CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 37 Coertnnl Street, (Cnrniir of 8oTentb,) P11ILA DELPHIA. BetabUfhel 144. lnwporte.i 1855 Tonne Wen i'rnctlcnlly i:Jnot fr Itnnincsw. The facilities of tliis Institution hut been largely Increased, and it now has advimtagcs for imparting business Knowteuge wuien ar. uuciMiivu. The praotieal value of its well-tried course of in ,troction is attested by hundred In nil departments ,f business. Manv a young man owes bis suecesaln life to the qnaliOe'titions earned here. The instruction throughout is thnronglt, praoheal, and just what is dnity rtsed in our best business houses. The instruction include I)ook-Krrpvng in all its Pranrlic. Penmanship, (Plain and Ornamental.) Commercial) Cttl- culntions. Business Par-1 nA Cor respondence, t'oinmorcial Law, Detecting Counterfeits, ts. PlunVnts instructed sopnrntoly n.n.1 received a1 anytime. Diplomnsnwnrded on graduation. Stroii- errs nssistcd in procuring smrnnio Hoarding places. Board may be otitiiincd lor about f 5 per week. Cain locucs mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPING. Counting House, prion 12 Ml. School, price CI (111 I'ommnn Sehnol edition 87 4 cts. Judge Sharswnou's Lectures iietoto the Students en Commercial Law-, rrieo il W. ..- TDK CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND BUSINESS NAM'Ali, Containing new nod rapid methods of calculation as netiiully nsi bv husinen men. Toru s of Ru'iuess Paper r accompanied bv cxptavaiiniis nf tlo-ir iipturo and use. ueful Commercial Tallies, and nun h valuable imformntionon business subject". I'ri.c SI 2a. 'Inc. rale of this Hook has been rapid that it is already in its second edition. Any ci tlio above boosts sent postage paid pa re ceipt of the price. P. II. CHITTENDEN & CO. Juno P. IP". 1m A s I'ioti ! mi-ti I I ni 1 cinon t k, HOE'S Grain Hakes. Stool and Iron Gnnl n P.nkes. Long unit li Handle Sa !is. .'-h.ircls. Manure nnA liny Porks, ttinss nr.d Grain Scythes, virnin Cradles', Cradic Finger?. 'Intce. lreast. Tongue and Lop; Chains, tirind-rtnnes. 1'ar.r.i'g Mill hi ivef of all'slics and kin 1-. a laieasn i'im nt of lUd Wag'Ti Ili-.ine. for Ploiving. l'arm l!el!. Cnltivator Tcetb, cr f!ile by .ln- 0?l.hV A- CO. ricsEAis vatk:ss i-Escw m MIME- A-CO a"? 'he A'ei;'s in IV.C f"cur.'i3 J . ef '.o -tiviiMerl'.j d, ;.V'i'-i' and Montour. M WAHKtN'S Improved 1'ir'e r.r.d Vnter-Proof This is t'uo .cheapest nnd best Roof that can be put on a b iilding. Has been used in tho city ol Philadelphia. ISM , vhcro it has superseded rhnost cu'i'y other kind of I'.onf. Ii ir, rc-:oniinend-rd by the builders, and is ii;c.l on all of tho linol building in that city. Parties eonteinp'.aling buiM ing. will do weil to eNn:niue into the merits of tins and all o; kinds ot ilcotV, and givo tho best the prctercnec. The IVuntnin Hole'., of Snrbury, will, in a few days, bo covered with this It oof. and parties dcaring to do r-. may cull there and examine it Per further information iiddr.? Hex 14,S'Jiibury Tat call at tlrn J'.rick Vard of T. HIMES 4 CO. Ennburr. TS. I?G7. "..-n Ccachxnakers, "ITTE tre s-llini; P.m". Spokes, Hnb, Fpringt, f Ci-.r.vr, J:clt3, Cl'pt, Ax!e3, Ac, very low tL-.irgc rucli tit COKLEY A CO fuiibcry, J.rnrch ?.'), ISC". c AI.L and s?c tliojj beautiful Bird Cagca at the cow Hardware store ot J. II. COXLEY A CO. FIRST NATIONAL H. lu A K K L' O. THACHBIv, Fropriotor T SQUARE, SUNBUKY, P A New Goods, 'Now Stjien, Ixcw Price Tlie largest Stock cf Eccts uti fLces in CAt Mdrkc Titt'CS OF EVERY CRADE & TRICE Gents' Traveling SntAel. lland-Rags, Valises, 4c. An elegant assortment of I.tidies' Fine Leather Sat ciicl Cuba's, if.. Ac. COUE AXD VEE, COME AND SEE. it3li'f.'.:tnli Itnildin:, MA R KK T S Q UA UK, April . 7657 Sheet Iron and Stove G- ZiJTTLSMOYKIl&B'RO., (Savcsir io LL'.V.I. ZE'ITI.EMO YEU.) ilaikct Street, near Engci's f.;.'ore, Sl'XiiUUY, PA. HAYIXti take, ..lmrre of the old stand so lon patronized by the people of Sunbury and vi cinity, be l'.-ave to 'u.nouneo to the old friends and the public generally, t lit they will r.upply them with tuo ii.cst iuipioved vurieticj cf COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the bct Brands which are uieuirp'i.scd for beauty of tiniah. simplicity of arrangement, curtihiiiiiiir chenpneps and durability and each stova w urrantcd tj pcrlorui what they are rcu evented. Conl OH, 4'o:iHil a.(iiiij,is, I:intoi-iM, Fhades, Chimneys, and all articled usually kept in an establishments' this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IEOX KETTLES, of all sues. FRUIT JAR? and CAXS of tho latest improved styles. lie is also prepared to do a'.l kinds of Spouting and Booting. Rar.o and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheHplv and neatly executed. GEO Zl.l 1 LL.MOYER i ERO. June 8, 7SC7 v Blacksmithing. JOIIlsT IBVIN, SUN nu IXY, PEN N S Y L V A MA, RrSPECTFl'LLY informs the citizens or Sun hury anj vicinity, that he has erected u Black smith ''hop near the .Shnmokin Vulley Knilroad Ieiiot. where he is prepared to do Lluelr-iithin in all its iiranehe, at the shortest notice. Having hud many years' experience in the husine.-s, he tlutters Li u..-l t that lio e:in rendej trntufauion to ull who uiuy tiYo uun a can. JSunhury, August 17. 1&C7. FANCY DKY (.00 1 IS ST0HK MIS3 KATE 3 T.JVCl', Ilarket stroet. four doors west of Win. H. ililler'f Doutand Shoe store, e-UMJL'UV, l'a. IES1'KCTIT"LLY informs her friendsin Sunbury V and vicinity, that the has just opened her jspjuxg vv sl'mmvi vj:k.-jh (JCODS, of every description. l'iihiousille arrH I'rinu.i;!!', Ilonrl Dresses, U'.ovca, "Hosiery, I-inbroideiies, Laco Collars, Hlenehed and uiihleuehed Mu.-lir.t. Sheetings, Drillings, Aiapuuus, Poplins, Crape and L-ee Veils. Ladies' Eaatsi, 4'liilr"i'ii lliitai ut'.cl ej:ivsi, of every variety. ?Tme. I!c7r.'.rc:t's ILiir Cur!c.-3, lit'.t Coi!j and Curls, Gloves. btoekine;s. Coliars, Cor.seOJ, Ac. Hoots' Collars. Neckties, half Hose, Jlandkor chicfa and Suypenders. Ersdlcy't new Patent Duplex Elliptio (or double Spring SkihT.S ) IIOVKIXS Elliptic Skirts. Perfumery, Toilet Suaps, Hair Brnsliea, Combs, Toys, and a general variety of I'iOIION.v. p , KATE BLACK. Eunbury, April 27, 13i!7. CHOICE FRUIT k OKNAMENTAL BENJ. BONEK, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn lsh from the most rebpcnuble yurseriot in (bit and other btatos, nt.t clan 'iV.LES of ull kindt. Also ohrubiery, Vine and Planu. (iaidea beeds cf all kinds. Orders are sol. cited. A'1i,M EEXJ. EOHKEB, Paxinot, North 'd. Co. tV K. B Inioraaoee taken In several of tne ntoM. retpontible Fire Inturanoe and Uorte DeUoUve Uompaniee in the Blue. Jane 8, l'Jf.7. y MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DHFISBAOH BBOTIIEKB, RESPECTFULLY Inform their Mends and ens tomers, that the; have removed their Store Into the south end roornot the'Masonle Building, on Third street, opposite the Depot, Bunbury, where they will be happy to wait upon them. Their large assortment of Groceries. Provisions, AC, are all fresh and of the best quality, consisting of Teas, Coflcoa, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes, Raisins. Cheese, and Crackers, and In fact everything usually kept in tho Grocery line They would bIfo call attention to their large and cheap lot nf Hood Family Honr. Green Tea, Hams, , Shoulders, Ao., which are constantly kept oo hand. 1 FRESH FISH and Vegetables, every Tuesday and Friday evenings. Give them a call and see for yourselves. Sunbury, April 27, IMS7. BRICK!" BRICK!" "BKICK! To tlie CItlzrtin " SiiI"rj- . vUStilty. niiif ....i....:....l I. ,,,,,.1,1 the Itrlrk-Yard I 1 11. U1IU1 i. iiiii' ....... , ... - j 1 and linprovetiicuta, formerly leased ard worke" W A II Stevens, and linve nindo additional im provements, nnd,are now prepared to make contracts to manufacture and deliver BRICK in large quan tities, lor building and oilier purposes. by thi manufacture of a good article, and rrnr.".pt attention to biisints. we hope to receive b share of public p'ltronngo. Ordtr l ft at ilie Krick-Yard, or Box II. Sunbury Post Ofnco, will be pronpily attended to. T. IIIMLS A CO. Sunbury, MayJ, J -m "IU1BKR ! LIMBER ! The Poller County unit Munliui'' I.nmher Coinnnny, Kow fully cftabliihcd at the SUNBURV 3TB AM UAW-MILLS, are prepared lo saw to order WHITE PINT, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any sir.o and all lengths. Afull a.'soituient of always kept on bond. Panncl, Flooring, Eidin,; ui.d finishing boards of nil kinds. MOULDING, SASH. DOOl.?, nr.a t'yUTTr.?.. SHINGLES, fawed and Shaved, White Tino, and Uvtclcck. Planin;;, Uippirr; and Turninz. "'iil le done t . order nt short notice. This Company design furnishing everything in their lino at sio.-h rates that lumber Yard-, linildcrs and nil parties using Lumber, will find it to their lutcrest to buy at this estr.iili. Linen!. OKI) K K S are respectfully solicited and will le promptly at tended to by addressing. WJ!. Iir.ASliX.Siip't. Sunbury, June 15, 1SC3. Market Street, adjoininir Oenrhnrt's Confe.'lionery Store, SUMsl'llY. 1'a. nillr undersigned respectfully informs tho citiz'-ns -X of S inbarv and vic'mite, tliat he h is epene i a XK1V SHOE STOKE, f. r ilie sale ns well ns for the u;i.r.ufacturo of the i"i.e; t x.ii best iiuality of l.a jiei' Shoes, vi! : lt f-Iiitl. Jlorrocct), 4.'air-KiiJ iumI I.!isitij:'C (JjtorHa V. Children's Shoes of all kinds. J lis sto:k is entirely new and well selected. He also manufactures flno Prercli and olber Calf skin Boots and Shoes for ilenllemeii. Orders for Indies and gentlemen's cv.tcm work wiil Le promptly ntien iel to and got up in the best ttvlcby rkiiful mechanics 'Shoe findings Ac, ccnnantly kept on hnnd and for sale to the trade. J. II JEFF11IKS. Sunbury, April ZO. 18u7. I J. IV. KTIvYi.M,;, M'AICIIMAKEll ft JEWELER Mcrket Sijnuro. near tho Court House, . J'ortluv.berlund County, Pa. HE has just opened an assortment of UoM jTsffV and i'!ain Patent Watches. CLOCKS V-'.-fi for Bailrond'. Banks and Lwe'.lings. l'ir.c T"" J Gol 1 llin 'j, J-'inircr Phi, Prneolet ., i'inia- tare Ci'.'S. .Mcdalliotis. Loekcts, Pencils. i 'J'himbles. Spectacles, Silver 'fable, pessert. Tea j and Mu tar 1 Spr-n. Su.;ar Spoons. Cups. Napkin j llins, rruit and Butter Kni.cs, Shields. Combs, j Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitcher. It'itter I Dishes. Fruit DUbcs, Cal.e ItaekeU, Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ac. He invites tho citizens of Sunbury and vicinity to call nt the above place, whero ho will bo happy to wait upi n them. I jf Particular attentijn paid to REPAIUIN(J. April H, 1HG7 J. H. Conley & Co., "JarKt't Nf rt-ct, I'.aist i4'tSio SniIroiil DEALERS IX Hardware & Cutlery. TjKK ittcntiun of Mo;hnrii. Farmers. liu'iMr, i fcnJ liay is g ncTnl'y is invifej to the fm't tlmt we aiei.GW otri-r.nt; a bttur yeloelcd usiorttiKiit of il AKUWAHE, CUTLi:iiY. 4C, thHn ever was'i-rcd in ihi? marked at .riecs much L'jIovv tho) hfriifutbre ticiiittii'.K'(l by Uculcrs. Our stuck cuu;j)i i.cs ul! nrtick'8 in this lino of' l-us'iiu-, embracing a gviicrul aortmciit cf touls auii Lmtc riiilfi iisi.-d by CARl'KN'l'KUS, BLACKSMITHS, CAlUUAtiE AN'D WAtiONMAlvLHS. JuIMUloS, id, AC, together with a laro stock of Iron. Steel, Nails, Spikes. Ripf?, Chains, UiiivUtoues, Mill aud X Cut tuws. tc , ti'?. Sunoury, March CO, 1S7. Fashionable T H I M M I AND Dress IT GSl Millinery Goocis, Just opcnii:g at tho Millinery Store of Miss M. L. GUSSLE. Fourth Street, two doors below the Kailroad, West tide, Sl'Nlil'lty, PA. ueu as Dross-Trimuiings. IIcad-Dref:cs, Gloves, Hosiery Itibbous, Flowers, Collars, Handker chiefs, &c., dc, which have been carefully selected. JIi.s M L. Uuslcr has just opener! a larjo aspnrt ment of Millinery tiood.-. Ladies should not full tn go and see the luteal styles as it will pay to not deiuy iu visiting her stoic. Cull ami examine for yourselves. Ko trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 20, 1307. BAKERY.- BAKERY. 4.'. Itll i4iIt4Vti:, Agetit, Manufacturer of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES. PIEi?, .IC, Front St., 3 doors cast of the P. & E. R. It. Depot, .oic i iii itisi':i:i .4-M. Customers will be served daily. Orders solicited Northumberland, June 22. 1S17. rOTJT"5r J. N. EIAI.1L, Si oi Ii'tor, Corner Suiiburt and Hock Streets, 81IAMOKIN, PEXN'A. n'HIS HOUSE is now open for the reeention nf X Kuests, and being new. spaoioua and attractive. I has all the facilities and advantages of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. The sleeping apartmenta nru aii v .A ...f .. ...1.1- ....4 U- ( :.. ... ' and comfortable, aud the furniture eniitely new. The Bar and Table will be supplied with the beat iu the market. The patronage of the public is solicited. April 13, 1967. ""Tie iFm olio us k7 i:. a. ra'soTi, up,t, WILLIAMSf OBT, PA. . May !, 1B67. Urn SHOEMAKERS. frnir v, . . ..- .t . , - rT. Tools of all kiorls, and everv thing used b the trade, tarsal low by ,? CONIiT CO 0 TUB GHBAT EHSMIlffflS The oomponent parti of (hit wtniwVable onparatlaa were first discovered, eomuounekd and aislrlbuttil, Mat twenty years ago, by Dr. Cbtofsvi, the i eelj. tratcd Enypliiui Hiysioian. Theusaudt of Ws Sutter. lul en?rVmen were restored to I.ejilU., M weUM numbers of tle Inhabitant of Nubia, and Abyssinte. .nd.ftl,eco.nt,.e,ooroer .7 -g "g Indecil, the fame or tie doon si"ead over KuropCf and Wat adopted by the prlnclpul I'liysiclnnt la cliarfe of the hoipitntt of Uie old world, in which It l ttill uted Willi nretmU Bent tueeesi. The vieerny oi i.8vh of na. Chiopius upon the " r.oll ol Nobles,' and pre sented to him a Hmlal bcarinu the followlnn Intcrlp-tion- D Chiomcs, the FuWio Benefactor." This Hitters it now oO:rcd to the public of America with the rail assurance that It will be found, upon a fair trial, to act as a speciflo for the cure of rhnlrrn, Dyeentrrj-, Dlarrhecn, Cholera Morbus, Fever ami Aruc, Idiot Fever, llheiimntlsm, Typhwttl Fever, Dysprptia, olle, llronrliltlt, i onaiimptton, I'lntu lenry, Dlsensea of the Klilnrye, Nervous Debility, nnil Fcmnlc uiiiiilniiiU. Remarkable cures of lli above diseases have been efr-ct'-t! by its use. as mimerntucertifleatcs, many fiom regular pbysieians, fully attest; and it it destined to tai',rsole any preparation extant. At an agreeable Tonic, and an IN-VIGOUATIXO BEVERAGE, it nss NO EUCAL. Tnrs Tnr ZI.VGAHI mrTETts HAS 81 IV I. A3 HEM. AS BODY Avn AS A PREVENTIVE OF riSEAR!!. I1A3 NO SCl'EHIOR. A FEW WOBP3 TO LADIES The ute of the r.lVll.Mtl lilTTI.US will Kive to you Hint tnft. ternl ti ansiavent conipl. xlon widch the God of nature (de siKniiiK woman to h the loveliest ot hit works) fully Intended that vim should have for It it nature l own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, ttimulating the pigmentary cells of the oermil, and imp.l-.tinjf hcallli and life throughout the entire s j stem, il esp -cially gives that smoolli clenrnest and lenu'C to the complexion so mudi to be desire re moving all muchness, blotches, freckles, pimj.les.an4 that veilow. siealv louk so common in our day; ana what is even btt' r thnn t.i. it cures every tpecietof fumalc irrcgMlarities anil ilHeaso. l'nncipal Depot, llatrishnrg, Pa. BAHTER & HATJSE, Sols rnor-RiEToa. For sale by W. A. IBEX NEXT, Druggist, Bunbury rennvlvimin August 3, 1S67. Ivis SN'j-iissIifal Jroi, T!IF. GltliAf l'KMtl.H hi;mkd;e3 FOR 1RRI-: lit I.Mil'I'IKS! I have tested tllt-a. Venrv. ilo II l lo'i in my own ,ilaee. over ten iv. in it ii. Ihing hat yet been it.itf l. r, il rt fcc.Hf s-l, 1 . I" I dev. I'.petl bv meti.i , p Mtive v, mill leir.n .at acts to ii"WeiiUiiy -ii lethale lirctMilarity t. Ill' lilt-it.i'iil' 111 tt! T' I eases It never tails. WlllU tlt"Ur!IMt.ts wit ' H.iVr 1't i vil tn It tr I lit lit" 'Il ol iK'.iilii t y tiilleielt, arc n.uebt. Alt'""ui;h s.. iiowt-rtut :u.'i fsitivet tluv me perfectly liimnifHS, in. it tn.iy ii' tut") at ni tiii.m, cxenpi wncuic dally lorliKitiun in tlit'tlm hi 'l'lit'V tillVr . UM'.V'ir IV- 1. '-.n;. ..y. '1 l.y etllitllit pliy sit-ii.ns in rr-itntv i .it! m wt-ii ;is m my ivn prac tuf, "Vt-r ti n ycur.", I yet t lit-ui nf Ihe Hr ii.-lmic-t t lutiuiu. I i-i'iiii. ii wui trimoiiuiii oi nitrii i-.'f t mill nit nvt-r tin tittrilitni nnJ weuitrii 'iiie-s. wt-ro tiu-y ititiiir m;ii tit initf. Over 1(10. Vu l ittlt-s linve iirt'ii B-i.t tin' im ytiur. Hnd ) htipe and trust us iiiiinv f-utleri-m tn-ril hrnefittfil. 1 n m writ ;i -t i "t It-it :i rt ,nt4?iii in remove oil (! furucti .hp. n.i'v In uwi i"T ii piiipntf. tut trust th:it wlicit- "in- ii V tit Win, tvii iu;iy tii;l uitj the huiuli fit rt'iti'y m'fi! a.itiVn is Tn til vn .Mi!i r in in stn nrt-jn!;iritv ; painful, diffi cait. rxt-rsf iv. i'rt-iisivf nr -!-! Mt-u-d Menetiuftti'm. l.u r.ifrln-ii, t-r tltetniiii ct ili tMc'- 'tt t tutluw, I wulfl wiy, try ii tvittlc nt )t Lvmn's t-'rfi ct rerindit'iil llrnpi. lietnii n tlmt ni?iiitrati'tit,llit'ir Ht-Umi i Jirectmid psi- nvf tli-i.t aiiv isilli -r K.jLplicit directuutt, Ucar- IM2 HiV f.,!,iiil'. firrutifiiiMV i-'"-lt b 'tile. I'li.-v in iv l.f-"t't;iiii-tl i.f nra'tv cvtry driippmf in the r trv. nr'l.vir.fl.itsin: tin- pur.- tnl.'. CI.AKK CO , Nnv ll.'ivf-tiCt., Ucnt' Aijt'h-i. fnr the t'uited Stn:ei Al .it fllliad;i. Dlt. JOHN L l.YON. rnicticit'e Phyiirutti, Prift. 91 50 Tl' t'Ie. New Haven, Conn. Tflttuary 'J.(, It'i" ly POLAND'S Bilious Powder3, uiaffic PKI'-IMUATION is thnliwMV ,.1 r.r ItfV. J W P..l;in.l mm- I'i-i -r nf 1 lit? lt ij-iist ilmri'li .. it. t w-.. N H , mid :i ni:in dru'ly . !. tn it 1!. iiiimiit'ili'Mi tlimiiKtiunt v '.ii'l He Mijlfd tn Ifuvc pi.i jvt ;tin! stii'ty niedictn? ti wvr iwn I tV, aitil hi Mtipu' INwden :iit ni tin- m .t w mieiful discaverici uf L-rn It ii o. $itlUi '1 ');' ,' MAGIC'! ' THE GSSAT LIV3 AND BILIOUS REMEDY I which rnmplrtely throws 111 the shade all other rliscnve-ii'S tn ini' lielio' ; i il It nlT-ri's 1. 1 nt nrieh pnitlfif.ntl"li tliMt ti-. r.-i e.t e the ui.-.'iirii u t'p:r lemon of u! who have ti-Mi-ii tin 01 I 'o' .Mii(ie H'lo os I'owoVra are a 5.iiy'4'm-t' i'or l.lvrr Complaint ! ii, it m .st "tr.:iiiu form, and an immediate cotreetor of. I I i5J.I;-;'i S)J-:itA'KJIE'T t Exe ' .-..ti r iir..PAi-i;i:, a o N s T I iJ a T I O N i!:rus itt.dTciii.s. ASAl.lOWSilV. l( .WSINKSS. DIZZINESS. in:.;i n;i i:, i-alimtatiun, A oil :i ill ! W"liiU-rllll CI-KK & PKEVK.NTIVK'OF FEVER A AGUE! (Wetrieise .-ill wlio am rr.-ul.leil with tlilt feaiful nia!t. ii to iilvvityii ki i p tt:e I'owih in on huoil teudy fur inline- illllle u.m ) 11. -re ore u lew i ri.. rt.i ut -aitu-ulars: 1st Tliey me tin- Cireut rpfeine t'.r all Bilious AIT.-C. tious. ad They uce the only known rcmeCy that will cure Liver t:..nitii.iiiit. Ti. Tn. .. are tlie only known remedy that will cure CoLMIpiilio,, li t Til.. Powilrr. iirest ili-Touch in their operation thai ..lit )i 11-kHu' will t'r all llirtt Ilie lliajollly ut those umo lli.-in will icuiiite to eiti-.-t n cure. .'il.. Tlo-v nu; iiu.j unit p eint yet the most effec tual eiitlt iitie known. lull Tiirv ait- tt,,. t'lieaji. vt nod best milieiue extant, us tln-y I an s,-nt l.y mail to uuy puit nt Hie globe for Hit- .ii,-i.. all ci-i,'h. lafi utars. f-ii.oni me e. ri if .-o.'s, iiiforniation, 4c, tent to uuy pari ,.f hr w-'ll'l I n f oliari?e. fol.DUV Al.l. Dlil'iii.isrs, or by mail on applica tion to C. C CI.4RK Cf) , Ugnkhal Aosnts, .New Haven, Conn Pncr, JO Cents per Box. Frhruiry 3-t, 1-iiT. ly Pensions Increased. The lute Act of (Vnrtrfs gives additional pay to tho following I'eiihinnt-, vi : ist. To tliope who I.Hve lt the sijht of both eyes, or but h h!i ;:!, or tnt hiIv tiis.'ildrd fo tu to require con Etfint ntteii'tuiici', thv tuinid' t-o Ut) per uionlh. 2d 'l o th.'so who have ha. bith feet, c-r are totrJIy difcuulfl in thu fiii.i- $ it tn require coi.stuiit uttcud ttni'C, tin: ?utn cf 3d. To th(tc who IiHvo h't one hand or one foot, or nrc so doubled up to rcn lcr them utittble to per form iimnuut tubor $)j UO pur mouth, a lid other en." in itinportion. 'Jl.f suh-L-rihcr is duly rropared for the immediate M Ut UI U lIH UL in III"!.' i;i H ihi-. S II. LOYER, Att'y at Law, Sunhiirv, June 10. l?od. Till! UUEAT CENThE OF ATTRACTION. IIST SUWBTJR'Y, is on od ttreet. opposito ihe MASONIC HALL, at EERGSITvEESSER'S N7 FIIOTOGEArH GALLERY, Hut iit, l.t U s.fillUIiol, with all the .lluil-ri Iiitrovt'ineutM of lite Ai-t ! rpiiL subscriber, having I uilt the room expressly I for the purpose of 1 h itogranhing, and bavin devoted ninny years 10 the business, is oontident of nit aniiiiy in assure nis ulioi.s tliat the work pro- 1 Jufc'1 second to none in eountry or oity Nn Ul.rk fllloU..rt l.l )i..ll ll.a irullaru ami... No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en lirely iilif..ctory. Having the best sky light in the couiny, he is prepared In make Photographs in all ImioIs oi wemher. but i.ould prefer a clear duy for small chil lrcn. He if a!o prepared lo tnke new sise, or cabinet card Photogriif hs. All kin ls of picmres copied and magnified to any required sii" in 1 colore I beautilully in Oil or Water colors or In. lit ink. We pay special attention to all kiuds of out door work, suon as Landscape views nf Monuments. Maithinery, County Seen, Ac , a largo lot of Photograph fiuuiei eonttanlly on band The publio are rospeot'ully invited to eall and see our specimens and our complete arrangements for i wui pnuiuioiiB sua our onmpieie arrangements lor Photographs, speoitorm. u, .umilie. and 3. B BERGSTRESSER r-un'onry, .Inly IS, 1637. I VIM l"f Il.k' g mini'- i.mjiiu'xhwh THE VEET LATEST AEMVAtH SPRING AND SUMMER gajCttKiiattett Joseph Eyster, Ooroar of Market and Ptrortb Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites the nubile to eull and examine his elegant assortment of SUMMER GOODS, which be will tell at ereatW reduotd prlcet. Hit iock eooittu :u pnri oi ... t X CASSIMERES. fIT.OTIIS, &C-. Bilkt. Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoet, Muslins, Sheeting. Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment ot Cotton and Woolen goous generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirt. AUo HandkerchieB, Brushes, Combs. Hat nnd Caps Itoofn nnd liocii, IT in ntittrtrt mnnl' of roods will not, he is sure fail to plcace the fancy and suit tho wants of any desirous 01 purcuitsiiiR. ins iu-i v HARDWARE AND tiUibJlSWAUi!., and Groceries is large in quantity nnd choice in qualitv. comprising generally everything needed in A.- i.. ,.i.i A,il,i.r lor use or ornament. Ill UVMOtHV.M - - . . , He is ulways rcac.y nnu nina w no ins uiuiui and takes pleasure in showing thetn his goods even thouEh no sules arc mnde. Ho only asks a call, nnd is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality wm . Sunbury, April 13, 1S67. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 609 Broadway, New York. I'or I'umilU'st mill Dlimitlacturers These World-llenowncd Sewing Machines, were awarded thv highest prcniinin at the World s Fair iu London, and six first premiums nt the New York State Fair of 1800, and aro celebrated for doing the best work, u&in,; a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other muehinc, mid by the introduc tionnf the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines are made at our new nnd spacious Factory al Bridgeport. Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company. Flias Howe, Jr., the original inventor of the Sewing Ma chine. They are adapted to all hinds or Family Sewing, nnd to use of Sjeiimstrefses. Kress .Makers. Taylors, Manufacturers of ohirls. Collars, Skirls. Clonks. Mun tillns, Clothing, Hals, Caps, Corse-t. Hoots. Shoes, Harness. Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasol, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, hem. fell. cord, braid, bind, nnd perform every kpeeics of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on belli tides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and all Sewing Machines are subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Tho Howe Machine Company. 699 Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. A pril6, 1 M 07 . ".faA.Vl-B-A .'IWIaECIC. Mrs. A. TWEED, In Miss Anna Painter's Fancy Store building, Market square, .1 doors west ol the f ost '.mice, SUNBURY, PA. 1" ESPECTFL'LLY informs ber friends and the Xj public that she has ajnin opened a shop, ,'U I Market street. Suuhury. where she is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dresses, in nn entire new 1 style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. AUo Gontlemeu s shirts. Urders respectluily soltcitea. Sunbury, Jan. 3U, lSi'.T. ly IRON A lare assortment of tLc best manufac tured i'.urs Hoop. Band, Round and Fqnnre , Iron, Nail Rods, fust S'eel. lllisier . n.:n u,ni wn-.a vi...A. ir.ri, v,.iia t k'lOI. A.I 111 ,11, -..-. Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Pledge", Rasps und Files, at CONLEY A CO S. EOOTS. SHOES AND TRUNKS ! II. . 'S'lIAC'llil'.K, SrCCESSOl! to W . W . A P S L E Y . T N addition to our large stock, already on hand, we 1. aro now receiving a full supply 01 apring and I Summer goods Ut Ladiet, 'JTitlemen, Misses and ; Children s wear. Also a gond assortment of Trunks. A !ar;e lot of R. R. Bugs, Gents' fine leather Satchels. We wish ll aiilineiiy iinaersiooa mm we inirnu pining our a ,o.U nl mll nrnfite evcliisivelv for Hie ensh. Don't forget the place. Pleasant s Building, Mar ket .Vquuro, Sunbury, Pa. vni'trit,' iA,. ul,.a F.nn;P.l nl short notice. If any bought of us should rip they shall be fixed for nothing. II. O. THACHER. Sunbury, April 8. 1367. tf. faints, s is-. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, ulwavs on hand, at low pricesat CONLEY CO S J.10U Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bins, Buck ; les. Gig Trees, Pud Trees. II lines, hII kinds and every thing pertaining to the business, for sale bv J. 11. CONLEY A CO. SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVES Time. Labor. Monev. Makes WASHING A PASTIME AND MUNDAK A FESTIVAL, iold Everywhere. THY IT. Addreti all orders to the Manufacturers ZIEGLER & SMITH, Chemi3ta and Wholesale Druggists, I:t7 itot-l'li lliit'tl Mieet, I'liiTu. November 24, 18ii ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AK:) STATION EltY. Monthly Time Books Irawing Books and Slates. Cocks, Hymn Books Bunk Bonks. Memorandum Baaki Diaries, Pocke. Books. Ink Stands. Pens, a fine assortment of Paper. Ink. Ae. For sule by ANNA PAINTER. SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Borough of Sunbury, for bale, on rcasonnble terra. Apply to Dr. R. 11. AWL and, SOL. BROsIOUS, Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAFER, Potlsville, Ta. Nov. 21, lBOd STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 2D, 25 & 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN .TLAX. rpilE STEVENS HOUSE it well aud widely known X to tho traveling publio. The location is espe cially suitable lo merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city is on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adjueuut to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat aepots. The BikVtNS HOUSE has liberal aceommoda. tion for oyer 30U guests it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the eom fort and euteruinmenl of its inmates. The rooms aretpacioutand well ventilated provided with gat and water the attendance it prompt and respectful and Ihe table is generously provided with every dolioacy of the season at moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE A CO., Pron'trt. Way 85, 1867.-6u ' V SECJH DBItBOUC.Oa. Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts. Screws, Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Laichet, Bulls. Plat tering Trowels, Brick Trowdj, plusierer s Siovos, Ac, Ac, for tale by J. II. CONLEY A CO. rIRD CAGES, 11 d.ilV..ut kinds. If vnil .nl XJ good and cteup Bird Cages, gn to CONLEY A CO'S BREAKFAST 6HAWLS, "for "sale at the Fancy S'0"'' ANNA PAINTER. ' IViK""."..? Ti-W"- " SMITH 4 J uUIIER'l Kr Shop 0r 3. Wj, s-S -"ssy Jw t-" jrndlndclphfa. A Kri naUroad. BUMMER TIMB TABLH. " Through nnd dtreet route between Philtdelpbla, liiiltitnore, Harrisburg, WilHejntport, end the Ureal OU Kegion of Penotylvanta. BLEOAUT BIWt CARa en all Wight Train. On and after Monday. April 29th. 1887, the Tralnt on the Philadelphia trie Ball Koad wUl ran at followt : WllTWABD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, ' " Bunbury, ' , Krie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 7.00 pro. 2 45 a m 4.08 pm 12 00 noon ounoury " arr at Erie S.85 p m 9 45 a m 8.00 a ra 4 15pm 7.45 p m 10 30 p m 6 55 a m 11.50 am. Klinlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " Pnnhury " arrive at Lock Haven. Buffalo Express leaves Baltimore " Bun oury, " arrive at Lock Haven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.25 am 11 53 a m 7 00 a m i.00 p m A 10 a m " Sunbury, 11 arr. at Philade'lDhia. Erie Express leaves Eriu " " Sunbury " arr. at Philadelphia. 1.00 p tn 7.15 a m 10.25 am 5.40 p m 1.60 p m 5.20 a m 12.50 a m Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " Sunbury, " arr. at Philndelnhia. Look Haven Aco. leaves Lock Haven. " ' Sunbury, ' " arr. at Philadelphia Mail and Express 6onncct with all trains on War ren A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Thil- adelp'iia at 12 00 M. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 a to, and un t uv nt V on a in. Leaving Philadelphia nt 7.30 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 35 p m. All trains on Warren & Franklin Railway moke close connections at Oil City with trains for Frank lin end Petroleum Centre. BAG U AGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, ' General Superintendent. A W A K It 1 V A Ij 4 V SPRING AND SUMMER acs sacxi.iHJs9 AT THE STORK OF J. H- ENGSL, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY". JUST received from Now York and Philadelphia a large supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which be will (ell at small profits, for cash or country produce. Hit Dry Goods department is full of every descrip tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and Whito Goods at all prices. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corsels and Hoop Skirts. C J. R P E T S , Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth. Tablo Oil Cloih Widow Shudes. Plain Green and Brown Oil Clotn and Futures for Windows. . OKOCERIE S, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice. Crackers, Spices, Salt Flab, Cheese, &o. (jueenswure, Glassware, splendid Setts of Teaware, at low prices. HOOTS & SHOES IN GREAT VAIUETY. Hats and Caps, Oil. Paint, Glass, Tutty, School Books. Paper. Slates, Ac. A R D W A R K . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Strews. A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at ull prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will please give him a call. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury. April 20, 1967. "spring and "summer MILL1NEY AND FANCY GOODS. Just opening at the Store of Miss LOUISA K1II3SLER, South side of Market Square, SUNhfRi', Ta. " TIS3 SHIS5LER has just riturnI from tho J.TA cities with a choice and lr.thioouble selection of BONNETS, HATS, SHAKEMS. SUNDOWN.?, RISl'ORl, COMET, AC, of the latest styles Bnd patterns, to which sho invites the nttention of lady purchasers. Alio, Misses nnd Children Hats of diiTerent varieties. A fine assortment of Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves, Fnrs Parnsols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers, Riboons. Bel Ribbons. Velvet Ribbons, Braid, Ladies' Neck Ties Dress Combs. Head Dresses. FANCY GOODS. Laces. Handkerchiefs, Laco Collars. Zephyrs. Buttons, aDd all goods toun.1 in a lady s furnishing ctore. Alio, received nn excellent aorlment ol Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair Brushes, with a dif.-rent variety of collars (paper and linen,) and Neck-Ties. Half-Hose. Suspenders. Ac , for Gentle rcen. A good assortment of Stationery. Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further desire to please the publio, the continuance of thoir patronage. LOUISA SH1SSLEU. April 13, 1S67. NEW GROCERY STORE, Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, TA., ; T" ESPECTFl'LLY inform their friends and the j iii public, that they have opened a -rvTTriTTT f t- -t, -t-? t- J-i JZj W VJittJOJZjrv -X AND PROVISIOiN1 STORE, " n"Pr.v o nave inem can ana examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Urocery line, such as Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Syrups. Spices. Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish. Salt, Potatoes, etc, together with Soaps, Candles, Soda. Ac , and in fact everything in the GroceryanJ provision. Line. PLOT RAND FEED. Queenswnre. Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac Cull and see before purchasing elsewhere W. S FURMAN A CO Eunbury, April 27, ISP7. MILLINERY GOODS -A.XN.ID 3STOTI ZsTS. Miss ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of tl.e Post C'fiice SUNBURY, r E N ST ' A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public, that she has just relumed from the city, where she has spent sometime in making selections and purchases, and has just opened u large stock of MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings. Crinoline and Wi gans Skirling Lining, Ho?p Skirts, Bugle Trim iniiigs. Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape. Cloak Buttons, Corsets. Zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sizes. Alphabet Blocks, Ae. She flatters herself in being able to make a displav that will give entire saiistucti..n to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, May 4, 1067. SriUiNG TOTDK 1S67T M. L. LAZAHUS, VIJOULD respectfully call the attention of the I Y public to her new assortment of SFPJ1TG GOODS, In Dress Goods. Lawns. Delaines, Alapaeas, Mohairs, Ao. White Goods, Cambrics. Swiss Nainsook, Jaoonet, India-Twills, Brilliants, and a variety of Garribaldi Muslins, New Myie. Irrs 'I'risitmiu in great variety. Edgings, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Corsets, Hoop Skirls. Towels, Napkins. Ladies and Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs, Parasols. Laceand Ureenadine Veils and a great variety of Notions too numerous to men' tion. KID GLOVES of the very beet quality. M. L. LAZARUS. Bunbury, May 4, 1387. P.ESOPJ: TOTO DEED3. PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind ed that they must be reoorded, aooording to the Aot of Assembly which requires that "All deeds and eonveyancee for real estate in thit Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in the County where the lands lie witlun tx noMfisafier the execution ofsuch deeds and oonveyanoe; and everv such deed and convey enoe not recorded as aforesaid, thall be iudced FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent Surchaserfor a valuable consideration unless i such eeds be reoorded before the recording of the deed or oonveyanoe under which such subsequent purchas er or mortgage shall elaim." IjT Xhoee having old Deed will prott be pavimr striot attention to toe above. r - March ii, 1867. Great 'Attraction,' ftttha NEW TIN-WARE, Sheet Iron and Store Storo of SlfcXTE & OE1TTE2CH, Whero tbej keen oontlantly on ban- an4 Btatmlho ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IROB-W ARB of all doeorlptlona. They would especially onll the attention of pur chasers to their large ana wen seieoieu COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangement to have all their best stoves made to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected slock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vit : Combination 4n llurnrr. Cook, ejioternor Ienn Cook. "WABASH AND IRONSIDES, nnd the well known Antidust Cook Stove called SPEAll'tJ ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion- hi. rlpsiirni. unsurnasscd for benutv of finish simpli city of arrangements combining oheapness, durability ami eacli stovo warranted to peiiorm sun. mwj represented. Also, Ilie ceieoratea iiaiiiiuore r ire i -mcc diu., for beating first, second and third stories by llegislert Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING QLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp, Slmle, Clsiniiiic), nnd till article usuallv kent in an establishment of tbit kind. Thoy aroalso prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Hoofing. Spouting. Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly Ana cheaply executed. Alio: "JiaugU'a Raw llorte Super-IMtoju pliute." Remember the place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly'a Hardware Store. Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 25, 1309. Ko more Bald lhadt ! No more Gray Loclt! V St . LEOrfS' ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, is pronounced by nil who have used it the very best preparation fur the Hair. It is a positive cure for Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the Hair from lulling ont, and speedily restores Gray Locks to their original hue nud luxurianco It ope rules on the secretions and tills the gltnds with new lile and coloring matter, lhin, dead, faded or gray hair w'lll always be brought back by a few applicatitnt, to its yauibful abundance, vitality end color. It makes the hair toft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry. wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to retnnin in anv desired position. As a Hair Dress ing il has no equal. The sates are enormous and it isauniversul fuvoritt with old and young of both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States A Idress all ordcis in Z1EULER A SMITH. Sole Proprietors, 137 r-tort'i Third K., i'ltii'ii. Novemher 24, Itj6t3 . ly. .urilivi-ii t'onjral K:iilray. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and frmn the North and West Branch Susquehanna, and .Northern and Western Pennsylvania and New York. ON and after MONDAY, MARCH 11th, 1857, the Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore " Harrisburg, arr at Williamsport, BnTalo Express leaves Riltimoie " Harritburg, Elmira. arr Canandnigua, Fast Line, leaves Unitunore, ' Harnsburg, " Elmira, arr. (.'ammdaigua, Erie Express leives Baltimore., arr at Erie. Yoik and Harris J leaves York, burg Ac-:oin. ) arr. Hnrrisbur; H .10 a m 1 20 p m 6 25 p m 20 10 p tn I OS 11. Si 3 0(1 a m a m p m 12 10 p m 4 10 p m I. is 4 no a m a m 7 V0 p m S.Ci u m 7 09 im 7.10 a m 8 40 am SOUTH W A It D Mail Train, leaves Wiiiiau)sp-:rt, 8 40 a m 1 35 p iu 1 00 p iu 2 00 p t:i 1 ;o p u 2 50 a m 7 00 a in 10.20 p ra 1 05 a m 9.20 a m 1 .00 p m i t).') p ra " Itnrnsbuig, arr. at l! iltimoit. leaves C'anandaigua, " Elmira, 14 Harrisburg, arr. at Baltimore, leavrs Cauandaigua, Buffalo Express Fait Line " rimira, " Hurrisburg, arr at Baltimore, York an 1 Harris- j leaves Harritburg, burg A-eom. i arr. York. n .o p m Mail Truin and Harrisburg Accommodation North and South will run daily, except Sunday. Elmira Exfress North duily, nr. 1 South daily, except Mon day. Cincinnati Express south will run daily except Sunday. Fast Line North arrives daily ex-ept Sundays Elmira Express North leaves daily, nnd Erie Ex pr"ss North leaves duily except Saturday. For funher information applv at the Ticket Oflice in the Pennsylvania Ruilrond Depot. I. N. Df HARRY Gen. Supt. Healiner ICailroasl. S L M M E R ARRANGEMENT. April 8th, IS67. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville. Tiimiiqun. Aihluud, Lebanon, Allen town, Eastou, Ephrata, Litij, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ao. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : A13.0.I, 8.10 and 9.35 A. M. nnd 2.10 and 9 UO P. M. connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and nrriving at New York at 5 00 and 10.10 A. M. and 4 40, 5 20 and 10.25 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3. HO A.M. and 9. 00 P. M. Trains, without change. Leao Harrisburg for Mending-, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minersviilj, A.-hhind, Pine Grove, Ailentown and Philadelphia tit B. 10 A. M. and 2 !0 and 4.10 P. M., ttoppiug at Lebanon and principal wnv stations ; the 4.10 p tn. making conue.-uont for Philadelphia nnd Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Havun and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.2U p. ra. Returning- Leave New York at 0. flu a. m., 12.00 Noon and 5 00 and S.i'O p. m.; Philadelphia at 8 la a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at7. 30 a. m., returning from Raiding at 6.30 p. m. stopping at all Stations ; Pottsville ut 8.45 a. lo. and 2 45 p. m.; Ashlaud 6 Ou and 11.30 a. m. and 1 05 p.m.; Tamaqua at 9 45 and 100 and 8 55 p in. Leave Pottsville for Hnrrisburg via Schuylkill and usquehacna Railroad at 7 Ou a. ra. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading nt 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4 00 P. M . Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. M., and 6. Id P. M. for Ephrata, Litii, Lancas. ter, Columbia, Ac. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00pm., Phila delphia 8 0U A. M., and 3.15 P M, the b.60 a m tram running only to Reading. Pottsville 8 00 a m , Harrisburg, 9 35 a in, and Reading at 1.20 aud 7 20 a. m, for Harrisburg, and 11. 22 a. m. for New York and 1.25 p m. for Philadelphia.. ' Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Ticket, at reduced rates to und fiotu ull points. Baggage checked through : 80 Pounds Brggage al lowed each Passenger. 8 Q. A. NICOLLS, v.j- t ... 0entral Superintendent Reading, Pa, April 8, 1807. l.nikawaiina A. Itloomobui Kail wiun-'a. &, 'r'' r-enger Train. SOUTHWARD. , a A.M. A M. P. M. Leave Scranton, 4.50 10 00 7 io P. M. 4 40 8 00 8 17 8 50 10 15 t 20 Kingston, fl 55 11.20 a 20 " Rupert, 9 20 " Danville, 9 54 Arr. North'd., 10 35 r NORTHWARD. Leave North d., 7. 00 " Danville, T 40 " lrt, 8 15 A. M. P. M. " Kingston, 10.50 8 30 2 10 6 00 35 9 05 ai ceranion. 11 Ul O A OA 1.1 o Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scran ton, eonneot with Train arriving at New York at 4 20 lT"..m T"in "'n frc,m Scrtntonat iovAn.; ''"""humborland. rea.h lUrrtshiirg in'S? ;' tallimore 6.30 P. M., Washington 10 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7 00 p m. ... . . . A. FONDA.up't. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1807. C'hildreu'at C'urt'iugesi, WE would eall the attention of those wanting Child 'i Carriage, to our new and large aseort tent eompruving ae and beautiful style. j. u ooKtir co. NEW GROCERY. rtlHIS anbiwrlbers hei Town to annouree to trie X eitlaont of Bnnbary and it vicinity, i,hot tbcv have opened a NEW aKCCEru", Tieodocrt wM of J. n. FrujUi P.ioZ in Mirltii Stuart, " I where they are prepared to furnish every TarUty of grooeriee, and wilt ketp oocttantly on hand the ehoioett Torietlee of 4 FLOUR & FEED, Piah, Colfco, TeM, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Fait ppleres of all disonpMou, iinaps of every variety Uandies. moaing una vnewmg loimcco, sejrsrt. Hams. 6'hniilders. Ilacon, Hutii-r. nn 1 Kses Also Dried fruits of all kinds. Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Piekols, Ketchup, Pepper .Snocr, lUisiot, Lemons, Ac, of bestquality. and in fact etery tivle of articles kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ol country produce taKen in exchnng". The patronage of the pnblie is re spectfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD ACO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1365. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doors west of the Post Office. SPNlil'llY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs tho citijens of Sun , bury nud vicinity, that he will bake to orde? all kinds of CnVesl'or ICallw, I'nvtlr. Ac. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD. Twist Rolls, liutks. J tia Himr. do., and also kept on hand nii'.nafac'nred out of the best tnaleriuls All orders will meet with prompt attention. Havinir had larao cxi er.eucu I hope to itive Itenernl satisfaction to all co mav favor me w'lh . I) . I'll, L: U V" toetr rjaironniro. unuurni. Sunbury, Dec. V, lo. V. Us:, KHAKI'S Confectionery, Toy and IFPtTJT.T 3 TO Ft E Iftsrkct rsiret, 4iiii'ti.ry, la. CONFECTIONERY OF All KTNIiS. TOYS OF EVERY DLSCmV! l'.t FRUIT, &c, &c, C CONSTANTLY on hand and for iala at the nfcov". j establishment atwholesale and retail, at reason able prices. Ha is manufacturing all kinds of Confentionaries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco. Segars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds. aM a variety of other articles, all of whinh art offered wholesale and retail. tj-Reuiember the name and plica ,J"t " V ':' i !' ART. Market street, 3 :-n irX '' K V. !-irKt .t 3on' ttore. Sunbury. Sep'. i .n.--'; Deli le. s A. HK.NNLT, .tlHrltet SquBrc. WCKI'SC Y. Ist. HAVING lecently purchnsed the Drug 5iore formerly conducted by P.. A Fisher. I beg leave to inform tho citizens of .Sunbury and vi cinity, that 1 have entirely replenished my stock of 133 3!i G1T CZT. &iS AMI) such as C fumery. I nibs. Rrushes. rocket-Bonks. ?, Ter ir-i.itl. Knives. S.'issors. Conl tMl Lamr.s, Tobacco and Ci ur. i":iit!s, Oil's, tiiluo, Glass, I'ntty, Vtii-niiics.. 5:jt"it .'vls'tlu-iisr, Af. All my Tinctures. Syrup. Ointmcr's. Cerates, and olhr preparations at.t manufactured bv myself, nnd from the best material I can procure in Maikei. Having had quite a number of years' experience in the 7i:7 arid l'rerrii,tii!t jJnxi;fif, both in PhiladelpHa and the eountry. and also tho advantage of ih (VI, of Phurmic'-. I feel com petent tn tjn.ll''ii;.i ALL PRP.r-.CRIPTIONS that the Physician and public may fr.vor mo with. All my preparations us I have above asserted, are made lion, ihe ninteriel. nnd upon honor I -ssert, tlii'Vare ot oiVieiual strength. For uicdiciua! purposes. I keep ou hood very oe?i WINK-. ttat I cap j i-.-" v your owu iniU'j A NO LTQVOHS, .idheitj. cull tint cnvir.o W. A. tLNXJtTT. SUARlkV FOf.UIie RE now carrynia on business at this old estab lishment IMlli renvrte i vijor. . astiiis of every description, -prompt! v furnished to order. IheM.-.ves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the .:,.!....! r-ipiitation. Pariiculitr iiiionti,,n ,.! i MH.L CASTINGS Farmerss!i..ii! i not fin jet tint ihe Pl.'i',y. mr;t at the Sur.biir, Founfiiy have never beun equalled. Agriciiliuinl lu.pleu cuts n paiiod at short nuti.-e. hiuull iatiiis. uiciudtn C.'oki:. utensils, of tho mo-t itnproveu ai.d m-wt useliti pMien.s. The business will he e .imuo!. d un an enlarf i scale, old eusion:e.s will i eu"eou.nH.dated is usual, ard ttw aro resrertfally sxdicite.l. Sunbury. M iv lu. l;od. ' FLOUR & FEKD STORE WlOl KiAf.E tSi RETAIL. THE subs'riher respecifully informs tho publio that ho keeps constiintlv Yin hand at his new WAREHOUSE, mar th" Slmmokin Vallev Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY. Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the tori The above ! all ninniifii'tured at his own Mills, and will he mild at tho lowest essh prim t. .1 M. CADWALLADER. Sunniiry, April 1. JSf a'Oal urns t.- ii)t J.. ri OTlttl.s. are vi.i, .v rresied wiih i, r,- little ion s' An v,or , j heuris or' Uen bv tii. '.r cue.- ' jin von awakv in the morning unrefri -l d und apr rehersive If so. pro. cure at once an-j'tict t lr. Lvmn" Im ,;it Ueme lv oa yo:i win nave i.o u-wo we.-y hours ni Wiitehiiig anj anxiety Km. i. mo- ir.aT Bej-:5:Y has stool tho test of years. Toousands of nurses and mothers benr witness that it never failt to give relief it used in season 1; is a mild, yet sura and speedy cure lor Colic. Cramps an I Windy I'ains. aud is in valuable for all eon, plaints incident toTeething Sold by Druggists throughout the United States Address nil orders to ZItsiLER i SMITH X7 'ort'i November ;'4 l proprietors 'I. I liil a. 'V-s.- t.i THE to., i.s passod .! u' v 1st All April, lboi . enlistiueitl i have reeeiV' I1U0, are en .. , Ts... y -llllilt. 1 races v.- a; 4 '" : A-'t ot Cor.i.1 es? ' ' I'liialU" I!,. in. ii 'r who enliM.-d all or the Ifith.Svoi r I ve-:s. .aid served tln-ir time ol I Have teen honorably discbur Kd, R,i or.reeiiii.l,,! 0 ,W1.1VU a 1.oulllv ' ad H,,i,,,i.. -ji.'..i -d All sueh soldiers who t-n'istr.l for 3 veats and have been honorably disolmr ".ed ou account of wound, received in the line of duty, are en" ed to an addilioii.i! Bounty of tjlsjj,. J emiuea io JtJ.1'!'" 'M""r C1'il'lr''"- ' Parenu, o. such are ent. tied t u.liliiinua! Bounty f S I . By application t, s. p. W'iiLVrit ro j , f Ar, " ; '""'vania. w!;o is , nmhoriwd C'iaim Agent all no li e,,ia CMB he ,,,.dly ooHeo.,,). bunbury, Auun, Kviti if ' QOA AA AGENTS M' ANTED $11. V0J Male Vy.VFV and female, in introluee our NEW" PAlfcM, 1aR .-.III' l ii.K si-.W INU MACHINE It ii adapted lor liiinn.v u e :,r, 1 Til..rnig. It mikes a stiteh iiliki. on boih si I.-.- l"ii,.e ,iiy TH'ENTV DOLLARS Exiraordinarv indueements to Ageuls. For lull purticulan. addrese DU MONT A WILON. 30 ARCH Slteet.l'hiladclph.a. July IS, l?37.-3in FSSRS 1) C "I ' f'sir. a- : John A. Taylor, ..'U!a l.,e cirirens ot r."nl tuiving n rrT,rcd to .ii:i'lr In r ' 11 e, i prices ..,'ti..u, and re- Sunuu' . formed eo a- r ornaii mi' OntesMii of the best li al. that eannul la., tpooti'ully toiioii iktiia A An." to ' sMiLn i. IAYLOR. Sunbury, Jlaroujillouo "FINE Myrtle rcmatutn, at J, JJijjf