PURE LAGER BEER1 FlOul tho Cold Spring Brewery, BUSBl'llT, 1 A. JOSEPH EACHEH. RESFECTVCLLx Inform the public generally, that bo is prepared tu furnish LAGER UKER, POUTElt AND Al.fc, iibjign "r 'ninll quantities. II in facilities for mnk ng Beer cannot bo excelled, nnd if pronounced rupo rior to any other ottered In Ccntrnl Pennsylvania. Jt has also been recommended by physicians nr r healthy drink for Invalid. lintels, Hcstauinut and piivate families supplied at short notice. SunAwry.Sept 21, IfW. All kind or SCHOOL BOOKS. Slates, Fens, Ink, l'npor, Ac. ' Miscellaneous Books, n Rood assort ment. All tlio now books received nssnon an published, uliI fur sale at. Publishers prices. i BIBLES, Frnyer Hooks and Ilyiunj Books, in every style ol binding. j Catholic Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various styles.; DICTIONARIES of all eiies. j Juveniles and Toy Books, a lurge' assortment. j ItlnnK EtooliM d Blunk, Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Lctlcr and Note Papers. COPYINfl BOOKS. Inktnnds. Pen Backs, Files, Paper. Cutters and' Counting House Stationery generally. r3 n o w 3 13 H 09 a o o m a o ft a f M a ra H 01 c M H ei 0 f, C K ti ! PHOTOURAPII and doar. ALBUMS chrnp Oold Pens and Holders. Pocket Hooks and Bill Wallets. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, Ainericitn, French, Ac. Drawing Paper, all sizes, BiisU.1 Board, Ac. j Diarios, Memorandum Books, Ac I Backgammon Boards, 0 nines, Chess men, Ac. Toys a I nrgc nn d com pi ct o n ssor I n i ei: t B.ise-Balls and Bats. Fishing Hods and Tackle. Perfumes, Brolicniian and Parisian Marbles, Ac. ; tlold Pons ro-pointed. Lamps, Shidca, tilobcs, Chimneys. Ac. j Wall Taper and Border, nil kinds. Window Curiums, rimer Liiit and, Oiled. Music and Musical Instruments. kiiiJs of Cooks aud Stutiouerj not ou hnn-J promptly onlucd. AU the Daily and Weekly rnpers ncd MuffAziiiCfi. Atfcntfortho "Amcrioun Ornn." Also tr l-a Koge'fl JInir Reftorative," Ennmel of America, nnd "Nutiontil itcutn Nnvi;titioD Cowptiiiy. 1 Sunbury. May 1. 1M.7. PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers Cor sale tho valuable prnier. I ty now occupied by himself, on tbo corner of! Second and Walnut street, h-uidiury. The lot is on hiirh ground and haittfrontd''JU feet on Walnut, and I 2.10 fcuton tSeeond street. Tbo improvement are a ; new aud well-constructed j TWO-STUUY BRICK HOlsE, i 42 feel on Wulnut and 51 on Second sheds, with a j framo Kitchen 1(5 by 22, with an excellent Cittern m tho Kitchen, and nil tho other necessary and usual ! OutbuildinKS, ineludiiig good tabling. The prcmi- j i-es are nanfisomeiy loeaiea wuu u jiotoi wm'ieu mm ; excellent fruit. i'oses.iou to be given ou the tir.t of April next. I For terms apply to Win. II. Uockefcller A B. T. ! lvohrbuck, Kniii.., or the subscriber. 1 1'. W. (i HAY. .Sunbury, Sept. 21. 1807 3m j ARCH STREET FOUNDRY ! j .1. YOl'UJSA', Vropi-51'lor. Arch SI.,II'W'MI 3d iukI lilt, !. i to tlio liillic ficliool llonx', ! SUNBURY PENN'A. I THE proprietor of this establishment respectiully j inlorms the puolio uiai no nas coiunicnccu uio man ufacturo of Cooking and Heating 3T07ES! i bich he will sell at lowtr prices then they can bo obtained elsov here. MILL (learing, Stoves, and the largest class of Castings mado prumptly to order. i Also. Window Weights, rrtiuics and Urates for Col lur Windows, Ac. 'nit Iron ('liimasj 'I'opw. WATEH TBOL'tJHS A BOOIl KTEl'.S. A liberal price paid for old cusling. THE CELEBKATIill LIVEHl'OOL PLOW, un proved, is manufactured attbisestablisbnutnt. ANo, iStove Urates of all kinds, Kettles, and every variety of .mall costings. Sunbury, Oct. 5, 1817. FARMERS & RHILIJERS LIME AND L III E 3 TONE. rilllK suliscribcrs rcspcctiully inform tho cili.eiis JL of Northumberland county, that tk.y arc in, w prepared to fuluih l.I.MKofa siH'eriur nuality to Farmers and Builders. Also, LI.MK-.STONK from the celebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Loner Aiiilio noy township, at short notice aud ut rrasonable rates. The above will bo delivered to any Kailioad sta tion along the lino of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at tho S'uamokin Valley Bailroad, near Sunbury, tvhero orders will bo promptly filled. Orders aro mpoct fully solicited. Address. J. B. LENkliil A BRO.. Augut3, ISIiT. tsunbury.,1'1. LIME! LdME! I'armorN anil Ct at I I l o i- Peashoi.ti ft UnoTllKli are now prepared lo de liver, at the lowest market price, tho vory best quality oi tr a.u ci ": for LAND and Bl'ILIU.VO purposes. Their lime is burned of thecelebratod T UCKYII O K L,I M K S T O N !: . Their lime kilns aro located at the l'hilndi lphiu and Kjiu Railroad, near tho s'.caui tuw mill, iu the Bo rough of Sunbury. Plasters. Masons, Bricklayers and Farmers aro in cited to cull aud eire us a trial. bEAjjHOLTZ i BUOTHKit. Aug. S, 1807. JOH;KAttl.IRA S Old K. tubli.hed F U R Muuntactory, No "IH ARCH SStroct, aboie 7lh, HUL A. Have now in titore nf li' y own lmiHirtutii.il and : -vianulucturo uiio ot tbu . largest nu t most beauti- f.. I ....... ! .... . e ...--.- 1 . W'?T-ft,:','i FANCY KL RS tv"v4? for Ladies' ami t'hil- ''1'"?r dreu's Wear in the City. "sW-' Alo,a liiiea-wrtiiientof Cent's Fur tltovea and Collars. X am enabled to dispose of my jriiods at very rea aonablo prices, nnd I would t ten tore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Remember the Nauio, Number and r-'trcct ' JOHN FARLIRA. No. 718 ARCH St., ah. 7th. south nle, i'hil.ni u. VI liveso partner, urn ci nuuciion with uny xlhcr store in I'hiiadelphia. Selrf. 2K, lt7. 4mw SAIISAPARILIA, MINERAL WATER, PORTE K AND ALB. f I HIE subscribers liavinir located a Imllliii'' cslah- lUbincul ill Cuke's Addition, in the Rurougti of nunoury, respectiuiiy intorin tbo eitueus of this and adjoining eouiitiea that they are prepared tu furn ish Landlords, Uostaurcnt Keepers and private farui lie with the best brands of Saraparilla, Mineral Wa Uir, Ale and Porter, bottled in the best manner. Their drinks are procured from the best establishment in the country, which cnublos them to furuUu a better l.vi'i'.i"1? be had """"i "bich will be do livered at the lowost rate. ,rZZriU"S ""I receive ugu4-i'i1'",r.- r rROB.Sr A ROTE. .Migu.-t J,, I,.., ..rln, cuubury.-ra I AM I0RRINGT0N & H0DOKIN8 Xt A. W BONE surEu rnosriiATE of lime, TUG GHKAT ."orlliiiinli rlaiil County FERTILIZER The best manure for all kinds of grain mnnufno turod. More active, more durable, thau any other. It doctnot exhaust the soil, but on the contrary is a permanent improver. OVKK 6i)0 FARMERS in the County applied it to their Spring Crops, the remits were that it exceeded their most sanguine c.xpcota tii ns. It was tested with the best Phosphate In the country but came outvietorioiis. Farmers, use it for your wheat and rye. Put up in Hags of 200 lb, ca-h and sold at $07 per 2000 pounds, at tlio Manufactory. E:l .llui-Itcl Nfrccl, Muiiltiirj, . or at any of our agent in Pnnvillo. Williamsport, Lcwisburg. Money rotation, Milton. I)ewart. Potts- j prove. Ifl'aiuisliurg. elins -tirove. J rovortoii, or any i of the principal towns in the adjoining counties, j Where we have no agents nppointcd, farmers can scud their orders by mail aud rely on their receiving : itnitieiiiate attention. i Wo have tbo advnntngo of Railroad and Canal j trunsporlation in all directions, and purchasers need ! apprehend no delay in filling orders. I J. E. TORRfNOTON. ED. IlODliKlNS. Snnlitirv, Aug. 17, IS07. boots" and"sh6esT j MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN" WILVEB, R"o KSPECTFULLY informs his friends and cos- loincrs, that he has iust t-ponod a shop for the manufacture of BOOTS A SHOES, on (lrtrc ntrci:t, lnhrrcn Sii:nnd rlrcet and Cadre Why, Sit ?;. whoro all kinds of work in his line will Lc made up in the latest style and iu the best workmanlike man ner. Hnvirg Prst class stock on hand, he flatters himself that he will be aide to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. The public arc invited to call. JOHN WILYrR. Sinilniry. Juno 1i, lSi',7. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. Wo tiiko jilcn.Hirc in mmnuncing to DcnlcM in I'ei'tili.'Ts, and the A;n kMiHiiml puMif, thnt we Imvo withtn the pfist yinr incrcHed our tarjilitH-s tot the mnnuiucturu ot our Haw linne IMinyjthntn. lo nn extent untMuiil!ud hy any other lI(nio in the 1'mtcd StUfttoNor Kuropi. Theo fuciliticti imt only iuidutU; the culnroiuent oi our old cshiLlihcd works in ThilndMpliiu. known the (m-!;iu.UT Ftiirr Ai ririilr farnl 4 tinuical 1 oi I.., hut also tlio purchiisnfif extensive and well stocked works at ChioHn, ill., wilb nil tho necessary tnaehincry, tar. Ac, to cnndu.'t the ljuiiie. i'Lis otablish mcnt tilone liati proilui-cd. nnniially, over SuftO tons of dried ituitts ttnd Meat, and la capable of being largely increa.sed. )Vc desire, by the closest super vision, to eoinlui't tlienu two concern fo thutoiir eus. lomcrs will derive n prnctictil benefit from thrir con solidation, in nbtainini; n MAM KK wbuh tlmll maintain a btandard and uniform quality, and at the lowei-t po&siblo price. IJAl till & SON'S. FSRUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE! XSAUGIZ'S jBonsriB s l! I' K I. I 1 1 O S 1' 1 1 A T E OK L I M K. ; 23AUGH Sz SONS ! SSolo Manulticiurors & Proprietors ! DKLAWAIIK KIVKIl CHEMICAL WUUKH j PHILAUKLPJIIA, V. S. A. I ft? rHrnitTit are rtvnniincinlrc! to pinuhutie the th-alcf I located in their in'ililHirliooil. In fcctioni' where no deu 1 Icr ! vet rpial'liNlicd. the I'liouiilmie umv t- or urcd direct ly 1fm the uudfi signed. A 1'neeJ Cucuktr will be hcu j to all wh apply. I IIAL'GII & SONS, Vji, So. 20 S. l,hur,ivc .Inline, rim.AiH.i.i'HiA. B.Vl'OH JIWOTUKHS it t'O, ftciiSi't'.l M7ioi'((' .1v"i.s No. i l'enrl Corner ol Cedar. MilV YORK. ;kouce duudale. Wfiolitnlv .iji-id Jof yinrtjluiid J- Yii fjiiiht, No. lOj Smith s Wharf, BALT1.MOUK, X.i. I'J lVi arc prepared lo Supplv our l'.itent Aec- 1'ntiai Mm io mi .Munulai'liirers lorgrinaio (iuuiio und nil other hard substances. Lone .olu by .M!TII A (;i;NTIIi:R. .ui.buiy. Autf. .". 1MI7. ly WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market S.iiiiirc. naar llm Court .-4 -1! rti.? . . .lurkcl 'iiiiirc. nuar r-V-'-X Huusu. KI'N'III t!V V,.,,l. krl.,.l P.. !.. HE has jii.-t n,ei,cd all u.-Mirtllient of IJold f)'(C and I'lttin l'ateut Watches, CLOCKS ,:,.;..J .,r Railroad, liank and Uwellinirs. Finn ur"--r" I ! I liii';;s, Tinijer KiiiKs. Ilrncvluts. Minia- ' tore t'ripi's. Metlallioni, Lfkots. Pencils. , iv iliiinlili -. .-j e.:t.u;les, Silver 'J'alilo, Hcfsert, Tea Salt and -Mu-tard Smh)is, ciunr spoons. Cups, Napkiu Hins", I'roil ii'id Rutter Knives, Shields, Combs, liiaiiiond l'uinted Tens, Casters. Pitehors. Riitter lii.-lics, Fruit l)i:he5, Cake iin.-keta, Syrup Pitchers,' Ac. Ac. He invites the citizens nf Sunbury and vicinity to call at Ibo above place, Mberu he ill bo happy to wait upon them. t v 'Particular attentijii paid to REPAIRING. April i:t, Im'.7. I. aO.tl.9., Cririrlor, ('.; y'titbur mill 21',1. Mints SHAMOKIN, I'KNN'A. rllillft HOIM. it now open for tho reception of 1 guests, and boin new, spacious aud attractive, has all thu liicilaii-s and advantages of FIRST CLAfc HOTEL. Tho sleeping apartments are airy itud comfortable, and tbo furniture entiiely new J he liar and Tablo ill be supplied wilb the best in the maiket. The pnii,iua;:e of tho public is solicited April :s. .m)7. Elacksmitliing'. JOHN IHVIN, SLMiL KV, PENNSYLVANIA, 1 ESPECTFI'LLY informs tho citizens of Nun V. bury uu 1 v. icinily, that ho has erected a Pluck su.itli M,op ue ir tlio Hiauiiikin Valley Railroad lieput, where ho is prepared to d i Ulackuilhing in all its briiucliei, at the shortoM nolieo. Having hud many years' experience in the business, he Butter him-ulf that he can render uti.-.taetiou to all who limy Kivo him a call. llIlbuly, Augutt 17, 16(17. " Jh. ) JilkIHTM. O-JM. NEW hp It I NO STYLE-S "Oib Owx Make." After more than Five Years experience and ex pcriinciiilng in the manufacture of Strictly First t.ualily Hoop .Skirts, wo oflor our ju-tly oulcbrutcd goods to merchants and the publie iu full conhdonce ol their superiority over all other iu the American market, aud they aro no acknoalcdged by all who wear or deal in thciu, a they give more satisfaction than any other Skirt, and rooominend themselves In every rwpocf. llculera in Hoop .Skirts, should make a notoof this fact. Every lady who has not given thciu a trial should do so without further duluy. Our ar'-Kortuieut embrace every stylo, length aud siio for Ladies, Misses and Children. Also, Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkin s Own Make," and be not do. eeived. .So that tho letter "H" is wouen ou the Tapes between Kc-li Hoop, aud that they are stamp, ed "W. T. UOPKi.N 6 Manufacture. 6.M Arch St., Philadelphia," upou each tabs. Nu cthur are genuine. Also, constantly on band a full line of (good New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. W'tiuluiile anil lUtail, At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Emporium, No riia Arch moot, Philadelphia WM T. HOPKINS Mncb, 21. ISi'.- -lnmw rRDt LUMBER! LUMBER ! The loliri Coiinly mill Mnnbury I.miilter Conipimy, Now fully established at the BUKBURY STEAM SAW-MILLB, are prepared to saw to order WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK ANU OAK, of any sir.o and all lengtha. Afull sssortment of alwavs kept on baud. Pannol, Flooring, Siding and finishing boards of all kinds. MOULDING, SASH, DOOHS, end SUUTTEUS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pine, and Ilvtuloek. I'liixlt-riiiK lulli and I'liHnp, Plnninn, Klnnina and Turning, will ho done to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everything in their line at such rates that Lumber Yards, Builders and nil parties using Lunibor, will Oud it to thetr Interest to buy at this establishment. ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at tended to by addressing, WJI, RE AO EN, Sup't. Sunbury, Juno 15, 1869. JX. j. IX. -B It "SST 9 53S SHOE GTOP.E. Market Street, adjoining (cnrhart' Confectionery More, bt.vut 111 , l a. rpllF undersigned respectfully informs tho citucns 1 oi Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opened a NEW MIOK STOKE, for the sale as well as tor mo manufacture of tbo finest and best quality of Ladies' Shoes, viz : (iiovc-UMl, norrfri,t nirkin nl I.tiiliiiX it 111 I orw, & Children "s Shoes of nil kinds. His stock is entirely new and woll selected. He also Manufactures lino French and other Calf skin Boots and Shoes for Uentlemcn. Orders for ladies nnd gentlemen a custom wora will ho promptly nltendod to nnd got up in tho best at vie by skilful mechanics "Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and ror.ul.tothetri.de. j. . JEFFU1ES. Sunbury, April 20, 1S87. heel Iron and Slove C.ZETTLEMOYER&BRO., (Successor to BENJ. ZKTTLLMOi fcll.) Market Street, near Engol's Store, SUNBURY, V. HAVINtJ taken charge of the old stand so long patroniicd by tho peoplo of Sunbury and vi cinity, beg leave to announeo to tho old friends and tho public generally, that they .will supply them with the most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE nnd l'AULOR STOVES of tho best. Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and ench stuvo wurranted to perform what they aro represented. 4'oul Oil, ":il Oil I,iu, l.niilc-rii, Shades, Chimneys, and all articles usually kept in nil establishment id' this kind. CO ITER, BRASS aud IRON KETTLES, of all sizes. FRUIT JARS and CANS of tlio lutost improved styles. Ho is nlso prepared to do all kinds of Spouting aud Roofing. Rimgo and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatlv executed. UEO. ZETTLEMOYEK ft BUO. June 8, LSf,7. y J. H. Conley Co., Market !tr-'l. b.:i( oi il c ICailrond ST73M3TJH-5r, PENN'A. HEALERS IN toi:!;i; .v .Mii;itif,t, Hardware & Cutlery. rilHK attention of Mechanics, Farmers. Builder. L and Buyers generally is invited to tho fact that wc aieuovv ottering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever wus offered in this marked ut prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general u&ortuicnt of tools und mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSM ITI1S, CARKIAliK AND WAUON MAKERS, JOINER.S, AC., AC, together with n largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails. Spikes.Itopc, Chains, Urindstoucs, Mill and X Cut Saws. Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March 30, ISt'7. Notice to Ilerchauts and Shippers. rp,l!K undersigned, proprietors of Wciscr A Friek's JL Line, givo notice to merchants and shippers that their l it is still at 81 1 Market street, I'hiia delphia. and all Hoods directed tu Sunbury und Dau villo will bo promptly delivered. jf Cars lonvo bll Market street, l'biladelihia tri-wcekly Tuesdays, Thurs4lavs and Saturdavs. V. C. UDODItlCir. May 2.. T7. ,1. U. RICIIAItDSON. Pensions Increased. Tho Into Act of Congress gives additional pay lo tho folloning Pensions, viz : S.t. To those who have lust tho sight of both eyes, or both hands, or totally disabled so a to require con stant iittciidancH, tho sum of $2! UU per month. 21 To thosu who have Inst both foot, or ore totally disabled iu the sauie so as to require ooustuut attend ance, the sum of ..'(I uu. 3d. To thoso who havo lost one hand or one foot, or arc so disabled as to render them unable to pur form manual lubor $15 00 per month, und other ca-es in proportion. The subscriber is duly prepared fur the immediate procurement of ihceo claims. S. Ii. ROVER, Att y at Law. Sunbury. June 111, IHAtt. T. S. SHANNON, Practical Watchmaker JEWELER, From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson's Iiuilding, Market Square, STTlTBirPkT. FEITIT'A. Il.N'E tlold and .Silver American and Swiss Wntchcs, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver ware, con stantly on baud, liuir Jewelry and Masonic Murk made to order. tiold and Silver Plating done in the best manner nnd warrauted to give entire satisfaction. Fine Watches, Clocks, Music Loict and Jewelry Repaired und warranted. All orders promptly tilled. Sunbury, June 1, !Sti7. COMPARE, THEN JUDGE. Great Reduction in WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL PRICE.s of very superior Silver and Silver-Plnted Waves, Of our Own Manufacture. Such as Tea Setts. Urn. Ice 1 itchcr. Waiters, Uobblols. Cuke llaskcts, Castors, liut- ler Coolers, .Vegetable Lish cs, Tureen, Sugar and Card uasaeu, fyrup aud Drink ing Cup, Kuivc, and Forks, ami Apoona, of various kinds it 4c, Ac, W arranted Triple Pluto, on best of metals, and equal to any iu the market, of the lutost tyle. and no goods are misrepresented, at JOHN BOWMAN'S New and Beautiful Store, No. 704 Arch Stre.l Philadelphia. ' I V Please eall and examine our Good before put chasing. N. II All kind of Plalins at reasonable price. Auut 24, 1867. lyeej . a.xi Aii:ii moor- nooriNG ! ril UI.MES 4 CO., are the Agents in the Counties 1 . of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. This is the cheapest and best Roof that can be put on a building, lias been used in the oily ot Philadelphia, since 1851, where it has superseded almost every other kind of Hoof. It la reoouimeud ed by the builders, and It used on all of the Buest building in that eity. Partieeoonteinplating build ing, will do well to examine iuto the merits of this and all other kinds of Roofs, ar-d give the best the preference. The Fountain Dotol, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be covered with this Roof, and parties desiring to do o, may eall there and examine it. For further information address Box U, Sunbury Post Omoe, or call at the Brick Yard of , T DIMES 4 CO Suubury. 1. 1867 .1m NEW GROCER Y. alHE nibseribcni begi Iobto lo annonnca lo the . citinong of Sunbury and IU vicinity, that tbey have opened a NEW GROCERY. 7V ilwrt wctt of J. II. Kii'jle Btoir, ii. Market Hpinrr, where tbey are prepared to furnish every variety ot grooorios, nnd will keep constantly on hand lh ohoicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, CofTtte, Teas, Sugar, Morasses, Cheese, Salt Spices of all disoription, Soaps of every variety Candles. S'moking and Chewing tobacoo, .S'egars. Hams. .Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of nil kinds, Caned Benches nnd Toma toes, l'iekels, Ketchup, Pepper .Sauce, Raisins. Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every style of articles kept in a woll stockod Oroocry. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot country produce taken in exchange The pntronago of the public is re spectfully solicited. DEOROE E. BEARD A CO. .Sunbury, Nov. II, 18115. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. david rasr Two doors wostof tho Post Oflico, SUNBURY, Tn. RF:SPECTFULLY Informs tho citisens of .Sun bury nnd vicinity, that he will buke tu order all kinds of UiiUe lor IIiiIIn, Inrli-. Xr. Families nro supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls. Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept on hand manufactured out ot tno oest materials. All orders win meet with prompt attention. Having had largo cvpcricnco I hope to give genornl satisfaction to nil who may favor me with their patronage. VA LI) (111 . Sunbury, Dec 0, ISf.6. ra. v. vkii Ait i'H Confectionery, Toy and raTJIT STORE ?InrUot Str"t, Mimlsiiry, K'si. CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY OKCItll'TION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at trie above J estuulislimcnt utwholcsalo and retail, at rctot able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeistionariei to keep up a lull assortment which are sola nt low rates. Tobacco, Segors. Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, anil a variety of other articles, all of whi.ih are ocicl wholesale and retail. r Remember tho niunc and place. .AJ M. C. (iEAItllAUT, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Sor.'r store. Sunbury. Sept. ltt. laiVJ.-lf .Miti-Kft S.innc, Ml '.MCIIKV, I'a. H AVIXU recently p formerly conducted elnied tlio Int" .Store I heir by R. A Fidie leave to iiitorm tno citizens of .Mnibury and vi cinity, that I havo entirely replenished my stock of J99 BC BLJ CTsT. A Nil F A NCI? ARTICLSS ! such as Combs. Brushes, Pocket-Books. Soaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, .Scissors, Coal-Oil Lnuips, Tobacco nnd Cigars, S'nliilM, Oil.o, .ln, I:ihi, Ini1, Varii2-liv, (( .Tlt-tlis iiM-K, A:: AU my Tinctures, 'yriii. Ointment. Cerates, and other preparations aiu manufactured by myself, and from the best material 1 can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience iu the Druti and l'rccrtj'tttm IIiik'imks, both iu Philadelphia and the country, and also Ibe advantage of Iho College of Pharmacy, I led com potent to COMPOUND ALL PRKSCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and public may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, aro made from Iho best material, and upon honor I assert, they aro of ollicii.al strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on baud the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procuro. Before purchasing clscnlicre. call and couvince your own nuuu. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov 1H. ISCS. SONBUKY FOUMIRV." UVAt. ICOBIItCt t4'M k S. VRK now carrying on bii-iness ot this old estab lisluucnt withruneued vigor. Costings of every description, promptly furui.-hed to order. The Stores manufactured at this Foundry have : i .i. , L . ... noiuiii-ii me nigncsi repuiuiion. I Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTIXtiS Farmers should not forget that tho PLOW A iiindo ! t tho Suubury Foundry have never been equalled. A.'ri.Milliirni in.,,1. a ... .l...-.1 n- .... ... . . j.aiiL-M ii . riioi , iki.iuu. Small eastings, including Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most usul'ul putlurns. The business will be conducted ou an enlarged cale. Old customers will he accommodated i usual, ii1 new ones aro respect fully solicited. Suubury, May 12, Ihiid CHOICE FRUIT & 0KNA.E.'TAL BBS 23E1MJ. BOIINER, Healer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, n ill furn ib from the most responsible Nuri-eries in this and other States, first class 1 It EES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Viuusund Pliinte. tlardeu Seeds of all kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BE.VJ. IIOII.NEH. Paxinus, Norih'd. Co. N. Ii. Insurances takcu in several of Hie most rcsKiiisible File Iiisurnncc und Burse liclictnc Compuuics in tho State. June 8, 1SII7. y FLOUR & FEED STORE WIWLESAI.N ..ISO JlKTMIs. mj.E subscriber respcc.ful.y InBiruj. the publie JL that he kocps coustantly on band at his new " nntiioLr., near tlm stiamokiu Valley Railroad Dcjiot. in SUNI1LRV, Flour by tho burrol and sack of all kindofFeod by the ton Iho above i all umniifacturcd at hi own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash price. , J M. CAD W A LEADER. Sunbury, April 1, IStl CBITTENDEN'3 Commercial College, (537 Chestuut Street, (Corner of Seventh,) PHILA DELPHIA. Esttiblisliod 1814. incorporated 1S55 Vouuj; .tlfit Ci-u'ti-iilly ICclitftitt'il It lsiii(sifs. The facilities of this Institution havo been largely increased, and it now has advantage for imparting business knowledge which urc unequalled. The practical value of its well-tried course of iu truction il attested by hundred iu all deparlmeuU cf business. Many a young uiau owe hi uccoui life to the qualification gained bore. The instruction throughout i thorough, practical, and just w hut is dully used in our best business bouse. The iustruction include Book-Kcoping in all it Bruuchca, Penmanship, (Plain aud Ornamental.) Commercial) Cal culation, Business Paper and Cor respondence, Commercial Law, Detecting .Counterfeit, Eto. Student instructed veparatelj and received a' anytime. Diplomas'awarded on graduation. Stran ger assisted iu proouring suitable board lug place. Board may be obtained for about US per week. Cata logue mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK KEEPING, Counting House, price 2 50. High Sehool, price 150. Common school Edition H7 1 ou. Judge Sharswood' Lecture before the Student on Comnieroial Law, price $1 AO. ?'".oC.KFKNl)tN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND liUnTNESS MANUAL, Containing new and rapid method of calculation as actually used by businea men. Form of Butiuesa Paper's accompanied by explanation of their nature and use, uaelul Commercial Table, and much valuable informational! business! (ubjeet. Price fl 25. The ale of lb ii Book ha been rapid that il U already hi IU tocond edition. ' Any of ihe above booki sent posUg paid on re eoiptof the prior v r o .... " CRITTENPEN CO June 8. lB67.-6ui tna obeat ZiriGARI BITTERS The eomrMfrit parti of this remtirVabte pnparatlea wereflnt discovered, compounded ami distributed, tome twenty years ano. by Wr. Ciionni, the betted Egyptian Fhy.tclan. Thousand. f his inner Ing countrymen wore restored to health, as well u great nunitxr. of the Inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia, and of Iheeountriea bordering upon the Southern coast Ol we Mcuivcrrsucao ct' m. Indc-d, the fame of the soon spread over Kurope, and was adopted by the principal Physicians In charge of the hospitals of the old world, in which It is still used with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of Kgypt placed the name of na. Cniovses upon the " Roll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Hedal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " Da Chiopsos, the Public Benefactor." This Bitters Is now offered to the public of America with the full assurance that It will be found, upuo a lair trial, to act as a speciflo for tho cure of Cholera, Dy.entery, Dlarrhnrft, Cholera Morbus, Ferer and Ague, Yellow Fever, Ilhrumalism. Typhoid Fever, Dy.pep.ia, Colic, llronchitla, ( oaiumptioa, Vlnu. lenry. Uleeaare of the Kidney., Nervoua Ueblllly. and Female Complalnte. Remarkable cures of the above disease, have been effected by its use, asniimernusccrtincates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it Is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT IMS NO EQUAL. Tuts thf ZIXGAIM niTTEttS HAS 80CI, AS WXLL AS BODY All) AS A PREVENTIVE or DISRASR, HAS NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WnrtDS TO LADIES. The use of tbo ZINiiARI IllTTKUS will pive to you that soft, semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It Is nature's own powder and paint combined. Ily purifying the Mood, stimulating the pigmentary celts of the dermis, and imparting healtti and life throughout the entire system, it esjiecially gives that smooth clearness and beauty lo the complexion so much to bo desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what is even better ttian this, it cures every sjarcicsof female irregularities and disease. I'nueipul Depot, HaiTishurg, Pa. RAHTER & HATJSE, Solu ritoruiETOKS. For sale by W. etinsvlvaniii. Auir'ut 3, Ifc'i" A. BENNETT, Druggist, Sunbury POLAND'S Magic Bilious Powders, T) rpHM rUKIMUATHiX intlifdiwov -rSSs',. fjynl ttM-lit-v. .1 W '..nn, Ji.int'(lv tl"1 I'twl-'t nf ihu H.ti:i. t Cliuri !i j'- ,v ill ii.lKtivi., N 11 , und n ni ni iIimiIj lifl.ivttl by Unit lit Huimii-tti n thrmiuhi-'il Ni'W Kiiiiiilfiiul IU' w:i I'limd tit vav. tin piilnt niul ytinly inttlicnie I mvc In 8 own In, iiiitt Imk Mnir l'iiwltaii tue one. nf I In must w- inlciful ilisc- viriv. i( IlintkUl tl.IK'ti. It 18 '( la I HI THE GREAT LIVE 3 AND BILIOUS REMEDY ! which completely throw" in the shaile all oilier discoveries in nieillclue ; and it adonis him lnileli (fiiuricili'li that they receive the unanimous approhatioo of aii who have tested them The Majjie llilion. Powders aic u loslllv''ni-o ri- B.iv -iiij!;iin t ! in il. most agravated form, aatt an iiiiiiictlnitc coirtetor mall tii.Eoi s db.is a n:. r : r.xeellent for IIKAfACIIK, OONBTIPATI CIlsT PIMI'M'.S, HI.OTC.M'.. A SAI.I.UW SKIX. l)lt()VSIM'.rS. Illy.INK.SS. IIKAHTUCIIN. PAI.IMTATIUN, AiiJain-'.t wotuteitiil CURB A PREVENTIVE OF FEVER A AOl'E! (WcaJvise all who aie tumbled wild this feaiHil net n ilv to always keep II c PouaIlis on liauil ready for imme diate use ) lit e nrc a few important pnitictilars: Isl The) uie the tireat fperihe I n all Lilioils Alfec- lions. J'l They are the only known rciuei'y that will cure ' Liver ('oiOilaiut. :M The) ate the outy known reua-dy that will cure C'iiMtiiatiHi. I'll. The Powders ore thoroncli in ilieir operiiti-'ti that one paekne will lie all thai the uiujoiity ol tli-'se lislnir them will requne to etleet n cure, alii. Tliey aie imlil nod n'euint yet the most c(T-e- lieil eallrirtic known. tith They ale the cheapest and tet medicine extant, j aslheycuuhe .eat hy livnl t.i any vui t ol the ejolie for the price, Su cents. CiieaJiirs, conliiiiiinc certificates, inrornmtion, Ac.,rut to any purl of the wiiltl free of charge. , Siil.DltV ALL Dlt COUNTS, or by mail uu a,.; Ilea tl 'll to i C. n CLARK CO , lilCNKaAL VUSNT. New IlilVCU, C' ltll. 'ire, all Ci nix fi' iin.r. FelffuarySt, I"fl7. ly. I.yon'M l'i'ioli'iil lsrM. THE UKKAT FE.MAI.K REMEDIKS l lllt lllKi;. CiDI.AKITIKS: I have tested lliese limps iu iu)' own (lacc, over leu years, ami ilo n-l liesilute lo iy, llut iiolluoa h.is yet heeu itevelopcl by ilieilical reMureli, thai act. to pnverl'jily, ' p -sitilety, anil hnrililestly, In case ot leiujle lire culitnly, as does this medicine. Iu all recent ease, it never tails, winle thousands who have la-en lone sulleiets, are ir.ilebl. rd lint lor Ihe lasai ol health tu (lay. Allio.Ufth a.i iwernil and positive, lliev air peifcclty liiinuless, and nuiy he usej at all tiu.es, except when spe : cially lortiulileu m tliudirectiou. Tncy have ticca extensively employed by eiliiuent phy sieiaos in France unit Knclaiid, as well n. in my own prac tice, over leu yeais, unit I have yet to hem ut the lirs infOidce ol'falluie. I could Ve you te.tttuoiiiitts ol llieu ettieaey fioui Indie, all over the. northern und western , Stale., were they not in their online private Over IHO,. . oootsittle. h ive heen sl,l ihc iuistyeni. and I hope nnd ; tiust a. many siillercts have heeu Un, titteil. I . am welt aware that a remedy i mteul to remove all oh. I mi i uclioiia, may he used foi a oad piirpose, hat trust th.it ' whele one uolile is thus used, tell ma) lall into t,c hands til rcully ueel) snlt'ei'eis. To all who aulfer from any irrpRuhhtv ; painful, ditTi : cull, excessive, offensive or ohsllueted Mrnsll billion. I.n ; currheH, or thetialn ol'dise.ises that follow, 1 would snv, tiy a Isillle ol Lvox's t'reiieli Peilat.eul Drops Itenic ( a liuul pieparallou, their aetiiul Is luoie diie.'tuiul p isl I tivetliniianvplll.nl powdel. Kxpheit dlrcctloiis, licur- IliZUiV fue.lluile, aceoinjuny each holile. j 'i'hey may he olituilled of nearly every tlruccist in the . ai d Canada. eountrv, 01 tiv inclosing the pi lee to C Ii CI. A It Iv A Ct) Auents tor the I lined Mules DR. JOHN I, LVOV. Priclieinir Ptivsieifio, Price, SI SO per llottle. New ll.u eii, Cnlui, I'cliiuary IwiT. ly THE UREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is ob 3d street, opposite the MASONIC II ALL, at BERGSTBEESSER'3 NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Hut IJttt-ly i:t;iMir,!i!-l, mUIi all tlte .vltstlcrn Ittii'uvt'iiit'ii(si r I lie Arl ! TIHE subscriber, having built the room expressly 1 for tho purnie of Photographing, und having devoted many years lo the business, is eoutident of his ahility to assure hi patron I but the work pro duced shall bo second lo none in country or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Havin the best sky light in the county, be is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day lor small children. lie is also prepared to take now siio, or eabinct card Photograph. All kind of picture copied and tnngniQcd to nny required ize und colored beautifully in Oil or Water color or India iuk. We puy special attention to all kind of out door work, such a Landscape view of Monuments, Machinery, County Keats, Ac., a largo lot of Photograph frame constantly on hand. The publio are respuutruily invited lo cull and see our specimen and our complete arrangement for making Photograph, apeoial term to iaimtio aud club. BERQSTKESSEU. Sunbury, July 15, REMEMBER THE DEAD. MESSR8. D. C. Disslnger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully auaounoe to Ibe oitien of buubury, and urrounding eountry, that having formed a co-partnership, they are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain taravekton.es. Tomb) V .lloamutuia of the best Italian and American marble, at price that cannot fad I to igive entire ati.fatlon, and ro ipeulfully tolioit the publie patronage b k u.. D'SolNUEK. A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31, lseg ly. VIKK MyrU Pomatum, at the Fancy Store of" . ANNA PAINTER. IF you vsnt rood Tin-Wart, i GKNTJKR go 10 SMITH dr I S New ebop NEW GROCERY STORE, Vr. 3. FTTPeMAlT & CO , Market Street, Six doors Bast of Third itreot, north aide, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFUL!? inform their friends anil the publie, that they havo opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to bave them ea'.l and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrae Inn everything in the Orocery line, such at Coffee. Tea, Pugnr, Syrups, Bpioeii, Canned and Dried fruit. Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Cracker, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc, together with Hemps, Canities. Hndn. Ao.. nnd in fact everything in the Orocery and Provision. Line. FLOT'R AND FEED, Quccnsttnrc, Willow-ware, O I ass wore. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Cull and sco before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 FL'RMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, ISf7. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, C.I3 ilnoAnwAV, Nbw YoflK. I -or I'aiuilit'H it ml .vluiiiil'uit iirt'i'rs. .. ,..,, . ,.- . Ihese n orld-Rcnnwned Sowing Mncliuics, wera ) awarded the highest premium at tho World s Fair in 'j"":'""' ,'.'.x. premiums) at tlio .Now ork tuiiiu rninn ini"i,niiu uru crivormeii vw uniiiyr; 1110 best work, nsitirr n niueli smaller needln lor the siimn i thread than iinv other machine, and bv tho introdiic- i linn of Iho most npjirovcd machinery, wc aro now able to supply tho very best machines in tlio world. These mnchines are made nl our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn., under tho immediate supervision ol the President of the Company, Euah Hon l;, Jr., the original iuvenlor of tho 'cv iiijj M l. chine. 'i'hey aro adapted to nil kinds of Fumilv Sewinif. nnd to ue of Seamstresses, lircss Alakers, Taylors, i Mnnuliteliii crsof Shirta. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks. Man- i tillas, Clotbiior, Hats. Cups. Corscis. Hoots. Shoos, Harness. Saddles, Linen (ioods, Umbrellas. Parasols, eto. 1 hey work equal'v well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton foods wilfi silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem. fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every r-pecie? of sewing, making a beautiful nnd perfect stitch, alike on belli sides of the nrticlcs served. The Stitch invented by Mr. II 'WE, and ma.lu on Ibis Machine, is the m'nst popular and all Sewing Mnchines are subject tu the principle invented by him. . SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The IIowo Miicliiiio tloinp.iny. ti'.i'J llroadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. V. April (1, !S!i7. .iIAVl l .& .vl.llaSCEC. Mrs. A. TWEED, In Mi- Anna Painter's Fancy tloods Store IniiKIin, Markut Square. ;t doors west ol the Post t'llice, SUNBURY, PA. r)ESPi:CTFl LI.Y informs her friends nnd the ' ii public that siie bus again opened n shop, iu I Market slruct. Sunluirv, where sho is prepared lo ! miikc to order Ladies' Dresses, in an entire new stylo. Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. Also ttenllcmeu's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. Ill, ISilT. ly Great AUraclion, at tho N E W T I N - W A E , Slicfl It-n anil pitov M ! of DLilTZ & GSlTTSSPe, here I hey keep c mslnnlly on bund nnd niaiiufae- turu to order at short notice. TIN ANti SHEET IRON-WARE nf all descriptions. They would especially call the attention of pui' chr.vis lo their I.ir'c and well selected stock of COOK AMD PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers havo made nrriineuioiits to have all their best stoves mado to order, nud those who would have a ijooti stove would do well to go and examine their laroaud well selected stock. First. They dely competition ou the following tried lirai.ds of Cook Cloves, vii : fwiiiMiiitlluii aa Ituriat'i', 4'tl.. iviTiior I'cnii-Cool., WABASH AND IRONSIDES, nnd the well known Anlidust Cu-.k Stovo called SPEAKS A.N TIL1 1 ST. Also. Parlor nnd oBiec Stoves in e;rent variety cin braeitu' all the best uitinuf ictiire and uio.t fnshi ,n. able dc.-ins, unsurpassed lor beauty ol lini,b simpli cily of airiinciiient combining cheapness, durubiliiy nud each stove warranted to perloiiu what they uie ICpl'CSCllll I, -Also, The celebrated Ualtiitirirc Fire Place Stove, for heatinj first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MoiiNINii tiLOllY. .'on! NI, Coul Oil l.:iniw, WltaticH, t'li in: it iH, initi all iiritflfM ii.iihIIv L,.,. An ...I ,: .u - p ., . ... '" J n I" "ii is'iiuiisoineiii oi litis Kin4. i'hey are nlso prepared lo furnish Slate and do slating iu the bust workmanlike mniiuer. Also, to ilo liu Riairiug. S;uting. Range and I'liiiiaccWork.lias Filling, Ac. Repairing neatly and chc piy executed. Also: I "Ctseulii'M !:i' Elwiit Mtit!fr.lors Iluile." Lei, , ember Iho place. 'auiplo und Sales Room nearly opKiitu Innly's Hardware Stoic. Ji.-irkei sireci, i.eiwecu illini lll.'J l'olirtll streets. HlilMii.g dark painted. ' August 25, Mft. ! BRICK! BRICK! BRKK ' To I lie Cili.fiiM til rn libiuy uml i it'iiiity. rpilE tindersigncd hare bought Ihe Brick-Yard X and iuiprovemciits, formerly leased nnd worked by A. B. Stevens, and havo made additional im provements, and are now prepared to mako contract lo manufacture and deliver BRICK in largo quan tities, lor building and other purpose. By the manufacture of a good article, and prompt attention to business, we hone to receive a share of publie pntronago. Orders left at tho Brick-Yard, or Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, will be promptly attended tu. T. HIMESACO. Sunbury, May Id, 1S(I7 Bin BfiKJIIlILiVSSSIBMa Are especially invited to call und examine our stock of LTILliER'S HARDWARE, comprising Null and Spikes of all variolic. Butt, Screws, Strap and T Hiuges, Locks and Latches, Bolt. Plus, teriug Trowels, Brick Trowel, Plasterer' Sieves, Ac, Ac, for ule by J- H. CONLEY A CO. Coachmakers, WE are selling Rim, Spoke, Huh, Springs, Canvas, Bolt, Clips, Axle, Ac., very low Large Stock ut . , CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, Mareb 30, 1M7. SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Borough of Sunbury, for Sale on reasonable terms. Apply to Hr. R. II. AWL and, SOL. BROSIOl S. - ... ...... Suubury, Pa. vr i-. n . r-iir.,vrr.ti, j'uiisvitle, Fa. Not. 24, lMid THE following person are entitled to receive an increase of Bounty under the Aot of Vongrea plumed July 18116, to equalise Bountiet. 1st All soldier who enlisted after the 10th day of April, 1861, (or 3 year, and aerved their time of enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and hare received or are entitled to receive Bounty of f 100, are en till. 1 an additional Bounty ef ftUO. Sd All uch loldlen who entitled for I year, and have been honorably discharged on account of wound received in the line of duty, are entitled to an additional Bounty of IOO. Sd The Widow, Minor Children, or Parent of tuck eoldier who died in the aerviee of wound or disease, are entitled to an additional bounty of (,1M. BwannUeailoato 8. P. WOLVERTON. Em., of gvaauar, Pennsylvania, who to an antboriaed Claim Agent, all such claim oan nespeeauy collected buubury, Au.ut 4, 18 If i .5 Philadelphia Sc. Urle ICui'.road. WINTKRiMK?'ii)L. Through and direct route between Philadelphia, Ualtlmore, Hnrrisburg, Williamsport, and the Uieat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEOANT SLEEPISa 0AR3 on all Sight Train On and after Monday. Oot. 14th, 1R67, the TraS on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run s, follow : WasTWAnp. Mail Train leave Philadelphia, 11 IS p m " " Sunbury, 6 &0 a in " . Erie. S46pm Erie Fxpree leaves Philadelphia. 12 Oil noon ' " Pnnbnry 8 S5 p ra ' arratErie 46 a in Elinira Mail leave Philadelphia, H ut) a m ' " " Sunbury 4.1.'ipm " " arrive at Lock Haven, 7.4i p m KAfTWABP. Mail Train lcate Erie 10 40am " " Sunbury, 1 -3tl a m " 11 arr. at Philadelphia, 8. to a in Erie Express leaves Erie 4.2.'i p ra " " ' Sunbury S.41) a ui " " arr. at Philadelphia, 1.00 p m Elmirn Mail leave Lock Haven, 7.10 a m " " Sunbury, 10.25 am " " arr. at Philadelphia, 0.10 p to Mail and Express connect with all trains on War ren V Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil, adclphia at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvineton at U.4ua m nnd Oil City at 0 SO a ra. t Leaving Philadelphia at? 00 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 S6 p m. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make eloso connections at Oil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. HAOUAGE CHECK Ei' THROUUH. ALFRED L. TYLER, (iencral Supcrintindnut ."rlln-i-ii Central ItaiUvfij. WINTER TIME SCHEDULE. Through and Direct Routo lo nnd from Washington Iialtiuiore, Erie. Elmirn, BoPalo, Rochester, and Niagara Fails. FOUR TRAINS DAILY from and three to Wash ington and Baltimore and THREE TRAINS DAI LY to tno North and foin nnd West lirrtjich Susquo- hnnnn, and liorLhern and Wtstoru Pennsylvania nud jcw -ori N ,, RfteI. MONDAY, OCTORER 14th. 1W, J tn0 Tniill, of ,ie Korthern Coutrul Railway w 1 1 run ftJ follows NORTHWARD. Mull Train leaves Baltimore B.2C'atn Harrisbur)?, 1.20 p n?. Williamsport, 6 55 p arr at Elmira, 11 05 p ni leaves llnltimore 12.10 pm " Harrisburg, 4.20 am UnBalo Express " r.lnuru. ii m a m arr. Canandaigun, 3.40 p m leaves Baltimore, 12.10 pin Harrisburg, 4 2') p in Fust Line, arr. illiamsport, o,j p m Erie IMS a m ht Accom. leaves BaUimore, 7 00 p in Ni Hnrrisburg, 3.15 a ta S'illiam-port, H. 10 a in air nt Erie. H 45 a m York and Harrisa j leuves Yoik. A. 20 a m burg Accom. ) arr. Harrisbur; & 05 a m SOC 1 Jl A It II . leaves Elmira 4.65 a nf " Willinnisport, U 40 a m ' " Harrisburir, 1 40 p m i Mail Train, I arr. at Baltimore, o 10 p ui leaves Ciinandaigua, 4. UU p ni P.uOalu Exprei-s l-.lunrn, t itj p u. u Williaiusprol, 11.45 pm (t Harrisbuig. 4.ii5 u m urr. at Haiti more, K 15 t ui Fast Line leaves Willinui.-qjort, ;t.J0 p ni llirrisburg, S.15 n m ai r at Baltinu re. II . SO p m York and Harris- f leaves llnrrisburg, 6.15 p m bur Accom. arr. York, 0.50 p m Mini Train north aud south. Fast Line north, an 1 York and llarrisburg Accommodation north and south run daily except Sunday. Butl'ulo Express north nud Fast Line south, run daily ; nnd Buffalo Express south runs daily except Monday. Nii)t Accommodation north arrives daily except Saturday. For further infoimatlon applv nt tho Ticket Ofco in tho Pennsylvania Railroad liepot. I. N. HlUARRY (ion. Supt SsflitliiiK' Ksiiti'OiKt . S U M M E R A R R A N HEME N I April 8th, 1367. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North arid North-West for Philadelphia, New York. Head ing, Pottsville. Tainaqoa. Aihli.n-.t. Lel..;ii:on. AUt , toisn. Eastou, Ephratn. l.iii, L.-iiiCiiste-r, Coliinibi.-., Ac Ac. Trains leave Ifurrisburi; for Nen-Yoik. M lo'. lows : At 3.00. H.IO and V.Zj A. M. nnd 2 111 and J.O'l P. M. connecting with similar Trains on tho I'eni:- yhiiiiiii Railroad, and ari iiiunl New York at 5. do and 10.10 A. M. and 4 10, 5 20 mil III 25 1'. .M Sleeping Curs accouipnuving the 3.00 A.M. uu i a. op I P. M. irains. without chniiu. Leave Jfrrifburg for Rea iinv. Pottsville, Tuitn qua. Miners, jlle, Ashlaiid. Pino drove. Allcntnau and Philadclpbiil ut S.lfl A.M. and 2 !0 and 4lo I P. M.. stopping nt J...banon nnd principal way , siatinr.s ; iho 4.10 p in. mnni'ig connections fur j Philadelphia an 1 Columbia only. i-ir Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, tin .Schuylkill and I Susquehanna Railroad, lcavu Hurrisburg at .'I.2U p. m ! Returning Leave New York at 9 "U a. in., 12 "! j Noon aud 5 (10 mi l S.t'O p. m.; I'biiudvlpliia at a. ut. and .o0 ). m. Way Ia!,.-oiiger Train leave Pl.iliidelpbiii at 7.30 a. in..' returning from Rending 1 nt t.itv p. iu. stopping at ull Stations ; Potisvillo ut 1 S.45 a. in. and 3.JJ p. tu.; Ashland ti tut aud 1 1 .3d a iu. aud 1.0 j p.m.; T:.iii:i qui; at 1) 45 a m. and l v and 6 '.! p. IP 1 Leuvo Pottsville for Hnrrislurg i ? Scbn;'-.iranJ ! ti'itieh.iiiiia Pnili'citl at 7 ofi a. in. Reading A.'cuimi.odiilioii Train !e'ive:i licu.V.ax rt 7. 3d A. M. returning from Philadelphia (,' ii.iri P. M. ' Columbia Railroad Train leave lending at 7 00 A. M., and O la P. il. f.r Ephruta. Litii. Laneas ter. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave New York .it S uO p m.. rhilu dclphia tj.llli A. M.. and 3.15 P M. the H tm a in. train running only to Reading. Potisvillo 800 u ui . llariisburg. U : a in, and Reading at 1 .20 and 7.20 in, fur HarrMiui'g. ai.d 1 1 22 a. in. f.r New Yum . r j.i-. . . i.T-. , , I " .,n. ': l"r K ".""l"1 1 Commulaiion, Mileage. So Season, School nnd Ex- cursion Ticket. at reiiiicvd rates to and from all points. Luggage chocked through : fco Pouud.- Li ggago u.1 lowed each Passenger. O. A. Nrcm.i.s. tleiierul Superintendent Reading, Pu , April 8, 1N07. I.iK l.liMiiitiin V Sttr ritli tu j; ifui I'Oittl. OX and after Jan will run iu follows : 1st, 1(17, Pamengor Trai.i SOUTHWARD ; Leave Scranton, A. M A M. '. 51. 7 10 b 20 P M 4 40 ti till 17 H 50 10 u 5 20 rtuo 3j 5.50 0.55 & 20 io oo 11.20 Kingston, Rupert, Danville, North d , V.St 10 35 NORTHWARD 7.00 7.40 H 15 A.M. Arr Leave North d., " Danville, ' Rupert, " Kingston, P M 10.50 8 30 2 Jit 0 Oi Arr. at Scruntun. 12 00 8 c5 4.00 III 15 Train leavi.ie Kimrslnn at 8 :tn M. for Scran- ion, connect witn lrnin arriving at New Yorkati.lW. a!!nr.cn' """"S I'am bouth from Sorintou at T..6!; ..' vm Northumberland, reach HnrrUburg U M P. M.. Bulliinoro 5 30 P. M., Washington 10.. OU P. M. vm Rupert reach Philadelphia at 70 p m ... . , 11. A. FONDA.up l. Kingston. Jan. 10, 1R,'i7. I liuu CAtiES, 11 different kinds. Ir . .. . .. - J good and cheap Bird Cages, gn to CON LEY A CO '3 AKi-ieulluriil EiupIt'iiieuiK, HOE'S Uriiin Rakes, Sioel and Iron Oar.lcn Rakes, Long and 1) Handle Spa.ie. Shovels. Mnnuro and Hay Forks. Orass and Grain Scythe, Urain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace. Breast, Tongue an I Log Chains, tlriiid-siones, Faiming Mill Seives of all ries and kinds, a large assortment of Red It agon Humes, for Plowing, Farm Bull. Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. jj. COXLEY A CO. IRON. A large assortment of the best manufac tured Burs. Hoop Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods. Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vice, Hammers, Sledges, Rasi aid File, at COXLEY A CO S. 1'uiiila, OiU At'. A full itoek of Oil eomprisiug Linseed Oil, Co Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil fur Engine an Machinery, Vurnishe, Ulaw, always on haud. at lew pricesat CONLEY A C0'8 TiOR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bitls, Buck J? lo, Uig Tree, Pad Tree, ilane, all kind and very thing pertaining to the business, for sale by J. H. CONLEY A CO. F H OT 0 0 R A? H ALBUMS BOOKS AKD STATIONERY. Monthly Time Book, Drawing Book and Slate: Book, Hymn Rook, Blank Book, Memorandum Beokl, Diarlo, Pocket Book, ink Ktanibi, Pen, Pencil, au adrortmeat of Paper, ink, Ae. For aal by AN A' A PAINTER CIALL and oe those beauUful BJ tS0 ' tD i new Hardware sioio of 1 H. CONLEY 4 CO