I . TVIkVEHT, I p,1vi1.i.. N. B. ENOLB, J " SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1807. fitviira UiniNi vor (Me Jot Howe's excellent machine, with the latest Improvements ha just bora reoeired, and will beiwld reduced prioe. Inquire at thitoiBoc. Orricc. Rovo Dr. J . S. Angle ha retnoTed kit offio to the room ebova Tbacher ' tore, jo riearant' bulldlng. Mejkel Square. Slt RooriKa. Wcobsenr lhal newly H of tho bot clas of new bulldingi now going up In thU plaoe are using slate for roofing. The expense of (late ii not very much greater Uian shingles. . t - . 'i Better BcBOOt. Mr. Ella Schneider, late of Pottsrille, opened hii eeleot school tn this place on Monday last, and we are pleased to loarn that he is well patronized. Mr. 8. comes among us highly recoian.e.dcd. .' F. C. Arms, Esq., of this place, has been callod to Mlrsourl to take charge, as Chief Engineer, of a new railroad now in progress, between Louisiana and St. Louis. Mr. Arms is an able and experienced em ginoer, of extended reputation, and need not long bo out of employment. Ret. Mn. Vandyke, late assistant In St. Peter's Episcopal) Church, Philadelphia, having accepted a call from St. Matthew's Church, of this place, has taken chnrgc of his congregation, and pleached his first sermon on Sunday last. , lie will also devote a portion of his time to the church at Northumberland. ArrKAL. Our worthy Town Clork, pursuant to an order of the Counoil, gives notice, in our adver tising columns, that a borough tax appeal will be held at tho office of E. Y. Bright, Esq., on Mondny. iVl Inst. This is a mat tor in which our citizens aro more or loss intorestod, and should receive their attention. a SciioolTeacukk Waktiii. The Board of School Directors of this pluoo advertiso, in another column, fur four niiilo and three female teachers, to tiiko chargo of the public schools In this place. Applica tions will be received until Wednesday, -11th inst. The schools will bo opened on the Grst Monday in November next. We aro pleased to observe that Torrington & Ilodgkins' Super-Phosphate, from their manufac tory at this place, is being shipped In large quanti ties to different portions of the State. The great effects of the Phosphate, as seen in the largely in cronsed crops of last Spring, is convincing evidence i its fertilizing properties. pEAcnr.8. During the past week a large quantity jf ponchos woro brought to this place not less thun f two hundred boxes and were sold at prices vary ing from $2 to $3 25 per box. Some of them were fair looking fruit, but as a gcnoral thing we do not think they equal in flavor the peaches formerly raised in this neighborhood. We have been requested to announce, that a Tem perance Convention will be held in Sunbury on Mon day next, 9th Inst.. In the Methodist Church, at 11 o'clock, A. M., undor the auspices of tho Pennsyl vania. Stato Temperance Union, to form a county society, auxiliary to the State. Tho friends of the cauBo are respectfully invited to attend. Tim Late Accident. Wo are pleased to loarn that the German lady and daughter, emigrants, on Aeir'way to Illinois, who were seriously injured on Wednesday afternoon of lost week by the locomotive of the mail train striking them, near tho machine shops, are rapidly recovering, under the treatment gof Sr. D. W. Shindel, of this place, and the good nursing, care and attention roocived from tho host and hostess of the Augusta Hotel. Hash Ball. A game of base ball came off on Monday afternoon Inst, on tho grounds near tho Nor thern Central It. R. engine house, between nn inde pendent iiuio, of Milton, and tho "Swiftfool" Club, i( Sunbury. Tho game was hotly contested by both parties, but our boys were victorious by 12 runs. The following u the score : lNDEfENDENT. 0. Hatfield, c. f. 3 -lliney, s. s. 2 Dressier, .'id b. 3 Jingle, 1st b. 6 Davis, p. I Young. 2d b- 8 Anpuch, I. f. 3 W. Davis, o. 2 Rucb, r. f. 4 BWIFTMOT. R. 0. 4 4 & 5 2 4 3 1 1 3 Ervln. r. f. I Krone, 21 b. Welker, 1st b. Fuusr, I. f. !Boyer, e. jDownrt, s. s. jNewberry, p. Ilower, id b. MePhoran,o. f. Total, 27 32 1 Total, 27 41 INNINGS. 2. 3. 4. 2 12 4 12 4 J, 8 7 V. 344 732 Swiflfoot. Independent, Umpire Mr lliney ; Scorers Hoover and Hi- ney ; Time ol' game 3 hours and 40 minutes. NoiiTUiniiEiiLAHD. The editor of tho Miltonian roccntly paid a visit to Northumberland, and In the Inst issue of his paper speaks very highly of the fu ture pro pec U of our neighbors. We copy tbe fol lowing notice of Chamberlin, Frick i. Co.' Steam w K.V, at that pluco : "Among the most impor tant of these improvement we noticed Chamberlin, Friek & Co.' Steam Mill, at the northern end of the town and adjacent to the canal and railroad. This mill was erected a little over a your ago, by Messrs. M. and W. Ii. Chamberlin, of this borough, associa ted with Mers. Henry Frick and 3. C. MoClure, of Lowlsburg, and is a large, finely constructed and conveniently arrangod establishment, employing a number of hands and turning out a large amount nnd great vnrioty of work. Tho buildings cover ground one hundred and sixty by eighty four foot, and contain one large gang, two edgers, and two circular saws, two lath and paling machines, and one shingle machine while works are now being built for the purposo of converting what is now re fuse into "cloth boards," to be used by manufactur er in wrapping their cloths around for shipment. Tbe mill as now arranged i capable of turning out ',000 feet of lunibor, ,00 shingle and 8,000 lath per day. Contraol for the Keyiton Bridge Co. have called for largo amount of bridge timber du ring the post year, and the mill I (till engaged in turning out bill for that Company. During the late flood the gate of the sluice way connecting the mill bain with the eanal gave way and took a por tion of the bank with it into the canal. The dam jige was being rapidly and substantially repaired on Monday, and it was expected to have everything ready for operating on Tuesday. One of the secret of the suooeas of this firm is the ayatematio manner in which their business Is conducted. While the senior member of the firm, Mr. M. Chamberlin, holds a supervisory and advisory poaitlon, Mr. Frick devote particular attention to the shipping Inter ests Mr. MoClure superintend the financial tran action and keep the book, and Mr. W. B. Cham rrlin ha direot ehargc of the mill and the work j.... k. i,m. Thus avervthinc i o tyatematized that no jarring I felt in the management of the vast i f hiKinca done bv tho establishment. W are pleased to note tbe suooeas attending the enter. rie." Philadelphia covered herself with glory by foedino- the soldier who went to the lata war from all part of the North and Wert ; and now in aao. elation of Philadelphia, "ot ''weary In well do ' :. aai-a oraniod whema to barter and to educate the orphan of the aama brave man wha were woloomed there In those troubled time. Riverside, New Jersey, is the ito or their Institute, il.n funds for It endowment arc being raised by ,b, AVashington Library Company, f Philadelphia, tt.. sale of tock at one dollar per (hare. With each harc a handsome teel engraving i given at the time of parohasc and, a a runner ino.ue.meo., all arc entitled to one of the $300,000 worth of pre- iA h. fairlv diabribatcd to the atoohholdar i or, in other word, for every aare of .took held a pre sent i guaranteed. On procent to be give) away i. worth 110,000. N. F. Lightoer u the authorized ,gert f-i tutbury d viemi' 'l"r ll.-SDDtDl pRoCliDina ct ma Boaecsa 0ftict,. Coun oil met on Tuesda craning, Sept. 3d. Assistant Burgess, John Oaaa, In tt chair. Members pre ent Messrs . Bright; Jrurte,,Brloe, Book, Hoover, Markle aad Yeting aaao, .Minutes ef last Reeling read and approved.,... , ........ Oa aratloo,4 RetvtvtJ, That aa atder be granted to Wa. L. Dwar for all Oral eoMs apon a judge ment, Win. L. Dewart vs. The Borough of Sunbury, liKjl, Auguatterm, lew.:-,. .. . . , Joseph Ray presented a bill of (10 for draining basin In the Spring ef 1807.' An order was granted for the lima. , - . ..,'." On motion, Resolved, That George Welter be ap pointed eelleotor for all the borough taxes for 1807. On motion, Resolved, That the clerk be requested to give at least two weeks' notice in the Sunbury American and Sunbury Gazette, to the citizens of the borough of Sunbury, that an appeal will be held on Monday, the 23d day of September next, between the honrs of 9 and 12 o'clock A. M., and 3 and 6 P. M ., at the office of E. Y . liright. The committee on Second street reported, through their chairman, Mint they had written to the Super intendent of the Phamokln Valley Railroad In re ference to bringing eoal dirt from Shamokln for filling up said street. They also reported that ears cannot be secured for hauling said dirt at the pre sent time. Un motion the oommtttee was continued. The oommittee on pavements read several lottcrs from the Chief Engineer of the P. A E. R.R., in reference to filling up the track and switch on Third street, above Mnrket. - t On motion. Resolved. That the Council herebv Instruct the committee on Grave Yard to Inquire Into the matter and manner of burial in said Urave Yard, and report an ordinance for action at the next meeting of Council. . . On motion an order was granted to Jacob Young for (25, aa nn extra compensation for services ren dered in oleaning out the Urave Yard. On motion, Kemred, Thnt tho committee on tho river bank bo authorized to advertise a letting, for the putpose of filling upend rip-rapping the bank at the old canal lock in a substantial manner, and report at a special meeting. Mr. lirice presented a petition, signed by various citizens, In reference to tho running at largo of dogs without being muzzled, in the borough of Sunbury. Mr. Hrico also rend an ordinance in rcferenoe to muzzling, taxing, Ac, of dogs within the borough. On motion the sauio was laid on the table. On motion. Resolved, That the clerk is hereby instructed to have the proceeding of Council pub lished in the papers of the place the first week in and after Council meeting. Tho ohair appointed, as special police, Messrs. A. N. Brico and Nathan F. Murtz, without com pensation from the borough fur their services. On motion, adjourned. ' . . t m . Bunucan OnmxAXCE. Tho following ordinan ces, rotative to tho appointment of two special police fur the borough of Sunbury, and for the proper ob servance of the Sabbath, wore passed by our borough Council at a moeting held on the 6th ult., and adop ted on Tuesday evening last : lie it enacted by the Chief Burgess, Burgesses and Common Council of the Borough of &' bury: That two special police be appointed by tho said Burgesses and Common Council of tho Borough of Sunbury, whose duty it shall be to assist in pre serving order, and in carrying out the borough enactments within the borough limits, and all laws for tbo preservation of the peace, of property, and of society. Be it further enacted, trc, That the said two special police shall uttend all place of public amusement of a moral tendency, public exhibitions allowed by law, public lectures, Ac, and assist in preserving order and the publio peace ; and all such violators of the law shall be arrested and fined in the rum of two dollars ($2) for each orlunce, one half to go to the use of the borough and tho other to be retained by the police Be it further enacted, 4-c, That if three or more men or boys shall be found together in the streets, lanes or alleys of the borough, during the day or evening, shouting and making a noise, or trespass ing upon property, or otherwise behaving in a rude and riotous manner, disturbing tbe peace of the cit izens, or insulting passers by on the corners of the streets, it shall be the duty of tho said special police, or ol the constable, to arrest sucn ottendors and con vey them before a Justice of tbe Peace, to be dealt with according to law, and every such person or parson offending shall, upon conviction of every such offence, fortoit and pay tho sum of two dollars, ($2,) to be recovered with costs of suit, bofore any Justice of the Peace of said borough, one-half to go to the use or tho borough and tbo other to tbe lnlor mor ; and for want of payment of said fiuo and costs, it shall be the dntv of the BAid anecial notice or con. stable to obtain a warrant from a Justice of tho Poooo and ooinuiit the offender or offenders to tho common prison. Be it enacted by the Chief Burgess, Burgesses ana Vommttn. Uouncit of the Jiorougn of turn: That from and after the adoption of this Or dinunco, it shall be unlawful for all public places of amusemont, all drinking; and eating saloons, all bar ber and shavine saloons, or hair-dressing saloons, to keep open during the Sabbath day, (or first day of tbe wueK,) witbin tho limits ot tbe borough ot sun burv, and it is herein directed that nil such estab lishments shall be closed on Saturday night at 12 o'clock of eaoh week, and shall remain closed over the Sabbath day ensuing. Be it enacted, ire. That for each and every vio- lation of the said enactment a hue of ten dollars (f 10) shall be pctd by tbe encoder lor each oncnoo. one. half of said fine to go to the use of tbe borough, and the other to the informer or Droseoutor. Be it enacted, d-c. That it shall bo the duty of tbe Constable, nigh Constable, or special police, to carry out tbe provisions ol tuts ordinance. BUSINESS NOTICES, ty.lob 11-1 ling;. Having reoeived large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new stylos, Poster, Handbills, Circular, Curds, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best style, and on short notice Orders by mail promptly attended to. ' Eyre A Landell, 4th A Arch Sts., Philadelphia are now offering a large Stook of Fall Goods to pur. chasers. This is an old established and roliublo Dry Goods House ! Read advertisement. Tins ii Tns Fiust Montu or Fall, not, we hope, of our nation' progress or our individual for tune, but of the calendar year. A fail in price of tho beautiful and cheap suits at J. E. Smick'a Mer cbaut Tailoring establishment, in Fourth St., would be inaugurated if the price were not already at the lowest. Any one doubting is invited to call and aee the garment and price. Ihbexse Exciteuext. Our citizens have been greatly agitated, the part week, by the announce. merit that Miller, of tbe Excelsior, i tolling Boot k Shoes, fashionable and durable, at prioe that throw every other establishment of the kind, in this vi cinity, completely in the shade. Our citizen should take advantage of the low prioe at the Excelsior and purchase immediately. Or all places to get good Photograph, go to Berg- stressor's Gallery, Third street, opposite the Masonic Hall, where they arc made. Six card, or onelargi Photograph, for $1.50. Duplicates, 3 to 50 ct. "Son I thing) can be done a well as others," (aid Sam Patch, when ba put an end to hi existence by hi wonderful leap at Uenntsseo Falls. Faust, the fashionable Hat and Cap manufacturer, accepts the above motto In a business point of view, for at hi eatitblishmeat there is no end to hi (took of good, and hi endless yariety of styles will please the most fastidious. Lira Insurance. "Life Aaturanoe Companies not onlv undertake the equalization of life, but also the return of the aumt invested, with compound In, terest." "Capitalists, constantly looking out for long investment, and well organized to deal profit ably In eouritle." Vr, Farr. J Acpi Sbu'BAW, Fire and Iai Insurance Agent, Bunbury, P- , Tub New Rule or Court, regulating the prac tice of the Court in the 8th Judicial Distriot of Pennsylvania, eompoied of the counties of Northum berland, Lycoming and Montour, have been pub' lished by im, and arc now for sal at the A map CAB offio. The who have not yet subscribed eaa obtain eopie by applying Immediately. Bbbqitbbiibb, Third lUact, opposite the Miwolo Hall, the successful Photographer, make ploture in all styles of the art. Fereon are requested give him a call before going elsewhere. Wbbb yea want cheap as4 good Photograph Begtfeer'i Oallcry, Third Wrcct, oppceit the Macooie Hall, i lb plao to resort to bis card, n. lur Photrsr.rb,. fnr tl f0 Durllcite, ti to 9q cat. Rmraasaiaa FaienD. We have frequently heard person wish tag, after the decease of friends, for something to remember theaa by. , la thee times tilt beet We eaa reeomnead It a fine Ambra- typa or Photograph, which ever? on should pro- sure, while the price h so small, at 8, Byerly Oal- lery, la Simpeon's building, Market street. Mr. B.'i picture arc true to life. , Call and see" the fine groups and single piotures at bis Gallery. ; "Don't Uivi or Til a SbIp," wai the expiring ex pression of Capt. Lawrence, as he foil, pierced by a British bullet, and which arged his surviving crew to deeds of valor. Faust, the fashionable Hat and Cap manufacturer, is determined not to "give op the ship," either in foul or fair weather, and will continue to supply his numerous customers with o la motle stylos of goods In hit line) besides, when the clouds are heavy and betokon storm, good and substantial Umbrellas oan be purchased at bis store choaper than the cheapest In market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Another Proclamation by tna President. There la every reason to believe tfiat tho President will soon Issue an important proclamation, setting forth tho great bargains to be obtained in those ohcnp and fashionable suite at Beck's Tailoring Es tablishment, on Fourth street. Everybody is invl tod toonll and see Beck's goods. Tin great art of life is to play for much and stake little; In other words, "to buy cheap and sell dear." But this Is not tho case with J. F. SharfTer, the en terprizing Merchant Tailor, in Market square. Ho buys his stock cheap, makes it up Into well-fitting suits, and sells them at prices that defy competi tion. Shaeffer makes it a point to givo satis faoti?5 to all. Tub Continental Clotdinq Bazaar, in Market square, still continues to be the great oentre of at traction. The Continental turns out the neatest, oheapest and best-fitting garments to be obtained outsido of the large cities. The latest and most fashionable styles oan always bo aoen at tho Bazaar. Call and oxamine. J The Placb to Ubt Theb. Persons not knowing where to purchase aheap, should not fail to call at the First National Boot and Shoe Store, in Pleas ants' building, Marketsquare. All persons desiring cheap and fashionuble pair of boots or shoos are respectfully invited to cull and see tho extensive stock now on hand. PnoTOQRAPHS, made from Daguerreotypes or Am- brotypas, at Bergstresser's Uullery, Third street, op posite tho Masonic Hall. fXIT.MILICV nAIIKUTN. Corrected Weekly for the "Afaerioan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Ryo Flour, per bbl. do per ewt. Whoat, prime red, now, per bushel, Rye, . do Corn, now do Oats, do J'otHtocs, do Dried Poaches, pared per round do do un pared do $11 00 1 60 10 00 6 60 2 00 1 25 1 10 55 90 40 25 15 3 00 35 22 25 20 25 1H 14 13 18 60 Dried Applos. do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do por pair Cheese, Lord, Hams. Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, jliuruokin Coal Trade. Shamokin, Sept. 4th, 1867. To. Ciot. Sent for week ending Aug. 31, 6.4 U 17 Por last report, 304,405 07 310.819 04 381,045 03 To tamo time last year, Decrease, 73.225 19 prcial Notices. Curb your Couons and CoLns Coe' Cough Balsam will be found a ready and efficient remedy for hard Colds, Croup, Coughs, and all lung didicul ties. It 1 sold by all druggists. The oheapest and bost medicine tn tbe world. "His Hair Stuck Out Likb Quills upon th Fretful Porcupine." If there is any spectacle on earth really painful to a sensitive eye, it is a frizzy, dry and tonsiled bead of hair. This i not only bocause it is an unfailing tign of slovennosa and Ill-brooding, but becauso it is wholly unneces sary. "Barrotf Vegotabla Hair Restorative" will most certainly give a beautiful and rich lustre to tho human hair, since it is not only a restorative but a dressing as well. A single trial will convince the most skeptioal. Grace's Celebrated Salve. From Mr. James Curlin, of Amosbury, Mass. : "I wa afflicted with a severe felon on one of my fingers, and tried many remedies without relief My friends induced m to apply your Salve. In two days it extracted the lnaammation from my fineer so a to enable me to resume my work. I can almost say that the Salve worked like magio, for it etieotea a cure wunoui leaving a sear, i unnesi tatingly pronounce Grace's Salve an excollent rem euy, auu uu uu uvuu, it sui ue appreuiuieu i . , , .1 l . .-. : 1 1 i . throughout mo iana. U.M.1 23 It.MS A liUA. SETU W. FOWLE A SON, Boston, Prop'rs Sold by Apothecaries and Urocor generally. August 24, lfckir. 4t THE HEALING POOL, And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Youn aien, on me crime oi oouiuqe, ana ine .rror. Abu les and Diseaae which destroy the manlv Dower and create impediment to Marriage, with euro mean of relief. Sent in aoaled letter envelope, free of ohurge. Address M.J. bh.li.l,ia iiUUUlTiW Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. June oi 807. ly Crron ot Youth. A gentleman who suffered for year from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effect of youthful indiscretion, will, for the take of suffering humanity, send free to all who need ft, tbo recipe and direction lor making tho simple remedy by wnion be wa cured, euneror wishing to pront by me auveruaer s experience, can no so oy aa dressing n peneci eonnuence, juum b. xmvis.su, my ls'-07.1y 42 Cedar Street, N. Y IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Je K tcj- CT: JBL Is a eertain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR GAN1C WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all disease of the URINARY ORGANS, whetltei existing ia MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the uae ct a diuretic. If no treatment is tulaaitied to, Consumption or Insan ity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood aie supported from wcee autivuee, J ui HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, aud that of Posterity, depend upon prompt use of a reliable remeay. UEI.MBOCD'fl EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upward of 18 year, prepared by II. X, Illil.'flllOl.U, DRUGGIST, 604 Broadwa, New York, and 104 Sou It, luth Straet, iilaaipki, Pa. March 1, IW- ly To Couaasiaptlvea. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few week by a very aimpla remedy, aftor having suUcrea lur several year wiin a severe lung anoo tian. and that dread disease, Consumption is ana. lout to make known to hi ieUow-cuSurer the mean (if euro. , . To all wh desire It, he will lend a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc lion for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Coniubption. Aitbba, Bkobchitii, Couaue. Cold, and all Throat and Lung Affection. Hie only object of the advertiser (n sending lb prosonpiion u to Decent lb amiolea, and spread Information which h coneotve to be invaluable, and he hope every sufferer will try hi remedy, as it will curt them nothing, and may prove a blessing. - truss wisbiog u prescription rBB, by return mail, will pleas address REV iDWAllD A WILBON. my 1V 7 ly Williamsburg. Kings Co , N BONO OS" IRON. (('Jam mighty la the aakrc. 1 1 . i Fieroelv wielded by the bravo; 1 1 i Ulonoua is uie naiwari steamer, Laughing at the storm aad wave' Beauteous In the pal no pillar, . Saving In flic pointed rod, ' ' A it brings the deadly lightatng Quelled and harmless to the tod , , But there Is a glorious esseno, 1 Where I take my graodest power, ' , Qiving to Die RACE my surest, ' , Sweetest aid, in danger hour. Bee ! before me fly disease Boo the darkest hydra bow ! See the rose of health and beauty . r . Take tbe palest cheek and brow. . Fly, dyspepsia ! fly, consumption I Yes, ail ills are crushed at length ; For I give what human nature Only ever needed sthenoth ! Shall I tell In what great easenco I can thut your spirits oheor up ? Pallid, trembling, dying sufforer, . , 'Ti the ramed "Peruvian Strut." The PERUVIAN SYRUP la protootcd solution of the Protoxide of Iron, a new discovery in medi cine that strikes at Iho root of disease by supplying tho blood with It vital principle or lifo element Iron. The genuine has "Peruvian Strup" blown in the glass. Pamphlets free. . J. P. D1NSM011E, Proprietor, No. 30 Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggixt. aug. 24 4t 0 NE TRICK CLOTIIINU. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, Oi Mnrket Kirect, One door nbovo Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment ha done busi ness on the One Prioe Sys;em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in tho city that strictly adhorcs to this prinoiplc. We have earned a repu tation which wo nro proud of, for good taste in select- f;ood stylos and substantial materials, and not leu inportant, for having all our goods. . i:tua wn:i,is ftiAiii:. Wo employ the best talent, for Cutter, and our Uoods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes oan be suited. Tho prices aro the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thoucht must see, or otherwise we could not meet tho eompetiliun or our neighbors, tors no deductions are ever made, wa must put our prices down to tho advantages we promise. I no people may depend, this is tn true plan upon bich to do business, and many a dollar can bo saved to Clothing buyer by kooping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 Markot Strrcot, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. Morch23. 1S(!7. ly 4'OI.4iATi: fc tO.'S GEUMAX ERASIVE SOAP I manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may bo considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Urocere. May 18, 1867. ly. HclieiM-W'H Hoa-weed 'I'otilV. This medicine, invented by Dr. J. II. Schenck, of Philadelphia, ia intendod to dissolve the food and make it into cbymo, the first process of digestion. By cleansing the stomach with Sehonck' Mandrake Pills, the Tonic soon restores the appctito, and food that could not bo eaten beforo using it, will be cosily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck' Pul monic &yrup unless the Htomaeh and liver is mado healthy and the appetite restored ; hence the Tonic and Pills are required in nearly every caso of con sumption. A bait dozen bottles 01 the MiAUr.r.l) TONIC and three or four boxes of the MANDRAKE ,'ILLiS will euro any ordinary caso of dyspepsia. Dr.Schcnck makes professional visitsin New York, Boston, and at his principal Ofhoe in Philadelphia, every week. See daily papers of each plaoe, or his pamphlot on consumption, for his day lor visitation. Plcaso obsorvc, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one whou in tho lost singe of Consumption, aud the other as he now is, in perfect health, are on the Uovernuiont stamp. Sold by all Druggist and Dealers, price $1.60 per bottle, or $7.50 the half dozen. All lotturs tor advioo should be addressed to Dr. Sehonck's Principal Olliee, Ao, 15 -ortb Btb Mroet, rmiadeipnia, ra. O oner at Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes A Co., N. Y. ; 8. S. liance, Baltimore. Md. ; John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Vt alker a, Jaylor, Chicago, ill.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 20, ItSOrt. lstw.ca. mo. lyr. HKLM ISOLD'S BX TRACT BUCHU end Improved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their suites, al little exueiiae. little of uo chauire in diet, ru in convenience anil no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immediate ill it action, and l;ce Irom an inju- ious properties. mas ni ly HEUMOOLDd CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. lldmhthri Concentrated Extract SitrstijntriUn Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rales of Ptuimacy and Clieinistr, and aie the uiostactivo that can be uuiuu. March It, lt-C7.- ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MH. IKIOf taUIRTM. Wi. NEW SPRING. STYLES, 0u Own Make." After more than Five Years exnerienco and ex perimenting in the manufacture of Slriutly First Quality Hoop Skirts, we odor our justly oelubrated goods to merchants and tbe publio in full oonfidonco of their superiority over all others in the American market, and they arc so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in tnein, a they give more (atislaotton than any other Skirt, and recommend themselves in every respeet. Dealer in Hoop Skirt, should make a notcot tni fact, fcrory lady who ba not given thorn a trial should do to without furthor delay. Our assortment embrace every style, length and size for Ladies, Misses and Children. Alto, Skirt made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Uopkin's Own Make," and be not.de- oeived. See that the letter "H ' is wouen on tbe Tape between Each Hoop, and that they are stamp ed "W. T. HOPKIN S Manufacture. O-'Si Arch St., Philadelphia," upon each labs. No othor are genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full line of 'good New lorK ana eastern maae omris, at very low price IVhotcnale and Retail. At the Philadelphia Hoon Skirt Maaufactorv and imporium, xo. oio Arcn street , i-miaaeipma. March 23, 18(17. lOmw LIME! LIME ! Far mer tsud llulldcr! Siasholtx i, Broth xn are now prepared to do liver, at the lowest market price, the very bustjualiiy oi 3CXTJsC3B39 for LAND and BUILDING purpose burned of the celebrated Their lime is TUCKY1IOK MMERTflNE ' Their lime kilns are located at the Philadelphia and grta Kail road, near tna (team aaw mill, tn tne io rough of &unburv. Plasters, Masons, Bricklayer and Farmer are in vited looall and give us a trial. SKASUULTZ BK0TI1KB. Aug. S, 1867. 1 i:tate orCbrlalaaa Monomer, dee'd NOTICE 1 herobyiiven that letter of adminis tration bavins: Keen granted to the undersigned on the estate of Qbristiao M earner, late of Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to paid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those Having claim to present inera ior settlement. JOSKPU SPOTS, Adm'r. Lower Mahonoy twp., Ang. t, 1M7. ' f)A AA AO UN To WANTED $100,00 Male xis ins j t" - - ... I.. . I jlut ATENT. STAR SIIUTTLK 6KWINU MACHINE It i adapted for family use nnd Tailoring. It make a Hitch alike oa both aide. Price only TWK.MTV DOLLARS extraordinary Inducement to Agent, fur lull particulars, aanrest DUMONT WILSON, - ' S30 ARCH oUeet, Philadelphia . July W, 18o73m . "ICK 1 Clol CK CREAM VKKEZKH8 aad Haley Pateul lb ringer, for sal PJ a- JETELJJOYER Sunbury, July T, 1866 TIKE Myrtlt FcBttaqp.at lhrncy Store rf ANNA PAIMi.lt VI' THU QBEAT ZE JGM BirlllllS 1 The oeeipenent part ct this remarlrabl nrscaratlea Ware first dlsoovoreet, eomeeonOd and distributed, some twenty rears age, by Dr. CaaoFsns, th eel. brated Egyptian Pbytiolaa. Thousands ot his suffer ing ooantryma were rat lend to health, as well at great lurcher e? the Inhabitant of Nubia and Akyttinla, and ef tbeetMntriet bordering upon th Beuthtrn coast .01 tho ajediterraneaa Bea. t IllsJ'j i' . I Indeed, th brae of the inucvu, t,iiaj iniurj ui in) ZINOABI illTTEHS oon spread over Europe, and was adopted by the principal Physicians in charge of the hospitals of tho old world, In which It I still BMI with ttreemi- aent suocess. Th Viceroy of Egypt placed th name of db. Cutorsvs upon the " Roll of Kobles," and pre. entcd to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " Da. Caaorsot, the Public Benefactor." This Bitters Is now enVred to the publio of America with th full aaturanoe that it will be found, upon a fair trial, to act a a peciQQ for the fan at Cholera, Oyaenterr, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Fever and Acne, Yellow Fever, Rheumatism, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, Colic, Brewehltia, Consumption, Flatu lency, Diseases of the Kidneys, JVervaata Deblllty, and Female Complaint. RnmarkahlA Mm nt thn ahnv ril.f. h... ha. effected by its use, aanumerouscertlnoates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it ia destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, it nts NO EQUAL. Tnr tni ZINOAKI HITTERS HAS BOl'I, A3 WELL AS BODY, Aitn AS A PREVENTIVE DISEASR. HAS NO SUPERIOR. '. A FEW wrmns TO LADIES. The us of tho ZINOAKI BITTERS will give to yon that soft, cml transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It Is nature's own powder and paint eombined. Dy purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and Imparting health and life throughout the entire system. It especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common In our day; and what It even better than this, it cures every species of female Irregularities and disease. a Principal Depot, Harrisburg, Pa. KAHTEE, & HATJSE, Sole ritorniETons. For sale by W. A .JB EX SETT, Druggist, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. August 3, 1807. FARMERS & BUILDERS. LIME" A N D LI ME STONE alllE subscribers respectfully inform tho citizens . of Northumberland county, that tlicy nro now trepared to furnish LIMKofa superior quality to ariners and Duilders. Also, LIME-STONK from tne celebrated iiime-Stone Quarries of Lower Mnho noy township, nt short notice and nt reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the line of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilns arc located at tho Sbaraokin Valley Railroad, near Sunbury, nbero orders will be promptly fitted. uruers aro rcspcctrully anitciten. Address. J. 13. LKNKER A BRO.. August S, 1867. Sunbury, Pa. o11't to 'lVnt'lit'i'N and ftirct'loi'N. THE EXAMINATIONS for tho present year will bo held as follows : Shomukin twp., Monday, Sept. 9th SnuHlonn S. 11. McEwensvillo ami Dclewnro twp., Wednesday, Sent. 11th iiukiiiir.'-i'rine. 11. Turbutville and Lewis twp., Thursdnp, Sept. 12th Turoutviiio, Point twp., Mondav, 'ept, lflh JS. II. No. 3. Chilisquaiiuo, Wednesday, iScpt. ldth .'SoJuui O. il. SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS will he held in Sun bury, Sept. "7th, Oct. 4:1), 1 1 th ami 1Mb, fur tho accommodation of such teachers only as worn ;?oi ttrely unable to til end tho regular exauiinnlions. Private examinations aro discontinued. Examina tions will invariably commciico at precisely i o' clock, A. M. Directors aro earnestly requested to bo prosent during the examinations, nnd at tho oloso of tho exercises select their teachers. tl. W. UAUPX, Uounly Superintendent. August 3, 1S07. 3t Something New ! Not! un; New AND GOOD NEWS! The splendid assortment of UOODS ut the MAMMOTH STORE II. V. l'ICll.l.', IS NEW, but it I Nolhini; New for tlieui a they uro always gUlUUg Up uwuo. GOOD NEWS, to the people ot SUNBUKV, for they have purchase on tnein goon low ana are selling ttiem at very Wa are determined tn sell our Uoods at Low Prices aud defy ooinpetition. We keep the beat quiilily or.Jl and oil thorn as low as the tet ouil iiuli tit-a are told by other dealers. Come and- examine our Stock and Learn cur No charge for sltowiug G ootid. That is our business and wo take plcasuro in doing it. Fooling very thankful to Iho public for their very liberal patronago heretofore bestowed upou us, wu fuel ouutidout of rotainiug their custom, by a strict adherence to the rules we have adopted. REMEMBER THE PLACE, The Mammoth Store. Market Square, 2 door east of tbe Now Court House, SUNBURY, PA. li. Y. FRILINU, Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1867. Pensions Increased. The lata Act of Congres give additional pay to th following Pension, vi i 1st. To those who have lost tbe sight of both eye, ar both hands, er totally disabled so as to require con stant attendance, Ibeauinof fia 00 per month. itd To thou who bar lost both feet, or are totally disabled in tbe same to a to require couataut attend ance, the sum of t-il) UO. 3d. To those who hero lost one hand or on foot, or are so disabled a to render Uiem unable to Tier- form manual labor 114 V0 per month, and other Cat cs a proportion. Th ubtoriber 1 duly proparod for th iwinojiato procurement oi mete oiaiius. t B tOYtH, Alt y at Lit t'uucttiy, J out Id, 1864. ' " THE Washington Library Co, PHILADELPHIA. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR : $300,000 PRESENTS TO 8UIWC1UUKUS. On a Cash Pttnsaav or 40,00n. 0K Cami Pubskkt or rAi.ono. flat Cah Pnr.HKST or fin.OfHl. Ohb Cash Pkksrnt or JA,0ttn). Two Cash ParsanTSof f 2.500 each. Read full Schedule of l'reteetf Bvlow. Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving WORTH MOHB AT PRTAII. THAN TUB COST or rKRTint'ATK, And also Insure to the holder a PRESENT IN THE UREATDtSTKIBUTlON The Washington Library Company Is chartered by tho Stato of Pennsylvonia, and Organised in aid of Iho IUVEIiaiDE INSTITUTE For SoUliera' nnd Bailors' Orphans. Iiiuorporuti'il by the Statu of -N. J. APRIL 8, 1867. T1IM K1VEHS1DB INSTITUTE, Situate nt Kivorside, lUirliiiRton County, Now Jer sey, is founded for tho purpose of gratuitously edu cating tho tcuJ of deceased Soldiers and Seauiun of the i'nitud States. Tho Hoard of Trusleo consists of the following well, known cilitensol' Pennsylvania and Now Jersey ; HON. WILLIAM II. MANN, Dirtriet Attorney. Philadelphia, Pa. HON. LKWI3 11. 1SKOOMALL, Kx-Chiof Coiner U. S. Mint, and Recorder of Doeds, Philad'a., Pennsylvania. HON. J AM JOS M.POOVtL.Ncw Jcrsoy. HON. W. W. WAKE, New Jorscy. HENKY UOKMAN. Esq., Airent Adams' Kxprvss, Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. COL, Ksq., of Joy. Coo li Co., 1'hiludulpbia. TnuAscnr Dkpautmknt, Waiiikoton, D. 0., April 18, lft!7. tltlioo of Internal Rovunuu lliiv Ing received ant-islactory evidenco thnt tho proceeds of the cntcqiriso conducted by Uo ' -Washington Library Company" will be dovotcd to ehnritnblc, use, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct suuh cnterprii'e exempt from all charge, whether fi-oiu special tax or othor duty. K. A. KOLL1NS, Cuinmuuioucr. 'I'ltc VaslilnKtoit I,!linry '., In order that the benevolent ohjoot set forth in this circular inny bo successfully accomplished, haye itsucd five series of FINE fcTlvUL-PLATE ENGRAVINUS, which are put on subscription at prices much below their retail value. CERTIFICATES OF STOCK IN THE WASH INGTON LIBRARY COMPANY will bo issued, stumped with tbo seal of tho Compa ny, nnd aiguod by the .Secretary. (Nono others gennino.) Any person scnJins us Ono Dollar, nr'pnylng the same to our local Agents, will receive immediately a fine Stcol Plate Engraving, nt choioe from the fol lowing list, nnd One Certificate of Stock, insuring Ono Present in our published schedule. ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. l-'-My Child ! My Child !" No. 2 "They're Snvod ! Thcy'ro Saved ''' No. 3 "Old Seventy-six or, tho Early Days of tho Revolution." Any person paying Two Dollars will rcceivo cither of the following' fine Stool Plates, at choioo. and Two Certificates of Stock, thus becoming eutitlcd to Two Presents. TWO nol.LAREHGnAVINO.1. No. 1 "Washington's Courtship." No. 2 ''Wash ington 'a Lust Interview with bis Mother." TllltER DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paying three dollars will rcceivo tho bcautuul Steel Plato of 'IIOM1S FI10M TIIK WAR." and throo Ccrtiticates of Mock, becoming entitled to throo Presents. torn DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paying Four Dollars shall rcceivo tho large and beautiful Steel Plate of 'TUB I'EIIILS CK Ol'R FOIItPATIIEllS." and Four Certificate of Stock, entitling them to Four Pruacuts. t'lVft DOLLAR ENIlltAVINGH. Any person who pays Five Dollars shall receive tho largo and splendid Steel Plato of "THE MAtfttlAOE OF POCAHONTAS." And Fivo Certificates of Stock, ontitling them toFlvo Pn'sonta. Tho engravings nnd Certillontos will ho delivered to cub tulcribcr nt our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, us may bo ordered. Tito W iis-liiii loit Mbrui') i'otiipaiiy Will Award TllliKK III Mil! K.I) THOISAND DOLLARS IN I'liESKNTS ft) TUUSUAKUIIULDKK, On Ye4ucilay, S, jdemher ZTUli, 18G7, At l'lllLADia.l'HIA, PA., Or at the Institute, KIVLU rjlDli, N. J. SLilliDl Li: tK I'liLhliMrt. I t'ash 1'ieseiit I Cusli t'resent I t'asli 1'ieseot 1 Cash Present Caeh Pieseiiltof t)i,jal each 1 Uuialtoine Country Hesideiu-e, Suililc, Crouuds, Ac, Geniuihtown. Plnbidt-lniua. SIII.IKICI VII.IHHI 111,1100 J,U0U is.isin 1 Double Resilience, tlirce-story brick, Cunulcll, N J. 14,000 I Coal Depot, tlili,-u, r-ucils, Urouud, Willi husi- iieuesiHiinaiici, io. Jl wasUlngtnii Av cnutr, i iiituoeipnitl, 1 Country UesKlrnee, Kivertide, N tirtaiiat. KruiiB. Ae. IS.UtO 10,000 5.IHKI S,oou S.orni 3,uou S , with IThiee-story Couaue, Lot, Ac. l!5 Vuluuble lliiilding Lots, Hivertiile, tHflO rucll t Lleiiaul Turnout l-'ainliy Caninc, hi'ini o( Horses, Harness, &-c., complete III Valuable Hmuling U.ts, liivcisliie, .)tl0 each I Ueautilul tiiver llray Horse, IjJ hainls Inch, sirud-hy llie eelebrated imporlrd AniUiall Horse "Cahph i" also," light Koad Wagou wciiht 140 pounils, Willi act of supciior bn!e Harness, sic, making a first-class establishment 'jo Pianos, li.VHl euch VU Melndeons, .5 earll 5 UoscwinJ Sewing; Marhiues S'JDO each In Kaimty 8ewint; Mm-iniies, 3Halea-li ill Flue nld Wulcliea, cull 100 Oil 1'amthigs, by leading artists aggregate value 3 Caiwl's Hair Phawls, ctl (MMI each II Caiutl'sllair fliawls, S 1,01 SI au-h 3 Handsome liue Hliw'.s, kt'&M uiell In Cuslnm-re hliawit 0O each l CilW llress l'attcin 5 each .MlCllv Huialing lls, tfl?5rnrh The reinaiiHtc, will eiaisist of Bilverware, Masteal lioxes tliH-ia lilasiH, Pocket llihlus, and dif 5, WK) III.ISHI 4 ..V-ll I. owl I. ooo lu.oiai lPA,n U,IHlO 6, tm )M AHO I.50U 6,751) ferent aitielcs ut' ornuiuciii and u , aiiuiiut iiuj to, ed.OOU Tolal, 83llll,UI0 All the properties given clear of incumbrance. HOW TO OBTAIN tMIARKS AND KN0RAVIF08 Send ontcis to us hy mail, ciiclosini! from 91 to S'-H), eitlierhy I'osl tlllice orders or in a registered Iclter, al our risk. Laiger amount should be sent by draft or premi. Iiltlmirs willi Kngiavinfa fO,50 ti5 sluiiis with K.iigiavins Si3 50 50 sliares with F.ngravhigs -1(1,50 ? 5 stiiires with F.ngraviiiKS 64.611 1UU slians Willi Kngruvliigi l,'0 Local AOK.NTS WANTED throughout the United Mate. Tlie Association hav npnointed as Receivers, Messrs. GKOKliK A. COOKK 4 CO., wh e well known inle giily and tiiitiness etHriem'e will bea sulhciant guarau-ti-c tiiaiibe money intrusted to Uieia will be prouily ap plied to the puipi'tei slated. PiiiLAbEi.rnit, Pa., May 00, IM'- To the Olhecrs and Memtwra of the Washington Libia ly Co , N. S. READ, ttocrrury. Geiulemeu : Ou receipt of your favor of the I.H iutt., noiiijiiui us of, our appiautnuait a Iticcivors for your l'iaiiiauy. we ux the liberty to tulanil a copy of your Cuaiter, with a plan of your enterprise, lo the highest legal aulhoiity of th Suite, and having received hit lavof able opinion in regard u it legality, and aympathianig with the beuevolrut object of your Asanoiatiiw. vl l Hi etlueauou and maintenance of lb raphan ehildreii iw to UI icrs and suitors al Ui Riverside losliiula, we have 9oteluiled lo aeoent tbe trust, and to use our beat effort to promote ao worthy au object. Uospecuuily, yours, a.o., CKO. A. COOKE 4 CO. Address allletter. andorder. to tiKO. A.CMKKCO., BANkF.KS, 33 tVailh TBird Mireel, PkiBtdclpku,, P Receivsrs for th Waabiugtou Libruty Co. ra-u. p. LIUHTXER, Bookollor Stationor, Sunbury, Pa , is the authorised A;vnt ef tt C"m pny i r hi.- r1'" aiid vitjiiiy. Ju,ic'ii IH"' Km T. S. SHANNON, Prartlcal Watchmaker A no JKWELEH, From niJLAl'KI.J'IllA. To Simpson's Uuildlng, Miukel r'iiiuc, 3U1TB-JP7, rElTIT'- I.I.NK Gold and Silver American and tfwisa ' Watche.t, ('locks, Jcwelty and Silver war, con staully on hand. ItairJencliy and Masonic Mark made to order. Gold and Silver Plating done in I h bost manner and wnrranlod to give entire satisfaction. Fine Watclf s, Clocks, Musia Boxes and Jewelry Repaired and w arraiilcd. All orders promptly filled Sunbury, Juno , l7 Notlce to Merchants and blnppns. f I1II1-; unileisigned, proprietors nt Vivien Ik Krtrk'a .1. Lino, give notice to inerchutil aud shippers that their Depot is still nt 811 Market street, I'hila dt'lphia, and all tl,Mds directed to Sunimry apd Dart villo will bo promptly delivered. i ff Cars leave HI 1 Market slreot, Philadelphia, tri weekly Tuesdays, Thursdnvs and Hainrday. W. C. HOOHKICH. May 2-'i, (17. J. It RI0HAKDSON. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Stales, Pens, Ink, Paper, .to. Miscellaneous Hooka, a good nssorl mcnt. All tho new books received b- as soon as published, Publishers prices. ALd lor sale ni I'.lt'.l I-:S. I'raver Books lllld IlvUlU llooks, in overy stylo oi inuuiiig. , Cat hollo Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various styles DICTION A HIES of all sues. n J ts W o o w o w tt K to M M H Ol O Q W Juvenile and Tor Books, a large asaorluitut Itln nit Itooka d Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscao. Lcial Cap. Letter aud Noto Papers. COPYING BOOKS, Inkr.tands IVn Kiifks. Kites. 1'aner. Cutters anil Coll tiling House Suiluneiy generally PllOTOGRAni ALBUMS cheap and dear. tiold Pens and Holder-, Pocket llooks and Bill Wallets. Picture Frame. Kroreiu-vor,, an.l Views. American. French, Ac. Drawing Paper, all sites, Bristol Board, Ac. Diaries, Memorandum wains, io Backgammon Boards, Games, Chess men. Au. T.w. u urttf nml iomnlits assortment Base-Balls and Buts. Fishing Roils and Tacklo. Perluines, Broheminn and rarismn 3 Mari.ilcs, Vc. Gold Pens ro-poioted. Lamps, Shtdea, Globes, Chimneys He. U',,11 1,,bi an, I Iti.ritnr. all kinds Window Curtains, Paper Gilt und uncu. Musio nnd Musical Instruments. I ff'AU kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. All the Daily and Weekly Pupcrs and Magannes. Agent fortho "American Organ." Also for "La Rose's Hair Uostorativo," Enamel of Am- X C i, and "National Steam Navigation Oompuny." Sunbury, May 18. lbt7. NEW GROCERY! Market Street, thrco doors cost of tho Railroad north side, SUNBURY, TA. SB. IF. SIIDEBB, . WHOLESALE & RETAIL TXS aaJCTaC3TCajl5.Tfcr AND Provision Store FOU CHEAP GOODS f Their itock is complete, contisting ia part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hums, .Shouldor.', Choo.so, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, Ac, Ac. Country Produco tukin iu exchange for Goods.. t-Cull and czauiinoour 6'tock, and satisfy your h-clvoj. Sunbury Juno 23, 18C7. JYOUNGMAN'SFOllNDUl! A it' It Nt.,Iirltvorn stittlltli, c-loso to lite l'ultllc Kcltool llOllhf, SUNBURN PENN'A. MILL Gearing, Stovos, and tho largest cluas of Castings mudo promptly to ordor. Also, Window Weights, Frame and Gratos for t'el lur Wiudows, Ac. 4'atHt Iron 4'himnpy Topi. WATER TROUGHS & DOORSTEPS. A liberal prico paid for old eastinj. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL TLOW, im proved, is manufactured at tbisestablishmout. Also, Slovo Grates of nil kinds, Kottlcs, und every vatioty of small castings. Sunbury, July B, 1SC7. ly BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, I RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and cus V tomcrs, that he has just opened a shop for tho manufacture of BUUT'S & SHOES, on Sjiruce Uixd, between Second street and Cinlre AlUy, Sunhury. wlisro all kinds of work in his lino will be mnilo up in the lattut style and in the best workmanlike man ner. Having first cln?s stock on hand, ho flatter himself (hat bo will bo utile to suit the taste of the most fas tidious. Tho publio aro iuvitod to call. JOHN WILVER Sunbury, Juno Is, 1667. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, al BERGSTREESSEE'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hut Inteiy i:aa1litlil, Mlllt nil the Modern iiiirovt'mciil ot tlie Art ! flIIE subscriber, baring built tho room expressly J tor the purposo of Photographing, and haviug duvoted many years to tho business, is confident of his ability to assuro his patron that the work pro duccd shall be second to none in country or eity. No work allowed to lonvo the gallery unlecu) en liroly satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, bo is prepared to make Photographs In all kinds ot woathor, but would prefer aciuar day for small children. Uo is also prepared to take new si jo, or cabinet card Photogruphs. All kinds of piotures copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or ludia iuk. We pay speuial alUsuliort to all kind of out door work, such aa Landscape view of Monument, Machinery, County Scat, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The publio are rospt-olfully invited to oall aud ee our specimens and our complete arrangement for making Photographs, special term to tamilie and club. J. B. BERGSTRESSER. Suubury, July IS, 1807. PURE LAGER BEER! From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. J03EFE SACHEPt, RESPECTFULLY Inform the publio generally, that b is prepared to furnish LAGEll 1U3ER in large or small quantities. Hi faoilltlc for mak ing Beer cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other ottered in Central Veunaylvanta. It ha also been reconiuieuded by physician a a healthy drink for invalids. Hotel. Heataurants and private fuuiilic supplied at short notice Sunbury. July 13,lt7. BIRD CAGES, II dit'ertnt kinds. If you waul laod sail tiietp lift Cii;:". ' lA .' tONLLY I CO