lute Wm. ilc
C'arty, of this place, aged ahnut 53 years.
S I ! Alt I It V .M.1KU I ri'M.
Corrected Weekly for ths "American.'
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do da do perewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per owt.
Wheat, prime red, now, per bushel,
Itye, do
Corn, new, do
Ont, do
Potatoes, do
lricd Peaches, pared per round
do do ud Hired do
Dried Annies, do
112 00
a uo
10 oo
e oo
2 20
1 30
1 10
1 26
Dried Chorrios, (onstoned,) per bu.
3 00
per pound,
per doien,
per pound,
per pah
Beef, hindqnarlor,
" front "
Mliumokln Coal Xrude,
' Shamokin, Deo. 18, 1867.
Sent for week ending Dec. 14. T.SuS 0,1
Far lost report, 4uS,102 00
469.410 OS
546,803 09
T7..193 0
To same timo last year,
Special Notices.
Deav.ness, BuxuNi-se aud Catarrh treated
wlffa the utmost aucoess by J, Isaac, M. D., Ooul
1st and Auritt, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No.
805 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonial from
the most reliable sources in city and oountry can be
seen at bis office. The Medical faoulty are invited
to accompany their patient, a he ha no tecret iu
hi practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with
out paiu.
No charge for examination. nov.SO-ly.
lirrorit of Youth.
A gentleman who suffored for year from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, and all tbe effect of
youthful indiscretioo, will, for tb ak of luffering
humanity, end free to all who need It, tb reoipe
and direction for making the limpl remedy by
which be we cured. Sufferer wishing to profit by
the advertiser's experience, oan do so by addressing,
In perfect eonfideoca, JOHN B. OliDEN,
my ISmf .ly Cedar Street, N. V.
I nanufaotured from PL'RE
MATERIALS, and may be
considered theSTANDARDOF
all Croeers
?V 1, 1H7 - ly
Every one, at Hues, feel tbe ncoawity of Home
thing u tone up th system, depressed by mental or
bodily exhaustion. At suoh lime let eVery one,
instead of taking alcoholic or medicinal stimulants,
roinvigorato hi debilitated ayateai by the natural
tonio element of the i sV
or Protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron,
whioh vitalise and enriohe the blood by supplying
it with it Life bletneut, Ihoi.
Being free from Alcohol in any form, it energi
sing effect aro not followed by oorreapwding re
action, but are permanent, infusing arnaKfiTii, vi
gor and hbw Li lit into all part of the systom, end
building up an laoM CoKsmtmo.f . '
WM. C STERLING, Esq., of,
X. Y., says :
"Sinoe taking the Peruvian Syrup I feel better,
my strength ia improved, my bowola are regular,
my appetlto first rate.
There is an old Physician in this oily, (older than
I am,) who bo been in the Drug business for 40
years, who haa used the Syrup for throe months, and
give it as his decided opinion that it is the best Al
terative Tonic Modioine he ever knew."
For Dtspki'sia,, and F km ami Wbak
mas, tho Peruvian Syrup is a peoitio. A 32 page
pamphlet sent freo. The genuine haa ''Peruvian
Syrup" blown in tho glaw.
J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor,
, , 36 Dey St., New York.
bold by all Druggist. Deo. 14-4t
Ajor'sj Cherry Pottorul,
roll TUB KAl'ID CtllR OK
Coiijfu, Colds, Influenza, UoarteneM, Croup,
ISrnncJiitit, Incipient Consumption, nnd Jov
the. llflirf of Consumptive l'alicntt in Ad
sauced Stmjcs of the JJincase.
0 wido is the field of its
usefulness and so nu
merous are its cures, thut
In nlmost every section ot
country are perrons pub
licly known, who have
been restored by it from
alarming and oven despc
rnto diseases of the lungs.
When once tried, its su
periority over every other
exneetortint is tou anna.
rout to osonpo observation, and where its virtues are
known, the publio no longer hositato what antidote
to employ for the distressing and daiigerous affec
tions of the pulmonary orguns inoident to our cli
mate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon
the community have failed and been discarded, this
has pained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
on tho Rfllicted thoy oan never forgot, and produced
cure tou numerous and too remarkable to be for
gotten. Wo oau awuro the public that Its quality is care
fully kept up t the best it ever has boon, and that
it may bo rolied on to do for their relief nil that it
has ever done.
Great numbers of Clergymen, rhysioiuns, States
men, and other eminent personages, have lent their
name to cortify to the unparalleled usefulness of
our remedies, but space bore will not ponnit the in
sertion of them. Our Agent furnish, gratis, our
Auenii'AN, in which they arc given, with
also full descriptions uf tho complaint our remedies
Those who require an alterative medicine to pu
rify tho blood will find Avkii s Comiv Ext. Saksa
pa it! lla tho one to use. Try it once, aud you will
conocde its valuo.
Prepared by DR. J.C. AYElt A CO, Lowell,
Mass., and sold by all Druggist aud doalers in med
icine every where, l'eo. lil-St
teil. whose biitleruiijR liave been proluieted I'lom hid
den causes, end whose ease require prompt tiealuieiil to
render existence desiralile. If you aie sofierin or have
sullcred fiom involuntary discliurgei, wliul ttlect does it
produce upon your general lie.ilth ? ln you feel weak,
debilitated, easily Itred Does u little e.tri exertion pro
duce palpitation of the heart ! Iloes your liver, or urinary
urguus, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order ? la
your urine sometime thick, inuky, mi lloeky, or is it ropy
nu aettluifr ? Or does o thick scum rue to ttie top f Urim
sediment at the bottom afler II has stood awhile .' Do you
liavu spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are youi
Inivvels coiistijMited f Do you have speha of fainting or
lushes of blood to the head? Isyour memory iuipaiiedf
Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this suhjeet ? Do you
feel dull, listless, luopunr, tired of company, of lite ? Do you
wish to be left alone, to get away If an even bod) f Does
any little thing make you start or jump ? In your sleep
broken ol renliesw? Is the lustre of your eyes as brilliant f
The bloom on your cheek as bright ? Do yon enjoy your
self in society us well ! Do you pursue your business with
the same energy ! Do youleel as much confidence in your
self i Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to tit of
melancholy ? If so, Jo not lay it to your hvor or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights f Vour back weak, your knees
veak, and have hat little appetite, anil you atttibute this
to dyspepsia or liver-eoaipluint ?
Now, render, self uhuse, venereal dis'tascs tiadly cured,
and sexual excemea, aie all cnpalileol producing a weak
lies of the generative orgnna The organs of generation,
when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever
thiuk tiint thoae b ld, defiant, euergellr, persevering, suc
cessful UusiursS'inail aie always those whosu genurative
organs areiii perfect healRi ? Yuu never hear such men
complain saSfieing melancholy, of nervousness, ol palpila- i
tiou of the heart They arc never afraid they cannot sue- '
ceed in business ; they don't become aud discouraged ; j
they are always pttliie and pleasant in the company ol la- !
dies, and linik you und Ihcni liht in the face none of your j
downcast looks or any other meanness ntmul them. I do
not inuHii those who keep the organs inhumed liy running
to vxcesa. These will not only rui.i their constitutions
tmt also those they do business with ol lor.
How many men from badly.cured di.scnscs, from the '
edcets of self'tihuse and excesses, have hioiight atiout that J
state of weakness iu those organs that tins reduced the j
general system no much as to induce almost every other
disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, sui.iidc, i
aud almost every other form of diseasu which humanity is i
heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever sus
leteil, and have doctored for all hut iho right one. I
uisensesol Ihese orguus require rne use ol a uiurerir. ;
HKL.limH.lVrtl I.UU KXTliACT III t:lll; is the great I
Dinretic, and is certain cure for diseases ol the lltuddcr,
Kidneys, Uravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female
Couipiainls, General Debility, and all diseases ol Ihe Uri
nary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from
whatever cause originating and no matter of how long
11 no treatment l suomilleu to, uonsuinpiionor msnniiy
may ensue, uur llesh and hlonu are supported rroru uteyc
sources, and the heult'i und happiness, und that of Posterity,
depends upon prmpt use of a reliat.le remedy.
Heliuliold's Kxlract llucliu, estn'iusiim upwarn oi is
years, prepared hy H. T. HKI.MBOI.D, Druggist,
d!l tirouownv, new i or, nno
lot South 10th Street, Philadelphia, IV
Paica Vl.ttS per bottle, or 0 bottles for ti VI, delivered
to any address. Sold by all Druggist everywhere.
March 4. IS-07 1v
-i: iMtm i:
( .llurket Street,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
1'or many years this Establishment has done busi
ness on the One Price Sys;cin, and wo believo we
are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly
adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu
tation which wo are proud of, for good tiuto iu soled
good style and substantial materials, and not lees
important, for having all our goods,
i:nc.i wi:i.i.
We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our
Uoods are of both kinds Fushionablo and plain
so thut all taste can bo suited. Tbe prices are the
very lowest, as any one by a moniont thought must
ee, or otherwise we oould not meet tho competition
of our neighbors, for as nododuotions are ever made,
we must put our prices down to tbo advantages wo
The people may dupend, this is the true plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar can bo
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping iu luiud
604 Markot .Strreet, Philadelphia. I
Not ou the Corner, but ono door abovo Sixth.
March 33, 1887. Iy
Deciked. There seom to be uo question but
what Coo' Balsam is the greatest and best Cough
preparation extant. In oao of Croup it is unfail
ing. Take little and often, and the result U sure.
It should find a home in every household. The pro
prietor assure us it need but one trial to establish
it Diertl,
To 'oniUsipllvf n.
Tha Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (freo
of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with
the directions for making and using tbetimple reme
dy by which he was oured of a lung afleution and
that dread disease Consumption. His only object is
to benefit the allliated, ud he hope every sufferer
will try thi prescription, a it will oost them nothing,
any may prove a blessing. Please address
my lS-'67 ly W ljl'arosbur, KingsCo. , N. Y.
Information, guaranteed to produoa luxuriant
growth of hair upon a bald bead or beardless lace,
alo a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blouihe,
Eru pilous, eto.,on tb skin, leaving Ihe aam soft,
clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge
by addressing
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
may 18, '67. 8JS Broadway, New York.
v" " Orace'a Celebrated Halve.
W are constantly hearing favorable report front
tho who hav tried this remedy. Amy Anthony,
wife of Mark Anthony, of thi uity, and living at
No. Loo tut Street, afflicted with felon on the
linger, was recently Induced to make a trial of the
halve. Almost itutantly aba experienced relief frain
the pain, which had been aluiuat unendurable.
Every other remedy but this proved unavailing
These who have tried it once are aatisAed ot iu
(usnts, and nothing will indue than) to h without
supply . Fmil titter JVsuv. Pee. 14 4t
Botico to Merchants and Shippers.
THR undersigned, proprietor of Welsnr A Friok'a
Line, give notlooe to mnrohant and efalpper
(bat tbe Depot Is still at 811 Market itreet, Phila
delphia, and all Goods directed to Sunbury, Danville
and Lewhrbarg, end ail intermediate stations along
the railroad, will be promptly doliverod.
16" Can leave HI i Markot street, Philadelphia
tri-woekly Taeedavn, Thursdays and Saturdays
J. W. BUO WN, Propriotor, Leivisburg,
J. II. UROWN. Aacnt. Sunbury. Pa.
December 7, 1807.
Auditor's Motlte.
Kilatt of Henry Muier, decened. j
NOTICE Li hereby given that the undoMgnnd j
Auditor, anoointed bv the Ornbans' Conrt nf Nnr. :
thumberland County to distribute the balance iu the
hands of fl.B. Maaaor, ono of the Exeoutors of llonry
Manser, lato of tho Borough of Sunbury, deeonsecf,
e por confirmation of Auditor's Report on hi ac
count to and amoncst thoso legally entitlod thereto,
will attend to Ihe duties of his said appointmotit tit
hi office in tho Uorough of Sunbury. on Wednesday
tho lKthday of December, HOT, at 10 o'clock A.M.,
nt which time and plnco, all persons interested may
attend. '
December 7, 1HI17.
IOCATED in Chillisquanue township, nbout 24
J miloj from Milton. For further particulars
address, AMO.S T. HISKL, Jr.
Montnndon, Northumberland County, Pa.
Dec 7, 1H67. 3m
lYiitrliiiiuUri- utifl .Iw
INTO. 14.8
An asviilmeiit of Wulhes, Jewelry, S Ivcr.aad I'ljlerl
Ware constantly on lutiul,
I XT" Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at
tended to-
Nov. 30, 1S6T I y.
iv oi; WA.vr.'
IF you wnnt a s6tt of llnrncss for $18 00, go lo
IF you want a good silver-mounted llnrncss, go to
IF you want Harness, or anything in bia line of
. business chenper than they can ho purchased
elsewhere, go and try at JACK STROH'S Shop.
All goods nro warranted as represented.
JF you want a nice driving Horse and Buggy, go
toJACK STKOH'S Livery, opposite tbe Central
Hotel, .S'unbury.
IF you wnnt a good Auctioneer, goto JACK STROH
who is always on hand to make you a good sale
or no pay.
Sunbury, Nov. 2,
A A II V A It K 1 A I , O I'
Corner of Fourth and Market Stroets, SL'NBL'RY.
I VST received from Now York and Philadelphia,
J a largo supply of FALL AND WINTER
UOODS, which he will sell at small pro&tr, for ciuh
or country produce.
His Dry Hoods department is full of evorv deierip
tion. A splendid lino of LADIES' DRESS GOODS,
uii'l n Ultu iiooas at all prices.
Fancy Sacking for LadiM, and Shetland Wool
Yankoo Notions in Great Varioty
Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirts.
a -a. :r t e t s .
Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths,
all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tnblo Oil Cloth
Widow Shades, Plain Urocn and Brown Oil Cloth
and Fixtures fur Windows.
-Sugar, Cofl'ee, Molluscs, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt
Fish, Cheese, Ac.
Ouoeiinure,(iliuware. splendid SutLsof Touware,
at low prices.
Huts ami Caps, Oil, Paint, Class, Putty, Sohool
Books, Pupor, Sluteti, Aa.
II A R D )V A 11 E .
Shovels, Fork.., Nails, Locks, Hinges and Serene-
A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor
dcr, at all price.-.
All persons desiring to get good goods will plciuo
give him a cull.
Sunbury, Nov. 1ft, 1867.
tf X OKI Atf 9
Joseph Eyster,
Corner of Market and Fourth Street,
su.nhukv, r 1: n n a .
Invites tho public to call and examine bis elegant
assortment of
which he will sell at greatly reduced priciM. His
(took consist in part uf
Silk. Dulainea, Lawns, Oingbums. Calicoes, Muslins,
Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment
VUIMJIJ Ul MWIVU guvui uuimmij,
Hosiery, Olovw, Hoop Skirt. Abo lltmdkorchlcft,
Brushes, Combs.
IliitM iinsl-Canis, IlootK nnd tXhorw,
His assortment of good will not, he is aura fail to
please the fancy and suit the want of any desirous
of purchasing. His slock of
and Groceries is large in quantity and choice in
quality, enmpriaing generally everything needed in
the household either for use or ornament.
He is always ready and glad to see his friend
and take ploosure iu showing them his goods even
though no sale are made. He only aks a call, ami
is sure that tbe stork will compare favorably in
prioe and quality with the cheapest.
Sunburyov. 16,1867,
Maohins SUtehiri;.
"VRDERS or work loft at the (tore of D. ii. Brau-
J tigain, in Northumberland, will beuromntlv
attended to.
iyAII worWarrauted
Nov. !-tf
JF you -vent good Tin-Ware, go to
OENHER'S New Shop.
t K.u and see tti,o heautiful Bird Cge
new Hardarsinrof
rtNirv I "
I not Eta1 tMm ( dnmn or yon
Mill uertululj' Ibid ont -where you
of 'Jul
fer tho
ii. v. rnii,i.
at the
Has just reived and opened the
Fieinh Mtrm'vf.
Funis, Muslins,
rs.iin s, Hit
i NOTIONS -f all kind
j Unsiory. Clares, Mrn 'rand Ladies I'nderz!
A full assortment of TRIiIMINi:i
Builders will had iny Stock of IIiirdtVHI'O,
I'aiiitM, Oils, 'lawn, r., I'onitttele.
Drugs and Mcdicinrs,
Willow it lift t eaaiTrnri-
(juoeiissraie, (i lannaie.
Creekorv, Palt.
and iu font everything usually kept in a largo Storo
Call and be convinced that tha CHKA I'Ust
of PLACE TO liL'V ALL YtlL'R UOODS is at
The Mammoth Store.
Tfi-Mlsj Cuisli - SUduj a,,
as my (iuods ar bought for Si.h ud fol.l Cheap
or the VEADY MiNt;:Y
ii v riiii.i.
'inauiv. fi 1! l'T
Millinerv Goods,
Minn DI. "
!orJ-r, bee leave n ise
of Sunbury and vimnlty . th.if
nounoeroine usuimm ., , .
be basjau opened a large and varied el ot
Mii.r.iM h p. y GOODS.
of all the lateat Fall and Winlef rtyl-,
invito attention of her patron, and tbe 1KU f.
Ii aha
rally, confident of bor ability w P-
A good assortment of 0lil HA I.
Hat for featurrw bright and Jollj,
Hat fur faae mnUnolioly.
Hats for figures, broad and bul ly.
Hale for straight hair, and for ourly
Hats of silk, oloth, fnlt aud beaver,
Hats that almost wear forever,
Hals tint always look so neal,
Aro hoiifhi at Mifi UcasWs en 1 ourlb siran'
Also, an excellent n.ortmenlof FasbionaWo Km
tioncry, Ac, Ac.
Cull and examine for yoursolvc. Jo trouni "
show gnoda
Suubury, Nov. 2, 186T. ....
Market Square, two doors west of tho PcistCfTi e
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and th
public, that sho has just returned from tbo city,
whero she has spent, sometime in niakmR scleoljons
and purchases, and has junt opened a large fea oi
Hibbons. Lacos. Prew-l.initiKS. Crinoline and W'i
gans SkirUniJ Lininp. Honp Mtiru, flui?!" Trim
minus, f'rapo Trimmings, Hat Cinpc, Cloak Bultoiib.
Cpraot, Zcpbyrs.
A largo aafortmont of Ln.rlioJ nnd (ientlcmen's
A variety of BOOKS 4 .STATIONERY.
DOLLS of all sisos. Alphabet Block, Ac.
tho flatters herfolf in beinKablo to make a di.plsy
that will give entiro snfisfaotion to visitors, ami
goods will be exhibited with pleasure.
.Sunbury ,Nov. 2, IWI7.
"if E7 L AGEB." BE EE.
n mat msz uvje w 9
I ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and tb
Vi publio grnornlly, that ho ha oommenced the
manufacture, and is now ready to furnish
of a superior quality. Having procured tho servic
of first claas brewer, he ia enabled to supply Land
lords, Hestauranta and privoto famtlioa with an ar .
tide that is palatablo, pure and healthy.
Orders are respectfully eolioitod which will re
ceivo prompt attention.
Sunbury, November 16. lSfir.
Market .Stjuaro, two door East nf the old Bank
building. SVNBl'KY. Pcnn'a .
HAS opened a lroph supply of the latest styles of
Fall nii'l Winter Hoods, selected by "liersolf
fiom the most fashionablu cstHlilishmculs in Thila
t'benp IoLninei, Alparan, French Merinos. Tlain
nnd Plaid Poplins, Mourning (jood, Clolbs, Saeqim
l lanncls, Ladies and C'liildrcns' Hats, Fcathi,
Itibhous. Ilre.'a TrimmingH, Kinbroideriea, J,aoo
Veils and handkerchief, gloves, hosiery, Balmoral
rkirts.llroukfast and Blanket Shawls, W'iuter iSaoqtioa
and Ludies' goods of every description.
(ienta' Collars, Neck-tins, iialf hose, Handker
chiefs and Gloves.
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps. Hair ISrushe, Combs, ete
t2iVH.opkiua' Eliptic Skirts.
Fnnbury, Nov. 2, lSf.7
! ('nil and see Ihe well selected Stock of
O V 1 : R C 0 A I I N t i S . V EST I X C, .
Jnt rcoi!rfd at
Fourth Strict, below Eyster s Store. Sl'NBl'RT
f ihe mn.'at ftpprorffj otvlo.i lt uinjn up lo order ft
reii!t.nnllc rates.
Ho ha:1 n.Ho n fin assort merit of Cnimorft Pliir!',
Prawt'V!, t ndtrhirtH, OTorlinulf. Hloust'i', Neck
t;ui. Cut ton ml Wool on Jlt.-c. Suspcndorn, !uul
kurchict'.-, (.loven, nod a gouurftl VHriety of
Givo biui u cull, whiuh yon will tiud to be to )'ur
JiuMbury,CVt. 10. 1?67.
i ojSKi-:.vr iu-:ii'c?rioi oi'o
Fall & Winter Goods!
MImx II. I.. l-nirarisi, having juwt return
ed from 1'bilndelphia with a superior utook of I' nll
aud Winter (foods for tho trade of 1S67 und 'Oh.
which sho is able to sell at very reduced prioos.
would respectfully cull tho attention of her custo.
mors and tho public gcnorally, to tho superior qual
ity of her goods, and tho low price at which they
arebcld, Sho has all kinds of
ineluiilng Toplinn, Merinos, Do Laius, Caliioos, .tc
all at tho lowest prices.
1 xtra quality Muslin at era low prices. Pri!
lings. Canton l'lnniiols.
Ualmural Skirts, Shawls, Hood'
j (ilovcsofall dowriptior.s. including u very supe
; rior ruulity of Ladies' Cloth UlovuJ. .
i Ribbons and Trimming of all varieties,
stamped giods, Zephyrs and Varus, Tuwljug in prim
I variety.
I Uenta' nnd Ladies' Handkerchief, fi-arfs. Mufl
j Tassels ami Buttons. I'oiuades, Extracts, and a lur-it
j varluty of notion an, 1 fancy arliole.
i Call and see tbeui before going elsewhcro.
I Sunbury, Nov. I, W7.
i Machuie Stitching.
iOHD:ltS or work left at the store of M. P
Priestley, in Norihunibeiiaiid, ill be promptly
attended to.
All work warranted. Nov. 2-U
I l A'III.Y HliHIAt. ilM( HICKi
Vluut Street, Sl'NBl'HV, PA
Having been appointed Agent by the .S'injer Manu
facturing Company, for tbe sale of Singer',, ,e
Family Sowing Matihiiiis, inform iho public- that
thoy van be hud ut her resideuue.
These Machines are simple, compact, durable aud
beoutitul. Capable of jwrtoruiing a range and a
variety of work never beforo attouipted u)on a in
gle Machine uning either silk. ti:-t, iiui-n or cot
ton Thread, and tcwiug with equal facili'y the very
finest und coarscat luiiturials, and anything botweei,
Ihe two extremes in Iho moat beautiful aud :ubstut.
tint luauner.
These Macl)incs will be sold at reasonable rates
Call and examine for yourselves.
Mrs. SA1UU BIMl'SOS, Agent
October Jit, 1rSI7.
rl IHr. subseribors rci-pttitlully inform tho
X. of Northuuiburlund county, that Ibey
iy are now
frepareu to lurntsn 1,1. Ml-, of
armera und Builders. Alan
ol a superior quality to
o, L111E-ITUNK from
tue celebrated Lime-tbtone Quarries of l.uwir Mabo
uoy township, at hort notice and ut reasonable rate.
the above t ill be delivered to any Kailroad kia
tlon along the line ol the diUcreul' railroad, wbm
There K ilnt arc located t tho Sbaiuokiu Valley
llailroad. near Sunbury. bct urdvis will i'n
promptly filled.
, Urdurs are rwpcctl'ully solicited
I Address. J B. LENKKIl li!;.j .
' :'uaut3liS,':-.. Sunbury. sl'a
! THE bent qualities of Solo Leathir, 1'rein-li (
, skins, Morrovco, l.iuinirs, I.ati, NuiU He
I Tools of ail kinds, und ev.i v lliiug u.-. bv ibe tr.Tf
, furaalii lnw by J. II l i)M. . ( ,,
t'lsHlr-ss 4'iii-s-iisc-.
r H would ,-all in aitrhii.m of trr..,.
VI l sum 1 m rial
hco l" .nir n,t an. I Ik,
broideries, Kdgings, Laoes, Woolen Caps. ilinlUer
chiefs, Hcarfs, Uloves, Hosieries, and all kiwi" ''
Fanov Notions, Stamped Muslim, Corset, I erlnine
rtes, ib'oap, Lilly White, F.namcl of America, ta-
went e,.nif rVin pin i.i.ii hauitiil
1 il i "k, l.l V
e m-ih i
Im; s