Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 16, 1867, Image 2

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    II. u. MASSIiB, Editor ft Proprietor.
. . .
BAi'UIUUY, MOYKMUKli 10, 18U7.
j&To och BcBsciiiBcna. Wa trust
that tlvoso of our subscriber w ho are iu ar
rears wilt remit tho rmpectlvo nmonnts nt
their earliest convenience. . Our canlt pay
meat for labor, paper, i-to., arc coutiiitioun.
ly heavy In tlie publication of tho American,
and subscribers knowing tliemsulvts indebt
ed will confer favor by complying with
our request.
i ii ' -1
13?" Tut lute olt'ctionsi, ever which our
Democratic opponent are now so jubilant,
lo not by auy means justify tbu cucrlnplon
upon which many of them act, narm-ly, that
the lato Dciuncrutio victories wuro owing to
the lucrenacd vote of their party, but simply
to the fact that the Republicans did not
torn out, and left tho elections go by default.
Tha returns, nil over, show that the
Democratic vote full guatlj short of last
year's, and that they ouly succeeded by a
atill grcattr number of Republicans staying
at borne. They am still there, and when
they again conic to thepoils our Democratic
friends wiil End it out.
J57Tuu Bi'sd.vy Caw Qcestion has
been finally settled by a decree of the Su
preme Court of this Etate, delivered on
the 7th int., at Pittsburg, reversing the
Court below iu Philadelphia, which re
strained the Union Passenger Railway
Company from running their car3 on Sun
day. Judge Read's opinion la not only
most learned, able and conclusive, but so
.,.'. . . , '
well fortified by scripture, U.v and common
sanse, that nothing u left for thn opponents
of tho measure on which they tun hany
a siuls argument.
fc3T"T:tE Next Pkssidi'.st. -There seems
riot to be the least doubt at Washington
that General Grant will be the next Repub
lican candidate for President, or that he
will be chosen. Tho Chronic', the Repub
lican oryan at tiio capital, h is tuken tho
broadest ground in his favor. Tho Demo
crats, on tho other hand, are hesitating as
to tho one to unito upon. Gtu, McClellau
is sometimes referred to, but is regarded a3
too dead a weight to bo thought of serious
ly. Tho man most prominent, and who ac
cording to present appearances stands the
best chance for the Democratic nomination
la George II. Pendleton, of Cincinnati, w ho
was the Vice Presicku'.iil candidate with
McCMIaa iu 1301.
"Sew-York. has gone Democratic by some
C0,000 majority, tho majority in tho city of
2iew-York iiiouo being over (iO.OOO ! The
Btato Senate will have a P.epublieun majori
ty of about 5, but the House will stand 73
Democrat! to C5 Republicans, which will
givo the former tho United States Senator
in place of the Hon. UJwin D. Morgan, the
present member.
Tho Democratd carry New Jersey by
about 12,000 majority. Roth branches of
the Laiiislaturo are, of course, of the same
complexion the Senate by 1 majority, una
tho Assembly by 33. 1
Mnjsachusetts Ion cone R.-nubliean by i
Some 27,000 majority. Boiu braneLea of
tho Legislature are largely the same way,
aud both strongly against a prohibitory li
quor law.
In Maryland, of course, the Democrats
wero sucLCSsful. Their majority is very 1
licavy for Governor it is probably over j
40,000. They have been successful iu every i
county. . I
In Missouri tho Republicans maintain '
their ascendancy of the Legislature, the '
members of which were the only State otli- :
cers chosen. In Noel' Congressional dis- :
trict, made vacant by his death, Gen. Mo. ;
Cormick, Dcm., is elected. In this there is j
no change, politically. I
In Minnesota, where a Governor and Le- I
gislotnro were chosen, tho Republicans aro
successful by Borne 4,000 majority on tho j
Governor, and a majority of the members of
both branches of the LcgL-luture. The ne
gro suffrage amendment is defeated.
In Wisconsin, where also a Governor and
Legislature were choitn, the Republicans
have been successful in both, electing the
Governor by some 5,000 majority anil a
largo majority iu both branches of tho Le
gislature. As to Kunbas, it is not known how it has
gone. There weru so many riders to fiylit
for or against that the actual purlizun com
plexion of the Legislature is uot yet decided,
though the chances arc in favor of the Re
publican party. Both the women and ne
gro suffrage und tho prohibitory liquor law
amendments are all defeated heavily.
From Michigan and Illinois, where elec
tions wore held for members of the Legisla
ture, we li 'VC few or no returns.
JGo!J still r.ontiatxi lo decline slowly,
n'L'ood iuJic&t'.on. It is uow niioted at
, i-.. i i I protection. 1 tie deportment ot counsel in
L.NLAHou..-ll:o Pittsbur- Gautt 't'lUlt Cae, untetedont to any cliscusiion be
lieen tnlarL''d liy thu addition of a column tw ten JtnlL'e and tuuu&el w ho is lesuondtiit
to t'.'.ch pat;'.'. It is now tlie largest paper
published in Pittsburg, if Lot lu the btatc
Tho (jd&ttc u an excellent paper, and it l
gratifying b sue liiis evi-'ente of proi-perity
Shocking Iimi.tu Lri'i.osn'N at Pitth
Bci;g. A lJittBbii!'i ilif patch of Nov. 8, tsys:
Ouo of tho most territie, fatal calamities that
hag befallen our community lor a limy time
ccurred here to-day. About half past eleven
oYloek .his morning the citizens of the
Ninth vvaid were startled by a loud report
of an ciplofeioD, nnd thu crowd that flocked
I') tho fccelii! of disaster found that a poilion
of the mill building of Peeve, (.'raff and Dull
Mas blown iuto ittuuis, nnd tiiut about twenty
persoua were killed and many wounded.
It was aiceitained that thu exploslou occur
red in the forge portion of the mill, uud to
add to tho terrible accident, the building
Lud caujilit die an I m iu flames. The
Cattso of tho explosion will probably uevt-r
be kuowu, as tho engineer uud fireman wer
the only oo"i who could liuve given any iu
forinaiiou, uu l they weie iustuutly killed.
7hi lost wjil probably reach 10,000.
A famine In Beandinuvi Is among tbo
tttst misioitune reported from Lurrim.
B4 harvsts last jear caused it, aud th
peoplB are asking for aid fiom Uissmrround
ng eoaori.
c snuiegs i Mii'i li mmisBjam1mmrswi :raM nrit i-mr
Tho Corrtspi.iideuie of Ibu Cincinnati
Cummcrciut, lately spent a day with obi
Ben. Wade, the Senator from Ohio. Among
other things ho gave bis opinion about Pre
sident Johnson : . x !':
Mr. Wade related the following abont A.
J.: "Three or four days alter the assassina
tion, Johusou sent for nic, and I went to see
him. lie met mo very cordially, shaking
mo with both hands, aud said ho wus ex
ceedingly glad to see me, tad that there
wasn't a man in Washington whose advice
ho whould as soon have a mine. I told
him I was very glad and very proud of that.
Wo sut down, aud ho said he wanted to hear
my views on publio questions and public
policy. Well, said I. the first thing I've got
to say to you is, bo warned by the fate ol all
Vice Presidents w ho have been in your po
sition. Look at Tyler and Fillmore, and
pray to Uud every night to save you trom
their fate. Johnson seemed astonished to
think that 1 had any apprehensions of that
kind, but I told him he couldn't be too care
ful, for that he certaiuly would be tempted
as they were. lie said I need have no fears;
that he tneaut to stand by the men and the
party that elected him, I then went on to
advice him what to do. I told turn the first
tiling to do was to order the 'rial of a few
of tho leaders of tho Rebellion, before a
military commission, and to hang them
when found guilty, lie said ho would do
that very thin';, and would commence with
Jiff. Davis. Uo told tuc to hunt up the law
on tho question, and I agreed to do it if lie
would mime somo one to help me. Ho nam
ed Ben. Butler. Uutler and 1 called on him
a day or two alter to And out exactly what
ho wanted, and we had a 'long talk with
hiui. Ho told us he meaut to linug the lend
ers of tha Rebellion right away, as soon as
they eouhl be tried and convicted by a mili
tary commission. As we went away Ben.
Butler said ho was delighted with Johnson;
that he seemed to bo a regular trump. We
looked up tin; law of the case, and iu a few
"atieu on nun again, i uimu to mm
about tiua vcrv question of reconstruction.
He said he was very glad that it was a mat-
ter with which ho lir.d nothing to do; that
it belonged to Connies' exclusively, mid ho
should let Congress taku care of it. We
parted, and fanui ai'uv 1 went home with the
ussurr.ncu from him that he would take no
stei) not sanctioned bv tho leudcro of the
Republican uaitv. I hoard nothing from
him until about t months later, when I
met John Covodo r.t a hotel in Cleveland,
and learned that the President hud been in
closo communion with Copperhead and
Rebels, and had said to Covodo that he
(Johnson) could do w'thout the Radio;
bctterthiiu tho RadiwiU could do witliot.t
him. About a mi. nth after I went onto
Wa-ilii ton for tho Wider, and 1 called at
tho- White House. I found tho ante-room
full of Rebels and Copperheads, and I win
soon convinced, from tho stylo in which I
was received, to, it John: on li-.d fouud friends
and nd; is"rs outside of tho Republican party.
I knew then that ho had started on the
dowu.vard track, and made up his mind to
betray tho party, and the country, too, if he
could". I tried my Lest to keep him in, but
it wus uo so.
H lie 'V!nt of J ir. KnvU.
Washington, Nov. 11. It in ascertained
from an otlicial source that tho government
wiil bo ready on tho '2!t inst. to proceed
with the trial of Jeil'eisoii Davis. It seems
t be tho dtairo of the gentlemen on both
sides of the. case, for a purely lejal reason,
that Chiiif Justice Chase shall sit with Judge
j Underwood on the tritd. In view of this
j fact, it is possible that the tiiuo of trial may
bo postponed, in order that urraugcmi-ntH
j may be made t j secure such ft joint accom
j tnociation,
j Prruicrs Twenty nvn Ct.xt Notes.
During a few days past, a number of spurious
twentj-bvc cent notes have, heen put in eir
culation. Tbev a.u the best executed of
'-'da ilinoniiiiatiou yet inanufuctured, and
are calculated to decuve the most cm-lid
money takers. The bngua money may be
known by the paper being u trillo thicker
thati the genuine, and tho gr;cn on the
buck somewhat lighter. The vignette of
I'Vssenden is at Cist glarce fully as correct
as that in tho genuine, but a close sciutiny
shows that it is a good wood cut, and not
a steel engraving.
txcciitioi! ol'u .Hui-tlorcr.
Wii.iiEiiAititK, Pa.. Nov. 12. Ncul De
vtoy was liuii:; this afternoon tor tlm tunr
ilur of his uifti on the 24tli ot' July, lie
inaik' a 1'all conl'i-ssion, elating that liu liot
IicT in tho breatit nuJ ussigns the cause el
eiimu to Lave been his ktcpic f.'ouipuuy
with otliir women.
E1XO.ND Ulfcl'.VTCD.
Wii.KSBARRK, Pa., Nov. 12 1:10 p. m.
Devcny left hid cpII ut two minutes of one
o'clock, iiet'ompiitiied by four entliolic clergy
men. Ho Ksceiided tilt' Bcnfiolcl with a firm
step, and wearing a smile upon li is face. IIu
addressed the asi inblai', auyinr; :
"Guntleiiitu : I committed tho crime'. I
forgive the iuilpe, jury sl'eiifl'und everybody
else: but Put Toomov swore awav niv life."
At. two minute? past oue the (Imp fell, he died with it low convulsive heaves
tif the chest, and a slight discoloration per
ceptible in die luce.
Over .100 persona were in the jail yard to
v itntsH the execution. After linnuin;: six
teen minutes the physicians declared life to
le extinct; after nineteen minutes the body
was cut ilow n, placed in a rosewood coffin
and delivered to the friends of the deceased.
It is to be Interred in the Catholic cemetery
of thii plum.
The I'usr of Itratlley.
V'asiiinuton, Nov. 11. In dismissing
Lawyer Bradley frrm the roll of attorneys
for his conduct in the Surratt trial, the Chief
I Justice addressed to Judge r isher the fol
i low iiig remarks :
1 must be permitted to remark, iu this
I coi'.ui Ltion iu relation 'to thai trial, that the
j power of the court to protect itself would
liavt ' eon felt long befoie it wan, had I been
' ii.i3i,. fc,, .,11,4 (ii, v i'i VU nii-
i jourued lor tho w ant of power to cnl'erce its
in tho cane, was ouly to be cxpluiai-d by the
j ekciten.eiit wuliieiit to tlie cuse, atm snoiitil
11 it UVI 11 ii.u , , .1 i.itij., w ill uii i , ii.
Lantia 'o aucti as '"Witm.'s is in my protec-
tiou bin i I will tench on bow to rtpelt
him,'1 is not conipntiole with the protection
presumed to be uti'orded by acouil that pit-
iji-s over a cafe, and that hold the doeii uic
tnal witues'ies aud clicufs are all iu its pro
tection. Iu ulludiuf.' to seals being prepared for
spectutori, und isuin of ticketa by Jinlye
Jr'uher, Jude Cartter sitirl :
"It is u very vicious practice in courts ot
justic to try cat-es before a mob or with the
influence of a mob, aud I do not thiuk that
an uudience ought to have been invited to
try that case, i think that was very con
siderably out of tho Way."
So when biuret is next tried, there will
le a different nrrui)iient in court.
Mr. Bradley to-day resigned his office of
Corporation Attorney, as Lu will have to
give up all his law business.
"Five Minutiss roil Ubi'iikshments."
L very body who bus traveled by railroad has
heard the above announcement, aud has pro -
bably suffered from eating too hastily, thereby
sow lug tba seeds of Dyspepsia. It it t com
fort to kuow that tbo Peruvian Syiup will
euro the worst casts of Dyspepsia, as thous
audi sr rdj to ttsti'y.
TUo Itrjjp.-i'iit-hstti'Kt.
Washisoton, Nov. ll. fimstiM Chiind'.er
is of tliu opiniiui ihul iio U jr.slht'u i is i.O'i
niry to iurpiid the l iusiiuit ilt.rii.ff, his
trial by the Henate, should the Ilunm ado) i
articles of iuipeacl)niiTt or, to make it
cleaier, report a bill ot indictment against
him. That when that iscloua, tht-y will tend
the Sergeant at-Arms to arrest him, und
conduct hi in before the bar of tho Senate,
where, with Chief Justice Chase a presiding
officer, they will proceed to try him, and
that, during that trial, their jurisdiction la
as complete over him ns is that of any crimi
nal court over their prisoner. They can
order him in close confinement, if necessary,
or adopt any other measures they may deem
proper to secure a fair and impartial trial,
l't-oiit Wnwliliifarton.
WAsniNOTON, Nov. 18. Various conflict-
ins statements have been made in Enylisli
and American newspapers as to the purchnsp,
Iiulies, and tho price to do paid lor uiem.
According to a private letter received from
that quarter, it is to sell the Islands of 9t.
Thomas and St. John lor a price varying
from 44,000,000 to $5,000,000 in gold, i n
exact price la not stated, n is lunncrfnui
that the arraugemelit or treaty provides that
the sale is dependent on a vote of a majority
of the inhabitants, which, it is supposed,
wiil bo secured, M. De Ballf, recently Se
cretary of tho Danish Legation, is here,
awaiting the result of the vote.
It is stated that as Sir. P.tadly has been
dismembered from the bar, and therefore is
no louger a counel for Johu H. Surratt, the
eminent New York criminal lawyer, James
T.Brady, is about to voulnteer as counsel
for the defense.
the wah insr.vrtrMii.NV.
Since the announcement was made that
the President would probably appoint a
successor to Mr. Stmitou this week, a Btrong
pressure has been brought to bear upon Mr.
Johnson in favor of several candidates
whoso names have been mentioned in con
nection with tho War Office. It is known,
however, that up to this time the Piesident
has not decided finally upon any candidate,
and it is probubly that i.uneot the purlin;
anxiously seeding uic pi nee win gci u.
Tho President is considerably alarmed fur
fear that Pendleton uud Seymour aro taking
possession of tho Democratic party to secure
President! -d uomiuulious, without as much
as considering him in the ring. His organ
in thia city, to day, closes another frantic
appeal n.3 follows ;
Let the motto be priucipii.s :iud iiiciosuri i.
for these let thought ol mere men he post
poned fir six months. Then let a National
Convention bo called in tho manner and
form ;!, not ;iyic, may appear to be mutt
politic, and composed of such - delegates us
may bo ltw, not note, sent up I'teili fnon the
ranks of tho people, who shall determine
who shall be tho standard be. ier of tuc
Democrats and conservative people.
" 'Copp'-thc'idc,' 'Rebel?!,' and disloyalists,
who united, have broken the power of a rot
ton radicalism during the present year.
There 13 now no man nor set of uv.'ii that
arc authorized to cot tip the names or creeds
or make any form of isne, except those
that shall come from battling against n.tten
radicalism. Upon that platform ot policy
we can ull stand safely, and triumph most
assuredly iu tho election. If wo comic short
of this all may be lost, and the Democratic
parly will be expected to take back scats."
A letter has been received hero from Mr
Yallnndiglj.itu, iu which he expie.ssis couli
deuce that the majority of llm Ohio Legisla
ture will elect hiui Ln.ud States Senator.
ntlSTIKO THE IllfKAv-llMHST TP. 1'I.VI .): V.
The tfovernment printing ollieo to-ii iy
finished the I'rinling of the testi.vony tak.-n
by tho Judiciary Committee iu the impeach
ment case.
A tVoiuail S Jiicifcd.
BltooivVll.l.i;, Clt artielil county, Pn., Nov.
13. Mrs Lena, Miller, the woman who poi
soned her husband by atlmintei inj; poison,
wus huii; to day within the walls ol the jail
. . . 'I .I1..I .1 U - .1 I I 1 .
ut. vieuiooiu, civuiai iiiiuom u 'i-innns
were present, and she made a full confession
of tho crime,
Mrs Miller was convicted of the murder of
lu.r Xiivii-r Miller, bv ivilmininl.-i -in.
poison at divers times between June lo,
lb'Oli, nnd July 12, IfcSOO, by arse
nic with cotlec, fruit and food, causing his
death on the 12th of July, ltiOti.
V K O M " IV K O 1' li .
j w hen the war terminated, is Paid to be a
riiAXCL-. i comiium bailor iu an Kast India vessel, sail-
Pauis, Nov. 10. Thu Emperor Napoleon ; ir.-; from Liverpool. He was a regular IJ 'm
has arrived at Lyons, w here lie met with a bastes Putins, and a bruthl and cruel fellow,
cordial reception from the people. An ad- j and dots well to stay away from his native
dress of welcome and congratulation was j country.
made by tha Mayor, to which tho Emperor j A f(;W ,1aV8 a B,irtW(i vli!a5n in Nas
responded. In loo course of his sech ho ,, x n vukc(, ..n,,.,, ., l0 ,v bt(ir(.
referred to the ""I'-erial value wnien the ; win(,w ,.oke ; )al)e ot- vvuvU Ul,s
LnUnfr eoJitlte of the European powers pos- : mu, v)t,u as,.t,(, t) u , iit!--lUrtat0.
sees tor the peace aud civilization ct the ,y rircw ,)Ut u olie Uan'drcd dollar bill, which
i -. . , ' the store keeper took, uivint; him seveutv
Oeayral 1 wily. comioaiHler ot the liench , fl(lll;lrs hl ek The bill proved to be
expediliouary lon.u ti pome, reports that ! co1lntt, t.jt
the French in the ilslit at Monte Uotoiid.. . , Jn Milwilljkrc t!l,ro ,111VC,
lost forty killed andwoundeo 1 1 I ;'Pl ,te expended $135,000 la street improve
troops lost only twelve men. 1 he casualties ! tg '
of the (Jaribaltliaus were six huudiel killed, . , , ,, , .... ,
und as many wounded, while Uentv-two . Ninety thnuaiH. dollars worth ol Nicol.
hundred were taken prisoners. General I a" P"vi;ment have just been laid in Coluni
Failly says the credit ol the ureal slaughter j 1,U9' "J'1'0'
of the Uaribaldiuus is duo to thu Clnt'-.gepot i A tournament took place ou the 17th in
rifles. The Insurgents were only half tinned, j Columbus Missouri, in which thieo of ihc
Pauis, Nov. 1U Eveiiiug.- Tho Govern- chanipions weiii called respectively Lust
nient of Franco is Beekiuu; to raisu 24,000,- i Knipht, the Other Kuiyht and to-morrow
000 trance, w lucli it is stated the govcrnuicut
wants tor peace uses.
The J'utrie says the assembling of a gene
ral European Conference is uncertain, hs the
views of the great powers on thu subject are
as yet unknown.
Pauis, Nov. 10. Lord Lvons, the new
English minister to Emucehas presented
his credentials to the I'"t:( ;ior Napoleon,
and wan cordially received, and mutual con
grjtulutiuiis wero exchanged.
Florence, Nov. 10. Kinr Victor Emnn
ltd has extended aid to families of Garibal
diaus who were killed and wounded in the
recent erijaitt iiH ntn.
There is '.'crural discontent throughout
Italy, and a itato of siege is threatened iu
every large t.ovu.
l'j.oiiENCE, Nov. 10. The ItnJli savsthttt
the Kinjr of Italy havipy fultillcd the obii-
oatinns imposed upon Italy by the Keptein-
bcr Onvi'iitton, now demands ot the tn
pcror Napoleon the o! tlie French
Hoops fiom Italian soil, nnd recall of the
French fleet from the Ituliui) const.
Tho ll iliti also says that thu Kin.; in his
communication to the French Emperor
firmly protests against a Ihiropeun Confer
ence composed only of Catholic Foweis for
the settlement of tho Human question.
Santa Anna's good fortune (if to we may
cull ii) has not yet forsaken' him. llo has
arrived ut Havana, having been lil eruted
from the inipiisomnent to which l.e was
condemned after he failed of buin shot.
He is again an exile, as he has often been
befuro, and has agaiu the opportunity to
resume those plottinps for power in which,
though he often fails, hu frequently succeeds.
lie is uot likely to come again to thia
! country, as he considers hu was badly Used
by our Government when lust hero, aud es
peciully by one of our naval otliccr when
last he attempted to enter Vera Ciu. It is
bard to say w hat would be cood lilacs (or
i the unhappy old conspirator t go to.
the rus'i uin for the stnge
Dr. Barnen, of ChiCHen. ,nn c been
aide to Und by sin wus let loose on the
world, aud is greatly troubled thereat.
There is a want felt in tho New Eniland
States for able sensation preachers. There
is a scarcity of the suiim soil in heaven.
Mis. .left'. Davis nursing her sick mother
in Vermout. J. D. himsilt will shonly couiu
to tho United States, they ay.
' Louis Napoleon, it is said, Is losing a great
deal of money at tho gambling table.
Judge Bullock, of Kentucky, has just de
cided that nothing but gold and silver are
legal tenders in that State. 1 '
Peter Lorillard, the great tobacconist,
passed into eternity leaving behind him fif
teen millions of dollars.
Jay Cooke is said, by those who esteem
themselves capable of judging, to bu worth
Philadelphia had more rain in the single
month of August than in the first six months
of bu t year.
Uticu has hud less rain this nutumn thnu
during any similar season for thirty years.
Salt in immense quantities has been found
in West Virginia iu the great Kanawhu.
I'rcd. Hudson commenced at tho Hernia
office at two dollars per week as errand boy.
He advanced to the position of managing
editor at a salary much larger.
The celebrated Mickley collection of coins
was sold in New York recently, and brought
very goud prices. Tho Aineiicnn dollar of
lt)U4 brought $1,000, and several others
brought equully fancy prices. It is consider
ed one of the finest uumisinatical collections
in the country.
A lifty years old elm tree has been trans
planted iu Chicago and is flourishing.
Bituminous coal of a very excellent quality
has been found near San Autonia, Texas.
Certain forms of deafness are said to bo
caused by mushrooms growing in tho ear.
Eighteen butcher shops sell horse flesh
for humun food in Paris.
A ludy in Now Orleans was married for the j
eighth time lust week. "
Rent estate is declining in New Orleans. j
Louisville boasts of 2,000 new I rick build-
j What reason have we t'i believu Noah j
! brewed beer in the Ark ? Because a k'a'i;;a- j
roo was seen going on bourd ith lu-p. j
I Utah has church propeity worth nine i
j hundred thousand dollars.
' A conclave of negroe:) is s;.:d to have m. t I
I in r-outlierri Lonisiaiia to ai.i;:ml :oe l.itne
: to suit the idea of enfranchisement.' Doubt
i f'll.
! Virginia has nine and n 'half millions acres
' of improved, and eleven million and a quar
j ter iii-rcs ol unimproved land.. Plenty of
' room fur improvement sliil.
Miss Margaret Stone died on Monday, at
i Hariisburg. m the 113 year of her age.
I A committee from pniladclphia have b-.on
examining Central N. Y. Pars; w itb a view
! to improve that at l'.iiruiout. Philadelphia
! is Eiullv iu want of such an improvement.
A reporter in the oiiico of the Bath (Me.)
Tiict ran nine miles in oao hour and two
minutes the other day.
A black lead mini: has been d'scuiered
near I.cwistou, Main:'.
A biith is found recorded in an old fami
ly liiblo tit West Haven, Conn , as foll.uvs :
'lial;cth .lotu s, born on the BOtli ' f N i
vt-ii.ber. 1083, according to the bist - ; .r
recollt ctioiif.
Rev. George T. Williams, n ho was sut
peotcd of picking a lady's pocket in Ne-.v
Vork a few inoiill.H ago, has I ci-n ib-oi.d
from the ministry by the Protest..::' Ri-i-copal
Chnivli in Virginia.
The wives of Mendiz and Mijia mud ;
Mirauion's wife i.-tuicken feunid hope of
recovery ; Princess S.dr.i S dni 1j in j.ill ;
Carlotta w ill surely die v. hi.n she knows
about the fate, of I,, r husband, and thus ( nd
the '.vomer: of the Mexican muddle.
An ailic'e in a London inag.i.ino dilates
on tho palutab'u quality of steaks from lion..
1 nnii ngifs. it is not ceitain about lions; but,
I it is said that those u ho "iiglit the ti-ei"
. . . . .
1 he Queeu ol & is inntaiir.jj the ttu'cn
f "Kluud, and writing u book, to be tal
led " 1 lie Iihoijiiuss ol Nations." It would
j be weil if ller M ije.-ty would coctiue In I
: ideas to tho hnppiiii'ti of Spain, which
; seems unhappy enough iu a chronic way.
Captain GeorjjH Y. Alexander, at ono
j tiiiie in ciitnniiiinl of Castle 'I litnuler pri"ou,
j in Hichmond, Va.. and w ho lied to England
i h.ui)lit.
There is an immense innijisriitioii of llor-
nions into Salt Lake just now. Many of
them are Donas.
OrotiTO Qrafk Ci LTrnE This country is be
comiut? noted fur the enterprise of wino growers.
New Jerey, particularly, where the celebrated Port
(iriuiu Mine is made nurelv from tbu irinn., ini..
The following letter fruin an en inent pbsieiun who
lives iu si4tht ct ftpeer s vineyard, will beef Interest
to our reuders :
Passaic, Oct. Jjilth, It ".i.
I here'iy certify that ill. A Speir, l lliis vil-
li -n. bus u I'irjte vineynrd af grutm viuus, !
nnteh are looking very hue. lie ulsO fiurch oes a
great iniiny griipcs, nut us j 'it pro hieing us nimtv
ii tinsel I ad u required lo keep bis stock ol wine loll
Hi l"ib the Purl tinipo. iho wir.o of which is held in
! iiih estimation uud of whi .-h he bus n large qun-
lily on hand ly ir i in his eell.irs requiring u.j bo-
I fore he disposes of it. P.. A. leiillL'su M li.
J The ubovo wine onu l e proeured ul our druists.
' Six P's. Punts PuiuteisI'reu. -hers P layers
' Printers und Puliii.'i.ius all suffer froin lyM-p.
j riu. NervoiHncs, Lt.s.i of Arpolile, Liver tutii-
pleinuj, mid ull disennea v. ht:b they uiuy rare or
j jirtveiil by Iho use of Plant.ilion Hitters. If ll.oso
i suflerera to .k tuese iliners, the Poetry would be
: purer, tho Painting" grander, lha .Seruiors livelier,
tha Acting ti uir. the Printing ticnter. and the P ili-
j ties hoi.i's'er. This seleii lid tonio invigoriilos the
' ysiem, aud en:il.i. the bruin to work beulibilv.
Peihaps uo urtu lo wus ever so well endorsed by
ull who have used it.
Marxolia Wateb A delightful toilet urtir.lo
Superior to Cologne and at bull the nee.
ALL oontngious poisons dotibtle-'S produce their
peculiar influence upon the organism through the
blood, in fact, they pass into this liuid, grow and
multiply luoie, b,u1'4 r'"" 10 changes iu its couipo
titiou. The coulniou poisi'tis geuerally c uieul of
living matter, and this, by its growth und increase
produces, by the great vhnnge iu ths circulating
fluid, those ttrriblu utlccliou.
These contagious poisons will fall liurmh'JS where
there is no impairment of heiillh iu any pal t of the
rystoui, but where the uiuoous surfuois are relaxed,
lie cHj.ilittiie distended on account of sluggish
oondition of circulation, the blood thia and poor,
and a general lassitude, limy will bo tuken up, and
produce their legitimate effect akkuaisaud dea'.hi
All danger from ttioso poisons uau easily be
avoided by using steadily tbo Zingari Hitlers, ll
prevents by producing just such a conditlou of lha
, , u is required to rli tb douou. bodu
i dir"ily ntiUaliiog many of them is Uis Mood.
Ann Diekinsr.u hus duidudoa
Btm tdvertldcuiRiit of Ppecr's ""Vines la another
vluwa. Til. 7 ru p:iri Juuo nioel r.oJ tho tnoat j lur sn-kuoFn nUjjeiiJi' lur oommuutua pur-
..I'll: fVl:
A" V. V A lit t! I I.' r-
oca m v r ws JS 9
AT J'lli. blUliii OF , . . ..
Corner of Fourth and Markt Bireota, BCNlll'ItY.
J t'8T received from Now York nd PhilmMpMa,
a lurgo supply of FALL AND WINltll
UO0D3, which bo will oll tt tnuill profits, lor oah
or ooantry produce.
His Ury Uoods department if full of every dworip
tion. Asplondid line of LADIEd' DllESS OOODd,
und Wbito tloodt at all prion. -
Knnc.y Hacking for Ludioi, and Shstland Wool
Yankee Notions In Great Variety
Aleo, Ladies' French Cornots and Hoop Bkirti.
O Ji. -R. T E T S ,
Wove Floor Cloths, Stulr CRrpet Floor Oil dolus.
nil nldtlit, Carringe Uil Cloth, Inula Ull Ulollt
Widow Slinden. Plain Urcen nnd Urown Oil Cloth
ami Fixturoi for Windows.
yujnr. Coffee, Molnases, Uico, CnickerH, SpicM, Suit
Fih, Cheese, Ac.
(jaeengware.Olasiwaro. fjilendid Sottnof Teaware,
at low prices.
Hut mid Cups, Oil, Faint, OlttM, Putty, School
Uooks. raper, slates, so.
II A li I) W A 11 E .
Shovols, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hingis and Ecrews.
A Large assortment of WALL TAPKH aud Bor
der, nt all prices.
All persons desiring to get good goods will plcaso
give hiin a call.
J. n. 5SNGEL.
Sunbury, Nov. 1ft, 1867.
"the very LATEST ARRIVAL ! 1
Joseph Eyster,
Corner of Market and Fourth Street,
iJ U N D U It Y , P E N N ' A .
Invilcsthe publio to call urd examine his elegant
nlii :!i 1m will sell at greatly roduccd piijcs. His coMisu iu part of
O A3SI "J3 K, s o.
S;Ili. Pt-tn!n"S. Lawn?. Oinl,:r.ns, Cnhcucf, Muslins,
i'li'i'flintf. Ti -kinirs, Jciir.s, and a full iLiaorliiietit of
Cctua and V'oolcu gouds feiit-iitt'.y.
Ifoslory, tllov.-s, lio-p Sklrtii. Alio Ifaudkircliiefi!,
Hi ".:-.h.s, Cou.Li.
?!h!t tl!Hl 'il5.-i, E?lfM IHII.l fillOCK,
His nssortiu.3t:t of goods will r.ot. ho is sure fit! lo
ploeutt tho 1'nney nnd suit tlie Wiuius ot' any deiirous
'.I '.aiclni.iiii. Hie alowk il'
hauijwauk and qli;en.s,vari:,
a..d Giocrlcs is lai in humility nu.l ohoice in
H'lit'.iiv, cnirii-in gfciierally everyiliiug needed ill
the hiiuieht.M cnlicr lur iu-e or onin:r.i:iit.
Ho in ulv.-nys ri-1-.ty and to si-o his fricn-ls tnkuii i-li'iaro la showier them his poods evin
t!;oati t:o ja'c.-t uvo inado. He oiily aks u ca!i, nnd
is sure that t'.e t.ick till iiiipiire fuvorutly iu
f ri;o and ciualily '..illi tlie cli:-:' '"'.'l.
JO.iiil'11 KVS1II
.Sanb'trv, Nov. M, :V-7.
fisa 3! 2 "JR-,a--r4 KAI.IC.
BV viri'in of ii ecvtui.i wiil rf Tei'iaiiiiri Vet:di:i'ir.i
l'jxvuiii. to mo dirroitd, tNiil ho extortdto
j.ubno a.ilo. i.i tini (.iuurc JI ji.s. . in the lJoiott:li of
i-iiiiLiury. i'.i., I.M Mo'.-tnv (ho 1M tl::v of iiceuuer,
A IJ l'.iT, at - o eioek i. ii., the f.-llo ing pi-.-i er- )
ly t o w t : ;
All ta.t li I'.-win ; OcsisriteJ land and premise, I
siru'ito i.i (o:il tuwiiahip in the coutity of Xi.niiuui-L'..-!
inJ, in liiu iit.ite ol .I'cr v.t yi, Liiii. i. part
Ul tl.e 1-U ti lir.d T t. L.i;L3 v.uio'i tTjiiS.i-k A 031'i J
Jteiniteiu. f i i;!"..'. t iiu. -;i l.o: : .-: i-i', l.y in- (
.ii . i. .!.' ai.iv I ii. I. if ..! OolcU-r i . t
.oid r.' I ll ii. i-tiii.'f'vl' liierilinued , cold audi
teiivi. cd t'i J ii jiiio Loni.eeUcr. '
l''ni. All li..,t coii.iin t'uin.ico, Cus'.in lluitj, i
d ivi-ilin;; hou-en ha 1 '1 1'.'it-t of Land. boKiiiiiinx a, a
-i. tl in l!ie l:t,j c! 1:it ii tur. i:yi"i ill the toitnu of j
Witihim Uri-iiii ; tlu-neo f mill -;!.ty-tiiiiu dtivi., ;
seven l.'.oi'lit'i li'e; mid ix inehes ij n ;
tlii-uen si.-vci'ul enur.-ti- nr.d j.-irtieai.-.i iy
dei'.-i'ih,'d i.i ll.u lee.l l;-i,:n rr,.ue.iei; A1L.;U Kei.,-
i tio. Trustee, mi-.I urfun l.oi.i;etitekur to J.ioaie j
L.nuiH'eki.r (uli.cli fiiid leei isreioriltd in the
oitiee lor lice ailing ll.-cls. Ac., in Urn county of
.- oriliuaiiirlniid, ij Utok li K. p.i;n 67i) lo ll:e ''O ol bfUiI..!'. C'llitnllitti.t lillielecu aei'is
sixty-nine and :i lilT p.-l s ol stl'i.'t liU'HSiiro.
heuond. All tin.' oermii li.ict ol Leinuiug
ill a ljjit iu the iniddlu of ttu' lir.Kiih Kuil l,u:id to
iti "ilulititalli ul tho uistuneo ol eleven (.utl licd und
lit! y-iiii.c feci nnd lour-:eiiil:S of a li 'it. southward
' from tho jiuii.t hero thes iid iniddKi line in-ersecis
thu Kai'.t.jrn line nf thu tm-.'t of lui.d urvl'vtd in tho
I namv of Suiuucl Clark ; Ihence along said iiuo south
one decree and six minutes west, seven hundred
and '.hiriy-one eud onc-teu h feet to a 1 os! ; llienco
sitth eijility-niiie decrees e;i.,i, three hundred und
twetity-livo nnd a hull feet to a pi-y: in the luij.ito
; linr of thu ui'oresyid It nil ; ihciice Hions iid
middle lino northeriii'd to tho place of beginning,
containing 1'ourneres end tweuty-eiht perebfis.iilriet
, uiearure. liein a mi t of ihn tl.i. l tract mentioned
j and described ill the deed uforciuiid.
, , Third. All thai certain tract or parcel of lund,
' be'giiiiuug i.i a P"t in tho cnsteiu line of Ibe true, of
land surveyed in ihu nuuie of i:tuiucl Clt.rk ; Ibenco
, north one degree and thirty. eiht miuutes eut, ouo
thousand and lifiy-two teet to ft post rat the south-
' weil oiirtierof learl and 8hhkesji-ere slreets in tile
, tonn ol biiauiokin ; theneu severul courses and dis
1 tHtices, tiui lieuiarty described ill tho fjced aioresuid,
: to the plaeo ol bet;iiittii, cotitaiiiing ttvonty acres
I end eighteen perches of liiud. itriot nieie iire lioiuj
; llio fi.urlh tract niiution d Red described in the
j bced utoresuid. trai.l lint di sci tlied tract beingsub-
ject to a mining ribt re.erecd unto one Wiiliuiu L.
i llelfeiistetii, his heirj uud aius, us uoutieued in
SMid bced.
j tii in .d. token iu executioti and to Uo fold as tho
; ptopertyof Jorotuu Lonenecker.
1 DASIth IttCKLEY, Sheriff.
.Sbenfl's Cfiiee, Sunbury, Nov. 16, ls67
i civv
I Only a few. more subscribers are required to in
sure tho speedy issuo of the Ureal Illustrated
nil-, vt i'lOiii.Y ritiiNM,
which in siie and nppcariiuco will resumble
HAltl'Elt ,S WEEKLY,
but in value will fur transcend that publication.
ThePIiESS w ill be an embodiment of tha spirit
of die uro.
hi. el department wi.I sparkle with the genius of
' the uioa'. eiunieat writers of the day
i Au onjjiual
' ,.f the must brilliant character will bo eomuicnocd
; in llio lira! number.
will be entirely origins! and of the most attractive
stvlo unl nature.
Iho great expenso and labor involved iu tais en
terprise rcLder u neoeiv.ry that i should sturl
wr.h an
Ia order to do this, wo dia'.I do us follows:
tlU.iiull in sums of $le0, will bo distributed
through iho Uisl ediliuu. lo every given number
of pupers liltl w ill be ullotted. Ltotycopyof Ibu
PULod ul be eneiiijud in a suiul wrapper, so Ihul
the pitpers oonlaiinng llio groen buckuill not be
known by llieir; il a; pearane-e, and all pur
clni?ers will have au tqual chance for the utonty
und gills.
lioaides the $100 BILL3, orders will be enclosed
In ceiliuu copies ol ihe eJitiou lur the fullowing
'Gil 'It'.
5 Oran 1 Pianos (Slciuway 'sj. Valuo fiOO
i CJnil, J Pianos (Chickei ing's). Viilue HUO
1 Carriage, from C. Witty ' Itoposilury Wilu
10 Uuld Ualches 150
6 MoloJeui.s ?j
10 Ladies' ljuld V.'ntehes lot)
lil American Silver Vt atcbes 74
6 Musio boxes a,
o l-.lliptio Look-siitch Sewing Machines s'J
A tV heeler and tViUon'a fiewiug M tohiues 7i
4 Wilcox 4 libbs'a hewing MuuUiues ii
10 Photogruph Albums JO
Tue balance lo e uisist of Acoordeoni, Toa Hols,
bil jerwire, 4c No Dullur Jewelry.
Kutiitl worth less thuulen ilullurs.
will be niailsd to any address upon ths receipt of
prios, Ten Cents, or elefeu copies for (il, twealv.
llnee lor tind sixty lor $5.
Address M I HIT ,V CO.,
No. l Bro4, New York Oil
'crvB,br 14, U47..1m
IESI'tX"if L'LLY-lnfornii bis lrimds and the
i publio geoerally, ljt lie kui oqinuienoed Ui
it,uuliMtur,Hna la low rJy lo tafLi.U
of a superior quality. Having procured the serrioet
ol' a ttirt ebuM brewer, liv l euublej to supply i,nd
ivroK. ies.ivurnuis nun priraco i.imlnes wilu an ar
tiolo ttiat Is putntaUo, paro and lieaithy. !
Orden 'are respesilully lolioited wrtich will re
ct.To prompt ail.Lt.uu. .
Bulibury Novomber 16, 18r.
tn the n.MO-r of the Path Ion of citizens of the Com
Itiiinwenllli of pFmnylvtiiiia, residing In Hie h.u.nifh of
tfunbuiy, in the Cnunty of Nurthuinlierlijiul, I'nr a dinner
rf ItiCiiipmution, to be called nnd kmiwu aa "The Suntmrjr
Mulunlivinn fund nnil Huildiog AM.'fiulioii," its piiuei
pnl business to be cnuilutled in Ibe Uuiouijli of rluubury,
in 'Rill C iunly.
Notic ta iikheiiv oiVBMthnt appllcntirin fins liecn mnie
to the Court of Uoiumna I'leus of .Noiihuniteilnnil County,
by citizi-nsof tins Coinni'iiiu-enHli, for u Clionrr of In
eiirpmntion, cicenttling to the objects, articlrs, and condi
tions, aim witn tun nmnc, style aii'.l title ai'i'citieu. fet mil
find oontained iu n certainiiiatraineiiluf wnonf, cslleit the
''eViii-titution of the Suubui y .Mutual tiuviug Funtl and
Iluililiiiit Ai'Solmiiuimi" fiied in tlic riotli.iiiotary'a oincti ut
f uiilrary in sjiil C. nnly. the fnlh ilny of Mnvcmbcr, A. IJ.
one thnuMiiiit eiqlit hunilied and sixty-stven ; nnd that,
if no suffif-ii'iit rciisnii be shown to the contraiy, saul l.'lmr
let f lcor"mti.i gn.nterf, , pur.aenc... of tho
ptnvWon, ,'f the act of Am'nihly in sue', ease inadu nnd
provided, at cording to t.'.e tenor and effect of said iastru
iiitm oi wnnni;, ul l. 're next term ot saiu court, town:
tue nnt Mini'tiiy in tnuunry urat.
I -w . Bv older of the Court,
1 sL. I I'rothnimtary'a Ctni e ) Jour J. R.ssstbs
' ' f mihury.Nov lei)?. J Prothonotsty.
Hunliuty. Nov ytb, l67 tit.
IF you want a sett of Harness for t!8 00, go to
IF you want a good silver-mounted Harness, go to
IP you mint HaroMS, or anything in his lino of
business cheaper than thev enn be purobased
elsewhere, go and try at JACK STHOll'S Sh'-.p.
ah goods are warranted nsrepregcutod.
IF you want a nioe driving Horse nnd Bugy, go
to JACK MTKOU'd Livery, opposite the Central,
uoiei, ounoury.
IFyoa want a good Auctioneer. r?o to JACK KTROU
vrlw is always oa hu 1 to inakn you a good fuIo
or no piiv.
Sunbttry.Nov. 2, 1SG7.
Maohina Stitehiiifj.
OhUEIti? or work left at, the storo of l. H. lr .ui
tiatu, in Northumberland, will tcircu.t !y
ttouded to.
U" All work tv at ranted.
Do f.'ot fail lo Esam'no T
Nor. 2 -if
y'L-i & ttAin:tVH
i::oni.3T ritEMiru
ELAbTtc Stitch and Lock STtrtti '
with latest improvements,
at tl.e residence of
Mrirkot Street, SCNBL'HY, PliNN'A.,
Who baa received tie Agency for tho fi.lo of these
excellent luchincs.
j tamiiy should bo wilbout oue of these machines
m Kiev will sure iho pric" of one in less Umu a year.
liify ure so Sitnplo Uiat au intelligent cliiid of ten
years can readily learn lo operate ftd kc
p It III
Call 'iml examine for yourselves,
N'ovi'fbcr 14-7.
i'l-osipes'lsit tor lnY4.
11 A R h ISliL RO D aVlV T KLKU h A Pit
Pull JUj'urtoJ Lt-glshitiii: I'rjcadinjs. JVY
oraj'hk i rn from all I'tirtx ot the World.
M ire than eleven y-ii'S have elapsed sinco 'he
otnlenigre t undertook the hazardous link of eslab-li.-Liog
a daily paper at the Capilnl of tho Slate. In
l?iii. on tho 7th duy of October, Iho Daii.v Ikle
OKA Pit was Bret projected by the present proprietor:
and we need not tell our readers ibat great doubts
er.nttd iu the tuiiids of many of our utrnJs ofour
ability tosusl'itn the ?ame, with the limited means
at command, but a fixed determination, energy and i
industry have crowned our effort wilh success, and
tbo TllkokaI'U to-day boars abundant teslimonv ,
that it is a permanent inrtilutiou of the t'aj itul I
cily. I
tl hen wo remember that we started w ith but ouu
Washington and un old wooden power press, which
was stifljcicut to do all our press work al that tiuie,
w e feel exceedingly gruiiued to iufurrn our renders
that it requires now oue large double cylinder Tay
lor press, iwo largesingle cylinder Taylor presses, !
a job press and a large iron hand press, to supply
the wants of the public, anil the ramo iucrease, iu ;
proportion, of other printing materials. The tue ol
the dailv is to-day twice as large as when we started
the same, and we should not be surprised if w o aro
compelled again to enlarge it bofuro the cloie of the
present volume. Ills now the largest dally pub
lished outii le of the cou.nier.-ial oi;ie in the State
o'Xc.ii.iy-i of the LerjULiture and Con-jrtt.
It nil all be our aim during the next winter to far.
ni-li complete and full reports of the proceedings cf
the .witional aud blute Legislatures, together with
full telegrupbiu dispatches from all parts of the
The political complexion of the paper is so well
known ihut weneed uot refer to it, and we can as
sure our Republican friends that notwithstanding
the slight reverses during the past year we do not
intend to tnko any step backward. Such is nut the
destiny of the Republican party, and we shall tut a
iniu tho uext Presidential cuutesl will, renewed vi-
The Daily will be furniikei to mail subscribers
ut ibu fol, oning rates, vil ;
Oue copy during tbe sesuoa of ike Legu-lature XZ 00
Ten copies duiring the same period, in tue
pack IS 00
One copy daily per year 7 00
Ten oopies, iu one pack, for lie same period, 00 00
Will be printed, as heretofore, on a large sheet, and
not ouly ooutsin all tbe important matters published
in tbe Daily, but also additional report of the tiuir
ken, Ao , and extended nonces of political matters
of the blaiottl iarge.
Tbe entuiug Presidential campaign will be of the
greatest iniportaLoe, and we hope Ibat every Repub.
licita in Ibe Slate will assist us iu circulating ucL
doeuioenu as will bring las truth to every fueside
iu ike country. -IXRMS
The Weekly will be published regularly every
Wednesday morning at ire following ratos, vn :
One oopy, weekly, lor oue year, $2 00
Five oopies, weekly, for oue year in on pack, 8 00
Ten copies, weekly, for oue year, in one pack, li 00
Twenty oopies, weekly, for one year, iu on
Pk 2J oo
Fifty copies, weekly, for cceyesj, in oue pack 6J 00
We have placed tbeprioe of oar paper to clubs at
the very lowest rates, and we bops to leoeive orders
from our lr lends promptly. Address
Kov. , 1K7 - 3t
Mrurket Square, two doors Esst of the old Dim
H liullrtlng.HIJNmJKY.Pcn,,'".,
AS opened lreshnipp1y of the l,,ict etjlci of
Vail and Wintor Oooils, selected by hersolf
fir.m the tnoat luihivnublo estalilisbuiinta in i" ilia,
Cnenp DoLnlnes. Al psoas. Frenoli Merino", f
.end Plaid Poplins, Mourning Uoods, Cloths.
ninnncis, L.euies ana minimis' lists, F"i:
Hibbons, I'ross Trimmings, Kiubroidiii'.i, !tnn
Veils and hnndkerchitd's, gloves, Losinry, l-tlmorat
skirut.UroakfiMt end Blanket Shnwls,Winter .Sucuuvs
- ft "'-"-" ' .1 .('.'.vlli
(.louts' Collars, "Scck-tios, Half-hose, Iland'Ksr.
chlel'j nnd Gloves.
Pcrtumery. Toilet 8op, Unit ttrnsriel, Combs, etc
IVllopkini' tlipno Skirts.
Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1807.
v-jni id isroTioisr s
MUb anna painter.
Murkut Square, two door west of tho Post Offioe
RE.SPLCTFCLLY iufortus her friend and the
public, that she has just returned from the city,
! .i u.. i.'- u- . . . i i.: , -'
T" ,.., F,wi Z. I, i , 11a 8 .
Da Purcbasca. iiud has just opened a large stock ot
Ribbon. Laces, Drcr-s-Linings, Crinoline nnd Wi
gans bkirtiug Lining. Uorip Skiru, hugle Trim
mings, Crape Trimmings, liatCrapo, Cloak Buttons,
Corsets, Zephyrs.
A largo assortment of Ladies and GoiiUeu t.'s
A vuriety of I100K8 1 STATIONERY.
DOLLS of nil sizes, Alphabet Ulocks, Ac.
.She flatters herself in being able to mukoa display
that will give eutiro sntiatuction to visitors, una
goods will bo exhibitod with plcaiure.
.Sunbury, Nor. 2, 1867. .
new Go6r)s7
; S.iu'.U tide of Market Srjuure, SCNBL'RY, Pa.,
HAS just returned from the city with ajurge
handsome aud cheapest assortment of PA:iar
! styles of Lndies' nnd Misses' lints and Bonnets ii
; Sunhuiy, of the following patterns, Princess, Alaska,
! All Right, Tloretta, Sensation. Turban, eto. Also,
I Nuciiues, Breakfast Shawls, Zephyr-knit Sacquos
feathers, velvets, silks, laces, ornaments, TriniVftngs
Fura, Fur Trimmings, Veils, both Lace and Urcim
tline, Knrbroidery, Ciuna Lace nnd Linnea Collar,
i-.nd Cut!.'.
I Uentleaien's Goods, such as Hosiery, Hundker
i ebiii'i, NseU-ties, Bruihesnnd goods for tho toilet.
Also, a fino assortment of Perfumery, and a'.
,.:),. ,l urually kept in a well furnished establishment
i ' Thankful for past fnvors she hopes by a furthe
' li'.'st.a to plnuie the publio, the contiuuunoc of the:
Not. ?, 18S7. .
I'lxildrcn'ss Currlagcts.
WE would call tho attention of those wanting i
Child's Carriugo, to our new and large assort
incut oompilsing nevr and beautiful style.
NSiVv 'ALI1,
Millinery Good
I Siirts 7i. I.. Ciios'felt.'r', begs lenre to fu
j no'ince to tbo Ludiesof Sunlmry uud vicinity, tut;
i thu bos just opened a lurge uud varied stock oi
i of all tho latest Fill and Winter styles, to which si.
I invites attentiun of her patrons, und Iho ladies gene
i rally, cuuliltul of her ability to please.
A gaud assortment of DONNt'li)' & IIATi, '
i 1 'a'.i fur features brightaud jolly,
i lla:s lor facts melancholy,
Kits fur figures, bruad aud burly,
I.a'.t for straigbt kair, sad for early
Hals of silk, cloth, fe!t sod baaver,
ifr.'.s that anneal wenr forever,
li.,'. that alaay look so cent,
Are bought at Miss Gossicr's oa Fourth -'.r-.i.
Also, an excel!..":', tu-aortrnent of Kaablonabi". tn.
1 liol.l-jrioj, Lr'lags. Laces, Woaieu Caps. lfa: .r.':ei
chiwfs, Sca.-fy, Uiorcs, llo.iierie.", and all ki'..:s .
Fancy No.iui.s, btnn'.ped Muslins. Corsuts. reifuai,
ri:.?, .joups, jjiny v uite, liLumvl ol America,
li'.airtry, Ac , Ac. .
Call and examine for yourselves No troul'f t
suovv goods
Kury, Nov. !, VC7.
k ! tJ'2'i :'S'su.' t .
in mi; pi.ictb of lo;;
Fall & Winter Goods
: "Mitts! 1!. B... !,:izu:-ciy, having jit n-.u-:
I .lt,.'..i P' a:: : .eipiiia wi.I. n tuptrior sij l: ' ,
and Winer Ui.a.,s for Ibe trade of I t." an I t,
i wni. 'i s'.e U an.e to ist-ll at Very re'i-L-d u.:r
' is ..-.:1a r:..-'it' .::l1'" c.-.U the ittti-iuinn ef i,.:- ei.i
1 nirrs end tho rail..!.: generaiiy, in tlie sap, a
', I'y ni her gi.odrt, in. i I'm law prijia at wl ;
a:uLeld. tie u..s all kind.i of
; iutluatng 1 opli::.-, Merinos, lie bains, Ck'.lo
! uil '''. ;ln; lowest j-i i'jH.-.
! 1: a aiiaiity liiulins i.t ex'.ra low prijjs
! Uuj, l'-l.;c:i i 1 arrie's
1'aluio;-'. bki: u, f'hawls, lloals.
li liivis of all ilo-eritiiioiis. including a very u'
i I.aji. Cloth 'iloves
l.itVti.s .-nd Trimmings of all vurie'.ii '. I,a:i
ei'itnptd goods, Zephyrs and Varus, Towiing in gre
eienrs' and Ladios' iliindkerchiefs, ri-'ailV, Mi
Taaselsand ttuttons. Poan. lej. l'.xtracts, an i r la:,
variety of iio'.iousaud fancy articles.
Call uud see them before going el-eTvrien'
M. L. la.aiu:.
i .iiibury, Nov 2, ISo".
I Machine Stitchinfj.
ORDERS or work lift at tho store of M. .
I rii :tley, in N a lhumberland, will bu prompt
j atieinied to.
I f..y All work warranted. Nov.2-ti
MM'ioifs i'okt uu.iiii: wa l-c
B Vosl by lsuutli'eIsoiCoiigr-alli
lor C.'hui'i'li Commuulen
SVi.l.U'H 1'iXtl' li,t Ui; tI"t
This justly eclebraied native Wine is nu. lofr.:
the juice of Ike Oporto U rape, raised iu thia cull -lie
ToulcAt Irt'Siml-.eiiiii- I'lojdi tit
Are unsurpassed by any other native wii 1! n
the pure juice of the grape, produced un I r .V
Spoor's owu pertooui supervi.-iou, its purity hu
genuineness are guaranteed. The ynUDge t chil
may partake of it. generous quiilitieo, au 1 the weu;
ost invalid may ue it to advantage. Il is parnei
ly beniDcial to the aged aud debilitated, un i suit'
lo tbe various ailments that alllict tbe w jaier te;
It is, in every respect,
Weakly persons find a benefit by its use.
EPEER WINE.-Jin kospitala ere preferred t
other wines.
ljj?-8old by all Druggisis and Grooeu
A. SPELR'S VINEYARD, New Jersey Oilc
For sale by W. A liENNETT, bunbary, Pa
Oct. W ly. .
trn t 1.1 , oor aatoblkihmeot antrariorst.v
o( rteoee, Bewa, stagers, liefctSess, Hu.uirs, fil