T. S. SHANNON, Practical Watchmaker Ann JEWELEBj From rnitADELPHlA. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, 3TIXTBTTK7. FEITIT'A. NE Ool I and .Silver Amerioan and Snls Watches, docks, Jewelry and Kiiyer ware, con tly on hand, iinir Jewelry aud Masonic Marks e to order. 3ld and Silver Plating dono In the beet manner warranted to give entire satisfaction. ma Watches, Clocks, Musio Jloxe. and Jrwciy nircil and warranted. II orders promptly filled. inrmry. .lune I, WT--- " tfOMPABE, THEN- JUDGE. Gnat Reduction in WHOLESALE A RETAIL PRICl'S of Tory superior Silver nnil Silver-I'latcd Wares, Of our Own Manufacture. . Such as Tea Setts, t:ni. Ice pOt),. pitchers, Waiters, Uubbluls., TT 1 Cako Boskets, Cart on. Rut "3t 4, tor Coolers, Vegetable Dis h JS'T jy es. Tureens, Sugar and Card jlJiir Basket", Syrup and Drink 'jfi ing Cups, knives, and Forks, t , y aud Spoons, of various kinds Ac . Warranted Triple Plato, on best of metal, 'equal to any In the market, of lbs latest sty les, no goods are misrepresented, at JOHN BOWMAN'S Sew and Beautif.il Store. No. 7U4 Arch Street, Phils lclpbia. yPleaso call and examine our Goods before chasing. J. B Ml kinds of Plating at reasonable prions, lugust 21. 1S67. lyoi, fr. KEOOI rIillM. G'i. JEW SPRINU STYLES, 'Oi nOivs Make." tfier m.irc than Five Years experience and ex inncntiiiir in the manufxeture of Strictly First. slity Hoop Skills, wo oiler cur justly eelcbrutod "Is to morchnnts and tho public iu full enntidenco huirsupcriority over all others in tlie American rket. and they arc so acknowledged by nil who nr or dcnl in fhciu. as tiny give more satisfaction n any ether Skirt, and recommend themselves in :ry reapect. Dealers in Hoop Skirts, should make ote el' this fact. Every Indy who has not given To a trial should do so ivilhnut further delay. ur assortment cmbruces every style, length and e for Ladies, Misses mid Children. Also, Skirts de to order, altered and repaired. '.'kfor '-Hopkin s Own Make," and bo not do vcd. Scotbat the letter "11" if wouen on tho nes between Each Hoop, and that they arestamp 'W. T. HOPKIN S Manufacture. 623 Arch St., tin loipuin, ' upon each tabe. ro others uro auino. .lso, constantly on hand a full lino of fgood New rk and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. Wholesale nnd JtUiiil. At tho Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and uporiuin. No. 62S Arch street. Philadelphia. WS1. X. HOPKINS March 2.7, lfR7. lOuiv 6 R RIK G "TON " '& HO E iGK I NS B A V 13 O XT E urtn-riiospiiATu of lime. TUE GREAT tM lliuiailMM-Inutl County F E II T I L I Z E It . The best muniiro for all kind? of grain manui'oc- .red. .More active, more durable, than any other. It I es not- exhaust the soil, bui on the contrary is a i rinanent improver. O VER 600 FAHMliKS in the "inty applied it to their Spring Crops, the results ere that it exceeded their most sanguino cxpecia ns. it was tested with the best Phosphates in tho urtrv but came out'victorious. Farmers, use it for jur wheat and rye. ut up in Dags of 200 lbs. Full and sold at frv? per pounds, at the Manufactory, ;t f strkt istrt-rt, Mititbury, ut i;ny of our agents in 'Danvillo, A'illiant?port. ewishiirg. Muney Station, .Millon, bewart, Potts- I ruvo, lil Hjuisburg, .'olins'-Grovo. Trcvorton. or uuy tho principal towns in the adjoining counties. j W here wo have no agents appointed, fanners can ' nd tliuir orders by mail and rolyou their receiving ; uuioliato attention. j 5Vc have Iho advantage of Railroad and Canal ' snspoi tatioij iu all direcltoiis. and purchasers need I iprebcnd uo Uclnv iu tilling orders. J. li. TORRIXUTON, t LD. HODGKINis. ' "uubury, Aug. 17; 1W57. TOOUH CUSTOMERS. V.'c take pleasure in anbouuciiig to Dealers in ertiliers, and the Agricultural public, that we ive within the past year increased our facilities for 10 manufacture of our Raw Bono Phosphate, to an itent unequalled by any other House in the United atesor Europo. These facilities not only include ic enlargement of our old established works in iiiladelpliia. know tin the llelnwnre ICivt-r Isricnllttral Cli'ini-al tlorks, but !.-o the purchase of extensive and well stocked works t Chicago. 111., with all the necessary machinery, urs, 4c, to conduct tho business. This establisti icntalono has produced, annuully, over oust) tons f dried Bones and Meat, and is capable of being .rgel increased. Wo desire, by the closest supcr ision. to conduct these two concerns so thatour cus mcrs will derive a practical benefit from their con didation, in obtaiuing a MANLRE wbich shall miutain a slnndard and uuiforiu quality, and ut ie lowe.-.t possible price. BALUII & SONS. rERUVIAK GTJAN0 SUBSTITUTE ! ! BAUGH'S IA.'W BONE 11' V. UV HOS1MIATE OF L 1 M . J3AUQH Sc SONG Nilo Manufacturer! Jk ProjiriclorH, i't.LA li ARE KIVKK CHUMICAL WUKIvS, PiULAPLhriilA, V. S. A. (7'Fnrriien arc rtimimcnUti to irurcliuK of the dialer u;iIh1 in tli cir neitrhlHtfiiood. In veetitnia where no dea r in trt eLuliliuicd, I lie 4 hitspltaie nifty be procured J.rwt- in.ii, iiir uitduibigucU. A 1'fiucU CifCuluT WtlJ t sent mi who ail) AUG II & SON'S, ('lice So. "0 . Ddiiirare Aetna?, PHILADKLPIIIA. IJAl'GII UUOTHERS &, CO, General Wtoluuile A'jenta, No lil I'carl .St., cmnerol Cedar. NUW YOKK. Gi:01lCE DUG DALE, M'f A'jait fur Muryhwd d- I '( , .No. lOi Suiilh's WLnrf, BALX1MOKK, J1D. '- P'T'"'1"' ' Supply our Patent Sec oual Mill loall Manufacturers for grinding Bonus uuuo uud all other hard substances. fold by bMITII A CitNVIBR, Sunbury. Aug. 3, lw',7. ly ' BOOTAND STiOEST M ANITA Cll'KKD TO OUDEU. JOHN" WILVEH, 1 Kbl'lX'TVVLLY informs his friends and cus- tomera, that he has just opened a shop for the nuracture of BOOTS i liliUd, on V prvre ,tre t, hetirem Second ttrid and Centre Alley, Hutdturjf. here all kinds of work in his Hue will be made up . tho latest style and in the beat workmanlike man sr. Having first class stock on hand, he natters himself i at he will be aide to suit the lii.les or the most fas dious. The public are invited to cU. JOHN WIJAKtt. .1 no 1 ' IKi',7 , CBITTENDEri'S Commercial College, 37 Chestnut Street, (Corner of Seventh,) PHILA DELPIIIA. Established 1B44. Incorporated 18H4 Vonag Nt-n rnctl-nTl9ttdiicntl i"r ItnNlnM. Th facilities of this Institution hare been largely increased, and it now has advantages for imparting business knowledge which aro unequalled. The practical value of its well-tried course of in truclion is attested by humlrodg in all departments f business. Many a young mau owes his success iu lii'o to the qualifications gained hero. The instruction throughout is thorough, practical, and just what is daily med in our best business bouses. The instruction includes Book-Keeping in all its Branches. Penmanship, (Plain and Ornamental,) Commercial) Cal culations, Business Papers and Cor respondence, Cnuimcrcinl Law, Detecting .Counterfeits, Etc. Students inttruoted separately an 1 rrciivcd a1 anytime. Diplomas awarded on graduation. Sfran' ?ors assisted iu procurine suitable boarding places lonrd may bo obtained for about ?: per week. Cata logues mailed free. CKITTKSPKN'S Ui'OK-KKKPIN'. Counting Houso. prioo $2 bO. High fk'bool. price 1 60. Common School lidition H7j etr. Judge Sliarsnood's Lectures beiore tho Students on Commercial Law. price 1 fin. THK CKITTKXItKN COMMKItCI AT, AKITII MLTICAXD JUSI.XKSS MANUAL. Containing new and rapid methods of calculation as o.'timllv used by business men. l'ornis of Itut'in.'.-'s Paper's accompanied by explanations of their imttuc aud use, ue(ul Coimnernitil Tables, and much valuhblo untormation on business suhject. fricoyl zj. the saleot this Hook has been rapid that it is already iu its second edition Any of the nixve books sent postage pnid on I ceipt of the price. S. II. CRI1TKXIEN A CO. June 8. 18(57. fun IlEUDIC HOUSE, WILLI AM3POBT, PA. May 2!, 1S07 lim Pensions Increased. The late Act of Congress gives additional pay to tho following Pensions, viz : ist. To those who have lost the sight of both eyes, or both hands, or totally disabled so as to require con. Btant atlondunco, the Fumof $2i 00 per month. 21 To those who have lost both feet, cr are totally disabled in the same so as torequiro constant attend anco, the sum of $20 00. 3d. To those who havo lost ono hand or ono foot, or are so disabled as to render I hem unablo toper form manual labor S15 00 per month, and other cases in proportion. Tho subscriber is duly prepnrcd for the immcdiiile procurement of those claims. S. B. IiOYEIt, Ally at Law. Siinl.ury, Juno 16, ISori. i'!Ki; ai vvAjTiTii iitMi' T. DIMES A CO.. are tho Agents in the Cmnties of Northumberland. Snvder nnd M'mtour. I M WAKUL.N S Improved Fire and Water-Proof I , Hoof. This is tho cheapest nod best Roof t hi, t can ' bo put on a building. JIns been used iu iho city oi Philadelphia, since lh.ii, where it bus suporrcdod i nlmost every other kind of Hoof. It is recoinmcnd- ed by the builders, and is used on all of tho finest ( buildings iu that city. PtirtiescontcmpUting buibl- ing, will do well to examine into tho merits of this i and all other kinds of Hoofs, ai.d give tho best the i preference The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few j davs. bo covered with this Hoof, and parties desiring I to do so. may cull there und examine it. I For further information address Iiox 11, Sunbury I Post Office, or call at the Prick Yard of T. I1IMES. 4 CO. Sunbiirv, IS. 1"C7. 2m rja.ra;ai-iiB..'Hi:9 heel Iron and Slove f ss rso as mzl mz o G- ZETTLEM0VER& BU0., (Successor to BENJ. ZETTLEMOYER.) Market Street, near Fngcl's Store, SUNBURY, PA. TI A I.NU taken nhargo of the .Id stand so lung 1 1 pntro'.ized by thu peoplu ot Stnli.ry and vi- I ! cinity, beg leave to announce to tho oi li lends and X and iluvers generally is invited to the fact that the public gon?n,l!y, that they will supply them j wc ate now o!iai.,g a bcUer selected assortment of with tho most improved varieties ol HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, S 'J Q E Sa than ever was uflcred in this marked ut prices uiulIi r.fi-i.'u i ii i dt ii cmvi' r ., , ' below those heretofore demanded bv dealers. Our COOh, OH- KEuud PARLOR STOEo of the best ,.wk cul.,rf u articles iu this line of business, Brands which are unsurpassed h.r beauty of finish. ,.ml,i acing a general assortment of tools and mato stuiplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and T:ir .,., ... durahilitv and each stove warranted to pcifurm what I C '1'FX1 KR"1 HI ACKS.MITI1S they aro represented. I ' CARRIAGE AND WAGUNM AKLRS, ' ' 'ul Oil, Coal Oil I.aiiipH. I.iinlcrii ' ,IOIXEH', AC , AC, Shades. Chimneys, and all articles usually kept in mi , logotlier with a largo stock of Iron. Steel. Nails. establishment . t 'this kind. I COPPER, lilt ASS ami I it OX WLTTIIN ,1' ,.11 sizes. FRUIT J ARS und CANS of tho latost improved i styles. i lie is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and , Roofing. Range and Furnuco Work. llcpuiriug, cheaply and nentlv executed. GEO. ZETTLEMOYER A BRO. June S, ISO?. y j Blacksmithing. JOHN IltVIUNT, SL'XHUltY, rEXXSYLVAMA, I RESPECTFULLY informs the citirns or 5un- I V bury and vicinity, thai ho has erected a Black- i smith iShop near the Shaiuokin Valley Railroad I Depot, where be is prepared to do Illack-luithinr in ! ullius brunches, ut the shortest notico. Having hud j many years' experience In the business, bo Hatters ; himsolt that ho can render satisfaction to all who , may givo him a call. 1 Aunbury, August 17. 1SI57. CALL and see those beautiful Bird Cages at the uew Hardware store of J. II -CONLEY A CO CHOICE ritlTIT & ORNAMENTAL ' DEKrjr. BOHNER, I Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will turn- ; A from the intist responsible Nurseries in this and i I other States, first class TUKKij of all kinds. Also, I ; Shrubbery, Yiucaand Plauts. Liar Jen Sec Jo ot all ' i K1UUS. ; Orders uie respectfully solicited. j Addross IIEXJ. IH'iHXKU, l'aiinoo, North'd. Co. I IV'N. B --In.-uratccs taken in several of trie : inoit respunsiblo l ire Insurance and Horse Detective I Companies in the State. ; June B, l?ii7 y NEW GROCERY! Market Street, three doors eat of tho Kuilroad north side, SL'NBV BY, PA. WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL AND Provision Store FOll CHEAP (JOODS! Their Stock is complete, contesting iu part of Sl'UAlt.S, COFKKES, TEAS. SPICKS, COAL OIL Tobacco, Cigars, Flour. Feed, Fi-h, Salt, Ililius, .Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Ulass, Lamps, Ac, Ac. Country Produoe taken iu exchange for Goods. Uf- Call and cxutninoourtock, and satisfy your selves. .Sunbury, Juuo 29, 18fif. PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind ed that they must be recorded, according to the Aot of Assembly which requires thut "All deeds and conveyances for real estate In this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in the County where the lands lie within tix moiiiit after the execution of such doeds and conveysnoe; and every such deed and convey ance not recorded as aforesaid, shall be judged FHAUDl'LENI AND Y01D against any sabseueut purchaser for a valuable consideration unless such deeds be recorded be lor the recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchas er or mortgage shall elaiin." if Those having old Deeds will prolit by ving stru t attention tn the above March 'i3. lab. jj . BRICK I BRICK! BRICK 1 T the Cltlzeua or rSanbarj and vicinity. mill! nndersignod hare boaght the Brtok-Yerd A. and Improvements, formerly leased and worked by A. B. Htevens, end have made additional im provements, and are now pronared to make eontraets to manufacture and deliver ItHICK in large quan tities, for building and other purposes. hy the manufnetare of a good ertiole, and prompt attention to business, we hope to receive s share 01 publio patronage. Orders left at h Br'ck-',"7' or Box 14, Suubury Post Office, will be promptly attended to. j ,nME8 A C0. Punbur v JfnyJ rfjlC7 . .1m LUMBER ! LIMBER ! The roller Osinly nnd Hanbiiry Lumber ComMiny, Now fully established at the SUJJBVRY STEAM SAW-MILLS, are prepared to saw to order WHITE PINK, IIKMLOCK AND OAR, of any siio and all lengths. Afull assortment of IDIVZ" LUMBER, always kept on hand. Pannol, Flooring, Siding and llni'liing boards of all kinds. MOULDING, FASH, DOOHS, and SI1UTTK15S. SHINGLES, Sawed nod Shaved, Yhito Pino, and Ilgmlock. I'liisilerisi I. ii III and I'lilin, Planing, ltipping and Turning, will bo done to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everything in their line at such rates that Lumber Ynr.ls. lliiihlers nnd nil itnrties lisitnr Lumber, will find it to their interest to buy at this establishment O K 1) E K s are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at ti iiiltd tobv mbliesring. W.M. KEAOEN, Sup t. Sunbury. .lime 15, 1S0S. 1TEV7" SHOE STOP.E- Market Street, adjoining Uearhnrt's Confectionery cUure, blNHl'HV, Pa. r VIF undersigned respectfully informs the citiims X of Sunbiirv and vicinity, that ho bus opened a N LW JSHOK tiTiiltE, for the salo us well as for tho mumil'ncturc cf the iincst an.l best quality of Ladies' Shoes, v u : Cilot r-liid, 7lorr(4o, (.'iili'-wlviti mitl .tiwliii;; (s'nitorH, Vt'. Children's Shoes of oil kinds. His stock is entirely new and well .-elected. lie also iiiiiiiuhicturos fine French nnd other Calf skin Hoo's nnd Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders fur ladies nnd gentlemen's custom work will bo promptly attended to and got up iu the best stylo by skilful mechanics Shoe findings itc, constantly kept on hand and for sale tu the trnde. .T. II. JKFFHIES. Sunbury, April 20, 1SC7. .1. Y. HTKW.XSUyi, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER Market Square, nonr the Court Stjuare, nonr llou.-'C, SI Nlil'HV, Northiitubcrlaud County, Pa HE has tust opened an assortment of Gold OflYS and Plain Patent Watches, CLOCKS V.r for Hailroad-, Bunks nnd Dwellings, Fine "T"f!tJ Gold ltings. Finger Rings, Bracelets, Minia ture Cuses, Medulliou, Lockets, Pencils. Thimbles. Spectacles, Silcr Table, Dessert, Tea Suit and Mustard Spootts, Sugar Spoons. Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields. Combs, Dianii nd Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers. Butter Dishes, Jruit Dishes, Cake Baskets. Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ac. He invites the citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinity to call at the abovo place, where ho w ill be happy to wait upon them. IV Particular Rttentian paid to REPAIRING. April 13, 1"7. J. H. Conley Co., .E:ti'l4' '. V.attt otitic Etnilroiitl STJ-JSTBTTR-ST, FENJM'A. DEALERS IN 1IS9.I & A.Mr.lCK'.W, Hardware & Cutlery. riillK attention of Mechanics. Farmer.. Unil.tov Si ikes. Rope. Cliuius, Grindstone Mill unit X Cut Saw. Ac, Ac. Surbury, March 30, 1S()7 Fashionable Dress TRIMMINGS! AND Millinery Goods, Jii.-t opening at the Millinery .Store of Miss M. L. GUSSLE. i'oiirth t'lrcct. two doors below tho Bailroad, M'c-d side, Sl'NBl'HY, PA. .'uch as i h Y? i a j h '!. in m Dicss-Triiiiuiiiigs. llead-Drcsses, (ilovcs, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ac, Ac, which have been carefully selected. Miss M. L. liu.-sler has just opened a large jssort UKiit of Millinery Hoods. Ladies should not fail to go iir.,1 sec the latest styles as it will pay to not delay iu visiting her store. Call uud examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury. April 21), 15i'i7. BAKERY. BAKERY. '. Jal iMItOVi:, Agrist, Munufueturer of ! CANDIES, BREAD, CAKE, PIES, AC.," j Front St., 3 doors east of Iho P. 4 K. R. U. Depot ,4IIT 111 11Iti:iCI..l, !.. j Customers will bo served daily. Orders solicited j Northiiuiberlund, June 22. 1S07. 1 IDOXJT"y houseT a. !. JUII.I., I'roprielor, j Curia r Sunburn and ICmIc Hindu, I SHAMOKIN', PEN'X'A. rpIIIS IIOl'SE is now open for tho reception of J guests, and being new, spacious and attractive, bus all the facilities uud advantages of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. The sleeping apartments are airy and comfortable, and the furniture finitely new. T he Bar and Table will be supplied with the best in the market. The patronage of the public is solicited. April n. lsr,7. FANCY DRY GOOlTSSi'ORE MISS KATE BLACK, llorkct street, four doors west ofWm. II. Miller 1 Boot and Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friondsin Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened her SJ'J,'J.0 i- HCMMEJl VllKSS GOODS, of every description. l'uliiMulile lrewN ''riiiiiuliig'N, Head Dresses, Oloves, Hosiery, Flmbroiderlos, Lace Collars, Bleached aud unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drilliugs, Alapasas, Poplins, Crape and Luce Veils. l.ii1i-i Hat, 'liilIrii' llntai aud VU a. of every variety. Miue. Demurest Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and Curls, Oloves. Stockings. Collars, Corsets, Ac tients' Collurs, Neckties, half Hose, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Spring SKIRTS ) HOPKINS Elliptic Skirts. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Ilirlr Brushes, Combs, Toys, aada general variety of NOTIONS. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, April 27, 1867. Coachmakers, WE are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolls, Clips, Alios, Ao , lery low Large Stock at CONLEY CO. Sunbury, March 30, 1MS7. von nt rood Tiu Ware. o tu SMITH A di 3 Olid I 4 EH S New Shoo TUB OBSAV ZIIIGAIUE BITTERS mnn r"wri re.wr.4 to bnllb, a well (nl I Indeed, the lame of the ZinaARI BITTEIUI toon spread ever Europe, j I rdu wm enflptea ue hi orlnclnal Phvilelsns in 1 choree of the hospluls of the old world, la which Is Is still used with preemi nent success. The Vloeroy oi tgypi piaoea me name of na. Caionos npoo the " Roll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " Da Catorsos, the Publio Benefactor." This Bitters Is now offered to the public of eric with the full assurance that it will be found, upoa t fair trial, to act as a ipeolfla for the cur of Cholera, Dvoesitery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Fever unit Agne, Yellow Vtrrr, Ilheumittlsm, Trphold Kerer, Dyspepsia, Colic, llronchlUe, ConsnmpUosk Vlatei lenry, Diseases of the Kidneys, Rervosa Debility, and Female Complaints . . I Remarkable eures of the above diseases have been effected by its use, osnnmerouscertiftcates, many from rmular plijriiclans. fully attest; and it Is destined to supcrieila any preparation extsnt. As on agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT IMS NO EQUAL. Thus tub ZING A HI IIITTER3 HAS SOUL A3 W ELL AS BODY. AKO AS A rREVKNTlVE OF . MSEASE. HAS NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WORDS TO I.AP1E9. The nse of the Z1NUARI BITTERS will Rive to you that soft, Semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to he the loveliest of his works) fully intended that you should have for It is nature's own powder and paint combined. Ry purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desires re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what is even tvttcr than this, it cures every species of female irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Hai risburg, Pa. RAHTER & HATJSE, Sole PnorniRTon For sale hy W. AHENNETT, Druggist. Sunbury Pennsylvania. August .'(, 18117. 3100 REWARD Foi a medicine that will cure Ct'UGIl!', INFLUENZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, i relieve CONSUMPTIVK. OOUG1IS, us o,uick as V UK'S C O L" O II II A 1. $ A M ! OVI-'.R ONF. MU.UOX flUTTIsKS liuvi Ifcit 8td hi id imt a tingle iiittiutcf nf its luilinr ir kn'vi). We linve, in mit potteniton, uny iu.iiitity of Cer tififute, Hi nit if td'iliiMii fnnn KMINKNT PHVSICIAX! wlio have usrd it in thfir piuclice, nnd given it the pre eminence uvereveiy i!lier r-innHmiid. IT POKS NOT DRV VP A COfcill. Imt IT, 1 11. tu enable liie patient to expectorate treely. Two or jltrt-e dt'Bfi. Will Invahui i v Cchk Tilrlino is the Tiihoat ! , A ha.f )HitJeli:is often completely cured the m"g Stub bom Cuuuh. mid yet. thmili 11 Into sure and peedy in Ut j (iperutnni, it in perfectly hunnlest, bents purely vecetniile 1 U u very urcculile to tlio Ukte, and may be udiiinniterrd J to children vi uny age. J In ruse of CROl'P we will Guarantee a cur, tf uken in I Htfllt HI, I NO FAMILY HIOFI.D Uli W I THO I T IT' ; It it within the rcauli of nil, it being the chrnpint and (e , uiutliciiie extant, i C. G. CI. ARK A CO.. Proprietor, t NKW IIAVKX, CO.VV Ffhrunry j:t, I 1 y j CO "E ' S DYSPEPSIA CUR El ! riTius GUI' AT RK.MKDV 1'Olt ALL DISKASKS of . X tlie SX O M A C H B j is the d.seovery Hi' the inventor ot t oe's valuable C.icch j ltiilKim, while experiineutinff for liisown health, lleur.tl I Cniinii iu the Htniuat'li for hail wlucli hail Ocuire yieiJcd In ii'ittiini: tint etili'r.itoriu. Tiie iiinio.i daily te.tiiii'iiiy from vniinus parts nl the ; ivMintry enenuince us to helirve llierc is lv diarnge caused j by a ihs.iideied stuinaeh it will nt speedily cure. ; Vhyaieinns endorso and Use it! Ministers givo testimony of its efficacy. I A utl from ali directions we receive Inline ol" cures per- fiinueii. . DVSI'KPSIA! i ll is sure to cure. HEARTBURN : I O.ie dose will cure. sick HiuDAt'iii:: , It has 1'iirt-d in luuidredl of cucs. ! HKADAl'HK AND DIZINKSS' It stop, in thirty minutes. tCIDITY OF THK STOMACH ! It corrects at once. ; RISK OF THK FOOD! i It stops immediately. ; DIS l'RKSS Al'Tlilt EATI.NU : I One dose will remove. ! CHOI.F.IU MORBUS! I Rapidly )icldc to a lew dox s. bad iikkatii : WilihechaiKeil with half a liottle. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS I Its UNPRECEDENTED BUCCKSii is owinc the fuel thut j II Ciii-cm ly .Iksiisiltiiar iilni- I TO RF.-ArKKr I1KR SWAY IN THE SYSTEM j Nearly every dealer ill the United States sells it at ONE DOLLAR I'ER BOTTLE. ! C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, i NEW UAVUX, COS.N. February 2.1, lStjT. ly. STEVENS HOUSE, I 21, 23. 25 & 27 Broadway,' N. Y. I Opposite Bowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. rpHE STEVENS HOUSE iswell and widely known I L to the traveling publio. T he location is espe- ciully suitable to merchants and business men ; it is I in close proximity to the busiuess rmrt nf rh lt is on the highway of Southern aud Western travel and adjacent to ell the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accommoda. tion for ovor out! guests it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the com tort aud entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious arid well ventilated provided with gas and water Hie attendance is prompt and respectful and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season at moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE CO., Prop'ti. May 25, 1867. 6m THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, i isr sxjisrBXJiR,Tr, is oa 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hut. Iiloly fr'tttultllalifMl, with all Use Motlrrii Improvt'ineiil ol' the Art TIIE subscriber, having built the room expressly for the purpose uf Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident of bis ability to assure hi patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in eountry or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the beat sky light in the county, he is prepared to make Paotographs in all kinds ol weather, but would prefer dear day for small children. lie is also prepared to take new site, or eabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required sis and oolorcd beautitully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Beats, Ao , a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on bond. Tbo publio are respectfully invited to uall and tea our specimens and our oomplote arrangcinonti for making Photographs, special terms to tarn tiles and clubs. J B EERGSTBES.-ER Suuhury July l, 187 1 NEW GROCERY STORE, W. 3. FTJRMA1T & CO , Market Btreet, Sit floors East of Third street, north . side, BUNBCRY, PA., RtSPEOTPULLT Inform their Meads and the publie, that they have ops Bed a NEW QROOERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them eall and examine their stook, which has just been openod, embrac ing everything In tne urocery line, suco as Coffee, Tea', Sugar, Syrups, Ppiocs, Canned and LTIed Fruits, fieuns. llominy, Cheoso, Crackers, Baoon, liam, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with tioaps, Candles. Soda, Ac, and in fact everything in the Urooeryand Provision. Lino. FLOUR, AND FEED, Qtieenswaro, Willow-waro, Glnaswore, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. W. 6. FUKMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1SU7. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ! ! SPRING AND SUMMEI or.. HBS 9 Joseph Eyster Corner of Market nnd Fourth .Street. SUXB L' II Y , I E NX'A, I Invites tho public to call and examine his elegant I assortment of I S U M M E it GOOD?, ' which he wilt sell at greatly reduced prices. stocK consists :n part ot CASSIMEEE S. CLOTHS, &C Silks. Te1itincf, Lawn?, Ginghams. Culieoof. Muslin., Wheeling, Jiekiugf, Jcmms, find n lull nssortiuuul oi CottuD nnd Woolen goods generally. Hosiery. Oloves, Hoop Skirts. Al.o llandkcrcbieff, Brushes, Combs. 1 la to uiitl 4'npw, llootM iiimI Mhors, His assortment of goods will not. he is sure fail to please the fancy nnd suit the umitsof any desirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND Ql EENSWARE. and Groceries is lurge in quantity nnd choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household cither for use or ornumctit. Ho is always ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods oven though no sales are made. He only asks a call, nnd is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. JOSEPH EYSTER .Sunbury, April 1.1, IS67. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 8'J9 BnoAliWAY, Nkw Youk. i For I'uinilM'N iiikI lEniiiiracliiri'i'si, These orld-ltenowned Sewing .Machine... wero awarded tho highest premium ut tho World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at Hie New York j .'tato Fair uflS6t), ami are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same , thread than any other machine, and by tho introdue- I tion of tuo most approved machinery, we" aro now i able to supply tho very bost machines in tho world These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn., under tho immediate supervision of the 'resident of the Company, Klia How e, Jr., the original inventor of the inciting Ma chine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of rieiimstresses. Dress Makers,' Taylors, .Mnnulacturersof Shirts. Collar. Skirts. Cloaks. '.Man tillas. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Hoots. Shoes. Harness, Saddles. Linen tinods, I'uihrcllas. Farasols. etc. They work eiiuullv well upon silk, lineu. wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam. uilt. gather, hem. fell, cord, braid, bind, aud perform every species ol sewing, milking a beautiful und perfect stitch, alike on bub sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Sir. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is tho most .pular nnd nil Sewing Jliichines are subject to the principle iuvetitcd by biui. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. I The Howe Machine Compnny. j evil Broadway, Cor. Fourth St.. N Y. j April o. loor. .U.l.Vl'L'A .HAUICIt. I Mrs. A. TWEED, In Miss Anna Painter's Fancy (tonds Store building, .Market Suuare, H doors nest ol the I'ost Oflicc, i -1 x- III 1, 1. . ' SlNBl'KY, PA. J RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the V public that she has ugaiu opened a shop, -n Market street. Sunbury, where sho is prepared to make lo order Ladies' Dresses, iu au entire non style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. Also Gentlemen's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. 1H,' lSt7. ly u:Be.aiWfli IRON A largo assortment of the best manufac tured Bore. Hoop. Band, Rouud and Fouare Iron, Nail Bods, fast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at CONLEY A CO S. BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS! II. (. 'Ml a iii:ic, t CB.iUB to W . W . A P S L E Y IN ucldition to our large stock, already on ha are now receiving a full supply ol Sprin and, we nrun? end Summer goods tor Ladies, Geullemen, Misses and Children's wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of R. R. Bags, Ucuts' tine leather Satchels. We wish it distinctly understood that wo intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the cash. Don't forget tho place. Pleasant Building, Mar ket; S'ouaro, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boots aud Sli.cs neatly repaired at short notice. If any bought of us should rip they shall be fixed for nothing. II. U.TIIACHER. Sunbury. April 8. lSC' tf. I'll lilt, il, .V'. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, (ish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engine an Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, always on hand, at low PIJ"t CONLEY 4 CO S I710R Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bitts, Buck 1' les. Gig Trees, Pad Trees, Hanes, all kinds and every thing pertaining to the business, for sale by J. II. CONLEY A CO. SAVES Time, Labor. Money. Makes WASHI-N't A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. &old Everywhere TRY IT. Addreu all orders to the Manufacturers ZIECLER & SMITH, Chemists and Wholesale Druggists, iar .o in 'i iiit ti (Mi-eci, iLii"u. November iM, 18M ty PHOTOO R A PH A L BV M8 BOOKS AoTD STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum Books. Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fin assortment of Paper, Ink. Ae. For sale hy ANNA PAINTER. UNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'8 Addition tn the Borough of Sunbury, fur bolt on reasonable terms. Apply to Dr. R. H. AWL and, BOL. BKOSIOUS, Or P. VT. SHEAFER, Pottsville, p,6uBbur'1 "" Nor. 21, 1866 MTJ rXUIWa Are espeoially invited to call and examiii our stock of UUILDER S HARDWARE, iSng Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolt. Pla teriug irowels. Brick Trowult, flasterar i Bi,Teil C , ic ,lof llby 3 H rOKLEV I CP. Great AUraclion, at the NEW TIN -WARE, Sheet lroi and HtoT Htorsi of SMITH & GE1TTEEH, BTTaSTBTTOEr'Sr, I3 -A-., Where they kp eoastantl on hand uti nannfae' tare to order at short actios. TIM AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would esneelalW call the attention of our ohasert to their large and well seleeted slock of C00X AND PARLOR STOVES. The sebsorlbers hare made arrangements to have all tboir best stoves made to order, and those who would have a g'tod stove would do well to go and examine tholr large and well seleeted stock. First. Thoy defy competition on the following tried Brandt of Cook Stoves, vis I Combination 4ium llnrnor, Cook. Wevernor IVnn-Cooki WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stovo called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in gtt variety em bracing nil the best manufactures and mest fashion ablcdusigns, unsurpassed for beauty of tiuish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers I Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, Iho celebrated MORNINti GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil latmpst. KIiimIcn, liiiimicsi, and nil tinit-ls-n ja usually kept in an establishment of this kind. iney are also prepared to lurnisli Mate and do slating In the best wnrkmnnliko manner. Also, to do Tin Rooting. Spouting. Range and rurnoce nunc, uas rilling, Ac. Kopairing neatly aud cheaply executed. Also: "HnuglTsi Ituw Hour ai'rIlio- liatf Remember the place. Sample and Sales lloom 1 nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Siore. Market street, between Third and Fourth streris. llnililing dark painted. August 25, ISt'6. X'j ini'ir Ili'H I i i ue ELECTRIC iit'trr Ifi'titt l.'H-l . I. K O ' M HAIR RENEWER, is pronounced by all who have ned it the very bct S reparation for the Hair. It is a positive cure for uldnuss, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stop' the Hair from falling out, and speedily restores tiray Locks to their original huo and luxuriance it operates on the secretions and fills the gland with new nio nnu coloring matter. I inn. ilra.l. j faded or gray hair ill always bo brought back by a : few applications, tu its ysutLful abundance, vitality and color. j It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleafnnt ! to the touch and easy to iirraiitc. I)rv. wirv and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress ing it has no equal. The sales nrc enormous and it is a universal tuvorilc with obi and young of both sex?. Sold by Druggists throughout, tho United .'Stiiles. Address all orders to . il'.il I.IiH .1 SMITH. , Sole Proprietors. 13? .orlli Third SI., IMiil'u. November 21, lisOU ly. A ,h:v .A It IS I V A I. s!' ! SPRING AND SUMMER! AT THK TORE OF J. II. BNCEL, Comer of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBLTIY JUST received from New York und Philadelphia a large supply uf SHRINtl AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at small prufilsWor cash or country produce. His Dry Uoods department is full orevery dr.-rip- tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS HOODS. ami White Hoods nt till prices. i-nm y oucarug lur uiuucs. ana MiellulM Vmol Shawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Shirts. O .A. JR PETS, I Wove Floor Cloths. Pt.:ir Ciirjiels Floor Oil Cloths. I all widths, Curringo ()ii Cloth, Table oil Cloih- Widow Shades. Plain Ureeu and Uruwn Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Wiuduws. j GBOCEBIE 6. j Nugar. Coffee. Molusses, Rice. Crackers. Spic,. S'lli Fish, Cheese, Ac. I yuecnsware.tlluisware. splendid Setlsof Trawnrf, ut low prices. I BOOTS & SHOES IK GREAT VARIETY, i Hots and Caps. Oil, Puiut, Hlass, Pultv. School j Books, Paper, Slates, ic. HARD ' Shovels. Forks. Nails 71' A J! i: , Locks, Hinges and rows. j A Large assortment of WALL t der, at all prices. PAPFU uud Bur- I .A" persons desiring lo get g.iod goods will pi give him u cult. J. H E.NHEL. Sunbury. April 20. Wi? K':iliiiK ItailrvsKl. j S I M M E 11 A It It A N G 1. M E N I . April 8th, 1807. lllr.AT TRUNK LINE from the .North V.. -or rth-West lor Philndelnhi,.. N.. V kuL. ing. Pottsville. Tiunaona. Ashland. Lebanon.' All 'n. town, taeton, Epbrutu, Litis. Laucnster. Columbia AC. oc. i 1 rains Hive Hnrii.hurg for New-York, as fid. I lows : At S.tlil, S.Ki und !.:!.' A. M. nnd In ...,.t 'i on 1 . M. connecting nith eiuiilur Triiins on the Penn sylvuiiia llailroud. and arriving at New York nt it nil and 111. in A. M. and 4 40, o.iii ami In :j . Sleeping Car. accompanying the .'l.dtt A. M. and '.i Oil P. M. Trains, without change. Leavo Harrisbiirg for Heading. Pottsville. Tama qua. Minersville, Ashland. Pino Grove, Allentnwn and Philadelphia ut b.lu A.M. nnd 2!0 and 4. In P. M., stopping at Lthnuou ami principal u:iy stations ; the 4.10 p iu. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven uud Auburn, via iSchuvlkill and Susijuehiinna Railroad, leave ilarrisburg at'a.0 p. m. Returning- Leave New York at u DO a. in., 1 1 no Noon und o on aud 8. on p. m ; Phihi'lphia m S I j a. iu.aiidS.Silp.nl. Way Passenger Train h aves Philadelphia at 7.oU a. in., returning fim Heading at li..t0 p. m. stopping at all Station. ; Potl.ville ai 8.45 n. in. and 2 4,"i p. tn ; A-hliuid i.(iu aud I l. io a. in. and 1.05 p.m ; Taiumiua ut U Ab a.m. und 1 00 and 8 !i p. m. Leave Pottsville for Ilarrisburg via Seliinlkill and usquchiinna Railroad at 7 U0 a. m. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at p3ljA" 'o'urning from Philadelphia ut .i.uo Columbia Railroad Trains leave Seeding at 7.00 A. M., and ti.lj P. M. lor Ephrata. Lltii. Laiuas. ter, Columbia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave Now York At 8 00 p m.. Phila delphia b.00 A. M., and 3.15 P SI. tbo 8 tio a. m. train running ouly to Healing, Pottsville Hot) a in., Ilarrisburg, ..').i a m, aud Reaip.ug at 1.2uand 7.20 a. m, for Hurri.-bnrg, and 1 1 22 a. m. for New York, and 4.25 p m. for Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage, Season. School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. , Uaggagu chocked through : SO Pounds Br ggage al lowed each Passenger. O. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent' Readiiig, Pa., April 8, ltuS7. I.ucUukvuiiiiu A- IllooiUMbure Kail rond, ON and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Passenger Train, will run as follows : SOUTHWARD A. M. A M P. M. 7 10 8.20 P. M. 4 40 6.00 8.17 8.50 10 15 6 20 Leave Scranton, " Kiugstuu, " Rupert, " Danville, Arr. North'd., 5 50 6 ii 8 20 10 00 11.20 D.54 10 :t5 KflHTUWiun Leave North'd., 7 00 " Danville, 7.40 " Rupert, 8.15 A.M. " Kingston, 10.50 8 30 Arr. at Scranton. lino o 11 6.00 6 34 8 05 P. M. 2 50 4 00 10 .15 trains leaving kuntnn ittiuii m t . o ton.oonnool with Train arriving at New York at 6 20 ft ?V&m .U v"g J"in 8outl1 trma Srsnton at lutiP M "'"bwlfJ'd. reach Hurrisburg nil P m M."'B,,lti'uo" M., Whington 10.T 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at T 00 p m Kingston, Jan. 19, 1867. P CUlldrea'si Cari-Iugr. WE!'?'f !d J?" """on of thos wanting a Child Carriage, to our new and larca assort ment comprising new and beautiful style. J. H. CONXEY A CO. BIRD CAGES, 11 different kind. If you want good and enaap Bird Cagsa, go to CONLEY CO'S BREAKFAST LHAWLS, tor sl at the Fax etcitif AA PAIMlJt NEW GROCERY. THB tabserioere tegs lsave to annonne to the eUtteao of Bulbar nd it vieialty, that the NEW GROCERY, Todoor$ tettt of J. ff. EngWt Bl&ii, in ' Market Bqvart, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and Will kreep oonstaatly on hand the oboicett varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Spicos of all discription, Soaps of every variety Candles, Smokiug and Chewing tobacco, Segars. nnuis. ououiacrs, uaoon, Butter, ami Jiggs. Also Dried fruits of all hinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes, Pickels, Ketchup, Pepper JSauee, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every style of articles kopt in a well stocked Urocery. Also Cidor Vinegar. All kinds ot country produce taken In exchange. The patronage of tho publio is re spectfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD t CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, mi. BREAD & FA Two doors west of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of 'un btiry nnd vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of Cakes lor Hull. 1'ui-f !!. A'. Famllios are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Duns, Ac, and also kept on hand manufactured out of the nest materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having hnd luro eTp'Tieneo I hnpo f5 giv general sat infliction to all who way favor mo wittt Uicir patromigo. DAVID TRY. Sunbury. Dec. 9, lPOfi. si. '. ;i: vdsh ist Confectionery, Toy and FICIT, STOKE .llnrKrl Sired, Nunlmry, t. ft N KKCTIOXEH Y OP AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVKHY DLSiCiilf'TIOM rKflT, &c. &c, I 1'IN'STANTLY on band nn 1 for salo at the alwve V . etablihiiient at wholesale and retail, at reason nhle prices. He is nianufiicturin nil kinds of Confenliunarie to Keep up a lull assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco. Scgnrs, Stationery. NuU of all kinds. ant a variety of other nrticles, all of whioh are oSctet wholesale an 1 retail. ltf lloinember the name and place. T) M. C. tiLAKHAKT, .Market street, .1 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Sun's store. Sunbury. Sept. IB. 1903. tf S T O R E . Y. A. JENNET, Iiii1.- Ntpiaro, M r:i It r It V, In. I TAINt recently purchased the Drug f AVINtS ."Nore I lietf 1 X lortnerly conducted by H A Fisher.' i leme iu iiiioriu me citizens in .untuiry and vt- cinity, thut I have entirjiy replouishcd my stock sob ae. ftj ecu ziS FANCY ARTICLUS ! such a. !.' inl.s. Ilntshes. rocket-Hooks. Soaps, l'cr j raillery. Huir-Oil. Knives, .cissirs. Coul-'iii Lamps. ! Tobacco and Cigars, i !, (alilP. l:i. I'lilli . j 'nmlr.ls-n, I'll I on l s.-li4-iii., .V'. I All my Tinctures. .Syrup'. Ointments. Ceratts.mil i oilier prcpariitioiis aic manufactured by mvself. nut from the best material 1 cull procure in M.u ket. 1,nvinl? '1"''A a t'Uniber of years" i xpcrienco in ; " . ; Drl'1 uiiti I'iCiri fti-m iii.'inr.s, , notli in l'hilndvhihin and the country, nnd also tho vl vantage of the I'ollcge of l'harnia-'y. I teel eoin petei.t to COMPOUND A 1.1, PRESCRIPTIONS: that the Phvstciiiiis iiml public n,nv favor ma with All my preparation, ns I hnvc iibnvo nsserted. are made lr. ni the lnt materiiil, and uj ou honor I assert, theynre of i.tlioiimt nn-natli. For ine iicinal pnipojcH. I keep oi; hand Iheveiy best vixi-:s. i;i!AX!)ir:s axu i.iQrous.. that I can procure. Before purchnsins i l. r here cni! and cohviuco you.- own mind. W A. DENNETT Ninbury. Nov IS. Irdi.) " SLAHLKV FOINDRV. 4 1, E now carrvi; ir on business at this old estah- li'liiiicnt with renewed vi',-r Costing, of h,mv desc'iiption. promptly furnished to order. Tin. ' Stnvi'S maiiuf icturel at lliis l'oundi bur uequiied the liighr-t refutation. Particular attemion paid to MILL (!.VrrXGS Fanners should not lorgel that the PI.OW.5 mad ai me r-uiioiiry foundry have never bvvu equalled. Agricultural implements r. aired ut short uoticr. . Muiill castings. iii..,i.lii: j Coking utensils, . f th.j most unproved uud no.-t useful patterns, j Tlie business will be cou.luclel on au enlarge. ! -cale. Old customers v, ill heuceuiuuiodiitcd is usual. ...i . rc . V''":1?'1"".'' '"' 1 '"""'""," MV .'-" FLOUR & FEED STORK I Wllul.KSAt.t-; AM) UK I'M I.. ' rpilK subscriber re-; ocfully iiiiurm!! tin j'uMi nit 1 v nn litnd nt li!4 tis.t X l!:llT lie Keeps coll WAREHOUSE. Uflir IJ.m Stminoti in 'ul.,v Ktn'lr.,,,.1 Depot, ill SUN HI It Y, Flour by the barrel' uud sucks ' ot nil kinds ol Feed by tho ton I T he above is all lnsniifiictured at 'lnJ r-n Mil. ; and will be bold at the lowest cssh prices. J AI. CADWALLADEU. Sunbury. Aprd 1. aC' OTHERS, nro . vi u oppressed i.ii f! nxict. fjr your littlo ones ? Are lour slumber." nn1 j heart, broken by tlmir ciies ' Do you awuko initio I morning Miircfiushcd nnd apprehensive It' so, pro iCurent onco a hottlc of Dr. Leons" Infant Remedy I and you will have 110 more weary hours ot watching . and uixicty. , ik. i.ico.fk' .wivi hi:iii:iv n:is stool the li st ol years, ihoussnds ol nurses and mother, bear wituess that it never fails to givo leiief it' used in season lit-, toil. I 1 .... 1.. -- .... .... .-u, v nuu pjircuy ! cure lor Colic. Cramps und Windy Pains, and is iti- raluablo for all uomplaiuts iuoidciit to Teething. . Sold by Druggiets throughout tho Uuitcd States Address ull orders to ! ZiUULER A SMITH, i Sole Pproprietors i i:i7 rlh I'liirsl Mli-ect, Ibil'u. ' Novcuibcr 21, pti. ly rslll? r,.n. : . .... . . - .,.,... ,ot p.ei-ons are entitled to receive r, X increase of Bounty under the Aot of Coneres passed July lMid, to equalize Bounties. . A,1J 'ol'liers who enlisted after the l'Jlb day of April, 181, lor 3 years, aud served their lime or enlistment and have been honorably discharged and have received or are entitled to receive a Bounty of 100, are entitled uu additional Bounty of 9IOO. 24 All such soldiers who diluted lor 8 yeait, and have boon honorably discharged on account f wounds received iu lue line of duty, are entitled lo on additional Bounty of MOO. Sd Tho Widow Minor Childreu.or Parents of such soldiers who died in the service of wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of IOO. By application to S. P. WOLVEHTON, V.l, of rJlKBlKr, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, all such claims cau be speedily collected bunbury, August I, laor). if OA f( AUENTS WASTEl$IO(l,ooMl. W'vO.oU and Female, to introduce our NEW PATENT, bTAK SHUITLE Sl WINil MACHINE It is adapted for family us and Tailoring. It makes a stitch alike on both sides. Prioe only TWENTY DOLLARS. Extraordinary inducement, to Agents For full particulars, address DUMOXT WILSON. 630 ARCH Srret, Philadelphia. July 13, 1ST.7. ui REMEMBKIt TIIEDKAD. MESSRS. V. C. Dissingor and John A. Taylor, would respectfully aueouuc to the oilisen ol Sunbury, and surrounding oautry, that formed a co-partnership, they ar now prepared to furnish oruamentea u plain tiraTetitoBieai, 'I'osssb) V Jlonuincnl of lb best Italian and American mble, that eannot fail tu giv ent" aUsfacUon, and re sptfu.., solicit th "CT TAYLOR. Suebury, MsrcMIJl-l