PURE LAGER BEER! l'ORTDIt ANO AL1V From the Cold Spring Brewery, eoNBtay, pa. J033PH EACHEH. T E8PECTFULLY Inform! the public generally , JX that be is prepared to furnish LAG EH BEER, I'GKTiSK ANI ALfc. n large or stun.il qusKtitica. II ii facilities fur mak. ng Beer cannot be oxonllcd, and In pronounced supe rior to any other ofl'orcd in Central Pennsylvania. It bus also been roc luoudcd hy physiciana as a hcnllhy drink lr Invalids. Holds, Kostaurants and private families supplied al short notice Sunbury Jopt21,! SO i. All kind! of ?CII00t HOOKS, Slates, Vein, Ink, Paper, Ac. Micellnncou! Hooks, a good assort-j ment. All the rtew reooiveui asoinas published, tttd for sale at ' Publishers prices. BIBLES, Prayer Rooks and Hyuii tlnokr. in every al vie of binding. Ctitholie Prayer Hook. w H H M w 03 a o o W CO o w ta w a ta 10 q W CO SI a a to FAMILY BIHLLSin various stylet DlCTlONARIKSof all sites. Juvenile! and Toy Books, a lurgel assort uieut )il:mU KCookH d Blank l'orni! d' nil kiuds. I Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and Nolo Papers, j COrYINtJ HOOKS, Inkstands. Pon Racks, Files, Paper. Cutlers audi Counting llouso Stationery generally. j PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS cheap' and dour. Gold Pens and Holder. j Pocket Books and Bill Wullut!. . I'icturo Frame. Stereoscopes nml Views, American, French, &o, r. . , Drawing yapor, ail sites, iiriioi Board, Ac. 1 Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ac. I Backgammon Boufds, Gumcs, Chess-, men, Ac. ! Toys a large nnd complete assortment Base-Balis and BuH. Fishing Kodnj aid 'i'aeklo. , I Perfume?, Brohouiian and Parisian Warbles. Ac. Hold Pens ro.pointed. Lamps, Shades, Globes, Chimneys, 4c. Wall Taper and Border, all kinds Window Curtains, l'auer Gilt and Oiled. Music and Musical Io:trunieuta. All kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. All tho Daily and Weekly Papers and Magazine. Agent fur the "American Organ." Alio tor "La K-tfC s Hair Restorative," Ennncl of America, and "National Steam Navigation Cou-.pany. ' r-'unlmry, May IS. lho7. VAI.I'AltJS: PROPERTY FOR SALE. riMiE subscriber oiler? for snlo tho valuable proper J. ty now occupied by himself, on tbn corner ol t-oeond and Walnut atrect, Sunbury. Tho lot is on high ground and has a front of itO foct on Walnut, and 230 feet on Second street. The iuiprovementa ure a new and well-constructed TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 42 feet on Walnut and 54 on Second streets, with a frame, Kitchen 1 by 22. with nn excellent Cistern in tho kitchen, and all I he other necessary and usual Outbuildings, including good -Stabling. Tho premi ses nre handsomely located with n good Onrdcn and excellent fruit. Possession to be given on the first of April next. ForfV.eruis apply to Wm. M. Rockefeller L. T. Rohrbuck, Esqrs , or tho subscriber. P. i . (ji RA . Sjnbnry, Septal, lSfi7.--3m ARCH STREET FOUNDRY ! YOi::UJI.V:, Proprietor. Area St.,l'lteeu 1 and llli, ,lo to the INililic !'liol IIwiimp, SUNBUR3T, PENN'A. '1 HE proprietor of this establishment reipcctlully r.fortM the public that he has commenced the innn- ilnctuTool CooKing ana ueming Ml x W Jit - vhioh bo will soil at lower prices then they can be ibtaine I elsewhere. MILL Hearing, Stoves, and the largest class of 'asiings mado promptly to order. V-i. Window Wtiglita, Frahiea and Orates for Cel ir Windows, Ac. 4nt Irou Oiiniuo.V ''!. WATER TROl'OllS A DOOR STF.PS. A liberal price pnid for old enstinis. Till-: CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im roved, is manufactured at thiscslablishuiont. Also, ,tovo Orates of all kinds, Kettles, und every variety f"inall castings. Siiubury,J)ct.5, 18ti7. AR)IERS & BUILDERS! , I M E AND LIMESTONE LillE aubscrihera respectfully inTorm tha citiiens of Northumberland county, that they V re now repnre i to furnish LIME of a superior quality to armors and Builders. Also, LIME-STOXE trom 10 celebrated Lime-Stone Qunriies of Lower Muho ov tow nship, at short notice and at reasonable tatea. Tlio above will be delivered to auy Railroad sta ou nlong the line of the different railroads when rdered. There Kilns are located at the Shunokin Valley ailroad, near Sunbury, where order! will be rmiptly filled. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address. J. U. LENKER A BRO , Augusts, 1807. Sunbury,;Pa. LIME! LIME! 1' a r in rra iiinl It it i 1 I v r at ! SrAsnot.rz & Bhotiikr are now prepared to de ver. ut the lowest market price, the very bestquality r LAXD nnd BUILDING purposes. jTheir liuieia ime l of the celebrated T U C K V II O K 1. 1 M K STONE." Their lime kilns are located at the Philadelphia and ria Railroad, near the steam suw mill, in the Bo Uirh of 'uribury. Plasters, Muson, Bricklayers and Fsrincra are ill- tod to cull and give u a trial. tEASHOLTZ A BROTHER. Aug. 3, 1.167. I.nUe' I'aiK'j I'um ! AT JOHN FAREIRA S t)Id Established F V R Manufactory, No 70s ARCH Street, above 7th, PIIIL'A. Have now lu Store of my own Importation and I Mnnufneture ono of the largest and most beuuti . fal selections of FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Clul- -J-'dreu7! Wear In tho City. 'ytTS v--a---r Aiso, a tine aatwrttueut of Jtit'i Fur Glovei and Collars. 1 am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea nable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call )in uiy friends of Northumberland comity und -aity. Remember the Name, Number and Street 1 JOHN' FAREIKA. No. TIB ARCH St., ab. 7th, south side. Philnd a, fjf 'l have no partner, nor eonnctlou with any ier store in Philadelphia. Sept. 2H, 1H67. 4mw E3APAEILLA, MINERAL V7ATEB, POKTEH AND ALE. "llE auhicriben having located a bottling estab. . lishment in Cuke'a Addition, in the Borough of ribury, re.peotfully inforui the citlieusof thi and oimng eouuties that thoy are prepared to furn Landlorda, Restaurent Keepers and private fnmi I with the best brands ofSarsaparilla, Mineral H i , Ale and Porter, bottled in the beat manner. Their nki are procured frum the best establishment! in I country, which enables theut to furnUh better iclc than can be had elsewhere, which will be de ered at the lowest rates. The citisons of Suubury and vicinity will find it to ir interest to patroniu home industry, and assist uinkingthia a permanent enterprize, and at tho ae time save labor and money, 'rders are respeetfully loliciUl.whlch will reetiive :upt utteulion Ad drn. PltORM A ROTE. "'.- . i iiioury, l'. Xorringtjon &,uodoi:;isn I A. "W BOND SUrKR-HIOSPIlATE OF LIME, TUB GREAT northnmbrrlnnd Voualj FERTILIZER. The best n.annre for nil kind! of grain manufac tured. More active, mnro durable, than any other. It does not exhaust the soil, bill on the contrary l a permanent improver. OVJ'R SOO FARMERS in the County applied it to their Spring Crops, the result! wcretll'itit exceeded their most snnguino expecta tions. It waa tested with the best Phosphates in tha country but ciimo outjvietorious. Farmers, use it for your wheat and rye. Put up in ftngs of 200 lbs. caah and sold at 117 per 2UU0 pounds, at the Manufactory, :(. Mai-hot Street, Nuiibiiry, Pa., or at any of our agents lu Danville. Williauisport, Lowisburg, Muncy .'taiion, Milton. Dewiirt, Potts, grove, liioomsburg. .'. lius'-Urove. Trevorton. or any of the principal towns in the niijoining counties. Where wo have no agents appointed, farmer! can send their orders by mail and rely on their receiving immediate attention. We have the adianlage of Railroad and Canal transportation in nil direotions. and purchaser! need apprehend no dcluy in filling orders. J. K. ,roRIUNT0N ' i;D. HODUKINS. Sanbury. Aug. I. IM7. B00TSVNF"sri0ES7 MAXI FACIIRKD TO ORDKR. oTOHN WILVEB, IKSI'KCTFCLLY ir.f .rms his friends and ens V turners, that he has just opened a shop lor the mnnufneture ot HOOTS KllOhS, on $2ruce utrcct, ldire.cn Serowl ude.tt and Centre Alley, Sunlitirif. wIitc all kinds i f work in his line will he made up in the latent style and iu Ibo best worktniiuliko man ner. Having first clnss stock on hand , he 6ntters himself that he will bo able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. Tho public nro invited to call. JOHN WILVER. Snnbnry. June la. l.HfiT. " NEW Miss LOUISA BHISSLEH, South tido of Market Square, SUNBVRY, Ta., HAS jut returned from the city with a lorge, hundsomc and ciienpcst n.-sortmcnt of Parisinn slylis of Lfidirs' and Misses' lints aiul lloiiucis in Suubuiy, of the following patterns. Princess, Alaska, All Right, Kloretta, Sensation. Turban, etc. Also, 'ncques, Itrenkfnst Shawls. Zephrr-knit Sacques, fentbers. velvets, silks, laces, ornaments, Trimmings, Furs, Fur Trimmings, Veils, both Lace and Orena dine, Fmbroidcry, Cliaia Lace and Linncn Collars and Cul!s. (tentleuien's Goods, such as no?iery, Handker chiels, Neck-ties, Brushes and joods for the toilet. Also, a fine assortment of Perfumery, and all goods usually kept in a w ell furnished establishment. 'I hunkful for past fav-TS sho hopes by a further desire to please luu public, the continuance of their I patrunagc. LOH.5A MllSbLk.lt. Nov. 2. 1SH7. TO OXJR CUSTOMEKSr We take plcnsuro in announcing to Dealers in Fertilizers, nnd tho Agricultural public, thnt wo have within the past year increased our facilities for the manufacture of our Raw Bono Phosphate, to an extent unequalled by any other House in the United Stntesor Europe. These facilities not only include the enlargement of our old established works in Philadelphia, kuonnas the I hiwilre Eiivel A ''"'II I IiiiM I t'lu-lilivlll lllliks but also the purchase of extensive and well stocked works at Chicago, 111., witii all tho necessary machinery, cars, Ac, to conduct tho business. This establish mentalono has produced, annually, over fUr)0 tons ofdiied Bones and Meat, and is cnpablo of being largely increased. Wo desire, by the closest super vision, to conduct these two concerns so thnt our cus tomers will derive a practical benetit from their con solidation, in obtaining a MANURE which shall maintain n standard and ui iforin quality, and at tho lowest possiblo price. BAUdlt 4 SON'S. PSIttTVIAN GUANO ETJESTITUTE ! DAUGH'S Si IT K K I'HOSPIIATE OP I. I M E. DAUQII Se BON 3 Solo Manufacturers 4 Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. I"f Farmers are r,roiiiiiieinU:il lo purehase of the druler located III llieir iii-ilitsirliotid. In teetiona where no ilea ler ii vet estal.liMiui, tii I'll, s;lialr limy le proeureel direct ly I'roiii the uii'leisigiied. A I'nced Cilcular will be scut to all u ho. a,iply. )5AUt;iI & SONS, JYrt. 2D S. Ihhitrare Anntte, ltiii.AUia.i'iiiA. DAUCill UHOTIIEIW & CO, Venertd Wwhmfo A'jcnls, No. IS1 Pearl .Vt.. eorner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GKOHGE DUG DALE, WholiNite A'jeut J'uf Murilund it No. 105 Smilh'a Wharf, irynuit, BALTIMORE, MD. "V.'e aro prepared to Supply our Patent .ec. tional Mill to ii 1 1 Manufacturers for grinding Bones, Guano and all other herd substances. fold ty SMITH i (1EXT1IER, f unbury. Aug. o, 1DU( . iy "DO U T "lEi CDIJ SE" J. S. Il.tl.I, I'i-o ji-ictor. Corner tiitnhury and Jloet- Street, S1IAMOKIN, PENX'A. r till IS HOUSE Is now open for the reception of J guests, and being new, spacious and attractive, has nil the facilities aud advantages of a FIRST 1. L AsS HOTEL. The sleeping apartments are airy nnd comfortable, and the lurnituro entiiely new. The Bar and Table will be supplied w ith thu best in the market. The i utrnnnge of the public is solicited. .Drl'-Li !l!!.'7J ElacksmitMng. JOHN- IHVIN, SL'NUUliY, PENNSYLVANIA, RESPECTFULLY inform! the ellij.ens of f un bury and vicinity, tbut ho tins erected a Black smith Miop near the Shaiuokin alley Railroad Depot, where he is prepared to do Blacksmiihing in all its branches, at the shortest notice. Having had many years' experience in the business, he nutters himself that he van render satisfaction to all who may give him a call, uubury, August 17. 1S(17. USM. IIOOI NUIIITS. it. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Olb Own Make." After mora than Five Years experience and ex perimenting in tho manufacture of Strictly First Ouality Hoop .Skirts, we otter our justly celebrated good lo merchants and the public iu full contMeuco ol theirsuperiority over all other iu the American market, and they aru so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in them, as they givu uioro satisfaction than any other Skirt, and rucommend themselves in every respect. Dealers iu Hoop f kirts, should make a noteof this fact. Every lady who has not given them a trial should dosowiihout further dcluy. Our assortment eiubiuoes every style, IciiKlh and site tor Ladies, Misses aud Children. Also, Skirts wade to urder, altered and repaired. Ask for "llopkiu'i Owu Mako," and be not de eeived. fee that the letter "11 ' la woueu on the Tapes between Each Hoop, and that tbey are stamp, ed ' W. T. HOPKIN S ALuiufaoture. H28 Arch St., Philadelphia," upon each tube. No others are genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full line of 'good New York and Eastern made Skirls, at very low prices. WlwUnal and Julail. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Lmporiuui, No. Bin Arch slruet, Philadelphia. .. , . . WM. T IIOPKIN.S March 21. 1-rfT -lftmw LUMBER! LUMBER ! The I'ottcr -iinty and Sitnlmry Lumber- ;ompoiy. Now fully oataUlshed at the SUNBURT STEAM SAW-MILLS, are prepared to saw to order .. WHITE PINK, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any ilie "4 " lngtn. Afull eiMrtment of etway! k-pt on nand. Pannel, Flooring, Siding and finishing board! of all kind!. MOULDING, BASH, DOORS, and SIIUTTEUS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pine, and Hemlock. I'ltiwtoriiifj- Lnlli nn1 lnllntx, Pinning, Ripping nnd Turning, will be done to order at short notice This Company design furnishing everything in their line at such rate that Lumber Yards. Builders and all parties using Lumber, will find it to their interest to buy at this establishment. ORDERS nre respectfully solicited and will be promptly at tended toby addressing, WM. REAGEN, Sup't. Hunbnry, June IS, 1RBB. ITEW SHOE STCE.E. Market Street, adjoining Gcarbarl'i Confectionery Store, SUNBURY, Ta. TIIF undersigned respectfully Inform! the citizeni of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a N EW SHOE STORE, tor the mle aa well aa fur the innnufncturo of the fiucst and beet quality of Ladies' Shoes, viz : Cilovoliiil, .Hori-ort-o, ( nlf-kiu and I.:iliut;' . uilern, Ao. Children's Shoes of nil kinds. Ilia stock is entirely new nnu well sctcctca. He iiIeo mnnufacturcs fine French and other Calf skin Boots and Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders for ladiei nnd gentlemen's eustom work will bo promptly attended to and got up in the beat style by sktltiu mechanic! Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for sale to the trade. J. fl. JEFFRIES Sunbury, April 20, 1SR7. 'ja.'" m w mws Ml heet Iron and Stove GZETTLEM0YEU&BR0., (Successor to BENJ. ZETTLEM0YER.) Market Street, near Engcl'i Store, SUNBURY, PA. HAVING taken chargo of the old itand so long patronized by the people of Sunbury and vi cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and the public generally, that they will supply them with the most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE aud PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which aro unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what they aro represented. 4 'oil I Oil, CoiilOil Lamps I.antrriiN, Similes, Chimneys, and all articles usually kept in an estnbli.dimentof this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sizes. FRUIT JARS and CANS of tho.lntest improved styles. Ho is also prepnred todo all kinds ofSpouting nnd Rooting, Rango and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. GEO. ZETTLLMOYER A BRO. June 8, 18f,7. y J. H. Conley Co., .tlarkot Sli't-ct, I'nsit ol'tlip If nilroad 8UNBTJRY, FENN'A. DEALERS IN rour.iw.x v ami:kica, Hardware & Cutlery. rPIIE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Buildor, J nnd Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we ate now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes. Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Sawv ,Vc, Ac. Sunbury, March 30, 1967. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rjlIlE undersigned, proprietors of Weiaer A Frick'i Line, givo nutice to merchants und shippers that their Depot is etill ut HI I Mai ket street, Philn dolphin, nnd ull Goods directed to Sunbury and Dan villa will bo promptly delivered. if - Cars leave Ml 1 Market street. Philadelphia tri-wcekly Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Saturdays. W. C. GOODRICH. M.iv 2a, Y.7. J. U. RICHARDSON. j. w. N'r1;vi:.M:', WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market Square, near tho Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland County. Pa. Hii nas just opened an assortment or Mold and Plain Patent Watches, CLOCKS for Railroads. Banks and Dwellings, Fine Gold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Minift' ture Cases, Mednllions. Lockets. Pencils. Thimbles, Spectuclcs, Silver Tublo, Dessert, Ten Salt and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoons. Cups, Napkin nines, milt ana muter Knives, Miieiits, t nines, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers, Butter Dishes. Fruit Dishea, Cuke Basket!, Syrup Pitchers, Ac . Ac He invites the citizoni of Sunbury and vicinity to cull ut the uhove place, where he will be happy to wait upon them. tr Particular attention paid to REPAIRING. April 13, 18il7. Pensions Increased. The late Aot of Congress gives additional pay to the following Pensions, vis : ist. To thoae whofave lost tho sight of both eyes, or both bands, or totally disabled mas to require con stant attendance, the aumof $25 00 per month. 2d To those who have lost both feet, or are totally disabled in the same so as to require oonstunt attend ance, the sum of $20 00. 3d. To those who have lost one hand or one foot, or ure so disablod as to render them unablo to per f.irm inunutil labor $li 00 per month, and other cases in proportion. The subscriber is duly prepared for the Immediate procurement of these claims. 8. B. B0YER, Att yatLaw. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. COMPARE, THEN JUDGE. Great Reduction in WHOLESALE A RETAIL TRICES of very superior Silver and Silver-Plated Wares, Of our Own Manufacture. . Such ai Tea Setts, I'rni, Ice Pitchers, Waiters, Gobblets, Cake baskets, Castors, But ter Coolers, Vegetable Dish es, Tureens, Sugar and Card Baskets, Syrup and Drink, ing Cups, Knives, aud Forks, aud Spooni, of various kinds 4e., Ae., V arranted Triple Plate, on best of metals, and cquul to any in the market, of the latest styles, and uo goods are misrepresented, at JOHN BOWMAN'S New aud Beautiful Store, No. 701 Arch Street Philadelphia. ' ' UirPlease call and examine our Goods before purchasing. N. U All kinds of Plating at reasonable prices. August 2i, 1867. lyoq ROOFING ! m IIIMES A CO., are the Agents in the Counties L , of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. This is the cheapest and best Roof that ean be rut on a building, lias been used in the eity of Philadelphia, linue 1861, whore it ta iu period ed almost every other kind of Roof. It ia recommend ed by the builders, and is used on all of the finest building in that eity. Parties contemplating build ing, will do well to examine into the merits of this aud all other kinds of Hoofs, ar.d give the best the preferenoe. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be covered with this Roof, and parties desiring to do so, may call there and examine it. For further information address Box 14, Sunbury Post OlbM.or " ' the Brick Yard of T IIIMESJ ro fMiuhtiry, H, 1R6T Ira NEW GROCERY, THE (ubeerlbere begt ! to announoe to the eitiseni of Sunbury end IW tVjlnlty, that they have opened a NEW GROCERY, Tmodoor 4tt cf J. II. BngU't 8 tent, in Market fi$uart, where tbey are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on hand the ohoiecst Tirieticf of FLOUR & FEED, Fiah. Coffee. Teas. Suirar. Morale!, Cheeie, Ball Spioea of all diauription, Soap! of every variety unnaief, omoning ana vnewing looacoo, ocgui. Iiams. Shoulders, Uacon, uuuer, ami r.K". Aim Dried frnitt of all kindi, Caned Poachea and Toma toes. Pickeli, Ketchup, Pepper Sauoe, Raisini, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fnot every Kyle of articles kept In a well stocked Grocery. Alio uider vinegar. All ninai oi euumrj prvuuuo wrou in exchanse. The catronage of the publie to re I pectfully solicited. . . Sunbury. Not. 11, 1865. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Twodoori west of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. T- F.SPECTFULLY Inform! the citizen! of fun- XV bury and vicinity, that he will bake to erder all kinus ot Cake for IIuIIh, l,artl". At'. Families nre luppllcd with FRESH BREAD, Twist Roll!, Rusks, Tea Bum, Ae., and also kept on hand manafnetured out or the best material!. All order! will meet with prompt attention. Having hnd large experience I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor toe with their pntronnge. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Dec. 9, 1S04. .ii. c. i:ariiartm Confectionery, Toy and FIEtTTIT STORE Market Street, Kuuburjr, I'u. CONFECTIONERY OP AIL WINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for aale at the above establishment atwholesale and tetail, at reason able prices. He Is manufacturing all kinds of Confettionariei Is keep up a full assortment which are sold at lew rates. Tobacco, Segara, Stationery, Nuts ef all kinds, unci a variety of other articles, all of which ai ofleten wholesale and retail. IVRemember the name and place. ."1 M. C. OKARIlAR't, Market itreet, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. ID. 18C3. tf STORE. AV. A. J JENNET, .llarket Kquni-e, Oil Mil It V, Pa. HAVING recently purchased the Drug .tore formerly conducted by R. A Fieber, I beg leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury and vi cinity, that X have entirely replenished my stock of u rs- pb5 FANCY ARTICLES ! inch as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Eookl, Snnpn, Ter futnery, Hair-Oil, Kuivu, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, l'uiiitv, Oils), djilno, CilastN, l'liltj', Vtit'iilftliCH, lut-iit .tlfdieisit'M, Ac, All my Tineturca, f'yruin. Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and from the best umtcrial lean procure in Murk el. Having had quite a uumbcr of years' experience in the Drug ami rreer'q'tiin Huniiuts, both in Philadelphia and tho country, and also tho advantage of the Collego of Pharmacv, I feel com petent lo CO.MPOl'ND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and public may favor me with. All uiy preparations as 1 have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on baud tho very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I cun procure. Bcforo purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A BENNETT. Snnbury. Nov IS, 1865. SUNIWKY F(fUM)Hv. . ui:o. itoimcii it'll A: s., ARE now carrying on business at this old estab liihinent with renewed vigor. Costings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured ut this Foundry have acquired tho highest reputation. Particular attentiun paid to MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget that the PLOWi made at tho Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implement repaired ut short notice. Small eastings, including Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on nil enlarged icalo. Old customers will beaecommodatod as uluul, und new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, lbiit) CHOICE FRUIT & OIlNAsMEsNTAL 4 BENJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from tho most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, tint cl ass TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Addresi BENJ. BOHNER, Paxinoi, North'd. Co. jr N. B. Insurances taken In several of tno moi responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Companies in the State. Juno 8, 1HB7. y FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AXD ItETAlL. flAHE subscriber respectfully informs the putlis X that be kcops constantly on hand at bis new WAREHOUSE, near tb Shaiuokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUN BL'RY, Flour by the burrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all uiannfiicturod at bis own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, ! CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 837 Cbeitnut Street, (Corner of Seventh,) PHILA DELPIIIA. t Established 1811. Incorporated 1853 Voting Men Priieliciilly 1'ssr HuiaiuesiM. IWIiicatcd The facilities of this Institution bare been largely increased, and it now has advantages for imparting business knowledge which are unequalled. The practical value of its well-tried course of in trusion is attested by hundreds in all departments i f business. Many a young man owes bis suooessin life te the qualiticatioua gained here. The instruction throughout is thorough, practical, and just what is duily used in our best business house. The instruction include Book-Keeping in all its Branches, Penman.hip, (Plain and Ornamental",) Commercial) Cal culation, Business Papers aud Cor respondence, Commercial Law, Deteoting Counterfeits, Etc. Students instructed separately and reoeived at anytime. Diplomasawarded on graduation. Stran- Sera assisted in .procuring suitable boarding places, oard may be obtaiued for about S5 per week. Cata logues mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPING, Counting House, priea tt iO. High School, prioe fl it). Common School Edition 87 J ots. Judge bbarswood's Lectures before the Students on Commercial Law, price $1 tO. THE CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND BUSINESS MANUAL, Containing new and rapid method! of calculation aa actually used by busiueas men. Forms of Business Paper's aooouipanied by explanations of their nature and uae, useful Commercial Tablet, and much valuable information on business subjects. Price f I 24. Tha sale of this Book has been rapid that It It already In its icoond edition. Any of the above booki sent postage paid ea re ceipt of tb prio. P II CRITTENDEN CO June 8 18X7' w VHB O&feAT ZniGAIUBrrrERS The eecaponmt parts f tM, rvrnarltsble ertperatton , Were oral dissevered, compounded and euatrlbuKd, . some twenty years ago. by Dr. Cutorsni, the eele ferated Egyptian fbyiiaUa. Thousands of Hi suffer ing ooenUymen were restored to health, as well as great numbers of the Inhabitants el NuWa and Abyssinia, and of thecountries bordering upon the Southern eoeti ;of me Mediterranean Bca. I Indeed, the fame of the Z1NUAIU BITTERS soon aprs.d ever Kuroie, nnd waa adopted by the lirinclpel fliyiictana in charge ef the hospitals of the ell world, la which it ia Hill need with nretml. aent lueceii. The Vioeroy of Egypt placed tin name of oa. CnxoraV! upon the u Roll of Noblei,' and pre irnted to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: "Da Cnaot!Ui, the Publie Benefactor." Tliii Bitten la now offered to the publie of America with the fall asauranee that It will be found, upon a fair trial, to act aa a apeeiflo for the cure ef Cholera. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Blnrbiis, Fever anil Ague, 'ellois Fever, Kheamntlim, Typhoid Fewer, Dyspepsia, Colin, llronchltls. Consumption. Fialn lenry. Diseases or the Kidneys, Ncrvoua Debility, and Female Complaint. Remarkable cures of the above dtsetuea have been effected by Its use. as numerouacertiflcates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It is destined te supersede any preparation extant. As an ex recable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Tun mi ZIXOARI BITTERS It A3 SOl'I, AS W ELL AS BODY, I1 AS A PREVENTIVE or msEisr, HAS MO SUPERIOR. A FEW WORnS TO LADIES. The use of the ZINUARI BITTERS will give to you that soft, lend transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It Is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating tho pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look in common In our day; and what Ii even better than this, tt cures every species of female irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Hnrrisburg, Pa. RAHTEK & HAUSE, Sole Pbopbietobs. F ir !t1e by W. A. DENNETT, Druggist, Sunbury Pennsylvania. August 3, 1807. POLAN D'S Magic Bilious Powders, 'pHIS PKKPARATION is the d.K'iV 1 y of tdrKcv. J. W. Pt.laml f.r inerly the lnst'tr of the Itaptmt Church hi (ji'flVt'iwii. Nil, it m) a in nti ilfurly ht'liivol hy th it di ihmii n iti'Mi tnrouehout New Kimv,1fiM 1 1 ivHVti hlififil t" It-live the pulpit ami ntnily mfil.rine to wire hii own life, und hi 8 Mtipic I'nwdrTB aie one of the most w 'mlt-iful itiacjvtriti uf mudern tiinea. It it THE GREAT LIVE" AND BILIOUS REMEDY I which poinplf telv throwt m the shmle nil other MtPfovero n In mettieiiie ; and it titTir)n hiin much pnttitif'iii''ii (hut th-yrweive the iinnnimoui npprohnhtm ! utl who have it'Btrtl them 'J'he M;i?ie Uiluui Powders nre a loitiYct'mtt lor l.lvoi- Complaint ! in its uviirt ogravuted form, and nn immediate coire'Uir ufall itiuors ir.ct c;i :ie;a i : Kxcflleiit for IIKADACUK, PIMPI.K8, HMCrcllKS, A SALLOW PK1X, OROYlrr P1Z1NKSI. HKAK THl'llN , PALPITATION, And u m 'St wnntUrlul CURE A PREVENTIVE OF FEVER A AGl'E! ; (WVndvine .ill who me troubled wifli tt.is ft-:nfiil ma a : dy to nlway kerp the Powdrri on liumi ivtuly foi nuiiic Ui ite uu ) Here nre a few irriort.'iiit paiticuliir : 1st. They lire the Great. Spec i lie for ull Eilh'iis AtTVe tionfi. tM Thoy are the only ku-iwn rcmet'y that will cure j Liver C mpiuiiit. I The are the only loiuwn remedy th nt will cure ' C'iitipmion. i 4;li. The Powder are thnroufjh in their operiti"ii thul one WL'kdK will he all thnt thu in;ij iity ol th-ic umng tlifin will recpjiie tn cdect a cure. 5th. They tire mild and p eai;tnt yet the m--it t-iTr. tint rftlh true known. 1 tiili They me the cheapest nml Lt Hin'i':Me e':in. im iht-y ciin he sent by in.nl to any prut uf the gh-bc fir ! the price, 50 ceiitn. I CirculHTH, coiitiiniiit); ciTtificnte, iitfuriuntion, Ae., scut to nny piirt of tlie wmlil free if charge. SOLD if Y ALLDUL'OUIST, or by mail mi ap; lic:i- tii'ii tu i C. G CLARK A CO . GKNThAf, U".T. New llnt'en, dim j iVtcf, 60 Cents per Hot. Fehruvy lWi7 1 y lat.Yon't lei-iMliaiit Ilrogiw, THE OH EAT FK.MALK KK.MKU1ES FOR 1RRK, GLLAUiTlKS! I live tested Iheati Uiopi itt my hum ,il;ii.e, over ten yearn, und do n i heviute lu iy, that u-uliing haa yri bet-n devtl 'pid by niedictil refie:nch, thut ucli nti pnverl ully. positively, nnd lianiiltiitlv, in raea of teiiMle i insularity, ub does Una niedieiiie. In fill recent euiea ii never luili, wniie in.Mifaiuu wiio have been long sulleiem. are indrt t td tit it lor the Imnui ol lieu It h lo day. I All'iuufzh i (Hiweriul and p-iiiitivt thrv ure peiftclly iliiiriulei, und may be used ut ull liu.eii, except wlieimpe etall) loroitldeti iu tliedirectioita Tiiey have been exteiikively employed by etniueut pliy , ficiaim in France ami Ktigl.-tml, n well in in my nwu pruf. lice, over ten yeuiA, and 1 liuve yet Itt luui o( the tirs t inttince of failure. 1 could it ve you U'ttiiiiuuiHls uf then I efficacy from ladies all over the nonlit-rti and wt-Kieru flutes, were they not in their nature private Ov er loth- (MH) bolt lei have been s UI the past year, and J hope und trust us many auilereis have been beuefithtl. 1 um well avvure thut a remedy so poleni l remove till ol truclious, mo be ued ftiru bad puip.e, but trnfcl that where one Imltle is thus used, ten may tail into the lianda ol really needy iiiflVmi To all wh surfer I mm any irretrularilv ; p.iiniul. di(T. cuit.excesiiivit, otrensive or oltsliucted .MMmu;tti"ii, Ln corrlicu, or the train ol ilmeaiies that tullnw, I would say, try a hotlle ol Dr. Lyon's Frructt Peh'Hhral Ornps lie uiy a liuid prepiirttiion.lhe,ir action is mMe dneetand p.isi live than nny pills or powders. Explicit direction, hrar iiiet uiv facsimile, accianjiauy encli b ittle. They m:iy btiobiaiiietl of nearly every driiL'ikt in the eouittrv, or by inctosiii)t the piice toC. (i CLAt.KA Oti , New Iluveu, Ct.f General Agents fertile tinted Stutes oi.d Canada. DR. JOHN L LVOV, PrueiiciinT Phvkicii.n, Price. 91 50 per Bottle. New Haveii, Conn. February S13, Ih07. ly THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, iioa aJutroet. opposite Iho MASONIC II ALL, at BERGSTItEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hut Lntely i:atablihed, m ilia all the Sloderu Improvruii'uti ol the Art ! fT'IIE aubsariber, having built tb. room expressly X for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years lo the business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that Ibe work pro duced shall be lecoud to none iu oounlry or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, be is prepared to moke Photogrupbs iu all kinds of weather, but would prefur a clear day for small children. II e is also prepared to take new sise, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of piotures copied and magnified to any required site and colored boautilully in Oil or Water colors or India iuk. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such ai Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Heats, Ac., a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The public are respectfully invited to eall and see our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Photograph!, ipeoial term! to families and clubs. BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July IS, REMEMBER THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dieiinger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully aiiaounoe to the eiliieos of buubury, and surrounding country, that having fiiriued a eo.tiArtunrslkin 1 1 . i . " i J ... vivyiw UI furnish ornawentea ana plain jratreiitoas.es, Xousba eV Monuments of the beat Italian and Anmri.i, M..kl& -1 i that eannot fail to give enure satisfaction, and re spectfully Solicit the publio patronage. I, rco I n ii a. . vicoinuSA IAXi.UA. Bunbu7ohl)jJleo.-ly. ' U ' flMB Myrtle Pomatum, at the raoey Store ef ANNA PAINTER. I i rrTmV' jMGICl F you -vent I NT.Ji.R Tin Ware, ro to SMITH NEW GROCERY STORE, Xl...-. o. m . - . i.oere But or Ihtrd rtrwet, norm Hde, SUNBtlRY, PA., publie, that they have opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their Mock, whiub has just been opened, embrae- in g j uiing in me urooery line, such as Coffee, Tsa, Sugar.Syrupa, Spioes, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheesu, Crackers. 11 II. IT:..,, e-i. r . . ' mreuii, iibui, g imi, r,au, i oiaioca, etc., together with Sonpa, Candles, Soda, Aa., and In fact everything in the Grocery and Provision. Line. FLOTR AND FEED. Qucensware, Willow-ware, Olaasware, Coal Oil Lam pi, Coal Oil Ac. Call and lee before purchasing elsewhere. W. Ii FlUMAN'ACO Sunbury, April 27, 18H7. Avm ce,,. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 BnoAnwar, Nw York. 1'or FamilleM iiimI Mnuuiat'tiirrrsi, a- These World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at the World 's Fair in London, and six firt premium! at the New York State Fairof ISM, and aro celebrate I fur doing the best work, using a much rinnller needle for flic ninie thread Until any other machine, and by the introduc tion of tho most approved machinery, we are now able to fupply the very best machiues iu Iho world. These machines are iiinde at our new and spucioui Factory al Bridgeport, Conn., under the iuiiuedinte supervision of the Prei lent of the Company. Em.i Hows, Jr., the original iuvcutor 'f the Sewing Ml chine. They are adapted lo nil kinds of Family Sawing, nnd to use of Seamstresses. Drew Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Miirls. Collars, ."kil ts. Clonks. Man tillas, Clothing, Huts, Cups, L'nrso's. Dools. Shoes, Harness. Saddles, Linen Ooods. Cmbrollns, Puriisols. etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en nnd cotton goods with iilk. cotton or lir.cn threat. They will scum, quilt, gather, hcin. fell, cord, bnii.t, bind, and perform every tpeeies ot sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on belli sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and unvle ou this Machine, is the moit popular nnd ull irewin,; Machines aro subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR. CIHCI I.AR. The Howe Machine Company. 601) liruadwuy, Cor. Fourth St., N. V. Aprdd. Isd7. jiah i iDii:it. Mrs. A. TWEED, In Miss Anna Painter s Fancy Uools Store hull ling, Market Square, H doors west of the Post '.ilhoo, SlNill'KY, PA. RESPECTFULLY iiifi.rms tcr friends and the public thut she lias ngin opened a shop, 'ii M.irkct street, Sunhury, w hero she ia prepared to make to order Ladies' Dresses, iu an entire new style, Ladies' Clonks, ,tc. Alio Oeutloinca's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. HI, lStiT ly Great Attraction, NEW TIN -WARE, SIicol Iron anil Slovc li-c ot" S1ITH & GSlTTHSPe. SXJISTBXJR-, PA.. 7 Where they keep coiistnntly on hand nnd manufue ture to urder at .-li.iii notice. TIN AXD SIIF.LT IKON-WAKE of all description'. 1,'hey Mould especially call the otleiuion of pur cliii?ert to their lurgc u:ul well selected stu-'k of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. 'flic siilciii,eia have unide iirAingeiuents to hate till their bt st sioves made to order, m.d tlmsc u ti. Wi.uid huve a good stoM- would do ue!i tu g. nnd exauiine their inrge und well .clucied s'oek. First, 'i'hey defy conipctiliou on '.he fl!owiug tried brands uf Cook ,S"toc, vir : 4.'oi:iiiiiitioii as lliirnrr, !,, I.wvri'iiur IViiii t'nwli. WABASH AND XHOr,rSIDE3, ui.d the well known Antidust Cook Stove callid Sl'EAU'S A.NT1DUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in trrent variety em bracing all the best niiinuftn'turea and most fashion ilble designs, uusurpasaeil for beuuty of finish siui.li city of urniiuiementscoiiil.iiiiiii' eheupuess, durability and each stove warranted to periorui what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Ititlliiiiore Fire P'-ice Stole, for healing first, second and third toiies b Register, Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MOHNINti GLOKV. CualOil, Coal Oil I.ampsi, Sliuilm, Cliimuics, antl all urtii-li'M usually kept in an oftiildishment of fhi kind. They are tiU jirepnred lo furnish Slate aud do slating in the be"t workmanlike niaiiuer. Also, to du Tiu Routing. S;n,uting. Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, io. liei airing neatlv aud cheaply executed. Also : 'IIuiir Iliiv, Hens Siior-IliOH iliali." Remember the place. .Sample and Palei Room nearly opposite Coiilys llardwaro 8ii.ru. Market street, between Third and Fourth itreets. lluilding dark paiuteil. August 2o. Iri't). BRICK-! ""ITHCkT'irRRf! To tli i itixoiiH of itiiiuliiiry and tUlatly. fpiIK uiiden-igiied have bought the Brick-Yard X and improvements, formerly loused and Worked by A. U. Stevens, und have luadii additional im proveuients, nnd nre now propnred to uiukc contraots to mnnulne'tiire and deliver BRICK iu largo quan tities, for building aud other purposes. By the manufacture of a good article, and prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a sunroof public patrouage. Orders left at the Brick- Yard, or Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, will be promptly uttcuded to. T. h;ues i CO. Sunbury, May Id, IHr7 3m Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Latches, Bolts. Pins' tenug Trowels, Britk Trowels, Plasterer'! Sieves, Ac , to., for sale by J. II. CONLEY A CO. Coachmakers, W E are selling Rims. Snokoa. Hubs. Rnrims Canvass, Bolls. L'lins. Axles. Ae.. verv Large Slock at CONLEY CO. jSunbury, March 30, 1867 SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the lioiough of bunbury, for Sale on reasonable terms. Apply lo Dr. R. H. AWL and, SOL. BROSIOU8, Or P. W. SHEAFEU, PotUvil'le, Ta. '' OUT. IODO rpiIK following persons are entitled to receive an X increase of Bounty under tha Aot of Congress passed July 1806, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted aft or the 19th day of April, 1861, for 8 years, and served thair lim r enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have reoeived or are entitled to receive a Bounty ef 100, are entitled an additional Bounty of flOO. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for t years, and bava been honorably discharged oa account of wounda received in tb line of duty, art entitled to an additional Bounty of !. Sd The Widow. Uinor Children. or ,rMh aoldiere aba died ia the service of woeau or ""rriiit. are entitled U aa additional Bounty a By application to $. p. WOLVEBTON, EM .,tT Schigrv, Pennsylvania, who la an authorised Claim 63 0 $i Agent, ail eooft claims ean be speedily eelleoled Sunhury. August 4, ! If 1 PhJJadelphirt Tjrle Urtllftt IflXTZa it&H TABUi. , f. ' Throngb and direct WU between PIitsj'i!rUv Baltimore, Harrlsburg, f illiainaport, and thl Ureal Oil Keglouof PenniylveJila. tlKOA.H1 8LEEPI.t9 0AR8 on all wTghi trnlni. On and after Monday, liot. 25lh, 1967, ihjl train on the Philadelphia A rlc Kail Road will run M follow! : tTEttwiBD. Mail Train leave! Philadulphia. 11 16 pm I ft) a in t n p in . 12 oil mien tf l..'i p m t tb a ui H 00 a u 4.15pm 7.44 pm 10 25am 1 ! a m 8 55 a ui 4 2i p m It A u a iu I .UM p m 7.10 a in 10.25 am rnnuurv, " " arr. at Erie. Erie Expreae leaVos l'liiliulelphla. Huiibuty " , " arr at Erie Elinlra Mnll leavea PhiladolpJ.ia, " " " Hunhury " " arrive at Look Haven, Mail Train leaves Erie hunhnry, ' " at Philadelphia, Erie Fi press leaves Erio " " ' Hnnhury .., . V."""- t fhUadelpriia. blmira Mail leavea Lock Haven, Sunbnrv. .. " rr' it Philadelphia t.ll p m Mail and Lsnress ennnonf mUX, .11 I..I-. vti . , , . ' ,. .m m. ii .in. i, ,t nr- j i r,,n klln Railway. Pnssengnrs leaving Phil adelphia at 12 POM. arrive at Irvinclon at 6.41) a ni. aud Oil City at 0.5o a in. Leaving Philadelphia at H.OU P. M . arrive al Oil City at4 35 p in. All trains un Warren & Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City wilh trains for Frank TlIR"x',OUr',le',m rcui"1' UAli(JAUt: CHECKED ALFRED L. TYLER, . Geneiwl Superintendent. .ortli(-ia Ion un I ICnilv, ay. WINTER TIME SCHEDULE. Through and Direct Ronto to and from Washington, Baltimore, Erie. Klmira, liutTulo, Rochciter, and Niagara Falls. FOUR TRAINS DAILY from and three In Wn.l,. i ingtoii and Baltimore, and I'll REE TRAINS DAI I LY to tne North nnd font and West Branch Su.-quo-j linnnti. and Northern and Western Pennsylvania ar.d I New Y'ork. OX and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th. 187, tho Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run ns follows : ' NORTIIW'ARD. Mail Train leavos Baltimore 8 20 am " Harrisburg, 1.20 pm " W iliinmsport, 6 56 p m arr at El mi, a. lloapm i Buflslo Express leaves Bali i more 12.10 pm I " Harrisburg, 4.20 a m ; " i liuiia. 12.20 am ; arr. Camindaigua, 3 IU p in . Fat Line, leaves Baliiiooie, 12 10 p rn j " Harris titirg, 4 SO p ui ! arr. Williumiport, 8.2i p m " Erie 9 4 i a m ' Niglit Accoui. leaves Bnltimore, 7 U0 p in ; " Harrisburg, 3.15 a ra ! V'illintnsport, 3.1l)am I arr tit Erie. 8 45 a m, 1 'm'a und Harri.1- I leaves York 6.20 a u I burg Aecom. ) arr. Hnrrisburg; b 05 a m, I SOUTHWARD. Mail Train, leaves Elinira 4.55 am I Willniinspcei, &44ank ; ' Harrisburg, 1.40 p u arr. at Baltimore, 6.10 pm j Buffalo Exprrss loaves Canandaigua, 4 00pm I ' Klutira, 7.55 p m : " Williauisport, 11.45 p ia " Harrisburg, 4 35 a m, j arr. at Baltimore. 8 L5 a m Fast Line leuves W ill in ti: s; ort, J 3 p m ' Hnrrisburg, 8.15 a al arr af Bultiniero. 11. .10 n m Y'ork and Harris- I leaves Harrisburg, 5.15 p m burg Accom. j arr. Y'ork, 50 p u Mail Traill north and south. Fust Lino north, nod: York and iEirrisburg Accommodation north and south run diiiiy except Suudny. liufliilo Expi ess uorth and Fust Lino south, run daily ; and lluff ilo Express; south runs daily excepl Monday. Night Accommodation north arrives daily except Saturday . For lunher information apt lv nt the Ticket Ofliea 1 in the Pennsylvania Hnilnmd ilepot. I I. N. DiBARRY Gen. !5upt. j lioatlinc CSallroatl. t ti U M M E K A It, U A N UUltXI. j April 8th, 1307. p HEAT TRUNK LINK from the North ana VT North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Head ing. I'oltsvillc. Tnninqua. Asiilami. Li hauon. AIlcu- j ton u. Easion, Fphraia, Litit, Lancuiter. Columbia, I do., Ac. I Truius leave Harrishuri for New-York, ns fid. lows : Al 3.00. 8.10 aud H.K5 A. M. and 2.10 and ( P. M. ecuiiiectirg nith similar Trains on the I'.-nn-sylvai.ia Railroad, and iirrivin,.- at New York rt 5 t o un J in.lo A. .M.imd 4. Jo, abound 111.25 4'. M. lei ping Curs accouipnnving thuo.OV A.-l. ana 9.00 P. M. liuins. w ithout cluing,'. Li -no Harrisburg for Realiwr. Pottsni. T.inin- iii.i. Minersville. AsLlniid. Pino ,i!.o. ind l'liiiadelphiu at S.ln A.M. and 2.10 und 4 10 I . M , stoppmg m l.ebanin and principal way s'atii.r. ; tuu 4.10 p in. making connexions for riHiadelphia and l olmniiia only. For Potlsville . .-N hnvlli.ll Haven and Auburn, via .SYlmrlL-ill .( -us-i i.!i ini::i Raiiioad. leave Harrisburg nl 3.20 p ru H-tun.ir's- Leu . New Yoi k at Dtui a. ui, 12 on ..o- n aud .1 00 and .- "0 p. m.; Philadulphia ai !.' a. in. ami p. ni. Way Passenger liain leuves i hil'idelpliia at 7.3d a. in., returning fraiu Rending ut o.-.ti p. m. stopping al ull Stations; Putl.-ville ai S.4j a. in. and 2 lo p. ui.; Ashland ti 00 and 1 1.30 a m. and I.Vj p.iu.; Xainiiquu at V.4j u.m. and 1 On and x 55 p. iu. Leave l'otlsville for Harrisburg viu ScLuvlkill and iisqueliiiuna iiuiiroad ut 7 I'll a. in. Keiidinc Accoininodntiou Train leaves Readin" at J, j wiurmiig uoui j nuiidc:pl.iu at i 00 Columl.lu Railrond Trains li nvo A. JI.. .mi 0 1.. I'. M iji Lj.i..v. ler. Columbia. Ac. van in; l-.v.i. at 7. CO Luncus. ln Sunday.,: I,rn New Ymk at 8 00 n m.. Phila delphia h.Wl A. M.. and 3.15 P M. tin. a.tm a m tram running only loKealing, l'otlsville 00 a in Hnrrisburg. H.f.5 u iu. and Heading ut I.2u und 7 20 a. in. for Harrisburg. and 11.22 a. ru. for New York and 4.'.'5 p m. for Philadelphia . ' C"Uiii,ulati..n, .Mileage, Season, Seboul nnd Ex cursion tickets, at reduced rule, to und from all points. Baggage chocked through : 80 Pounds Iire-gazo al lo.ved ea-h l'nsseiiKer. U.A.NICOLLS, fienerul Superiutcodeiif Reading, Pa., April 8, liG7. l.:i l.ti tvuiimi lSIovuikLiii u Kail road. N and after Jan. Ist, ISO" will run us follow, : Pasicngcr Traina SOUTHWARD. A. M. A Jl. T. M. Leave Scranton, 5.5U 10 (JO 7 lo Kingstou, 6 55 11.20 8.20 " Rupert, U 20 " Danville, 9.54 Arr. North'd., 10 .",5 NORTHWARD. Leave North M., 7 00 " Dnnville, 7.40 P. M. 4 40 6 00 8 17 8 50 10.16 6 111 A 00 ttupert. 8.15 a, jf " Kingston, 10.50 8.30 Arr. at Seriiuton. 12.00 a si P. M. 2 50 6 35 05 .... I .- wtr 1.VU 1U.I J Irauis leanne Kingston at 8 30 X M r... . 4.00 10.15 ton. connect wilh Train arriving at Now York at 5 "0 lussvugun taking Train South from Sorsntou at VV ' "Vthfubwland, reach Harrisburg 30 P. AI., Baltimore 5.30 P. M., Washington 10. P. JI. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7 no p ru ... . H. A. lONDA.un't. 12 00 Kingston, Jan. ID. lSd7. B IRD CAGES, 11 different kinds. If vouwant g-joa aud cheap Bird Cages, ao lo CONLEY A CO S A K rl ra 1 1 a r ii I I m li-in,- h t HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes Long and D Handle Spadei, Mioveli, Jlanure and Hay Forks , Grus! and Urain Scythea, Grain Cradles Cradle Fingers, Trnee, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Seives of all situs and kinds, a large assortment ol Red W aeon liumes, fur Plotting, Farm Bolls, Cultivator T.eth, . hy .fill CJJCLEYACX IRON A large tssortmeut of the best manufss tured Burs. Hoop. und, Round aud Fouare Iron, Nuil Rods fast Steel. Bliner Steel. Drill Steel, Hone Sho.s, Horse Nsils, .., Anvils, Bellow!. Vices, Hammers, Sledgei, Kasps and Filet, at , CONLEYJI COJS luiui. Oils, xe. A full itock of Oili comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines aa Machinery, Varuishee, Glass, ulwavs on hand, at low prices at CONLEY A CO S IftUR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bute, Buck lea, Gig Trees, Pad Trees, liunea, all kioda aud every thing pertaining to the business, for tale hy J. U. CONLEY A ClL P HO T O GRAPH A LBU MS BOOKS AKP BTATIONEBY, Moulhly Time Books, Drawing Book! and Elates. Bocki, Hymn Booki, Blink Booka, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Poeke: Booki, Ink Stands, Pena, Pear lie, a ttue assorbaant of Paper, Ink. te. For aale kv ANNA PAINTER. Children' t'rrluars. WI would eall the attenaiees of tboee wanting a Child a Carriage. U oar new aad larxe asstsrt- Bieat comprising new and beautiful style. J. H OONXEY t C". Htm Shot dt I