B.'WlIiVHRT.I-Vil V ' " .O-r, 8ATURDAV, SEPtKMBER 8,' 1W5T. V local Affairs., v Ladles' tnd Children' Fancy, fort, at John F relrV718 Arh tret, PbiledlpBla Stool, large. Road bis advertisement. Olv him sail. , . Hair, Stokm. On Wednosday afternoon Uit were visited by a severe storm, accompanied by a fall of bail. Th almosphero, in oonseqoenqe, ha become much oooler. , Rarcsa Tar Bark, an exoollent material for filling up cellar windows, during the approaching cold weather, can be procured in any quantity, free of charge, at Buchcr Bro.'s Tannery, on Sprue ttroct. Promoted. Wo are pleased to learn that our friend, A. A. Sbissler, Esq., baa beon promoted to a higher position in the Troasury Department, at Washington, than the one he formerly occupied. The oompliuient is well merited. Vi are indebted to the bunbury String Band for a Dumber of serenades, recently. The members composing the Band are known as gentlemen of fine musical Ulent, and those of our citisoni who have cm honored wi!b their serenades speak very highly of their music. TEMPF.nACE Lfcthiie. The Rev. l)r. Rcilcy, of Danville, lectured in the Musonlc Hall, in this placo, on Wednesday evening lust, on the subject of Temperance. There was a good audicnoe present. Tho reverend gentleman is an inlcreslilig and in structive sponker. ' - - - Valuable Phopshtv kob Sale. Vi'e oall at' tention to the udvtr.iteniont of Mr. Peter AT. Uray, in atiiither column, who offers iortale the valuable property!' n Valiu: struct, at present occupied by him as u residence. It is well located, and will ho a proBtuble Investment. I. 0. nv 0. F. The following officers of Fort Augusta Encampment, at this place, wero installed on M "r diiy evening week last : C. P., P. M. Shin del; 11 P., Levi Scasholti; S. W., Sol. Stroh ; J. W., llcury Clement; Scribe, Ein'l Wilvert; Treasurer, Valentine Diets. We understand that buttor and othor artioles of provisions are tnkon through this place to Sbamo kin, from Snyder and Union counties, and sold by dealers at that place considerably lower than they are sold hero. The prices of provisions should not be left to tho discretion of a few interested persons. A Fjhe Tond. We observo that our Borough fathers are keeping the mud hole, in front' of the Mufonio Hull and along the railroad, in a splendid condition for miring horses, and for the accommoda tion of those species of the feathery tribe known as ducks and geese. As cold weather is approaching a friend suggests that it should be converted into a skating park. Onorr.nr Stork. We call the attention of our Northumberland friends to the advertisement of Messrs. J. A. Gundy A Co., Grocer and Provision Dealers, in Weimcr's building, Water street, in that place. This firm have been established in the busi ness for some time, and have the confidence of the community. They are obliging and reliable gentle men, and deserve encouragement. 6tiDDE!t Death. Mr. George Miller, a soldier, aged about fifty years, who served in Co. "C," 47th Kegltneut Pemia. Veteran Volunters, and who was severely wounded at the battle of Pleasant Hill Louisiana, was found dead in bis bed at the Susiiuc lmnna House, on Friday morning of last week. He had been employed as a hostler at the hotel for Some time past. We regret to announce the death of Chas. Wea ver, Esq., of this place, which occurred on Mouduy last. Mr. Weaver was stricken with apoplexy about six weeks since, and was confined to bis bed from that time until his doath. He was formerly well known as the proprietor of Weaver's Hotel, in this place, and was a gentleman of fine qualities. The deceased was, until lately, the clerk of the Board of Commissioners of this county. . Marble Yard. Dissinger A Taylor, tombstone manufacturers and marble workers, of this place, having bought out the marble establishment of A. II. Rush, have now the marble business undor their exelusive control in this place. They are superior workmen, oapahle of turning out as handsome de signs for tombstones and monuments as can be fur niished from the leading establishments in the cities. The following persons from Northumberland county are students in the Freeburg Academy, Snyder county, for the present quarter : Miss L. J. Boachel, Trcvorton ; E. W. Farrow, Snydcrtown ; Theodoro Heck, Faxinos; H. H. Mulick, Lower Augusta; W. H. Roedcr, Shamokin J H. A. Shive and Saul Shipmnn, Lower Augusta; Geo. J. Wei ker, Suubury ; James B. Yeagor, Georgetown. The Planing Mill now being built by Mr. Ira T. Clemont, adjoining the P. A E. Railroad, on Raoe street, is rapidly approaching completion. The mill is a large sised .one, CO by 80 feet, and will be furni-hnd with the latest and most improved machinery. This is a much needed improvement, and no doubt will te a profitable one. Heretofore iiuilders and others have been oompelled to send 40 or SO roilpn for anv kind of manufactured lumber, and the establishing of s rni'.l here will not only be B great convenience, hut will prove a great saving in the way of cinor.sive railroad transportation. Otear The following la a Irst of Juror drawe for a special otirt, be hill 'la ihU plaoe oil tha feoond Hobday In Ootober.aod .also for the regular lotion, sfblsh, will (oamenee of t first Meoday ' traaiu.. oar r-uiT; roa ecroaaa., t S. KJIne, Upper Augusta; Andrew Hoover, utobury ; Beeher, dunburv; P. Machen, Shemo kla borough ; Joa. Eioericb, Lower Augusta ; J. M. Cuaaoey, sWlbamberiaod A i. Fetaen, Chilistjusy ejua; Aba. Camp, Ml. CarmeJ borough : 0. Bohner, JaJlbA.'.t. . 1 lin. 11. . Il 1 UL 1 II r mi L . I.: . . . 1 1 f. I- vpimaiBHHijj rm. arupuy, rtuso : 11. noogers, JtcbwiP, Ditnkle, Chilisqoaqu ; . T. Albright, Lewis ; T. Foulds. Jr., Serb ; t. hveritt, Delaware ; B. Siahlaeeker, lurbutvUle; . Hook, Washing ton ; R, B. McCoy, Northumberland ; Euoa Kveritt, Delaware ; Jo. Wallace, Northumberland ; D. Key er, Chilisquaqne; reuuel Robinson, Rush j Jacob HouU, Turbut ; H. Bergstreeser, Sbamokin ; 8. Bro iou, bhatnokin twp; D. Dunkelberger, Cameron) J. 11. Heller, Chllisquaque ; Wm. Sliver, do ; John Christian, Suubury ; David tugle. Turbut; Wm. M. Auten, Chilisquaque; W. Conrad, Lower Augusta; S. Moore, Shaiuokin twp ; 3. Campbell, L.Augusta. list or iCRORs roa kovember sessioh. ' ' Orand Jtirort Geo Lahr, Lower Mahanoy ; JB Newbaker, Zerbe ; H Maurer, Delaware ; J . Krawel, Shamokin iwp; Isaac Marts, Lower Augusta; John Work, Delaware ; R Marshall, Northumberland ; K M' Williams, Zerbe; J Hensy I, Shamokin twp; Geo Gaas, Suubury ; John Karchner, Lewis; Charles A Morgan, Point; Wm Deppen, L. Mahanoy; Wm Leighow, Point; D B Montgomery, Lewis; J. Kooh, Chilisquaque; Henry M'Gee, do; I. Shaffer, Lower Mahanoy ; Jos Reits, Little Mahauoy ; A Gonscrt, Lower Augusta; Lorenzo Mettler, Rush; D Wil liams, Jordan ; Levi 3 Hays, Delaware; C B Boyer, Cameron. Traverse Juror i Philip Huff, Rush ; J Weaver, Zerbe; Eli A Trego, Milton; II M Robbins, Upper Angusui; G Vandling, North 'd ; B F Kelley, sba mokin twp ; W Gaskins. North 'd ; Michael Hoaly, Zerbe ; John Waguer. Milton; D Fisher, do ; B Mo Clow, Shnraokiu borough ; J R Clark, Low. Augus ta ; Wm Hoover, Sunbury ; D Maliok, Upper Maha noy ; D X Lake, Shamokin borough ; D Sbaw, Mt. Carmel borough ; Jonas Stein, do ; 3 Bingaman, Low. Mahanoy ; 3 Trego, do ; D Heiser, Mt. Caiiuel bor. ; II Rmip. Turbutville ; G Keiffer, Lower Augusta ; L L Moixell. Clillitqunrjue ; M McDonnol, Mt. Car mel twp; Wm Maury. Coal; Evnn Davis, Chilis quaque ; Jacob Kramer, Coal ; J Liseuhart, Upper Mahanoy ; J Gilger. Shamokin borough ; H C Ber ger, Nnrlh'd; Vi Lenrch, Lower Augusta; G F Kellor. Shamokin twp; J A Hiney, Delaware ; John Bird, Shamokin borough ; Hugh Fulton, Milton ; U Grady, Rush ; J Herman, Low. Mahanoy ; 1) Uloom, Loner Augnsla ; J A Campbell, Rush ; M Latsha, Jackson; Wilson Mettler, Rush ; J M Irwin, Mo Kwensville; I Campbell, Upper Augusta ; John J Hoy. Turbut; S Lcrcb, jr., Lewis; J Risbel, Chilis auuquc; G P Kamp, Turbutville; G W Givius, Milton. Petit Jurors S Shadman, Milton; J G Smith, Jackson; J Marti, Lower Augusta; li Bitrnbart, Delaware; G J Troutmnn, Jordan ; D Dooloy, Sha mokin borough ; J W Artmun, Dulaware; J Aduins, Washington; M Chamborlin, Milton; David Swartt, Jordan ; D C Watson, Delaware ; T G Cooper, Sun bury ; John Rank, Lewis; E Howcrter, Upper Ma hanoy ; W B Ken merer, Turbut ; 8 SS Engle, Jor dan ; Johd Hoffa, Turbut ; S Feese, Little Mahanoy ; D G Kuti, Upper Augusta; C Gush, Delaware ; N Drnmhtller, Jackson ; F Markle, Low. Mnhsnoy; II D Hoffman, Washington ; II T Eckert, N'ortb'd ; I Holister, Mt. Carmel borough; HB Latsha, Jack son ; Martin Quinn, Coal ; D Frederick, Chilisqua que; J Hartlein, fchamokiu twp; S Geringer, jr., Suubury; I Miller, Lower Augusta; JohnSeiler, Lower Mahanoy ; J Caldwell, Shamokin borough ; M Strine, Milton ; S Druckemillor, Delaware ; W. Bartholomew, Chilisquaque. Sramokim ArrAlRS. The Herald, of Thursday last, says : On Tuesday forenoon, Eli Lees, while running cars under the schute at the Brady Colliery, fell upon the track in attempting to jump upon one after he had started it, and both wheels passed over bis logs, crushing them frightfully. Medioal aid was called, but the shock was too great for his sys tem to stand, and ho died on the evening of the same day. Deceased was about 30 years of age, and leaves a wife and several children. The merchants of this borough have formed an association for the purpose of regulating the credit system and protecting themselves from non-paying oustomers. It appears there are a close here who, after having obtained all the credit they can get at one store, make a practice of leaving their bills uu settled, and goiug to another to repeat the same game. The Association designs to break up this practice by recording, in a book kept for that pur pose, tho names of such porsont. and lists from it called the "Muck lint," are to be furnished each member, who will refuse credit to all so reported. If carried out properly, this system will suve our merchants from great loss, and prove a beutlil to honest customers. A Noble Response Too much praise cannot he given to the noble response with which the Wash Irigton Library Company of Philadelphia are meet ing in their patriotio endeavor to raise the required funds for the endowment of the Riverside Institute, a home fur the gratuitous education of soldiers' and sailori' orphans. The plan adoptod by the company has been subject to careful deliberation, and has re ceived the endorsement of eminent legal authority. The trustees seleoted to disburse tho money thus raised are well-known citiiena of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and their names should be a sufficient guarantee to those who would aid in rearing one of the noblest charitiea that ever thrust itself before the people. Every subscriber to the stock, which costs but one dollar per share, cot only receives a fine steel-plate engraving, worth at retail fifty per cent, more than what is paid for the stock, but is also guaranteed some present in the great distribu tion of the $300,000 worth of presents which are to be awarded to the stockholders. The three largest presume are worth (70,000. Each shareholder bus an equal chance to obtain one of the largest pre sent. Every one will obtain some present and a beautiful engraving. N F. Lightner is the author ised agent for Sunbury and vicinity. Read adver tisement. Oaaat DaaAiro. The great, rush by the nubile to the new and Uaatifal tiook of goods, for fall weir, just reoeirtd w'the tattoetttal Clotng Ba aaar, llarhatSaaara, India the fpreoitloa by .oof titltenteeT lit apleadld itaek at that establish- meit, and large numbers of diem oy dally fea) eltoUng their aait.. Ail person are Invited to oall and see the new and haeaseBi fall styles, and f an'ln h fln qnalitj of the jrJtocutt' ' ' ',' ' ; . i r ' 1 ' -.i--- - - aaaaaa of all shade of opinion, now a days, attend politioal meetings, , la and. out of doors a privilege which every Amorioan eitlsen enjoys. But many a good man has been lost to the world by In cautious txpoaure to the dampness of th earth, at tending' suoh meetings, in consequence of wearing thln-soiod boot or shoe. T AH eaulious persons should avoid thii unnecessary danger by buying thtir boot and shoos at Thaoher'i First National Boot and Shoe Store, in Pleasants' building, Market Squarei' .' -'I . . t . Thkiib la as much truth a poetry in the saying that "th apparel oft proclaims th man." Especi ally Is this true when the man get th apparel at the fashionable tailoring establishment of Jacob O. Beck, on Fourth street, Sunbury. W would ad vise all who wish a cheap Kail or Winter Suit to give Beck a call. Kbader, buy your Boots, your Shoes, or any thing you want in that line, at Miller' Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, In the old Dewart building, corner of Third and Markot streets. You gain much by doing so ; first, in price ; second, In goods being well made; third, in goods being what they aro represented. Miller having removed to his new store, has one of tho finest establishments in Sun bury. Call and see him. Trtis is tde First Moxtu or Fall, not, we hope, of our nation's progress or our individual for tunes, but of the calendar year. A fall in prices of the besutiful and cheap suits at i. E. Smiok's Met chant Tailoring establishment, in Fourth st., would be inaugurated if the priecs were not already at tho lowest. Any one doubting is invited to call and soo the garments and prices. Op all places to get good Photographs, go to Berg stressor's Gallery, Third stroct, opposite the Masonic Hull, whero they are niude. Six cards, or one largo Photograph, for $1 .SO. Duplicates, 25 to 60 els. Bkiigstresser, Third street, opposite the Masonic Hall, the successful Photographer, makes piotures in all styles of the art. Persons ore requested to give him a oall before going elsewhere. When you want cheap and good Photographs Bergstresser's Gallery, Third street, opposite tho Masonic Hull, is the place to resort to. Six cards, or one large Photograph, for $1.60. Duplicates, 2i to 60 cents. Remeuberixq I'niE.NDs. Wo have frequently heard persons wishing, after tho decease of friends, for something to remember them by. In those tiuios the best we can recommend is a fine Anibro type or Photograph, which every one should pro cure, while the price is so small, at 8. Byorly'sGol lery, In Simpson's building, Market street. Mr. B.' pictures are true to life. Cull and see the fine groups and single pictures at his Gallery. "Dos't Give cp the Ship," was the expiring ex pression of Capt. Lawrence, as he fell, pierced by a British bullet, and which urged his surviving crew to deeds of valor. Faust, tho fashionable Hat and Cap manufacturer, is determined not to "give up tho ship," cither In foul or fair weather, and will continue to supply his numerous customers with a la mode styles of goods in his line ; besides, when the clouds are heavy and betoken storm, good and substauliul Umbrella! oan be purchased at his store cheaper than the cheapest In market, and warrauted to give satisfaction. PuoTOORAi'ns, made from Daguerrcotyposor Am brotypes, at Bergstresser's Gallery, Third street, op posite the Masonic Dull. K I J II V it Y .11 A It la lri'N. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do per ewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, new, por bushel, Rye, do Corn, new do Outs, , do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unparcd do Dried Annies. do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Buitcr, -gg, Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ' from " Mutton, Chickens, per pound, per doson, per pound, do do do do do do per pair $12 00 6 00 10 00 6 60 2 li 1 25 1 15 55 80 40 26 15 3 00 3i 22 27 Hi 14 13 18 80 Shamokin Coul Trade, Sbamokin, Sept. 24th, 1867. Tout. Cwt. Sent for week ending Sept. 21, Por lust report, 11,1U8 10 031,835 14 To same time lost year, Decrease, 342.944 04 412.077 06 79.033 01 The Psuch Bvsiniss m Scnefrt. When we referred, some time since, to the peach trade in Ibis place, we bad ro correct idea, of it extent and Im portance. We have since spoken to some of our heaviest dealers in the nnicle, and find that nearly two thousand boxes have been received and dis posed of in this pU'-o by th different persons en gaged In the business. Perhaps about one-third of this amount was re-sold to the trade in the neighbor- ing towns. The remainder was used by our eitl sen. The prices ranged from $2 to $3.60, and averagod about $2 60. Had the price kept down the consumption would have been much greater. These facts should stimulate our farmer and others in paying more attention to the culture of fruit. With such a home market and facilities for trans portation the business could not fail being profitable. Th Comceet Tho Danville Choral Society, ac cording to announcement, gave a grand concert in the Masonic Hall, in this place, on Saturday evening Just. The Society chartered a oar, which ran from Danville to Northumberland, and they were brought .to Sunbury from the latter place by our steamer, I arriving hereabout 8 P. M. They numbered about fifty persons, and while here stopped at the Central Hotel. The Hall was filled with a large and re spectable audience on this occasion, and w noticed jn the assembly quite a number from Northumber land and Dauville, who accompanied th Society hither. The choruses sung by th company were excellent, and the piece rendered by Mis Jones, Miss Hughes and Mr. Eyan, were particularly fin, fully maintaining their reputation as accomplished vocalist. Mis Price, of Luseru county, performed several pieces on the piano. She certainly possess nor than ordinary musical talent, and will un doubtedly make au eminent pianist. Mr. Joseph Parry, for whose benefit the concert was given, sang .several pieces of hi own composition, and bis extra ordinary abilities as musician war fully shown ft is the intention of Mr. Parry to visit Europe, with yiow of pnu-hmg bis tuualoal aducatioo. At th aonclusioa of tb eon cert a vote of thaiks was tendered to the Society for th excellent enter tainment, and a request mad to repeat tb concert at oe distant day. Tb receipt amounted to about $160, and tbe expeurxi were about $100, leaving a bslaoce of $60. Th party returned bou tb sin vttuiog. lesving her abeut II F' H Cakd to the Public Th undersigned, Trus tees of THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, an losti tution chartered by tbe State of New Jersey, for the maintenance and education of the orphans of tbe Soldiers and Sailors of our whole country, which is being established and endowed by tbe enterprise and patriotism of the Washington Library Company of Philadelphia, would announce to the publie that in their opinion, the effort being made by that Com pany for the establishment and endowment of the Riverside Institute cannot fail of success. Their agencies have been established, and their advertise ments published throughout the country at great expense, and the results are now being realised. If the distribution were to take place, and the labor of the Company cease, on the 25th inst., an adver tised, the Institution, though established, would not have provided the means for a proper and perma nent continuance, nor could it be so extensively use ful as the public and tbe Trustee desire. After mature consideration, we have therefore re-' commended that the Washington Library Company postpone their distribution until tbe 8th of January next, and continue tb sal of oertifioate and en gravings until thut time, under the firm belief that tbe result will assuredly provide a permanent home for the maintenance and education of very many of tbe orphans of those who have died in the service of their country. Wm. B. Mark, J as. R. Scovbl, W. W. Ware, Lewi K. Broomal, Hsnur GoBsux, J. E. Coe. Trustees of tb Riverside Institute. Special Notices. Or. Mchenck'd Mnudrak 1111. ! A. Nnbatftate tkr Unl)nl. The Pills or eompoeed of various root, baring the power t rala;,ths tortio of the liver a Bcotoptl and effeotaally as bids' pHl or' aaerowry, M without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous snoot whioh often follow th use of the latter. . i'Jlrl'j jf?r . . , la all billow disorders these Pill nay "be used with oonfldeo, a they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those ebetrvwtiuti from tbe liver and biliary duots, which are th oaa of bilious affooMnns In general BCHKNCK'd MANDRAKE PILLS our lok headache, and all disorders of th Liver, indtoated by (allow skin, oeated tongue, ooetivenees, drowsi ness, and a general foeling of weariness and lassi tude, showing thai the liver is in a torpid or ob tsruuted condition. " ' ' 'v In short, these Pills may be used with advantage in all oases when a purgative or alterative medtciuo i required. Please ask for "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on the Government slump one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other in his prosenl health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price, 25oents per box. Principal Office, No. 15 North 8lh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wbolesalo Agont: Domas Barnes 4 Co., 21 Park Row, New York; S. S. Hanoo, 108 Balti more St., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N. E. cor. of Fourth and WalnutSt., Cinoinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III.; Collins Brothors, southwest corner of 2d and Vine St., St. Louis. Mo. Oct. 20, 1808. 4thA6thw.ea mo.ly. TOERINOTOn & V J A W .M i' SUPER-PU03P1IATE UONE i. ': ' i OF LIME, Till ORBAT o NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' old establish cd o.k ikh:u CLOTHING HOUSE, 4C01 .llnrket Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys;em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in th city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select good styles and substantial materials, and not less important, for having all our goods, IvVl'ltA WKL.I MAUI!. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes oan bo suited. The prices are tbe very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever mndo, wo must put our price down to the advuutuges wo promise. The people may depend, this lathe true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar ean be saved to Clothiug buyers by keeping in mind JONES ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strroot, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one deor above Sixth. Maroh23, 1807. ly TnR BEST KNOWN REMEDY FOB SCROFULA, lu all Us manifold forms, including Ulcer Canoers, Syphilis, Salt Rheum, Ac, Ac, is DU. ANDERS' IODINE WATER, a pure solution of Iodine with out a solvent, discovered after many years of scien tific researoh and experiment. For eradicating hu mors from the system it bos no equal. Circulars sent free. J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York. Sold by Druggists ceuerally. Sept. Jl-4t THE HEALING POOL. And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young 31en, on ttie crime ot solitude, and tne brrors, Abu ses and Diseases which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to Marriaire, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of l til. I t'F.'ll I1W II.il'.ltlTnxT Howard Aswuiution, rbiladelpnia, fa. June 8, 1867. ly lCri-or or Yosilli. A gentleman who suffered fur years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all tbe e flee Is a(i youthful indiscretion, will, for thesuke of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he wits cured. Sufferers wishing to prolit by tbe advertiser's experience, can do so by addresniug, n perfect enubdence, J'iii. u. uuuiuz, my 18 -07. ly 42 Cedar .Street, N. Y. " UELMBOLLVS ImTnTiiucT r" SB ttTJ6C3 JBCHICJ Is a ce rtiiln cure foi diseases of Ilia lll.ADDKH, KIDXKYf, GRAVEL,, DROPSY, (Jit QANIO WEAKNi:, FKMAI.H COMPLAINTS, CKXKKAL DKU1LITV, and all diseases of the I'RISAHY ORGANS, whclhrj existing in mli: on fkmai.k, from whuteve cause originaiing and no mutter of UOY LONG STANDING. Diseases of these niemis require the use of a diuretic. If ii'i irculinelll is submitted to, Consuinntiuii or liifcuu- ity may ensue. Our r'ksli and Blood aie suppoitcd tioiu tucsc s. lucres, auj tne HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. UELMBOCD'9 EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by II. t. iii:i-mioi,i, DRUGGIST, 6t4 Broadway, New York, and H4 !.iutri lull, r-treet, Philadelphia, Pa. March 3. ly Northuinbcrlsintl County . FERTILIZER','" .-..! ... r. ". . The best manure for all kinds of o-raln manufac tured. More aotive, more durable, than auy other. It does not exhaust the soil, bul on the oontrary bia permauoul improver. OVER 5(10 FARMERS In the County applied it to thoir Spring Crops, the rosulta were that it exceeded their uiosl sanguine expecta tions. It was tneled with the best Phosphates in the oountry but aame ou victorious. Farmers, use it fur your wheat and rye. Put up in Bans of 200 lbs. eavh and sold at $57 per . . 2uuo pounds, at the Manufactory, '. Hunt Mu-Uet Sin-eel, Sunbury, !., or at any of our agents In Danville, Wllliamcport, Lewisbiirg, Money Station, Milton. Dowart, PotU grove, Uloonisburg, Selins'-Grove, Trovorton, or any iS? pr"""P,u ,own the adjoining oouuties. Wbore we have no agents appointed, farmers can send their orders by mail and rely on their receiving We have the advantage of Railroad and Canal transiKirtation in ail directions, and purchasers need appreboud no dolay in filling orders. J. E. TORRTNOTON, , ED. HODOKINS. Sunbury, Aug. 17, 1367. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We take pleasure in announcing to Dealers in Fertilisers, and the Agricultural public, that we have within the past year increased our faoilities fur the manufacture of our Raw Rons Pbovphntc. to an extent unequalled by any othor House in the United States or Europe. These facilities not only iucludo the enlargement of our old established works in Philadelphia, known a the Dolls will's? It Ivor A(i-i-ulliirl 4'lss'tiiirnl iVoi-Kh, but also the purohaseofextensivoand wall stocked works at Chicago, III., with all the necessary machinery, oars, Ac, to conduct the busincp?. This eHlnblixn mcntalouo has produced, annually, over aurJO tons of dried Bones and Meat, and is capable of being largely inoreused. We dusiro, by the closest super vision, to oonduct tuete two concerns so thai our cus tomers will derive a predion! benefit from their con solidation, in obtaining u MANURE which shall maintain a standard and uuilb-in quality, and at tbe lowest possible price. I'.Al'uil A SONS. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGH'S SUPEK-PHOSPH ATE OF LIME. BATJQK Sc SONS Sola Manufacturers A Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. fefFarmers are recommended to purchase nf the dealer loeatrd in their neigtiliorhixHl. Ill reel inns where un dea ler Is yet established, the Phosphate may be procured direct ly from Uie uinlci silled. A i'need Ciiculur will be keut to all who apply. B.VUG1I & POX3, O'Vce iVLi. 20 S. Delaware Atcnue, Plill.ADI.LPlll A. sElecrton ' Proclamation. PUIvSUAliT to an Act of General Assem bly of the rjooimonvroaltli of Pennsylvania entitled "An Aot roUting to ties fcioctieoeef Una Oiuuuon wealth," approved tbe 3d day of July, A. D., one thousand eight hondrrd and thirty nine. I, DANIEL BECKLEY, High Sheriff of the Couuty of Northumber land, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known aud give notice to tho elector of the Coun ty aforesaid, that a general election will be held in the County of Northumberland, on tho SECOND TUESDAY (8th) of OCTO 13 Hi, 1867, nt which litno the lulluwinu Dor- Ioiih are to be elecltd. : One person as Supreme Judge for the (Mate of PtiDnsvlvania. One person to fill tho office of member of tins House of Kt'prcecntHtives, to represent tlic Uounty of JNortmimbnlitna In tho House of Kcpruaentativca'of Pennsylvania. line person tor County ireaeurcr. One person for Kcuister and Ktcorder and Clerk of the Orphans' Court. Una person for County Commissioner. One person for Jury Commissioner. One person for Auditor. I also hereby make) known and fcive no tice that the places lor holding the aforesuid general election in the several boroughs and townships witniu tho County of Xsortbum- uerianu, arn as follows : Thu Bunbury district, composed of the bo rough of Sunbury, Last and Westwards, ot tho Court House. Upper Augusta, at tho bouse of J. Furns- wortb. Tho Lower Augusta district, composed of the township of Lower Augusta, at the house of Peter Dunklcberger, in esid town ship. Tho Northumberland district, composed of the borough of Northumberland, at the Donee M A.J. Kliodcs, in suid borough. I The Point dinlriut. ut the hottee of Mrs. Johnson, in the boronch of Northumberland. Tlie Milton district, at the house of L. Sticker, in the said borough. The Turbut district, at the house occupi ed by Abntham Kissinger. The Delaware district, at Sinking Spring School House. The Cliillisiinaque district, at thu house of Charles Hurtm.in. The Lewis district, at the house occupied by George Christniun. Tho Shnmoldn district, nt the house of J. Nesbit. The Upper Mithnnoy district, at the house of J. H. A darns. The Liu lo Muhanoy district, ut the house of widow F. Kukcr. The Lower Mahunoy district, ut the house of A. Koadurmel. The Uu.li district, at the Liberty Pole School House. The Jackson district, at the house occu pied by Galen Smith. The Coal district, at the house of William M. Weaver, in the town of Shamokin. The Zerbe district, at thu house of TLos. Foulds, jr., in Treverton. The Cumcron district, at the house of Ja cob V Hgoner. The Jordan district, at the house of Ben jamin Leitzel. The Mount Cunnel borough, at the house of Felix Letch. Thu Washington district, at the house of God trey li. Kebuck. 1 he borough of McEwcusvule, at Henry J. Keeder's. Tho borough of Turbutville, at the house of Hiram Reynolds, in Bald borough. 1 ho Mount ("in nicl district, at the house of Francis McCartv. NOTICE IS I1KRE11Y GIVEN LAUGH IZK.'lTIIERS & CO, General 'hiiXcnle A'jcritu, No. 181 Pearl .St., Corner ol Cedar. XEtV YORK. CEOr.GE DUG DALE. 7si.' A(:cnt fur ?u,)njhtitd t Virginia, No. 105 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE. MD. fTirWe are prepared to Supply our Pntont 5c- tioual Mill to all Manulucturers lor grinding Runes, Uuano and all other hnrd subtuuscs. HV.c Sold by SMITH A liESTHER, Sunbury. Aug. 3. 18A7- t,v 13. rsshJ" mm glj iHSi. ass, sCfiS Inform nt ion. Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless taoe, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, blotches, Eruptions, etc, on tbe skin, leaving tbe same soft, oleur, aud beautilul, can be obtained without charge by addressing XUOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, may 18, "67. b23 iiroadway, New York. To CoiianiniptlrvM. Tbe Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using thesimple reino. dv bv which bo was cured of a lunsj aflootion and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit tbe aflliotod, and be hopes every sufferer will try this presoription, as it will cost tbeui nothing, an y may prove a messing, riense auurem ' REV. EbWAKD A. WILSON. my lR-'67 ly Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. V. I 111 IJt'l'l' .V- 1"BM Love op Admibatio is on of the strongest de sires of human nature. Especially is this true of the ladies, and especially are we guilty of the most In tense admiration for a beautiful woman. But beauty does ntt alone consist in a pretty face. It has a charm in the porfect form, the lovely hand, the bright eye, and especially in the glorious hair. Show us a man with soul so dead that the magnifi cently lustrous tresses of a woman do not excite ad miration, and wo will show you a being totally inca pable of appreciating tbe good, the beautiful and the true. "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" is universally acknowledged the only preparation whioh oontains the properties of a porfeot restora tive and delightful dressing. Its merits ara inside the bottle, not on the wrapper. Insure your Stock! l.V THE 4iJreat i:iitrii llrlX'li ve IIoi'mc I si. ftlll-lll'- o. ISAIAH S. GOSSLEK, Agent. SUNBURY, I' E N X ' A., IS taking Policies for the above Company in this and adjoining counties, insuring stuck of all kinds agninst death by accident or uinerwiso. Those having stock should not fail to have it in sure! at once. 'Address, ISAIAH S. OOSS1.ER, Sunbury, Ta. July 27. 1867. :)ui SOAP -i rniurniTJi? Tttrw TTTrinv Ureal Reduction In WHOLESALE A RETAIL PRICES of very superior Silver and Silvcr-l'latcd Wares, Of our Own Manufacture. BUSINESS NOTICES. LiTJoU rlntlne. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in tb latest and beatstylda, aud oa short notice. Orders by mail pron ptly attsnded to. Closimo Oct. N. Verree Lightner notifies the publio that he will sell bU stock of WALL PAPER at greatly reduced prices, to snake room for a new stock, sipecud daily. 4t - - a Gar (also Rosewood aadUiltj Mouldings, of all siiea, at Lightnsr's Bookstore. st Faaraaiaa roa Cold Weatbeb. Ib view of the approach of autumn, Mr. J. F. Ebaeffer, Mer chant Tailor, in Market Square, baa already received au elegant assortment of Cloths, Caasinieres, Ves tings, Ac , embracing the latest stylet and patterns, whieh he is prepared te leak Bp lo order en th shortest Datioe and oa the. most reason alls terms U yi want a nw suit Ji Cfesefler ( call Axova the many restoratives which nature has supplied to relieve the afflictions of humanity, there is do more favorite one for a eertain olass of disea ses than the "medioinal gum" of tbe Wild Cherry Tree ; but however valuable it is, Its power to heal, to soothe, to relieve and to care, Is enhanoed ten fold by scientific and judicious combination with other Ingredients, In themselves of equal worth. This happy mingling exists to a remarkable degree in Dr. Wistar'a Balaam of Wild Cherry, whose value in euring Coughs, Colds, Bronohitia, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pulmonary Af fection, and Incipient Consumption, Is Inestimable. STROXU TESTIMONY. i From Bbxjmi Wbeelbb, Em., Depot Muter at South Royalston, Mass. : 'In the spring of laiS I waa moat severely afflic ted with a hard, dry oough, with its usual aooom paoimeou uf night sweat, completely prostrating my nervous system, and producing auoh a debilita ted slat uf health that, alter trying medioal aid to no purpose, I had given up all nope of ever recov ering, as bad also my friends. At this stage of maUsrs I was prevailed upon through the influence of a neighbor to try Wiatar's Balaam of Wild Cher rv. and. before usiua two bottles, th effect was al most magical. My cough entirely left me, tbe night sweats deserted me, hope one more elated my de pressed spirits, and soon I had attained my wonted strength and vigor. Thus ha this balsam, a ha oftea bans remarked by persons conversant with the above facta, literally anaiabed m from th yawning grave. You ar at liberty to oa this for tb benefit of th afflicted." . Prepared by febXU W. FOWLS ft BON, 18 Tre rooot et , Burton, aud for sale by Druggists gen, rally tkt. 3l4t lis manufactured from PL lib I MATERIALS, and may be l.n.U.r.J Ih. STA VDARDOP $3LELLZsJ EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grocer. May IB, 1867. ly. "h l.' I Al IK 11. 1 rs KX fit ACT BIJCIIU ami linorovcd Rose Wash eures secret and delicate thunders iu aU their sluges, at little eipense, litlle or no ehanire in diet, ro in convenience and no esposure. It is pleasant in tle and odor, immediate lu us action, anu lie iroin an uiju- ions properties. inti 117 1 HhKLMUOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT 111 Cllf Is the Great Diuretic. lkhiboliTt Concentrated Extract Sarwparilla Is the Oieal Blood Purifier. Both are piepared actoidmg to rules of Pluiroaey and Ctiennsir), bimi aie me niosuiciivv uwnw March II, le7.- ly Witb what joy and gladness do the people ball th advent and discovery or Co's Dyspepsia uure. It Is a sovereign eur for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, mnA 1 1 itiMuaa of th Stomach and Bowels. AU druggists keep it. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORTANT TO H0U8EXEEPEBE. C. FREDR. FUELLING'S I,ultl Hilar Ic Colors. THE latest improvement in Family Dyas.ar bow fi ! hv DruircisU everywhere, inos colors ar ii nnard in Liuuid Form, with very simple direo. tiou for use and ar made from th aame material used by dying new silE and woolen goods. Tber .i. .i,if,,rut nrinciDle colors made, all differ ent shades of a color aa be mad by using more or leas of the Dye matter. Price ii oeota par Bottle. )j,war of Counterfeits, aak for th biar Dyes, and take no other. For sale by U. V. FRILINQ, Sunbury, Pa. jninHon. Hoi.LOwar A Co OEM. bu Ageotj. . August 10, lt6T.ia Pbiladelpbli 'tdoxjtt house. J. i. IIALI., Proprietor, Vvrmr Sunbury and Ruck Utretts, SHAMOKIN, PESN'A. rpUIS UOVEE is now open for the reception of . guests, aua oeiog new, spauivu. wu imwiu,,, ha all th facilities and advantage of a FIRST GLASS HOTEL. Tb sleeping apartments ar airy .n,t unmfurtable. and th furnitur euliiely sew. Th Bar and Table will be (applied with th beat la the market. Tb patroaag of the public Is solicited. April 13, !t)67 ... SSTVrrtl Such us Tea Setts, Vrns, Ice Pi'chers, Walters, Uobblebf. Calte Ba.-:keis, Ca:ors. Ilut- ter t'oolers. ogetnble IHili es, Turoens. .Sugar and Curd Uankeui, pyrup nnJ 1'riiiK. in -1 ips, huivea, auu rorKs, an,; .-i' ou, of various kinds Ac, Ac., Warranted Trifle Plate, o i i.ust of metuia, and equal to any in tbe market, ol tiie latest styles, and no goods aro misrepresented, at JOHN BOWMAN' S New and Beautiful Store, No. 7111 Arch Street, Philadelphia. ITSPIeaso cull and examine our Goods before purchasing. Bit u All ainus oi i luuug at reasunuuie price.. August 21, 1807. lycoj FARMERS & BUILDERS LIME AND LIMESTONE. rpHE subscribers respectfully inform the oilisens X or Northumberland Bounty, that they are now prepared to turuisb LIME of a superior quality to Farmer and Builders. Also, LI Mt) STUNK from to celebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Lower Maho- ooy township, at short notice ana at reasonauie rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the line of th different railroads when ordered. Ther Kilns ar located at in bbamoatn taney Railroad, near Suubury, where orders will b promptly filled. vraers ere respeouunv souuiteu. Address, J. B. LUNKEU A BRO., August It, lt67. Suubury, Pa. ''That every pers in except a Justices of the Peace who ihall holt) any oflire or appointment of profit and trust uu- rier Ihe Roveritinenl of the I'uiit-it ritatcs. oi ol' this Suite, or of auy city or inuorpoi tiled clulnct, vi-herlter a coimiiis- sioneu omcer or ncenl, wlio sliull lie employed miner me leuisluttve, executive -it judiciary ileiiartiiieiit ol tills Slute, or the I'niled States, or of nuy city or Incottvirated dmtrirt and also that every member of Ooniriess and of li-.e Slate tjeaisliiture. aim ot tlie select ana c-nniaiu coun cil ol any ciiy, or cointnissionrr oi any incorporated Dis trict, is by law, tncnniible of n'tluini; or exercising the o;L e or appointment of Judge. Inspector or Clerk of sny election ol this c.iniinonvveaLh, and IhJl no Inspector, Judges or anv other oiTicci of such '4cliou, shall be eligi. ble to any oifice lobe then voted for And the siml Act ot Arst-tnlv, eomlerl ";m act reitaflne to the elections ol' tins Coinmonweullli," pawed July the tio, lt, turthef pr" ices ns P'lldwii, lo wll : --Tluit the Inspectors unit -luri..-. cilsen as aforesaid. shall ineelat the respective pi'ict-s lor InluinK the eteetion in the nistriet lo wtneli tney respeeuuiiy riei"ii(( Den-re nine o'clock In the morning of the wennd Tuesday ol Oc tolier iu each mil! every yt-ar, and each of said inspectors shall appoint one cleik, who sliall be a quidihcd Voter ol such d strict ." Sfction 2. That any fraud commilten bv any person , volluir in t'te manner alxive prem-t lU-it. shall be pmuslieu us siiniiur truuos are ilii cc-lr-d to be punifched by tLc exist i iti laws ot tins t."ininoiiweio'n. j "In case the pers-in vh sliall have received the second j highest number of votes for Inspectors snail not attend on I theduy ol'uny election, then the person who shall hav-s I received the nccoiiit highest number ol voles lor Judge the next preeedjuK election, shall act as an iusnectol in his place, aud in ease the person elected Juilie shjll not attend the Inspector who received the hntht-sl uunitier of votes, shall appoint a Jndjie in hispluce; und if any vucancy shall eontiuue iu l he twined lor the space of half na hour al ter the time fixed by luw for the opening of the election, the qualified voteis of the township, ward or district, foi which such orhcers shall have been elected, present ut the place of elections, shall elect one of tlieir number to fill sucn vuenncy. "It shall be the duty of said assessors respectively to at tend at the place of holding every c,auernl, special, or township election, during the whnle lime suid eU-eliou is kept open, for the purpose of jriving informatimi to the inspectors aim juutie, wnuu ruueu on, in reiairai to me light of any peraai unsPKSed by them lo vote ut auc-h eiec tion, oi such other mailers iu iclaliou Ui Ihe SKsessment of voters, as uie sum inspecu.r or juuge ur either ot uieiu sliall iroin tune to time require. "Mo person shull be peruiilted to vote at any election as aforesuid,olher thuu a while free man ol twenty-one yeais or more, who shall have resided in the fcftate at leu t one yeai,aud hi the election district where he oners to vote ut least ten duys immediately preeeedms; such election, and within tw yeuis paid a tstutetax. which shall have been as.eb.ed at least ten days before the election. But a eitl sen of the I. tilted Slale. whit has previously been a quuli. bed voter of this Slate, aud removed therefrum and return ed. und who.hall havh resided iu theelectiou dt.lrict aiui paid uixes as aioitBuid. shall be eutitlt-d to vote after re sided iu this Mute six months. Provided. Teat the free while citizens itf the United States between tl e ages of twenty-one and Iwt-iity-two years and huve resided III the election districts ten days as aforesaid, shall be tuiliUcd to vole ullhout.li Ihev snail luiv-l paid uo taxes. "No pertctn .liaLaiie entitled to vttte whose name is not contained in ihe lim of laxattle iiibaintanta furnished by the ConiniiMioiit-is. unless, hist, ha proaucea a receipt for the pamt'iit, within two years, of a Stale or County lux. aatcMtil either on his nivu sjutti or utfirinallt-tl, ttl the obth or attirinaiioH'ti' another, bul Inut be has paid such a tax, or any luilure to produce sut-b a ret-cttt, sliall nuke oaih to Ihe p.i iHei.l thereof; or second, if he claim a right tuvote by being an elector between the axes of twenty one andtwentv-lwn years, he shull deptwd on oath oi af- firnntion that he tuts reHded III Ihe Sula one year next belore btsat-plic-Hlioti, and make sut.h proof of reiidettce in the district as is rrquired by this ael, and that he does Vellly believe from the accounts given bun hat be I. ul I h-' u. e aforesaid and give uch other evidence as is le-qiore-l by this set whereupon Ihe linine of the peis-tn so ailnntlcd In v-ile sltuit ue inserted in tne lnape-.-bir's list, andanrte made opiMta theirin by writing the. word -tnx,n if he shall beeiinittted to vote by reason ol', lor such vote .hull be called tail by the eleiks. who shall make the like notes in the list, of voters kepi by them. "In all cases where the narne of the person claiming to vnte is found oil the list furnished by the CoiBinissiiiiieiB aud Assessors, or his right ui vole wheilier found thereon oi not, is objected to by any qualified cituiii it aliall tia the duty ol Ihe inspectors to examine such person ou oath as to his qualiuealion, and if be elanns to have lesideil within the State lor one year or rume, bis oath shall lie sudicient proof Iheieof, but shall inuke prm-f by ut least one competent wiliieae, wha shall lie h qualified eleetor, that he has resided within the distliel t-u more than ten diys next inunediately pteeeding said rlectmn, und shall ali liiinseli sweat that Ins bona fide residence, lu pursu ance to his lawful oaliiug is within tbe district, and that he did iut remove into said diatritt for ll,o puip-is of votiitc therein. -'Kvciy peas'in qualified aa aforesaid, nn1 who ahall make due proof if reipiiied, ol hia residvtiea and puymeut ol' laxf-aafoif-Mid. khalllM admitted lo ViUe tn the towe ship, wnrd oc distnet III which he shall reside " "lfany .hall prevent or attempt tn prevent ail ofneer nt an ji!M.ti.m niwlflr llitti ttrl It.Htn hiildlne Such eltH'llon. I or aae of threaten any vuaenee H any such oibt er, snail mteriupt oc improperly inutrieie with aim in -. deliver to lire Inspeotor two tickets together, with the Intent illegally ro vote, rise aud prooare another to de su, be or they so jffnudingstiaJl, upon eoovia tion, be Sned in any sum not less than fifty nor more than buadred dollars, and be imprisoned not less than three aor met th tweire month. 'If any par sou not qualified to vote ia thrs Coa monwmlth agreeably t law, (exoept th sons of qualified oilisens,) shall appear at any electron for the purpose of issuing tickets er Influencing th oili sens qualified to vole, he shall, on conviction, forfeit any sum not exceeding oae hundred dollars forevtty suoh ofienoo, and be taipriauad for auy Uub not . oesding tbre months.'' i AN ACT , Regulating the mod of voting atoll oletiene, la the teveral counltee of tkf VemmonwealtA. Sectiuk 1. Be it enacted by the bouate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, in (ieueral Assembly wet, and it is hereby enaoted by the authority of the sums, That the qual ified voters of the several count!-) of this Common wealth, at Ell general, township, borough aud spe cial elections, aro hereby, hereafter, authorised and required to vote, by tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classi fied as follows : One ticket shall embrace th names of all judges of courts voted tor, and to be labeled, outside, ' judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace th names of all Slate officers voted for, and to be la beled, ".State;" one ticket (ball emtiraoe the names of all couuty officers voted for, inoluding office of Senator, member and members of Assembly, if voted for, and members of "Congress, if voted for, aud be labeled, '-county;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and be la belod, ''township;" one ticket shall embrace th names of all borough officers voted lor, and be label ed, "borough ;" aud oaoh class shall be deposited ia sepnrnte ballot-boxes Ann whereas. By th act of the Congress of the United Slates, entitled "An aot to amend the seve ral aots heretofore passed to provide fur tbe enroll ing and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes," and approved March third, one thousand tirht hundred and c litv-fh e. all cersons who has deserted tb military or nsvsl service of the United ' State, and who havo not been discharged or re lieved from the penalty, or disability therein provi ded, are deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily re linquished and forfeited their right of oitixeuebip, and their rights to become citizens, und are deprived of exercising any righta of oitiiens thereof : Akd whekkas, Persons not citisens of tbe United Statu are not, under th Constitution and laws of l'ennsylvauln, qualifier! electors oi uiis vuuiiuuu- eatto : SrcTioii 1. fin it enacted hv the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, in Uonsral Assembly met, and it is hereby euaoien ny tne auiuorii ui ,uw wium, oleotinns hereafter tn be held in this Commonwealth. it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspeotor or any such election to receive-bullot, or ballots, I rom any person or persons embraced in the provisions. and subject to tbe disability lmposoo oy sum act ui Congress, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and it thall be unlawful for any suoh person to odor to vote any ballot or ballots. Ebctioh 2. Thut if any such judge and inspectors oi eleotion, or auy one of them shall receive or oon sent to reooive uuy suoh unlawful ballot or ballots, from any suoh aisqualiuea person, no or iney on ot fending shall be guilty uf a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sesaioue of this Commonwealth, ho shall, for each offence, be sentenced to pav a fine of not loss thsn one hundred dollars, and w undergo an imprisonment, iu mo ji of tho proper county, fur a period of not loss than sixty days. Section 3. t hat ir any person aoprirca oi guuw (hip, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any eleo tion, nereutter to no note in tnia vominouwwBuu. vote, or tendur to the ofiicers thereof, and otfer to vote a ballot, or bailout, any person Bo offending shall be deemed guilty ot a misdomeunor, and ou oonvio tion thereof, in any court of quarter Be-iions of tins Commonwealth, shall, for anoli oflence. be punished in like manner as is provided in the preceding sec tion of this act, in the case of olhcersof elections re ceiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Section 4. That if any peison shall persuade, or advise ny person, or persons, deprived of ciiixen ihip, and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any bal lot or ballot, to tho officers of any election, heresf ter to be held in this Commonwealth, or thall par sus.de or advise any such officer to receive any ballot or ballots, from any person deprived of cilueiiship, and disqualified ns aforesaid, snob person so oflcna ing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upuu oou viction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall be punched in like man ner as is provided in the second seoiion of this act, in the ease ot' officers of such election reueivuig such unlawful ballot or ballots. The election to open between the hours of 8 and !0 o'clock In the forenoon, and sliall continue open without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evcuing, when the pulls shall be closed. The severnl Inspectors and Judges elected on the 3d Friday of Fobrunry last, in pursuance of the 3d seotion of theucf of tho 2d of July, leliO, wiil hold the election on Tuesday, tho8thday of October next. The Judires are to make their returns tor the county of Northumberland, at the Court House, in Sunbury, ou Friday, the 11th of October, A. D., 1S8S. Given under my hand and seal, at Sunbury, this 1 1 tb day of September. A. 1). 17. DANIEL BECKLEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's OS.:. Suubury, Sept. II, 1S67.-31 jascant kiuds of FCHOOL B4VSB BOOKS, All Sli. Pens. Ink. Paner. Ac. I Miscellaneous Books, a good assort-; ment. All the now books received as soon as published, ELd for sale at i Publishers prices. I BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hyuin! Books, iu very style of binding. j Catholio Prayer Books. j FAMILY BIBLES in various styles j DICTlONARlESof all sires. i Juveniles and Toy Book, a largci assurUueut j flank Itooka d Blank; Forms of all kind'. j Foolscap, Legul Cap, Letter andl Note Papers. COPYINd BOOKS, Inkstands Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutters and Counting House btauoucry gonoraity ALBUMS cheap PHOTOGRAPH and dear. (old Pens and Holders. Pocket Books and Bill Wallets. Picture Fruiues. I fcStereotenpes and Views, American. French. Ac. ' Druwiug Pupcr, all sizes, Bristol Board. Ac. Diaries, Memorandum Books. Ao.l Backgammon Boards, Games, Cheas-j men, Ac. ! Toys a large nd complete assortment, Bane-Balls and Bats. Fishing Rods and Tackle. I Perfumes, Brohumian and Parisian Marbles. Au. i Gold Pens re-pointed. I Lamps, bhsdea, Globes, Chimnoys,. Ac ' Wall Taper and Border, all kinds.. Window curtains, raper unv auu Oiled. Musis and Musical InitrumeuU. e tr1 M O a a to w ri ts o o w 09 i O (0 f K e to K ts n 09 t w a 55 tfl C w K "hi All kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. All the I'aily and.Weekly Papers and Magaunee Agent for the "American Organ." A.so tor "La Hose's Hair Restortttive." Enamel of America, aud "National KteHin Navigation Company." Suubury, May IS. Iwt7. CHOICE F KIT IT k 0 UN A MENT All S&8B8. BENJ. BOHNKR, Heuler in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn lh from the most rsspoiifiblo Nurseries in this and other htatos, first class TREES of all kinds AUo, Hhrubbcry, Vines and Pluuts. Garden boeds of all kinds. Orders ar ronpootlully solicited. Address MKNJ- MllSm. I'axtnus, North d. Co. fV N. B lusurauce taken in several of tne nio.1 responsible Fire Insurance and Horse IletoeUv Compauiea in tb btuto June 8, 17. y DISSOLUTION OF PARTNEKSUIP. THE naru.ershin heretofore existing between J. W. Friiing aud II. Y. Filling, under th Brm nam of J. W. Friiing A Son, has this day been diawdved. Tb business wri r.e coniinuoi vju.i. rnuug, at tbe old stand, the Mammoth btore, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor hira with a oall. r I U' I'llTI tVil Jl. Y. FUlLINii. Suubury, August 1 1SS7. A LLnareons indebted to th lata firm of J i FriliBg A bou will pleas oall and setll without de- . ... . . J vi t it in. mi av AujUft 1st. Ml. lirw of his duly, or blttck up the window oceveaoe to any wiitdow wkeie tbe saiae may be k..l.lii.f . of nmoualy trh turh Ihe peace at such elect uui, or shall u "C praet ice any btllinidauon, thirals.foreaor violence, with de.iut in fluence unduly or ovetrawe any el-euu or lu prett-ul hire frtan v-tllna or to reetruni ihe irredoin ot ch-uee. sui-a per sons nu e-tiivielioo shall la? Sued in uuy sum u. ei.-eedu.s; See hundred d ollar, and lo he imprisoned lor anv Ion IK le.. than twelve mouths, and if il shall he showu l. court, where Ih. tilal suck ia1et.ee. shall bad, that the p.' tin au otTendint was im s re.idei.1 of the ell) , wa.d, dis let.or t,w...hip. where Ih. .id tTe.ie. was C-mim tied aildivx euiuled thwein, theu on fitvirtuw he shall he b nteneed u. p-y a Sue ef lesslh.n oi.e hunAied and n. nvue than one Uvusand Atllurs, and bs imHisouul it-H Icm than ata uimiUuiiior in tra lliail iws ' "If anv perain or person. - -', ' " -, , amHi Ihe resuk of Ihe aleetton withm this iounonweallh, j or ahau oHec to make auv such bet or wagor, eithei lw I veihal arorlaiiiali.iii thereof, oc any written or printed ad- . verlt-wmeiit. challenge ot invile any aueb peiatnia to mat. 1 such Itet or w(t', uoou ennviciinii there.il he thev .hull fttrfeil and pay lines time tbe aiuouut to let ui of. feted to be tel. , , I "If any person shall vote at more than on election district, or otherwise fraudulently vole uiru than vac ou th sam day, ur hall fraudulently (old aud 1 T. S. SHANNON, Practical Watchmaker JEWELEB, Prom PHILADELPHIA. In Simpaun's Building, Muikat eV,unre, STJXTSTJB.7. PSITlT'jft. 1.11NK Gold ntt .Silver Auieruan aud bwis ' Watches. Clocks, Jewelry aud Oliver war, con stantly on band, ttair Jewelry and Masonic Mark made to order. Gold aud Sil-r Plating doue in th best manner and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Fin Watches, Clocks, Mu.io Boa aud Jewelry Rcuaired and arranlel All orders promptly filled bunbury, Jun 1, 1nJ7 iieiTdic "iFousi" :. ... ( ! , fcup't, WILLIAMSPORT. PA. May lttiT.- tiui