Efje Suntmrg. American. BUmJBY, PA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1867. ILoral affairs. Ta weather has beta eold and storm? for a week tut. We trait that winter wUI not let In until the streams are replenished with rain. Removal. Messrs. Purdy A Jamea have remoTeJ Ihelr law office to the aeoond atory of Dowart's building, on the north aid of Markot Square. Hadpt'i New Bdildiho. The Odd Pellowa of Sunbury have leued the Hall In Ilaupt'aiew build ing, and Intend to take possession aa aoon aa flniahed. Tas late reTlaed edition of tha Pennsylvania Di gest of the I. 0. of 0. F. can be had by applying to 8. D. Boyer, Esq., of this place. Prioe, 74 eenta per opy- CouxrinrciTS. It la atated that oounterfeit $10' on tha First National Bank of Philadelphia are in olronlation. They are poorly executed, and on haaTler paper than the genuine. Piezoxs. Thouianda of wild pigeona pxied southward during the early part of lost week. The near approaoh of winter burriod them along at a rapid rate. A Bio Soot. A Lewisburg paper saya that, re cently, Michael Eloar, of Dry Valley, Union county, at one ahot killed four wild turkeys, the aggregate weight of which was 78 pounda. The new Loan and Building Association is al ready In aucoessful operation. At tha lost meeting four shares were sold to Win. Fetter and Wm. Kn gelman, at a premium of $97 to $99 per share of tJO. -M . The grading for the Machine Shops of the Nor thern Central Railroad, in the lower part of the Borough, is being pushed forward with groat vigor by Mr. John Bowen, the contractor. lie hasalarge foroe employed, and Is making rapid progress with the work. - - - The name of the Post Offlco at Caineronia, on the I'hlla. A Erie Uailroad, opposite Lewisburg, has been changed from Cameronia to Montnndon. The reason of the change was that the mails for that office were sometimes miscarried to au offico of a similar name in Centre county. Fabm for Sale. We call attention to the ad vertisement of A. T. Bisel, Jr., who offers a valua ble farm, situated in Chilisquaque township, about 21 miles from Milton, for sale. Persons wishing to purchase can address Mr. Bisel at Montandon P. 0., (late Cumeronia,) North 'd county. Skatixg. The late cold weather has made excel lent skating on the basins, in this place. During the present week a large numbor of boys and somo of our young ladies took advantage of the first op portunity of tho season and enjoyed themselves in this healthful and graceful exercise. Entered Ur-ow their Di'tibs. 5n Monday of last week II. II. Teats and Isaac Marts, the Jury Commissioners elected in Octobor last, were sworn into office by John Faruswurth, Esq. Their first work was the selecting of seven hundred person." from each town and township, from which number the jurios for 1868 will bo drawn. Va liable Property for Sale. Mr. Julius Arbiter, proprietor of tbe "Cbarlos Hotel,'' on Third stroet, will sell at public sale, on Monday, the 6th day of Jnnunry next, the above hotel and the lot on which it is situated. It is advautageounly located between the depots uf the Northern Centrul and Shamokin Valley Railroad, and offers a desirable investment to any one wishing to go into the hotel business. See advertisement. New Li'T0ERA9 6ysod. The '-Susquehanna fyoj f the Evangelical Lutheran Church" was j organized at Montoum-ille, on the 4th ult. 1'ri'i- ! dent. Rev J. Evans, of Lewisburg ; Seorotary, Rev. E. J. Wolff: Treasurer, J. H. Engel, of Sun bury. Tbe Synod was divided into two Conferen cesthe West Branch and the North Branch. A special meeting of tbe Synod will beheld in Suubury on tbe let Thursday in April next. Fatal Acidekt ok tub Northern Cemtral Raimioaii. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Simon Ditty was struck by tha engino of tho mail train, south, on the Northern Central Railroad, and in stantly killed, two miles above Clark's Ferry. An inquest was held and a verdict of "accidental death" rendered, and cleared the employees of the compa ny of any blame. Mr. Ditty was a highly esteemed cititon of Reed township, Dauphin county. Mr. Jacoii I.kisexri.iu, the nowly olected Regis ter and Recorder, was sworn in and took possession of bis office ou Monday last. Mr. Leisenring is a praotiotl and steady businewi man, and will, no doubt, make an obliging and attentive officer. It U but just to say of Mr. Cumuiings, who re tires from office that bis administration of the office over whioh be presided the last six years has met the approbation of the Court and Bar, as well at the community. - -- --- - Fine Improvemf-xt. Messrs. Rohrbacb A Son have lately ereoted a substantial brick building as an addition to their Foundry, near the Shamokin Valley Railroad. This Foundry is one of tbe oldest establishments in the State, and has boon success fully worked for a number of years by the Messrs. Rohrbacb. Within tbe post few years their business has been greatly increased and tbey found it nooes sary to make more room to carry on their extended operations. They have completed this addition, and wa are informed that in another year they intend making still further Improvements in order to keep up with this progressive age. Crime. W notice in nearly all the papers that robberies are committed all over the country, almost daily. Persons cannot be too cautious in securing their premises from tha depredations of these scoun drels. There are, no doubt, several places of ren dezvous for these scamps in this county, and all sus picious looking characters should be elosely watched. Several robberies bare lately been committed in our midst and attempts made to break into houses during tb temporary absence of families from home. Too much care cannot be taken in properly fastenicg th doors and windows of a bouse when leaving it at night. Maiokic At a regular meeting of Northumber land U. R. A. Chapter, No. 174, of Sunbury, held in their Hall on Wednesday night last, the following offioers were elected to serve for the ensuing Masonic year: Jno. Kay Clement, U. P. Harvey Goodrich, K. William F. Wagenseller, 8 Henry Clement, Secretary. John Haas, Treasurer. We congratulate the fraternity on tha nourishing condition of tha Chapter, whioh, through th ener gy, seal and perseverance of Its offioers and mem bers, bids fair to beoomo on of th most prosperous Lodges in th State. Oexbeal TumTbomb and Family. The cele brated Tom Thumb and wife, Commodore Nutt and Miss Minnie Warren, will give two entertainments at tb Masonio Hall, La this plac, oa Saturday after aoon and evening, December Slat. This, wonderful family f littl folk! will appear In songs, duetts, daaoos, oonilo delineations, amusing trioks, bur lesnues. and eomediea In characteristic oostumes They bav lately returned from aa extended visit to Europe, wkor they appeared kefore nearly all th Klnrs. Queen, Kinparon and Nobility of the old world, and bar rcoeived very tattering notices from th foreign press, especially h English pa pars They will undoubtedly bare a full k.iby viji.t S-.abury B7 MltTOE IttEi.-Tha Miltonian, of last week, ayt : Mr. David Been, who waa Injured by falling from a scaffolding, a few weeks alnoe, died on Thursday, 31st nit. Ha leaves a wife and family wno war appendant on bis labor for support. Mr. Joseph Harris, of this borough, familiarly known as "Yankee Joe," Was arrested by Deputy C. 8. Marshal Benj. Hartshorn, on Friday last, on a cnarga of dealing In oounterfeit United States eur noy. Tha prisoner waa taken to Williamaport on Saturday, and we believe will be taken theno to Pittsburg for trial. This is not tha first time Jo has been In tha hands of tha offloers on the lame charge, but heretofore no evidence has been found against him sufficient for oonvlotlon. We learn that one of tha charges this time la an attempt on his part to aell spurious money. On Monday morning last a sad accident ooourred to Bastian Divel, of this borough, while h waa put ting down a well on th plac oooupiod by Mr. B. F. Jaooby, on Broadway, east of tha railroad. Mr. Dtvel had aunk the well to the depth of soma 20 feet, having blasted several times, when tha gases at the bottom of the well became too foul for him and he waa drawn up. After waiting for some time be thcught he would try it onoa more, as ha was anxious to proceed with his work. Being let down into the well ho remained but a moment or two when be called out for those abort to draw him up quickly. They proooeded to do to, ha having en tered the large bucket nsed for drawing out tha stones, dirt, Ao. When they had drawn him to within about ten feet af tbe surfaoo he waa appa rently overoome by the foul air, and losing con sciousness, fell from the bucket and plunged head downward to tha bottom of the well. He was res cued from his perilous position as aoon as possible, and Dr. J. P. MoCleerv was called to dress his wounds. It was found that beside several severe bruises, a sharp stone had entered the back part of his head, penetrating the skull, making an ugly wound from whioh the brains were ooiing out. Dr. McCleery gave the wounded man every assistance In his power, and had him removod to his home, where he is now lying in a critical oondition. Tue Local Coal TnADB at NoRTnt'MsERi.AHD. The Gazette, of last week, says : John McFar- land is erecting at Northumberland extensive tra iling and schntos for the accommodation of persons in tho surrounding country who may come to that plaoe with their wagons to procure ooal. By this arrangement they will be enabled to got coal of ex cellent quality and nicely screened, dumped di rectly into their wagons, without tho usual labor and delay. Scales will be attachod to this improve ment to insure exact weight. This is an item of in terest to the farmers who use lime-burner's and other grades ot coal, particularly when the ice ou tb river will enable them to cross without paying toll. Attempt to Rob a Col sty Treasury. On Fri day night, 2!d ult., au attempt was made to rob the County Treasury at Middleburg, Snyder county. The burglars entered tho Commissioners' office through a window. They first blasted the iron door out of tbe vault, and then blew open the safe with powder. Tbe safe contained no money. They also entered the Register's offico by cutting a hole in a pane of glass with a diamond, and then reaching in and taking tho nail out of the window, but failed to get any money. Tho Prothonotary 's safe bad nearly $100 in it, but, fortunately, the burglars did not disturb it. Sale or a Colliery Tho Bird Coal and Iron Company, of Shamokin, recently sold their breaker, stock and lease, to J. Langdon, Esq., an extensive coal dealer of Elmira, N. Y. The work of repair ing was commenced on Monday of last week, and the breakor, which has been idle for some months, was expected to be in running order by the end of the week. Mr. Langdon has ordered now rolls, Ac, and contemplates other improvements which will make the Big Moutituin a Orst-class operation. Accident ox the Suamukim Valley Kailuoad. On Monday afternoon lust twenty-threo coal cars were thrown from the track by tha breaking of a rail on the Shamokin division of the Northern Cen trnl Railroad, near Suydertown, and completely wrecked. The ruil broke under the weight of the engine, but it and four cars pasaod over before tho pieces became displaced. Fortunately no one was hurt. The passenger train could not make the af ternoon trip in comequence of the obstructions on the track, but it was cleared away by evoning, and the muil taken through to Shamokin next morning. Tue Shark of the Washington Library Compa ny, of Philadelphia, are being disposed of with un exampled rapidity. The absenoe of all conceal ment, the honesty of purpose manifested by those who first inaugurated the enterprise, tho fairness with which the proposod final distribution is to be conducted, and tbe patriotic purpose to which the entire surplus is to be applied, have taken firm hold upon public confidence. Every share of stock will be accompanied by a present at the groat distribu tion of $.'IUO,OUO worth of presents. Uro. A. Cooke A Co., Uaxkerh, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, are receivers of all the funds, and their name is an assurance of the iutegrity and reliability of the Company, which is organised fur a good purpose which should not be confounded with tbe bogus concerns that iufest tho country. Read advert iseroeut. . . . Editor' Table. Blackwood's Machine. The November num bcr of this able British periodical has been re-published by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 110 Fulton St., Now York. Th contents are Brown lows Part XI.; At the Alps Again ; Conversation; Linda Treasel Part II.; Reynolds and the Portrait Painters of tbe Past Century ; Cornelius O'Dowd a very popular fallaoy 21th August in Austria Garibaldi's last ; Women in the Middle Ages ; The Impending Crisis in America. The Atlantic Moxtiilt. Wo have received the December number of the Atlantic Tbe contents are: The Guardian Angel, XII.; A Mysterious Personage ; A Tour in the Dark ; An Autumn Song ; By-Ways of Europe. A Visit to tbe Balearic Is lands, 1. ; Minor hlisahetban Dramatists ; Our Pa cific Railroads; lirandiuother's Story: The Great Snow ; Toujours Amour ; Among the Workers in Silver; What we Feel; Sonnet; Literature as an Art ; A Young Desperado ; Reviews and Literary Notices. Published by Ticknor 4 Fields, Boston, Mass. Balluu's Monthly Magazine. This very pop ular and exceedingly cheap magasine presents an attractive table of contents for December. Ame thyst Wayne's charming story, "The Derwent Eyes and Hair," U completed ; Mrs. Edson's exciting se rial, "The Lady of Lindenwold," is very interest ing, while .'-Paul's Romauoe," by Miss Hale, and "My barling," a poem, by Jamea Franklin Fitta, are among the choicest of magasine reading. The illustrations are also remarkably good, making this one of tbe best numbers of Ballou ever Issued. Th publishers offer unusual attractions for the coming year. With the January number the mag asine will b enlarged to on hundred pages, and several now and attractive feature introduced. Miss Willian baa written a romance entitled, "So as by Fire," which will eoinmeno thn rear. Am ethyst Wayne will furnish an exciting serial story for boys, entitled "Old Hugh's Look-off." which will be finely illustrated by Kilburn, and will ap pear In the new department oalled "Our Young People's Story-Teller ;" a popular author will fur nish a charming story for girls, while there will be at least a dosen other stories and poems of the high est literary excellence, and intensely Interesting, all complete in th January number. It is only f l.M per year, or 14 cents a number. Club reoeiv it for $1.25. Th proprietors hav good cause for calling it the cheapest magasine in iu. worm, ruoiisned by illiott, Thomas A Talbot, Boston, Mass. BUSINESS NOTICES. Tee plac to get good clothes and nice fit is at th Continental Clothing Baaoar, u Market Sonar Sunbury. This establishment has secured for itself an nviabl reputation by th accommodation bibited by lis proprietor, th xollent quality of nis gooas, ana in remarasw obaapness at whioh thoy or disposed of. Best ABO Cheapest. Bear in mind, everybody In town and country, that th First National Boot, Bho and Trunk Store, in Pleasant' building, Mar ket Squar, hu just received another large supply of vry sty 1 of ladies' and mis' shoes, aad vry variety of men's and boys' wear the largest and I 1 -A l O I T1 I r ! . f sw svooa in ounoury lasoasr piooa is wot only . nic, bulsstricabla, and will wear I hap for cash. II sells very "War don't yoa trad with mat" Mid a olose flated tradesman to a friend, tha other day. Th reply waa oharanteristi : ''Von bav never asked me, air. I have looked all through 'the papers for an Invitation in th shape of aa advertisement, and found none. I never go wher I am not invited." Faust, th fashionable Itat and Cap manufacturer, In Market Bauer, la liberal In th use of printer's ink, and invite all, through th medium or th press, to tail and see th new winter style just re ceived by him. Tea Latest. We notlo another extensive ar rival of Cloths, Caaaimerea, Vesting!, Ac, at J. F. Shaeffer'a Merchant Tailoring establishment, In Market Square. Now 1 th tlm to seleot a suit from his extensive variety, and hav it made to or der in tb beat manner. Hii goods embrace tha choicest in th market ; they are made up In tb la test atylea and at olty prices. Uo and see them. " IB Do it Immediately. Tho poet says, "secure the ahadow ere the substance fades," and in order to do so to good advantage go straightway to Byerly'a Photograph Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market Square, Sonbury. Mr. B. la prepared to furnish Photographs and Ambrotypes in all styles and sites. We would advise all who desire to hav a good pic ture to pay him a visit. . Tee First Show. W hav had the first snow of th season, and it waa welcomed with all tbe test that new things give us, but like most other things it loses Its attractions when we get too much of it. The only new thing that wo know of at present that has not lost Its attraotlvenesa is J. 0. Beck's Mer chant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury. It has th continual fresh n cm of novelty always about it. A servant, nawly engaged, presented to his mas tor, one evening, a pair of boots, the leg of one of which was much longer than tho othor. "How oomes It, you rascal, that these boots are not of tho am length ?" "I really don't know, sir ; but what bothers me most is that the pair down stairs is in the same fix." Miller, of tho Excelsior Boot A Shoe Store, Markot Square, sella boots and shoos of all styles and aiica, cheap for oash. Ni.'MirKv auui:ts. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Vt heat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $12 00 uo ao a ao Rye Flour, do Wheat, prime red, new, Rye, Corn, new, Oats, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do unpared Dried Apples, Dried Cherries, (unstonei Butter, Egg", Cheese, Lard, Haras, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front Mutton, Chickens, perewt. 6 00 per bbl. 10 00 per ewt. 8 00 per bushel , 2 20 do 1 30 do 1 10 do 65 do 1 25 per pound 40 do 25 do 15 ,) per bu. 3 00 per pound, 40 per dosen, 30 per pound, 25 do 20 do 2S do 20 do 14 do 13 do IK per pair oil KliumoUin Coal Trade. Bbamokik, Dec. 3, 1887. Tons. Cwl. Sent for week ending Nov. .10, 11.922 05 Per last report, 4 10,046 00 4i2.5f.rt 05 529,124 04 70.555 19 To samotime last year. Decrease, Special Notices. Winter. This is tbe first week of Winter. Soou wo may expect snows and winds and chilly weather. Bo careful of exposure, and provide yourselves with Coo's Cough Balsam, for Croup, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat. It is an excellent remedy. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. I)., Ocul ist and Aamt, (formerly of Lcydon, Holland,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable sources in city and country can be soen at his oflioo. Tbe Medical faoulty aro invited to accompany tboir patients, as be has no secrets in his practice. AKTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. nov.30-ly. wibtak'sIialsam-op'wii.d CHERRY, For the euro of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Predisposition to Consumption, Ac, Ac. This great remedy is too well known and is per forming too much good to make it necossury to go into an elaborate discussion of its merits Suffice to say that it still maintains its supremacy in curing diseases of the most obstinato character, and that all who suffer from the above complaints, after having tested this remedy, seldom have oocailou to retort to othor appliances to insure u perfect restoration to beulth. TESTIMONY OF MR. PETER SHAW. West WiNriEi.n, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1660. Messrs. S. W. Fowls & Sun, Boston, Gentlemen: During the winter of 1M58 I was very much out of health, afflioted with a severe Cough, J'uin in the Hide and Lungs, and a gene ral depression of health to such an extent as gruatly to alarm myself and friends as to the result. Du ring Ibis time I tried several highly recommended remedies, with little or no good result, and had con cluded to try the effect of a Southern climate upon my health ; but, before carrying this resolution into elToot, I was induced by the urgent solicitation of your agent, Mr. Huntley, to give Dr. Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry a trial. I did so, and to my groat joy found immediate and permanent relief by tbe uso of only one bottle, and I am now in as good health as ever. I believe your Balsam one of tbe best remedies, for Coughs, Colds, and all Lung dis eases, now in use, and conscientiously rocouimend it as such . Yours, truly, PETER SHAW. Prepared by BETH W. FOWLE A BON, 18 Tre mont St., Boatou, and for sale by Druggists gene- ra".y- - Iuv- lar4t Helmboi.d s fluid extract K Mijml MaVBX-T Is a certain cure fur diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVKL, DROPSY, OR OANIC WEAKNK88, FEMALE COMPLAINT, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the . URINARY ORGANS, whetlici existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and uo matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aae of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to, uoiwuiapuon or iiissn- ItVlliay ensue. I'ur I-ieaa mum amuitn these sources, anJ the HEALTH AND HAr-rirSKSS, anil tliataf Posteiity, depends upou prompt use of a reliable reintxlj . v .-.. uiriti' KaUitilished upwards af 18 years, prepared by II. X. IIEKTIUOIJI, DRUGGIST, 5'4 Broadway, New York, and lot South linn Street, Philadelphia, IV March , lb7. ly A. Positive Our for Scrofula, IK ALL ITB MANIFOLD FOBBS. .1 W. Hnmor. Esq.. of Parkersburff, West Va., writes to Dr. Anders, July 3, I860, as follows : "I bad 37 Running Ulcers when I eommenoed taking your Iodine Water, and am now entirely eured of Scrofula." DR. ANDERS' IODINE WATER is a pure solution of Iodine, without a solvent, the ' . 1 r 1 : A U liir alius moss power 1 ui viwuiui - - known. Ciroulara free. ... J. P. DINbMUKE, rropneior, 00 iey m., . 1 . Bold by all Druggists IJ?r" IH1 HBALIMO POOL, 1 ' And House of Mercy. IIOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, ob the crime of Solitude, and the Errors, Abu ses aad Diseases which destroy the manly powers, and ereate impedimenta to Marriage, with sure means of relief. Seat in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address DR. j.SKILLIN iiOl'UHION, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. June 8, 1007. ly , lssf"ermss-leBS. Information, guaranteed to produee a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald bead or beardless laoe, also a reeipe for the removal of Pimples, filotohes, ErupUoDS, eta., en the skin, leaving the same toft, clear, aad beautiful, can be obtaiued without charge by addressing TUOS F. CHAPMAN, Chemirt, may la, '67. tit Broadway, New York NE PRICB CLOTHINO. ' JONES' OLD ESTABLISH KD ox is riticu CLOTHING HOUSE, l lUnrkel Ntreet, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has don busi ness on the One Prloo System, and wo behove we are tb only Clothing House in th city that strictly adheres to this principle. W hav earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in seleot good styles and substantial materials, and not less importaut, for having all our goods, We employ th best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionabla and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prioea are the very lowest, aa any one by a moment s thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet tho oompetition "i our neignoors, lor as no deductions are evor made, wo must put our prices down to tho advantages we promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar oan be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JOTsTES' ONE PRICB CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 Market Strreut, rhiladolphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. March 23, 18B7. ly Ayer's PillB. A RE you sick, feeble and complaining ? Are Jou out of order your system deranged and your feelings unoomfor- toble ? These symptoms -aro oiien ine precursors oi serious iiineas. ouuie fit of sickness is omening upon you, und should be averted by a timely uso of tho riirht remodv.- Take Ayer's I'ills, and drive out tbe humors purify the blood, and lot thn Uuids move on unobstructedlv, in health. They stimulate th organs of tb body into vigorous activity, purify the system from tho obstructions which make disease A oold settles somwbore in tho body, and dorangss the natural operations of that part. This, if not relieved, will react upon itseii and tue surrounding organs, pro ducing genorul nggruvation, sufl'ering and dorango ment. Whilo iu this condition, take Ayer's Pills, and sco how directly they restore th natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of neaitn. vt nat is truo and so apparent in mis trivial and common complaint is also true in many of the deep seated and dangerous diseases. The same pur- gatrvo expels them, caused by similar obstructions and derangements, tbey are surely, and many of them rapidly, cured by the same means. None who know the virtue of these Pills will neglect to em ploy them when sufl'ering from tbe disorders they cure, such as Headache, Foul Stomach, Dysentery, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Derangemont of the Liver, Costircncss, Constipation, Uoarlburn, Rheu matism, Dropsy, Worms, and Suppression, whon ta ken in largo doses. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can take them easily, and they are surely the best purgatire uiediciuo yet discovered. Ajcr'al A Kite Curo, "or tht speedy anil certain Cure of Intermittent 1'cver, or Chilli ami l'evr.r, llcimttent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache or Ihlious Headache, and Jhltottt Fevers ! in deed, far the whole class of diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the nuilaria of miasmatic countries. This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severest oases of Chills and Fever, and it has this gruat ad vantiiKo over othor Aguo medicines, that it subdues tho complaint without injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or other dcloterious substance, nor docs it produce quinism or any injurious ellect whatever. Shaking brothers of tho army and tho west, try It and you will endorse these assertions. Prepared by DR. J. O. A YKK it CO , Lowolt, Mans., and sold by nil Druggists and denier In med icine every where. (-.t. 2d. -.SI UKI.MBOLD1 CONCKNTKATF D EXTRACT Ill.'CIlt; Is the Great Diuretic. IlelmM'l't Cone titrated L'j-tract SanajuirUla la the Gieat Blood FurifiVr. lloth arc prepared aeculdlnif to rules or Pharmacy and Chemntr) , and uie the nioalactive that van be made. March 4, tr7.-ly f-oi.4j.iri: Ac t-o.'N GERMAN I Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may bo consid ered t h e ST A N D A R V ') F EXCELLENCE. For cuie by all Urocors. MayJSIBBT ly. Errors of Vontli. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tho sako of suffering humanity, send freo to all who need tbo recipe and directions fur making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do su by addressing, n perfect confidence, JOHN B. OUDEN, my 18 -67. ly 42 Cedar J'rrHj iV Y. To 4'onnunitif -H. The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will tond (free of charge) to ull who desiro it, tbe prescription with tbe directions lor making and using thobimple rcrao dy by which be was cured of a lung atleotion and that dread discaso Consumption. Jl id only object is to benefit Ihc uilliutcd, and hu hopes every sulferer will try thin prescription, as it will cost tuoui noiuing aDy may proves blotting. aae address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, William-burg, KiliK Co., N. Y. my 18- '67. ly HKI.MHOI.D'rt EXTRACT Bl.'Clir and Improved Rose Wash cures secret anil deticu'.e disorders in ull their stages, at little expense, little or no ehaniie in diet, ro ill convenience and no exposure. His pleasant in Pifctu and! odor, immediate m its action, and f:ee ironi all inju lious pr.'pernps. nilii'fl7 ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " 1TE7T L AGES.' BEER IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO., PA CHAS. ITZ Xj RESPECTFULLY inform hi friends and th public generally, that he has commenced tho manufacture, and is now ready to furnish LAGER 13EEH AND ALE, of superior quality. Having procured the services of a first elass brewer, ho is enabled to supply Land lords, Restaurants and private families with an ar tide that is palatable, puro and healthy. Orders aro respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS ITZEL. .'-anbury, November IB, IS7. I'AUII.Y kii:VI.4d yiAi IIIM'S Mrs. HARAH SIMPSON, Walnut Streot, SUNBURY, PA. Having been appointed Agent by the Singer Manu facturing Company, for the sale of Singer's New family Sewing Mavhiucs, informs the public that 1 lne. can ho tai at bm re,d8I109 Tt, M,.iinH, .r. .in.r These Machines are simple, eouinact, durable and beautilul. Capable of performing a range and a variety of work never befure attempted uwn a sin gle Machine using either silk, twist, linen or cot ton Thread, aud sewing with equal facili'y the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything between the two extremes in the most beautilul aud substan tial manner. These Machines will be sold at reasonable rates Call and examine for yourselves. Mrs. SAR All SIMPSON, Agent. Ootober 26, 1867. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and see the well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VEST1NQS, Ao. Just received at MKUCIIANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MKNT, Fourth Streiil, below Eytler Suire, pl'NllL'RVi WINTER CLOTHING of tbe most approved styles is made up to order a reasonable rates. He hu also a fine assortment of Cassimore Shlrta, v i ' , l I- X',.,.1. Give him a cull, which vou will find ia be to yuur advantage. buuuuiy, Otl l'J, lf'lT 0 rant FRESn ARRIVAL OP FANCY DRY GOODS. - MISS KATE SLACK, Market Square, two doors East of tha old Bank building. KUNBURY, Pcnn a , HAS opened a fresh supply of the latest styles of Fall and Winter Oooda, selected by herself from tha most fashionable establishments in Phila delphia. Cheap DeLolnei. Alpacas. Frenoh Merinos, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Ooods, Cloths, gacque Flannels, Ladle and Childrens' Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Lace Yells and bsndkerohiefs, gloves, hosiery, Balmoral aklrts.Breakfast and Blanket Shawls, Winter Sacques and Ladies' goods of every description. Uents' Collars, Neck-ties, Haff-boee, Handker chiefs and O loves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Holr Brushes. Combs, etc. ty Hopkins' Eliptic Skirts. , KATE BLACK. Sunbury, Nor. 2, 1867. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS 3STOTI03ST Miaa ANNA PAINTER, Markot Square, two doors west or tho Post Offio SUNBURY, PENN'A, RESPECTFULLY informs hor friondsand the publio, thnt she has just relumed from the olty, whore she has spent some timo in making selections and purchases, and has just opened a large stock of MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dross-Linings, Crinoline and Wi gain Skirting Lining, Ho?p Skirts, Bugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A voriety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sites, Alphabet Blooks, As. Sho flatters herself in being able to make a dbplay that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Suubury, Nov. 2, 1887. T. S. SHANNON, Practical Watchmaker Axn rjEWELER, From. PHILADELPHIA. In 8impson's Buildiug, Market Square, STT1TBTJB."2", PEITIT'A IrUNK Gold and Silver American and bwiss ; Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver ware, con stantly on hand. HairJowolry and Masonio Marks mado to order. Gold and Silver Plating done in the best manner and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Fine Watches, Clocks, Music Boxes and Jewelry Repaired and warranted. All ordors promptly filled. Sunbury, June 1, 1867. Millinery Goods, MIsm yi. I j. djioMbler, begs leave to an nounce totha Lad ies of Sunbury uud vicinity, that the bos just opened a largo and varied stock of MILLINERY OOODS, of all the latest Fall and Winter styles, to which she Invites attention of her patrons, and tho ladies gene rally, confident of her ability to please. A good assortment oi BONNETS A HATS, Hats for features bright and jolly, Hats for faces melancholy, Hats for figures, broad and burly. Hats for straight bair, and for curly. Hals of silk, cloth, felt and bearer. Ha that almost wear forever, Uata that always look so neat, Aro bought at Miss Uossler's on Fourth street. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries, Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of ranoy tions. Stamped, Muslins, Corsets, Perfume ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Euamol of America, Sta tionery, Ac, Aa. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to chow goods Suubury, Nov. 2, liS67. lOUl IN THE PRICES OF 'loOO Fall & Winter Goodsl n. I.. I.!izrrii, having just return ed from Philadelphia with a superior stock of Fall und Winter Goods for tho trade of 1SU7 and '63, which sho is uble to sell nt very reduced prices, would respectfully call the attintion of her custo mers and tho public generally, to the superior qual ity of her goods, and the low priocs at which tbey are held. She has all kiuds of DRESS OOOD8, including Poplins, Merinos, Do Lains, C'alicoty, Ac, ull at the lowest prices. Extra quality Muslins at ex'ra low price?. Dril lings, Canton Flannels. Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. Gloves of all descriptions, including a very eupo riorquulity of Ladies' Cloth Uluvci HOSIERY. Ribbons and Trimmings of alt varieties, Lacos, stamped goods, Zephyrs and Yurns, 'fowling in great variety. Gents' and Ladies' Handkerchiofs, Scarfi, MutT Tassels and Buttnos. Pomades, Extracts, and a large variety ol notion-and fnucy articles. Call und sou them before going elsewhere M. V LAZARUS. Sunbury, Nov. 2, IS67. Machine Stitching. ORDERS or work loft at the store or M. B. Priestley, in Northumberland, will be promptly attended to. All work warranted. Nov. 2-tf siI2i:k'm pout Bt.ii: I'srdb)' liundrc duot'Coiigrciralloiie for Church or Communion PurpoHcs). ALSO, EXCELLENT FOR LADIE8 AND WEAKLY PERSONS. VIWEYARDS, JEKSEV. Nii:i:ira port gbipi: h im:, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly eelebrated native Wine ia made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this country. Its invaluable Tonic fc SlrenitlUenlnB n'roperlle Are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Being I the pure juice of the grape, produced uuJer Mr. , Speer'a own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of iu generous qualities, and the weak- ; est invalid may use it to advantage. It is particu- 1 ly beneficial tethe aged and debilitated, and suitud to the various ailments that etHict tbo weaker sex. ; It is, in overy respect, j A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use SPEER'S POHT GRAPE WINE. ,' Female use SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Weakly persons find a benefit by its uhu, 1 SPEER'S WINES in hospitals are preferred to : other wines. rr'Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. A ISPKKRS VINEYARD, New Jersey. Office,; 213 I1KOADWAY, New Vork. I For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Suubury, Pa. ' Ct. ly. 1 FRESH MEAT Itl'.ti'i: V UOYVlUt, RESPECTFULLY inform the citiien. ol Suubury and vicinity, that they bate taken the Butchering Jwiablubmeiit ot Jeremtabavidge, on Arch street, i JOHN RKl'I'E. I WILLIAM BOWER ' fuubury, September 38. l7 Io not Itemd tlilrs Column or you will cvrtnluly find out w here you can Buy the MOST GOODS, of the BEST GiTJ-AI-ITr. For tho LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND SALES I QL'IOK CASH m. v. rnujuxu. at the MAMMOTH STORE, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Has just received and opened tho Uf.-HT SKl.EC"I'Kond FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. Frcn-h Merinos, TrlnUi, Muslim, Ginghams, Cosslourts, Ao. NOTIONS of all kinds Ills cry, Gloves, Men'saod Icdics L'ndergsra-cr.t WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Builders will Und my Stock of llardvt urr, 1'alntw, Oils, CJIane, Vc, CorupU'tc. Irui!s and Medicines. Willow and Cedarware. ; Uueeusnaie, tln-vr. Crockery, Ja.lt U00TS AND SHOES HATS AM) CAP5, j and in fact everything usually kept in a large Store I Call and be convinced that the CHEAPEST I PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOODS It at The Mammoth 8 t o r v. of M.-3T. FRILINO, 1'ii i'uxli, -SOUuye, as my lwA are bought for Cash uu-l i-M or the READY MONEY (he 11 Y I RILING, r-unburv, "ct r. rii7. THE . Washington Library (to PHILADELPHIA. Ia Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, and Or ganised la aid of the EIVERSIDB INSTITUTE For Educating Gratuitously Boldiors and Bailors' Orphan. Iticorporatud by tlio Slate or N. J. APRIL 8, 187 SUBSCRIPTI0H ONE COLLAR The Washington Library Company . By virtue of their Charter, and in aocordanco with its Provisions, will distribute THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN fRESENTSTO THE SHAREHOLDERS, On Wcdnctday, January 8lh, 18G8, At PHILADELPHIA, TA., Ot at the Institute, RIVER SIDE, N.J. Ono Present worth $10,000 One Present worth 20,090 Ono Present worth 10,000 One Present worth 5,000 Two Presi'iit worth $ 2,500 euch 5,000 One Present VHluctl nt 18,000 Two Presents, valued nt $13,000 each 30,000 Ono Present, vulucd at 10,000 Pour Presents, valued at 5,000 each, 20,000 Two Presents, valued at 3.000 each, 8,000 Three Presents, valued at 1,000 each, 3,000 Twenty Presents; vnlucdat 500 each, 10,000 Tea PreseutB, valued at 300 each, 3,000 Threo Presents, valued at 3D0 each, 750 Twenty Presents, valued at 225 each, 4,500 Fifty-Fivo Presents, valued at IJ200 each, 11,000 Fifty Present, valued at 75 each, 8,750 One Hundred and Ten Presents, valu ed at $100 each. 11,000 Twenty Presents, valued at $73 each, 1,500 Ten Presents, valued at $50 each, 500 The remaining Presents consists of articles of use and value, apper taining to the diffusion of Lite rature and the due arts, $82,000 $300,000 Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving WORTH MOKE AT RETAIL THAN THE COST or CERTIFICATE, Aud also insure to the bolder a PRESENT IX THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION. SUBSCRIPTION ONIi DOLLAR. Any perron fending us Ono Dollur, or paying tha siime to our local Agents, will receive iiuiuediatuly 11 fine !-tecl Plate Engraving, at choice from the fol lowing list, and Ono Ccrtilicate of Stock, iusurirs Ono Prcacnt in tho Uroat Distribution. ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. 1 "My Child ! My Child !" No. 2 '-They're Saved ! They're Saved :r' No. .'I "Old Sovcuty-fix or, the Early Days of tho Revolution. " Any pereou paying Two Dollars will receive citht r of the following fino Stoul Plates, at choice, nml Two Certificates of stock, thus becoming eutitled to Two Presents. TWO DOLLAR E.NO.R AVIBQS. No. I '-Washington's Courtship." No. 2 -Wash ington's Lust Interview with hu Mother." TUI1LE DOLLAR EXURAVINCS. Any person pitying three dollars will rcccivo tin beautiful steel Plate of ' HOME FROM THE WAR." and thrco Certiticates of .'tock. bccouiinn pniitlr. to throe Presents. FOUU DOLLAR E.NURAVI.Vas. Any jcron paying Four Dollurs shall receive th large and beautiful S'tcel Plate of "THE PERILS OF ora FOIIEPATnP.HH." and Four Certilieatos of Stock, entitling thcin t Four Presents. FIVE DOLLAR EXURAVIXas. Any porson who pays Five Dollars ehall rccciv the large and splendid Stcol Piute of ' THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS." AndFivo Certificates of Stock, entitling them toFu Presents. Tho engravings and Certificates will bo delivrre to oach suUcrilier at our Local Agencies, or seut h mail, pout pid,or express, asmny boordcred. HOW TO OUTAIN SHARKS AND ENG KAVII t Send orders to us by innil, enclosing from SI to 80 cither by Pmt Ollii-e orlers or 111 a Ttfzistrrnl letter, ourrmk. Larger amounts rhould be sent by dial t 01 e. in -dimes u-ilh Enslaving t25 shares with Kugrsvingi AO shares with Engraving 76 shams with Engraving 100 shurrs with Engraving 1 . 4", ni. : Local AGENTS WANTED Uirouchout Ihe t uiled Stan THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE. Situate at Riverside. Burlington County, New J, soy, is founded lor the purpose of gratuitously ed eating Lhe eons of decoased Soldiers and Scaiteu ine luuea oraies. The Board of Trustees consists of the follnwi 'II. known oititensot Pennsylvania and New Jerst HON. WILLIAM B.MANN, District Attorney, Philadelphia. Pa HON. LEWIS H. B ROOM ALL, Ex-Chief Coiner li. S. Mint, and Recorder Deeds, Phi'.ad'a., Pennsylvania. HON. JAMES M. SCUVEL, New Jersoy. HON. W. W. WARE, New Jersey. HENRY GORMAN, Esq., Aicent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Pa J. E. COE, Esq., of Joy, Coo A Co., Philadelphia Treaslhy Dki-abthekt, Wakhiboton, D. Aoril 18, l.-67. Otfice of Internal Revenue: H init received satisfactory evidence that tbe nroee of the enterprise conducted by tbe '-Washing Library Company will no aevotod to clmrilal use, permission ia hereby granted tosaidCouipi to oouduct such enterprise exempt from all chai wncluer irum special tax or otner duly. . r.. a. nuijL.is. loin m usiuner The Asiiutliil hlive u'.'rt.ilnluJ llect-n r. Mr, GEO Rot A. UUUKK .V wltH well known i gnty and business rlpeririK-e will hea sullu'ii-nt sua tee thnl Ihr money intiiislnl u tiit-iu will be nioin-xly plied to lae purfMc auteil. PuiLsenLi-uiA, I'a., May 20, lc To U.c Odicrrs uud Members ul the Washington l.i ryCo, N M HKAl,Poerctary. Gmiilriueu : Ou receiptor yi-ur favor of the l.'ua i notifying us nf.oui spin urn mviu ss receivers fur Company, we took the lllwrty to .aim c..ny iu (.'ln.iu.-r, with a plan f your rulerpiisr, ihe li-tal authority of lite rHlc,Hud having rn-eived his li. aide -inininii in repaid Iu its legality, and sviunalhl with lhe benevolent ob)eet ol y.wi AmjcmIumi via education and uuilnU-iwm-e of Ihu orphan etuMrui soldiers and suiters at Hie Hivrrside instiliila, we xincludrd to aeoeit the trust, ami to use uui Ural uk prom. -v so wi'rttiy an otm-i-t. KuapueiluUy, yours, Ac, GEO. A CotikE A i Address nil letters ant,,rdtrs ,i GI.O A.COOKi: k CO , IIANKCRS aitWth Third Mr,-, t, ri.iladclphu. P. Rcreiveis lot Ihe Washington Library -,,. flN. F. LIGIU'NEK. Bookseller A Stall. Wunbury. IV. is the kuihoriied Acvnt i. thi I pany t..r toil p!a- and ir.u'uv O.-tubcr 1V. I -07