Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 21, 1867, Image 2

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    gfre jSuntmrg American
If. B. MA88S5H, Editor Proprietor.
nvnuiinv, 1A.
. Of Allegheny County.
A. H-I18KE, of Shsraokln Bortuigh.
A. T. BISEL, Jr., ol Cbilisquaque.
AARON EEBKIt, of Turbut.
OEOKQE BRIGHT, of SuBbtur y.
ISAAC MABTZ, of Lower Augusta.
' AUDlTOlt,
S3. V. OOULD, of MoXwansTtlls.
JurroB siiAttawooD on
Extract from Bin Opinion in the Case of
Borie vs. Trott.
llOn tho whole, then. I am of opinion that
tho provision of the act of Congress of Feb
ruary 25th, 18G2, declaring the notes issued
in pursuance of that act to be lawful money,
and a legal tender, is unconstitutional.
"Tbii renders it unnecessary that I should
consider the other question which hog been
taade, as to the effect of the Bpeciul agree
ment to pay in lawful silver money of the
Vnited States. 1 am in favor of entering
judgment for tho plaintiff, but as a majority
of tho court are of a different opinion, judg
ment for the defendant." Cqie& from, the
Philadelphia Age of Wld of February, 1804,
where tbd opinion is published in full.
It may also bo found in tho Legal Intelli.
gxneer of March 18, 1804, page 93.
In the same copy of the Age is a carefully
prepared eulogy of the judge and this opin
ion, in which is the following :
"Judge Siiarswood reasons upon and de
cides the coso as if he were some lofty Bpirit
sitting far above and out of the contentions
and strilea ot the world."
Will not the holders of greenbacks and
Government bonds consider tho judgo as
quito too elevated and ethereal for such
earthly honors aa a ,suut on the Supreme
Bench f
gf Judob Williams. The opponents
of Judgo Williams aro in a very bad prcdi
camcnt, in not being able to find any vulid
objections againBt lain as a man and a jurist
They therefore content themselves by call
ing him a Connecticut Yankee. In their
estimation it is a terrible thing that Judge
Williams should havo been bom in Conncc
ticut the land of wooden nutmegs. It is
true that tbo Judgo was born on Yankee
soil, but he has lived nearly all his life in
Pennsylvania. But still ho was born a Yan
kee, and never owned or laBhcd a negro. But
that should no longer be an objection, even
with tho chivalry and those who sympathise
with them. Of all tho New England States,
Connecticut is the only ono whero copper
hcadism has the least chance of success, and
surely our copperish friends should not bo
so hard on the sons of this renegade Now
England State. We have no doubt Judg
Williams regrets the recreancy of his native
State, which is manipulated and controlled
by wilcy aud unprincipled politicians but
surely if it is a sin to bo born in New Eug
land, our democratic friends should muko
Home exceptions in favor of Conuccticut.
?FOur Candidate for Hboibter, &c,
Wo ncclcctcd to stale, last week, that
Mr. Biscl, our cundidute for Register & lie
corder, was not only a good English scho
lar, but that ho also spoko tho German lan
guage fluently. That Mr. liiscl is in every
""respect well qualified - for the office, which
uhould bo filled by a competent man, is
fact that no one can dispute
5 "Soldiers who survived tho war, vote
as you fought. You braved danger and
death to save the Government from destruc
tion, and you fought bravely to' put down
rebellion which tho outgoing Judgo of tho
Supreme Court (Woodward) asserted was
precipitated and provoked by tbo people of
tho North, and which the Copperhead can
didato for tho same position (Sbarswood)
pronounced chivalric and holy. Vote as
you fought. Vote to put down rebellion
Vote to rcbuko a usurper. Vote to encour
age loyalty. Vote to prcservo tho integrity
of the Government. Voto to enforce tho
laws. Voto to punish traitors. Voto to
inuko treason odious. Vote to Bccure those
who trusted tho nation. Voto to save th
county 1
tWlf every Republican vote is polled in
Pennsylvania on the second Tuesday of Oc
tober nest, we will gain a Judgo of the Su
premo Court, maintain our strength in the
Legislature, and re elect every candidate for
a county office the term of whoso presout
occupant expires this year. But we want
all our Republican votes polled. To do this,
and thus maintain a Republican majority
which has more than ouco struck terror to
the heart of treason, wo must all go to work
at ouco and in earnest.
PifA Cheat Shower. Tho Lewisburg
Chronicle anys a friend at Mifllinburg act
out a wooden bucket, daring a heavy ahow.
er, ono night, and in the morning it was
running over, making about tcr. inches of
rain. As the annual average of rain, in this
latitude, is about forty inches, this would be
iijuul to thrca mouths' usual supply. Tbo
bucket of his friend must havo been, acci
dentally, act under a small water spout
" m . , i,
tifOur neighbors of the Gatctte havo en
larged and otherwise improved their paper.
Tho QtaclU ia now printed on a Taylor
proas, with new tyic, and makes a good ap
pearance. Se trust our neighbors will not
fiud this an unprofitable enterprise. .'
Are You Ahkesbkd I Thoso who are not
already a&uased should remember that Fri
day, September S7th, is tho laatday when it
can be done. 'Attend to it.
. The Queeu tf England has over two mil
lituib iu gold i tho Euiporor of France three
rniilious ; the Queen f ,;paiu two millions
and a garter ; tho C,n of Kuasia five mil
hong. We py Andy Johniion only twenty,
two thiiusan'i dollars . But unit articles
rJen it t puce.
Jadre Bharsmood la
will the Mctl UrMt V
! ,' lllMTKlV 1
(From lUchmoed KxalMt, )
Tlio following 1)1)1, Ui l tmlllM Vr)
to prohibit iW'ftliiiK lu U mt tHWv w
tho cucmj," ha aril liolli llnu W
pre. K originated lit lit 1 ttf Kvf
WBcrttatlv,fcinl wm wmriuWd Itt lit MmM
by tho iimcrUou f tho thU MJVv--
tho tlrtt potlnn. Tim tmMtw -tfv W
nnnron Iwi r.inoni fort tit liv ttitt II 11 HSU, 1 W
act will, d.iulttloM, rvtv thu nwv t
tho l'mlilr-nt, ami the wuMtrj wilt tht t
relltivotl or lh lo-rnlilitw ttVutU uf Ulllo
which It t auriuiNlna any wwii rtllnB
to ho Idcnllllnl with tho tiuulh nuould uytir
ttftvn rnivnivHit In t
1. 2'An VnyiKt of the Confederal SUM
America tit enact That no broker, banker
r ii.tainr In nxchuuua. or Dorsou concerned
iu exchange, or purscin concerned la trade aa
a merchant, or veuder of uiercliauiUno of
any description, or ncy otuor person, excejn,
within the line of th enemy, shall buy, Boll,
1 V .. , , r, i ,r.npr trado in
inU?iliwr rnVrnrv cTf thonited States : I
1-rooided, Thut the purchase of postage
stamps shall not bo conMdered violation
J " -- " - I
Of this act. .. , .1 .
2 Tra,V-ny 1 .,Z8,t to ffit
ions of this act shall be subject to indict-
mcnt and prosecution
in the Confederate
Court holdeu for the district within which
the offense was committed, aud shall, upon
conviction, forfeit the amount so bought,
sold, circuluted, or used, or a sum equal
thorcto ; aud shall be moreover subject to a
fiuo of not more than twenty thousand dol
lars, nor less than five hundred, and bo im
prisoned not less than three months, nor
more than three years, at tbo discretion of
said Court ; and it shall be the duty of tho
judge of the several Confederate Courts to
tnis act specially in charge to tno granu
a. That tins act snail not ie construed to
apply to any person acting in behalf of the
Government of tho Confederate States, by
special authority of the President, or any of
tbo beads ol departments.
Judge Sbarswood decided the circulation
of Government bonds aud money unconstl-
tutional. llo therefore stands on the sarao
platform with his Southern brethren. Vo
ters remember this. .
Tho following letter has been addressed
by tho insurrectionary government of Crete
to the consuls of England, France, Russia,
Austria, Prussia, Italy, Greece, Sweden, and
tho Vnited States of America :
"Asktfo de SrnAKiA, August 0,
'Messieurs les Consuls The Generalis
simo of Turkey, Omar Pacha, having failed
in bis last expedition, in spue or nis lm
ruenso military preparations, his numerous
arm v. the strict blockade which he had in
stituted both by sea aud land, and bis pro
mise to tho insurgents, abandoned lamseit
without restraint to tho dictates of a fero
cious heart. He burned all the villages of
Sphakia, with the exception of Commitato
and Prosjals, which were partly destroyed.
Ho cut down tho trees ana set nre to tue
bco hives, searched all the caves in which
tho inhabitants had hidden their smnll pro
perties, opened the tombs and scattered tho
remains of the persons who had been long
interred, whilo be cut off tho heads and
limbs of corpses recently buried. Ho sur
rounded caves whero women and children,
old men and sick, had taken refuge, and
having induced them to come forth by pro
mises and protestation, caused them to be
subjected to the most cruel tortures, and
this at tho moment ho had assured M
BoutacofT, tho Russian consul, that he had
treated them with lenity. Omar
Pacha also put to death tho nun Trnjina,
blind from his birth, Cali Papanicola, S.
Vergaki, N. Parlakl, and Jean de Ttivara,
whoso bodies ho insulted. In tho village of
Colocassia ho bad an old man, named
Giamoulakcy, and a priest, slaughtered.
During his return to Ucraclion on tho 28th
and 80th of last month Rescind Pacha com
mitted even greater atrocities against the
dcfencolcss to revenge bimsclt tor his detcut,
This leader ravaged the property of tho
Christians and burnt tho convent of Prcveli
At Metainpes no massacred an old man
named Gianacachi Christophornki and
girl, whoso bodies bo cast into the flames ;
as well as the monk Uedcon, whose bead he
impaled upon tho cross surmounting tho
church. Other persons whoso names wo
have not been able to learn, also fell victims
to his fury. Tho Cretan government, while
deploring the brutal and ierocious acts,
wbich enlightenment and civilization con
demn, protests in tho name of humanity to
your governments, and implores their aid
that tho weak and the defenceless may bo
saved. We embrace at the samo time this
opportunity of denying the false Btatemcuts
spread by Omar Pacha concerning tho pre
tended submission of Candia. f ar from
such bciug tho case, not a child has given in
its submission, not a weapon has been de
livered up, not a signature has ratified anv
such proposal ; and let it be well noted that
t u - -1 .-.!.: - i I. i i ;
iu DiJiiuiim aumo utj uua uuw ueuu currvmir
on war against ua for an entire month. Omar
Pacha has attempted to delude his own
government, and to mislead European opin-
ion. but the Christians of Candia onnoaed to
his niendacioua words, tho rattle of their
arms and tho report of their muskets, which
has not ceased and will not ccaso to resound
from one extremity of the island to the
other until our deliverance and our union
with independent Greece. We bet? you to
lay this present communication before your
Very aLateat from the Plain.
St. Louis, Sept. 17. An Omaha dispatch
says that the Montana volunteers had a fight
with the Crow and Sioux Indians, on Yel-low-etone
river, on September 1st, when two
whites wcro killed. Tho loss of tbe Indians
is not known.
Tho citizens of Montana aro calling loudly
for tho Government to stop the Indian out
rages, or to allow them to do it themselves.
1 Lie Union 1'acino Uailroad is now fin
ished 460 miles west of Omaha, and within
titty miles ot Uueyenuo City.
The Kansas branch of the Pacific Rail
road is completed twelve miles Iteyond the
station just accepted by tho Government,
wliicii carries tue track 270 miles
the Missouri river.
west of
I'rom New Orlenua.
Headquarters District of Louisiana,
New Orleans, La., Sept. 10, 1807. Gener
al Orders No. 11. It having como to tho
knowiudgo of the Brevet Major General com
manding that in various parts of tho State
the assembling of armed men for political
or other purposes is of frequent occasion.
and that well disposed citizons are subject-
ed to annoyan ce Ironi armed pcrsous posted A census of Debunue gives 81,223 popu
aa sentinels or videttea, it is hereby ordered Nation, and $5,101,000 valuation.
nTratKTnd efolen cm!.C
TinHnW- "
Commanders of posts, detachments and
atationa within this command will art
and detain until further orders, all armed
men found jvogted as sentinels, pickets or
viueiics. or ureienuiDir uiusva ituara auiv
foe any purpose, or by And anthority not
duly authorised by law. i. ;
By order of Brevit Major Gcueral Joseph
A. Mower. . ' -
Otbcial. (Signed) Nat a. Bobbakk,
Second Lieut. 87th Inlsntrv, A. A. A. Q
(Janwa) Jvt YhvttupPH writei to hll Old
mWw few 1 rcotruullon.
Hy WlUvJl ' i " t '
lllia4ll leadw t ha beginning,
tf.aand.aiul Who during
tWWto atvutfaW w with you at tho front,
Miwwxnt'f M. will poaltively aaaert CUMHty maintain y riKht to eipreu
W tltdwa fivelv upon all subjects atloct-
WA Tenure ouuv", w
tuevlval thvorUla or bomb proof politicians.
'lf the war was to Defend tho South in
the tmtruUo of its belief in tho right to
aocedo. then I criero over the death of this
tiioory. If tho war was to .preserve African
slavery, then I do not rogret tho struggle,
thoiiuh I do criove over tho loss of 44.000.-
OOOJiOO worth of property and the sad fate
that awaits the poor negro ; Out, U vtjouaht
four yearn limply for th4 vertonal triumph of
tome political parlumne, a jew oj wiwm would
riillmake ttt believe that the country u ruined
only became they are excluded from offke, then
r.f. J.. . tt.. 4,t 1
'merely reym wt can ina, aim kim oriwo
aneu ?er 8rate' f tL brave ftWL
mnnil r
mU8t-again repeat that I did not figl.t
g . t .
S.faa . I AiA nnf. flirht tlm ttnrth Wanan t
"tod the North but I fought for what I
. , ,. ?,, r. nnA
J, . . ... "rlu'l J- J-i-
and I am struggling now. in another way,
to accomplish tho samo object, and I will
make as many saennecs, ana lauor as earn
estly and persistently, as any man in tho
South to control the political elements, to
devise plans, and protects, and put in suc
cessful operation enterprises that will build
up our poor, acsoiaieu uuu iiupuveriBiiBii
country. This is what tlio SoutU really
needs j this is all tho truly patriotic men oi
the North ask ; and I will advocate tho bost
plans, in my judgement, to accomplish tho
object, rcgaruiess oi who originates or sup
ports them, whigs, democrats, federals, re
publicans, radicals, conservatives or eclec
tics. "This is all the defence I need. Tell tbo
people I am still for tho honor, safety and
material prosperity of tho South, and while
I will not cast a shadow on the graves of
our dead, or extinguish ono ray of the glory
of our manly struggle, yet I must bidlhe
livina look to the future, aud holp build up
our common conntry Horn tho Atlantic to
tho Pacific, from the lakes to tho Gulf."
Reception or tteneral Wucrltlaii Iu
St. l..ouiM.
Tho people of St. Louis gave an enthusias
tic reception to General Sheridan Monday
night week last. Tho torchlight procession
was nearly two miles long. Twenty posts
of tho Grand Army of the Republic were in
tho line, together with colored societies, fire
companies and citizens. Speeches of wel
come were made by Lieutenant-Governor
Smith and General Carl Schurz. The fol
lowing paragraphs aro extracted from Gen
eral Schurz's speech
"But in you, sir, tho people sco more than
merely a man who can wield a sword, rido
down hostile battalions, and handle an army
on tho rough edges of battle. In you the
peopio nouor tbo glorious model oi tho
American soldier. (Cheers. Tho soldier
wno is no mere unthinking mac In no in the
hands of a superior will, but who knows
what ho is fighting for, and whoso brave
soul will never rest until the victory of his
arms has received its truo value in the as
sured triumph of a great causo. Great ap
in you they honor the man whoso eagle
ivfl nut. nnlv tinvnr fnilr.rl til lmttln hut coivtwl
with equal certainty the decisive poiuts of
nits i4iu1' I'liruitjiM wi uui uny, uub tuny aa
the bold rider of Winchester and the hero of
the Shecaudoah Valley and tho Five Porks,
but as tne hero oi the r nth Military District,
I T- . 1, . . . i ; i
"uencrai Sheridan, we welcome you as
an honest man. I Loud applause. Sir, you
have achieved a triumph not inferior to
your exploits as a soldier. I Cheers. You
have not only shown to the enemies of the
country tho invincibility of your arms, but
tho very men who bate you, you have forced
to respect and esteem you in spito of them
selves. Applause.
"Uvea now voices are coming up from the
houlh voices ot men who abhor the au
mority you exercised voices which say "wo
detest- tho law which placed him over us.
but bheridun is a man.' I (Jliecrs. I
"Dark as tho horrizon may appear, the
day is not very far when tho strugt-lo we
are uow passing through will lie behind us
in the records oi bistory the day when tho
whole American nation, North and South,
willing rccogniziug tho beneficent results
of this great revolution will again be united
in band and heart, when tho republic will
throw her broad shield over tho civil and
political rights of all her citizcus. I Loud
"Whatever Louisiana and Texas may say.
blessed bo tho day which gives us tho secure
reign ot hearty loyalty and impartial justice:
aud blessed be Sheridun, who so bravely
broke tbo ground enthusiastic cheers
and tho peopio of all tho states will joyfully
i , , , , J
ruPeat wbat ey already say, as tho gleam
ohendau s mind showed ub tho road to
Pcac0. tho representation of tho popular
mougnt. i Loud dicers. J
"General Sheridan, we welcomo you. Rc
"B1 u cers. j
General Sheridan's reply was as follows
"I presume you all kuow I never make
speeches. I reeret cxceodinclv that 1 am
unable to make ono to-night, but this very
a.iuu welcome oas oeen unexpected by mo
entirely, and I can only return my sincere
thanks for your enthusiastic and kind wel
Kerosene killed 200 people and destroy-
ea o,uuu,uuo or property last year.
Cheers for Jeff. Davis aro beginning to
do iieara again ln Maryland since tno Presi
dent took tno war path.
Peterson & Brother, Philadelphia, are to
publish CoL Forney's letters from Europe in
uooa, iorm. -
There is a well in Brandon, Vt., which is
irozen an tne year round, no more in Janu
ary mau in juiy.
' A band of Indians recently made a raid
on Mora, New Mexico, killed three men.
carried away five boys, aud drove off a lot
An Omaha dispatch states that ono hun
dred and seventy lodges of Arrapuhoo In
dians nave oiicred to surrender it tbo Gov
ernment will protect them aud feed their
families. Orders havo been issued to accept
iuo terms.
Corn sells in Oakalooska. Iowa, at eiuht
cents a bushel.
"Hotel de Horse," is the namo of a livery
tble in New York.
VPn oi government politics.
Wbf! ig Vr5 Pwdiil t Because the
010,0 ft coalei tn no"e' " gets.-Puucb.l
An English Clergyman hat been Sued for
"wving a nocx ol suei-p. A poor shepard,
i "
A carpenter is Troy fell fifty feet and lm-
paieo minseii on a picket fence. Ho will
uo enmo so nigu again.
j""uu woman uiew qui uer gas tn a
room in a Chicago hotel, went to sleep, and
" iwi piece tot asy alter.
Queen Victoria baa been visiting the
"Border," which hni given rite to some
candalona gossip, John Brown, with Lis
blue bound, accompanying her.
A man aaiuminff to be the Bon of God,
and predicting that President Johnson had
only forty-eight hour to live, was arrested
lost week In Washington.
It has been independently discovered by
three astronomers that a new crater has ap-
penro,i ln tho mooD( hnd B 0id one finea up
0T tne erupt on from it.
Jeff. Davis lias taken his daughter from
her convent school. He was afraid she
would turn Catholic, and Jefferson, as every
body knows, is opposed to all manner of
secession. . . ..
An elder at a revival, somo forty years
ago, said to tho late Bliss ricugwicK, "un, i
see the very aovii in tnose eyes." "Bir,
replied tho authoress, ''ho must be, then,
your own reflection in them."
Rev. Henry Wondt, tho unmitigated nl
Han, who raped thirteen little girls, inmates
0f tho Lutheran Orphan's Home, at Ocr-
. , i. r. i i
mantOWD, i'O., UOS 1UBI ueen sentencea 10
Leventeen yeare hard labor in tho Eastern
A statistician estimates that every mar
ricd couple may calculate upon 4,104,804
descendants in about rive hundred years,
Samuel Jack, of Vinton, Iowa, has a calf
tli nt breathes through a double pair of nos
trils, ono above the other a freak of nature.
A Delaware roan, who some years ago cut
up and roasted a negro, taking tho right
band home with him as a trophy, recently
commited suicide.
The cotton caterpillars emit an odcr as o:
fresh honey, and will destroy a forty aero
field in twenty-four hours tho worms, not
the smell,
A number of maatodnn bones have been
exhumed near Urbina, Ohio. The first bone
found weighed nearly 40 lbs., "and measured
U8 inches in length,
Tiikre is now a grand ring forming to
keep breadstuff's up to famino prices. Tho
ring has its branches in Chicago, Buffalo
and New York, and its leading members
are said to be men ot great wealth with
heavy bank facilities. It is well known that
millions of bushels of wheat have already
changed hands in Chicago, Buffalo and Now
jTork, without a bushel being moved. Like
gold-gamblers, many parties are buying and
selling brcadstutls who have not a bushel ot
wheat or a barrel of flour in their possession
"HiiUBANtis, Lova your Wivir," and rivathem
PI nil tat ion Iiittera when thoy are Differing from
XHorvousnoss, uonoral Debility, fainuien. bpuuifl
or any of the thnuaind and ono diseases to whioh the
wonkor sex is Imblo. iiavtne yoursolves expert-
cneod the benefit of their use, extend the blbssino
to others. This invalunblo tonic will chase Hypo
chondria or "the Blues" sive tone to tho damaged
nervous system greatly stimulate languid socre
Hons dispel vapors and tnniti, and genornlly build
up the worn constitution. Fur eaoh tex and all
ages it is a gontle stimulant and a refreshing oordi
al. Millions of bottles aro sold daily all over the
Magnolia Wats- A delightful tollot article
superior to Cologne and at half tho price.
There Is every reason to foar great Biokness this
season. The summer has been wet, and all vegeta
ble uiattor has grown luxuriantly, so now, that do
composition is oominenoing, malarial poison will be
developed to an awful extent ; and the terrible dis
eases consequent thereupon follow. Bilious remit
tent foverB, cholera morbus, and other bowel oora
pluints, are already raging foarfully. Every person
wbose system is in the slightest manner diseased,
may find himself at any moment the victim of somo
of these afllictions. Tho greatest regularity in all
our habits should be observed, and tho organism for-
iiueu Dy some gooa ionic preparation.
The Zingari Bitters will noutrulizo these poisons,
even after they havo entored tho blood, aud thus
prevent its banoful effect.
(11 HE subscriber offers for salo the valuable proper
J. ty uow occupied by himself, dn the corner of
fSecuud and Walnut street, tiunbury. The lot is on
high ground and has a front of VO foot on Walnut, and
2M) teoton becona street. Ihe improvement) ore a
new aud well-oonslruoted
42 feet on Walnut and 54 on Second street), with a
frame Kitchen IS by 22, with an excellent Cistern
in the kitohen, and all,theouer necessary and usual
Outbuildings, including good Stabling. The premi
ses are haudsomoly located with a good Oardon and
exoellent fruit. Possession to be given on the first
of April next .
ur terms apply to v m. M. itocaereuer a u. I.
Uobrbaek, sqr., or the subscriber.
r. iv. uuai.
Sunbury, Sept. 21, 1S67 Sin
Ansliftor'si Notice.
Estate of Henry Master, deceased.
AT OTIC E is bereby given thut the undersigned
LN Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of
Northumberland County to distribute the balance in
tbe nanus ot 11. is. Manser, on ot the Jbxeoulors or
Henry Majsor, late of tbe i!uroui;h of Sunbury, do-
oeased,as per confirmation of Auditor's Report on
his aooount to and amongst those legally entitled
thereto, will attend to the duties of bis said appoint
ment ut bis ofhco in the Borough of Sunbury, on
Saturday the 5th day of October, 1667, at 10 o'clock
A. M., at wntca lime ana place, an persons interest
ed may attend .
tvai. ji. ttULivt.r jiL,Lii.n, Auditor.
Soptcmber 21, 1H67.
Auditor's) Notice.
Estate of George Martin, deceased.
"VTOTICEis hereby elven, that tho undersigned
1N Auditor, appointed by tho Orphans' Court of
Hortnnmuorianu uounty, to aistriuute tne oaiunoe
in the bunds of Suruh Bloom, administratrix of (ioo
Martin, late of the Borough of Sunbury, deceased,
to and among the heirs aud legal representatives of
saiu ueoeaeut, win uuona 10 uio auues oi uis said
appointment , at nis omce in tae uorougn oi eunoury,
on Friday tbe 4th day of Ootober, A. b. 1867, at 10
o'clock A. M of said day at whioh time and place
all parsons iuterosted may attond if tuoy so proper,
irra. m. nvL-Lvrj tL,L.r.u, Auuuor,
Eunbury, Bept. 21, 18(57.
Auditor Notice.
Till? nnAttrJtrmnA .nui t. V, - P ....... P1
mon Pleas of Northumberland County, Auditor to
maao uisiriuuuon oi tue lunus now ln liourt, arising
from the salo of the real estate and franchise of the
"Sunbury Canal and Water Power Company" and
to report tbe facts, hereby no-.ifios all persons inter
eated, that he will attend to the duties of his annoiut.
incut at his office in the Borough of bunbury, at 10
o'clock A. M., on Mouday th 7th day of October
CIIA8. J. DllUNER, Auditor.
Bunbury, Bopt. 21, 1867.
i:tate of lIIaa Ilower, Deceased,
NOTICE 1) hereby given that letters testamentary
having been granted to tbe undersigned,on the estate
of Uamuel Bower, lata of Jordan township, North,
amberland oounty, Penn'a., deceased. All person)
iudebtod to said estate are requested to make im.
mediate payment, and those baying claims to present
inem tor settlement.
ELIAS BOWER, Executor.
Jordan township, Sept. 31, 1867. t
From the
Cold Spring Brewery,
RESPECTFULLY inform) th publio generally,
that he is prepared to furnish
In large or small quantities. His facilities for mak
ing Ber eaaaot be excelled, and is pronounoad supe
rior to any other offend ia Central Pennsylvania.
It has also been recommended by physicians as a
healthy drink fur invalids.
Hotel), ttosiaurants and private families Supplied
at short notice.
Bunbury. Bept !, 1867.
but Loess entrusted to b car attended to
raoaiftly and with diligeuce.
ft 11
BY virtue of sundry writs of Yen. Exponas, alias
Yen. Bap., and Fieri Facias, to me directed will
oe exposed to publio sale, s ino puono bouse or a.
Fisher, Milton, I'a., on Tounday, Ootober 10, loST,
at lOo'eloek A. M., th follewing described proper
lv In mi , . i .
7. . . . . . .
All mat oevtain nnaiviaea ene-sevenm interest or
Lot of Urouni, situate la Turbut township, North-
moorland county, and Btate or rennsylvanla, and
bounded as follow) i On the north and west by land
of John P. Summers, east by Franklin Foust. and
south by the road leading Ironi mnton to vanville,
and whereon is erected a large two-story dwelling
boas, a frame barn and other outbuildings, a well
of water at the house, and an orchard, Ac, contain
ing about two acres, more or lees.
Seised taken In exeoution and to be sold as the
tironertv of Albin Foust.
ALSO I At the same time and place, one lot of
ground, situate lntlie Borough of Milton, ln that part
or said uorougn oaueu upper mnton, county oi Nor
thumberland. Stat of Pennsylvania, and boundod
follows : On the north and west by the property
of the "Milton Car Company," east by Second street
and south by Upper Market street, and whereon Is
erected a two story frame dwelling houso, frame
stable and other outbuilding).
Seised, taken in execution and to be sold a) the
proporty or Joseph Harris.
ALSO : A t the same time and place, the undivided
one -half of all that oortain lot of ground .situate in the
llorougti of Milton, bounded on the north by lots oi
Mrs. llotltnan. Kicbard liowen and others, east by lot
of Jonas Kohlor and Caslow, on the south by lots oflt.
Hitler, Li. ii. runa auu otuers, ana on ino west iy
the P. A K. Railroad and lots of Mr), iloninan, and
other), containing about two aores.
belied taken ln execution and to ua sold at tue
property of Charles lloy.
At the Court House In the Boroueh of Sunburv. on
Saturday, Oct. 12, at 1 o'olock P. M., the following
onortv to wit :
All that eertain two story frame bouse, messuaee
and tenement, situate on a certain lot or piooe of
ground in Cake s Addition to eunbury, formerly in
Upper Augusta township, but now of the Borough of
Sunbury, being annexed by a late Aot of Assembly,
said lot or piece of ground is about twenty-five foot
in wiutu oy about one nunurea test, more or less, in
depth, and boundod as follows : On the side toward
the east by a street some forty or fifty foot wide, and
running parallel and next to the Philadelphia & Erie
Kail road, on tne side toward tne nortn ny lot oi a,
Druffner, on the side toward the west by an alloy
or what appears to be one ; and on the Bide toward
the south by vacont lots belonging to Joseph Cake.
The building aforesaid is about (lb) eighteen feet in
width, and about thirty-two feet, more or less, in
Seised taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of John Sossaman, owner or reputed owner
and contractor.
ALSO : All that oortain lot or piece of ground
situate in Jordan') Addition to the liorough of Sua
mokin, Northumberland county, Penn'a., marked
upon the plan of said Jordan's Addition to the Do
rough of Shamokin, as lot number two hundrod and
fifty (No. 250). boundod on tho north by lot Mo. 261 :
east by Shamokin street, south by Coal alley, and
west by Coal Lane, as marked and designated upon
the original plan of said addition.
Also, Upon all that oortain other lot in tbo said
uorouga ot onamoKin, .Northumberland oounty, be
ine one of the lots laid out by Thomas Davis, Win
MoCartv, Joseph Warner end Alexandor Jordan
and numbered In the original plan of Baid town, as
laid out by the said Thomas Davis and others, us lot
number four hundred and fourteen (No. 414).
Also, Upon all thoso two certain contiguous lots of
ground, situata in the suid thorough ol bbamokin,
Northumberland oounty, known and designated in
toe pianoi tuat partot tne town or uorouga ot bua
mokin. laid out by Alexander Jordan. Wm. McCur
ty, Thomas Davis and Jos. Warner as lots numbered
four hundred and thirty-six (No. 430), and four hun
dred and thirty-seven (No. 437,) respectively, each
lot containing thirty foot (30 ft.) in front and ono
hundred and oiehty foot in doptb.
Seised taken in execution and to be sold as the
proporty of Joseph 11. McCurty.
At the publio houso of A. Ueist, formerly Beisel
hotel, in Upper Mahonoy township, Northumberland
oounty, Ponn'a., on Tuesday, October 22d, 1807, ut
1 o oiook r . ii., tne loiiowing property to wit :
All that certain real estate, situate in Upper Mah
onoy township, Northumberland county, State oi
Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, beginning at
stone, thence by land of Peter Boise), north seventy
seven degrees west fourteen aud five-tenths perches
to a stone ; .tnence Dy tnesame nortn eignty-sixan
one-half degrees, east fivo and two-tenths porches t
a stone ; thence by the same south seventy-soven
degrees, east twelve and five-tenths porches to a
stone ; thenco by lands occupied by the Odd Follows
Lodge, south fifth-eight degrees west, five and two-
tenuis porohe) to a stone, and pluce ef boginninir.
containing seventy-threo porches, strict measure,
wnereon is created a largo two story Iramo dwelling
house, barn, and other out-buildings.
eonod fatten in execution and to be sold as the
property of William H. Otto. Li JUCVKJUl. I , BQOrill.
Sheriffs Office, Bunbury, Sept. 21, 1HB7.
SIII:I11b-'1"S NAII2.
T) V virtue oi certain writ of Venditioni Exponas
U issued out of the Court of Common Plea of
Northumberland county, and to me directed, will bo
exposed-to public salo at the Union House, in tbe
Llorougti ol Mt. Unrmol, iu sum oounty, on TUES
DAY, SEPT. 24. 1867. at 10 o'clock A. M.. the fol-
lowing described proporty, to wit:
All those thirteen continguous Lots of Ground,
situato in tho Borough of Mt. Carmol, county of
Northumberland, and Slate of Pennsylvania, and
numbered in the general plan of said town with the
numocrs i, x, a, 4, o, o, 7, tt, tf. 10, 11, 12 and 13, in
block number 21, and oommonly known aa the
Mount Carniel Hotel lots, exoepting and reserving
therefrom all minerals, iron ore and othor mineral
lying under the surface of said lots of ground, aud
the legul owners thereof with the right to dig, mine
and carry away tbe same, and being the same pre
mises which Henry Weiso, ShorifT of tho county of
Northumberland aforesaid, old as the property of
Thomas iJeuingardner, Charles W. lliggins and
othors to Charles M. Hall, and deed dated tbe 7th
day of November, A. I). 1856, and duly acknow
ledged on the 10th day of Novombor, A. D. 1856,
granted and conveyed to said Chas. M. Hull and his
Heirs in fee simple, the same title therein being bere
by conveyed as was vested in said Charles M. Hull
by virtue of said Sheriff) deed, and which the said
Charles M. Hall and wife by doed dated thel5tb
of February, A. 1). 1861, grunted und oonvoyed to
Jonathan Hoover, said deed being recorded in the
offioofor recording of deeds, Ac, in and for the
oounty of Northumberland, in Deed Book Y. Y.,
pages 146, and 147, and which the said Jonathan
Hoover and wife, by deed dated tbe 6th day of
March, A. D. 1866, granted and oonveyed to George
E. Apsley, said deed being recorded in the office, Ac,
in Deed Book G. G. pages 147 and 148, and whioh
the said Geo. E. Apsley and and wile by deed dated
the Vth day of April, A. D. 1866, granted and con
veyed to Wm. I), Wench, said deed being recorded
In the office, Ac, in Deed Book Y. Y., pages 148
and 14'J, and which said Wm. D. Wenon by deed
dated the Tth day of February, A. D. 1867, grantod
and conveyed to Charles F. Thatcher, said deed be
ing recorded in the office. Ac, iu Deed Book No. &1,
page S48.
Seised and taken Into exooution as tbe property
of Jonathan Hoover and to be sold by
D. BECK LEY, ShorifT.
Bhorlff')OfBn, Sunbury, Sept. 7, 1867.
TN pursuance of an ordor of the Orphans' Court tf
X jxortnumneriana oounty, win De exposed to pub
lio sale m the premises, on SATURDAY the 21st day
of SEPTEMBER, 1867, all that certain Real Estate,
situate in Lower Mahonoy township, in said county,
bounded and described as follow) : Beginning at a
hickory, these by land of Daniel Rolhermel, north
on degree, wost 70 and four-tenths perches to a pine;
thence south 8V and a half degrees, west VI perches
to a stone : thence alone! th Susauehanna river 63
degrees, east 16 perohes ; thence south on degree,
west S4 and one-tenth perohes ; theno south lo and
a half degree, west it perches to a stone ; thence by
land of Georg Snyder, north 86 degree), ast 31 and
five-tenths perches to a pine ; thence north 67 do
grees. east 81 perohes to plaoe of beginning, ooutaln
lug FIFTY ACRES, and one hundred perchos, more
or less, nearly all of which is oleared and in a good
state of cultivation, also, all kinds of fruit trees on
the same, whereon are erected a frame house, a log
barn, and other outbuildings.
Also, an Island, situate in th river Susquehanna,
In Upper Paxton township, Dauphin oounty, l'a., at
the corner of Northumberland and Dauphin sounties,
and bounded on all side by th Susquehanna river,
oontaining twelve (12) acres of land, more or Ion.
Lata the property of Thomas Zerbe, deoeased.
Sal to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day,
when th terms and conditions of sal will be mad
known by S. BIOKEL, Adm'r.
y uruerui in voort,
J. A. J. Cuumaas, Cl'k.
Bunbury, Sept. T, 1867.
Middle Creel Itallroad Notice.
THE subscribers to th Capital Block of th Mid
dleoreek Railroad Company are hereby notified that
the second instalment of tax faa cikt. upon their
subscription) will b called in, payable on th first
day of Ootober next, to th Treasurer of said com
pany. By order of th Board,
v . m, , JAMES BURNS, IWt.
JobbA. Mckbb, Soo'y ,
Uwistown.Sept. 14, 1867. St .
IsorotiKh Tax Appeal.
VrOTICK is hereby gives that an appeal will b
hah. at the office of B. Y. Bright, Esq., in th
Borough ef Sunbury, on Monday, th 23d day of
6epiaibar,18o7, between th hoars or Dili A. al.
and I A P. J., whea all persona latorwUd ar
reqaastod to attend. .
junbury, Sept. T, lHoT.. .n
BIRO CAGES, 11 ditr'rent kinds. If you want
good and cheap Bird Cagos, go to
milE subscriber) having located a bottling eotatJ.
X lisbment is Cake's Addition, In the Borough of
Bunbury, respectfully inform th oitisensofthis and
djoiaieg counties that they are prepared to furn-
uu AMiMiiuru nvsiaureni sleepers aua private larai
lie with tbe best brands of SarsaparUls Mineral Wa
ter, Ale ana rorter, bottled In tbe best Banner. Their
drinks are procured from th best establishments ia
tbe eounti y, which enables them to furnish a better
article than can be had elsewhere, which will be de
livered at th lowest rates.
The oitiaen) of Sunbury and Vicinity will find It
their interest to patronise home industry, aad assist
in making Ibis a permanent enterprise, and at th
sains tiuie save labor and money.
vruen are reepootiuuy lencueu,Wlllcn will reoeiv
prompt attentioa. , .
Address, , PROBST A B.OTK, .' ,
August IT, 1387.-0 Shnbnry, Pa.
NOTICE fl hereby given to all parties Interested,
that James II. MoCermlck. Assignee of H. A
H. McCnrmiok, surviving partner of the late firm of
najs s mcvormioa, nas nied a is anal acooant ia
the I'rotbonotary') Ufhoe, and that unleet objection
bo made, on or beforo the first Monday of November
next, said account win Deeonnrmed.
Prothonotary's Office. Bunbury, Aug. 24, 1867.
WILL oueo on Mondav. BeDtember 2d. in the
buildiuc owned by Ira Clement, and situated on
the river bank. Further Information can be either
from W. J. Wolverton, Esq., or from
ELIAS SCHNEIDER, A. M., Principal.
Sunbury, August 24, 1887. 3t
aV'ourth nod Arcli Nt.
Are offoring a NEW BTOCK of
N. B. Job Lots of Goods received daily.
September 7, 1867. Ot
HIx School Tcnx-liei-M Wnntesl.
APPLICATIONS of Teachers will be received
br tho School Board of I'd per Auzusta town
ship, until Friday the 4th day of October next, at
two o'clock r. Al., wncn the I'ublio Schools will be
allotted. Schools will Open on tho second Montlny
of November next and continue four ooneeoulive
All applications must be accompanied with the
requisite certificates. JSy ordor of the Hoard.
uirunuii UAUL-, i-roe t.
Jona Ecxmak, Seo'y. v sept. 7.
Auditor' Notice.
.Estate of Philip Brymire, deceased.
Tho undersigned, appointed by the Orphan's Court
for Northumberland County, "Auditor to diatributo
the balance in the hands of the Executor of the last
will and testament of Philip Llrymire, deceased, to
and among those legally entitled thereto," will at
tend to tho duties of his appointment at his office,
Market street above Third street, in tho Borough of
Sunbury, on Thursday the 26th day of September
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, whero and when
all interest oan attend with their claims and proofs.
JNO. K. CLEMENT, Auditor.
Sunbury, Aug. 31.J867.
Auditor' Notice.
flHE undersigned, nuditor, having been appointed
X by tbe Orphans' Court of Northumberland coun
ty, to distribute the balance in tbe hands of VYm.T.
loraythe, Administrator of Kebeoca Wolls, deceased,
as per his account confirmed August 6, 18f7, will
attend to tbe duties or his appointment at his ofneo,
ia tbe Borouih of Sunbury. on Suturdnv. Sentem-
ber 2Jst, 1807, at 10 o'clock A. M., at whioh time
aud place, parties interested are requosted to attond.
L. T. K011K13ACH, Auditor,
bunbury, Aug. 31, 18C7.
Korlsiusiibvrluistl County
The best manuro for all kinds of grain manufac
tured. More activo, more durablo, than any other. It
does not exhaust tho soil, bui on tho contrarv in a
permanent improver. OVER 600 FARMERS iu tlio
County applied it to their bpriug Urops, tbe results
were mailt excoeuea tneir most sanguine expecta
tions. It was tested with the best Phosphates in the
country but came outjvictorious. Furmurs, uso it for
your whoat and rye.
Put up in Bags of 200 lbs. en ah and sold at $57 per
2000 pounds, at tbe Manufactory,
V.a.Ht Market Street, Nuubury, lu.t
or at any of our agenls in Dnnvillo, Williamsport,
Lewisburg, Muney Station, Milton, Dewart, Potts
grove, Biiwmsburg, Selins'-Grove, Trevor ton. or any
of tho principal towns in tbe adjoining counties.
Whero we have no agents appoiutcd, farmer) can
send their order) by mail and rely on their receiving
immediate attontion.
Wo have the advantage of Railroad and Canal
transportation in all direction), and purchasers need
apprehend no delay in filling orders.
bunbury, Aug. 17, 1807.
We take pleasure in announcing to Dealers in
Fertilisers, and the Agricultural publio, that we
have within the past year increased our facilities for
the manufacture of our Raw Bone Phosphate, to an
extent unequalled by any other House in the United
States or Europe. These facilities not only include
the enlargement of our old established works in
Philadelphia, known as the Isr in wit re Hlver
Aericullnral Clifinic-ul Murks, but
also th purohase of extensive and well stocked work)
at Chicago, III., with all the necessary machinery,
ears, Ac, to conduot the business. This establish,
mentalono has produced, annually, ovor 6060 tons
of d Hod Bones and Meat, and ia capable of being
largely inoreased. We desire, by tbe elosest super
vision, to conduct these two oonocrns so that our cus
tomer will derive a praotioal benefit from their con
solidation, in obtaining a MANURE which shall
maintain a standard and uniform quality, aud at
the lowest possible price. -,
It -aVW !B03STE
Sole Manufacturer ft Proprietors,
rF"Ftnirn are leeomuiended In purchase of lbs dealer
wwk nefKumirnoua. in seewais wiMfe no dee
ler is yet established, the i'bosphau may be procured dnecl.
ly Iron lb endei sigiwd. A i'need Circular will U sent
v aii wiu apply,
0ffU4 Jfo. 80 8. PcLiware Avenue,
General Wholesale Agents,
No. 181 Pearl St., earner oi Cedar.
NEW YORK. . i : , : ' , .
WhoUaaU Agent for Maryland YixjiiiU,
Wo. lai Kmll a Wfeaif,
lB?W ar M-eparad to Supply our Patent Sao.
tiuuai Mill to all Manufacturers fur grinding LVacs,
uhbuq ana an ou)w uarq auosiaace).
Sold by
l-MITH eMiLNUlLK, Sunburv
lug J, lo7 ly
Washington Library Co.
; ' $300,000
Ona Case Passant or 110,000.
Orb Cash Pbisint or $20,000.
Oas Casb Presknt or tlu.OW.
Ons Cash ParsEKT or (5,000.
Two Cash PatsxaTs or 12 ioo e.V
Head full Schedule of Pretetti below.
Each Certificate of Stock is aooompanied with a
Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving
And also Insure to tbe holder a
The Washington Library
Is chartered by tbe Stat of Pennsylvania, and
Organised in aid of the
Sokliera' and Bailors' Orphans.
Incorporated by tbe State of K. J
APRIL 8, 1861.
Situate at Riverside, Burlington Ccxuily, Now Jer
sey, is lounded for th purpose of gratuitously edu
cating the tun) of deceased Soldiers and Seamen oi
tbe United States. t
Tho Board of Trustees oonsists of tho following;
well-known citisens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
District Attorney, Philadelphia. Pa.
Ex-Chief Coiner U. B. Mint, and Recordor oi
Deeds, Philsd'a., Pennsylvania.
HON. W. W. WARE, New Jersey.
Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, sba.
J. E. COE, Esq., of Joy,Coe& Co., Philadelphia.
Tbkasdrt Department, WAsniitoTon, D. C,
April 18, 1H67. Office of lntornal Revenue .-Having
received satisfactory evidence that the yi"eoods
of the enterprise conducted by tbo 'Washington
Library Company" will bo devoted to charitable,
use, permission is hereby granted to said Company
to conduot such enterprise exempt from nil churno,
"whether from special tax or other duly.
X,. A. tu.iLjL.iiSd, commissioner.
Tlie WnHliingrtoii Ultrnry Co.,
In order that the benevolont object set forth in thii
circular may be successfully accomplished, have
issued five soriesof
which are put on subscription at prices much bolow
their retail value.
will bo issued, stamped with tho seal of the Compa
ny, and signed by tbe fiocrotary. (None others
Any person sending us Uno Dollar, or pnvi" t tlio
same to our local Agents, will rcooiro immediately a
nne otoci riat r.ngraving, at cnoico irnni tno loi
iowing list, and One Certificate of Stock, insuring
Ono Present in our published schedule.
No. l-' My Child ! My Child !" No. 2-"Tlic'y'io
Saved ! They'ro Saved ! ' No. 3 "Old Seveutv-six
or, tho Early Dnys of tbe Revolution.'
Anv person paying Two IMlnrs will rocoivo cither
of the following fine Steel Plates, at choice, und
Two Certitioates of Stock, thus becoming entitled to
Two Presents.
No. 1 "Washington's Courtship." No. 2 "Waili
ington's Last Interview with bis Mother. "
Any person paying threo dollars will receive the
bcuutilul Steel Plate of
'-iiomb rnoM Tim war."
and throe Certificates of &tock, becoming cntitleil
to three l'resonts.
Any per.on paying Four IMlnrs shall reoe've the
large and beautiful Steel Plate of
'tub I'Krils or ova koiiefatiikhs."
and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them ti
Four Presents.
pivb dollar e.igravinuh.
Any person who pays Fivo Dollars ahull r-Aeivi
tlio large and splendid Steel Plate of
And Fivo Certificates of Stock, entitling tbcui toFivi
Tbe engravings and Crrlinoutcs will bo deliverer
to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or scut b
mail, post paid, or express, usmny bo ordered.
The sViinIiIsikIosi lahrnry 'onip1ii
Will Award
Oh W't Jiirtilay, September 25M, 18fi7 ,
At l'HILADKI.I'IHA, PA., Oral the Institute, KtVKl
E1UK, ,N. J.
I Cash Present
I Cusli Present
I Cunt! I'lesvnt
111, hi
5. r
6, V
1 Cash Present
!l Ciuh Presents of Si,.VHi each
I Huiusouie Country Uoiilence, Stable, Grounds,
c., ueniuintowii, I'hiludt'lpiiiu, IP,(
I Double Residence, three-story Unek, Caimlcn, N J. lj.l
1 Coal Depot, Offices. Hheiui, Ground, with busi-
. ciuiuiitfiieu. fto. Wiuuum-Lim A v.
enue. t'hiludelihia.
1 Country Uusidem-e. Riverside. N. 8.. with
Ground, Fruits, 4c.
1 Tliree-storv CoLlaae. I.nt. Ae.
Ho Valuulile Huikting Utn, Riverside, f 3O0 cacti
r.nyani luiiH'Ul f amily CarMHj-e, Simi of
Horses, Harness, Ac, complete
10 Valuable Building Lois, Riverside, S3imcncli
1 Bcuutilul Silver -Limy Horne, uj hands high,
sired by Hie celebrated imported Arabian
Horse "Caliph also, a light Ktwd Whcoi,
weight uu pounds, Willi set ol' supeimr
Single Hurneas, A.C, making a first-chits
SO Pianos, 500 each
ttt) Melndeous. Si-JJ rueh
4 Rosewood Sewini! Machines SOllO each
10 Family Kewiinr Mui-hni.-a. aino ..u,.k
511 Fine Uold Waiclics, JJUOeucli
lot) Oil l'uuituijs, by leuding artists atjgregato
3 Camel's Hair Shawls, 81. one men.
S Cuuiel'slluir Shawls, each
U Huiidsouie Ijicu Mia win, -25o each
iu i.snnierr BlnwH ao eaib
Hi Silk Ureas Pattern 74 cack
50 City Huildlug Ix.u, 1 75 inch
The reruaoalm will insist of Bilvorwaie, Musical
lios.-i Ovor Ulawos, I'.x-kol Uiblea, and Oil- .
. Icrent articles ut'ornauieut and um, amount
l"S 'i , t
Total, oT.;,
All Ike properties given clear of incumbrance.
Send orders to us by mail, enclosing from 1 lo
either by I'.at tirticu orders of iu a rcgiMcm! hucr,
our risk, ljigcr amounts mWid be win by di.-yl or
Id sluucs with Rugiavings
85 aliarcs with Kuaiavms
44) shares with KtuiruvliiKS
75 shares Willi Kuravlnas
100 kbarv with KugraviuK)
Local AGENTS WANTCUUiriHighout th Uailed SUI
The Aesocuilio Imvs apiM,iutoil as Receieerr-, Mrsi
UK.oKL.t-: A. ClKlhli 4. DO., wh.M well kiHwil m
gilly and laisiucM t-Aierii-ut:o will baa sulhru-iit guan
tee Ihaiihc inuucy iutiusUd to Ihciu will uu prouipii) t
plied to the purpose suied.
PuiLibKM 1IIA, Pa., Mil) -40, Mi'
To tlie OHicers and Meruliersol the Waslunglou
lyOo, N. B. FKALl.Seerrury.
Geiuleiaoa : On receipt of yoor favor of the I.Vh int
auiilyiug us ,4 .out appoiuluioni as Hireivers lor y.
I'xaiipauy, we Uvk Ilia lilmity to auliiuit enpy 'X yo
Cuaitvr, Wllh a pkiu of yiuir enuirtuise, Ut the biurii
leslaulhimly ol the rMatu,sial bavins received his lavi
aliic opiubiu in feaaid to. its legality, niwl syutpillii.,
WHh lae buncviiUnt otiject of vour Association, viz: t
edileatloil and nuilillcilHiice of the Olplmll eluldit-u 1 i
siJduirs ami saikicr at the Riverside institute, we lis
MiiUaded in avit .W trust, and to use our best eflorift
proiaoi wurtliyea nharot.
t , Vuiiutuih, yours, Ac,
' UEO. A COOKE ft fl)
Address all letters and or. Ins .
Virsoulb Third blreet, I'ulladelt hill, i'a
Bsceivcra for the Washington Library Co.
tVN LIUHTKER. Erwktaller rMuti.n.'
Suoeury, Pa , is the suiboriitd Agent el the f oi
pauy tor thii place ani vi.initr
lam .', - m 4