rrni-ir-miii i -i him CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 07 Cbostuut atrctt, (Ccrnor i.f Seventh,) I'JIILA DKLP1IIA. Established 1811. Incorporated l.Soi : The f.icililiif. of this Institution hare been lirpi'ly incrouncd, utxl it now linn n.lviiidagis for Imparling business knonlc.lgn which are lnilititlillcd. The practical vi.luool 'it well-tried courso of m tnioii.u is idtc-tid by li uiiiircils in nil deparliiiinl.-. 1 1 Luinct. iMany n young limn owes hi sucoisi.in life to llic qiialiiicalioii g.iined hero. 'ihoinlruelinii throughout is thorough, practical, il pi it bii i .iiiily u-'tU in our but liewucws bvuao! 'J In' in-liuctioii includes Pook Km ping In nil 1(3 Eriihcs, 1 m-niu-lii'. (Plain and Ornamental.) Coinincrcinli Cnl-lul.'lion-, Dinim,.: Papers nn.l Cor reJpohdciico, Coinnu iciul Lav, Detecting A'cunleifcils. Lie. Siudcnu msiiucUil scpiiruti ly and recoiled .1' ny 1 i nt- Diplomas awarded on graduation. SI: in ..is as-i-l. d in procuring suitable bnanling pbiec;: 1 .0.11. 1 tiuiv lie nlcnim. d lor iiboul !;'! per week. C.ilu llgtlCS limited I'l i o. e OtaTTENDEN y BOOK-h EKFINU, Counting llwuso, I rioo $1 .'.0. High School, pi ice 1 il). 'Common School Edition Si .' el Judge Bhorsuood's Lectures before llio fc'tudcnln (li Comm. reial Law, prico s lid. the crittenden commercial aimtii MLUCANH Rl'SINESS M AM A L. Containing Bow ami Lipid methods of calculation n iietmilly used by hii-inti men. .i-tn3 of J 1 11. im. Paper s mvniupnuu .1 Iy ex) I nn c ms of ll.cir n.-iUno nnd un', motul Commercial Tables, mill much valuable Hid Mtii'iinn business subjects. Piitol ". TI10 i.iloil lln Honk ha been lapid Hint it is alieinly in c.-oii.l edition An;.- nl I lie iilino boohj tent postage paid on ic Ceipl 01' t.'io price s. 11. uu'itendex a co Juno S lw - f'lil iiKDKJ noi;sr., ,4. i f M, tm". WlljllAMbrOUT, 1A. :i .1 y J.'i, lS'ii-. (I'll itntllil)ll Ili'l '"'!'v ir I Lm, y draiti linker, Mori :ui.1 Imn ti ir.li-n Liikw, Lnn;; 1'inl 1' ii'iiiillo S-nilc;, Minvulii, Alnnuru .1 llav i'u-k? (Inifs mid Hr.nn SovMh.". drum i'r.i.i'i-, f'riuUii l-'iniirs. 'iraon. IJrcn-'t. T.-n-uo inni Cii iiijiH, tiriii'l-it'ines, Fanning Mill Si.ivcHi.f :.!; t;xi i.nil kimlf, n lui'iti.' invirimcnt Kcil H'phi llaiins li 1 l luttiu, l.irm JK-t la, ('ultivutir Teclli, , r .-iil by J. H- C'OM.KV A. Cty f 11 ln.n:6 A CD., mo llio Agents in lie Counties I . ir N-rtliiih,W i l;iiil, Knvilf :ti!i ilniitnur. :l WAKUK.N'tf Impruved Firo itiul V":u r I'runf ' i. 'J iii.- i le claut( t uiid l.'rt Hoof hitt ctm ' . j! i iifi i'ui!''i!i. Jlaj l'jun nscl in Iho city ! i'l 'll.l'i'j :'t". fc'H'-'O S,"i, vllLTO it mi;-ii?iUm1 ti!it.o-.L l t y nilicr kinj of llool'. It i.-! ri-cciniiicnJ-. 1 ly lilt. 1 tiiiU'-r.'. :ikI i; nC'l on allot' llio iinst i'.'t-iir;t,s iuiliiit i ity. l'tirticp Ct'iilcmphi' iii huiltl . v;.:i l" i'U 1" ix-iiniuo ititt tlio inn its oi' tht." . il.ir l.ii-u' oi lloi;!'., ai.il ivo Ihu bc.--t the Ft I'T IIC' 'f 1 . !' ;:i t.;in It-(t'i f-f Suiil'iiry. will, in a P. w . . i ay f.tll Iboio tin 1 cxuniiiif i. i ..: I'm r iiiifi'iuntit n nJ-lrc )x ll.Suntur' I Vi:':.i..i'i tall id tiic hr.ck Vnni ui' T. IU.M1..S .t CO. htliii'liry. IS, !".i!7 oltt F 1 K S T NATIONAL 9 i3 BI1 li. U. TlliCaait. Til; rutrir , A 11 K K T S Q V A 1! E , SUS1! I H V 1" A L,Tcw Goods, New Styles, Hew Trice Ihclargeit Mock of Hoot, nnd flioes in tin." Mail e iiii 'JV.n'diiir!; Salchl, llaud-.fli;f,, Valine.-, Ac el. .u, I aJot'tnieiit if l.toiie Fino Leather ihti ehil C.il.'aV, Ac , Ao. t i.0.il; A SI) SilK, CyAiti AUK tlili S"l natil'i !3niElE2t, 11 K K T n L'A UL 1 1 nl o. l.Mi7. heel Iron and Siove 'FJmUMOVEK&BKO., ii -'.f... -4 f.i ,E'i')'Lixovi-:ii.( uU-t .ittott, near ti:;;-l-s Store, cL-'MJI U V, l'A li A IS-i t.'l.iil i h ir 'e uf t'ui; i.ldilanl :i.l..liL' .i.i.,i by liio e.'ple of Sun!. iii.v .i..; l i k.ie tu .,i,li .uin-o to the old irlon-P- :;:.'i Co pi v. i;.l .. i; jj..o..i.i!'y, ILt ihiy uill tupply (hem Ihipii.iia N.aletle.sot ; t o r 2 s, ; . -n ici: .1...1 iMiii 'i: svovk;m t!i i-,-i Is Hindi ai-j u;i. ur... -ed f. r I rau'v ef tiui.h. iij ii auai. p tuOiit, eoiiil inii.u elii' i i-iu . and ilry a:i le-..h ,tuo u,li'aiit.d Le pi.li-ini i.h.it 101.1 'iii;, .lu l pie. 1 litetl. t o.il Oil, 4't:il i'i! 3 ;n.ii-, i .;ifUTti- ,-'iii-U'. l.'hin:r" '. ainl .ill aitieiw u..u;:lly hi I iu .1.1 , . t.iiili. hoionl .,(' tl,i 1 Ui.l. I't'PPlUl, UUAM:u.a 1!."X Kt'llU-,J. cf ..11 I ! I f J.iU.--and CAIiw' ei the l.iU.-i itup.-u'.J . 1 1 ' pill I '" " il'l kio-i.: ,. . J oU'l.l,', alld i ,;l '. in- all kio.l, . 1,-1 l- I1M ,;.-0 M'"l li 1: -'. e!;i; t lv ;n 1 ; ailv l ...'olt I tiUO. iiillLLM'JH.K .', I-'. y Elae3vsmithmff. iiii- -TOJEIXvT IKVllNT, I Mil 1. 1 K N ii Y i 4 V AIs I A , , ) I M'i:n l l l.Li i.....i..,;s the eii:.-..'i oi k t ' uiy I'lel lieifil... that he h.r: ercctld n I'l.lck ...,'iti .' ii. p T.e.,r ti.t Sii.iMi.km atliy li.olr.'.id l'-p- I. l' !' be i" 1 ie n nl l do Phi i. a. i. iii ii, in ' l! !:: I'l -111 - ll.-1, .it llio 1 ti. t ll. 'i ii e. 11..1 il. iiad ...,. v.-iii.-' l.MieriencO ir tho bll.iui:- l:o li .i : i-i- an vender iiii.i.;'aeu ..i Ij nil oh" ' LIIO I '111 a e.dl. .ipl-t 17 1- .1.1. : I I . 0 tllL-e Leul.tiful iiild Caea III the iKiv iliiido..i-e si. .ic "1" .1 11 CO.NLEY A CO. UUlCK Fit ITIT & OllNAMLNTAL 'jiV JTi'j .?'h -A Siii Jb -ii 3 ,lir in I'ruit nnd Oiniiinentitl 'I'recs, nil! funi . I" III.: illi.t li.-p.'ll-ibte jui---.'lirs lit 1 1 ; i.- ni.,1 . : Mi.' l:.-.t illl-." 'ilild'S olliil kind-. A1-... i .i i , iiw niid l'binti. Harden Senl, i.f nil ,:rc n. .pitifully f.diciicd. 1JLXJ. 1 iill.N'i:U, l':ixiiit'.s, Nuith'd Co. 1!. 1 n.-iirai-.cos Inkeii in sevirel of tno 1 1 (..n-il.lo Fit" In. ui auce uud lloie lieteeti, e ..oils in the Staid. ' fi',7 y 0 .1. three b... is c i.-t of the llailrmil hxui ;;y. PA l.Kllh :;i,le, f.-ia,, 1".. -")-. .ilpil.U.vALJ: A P.ETAII. ii CL S SC2 1 1 ikii.'XU' AM) rrovision Si I'OIi CHEAP GOODS! i heir L-tock is complete, consisting in part of - OAH.-v COFFEEti, TEAS. M'ICEci, COAL OIL X b.ieco, Cigw, Flour, Feed, FL-h, Fall, llanu, .'"'huuldcr, Choice, Fruit, iiiins, Lamp., Ac , Ac. :euntry Piodue.e i.ikni in c.-hangB f r (U-r. i. W" Call an. rnuiincrur f trk. pu t satii-fv- .em Ives .? r V t ifr. .lip nHICK! BRICK! BKICK! To llio Citizen of Wnnbin-y nul Tlrlnlly. rpili! nnilcrsl?ncil linvo Imnxht Hid rrlc1t-Ynrj hiiiI impniTi'innnl, fnrincrly lentcj nnd workca by A. 11. btoven.", Hni buvo inmlo mlilitionBl lm tirovcitii nt.J, mij ro now prrpnroil to mnko onntrnrM to immnl.nrlurn ninl ilclivrr iililC K in Jnrg quati tilii?, lor buibliiig dud iitlicr rur.(wns. lv the Piiinntai ture of n pooil nilii-lr, nnd rrnmpt nlli'nll.in to liu.'intsi". wo ln iiulo rcwrlvB n rbnro uf uiUic pntronnpe. Onlur lolt ni llio l!rlk-i nrj, nrl'oxl l. Bunbury l'ost C-liico, will bo irouii''y "aumM '- T.11IME3ACO. I'mibiiry, May 1K'7. 3m Ll M liKii ! LUMBl'ifl ! llic rwlKT I'ouuly Sun'M"')' I .mtibor 'iiiv;itya Now fully C'Liblisliul t tbo Sl'MJL'llV U'i'UAM tSAW-XillLLt?, hic i ri'i'iivi'.l In ."aw l.iurJtT . Wlim; VIM, llh.MI('K AND OAK 1 1 : , ...! nil ,rl Iim Alull njtill I iiu nt of alnnvK kqt on hnni'.. Vnnnol. FKnoin Killing alul tini-liinn lioar.U of all kimls. :.10LLIHN(!, SAWT, DtiOKH. nn.l Sill 1 J J'.Kb. .'-.incti nnd blmvcl, Wliilo I'inn, nn.l lli inloi.li tl:il l iniA I.iUli JUKI I'lTiHj;, rianintr. Hipping ntnl i'liniin.;. will bo lioiio to or.lrr at short niiliio. 'Ibis Coiii'iiy tl i" iiirnMiiiiK i'MH-.vll in in llu-ir lino at : 111 h i.itc.uhal I.uiiiIh r Vniii. l;uihli'r. nn.l nil p.iriiis o-nij I.hiiiImt, w ill linil It lo thvn iulcic.t to buy at this istalliibuunl. (i l; 1) li It H air r.vipiol fully i'.lii-itc.l ami will bo promptly ut tvmkil lo by Uililro.-inj;. 1131 KE.Uili.V. blip I biiiihurv, Juno 15, .'blv. :ta x W ?i'?'S Market t-lrocl, rolj iinina ; o.-n iimi-i J CimUctii'iiuiy .Sloio, iil iil liV, I'a. Mil-' iiiiilcrij;Tioil ri-poi-ll'uMy iiifornii iho ritiron- Suiil'iiry ninl Moimtv, th.it, ho has opii.o.lu MiV .SilnL S'lullK. fur tho talc a.i well a.' f..r the inauulaoturc ol tho lineal iiuJ. bi.il mialily of Imilii..-' bhocs, vii: j!lovcSii1, lorvoooo,! sili'-vKkii Lusting .V'. Children sShoof of nil kiuil.--. Jli.'i ttoek ia rutirely new nnl well sileetc.l. Ilo nl'o in.niiil'antuii. fino Vroui'li ninl othtr Ca!f jkin llool? anil Shoes fir iiontlcmen. (irJor.H for ladio and i-ntli ineire cu t, in -..rk will bo promptly iitlnoicd to and got up in tho bet Mvlo by fkillul lucchanic:? -Sh..o lindiii'i Ac, coiittiiutly Kepi on band mi l for sale to the trude. J. 11. JLlTMUiS. S'unbury. April 20. UUT. irr. Vi'A'I'CIiMAlCLU & Ji;U;Li.li AS ( Slnrkol r-t'iitiiie, linnr llic C'i.iiit SIMU RY, Nmtliunil.i rial; I I'l iirtv, 1'n I I Li iui i iu-'l ni.rnoil an a-,irlu.i!,t of iJ.-ld SO J? I I mil Plain Patent Wa.t.-lov. CU'l- fur Kailu.a.R liaiik-" and liiveiliio;.-. I mo tlold Kini;', Pius'T liii'g..-. Uraecli t?. Miiiia lure I'li.-e?. Jltdalli'.!'. boekeb. lVneiN, 'I hiin'Mc--. Speota'.-los, Silver Tahlo. Desert. Tea St. 11 and Mustard Spoon.", S'utiai- Spnon.s Cu ::, N!i ki.i Hii),';.-, I'ruit and Putter ln,ve.--, Shield--, Ci.n.b--. liiaiiioinl Pointed I'll.'. CiLili r', Pilelu i-. Pu'.t -r Dbhes, i'ruit lL--hc, L'ako Pu.-Uets, Syiup PiKlier.-. Aiv. Ae. lie inviU:. the ciliiens of Sun'-ury an 1 vicinity to call ut the al.ovo place, where Ilo will be happy lo wail up.n Ihein. V PnrlioubirMttcrjtijn paid to llKl'AllllMJ April 13, lb07. J. H. Coniey Co., 5i itrlu l Mlivci, B-Isihl ol'llic K:iilroatl l.'liALKKS IN Hardware & Cutlery. 1 1 Mil) allenlion of Moi'linnieii, I'aiiiiors. Guilder, .i and Piiiei.i inenilly in invited to the fact that V, o lue noiv i-lii-tilu; 11 better tcledcd as;-ul tUlellt of UAlU'WAIi I-;. CPTPKUV. AC, than e ir .'.- oHi'ied i:i tliif nun lied at prim:.! iiM'eh below liioo heteloloro ileniiiuded by di aler:;, ilor ntn.k e ;tn rii-tii nil ailieler? in tiiis lino oi l upine.., futt.rniiii a geuerid a.'.oi-tuieui if lool and mate rials li.-i- t I'V UAIili.N I VP'S, l.l.AC'US.MITJIS. CAlU;i.i.i; ANli U At:i)..IAKl.K, ,ll'lM.n. AC, AC, I llier with .1 birj'o :;!.ek of li'.n. Sli el. i',iiU Spike.-, b.o fc.nu. Ac., Suiihui v. Ch.iii.f'., liiiudjioiies. Aiill .md .i Cut l.'irh 30, Fash ion able Press A XI) iilillinery Good Jii-K I cnio. ; at lb-.. Mi-!:i.ci-..- M.-r rr. r.. o;jot;r,r: ,i ...... i . i ,-l M.i I.V va.il Oi t:l.V.ll. Il.L 1 A 1! A 1 41 , U iJ iJ j i 'ury 'I'liiiiiiiii)': . Jlibb.it , Head ll.-, (l..ioi. II ... l'b.uei... Ci'ti.i..- il.iudnei-- ehi.lV, Ac., Ac, ;- l o. 0 c.iretull y -elee'.el. I. liu ha.i i.i-t ..l em d a larc .i v.b:.i; .Mi h'. M it . .it ..l .Millii.."ry in I and ,-i-j i he I .te.-t :i i i.-i : ii- r h. i stnro. .!.". I.. o lie." so.-ul'l lo t It-il to 1 1 llj lu il Hill -ay to 11 jt delay i'.iii :. ..I e. in.u.e lor vouiirilie.- h..w i; Li Suiil-ury. Airil 2.1 ISC 7 No tivuble lo BAKERY. BAKKItV. .'. .lit stJato 'i:, r:.-nt, Mai.ulaetui-ei of I AM IE:.:, j:i;i;a1), CAlil.S. Pll.S. .v.0 nt ;t , I! ,l,.or.t c . t i f tho P. A I.', li. 11. V li i.t, Ait kit nt mas i.. pt Cu.i.'iueis will b served daily. Ol Jcia solieik-d N..i-tiiund erland, Juno 1-07. iDoxjrr-r house. .1. N. Il.tl.l., 1'i-opi it-for, Cwiur iitiilurif dial llirJc Utruti, SHAMOKIX, l'ENN'A. M1LS110I SI-; is now iqnn for tho reception of guests, and heini' new. spacious and nltr-icii.e, has nil llic facilities nnd :idvulil:i;0S of a FIRST t LA..- lui'TEL. 'iho sleeping up. trtuionis nro airy ii nd i jiuii.iii.lile, and tliu luinituro entiiely neiv. 'J l.o li.ir and lublu will bo bupplied with the bcl in tlio mni'ket. 'J ho patronnu'c of tho publio is solicited. April l.'i, Im,7. jMSYDuYfiOO MIS3 ICATi: BLACK, Ilaiket street, four doors west of Win. II. Miller's limit and Shoo btoro, tl'MjURY, Pa 1 ESl'El'TFULLY inforniBher fiiendsin Suubury XV unu.viciiiuy, inut siiu tins just openid Her .S'7i7A'( .S' HL'MMEU tillESS UOOJ). of every desorii'tion. k'iil-..uiia(lo ItiM'SH 'riiuimiiijiS L'ead 1)1 esse.", 0 loves, Jlusicrv. l.'inbroidei io:-. Luce Collars, Illouidicd ai d unblvuelied Muslins. Shceiiu inilling", Alapac.is, I'oplius, Unipo mid Laeo ell Im Jics." Ilutx, i'iiiUlrcu'a) llulst an.l .!,, of every variety. Mine. Dcuiorest a Hair Curlers, Hair Coils nnd Curls, tilovos. Sloekins, Collars, t orsels, Ao. ienls' Collars, Neckties, hulfllose, huiidkcr chiefs and Suspenders. EruJlcy'9 new J'ntent luplex Elliptic (or double u. ui' i iciv r-'i ll. ft 04114I I HOPKINS Elliptic Skirts. Pirluniory, Tuilot Soups, Hair lirushes, Combs Toyi, and a general varictyof Kol'loN.S. KATE ELACK. Funbury, April 27, lSt)7. Coaclimakers, Airfi are selllriR Rims, Rrokcs, Hub.-, Fpriti"-' ti.muA'., Pi 3) j Axlca, 4o , very lul -1-arge Stick at ' cn vi i v i m I anbiuy Maicb t. i.r MB CHEAT ZIHGARI BITTERS T1i enmrnnpnl portl of thlt remarlcuMe BrrrMI)i ero Br dlscoyered, nmii.iiiiilrd Mid Atttrlbnlrit, r i.ci.k vn uo. by IT. Vlllopiva, Hit wl. Inilo, fne fHme or lh toon pred ovr Europot and will loilel by th prlnelpnl Phyticliini in rhirflt of the homlull of rj the eld world, In which it ti mill uied with pmiol- nenl micrM. The Viceroy of Knypt rllicid tho nMM o r Oi "rutin upon the " K..II of iJolilM," and pro wnUdloniin HcVl lrlng iho following n.cr p Jlon . " 1R Cuoru, th Public n. ncfnctor." Tbt lliitcM i now olfcrid to iho pulillo of Amerlr with Ihofull uriuico that It will be found, upon fuit trial, to act ae a ipcctue for tho oure of Cholrrn, nyar-nicry, DlarrhrrB, rholm Morliun, Kever anil Ak" i Yellow Kevrr, lihetimittlem, Typlioi.l Fever, IlyiiirtNla, i:ullo, llroncliltle, :oniiimillii. Flatn lenry, IlUeniira of the Klitnrya, Nervous lcbllly oml Female Cumplnlnta. Hinnrkixlilo cares of thn (ihone itLrnso. hare been taVcti-il by Its ur.e, ftsnumcmuseertlfirate., many frmu regular physician, fully Mttst; and It Is destined to pupcrseil!' any preparation extant. Alan agreeable Tonic, and an 1NV1Q0BAT1V0 UEVE1UGE, it hah NO EQUAL. Tiirs tnn ZINOAKI IIITTEIIS HAS SDl'b as e i, u as u 0 n v , AN n AS A TREVENTIVE OF niSEASR, !1A3 NO SLTERIOP.. a rr.w wnnna to lapies. Tho use of the 7.1Sl!Alll IilTTEKS will ilivo to you that loft, Icml transparent oomplenlon which the Ood of nature (de Pinninff woman to be tho loveliest of Ids works) fully lnl. n.id that you should have far it is nature's own powder and paint combined. Ity purifying the blood, stimulating tlio piitmenlary cells of llio dermis, aud imparting health and Hni throughout the entiro rygtem, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty lo tho complexion so much to Ire desin a re moving all roughness, blotehes, freckles, pimple., and that vellow, sickly lonk so common In our day; and what is even belter than Ihis, it cure! every Species of femnle irregularities and iliseaso. Principal l'epot, llarrisbnrp, Pri. KAHTER & HAUSE, Soi.b PuorniKTon. Vor -.lr by V. A.'.UKNNKTT, l-ruiet. uutury lM;i,.-vlv;iiiia I t.ui.Aiu ni:? ' I ii.U'l' li : i I llll'FO 11-', S ID III v I'WH ,-t.lCl' v r It ti lean :nui Ji 11 t li. dilutct.islV. Hi;it ii)thnii haw Vi'l !n tl 1 -ft! In inrihf.ll rorrm-ii, I l.;i :t.-x h. -wrrt'iitly. ii i t iv, aii-i iuini.U'S-ly. in r.iisct; l U iimlu ll l rptilurilv , ii it-'i'S ti.iti MifdicitU'. In nil ri'.'i'iit rum it iu.'Vi'r l illv, w lul" rli.iiis.m is whit i;ivr 1't.i 11 I-11114 w.i.lt'U'iy, arc ii.Jftil fil l" it t'-r li.c i'l hu iltli In t!n . A Ir -i i'ir!! - j'nwi i i'til ninl ni ivi', llu v nw p li 'Hy iiarin.c: , .1 ti itntV I"' m.-' I m! all tni.i .1, t A iil v, lie 11 tutc Ci .'i 1 1 I . M .i iCU 111 tllCtllP'i'll.iiiS Tiiry Invc hcvn cxrciinivrlv vnl yr.) ly cmineni liy niaim in I niii o ami laii-hn'l, iid Wt il an in iiiv "wn irac- I.rr, itviir ti-n yisirf, iimi I imv; ! In Im:h ii llic Ins It 1 -' 1 1 11 1" i f l.til'lf 1;. I r-uiM vv Vm trsllimmi.tln n I liril i-it.'ai-y tfiii t.i.h.-y nil ovf ll"-' withuil nn I wl.rn nr :-i, wtrc 'i-y n"l m 1 r 1 r r iinin I'TiV ilc 'u r (mi ('1'Hi.i"!. j 1: ic i.ci-ii 'I1 lift! jidKl y.-iil, .niil I Imij-i: nii-l lrti!t r.H iiumv fulI'Teii li.t.tj Im-i ii Iciii li'tnl, I am v.'tl! nwarv lliat 11 rrni' '!y 1 jKiltnt l ifiimvi! nil nl--HtruitiniiP, net . lie (if d lr a l.nl Mrv''-1 111 Irnnt ih t wlicfi' ''IlC l"-H .f IK Hiub usttl, ten iii.i lull hit llic ll.tiii'lf ol rt ally in f ' i .illiat iP. 'I n all wim MiilVr Irmn miv linv"li"'itv ; lutiiilul. tlnli 1, i,i't;t;:jiVH. tiik-ntivo nr i'hsttwi'il .Mcntiiialinn, I - l -t'tuiii- a, nr tla Hiiui ui disruHeR Dial lullow, I wmilil nav, (ryn lotllect I'i. I.vmn's Frrnrli I'tTimlical )r"in. la iu-j a iaii'l piL-ii.n':it!iiti,th'ir al ion n ttmu tin rn ntiil p.tci- ti.-t- than any in11 'r )i.i(ti;i 8. l'.XiMflt tlilcc'ti'lif( taai- iiuiii I H-tJi'iii!". :ii:''tmMiny eaiMi 1-nUli'. 'l lu v iivh' hivliiaiiit'il nl iH'iiily rvory lhni".Kl III lilt: ctliiiliv. ni l. iiurliMHtt tlm pi ire lot.. Ij I'l.AKK .V 1(1 , !t?v Unveil, LL.. Ocucial A 1' ills tor llic I'lllleil Stales ai.U t ;in;itlii. J)R . JOHN I. . ON. I'rm't it in a I'liyhifiaii, Fiu'i!, 1 ,10 per liiiile. New Haven, C'iiu. l-'ulnuary It(i7. ly POLAND'S Magic Bilious Powders, ) rjMil:' PIll'.PAl A'I'ION l the disc -csn-il'C. 1 e4y .0 the It 'V. .1. W. I. '1.-111.1. I.'l of the llnpll -l I I. mi ll II , unit a in:. n ilraiH '.iii.'ily tho Pn-U.'r ..ll.,l.iwo, .N. nyr W-'-rT '"'"Vf.l !' Mitt l'lliHlllliall"ll llll'ilHtllHllt V ' 7 Ni-w linV'-- ll' vvaso!.1iv,. tl l-i l-a: Jfyl'A'i ! C,l ''1 ii. finl niti.ly im:tlii-tiM' lo save j'"', .-i V li.M'W" I'lf, ninl ln .Ma-jif 1'iiwilnnaii' -Jl--' j "" "I I''1' Wiuli iiul dl-ovi u-b i'l -iirri Illt'llctJI lllll(.'. ll Hi TH13 GHEAT LIVE AND EILI0US v.ln -.t.il 'il- ! t '....ivi. iii t la- .. le'.L- all ,-t li. r ilii.'..v. rt.-s 11 ;.l..iiU li'.ll lllll.ll ftl.illtl.-Jtl I. ill llill -nn. i, ..is :.q... I- ill. .0 .-I nil ll l . lim e ,M....t.. liili'-os I'i. v. tors aiea re ! 4'iiilainl ! -!l .1 t'.. 4N.;;i i.i -.1 ; ,-ali n. nl., I an liiant.h.Oe e.iieet"i I .1 i:..., ,l! .ii I. a JII'.AD.M ltl-:, o o xi c a' 1 1 js. x x cv:n I'iMl'I.I S, l!l.ll't IIKS, A '.-.'ll.I.H'.V Mil . .l;,lr-IMS. m'.'im:ss. llK.iii i lH U .N , l'AI.1'1 l'A I'lllN, Ail. I :l ll.'-l ll I. llol CI' EE A 1 I.E EXJ'IVE OF FEY KU A AtiliE! I M'u .; 1 . i - .- :.IKl l u 11 i.liMc.t IV Illl (Ills I'l .null oi:i':i- kii,. t;.e 1'i.ii.li'is on ua.i.1 re.uly ,. linnii:- IV nu; . 'It.li.l .:n t il'l,: IIS le li.c I.U.II roii'thi I "I al! Lili.'liS Allie- ic liic only kil'-lvll ri'iuei'v that Will ellle i.l c tile .'ii Ku-'ivii reui.ly that will euro J ! -Ti,. ,m.r l'. ii. i; oil i'l:. j ..,i-!,.:i;:.',. till.- I ..' ...l.l.-is are kh Ihxr. n Tr 1 1 n lln'ir opt llic inaj.'l 1 1 y el ini.-ii III. ac ...I , r;., ;e xv ill he all tint n 1, ill r, hiiui. li' I a t'HiL' I in y .ic li.il. 1 Lilt I 1.14.1111 yd (lie 111 'al tUtt' n-aii .-l a'li! Inat lMi"H'iiif .a. I lo any ai t i'l I lie ;l xt.ml, iliC I'M ;l l.y aiainiif v I ilnaCx. Uii'Tlliali!), Ai. , ttut (in' "it ! liv f f liarre. Al.l bil l.'tilillV, ft l.y mail mi .ili.Ik.i h.jj i; tn'1. iii C. G. CI. A It K .V rti , (JCNKUAL Aiil NT, Ne w Haven, Cim. , 6l( Ctnts yt r JSu.c. Vac I I'l.ru iry VI, l-HT Pensions Increased. The 1 ilo A. t i.f ('..tigress gives additional pay to tho following Pension.-, vix : It. To those who have lost tho eight id' boll, eyes. or both hands, or totally disabled so as to require eon. slant attendance, the siiuiof 00 per mouth. 2,1 i.i lli 'so v.ho huvo lost both foot, or nro totally di.-abled in tho same so as to require oonsluut utteud ftneo, Iho sum of SJ0 00. SA. To those w ho havo Inst ono hand or one foot, or arc so disabled as lo render Iheiu uniiblu to por l'c.rm ni.miwl labor 1 j U0 per uioi lb, uud olhor cases iu pr,.p..i iiun. The subscriber it. duly prepared for tho iuiinediuto procurement of these claim. S. li. EOYElt, Alt y ut Law. Stinlmr.y, June IU, IStiiS. THE UHEAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION 1 1ST SXJXTBTJPlr, tsou 2d fticct, opposite tho A1ASOMC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S HEW THOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lita K.tUi-ly l'.i-lulli".lu-l, t illl nil the .jo(lrrii Iiiiim-o fiiionlai ol" the Art I f I1UE suhsoribcr. hnvinij buill tho room expressly .1. tor tho purposo of l'hobigraphing, and having devoted miuiy years to the busine, i:i conlidcut of Lis ability lo assuro his patrons that tho work pro duced shall bo second lo nona in country or eity, No work allowed to leavu tlio gallery unless en tirely satidnotory. llai ing tho boat sky light in the cunty, ho u prepared to make Photographs in all kindsof woathor, but would prefer clear day for small children. Ho is also prepared to take new aizc, or cabinet card Photographs. m All kinds of piolurot copied and magnified to any required mo and colored boautitully in Oil or H liter colors or India ink. We pay ipeciiil atteution to id I kinds of out d. s.r work, such as Landscape views of Monument, Machinery, County Souls, do., a largo lot of Photograph funics constajilly on hand. Tho public aro icspocifully invited tocuil and soo our specimens and our coniplclo arrangements for making l'hoti0Topbi, special teinij to Jiuuilitt eiil ilubo. ' P I'raV'i..-Tf'rr.I.R S:a-ri,rr j'l'.y V?. I- I THE VEHY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 SPRING AND SUMMER a3 Joseph Eyster, Oornor of Mitrkol and Pourth fitroct, BUK1IUUY, I'ENN'A, Invites Iho publio to Call and exaiuino b'u elegant a&'ortuinntof SUM M 13 U GOODS, which ho will sell at Rrcatly reduced prices. I lis took constat in part of CA33IMEEE3. CLOTHS, ScC Kilks. Hclalnos. l.nwns, tlintthains, ('nlieocs, Mucins, .Shootini. Tirkines, lonns. niol n full afSortuionl ol Cotton liud Woolen poods genonilly. llopry,.lllnvc, Hoop Skirls. Al II:indkcrchier llrusheii, Conibd. IliKM 11 ml 'im, lloofsi nnd SIkmk, His n..nrtincnt of ttoods will not, ho U sure fail to pleai o Iho limey anil Kuib Iho wants of any desirous ut putoliiiMn. JllflglnCK 01 IlAULlWAiai AND QllliliNSWAllU, nnd (Irooories is Inr'O in iUanlily nnd choico In quality, comprising eji norally ovorytliinij needed in ll, 1. ...neli. ,1,1 nl her ii.r 11.-0 or orniuueiit. Ilo is iilwnys ready and nl.nl lo H'O his fiiends nnd lakes pleasure iii shonlnit Iheni hi good even IhonRh no sales arc made-. He only ask a call, and is siiro Unit Iho slock will coiiipaio favorably in price mid iiualily with IhoehonpisJ. 1 1 JOSEPH MslhU. .S'tinbury, April 1.1, 1SC7. THE HOWE MACHINE CO 3 SEWJNU MACHINES, r.y'J EnoAnwAV, Np.w York. l'i" liiuilit'M iintl .1Iiiiiii(:l-liir'rs The-o W,.il,l-Henoned Sowin ; Maehinos. worn awarded tbohiuhest (.reniium nt tho World's Fair in London, nnd six lir.-t premiums al Iho New York ."Mate Fairof P-oil, nnd lire eel. l.ra'ed f,.r ib.in tho best norlt, u-iimn inueh fiu iller needle f.r the s hoo Ihreud th in liny other lna.-hine. end by the inir. due lion of tho linn-! npprove l inachineiy, we nio in.w nblo tompply tho very be-t iniicbines in the world. 'l'he-o ina.'hines nro made at our new and spnei'.us Facti.rv at lh id.-port. Conn., under tho inmi-liat.. iipervi.-i"ii nf the President ot the Company, Ei.i n ! II. . b. Jr., Iho orijjimil imentor of (he enuij; A..i chitie. 'l in y are ndapted In nil binds of Family Sewing, and lou-o i.f Sinm-trcsMs. Pros Makers. Taih.is, M ami laetui er.-of Shirt-. Collar". Skirt", Clonks. .Man tillns, Cb.lhmi. Hat.". Caps. Corsui, IS....I". Shoes, llarnes.". Saddles, l.inen Ooi .ls. I inhrolbis. Para-a.ls, eto. '1 hey work equally well upon si'.k. lin.-n. wool en nnd cot ton lo. ods ilh .ill(. c. .t Ion or linen thread Tiny will H-iiin. quill, gather, belli, fell, eord. braid, bind, and pirt.,riu every -n.-iis i.f sewing, inakiut; a j l.oautiiiil ninl perfect s!il'-h: alike on b. Ill tides of , tho article si-ned. ! 'I ho Stitch invented by Mr. H'lWK.iiii l mnde on this Mrifhin.,, it the n.'i.-t pojuilar and all Senium M'icbiiits nro subject to the prinoiplu invented by him. hF.NH Ft Hi CIP.Cl'l.Ai;. Tho ITowo I.liichino Coinonny. lion Uroadway, Cor. Fourth St., N Y. April 0. 1st'.7. m n m uii:ic. Mrs. A. TVVJSED, In Mi"" Anna Painter's Funny Ooods Store building, Market Square. 3 doors w est of tho Post Ollieu, SI! Ml I uy, PA. 1) USPKCTFULLY informs hor friends nnd tho i public llmt ."ho has aaiu opened a shop, in Markut, ssreet. Suiibuiy. where rho is prepared to mako to order Ladies' 1'resses, in nn ontiro new stylo. Ladies' Cloaks, Ao. Also Ocnlleinon's shirls. lirdiTS respectfully solicited. Suiibuiy, Jan. ill, ISi.7 ly :ia:'.istxaj7aJ"o A laro luvuitint'iil oi' liic l-o;t uiiiiiul.io- I HON -I lined Ear. Ibinp. Hand, Hound and Sqiiaru Iron, Nail Rods. Cast Steel. Eli Ivr Steel, luill St. i l, llorso Shoes. Ib.rso Nails, Anvils, Hollows. Yiees-, Jlaniliiei'.', Sledges, Rasps uud Files, ut CON LEY A CO S. E00TS, SHOES AND TRUCKS ! ii. ii. ra it ai:i:, sricLssoit to W . W . Al'SL E Y . I N addition to our laro stock, nlready on hnnd. wo L nro now receiving a lull supply ot Spring and Summer goods lor Eudu. OoutlcLD.cn, AIifcs und Children s wear. Abon good iixsortincut of Irunk". A largo lot ol R It. P.ags. tients' lino bather Sal. hels. We wish 11 lll.-tlliclly Ulliler-t.nid thai wu lllteliil t'elliug our g Ii? at. suitill profits, exclusively for liio cash. Ooii'i forget the place. I'lea.-aiil's Euilding, Mar kel .s;.iuare. Suiibuiy, Pa. NtijU'L Roots and Sh.is neatly repaired at short notice. If tiny bought uf us cliould lip they hall bo fixed lor l.otliing. II. U. Til.YCIIEH. Sunbiiry. April 0. 1SC7. If. I'ainls, iils, Ar, A lull flock of oils cm. rising Liitsee.l oil, Coa Oil, Fi.-h Oil. nnd Lubricating ti'il for Engines mi Machinery, aruishes, lilats, alwnvs on b-nid. nt l.w pi ices at CO.NLEY A Co S 1AOU Saddler.", wo have Saddle Trees. Pitts, Rink . les, liig 'J'toes. Pad Trees, llanes. all kinds and eiery thing pcrtaiuiug to Iho lupines", for alo l y J. 11. CO.NLEY A CO. SILVER'S WASH POWDER C WES Time. Labor. Money. Makes WASH I NO E A PASTIME AND Mo.UiAY A i'tSXIVAL. .Sold Every win-re. TRY IT. Addresi ull orders to the Manufacturers Z1EOLF.R A SMITH, Cnpmisisi nnd Wholcsalo DntEgictsi, ltt? oi lli l'liii tl Nlrti-I, a. November 21, I8t'.d ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS HOOKS AMD BTATIONEUYT, Moulhly Timo Rooks Drawing Rooks and Slates. Rocks, llvmn Risiks, Rlmk Rooks, Memorandum Eo-"k, Diaries, Pocket Hooks. Ink Stands, puns, Pencils, a line Ulisortiueut of Paper, Ink, Ae. For sulo by ANKA l'A INTER. SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to tho Rorough of Suubury, for Salo on reasonable terms. Apply lo Dr. R. li. AWL and, bOL. RROSIOFS, Suubury, Pa. Or 1. W SllEAFER,rottsvillo. Vn. Nov. 21, IKi'.il STEVENS HOUSE, 21, aa, 25 & 27 Urondway, N. y. Opposito Huwling Oreen, ON THE EI ROPEAN i'LAN. rpilE STEVENS HOl'SE iswell and widely known J to tho traveling public. Tho locution is espe cially suitahlo to merchants and business men ; it is iu ebo proximity to tho business port of tho city is ou the highway of Southern and W estern travel and adjacent to all iho principal ilailroad and iStoaiiiboal depots. 'ihoSJM l.Ns JHH'SE has liberal accommoda tion lor over 3HU guests it i well furnished, und possesses every modem improvement for tho Com ..it and entertainment of its inmates. Tho rooms aro spacious and well ventilated provided with gas and water the attendance is prompt aud respectful and tho table is generously provided with eiory delicacy of tho season at moderate rates. OEO. K. C11ASE A CO., I'rop'trs. May 2i, LSfi7 tiru . a5CJT JC M""IH Js Ji3 Bjeaaiai) Are especially iuvilcd to call and examine our stock of DU1LDEH S HARDWARE, comprising Nails aud Spikes of all varieties. Putts, Serous, Strap and T Hinges, Looks and Latches, Rolls. Plas tering Trowels, Prick Trowel, FWcrcr's Sieves, Ac-, id., for sale by J H. COX LEY A CO. SIIOEMAKEllS. THE bc.it qualities of Folc Liathir, Friucli Call ikius, Moiiihcij, Linings, Laits, NuiL, J'egj f .ols oi all kn ! acl e iy 'hii giutd by the trs i", lot.ulJ low by J H O.'.Stti' H (..ti lMUlntlclplilA Ac, i:rl Itnllrond. biimmriitimiTtablk. " ThroiiRh and dlroot ronto between rhiladelphla, Dnltiiuore, HnrrishurK, Williamsiiort, and the Oroat Oil llegion of l'enusylvantn. KLjjPANT BLKEPINli OAUd on all Night Trains. On and nfler Monday, April 2llth. 1H7,tbe Trnim on the Philadelphia A Krle Hail Hoad will run as foiiowi : Wbstwafb. Mail Train lenves Philadelphia, 7.00 p in. " " punniiry, a.4i a m " .' Krio. 4.08 tn Erio Express loaves Philadelphia. 12 00 noon runoury n.na p m " nrr nt llrio U 45 a m Klniiia Mail leaves Philadolphin, ( Oil a in r-iiiiuurT 1 lo pm ' " arrivo nt Lock llaven, 7.45 r m lluffalo Express lenves Ittiliiiuuro 10 . '10 p in " " " Miiiimry, f aii a In " " nrrivo nll.ock llann, 11 i0 am. Kastwahii Mail Train leaves Erio 10.25 n in ' " " Snnhury, 1 1 M n tn ' " nrr. ut Phibolelphia. 7.00 a in Erio Express leaves Erio 5 00 p in "nunnury o l on in " " nrr. lit Philadolphin, I 0(1 p m Uiniia Mail leaves Lock Haven. 7.15 ll in " " " Siinbury, 10.25 n in 11 " nrr. nt Philadolphin, 5. 10 p in t.ock llnven Acu. lenves Lock Unveil. 1 50 p m " " Hinibmy, . 6.20 n in ' " nn- nt Philadelphia 12.50 n in Mail and Express connect with all trains on War ren A franklin Hailway. l'iissnnor leavioR Phil inlelphia nt I'.! 00 M nrrivo lit irviiieton nl li 10a in, nnd "il Oily at 11.50 a in. I.oavitiff Philiidelpliiii nt 7."0 P. M., nrrivo tit Oil City nt 4 ;i5 p in. All train mi Warren A Franklin Railway mako eloso ennneptions nl MI i'lty with trains fur Frank lin unci Pclrotvuni Centre. 11AIH1 AO K CH IX'KEl) TIIIIUCUII. Al.niFO I,. TVI.Eit, tleiioral Superintend. 'lit. . AiticivAi, r spuing and mmmi AT THE STORE OF J. II. s n a E L , Collier of Fourth nnd Market Slreets, SI Mil RY. l I S 1' rccivo.l from Now York mpl Philnd. lphia a largo suVply of SPIll.Ni) AND SI M.MEH lionlis, which lio will tell at final I profits, for cash or country produce. His j'ry itooits iicpnriuient i" lull ol every ilescrip- In.ll A splendid lino ol I. A IM !;." ' JJKr.SS l.t)OJiS, and Into Wood." nl all prices. Fancy Sucking for Ladies, and i-helLir.l Wool Shawls Ynrtkco Notiona in Orcut Varicly AI.-o, l.ndies' 1 rench Corset" and Hoop Skirt O -A. R P E T S, Wovo Floor Cloths, Stair Carpols I'l... r Oil Cb tln, all widths, Carriugo Oil f,.i. 'lul,!,, 101 (.!,,:, VI i.b.w Sliiole. Plain tireeti and Erimu Oil Clolh nnd iixtures for i indons. U 11 O C E K I i; Q .ui.- ir. tiinee, Molasses. Rice, Cracker.-, Spices. Salt l-i-h. I heeso, A tfueeiisware.iilasswarc. splendid S'-ttsof Tea ware. ut low prices. UOOTS ci K1IOKS IN OllI'iAT VA1UMTY. Hals nnd Caps, Oil. Paint, Olass, Pully, School Hooks. Paper. Slates, Ae. .1 R D W A 11 E . Shovels, Fork", Nails. Locks, Hinges and S'.ri 'vs. A Largo a irtmciit uf WALL PAPER and lVr dor. at all prices. All peions desiring to get good goods will plea"o gil e hiui a call. J. II. ENtiEL. Suubury, April 20, lrY.7. mimi AND ISUMMKR I1ILL1NKY AND FANCY GOODS. Just opening nt the Sloro of Tdias LOUISA S1IISSI.KK. South stjao of .Market Square, Sl'MU'llY. Pa. MISS H1IISM.KK 1ms just returniM from tho . cities with a choico and fashionable selection of RON NETS, II ATS. SHAKERS. SUNDOWN.. I RLSTOR1, COMET, AC , ! of the latest stylos nnd patterns, lo which flic invites I the attention ol lady purchaser. Also, Misses and Children Hals of dilTorent ynrielies. A lino assortment of Ladies' Hosiery, (lloves, Fans Parasols, lluglo Trimmings. Flowers, Rilitions. Hid Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Jiiiiid. Ladies' Nock Ties Dress Combs. I load Hresscs. FANCY HOODS. Laces. Il.'indkerehieh. Lnco Collars. Zephyr.', liultous, nnd all goods found in a lady 's luriibhing .Siorc. Also, receivod an excellent nsoi tnicnt ot Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth nod Hair llru-he.-. wit ti a dill, rent vliriely of Collars (paper and linen.) end Neck-Ties, ilall' llose, Suspender, Ac, for Uculle lueii. A good assortment ol Stationery. i'hankliil f..r past favors sho holies by a further desire to please Ihe public, tho coLiiuuanee of their patronage. LOtLS'A SII1SSLER. April I.i, 1 oj7. HEW GROCERY STORE, j Market Street, .Six doors East id Third street, uorih J fide, SI NLTRY, PA., I" E.vPECTFrLLY' infirm tluir friojuU nnd llic V pill. lie, that they have opened a NEW GROCEKIT AND HtOViSlON STOKE, and will bo happy to have them call and exaiuino heir stoi-k, winch ha" u.-t Leen opened, vuihrao- ingeverylhingiii the Orocery line, such as Collee. Tea, Sugar, Syrups. Spice. Canned and Dried i i ruit", Ileum. Ilouiiuy, (. lu es... t rackers, I Eacon. Ham, l'i.-h, Salt. Potatoe.', I etc., together with Soaps, 1 Caudles. Soda, Ac., and in fact everything iu tho Oroceryand Provision. Line. FLOI'R AND FEED, Cuoen.-wnro, Willow-ware, (lbi-"aro. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and see before purchasing el.-euhore. W. S FL R.MAN A CO Bunbury, April 27, 1SI17. MIIJJNKRY GOODS -A.1MID NOTI-- .TST3. I Misa ANNA PAINTER. Market Square, two doors west of Iho Post Office SLWnL'llV, l'ENN'A. I EM'ECTl'TLLY informs her friends and tho i public, that sho ha just relumed from the eily, whero sho bus spent sometime in making selections and purchases, ami ba just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY (JooDS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Lining. Crinolino and Wi gans Skirting Lining, Hoop .skirts, Ruglo Tnin uiiugs, Crape Trimmings, llatCrnpo, Cluuk Ruttous, Corsets, Zephyr. A largo assortment of Ladies and Ucntleuicu'i Hosiery. A variety of ROOKS A .STATIONERY. l)OLLS of all sizes, Alphabet Rlocks, Ae. She flatters herself In being ublo to mako a display that will give entire sali.-laclion lo vuiturs, anil goods will be exhibited w ilh pleasure. .Suubury, May t, 1&G7. SPRING TRADE 1S67T M. I. LAZAHU3, WOELD rospeotfully call the attention of the publio to her new assortment of . SPPJ1TG GOOES, Iu Dress (Jood. Lawns, Delaines, Alapaea, Mohairs, Ao. White Ooods, Cambrics, .Swi.-s Nainsook, ' Jaconet, India-Twills, Ri illiant?, and u variety of t.arribaldi Muslins, Now Stylo. Ii'-HM l i iiiuuiii In (.rein vnricly. Edgings, Olove. Hosiery, Ribbon, Corsets, Hoop Skuts. i'owels, Napkins. Ladies and Uonl's Linen Handkerehiels, Parasols. Laeo and (Jreenadiuo Veils, aud a great variety of Notions too numerous to meu lion. KID li LOVES of the vory best quality. . M. L. LAZARUS, bunbury, May 4, 1S67. P.ECOP.D TOTJP, DEErdo PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind cd that they must be recorded, accordiug to the Act of Assembly which require that "All deeds and eonveyaueee for real estate in this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in (he County where the land lie to,,,,, tlx moittfti after tho execution of such doeds and conveyance; and every such deed and Uouvey anee not recorded as aforesaid, shall bo judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any sidwoquent purchaser lor a valuable consideration unless ,urh deeds be recorded before the recording of tha deed of counyauee under which riichsulaeuueut piucnj tr or nioitgage shall claim " ryjTL.va having IJ Dfedi mil rirf.1 br rtina :."i :i attrmicn to tl dUne ' ' Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN -WAKE, Khcot Iron it m1 Ktovc fXlovc of SlITE ex G-E1TTEE1R, Whero tlw-y keep eonslantly on hand and tnaoufne turotoordoratslwirtiioUco. ""wuiae TIN AND SHEKT 11101.WARK of alldoscrlptlons. ...u... Bi-ji-jcaiiy can the attention of tur- ' chasers to thoir largo and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have mado arrangement to have nil Ibeir best stoves mndo to order, and those who would have a good stovo would do well to go and examine their largo and well solootcd stock. First. Thoy defy cnmpotltion on tho following tried brands ol Conk -Movus, vis : I'omliiiialloii lliiriirr, l ook, liioi-rutn- I'cnii-I'ook. WAI1ABH AND IHONSIDEa. anil thn well known Anlidust Cook Stovo called .BREAK'S ANTIOIST. Also. Parlor and ollico Ploves in crenl vnriolv em bracing all tho best inninil'aetures nnd most faahion nblo designs, nnsurpnssod lor benuly of fini. lt simpli cilyof nrriingeinentsenml.lning ehenpness, durability nun eaen siovo warmiiieu to pcrlorm what Ihey nro ruj'i .-seoii-'!. Also, J ho Celebrated Iinliiiiiore Firo Place Btove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN II EATER. Also, Iho celebrated MORNING! OLORY. Coal Oil, 4'oal Oil l,am. NIiimIi'm, liiiiiiiit-st, iiutl all iii'livH-H usiinlly kept in nn establishment of thin kind. They arc nl -.1 i.rei.ared lo furnish Slain no, I d.islatini. ill the best wnrktmiuliko manner. Abo, to do iin Roofing, Spouting. P.ungo ami rMirnnoc Work, d o: Filtina, Ac. R ei. airing no.ulv and cheaply executed. Also: "ICaituli Jltavv Hone Sii.-.I,'ho halc." Remember the pbico'. .'s'alnple and Sales Room marly oppoito Conly Hardware Store, Market street, lo t en iliud and 1 oiuth streets. Euildio dark painled. Au ;iit 2.'(, 1-1.1. -Y. himx I'ull c'i's.' Ao more Vrmj .. j ' i i: . 1. 1; o s ELECTRIC HAIR RENE WER, is pronounced by all who have ued it Un, very be-t pri I 'lraliou lor the Hair. Il, is a poiiive em e for llnldness. i radicate I :i n I rn !,' nn. I liuni. is, stops the ll-.ir Ir t illing out. and speedily restores (iray Lo'-ks to their original hue and luxuriance It opiT-itc" on the seen lions and nil the g! .nds with iii-w liio and coloring matter. Thin, dead, laded or gray hair will nl way bo brought back by a lew npplieaii'iis, to its youthful abundance, vilul'iiy and color. it tun ke" Iho hair ..!. pin ry. fi .-o-rii.t. pb-a-'int to llio lunch and easy to arrange l)ry. wiry and intractal.le hicks Lui'mnu luoi.-l, pliant and i1i-ni-c, lo n main iu any d.-in 1 po i'.oti. A - a Hair liris ii.g it has nn equal. The sales lire en. rnious and it is n universal I.iv.rMo with oil m. 1 y nog ..I both sexv". S..1I by Di-iiggi i: thr-.ugl...ut Ihe I nited Stati .- Vddri.-; all oiiw- ni iK.ii.ni a- smith. Solo Priq ' i :i v". I'M Ani l!i 'I'lsli-.S Ml., l-IuPii. N-.i ..tni...r 21. I 'I. 1 v. .OfllHTfl ''!! ti ll K.I 1 1 1 SI fm: ti:.in- i.ii.y to li li 1 ViihMiifti.n rity TIIKKJ; 'JJ'AINS DAILY to fin I frmn thoN-.rth hm.I Wu.-t firiTMU iii:u.haiitm. nrnl 'I'oitiitrii titiJ Vf-:ti'iii IV'iin.-vlvaiii.i nrni No-w V-irk. N nn.l alt.r Mo N DAT. MAD (.'IT Ihh, 1 V tlio Trains ui tiic N'.rlluTn Centra will run us t-Il- w : NOKTHWAKD. Mail Truiu leaver Daitiinortj ' llarri-luir, nrr nt Williniii'tiit, L! u I"; ulo lxprci U-avi-s jnltinitrj 4i Klmir.'i. nrr l')irifiiiaiu:i, Vikt't Lino. lfnvc; I.iiliiiuoi't', ' Han i.-lmr, K I in i r:t. nrr. l-'unNn-laiun, Erie Esjifci-'S Jimivcx UnltiiiMirc, llan-i.liur, nrr at Eric, York ninl linnii ) lenves Vtirk, bur Aucoui. i nrr. Nnrri.lnir; Railway I I S :;o a ni i 1 1'n p in , ti.-.'i p m i in I il p in . 2 no a in 1 1 '! " a in tat p ni li lO p in I III p in 1. 1. I a m I mi u in 7 20 p m J n.) a i'j 7 00 a m 7 10 a ui S 111 a ui S O T T J( V A H D . Mail Train, leaves illiuinspni-l ' ll.ii'li.-buig, nrr. al Ralliumru, leaves t 'annndaigua ' Eliuira, ' Jlarrisl.iirg, hit. ut Haltiiooi-e, leaves C'liiaudaiua liimira. " Hat - 1 hi i , nrr at H.tiiiium-i'. S ill a in I.:: p m tl. no p ui 2 no p ui .loll p 1,1 1! .Ml a iu 7 Ull a m 10.20 p ni Hiiltalo Express Fast Lino I 0 ". a m I 11.20 ti in I l.oti i i.o.'i j York and 11 : im burur A. .cm. ) leaves Han i.-blirg. t arr. Yolk 1 Mail Train m. l llari i.-burg Accoiiiuiodalioii Norlh and S..I. th will run daily, except Sunday. Elmira Ex; re. j North daily, und South daily, except Mon day. Cincinnati Express south w ill run daily exci 1 1 Sunday. l'a-t Lino North arrives daily except Sun. lav Elniir-i Express North leaves daily, aud Erie Ex press North leave.- daily except Saturday. For liir:ln'i-int'..rmatioti np.lv at the Ticket Ollicc in the Peui.-ylvuiiia R-iilroad i)ci.ot. I. N. DrRAlillY (ion. 5upt. " ICfailiii t:al!i-o;iil. S V M M E R A R R A N ii E M E N T . April Ot h, JSU7. GREAT TKl'N i.' i.lNE from Iho North mot North-West f.,r Phila.ii'lphia. Niw York, Read ing. Polls, ilk-. T aiiiaqua. Ashlttnd. Lel an..n. All. n t.ion. Em-ion, Ephrata. Litis, Laucisler. Columbia. Ac, Ac. Tr.iiii b.ive Harrisl.urg for New-York, as fob lows : At 3.011. S.I0 andii .tj A. M. and 1 10 and 'J.U'l 1. iV connecting with similar Trains on tho Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New Y'ork at ft. on and 10.10 A. M.imd i 10, j.ai and 10 2j 1'. M. Sleeping Cars iiccompaiiving Iho 3. lid A. M. aad lb I'D P. M. 'iraius. without elomgo. Leave llarii.-burg tor Reading, Pottsvillo. Tania qua, Minersiillc. A.-hland, Pine Orovo. Alleuiown and Philadelphia at S III A.M. and 2 !0 and I.IU P. .M.. stopping at Lebanon and principal way station ; iho 4.10 p in. making c.iiiucctiotis for Pliiliidi'l.hiii and Columbia only. For Pnll.-iillo. Schuylkill ilaieii and Auburn, 'via .Schuylkill and SusqucliMuia Railroad, leave !larriaburg ut'j.2n p. in. Returning: Leave New York n 'J Ml a. in., 12.00 Noon uud ft 00 aud b.110 p. in.; Philadelphia at 8.15 a. ni. and 3 30 p. in. W ay Passenger Traill leave Philadelphia al 7.30 a. m., ruturuing from Rca.iiug at 30 p. m. stopping at nil Stations; Pntisullo al HAb a. m. and 2 li p, ui.; Ashland tl 00 and 11.30 a. m.iiudl.Uj p.m.; Tamaqua at U.-liam. and loo and 8 j,'i i., Ul. Leave Pol ts illc for Han i.-burg via Schuylkill aud usquehannii Railroad nt 7 00 a. in. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Readin" at l'3 J1A A1' rulur"'",s ll01u 1'hiludwlphia at "a 00 Columbia Railroad Traius lcavo Heading at 7 00 A. M , and O.lii P. M. for Epbratu, Litiz, Lamias tcr, Columbia, Ao. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 00 p in.. Phila delphia 8. 00 A. ,M., and 3.j 1' M, tbo 8.00a.m. train running only to Renting, PutUvillo 800 a m., Ilurrisburg, a. 35 a m, and lleadiiig at 1.20 aud 7 20 a. ui, for llarrisburg, and 1 1 22 a. m. for New York, and 4.25 p m. for Philadelphia,.. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, ut reduced rates to und from ull points. Raggage chocked through : SO Pounds Rrggago al lowed each Passenger. (I. A. NICOLLS, Ocncral Bupcriuteudcut lieading, IV, April S, I St; 7. l.ai'Uuwuiiua .V lllooiii.lcu-u' ICail i-ontl. ON and alter Jan. lm, 1S67, I'assciigor Trains will run as billows : SOI T11WAKH A.M. A M Loavo Scranlon, ft Ml 10 00 " Kingston. 6 55 1 1 20 P M 1 10 8 20 r. m. 4 III ft no 8 17 8 50 10 15 ft 20 A ( 6 35 " Rupert, V 20 " I'aiuille, Vftl Arr. North 'd , 10 35 NORTHWARD Leave North'd., 7 DO " Daniille, 7 40 " Rupert, 8.15 A M " Kingston, 10 50 h.3d Arr at Seranlon, 12 Oil D.55 Traius leav ing KinesUm at 8 3D A I'. M 2 511 9 Oi 4 00 10 15 M for SiTan- ton, connect Willi Tram arriviniral Nw v.,rli at 5 'ill Passenger taking Traiu Soutli lioiu Seranlon at 5 50 A. M via N.iiihuuiberlHii.l, reach llarrt-burg 12 M P M , Italliiiua-e ft 3d P. M , Warhingnm lu. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia al 7 00 p. ut. 11. A. FONDA, up t. Kingston, Jan. 19, lbo7. 4'Uiltli t'u st 4'ai riaACSi. WE would call Ihe atlentioo of Ihoe wauling a Child's Carriuge, to o.ir new and largo 4u4e4l T.fLt ic.'ni i.tiig nin and l e.iuiil'ul siyl J 11 LCJ.LXY A CO N E IV GROCERY. flAUK luliatrihani bogi Icare to announce tn tha X eitisens of Banbury and its vicinity, that tbo hare opened a NEW GnOCEIlY. Tvo door west of J. If. EngWi Store, in Afiirhl Square, where they are prepared to furnish erory yavlety as" groceries, and will Keep oonstaatiy oa nana ta and chuieest varictioa of FLO Ull & FEED, Fish, ColTiio, Ten, Hugnr, Molasses, Chooso, Salt Hplces of all discription, .Soaps of ovory yarloty v Miiiiiis. .-MnoKinit and i; inwinir to hacco. .sovars. Hams. Shoulders. Ilneon. Itoltor. an.l Km. Aim, J'ried fruits of all kinds, Caned Poaches and Toma toes. Pickols, Kotohup, Peppor ac, Raisin, Lemons, Ao., of best quality, aud in fact every stylo "Hides kept in a well stocked Orocory. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of country prodnco taken in exchango. Tho patronage of the publio il re spectfully solicited. OEOROEE. BEARD A CO. jS'uubury, Not. II, 18115. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. ID-A-"VI3D XT3T5T Two doors west of tho Tust Ofilco, SCNBCRY, Pa. It ESPECTFLLLY informs tho cill.eDl cf .Vun V bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order ull kinds of 4'ali' I'or llallx, l'arllors, .Vc. Families ire supplied with FREHH DREAD, Twist Hull. Rusks, Tea Puns, Ac, and also kept on hand tminufnctitrod out of tho bestuinterials. All order will moot with prompt altontion. Having had Inrgo experience I hope to.g'mt general satisfaction to all who may f.ror tue witli thoir patronngo. DAVID FRY Suubury, Deo. 9, ISili. n. v. i.iiiitinit Confectionery, Toy and XXXJIT STORE illtirlii'l Slrrrl, Xiiislmry, Ia. CONFKCTIONEItY OF All. KINDS, TOYS OF KVEKY DP.SCIUI'TION FItUIT, &c, Ac, ( V'NSTAN TLY on hnnd and Tor salo nt Ihe abovo cstul.li.-huicnl atwholesalo and retail, at reasgn able price". Hoi" inaniifacturing nil kinds of Confetinnnrios to keep up a full tissort incut which are sold at low rat.s. Tobin-co. Sc.-ars. Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other article!, allot whwh are oltuict wholcsalo and retail. ,jtr Rouiember the name and plaen JX M. 0. OEAKIIART. Market street, .". doors wit uf E. V. Rright A Sot, 6 ftore, Suubury. Sept. 19. ISM. If S T 0 li E . W. A. IJKNNKT, 1iiirl.i t Sii:n ., S( WltJ II V, I I! YI(i rciM iitly i ur'h'!c.l the Tni; .S'tir l-.rtuf rly ron.lui:t' l t-v- D. A FiIkt, I b.i ivc (t n;!nrm tho citizrh.1 tf i'milmry and vi-ii'-. U.mI I Iwivc tutirvly r 1uui.la(l my Btvck "2H EC "BLJ etZ fCaS FANCJT ARTICZiUS! .iie'i 'is f. oil... Hru-h''" l"'ll:i' ! V. II. lit il. Kldv i ..l,:,.,e,t an 1 cigars, . P. ekot-Rook.. Snap.. Per e., .Scissurs, Coal-Oil Lauips, R:wnt, Oils., ai, iit:i, I'nltv, arui-iis. Inl'n Tlcja-incsi, At, Alliny Tiuclore.. Syrups. linl inoi-t" Cerate., ni l .titer preparations aic maiiui'iictiired by uiys.'ll'. and from the te"t liiaterinl I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in tho J)V. i.i l',tri!..;,,ii ?.(.,(,(, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also tho advantage of llio College of Pbarmac'v, I foil cun peleni to COM Pol M) ALL PRl'.M'RIPTliiN: that ihe Physicians and public may fav..r mu uiih All my lu'eparaliiuis as 1 have above n.-'ortod.ain luailo from llio best maierial, and upou honor 1 as.-crt. they aro of otVuinal strength. For uieilieinal purposes, I keep on hand the very winks, i;::andil:s and liquors, that I can procure. l.Vh. re purchasing elsewhere, cull nnd convince your own miiid. W. A. DENNETT. Siinbiiry. Nov IS, 1 SUiNRCRV EtjllNlTliiT- .iia. Kl!!ICttA4'll A sax, l'.K now carrying on l.ii"iiie nt this old e tr.h I'"hment ivitli renewed i igor. t Casiingsnf every description. roieptly furnished The Moves manufactured nt this Foundry have ne.iuirt'ii the highest reputation. Particular attention paid p, JJILL CASTINO-' l'ai'iinrs -hoiil.l n,,t torgct that the PLOW, u..,.!i. nl the Sonl.iiiy Foundry bine never been wmikIK' I Agricultural implements r.'paiud at .-L..i i i.ii..-t. Small eastings, itieluding ('....king utensil-, of the most itnprovi.l and in.,-t u-.-l'iil p.itt- rn-. The business will be e. indi ct, d on en enlarge I -cd,,. iii.i cu-:..mers will L ii.'.aunmo.iiti..d : u.-'i.il and new one- aro n-spei-i ful ly .". liciti-d. Suubury. May 12, l.-ici FLOUR & FEED" STOKE II 'IK'LKS. !.; AM) 11 ETA 1 1.. rilHH fii i-iber re-i'ccil'ully informs tho pul.lm I tbat bo keeps oon-'tni.ilv u hau l at his new WAREHOUSE, near th Shain..kin Valley Railroad Depot, in SI. Nil I'll Y. Flour by the ban el aud jacks of all kinds of Feed by Ihe ton 'iho ubovo is all lii.'.iiufacltired at bis own Mills and will bo sold at the lowest cn-h prices. J M. CADW ALLADEH. Suubury. April 1, Ist" l.ood urns I 'or .llollni-v ! " ,1 OTHERS, aro you oppressed with anxiety 111 your little ones? Aro your slumber and hearts broken by their cries ' Do you awako in iho morning unrelreshed and apprehensive ' If so. pro eureat onco a bottle of Dr. Leons' Infant Remedy and you will have llo more weary hours of watching and jir.xicty. ik. i.i:os' ii'Ar tci:ir.i has stool tho test of years. Thousands of nurses and mothers bear witness that it never fails to give reliet if used in season. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colio, Craui and Windy Pains, and is in ealuahlo for ull complaint incident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout ihe United tjlatos Aildreni all orders (o ZIEOLER & SMITH, Sole Pproprietors 137 oi ili Tliirsl Hilrfcl, IMiil'a. November 21, rpstili ly B H"JTJW MX" riHU following person aro entitled to receive an X increase of liounty under the Act of Coagrcss lutssed July lSiitl, to equalise Bounties. 1st. All soldier who eulisted after tho I9th day ot April, 1801, for 3 years, and served thoir time or enlistment and havo been honorably discharged, and have received or aro entitled lu reeuivo a Rounly of initio, are entitled an additional Rouuty of ftlOO. 2d All such soldiers who eulisted for 3 years, and havo been honorably discharged on account ot wounds received iu tho lino of duty, aro entitled to an additional liounty of X I OO. Sd Tho Widow, Minor Children, or Parentsnf such soldiers w ho dud iu tho service of wounds or disease, aro entitled to ail additional Rouuty of feilOII. Ry application to S. P. WOLVERTO.V, Kwi . ot Fi'Nui'itv, Pennsylvania, who is an authorized Claim Agent, all such claims can be speedily collected. Suubury, August 1, lSoo If )A f( AO E NTS WANTEU-$IOO.OOMal Oswl'.l'W ami Female, to introduce our NEW PATEN T, STAR SHUTTLE SEW 1. NO MACHINE ll is adapted for family use and Tailoring It make a stitch alike on both sides. Prieo only TWENTY DOLLARS Extraordinary indoceminU lo Agents For full particulars, address Dl MONT A WILSON, CIO ARCH Slici'l. Philadelphia July II, SA7.-3m REMEMRER 'HIE DEAD. M ESSRS. D. C Diidnger and John A. Tayloi. would respectfully announce lo Ihe citizen" ot Suubury, and turinun.ling .untry, that having formed a co i,J-4neriiiti, they are now piepared lu furni.-h oruaiueiited and plaiu Uruiralom-k'roiuhs V .YlttMUiiM-ula) of the bx.t Italian aad American uiail.lo, al price that cannot l ul to give entire sutt-laeuou. an 1 re il'DCttully tolieit the publio paironage lUSj-lNHEIt A TAYLOR bunbury, Maich 31, looo . iy . FINE Myrtle I'.niilum, at lh n.r..i Si-r. e4 AN A I AiMLR for