Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 09, 1867, Image 4
fHf .'- F&rtifw M ! i,. jm Tor.miroTCsr & hodgki-js .A. W 33 O I 33 siteii niosriiATE TUB ORB AT OP LIME, itrlhiiral-rlinl t'oMiitv 1' E ft T 1 L I Z U H The b.'( manure f.r nil hinds of grain ainumV tared. .More active, more durable, tlmn anv other. Il does not exhaust the foil, bui on the contrary i a pcnnanctit improver. 0 ER 500 FARMERS in the County fifipiifil it to their Spring Crops, the results were tuat it exceeded their most siiiinulnc exuooia- ! lions. It wnt tested with the best Pho-spliutcs in the country but came outjvioloriuus. Farmers, use it fur your wheat nU rye. iut up in ling) of 200 lbs. ensh and rolcl lit . i'JUO pounds, at the Mannlue-tory, aUufct 'farUet Klit-cl, !iintui j , la ' "n? f "ir agent in Danville, Wil!iauw;iort. i.ewisourg. Aium-.v .Nation. Milton. Dewarl, Putts- ! prove, BlooiiiePmrg, .v'clins -'"rove. Trevortoii. or any . "ii'S Fr'nc'l'"' towna in tile adjoining countiea. i Vi hern o have no airviif ai.oiiuled, Inrniera can fCIld thPlr ftr.ff.rtt I... .noil .... I ...1.- .... tl.ulr i-e.eiritff t "f ' ! W e hate the advantage of K'lilroaJ and '"' ! trannort'tttrtt. n Ail .llr....ti.,t. Mtt.l t.ttr.tli.jff.rB nel'J ' ppicheui! no listay iu L.'lii.g order. ! J. K. 'KUlHIXiUON, i:ii. IK.iMiIvI.N-. Saobnry, Aug. 17, ISH7. TO OUR CTJSTOMJSns. AVe take pi.ijure in anr.otini.itig to Ili.l.-rs io Fertilizer?, nnd the Agrieullural publif, that we have within the pust inereiutvd our fucilitit-s for tbo munuiurlutu ofom lluw Bone Pbvpualo. to an extent unfi.Uiillcd bv any nther House in the I'nited 6tatci?or I'urope. 't hose fneilitie? not only iueludo t!ie orilnrouient of our old ps'nbli."hed wirks iu Philadelphia, known as tho t -lii nr- E4ivr ,i:ri'iiiliii-fil heiiiirnl H rli. but also Ihe purchase of extensive and well stocke.l worka at Chicago, lil., wi;h nil the nei'es.-'iiry inachincry. cars, Ve., to conduct the husiue-s. 'J nil. elnblisii ment alone haa produced, nnnuully. over font) tons ofdiied iJones and Meat. ni.d is enpnble of being largely increased. We desiro, by the closest supor itfion, to Cfinduct these two concerns so that our cus tomers will durive a practical benefit from llteir con tolidatiou, in out. lining a .MAXl'lii; winch t-hall maiututn a stHndurd and uniform quality, and ut the lowest possible (rice. JJAl'OIl 1S0XH. PEST7VIAN GUAKO SUBSTITUTE : .R.A.-W" BONE f Ul" K it I' II O S I II A T e or L I M BATJGH Ac SONS olo Muniifuclurtivs it PruiTieinri, jDLLAWAKK ltlVKK CKKM1CAL WOltUS. rmtALTxriitA. u. a t3Tttrm-rB tire rt'commcnJird t piudiuec of the Ue.tlcr locuied ui thir neiyhborhfKni. In rt'Cliont where nt ilt'H. ler ii yet i'sta'.lir.hfd,tli l'h.-sjiimtcnmy lit pr- cured direct ly trn ilii uiiilt-isigneU. A I'nt-eti Citcu-ti wilt lv scitt to nil wlu Hi-ply. HALT. II & !SOX, Office X'. CO X. Ihla' Avfiiue, run. u)i;i.ruiA UAUCIJ I5110TIIKHS A. CO. ; General 'lreilc Agent, j IVo. 181 Poarl St., Corner ol Cedar. NEW YOHiC. GEORGE DLGDALE, Wivhto.!i Ajcnt for Maryland J: Yisjh.'.,. No. 104 Smith". Wharf, . J5ALTIMOHE, M1J. tj We are prepared to Fupply our Patent Sec tional Mill to nil Jltiiiufacturoi for gri' ding Kones, Uuauo aud ail other hard sulttnn;es. "3ld by SMITH A GLN'TIir.K, Suuburv. Aug. 3. l!r!7. ly ("AsflOES." " M.'.NCFACT l'KEl 10 011DEK. JOHN WILVER, 1" ESPEOTFCIjLY iuform his friends aud rua- IV tomori, b- has just opened a shop b.r tiie : niunufacturc of BOOTS i 1K'ES, ou I Xjiruce ttrett, t(tir,en X-ifl etreet aiul Center Alley, Xuiihin;,; wh' re all kinds of work iu his lino v ill bo majo up j intholatcjl st)lo und iu the best workmanlike man- j ner. ilaviug first class stock on hand be (1 'liters himself I that be will bo able to suit lh tastes ol the nio.-t ins tidious. Tbo public- are invited to call. JOHN WILVER Sunbui T, Jtiuo la, !Pti7. " LIME! LIME!. F il r iu c r , nud II n 1 1 d e r a ! Pj it I'.ltoliiLit are uou prepared lo de liver, ut the lowest uiuiiiet price, the very best -Uuliry ol for LAaI' and BL'ILI'IN'i purposes. Their limeis bi'-: e.i of theeulebiuiod T L" C K y II O E L I M E S T ONE." Theii'timo ki!n arc located at thu Philadelphia and F.iiu Kuilrottd, near liiti aleuui raw uiill, iu the li'i rough of Sunbury. Plasters Masons, Brick tuyere and Farmers an: in vited to cull uud give us a ni-.l SE.YSHJLTZ A BUOfHEIt. An ISK7. 1 JflFCItTAJiT TO Kf.USIIilirJES C. FHEDU. EL'EELING S I.iiuld fitii- !)) C'oloi-ss, THE latest improvement in Family Dyer, are now tot sule by Urnggists everywhere. ThoTo Colors are all prepared in Liquid I'm in. with very .iiupla direc tion fuf use and are luadu from the tame maicrtul used by dying new silk and woolen goods. There is only IS dilleieot principle colors uiado. all differ. nt shades of a color can be mado by using luoro or iiw.i tusij, umiur. rrtee so cents per ISottlu. j Uew arc ol Counterfeit,, u,U for the Star Dyej, aud ' take no other. , For taU by II. Y. FUIUXt), Sunbury Pa. Johnston, HoI.low av 4 CowiiKS, Sole Agents. Augubt to, leo7 oui Philadelphia, j t'i. liKIOI Millt l . O-Jsh. I NEW EI'RINO STYLES, -Oca Owa Mam." After more than Five Y'ears experience aud ex perimenting in the manufacture of Strictly First I , i i ; ii...... m irt un ..itu ..... ;,., i.. i i..... i I sium.ij .ju. w, .. w vuv. wui vrieorniCU goods lo luorchauts aud (he public iu lull confidence of Iheirauperiority over ull other, iu Ihe Aim rtcau Uiarket, and they aro so aekuowledged by all who wear or deal in them, as they give more satisfaction thau any othur Skirt, and rcjomuiend ti.ems..-Ko iu every re-spuct. Healers in Hoop Skirts, should make a nte of this fact. F.veiy In ly who bus uot given them a trial should do o wi.liout further delay. Our assortment embraces every style, length ar.d ! site for Ladies, Misses and Childreu. Also, Skirts luadu toord' r, altered and repaitod. J Ask for kin s Own iVako," and be not do-I eeivud the letter ''IP' is wnueu un the I Tapes between Each Hihiu, uud thultbev are tump el "W. X. iiOPKi.VS .Munulucture. 2S Arch St., i'bila Jelphil," upon each tub. No others are genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full line of fgood New Vol auJ Eufteru uiiife skirts, at very low rices H'ihUmU and JUt iil. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Maaufi.etory and Emporiuni, No. bit Arch street. Philadelphia. wm. x. Hopkins Man.h 23, ISO. IOdiw Notice to Merchauts and Shippers. rpiiE uut'.orsigned. proprietors of Weisor A Frick's I Line, give notice tn merchants aud shippers that (huir Depot ia at ill at 811 Market alreet, Phila delpbiu, and ull Uoous directed to Sunbury and Dan nil hill be promptly delivered. V t'ars leaie HI I Market street. Philadelphia. '. eklv Tuesdais, 'I hurrdavs and Salurdavs. W. C IJOOHRICH. V.r : H KK UARDS' 1IEHD1C HOUSE, K. A, VVHOX, Knp't, WILLIAMSPOBT, PA. My25, 1867. 8m Pensions increased. Tho lata Act of Conirres. eives additional vn to the following Fouiiuns, vi : j int. To those who hnvo lot the light of both eye", j or rum nanna, or totally jishojcii eo qj to require con. stunt attendanoo, the sum of $2j 00 per mouth. id To those who hare lost both feet, cr are totally disabled ill the saine o u to require constiUit attend ance, me sum oi .'o uu. 3d. To those who huve lost one hand or one font, ! or are ao diaabled auto render them imablo to per forin manual Inlior $11 00 per month, aud other c ases In proportion. The subscriber is duly prepared for the iinmcdiiito procurement of theso claim. S. It. BOYER. Att y at Luw. Suuburv. .tune IU. IWd. , f : s. SHANNON, Practical WW CIVI v ! A Hit JJ3WELEH, Prom PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson. Building, Market Square, -irvK Hold ant Silver American and nwiss H u ..i..k.. ni.tpltf. .lowulrv mid silver wiire, con atantly on hand. Jtnir Jewelry nud .desuuic AUirka In nrdor. Hohl and Silver Plating done in the br.t manner and nnrrniwe'j 10 kivo enure sniiio-tu..i. i'ine Wutchcs, Clocks, Jlmic Doxea and linoliy P,epaired and warranted. All orders promptly filled ?unburi . June 1, lti7 COMPARE, THEN JUDGE. Great deduction iu VUIOLLSALE A HEX AIL IT. ICES of very superior Silver anil Silvcr-l'latcl Warc., Of our Own Mauuliioluic o Puch as Tea Setts. Urns. Ice J r- 'y.Y'i 1'licuers, n liners, eiot. oiei?.rTl. t fT-.t 1 n'.i,.... n...... 11... V .. " I t-f1 Atjtaaeii-, .a.-ttti?. uur y i- f 'i , es. Tureens, .Sugar au I Cnrd (?r " n,l llrli.k. ing Cups. Knives, nn 1 l orks, C2l and Spoons, of various kinds "at ' 4t)., Ac, Wnrrantcd Triple l'lnte. on bm.t of tnetnls, i and equal to any in tho uiarket. of the latest styles, ! aud no goods aro iiiUrcprct-ented, at ! JOHN UOW.MAX S ! New aud Beautiful topi. .No. 701 Arch Street. I 1'hiludetphin. i ty-Pletuo call and examine our l i foie I purchasing. X. U All kinds of Plating nt reftsoii.ittlc prices. 1 August -I, liii. l.veq riici: a.m iv.XQ:se n;or ! ROOFING ! ' fV HIMES A CM ,nre the Agents in Ihe C .unties j 1 X f Xorthuiuberland, Snyder nnd i.ln;oul. ( 1 WAKUEX'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof j Hoof. This is tho cheapest mid be.-t Iioof that can I ho put on a buiiditiji. litis been use I in tho ciry ot ! Pliittidolphiu. since, ivhere it has superseded ! almost every other kind of l.ool. Ii is recftuiuici.d- ; . cd by the builuers, and is use 1 on all of the tiuest i I bitiltlings iu that city, i'ttrtioscnitteinpluting luilt- 1 I iug, v. ill do well to examine into iho merits if this 1 ' and all other kinds of Hoofs, act ;he the be t li.e ! preference. j ihe Fountain Hotel, of Sui.l.ury. will, iu a few I ' days, be covered witli this Roof, and parties dealing 1 to'iio so. may call there and examine it. I . For further iuformatiou luldress llox 1 1. Sunbury I Post Ofiicc, or cull at the llrick Yard of T. H1MES A CO Kunbury. It. ISOT.Sm heel Iron and Stove (; ZETTLEMOYKR & BHO., (Sueci'faor to IlE.N.l. ZI-.TTLEMOYEK.) ! .Market Street, Engel's Store, SUM: I UY. I'A. TT AYINti taken charge of Iho old stand so long t LJ p.ttronized by tti. 'tople of Sunbury and vi ! ctiilty. beg leave to annntnci to the old Iricr.ds snd ' the i-nblic generally, that titey v.i'l ilom ' isitii liiO nio-t improved varieties of STOVES, COOK. OFFICE uud IUII."K STOVES of the b -st 1 Brands which are unsurptis.-ed for beauty of finish. ! etuiplieity of aiiangemtht, c-'inbii.irg cheapne.-s and , durability and citch etov e utirtantcd to peri'urni hat j they arc "represented. ! 4'oitl Oil, f'oulOil I.ampi-, l.:titti-s. i Shades. Chimneys, and all utticles usuully kept in an establishment of this kind ! COPPER, lillASSund IRii.N KETTLES, rf all : sin's. i FKflT J AllS and CANS of ll.e latest imi.r.sed j st.lies. i lie is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing. Raugo und Ftirnacu Work. ' ivepuuiug, cheaply and neatly executed HEM. Zr.TTLEMOYER A liliM Jure 8. !S'i7. v Blacksmith ing. JOHN IKVIN, Sl NIil.HY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1 ESI'ECTI-TLLY informs the citijensof Sun- j V burv and vicinity, tliut he has cree-tid a Black- I smith Sitop near the Shamokin alley Kmiioad . ! Ic'0t, where he is prcpuied to do Bltickstnltliing in I all its brunches, at thu shortest notice. Hui iu lutd ! tuuiiy years' experience ir tho business, he tUttcr himseii'lhat ho can render aati:jcti'..i to ail e ho , may give him u enll. ; Suuburv, August 17. I-o7. i 1ALL Hnl tt i hit-its bfttui Uivl C.ts ui liio j utMV HaH. urt itorc of J II COXI.EY .V W CHOICE Fill1 IT vV ORNAMENTAL 'if 1i-t 3 L 1 M '4ri . I3EI-TJ. BOHNEK, Dealer ill Fruit und Ornamental Trees, will fom. ' ish from the most responsible Nurseries in ibis and ' other Stales, dr. I class lREESot ail kiuds. Also. Shrubbery, Vines uud Plants. Harden need ot all kiuds. ; Oidets are i-e,pectfully solicited. Address 1' H N.I. BollM-R. Haxiuos, North'd Co j N, B. Insurances lukeii in scvs'ral of lue most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse l'etectiie ; Compuuies in the Suite. I June S, 11H7 y NEW GROCERY!! Market Street, three docus east of the Railroad i noithsido, SUNBI UY, PA v iiolesalj: a TsETail -r 2 jas ar c asz us tx" AND Provision Store FOlt CIIEA1' GOODS! Their Stuck is coniplete, eouJstii.g in part of EUOARS, COFFEES, TEAS. M'ICES, COAL OIL Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Vced, Fhh, Suit, Hauis, Shoulder,, Choe.-e, Fruil, tilu.-s, Lump,, Au., Au. Country Pioduce taken in exchangu f..r (JooJs. IV Call feud examine our .lock, and ati,fy your selves. tSiinburr, June 3'J, 1S07. KECJCPX TCU'Pi.rEESS. PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remiud td that they must be recorded, according to the Act oi Asseuioiy wuicn requires inai -All due'ds and conveyances for real ealule In this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the olfice for Recording Deeds iu ihe County whero tho lauds lie within six viontim after thuexecutiouofsuch deeds and conveyance; aud everv such deed and convey ance nut recorded as aforesaid, shall b) judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent purchaser for a valuable consideration unless such deeds be rooorded before the recording of the doed or oonveyauue under which uchsubaeiiuent purchas er or mortgage shall claim." l's Those having old Deeds will profit by paying strict attention tn the above March 23, I8n7 Too eant rood Tin-Wale SMITH dr 1 CEITTENDEH'3 Commercial College, 837 Obotnut Street, (Corner of' TiUlA DELPUIA. 84i.' lrrpw.ted 1S6S VounK Men iroctlci.lly VMat A fsjr Iliiwlneww. Inereaaed, and it now ha. .dvanUge. for Impeniug Lysine,, knowledge TJSTid1 Of The practical yalui i "Vld, In all department nd just " il, d in our beat business house.. The instruction tnotudea n,w Keer,ln In all its Branchea, Penmanship, 1,0 .PlainCd Ornamental.) Commercial) Cal eulationa. Business Pnpcrs and ( or reapundeuee, Conmieruial Law, Detecting Counterfeit, Etc. St ldenta instructed aeparately and reoeived at anv limo. IMplomarawaraeaon graduation, oirau insisted in i.roeuring auilable boarding plaeea i Hoard inuy he obtaiued for about to per week. Cata ' logins mailed flee. ! CKlTTLiSPKN'SBOOK-KKEI'IXU. i Counting House, price J 2 60. High School, price 1 1 jo. t niuuion oiioni tam 'ii l eta. j Judge t-harswood'e Lectures before the i-tudemt on Coiuinercial l.nw, price $1 nt. ; T1IK ClUTThNDKN COMM!:RCTAL AH1TH ; MKTIC A XI) lil eTXliSS M.tNVAL. Containing new and rapid methods of ralculnticn aa actually used by business men. Forma of Husiiiesa Paper a ; ac.'oninaiiied by explanations of their nature and i use, useful (iuiinerciul Tallies, and much valuahlo i iuil.'i iiiiilion on business subjects. Price $1 25. The t sule of this l!nok has boeu rapid that it is already in : its second edition. ! Any of Hie above books sent poidaga paid on re ; eeipt of the price. S. II. CRITTENDEN ACM. ' June S. 1S07.- fim MUCK! BRICK! BRICK! To Itic C'ltlzt-nsi of frimibHry iinsl tltinll). THE undcritigncd have bought tho Brick-Yard nnd improvements, formerly leused and Vtoi ked by A. 11. Mevcus, und have niado additional im provements, mid arc now prepared to make contracts lo manufacture aud deliver BKICK iu large quan tifies, lor building and other purposes. Pv the manufacture of a good article, nnd prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a share of ! public patrouage. Orders left at the Brick-Yurd, or Box 14. Punbury Fust Office, will be promptly ! attended to. , T. HIMES A CO ; Suuburv, May lti, lfit.7. "m 1 ! M MBER ! LUMBEH ! i TIo INiftor 4'oiiiiI.v unl Hniiimry t Lumber 4'oiiipusiy, j Now rully estublishodattho UrNBUUV STEAM SAW-MILLS, are prepared to saw to order YW1ITE JUNE, HEMLOCK AN if OAK, ' of any size and all lengths. Afull sortiuent of IDPIY LUMBER, j always kept on hand. Pnnnel. Flooring, Siding and ; lini-iiing I'oanU of all kiuds. , MOULDING, SASII. 1 NOOKS, ami SUIT tki:s. SHINGLES, iawed and BbaveJ, White Pine, aud Hemlock. IMuKtcriaig; 1 .it fit anil l'nlliif;. j Platting, Kipping and Turning, will be done to order j ; mrtiutt ,iu, lev. .till vuifipfftij uueifiti f hi uipii iti ( v ery thing in their line at such rates that Lumber 1 ; Y'a:d. Builders und all parties using Lumber, will i find it to their iuterest to buy at this establishment, i ORDERS are respectfully solicited aud tended to bv addressing. VVM Hiinhiiry. .luiio lj, 18d6. will be promptly at . KEAOEN, Sup't. a ITEvT Market Street, adjoining Hearhart's Coufeciiouery store, si.MH iv , ra. TIIF undei signed respectfully informs the citizen, of Sunbury mid viciuttv, that he bus opened a NEW SHOE STOKE, for the aulo as well a for tho manufacture ol the finest iu i best quality of Ladies' Shoes, v ii : UloTV-Ialil, Muri iicce, Cnll'-vKlii iiiu! I.assftiiK siiloi-w, A . Chil Iren's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely uew aud well selected. He also manufactures fine French and other Calf skin Boots and Shoes for Ocutlenieu. Order for Indies uud gentlemen', custom work will be promptly attended to and got up iu the best style by skillul mechauii'S Shoe findings Ac., constantly kept on band aud for sale to the trade. J. II. JEFFRIES. SiinburyApril 20, 1W. a. w., WATCHMAKER i JEWELER M Market Souare. nanr the Court House, SUNBURY, Northuiuberlaii Comity, Va. HE has just opened an assortment of Oold f)T nnd Plain Patout atches. CLOCKS y-M,' for Railroads. Banks aud Liwellings, Fine tiold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets. .Miniu- -ejsv turn Caies, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Tltiinbles, Spectucles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Sail and Musiard Spoons. Sugar Spoous, Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers. Butler J.'ishos. Kruil Hishes. Cake Baskets. Svrup Pitchois, Ae.. Ac. Ho invites the citizeu. of Sunbury and vioinity to call at the above place, where he will bo happy tu w ait upon thctu. tV Particular attentiiin paid to UEI'AllUNtJ April i'i, ISti7. j. H. Conley Co., Market lrc , I'uof ol'llsc tttiilroml , BUNBUKY, PEISTrr'A.. DEALERS IN .iti:iiu. a. ah i:-ir...-. Hardware & Cutlery. f IlilK uttrnlion'of Muobmiici. Furuierf. liuil-lor. ! I ni.d liuycni j5nernUy U iuvited to the fuel Hint utt attj now utVurijig u butiur seU'cltii -LuortLutiiit of Jl A UDW AUK, CCTLKHV. AC, tbnu ever wiut uflcrcd in this tuurkej at prices much ! below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock coin) rises all articles 111 this hue of business, embracing a general assortment of tools uud mate rials used bv CAR PEN 'IE RS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND VA'AUON. MAKERS, JOINERS. AC, AC, together with a largo stock of Iron. Steel, Nails. Spikes "Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill aud X Cut Saws. Ae., Ae. Suiibuiy, March 30, 1S67. " BAKKRV. BAKERY" 4'. Ml X.lCOVi:, Agent, Manufacturer of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES. PIES, AC, Front St., 3 doors east of the P. A E. R. 11. Depot, .- nil Miii:m.AM, -.. Customers will he served daily, Orders solicited Northumberland. June 22, SG7. 'Idoxj xiir" hou be." J. N. Il l 1. 1., li'opriclvr. Corner Sunbury and Hoik Xtrteti, .SlIAMOlvIN, I'ENN'A. T Ml IS HOUSE ia now open lor the reception of guests, and being uew, spacious and attractive. has all the facilities aud advuutuge. of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. The sleeping apartments are airy und oorufortnbl, aud the furniture euliiely now. The Bar und Table will be supplied with the beat in the uiarket. The patronage of the puhlio is solicited. April 1.1. Ihii7. Coachmakers, WE are selling Rims, Spoke., Hub., Kpriugs, Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ae., very low Large Stock at t ... COKLEY A CO. JSuubury, March 30, lbol. NOTM'i:. " NOTICE is hereby riven to all parties in tore, ted, that J. me H. McCormick. Asolcnee of R. A H. McCormick, surviving partner of the late firm of Hays at MoLorinlcK, Das niea nu Dual account in the Prothouotary'a Office, and that unless objeot ion k made, on or befor th first Monday of November Beit, said secouut will be confirmed J.J. REIWEN6NYDEF, Protb'v. i?foLoao4iy sOfiJ:. S mbury. Aug Jt l7 TUB OBBAV ZniGAIUjrrrERS , . - k - - - Im enpnnet part, of lda rsmariahlo preparatkia MrM dlaooverad, oompouiHled an4 iiauttmled, imt twenty year u, Bjr Ir. Cuaopava, the ele riTiLi v.ynUan Physician- Thouianda ef hia auOer rlTLr.Mf.fZ. ware rutored to health, u well aa area. Bumbere of the tnhablUnta of Nubia and Abyutnla, iud of theeonntrlca bordering upon the Boutheroeout 'lof Uie Mediterranean 8ea. I Indeed, the fame of the XINUAm ntTTERS toon Bpread ever Europe, and waa adopted by the principal Fhysiriana In charge of tiie hospitals of the oia woiio, in wntcu is I is allll used with preemi nent tueeess. Tho Viceroy of Egypt placed the nam of sa. CiicoPBU. upon the " Roll of Nobles," and pre aentcd to him a Medal bearing the following inscrip tion: " U a C'morsua, the l'ublie Benefactor." Tina Bitters i. now offered to the public of America with the full assurance that it will bs found, upon a fair trial, to act as a apeciho for the euro of Cholera, Dysentery, Dlarrhcra, Cholera Mtirlmi, Fever nuil Ague, Yellow Fever, Hheumntlsm, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, Colic, Ilronchlu., C'onaumptton, Flntsso leney, Ulaenar. of the Kidney., Nervou. Ueblllly, and Female Complaint., Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been effected by Its use. asnumerousccrtincatcs, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It is destined to supersede any preparation txtaut. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, it riAS NO EQUAL. Tors rue ZI.VO AIU IlITTERS HAS SOl'l. AS WELL AS BODY, sun as A PREVENTIVE or rilSUABE, HAS NO bl'PUKIOR. A FFV7 WOftnS TO LADIES. The use of the ZINfJAIU niTTKRS will Rlvo to you that soft, semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully intended that you should have for it is nature's own powder and p.iint combined. By purifj Inn the blood, stimulating- the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and benuty to the complexion ao much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sieklv look so common in our day; and what is even bitter than litis, it cures every species of female irregularities and disease. l'rmcipal Depot, Hurrisburg, Pa. RAHTER & HATJSE, Sole Phoprixtob. For sale by W. A .BKNNICTT, Pruggist, Sunbury Peniiylv:illia. Augnst ii, lit". 13100 REWARD For a medicine that will cure CCL'GU, INFLCKNZA, TU:KI.IN0 ill Ihe TliUOtT, wiiooriNo covin, ol relieve'.MP l'l F. oiM OHS, ;t qtin k as ( ' O K ' S CO r . II 11 A I. K A M ! OVKR ONK Mll.l.l'N IIMTTI.KH have been aold not a anigle iostunee of us I'loime i kiKMVii. We have. Ill feu poeNessetll, any :pt.iiit:t) of i'ei lificalrs, some of tlieui from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have used it in llteir niaetieo. ami eieeu il (lie ore eminence over even- o'.liei compound. j p DOES NOT DRY CP A COCGII, but l.onSKNS IT, I P" n to cnali!c tlie p;ititn' tn expectotale freely. Two l)A. IXVAKMM.T CtRK TtRI !M IN T US TllHUl '. A half ttiiKltt h.i itUi-u fiiui'itli'ly furril i)ir nifit Siuh. ! honi Ccuii, :nd vit. ihniiR'i il Ii in tote ami ',. 1 in ii 1 i njTiitioii, it 11 ptrh-ctly Tiurmlf Ft, licinn purely vy otuhle ' Ii m very tiuret'iitilt to tlic tunte nnd may In- sUiaihiiitrinl I tocinldruH ol any nge. ; In -if CKUl'l we will eunritir.rif a cure, ii tukfM in i Kitioii. ; NO FAMILY MiOL I.l) UK WlTllul T II'! j It 11 within thf reach o ait, it being the chenprtl ami it j inedii'uie extant. j C. 0. CLARK ft r . If.n.i!rt..i, .NKW HAVF.N, OtN ' Kcl'iunrv lti? ly a O E ' 3 DYSPEPSIA CUEEli rill MS criKAT UKMKDV lOH A 11. l)lr-r..M-.S ff ST O IwX A C H S j ' n tlie (UfcL'i-vci y ot' :lie invritttir nf t ue'f valiiANlt i'..Lti;ii Crump in (tie S:-ii)ncli lor tuiu uiiii ii iiaJ bi rt' yieMrii I to ii"t!uig but cii!'rhnii. ; 'i'liv niiiiKsi ilitily iMAhNfiiv from ';irifiu purtc r thf j C'ltliifry rdfiMii ntt ui t !rlit-vc llific i m.i thiuat CMtirJ j by h ihM'i'JtitrU iti'iiiat-li it will 'i. it j.i'v.ii ruie. j PJiysiciana endorse und Vhv it ! Milliner Rive testimony of it einrnry. ' And fp in ill ilirrctiou we rfccivt luliitj; -t ru.w pi - ' l-'Illid. t It i pa.e tu corp. HEAR T1ICRN ' O.l'.' d 'be w ill cure. SICK HE tDACIlK ! It has cured hi liuiaireii, ol eases HEADACHE AND dizziness: Il slops in tliirtv minutes. UTDITY OP THE STOMACH ! It crtecis at once. Kli: OF THE Fill ID! It si tps imineciairly DISTRESS AFTER KATIXO: ( hie d"se w ill remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields lo a tew dosr-s. BAD BREATH : Will be eliaueetl with half a bottle. IT 18 PERFECTLY II ARMLESS It. IM'KKUKDF.NTKO bTCCKSs is oiving to the f u l that It 4'sirPH liy A ooifsliii aui-e TO Ut:-ASSERT I1E1I SWAY IN Till'. SYSTEM ; Nearly every dealer ia the Coiled Sutes se.. it at ONE DOLLAR FDR HOT I'LL. ' C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVf.N, Itl.NN. . February 21, ISO. ly. I STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 & 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Ureen, ON THE EUROPEAN 7'LAN rilHE STEYENS HOUSE isw. ll and widely knowu X to the traveling public. Tho location is espe cially suitable to merchants and business ineu ; it is iu closo proximity lo iho business part of thu city is ou tho highway of Southoruund Vetorn travi'l and adjacent to all the priucipal Railroad and Steamboat uerois. The STEYENS HOUSE has liberal accominoJa. tiou for over oUU guests it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the com fort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided w ith gas and water the attendance is prompt aud respectful and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season ut raoderule rates. UEO. K. CHASE A CO., Prop'trs. May 2i, Itsi7. tiui THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is oil 3d street, opposite the M AsONIC II ALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lliat lits-ly i:lulll,lt-l, Mills ull llto Jludprit Isuproi t-iiicntsi of the Art I rpilE subscriber, having built the room expressly X for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many year, to the business, is confident of his ability to assure bis patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave th gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the beat sky light in the county, he is prepared to make Photographs iu all kiudtut weather, tut would prefer a clear-day for .mall children. He ia also prepared lo take new all, or oabinet eard Photograph.. All kinds of picture copied and magnified to any required sine aud colored boautitully iu Oil or Water color. or India ink. V pay special attention to all kind, of out door work, snob a. Landscape views of Monument., Machinery, County Seats, Ao., a large lot of Photograph frame, ooust.utly on hand. The public are raspeotfully invited to oall and see our specimen, and our oouiplete arrangements fur making Pbelograpbi, special terms to lauiilie and clubs. P. DrB-TRfEll Suuburv. July lti, IM? NEW GROCERY SXOEE, w. 3. 6t. CO., Markot Btye.t, 9a doors Bart of Third street, north rlde.tnJNBURT, PA., '" R9PHCTFVttT Inform their Wend. ni tti public, that they ba Opened NB"W GROCERY; AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them on!I and examine their stock, which ha. Just been opened, euibrao lug everything in theUroeery line, aaoh a. Cvlfei, Tea, Sugar, flyrupt, Spices, Canned and Irled J ruiu, lieutis. Uounny, Cheese, Crackera, Bucon, Ham, Fish,?u)t. I'otutoes, etc., together with tionps, Candle., Soda, Ao , and in fact everything in Ihe tiroceryaij Provision. Line. Fl.ont A3D FEED, Queeusware, M'illow-ware, 018Stfnre, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Cull and ae. before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 Fi n.MAK A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1So7. THE VEJRY LATEST ARRIVAL 1! SPRING AND SUMMER Joseph Eysler, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUNIll'ltY, I' E NN'A. Invites Ihe public Iu cull nnd exaiuin his elegant i atssoi tment of S C M M E K GOODS, which ho will sell at greatly redin-vd prices. His j stock consists :u part of A a a t TvT "P! "R Pi l CLOTHS. &C , Silkt. I'cltitnt;!, Luwn?. Qinghnmt. Culiroon. MuMinc iSheetinx. TirkiiiL), Jf:iui, uiul h lull lunituivnt ot Ctittou hh'I Woolm gO(Min generally. Hosiery, Oloves, Uoop ISkirts. Hantikirciiietti, Brushes, Cotubs. Ilntst and 'sii, iioof s iiml Shoes, His assortment of goods will not, ho is siiro fail to l. please tho Tuney and suit the wants ut any desirous of purch.'tsiug. Hia stock of HAUL-YT AUG ANI vil'LENSW AUK, and Groceries is large in quantity ami choice In quality, comprising generully everything needed in the household cither for use or ornament. He is always ready and glad to sec his friends and tnkes pleasure iu showing ihein his goods even though no sales ore tnnde. iio only asks a call, nnd is suro that the slock will compare favorubly in price and quality with the cheapest. Joseph kvstf.h. Suubury, April 13. IM7. TIIE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, fi99 Bboadw av. Nmv Y'ohk. I'or I'uuiilioH mill .Buiiiii'iK't him r. x Theso World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at tne World s Fair in l.i'it'lon. and six first premiums ut the New Y'ork tState Fairof lS'jo. and ure ceteluated fur d-ting the best work, using a much smaller needle lor the same thread than nny other machine, and by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, wo are now able to supply the very best machines iu the world. These Biaehines are made at our new and spacious Facttiry at Bridgeport. Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company. El. Ma Hiiuk, Jr., the orijiuiil inventor of the .''owing Ma chine. They aio adapted to all kinds ol Family Sewing, and to u-e of iseantetrosses. Dress Make:---, Taylorit, .Mauiilacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skil ls, l ioa'us. Man tiliu.', Cloihimr, Hat", Caps. Corses, i'.'.ois., Harness. Saddles. Linen I lul.iella-. Paras,. is. e:e. They work enual'y well upon silk, linen, wr.ol eu aud cotton gtauls witfi silk, cotton .r linen thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, hem, fe'l, , ,nl. biiii.t. bind, and perforin every sperics of sew ii.g. intkinir a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on 1 1 th si !- of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. IPJWL'.aiid r. a le in this Machine, is the ino.-t popular snl t, I .-t,ii. Maciiines are sulject to the priucij'te ii.iet.u I n him SEND FOR CIRlTT.Ali Tho Howo MiH'hine Coiiipimy. fil1;! Rioudwiiv. Cor l.-uitit .. N . April tt, lMi7. tl tVl l l .U ltlillEC. Mrs. A. TWEK1I, In Miss Anna Painter's Fur.ey .-store t.uil.iii.g, Market S,.iiure, S doors w est of the Post OOice. SUNBURY, PA r KSPECTFl'LLY informs her friends ami tho V publit' that she bus again opened a shop, 'u Market street. Sunbury. where she is prepared to make lo order Ladies' Dresses, in an entire new style. Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. A!.--, tieni leinen's shirts Orders respectfully lolicile I. Sunbury. Jan. IV. Is-ii7. ly no.v.- L lured A largo assortment of the hesi 111.: .u:uc- Bars. Hoop. Hand, Iron, Nail IUals, Steel, Drill Steul, if Anvils, Bellows. R'unl aiul Square (.'ail Steel, iilisler re hoes. Horse Naiis, vices. 1! m.iucrr. Sledges, Rasps aud Files, at CON' LEY A CO S. EOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS : " il. J. '1 II It'll DIC, H I. ZMSoH TO W . W . A P S L E Y . IN addition to our large stock, already on hand, we renew receiving a full supply ot' J-piing and Summer goods for Ladies, Ovnileii.t-u. Misses and Cliildrcu's wear. Also u good assortment of Trunks. A largo lot of R. R. Bag-, lien's' fine leather SaieliL-U. We wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our goods ut small profits, exclusively tor tho cash. Doii't forget ihepUce. I'leusant s Building. Mar ket Souare, Suiibuiy, Pa. NOTICE Boots and Sheen neatly repaired at short notice. If any bought of us should rip they shall be lixed lor nothing. II. 0. THACHEK. Siinliiiiy, April 8. lSfi7. tf. Paint, U1U, ,V-. A full Unci of Oils comprising Lil.seel Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Yuruishes, tiluss, alwavs on hand, at low prices at CONLEY & CO S 1011 Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bills, Buck ' les. (tig Trees, Pad Trees, Hanes, ell kinds aud every thing pertaining to the business, for sale by J. H. CONLEY A CO. silver's" wash powder SAVES Time, Labor, Monev. Makes WASH ISO A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. .Suld Everywhere. TRY IT. AdJiesj ull orders to Ihe Manufacturers ZIEULEU A SMITH, Chemists and Wholesale Druggists, IS? toi 111 I liil-tl -,11-,-t l, l-lkil'll. November 24, 1W ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AIiTD STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slate.. Books. Hvinn Books, Blsuk Books, Memorandum Books. Diaries, Pocket Books. Ink Stands, Pen., Pemils, a line assortment nf Paper, Ink. Ao. For .ale by ANNA PAIN TER SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition tn Ihe Borough of Sunbury, for Sal on reasonable terms. Apply to Dr. R. H. AWL and, SOL. BKOSIOUS, Or P. W. Sl!EAFEIt,rott.vilL, r,tfcunbur?' r" Nor. 24, 1(466 V'JH M. M MrC Art especially invited to call and examine oar stock of BUILDER 8 HARDWARE, Nail, and Spike, of all variolic. Butts, Screws. Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Latches, Bolls. Plas tering l row els, Brick trowels. Plaatarar's Blsvraa. i Great Attraction, . t 4tbe NEW .TIN-WARE, ! lrB nasal fter r I SMITS bi OK IT THEIR,1 sxjisrsxjRxr, Where they keep aonalantly band and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND 8HTIRMK-WAHof all descriptions. They wonld especially enll the attontion of pur v ...w. . . tuoit iMt f,if duu wen luieoieu SWCK 01 COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscriber, have made arrangements to hnvo an meir ooiu stoves niaue 10 ortler. and those who r would have a good stovo would do well to go and VAnuiiiie Miuir large sua wen seieuiea SIOOK. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stovoi, via : Coin Islam lion 4tu Itsirncr, Cook. ioYri'iiM- I'rnn-Cook, WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antiduat Cook btove called UPKAR U ANTIHI ST. Also. Parlor aud oOice Stoves iu great variety em bracing alt the best manufactures nud most fashion able designs, unsurpassed fur beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they nro represented. Also, The colebrated Baltimore Fire 1'tnco Ktovc, for heating tint, second and third stories by Kogwlels Also, VI LCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated JlOUNINti (il.OKY. foil I Oil, 'onl Oil l.iisnpN, NlindrK, 4'liimuirst, mist all iirltj-l?a usuiilly kept in an establishment of this kind. Tlmy are alo prepared lofurnith fcilatean I do sla'ing in the best workmanlike uiannor. Also, to do Tin Hooting, hpou'ing. Range and Furnace Work. Mas Fitting, Ae. Repairing' neatly and uheaplv eiecute.l. Also : Ritw Itosi) 4siM-rE!t:ON hul-." theilace. Si.mple and riales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hsnlware stoic, Jliitel street, betweon Third and Fourth street.". Building din k paiutetl. August iJ. l-!lio Sj m'irt Ji'ulil tleittla ! .No more Griy I-tr'.i! i n . i, r. ' ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. t pvonninod by nil :o hive u-'l it lb vrT bi't prepKruiiitti lor "tho lintr. Il is u -i:i euro lor liulilnr"?. eni'lie-alL'S L'liuUruft uint Muui'iift. ait,! the lluir l'roin iHlhn it. nnd Hi.c(lily rtisfiTi-s Orny Loi'kt toiiioir orii'iiuii run uni lii.xuriiiu-.:j It fierntn) on the "cn'tin? nu i rillc the gliii is with new lit nml (ii.i.rii'K n iktu-r. Thiu, tlffil. fa-led oi uray huir will nlHa.vM bo bmtilit back by u tew Hpplicatrn.-, tj it. vulhl"ul ahuuvluu'iu, viluliiy aiul color. It nt'ikpf tho h.-tir ;oii. glofiT. fi-'i-rriit, plins.nit 1 to the tmich mid M.y to nrrHn. Iiy. wiry nH intrncttibli' luck -i hcc'i-nio moict, pliant 'nud 'li-ft i.-i-l t tu reitinin in hu l-irvi poitiun. y r Il.tir I;--- in it hiif ii" ('mini 1 h -mlf urt tiiirmiu av. i! if It II II I Vllul I'.lVnntU Wlh "hi Ht?: VoUHg .!' btJlll CJi( PI. . Sob I by Iirtiggi-nf thrnuhout tUr I'niii-.l fitti A'lilri." hII oiiUm i MUH.KH A S.MITII. Sol ln 1 iri 1. 1 -r'. NoVftiibpr '2. ly. A :X iltlEll i. Ofr' SPRING AM) SUMMKR (SnCBfil m AT THE STORK OF J. H SNGEL, . Corner of Fourth nnd Market Streets. SUNBURY'. JUST rceived frmn New Y-nk and Philadelphia a large supply of rPRINU A N 1 Si MM LR ; ijiiODS, which im will sell at sinall pruti'.s. for cash or conntiy produce. His Dry Hoods department is fjll o.'ewti descrip tion. A "splendid line of LADIES' DRES.-s UO"Dr. und hite lioods at all ?rice". Fancy Sacking for Li. lies, ai d Sht'l.n .1 ti I : Shawls Yaukee Notions ia Cireut Variet Also. Ladies' Fieiieb Corsets aud Hoop Iskirte. O A. H P E T S, ; Wove Floor ClotLs. Stair Carpels Floor oii'i.s I all widths, Ciirtiag" Oil L:.tlii. Table il Cloili i Widow Shades. Plain lir'-en uu.l Brown Uil Cloth un I Fixtures tor V indttiv.-. 03iOOi:.K.TJ ! Sugar. 1'i'ilee. Vtoln-re,. Riee. Cn.eki-l FisV. Chee-e. Ae. vtieensw uro, Ii la-swai e at low rices l.'iuiH .-i-tt..f lttirii: BOOTS X. SHOWS IN GREAT VAP.ItlTY ll'its atto Caps, oil. Pan.!, tiia-s, Pull'.', fcooou Lick-. Paper. .--lute... .U-. .1 i) Folks. Sails. .i ii D v a . : .-lit l.ctek, Hiiig.-s and ' iss i 1 W l.I. PAPEK ait.l A I urge as.-ortn. I-T. el ail pri'-i-s. All person, lies:, gil h bun a cnil . Siiiiin,py, Api il : lit n ill pe'.-e ENiin 11 D- tS-ali) Biisili-oii:!. S V M M E R A !i ; A i ), t . r April 6th, 1HU7. 1 IU.AT TRUNK LINE Ironi ihe N..ito an.. North-Hesl for Philadelphia. New k oi k. 'Re:.,! ing. I olt.-villi:. Ashinlnl. Iwbauoo. Alle.i t .a ii. En-ion. Li'hiata. Li;ir.. LaL'i'.-iiir. rol.ii,iL rt A.v. Ac Train.- leave liaiii-i.iir-' f,r N,-Y. i. as f,l 1'iw, : At ;;.im. j. 1Ulll j, ., A j B, u j , ,,,, ., P. M. c.nmviiiig wiib similar Trains on iho Pent. -seluiiiia Raili...-!.!, and Now York at o;' snd 1A.! A. .".1 ami 4 i, o W and lu.Si '. M sleeping Cars a.-. -tin pain ing tlic A. M. aim '.i.un P. M. 'f tains, wititout c!i:n.,;e. Leave Hurrisburg lor Reading. Pottsvillc. Tuu.a- ; tti:i. M'nersvilln. A.-hliind, I'ir.o (irovc. Allcniown . and Philadelphia at . lo A. M. and ? 10 an 1 4 o P. M.. slopping ut Lebanon and p:ii' -'iial way stiititiiis; liio 4. Hi p in. making ciinem', u, (ir i'hilk'lelpliia ui.l Colmnliiit i nly. For i' .'n, :i,e Schuylkill II;. ven and Auburn. 'via ."s. liuvll.i.i ar.d 1 SiiMiuchinina Railroad. 1,-uve llnrrisl'urg it;: ,., m. Ketuiuiil- Leave New York at '.lima in . Noon and j no ami S on p. n,.; phila.'..'! hiaut - I., a. iu. and:i..';y p. m. Way Pas-enger 'iiain I. . no i Philadelphia n' 7. 3d a. m." returning IV. on Reading at 6 .3d p. in. sl ipping at all Siuii,.i - : l',,tt, il.. at B.lo a. ui. and i.4o p. in.; Ashland " Ho and 1 1 ;;tl a in. an 1 I t'j p.ta.; Tauiaijua ut '.' I.' m. an 1 l.tu. and S oi p. in. i Leave i'otisville f.r Hanisbiiri! via S"!u:;. l'i!l and UMjuchuiiua Riiilroad ul t CD a. tu. i.eaaing Aceoiuiuoautioii Irani leave, he. loins at 7.. 'IU A. M. le.uruing fi' iu Phile.iclpliia ul uu i P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave ".ea Un; ut 7 ,:.i A. M., mi l ti U 1. M. for Ephratu. Lilt., I.m.c .s. Iter. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 1)0 p in , Phila delphia 8 On A. M., and 3,Ii P Jl, thu ss.ij. m. train running only to Ren ling, I'otisville sua m , Hurrisburg. u :ij " ui, nnd Reading at 1 .20 and 7 i'o a. in. for ilurrisburir. and II 22 a. in- for New York, and 4.2j p m for Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage. essou, School and Ex i Tickets, at reduced rates tu and from all j points. j Bagu'ag checked through : SO Pounds Rrgsagc al j lowed each Pusseuger. j (1. A. NICOLLS, tieneral Superintendent' I Reading. Pa , April , srl7. I.uckUM itainn V j Kail i-oikI. ON and after Jan. Ml, 1807, will ruu as follows : Passenger Trains SOUTHWARD. A. M A M. M. 7.U1 8 20 P. M 4 411 6 on 8 17 8 60 10. la Leave Scrmiton, ' Kingston, " Rupert, M Danville, Arr. North'd., Leave Nurth'd., " Danville, " Rupert, " Kinmton. & 6(1 6 ii 9 20 V 34 10 00 11 20 io :ta NORTHWARD. 7.00 7.40 8 15 AM t 20 e mi 6 35 P. M 10 50 8 oil 12 .011 0 :. .. 3 50 -.i5 Arr. at Scranton, 4 00 10.15 jraiu. leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scran ton. connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20. t ?AaSI,,n.,.t" tak,"sT Tn South from Scranton at 5.50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Hurrisburg 13 .HO P. M., Baltimore 5.30 P. M., Washington 10.. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7. 00 p. m. U. A. lONDA.up t. Kingston, Jan. 19, 18C7. Children') i'urrlMfre). WE would call the attention of those wanting a Child' Carriage, to our new and large aMui t tusnt eompri.iag sew and beautiful style. J. 11. CONXKY A CO. BIRD CAGES, 11 different kinds. If you want good aud chaap Bird Ch.cIl1:t NEW G R 0 C E R Y. 'I tun snbsorrberi Deg. leave toannonnee lo the X eitisena of Banbury and iu Tieinily, thai tbsrr bav. opened a ' NEW aROCERV, Tw doort vest of J. 11. UngW Etni, in Market Square, where, tbey are prewired to furnish every variety of groceries), and . will kreey entartaatly on band the hoieert variolic of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teas. Suicnr, Molonea. Chews. Salt I Spice, of all disoription, tfonp of every variety Candles, &' looking and Chewing tobacco, fegara. Shoulders Karon, Uutter, and tggs. Also r...... -. - i.i iit. 1", r ' toea. Pickets, Kctchun. Pennor i'ancs. Raisins. Lemons. Au , of bestquiility, and in fact every ifvle of articles kept in a well stocked Orocory. Also Cider Yinegar. All kinds ot country produce taken in exchange. The p.tronngo of th publia i re spectfully solicited. OF.OROF. E. BEAP.D A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, IS65. BREAD ISMCAKEti Two door, wost of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Ta r ESPECTFULLY informs the citiaen. of 5un t' bury aud vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of 1'iikfi lor IIiiIIh, Pur lira, Ac. Vnmilie, 'ire supplied with FRESII BREAD. Twist Rolls. Rusk,. Tea Buns, ic, nnd also kept on hancV manufactured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having bad largo epurieuce i hope to girt general satisfaction lo all who may favor mo witH their patrouage. DAYIDFKY Sunbury, Dec V, lr&. i.i'. (,'i;AiH4iKri .Confectionery, Toy and ZFIVCriT STORE Mr.rki'l llrsn, Suiibury, la. : .iiNri:('Ti(i.r,nY of ail iaNDi, : TOYS OF KVKHY DI'-SCKU'TIOM' KIU IT, ftc. &i:., f V-'N'sTASTl.Y on hand and for sale at the above ; . establishment atwholesnlo and retail, at reason able pri.'ei. i lie i, manufacturing ull kinds of Confesiionariee i to keep up a full assort incut wliL-h are sold at low ' rates. Tobii.'Co. Sfgars. St.ittoiiery. Nuta af all kinds, f.nd j a variety of other ar;iclss. all of whtjh are ofleied wholesale and retail. I if Remember Ihe name and p'aco M. C. t.KARHART. Market street, A store. Sunbury. Sept b.ors west jf Ii. Y. Bright A Sot s lit. 133. tf S T 0 II E . W. A. HENNI (XI'Ttltl'ISY, Pa. , I JAYIN'.l recenttv purch-ised the Dm Stoi e , L 1 lonnerly eoinlii'Stefi ity lonnerly eoiiilii'Sted ity R. A Fisher, I beg Imi vu to iiitorui the eitixens of Suuburv and vi- "mitr. that 1 have oi.liiely replenished my slock of 8 ft EC 3 fLJ tT 5?i ixn PAKCV ARTXCIiIsS I .noli as ( . iiil.f. Poeket-Rooks. Soaps, Per turnery, ilair- 'il. Kn'ves, Ncissrs, Coal-Oil LitBi.s, Tol.aeco an 1 Cigars. I'll ill Is., il, ;ii. 4f!Iii--.. Pmil.v', 1 isi-llivlti-a. I'utenl TC'tiii iin-s.. A,-,-. Ail my Tiuctures. ,Vyrn Ointinetits. Cerates, an I oi her preparations ato iiianui'actiii'td by myself, and liotn the best material I can piocuie in .M.irket. Il.tving h.tlui'.e a uttii.h.-r of yeais' ex;teri''tice io too Ih-vg eind Vreeri;-ti.n, j:,Jn,e$, '."th iu Piiila.lelphi.-. and the coun'ry, and u'.sn i.'.a r. lrsrilage nf the College of pharmae'v. I feel coin pcieul to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRll'TIONM ;hal the Physicians and public may favor mo nilb Ail my preparations io, I have above assorted, aro iiMdo triiii the bst maieiial, nn 1 ujon honor I H.Jsert, they are of nTicin it stienth. For uicuicitiitl pui puses. 1 keep on hand the very i.,t WINK?, IJISANDI!-,:; AND J.IfL'0!J?, Mwit I Osn prot-uro. i;'t..ic j "i i ! A 1 1 tjj e !. 1 ?vq .m!I txr.i ?vu ii.e-j ynur t-wii uiu i W A flhNNK'IT. "itiiiurv . .jv !n. ;',!t. tSlMJIHV FOUMHiV. intAt. lUitliliS.H ii A. HUM, 4 P. F. now earrv ing o'i b.isine-s a', this old rtab- l li.-hi-'.ent wiih r-ne.'-ed vig. r. v isiii gs of were detcriptioii, nroibMlv fttruirla-.l tiori.r. ... Ihe Moie, niut.iifs.o t,e,.,t at this Fitui.i! ry hai quired un- r, putaiio.t. i'ariicolsr ktlenli' i. oaid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers uhouid not loige: that the I'l.l'W; uiadt) s; tl.e Siiribi.iy 1 'o.i. l uuw l.tvev been equalled Agrieolt'.ii.'il in'; 1, tni nis r. I'aiie'l at -.i.! it notice loail fa-fin-,. i:,.!u.;.:g Cokin;' uti-iioiU, of the ' mo-t Hllprolf't and nio-l i.seiul p litems. 'Ihe business i ,-. .n . i I un an enlarged sfiiie. Hid elihloniers wiil iir:iee..i,.iiinilale.i i usual. and new ,,ne- a.-o if.- et.(ui'y sulicilo.l . ! Supl.uey. Mav 1J. I -til". ' : FLOUll 117'..! . A.D A'.-y.i.. J'llV; si'.b.-iiher ' I that he Ueeits "-pe-ifiilly infoMiis ll.e publil n-1 -Hi 1 1 v ,.n at hi, new U ARKUf'l'.-K. uer t'i Siii'iuoki'i VaF-v KuilrvaJ D. ).ot. in SUNBURY. Floor l.y the barrel and sacks of a!1 Kit, lis of Fee-1 by the ton 'iho above i, all niiutni'iiciurcd at his own Mills, and will bu toll r.l the lowest ex A, priccf. .1 M. CADW.'.I LADtK S-.t.leirT. , T ril I . IS.''' aotl Hells tir -li-i'si ! J I'TliKHS. are u i'1'i ressed with an.wty for Jl your i'ttlc ones' Are your slumbers' and he ins broken by heir eiies ' Do you awake it. (he r.:.'Vning uorefr-.-'hed sn-1 apprehensive ' Ii so. pre cuteat once a bottle of I'r. Lcons' lnf..nt Rcmody aiid you w ill have iii'.'i'c weary hours ot watching Mil l al.xietr. lilt, iiio!- i.".r" 4-r has ' . 1 the tcsl of years. Thousands of nurses and uiutlioi i hear witness thul it never l.'ii.s to give relief ir use. I in season. It is a mild, yet sure und speedy cure tor t oli Cramps and Windy Pains, and is in valuable for ull complaints iuuidunt to Teething. .-"id by Druggists throughout ihe United Slates. Address .ill or 'ors to ZlEilI.rU i SMITH, Solo Pproi victor in? .i ll 'I hii-.l saii-ert, ! Nlvemher I'I, itsiiti ly T "HIE follt wirg persons are entille l to receive ; increaeo ot Houutv under the Act of Coiiirej passed July lion, to equalise Bounties. 1,1 All soldiers who enlisted ufler tho 19th dav o: April. lfH.1. f r S years, and served their time ot enlistment and have been honorably discharged, aim have received or are entitle i to recoive a Bounty of SluU, are i-ntit'.e.l au additional Bounty of 100. 2d Allsii.hsolJ icrs who enlisted for Z years, and bavo been honorably discharged ou account ef wounds received in the lino of itutv, ie eulitlcd lo H nin'v of s I Oil. j "' The Widow, Minor Chil Iren. or Parent, nfuch j soldiers who died in tin" serv i e of wounds ordi.eaaii. I are entitled to au ail litior.ul Bounty of stIOtl. ' By application In S. P. W0LYERTON. Esq . of t Pi Nbi bv, Piiuiisylvani.i. who is an authorized C 'aim Ageut. all siich claim, can be speedily collcc'cd Suuhury, August 1, Q.YA Art AliENTS WANTED-flOOOO-Mal V v'.v'v. and Female, to introduce our NEW PATENT. STAR sll I. TI LE SE Wl Mi MACHINE It ia adapted for family use und Tailoring. It makes a stitch alike both sides. Price only TWENTY DOLLARS. Extraordinary inducements to Agents For full parti, ulais, u l.h rss DU.MONTA WILSON. (Hit ARCH Street .Philadelphia. July 13, I8tt7. :.m REMniHKRTilEI)D.' MESSRS D. C. Disainger and John A. Tayloi. would respectfully auaounee Ui the eitiMws of ury, and surrounding couuiry, that having formed a -partnership, they are now prepared to furnish ornsrucntea ana plain aUruNsl" -s'rn"l- M""n,m of th beat Dalian and American marbl. at prices that oannot fail to give entire aulislacliou, and re aUull, d,ci, ,h. fsS - TAVL0R Bunbury, MarekJH l&W -lj 1TNE Myrtle Fom.iuis. . al tie rau.v Btor. nf ICN't IKK'ei w Shop ; e , le .frr sal wy BREAK FACT SHAWL ) H COKLEY 4CO jitoMif fir ssl at the faaevv A A rAlMtP (