Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 21, 1867, Image 3

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    gfte -giffltmrg American.
N. H. ENOJuE, I Publisher!.
Eoral Affairs.
A AcciDENt. On Tuesday evening last ' young
man named William Williams, while employed la
unloading goodi at the freight warehouse of the
Empire Lint, on Third street, bad hit arm badly
fractured by a heavy box falling on It. Ilis wounds
war droned by Dr. I. W. Sblndel
LiCTCBi on TcMpKRARCt. We ar requested to
announoa that Uio Rev. Dr. McKrudree Kiley, of
Danville, will deliver a fre lecture on the subject
of Temperance, in the Masonlo Hull, ou Wednesday
evening, September 20 Ih. All aro invited to at
tend. Dr. Uiley la said to be one of the best lectur
er! in the State.
RrjKAWAT. On Monday last two horses, attached
to a wagon, tore loose from their fastening, at the
cireui ground, and came dashing through Market
etroet at a fearful speed. Tbey were luddenly
stopped, by running agaiust the Washington Uouae,
completely stripping them of their harness, but es
caped uninjured.
Tna Briwerv. We observe that Joseph Bauher,
proprietor of the Cold Spring Brewery, at this place,
is determined to supply bis numerous customers
with a good article of bocr. Having proourcd the
cervices of two Philadelphia brewers, be is now ser
ving oustomers with beer superior to any that has
been bronght to this section of country. lie has also
made additions to his establishment, and is now
brewing ale and porter, whloh Is pronounced a No. 1
article. Bee adrertisoment.
Fins Stoksj Room. Decidedly one of the neatest
storo rooms In Sunbury is the one jest fitted up by
M m. II. Miller, in tho building formerly owned and
occupied by Mnj. Dcwart, at the corner of Third
iind Market streets. Mr. Miller purchased the pro
perty some timo since, with a view of converting
the lower story into store rooms, llo has recently
moved his Exocleior Boot and Shoe Store into tho
room prepared for it, and with the elegant plate
gloss window his new quarters has the appearance
of a city establishment. We are pleased to notice
bo suoccss of one of our most enterprising citizens.
1'olicb Affairs. A disgraceful fight took place
on Saturday night last, In front of tho Masonic Hall,
between a party of men who had imbibed too freely.
Fists were freely used and several knock-downs
occurred. We think that an efficient police forco
could find plonty of employment here, as rowdyism
eoctus to be increasing to an alarming extent.
We (earn that a fight took plane on Sunday after
noon, on Front strcot, botweou a party of females,
residents of that street. Besides the cboico epithets
freely applied to ouch other, and ono of the parties
having the clothing noarly all torn from her person,
no damage was sustained. We did not learn the
cause of the disturbance.
Thayer A Noves' Ciiicuii exhibited at this placo
on Monday last. On account of the exorbitant Bo
rough tax imposed upon exhibitions of this charac
ter they wero compollod to pitch their tout out in
Furdy's addition, just outside of the Borough lim
its. It was woll patrouiioj, both in the afternoon
and evening, and tho pcrforuionoos gave general sat
isfaction. The lion tamer, Charles White, who had
the terrible encounter with ono of the lions at Ro
chester, N. Y., on tho 4th of July last, was present,
and attracted considorablo attention.
The Persecuted Christians in Turkey. Rov.
Arthur Bogdan, a nativo of Turkey, preached on
Sunday lost, in tho morning nt the Gorman Reform
ed Church, and in the evening in the Lutheran
Church. His sermon, or rather subject, was "Tbe
Persecuted Christians in Turkey and their Struggles
for Christian Liberty." Both churches wero filled
to hear tho discourse of the reverend gentleman,
who gave an Interesting account of the horrible bar
baritios perpetrated upon tho Cretans by tbe Turk
fell soldiery. He criticised tho actions of tho Eng
lish and Frcnoh governments very severely for not
interfering in the behulf of his unfortunate people,
but stated that thrco Amorican men-of-war aro now
cn route to protect them in their struggle for liberty
and Christianity. Ilis remarks wero listened to with
marked attention by tho largo congregation?, and
bis recital of tho persecutions to which the Cretans
have been cubjectod elicited a groat deal of sympa
thy for thorn. Tho rovcrond gontleman is employed
by tho Crolun government to solicit aid for tho star
ving women aud children of that country. A con
tribution was given ut both churches for that pur
pose Si'BDEN Death of a Clergyman. We regret to
stato that Rev. Mr. Anderson, minister of tbe Meth
odist Church at this place, was suddenly stricken
with apoplexy on Sunday evening last, at Snyder
town, llo had preached three timoa during the
day, and on his way from tho church, about 9 o'clock
in theevoning, hestoppod suddenly and complained
to Mr. Wolverton, who was with him, of great pain
in his hoad, and placing his hands on his forehead,
naked to be laid down. Ho soon bocame insensible
and was taken, temporarily, into Mr. Farrow's resi
dence, and a physician was scut for. From thenoe
he was removed to the house of Mr. Wolverton,
iv hero he lingered until Tuesday afternoon, when
he departed this life fur a bettor world, aged about
63 years. Tho doccued was a corpulent man, but
was apparently in robust health. He was a man of
uuafiected piety, with a genial and choorful temper
ament. His remains wero brought to bis residenoe,
in this pi sco, on Tuesday cvoniug, und will be in
terred this (Friday) aftornoon, with due solemnity.
His funeral will bo attendod by many of his clerical
brethren from the surrounding circuits.
A Qrakii Concert will be given in tbe Masonic
Hall, in this place, on this (Saturduy) evening, by
the "Danville Choral Society." Tbe Society is
composed of more tbau fifty members, and consists of
the best musical talent of Danville. The character
of their music is said to be far su porior to that given
At ordinary oonoerts, and embraces several choruses
from the grandest productions of the old masters.
A choioo selection of Solos, Duetts, Ac, both vocal
and instrumental, will also be rendered. Mrs.
Evans, Miss Jones aud Miss Hughos, who have
gained an enviable reputation as singers, will ac
company the Society. The company will be under
the direction of Mr. Joseph Parry, of Danville, who
is favorably known to a number of our ciliiens as
possessing more than ordinary musical talent We
hope to see the Hall crowded on this oooasion, as
xre have every roason to believe that our eilisens
will be delighted to bear them. Tbe Society have
chartered a oar, which will Tun from Danville to
ft J they will be conveyed from that'
jioiut to Sunbury by tho steamer "Ira T. Clement."
The price of admission is 60 oeuU. Tickets can be
procured at tht Central Hotel, and at the nrinol
tial stores.
The Philadelphia National Refreshment Saloons,
.where theaoluicra from every part of the Union were
fed during the late war, wero an honor to Philadel
phia, and there is a peculiar propriety in the cir
cumstance that Philadelphia should Inaugurate s
plan for the endowment of National Institute
.where the orphans of tbojw same herons may have a
home and receive o education. This is what the
Trustees of the Riverside Institute are aiming most
jueeessfully to accomplish, (Aoting under the Char
ter of the Washington Library Company, Incorpo
rated by the State of Pennsylvania, they are offer
inn stock at the low rate ot one dollar pox ahara, and
will give to each subscriber a beautiful and valuable
fteel engraving, worth at retail more than the price
jif the stock, and as an addilional induoeaient will
.distribute among inn stockholders prqaenU raised
at $34)0,000. In the distribution every one has an
equal chance to obtain large presents ; one Is worth
$40,000, another $20,000, Ac Who can refuse to aV
a putrioiio and benevolent action on theae terms"
W F. Llghlner tho aulhcritci agenl for Eunbury
aud w.jaily
Tai County TxnrANc CoaviNttoa. We
regret that we are unable, on account of a pressure
of advertising, to publish tbe full proeoedlngs of tbe
County Temperance Convention, which assembled
at the Methoftitt Churoh, in this place, on Monday,
vth Inst We give a synopsis, omitting the alleles
for the government of the Association and the reso
lutions adopted, whieh are toe lengthy for publica
tion this week, , . ..n
The Convention was oalled to order, and Isaac
Housel, of Northumberland, was called to the ehair
as temporary chairman, and Wm. 11. Mervine, of
Milton, as temporary Seeretary. The business of
tbe Convention was then Opened, after prayer, by
tbe Rev. 8. W. Sears.
On motion, A. N. Krlce and It. A. Shlssler were
appointed a committee on credentials, and John
Dunham, Joseph Johnson, James Beard, U.U. Co
der and Thomas Mervine were appointed a commit
tee on permanent organisation. .......
Ou motion, tbe following committee was appointed
to report a constitution and to draft resolutions :
hev. U. D. Chenowelh, Rev. F. B. Riddle, Rev. 8.
W. Sears, James Beard, Esq., and Mr. Samuel John.
Da motion, tbe Convention adjourned to meet at
two o'olock, P. M. Benediction by Rev. Mr. Colo
man, of Williamsport. .
At I o'olock P. M. the Convention re-aembled.
Opened with prayer by Rev. F. B. Riddle, of Sha-
inokiu. Minutes read and approved. The Com
mittee on Constitution and Resolutions retorted a
series of articles for the government of the County
Association, whloh were unanimously adopted.
On motion, the Committee on pormanont organi
sation reported the following officers and managers,
who were elected for the ensuing year :
James Beard, Esq., President; John W. Friling,
Vice President; A. N. Brice, Secretary ; John Unas,
Managers Lewis township, David Exhbaugb ;
Turbutville, Samuel Shannon and A. 8. Board ;
Delaware, Joseph Hollopctro and A. T. Goodman ;
McEwcnsville, S. M. U. Wcnck and Wm. B. Ir
win; Turbut township, Samuol Blair and John Hon-
sul ; Milton, Moses Chamberlain and Samuol Mo-
Mahan ; Chilisquaque, Samuol McNincb ; Point,
Henry Watts and Abel Gibbons; Northumberland,
John Dunham and John W, Hopowell ; Sunbury,
J. II. Kngcl and Charles J. Bruner ; Upper Augus
ta, Wm. Heed and John Farnsworth, Esq. ; Rush,
U. P. Patton and Drastus Hoffman ; Sbamokin town
ship, Wm. Ammcrman, Wm. MoWilliains aud 8.
Uilger ; Sbamokin, A.M.Osiuun and H. A. Shiss-
ler; Coul, Franklin Dolbougb and Wesley Van Gas
ket) ; Mt. Curmel, Thomas John and Jcukin Evans ;
Alt. funnel township, Henry Troyeles ; Zerbe, 0. B.
Hofluiun and Jackson J. Honn ; Jackson, Benjamin
Strickler, Esq. ; Lower Mabanoy, Dr. J. J. Reed.
The committee appointed for tho purpose rcportod
a series of resolutions, which were unanimously
Tho following contributions were mado to the tuo-
cess of the cause in the State, thoso giving $j being
made life members of the Society : John Haas, to ;
John Farnsworth, $5 ; John B. Packer, $5 ; J. A. J.
Cuinmings, $5; James Boyd, ?3 ; Alex. Jordan, $.1;
J. Sliiy in ilk or, f I ; S. Byerly, ou ob). ; Jus. Beard,
uu cis. ine mauagors sua otbers in the county are
requested to raise funds and solid them to the Sec
retary, A. N. Brice, at Sunbury.
un motion, the Convention adjourned to meet in
Muss Meeting, in the M. E. Cnurch. at Northumber
land, on Monday evening, October 2tUi, 1667.
Till County BmtiakS. The Commissioners al
lotted, during tho past woek, tbe contracts for the
building of eight bridges, in different parts of tho
county, which were destroyed or iujured by the
freshet in August lust. Tbe following is a list of
bidders, tho amount of each bid, and tho persons to
whom tbey were awarded :
A. Huuck,
J2893 00,
S2104 00
249 00
27 Vli 00
2378 00
14 ,t
Chas. Uaringer,
Levi Soasholts,
John SbUilcr,
Samuel Bloom,
A. B. Keiier,
U. iV. Brewer,
J as. fiutelielor,
Geo. A. Kecfer,
Peter Hoofer,
25V3 vol
Abm. Stumor.
2460 00
3. L. Culp,
22U7 00
2400 00;
2JO0 00
Geo. A. Keefcr, 2000 00
J. U. Lenker. lAXtoo
2S00 00 Jacob B. Lenker, 2100 00
2500 001
2472 Oil!
2800 00 !
2100 00
2700 01)
3124 00
3454 00
2H07 00
2'J'.)4 00
2-'UU 00
Andrew Ditty,
Adam Lenker,
D. D. llileiuan,
Isaac Messnvr,
K. Marts,
G. W. Brewer, Jl.500 00 Andrew Ditty, 1,1I8 00
Sol Herring, 3,0SS 00 A. Lenker. 1,004 00
Jas. Butchelor, 1,227 00J. Butchelor, for
Wm Herring, 3,400 OU stone work, (awar
J. Dunham, 2,0211 Mldcd,) 000 00
D. Clark, 2,000 00;T.W. H. Moseloy,
U. Youuk, 2,150 OOliron suporstruo
J. B. Lenker, 1,817 00 ture, (awarded,) 1,040 00
Jacob B. Lenker, l,bl7 Oo
Jos. Nioely, $S90 OO P. Ernwine, $1,307 (15
Sol. Herring, 775 OOjD. Aungst, 1,348 00
Jas. Batchelor, 747 00 U. S. Kramer, 1,000 00
Solomon Herring, " ,3jyt'0
tawarded,) 625 00 " wood
Wm. Herring, fcUOOO work, 3S9 00
Sol. Herring, 600 0U
C. C. Ryan, $550 00 Jas. Batcholor, $74 7 00
Gid- Rotbcrinel, IT.W.H Moseley,
stone work, (ul- liron supuralruu-
lotted,) 650 OU'ture, (awarded,) 720 00
Jas. Butohelor, 867 O0
A. B. Keiser,
J ere. Savidge,
Jus. Batchelor,
Jos. Savidge,
Samuel Savidge,
Henry Arnold,
Snyder A Co.,
a i'
John Mcncb,
Joseph Emerich,
Henry Neidig,
Alex. Rufaner,
8. L. Keofor,
" ' (old
$395 50 Geo. A. Keofor, 203 00
330 00 305 00
31T00 P. Keefer, (awur-
480 00 ded,) 319 00
348 00 ' " 370 00
410 00 Sam. Garinger, 3i'if 00
419 00 Abm. Staruer, 4i3 00
399 00 320 00
575 00 S. L. Culp, 449 00
491 00 " ' 389 00
425 00 Wm. Starner, 435 00
450 00 Andrew Uauok, 413 00
309 00 Joseph Weitxel, 400 00
0. Kramer, 8.I9 00
300 00 J. B. Horning, 420 00
J . B. Horning $280 00 Geo. A Keefer $287 00
C. Kramer 399 00 Geo. A. Keefer 219 00
H. Gotshail 918 00 Peter Keefer 200 00
295 00, " " (allot-
A. B. Keiser 295 00! ted) 285 00
Jas. Batchelor 307 00 S. Garinger 297 00
Joseph Arnold 290 00 Alex. Rufaner 375 00
Henry Arnold 335 00;ilenry Neidig 325 00
John B Snyder 317 00 George Keet'er 275 00
Snyder A Co. 342 iMVWm. B. Horning 295 00
John Meucb 650 OalAndrew Hauck 393 00
Jos. Emerich 473 00 ! Abm. Starner 420 00
Elias Kuiericb 447 00 Geo. W. Neidig 3l)0 000
8. L. Keefer 280 00 D. Rufaner 350 00
203 00 U. W. Neidig 342 00
. 215 DO1 Wm. Starner 800 00
Adam Lenker
Andrew Ditty,
D. N. Lake
Levi fieasboltx
Chas. 'Jarioger
Casper Scholl
Sol. Fagely
$2000 00'
2823 00'
24f0 00
2080 00
Isaac Messnor $2200 00
Wm. K. Marts 1874 00
Geo. Shine A Co.
(awarded) 1972 00
1945 00
2500 00
2410 00
2300 00
2;foo ooj
1977 00
Geo. Shipe A Co. 2340 00
II. Keiser A Co. 22'H 00
J. Keiser A Co 1877 00
. W. Brewer
Daniel Weaver
Jas. Butchelor
J. B. Lenker 2100 00
' " 2393 00
John B. Lenker 102 00
D.N.Lake $1200 00,Ja. Batehelor $787 00
Sol. Fagely 1100 00 T.W.U. Moeeler,
Wm. Cberrington liron superatruc-
(awarded) S25 00 ture, (awarded,)
Daniel Wearer 1100 U,
Bid withdrawn.
2280 00
Sale or Lots. The valuable lots on Arch street,
which were to have been sold on Saturday last, by
the School Board, but which was postponed on ac
count of lack of bidders, will again be offered for
sale to-day, (Saturday,) at one o'olock, P. M. This
is desirable property, and no doubt will be a pro'
fiUble inttesUnent,
There is as much truth as poetry in the saying
t,i inh annual n't nrnelaims the man." Especi
ally is this true when tht man gets the apparel at
the fashionable tailoring eeuaniunmens os laoo u
RMk. nn Fourth street. Banbury. We would ad
rise all who wish eheap Fall or Winter Suit to
give Beck can.
. I, i ii
Beadeb, buy your BooU, your Shoes, or anjp
thing you want in that tine, at Miller'l Kxoelaior
Boot and Shoe Store. In the eld Dewart building,
oorner of Third and Market streets. You gain
k. Ant an aw. ia nriea ! second, in goods
feeing well made ; third, In goods feeing what tbey
are represented aimer navtng hbmw w uwuw
af iha fioa.t sLtaA-1t:hmciita ia Fun
burv Call and tee bim
Tna First or tee Season. We take pleasure in
stating that Harry Thaoher, of the First National
Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, in Pleasants' building,
Market Square, lathe Drat, in this plaoeor vicinity
to lay in full supply of new goods. He has just
opened a large assortment, of the latest styles, made
np of the best material. Call and see his stock.
Tee Season. Neat and fashionable Fall Suits,
of the latest styles, are now manufactured at tbe
tailoring establishment of J. F. Sbaeffer, Market
Square. His goods comprise every variety, and be
Is well prepared to suit tbe tastes of all who may
favor him with a call.
" 'Tis not alone my inky eloak, good mother, but
my entire Suit that renders me attractive ;" as Ham
let would have said had he procured on of those
fashionable Fall Sulla, at the Continental Clothing
Basaar, Market Square. Gentlemen are Invited to
eall and see the latest New York styles, the low
priced gooda, and learn the low rates at which clo
thing is mado at the Continental.
Tnis is tbe First Month or Fall, not, we
hope, of our nation's progress or our individual for
tunes, but of tho calendar year. - A fail in prices of
the beautiful and ohoap nits at J. E. Smlok's Mer
chant Tailoring establishment, in Fourth St., would
be Inaugurated if the prioes were not already at the
lowest. Any one doubting Is Invited to call and see
the garmonts and prices.
i iiTir
Or all places to get good Photographs, go to Berg-
tresser's Gallery, Third streot, opposite the Masonic
Hall, where they aro made. Six cards, or one largo
Photograph, for $1.50. Duplicates, 26 to 60 cts.
Bergstresser, Third street, opposite the Masonio
Hall, the successful Photographer, makes pictures
in all styles of the art. Persons are requested to
give him a call before going elsewhere.
When you want cheap and good Photographs
Bergstressor'e Gallery, Third street, opposite the
Masonic Hall, ia,the plaee to resort to. Six cards, or
one large Photograph, for $1.60. Duplicates, 25 to
60 ocnts. ' "
Reuemderinq Friends. We have frequently
heard persons wishing, after tbe deoease of friends,
for something to remember thorn by. In these
times tbe best we can reoommond is a fine Ambro-
type or Photograph, which every ono should pro
cure, while the prioe is so small, at 8. Byerly 'a Gal
lery, In Simpson's building, Market street. Mr. B.'s
pictures are true to lifo. Call and see tbe fine
groups and single pictures at his Gallery.
"Don't Give up the Ship," was the expiring ex
pression of Capt. Lawrence, as he fell, pierced by a
British bullet, and which urged bis surviving crew
to deeds of valor. Faust, tbo fashionable Hat and
Cap manufacturer, is determined not to "give up
the ship," either in foul or fair weather, and will
continue to supply his numerous customers with a
la mode stylos of goods in his line ; besides, when
the clouds are heavy and betoken storm, good and
substantial Umbrellas can bo purchased at his storo
cheaper than the cheapest in market, and warranted
to give satisfaction.
PiiOTOGRArns, made from Daguerreotypes or Am-
brotypes, at Bergstresser'a Gallery, Third street, op
posite tho Masonic Hall.
In Point townslitn. on tho 19th inst.. bv Rev.
Aaron Porter, Mr. Sylvester E. Wells, ofDotroil,
Michigan, and Miss Ankib E. Mitchell, of North
umberland county, Pa.
Corrected Weekly for the) "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do ' do per ewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per cwt.
Whoat, prime red, new, per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, now do
Oats, do
Potutoos, do
Dried Peaches, pared por pound
do do unparcd do
Dried Apples, do
$12 00
8 00
10 00
6 60
2 15
1 25
1 15
3 00
Dried Uburrics, (unstonod,) por bu.
per pound.
Boof, hindquartor,
' front "
per doson,
per pound,
per pair
rSbaanokin. Coal i'rnde,
Sbamokin, Sept. 16th, 1867.
Ton. Cut.
Sent for week ending Sept. 14, 10.929 09
Per lost report, 320,906 05
331,835 14
410,528 16
To same time last year,
78,693 03
Special Notices.
Autumn is again upon us, and soon Winter will
clasp ua In his frigid embrace. Boware of Coughs
and Colds; they often terminate in Consumption.
Coo's Cough Balsam is a pleasant but eertain reme
dy. It is excellent fur Croup among the children.
Justipiablb Boldness. A young man asked
a beautiful girl, the olber evening, at a party, what
she used upon ber hair to make it so gloriously rich
and lustious. Her first impulse was to administer
a severe rebuke to his boldness, but when sho saw
his ridiculously friizy locks, she pitied rather than
condemned him, and so answered, "Barrett's Vege
table Hair Restorative" is the only hair prepara
tion I admit to my toilet. To it I owe my hand
some hair.
To CoisKUMipliveti.
The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will tend freo
of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with
the directions for making and using tbe simple reme
dy by which he was eured of a lung affection and
Uiat areau uisease consumption, ills only object is
to benefit the atUicted, and he hopes every sufferer
win try mis prescription, as it win cost tnem no In lug,
any may prove a blessing. Please address
itt V . tUnAHD A. VI ILSU-W.
my 18-' Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y.
Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant
growtn oi nair upon a eaiu neaa or beardless faee,
also a recipe for the removal of Pimples. Blotches.
Eruptions, etc, on tbe skin, leaving the same soft,
elear, and beautiful, oan be obtained without charge
oy auuressing
xuua. sr. uiiArjUAn, L demist,
may 18, '67. 823 Broadway, New York
A homo the many restoratives which nature has
supplied to relieve the affiiotions of humanity, there
is no more favorite one for a eertain class of diaea
ses than the "medicinal gum" of the Wild Cherry
Tree ; but however valuable it is, Its power to heal,
to soothe, to relieve and to euro, is enhanced ten
fold by scientific and Judicious combination with
other Ingredients, In themselves of equal worth.
i nt happy mingling exists to a remarkable degree
Dr. Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry.
whose value in curing Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pulmonary Af
fection, and Inoipiont Consumption, is inestimable,
From Benjamin Wbeeleb, Em., Depot Master at
South Royalaton, Mass. i
"In the spring of 1858 I was moat severely afflie
tod wit a bard, dry eoegh, with ill usual aeoonv
paoiiaenU of aight eweala, eoniplelely prostrating
my nervous aystoaa, and produoinc suoh a debilita
ted state of health that, alter trying aaedleai aid to
no purpose, I had given bp all bobes af ever reoov-
ring, as had also my friends. At th'ia stage of
inattors 1 was prevailed upon through the Influence
M a neignoor to iry v iswr s u&lwun ot Ud uner
rr. and. before oaiuE two bettiea. the effect was al
most magical. My cough entirely left sue, the aight
skua la aesertea ine, nope enee mure etateo) my ae
preaaod spirit, and soon I had attained my wonted
strength and Wffor. Thus has this Ralsaiu. at has
often beea remarked by persona conversant with
the above facta, literally aoauibed me from the
yawning grave. You are at liberty to use this for
too beueiit of ine eoietea."
Prepared by SE11I W. FOWLE A SON, 18 Ire
monl H , IWon, and for tale by DruggUU gene
rallr fcept 21 - It
lr. Uhra-k Pulmonic Wyrup. i
' Tbia great medicine cured Dr. J. II . Soheack, the
Proprietor, of Pulmonary Coutumptlo i, when it bad
assumed Its most formidable pot,' and when
speody death appeared to be Inevitable. Uis phy
sicians pronounced his ease Incurable, when be com
menced tbe use of tbia simple but powerful remedy.
His health was restored in a very short time, and no
return of the disease baa been apprehended, for all
the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present
weight is more than two hundred pounds.
Since hit recovery, he has devoted bis attention
exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the dis
eases whloc are usually complicated with It, and the
ourcs effeoted by his medioines have been very nu
merous and truly wnudorful. Dr. Schenck makes
professional visits to several of the larger cities
weekly, where he has a large concourse of patients,
and it ia truly estonrthing to aee poor consumptives
that have to be lifted out of Ibeir carriages, and in a
few months healthy, robust pcroms. Dn. Sthbnck's
MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally all required
In curing Conaumption. Full directions accompany
each, so that any one can take them without aeeing
Dr. Schenck, but when it is oonveuieut it is best to
see him. no gjvee advice free, but for a thorough
examination with bis Respirometer his fee is three
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor one when in the last stage
of Consumption, and the other as he now is, In per
fect health are on tbe Government stamp.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Price $1.50
per bottle, or $7.60 the balfdoton. Letters for ad
vioe should always be directed to Dr. Schenck'a
Prinoinal Offico, No. 16 North 6th Street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
Gcnoral Wholesale Agents : Doinaa Barnoa A Co.,
N. Y. ; .8. 8. liance, Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park,
Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chicago, III. ;
Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
Oct. 20, 1867. 3d w. ca. mo. 1 yr.
o:i: puici:
OO Market Street,
One door above. Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many yean this Establishment has done busi
ness on tbe One Price, and we believe wo
are the only Clothing Houso in tho oity that strictly
adheres to this principle. We have earned n repu
tation whieh we are proud of, for good taste In select
good styles and substantial materials, and nut less
important, for having all our goods,
We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our
Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain
so that all tastes can be suited. Tbe prlcos are the
very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must
see, or otherwise we could not moot tho competition
of our neighbors, for asnodcductionsareevcrinado,
we must put our prices down to tho advantages wc
ine people may depend, tuls Is the true plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but one door abovo Sixth.
March 23, 1867. ly
the best known remedy run
in all its manifold forms, including Ulcers, Cancers,
Syphilis, Salt Rheum, Ac, Ac, is DR. ANDERS'
IODINE WATER, a puro solution of Iodine with
out a solvent, discovered after many years of scion-
lino rosearcn ana experiment, for eradicating hu
mors from tbe system it has no equal.
Circulars sent free.
36 Dey Streot, New York.
Sold by Druggists generally. Sept. 2l-4t
And House of Mercy.
Men, on the crime of Solitude, and the Errors. Abu
ses and Diseases which destroy the manly powers,
and create impediments to Marriage, with sure means
of relief. Sent in sealed let I or envelope', free of
charge. Address DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
June b, 1SQ7. ly
Crroi-M ot Voutli.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Dobility, Promaturo Decay, nnd all the effects of
youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need it, tho recipe
and directions for making tho simple remedy by
wuicn no was curca. cuuorers wishing to proiit by
tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing,
n pertect eonnaenco, JUil.t u. uuii.3,
my 18'-67.1y 42 Cedar Street, N. Y.
4;oi,4.ati: & to.-s
Is manufactured front PUKE
MATERIALS, and may bo
considered the STANDARD OK
EXCELLENCE. For solo by
all Oroccra.
May 18, 1867. ly.
HKI.MIiOI.D'S KXTKACT lircillJ and Improved
Rose Wash cures secret mid ilelieiile ilisortlera in all their little expense, little ol no change in diet, ro in
convenience ami no exposure, ll is plmt in Diste and
odor, iinmedime in ila uctinn, and fice Irom all iiiju-
liais properties. uilivo ly
Is a eertain cure Oh diseases of the
aud alt diseases of the
wliclhej existing in
from whatever cause originating aud uo matter ut
Pisceses of these nrgnna rcouire the use of a diuretic.
If nil trentmeiit is knlimitted to, CiHieitiHtinn or liiKin
itv inuv easue. Our Flesh and Ulood are sumioucd from
theae atMlfoes, an J the
; ' aud
that of Posterity, dependa urn Hi prompt use of a reliublc
1'jtaWisucd upwards of 13 years, pioared by
ii. t. iii:i,.-finui.i,
604 Broadway, New Ymk, aud
104 SiMilh 1Mb Street, Philadelphia, Ta.' '
March 9, lb7. ly
Insure your Stock!
(Ureal Ilastern DeterilTe Ilorste In-
snrnnre to.
18 taking Policies for tbe above Company In Uiia
and adjoining counties, Insuring stuck of all kinds
against death by accident or otherwise.
Those having stock should not fail to have it in.
ureuaiuucv. AuurR,
ISAIAH 8. UOSSLER, Sunbury, Ta
July 27,1867. .tin
J. ti. HAI.I, I'rttpa-tetor.
Corner Bunhury and little Streets,
TIIIB IIOU8B la now open for tbe reception f
guests, and being new, sutoious and attractive,
has all the facilities and advautagos of a F1UST
CLAhfl HOTKL. The sleeping apartments are airy
and eosufortable, and the furniture entiiely new.
The Bar and Table will be supplied wit cue best in
tbe market.
The patronage of tha public is eolwitod.
April 1, 18n7.
i:. A, irtftOX. Hsap'l,
JIayJS, 138T -Cm
Liquid Ntiir Iye Colors,
TUB latest improvement in Ham II v Pyee.are now
for aale by Druagista everywhere. Those Color are
all prepared in Liquid Form, with veryaimpledirec.
tion for use and are made from the same material
used by dying new ailk and woolen gooda. There
is ecly 18 difieront principle oolors mado, all differ
ent shades of a color can be made by using more or
leas of the Dye matter." Price 25 cents por Dottle.
ltcware ol Counterfeits, aik for the Star Dyes, and
take no other.
For aale by II. Y. FRILINll, Suulmry, Pa.
Johnston, Hoi.lowat A Cowdkn, .Solo Agents.
August 111, 1H67- 3m Philadelphia.
THE nxrtneraliln heretofore existing between J.
W. Krilinc and II. Y. Frilinz. undor the firm name
of J. W. Friling A Son, ho this day been dissolved.
The business will be eonlinuod by II. Y. Friling,
at the old staud, the Mammoth Storo, where he will
be pleased to see all who may favor him with a call.
j. w r it ai.Mi,
Sunbury, August! 1867.
ALL persons indebted to tho lato firm of .1 W.
Krillna a Son will plea.ccnll and settle without
August IpI, 1807.
I'lirmcra usatl II n I Idem!
Seahuoi.ti A Hkotiikr are now nrcnared to de
liver, at tbo lowest market price, tho very bcstquality
for LAND and Itl'ILDINO numou. Ti,..i- !,,,.
burned of I lie celebrated
Their lime kilns are Inflated at the lliiU,l..l .!,; ...l
Erie Railroad, near the steam raw mill in n,n r:...
rough of unlniry.
t'lasiors, Masons. Iiricklayera and Farmers are in
vited to call and give us a trial.
Aug. 3, 1867.
WILL find in our establishment a nurjcrinr nloek
of Planes. Saws, Augers, llntehels, Hammers, Files,
Chisels, Ac, Ac, for sale by
j. ii. t (iNiji'.Y a ro
llreat Reduction in
of very superior
Silver ami Silvcr-riated Wares,
Of our Own Manufacture
Such iw Tea Setts, I'rim. leo
l'ltehcis, i alters, tlolihlets.
Cako lltu-kols. Castors, Gut
ter Coolers, Vegetable Dish
es, Tureens, Sugar nnd Card
llaskuts, Syrup and Wink
ing Cups, lvuivcs, aud Forks,
and Spuons, of various kiuds
Ac, Ac, Warranted Triple I'lnle, on best of melals,
and equal to anv in tho market, of the latest stvles.
and no goods aro misrepresented, tit
New and Beautiful Store, No. 701 Arch Street,
I"" Please call and examine our Goods before
ti. IS All kinds of I'laling at reasonable puces.
August 24, 1667. lycq
farmers Guilders
MIIE subscribers respectfully inform (ho ciliiens
1 of Northumberland county, that they are now
prepared to furninh l.IMKofa superior ipi.ilitv to
Farmors and Builders. Aim, LIME-STONK from
tuo celebrated Lilnc-Slone Ounrries ol l.owir Miiho
noy township, at Hiort notice and at rca-ioimMo rates.
ine above will bo delivered to any Knilroinl sta
tion ulons tho lino of the dill'ureut railroads when
Thoro Kilns are located at tho Sliainokiii Valley
Railroad, near Sunbury, where orders will bo
promptly filled.
Orders aro respectfully solieileil.
Addreas. J."D. LENKER A RllO.,
August 3, 1807. Sunbury, Pa.
In Simpson's Building, Market Siunrc, '
J JUNE Hold and Silver American und Swiss
J Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and Silver ware, con
stantly u hand. Hair Jewelry aud Musunio Marks
made to order.
tlold aud Silver Plating done in tho best manner
ami warranted to give entire satisfaction.
Fino Watches, Clocks, Music Boxea and Jewelry
Repaired and warranted.
All orders promptly lilled.
Suubury, Juuo 1, ltW.
G O E ' S
is Ihc discovery of the hiventoi ot Cue's vulii.ililc Couch
ItalsMin, wliileexjH-rnnciitniff tor Insovvn health. Iteitied
Cramp lu Hie Sloinacli lor iiiul whlell had beloiu yielded
ui nolliiiiK but chloroform.
The almost daily teilnnmiy from various parts of Hie
country encnuiuge us In believe there is un disease caused
by a disordered auinuu-h a will not speedily cure.
Physicians endorse and Use it I
Ministers give testimony of its efficacy.
And from all directions wc icccii's tidnik-i of cures per
loiuied.. DYSPEPSIA!
It is sure to cure.
O.u.-d'ae willeuic.
It has cured in liundiula of cunts
It at hi iu thirty minutes.
It corrects at once.
It stops immcdiiiicly.
One doscwill remove.
Rapidly yielda to a few donee
Will lie cliauceil with half a bottle.
llsllNI'RKCF.DENTKIJSl'CCIS ia owing l,i the
fuel lluil
It Cures by AemlMtiiig; !u(nre
Nearly every dealer iu the t'liiiol Stales sella it at
C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors,
February 23, 1807. ly.
Foi a mediciue that will cuie
WHOoriM'i CtttlCill,
or relieve
aa quick as
havebeett eoki and not a auicle iusUna-e of ita failure ia
kiswu. W'e have, in oui powicsiuoii, any quantity ol Ce(&
tihcuus, some of them from
who kave eard it in llieir piaeiiee, and giveu it the pre-
eunuence over every o-oiei coinp.iuiui.
but LtMiSKNS IT,
1 eo aa to anaUetii patient to ciwclofale freely. Two or
tune uoaee.
Will '.avASuat.a leas Tiemtmo is jus Tuaost
4 hi!j Ua.le has uttea enuipletely rureit the imuu tiul
bom Coufli. aad yot, thoueu it Is ao aure and ieeily in us
oparalaiu, it u peileclly uariuleas, being purely vtaelalilti
ll ia very aarcaable to the luale,. aud may bu auuimwtei ed
to children ol any R.
In eases of CKOii P we will xuarautee a care, if lakca iu
It w witlua llw reaea ui all, it being Uic cheapest aud be
wuIiuum eataut.
C. C. CLAKK A CO., rmpiiiinra,
m;w iAm n, rNN
l't-lisM VJ l' -l'
Klet'iion lroclamalIai.
of (ieneral A sue in -oly
of the Cotnruoiiwealtli of reunsylv ania
entitled "An Act relatitijr tj the Elections ol
this Commonwealth," approved the
of July, A. I)., one tliotisaufl eight hundred
and tlurti -nine, I, DANIEL HRCKL1CY,
High fciheriff of the County of Northumuur
laiul, Pennsylvania, do hernl.s muko tnn
aud give notice to the electors of the Couu
ty nloreseid, that a general election will he
held in the County of Northumberland, on
the TUESDAY (8tli) of OCTO
nun, iocm, in V.UUII liniotlie ol o nir n..r.
sons are to bu elected.
One person tut ijmirtuie Jaili-e t'.ir ih
Sluto of I'enusrlviiniu.
IMio person to till the ofliee of member .if
the House ol KcpiCHentutivea, to represent
tho C'ouuty uf Northumberland in tticllouue
of lU'prrKentutivt'S of Pennjlvauiu.
Vim porson lor County i reaiiurer.
One person lor Hccinter and Uucordcr nnd
Clerk oi the Orpharjs Court.
One person lor County Coininisiiinntr.
One person for Jury C'imiitiibuioncr.
One person lor Atiuilor.
I ulso hereby inako kuown nnd iiive no
tice tliat tho pluci'8 for holdint; the alVircsatd
general election in the several boroughs and
tontiBhipi wiluin the County ot .Northum
berland, are a.s follows :
1 he Suiiuiiry district, coinpoaed of the bo
rough of Sunbury, East and West Ward, ul
tho Court Untitle.
Upper Augusta, at the house of J. ruiiis-
I'liu Lower AtiiMiKlit'ilisttict, composed of
tho towutdiip of Lower Augusta, at the
house of l'eter Duuklcberger, iu euid town-
1 lie TNorthuiubi'i'liitiii i let, composed
of the borough of Northumberland, at the
housu ot A. J. KlioiK'8, iu said borough.
1 ho roint dibtiiet, ut the house ot Mm.
Johnson, in the borough of Not thumbci land.
1 lie Miitou ilisltict. ul Hie Utilise oi L.
Sticker, in the Raid borough.
The Turbut district, at the house occupi
ed by Abraham Kissinger.
he. Dclawuru tlistriet. at binkinu Sntiu
School House.
The ChilliKnuaauo district, at the house
of Charles ll.u tm.ui.
The Lewis district, at the house occupied
y licorge Cluistuiaii.
The bhamokiu district, at the hotibc of J.
The Upper M.ihanov dutticl. at the house
of J. 21. Adams.
The Little Mulianoy district, ut the house
of widow t". Kaker.
Tho Lower MuKaiiov district, ut the house
of A. lloadarmcl.
Tho Hush district, at the Liberty Volts
School House.
The Jackson district, at the house occu
pied by Oalcu Biuilh.
i lie Coal district, at the house ol illiam
M. Weaver, in the tow n of Shamnkin.
1 ho crbc district, at the houso of Thus.
Foulds, jr., iu Treverton.
1 lie Cameron tlistnct, at the house ot Ja
cob Wagoner.
Uio Jordan district, ut the house ol lieu
jamin Lcitel.
1 he Mount Caruiel borough, ut the house
of Uelix Lcrcli.
The Washington district, ut the houso of
Godfrey 15. Uebuek.
I he borough ot JIcEwensville, at lleury
J. Hecder'u.
Tlic borough of Turbutville, ut t lie house
ul Hiram ltcyuolds, iu said borough.
1 he Mount Cttrmcl district, at tuo house
of Francis McCarty.
Tluil cverv person cxcenl n Jnaiiees ol" the Peace w lio
sliull liolil any oliieo or nix)intiuent. of prolil and liuM un
der l lie Koverunielil ol ine unlieil lilies, or ol tills Mule,
or of liny eliy oi inoriot:iled dislricl, wliellirr u coimnis
sioniil ollicer or iiftenl, wlm sliall be eiiiploy.) muter tne
Ir'ulalive, eeeullve or judteiiiry cleuiLlueiit of tins
suae, or tlie lTinteil Suites, or of nny city or liieorpiiiileil
iiisiriei unu auto tuai every inemncr oi i;oii;rf ceBunu ol
lite Stale 1 .eirialaturc, anil of the select and eoniiuon coun
cil of any city, or cominissiouer of any incorporated ills
tnet, is ly law, inenHilile of liolilnif; or cxcrcitiiitit the
oliiee or appointment of Jude, luspoetor or t.lerk of uuy
election oi mis eomiiiouweiillli, mm thai no lustieetor,
Juilges or any other oilieci of siu-H ilion, shall be elii
hie to any oliiee lobe theu voted for.
And tlie said Aet of Assembly, entitled "nu act ictntlng
to the elections of this I'oinmoim'enltli,1', paused July the
20, i.-:io, iiiruier provides us loiiows, 10 wit :
-'l'liiit the lnsliccliirs and Judeea ellosell lis ttforeRUiI,
slmll meel nl Uie rtwpeclive pltiees lor lioldiru; the election
lu tlic (lliiiriet to winch they respeetlnlly T'elfnj; Leforc
nine o'clock ill the luorniia; of the sii-onil Tueid:iy of tic
toiler in eaeli und every ye:ir, aiat eai'li ol suit inspectors
sliull npiwiint one clerk, who shall be u quahlied voier ol
sueli dislriet."
sIkction 2. That any fraud commuted bv any ners-m
voiine in the manner iiIhivo iirieiitie'd, tliull he nuuisiieu
as siiniliir frauds are diieeted to he puuiblicd by Ihc exist
ing uiwsol tins couunoiiweaitii.
'In eae the perwm who sliull havo received the second
Inchest niunlier of voles for lii.tcelors siiail not attend on
llie day ol any election, iln-n die givrson who sliall liai'e
received tlic second lushest iiuiulii r of votes for Jnde the
next preceding clccllou, sliall net s ail inspccuii in Ins
place, anil ill east' the person elected Jndc sliull not iitlrnd
the Inspector who retvived the highest niunlier of votes,
shall uppoint n Judo III Ilis plaee; and ll any vaeaiH-y
shall conlinue ill tlie oi.'ird lor the ajvieeof half an hour ni
ter the time fixed ty law lot llie openuiv of ihc elcclion,
the qualified voteis iif the township, ward or district,
fin whieh such olheers shall liavc. been elected, prceeill at
the place of elections, biiull elect uuo of llicir number to lil
sueli vacancy.
oft shall Ihi tlic duly of said assessors respectively to at
tend ut tho place of holding every peneral, special, or
township election, during the whole nine suid election u
kept.ipeu, for the puipose of givnic iiifortuniioii to the
Inspectors and Judc, whuu culled tin, iu reliiiion tii the
light of any person assessed hy them to vole at sueh eloc
tiou, ol sueh other mutlera in lelaiion to the ossesainenl of
voiera, ua the suid inspector or jud'c or viUier oi liiciu
shall from tune to lime reuirc.
-No ierm sluill bo ieruiitted to vote at any election as
aforesaid,other thun a white free mini ot twenty-one yeaia
or more, wno anuu nave resiucn ui me rune in lea lone
year, and iu Ihc election dintriei where hctillera to vote at
leust ten daya iinuicduitcly prereeding such eleelion, aial
wiilun two yeuis unl a Suae lax, wiueh sliull have been
assessed at least ten daya before llie eieetion. ilul a citi
zen of the Tutted Suites who has preveuklv been u qanti.
fiel voter of tii is Slate, and removed I hert-lroni and relum
ed, and who sliull have resided in Iheelrelion district and
paid laxes us uioicsaid, shall bu entitled to vole aflcr re
sitted lu tins Slate six months. Provided, That the free
white uilixeus of the Uiuled Slates between tleujlcaof
iwenly-one and tweiily-lwn years uutl liu e resided in the
eleelion districts ten days ns aforesaid, shall bo uiUllcd
to vote ulLllnush Uicy shall haV4 p-lld uo taxes.
"Nn person shall be enuilcd to vote whose inline is not
contained ill Uie list of laxaUu iiihabllaiiu futuished by
the Commissioners, unless, liiat, he produces a iccclpl
lor Ihe pa7uient, within two years, tit a Slate or County
tux, assessed eiiher on his ovvu oath or alfiriiuition, oi the
ualii or alhiuialiou t;f luiolher, bul lltul he luu paid audi a
Ins, or uny failure In produce aueh a receipt, tiinll make
oalh to the iiuyiaeut thereof; or second, if he claim a right
lo vole by Lung an eleeUil between the ages of twenty-tineaiitltweiiiy-lwti
years, he ahull deposed oh oaUl oi af
lirmuiion Uiut lie hua resided lu Ihc Suite one year next
before hisuppliciiliou, and make sueh mtnf of residence
lit the district as is required by tins aa, nnd that he does
velily believu from the uecouuts ejveu hnn 'hat he is of
the age uUireauMV atal give sueb oilier evidence as is le
qmretl liyUiisaei whereupon the nuwe it' the pets-m ao
uduiitlod lo vole ahull be luserUtl in tho inspectors list,
and a in lu mado opp'snto iheina by wriliug Ihe word
'tux," if he shsll buadinitted It vtte by reaaou of, for
sueli vole shall lie called tait by the clerks, wao slall nuke
llie like notes in Ihe list, of voters kepi by thnn.
'In all easeswliere the name of llie person claiming to
vote is found ou Ihe list furnished by Ilia Coiuinisaioiteia
and Aasessora, or his right lo vole whether found Iheruoii
oi not, is objected to hy any qmdibeti eaiaeii, italwllbc
the duly of the inspectora lit rxuiniuc aucb ersoil ou oaUl
as to his qualification, and if he chums tn have lesided
within the Slate lor one yeur or inoie, his oath shall be
auihcient priml thereof, but anal! make prisif by al least
one otMnneleut Wllness, who sliall boa quutltiod slecUir,
that lis has resided within the district for usue lhau toil
diys nest immediately pi eeeduur said election, mid aliall
also himself swear llinl Ins bona ode residence, In pursu
ance to his tuwiul calling is witlnn the district, and that
he did not remove luui auid district for the purpose of
voting therein.
'Kveiy pessiMi quahfioil as aforemid, and who aliall
muae uua priM4 u requuett, ol hia residence auti payinenl
of taxes afoiesaid, shall lie admitted to vote ia llie town
ship, ward or district in which he sliall reside "
"if any ahull prevent or aUeinpt tn prevent an officer
iST an election endef this act, from hoMing suck eksctiou,
or use or threaten any violence to any such nilieer, or sluill
inleriupt or improperly interfile with hi us in the execu
tion of his duly, or block up Ihe window or avenue to any
window whcie the aatne may be hoMing, or inaously dis
turb the peace at audi eleelion, or aliall use or practice any
intimidation, llireaia, force or violence, wilh deaign to in
fluence unduly or oveirawa any elector or lo prevent him
from voting or to reatraiu the freedian of choice, such per
arms on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding
five hundred dollars and lo he imprisoned for any time not
less than twelvs moinlia, and If it shall be shown lo court,
where Ihe ti il of sack ndeneea shall be had, that the per.
on so otTeiKiiug wae not a resident of Uie city, waid, dia
liu t. or lowiisliiD, where the aaid offence waa eoiiuuitted
and u"t tnlilled Ihereiu, then on eouvieliou he sliull be
bje aenlenced to pay a fiua ol not leas than one hundred , aiai
u. mote tliaa uue Ih.ussnd dollsni, aial be ianciauued not
less thau aix mnuiha uor more ouia two years.
"It any peraou ui peiaona aiiall make any bet or wager
upoa the result uf the eleelion wllliiu Uili 2ounuouwee.llh,
or shall oher to make any aucb bet it wnger, culler by
veilstl proekunatiou thereof, or any wntleu or priiileJ sd-
veruseuieut, ohauenf a ur iikvUe any aneh poisons to make
aucnhel or wager, uiKltl eouvieliou inereiH lie or lucy
hall tmfeu und pay lincu tmwetae aaauuiil lu bet oi ol-
Itaod Ul ba bet.
"if auy person skull vote at wore than oue election
rli&Uict, ur otherwise frautluleully vote more than
i nee on, the .aoie day, er .kail Irsudultully lulJ aud
deliver to tbe Inspector two tiukets together, with
me mu ni illegally to vote, rise and procure anetner
to de so, he or tbey ao otTeuillns; shall, upoa eonrie
tioa, be fined in any turn not less than filly nor mere
than five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned But
leas thau throe nor moro than twelve muni ha.
It any person not aualifiad to vote In this Com
monwealth agreeably to law, (eioept the aona of
quauuea em tens,) anait appear at anv eleelion Tor
the purpose of iasuicg tickelt or iutluenuing; the cili
iens qualified to vote, he shall, on uonvietion, forfeit
any euro not eiceedina? one hundred dollars forever
aucb otfence, and be imprisoned for any term not ex
ceeding three months.
Rfgiialing tie mod' of voting at all elections,
tii lite several counties of this Commonwealth.
P tiou I. llo it euaoted by the Benate and House
of Keproaeutalivos of the Commonwealth ol I'eun
sylvauin. in Ucnernl Assembly mot, and H is hereby
enacted by the authority of tiieaamo. That ine qual
ified voters of the aoveral counties of this Common
wealth, at all general, towntliip, borough and spe
cial elections, are hereby, hereafter, aiiibomed aud
required to voto, by tickets, printed, or written, or
partly printed and partly written, severally classi
ned h i Pillows : One tickut shall embrace the tiauiea
ol all judKoa of courta voted for, and to bo labeled,
outside, judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the
iianiea of all Stale offieera voted lor, and to be la
beled, ".Mate i" one ticket shall embrace the names
or all counly olllccra voted for, Including ottice ul
Senator, uicmbcr aud member of AmemHy, if voted
for. and members of CouKross, it voted r, and bo
labeled, "county;" one tickut ahall ouibrnco tbo
names of nil township officers voted lor, and ho la
beled, township;" one ticket .hall embrace the
liauies of nil borouyh otlicert voted tor. and In label
ed, "bnrouch ;'' und each class sliull bo di ponied m
separate ballot-boxes
Ami iVHtnuAH. Hy Ilia act of the Congress of th
Tuitod 'Mines, enlilled "An act to uiueud the seve
ral acta heretofore pa.'sed to provide for Ihe enroll
lug and railing; out tho National force, ami I. r other
piuKsrs,'' and approved March thinl. one thousand
eight huitilied and sixly-hve, all person nh havo
Icecrled tlto military or naval servioof Hie Cnil.'.l
Stales, aud who have not been dirchtrrd or re
lieved from Iho penally, or disability therein provi
ded, are deemed, and taken, to havo voluulHnly i e
liiiiiuiKlied and lorieiled their rights of citimnbip,
and their rights lo become cili.ens, slid aru deprived
of excrchlnj; uny riphtu ol cilizcuj thereof:
And whereas, Persons not eilisens ol thu I'liiicd
rilnlrs are not, undirthu Coustiluiion und laws of
I'cnii'vliauiu, ualilied eleclors of this Common
wealth :
Suction 1. lie it enacted by Ihe Fcmile itml Hom o
of Ueprcrfcutaiives of the rominoiiHcallh of lVnu
sylvMtiia, in iloneritl Atxembly met, and ii is liercbv
enacted by tho authority of Ihe a.irni, That in nil
elections heieuftcr lo be held in this Coniuionwculili.
it fchall be uulawjiil for Iho judges or in pec tens of
any such eltulion lo reocive ballot, or ballets. Irom
any pcr-ou or per-soiis embraced in tbo provision,
nnd subject to thu disability imposed by said a, t of
CoiiKie.s, approved March third, ouo thousand eiht
hundred and tixty-five, and it shall bu unlawful lor
any such person tooflcr lo oie aiiy bullot or ballots
Skctiom 2. That if uny r-uch judge and inspector:!
ol election, or any ono of theui shall receive or con
sent to receive uny such unlawful buiiot or bailois,
from any such disqualified periHin, be or tbey to of
fending shall he guilly of a inisdcmeuuoi , uud, upon
cotiviction Ihcroof, iu any court of quarter serious ot
tliis Couimuiiwuallh, ho sliall. tor each offence, bu
fcutcnccd to pay a tine of not livs tiiau oue hundred
dollars, aud to undergo an imprisonment, in the juil
of tho proper cuuuty, for a period of uot loss thau
sixty days.
Snerion 3. That if any person deprived of ii
ship, and disqualified as. n lores-aid, shall nt any clr c
tiou, hercnl'ier lo bo held in this Commonwealth
voto, or tender to Iho oliiccrs thereof, mid oB-T t.
vote a ballot, or bulluts, any person eo o!kudini;;h al
bo deemed guilty ot a uijsdeuiranor, urn! on innvn
tiou thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of I Ita
Cotnmouweallh, shall, for oaeh otlence, bo puuioliet
in like inaiiucr as is provided in Ihe preceding sec
lion of Ibis act, in Iho ctuo of officers of clcctiouo ro
ceil ing such uulaw ful bullot or ballots.
Pkctiom 4. That if any person shall persuade, m
advise any person, or persons, deprived of citizen
ship, nnd disqualified ns aforesaid, to offer any
lot or ballots, to the offieera of any election, heieaf
tcr to ho held iu this Commonwealth, or shall per
sundo or advise any such officer to receive any ballo
or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship
and disqualified as utnrosaid, such person ao otleiid
ing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upuii coil
viction thereof, in any court of quarter scmus e
this Commonwealth, shall bo punished in like man
ll cr ns is provided in tho second seclion of this aoi
in the case or officers of such election receiving sue
unlawful ballot or bullols.
The election to upon between tho hours of S au
!0 o'clock in tho forenoon, and shall continue ope
without interruption or adjournment until V o'cloo
iu the evening, when tho polls shall bo closed.
The severed Inspectors and Judges elected on tl
3d Friday of February Inst, in pursuance of tho .1
sootion of tho act of tho 2d of July, 130, will hoi
tho elcclion on Tuesday, I he 8th day of October ucx
Tbo Judges are to tnako their returns (or tit
county of Northumberland, at tho Court lloudc. i
Bunhury, on Friday, the 11th of October. A. 1)., ISiii
Uivcn undor my hand and seal, at bunbury, Ih
11th day of September, A. D. l.sf.7.
Sheriff's Offico Euuhury.Sept. II, lso7.-3t
All kinda of SCHOOL DOOMS.
slates, reus, luk, Taper, do.
Miscellaneous Books, a good assort
ment. Ail tho new books received
nssoon as published, for sale al
TublUhcra prices.
UlllLKS, Prayer Books aud llvuiu
1 .. .1 I :.. i:. . J
uwas, iu vvvry aiyiu Ml uiuuili.
Cutboliu Traycr Books.
FAMILY BIBLES in various styles
DICTIONARIES of all sixes.
Juveniles und Toy Books, a large
Itlank IlookM d Blank
I'oruis of alt kiinls.
Foolscap, Legal Cup, Letter aud
rtote I'apvrs.
COl'YINtl BOOKS!, Inkstauda.
Ten Rucks, Files, 1'apcr, Cutters and
Counting Housu bUitiuuvry generally
and dour.
Gold Tens and Holders.
Tucket Books and Bill Wallets,
l'iclure Frames.
Stereoscope and Views, American,
French, Ac.
Drawing apor, all sizes, Brbtul
Board. Ac.
Diaries, Muinorunduui Bo.ks, to
Buckgauimuu Boards, tiauio, Cbcs
men, Ac.
Toys u largo and complete assort uiciit,
Biiso-liulU and Uuts. Fishing Rods
nnd facklo.
l'erl'uiuus, Broheuiiaa aud I'tiritian
Marbles. Ao.
Hold Pens ro-iiointod. -Lumps,
Shdos, Ulobcs, Chimneys
Wall Palier and Border, all kinds
Window Curtains, l'uper liilt uud
Music and Musical Iuctruuicnts.
fiAll kinds of Books and Stationer v lu t ,.i. I
roinptly ordered.
All Uie Daily and Weekly Papers and Magaxi
Agontfortho "Aiucricuii Organ." A Is.. I, r
Rose s Hair Kostoralivo," Ennuol of America,
"Natioual Steam Navigation Coinpuny.'''
buubury, May 18, lbd7.
is on 3d street, opposito tho MASONIC HA Li
ltut Ijitrly i:tnllili-l, tilli
Iho sludeiii liuprotcuii'uta
ul' Ihe Art I
rpllli subscriber, having built tbo room expi
L for tho purpose of Photographing, aud hi
devoted many years to the business, is eolifi l
his ability to assuru hia patrons that tbo work
duced shall be second to none in country or eil;
No work ullowed to leave the gallery uuie.
tircly satisfactory. Having Uie best sky light
county, lie la prepared to make Photograph
kinds ot w eather, but Would prefer a clear ds
small childteu.
He is also prepared to take now site, or c.
card Photographs.
All kinda of pictures copied and niagoil
any required sixe and colored bcautilully in
Water colors or India ink. We pay special alt
to all kinds of out door work, aueh as Liun
views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seat
a large lot of Photograph tram us constantly ou
The public are respectfully invited to call n.
our apecioicne aud our Complete arrangemu'.
making Photographs, spouuil terms lu luuiili
Kunbury, July It, IS67.
A FACT which is demonstrated at Ol .NJ
I'imt Claasj (tihailuK Huir l i
uud Mhunapooitlntc' HeoiiK
Two firat-elase HAltbEKS always in alien
Particular attention lo culling Ladies and t h
hair, at Iho New I, 'Oi -Pott
tuubury AuguitJ 1407 If