CI)c unbutg American. "f SATURDAY, NOVEMBEnloTr8of. ora Affairs. We learn that Messrs. Wiley ft Criswoll aro Iho sub-contractors to In; the ilia and rails on tho whole of tho Dnnvlllo, Hazloton and Wllkesbarro Railroad. At W. A. Bonnett's Drug Store you oan gol tlio very best quality of Spiocs of all kinds. Croam Tar tar, Baking 8ml a, Herbs, Flavoring Extracts, Ac. Cn anok or Time. The Erie mail train, which usually reached here at 1.30 A. M., now arrives at 2 A. M., or about a half an hour Inter. The now arrangement went into effect on Monday Inst. Ehkakeh Birxed. On Wednesday night of last week tho Coal Mountain Coal Co.'a Breaker, near Mt. Carmcl, was bumed to the ground. It is sup posed to have been tho work of incendiaries. Thcro was but a small insurance on tho property. TnAXKsmviNo Thursday Inst wns observed' throughout the State as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. Business In Sunbury was almost entirely suspended, all tho stores being closed. Of course t ho usual number of turkeys wcro slaughtered on the occasion. ScrEKion Gold Pens. Lightncr, the Bookseller nnd Stationer, has received a lot of the celebrated Foley Gold Pons and Holders. They are generally used by Express Companies, Hankers, and promi nent business nicn, in I reference to all others. I.ighlncr sells them very cheap. Call nnd soo them. Rev. J. 11. Roimensnydcr, of the Lutheran church, at Lowistown, has received a call from St. Luke's jbtirch, in Fourth strcot, Philadelphia. The reverend gentlcmnn is a son of our worthy Prothonotary, J. J. Itcimensnydcr, Eeq., of this place. Tub Pkak Family Bkli. Rise; mis gave an enlcr t tninmcnt nt the Masonic Hull, in this place, on Mn Uny evening last. The house was crowded, and the music gnvo gonernl satisfaction. This eclebrnted family consists of Mr. nnd Mrs. Peak, Miss Lirzota aud Eddie l'calc, besides several gentlemen of tulcnt and reputation. Sale or Real Estate. Recently, Mr. John Marklc, administrator of the estate of Thomas Rob bins, deceased, late of this place, sold a house nnd lot on Mnrket street, nearly opposito the (!a:ettt office, belonging to tho estate, to Mr. Shannon, for ?2700. Tho property was formerly occupiod by the deceased as n residence. The Kew ork I'ANtns. X. V. Lightncr, the enterprising liookscllor and Stationer, has made ar rangements by which bo can receive tho New York daily papers at 6.5A V. M., every day. On and after Monday next he will be ready to deliver tlirin to his subscribers at reasonable rales. Tho Phila- ' delphia papers will bo received as usual nH.lOP M. The Mittuniaa uys tfcnt on Tuesday morning of last week tho river between Uio upper island and tho eastern slioro, at that place, was frosen over. This is the only instance or tho kind at this season of tho year in the memory of the "oldest inhabitant." Jn Wednesday morning the ieo was strong enough to bear the weight of a good aixed hoy. Skating on the river before Thanksgiving is an unusual cveut. Tun (mod Tomplara' 1'istrict Convention, which was held in Milton on Wednesday ami Thursday, t 13th and M;h inst., was well ntlcnded nnd proved a v ery pleasant occasion to those participating. Rev. Father Hunt lectured to largo audiences in the M. ii Chun h on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, nnd Mr. Edward Rnuch, of Reading, gave a short but stirring address on the latter evening. - UoBat:ur. The merchant tailor thop of Mr. J. 0. ?!eck, on Fourth Street, in this place, wns entered n Wednesday night last, by means ofskeloton keys, and about three hundred dollars worth of eu'sitners nnd oilier goods stolen. The skeleton key used was found near the building the neit morning. One fine j over coat una takun, which has the name of the owner, "Mr John A. Kcifler," atitched in tho hack lining. We learn that a libornl reward is offered for tho detection of the thieves. Flue. A burn aud wagon house, belonging to -lonnlhaa Schneider, of Washington township, this county, were destroyed by fire on tho evening of tho l'Jth inst. Tho fire was caused by a little boy play ing with matches in the barnyard, setting fire to a straw stack communicating with the barn aedshed. The loss is about $3.1100, on which thcro is an insu- j rancc of $2,000 in the Farmers' Mutual Insurance j Company, of Danville, Pa. - Cmncu IurnovKMiiXT Tho Methodist Church nt Northumberland has lately undergono considera ble repairing. Tbe building, inside and outside, has been paiutcd, and new carpets and matting laid, i hey have also purchased a now cabinet organ and put dowu a new pavement around tho property. This hae been done at au expense of $1,300. It peaks well for tho liberality and prosperity of Mo iliodiini in that place. Orncr. Rexoveii. Mr. Jacob Sbipinnn, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Agent, has removed his office to Vm. J. Wolvcrlon's law office, two doors east of Lyon t Bro.'s store, Market street. All persons desiring to transact business with him, or ob tain information relative toinsuranco, will find him at bis new location from 8 to 10 A. M , 11 to 3 P. 11 , and 7 to t) P. M. Tboso wanting insurance will fiud it to their advantage to take risks in Ihe old nnd well established companies which he represents. Mr. Shipmnn is nn attentive and reliable agent, nnd wo can safely recommend him to the public. AcruiKNT. A sad acoident occurred on Saturday night last, at Milton, by which a man named Vi'm A. Mackey, who resides in this place, was seriously if not fatally injured. Mr. Mackey was conductor of u freight train, and whilo in the act of coupling cars at tho Cattawissa junction, had his bond caught between the bumpers and terribly crushed. A por tion of bis skull, immediately above tho right ear, was taken from the wound. He is at present lying at the house of Mr. Elias Brosious, in this pioco, with whom be has been boarding for the past year or two. But faint hopes are entertained of his recov ery. He is from Maryland, and has been employed .M iho l'bila. and Erie Railroad for some time. Saving Ffsn. At the Annual meeting of the Shamokin Saving Fund Association, on Monday night, 13th inst., the following persons were elected officers for the ensuing term : President R- B. Douty. Vice President W. R. Kuliuer. Treasurer Wm. II. Douly. Directors M. Ernes, R. A. Ammcrman, Owen M. Fowler, John Shipp, Withington Lake. Tho Association has been very successful in its working during the first two years just closed. The net earnings reach the handsome sum of $8,824 92, which, divided among the free shares, make a pre mium on each of $1 33. This is certainly a good two years' interest on twenty four dollars, tho amount paid on each free share up to October 1st, 167 m - Tka it ehu' Distru t IasTiTt'Ti. ine several teachers oi the eoromon schools of Sunbury sad Nor thumberland met in tha NorUi-East ward school Lous, iu this plaoe, on Saturday, the 23d ult., to views upon tbe mode of teaching- the aevrrul branches Uught ta otsnon schools, and to tipi w 'heir different ideas upon school govern ment, Ac. S. V. Haupt was chosen temporary President; i C. Welker, Seeretrj; Iisa lirioe, Cor. Secretary; aud Mr. Uosslcr, Treasurer. Mr. Miller, Mr. Welker and Miss Brioe were appointed a couiuiiliee to draft a constitution and by-laws, and to report the same at neit regular meetirg, wuieh is U, be held in same plseaon 6aturdy, Dee. lth, at J o'clock. P. M. The teachers of the neighborins di.irieu. and Ihe friends of education sr re.r,"'''ll.v Inviitd in nfctend Bcmonr, The editor of the Danville Intelli genier reoently paid our town a visit, and thus speaks of It in the last Issue of his paper : , 'While stopping for a few hours irl Snnbury, a few days since, we embraced the oooasion to take a stroll through the town and examlno its most stri king features. , Sunbury is an anolent settlement. It was, we believe, laid out under the direetion of the Ponn family,' under Ihe Proprietory grant, as one of the "Manor towns." It is finely situntcd, Just below the confluence of tho North and West branches of the Susquehanna, and at the outlet of the Shamokin valley. So finely situated, the place should havo incroased rapidly lu sise and popula tion. But It failed to keep pace with its sistor towns, if we except tho "ancient scat of Northum berland." In fact fur many years the town soenied to bare a ehronio disposition to stand still, if not to retrograde. But sinoe the opening of tho Northern Central Railroad, and the opening of the coal fields in the Shamokin valley, it has received an Impetus that Issuro, In tho future, to make Sunbury ono of tho most prosperous towns lu tho interior of tho Stato. At the present tiuio it noeds considerable shaping up te como under tho name of a handsome place, or make it very attractive in appearance. It is spread over too much territory, giving it a strag gling look; und tho main strcot or commons, face tiously, no doubt, dubbed by the residents a "square,'' is so wide that it dwarfs, in appcaranco, tho houses built on cither side of It. If this spaoo was fenced in and laid out in grass plots and planted with shrubbery it would not only beautify the locality but do away that dwarfish appcaranco of the bouses alluded to. Among other Improvements we noticed a now Hall, built by tho Masonic f-aternity ; also a splendid looking building erected nt nn out of the way place near the river, to bo used both as a bank and as a place of residence of tho President of the institution. We did not havo access to tho interior of this building, but Judging from the exterior, it must be elaborately finished. This building, for beauty of outline, architectural proportion, nnd cha'to ornamentation, we think, cannot well be sur passed. Hut that which principally attracts the eye of the stranger is tho new Court House. This mas sive slruOluro faces Morkot Square, and is of impo sing appearance when viewed from the front, or with tho eye directed toward the north west unglo. The county offices are located in the basement of the building, and ulongside of them are roomy lire proof chambers, wherein aro securely kept tho Public Records. Above these is the Court room, of ample dimension, with a lofty coiling. The Judges Bench is surmounted with a crimson canopy and tho upper pnrt of tho windows are draped with the same kind of material as that which hangs over the Judges' Beat. Tho Bar have plenty of room for their accom modation, whilo tho lobby nnd gallery aro of suffi cient capacity to soat any ordinary number of per sons that may attend Court. About tho tiuio this Court House was being built, wo frequently heard denunciation irom Iho tax payers of that county, nt tho usclessness of building u new Court llouso. Now that it is built, but few enn bo found who would bo willing to exchnngo it for the old one, even though it might possibly put a few dollars in tiicir pockets. ' There arc other features about Sunbury worthy ; of mention, particularly that part called "Cako's Addition," where the Phila. A Erie It. R. Co. have built their shops. Wo had not the time to pay it a ! visit." j - Tiik Exited States Mails. Tho Post Master General advertises that proposals will bo received ' at the Contract Office of tho Post Office Department. ', until Wednesday, March 4th, 109, for convoying the mails of tho United States from July 1st, IrtM, j to Juno .".nth, 1S72. Tho following aro routes, in I this county : 2f).".0. l'roui Uerndon, by Klingerstown, Hough and Ready, and Hepler, to I'ppcr Mahantougo. 23 miles aud back, once a week. 20W. From Sunbury to Augusta, 5 miles and back, tivko a week. 2041. Froti lloiudon, by Mahanoy. Rebuilt s, Green Brier. Lin! Mountain, I'pper Mahantougo, Barry, and Iluglwrs. tu Miners villc, .7.1 miles nud back, twice a week. 2042. From I'axinns, by Hear Gap nnd Llysburg, to Union Corner.?, 12.i UKlcs and back, three times n week. 204.1. From Milrus hi Limcsioneville, C miles and Lack, three tiw-s a week SOiL Front Watsoiitnwn, by Mcliwcnsvillc, Turhutvillo, 0 miles and bock, six times a week. 204i. From Dewart, by Slifer and Alvira, Klinsport, Smiles nnd back, six times a week to, Slifer. and twiee a week the residue. 2040. From Northumberland, by Wiuticld, to New Berlin. 11 miles und back, six times a week. i 2047. From Herndon to Trevorton, I J miles and back, six times a week. Proposals will also bo ro- j ccived for railroad service on this route six limes a : week and buck, by a schedule satisfactory to the j Department. t 2U4S. From Dalmalia. by Hickory Corners, to i Pillow, 6j miles aud back, once a week. ! 2049. From Milton, by West Milton, to New Co- ! lumbia, 24 miles and back, six times a week. 2050. From Danville, by Hushtown nnd Kline's drove, to Snydcrtown, 12 miles nnd back, once a week. - - - "Souk Prxiass." A few days since we. were shown a pumpkin, raised on tho farm of Mr. Joseph Lower, in tho lower end of this county, which, for sire, we think, ean beat anvthii.ff of the kind rve, ... imM iu una v. ui.jr m niu uojuiiiin couo.ius. 11. measured & fact lit incites iu circumference, and weighed liO pounds. It is of tho variety known as the barrel pumpkin. During the present week this mammoth vegetable was on exhibition at derring er's (iroecry Store, and attracted considerable at tention. Tiik Wabiiixotos Licraiiv Covi'ANV, of Phila delphia, is established in the confidence and affec tions of the people. The reason is obvious. Tbe design is worthy, and creditable to the patriotic hearts who aro laboring to benefit a too much neg lected class. 1 he funds co into responsible hands, I and the public have no fours that they will be mis directed, llio pian aaoiucn sausnes me scruples oi the most conscientious, und has the endorsement of ; eminent legal authority. Il U by its distinctive1 leatures entirely removed irom mo mini oi caicn- . nennv schemes which have so often been the means of imposing on the publio. It gives to purchasers ; of stock a lull equivalent lor tbe consideration paid, besides equal and impartial participation in a great distribution of presents, worth in tho aggregate $300,006. All its transactions are open aud above board. II has no concealments, and the reputation of the managers is such that they cannot afford to he dishonest in this transaction. Meed advertisement. BUSINESS NOTICES. Watch ks, Jewelry, Ae., suitable for Holiday Pre sent, advertised by I. K. Stauffer. Read Card. Tiik First Sxow. We have had the first snow of the season, and it was welcomed with all the zest that new things give us, but like most other things it loses its attractions when we get too much of it. The only new thing that we know of at present that has not lost its attractiveness is J.O. Beck's Mer chant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury. 'It has tbe continual freshness of novelty always about il. A servant, newly engaged, presented to his mas ter, one evening, a pair of boots, the leg of one of which was much longer than the other. "How comes it, you rascal, that those boots are not of the same length?'' 'I really don't know, sir; but what bothers me most is that tho pair down stairs is in the same fix." Miller, of the Excelsior Boot A Shoe Store, Market Square, sells boots and shoes of all styles and sites, eheap for eask. 'Oncb i'OB All." Now is the time to seoure Winter Clothing, of the best quality, at reduced prioes. At the Continental Clothing Baxaar, on Market Square, they are now selling ClolhUg at prioes that will astound persons who bought in the early part af the fall. It eojts nothing to look at the goods and prices at the Continental. ac ii PnoTooRirav. We would oall the attention of our citiiens to the beautiful piotures taken by ilr, 8. Dyerly, in Simpson's building, Market street. Mr. B is prepared to furnish Photographs, Ambro- lypes, .,' In all styles and sises. Wa advise all who detiie to havs a-gona pioture to pay Mr. Jlyerly a visit It Is a great pleasure, when buying goods, to have a flno assortment to soleot from. Tbaeher's First National Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, In Pleasants' building, Market Square, presents this ad vantage, and, combined with reasonable prices, makes an in ducement to purchasers unequalled here or else where. Tho publio are oordially invited to oall and soe the large stock reooired at his establishment, this week. Harry la a reliable and obliging person to deal with, Wixtrt. The weather has changed with a ven geanoo, during the past week. The nights aro ex ceedingly chilly. We notice that a great many overcoats have been brought into requisition sinoe the advent of the "oold snip." We would recom mend every one to go lo J. F. Shacfi'or's Tailoring Establishment, on llarkot Squaro, and proeuro an outfit fur tho cold season. He has clothing suitabto for Winter wear of all kinds. lr there be a circumstance in social life ealcula ted to inuke a man "hido his diminished head, it j is the discovery that some one has walked off with his hat, and left one several sizes too large There is no need, in Sunbury, of haviug a Hat or Cap too large or too small, for Faust, at his fnshionablo es tablishment, has all sorts and sizes, suitablo for every ono, nnd the apropos kind to hido tho delects of any bead. Ho la also supplied with superior Umbrellas. M A H R I A O E B. On tho 21st inst.. by Rev. Wm. A. Haas, Mr. Ai. iiert Keiker and Miss pAi.Li.vii Lekcii, both of JOivcr Augusta. On tho 21st inst., by Rev. Dr. Watson. Mr. Wn,- ! I.l AX II Ilnni.E. to Miss JosieriiiKK A., daughter of tho late Rev. Frederick RuthrnrtfT, dee d., nil of I Milton. DEATHS. On Sunday evening last, GEORGE ADAMS, son of Samuel Adams, deceased, aged about 6 years. NIJ.llt ICV NAUItiri'M. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do da do per ewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do perewt. Wheat, prime rod, new. per bushel. Rye, do Corn, new. do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Poaches, pared per pound flo do unpared do Dried Annies, do $12 (10 6 (Ml I 10 00 ! 8 (10 I ) 1 (10 (lu 1 2 a 40 2i l: : no 40 .10 23 20 Dried Cherries, (unstoned.l per bu. Butter, per pound, l-gg?. Cheese, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, from ' Mutton, Chickens, per, pur pound, do do do do do do per pair Mlinmokiii 'nl 'I'rn.Ic. Simmokik, Nov. 2i, 1S67. Tain. Cfl. .vent Tor week ending Nov. 2 ., Per last report, 10 4'J.iSO 01 410.fitr, 00 iH.78.i ia To samo time last year, Decrease. 77.1.'!7 l.'t Sprdrtl Notices Wtiv RtrrKK from Dyspepsia, when so potent, so i safe, and so certain a remedy cun bo procured so I easily. Coo's Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect specific j for the disease. A single dose will demonstrate this fact. Let those who arc troubled with Dyspep.i.i, I Indigestion, Constipation. Ac., make but one trial. Dp.afnes, Ri.ixuxkss and Catauiiii treated : with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oeul 1 iat nnd Auri.-I, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. i S05 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from ' tho most reliable sources in city and country can bo ! seen nt bis oflice. The Medical facully are invited to nccomf any their patients, ns he has no secrets in ! his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with- I out pain. No cbargo for examination. nov.;!0-)y. j WISTAH-S BALSAMOE'VIinj I CHER11Y, For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, A-thlna. Intluen:a, Croup, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis, o ' Predisposition to Consumption, Ac, Ae. This great remedy is too well known nud is pcr to i forminis too much pond to make it neecssarv lo ro into nn elaljoralo discusiiiou of its uiorits. Suffice to say that it still maintains its supremacy in curing diseases of the most obstinate character, and thai all who suffer from tho above complaints, after haviug tested this remedy, seldom have occasion to resort to other appliances to insure a perfect rcslor.itiou lo health. TESTIMONY OF MK. SHAW. Wkst WiNFiKLn, X. Y., Dec. 10, ISt'ifl. Messrs. S. W. Fowi.a A Son, Huston, (: During the winter of 1Sj8 I was very luiu-h out of ln-ul 111, atllicled with a severe C'tittt, Vain itt the Fid unit Lung, and a gene ral depression of health to such an extent as greatly to alarm myself and friends as to the result. Du ring this time I tried several highly recommended remedies, with little or no good result, and had con cluded to try tho effect of a Southern climate ujon my health; hut, before carrying this resolution into effect. 1 was induced by thu urgent solicitation of your agent. Mr. HuntU-y. to givo Dr. Wistar's Hai ku iu nf Wild Chcrrv atrial. 1 did so, and to my I Jy "" nnuiea ate anu pernianem reuei v nt relief bv tuo use ot only one bottle and I am now in ns good nealtn as ever. I believe your Iialsain one of the I nest remedies, lor Cougns, Lotus, nnu all Lung uis- eases, now iu uso, nud conscientiously recommcud it i us such. ! Yours, truly, SHAW. I Prepared by SF.TIl' W. FOWLK A SON, 18 Tro ! lnontSt., lioston. and for sale by Druggists gene- rally Nov. la-It i llF.uiuoUVS FLUID KXTIl.VCT Is a certain cure foi diseases of Hie II I ... DDI : It , KIDNEYS, (iltAVI'.L, DKOPSV, (Jit UAN1C W EAKNESS. FEMALE COMPLAINT.-", liENEK AL DEBILITY, and atl diseases of the CRINARY OROAN'S, wiielhcj existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LOM5 STANDING. Diseases of these mentis require Ihe use of a diuretir. If no treatment la aoluiutted to, Coiisuiapliou or Insan ity may ensue. Our r lesu aim Wood ale suppoite.1 Irom these sources, an.l tlie HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that f Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. iIELMHOCD'S EXTRACT BL'CIII', Established upwards of 19 years, prepared by ii. 'i'. iii:isMnoi.i, DRCOUIST, 5U4 Uroadwsy, New York, and im Ijoulh lutu Street, 1'lulailelplun, Pa. March 2, A Positive Cure for Scrofula', IN ALL ITS U'ANirOLD fOIIXS. J. W. Hornor, Esq., of Parkershurg, West Ya , writes to Dr. Anders, July 3, 1666, as follows : "1 bad 37 It i? I leers when I eonuueuuel taking your Iodine Water, and am now entirely cured ot Scrofula." iuui.r, nAitit is a pure solution of Iodine, without a solvent, the most powerful Vitalising Agent und Restorative known. Circulars free. J. P. Dl.NS.MOHE, Proprietor, St Dey St., X. Y. Sold by all Druggists. Nov. 16-4t THE HEALING POOL. And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, forToung Men, on the crime of Solitude, and the Errors. Abu se and Diseases which destroy the uianlv ihjwcis. aud create impediments to Marriage, with sure means of relief. Kent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address DR. J. SKILL1N HULllllTUN, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Junab, IS67 ly I sas'orsaaHS. loss. Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriunt growtn oi natr ujxtn a oaiu ncaa or beardles taue. ilso a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Dloicho. Eruptions, eto on the skin, leavinz the same soft. oleor, and beautiful, ean be obtained without charge by addressiug TUOS. F. CHAPMAN, ChemUt, may IS. '6h B23 Uroadwsy, Vow York. HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BtTCIIU end lmn7oved Rose Wash cures secret and debaaie dwosdera in all tlieif staf es, at bills aapease, lulls or no change in slit, no in convenience and no expoauie. It is pleasant in laate end rslor, immediate lu its anion, ni l:ee iim an lieu. lions properties. piliv'' y NE TKICE CLOTniNO JONGS' OLD ESTABLISHED o.m: l'icici: CLOTHING HOUSE, t M a r li s t Street, One dnor nbovo Sixth, Philadelphia. For many yenrs this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys.cin, and we believe we aro tho only Clothing llouso in the city that striotly adheres to this principle. Wo have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, fur good taste iu seleot good styles and substantial iniiloriuls, and not less important, for having all our goods, B-:V'I'i:.l V 1,1.1, SLtDE, We employ the beat talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes ean bo suited. 'J ho prices are tho very lowest, as any oue by a moment s thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet tho competition of our neighbors, for ns no deductions aro ever made, wo must put our prices down to the advantages wo Tho peoplo may depend, this is tho Irue plan upon which to do business, ami maiiva dollar cau bo saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in inimi ONE PllIOE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 Market Mrreot, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but ono door nbovo Sixth. March 2.1, 117. y Ayer'a Pills. A RK vou sick, leeble and complaining f Aru you out of order your system deranged and your feelings uncomfor table ' These symptoms aro ol'len tho precursors tfof serious illness. Some lit of skdeness is creeping upon you. ami should be averted by u timely use of tho riirht remcdv. Take Ayer s rills, and drive out tho humors purify the blood, nnTlet the fluids mnveun unobstructedly, in health. They stimulate tho organs of tbe body into vigorous activity, purify tho system from tho obstructions which innku disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and deranges the nnluial operations of that part. This, if not relieved, will react upon itself nnd the wurrounding organs, pro- dueiiiK general niri!iavution. su fieri in nnd (leiaiiKe incnt. While in this condition, lake Aycr's Pills, and seo how directly they restore tho naiural action of the system, and with it tho buovant feeling of health. What is true and so up, are'ut in this trivial nnd common complaii.t is also ue in many of tho . . .... ' ! deep scaled and danerousdiseasee. The same pur- gntivo expels them. Caused by similar obstructions ( and derangement, they are surely, aud mnny of j , thcui rapidly, cured by tbe same means. None who i ; know the virtue of these Tills will neglect to em- i 1 ploy them when snft'ering from the disorders they j cure, such as llcada.die. Foul Stomach, Dysentery, ! . Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Derangement of the j ; Liver, t'oiivcness. Constipation, Heartburn, Rhou ; matisui. Dropsy, M'urms, and Suppression, when ta ' ken in large doses. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive I can lake them easily, and they aro surely the best I purgative medicine yet discovered. Ayer's Ajne Ouro, ' l'r liit sycriy awl rrrtuiit Cure nf ttitrmtttciit j Vfvr. nr Chills and I'tt-ir, lUnilt'nit Vrr-, I (.'it i'rrrr, Dtnitlt Agttr, Vmmticnl liadarif , nr litlttii' lltuit"rhr, tint Jitlivlta -m,f ; iw '. tut' the ir'of flu. oj tltxtfttis vrigiitatl uif '. i it hititiry truiiizi ttr fl . raittct i.y ttc muliirm ti' iiti'iMtitrtir coittitrit s. i This remedy bus rarely failed lo cure the severest j cases of CuiHs and Pcvcr. and it has this jsr.-nt a.l ; lanugo over other Ague medicines, that it subdues the complaint without, injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or otln-r deleterious substance. , nor docs it produce quinism or nny injurious ei'.ei-t whatever. Slinking brothers of tho army and tbe west, try it ami vou Hill endorse these assertions, i Prepare ! by "DR. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell. ' Mass., and sold by nil Druggists and dealers in ined ; icino everywhere. (jt. i-'o.-M ' III'.I.M HOLD'S) CONCHA Til ATI U EXTRACT" : uircnr ! Id t!:c iiieal Diun'iic. llihnlnthr I "nitfi -itlvatftl Kxtrticl. Uttrtyiriil't j Is Hie liteat Itl.snl Purifier. M.ali ntc picpard a'.oi(tti:!T to r'js if IMt.irni.iry and I'lit.mislrv, neit aie Ilie inonactive enn be made March '.', IsU.- y coi.(.v'i':: .' (iKUMAX ERASIVE SOU'; Is manufactured from Pl'ItL; MATERIALS, nr.d may bo considered tho M'AXDA HD ' li' E.('i:i.l.i:XCE. For sale by ; all C. rnccn.. ICi-rorw ti' Voiifli. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of i youlliiul indiscretion, will, fir ihe s:it;e of suffering hiimaniiy. send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by ! which be was cured. Sufh-icrs wishing to profit by Ihe ndveni-er's experience, can do so bv addressing, , in perfect confidence, .in UN li. (HiDKX. my LS'-f7.1y t Cedar .'ii.u.N V '!' 'iiiis.mili v's. The Rr.v. F.DWAHD A. W II.SON will vend (free ; ofeharge to all who desiio it. Iho prescription with ; the direction fur making mid usinu Ihe simple reine. j Uy by which ho was cured of n lung affection nnd that disease Consumption, ilis only object is to nenelit the nitiieieii. ana lie Hopes every suuerer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing. any may prove a Mossing Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. W illiamsbnrg. Kiiijrs ( o.. N . in v I si-.17 lv iNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LAGS?. SESP. IN Sl'NHl'RY, NORTHI'MIIER LAND Co., PA. CHAS. ITZEL ) F.SPECTl I LLV in fi. I ms his friends nnd the public generally, (bat he has eoiutiieuced the uituiiitucturc, and is uow ready to turiiish J.AOi:U lttlKR AND A LK, of a su.rior quality. Having procured the services of n fnt elas.- brewer, be is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private families with nn ur tide that in palatable, pure nud healthy. Orders are ic-pcetfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS. IT.E1 . Sunbury, Xuv. ruber Id, lnH7. IM.1III.Y NUWnt. .tkM4 III.M'.K Mrs. SARAH. SIMPSON, Wulnul Street. SUXIU RY. PA llavingbeen ap.ointed Agent hy the '"'iuger Manu facturing Company, for Ihe salo nf Singer's Tcw Family Sewing .Machines, informs Iho public that they ean be hod ut her resilience. These Machines arc simple, compact, durable and beautiful. Capable of performing a range ami a ariety of work never huf re attempted upon a sin- glo .Mucin no using Miner sun, twist, linen or cot-, ton Thread, nnd sewiMg with equal fucili'y the very tinct and courses! materials, and anything between 1 111? two extremes in the most beuutitul and substan- ; 1 t in 1 manner. , These Machine will be sold at roasoimblo rales. ! Cull and examine for yourselves. I Mrs. SARAH SIMPSON", Agent. October M, lm7. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call und see Ihe well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINdS, Y1.ST1N'..S. Ae. Ju.-t received at iMKUtllANT TAILOUINQ KSTAlil.l.Sil MENT, Fourth Street, below Eystor s Store, SI NUCRY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved titles' made up to order a reasonable rates. He has also a due assortment of CaVimerc Shirts, Planers, I ndersbirts. Overhauls. Rlousct, Neck- ' Cotton ar.d no.den Hose, Buspcnicr., nauu GENTLEMK' S Fl'RNIhUINU UOODS, liiva him a oslL, which jou will find te be to your advaulage. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1b67. t 'lilllr-n'a Cnrrlugea, WE would oall the aiteulion of thoto wsnting a Child s Carriage, to our new and large assort ment comprising new aud beautiful stylo. J. II. CONLKY 4 CO. 0 Mav Isl. ISH7 Iv FRESH AinUVAL OF . FANCY DRY GOODS. IvtISS KATB BLACK, Mnrket .Square, two doors Kast of the old Rank . buildinir. SUXBURV. Penn'a.. HAS opened a fresh supply of the latest styles of . Fall niid Winter Goods, selected by 'herself timn the most fashionable establishments in Phila dclphia. Cheap De Laines, Alpacas. French Merinos, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Goods, Cloths, Sncquo Flannels, Ladies nnd Cbildrcns' Hats, Feather", Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Kmhroideries, Lace Veils and handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, Balmoral sk irts. Break fast anil lil nn ket Shaw Is, W inter acquoa and Ladies' fronds orevery description. dents' Collars, Nock-lies, Hall-hose, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Sonps. Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. LjjrJInpkins' fcliptio Skirts. KATE BLACK Sunbury. Nor. 2, 18f7. PALL AND AYINTKK MILLINERY GOODS 2M2D USTOTIOTsT S Miaa ANNA PAINTEH, Market Square, two doors west of the Post OOicu suxiiuitY, rn n'a. Rl-.'.VPKOTKULI.Y inronus her friends nnd tho i public, that she has just returned from the city, where she has spent some lime in making selections and purchases, and has just opened a largo strfck ol i MILLINL'RY. GOODS AND NOTIONS, j Ribbons. Laces. Drcsn-Linings. Crinoline nnd W i- gans Skirting Lining, Hoop .skins, liu-rle Tiiui tilings, Crape Trimmings, lint Crape. Cloak Buttons, 1 Cor.-ets, Zephyrs. , A largo nssortinont of Lndioa nnd Gentlemen's I Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A VTATDXF,IIY. DOLLS of all sizes. Alphabet Blocks, Ac. Mie flatters herself in being ablo to make a diplay that will give entire satislaction to vi.-itors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. .Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1SU7. NEW GOODS, Miss LOUISA BUISSI.ER, South fide of Market Square. SUNBURY, Pa., BAS just returned from the city with a large, handsome nud cheapest assortment of Pnri?iau styles of Ladies' and Misses' Hats and Bonnets in Sunbuty. of the following patterns, Princess, Alaska, All Ric'ht. Florciln. Sensation. Turban, etc. Also, I l""' ', awis. .epnyr-un .-aequo: ,hcJ?' velvets. silks, laces, ernaments, lr mniing, l,.UT'-ttT. I""'"'"?'- X l'' h,,ih 1I'".''C n"'1 ilinn Ktitltriilili.rv I. limn I.ndft nnt l.tnl.i.n I ulliir .sncqucs, Breakfast Miawls. Zephyr-knit Sacqucs, , dine, Embroidery, Cluna Lace and l.inncll Collars ami Culls. (leiitlenicn's Gootls. such as Hosiery. Handlcer- t chiefs, Neck-ties, llrushesnnd goods for the toilet. J Also, a fine assortment of Perfumery, nnd nil gooiis usually kept in n well furnished establishment. ; I Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further ; j desire to please the public, tho continuuiicc of their j patronage. L0EI.VASH1SSLER. ! N'tiv. 2. isrt7. ; jffl il liner y Goods, ! iisix 31. I.. OKit'r. begs leavo to an i nouueetntho Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that ! 1 the bns just opened a large and varied stock of 1 M I I. 1, 1 X E n Y (1 () O DP, ' of all the lnlest Fall nnd Winter styles, to which 'bo i invites ntieiition of her patron8, and the ladies gene rally, confident of her ability to plcnse. A good assortment ot IIONNl.'I 5 A HATS, i Hats for features bright .nd jolly, Hats for faces melancholy, Hats for ligures, broad and burly. Hats for straight hair, and for curly Huts of silk, cloth, felt and beaver. Hals that almost wear forever, Hals (hut always look so neai. Arc bought at Miss tiosalcr's on I'ourlh street. Also, on excellent assortment of Fnshionablo lira broideries. Edgings, Laces, Woolen Cups. Handker chiefs, Scarfs. Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets. Perfume. ries, .Soaps, Lit ly lute, l-.Miinel oi America, .Mu tioiiery. Ac., Ac. Call anil examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunburv. Nov. 2. I". J OU t IS IHE PRICEo OF J OUO Fall & Winter Goods! .liiNM .li. I.. i.isz:ii'il, having just return ed ii. m Philadelphia with a superior stuck of Fall and Vt inter (ioods fur tho Innte of J:-'li7 and 'OS, which she is nblo to sell at very reduced prices, would respeotfully call the utttiiti n of hi:r en-to. ' mcrs and ihe public generally, lo the superior qnal- N"TIO.S of all knelt itj- ot lur goods, and the l.w prices at which liioy nreheld. She lots all kinds of DRESS GOODS, including: l'opliiis. Merinos, lie Laius, (Calicoes, Ac, nil nt tin! lowest prices. Extra quality Muslins at low prices. Dril lings. Canton Flunnels. ISulmorul .skirts, Shawls, Hoods tilovcsofall descriptions, including a very supe rittrquality of Ladies' Cloth ..loves liOSIKHY. Ribbons and Trimmings f nil Hiieiics, Laces, stamped goods. Zephyrs und Varus, lowling iu great variety. (cuts' nnd Ladies' Handkerchiefs. Scarfs. Muff Tassels nnd llutions. Poniad.-. Extract, und a large variety of notions and fancy articles. Call and fee them before going elsewhere. M. L. LAZAKLS. Sunbury, Nov. 2. lsli',7. i Machine Stitching:. ! iVltliEllS or work left a! ihe s'.ore of M. I!. i J Priestley, in Norlhuiubeiliind, will be promptly t uttended to. All work wan anted. Nov. 2-if j Ht'i''i b'obx'I' a.tii: wm:, I I '.! by li!mli''Nl''oii-;i-ri;:it iiii I lot- 'iiiii-'ii of 4'oiEimiiuisiii i Iiir's'. i ALSO. EXCELLENT FOR LAMES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. j YXIiYAIiDS, A'i'ir JKXSICV. M'i:t:iiS'!i pom mt vv. i i.m:, I FOl'R YEARS ILD. I Tlii justly celebrated native Wine is made from ' liie juice of the Oporto (i rape, raised in this country i Its iut aluahlu I onic V Kilron-illifliiiiK: I'roorliei Are unsurpassed by any other native w ine, itemg , the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer's utvn personnl supervision, its purity and genuineness arc guaranteed. The youngest child ! mav partake of its gciierousqualitioe.aud the weak- , esl-iiit alid may use it to advanio?c. Jl is parlicu- Iv beneliciKl lo the aged and debilitated, nud sailed ; to tho various ailments that atltict the weaker sex. j Il is, in every repeet, A WINK TO UK RELIED ON. I Tnvalid. use SI'KER S POUT liRAPK WINE. s 1 eu'nle use SPEER'S PORT liRAPK WINE , Weakly persons find a Lenellt by its use. , SPEER S WINES in bospilals'are preferred lo . other wines. 'rSold bv all Dritggisls and (.rocers. i A Sl'EER S VINEYARD, New Jersey. M'tce, , El BROADWAY. New York. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury. Pa. , Oct. !. ly. FRESH HEAT. Ki:ii i: A io l it, HKSPKCTFt'LLY Inform theeitircnij nf .Sunhury Riid vicinity, that (bey have taken the Hutoat-ring Kftlli.-huienl of Jcruuiinb SrviiIrc, on Ar'h htrcct, and arc f rennrod tofuruish Bccf.rurkfAe ,of the v wry bct-t in market, at reasonable rater All nnkn will tccuive j .omj)l attention.- and a!) meat delivered where ordered iive a a etill WllsMAsM luiW'IiB Puubury, tiopleuib r li, 1867. . -illW tWi l r,.f ''lr, : -. Jxri Column or jou out M lirrc Jim ran Buy the MOST GOODS, of the BE9T GlTJJTXTr. For the LEAST MONEY. SMALL I'HuiTrs AND salls: QUICK CASH a. v. ritn.isj at in jVT fl T.T 7VT TTf Q T O TJ P 'J" w w a v as a MARKET .S'QfAIIE, SUNHUriV, l'KNN'A. Hits just received nnd opened tho nt'M-r mi:i,:'ti:i ami ; FINEST ASSORTMENT, of . DRV GOODS IX TOWxV. French Merino. Pnnts, Muslins, Ginghams, 'iissi:i,res. Ae. Hosiery. Obnes, V..,,, ,,.! ,nJI l',,d0rKarment WI3ITH G-COBS. A full assortment of TRIMMINO.. liuildcrs Kill mil iiv Sn.cU of I'niitlsi. Oil-, .!.-i.h, Ac Iliii-ilvmri-, , 'osit(:lt:l, I'rus ali i Mediciiie. lueonsn are, r. in-so ni e Cr. eke. v. Sail BOOTS AM) SHOES- HATS AM) CATS. ' nud iu fuel ev. rythiug usually kepi iu a large St, tr.i' Cull an.l be convinced, that the CHEAPEST ' PLACE TO LI V ALL VOl'R lioODS is al Tlii! Muinuiodi S I in- r. of H.Y. FatlsOINCJ, aft mj .oOtW arc bought 0r '-Ij and S-'l-l l'hei or ibUi:AlV MOXKY 1 Suutury, Uot. 19. Ihti7 Io not )ttlfl I hist Mill .rrfiilnly final THE Washington Library Co, PHILADELPHIA. Is Chartered by the Stato of Pennsylvania, and Or ganised in ni.l of tho RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE For Gratuitously Boldiera and Bailors Orphans. Incorporated l? Ilie Klato of X. J. APRIL 8, 1R8T. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR The Washington Library Company By virtue of their Charter, and In neenrdaneo with its Provisions, will distribute THItF.F. IIUNmtKD THOUSAND DOLLARS IN I'H ESL.N IS TO Tl IK SUA It I'.liOI.DlIKS, O,, li'. ,, I,;, ..7d"ry B'h, 1SGK, At fini.Aiiii.riiiA. ta Oral the Institute, KIVKH N. J. tnp rrescnt wortli f 10.000 (no l'lcscnf worth 20.000 duo Present worlli 10,000 One I'l'i'si'iit worth . 5,00(1 Two rrrsent worth f2,r.OO cncli 0,0110 tine Present vulniii! nt 18,000 Twn Presents, vultiecl nt in.OOO each 110,000 One Present, vnlurd nt 10,000 Four Presents, vnlueil nt 0,000 cadi, 20,000 Two Presents, vnlueil nt 3.000 raeli, 0,000 'J'lirec Presenls, vnltioil fit 1,000 each, 3,000 Twenty Presents; valued nt 000 encll, 10.000 Ten Presents, valued nt 300 cncl:, 3,000 Three 'iTser.t, valued nt HfiO each, 7"i0 Twenty Presents, vnlueil nt 225 eiir.h, 4,000 Fil'ty l'ive Prusr.nls!, valued nt 200 each, 11,000 Fifty Presents, valued nt $70 each. 8,700 Hue Hundred nnd Ten Presents, valu ed nt 1 00 ench. ll.OPf) Twenty, vulued ol 70 each, 1,000 Ten Presents, vnlueil nt $00 em it. OOO The reni'.iiiinjr Presents consisls of iirlieleaof use nnd value, apper taining to the dili'tisioii of Lite rature nnd the line tuts. $82,000 30O.0(it of Slock is accompanied with n Es.di ( ertifieate Beautiful Steel-Kate Engraving woitTii sioiti: at ni T.Mi, Tn.tx tub osr or ' Ktllll'lrATK, And el-n insure lothe holder n PRESENT IN THE (iHE.'.T MSTR I .'! I 'i i .N -niSC'IilPTIMX NK DOLLAii. Any person seiiding u Oo Dollar, or plying tbe -nine to out-local Agents, will leeeive immediately a fine Steel Plate Engraving, lit choice Irom tbo ! low -ivj list, and One formicate of Slock, insuring One Present in the Ureal Distribution. ONE DOLLAR ENCRAY1NGS. No. I "My Child ! Mv Child !" No. 2-' They'i Saved ! They're Saved No. .'I '-Old Set vnty-six or, Ilie Early Days of tho ltevoluticn.'1 Any person pat ing'fwo Dollars will receive either of ine to!!. i in line Steel Plates, nt c!.' i. e. ill Two Certilicalcs of Stock, thus becoming entitled to Two Presents. tho iioi.lm: r.xr.r.Avixr.s. ; N.t. l '-Wash'Tit'tn'sCttiirtshin." No. 2 '-Wash-I iiiglon's East Interview with bis .Mother." I TIlltI K nolI AR KXflKAt IXfisl. Any person 1't'yit'g three dollars will receive the ! beuutitul Steel Flute of '1I0!R viiom tiik mti." ' and tlire? Certihentis of .Stock, becoming eniltletl : lo three Plesenls. i rorn roi.i.Ait fntr a t inc.. ! Any pcron paying Four Dollars shall receive tiio j large nf. i beautiful Steel Plate of j "l ns: ri:t;it.s 1 1' urii roiti:i'ATPi:ns " . hti.I Four Certificates of Mock, entitling them ( j F'our Presents. , i ivf! noi l in rxt.Rnvivos 1 Any pjrson who pays Five Dollars shall receive j the largo and splendid Steel Plate of ' THE MAEEIAtiE OF POCAHONTA.5-' " An.l Five Ccrliticates uf Stock, entitling them to Fit e Presents The cn.-fiatings and Certificates ttill be deliver.! to each sub-eriher at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, as way beordorcd. lli.WTO OIJTAIV HI ARES AND bSCKAVU'C S'ii-1 --n.''fv Li ua liy nnil, piiflnine from 1 Ut tillicr dy 111 tKW' tt tiri'i-m nr it i iHrr ltta-T, ii', ciirrink. -'Mp-i ni':i( ih"i:U ( tnt l- .rnlt nf r ;i !- li' .;ifiit" vii i'ltTin-'tiij: ipto , r.n H't f'i'iii' vii!i f'.iu;raiHs!st .'0 yt ulirirri1 with l-.Mr.ini't: 4'i,Vi r:i :inir; wiiii KiicitivMijra f.i.t o t"iiurs with Kinriiivii.nt iu I I- i AOI'..N IS WANTl'llllirtiiiguont the I nm.l s e i jik it:'i:uyiit; uvstitutt:. Situate at ltiteiside. liurliie-'ion County. New Jr -ev. is t led f .r ihe pin -e nf gratuitously niu- vn'ting the wn of dwtenseu Soldiers aud Senu en of llitt I uiled Males 'ihe II, .u.l of Trustees consisls of tiio foll. iue.; iv i lbl,i:o n citieiisol I'eiinsvlvarih and New Jersey ll.i.V. WILLIAM 0. -MANN. District Alinrnet . Philudolpbia. P U'tN. LEWIS R. llUooMAU., E t bief C tiner I'. S. Mint, and Kocor ler ..f Deeds. I'l.i'sd'n , I'ctti.svlvniiia. II"N. JAMES M SOOVEE. New Jersey. HON W. W. WARE. New Jersey. I1ENUV GORMAN. Es., A'-'eut Atlaiua' Exprcfs, Philadelphia, Pu. J K. till'., Ei , if Joy. Cue A Co., Philadelphia Tin AM lit Dti .vin Jir.sT. t .tsttixtTox, D. t . April Is-. iMii . Olliceof luteinal Revenue: Jlv- ; reccited snii-liicUiry et nbaK-o that the proceeds. of tho enterprise conducted by tte "tt aitnngi ui Library Company" will be devoted lo charitable, use, permission is hereby granted li said Company lo conduct such interpiUo exempt from all charge whether from special lux or other duly. E. A. ROLLINS, C'tmmi-jtioner T Tlif AsVCiati'i liavc'rii'ii'-iiittfl :i 'Rcct-ivi-i . MrMt OKiiKOK A. COOKK A .'4., whw well kii'u m- j piny yiit) tiUMillcitii f.i'cruit J Will Ik; u tiilU'lt'lil giurHM I let- tli-uilir lin'itfy (iiliuotivi U tlirtll Wil be ikhujII -' iht-'1 to ilie piiiite siittri. ! 1'iiii-AitKt.rMiA, r., Mm S-, ! To i lie Oilci( mil) Afeui.tcn ni' tltu Waaliiiigmii ! i) :, KKAI,Sh rtimy. i;iii.vtii.-ti .On ii-. cipi (l v'ntir fiMr't'f f ill tVa ui , ii.miv inr ,i H otii HitftMiriit-iit hs KMfiVfw lr )uit ' (?miii.iiiv. we look the lilscriv it auhmit a cttj.y n your :hi'ter, with a l;in nl your rit,r'e, U thv ImrhrM li'ijul nullum ily (it i he btttc,niil hn nt rt--nvei In htvm -nhir "jinn in in rt tiiini it, HtHl y twti i i j sii.f ' wiih the .H'lU'Viilf nt "tj'H if ut Attfinli-u v7.: H r1ua-Mt.n 'itl iii'i'iiltMuiir- ft tni ot.UM chitflivn nr Milriirrft and aailora at tie ItivernMV iiii'Hr, w e lm, c ' oi.'tuiti-d ti 'crtf tho trut, nndu use out U if'Tin-i prinoU' wi wmilivnii i-l if-'t, s KciHM u ih. itir.i.c., r,) . a CodKi: a. m I A Utr-ts h II Ifttstrn htm I rviM U 4. Ml A.t;(iWK A CO.. IUNK1.KS, , :.i!Sni(i I ttrd biffft. ritiiutU ij.iiia, Pu H 'Ti 'tk ri iht .t8tiiMt;tMi l.ih'ary Cn. 1 tV'N- F. UiHTXr:il. T. vfo ver A siiuoii'v Tn., U tho fliitli'Ticl Ai'is' ..f tha t'"tn : 'nny I'jr llii p.n tm-i vi-itii'y 1 tlriobr I'J, l.ii"