Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 05, 1867, Image 3

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    Etc . Sunbutfi ftmcttcau,
E. WII.VERT. I ' . , ' ' IT
N.B. KMULE, 'Publlaher.
8ATUUDAY, cictdnEU 57j807. .
Horal Affairs.
Thb Milton Car Company has couimeucej lb
erection of a platting mill on th aorth lid of upper
Market street, next to Uie canal, In that place. It
will be, whan finished, a One strwciure, and a great
accommodation to the company, aj well ej the public
Mori CotSTimrKiTS Counterfeit (20 note on
the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia and tha
First National Bauk of Iudianapulls, Indiana, are
In circulation, and enunfcrfoit $10 notes on the Third
National Bank uf Philadelphia are anid to be uuuie'
Mori Niw Oooiii. Mr. J. K. Smiok,. Merchant
Tailor, hat just received another (took of cheap and
'b'&dsome gooda, or Fall and Winter, from the city.
Hit stock om braces a full assort inout of Gents' Fur
nishing Goods, which can be purchaeed very
Tub MiLToaiAK Tableau:. This splendid calil
VJt'ion will be at the Maeonlo Hall, ia Ibis place, on
Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. It is
considered ono of the best in the country, and Is
-composed of upwards of sixty different tableaux. It
-will, no doubt, be well patronised by our cltlsehs
.Admission, 25 cents.
t'siioR MsxTisa. The Union rotors of Sunbuiy
and vicinity Intend having a grand rally at the
.Augusta Hotel, in Cuke's Addition, this (Friday)
'evening. Our candidate for the Legislature, A. It.
1'iske, Esq., and Hon. Frank Bound, of Milton, will
'be present and address the assembly. Tbo Doys In
llluo are requested to nidct ut the Control Hotel at
7 o'clock, to march !n procession to the meeting.
Every Union-loving crtiscn Is CRrm-stly requested to
w a
liiTaiRRAX Sabbath School Anmiv ansARY.
Che atuiiveraary ef the third year's ofierinfs of the
ubba!h School canceled with the Lutheran Church
of Sunbury, in behalf of Missionary operation,
took place in the Luthcrun Church, In this place, on
Sunday afternoon, 22d ult. The occasion was one
of unusual iuterest. We regret that we were not
furnished with (he proceedings lost week, and As
they have already appeared in one of the Sunbory
papers tbey would bo rathor stale for publication in
the Ahkbicah at this late day.
Tim STona which visited this plac on Wednes
day afternoon of last week was very severe in dif
ferent parts of the State. The Dnnvillo American
says that it was most terrlfio in that place Suvoral
'wildings sustained great damage, among them tbo
Mahoning Presbytorlnn Church, the steoplo of which
was blown down, passiug through tbo roof into the
auditorium and demolishing the pulpit and several
pews. The town clock and belfry were left stand
ing. The loss will amount to sovoral thousand dol
lars. Several other buildings were more or lens
Dxato ok J. II. Lova, Esq. We are pained to
announce the death of J. II. Love, Esq., whioh oc
curred at the residence of Mr. P. W. Uray, to this
niece, on Tuesday afternoon last, at the age of
34 years. Tho deceased had for some time been suf
fering with a pulmonary disease whleh baffled the
flirts of all medical skill. Ho was the chief clerk
in the Northern Central Railroad offiee for a number
of ycurs, and was well known and highly esteemed
by a large circle of acquaintances. As acitiicn ho
Mm li. l.l in hiirh recard bv all who know him. Ilia
remains wore taken to Watkins, nearKlmira, N. V.,
where be formerly resided, for interment, on Thurs
day morning, accompanied by an escort of members
.r l.n.1,. No. 22. A. Y. M.. of which ho was a
member. .
I 0. o 0. F. Tho election of officers of Sun
burv Lodito So. 203, for the ensuing term, took
ir on Saturday evening last, and resulted as
follows :
N. U., Jacob Hoira.
V. U., Andrew llicOenderfor.
Secretary, John W. Jlueher.
Assistunt Secretary, Calvin Woodcock.
Treasurer, -Levi Soashults.
1'lie following officers of Stone Valley Lodge No
64 were elected the same ovening :
' N. 11.,Eui'l Wilvcrt.
V. O., Tobias Long.
Secretary, J. liinguuian.
Assistunt Sccrotary , David Ditty.
Treuurer, Isaac Lenker.
Fob Acts or Cuaiutv and beuevolenoo, l'hlla.
delphia stands prominent auioug .her sister cities
During tho war be had .her refreshment saloons.
where thousands were fed while on their way to the
front.", in order that the good work muy
bo continued, it .is .proposed te provide Jar the Or
whans of .inany of these brave ihereoe who Jail in de
fence uf .the ulars and stripes, for this purpose the
.VVashicgtou -Library Cumpany, of Philadelphia, was
organized iu aid of the Jtivciwide Jnstitule of New
Jersey. Jlero the Orphans of Soldiers aud Sailors
in all parts of the country will be gratuitously edu
cated and .made usoful members of -society. The
just and.bonoruUloiplan adopted for raising the no
cessary funds for this charitable ohjoot has received
the endorsement .of .every one. N. F. Lightner 1
.the authorised ugenl for Suubury and viciuliy.
Jleud advertisement.
. " f - - t
, .' Editor's Table, j ... ... i , .
HaM'hr's MAOAt.iaa. We are in tenelpt of the
Detober number ef this able and influential periodi
cal. The following is the table of contents : Bobl
nette llerlops, (illustrated;) The Dodge Club, or
Italy In MDCCCLIX, (concluded;) A Monody,
poetnf Hides Through Montana, (illustrated ;)
tight Castles ia Spain ; The Old Woman who Lived
in a Shoe) Love's Logic; La Belle Franc-, a
Ulitnpse; Did He; AtWoodetde; (living Lfssonson
the Piano ; The Lost Jackson Boy j Tosdsj My Wall
Street Operation; Little Kavageot, (illustrated;)
Vint..:.' I : r.. . e i: 1 1 . , ui.....i.,i . ,
Heating at Harvard ; Luey Tavlsh's Journey ; The
Price; Kditor' Easy Chair; Monthly Record of
Current Events; Editor's Drawer. Published by
Harper A Brothers, Franklin Square, Now York.
The Atlantic Monthly. We have received
from tho publishers, Messrs. Ticknor 4 Fields, Bos
ton, Mass., the Ootober number of this exoellent
magaiine. The eontcnta of this Issue are varied
and exoellent : The liunrdian Angel, part X, by
Oliver Wendell Holmes; Themistoelvs, a poem, by
William Everett ; Ben Jonson, a biographical and
critical sketch, by the essayist, E. P. Whipple; Un
charitablencas; The Rose Rollins, the first section of
a story of New England soaport life, by Allco Cary ;
International Copyright, a vigorous and unanswera
ble (Ilea for the protoetioa ef auto-ore, and that for
tho best interests of literature, by J nines Parton j
The Flight of tbe-Ueddens, a poem, by T. B. Aldricb ;
The Throne of the Uolden Foot, by J. W. Palmer ;
The Autobiography of a Quack, part I ; Writings of
T. Adolpbus Trollope, by U T. Tuckcrman ; A Na
tive uf Jlornoo. a sketch of a colored linguist found
in South Carolina by a Massachusetts officer ; By
Ways of Europe from Perpignan to Montserrat, by
Bayard Taylor ; Dinner Spooking, by Edward Ev
erett; Reviews and Litorary Notices.
UouKT't Lady's Book, run Octobkr. The em
bellishments fur this month commence with a hand
some steel plate entitled A Passing Cloud. The
fashion-plate contuins six figures, handsomely col
ored, and are true fashions. The Farmer's Daugh
ter is one of those beautiful tinted plates that no other
magasine furnishes it subscribers. Tho next engra
ving is the picture of a young girl, who has, in the
words of the title, become A Credit to her Mother.
Two fancy ball dresses, representing a milkmaid and
gardiner ; fall promenade suit, aud nine fall styles
of dresses for children, are contained in this number.
Mr. Terry, of New York, has contributed six engra
vings of fall and winter styles of ladles' and chil
li r on' hats. There will also be found in the work
department an unusual variety of fancy work.
Among tho novelties will be found patterns of
aprons, a sutin bow, and a velvet coat. Tbe stories
in this iniiiilier have been selectod from the contri
butions of our best writers. The Safe Sido, by Ma
rion llai land, is a story full of iuterest, ami a lesson
for all. Addr'., L. A. Uodey, N. E. Cor. Sixth
and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia.
Tua I.ITTLa Corporal, for October, presents a
beautiful table of contents, always original, and al
wuy popular, pure and elevating. Now is the best
tiuio to subveribe for thii attractive Juvenile, as tbo
publisher offers to soud the November aud Dooembcr
numbers of this year free to all new subscribers for
1SC8 that are scut before the lust day of October.
Ureut inducements are offered to those who raise
elubs. Price, one dollar a year. Sauiplc copy ten
cents. Addres;, Alfred 1. Sewcll, Publisher, Chi
cago, III.
Tua Lauv'k Fhienu. Tbo October number con
tains a beautiful steel engraving called The Lace
Maker; a One douulo tashion plate ; cuts illustrative
of Children's Fashions, Walking Dress, Spanish Man-
tUla. Tunio Penlum, Velvet Jackot, New Basque
Waistband. Lady's Jackets and Paletot, Princess
Tuuie, Paletot with Sash, Little Boy's Blouse, Lit
tle Uirls' Paletots, &a., Ac. The musio is The
Wife's Dream, nud is of itself worth the cost of the
number. Among tho literary mutter wo note Unlph
K Irk wood s Sister-in-Law, by Amanda M. Douglas;
How a Woman Had Her Way. by Elizabeth Pres-
cott ; the conclusion of Orvillo College, by Mrs. Hen
ry Wood; In Love, by Helen M. Pratt; How to
Muke ax Flowers, (with illustrations,) Editorial
Articles, Receipts, tho Fashions, Ac.
ti J o I krlutin(. Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, in., can bo printed in
the latest and best stylos, and on short notice.
Orders by muil promptly attended to.
A Nkw York paper wants tbo ladles to play base
ball, maintaining that it is "worth twice as much as
this insipid, Amanda-Arabella game called 'Crow K,'
which is nothing but a mighty poor kind of billiards
on tbe grass. " Wo would recommend gentlemen to
lay aside base bull for tho season and turn their at
tention to tho beautiful styles of HaU aud Caps'
at Faust's, in Ma-kit Squaro, where can also be
purchased a superior Umbrella.
UTKRLV'a PtiOToonArua are acknowledged to bo
the best inado lu this pluoo or vicinity. Notwith
standing this his prices aro as low as elsewhere.
Dyerly's popular Gallery Is iu Simpson's building,
Market Square, Suubury.
Tn season is now at hand wheu a chango of at
tire is necessary, and the query will be with many
where to got the best and cheapest. Smick's estab
lishment, on Fourth street, near Market, is tbe
pltico to find new and attractivo goods, done up in
tbe latest stylo, and best of finish. Cull and exam
ine the stock he has just received from tho olties.
i'v. 'I
Fall The season of autumn has como again.
Season succeeds seusou, and generation follows gen
eration, but the wiso of this generation will have
their clothing made by J. O. Book, Merchant Tailor,
on Fourth street, who keeps the best of goods aud
sells at the lowest rates.
A Pkxrt Savkd in two PascaiJwtuBii," and
i On the 29th ult , at the residence of the bride's
parent, by Rov. J. Fritiingor, Javoa R. Hilbisb,
Esq., and Miss A. Amanda Zartm an, both of Jack
on township, Northumberland county. -'
On the lUlh ult., at the residenoe of the bride's
father, by Rev. 'Edwin N. Lightner, Dr. John V.
tiosH, of Watsontowa, Northumberland county, and
Miss LinaiallAROOcc, daughter uf Win. Uaueook,
Esq., of Danvillo, Pa.
Corrected Weokly for tha "American.'
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do de du perewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
de per ewt.
Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, new do
Data, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per pound
do do uo pared do
I Tied Apples, do
LTiea iberrtes, (unstoned,) per bu.
$12 00
6 00
10 00
Beef, hind quarter,
" from "
per pound,
per dotou,
per pound,
per pair
KliusuoUltt Coul Trade,
SaAMOKm, Oct. 2d, 1807.
Ton. Ctrl.
Sent for week ending Sept. 23, .9Vi 14
Per last report, 342.V44 04
l:n-or of Yoatti.
A gentleman whe suffered for yonrs from Nervous
lability. Premature Doouy, and all the effootsif j
youthful indiscretion, will, for tbe aake ef suHering
humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe
and directions for .making the simple remedy by
which he was cured. Suflerora wishing to profit by
Ibo advertiser's exporienoo, can do so by edlrieing,
n perfect confidence, , JOHN B. OUDKN,
my 18'-67.1y 42 Cedar Street, N. Y.
Is a certain cure fol diseases of the
and all diseases of Hie
whclhej existing in
from whatever cause onsiniliog and an matter of
Diseases of these organs reouire the use of a diuretic.
If no treatment is sutinitted to. Consumption ir Insoii-
ity may ensue. Our KlesU and HUhhI are supported from
thuee sources, an.l the
that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable
Established upwards of IS years, prepared by
ii. T. iii:iiiui.i,
SIM Rroadwav, New Ymk, and
lr4 Saith tutlr Street. I'hilioelnhia. V.
March t, mi. ly
IroaRiuoi cr i. liuiiOKiiis1
To same time loit year,
351.039 18
432.421 1)0
80.4H1 03
Special Not'uts.
Look at your Coat and see if the collar and
shoulders are not oovcred with dandruff. If such
bo tbe case procure a bottle of ''Barrett's Vegeta
ble Hair Restorative," a few applications of which
will entirely eradicate every particle of dandruff
and render your hair clean, rich and glossy.
Information, aruaranteed to produce a luxuriant
growth of hair upon a bald bead or beardless face,
also a recipe for tbe removal of Pimples, Blotches,
Eruptions, etc., on tbe skin, leaving the same soft,
oloar, and beautilul, can be obtained without charge
by addressing
TI10S. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
may 18, '67. 823 Broadway, New York.
AnoNO the many restorative which nature has
supplied to relieve the afflictions of humanity, thero
is no more favorite ono for a certain olass ot disea
ses than the "medicinal gum" of the Wild Cherry
Tree ; but howevor valuable it is, its power to heal,
to sootho. to relieve and to cure, Is onhaneod ten
fold by scientific and judieious combination with
other ingredients, In thomselves of equal worth.
This huppy mingling exists to a rcmurkublo degree
Dr. Wiatnr'a Balsam of Wild Cherry,
whose ralue in curing Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pulmonary Af
fection, and Incipient Consumption, is Inestimable.
From Bkxjami Esq., Depot Master at
South Itoyalston, anus. :
In the spring of IHiH I wan most screroly affliC'
ted with a bard, drv euuith, with its suael accom
panimenU of night swoats, eompbstaly prostrating
my nervous system, and producing sucn a ueoniui
ted stato or health that, after trying medical aid to
n roirnoAn. I had rriven ud all hones of ever recov
ering, iu hod also T friends. At this stage of
mutters I wis prevailed upon through the influence
of a neighbor to try Wistur's Bulsiuu of Wild Cher-
n n,l hi.fnrn ueinrr two bottle, the effect was al
most uairical. Mv coueb entirely lefluie, tine night
sweats deserted mo, hope once more elated my de
pressed spirits, anu soon 1 nan uiuiineu my u
stremrth and viiror. Thus has this Balsam, as has
iifrsu been remarked bv persons oonversaul with
tho above facts, literally snatched me irom ine
yawning grave. Y'ou are at liberty to use this for
the benoot ot tno ainicieu.
Prepared by SETH W. TOW LB BUJi, 1 ire-
tnont St., Boston, and for sale by Druggist gene
rally. Sept. 21. 4t
Si'Itoiifk'M Meuwrrd 'I'oulc.
This mcdlcino, invented by Dr. J. II. Schrsck
of Philadelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and
make It Into chyme, the first process of digestion.
By cleansing tbo stomach with Schcnck's Mandrake
Pills, the Tonic soon restores the appetite, and food
that could not be eaten before using it, will be
easily digested.
Consumption cannot be cured bv ochenck Pul
monic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made
healthy and tbo appetite restored ; hence the Tonic
and Pills are required in nearly evory cose of con-
.. , i I i.. . .. r . l uv a llL' L r
IllOU. J UUIl UOEOU IKflllUS Ul Ulfl CbA ), bbll
10 and three or four boxes of the MANDRAKE
jo 1,4.1 vri: '.
I Is manufactured from PURE
MATERIALS, and may be
. ... mouMbtinD
i uw L7Aw f aeonsiaeroa uisoiah iAm we
all Grocers.
May 18, 18(17. ly.
HKI.MItOI.D'S EXTRACT ltlXHC and Improved
Rose Wash eures secret anil deltente tlisorilrra in all their
star(es,at little expense, little or no change in dirt, ro in-(-onveiiienceanit
no exosure. It is ptotstint in taste and
odor, iinriiediaie in its action, and f;ee from all inju-
ions propenies. ntri 7 ly
Is the Gieat Diuretic.
IMm1nihr Concentrated Extract fttrniiptirilUi
la the Great Brood Purifier.
Both are prepared aerindiinf tn rules of Ph.irmnry and
tnrmiiic), ainr are ine musuiciive inaican tie rnaue.
Marco V, lt07. ly
Pat ifub yocb Patbr. Too many are apt to
rtbiuk that it matters but little whether a newspaper
is paid for promptly or not ; thut it is suah a email
dum, and is of but little eonsequence. An exchange
makes the. following sensible iremarks in relation to
tbe matter. (It speaks II. e eenlimenU of the jpress j shortcut notioe and on tho most reasonable terms.
in these times it is well to boar this trite old pro
verb In mind. We would just mention to our read
ers tbat It is our intention, from time to time, to post
them In every matter which we think it Is to their
Interest to know. As we said before, a penny saved
is two pence earned, and this reminds us thut we
shuuld advise all our friends tu pay a visit to the
Excolsior Boot and Shoe Store, in the old Dowur1
building. Murket Square
Clohirq Oi t. N. Furreo Lightner notifies the
public that he will sell bis stock of WALL PAPER
at greatly reduced prices, to make room for a new
stock, expeoted daily. t
Qii.t (also Jtose wood and Hilt; Mouldings, of all
sites, at Lightner 's Bookstore. 4t
PiiKfARi.ts .for Colo Wbatukb. In view of
the approach of autumn, Mr. J. F. Shaeffer, Mer
chant Tailor, in Market Square, bu already received
an elegant assortment of Cloths, Cassiuierea, Ves
ting, te., embracing the latest styles aud patterns,
which he In .prepared to make up to order on the
BY virtueof sundry writs of Ven. Exponas, alia
Yen. Exp., and Fieri Facias, to me directod will
bo exposoa to puijnu sine, at mo public nouse or A.
Fisher, Milton, Pa., on Thursday, Ootobor ID, 18C7,
at 10 o'clock A. M., tho following described proper
tr to wit :
All that certain undivided one-seventh interest of
a Lot of U round, situate in Turbut township. North
umberland county, and Stale of Pennsylvania, and
bounded as follows : On tbe uortn and west by land
of John P. Summers, oast by Franklin Foust, and
south by tbe road leading Irom Jill ton to Danville,
and whereon is erected a large two-story dwelling
house, a frame barn and other outbuildings, a well
of water at tbe boure, aud aa orchard, Ac, ooulaia
ins about two ucros, more or loss.
belied taken in execution and to be sold aa tha
property of Albin roust.
A Leu: At me same time and piaco, one lot ol
ground, situate in the Boroughijf Milton, in that part
of said boroueh culled Upper Milton, county olor
tnuinoerland. stato ot reunsyivnniu, and bounded
as follows : On the nortb and west by the property
of tho "Milton Car Company," east by Second street
and south by Upper Murket street, aud whereon is
ereetod a two story frame dwelling houco, frame
stable and other outbuildings.
netted, taken in execution aud to be sold as the
property ot Joseph Harris.
AL.M1 : At tnesametiuio nnd piuce. tnc undivided
one half of all that certain lot of ground.situatu in the
Borough of Milton, hounded on tbe north by lots of
Airs, llolliuan, Kicnard uowen and others, east by lot
of Jonas Kohler and Caslow, in tbe south by lots of R.
tuier, L,. ii. runic and otners, ana on the west by
the P. A E. Railroad and lots of Mrs. Uoffinan. and
others, containing ubuut two ecrus
Beised taken iu execution and to be sold as toe
property of Charles Hoy.
At the Court IIuuso iu the Borough ef Suubury, on
Saturday, Oct. 12, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following
property to wit :
All that certain two story frame bouse, messuage
and tonetuent, situate on u certain lot or piece
ground in Cuko'o Addition to Suubury, formerly in
t pper Augusta township, but now ot the Uorough ol
unburv. heinit annexed by a late Act of Assembly
said lot or piece of ground is about twenty-five feet
in width by about one nundred Icot, more or -less, in
depth, and bounded as follows : On the sido toward
the east by a street some tony or nny leer wide, and
running parallel and next tu the Philadelphia A Erie
Railroad, on the side toward ine uortn oy lot ol A
Druflhor, on the side toward tbe west bv an alley
or what appeurs to be one ; and on the side toward
the south hy vaoont lots belonging to Joseph Oako.
The building aforesaid is about (18) oighteen feet in
width, and about thirty-two leet, more or lees, iu
Seued taken in execution and to be sold as tbe
pamphlet on consumption, for bis days tor visitation. Jnj cnniriU5ior '
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two A,s0 . ',. , - vieef) of ,,
situate In Jordan's Addition to the Borough of Sha-
.or(hitiiib;l'lantl Count-
The best manure for all kinds of grain manufac
tured. More active, more durable, than auy other. It
does not exhaust the soil, bui on the contrary is a
ermanent improver. OV fcK S00 ITAUMKUS in tho
County applied It to their Spring Crops, the results
were that It exceeded their most sanguine expecta
tions. It was tested with the best Phosphates In the
country but came outjvlctorious. Farmers, use it fur
your wheat and rye.
Put up in Bugs of 200 lbs. oah and aold at f S7 per
Kino pounds, at tno lUanulaelory,
liiiNt .vliirkt't Strcfl, MuiilMiry, Iu.,
or at any of eur egonts In Dnnvillo, Williiimspnrt,
l.ewiinnrg, Muncy iMatmn, Wilton. lewart, Potts
grove, Utaumsburit. 'clin'-Urovo. Trovorton. or auv
of I lie principal towns In tbe adjoining counties.
Where we have no agents appuinted, fanners can
send their orders by mail and rely on their receiving
luimcuiaio auenipin.
We have the advantaee of Railroad and Canal
transportation in all directions, and purchasers need
r.. .
apprehend no dcluynn filling orders
J. I.
Suubury, Aug. 17, 1307.
We take pleasure in announcing to Dealers iu
Fertilisers, and the Agricultural public, Mint we
have within the past year increased our facilities for
tho manufacture of our Raw Bonn Phosphnto. to nn
extent unequallod by any other Houso in the United
States or Europe. These facilities not only incluito
the enlargement of our old established works in
l'hiladelphia, known as me -ln vvnr' litter
AscrlruUnrjil 4'lM-mit'iil Horka, but
also the purchase of extensive and well stocked works
at Chicago, III., with nil the nooessary machinery,
oars, Ac, to conduct the business. This establish-
mentalono bos produced, annually, over olioO tons
of dried Bones and Meat, and is capable of being
largely increased, n e desire, by tno closest super
vision, to onnduct these two concerns so that our cus
tomers will derive a practical benefit from their con
solidation, in obtaining a MANURE which shall
maintain a standard and unitorui quality, and at
the lowest possiblo price.
DAUUil diU.3.
Ami ilir Mid Act of AwWy.nll.. r' jal.'R
M, lt, lOTthw pf ,vi(le it follow wh t -
ifiui tiifl invptjunn air Juogt wwi '""'"I
Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors,
ff Farmers nre rccommende,! to puicliajie of the dealer
Iieutvt1 iu their i,ci,:lilKirlo4l. In leeliiins where notlea
ler is vet efKMl4iti1it.(J,the l1iosiHiateiiiayleprtKurcililirrt-t-
ly fmtii Uieeudersigtied. A I'rieeil Cuculur ill he sent
to all who apply.
0(liee Xo. 20 S. Dtlaxeare Artuue,
(!tvc) ,d M'hohm(e Aieutu,
No. 1 S t Pearl ,St., Corner ol Cedar.
'u!(iU Ayrnt or Murylnnd it Yiryiuiu,
Ho. 106 Smith's Wharf,
("eV's are prepared to Supply our Patent .V'ec
tionul Mill to all Manufacturers for grinding Bones,
uunno and ait other hard suustancca.
From rillLADELPHtA.
In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
I1INE tlold and Silver Arncriean and Hwis
' Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and Silver ware, con
slantly on hand. Hair Jewelry and MasoniB Marks
made to order.
tlold and Silver Plating done tu tho hist manner
and warranted to givo entire satisfaction.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Music Boxes aud Jewelry
Repaired and warranted.
All orders promptly filled.
Sunbury, June 1,1 Wt-
(I real Reduction iu
of rery superior
Silver and Silvcr-riittotl Wares,
Of our Own ManuDioturc
Such as Tea Setts, Urns, Ice
Pitchers, Waiters, Uubhlets,,
Cuke Baskets, Castors, ISut
Uir Coolers, Vegetable lili
es. Tureens, Sugar and Curd
Baskots, Syrup and liriuk
ingCu. Knives, and Forks,
and Spoons, uf various kinds
Ac., te., Wnrrantod Tri)e Plale, on best of nioOil.
and equal to any in tho market, of l!.o hitest styles
and no goods are misrepresented, ut
New and Beautiful Store, No. 701 Arch Street,
Ji? Pluaao call and oxnuiino our (loods before
N. B All kinds of Plating nt reasonable prices.
August 21, 18ii7. lycq
All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS.
Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ac.
Miscellaneous Books, a good assort
ment. All tho new books rocctvod
aseoon as published, ai.d for sale nt
Publishers' prices.
BIBLES. Prayer Books and ilymu
Books, in every stylo of binding. I
Catholic Prayer Books.
FAMILY BIBLES in various styles
DICTlONAIUESof ail sixes.
Juveniles nnd Toy Books, a lnrgo!
Illank HooliH d Blank
Forms of all kinds.
Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and
Nolo Papers. j
COPYIXU BOOKS. Inkstands !
Pon Racks. Files, Paper, Cutters mid
Counting Houso Stationery generally .,
and dcur. i
tlold Pens and Holders.
Pockot Books and Bill H'ullcui.
Picture Frames.
Stereoscopes and Views, American,;
French. Ae. 1
Drnwing Paper, all sizes, HnsM
mrd, Ac. !
I'inrlcs, Memorandum Books, Ac!
Backgammon Boards, (iauics, Chess
men. Ac.
Toys n large and complete nMiortnient
Base-Balls aud Huts, r inning nous
and Tueklo.
Perfumes, Broliemiaii nnd l'lirlMan
Marbles. Ac.
Oold Pens ro-pointed.
Lamps, Slmdes, 0 lobes, Chimneys.
Wall Paper and Border, all kinds
Window Curtains, Paner tiilt uud
Music und Mu.-ical Iiktrumcuu.
old by
Aug. J. ISti7. ly
'1LL.S will cure uny urdiuury case of dyspepsia.
Dr. Schenck makes professional visits iu New York,
Boston, and at his principal Office in Philadelphia,
every w eek. See daily papers of each place, or his
likenesses of the Doctor, one when in tbe last stage
of Consumption, and tbe other as he now is, in perfect
health, are on the Government stamp.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price M per
bottle, or $7.&0 the half doien. All letters for ad vice
should be addressed to Dr. Schenck 's Principal Othce,
Xo. Ij .orlh nth Street, t'hiiadeipnia. l'a.
General Wholesale Aeents: Ileiuaa Barnes A Co.,
N.Y.: 8.8. llunoe. Baliimoro. Md.; John D. Parke,
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, Chicago, III.;
Collins Bros., ht. louls, Alo.
Oct. 20, IstW. 1st w. ea. mo. 1 yr.
generally when .it aye : "Lnless tbe cash system
is exclusively adopted and ligidly observed, we
know of no business whose bill) are so diff oult to
collect This .is not because tbe subscribers are un
willing to pay, hut it is principally owing to neg
lect. Each one imagines that because his year's in
debtedness amouuts to so small a sum the printer
.cannot be much lu want of it. without for a mo
ment thiuking that tbo fruits of his entire business
Are mode up of cxaotly such little sums, and that the
oggrogate of all subscriptions is by no means an in
considerable amount of money, and without which
the publishers could net continue to issue .their
nper." .
Taiaura or Rxapitct. At a meeting of the
.School Board ef Sunbury, n Wednesday Jest, the
following preamble and resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted : .
Wba, It hath pleased Providenoe.inUiswU--doui,
to remove from our membership. J. 11. Lova,
Jt is not only fitting aud proper, but sincerely In ac
cordance with our individual sentiment and wishes,
hat a due expression of our appreciation of the
worth of our departed Mend, aud of our sorrow at
Ibis loss, should be given; therefore,
KssoW, That in the frank, asanly, straiuhtfor
. 7 ' r ,h. juii4. we recozuiiod tbi
rbcteriuo. of an bene ; in . bii reading,
ebaracwrisuo. ...... of hil BBtiei u a mem-
.chools bUvalue a. a eervant of the people; and in
b,s?, unobU..ive, humble spirit, the evidence
,f the sincere onntuau.
S ThX Jough to . it.'J.'.
. to the uitercsu of the community to lea. the
sVhVof na. .he , ight hav. been so -a h f -
urefulns, yet on; faith f
fcnowetn the esia cen in "B'" . ui. Tu
ilMhingswell," we bew uoinurminglw tota U.
..,( in i ha '-assurance dl hope sb wicuii ('
f,Ied .-y, d in lb. knewMg. tkU he x-u iu
the fullness of the pleasure of etern tf
' Ksslw. That a,eopy ef th-e rl
,o the relntivM of tb.7ecea.ed, and ee Pblibi la
Kit Loroagb papers.
If you want a new suit give Shaeffer a call.
One at Dbmijiu The great rush by the public
to see tbe uew and beautiful stock of goods, for Fall
wear, just received at tbe Coathesttal Clothing Jla
anar, Market Square, indioates the appreciation by
our eitiseu of tbe pleud id stock at that establish
ment, aud large numbers of them mny daily be seen
selecting their suits. All persons are, invited to call
and see tbe uew and handsome Fall styles, and ex
amine the Cue quality of the goods.
FaxanKM of all shales of opinion, now-a-days,
eltcad political meetings, in and out of doors a
privilege which, every American citixen enjoys. But
many a good man has been lust to the world by in
cautious exposure to the dampness uf the earth, at
tending such meetings, lu consequenoe of wearing
thin-koled boots or shoes. All eau'.ious persons
should avoid this unnecessary danger by buying
their ewota aud shoos at Tbacher s First Natiunal
Boot and Shoe Store, In Pleasants' building, Market
Or all places to get good Photographs, go to Berg-
stresser's Uallery, Third street, opjweite the Maaauio
Hull, wbere they are made. VU cards, or opo large
Photograph, fur $1.60. Duplicates, 26 to 50 ots.
inrn i
Bibqstuksbkk, Third street, opposite eh Masonic
Hall, the successful Photographer, snake pioture
in all stylos of the art. Persous are requested to
give bitn a oall befetr going elsewhere. you want cbaj and good Photograph
Bergntresscr's Uallery, Third street, opposite the
Masonic Hall, is the place te resort to. Six sards, or
o large Photograph, for $1 60- Duplicates, Site
M cent.
PuoTooarus, made from Daguerreotypes or Am-kK-type.
at Bergetrester'eUaUery, tfcirdetreet, ej
poeitetke Maaonie Hall.
Cai'tElkxp NioHTT-l'bcking eoaga, a
threat, and difficulty of breathing, are the resulU of
hard eolds. Co' Cough Valiant allay th Irrita
tloa, Aire case and rut to Ik patieet, and irei a
persBaneuv eur of ill larg and pulmoaary eon-plsdbl
OOg .11 ii r k e l Nlrecl,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years this Establishment has done bus!
nesa on the tiue Jhuee Svscem. and we believe
are tbe only .Clothing House in the city that strietly
adheres te Una aruieiple. vt e nave earueu a repu.
tation which we are. nruud of, Jor Kood taste in select'
good styles and auwtautiul .materials, aud not less
luiporium, lor uaviDg an our gwus,
W employ the'best talent, for Cutters, aud our
Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain
ao that all tastes can be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must
seo, or otherwise we could not meet the competition
of our neighbors, for as nodeductions are ever made,
we must put our prloe down to the advantage we
The people may depend, this is the true plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar can be
aved to Clothing buyer by keeping in mind
604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Nut on the Coiner, but one deur above Sixth,
Murch 3, HsflT.f j
iaa axst io aaaaor roa
In all it manifold forms. Including fleers Cancers,
Syphilis, bait Rheum, Ac., Ac., Is VII. AMDKKS' I
IODINE WATER, a pure solution of Iodine with
out a solvent, discovered after many years of scien
tific research and experiment. For eradicating hu
mors from the system it ha no equal.
Circulars seul free.
St Dey Street, New York.
Sold by Druggist generally. Sept. 21-st
And House of Mercy.
Men, ob tbe crime of eWlitude, aad the Errors, Abu
se awl Diseases which deetsey at asanly power,
and create imrieuimonU to Marriage, wusi aur ineans
of relief, beut in sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Address DU, J. Sh'iLLIN Jitst'tiUTO,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Juoeb.jaoJ. Jy
T CeMtaaiauptlveia.
The RT. BOW ARB A. WILSON will send (free
of charge) to art who desire Jt, tbe prescription with
the direoiieo for making and aaing thesiuijit reme
dy bvwbiee was cured ef a una aaecttoa ana
that dread d inane Consumption. Ill only object 1
io benefit the4etMeted, and 4m hope ewery sufferer
will uy this prescriptiua, a it will coat them aothiug,
any may pruv a blessing. Plea address
mokin. Northumberland county, Penn'a., marked
upon the plan of said Jordan's Additiou to tbe Bo
rough of Shamokin, us lot number two hundred and
titty (.o. zau), bounded on tno north by lot Jio. zdi ;
oust by Shamokin street, south by Coal alley, and
west by Joal Iane. as marked aud designated upon
the original plan of said addition.
Also, L pou all that certain otner lot in the suid
Borough of Sbamokio, Northumberland county, be
ing one of tbe lota laid out by Thomas Davis, Win.
McOarty, Josepu vt arner and Alexander Jordan,
and numbered in the original plan ef (aid town, as
laid out by the said Thomas Davis and others, as lot
number four hundred aud fourteen (No. 41).
Also, Upon all those two certain contiguous lets ef
ground, sitaate in the said Borough f takawokin,
Northumberland county, known and designated ill
the planot Hint part ol tne town or tsorougn ol Mia
mokin, lud-uut by Alexander Jordan, Wtu. MoCor
ty, Thomas Davis and Jos. Warner aa lots numbered
four hundred and thirty-six (No. 4341, aad tour hun
dred and thirty-seven (No. 437,) respectively, each
lot contaiuiug thirty feet (311 ft.) iu sunt aud one
hundred and .eighty feet iu depth.
Beised taken in execution and to ue sold a tbe
property of Joseph II. UeCarty.
At the public house of A. Ueutt, formerly Belsel
hotel, in t pper Mabonoy township, Northumberland
eouuty, Penn'a., on Tuesday, October 22d, 1667, at
1 o ciocx r. m., tne loiiowing property tu wit :
All that certain real estate, situate in I'pper Mali
onoy township, Northumberland eourtv. Stale ol
fennsylvama, bounded as follows, beiriuuinz at a
stone, tnence ov land ol 1'etcr Uuisut, norm seventy
seven dogreos west tourlecn and nve-tentbs perches
to a stone; ibence by the same nortb elKbtv-mx and
one-half degrees, east five aud two-lentbs perches to
a stone , tnence by tne same soutn eveiity-even
degrees, east twelve and nve-tentbs perches to
stun ; thence by lands occupied by tbe Odd Fellows
Lodge, south filth-eight degrees west, live and two-
tenths perobe to a stone, aud place el beginning,
containing seventy-three perches, strict measure,
w hereon is ereetod a large two story frame dwelling
bouse, barn, aud other out-buildings.
Seised taken in execution and to be aold as the
property of William H. Otto.
r v.avh.'! DVrvivv ui..;e
Sheriff's Offiee, Sunbury, .Sept. 21, lsttj'.
Iiiuid Hlur 1T Colons,
THK latest Improvement in Family Dyes, are now
for sale by Druggists everywhere. Those Colors are
all prepared in Liquid Form, with very simple direc
tion for use and are made from tbe same material
used by dying new silk and woolen goods. There
is oeiv in aineraui principle uiors jnaue, an ainer-
ent shades of a eolor can be made by using more or
leas or tAoVye matter, rriee J cenis per llutll.
Beware uf CounterfeiU, ask fur tua blu Dye, and
take no other.
For sol by II. T. FRILINU., Sunbary, Pa.
JouaaroM, lloi.tor A Cownaa, iole Aueuts.
August 11), 1847. 5w Philadelphia.
oks and Stationery nut .on hand
Insure your Stock!
4r-ut i:i-l-i-n l'l--iit e llortsc
MIIIIIU4't 4 .
8 U N U U Jt Y , P E N N 1 A.,
18 taking Policies for the above Company in this
ruiil adjoining oounties, insuriug stock of all kinds
against death by accident or otherwise.
Those httvinK stock should not fail to have it In
sured at onoe. Address,
July 27. 18(17. - tut
a VIE subscribers respectfully inform tbe citizens
of Northumberland county, thut they erenow
trepared to furnish LIMEufa superior quality tu
aruiers and Builders. Also, LIME STONE lroui
tne celebrated Lime-Stone Ouarrie uf Lower Unbo
noy townihip, at short notice aud at reasonable rates.
The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta
tion along the line of tbe different railroads wbeu
There Kilns are located at tbe Shamokin Valley
Railroad, near Sunbury, where orders will be
promptly filled.
Orders are respectfully solicited.
Address, J. B. LENKER A BRO-,
August 3, 1S67. Sunbury, Pa.
THE partnership heroinore existing between J.
W. Frilingand H. Y. Friling. under tbe firm mime
of J. W. f riling a Son, has tins day ueen dissolved.
The business will be continued by U Y. Friling,
at the old stand, the Mammoth Store, wbere ho will
be pleased to see all nbo may favor 4ioi with a cat).
Suubury, Augusta lbtZ.
ALL persons indebted to the late firm of J W.
Friling c Sou will ploasocall and settle without
August 1st, 1867.
my 11 tITlj
Williamsburg, King Ce , V Y
WILL opea on Monday, September Sd, ia the
building owned by Jra SCleaMot, and situated on
the river bank. FurtAer iuf eruatioo eaa be either
row W. J. Wolverion, a-sa., or truxa
JCLIAb rt atiNElUER, A. M.,Prineifal.
Sunbury, August Si, laX
XTCTICE I hereby gkren4o41 perUe later MCed,
FN tbat Jam H. MoCormick, Assignee ef K. A
M UcCormiok,urviriug partner of th late firm of
Hajs A MoCorwick. ha filed hil final acoouut ia
th Protboootary' Offioe, and that ejnlesi object iea
be made, on or before th first Monday uf Novtmber
uuxk, said auooiLDt willeeencrmed ,
J.J KEiMCNSii YDKK, Protk'y.
pjothoaolay t OUc, S wbury. Aug. 24, IWT
jDOTjrrr house.
J. Pi, IIAI.I IVeprkter,
Comer Ountmry anil Muck Street,
fllUIS UOrl'SE I now open tor tbe reception
JL guest, and beiag new. apaeieoi and attractive,
has all the faeilitiea and advaotogas of a FIRST
CLASS HOTEL. Th aloepuig apartmeuU are airy
and comfortable, and the turnitere enliiely new.
The Bar and Tail will b supplied withh be.liu
the market.
Th patronan of th public is solicited.
April J3, 167.
sK. A. LrMUli, Kvip'l,
t'3 All kinds of 1
iirnmlitlv ordered.
Al tne lJiu v nnd vvcckiv i-aiiers ami .ukkhiiiiw
Airnni for the "American Orann " Also for "Lu
Rose's Hair Restorative." Enamel of America, anil
'National Steam Nai igation Company.
Suubury, May 18. 1S7;
i :! t osi ii-t'iuiiii now.
ri'lvtsf ANT to on Act of Uitu ral Assfni
bly of tlio Commonwealth of l'eiiiisylvitniii
t'nthlt'4 "An Act rclutiu to tho Lloctnumtil
this C'oliimonwTalth," np)rovi'i1 tin' '.M ilny
of Julv, A. !., out' thousiitiil i-ifiht liumliril
nml thirty-nine, I, DANIKN 1JKCKI.K,
Hih SharilTof tho Comity of Korthiimlei'
lnuil, l'uniisylvnuiii, ilo ht reliy umki! known
anil Rive nn'ticu to the tloctnr of the Own
ty nturesHitl, that n pt'tiiTitl election will he
lie hi in the County of Northiiinlieilaii'l. on
the SKCONIi Tl'F.SDAV (Sth) of tK.'TO
I'.KK, ISliT, ut which timothe lulluu ing inr
sons ate to lie elected.
t)no ptmon ns Supreme Juite tor tbe
Slnto of PeniwvlvMiU.
One persim to till the office of mcuihcr of
tho House of KupicBcnt'iitivcs, to represent
the County of Northumlicrlitnd in the House
of Uepresentiitive of Pennsylvania.
One person for County Treasurer.
One person for llepistcr aud HecorJor and
Clerk of the Orphans' Court.
One person for County Commissioner.
Ono person for Jury Commissioner.
One person for Auditor.
I also hereby mako known and pivo no
tice that the rilucts for holding the uforeaid
general election in tho several boroughs and
townships within the County of N'orthuiu
lierland, tiro aa follows:
The Sunbury district, composed of the bo
rough of Siinli'tny, Last .nd West Wards, ut
the Court House.
I'pper Augusta, tit the lioue of J. Fhniij-wortli.
The Lower Auyusta district, composed of
the township of Lower Augusta, nt tlio
houso of l'eter Duuklcbergcr, in said town
Tho Northumberland district, composed
of the boronu'h of Northumberland, a! tile
house of A. J. lthoilca. mi said borough
Tho Point district, at the hounj of Mrs.
Johnson, in the borough of Xortliuniberhind,
The Iilto.'i disltict, ut tliu Louso of L
Sticker, in the said borough.
The Tuibtit district, t tho Luso ix:ciipi
cd by Abruluuu Kissingci'.
Tho Delaware dutrict, at' Sinking Spiiit
School House.
The Ci;illisiUiKjiie Iiiilrict, ut the housi
of Charles HartuiAit.
The Lewis district, ut die houso occupied
by Ueo.-gc Clmstman.
The Sliauiokiu Uintiict, at tbe luwj, of I
The I'pper Hahanuy oistiict, ut ti,e house
111 J. II. AllillllR.
Tho Little Miihiinoy district, ut the house
of widow 1-. Kuker.
The Lower Mahanoy district, ut tho house
of A. ltoailariiiel.
Tho Uush disurict, at Hie Liberty Pol
School House.
The iacki distinct, nt iie hotiso occu
pied by Ciuleu bnilth
The Coul tlistrict, Ht the house of William
M. Weaver, in the town of SUamokui.
I lie Zerbe district, ul the house ul T'.ios.
Foulds, jr., in Treveiton.
the Cuiiieron ilistrict, ut t lie house of Ja
cob Wagoner,
Till! .lordoMi UHtrK't, at the house ul Jlen-
jamin LcitM'l.
1 he Mount Ciu-inet Immui, ut tlio linusu
of Felix fjTrclt.
Tho Washuigton distrkt, at tho louse ol
Codfrey 11. Kcbuck.
The borough of ak'KweMsville. t
J. 1'iceder's. , ,
The Utrough of Turbutville, t llw lao
of Hiram Heynohla, in aaid borougli.
The Mount Carniel district, at the housa
ofFraccia MuCarty-
.orir.K IS HI' Rr.nv ei' .. ,.
lee. re i ,
, waeiaer a runniM.
lriall. "
Shlll inent hi tlm ,. iv.. ,.i .h lii li iMitia tne elecll'.
hi the ihsinot to wlrieh tlmr relellulr Nsns; before
nioe o' in the lii .inliut i the second J'ucsilay ol Or
t"l'r in eiirh all(i L.v,ii y yar, fiA Ach wl sio'I imN,v1' 'g
Imilsi,.,,,, . , Cl,.,l, W)K, ,,0 l,e a (piohtiuJ volei ol .
such district,'
Shi Tioia TMilf hut rtnurl eommtlted bv any per .
V'antfr lb the ninoner nlve prMcnPt, shall tie punralMM
as Mlitnl-ir liinitlp aie iUitl,l o. la, puliisheil by lite uiul
ui laws ol tins iJoirimoiiweMllU.,
in vaw Hie p,-ra i wl,., tthsll htivu r-:iveo the enemHl
nuliesl oooiUji , f vim s lor Insia.'ckirs slwll nm allcnd on
Hie ilnv H any elerli ,11, lin n the purs,n win. shull have
r, eiv.-.l tin- s,i',,ihI hih, m iniiiiln r ol vli tor Jmlc llm
m sl pri'i'cilniK el,, m, ii. a,al ihI as nil Inspf cloi in his
, ii, cum ine rrnii i.,vlnl JiHiee sluill ma hiii-ihI
III llltiw who rrcrvill Ihe hlth. ililinl-i ,. v.Si s,
lei I lip,.. ml a Jn.lsi, in hia pluei-; uial ll anv vai aucv
shall rtNitieae inlhr b.ut ior the a,i'ei hull un hour l-
:, "1 l" me M"'I" "t tlie elri'ln li, .
lhegiialiti.Mv...'i ,,f t,r lwllhip, wnrJ or .lislrlcl,
fm wlnrh sneli i.tTieera shnll have h,cii eluutiiit, t
Ih ihee ol I'lecll.ins, snail rkvt one ..f their MuiliUl to till
such vncniicy.
'It slum lie lite only ol anul assis -in r.-speciively to al.
Iclsl al the place ol h..ilnm i-ri y evnurnl. srivml. or
li.wnship elii'll"ii. ilinniH Hi,' uir.le lima Maul eluiH.-it ia
kept open, ior die piiip.'su oi sivnie itii .,i umiii i, ii, ill
Ihspiv'tiire mill .Jililili', vlnrn t'all. il on, m ri'liilcu l. ilia
llutll of nny pcrs ni iihscsni'iI !)' Ihcin lo vi-u al sin h t-l.c
li',11. in such otliiT imiltiTS in icl:ili'in In Ihe iifsekslnnt fif
VoIits, iis Ihe anlil iti'pcclor or Jinlc ur eilhti ol Ifirni
shall Irom lime to lime rinpiire
"No person null pc pnrnillml lo vie at :ii)' rleelion
ar.iri'Kinl.ollicr limn n w hile In e man m ivi ciiy-"iic yi-un
or morn, who shnll have resell'il In the Mule al hu l- lie
yenl.anil in the i lccli n distiirl where he nlferi, lo votn .it
htm ton dnvs innni'ili ilcly prin'i'i-noiK u, h i hi ii ami
within two euis pnlil a Slate bis, Wlili'll slinll have !: 11
aMrsacil al hurt li'il ls In I. ire Ihe li clnnl. Hut b i iii
zen of the t ii I Mates who tins prevnaisly li en u nnali.
rinl voter of tins flHle. nml Iherelrorn inid reluiii
eil.aml who shall hav. itiil'il in Ihe eh i'Ihui illslrn t liil
lianl luxes as aliiiesnnl. ahull I enlilliil 1" '"'' ' -snlcd
ill Una Male si iil"nlh. l"rov:rlc.l. Thai the in n
while ciltzcn"f Hie l Slaus lielwecil lleiifisof
iweiili -onc nml twenty two yrais ami h ive resiileil In the
eleetiiinilpsliiciB ten ilas as al'urriniit, iltill us enlltle.l
to vole iillhuueh lliev shnll hue- wi.l ll" laxee.
"No person shnll he riituleil lo vole whose name is not
contnineil in Ihe list of luSiil.a InhahiPanla Inliiishul hy
Ihe C"iniinsloners, unless, Inst, he produces a recciit
for the pa-menl, within two years, of a Stn'f or Coiinly
lux, assessed either on Ins o n uu'h or iirlniikilion, or ihe
m.lll iirairirin:ilionol imolher. lull Hint helms psul nulla
lax, or any 1'aihne to pr nliice sm h a receipt, shall make
mill to Ihe payment thereof; or scennrl, if lu-clioina ni;lit
In vote hv henii) an eleclol lielwu'n Ihe niies of Iwint
nue mult wenty-miivears. healiall ili p"'il on oath in af
liriiinlion Hint he has re.iileil m the Slate one eur next
hel'ore hisappheali I make smh prnnl "I resilience
in the ilisinclMS is rcjuiral hy this net, ami thai he does
veiily hcheve fr Ihe ni'duiuts given Join 'Inil he is uf
the aKC nlorcaiiit imdRlie hleh other evld'nw is re
quired hy Ihis not whereupon Ihe name ol Ihe peiaon ni
admitted In vote shall lie inserted iu the iirspcciur s lisl ,
and a m le made opp"ile thellin hv wrillint Ihe woid
lax," if he shall he mlunlli il to Vole hy rens-.n nl. lor
such vote slinll he culled oil! hv the clciks. who shall moke
the like note in the hst.iil voters kepi hy Ihrin.
"In all cases where Ihe name "f Ihe iM-ri.i rlainilna t"
vnte is fiiunil nn Ihe hal fumisheil hy the foinmissn nei
nnd Assessors, or his richi m vnle wln-ilu r found thcre-m
n not, isiilijeeted in hy any uunhtied citizen, ll shall hn
Ihe duly of the inspectors M examine each person nth
is t'i his fii.ihlicil i. ni, and if be chums In have resided
within tlie Stale lor inie year or uime, his railn shall ho
snrltcicut pro.: thereof, hur shall make hv at least
one conipeleiit witness, wim ahaM lie a quuhfml eleelnr,
Ihathehasreaidl within Ihe disliiet Im Hewe Uiau ten
d ivs next i nincdialelv irrrnlinrt "aid elecU"U, and sin II
also himself sweiii thai his hu residcia c, in pursn.
mice tohisiawliil eiilhnij is withui the dislru t, anil that
he dnl ii 'l r-mnvo into said tllslfiel for Uie puiposo ol
votini; thcrciu. , . t .
"l.veiy pewni quihlicl as aforesaid, and who shall
make due proof if reiiiircd, ill his residente and wyinent
ol laxesnforcKiid. shall he aihintleil In vole in thu town
aliip. ward or district in which he shall reside "
"If auv shall prevent or aitciapt to prevent an tftWr
of nn eleetion iniiler llus ncl, from holdinc such eleclion.
or use or threaten anv violence tonnrsuch noVor, or shall
inlerinpt or improperly int'irfetc with him iu the execu
tion oi his duly, or hl.H'k lip Ihe window nf avenue to auv
window whi le the saiae may he holiliiw. or rnHonsly dts
tnrhlhe peace al such eh el Ion. or shall use or practice any
iiiliundiitiou. threats, forceur violence, with ilesicn loin
fine nee iimhrl) or ..veiraw nnv eh'cJui or tn prevent him
Irom votuiti or lo real nun Ihe Ireedornof choice, such per.
sous on conviction shall he lined in any sum not cxeeeduir;
nee hundred Hollars and to In- iiuBrisom-U lor auv tunc not
less than Iwelvs monlhe. "nd it it "-hall he shown t-j court,
where the of such offences shall la- had. thai the per
son so olleuihiic wua uol a resident ol Ihe city, waid. ills
tricl.iir township, where Hie said oil. nee was ; .onun.ttert
and mt entitled Iherm. thru nn eolivicllon he shall !
I.e seiileneMt f.pav a fine tifnntlesslhiiu "nc hnmlrcl. and
uol mote than o,ie'tll, uli.d dolUira. innl he itapneHied not
lewlliau six nioulhsnor two years
' II any person or iiersons shall make auv l'l or wnper
nnoit the result of Ihe ehi'lion wilinu lhisi:oinmonw. ahh.
or shall olTcl to make nnv such hot ro winter either hjr
veilialproclaioiition thereof,. 'r uny written or printed a l-
verriseineie., . I eiute or invite any such person, to make
such hi t n wrnr.", anon eoiivicii 'ii there"! he or ih. v
hall I'oriiHl and pay tiircc times the amount to hel oi 01
I el nl robe I el. t , ..
If any i.ersn s-lmll vole at uuir iiiauuiic eiucinm
.lisliict, ur otherwiso fpiurliilrntly vote tunre than
nncn i ie sa-ne dav. or .-hull fraudulently fold an.l
deliver lo the Im-pcclor two tickets together, vviln
the intent illeailv to vnle. rise and pnajure another
to do Ai. l.o or IticV so offcn.lini?sliall. npnu convic
tion, lie fiucl in any sum not less than flflv nor morn
than Cvo iuimlre.l dollars, and ho Imprisoned not
ler" than Iliroc nor more than twelve monllu.
If anv person not qualified to vote in tins Com
monwealth to law, (eneept the sum ot
qualified cilir.cns.) shall appear at any olection for
tho purp.e -f iuin tickets or Hittuencmc; the eiti
xaDS qtinlinod to vnt. he shall, on eonvlctton. forleit
any sum not cKCedini ano hundred dollars for every
such oOcnco. and he imprisoned for uny term not ex
ceeding thi ud months "
llrgul.uiuv ll" tumt-of roli np nl nil rUninni,
in the ttrrrnl rouiitin of this Commonwealth.
Suction 1 . Ho it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Uommmiwoaltli of Penn
sylvania, in Ueuoral Assembly mot, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the sumo. That the quul
;b.i ,J i he sovcral counties uf this Common
wealth, ni nil Kene.rnL townstiiri. berounh nud spe-
1 ..Ifetions. areherebv. Iiereattw, auiuoriieu aim
May 16, K
THE Wtouslitie ef Sole Wlher, rvench Calf
skin, Morrocou, Liniag, Last, Kails, P(rs
Teols of all kinds, aad everr thingr used by the trade,
trltowry J 11 CUKUI W
required to veto, iy tickets, printed, or written, or
partly printed and partly written, awerully classi
fied ns follows : One ticket shall embrace the numua
of all iuditcs of courts noted for, and to be labeled,
outside, -judiciary;" ono ticket riiull embrace the
names ot nil ."Mule ouicenr voi.u
belcd '-Ntate;" one ticket shall ouibraoo tbe tiaiues
of all county officers voted for, ineludinR office of
Senator, uieumcr ana memo.-rs ,.i -for.
and umnVrsof Congress, if v-ete.t tor. and bo
1..1...1..1 . i.. " on., ticket shall embrace tno
names of nil township officer voted for, and bo la
beled town-mil' , one iicaev roan nu.wi
names of all borou-h olf.eers voted Uir. und b label
ed, ' borough ;" and each elas shall bo deiajsitea ih
separate ballot-boxes
A!t naiiEAa. IV -
.,...! ..An a.. I Ia n.llMllil IJ.U Bl'Ve-
l lilted .laiCi'. eniuiuu "
ral acts bcrototora passed to provide ior tho enroll
ing and calling nut the Xaliunul forces, and lor other
purposes," nnd approved March third, one thnu-ami
1 . , , ll n., who have.
eight nunuroa mia nxi) -.v. ... , , ,
deserted the military or naval scrwo ot the l.mtod
States, and who have lint 1oji dtochurged or re
lieved from Ihe penalty, or disability therein pn.vl
de.1, arodocined, and Ukcn. to have voluntarily re
linquished luii forfeited their rights of ciliv.oni-lnp.
d their right to become, aim are uepn. en
of exercising uny rights of eiiucns inercoi .
Asi WHKUKAa. i crsons noi e... i.
State nranol. under the Constitution and laws ot
1'cnnsylvuuia, uuuliDed elecl.-rs ot mis vomiuo..-
wcaltli : ,, , . , , .,
Ski Tie 1. licit enaeteit i ine iiincaw .n.u.o
at lleprcsentnives of tho I oininonwen.iii oi i nm-
svlvania. in tleneral Assou.Diy met, unu u r.u.-....y
eiiaeled by the authoiiiy of the same. That hi all
election hereafter to be held in this Comuionwealib
it shall lie unlawful for the judge vr in.-iicctors ol
auy such election to receive, or ballots, Imui
auv person oi la-rsous embraced in the prortsiow.
anil sukect tu the disability iuiaMeii by said act ol
on 'res. approved ULarcU Jjiii'i. on Uiousauil eight
hundred and sixly tive, and l thiOl be uulau lul lor
auv such person to oiler lo vole any ballot or ballots
Scti. 2. That it nnv such judge and iu.-pclors
ol oleclion.or any one of llieiu .hull receive or con
sent lo receive any such unlinvtul ol fcalloW.
frnui uny such ai,ualied .erH.u, ho or they s.. ol
tending shall he guilty of a uiiseeme.twr, w.0. nj pou
convieliou thereof, iu an, eonrtot H"''
this Coinmonweallh, he'sl.all. ZZei,
senlencea to pay a fine of not le.-s than uuuJr
dollar, and to un.lcr.oau TTX
of th proper oouuly, lore ptnou
sixty dnvs. deprived ol cllixcu
Skctwn 3. That 'an, Ml ,v
tp, and disquali al Uli cmuAonwealih,
lion, hereallcr to be IM I iu in ,n,llllw ,
vote.-r tender to li e uttwc iuuUM,aill .
vote a imlioi. or ""' 'lvltt and on cn 10
he deemeJ guilty o J r of thh.
lion thereof 'Zu IS'ale.Mi.. be punuhej
Comm-liweallil. slill. w K.dilij ee.
!" l:kl ZDZ. T. h.. olhcer,oreleeaou. re
ZiuVliuennlaaful ballot or bal .M.
kkctio 4. Thai II any peiuu t
'Tlrat every eni
W..U fc.4.1 .uy ..See . eV-V",'.",,
..f aay.y -
-uato-tt-ry ds?kiirineMi m hub
a .u auv fiiv tir im-vHixtntu
d:"il Jlere. ai"t of Ihe eU.H ail .ui -
cv, v cnuiMiesM-uer ,t auy uxM t
f7L v a.wiiueawib-''' ''"' "'
liirtlk. eiejiweiweaUk. aad ia.1 m lmn-,
JuTs-or ...vesae. .eta'tn saek eelli'm U-U'
t. tu any t t. I- ihn vowd f.
ue iieiaoll. uulirijcii oi tin..-..
no.... , r . - . -v iu-,.
uial di-uua ihed aioroaaie. j
aiiuiBjm" .I.HiUnn. bereal-
s, to me ouict. v. v - -
tbi tomuiouweaiiri. or uu i "
i.u or lutl lots.
tor to be held tu
" U, ro ad -"isny uch officer to receive any bal
'""'? ' i!.r..M,M,l Mich iwr.ili soollcti
fuir sD be guau of a in.sdou.ea.ior. aud upon en
I f,. Tlni'icof. in any court of quarter m-wiuu ot
.,c" ".L.. ..1.1. .Sail bo nunuhed iuliko luau
or sTsT' i '"i "'"" J fW,i"" of !M" "' I'
iu th. e- t enV "' "uctt dttcUoU ,UtU" UC''
unlawful ballot or ballots.
I h. election to ..peu between the hour, of 8 an I
0 o clock in th frocnooB, and halt coi.lM.ue opou
without interruption ur lj.ruiiwul iiutil 7 eioch
iu the eveuing. when the lbj shall be el.-ed
The several li.p.l"i '1 Judge ul.-ci.'J ou te
3J i riday id rVbrunry lal, In j ur.iiHl.. o of the t
wciiouof Ike act of Uie id ol July. s-ttl "''
Uie eUaliira ou lueeday, the Wh day ot He ur nen .
Tbe Ju.lgi- are to luaiie Hieir reloins tor the
eounlyol N.-rllKiuibeiCand. al the Court House, lu
SuniHiry.onr'riday the lllhol Ih tober. A 1 , ld
Uivee under ny haud aud seal, at ttuubwy, ibu
lllh davvt tH'Pleiulair, A. 1 laef.
J 1 aN1Ki4iifccjilKY. Fbeiiil.
Hiinfl I t'iio hunkmry.Sept 11 le7 -l