Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 09, 1867, Image 3

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    Efjc Sunbuts Slmericau.
N. B. ENQLE, lrobllh""'
Eocal Slffatrs.
POOMSSIKQ.-Tho new Bteam P Mil! of Mr.
In T. Clement I progre-lng r.pldly towards oora
'plttlon. II I. expected to Ut. It In OF"-1-"- bT
th middle of ueJ-tnontb.
Tn Eight Kovereud Win. ilaooii Stereo, D. D ,
Bishop of lb Diooes of Pennitylvanin, will ad mill
iliter tha rite of eonurn-allon at Bt. Matthews'
Cliuroh, Milton, on Monday votinf. 1 1th Lift.
Ibsidii Visit op PaLincs.rroff.Kor Loidy will
deliver a looture on tho abovo rabjbut, on Tuwday
evenlne; next, November 12:h,' couimeneing at 8
o'clock, til the Maeonio Hall. Admission lb oent.
Tiie Cui'RTr BuiDaaa. -lbs atone troik of the
count; bridge at Sbau-okiu anil at the Gup, have
been complotod Ihe limber for tho latter bridge
la nearly ready, and will be put up iu a few days.
The b'haniokin Working-nom' Co-Oporntlvo Asso
ciation held a maotioK l to11' plaoe, on tha 29th ult.,
at which By-Laws for tho government of the Associ
ation were adtptc J. Tho uXaor. were elected on
raturdny ovoniiiR, 2d inst.
TP. A. Hk.inktt has completed the improvements
In his popular Drug Siore, on Market street, which
is now one of the bout arranged establishments In
this part of the country, lie ha also received a .
large Cock of frosh drug, Aa.
The crop of apples In the Statu of Now York,
Ohio and Michigan, in very large and excollont. A ,
number of car londu have been received at this '
place, each car containing about MO barrels. F'licca j
ran;e from J5 to $') rer barrel. j
Cobble-stunk I'avino t'ontre alley, b-itwcuu i
Market and Chestnut rtreots, which hM become
quito a thoroughfare, is now beinji paved with oub- !
ble-stonei, with the. gutter in thu contro. It ii iui
experiment, and wo trust a successful on.
Court. The first week of tho Novamber term of
court, which wan sot apart for criminal Unducr, ad
journed on Wednesday last fur wunt of buainc . j
This speaks well fit the morula of Iho poople. A
full report of the proceedings appear." In another
Tnn paving of the eidewaik and guttur in fiunt of
tho Hank lot, on Marltel street, is nu improvement j
in the riyht direction, and wo trust tho borough fa- ;
thers wi!l examine it with a view of ndoptiig thn
only plan that will provo efficient andjperu.anciit 1
lu draining as well as puviug the streets.
A CtNCBKT AND Festival will be given l.y il;u .
Uoad Templars of Vataontown, on ThuraJuy eve- !
uiug of next week. Tho I'e.-liv.l will connueiico 1
Immediately after the Concert. The public arc in
vited to be present. A rich musical mry bo
expected. Adniii.-.ioii to Conorrt uud Fe'lival, Ol1 ;
ItKV.It.T Josks win iilall -J pastor of the Lew-
Libur l'reabj teiian CUnri-h, on Tuesday eveuiu-,
SVth ult. The sermon was preached by Her. J. 0 !
Carnochan, of Danville. Addresses were delivered j
on the ocension by K-v. T. 'irier, of .MinUntur, ;
and F.ov. A. D. H.nvn, of Xcwbarry, formerly of
ShumoUln. '
Tus Methodist Kpicopil CliurcU of Nurihumhor"
land w ill bo re-opone 1 for di vino service, on Sim
day, N'ov. 17th. Kev. Wm. Harden, of Iialtiiuore,
will conduct the s; i . ieer, preaching at 10.T.0 A. M
and 7 P. M. The public- are cordially invited.
Vi'm. II. Dill, Pastor.
Hkavy Suii'MK.nts of Coal. We understand that
Messrs. John Haim .t Co., of this place, shipped, du
ring tho past month, eleven thouiand tons of coal
from the Cameron Colliery, near Shamokin. This
is the shipment ever niado from any col
liery iu tho region, and speaks well, not only for the
coal, but the energy and cntorprko of tho operators
Msv h'li i.LU. A man named David Burns wai
killed o:i tho P. 4. E. Railroad, at Northumber
land, en Holiday morning la"t. Ha was walking un
the track in the direction uf the approaching mail
train south, and was thrown a eoii-Mdoriiblo distance
and ala est ins'ai'tly killed. I!o was about twenty--Uht
years nf luto, and leaves a wife and child.
Tut: new public sljool 1: use building. ep-(.:t.'.'
tho Jail, is under rcof. Too architectural style tf
' tho building is similar to il,e other two, liuished In; t
year. Tlio brick work may be us durable as any
other, but its appearance will never add much to tho
reputation of tho building committee, if Ihero was
any, for guod tasto.
- - -- -
lai: long eonlinued high price of beef is grnd.- ;
ally declining. Tho icarcity of cattle, caused by !
tiie war, is partially made up. and both beef and
pork must settle down to a standard it occupied pre- j
vious to tho war, aiding about 50 per oent. for cur- j
rency price). At this 1'uto beef would range from
10 to I j cents at retail prices. I
Hoi.tixii Mill. The unfinished building uV I
rigued for a ilolling Mill, at Shuniokin, tnvcrul j
years since, was s id at Sheriff' sale on Monday
last, to Tins, liaun-.gardncr, of Lancaster. Mr.
Ilaumartln'-r is largely i.iterested in the Shainokin
coal reiou, and in his bunds the building will, d j
doubt, be put to Some useful purpo '0. ,
Wii lately saw, nt the Foundry of Mr. J. Young- ., on Arch street, in this place, cooking stoves I
which, in point uf beauty, would Compare with-any I
cast in the t?tn;o. This establishment is turning out !
the finest Ht.d of casting", of every variety, and tho i
enterprising proprietor deserves encouragement from j
the rliUt ns f tho town and vieiuitv. !
Thb Odd Fellows' celebration at Ouovgclown,
to-day, (Saturday,) promises to bo an extensive af
fiir. Thu different Lodge in thi vicinity aro ex
pected to bo present to participate. Fort Augusta
Encampment, itunbtiry Lodge No. 2M, and Nor
thunibtrlani Lodge Xo. 190, will have a full turn
out. Oood speakers will be present to address tho
?'ew i'lu.VACE. Another new furnace ia being
bnilt iu Duuvillo by Messrs. Hancock A Crivcling.
ii is located on the faoe of a knoll, nearly opposite
tho iiough and Heady Hulling Mills, and as it is iu
the iuimcdiuto vicinity of the canal and railroad
every facility for transportation is afforded. The fur
Lace will be a neat and compact structure of iron,
and more durable than the old style of furnaces.
Laoer Leer Waoos. We obaoi ved, a fow day
rinco, that our friend, Joseph Backer, of this place,
baa procured a now wagon to deliver lager beer to
bis customers. It was made by Mr. Kcupham, ia of
the r.oat modern stylo, and makes a handsome up-reu-ance.
Mr. Ducher, we aro pleased to learn, is
doing an excellent business. Hi ale and beer is
gl aci ally acknowledged the beat io jhc market.
Tub SsNiiuur Mutual Savins Fchd ad Buil
Msg Association. Application has been made to
the Court of Common Flcaa for a charter of incor
poration for this Association, and at '.ho last meeting
of thoio interoated in the enterprise a oominiltoe
was uppointcd to accomplish a temporary organiza
tion Tiiu membera of this ooiuiuittoe, vil : Town
aeud llimcs, John W. Friiing, L. T. Hohrbaeh.E. Y'
Erighl, II. U. Masaer, J. W. Ilaupt, J. M. Cadwul.
imhr, Join Kay Clement, II. F. Mengaa, II. Y.
Friiing. John U. Markle, Jasper Blaymaker, John
Kaaa, Wm Keegan, Joseph Daoher, Robert McCoy,
D C. Disinser J"n clttrki Eliaafc'obueider, IraT.
( loment, Stewart Bergstreaaer and Jaoub Shipman,
aro re-iuooled U tuoet, without further coUoe, at the
cJioe of Jno KayCleiueut, ou tliU (Friday) v.
Birg, Nuembr 8th, for the purpoa for whlob they
were appointed It it bopod that all will attend,
irfcimueh aa the Asooiation i ready to go Into ope
ration ft ee 'D ( an erpanitaliejt i flfecled. ,
Cooat PaoCKBDiNol The Court of Qoartr Sea
don, A., of Northumberland oantj omnonoed
on Monday Iwl, at 10 A: M. 1 Jo4g Jordaa and A
aooiatos Bhlpman and Bldleepaoh on tho bench. ,
The application of We penplo of VTitaontowo to
be loom porn tod Into a Itorouiffc il gYanted , and the
lath day f Moreaber Wae eet for the aleoMon uf
Borough offioera. John Orr wai appoinUd Judgo,
and John Y. Kill and JD. 8. Kramer aa Inapee
tort, to hold the aleotron. . It wai further order
d that tho regular time for holding the an.
nual borough election bt in the (urine of the year.
on the tame day with other "town and township,
and that the oleotiona be held la the Aoadeiny build.
Ins- ii -, . ...
Com. v. Ooorg AumUlor. Fornteutton a&d
bnatardy. Bound ovor to next tuttn.
Com. ve. Tnnlel Sliappell. Pernlaation aod baa
lardy. Bound over to nexUurtn.
Com, Vd. dwurd l.He. riila tiretecoe. Not
guilty, lhomaa Iiurkct, prosecutor, to pay oonte.
Com. vs. iionry Kood. I.aroecy. KucoKUinano
vi proaoouiion loiimted loru non-appearauco. Un
irotUn, forfuituro respitod and true bill lauud. For
tioorgo TV. El ashore v Matilda Bishoro. Di
vot ie. On motion, 0. W.?,ierler,E.q.,wa appointed
commijiioner to tako teutiraocy.
Coin. vb. J. P. Khueiuaktir. i jiLioutiou uud baa
lardy. HduihI ovor to next term.
OJtftr E. r'out, of Watsrintown.on motion, wasnj.
muted to praotlco in the aorcral Courts of Northum
berland oounty.
Lewis 8 Parr va. Northumberland counlv. Anpnl
fromjudirmertof P, M. fhindul, Im. 'Ihe Plain
till ia onu of tlio polioemen of the coal regions, nil of
whom brought auit riihrt tho C'.intv tn recover
their salaries. A ruin wna grnutrd on the 1'laintifl'
to file a uVularation in tiiiii ouso hofrn calling on the
jJofentlantj to ptoad. Tlte run" rula vas grunted
on each of tho folbwln PUlntiOa. vi: Jo.eph
llelfiter. Mnr,,,l ua....L' 'l i 'r T ...B i'
B- .mimermnn, John Il.irtis. T. J. 1'i;'iiu'inonV Ji
bhilthorn, S. tinonhnrt. J. U. tletteraud W. 1'. lia'"
'ohn Snmatrra, Jr., wu appointed by the Court
n 1'epuly Coii'laMo for Jlil'on borough.
Le'Vi.i AuUeiireiJ, for uo of Joseph Hird, xi. Jolm
11. l)enes. Slierirl llecitiny paid into Court SAVJl.
TO, from executions againat 'Deft, for u.c of J j;h
Com. va. .Toiui MulaJv. I,arccny. Ituuud orer
to next term.
Com. t. J,ihn Lareer.y. Dcf.' pleuj
C-.m. va. ?amu-l U. McCr'K.kcn. Selling lienor
wdthout 1'icenae. True bill. l ort:h.'..
foui. vs. John Gray. Aii.'.nlt and bn'.iery. fill
ignored and te,t" fox. pro?., for costs.
Com. va. tti,, WiUias.s Irce.iv. Xt guilty.
V. CUP.1. ; I
1 Ctiiiiil.e'.!. I'ri'. s r;n tir
t. Truo
bili. Jutuei SjoM, pr i'. Fortriai.
, t'om. vs. Ue:-i-.j II Vev:cr. Funk
iion an l
hal '.rl, . irim t':!l For tri-il.
C vs j-!ii. ,''.(i ic:iun, ii!l inci-.l ..ivl
pi-i-eu'.iix f-r it : .
Cum. v. Cii'i'i. it'utr A'?iuU and battery. Cid
I. !!.! ,,1.
Cut", i
Mil ir .-.
;;u!!.:, I.
On n;u!
( . r i.. i : r..,.. ...a...
. V.'in. r. Dalejuian'. Awiult and'hulttry. i
c I KTt.l r.n.l J. M'ratland forensto. i
. La:::; J ,,1jc prbti'tiac. Act
l '.'I J..LV till!
liLiiun II. l'i,ilv.
E; j.. uf Sui-.bury
KDVtT'Vl CotU'.J Of
wiia tidinittsd t-i practice in tho
r.oritatiiib. i! n.d cuT.ity.
Com. v.i. Levi Druckenuiillr-r. Uijrauj.
guilty aim sinry Kcali. pmsi culi-. l-.r co :U.
Ales. Jordiui, f ,i use of Ira T. Clement. v.s. J.uia
than ilr.ov.r. Vcn. Fx. On mutiun, t!:e C.'.urt ai.
pointed Wednesday uioinin fur th .ur:oae of read
in;; the Wiorill's rclurn.
J antra DjyJ vs. John II. I.'eWuoa ; Le.via Aii.'en
rei'l, f.-r ue of Jutpli Ilirl. v. s:idi--: lilover -t.
?,'attire sauio. l.Xi'Cti'io:-.';. Tlie '.'oui t ti i.r.o; i :t -ed
S. V. V'u!vcrton as Auiiitur t Oi.'inbmo tl.'i
in.-ivey rai-e ! upon uSi o Mtu: iuiit to t n-m: leja.Iy
iiti:K-d hcreio.
Com. vs. Ilet.jamlu IT.'i.iii Contlnue.l ovr
tum. vs. Ilchueu Liishcr. i'o;nkuii-'i nr.d
t.n jy. Guilty and ei;t.-i'ee.l to pay a il;n .l
."n-l tLe ii-:i:al lym in oxu.'LS -: aui L,.i'uit; oi'
Com vj. Conspiracy io Weak Jail. Sot
guilty and couutv fur cw.r.
Com. v. Job.Mart7. ilalijious iniscliief.
ignored aud county forec-ts.
Com. vs. .Sinn hir-ih. Assault nrd bittery.
fuihy uinl IJ-liaslnjon. pros., fr e
Com. vs. Win. Fooiier and F. Hill. Larcei.
bo:it Dill im.rctl and county for co.ifs.
Com. vs. S .i a!i .''iroli. MirV-ty of th" peace,
to pay costs.
Com. vs. Wm Villi,!!!-., ,l,i b Woomer, It
und II. Dnihei'. Coospiracv to lireak Jail '1!
first guilty a:;, I tho latter not :-;ui!!y. K.'-t.
the veidicl tiled.
or.s to
Com. vs. Michael McCormick. Fornica1.
bastardy. Ceininuc I from Aiir- term
lail ug to uppear forleittU li.t bail.
Com vs. John 1 unsnioi a. ; .'.refv o
f tho
Drfeiidan't and 1 rancis .'.'cC
rty ;
tein, vs. Wiilian. C. Yotfnjj. Assault and battery
on u
e .sis
jouiis uoy. u nity, niiea o, ana to pay
Cum. vs.! AnnSnrtis
Michael Halm, prosecutrix. I
Af-iult and b.-o tery.
-.lit v in uiar.nt.: t.iid
lorni cs iulteteJ.
Coin. vs. Jacob WuomT. H.' Ja'l. .No!. ,
io. entered by leave of (.'curt
Com. vs. Jacob Header. As"iilt and battery. !
Hill ignorail, niul .Samuel Culii, yru.. for uosis. I
Cum. vs. William Williams'. Urcaking Jail. .Vol.
pros, enlerrd by leave of e-.urt. :
Alex. Jordan, for ue of Ira X. Clumoit, vs. Jonn- i
than Hoover. Ven. lis. No 10. liiilo n'.ed for I
reasons filed to s';uiv causo why Sheriffs s.-.b? on J
abovo writ si'ouid not h jut a-tid:'. jU I uf
Court i ii, tii.'.l. " I
Cum vs. i',u:l l.ureery liuund over l-
next term. !
(em. vs. P.,ul h. Culp. Alia'.jiu .Sterner, John
Mart. Joseph lVfi'and l'amel Iveidig. Couspiraty ,
to assault, beat and wouiit. Jaoub iteeder, piosecu- j
tor. s';ptensu ortho cou-t. P L. Culp and Abr.i- j
hit.n Hteiiier fieii pay a lir.e oi't.'O an'l casts. I
Com. vs. Win. I', i'utesinan. A.-s.uilt ami battery, j
Dill i.;uorcd and John McFarianl. pro-,eeu'.-.ii'. to
pay oil t.s.
Coin. vs. Isaac IYlk. Fal'e pretense. Hill ig- j
norrd an.l John Cru'.it.-haiik. (irus., for costs. j
Com. vs. John Kern". Celling ii piur witiiuiit I
licooso. bill inurecl and Xeal Ciin ly forests.
Coin. vs. same. Hcllim; liouor on Hunday aad to ,
Lituurs. Uill ii'tioreil ana Nc'al Cai. iy for eo.-is. i
Com. v.. John Smith. As-ault aioi battery. Dill j
i;'r,"p.d lli:.i Piurit'lt itllliel ty I' .1' c.'sis. ' i
Com. vs. I'riah i'oi'.lk. (living liouor to adrunli- 1
ar l. Fill ignor, . I iful W. Junes for ijjsts j
Com. vs. ihury Iteed. Larceny. True 1 ill. ,
Jamos Soutt. pioseeutor. For trial. i
Com. va. Jacob Mar!, l or. and Has
zance foil'ulteil.
Tui: new court loom was handsomely .I,-,- oaled. a
fjw days previous to the ti jMiug of the court on
Monday lift, with crimson di .ipery, liyMtsn. Wai
ruvnn, of I'uiladelphia. Tho drapery of tho win
dows r-ifhc" about half way down., with an arched
moulding over e-.cb. Iu Ihe, recess und over tlio
seat of the Judges there is drapery and a hand.-ome
canopy, surrounded with foil mis. The gallery i
also appropriately draped. The object is to im
prove tho acoustios ur hearing ill the room, and
the Messrs. Walraveii have undertaken to perform
the work at lb. or own risk, to be paij fir only if it
accompli. lies the puiposeo d'fcij'ned. 1 ho iuirve.,-.-i.u
is that tho hearing is improved generally.
m.u t'spcuuuiv arouo i iiie liar, out it will Le Liore t
fully tested wi-ik.
Akotulu Aectiiz-VT AT M i ltos . The .Ui'ri tii- j
an, ot the 1st u,?i., s::vs; -Wo iue called upon to J
Hour,- aioom-i icii iuio a 'ciaeni (iccasioncu ny eiimi- j
mil fiivel""-nen in the eousti u'.'tiuii of (.-uiYoldiug.
Mr. David Lc':i an I illiatn Kiiiolcr vero to-
gaoed at painling the oxterior of tho new bouse now
being Coi:simei.-d by Mr. Samuel iihoads, ue:ir tiie ;
l'hiiiidelphia A line K. li, dupot. The two wore j
standing together upon tlio uiid.tlu of one ci thu j
scaffold I otiids, which had a large knot iu it near i
the centre, 'i he board broke un ier thi ir combined '
weight, and precipitated lUcui about iorty teet to '
thogiound, among a lot of rubbi-li. Mr. Dingier
was greatly biioi'ktd and stunui'd by the (all, but wu I
holiove was Ltd otherwise reriouly injured. Mr. I
Iteers, we are sorry to say, was not so loiiuiiate. i
Ills spinal column is injured ior life, if not broken. 1
At the proMiiit writing be is lying at bis home iu '
Lower Milton, iu a very critical condition, his lower i
extremities being paialyjed. Wi had supposed
that Iho recent terriblo catastrophe at the Lutneran
church would have been a warning to workmen, but
it teems that some men can only be taught iu the
school of sad experience. Mr. lieers ia a poor man,
aud has a wd'c and two small children dependent
upon his labor fur u livelihood.
..- - - .
Tuc Muncy J.uiiitmrt uys that considerable ex
citemeLt baa recently prevailed in Williuuisimrt,
owing to tho fact that two of tbo heirs of the lute
Judge Armalrong had eommcuced about ninety
ejeotmeut luiut, to recover property in the Sth wurd
of that city, which belonged to their mother, and
was sold some years ago by their father, as it waa
alleged, without their conaont. The property ha
pretty much all boon improved, and the amount in
volved it was estimated would reach about f 1,000,
U0U. We learn, however, that the whole trouble
baa been arranged. It seems that tbo purchase
money has not all been paid, and it has been agreed,
by the heirs who instituted the suits, that upon the
payment of the purchase money, with interest, the
sun will be withdrawn.
It ia due to Wm. if. Armalrong, F-acp, one of the
huir of Judge Armstrong, to aay thai be had noth
ing whatever to do with tha mutter that be was
opposed to the proceedings, a be knew hu father
bad (old lb property in good faith and that he
and his wife at oooe executed a quit-claim deed for
all bi chare in the whole of th property and de
livtr.d it to the partiea interred
So!ia or TrxranAHci The Urand Division bold
It meeting in Philadelphia, roeentiy. From Mi
reports we learn that there are 10? dlvlainna In Arret
ration in the fcHato, liavlng a total mombondilp of
8,010, beaido 6, Hi lady viaitora. Tbo receipt du
ring the put year amounted to $11,0.11, of which
$5,11:10 wa paid out fur the relief of member, and
$16,912 for other txpeoee). Two Ihouaand momber
have been added to tho order within the year.
An iMrottTAMT Facr. All who oontomplat
availing themaolvo of the UnoflU of the Bank
rupt law muatdo o previoua to Karon 2, 1B08, a
the (3 per oent. olaiue take efleot on that day.
There are only about 100 day loft. All olaimi
against a bankrupt, who applies after next Maroh,
will, a a mutter of oourso, b proven. Seotion 3'i
of Ihe law, in rotation to the M per ocnt , is as
"And iu all proceedings in bankruptcy, oom
tncnond after on year from Die time thla act shall
go Into operation, no discharge ahall be granted to a
liubtor whose aaseta do not pny fifty per cent, of the
cUima againat lilj estate, uiiIhbi the aaieut, in wri
liug, of a majority In number and value of his credi
tors, who bate proved thuir ulaims, U filed in this
t.i ", at or boloru the timo of application fur lii
obain." - - . - - . - -
Ths lltVEiismc I.iTiTiTE. We append a lijt
of tho moat valuable prcaenta to be awarded those
who purchase stock, at One l)ollar per haro, in aid
of tho UlveruiJo tnjtituto, a for the gratuit
ous cducetinn of soldiorV and aailors' orphsns, from
all purls of tho uoiintry, under Iho management of
j tho Wbito" Library Company, of rhilud-lpMa.
Tho first present ia wnrlh I urty Thou.iand llollar? ;
tl.o seoend Twenly Thousand Dollars; tho third
Kijjlitucn Thousaud Dollars; the fourth Ten Thou-
5ii,l Dollars ; tho fifth r ive Thousand Dollars ; the
Mxth consi.-'s of two worth Twcnty-Fivo Hundred ;
each. Tho remainder arc vulued an follows : Two j
j at Fifteen Thousand Dollars each ; ono nt Ten I
j Thousand Dollars; four at Fivo Thomund Dollars
j each ; tv;o at Three Thousand Dollars ouch ; throe ,
at Ono Thousand Dollars each; twenty at Five :
I Hundred Dollar eaoh ; ten at Throo Hundred Dol- j
j larj each ; three at Two Hundred und Fifty J'ollars j
lunch; t'.vcnly nt Tho Hundred and Twenty-Fivu j
! Diillaia each; fiflv-livo at Tv:u Hundred Dollars 1
each ; July at liu liuadred and Sevei1y-Five I'ol-
1 irs ; ono hundred and ten at One Hundred ;
Dviiais each ; twenty ul rioventy-Five Dollars eaoh ;
t n at Fifty Dollars ea:h ; uud numerous ulLcr arti- :
eles of uJo and value, nniountin to Kihtv-Two j
ThonsanJ D jIIuis, tlio whvlo uiakln? an;srcgto
f 'Tltreo ilunured Thousaud Doli.irs' woilu of pi
s.'n's, which will bo distributed omonjj the fltare
bolder", each abaro iruaranteoinst soma ono of ti e
.ler", aharo gunranteein
, pre-enUi nnmid above. In addition to this, a haud
' bine steel-plato engraving is given at the time of
' tho pui'chas:i of tho stock. This engraving, at re-
; t.-iil, e.onld not be obtained ir tlio amount paid for
j te atuek. Who will heaitu'.o to aid a noble cliarity ,
, on au di teiuta. X. F. Lightncr ia the nulhorired
' n.eiit for Hunbury and vicinity. Hoa'l tho ndver
tiiieiaoul. . ;
cubiivjiisa KO'i'iCi ?j.
tiy'-'3l :i f i ng:. Uu vit.g rcctived a
lurge supply of MiU' JOl! TVI'K, of various ne.f
styles, Fosters, Handbills, Circulais, Curds, Litfr
Head-, liill Heads, Labels, ie., can be printed in
tiic latest and best styles, und on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
creation uf the world, tir, more properly speuking,
( since Adam and live moved away from their country
j resideiico iu the Ourdon uf FJen, il.i ir ciiildren
have needed clothes, and since, in cur day, such de
sirable establishment na tho Continental Clothing
I!a7inr, in Marlnt fijuare, Kunbury. exivt, it be
' eoiio-s us to express our tii.uks for such blessings by
J inv.uedlatc and largo purchases of the:;o needful
tilings tit that establishment.
Prki'Arr fun Wintbk. The dispot-ition of tho 1
we'ithcr should suggest, to those whoso minds aiti
prudently inclined, to preparo for tha coming win-
ler. J . F. bhaeil'er, at his Merchant Tailoring os
took of seasonable cloths, cassiuieres, Ac, whkdi
ho will un-.lte up into elegantly fitting suits, nt very
low late.i.
It is p'.ea-ant to see that thick-soled, ankle-sus-tt
inirig boots for ladies nro still iu tlio fashion.
Every hea l of a family will be glad to hear thu. fur
the return uf paper solod slices there is no immedi
ate prospect. We are pleased to chronicle this fact,
and would call attention to the large stock of fash
ionable and cheap goods, of thu most durable char
acter, lately received nt Harry Yhaeker's Store, in
l'leii :Ui,tn' l.uilding, Market Stjuare. Gu and sec
A tnvciiK Win '.-lb Tho weather-wise aro pre
dicting that the coming winter will bo u severe oiov
Wo would advisu all who are in want of good warm
el- tiling to call at the Merchant Tailoring establish
ment of John F. Smiek, on Fourth street, and pro
cure a s iit which will entirely exclude the cold
v, iuds. i-Mnkk makes all the different styles of cio
tliiiij. and veils very cheap. Call and tee his new
stock of genu' furnishing goods.
Tnozi N tits arc not a very delightful attach
ment to the ondcrsiurj.ling," and to prevent such a
ii. i.-fortune it is we'd to look ahead and bo prepared
for cold weather, e.-pe-iaily in the fall, wLiiimow
may be expected at any time. Tberofoie, bo sure
tii lay in a supply uf g00d warm shoes fur ';ah ui.o
of your household, and bo, ready for any emergency.
C.U ut Miller1 Fxcelsior Hoot and Shoe fc'tore, oil
Market street, where you can be supplied with the !
cheapest and best article iu town. '
PnjTouiiAi'HY. Wo would call the aitcntioii of
our citizens to the beautiful pictures taken by Mr.
S. i'yer'.y, in S'nnr"on'8 building, Market street.--Mr.
H. is prepared to fiirni.-b Photographs, Aiubio
lypcs. A iu all styles and sires. Y-'c advise all
who de.-iie to bavo a good picture to pay Mr F.ycrly
a v iit.
A vankke iiucior has recently got up a remedy
for hard times. It consists of ten hours' hard labor
we'd worked in. Thu best remedy we know of is
to invest o small sum of money in one of tho cheap '
uud haud.-ome suits of clothing manufactured nt '
Jacob O. Beck's Tailoring Establishment, on Fouith ;
atrcet, Sunbiiry. Every uuoshould giv e this remedy ;
a trial. !
Ik tliere bo u eircumstaneo in social life calcula
ted to make a man '-hi lo his diminished head," it j
is the dil'overy that aomo enu h is walked ulV with
bis hat, and left one several sizea too ln-gu There 1
is no need, in Sunbury, ofhitvingn Hat or Cap too
large or too small, fur Faust, ut his fashionable ea- ;
tablidnnent, has all BurU mil sizes, suitable fur j
i vory ono, aud the apropos kind to hido the defects I
of any head. Ho is iiho snppliel with cuperior j
Cmbrullas. j
K A K Ft I A G E ii.
Un the .loth ult., by the Key. Wm. A., Mr.
Jusni'ii Oass and Mi's Rem Huu-mam, daughter
uf Judge bhipuian, both of Lowor Augusta tow: ship.
Si:.MiI ItV ?1 tllKLT.oi.
Corrected Weekly for the "Araoriumi."
Wheat Flour, extra fnmily, per barrel,
do do do do .crowt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per ewt.
Wheat, prime red, new. per bushel,
ltye, do
Corn, new, do
" old, do
(lata, do
Potatoes, do
Driuil Poaches, pared por pound
do do unpared do
I;ried Apploa, do
H i 00
u im
10 ou
2 30
i as
l oo
1 2)
1 00
3 00
Dried Cherries, (nnatonod,) per bu.
per pound,
Beef, hind qurtr,
front '
per douiu,
per pound.
per peat
NlnxntoUlu ul Tradn.
4 - Sbxhoki", No. , 1)T.
i 7W. ('.
UoDt for week ending Nov. 1, ' 11, THA OT
' For liwt roport, ( 396,b2tl 00
Te (am time last yar,
471,876 1J
m ux no
0f ecial Noturu.
Tnr.RH I no doubt but what 0m' Dyspepsia Cure
rxoebj all remedioa evnr dlaoovered for the ouro of
Dyapapaia, Indigestion, Pain aftor Gating, Cramp,
Oollo, and ditrc"a in either stomach or bowel.
The people alt apeak in the most flattering term of
its merits.
" B O IliH. " " ' j
DiLo the volcano, lluils give iasuo to the foul and i
fiery oontent of Iho deep interior. To remove tho I
cause of such (ufferinj it ia only nocowary to vital- !
ir.o the blood by supplym; it with the Life Klement, !
t protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron,) will
do this effectually, end glvo .fu.A, ti'or and:
new lift tc tho nholo sys'em. !
Extract op a Lsitus fiiom IlV.v. IUcuaiid S
ICdbb, op Holtos, Mais.
"For yeari I was a rulforer from Boils, so that my
life becumc wearisome through their frequent and
persistent recurrence ; finally a caibiinolo lormcd
in the small ul my back. During its progru-a largo
piece of decomposed flesh were every day or I wo
cut away, and tlio prostration and general distur
buneo of Iho system were great. Deioio T had re
covered fioni this attack two smaller carbuucles
broko uut higher up, and I was again threatened
with a recurrence of the suC'i iiigs to which I had so
long been subjected. It w at this tinm that I
coiomunced t.i'king tbo PKKl'VIAN SYKt'l'. I
coniiim,.,! taking it until 1 bad used five bottles ;
since then I havo bad nothing of tbo kind, l or
years I wa ono of the greaicst sufferers. Other
medicines gavo mo partial and temporary relief, but
this remarkable remedy, with a kind and intuitive
sonse, went directly to tint root ul tho evil, and did
il work with a thoroughness wonhy of its estab
liihcd charaotcr. "
A 32 page I'auiphlet scut fico The genuine has
'l'omviiui Syru;i" blown iu th" glu.v.
J. 1'. Dl.SS.Mulii;, Proprietor,
No. 30 Dey St., New York.
Hold by all druggists. Oct. 19-it
ltr.l.MI!i)l,l)'S F.X'l'i! AL'T Ul.ttlti; and iinproVLd
Itose IV'rish cures secret and delicale olsordcrs iu all llu ir
.-uie-". n' lit t: fxpenr-e. Illlle ol u 1 1 limine in, ro 111
e Miveiii-t'.cr and no eKpoiiri'. 1 1 is ,,'ert.-nill in taste ac.d
o tor, mim.-iJ: in il.i action, aod from all iliju
tlous pr''pcrl0-s. iniili'PT Iv
AUK you sick, fetblu
and Loinplniiilr f-
j i o vim tin i tf a-.i . 1 air
yni.ii icciins iiiiiji'iu ' i ot'U'n tho pvooiir.'tira
lit tit' M'ukuesd ij Oi'ffpin
upon vmi. nad should hu
uvcilcd by u liun-ly use
ii tUi1 ri:;M remedy.
TaUo Ayrr's I'ilU, nii.l di ivl out thu lmuiort 1'Uiily
the ijI'hhI, :tn I let thn lluid.s movenn unobitruotetlly ,
iu hc:;U'i. i'h y ftiumhiio thu urinii(t of tlo hn'Jy
iiit: vi''Vous r.c'ivity. j uriiy the y .-t imii from the
c 1.:. Ii ii'.'ii.iin hit h i.ii;Uo 'i4-; A cut 1 st'lilt-s
stMiim' luiro in thu h.j.iy, nn dnvu)f:v.3 tho nfiiuii.l
iij)fiL!tiihs ot ihrit I'ilf ; . 'i'df. if litii rfiicvttl, v.ill
r-KCt iij-on it.-'if tiiiti tin. Mirr'iuiuiin oriii ts, pio
ilu I'iii-rul uv utit-n, h.ihfriii;; unj d:rtuiu
rirrit. Vh;!; in ihi- oiMIitiu:, t-hi Ayor'.- I'll If,
!iJ soi' how uirriitly iity i-o.jt;r tho imiurul u!:ihu
ul iho .Msieni, 11 u J it'i it thj hiiDyitnt lylin ul'
heulth. What in truo iniU m it;i);:ii ent iu thi.s triv iul
uivi ciiij ummi omu j t.-iint in nto iruo in inuiiy of lh)
(kfp scutctl nnt dunrrcuUiL'Msv. 'i ho samo ur
jvitive oxpols tin-in. C-iufcJ hy himilur obstructions
und diiiii'.ieriH'iitr1. tiu-y uro sniu-T, and nuiuy of
tliom r m i -i ily, cur t by iho miuiu nansi. iont' wltu
Know th ii tun of tho? i'il'.i will nrK-cl tu tin
pluy tin m wLca su.Ti'iiii fruin tho di.sordctd they
Mi i.iL-Ii mm lli'inU-'lio, I'uul Stt ma'ih, L'yscnl'.Ty ,
i-iilMu.1 'uui;unt;j, Indigciitiui;, IiL-nnjcnujut if ihe
J.iviT, ('siivonv.-j. I'l'iiyiipuiitui, llHurthurn, IUiou
natiini, Pi-oi.'y, Worms, and i:iipio!-ion, hL-vii ta
ken in lart; u.)?fs.
1 hey Hi t: 3Liu.- cuated, that iln uw.?t ioi,Ui'o
ciin t;ii:o Llic;n cunily, und thry uro surely thu bet
I urgiitivo iiivdiciijc yut Ui?l'ov.i td.
'" ihe spceJy rtW ccrtut'i Cur. of Intnmittnit
J'r.ter. vr LiiU.i and i'ltcr, Htmittcut i'ftert
Chifl JVrcr. Vumh Ague, Ptriodical lUatiacht
or liihous JlfiiUurhf, u?. tiifians Vvrcts ; in
deed, for thn who ft cfn.-s of di"? iw:v omfinatnuf
in biliary dciit ii at i,ti-it , aiustd ly the 7nu.'.tna
of miasmatic evuutrt s.
Tliis Iijis rarely failcl to curu Iho m-vitI
cucs wi Chilh :tnd i tivvr, und it b;m thii reH ml
vuntufi over o;her Auo uiftlioineH, that it subdues
tha c .uipluiin without injury to tho puticnt. It
(N.nUim no quitjirm or other deleterious fuibiUure,
imrdooiiit produou ujuni-Mu or any injurious vtXfd
whatever. SiakiDg broth ci3 nf tho army and the
wot, U v It and vou will erulors's thsu itsdertions
I'repartd by 1H .1 C. AYKK A CO., Lowell.
Mii!'., and 9tUi by nil lruints uud deator.i in nitid
ieinu v ;iy h hero. Oct. If . -8i
' K I'iUt-'i: CLUTIlIMd
T-7 .
o I. L i: s
I'. 1. I S II F. D
i-.t X ii rkrl Slreit,
Ono door nbove ix(!i, Phiiadi lijiiiii. 1
For ninny years this L.-tiibli.'.hiiient ban done bnii-
i.v?s on the tine 1'rico tys .em, nn,t wo beliovo w ,
ore the only Clothing llo'uso in thu city th'it siiictly '
adhi-ros to tliif irn,ciple 9 liuvo eurnect a rcpu".
iiuion which we arc jii'oii'i of, for oo.i t'ite mi .- 'Irct
ood a'.ylea mid anUiAi lial uiatcriula, uict not lea.' '
iiiirioitiuit, for bavin;; -II our tfo.vls,
KVtTBeV :. 5, M.iiL;.
'.' cm; loy Ihe he t t-dent. for flitter;, aud our '
ifooi arc i f both kind- IVliiunaMo und ohtin .
o thiiL nil ta.'tea cuii be mitod. 1 be prices ,;,e tlio
very ioweM, as eny one by a moment a tlinUKtit uin-J.
si e, or otherwise we could not meet tiie ooin;".'iit;on I
oi our U'-iolib'.r,., ior ua iiodediietioi.auretvci' iiuole.
,o pul our prices doivn to the ndriiiitugea v,c 1
'Ihe peo'lo m."y d"ieia, tlii.-, is tiie true pluu upon
v.iiu-ii to ilo lulrie.ty. nu l uiitti.v u dolli.r . un bo
na, cd to Clotbiui; buyi rs by keeping !.i Uiind
ONE PlUCl' Ci.O'nilN'U IMfSn, i
6'jl Miukct .Strreet, Philadelphia. j
Not on the Corner, but ono door above Sixth !
iltircii ISC". ly
Hi:i.:,n:or.ivs l'l.i ii) kxtuact i
U u certain euro for diseiiaca of iho
lll..W!!, KUiNKii. UitAVK.I., DHoPsV, oil j
ui:N:iiAL 1i!;uilitv, j
and nil tlim-ajes ol i'.e j
I'itlN.tllV OUOANS, '
wheth-i taint;.::j m
M h i; fit Fii.', !
fr 'nl wiitilrve citiw- Ti.r.a'.ii nini no ui,,ucr of
now i.onu srM)iNH.
lliiie.nsca of Uic-ac ornns rerUlie the use of a diuretic.
If no Lrt-Mtincut ia .HOuiitLeu la, Coiisjniplion or humil
ity may cesue. liar I' i mi ui:J Uloou ultf sopoiteil Iron!
t.'o h. ;.. 1 s. no. I tiic
iwiALTtl A.U 11 Al'l'I.ViiffS,
tiint-f P 'fc'etily, dejieiei upon prompt use tf H rc-iii.t)!e
l'.na'.oi.lutl ui!:t.i uf It: vi-ara, by
fi'.it ItroiuUvay, New Vo.k, anil
lt'4 fouth tutu ;ict, IMiilauetpliia, Pa.
Muicli 2, Uii7. ly
Aud Houuo of Woroj-.
IlinvAuD AsH l.Miuj r.i'.rnjt i, lorloung
Moil, on tho crime of Koliiudo, and the Error. Abu
ses und iii.-easea which Uealroy the manly powers,
and create impediment to .Muri iage, with suro incuna
of relief. Sont in seahil loiter envelopes, free, of
charge. Address Pit..!. SKILLIN JiUUIJilXOX,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pu.
June 8,
IuforniKtion, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant
growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless tuce,
also recipe for the removal of Pimples, lllotches,
Eruptions, etc., on the skin, loaving the same toft,
clear, uud beautiful, can fco obtained without churge
by addressing
3 TIKW. F CHAPMAN, Chemist,
laay IS, 87. 823 Broadway, New York.
Is the Oieal Piurctie.
Jlchiu'xjld's CutiemtraUd Extract fiafiaparillu
Ia the Gleet Blond Purifier.
Boik er prerered i-roidin)t to rule of Th unia. j and
rtienmtr), and aia tha nemucliva ihut can te mrie.
Men-ti I, ,7.-ly
j Ay CVS
la manufactured from PUP.K
MATEniAl.3. and may be
considered Uie STANDARD OP
KXCKLLENCB For (ale by
all Oroceri
MaylH, IHf,7 ly
llrrors of Yontli.
A g wi tie man who e offered fur a from Kerroua
Dobllity, Premature Docay, nnd nil the eflcoti, of
youthful indiiwretlon, will, for tbo nnke of eufTorln
humanity, 10111! free to all who need it, tho rooipe
aud direction fur umkin tho tsiinplo ruinudy by
which be wnn ourod. buflnrord wisliing to profit by
the advorUnor'i ciporlenoe, onn do to by ad.lroaain,;,
11 porfoct oonfilonoe, J01K ii. OGIN.
my lb'-eriy 42 Cedur Street, N. Y.
Grace's Celebrated Baha
cures ia ft very abort tiruo
Cuts, rturtu, lyczid, Wound, iWitutx. Sprints,
lu ysitfnts, iSat Uhsnnt Hint,' worm, t Any- ,
fail Ilrfids, ZiuiV., l.imo., I'tion.,
Chilblains) yt 1
li i& prompt in action, roinores mia nt once, find
reiuouH the miMt unry looking uweliiiii and in
llaiumatloiic, us if by n.rigio, ihui alWding rolmf
MV1 11 W. l'OW L: A SOX, Vlon, I'roprio org.
Ni!d by all ItruUU, llroi'eM. and nt u.U countt v
stor('f'' O.-t. 10-41 '
Tho Ui:v. KPWAIU1 A. W1I40!; will bend (
oiOiiariC.-) tu all who des-uc it, tho preoripiiun will,
tho dntieiioiiMbr makinn and u.-in(; thofi'.r.i lo rome. '
ay by which ho wus our-jd ut a ian uflectiiu and !
tu:u drcid diuuo Cotiiumpliou. Jlw only obioot is '
to benefit tho afflicted, and ho hopes ovrry uuflVrvr
will try th'u prescription, u i( willcwat them nuthiu -any
may pruxon bli-iii;j. TIoum iiddren
my l.Ti7 ly S rlliiiuisbuig, KiiibCo .NY.
tial.1111 .T;I.-5ih-; .!, ii,-r, iicN?.
"VJOI Il't ialirmby given tliat letteriof ndminin
JlI trillion Liivin Ijeeiranieil to ibo tiiuleivined
011 tlio estate ot .Mf'diucl i.ciikcr, lui.eot' Lower .'dali
oiioy toiviisliin, orthiimlivrlttiul county, l'u tt
ccu-ed. All fjvr.iolis: iinlebteil to Slii'.i etnto lire ,
tjiir.ited to ini'iltc iinniediiiin vivnirnt, nnj thosU
liiivim; cleiius to pie."! nt llieui duly iiiiilicijlicuicd for
Anni:v r.lT'i'Y.
Lower Muhonoy, Oct. 6, IS87 Ct Adm'if
J:)!H, I'iiiiK'v t'iif!"
J'.'IIN' KAKI.'IUA-jt '
''.'k ou i.'stnuisiic't rvit
Mm no I n clory,
No 71? AUOH Street,
ubovo "th, I'UIL'A.
Iluvo now in Store of ;
niy own Iiiiiiortiition und
V t l2i4t'r-'- Mi.niifacturc
' fl'WF'V"''-- UlTf-1 "' 111
' lit 'Ml ! tika Jn- f:. I sol, el inns
ono ol tiie bcuuti-
ot ions of
'i:. -- i"t' '.i'-ij ,rr.-n s W ear in the t itv.
"v 3&j!ifMiU': J' Al, a fine iwsortuient of
ieut'a Fur Ulovcs uud Collai.s.
J mil enabled to depose of my piods ol v ory roa-i-oniible
pi-ices, and I wi,uld theiet'oio lolicit a cull
from niy fiieioKof N'ortlHiinborlr.nd county und vi
cinity UeinciuLcr tlio Name. .Vuinbcr and Htrocl !
.No 71-i Vltt '11 ,!.. ub. 7th. KOiith Mdo. Pliiliid u.
', 1 have no partner, nor coimectiju with a-ny
other toro in Pliiladelpbia.
cpt. 1'S. 1 Sti 7 . - diuwr
v.ii.a .tEii.f,
ni'IK snbsLribur oilers fur snlo tho vtdmtLlu priiju-r.
X ty now ooujjied by himself, on tho cor nor of
, 8ec uid and Walnut street, Sunbury. 1 ho lot on
high tfroui.d and v.a a front of 'JO iVetnu Walnut, anil
; :;u) ft:it on irVoond stri'nt. Tho iiiiiovGmt'iils uro a
j new and twdl-ponetrin'itt'd
: 2 fini en Wulnnt and M on Sccoint KtrcetH, nitli a
! (wn.i.i Kitehvn li bv 22, with an excellent l-iiturr.
in the kitoben, and ullilieuthor ntvsary snduHiml ;
I Uiitbuildirij, includiu,; ood ritabiing. 'iho pre mi-
av nro b:iud'ituulv located with a ood (iiii'dua und
' oxacih'iit fruit I'osscssion to bo gi i'U ou tho tii'bt
of April next.
For tia-my apply to Wm. M. ltojKt'follr A I.. T
Kohrback. iTytr."'., or tho subscriber.
P. W (.1 HAY.
Nuiibury. Srpt. '-M . IW.-.dW
j fllHK dtili.crib(r having b-oalvj a bottling i'rnb-
X. liftiinont in Ciiltc s Addition, in tho lI(iroub ot
.Sunbiiry, vitiptcttully inform iho citiifnu of thin und ;
adjoining counties that tlnv are propared to turn- '
isb Landlird?, Ki'SUiurent Kiipo 'ind private fan, i
I lies withthv bi-n linmlsot 'ur-upflrillu, Miucrul Wu
1 lor, Ale and I'ortor, bottlod iu ih best iminner, Their
di iuht are prnourp.l from iho cKabIi.-hmuri in 1
the country, which ouublo ihciu to l'uini.-h a hiltur ,
iriit?lo tii:iu can be had ebowberc, whicu will be d.
! liVvsred at tho inwi'iil rated.
j The citizen of 'unbury und vicinity will find it to
1 their intercut to putronio homo industry, and n.i-t. !
I in making t'nin a permanent entoipnio.'iind at thu
tane tiiue sno labnr and moiH'y.
! Oitlera are respectfully solicited, which will receive '
; prompt attention.
i Address i'KOlbST X IIOTK.
t Aug uut 17, 1S';7. - Cm Sunbury, Va
iOtCTi:se aib:,
Fri'iu tho
Cold Spring Brewery,
1- V
11 L' il V , PA
HK.SIT'C'l'l'ri.I.V int'oiiiH ih nihlic generally,
ihut hu is pre; ared t" fiirni di
it .oo or .mail quii'UiiieK. Ui. t'ucilities fur aiak
i. li.irr eiu'.not he eiieilli'd. und iV firr nouneid siiic
nor loany ot'ier offored iu Centra! IVnrmlvntii:i.
It lniaui-o beeu i eeoiunieinled hy phyieinn u. u
h-Miihy drink for invalids.
note!.", lic-tiiiiruiits und oivnte families sujii '.i ml
ut ,liort noliee.
r-uiibiiry. !, iit 2. I'-T
AM kinds if SCHOOL IiOilKS.
Slates, Pens, In';, Paper, io.
Micelliiiieeus Itooks, a good arisorfi
uiut.t. Ail the new booK3 received
U..S0011 aa ubli-hed, ur.d fwr sale at
Publirhera' iniee-i.
1UUI.LS, Prayer Pool,', and Uyiiin
liooits, in ivcry itylo ot hireling
Cdtholia Pruycr Hooks.
FAMILY Ullil.l'.S iu various sly lue
MfTlONAIlir.'of all .-ins.
Juvenile and Toy Hooks, a target
r.:i,:iU Meokn d U'.l.r.k
Porina of all kinds.
I'ool.-oup, Legal Cup, Letter and
Note Panels.
COPVINil LOOKS, Iukstands.
P-.'il Hack. 4'ilea. Paper, Cutters uud
Counting liouso lutiouery generally. '
and denr.
Held Pen and Holder..
Potkol Looks und liill WuiL ia.
Picture pi uaies. '
hteri-oseope uud 'iews, Auierieun.i
French. Ac. ,
Iiruwiiijj Viipir, all aizes, Pristol'
llonrd, Ac.
lliaries, Memorandum Pooka. te
Packgumuiou Hoards, liaiuea, Chess
men, Au.
Toya a Inro and eoiiiplele assortment
i!a.o-Hiilla and Huts. Fifhiog Koda
and Tackle.
Perl'utnea, Hrohominn and Parisian
Marbles, Ao.
(loid I'eus re-pointed.
Lamps, shades, O lobes, Chimney,
Wall Paper and Cordar, all kinds
Window Curtains, Fuiwr tiilt and
Muaic aud Musicul liatiuineuto
tTAII kinds of Booaieiid Statiouury not on 1,in l
piumptly urdered.
All the Daily ami Weekly Papers and Magar.iuo
AKontfortho 'Amorlcan Organ." Alaoior'La
Knae' Hair Restorative," Knaruel of Amerio, and
"National Steam Navi-ration Company. '
r-unbury, May 18. Ifrlf.
PRtAKI AJI SHAWIJi. for i"0 t tb Fnv
ff:tta .. Coianin of yan
BUV tllP. 'IVIftRT nrOTKl
of th
For th
1 11
i uotils A.; qcifK CASH
v. risnta.vw.
ti tk
."NurnY, n;:.'
tat iiiat ro:
oived and opnne ! Mm
Viuuch iM.n jtios,
Ptints, .Muslics,
''' .- of all kin.N
iu','er."' '''. Jnaar.i UJic X'.ii.Usm-Mf.
A full hmoi I merit of I'Kl MMI.Nti
i Haildiirs will Bui my SiocU of ClarcSwnrc.
i-iainl, win, Ac, t vi!i)dOn
Itus aod Jledieu,,.
M ill. an.i CoJh, ,,,.,
t.eeo.-WHio, il.irrf.ire
.md in f,ict uveryllu,-usu:.IIy keot i a Ur -u .it.o e
Cull uud bo convinced ihut thu CH '' I"-, r
PLACKIO iU'V A I.I. YOl'il C-,I,.s ;, ui ' "
Tlio Miitnmuth S t i r v.
I'eriu. fuli,-8Maai,
aa my Go4ls aie boujjht f r C.iii and tiolrl Clieji
of ,1,. UEAPY MOSKY.
waybill el-fin Lih "C
ta CbarUrod by thoStoUi of Pennsylvania, uid 0:
ennitad io nid of th
kiveuside inbtixutu
. For Eduoutlng
Rnlr14aira mnA M 1 1 Inn' Hrl nun j
Irtcofpottitorl by tUu HUte of X. J.
APRILS, lBtir.
; Tho Washington Library
! Company
, Fy virtue cf their Chm ter, and in acoorjauc witi,
; its Provisior.t, vtill iliatiibuto
i in pKKsrjm to Tr.B.utAr.i:tioj u m
Ok V'l Jh'' hn Jr.
bill, 1Q,
: At pnii.ALir.i.riJiA. r.v., tu m iu iiutimte, Kizt
I hiih:, v i.
; I'nxt'ii -r.'!i $10,000
; Onn i'lrsert vvurlli 'JO.Uli'i
I Our Pr-jmit v, or Hi 10,000
! One Pics-jut wnilti ft.OOll
j Two I'risi nt woith f 2,50(1 t.'irli Ti.OOtl
j Onn I'rchi'iil, vnlucil ut It', COO
j Two Prtstntn, v.-iitied at 10,000 vach 1(0,000
: Ontt V'icsciit, valued ul 10,000
1 our 1'U-sttiiU, valued nt ,,,1100 enoh, 80,000
; Two Prost'tif, vaiuei.l nt 8,000 ciic)i, ti,00O
! Three rrcffiif:;, vu!t:,.t.l at 1 000 each, 3,000
; Twenty L'rc.-etiti.; vuliied ut fiOO taeli, 10,000
j Ten VieaciiU, vuIikhI nt SCO each. 15,000
I Tliren Pti sect", vnlucil nt K50 cncli, 7C0
1 Twcnly I'l-fetut?, vnlucil ut 22r, eneli, 4,500
I Til't) Five f'ttiinty, uliic.l ul ijioj
j '''iv.'!'. 1 l.OOo
I Kl.'ty Presents, vn'i o ! ut ejeli, VTA
, Una,t,I nn ! To,i i're.i-jnU, valu
; o l ut -LOU each. ll.OiHi
! T,vutv Pi''ii!t.t!).! at ?. cueli 1 0(i
Ten l'leai-tiln, valued ut OOeticli, 000
im r.ii'.v.mnj' riesi i.ta couiatii .f
ur'.iftlcs nt' iiso nrt'l value, appor
tatnii)..; to tiie (liilusion id' Lite
r,,t,iie tiii.l tl.o. Cut- arts, $82,000
ck '.: ac;oi.uo,:,iwl Kiiii n
Kuril CitiSsato .
Ii':au;ift:l Sieel-Plato tZusr&vin
'.ru k jrj- jr rtrr,Mt, im,
i:i.l ' r.".,
'""1 '! t-,U holder a
st or
: pp.Foi::.-r j.n -un.: i.(;.i;.i ins'ifi i f rp.
M.:f;.v:'i:!Pv:ov oxk roi i,.m;
j Ar.y ptS"U ndin; us 0:ie Iiollnr, or fa?"'- ll
, fiin.e to or ,;.:nts. will leeeive iruni'.-imtely n
I lllia Mnil -'!.., .. I'.,., i- i. i , .
' . - - ...tttill, Al l'lj',11'! U'llli inn IUI
' J011"-,' list, and O.iu U.Ti.i.'iea'e of rtleck, iu'i-rni
: )av Present m tho Uroat iJieiributiee.
'M. Di'i.I.AR tS'JIlAYI.SUi!
No l- .My ! II, Child "' No "'ih. v':
i .Saved : X'ioj ru tin,-.! : :."o. J -'-Oi.i a..vecti'-n
; or, tltM Early Ibivs nt' tho Revolmkn.''
Any peicon iii.g Tv,o llollnrs will reeeivo cither
I 'f "i lidlowiin; Sue Steel Plulct, at shate". uu-l
I i n0 t-eriihentca ot aloes,, uu. becorjiiaz .ntille.t u
j Two Presents.
1 "'0 Dot I K HSURaviNCS.
I. "o ; 'V,'a.-hiDlo!.V Coii;-.-!,i,." Nu l -Mfua
'"a"" L"s'- lntcrtuw wub his .Mother."
i I'oli.ak i:.ur..ivi.vcs.
-y person f.oein.; Ih.-ec dollars wi'.l i't;eivi il.o
bt.iuiitul t'.teel Piute of
' home piiom ru:: waii "
! and tiirce C'ettilie.-.ti- of .Vtock, beeowinw entitle i
; lo three Pr(.,'liM.
i i.- o; n, ii r v t, i- v,-n . w. j
f tf-a paying lour Dolinrs shall icjtive tho
lnr uud t. i,,.ti:'ul rilue! Plate of
riiK i-nin.s ti- ouu t'oiim A rittus. "
oud Four C'.-rtUcales of Siwck, e:i:u!io tLem to
l our i'l'e.le,..
.'. (.crsoii ,'. ho pays l ire Doliurs sunll reecu o
the iuri;o und a,Uiuiit Steol Plata of
And Piio CLrtifieates oi'Siock, etititliu.-ihem toi ivi
The tiii;iMi,;t ai.d! ho delivered
to each subscriber at our Local Ainm-iira, or tmt by
mail, po-i (.uid.'jr ejress, as may bo ordered.
t;o I ciileiH lo us hy ami', eiiclosii',? from St to a-j
eli'i.i t y I',,at (lili -u or,:.n. ur in rt'l,'e-cj ;,.:ti:, ;.l
iriiik. l.uier aoiouii-,. t:n;i!C i '.' aenl by Ural t or'va"
i iOh:iie W illi r.tvihvoic f.'f'V.
'-.j jltioes i:;jnivii.;i 'Ji'm-
,''tl o.;n ifc With tii ;iflil .1.. Ili,;,li
7o f,!:m - V. I'll Mi i.ivil'eis f'.- '.l
K0 ar-Ht.. .!! i-.i.t'U'. aia
'.CM'j V INTiiil :
;';oit she I'loi-.l bu;i.
'i i-id KIVI.'MIi'M: ibTITOTS.
Sil.iu'.e ut. P.iversii.i. Hui'liiitou County, Sew J,.r.
s. v, toiiioua lor uk' j arpoje uf giutu'itou.ily edu
.lutiiio iub B t,f tCL.Jt j Soliicra and ceuiteii ol
t!ii I'l,. til iUn : f
Thu Ho;ird of Tru.-iees couajia of tho 1'oPoHi.i
well-k.-'.'.vt' i-ii';er.ut' IVuul,-aniiaaiiJ Xu Jujui
v i i. l i a m u.
I'i.-'rict Aforney. p
T.i:vi:; k. Lite .;,i.i l.
illi'lelt liill, Pu
II! iV.
, t.-C:iii'f C'.il..,- 1 . s. :
I'9'.'da. I'hl'fol'.i . I'.T
uud Piucurdir
; ii ".'.'. .1 A.MLS M. .-i;o i i,. .evf Jersey.
llk:.-.'.V U Ji'.'iAM. I'.,,.,
, A-. i.t A.;au;a' txp're-., PhiUJ.-lpbii. IS.
: J. LV iUL. -,'j , i : J.,y". C .; A Co., Philadelphia
j TR'i.isLr.Y luMtratiir, W.isHivuro.v, I). C .
t Al rit is. b'!7. i :;li, e of li.'.eni"! llevenuu ; iluv
j ino re0i.i ed .-.utist'-tLterv evi kn.:e tlio pr'.oeeds
of ,ti.i t ut .T ; ho "' lolin te i l y ti e i':uil:lii:;lon
Lil.ra.-y C i .: v ' ' will be devoted to ell. riluljfo.
use, p rir.i.-jion i.i luu-i y grunted to s.ii.l Company
i to el. i d'.,'.! tui-'i enlerpre e.l-.'Uit froic all tuurge,
wh.'h.T ru-iai f.-c:al tax or "ih.-r duty.
. t. A. HOLI.INS. Coma.'.iK'ii.rcr
I 'I I .W.vitilo'i! Imve pi-.d 1 l.s Iteeii-erj, Mot.-s
' OSiiKIjI'- A. OllllKt: A: I'll., whoso well ki.ow.i late
1 gi'iiy aol Imtiuc.. eijjrr.ence w ,.l oe a buituitlit 'uu:uu
i u-e t In 1 1 li. l.i '.i-" loliu.led to luciu will lie prom; liy uj
1 pucii lo uiojiu.potc .niu-.t.
j P;linbH.i':li., Pa., Majr'Jii, lt-0?.
T ' ti-c Ur.'it-tt :mJ MeiubeiS ol Ilia Vv 11.1111,11,11 Llbl4
I, C', .N S. P.CAO.S-H-rcUry.
Innoriiif,. . -tin rtetupt rf ..ii. f.e o ,f the t.'.tl. i,i,.l ,
1, tit' 1 it; os I villi n ) iu It-i'ttu-ra i r t(
Coui'M.iiy, w e tiK'K ti.e nti.-1'lv to Mitniul a eoi v ol' your
I iiHlinr, Willi II p-iil, o" y.uir aiilerjiu.e, to ,l.e t.
kitutl-utl.oiity ot lilt- r-l'ite,lout tun ing iivctViM los luvor.
.,1-! ..jotiioii in re-unl lo us liinhu , iu.,) s ni,,:ii!oyiia
Willi tile iK'llovoleut oli.iret of V;'lll AaS-Noutl'iii vti : ihe
C'loi'biioii mid lutiiiiteiiii'ice ol-the oiurtiin eniuirea 1 cm
soljici'a mill Sdiiui.. ul tiie I.i'. . imot' ltutiliile, w hai i
.on, luited to ,u',v;ii tin In. t, ttiel V u.u out I -1 erjoris I .
po i.U'le -i woilli, nil o',..i l.
rtc'.oci tfu''l) unin, i z ,
l.l'.tl A CXIKL i CO
Aildtrsi nil tetle's and nrrt.'rs lo
t-l.t). A I IM)h.K CO . IIANKf'.RM.
;i'it--otith TlutU b'a-cl, PuiUaeliuua, 1'a
riceciina ioi (lie W'esti.ub'o'lt Liiionj Co.
ISrS.V. LleilUNEK. Hooksellar i ; ntCiu-i ,
fuiiCury, 1'i . is the amhorueil A rant of tin- Croi,
pany for iMi pV,- r,rd v ,-inn-'
t'.'-t-'her I' Ii-.'T