lSfflAnn!: ITOfSuntmu) American. "hTb. MABSJBll, EdHor ft Proprietor. ' Ml :1U ItV. 1A. lATCRDATrNOvHllEU 30, 167. J57"Tbo Judiciary Committee reported on Monday, prcfcntinp, n the result of tlicir investigations, flic following resolution for tbo action of the House: LVmlred, Tlint Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States, lo impeached for high crime and misdemeanors. Two minority nnd dissenting reports were ulso offered, nud the wholo matter, ofter some discussion, was made the special order m - . i i i.. ti.......i..... ' i for the first Wednesday in December. J-tT l'KiF.sTii!ANt8M. A man named Weston lia3 undertaken to walk from Port land, Mo., to CbicaRO, III., in thirty tiny, resting on tho Sabbath, lie expected to rciich Chicago on Thursday liiRt. It is nlso stated t lint a man named Payne started from v. Vnrlf on tlm 1 1 th inst.. to walk to San h' r,ii;r.rnU. in one hundred and fifty days, the distance being three thousand three hundred miles. Another named Svmons, a law student of New Jersey, and "lecturer of sonic reputation, wa to start from Philadelphia on Saturday morning last, to walk to Leavenworth, Kansas, in thirty tight da)'s, the distance being twelve hun dred nnd thirty-live miles. r.ViTi:i STATES (I RT. Jell Invl Trinl. HirnMOXD. Va., Xov. 20. The court opened at eleven o'clock, and was soon densely crowded, principally with white peo ple, and many ladies. At ll:i!0 o'clock, Judge Underwood called the court to order. The grand jury answered to their names. They comprise eighteen w.biteanil six color ed men, all radicals. The oath prescribed by tho act of Con gress of June 17th, 18(12. excluding all per sons from serving on a jury who have aided or been concerned in the rebellion, was ad ministered to the members of t lie grand jury. Judge Underwood suid that who had conscientious scruples against taking an oath should inform the court. None an swered. In being sworn, whites nnd blacks took tho Bible, together, which caused a smile throughout the court room. Judgo Underwood then charged tho Grand Jury, defining treason and its punish ment under the laws of Congress. He said : "If it is brought to your know lctlg? that any citizen ot the United States has bi'un engaged in levying war ngainst them, it. will bo your duty to lind and in dictaient for treason against the otl'ender, unless it be also brought to your knowledge that such offender has received n special pardon, or is Included, in some general act of uniuorty. "You are to bo absolutely impartial. All personal favor and disfavor must bo vigor ously excluded from your room. Xo party and no class bias or prejudice must be al lowed tho slightest influence upon your de cisions." Tho charge was brief, moderate in tone, and the authorship of it is attribu ted to Hon. Salmon P. Chase. It also touched upon violations of tho in ternal revenue and postal laws and recon struction nets, which will be brought before the court. Tho grand jury then retired for deliberation at 12:30. Mr. Evarts, ou the part of tbo Govern ment, said it was intended to proceed with the trial of Davis at some period (luring this term, but tho public duties of Chief Justice Chase prevented his attendance, nnd ho would namo n day after Judgo Chase's ofll cial duties in tho Supremo Court has been concluded, aud proposed that tho first Wed nesday in Mnreh bo assigned for tho trial. Mr. O Conor, tor the defense, assented to this, but stud it would cause the defendant . . inconvenience, and hoped the Government would arrange it positively for the day named. lie pretercd to renew Davis' re cognizance fur the triivl in May, when Mr. Chase would certainly attend, but withdrew this, and agreed to the day named, but hoped Mr. Davis would be called ou pre viously. Mr. Evarts anticipated no difficulty in the tiial coming off in March, as Mr.Chasc would undoubtedly bo present then. Judge Underwood assented, ns it was do fcirahlo to have two judges present in n case of such importance, and it was due to the defendant, and he directed an order fixing tho flay named. Mr. Davis was not present during the pio eeedings, but it is understood he was in the vicinity aud would have been produced if necessary. Cougi'Cfrftiouul l'rocwtfiiiftw. Washington, Nov. 23, 1877. Selnatb. The Senute convened at 12 M A petition that equal suffrage bu extended to all persons iu tho District of Columbia, was referred to Committee on the District. The joint resolution looking toward the re funding of moneys paid in excess of duties on imported wool was adopted. The reso lution ordering the immediate payment into the treasury of all money received from the sale of captured or abandoned property, was laid over aud ordered to be printed. The resolution for tho payment of salaries of clerks, etc., was laid over. A resolution requesting the President foroflicial informa tion iu rcferenco to our relations with North Germany was adopted. The resolution in structing tho Committee on Military Affairs to exaniino into tho expediency of reducing the military force was adopted. A resolu tion returning thanks to Geuorals Sheridan, Hick les, Pope and Schoficld, and also a reso lution relative to the purchnso of Hall's car bines, wcro referred to tho Committee on Military Affairs. A resolution that Edward S. Dunbar be nrrestcd for contempt of Con gress was adopted. Adjourned. IIot'SK. A bill prohibiting the further reduction of tho currency was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. The credential of J. S. Golladay, of Kentucky, wero referred to the Committee of Elections. Tho House then proceeded to tho call of States for bills and joint resolutions for re ference, which were read twice and referred to their appropriate committees. The reso lution in reference to tho treatment of Ameri ran citizens nbroad was referred to the Com mittee on Foreign Affuirs. The resolution directing that no committee shall travel or cxnmiue witnesses nt the public expense was adopted. The Speaker theu directed that the Judiciary Committee report on tho iin peuchincnl question. The majority nnd minority reports were read nnd aud laid on the table, and ordered to bo printed; tho M'h'jlo subject being made the special order fur Wednesday of next week. Ou motion, the Clerk nnd Sergeant nt-uruis were directed to furnish a list of the investigating and regular committees authorized to tuke tes timony, with tho number of clerks, &c, tho compensation, nnd all the expense. A bill rin iarin th,.' riT.., t i.f i,n nt ,.f il,o President, or any civil officer, was read fd uow one-third completed, and many 'wir.e, uud referred to tho Judiciary Com- believe that tho other two-thirdi will be mitlee. For reference a resolution was f- finished by 1870. I p to this time 40,000, fertd, declaring that it is uouessary to build 000 been -'xpcndcd on the work in or equip aliips-ofwnr fur tho present. Adop- Nebruska and California. More laborers i -d. A resolution dot-luring it inexpedient ' r0 now employed on the work than cvor to purchase further territory was adopted, i before. The live hundred uiili s operated in Tbo rtholtitiou directing tho Secretary of Xebraskn have nil been constructed since the Trcuuiy to turorni the Hotiao th'! amount j January 1, 18(16. ..fthu aiuLiug fuud wus a loptcd. A bill I The estate of the lata James Wood, nf declaring Pt. Louis a pot t of entry was re- 1 Pittsburg, Pa., is estimated at 110,000,000, fenvit to the Committee ou Commerce. The J and is left iu his will exclusively to bis hpeuktr then uunouueed thu appointment : widow aud children ; one-third is devised to uf tht several committee. Adjourned. 1 his wife, nud tho remainder to his children. ltDPOItl' OI' TIIR IMPEACH TUB FBESIDENT TO BE IMPEACHED. Washington, Nov. 83. The Judiciary Committee met at 0 o'clock this morninfj.for the purpose of hearing read thu reports of tbo majority nud minority on Impeuchment. They will bo signed ami presented to tho House after tho Speaker announces tho standing committees. The majority will be sigued by Messrs. Williams, Boutwell, Thomas. Lawrence nnd Churchill ; tho minority by Messrs. "V llson, chairman, Woodbiidgc, Kldridgc and Mar shall. The latter report is very elaborate, nearly twice tho length of tho majority rc- ... :i i.rnlif.1inn. the cju respecting the impeachment question -. .. V .1 t .,P .mivfruntiiir Ureat excitement prcvuna - ---- and it is the general theme of .conversation in all circles. , a oaiutm.1 s....mtnrv Chandler has resign ed, his resignation to take cllect November !J0. If this Congress should adjourn this session line die before the commencement of the December session, Mr. Cooper would I enter upon his duties in the recess, and bo commissioncu 10 iiotu innte mini mv mtion of the next sesnon, which may last until after the next Presidential election ; oml ns Mr. McCulloch's resignation may be accepted any time, this would place the immenso patronage of tho Treasury Depart ment in the hands of the President's parti sans. To prevent this, Congress will have to remain iu continuous session. Tto.n HAsimwio.. Wamiixotox, Xov. 20, 1807. Ari'OINT.MENT OF COMMITTEES Speaker Colfax has announced seven com mittees in the House, the chairmen of w hich nro as follows: Elections Dawes, Massa chusetts. Ways nnd Means Sclienk, Ohio. Claims Ilingbam, Whin. Commerce E. 11. Washburne. V. nud P. lloads I'arim worth. District of Columbia lngcrsoll. Pacitic liailroad Price, lown. Judiciary Wilson j there is no change iu the rest of this Committee. Public Expenditures Hubbard, Xew York. Private Land Claims Orth, Indiana. Manufuctures-Morrell, Penn sylvania. Agriculture Trowbridge, Wis consin. Indian Affairs. Windom, Minne sota. Military Affairs Garfield, Ohio. Militia Payne, Wisconsin. Naval Affairs- Peke, Maine. Foreign Affairs Hanks, Mas sachusetts. Territories Ashley, Ohio. Revolutionary Pensions Loan, Missouri. Invalid Pensions Perham, Maine. Mines and Mining Iligby, California. Kreedman's Affuirs Eliot, Massachusetts. Education nnd Labor Buker, Illinois. Coinage, Weights nud Measures Kelley, Pennsylva nia. Patents Jencks, Uhodc Islaud. Pub lic Buildings and Grounds Covode. Un finished Business Poland, Vermont. Mile age Anderson, Missouri. Accounts-Broom- all, Pennsylvania. - Expenditures . State Department Arnell. Treasury De partment Marvin. New York. War De partment Upsou, Michigan. Post-ollice Department Pile, Missouri. Interior De partment Hubbard, New York. Retrench ment Van Wyek, New York. Enrolled Bills Wilson, Pennsylvania. Printing Latlin, Xew York. IMPE.VCnMEJiT KKI'ORT. The majority of the Judiciary Committee, to whom tho impeachment question has bceu referred, have, as you werc informed by telegraph yesterday, reported in favor of impeachment and their report discloses the following facts, vis : An unconstitutional usurpation of the power on the part of the President to organ ize nnd recognize civil State Governments; the denial of the right ol Congress to control the work of organization, nnd the exercise of power nnd omission of duties in support of this usurpation nnd denial ; the willful nnd unconstitutional assumption of power to ctftctMitwl tlm niifirntinitu .it Inn nntu nt I in. "-!"-"" .,. ........ . ' "rtsi- ulul ""- corrupt, minim ami um.uu- l suiuiiouai reiusai id exeeuie mo iuwt ; mi: unauthorized and illegal surrender aud sale of Government property, and the fraudulent breach of the public trust, wherein the action of the President in relation, to the Southern railroads isdetuiled nt length, nnd much evi dence is given relative to the sale uud sur render of railroads and rolling stock, and other property in which it is shown that all this property was turned over ngainst the ud vice of tho Secretary of War, and Quarter master General. It is nlso shown that the President extended the time for the payment of installments of principal nud interest on the railroads purchased by the rebel compa nies. Tho evidence further shows that at the same time these railroad companies had a sutlicicnt amount of money on deposit to meet their indebtedness. By his connection with tho Southern roads, it shows that he j realized a profit of over eighteen thousand uouars. The other grounds of impeachment are the corrupt nnd unconstitutional abuse of the veto power ; the abuse of the pardoning power ; the surrender of property to lebels ; tho disicgard of tho rights of tho property of refugees and frecdman, and of the United States, and the unconstitutional and corrupt exercise ot tho appointing power. Lndcr the latter head, a vast amount of testimony has been taken relative to the nuspension and appoint in; of civil officers, nnd the cause therefor, iu direct violation of the law. Tho report ends with the resolution: "lltuvlted. That Andrew Johnson Presi dent of the United States, be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors." lhe reading of the resolution was greeted with an outburst of npplausu from certain parts of tho galleries, clapping of hands on the floor, etc., while counter demonstrations of hibsing were also made on tho floor nnd galleries, the Speaker all the timo hammer ing with his gavel to restore order. rnonvnn.iTiF.s of impeachment. Every indication now points to a majority for Mr. Boutwell'g report when a vote is reached, which will bo not later than tho middle of December. It is the opinion of several members of the committee that the whole trial will not occupy over two months. AXTI-CONTIt ACTIOS. It is ascertained that the new Committee on Ways nnd Means, as appointed by Speak er Colfax, is opposed to the contraction policy of Secretary McCulloeh. A man in Cincinnatti was recently so nn noyed by the caterwauling of an array of feliuo quadrupeds, that lie got out of bed, seized a boot jack nnd rushed to the win dow to inflict dire vengeance. An opposite neighbor being likewise minded appeared at the same moment, nt his window, with u Iiistol, which he fired nt tho cat, but the mllet went directly in tho wiudow of tho bootjack n.uii, which so alarmed liiin that he retreated to bed; the cats, however, wero scured off for the night. Fortunately no one wns hurt. The Grkatkst u is the Woiti.o. i It is claimed that the Union Pacific Jtuil ConnfrrfWt 8eTen-Thlrtle nnd "lvr'I'TrcnllH. 000. Discovert of tub Covnterfkitkhs. From the Newark (. J.) Courler.J At Washington some weeks since, It will be remembered, the discovery was made thai iha Seint.ttairtv and Fivo-twenty Government bonds had been counterfeited, and large numbers of them put in circula tion. Since that time, Mr. William P. Wood, Chief of tho Secret Service Division of the Treasury Department, together with his subordinates throughout tho country, has been diligently engaged in efforts to trace this gigantic fraud to its perpetrators. Tho attention of tho Chief, previous to the dis covery of theso fraudulent bonds, had been especially called to counterfeit issues of $100 compound interest notes nnd $50 legal tenders, nnd in pursuing his investigations ns to the source from whence theso dange rous counterfeits came, lie has been enabled not only to securo tho parties who did that work, but penetrate the mystery which sur rounded the great bond lraud, and nrrcst two ot tho principals in that gigantic cnter iiriso. Ho learned, after weeks of the most adroit nnd persistent ellort, in which ho was great ly nided by U. S. Dcteetivo Ncttleship of this city, that the $100 compound interest notes, nnd the 50 lecnl tenders, were en- craved nnd printed nt, nnd put into circu lation from, the little village of Paulsboro', in Gloucester county in this State, one Wil liam S'nencer alias William E. Brockaway being tho principal operator, with some six or seven confederates. His information in reenrd to this nefarious business was so complete, that ho could have at once arrest ed all tho parties, nnd ensured their con viction. But by comparing the work upon those counterfeits with that upon the fraud ulent bonds, ho becanio satisfied that the same accomplished nrtist who so success fully counterfeited tho notes, had nlso en graved the plates upon which the Seven thirties nnd. Five-twenties wcro made. In this opinion he wns sustained by experts in the art of engraving, to whoso inspection the bogus notes nnd bonds were submitted. Acting upon this theory, which eventually proved to be the correct one, the detectives made no nricsts nt the time, but quietly nnd patiently proceeded, with this clue to guide them, in tho more important work ot secu ring evidence upon whicli to convict the offenders of the greater crime, and if possi ble restore to losers by these fraudulent is sues, the largo amount which it was natu rally supposed the principals in the trans action had realized from their operations, On the 14th of tho present month Mr. Wood, having gained sufficient information for his purposes, made affidavit before U. S. Commissioner Whitehead, in this city, that William Spencer, tiling William E. Broeka way, nnd Hannah, his reputed wile, were the principals in this extensivo fraud, and that they had been assisted by five other persons. The woman whoso maiden name was Hannah Seymour, had been tho wife of one Charles Weatherby, alia "Speck,"' who was sent to State Prison some years ago for crime, when sue became toe pariuer oi Spencer, with whom she has siuce lived. Warrants were itsucd for their arrest, and they were taken in custody nt St. James' Hotel in Xew York, on Friday evening last, and brought to Taylor's Hotel in Jersey City, where they were kept under a strong guard, the officers not being yet ready to give them nn examination. When taken into custody they were about preparing to leave the country, for n tour in Europe. On Tuesday morning Spencer nnd his wife were brought to this city, nnd taken before United S. Commissioner Whitehead, where they were admitted to bail for exam ;.,.!,. nvi ,..S, i.. fl.n cm fl Sin flOO . ... , " .. . , ' c ,,,i , ' i : ' niliuil uiiiiiiiiit .riio. c-jiciii;i:i iiut-i in her uiider-clothinir in irenuinc bonds, and which she promptly produced nnd placed in possession of the Commissioner. Spen cer is snid to he the owner of a magnificent residence in Philadelphia, nnd to be worth some $000,000. lie is n tall, good looking man. quite intelligent und gentlemanly, and I tha's Wooing, which Miss Cush man has pre his wife is a lady-like and rather attractive sented to the Young Men's Christian Asso- m appearance. Uotu were tasti.'tuliy nnd fashionably tlrcssed, and were nccompnnied tvere tasti.'tuliy nnd by their infant child, winch was m charge of n colored nurse. Spencer is suid to be oue of the best engineers in the country, and is known to have been engaged in fraudulent transactions of this character for several years. In pursuing their investigations, tho de tectives learned that the spurious issues of the notes and bonds were made from a lead impression of the genuine plates at Wash ington, taken by a confederate, nnd that the different parts of tho transfer work was done by confederates engaged by Spcuccr at I'aiilboro'. These confederates have nil become wenl thy, nnd nre now living in the enjoyment of their ill gotten gains in different parts of the country ; but beforo this statement is read by the public, it is probable they will be under arrest, nnd some other links in the chain of evidence nguinst them nlso secured. The estnblishment nt Paulsboro' was iu operation ns long ngo ns July, 18U5, nnd the compound interest nnd legal tender notes, together with the bonds issued, must have netted t ) the operators over one million of dollars. Coal Trade. The quantity sent by railroad this wtek is 00,304 03 by canal 32,183 00 for the week 101,577 05 tons against 03,223 tous for tho corresponding week iast year. As the season draws to a close thu trade is brightening up a little in order to lay in stocks abroad for the winter, thinking that piices cannot go any lower this Fall. The dealers nbrond hnvo bceu very cau tious in laying in much stock, because lust yenr prices receded ut tho closo of naviga tion. This year such will not bo the caso, because no further reduction can bo made in its production, nnd the transporting com panies will not reduce their rates much be fore the sprinp- trade opens. Wages nre ns low ns tliey can go with the present prices of provisions. Several collieries have closed for tho win ter. The men turned out on the first of the mouth nnd demanded higher wages, which were refused. All but a few wero ready to continue to work, but these few controlled the others. If the men who desire to work, do not show more determination to resist such influences, they must expect to Euffer with them. Those who desire to work will bo fully protected by the police force when such protection is required. The conse quence was that tho mines were closed up for tho winter, and tho hands must cither remuin idle or seek employment elsewhere. An advauce in wages so near the closo of the season never tukes place unless the busi ness is prosperous, or the rates are lower than paid elsewhere. la these cases nearly two months' work at these collieries will be lost at the closo of the season, wiiich is an important consideration when provisions are high and business dull. .Vj'jicjV Journal. The body of Maximilian has been deliver ed to Admiral TcgethotT, and is expected at Vera Cruz about the end of tho month. Karon Magnus, Colonel Qucvcdo, Kloin, Maximilian's lute secretary, nnd Prince Salm Salm have arrived at Havana, on their way to Lurope The Boston Tranteript given to Professor Newtou, ot 1 ale College, the credit of htiv ing brought out of chaos the facts respect ing the meteoric showers, So great is the fear of prairie fires that tba farmers kefp constant wstch, ilny uud Dlgllt. Ilirnm Powers, it Is Mid, is worth $200,- There h in Ceylon a fig tree 2,153 years old. Vancouver is still anxious to be annexed to the United States. A nhvsiclan in New York cauterizes can cers aud the like by concentrating sunlight. Fita Greene Ilalleck. aged eighty years, died at Guildford, Conn., recently. Dispatches from Havana state that St. Domingo city lias been destroyed by hn earthquake. Seven shocks of nn enrthqunko were felt nt Kingston, Jamaica, on the 11th nnd 12th inst. Thnd. Stevens is determined to introduco n bill to suspend civil officers whilo under trial for impeachment, quoting Constitution al authority for it. Tho dioceso of New York has raised tho saltry of Bishop Potter from $0,000 per annum to $8,000. At Columbus, Georgin, a prisoner escaped from the sheriff by throwing pepper in his eyes. The bridge over the Mississippi nt Quincy, will cost n million nnd a half, and will not be ready for use until next August. An effort is making in Pittsburg, Pa., to establish n state normal school near there. It is likely to be successful. Venison is very abundant this season iu : Minnesota. A murderer in lown says he prefers death to n commutation of his sentence to impri sonment. The Stock of wheat in California is esti mated ut two million two hundred thousand centals. Forty thousand barrels of flour arc in San Francisco whorehouses. Cleveland, Ohio, spent, last year $1,800, 000 for various kind of "grog." Oberlin College has six hundred nnd forty male nnd four hundred uud ninety-four fe male students. The meteors made a good show nt Bangor. Maine. At Cincinnatti, the female principal of the Normal school receives $2,000. A mau by the name of Shepcrd has been backed to walk from Chicago to New Or leans iu twenty days. Ho will have to average seventy-five miles a day. Tho Germans of St. Louis have succeeded in obtaining the repcnl of tho Sunday liquor law in that city. St. Louis corn, shipped to Arkansas, has been sent back. The homo crop was suffi cient. Sixty pounds of cents were deposited one Sunday in the collection boxes ol a Boston church a few weeks ago. Gen. Montnubnn, the commander ir. chier of the French nrmy in Home, is n notorious infidel. An original letter from John Wesley has turned up in Detroit, and has been present ed to a Methodist society there. The best pea-nuts come from Africa. The yield is great, generally amounting to some thing like seventy-live to one hundred bush els per acre. Mrs. Elizabeth Cudy Stanton is said to be i about fifty years of age, nud to resemble the j pictures of Martha Washington, iu her up j pearance. She lectured, recently, in St. j Louis. There is n man in Ohio who wns dis chnrged from the military service in 1812 on the ground of old age, and is still alivo aged j ICS. I John G. Snxc says man proposes, but wo I man disposes, and nn exchange savs ttuit aoiueuiuca women sometimes women is disposed of whether she is so disposed or not. t . , 1urillt? leccub Ituiiiiruu uuiii. in aiis- trnlia 25,000 of the tpringy creatures gave up hopping. Such wholesale destruction ns that will bo likely to produce Knngarooin. Miss Kdmonia Lewis, the black sculptress, hits executed a beautiful statue of lliawa- ciation ot isoston. Tho receip'.s of wheat nl Milwaukee last j week were 473.3 lr bushels, ngainst 410,3-,) for the corresponding week lust year. rT'ln TTr,ti.:tnn il'm-iitA 7Y7..7j.f- 7. o V I '1 ill o ,rna with a South Carolina paper wliicli reaches .1 i. l :.. il,.. 1L llllllUII I1IC llllSlllllllU I UJi:il 111 lUUU- sand dollar Confederate specie bonds. Texas abounds in minerals, nud nil she requires is n selected government and a ! capital to develop her immense resources. ; A tine bed of stone coal lias recently bceu ' discovered in Anderson county. The Xew Orlenns Pieoyune is opposed to ! "procuring white labor." It says: "We) want white men here to go to work them- j selves and not procure labor. Tho system ; of mercantile farming which has so long ! cursed the South, and bred debt nnd idle- ' ness, must cease or our decay will become ' ruin." There nre five ship-londs of Herman cmi- t grants on their way to Texas. A school boy in Maine Inst week wulkcil J five miles in forty-nine minutes, on a wager. ! The regular trains on the Union Pacific ; llnilrond began running on Monday to Chcy- j enne, from which poiut there is a daily line of couches to Denver. i Tho Montana Post of tho 2d reports a j number of horses stolen in dnllntin Valley. Tho suspected thieves were cnught in pos session of tho horses, nnd although it is said they left for tho states, it is generally be lieved they have been hung by their cap tors. The excitement about Weston is so great in Ohio, that special trains nro advettised for tho places through which he is to pass. The contract for buildinp- iho Atchison. Topeka nnd Santa Fe liailroad, from Topeka south, has been made, and the work will begiu by December 1st. Au immenso business is doiug ou the Kansas Pacific Itnilwny in tho transporta tion of cattle from the herds at Abilene. Long trains nre moving daily, and about five hundred hcnd were received nt tho packing establishment nt Ottowa on the 30th tilt. A lady iu Wisconsin recently plunged into a mill pond to save two boys from drowning. Her crinolino floated her, and, clinging to that, tho boys were kept above water, and the whole party drifted safely to the shore. The Lock Haven Dewoertit says thnt that town is improving faster, probably, than nny other town in tho country. Xew build ings are springing up everywhere, aud the sound of the hammer, tho chisel, aud the saw is heard on all sides. is evident thnt the editor has riot been visiting our town lately. The Tyrone Herald favors tho formation of a new county out of parts of Centre, Co lumbia, Bluir and Huntingdon counties, with Tyrone as the county seat. Its argument is the convenience of the resideuts of the parts proposed to be formed into a new county, some of whom have now to travel twenty six miles lo reach their county scat. In Speaking of the Criminal Court of that county, the Pottsville M inert1 Journal says of tho police act : ''Up to tho time of its fiassago fifty-two murders and homicides tad been committed in this county within the previous three years. Since it bas been in operation there has not been a murder nor even an attempt at murder, which speaks volumes in its favor, while the number of ' Rrrrsts by Marshsl Heisler Is becoming ' montuiy iw. Land is offered to settlers hear Jackson- ( Tlllo, Fla., for fifty cents an acre. This is dirt cheap.' - In Louisiana, a smalt tow a in Missouri, there wns a fire Inst week which destroyed 2 10,000 orth of property. Overcoats to tho knees, very light pants, like those worn thirty years ago, and silk hats, with low crowns nud broad brims such are men's fashions for tho present sea son. One of the Maino railroads carries Indians at half price and clergymen for nothing. Evf.iiy Vaiuetv of Ai'I'auatls for weigh ing according to all known standards may be had from the manufactory of Fairbanks' Stnndnrd Scnles. They are in use nil over tho world, nnd received tho highest pre tniums at the great Paris Exposition. Dr. II. Anders, a Ocrinnn chemist nnd a member of tho Mcdicnl Faculty of New York city, after fifteen years research and experi ment, has discovered a method of dissolving Iodine in pure water. This preparation (Dr. II. Anders' Iodine Water) has cured many enscs of scrofuln, that have resisted the nlccrs, cancers, &c, action of all other remedies. The thermometer stood at fourteen dc- grecs nbovc 7.ero nt Utica, on Monday morn I ing. Tub Port On ate im New JensKr. Tho follow ing cannot fail to aatijfy any skcpticnl persons about SrBr'" w'nB being purely a grape juice wine : Passaic, Out. 23J, lxrtj. Tills it to certify that I huvo been a resilient of Pamflic for tho prist twelve year?, during which time I hnvo known Mr. Alfred Spccr, nnd been thor oughly potted In tho manufacture by him of hifl aelcbrnted wincn, and can testify to tho fact dorirod from a personal knowledge that his excellent Port (irapo Wine is made entirely from tho Uporto Ornpe, which ho extensively culiivutes in vineyards in night of my residence The Port Grapo vino is a i variety or his own raising, cultivated exclusively oy himself, and i a suporior grape. I C. M. K. PAULISON. ti. S. Deputy Collector Int. Her. Our druggists have Home of this wine, direct from , Mr. Ppecr. ' Sac advertisement of Spuer's Wines in another I column. They are pure juico wines nnd tho most rcliablo for sickness suporior fur communion pur i poses. ; Dow amono tiik iikad MKK. are, nt this mo- mcnt, thousands who might hnvo been ulivo nnd ' well had they used that great lifo presorver. Plan : tation Hitters. Let the living lav it to heart thnt they arc tho best known remedy for all dyspeptic ' complaintN, stomach derangements, and general dc 1 bility. As a delicious cordial, combined with great tonio virtues, their equal cannot bo found. Iiolicnto Females, Clergymen, Merchants. Law- vers and persons of sedentary habits particularly ' those who arc weak and sutler with mental depres ( "ion, arc greatly benefited by these liitters. ' Mabsolia Wateb. A delightful toilet article superior to Cologno and at half tho price. All contagions tioisoiis doubtless produce their peculiar inlluenco upon tho orgnniui through the blood, in tact, they pass into this II u id . grow nnd j multiply there, giving riso to changes in its couipo- 1 silion. The contagious poisons generally consist of j living matter, and this, by its growth and increase I iirodiiees. br tbn tprciit chancro in Ibo circulittini? I Quid, those terriblo nlVections. Thco contagious poisons will fall harmless where there is no impairment of health in any part of the system, but where the mucous surfaces are relaxed, the capillaries distended on account of a sluggish condition of circulation, tho blood thin and poor, and agenornl lassitude, they will be taken up, nnd produce their legitimate efl'eels sickness and death. All danger from theso poisons can easily be avoided by using steadily the Zinpiri Hitters. It provents by producing juit such a condition of the system ns is required to resist tho poison, besides directly neutralizing many of them in the blood. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1'IUST CLASS COOK STOVES lit $-0 aiMl For sale at J. YOUNOMAX S FOI NDKV Sunbury, Nov. SO, 1SS7. 3t ISAAC K. STAUFFER, a- . , ,.H.I a.... fi' 'S. " lliviilinini i .,-.. V. I .11 i - . . . i -r r n .1 , NORTH 2d ST., COR. OF QUARK if. rilil.ADKLI'lliA. An assortment of 'WiiHies, Jewelry, S tier and lM.ited Wu, c;.,"",",,1"; " h,'ml , MAHI.K Kill ikm.idw nn:Krs ly'Repairing nf Watches uud Jewelry (ntin;tt! ttrmtetl to. Nov , isc? i y. Auditor TI1K uudtT.-igucil, auditor, lmviug been appoint ed by thttOrplmna' Court of Northuuiberlim.l county, to distribute the balnnco in the hnnds of W. X Vnrsvtlio, administrator of theoMato of Joseph Fout, deceived, as per his nccount confirmed by the Court, will attend to tho duties of his appointment nt his office, in tho Borough of Siinbury, on Saturday. December lilt, 1867. at 10 o'clock A. M., at whirh time and place parties interested nre requested to attend. L. T. KOHKliACH, Auditor Sunbury, Xov. 30, 1SB7. t 9SO OifNtuiU Nlrcel. lliilaU Ipliiii. Are tho best in Use, l'Oll THE FOLLOWING REASON'S: I They are more iiinlo and durablo, easier kept in order, mako a stronger and more eltutia stitch, a firmer and more beautiful leaiu than any other Tbcy lew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is out the seam will not rip. The V-r j- IlilM-Ml IVIze, IlieC'rOMM of the Legion of Honor as conferred on the repre sentative of the .iiovi:ic &. iiaui:k at tbo Exposition I'uivenielloe, Faiis, 1867 ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machi net. UROYER A BAKER'5 NEW STXKt n ii i' x t 1. 1: M it iin i: h For Manufaoturing, Combine the uioft modern and essential improve ments. The attention Is requested of Tailori, Manufac turer! of Booti and Ehooi, Carriage Trimming, Clothing anil all others requiring the use of the moat effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To those new styles, whioh potseaa unmistakable ad vantage! over all others. FOR BALE BY Miaa CABOLINE DA LI US, Market Street, SUNBURY, I'L'N.N A , Not 23, 1887. -m CALL and see (Bus beautiful Bird Cagu at the new Hardware More of J 11 CON LEY i CO si BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL- ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has disroveredthe moil Certain, Pnerdy and only Effectual Krnwly in the World for all Pri vate Disease!, Weakneaanf the Hack nr I.imhi, Strictures, nHCC,lu"" ukt niunrann nmmier. involuntary l)ia chnrges, Impotency, Uenernl Debility, Nervousness, Dya. pepsy, Unftuor, Low tfnirits. Contusion of lilrai. I'ulni. tation of the Heart, Timidity. Trrmblinirs, Dimaesa nf Piirlit or Giddiness, Disease ol the llrnd. Throat, Nose or kin, Affectinni nl the l.iver, Longs, Stomach or Bocl thesa Terrible Diamdeisarisinp; from the Solitary Habits of Youth those ieorel nnil tolitnry practices more fatal to their victims than the aniift of Pyrena to lhe Maimers of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes oi anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac., impossible. Voiidk .lien Especially, who hnve become the viciimsof Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousand of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise havn entranced listening Senntes with the thtiii. deis of eloquence or waked to ecslaty the living lyre, may kiii n nn uii uumiunii-a. .llnrrln o. .Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marringe, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de foluiities, Ac., speedily cured. He who places himself under the enre of Dr. J. may may religiously conlide in his honor ns a gentleman, anrt confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Oi'K'uiiio WcnkiiFN Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. Tins Distiessmg Aflect which renders Life misera ble and marriage impossible it the penalty plid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware ol the dread lul consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of l. tc tun ii hui wNiiier ui- mose railing lulu improper habits than by the pruiletits ! Ilesides deing deprived th-l pleasures of healthy oli'spriug.the most scnousnnd destine live symptoms tu both body and mind ansc. The system heeouies Deranged, the I'hysicnl and Mental Punelions Weakened, Lonorl'roe.enlive Power, Nervous Irril -diili- ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. Iiiilicestion. Con stitntioiuil Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Coiituiiiptinn, Decny and Deuth, Ofllicc, ;o. 7 Son Hi lV4lri'i'k Ntrcvf Left linnd tide going from Bnliiinore mnet. n tew lnnn from thecoiner. Kail tit tonbsrrve nmne ami ntinihrr. UMteri mut be pnid nud contain u slump. The l) ct"r's ' Diplomas hang in hn office. ' A Cunt 1Vm-i-iill in Tm Dhvn. Xv Mtrcuryof Xt'i-n-nt fh'tij, Ir. .3oliiatoii, MemUr of the Knynt Ci'llege "f StiTum, Im.l.-n, lini.l uate from one nf thu mt emim ut Cdlrtm in the I until btntes, aud Hit? grenter part nf whose hlr him l.eui ipent in the h'pit1i of London, Piuis, 'hi!:nlrl mid elm- i wliete, has etlectcd sonu- (' the m t mrimiiikImhi; mrm . that weieever known ; tniiiiy truhu-it with mmih in ihr . head and enrs when anient, emit uer'umnf. Iumul' iilnrin- i ! ed at luddpu aoundfl, hnihluhiefis. with finpient liluhiiiir. ; : attended Siwielituea with drr influent nf mind. wtucriKfl ' j immedititely, i TUo l'ariicular .oliee. , Dr. J. ntldrcmea alt th"? win h-iv injured the rnn-lven , by improper indulgence and liiHrv hahitn. wliu-h ruin utith Ixwlynnd mind, unHttiUft Iht-iu lor either buiine, I study, tictety or nmrrmge. ! 1TiiRi are loine of tin: sad atnl tnf hint-holy eir'eln pro- ! duet'd hy em ly Imhitn d youth, viz: Wenkiisof the Hnek ; , and LimliH. I'.uns in the llind, Dunncm ol Mipht. Irimsof 1 j MiiBculiir Pvet, 1'mImIuUuii of the Henri, D)Bpepy, I Nervous Irritability, Dernunpm-nt of the Dilutive Kuue- ' j lions, (leuernl Ddnlily, Sympti tiiH of I'onpumptioii, Ac. Mk.ntali.y The feurlul effects "n the mind nre inneli ; 1 to utMlreudfd I.ohn ol Memory, ContuHion ol De- f predion of Spirits, Kvil-Fnie horinigs. Av ntmu to Society. Sell-LlistrusL Isovl- nl' Solitmle. Tiiim.Ii' v. ic. are sonic ol : the evils produced. TuotsAND of persons of all aces can now iudi;e whnt . is the cruise of their declining hcnllh, losing fheir viyr, becoming wenk, pnle, nervous nud eunruifed, hnvnif: n ' aoicultir nppenfanee urmut the eyes, cough nnd yniptnins : of consumption. Vouiijif .Urn Who hnve injured themselves hyu certain practice imluli:- 1 ed in when alone, a liuhit frequently h-nrned from evil rouipnnious. or at school, the t-lleuts of which me nightly felt, even when indet-p, and if not cured rrnt)trs mmriuf'o imHsihle. and destr Nitu mind and body, should apply immediately. Wiiii t a pity thnt n voting man, the h pp of Inn country, the darliut ot hn parents, shonhl be snatched I mm nil pros perls and enjoynicnlHof hie, by the conswjnenee of devia tinn Iroin the piith nl nature and indulum in a certain suTtt hnbit. Such pers ns u-r, Ixloie c.'iitcmplnluig, reflect that a smind mind mid h dy nre the most iiiwssary . n-ijuinitL'Sbp proinotecoiimtliml happiness. Indeed without ' these, the journey through life heroines a weary pilgrim- Re; the prospect limit ly darkens to the view the wind ; becomes stent.. wed w ith de4mir mid hlltd with the incl.ut , eholy reflection that lhe h:ppt.ics ot another hec-nncs blig'iirri with our own IHmi'hso of IiiipriMlcrM'O. 1 When the mifKuided and imprudent votary of pleasure , funis that he b;is unbilled the seeds of this pttiul'nl diet use. j it to often happens thnt mi ill tttnid seimf o slinmr. w : dread ol discovery, deters nun from applvmi? to ifiosr who, tiom education and respectability, can alone heniend loin, : delimiter till the conititutiotml symptoms of this Ii-tiM 1 diRt-nsi Hinka their fippeumuce, such ns nlcertited s ie J liiroat, diseased nose, icctuttil pains in tin; In ad and Initio, I dimness m a:ght, dt-afm ss, nodes on the shin bones u.nt I aims, blotches on the he.-nl, im eiuid exiieimin s, piojjies! ' ing with tnithlful tapidity, till at I'ifct the pi site of i)i j month or theh niesnf the nose fall in, and lhe victim of this awful d'sense becomes a In irid ob.iect nf cninniisem ! lion, till death puis u ptrn-u) to Ins dreiuhul uieri:iK, by ! sending him to that t mhseovertxl Country from wbiiir'e no traveller returns.1' It is a melancholy fact that Ihounnmle full victims to this . terrible disease, owing to the uuskntiuliicski of inoinnl j pietendfTS, who, by the. use of th tl 'Ieadly Poison, Mer cury,'' ruin the coiibtilutjou aud nuke t ot residue ot life ! mivraMo. rlninjioi'M Trust not your lives, or health, to the care i.f the many , t'nlentned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl I edge, mime or ctnracler, who copy Ur Johnston's adver tiHi'inenls, or nt vie themselves, in lhe newspapers, rcul;iity ! Kdncated P.iysicinns, inMnhlt of Cmmc, they keep pm j trilling month after m nth tukuiff their filtliy ntd pots-mas i compounds, or as long as I he smallest fee can Iu; obtained, and tu despair, leave you with mined health to sigh over : your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Phici:in advt rtirouj;. Hoi credential or diplomas nl ways hang in his oflicu. J His rr mid ics or treatment are unknown to nit others, ( preared from a hie spent in the great hospitals of Kumpe, I Hie first m this country and a more extensive ''Private Pinetice" than any other physician in the world. liilor4itnii1 ol lhk lr ' The many lhoiiuids cured at this iuslituhon yenr uOrr veor. and the numerous important !nrgieui uperaiionK pertornutl hy Dr. Joliiiston, witnes'eil liv the rep irtem oi the "Sun," "Chiioer.o tnij innnv other niperK. notices oi . which have appeared niiiin anil ai;:iin lii-l'iiri-llie puti! ie, . hcsiiles his staiiillni; as a fieiillrin-in of eharncti r nnd re. sjionsibility, ia a sutneient gimiantee to the ntllicleil. NUin IU .! SptM-dily 'iir-l. I Persiins writing shimM lie particular in directing their j letters to his Institution, in the fnlli'winc, niniiner, I John yt. .lollilhloil, .11. IS. Of the llaltnnoie iM'k II baltlmure, Mil. Nov. 30, l07 I y. . !iilnlelpliiis A. I0i-i ISiiIIi-oskI. j WINTER TI.ME TilSLK. Through and direct ronlo betweca Philadelphia. ' Ualtimore. llarriiburg, illinmsport, aud the Ureal j Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEUANT SLEEriNli CARS on all Nialit Trains On aud aftor Monday, Nov. 2.'th. lSii", tho Traina I on the Philadelphia i Erie Rail Road will mum i follows : Wkktwuii). ' Mail Train leave! Philadelphia. 11 15 p ni I " ' Sunbury, a M nm I " ' arr. at Erie. 9.00 pin Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 12 00 noon ' ' Sunbury rt.Si p m I ' ' arr nt Erie 0 45 am Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia. S 00 a in ! ' Suuburv 4l.ipm " arrive at Lock lfaven, 7 Aj iu I Kaktwaku Mail Train leaves Erie 10.2ia m W ' ' Sunbury. I.Maui I " li arr. at Philadelphia, K ! a in Erie Express leaves Erie 4 ?J p m Sunbury 6.40 a m ' " arr. at Philadelphia, 1.00 p ni Elmira Muil leaves Look Huveu. 7.10 a iu " " Sunbury, 10.25 am ,; arr. at Philadelphia, 6.10 pm Mail and Express eunneet with all trains on W ar ren t Frauklin Railway. Passenger! leaving Phil adelphia at 12 00 M. arrive at Irvtneton at t).40a ni, aud Oil City nt 0 50 a m. ' Leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 oi p in. All train! on vt arren a rraiiaun nauway maae close eonuections at Oil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAOUAGE CHECKED THUOUUH. ALFRED L. TYLER, Ueneral Superintendent Auditor's. .o I !'. IN the matter of the distribution of the prooecds of sale of the franchisee, Ac of the '-Sunbury Canal and Water Power Company." The undersigned, having been continued by tho Court of Common Plea! ol Northumberland county, as Auditor in tho above matter, hereby notifies all persona interested, that ha will attend to the duties of bil appointment at the office of Uruner t Kase, in th borough of Sunbury, on Tuesday, tho 3d day of December, 1807. at 10 o clock A. M. CHAS. J. URUNER, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. 1867. Auditor' .olirr. In the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Auditor ap pointed hy the Court to distribute the balance in tho hands of Joseph Priestly, Executor ot the estate of Mary Antes, tale ot the Borough of North umberland, deceased, to and among those legally entitled thereto, will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of his appointment at the oftioa of J.I) Packer, Etq., in the borough of Sunbury. ouSa turday the Join day of November, I8n7,et I'll o'clock A M JAMES KEKMKR DAVIi. Nor 23, IS7. Auditor. Mir,mt'i-'M iii E BTvirtu. of a terUlo writ of Testatum Venditioni Exponai, to no directed, will b. oxnowdT. public sale .t the . Court Ilou.el.ln ths iKJ fc.un.,:l,y .?. on M"4"y th. 2d day of b?h.. 2d day of December, a. ii. im7, atao'olocaP.M ty to wit : luuowing proper- All tho following described land and praaiisos. ituaU in Coal township in tlioooantyof Northum berland, in the Stole of Pennsylvania, being a part nt the lands and promise which Frederick Albert Kcinstoin, Trustee, and Susnn Longonookor, by In. denturedated the Uth day of A. I). October, 1H61, and reoorded aa hereinafter mentioned, sold and' conveyed to Jerome Longnocker. First. All that certain Furnnco, Casting Ilouse, dwelling houses and Traot of Land, beginning at a post In tho lino of land, surveyed in tho namo of William Green ; thence south otghty-nlno degrees, east seven hundred feet and six inches to a post; thenoe several courses and diatanoes, particularly di-ecribed in tho Deed from Frederick Albert Ucin sloin, Trustee, and Susan Longcticckcr to Jeromo Longonockor (which snid deed is recorded in tho oflico for Recording Deeds. o., In tho oountv of .Northumberland, in Hook K U. page 5T4) to "tho place of beginning. Containing nineteen acres and sixly-nino and a half perches ot land, strict measure. Second. All thnt certain tract of land, beginning nt a post In the middle of tho llrnnch Kail Kond to Big .Mountain at the distance of eleven hnndred and fifty-nine feet nnd fuur-ienthi of a foot, southward from tho point whero the said middlo lino internee! tho Eastern lino of the tract of laud surveyed in tlm name of Sutnuol Clark ; thence along said line south ono degroo and six minutes west, so von hundred and thirty-one and one-tenlh feet to a post ; thence south eighty-nino degrees cast, three hundred nnd twenty-five nnd a half fact to a peg in the middle, line of the aforc-aid Knit Road ; thence along said middlo lino northward to tho place of beginning, containing four acres nnd twonty-eight pcrchcs.striut measure. Reing a part nf tho third tract mentioned and described in the deed aforesaid. Third. All that certain tract or parcel of land, beginning nt a post in the eastern line of tho trad ot land surveyed in the name of Samuel Chirk ; thence north one degrco nnd thirty-eight minutes east, ono inousnnnana ntty-two lect to a post on tho soutn- west corner of Pearl and Shakespeare stroois in tho I iunw wi iiiuiienin , luuncc several couthus unu uie i tnnces, particularly described in the Deed aforesaid, ' to the placn of beginning, containing twenty acre 1 nnd eighteen perches of Innd, strict measure, lining , the fourth tract mcntionad and described in the i lleed aforesaid. Said last described tract being sub ject to a mining right reserved unto one William L. llelfenstcin, his heirs nnd assigns, ns mentioned in ; Enid Deed. .Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho property of Jerome Lotigcncckcr. DANIEL BECKLEY. Sheriff. MicrifTs Oflice, Sunbury, Nov. 16, HtJ7. ii' voi; WiUTi 1 F you want a sttt of Hnrness for f 18 00, po to 1. JACKSTROJ1. IF you want aj gocxl silvcr-niountod Harness, go to JACK STROII JV yon want Harness, or anything in his lino of business cheaper than thev can be puroliafO'l I elaewliere, o nnj try at JACK .STUOll'S Wioj 1 All K"oils arc warranteil asreprescntcd. F you want a ni"o driving II or so and Buggy, g loJACK STKOH'S Livery, opposito tho Ccnlral ; Hotel, .Vunlinry. IF you wnnt ngootl Auctioneer, goto JACK STU01I who is ulways on hand to make you a good sal" or no pav. Sunbury, Nov., IS07. A I : A It II I V A iT I' AT THE S'l'OKE OF J. II BNGCL, Cnier of Fourth and .Market .SlreeD, SUXIil'IlV 1 I I'ST received from New 1 ork and I'liilinlohitiii at a law sui.ply of FALL AND VVINThl; a lurn'' suj.ply i i t M 1 1 IS. nhii'h In- will sell at iinull profit, for ciuili or country produce His l)rv liiKnls department is full of cvei v di-scrij linn. A spluudiil line of l.ALHKS' DUKs.'j liiJUli.S, and White Hoods at all prices. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yfinkeo Notions in Great Variety Also. Ladies French Corsets aud Hoop tliirb CARPETS, Wnu Floorcloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil i,tln, all v.idihs, C.miago Oil Cloth, Table nil Cloth Widow Shades. I'lnin lireen and Ur ii Oil Clo'U nud Futures lor Windows. GrlriOOEHIE S , .- ,, Nunr. Collee. .Mulats. liice. Crackers. Spices, Salt, Fi.-h, Cheese, .te. (Ju.en-wnie.tilassYtar. sptcudij SetUof linr, at low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IN OHEAT VARIETY. II, its and Caps. Oil. Faint, lilitss, I'utty. Scho-.f Hooks. Paper. Slates. Ac. II A R I) Y A It E . Shove!?, Fork., Nuils, Locks, flingcs and f-ciow- A Lurje n.-ortment of W'Al.l. l'APLK na l i:r Uer. at all prices. All persons ilcirinj; to rf,i-l .jds v. ill 'lh-o irive Into a call. .1. 11. KNOLl, Siiiilnirv, Nov. Ii'i, 1 4 7 d M EH o CO m rf f $.4 7 3 a t i. k rjj o o o 5 S n a o a a w 9 t S m U o a m s w I 0Q OJ o C-. b s e v J b o co I THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ' 1 FALL &. WINTER r: BBa Joseph Eysler, Corner of Market and Fourth Street. SUNK U H Y , PENK'A. Invites the public to call and cxauiino his eleg .p.i aswtrtmeiitof FALL AND WINTER fiOnps. which he will sell at greatly reduced price li s stock oonsista '.n part of CA3SIMERES. CLOTHS. SlC Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Uinghanu, Culicoes, Murlins. .Wheeling, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assurtinent ot Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, (ilovea. Uaop Skirt. AI.o H:uidkiroliiefs, llrurhee, Comlis. Ilatw und Cops, Hoots and jstliftvfc. His assortment of goods will not, he is sure fail in please the fancy and suit the wants of any dcirous of purchasing. Hie itoek of HARUWARK AND QI IEXSW ARE. and Orocerios i large in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything nettled in the household either for use or ornament. lie la al wayi ready and glad to see bis friend aua tunes pleasure in mowing them his goods even though no solos are made. He only asks a call, aud ii sure that the Mock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest JOSEPH EYSTKIl Nnubury, Nov. IS, 167. ' Machine Etitchinff. . "VKliLf.a ur work left at the atoic of D. M Bran- tigaui. in Norlhuniberlanl will be prompi , attended In. All work warraute.l. Nov